3ABN Homecoming 2012

His Humble Heart

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: 12HC

Program Code: 12HC000006

00:48 Well, we're here in Thompsonville, Illinois,
00:52 and having... or West Frankfort.
00:53 I guess the Worship Center is in Thompsonville, right?
00:57 3ABN just a little bit down the road is in West Frankfort.
01:01 But we are so glad that you are joining us
01:03 no matter where you're tuning in from around the world
01:06 because we're having a good time at Camp Meeting. Amen?
01:10 Amen!
01:12 Well we have... This afternoon is going to be
01:16 an interesting afternoon.
01:19 And I'm going to tell you the reason is that
01:22 God has really been doing something in my heart
01:25 and I'm going to share with you a new teaching.
01:30 It's a brand new teaching.
01:32 But it's something that God has been working in my heart
01:35 and I'm anxious to share it with you.
01:38 And it's I think going to be something that will bless you.
01:42 But before we do that we have with us today
01:46 Celestine Berry. And Celestine is a member of our local church.
01:51 She and her husband Michael attend church here.
01:53 And I'll tell you something: she has such a precious heart
01:56 and such a precious voice.
01:59 And she's going to sing for us
02:01 Make My Life A Prayer To You.
02:24 Make my life a prayer to You
02:27 I wanna do what You want me to
02:32 No empty words and no white lies
02:36 No token prayers no compromise
02:41 I wanna shine the light You gave
02:45 Thru your Son You sent to save us
02:50 From ourselves and our despair
02:54 It comforts me to know
02:57 You're really there.
03:02 Well I wanna thank You now
03:06 for being patient with me
03:10 Oh it's so hard to see
03:15 When my eyes are on me
03:20 I guess I'll have to trust
03:23 And just believe what You say
03:28 Oh You're coming again
03:32 Coming to take me away
03:42 I wanna die and let You give
03:46 Your life to me so I might live
03:50 And share the hope You gave to me
03:55 The love that set me free
03:58 I wanna tell the world out there
04:03 You're not some fable or fairy tale
04:08 That I've made up inside my head
04:12 You're God the Son
04:14 You've risen from the dead
04:20 Oh I wanna thank You now
04:25 for being patient with me
04:29 Oh it's so hard to see
04:33 When my eyes are on me
04:38 I guess I'll have to trust
04:42 and just believe what You say
04:46 Oh You're coming again
04:50 Coming to take me away
05:15 I wanna die and let You give
05:19 Your life to me so I might live
05:24 And share the hope You gave to me
05:29 A love... yes, the love
05:32 that set me free.
05:45 Amen.
05:48 Thank you, Celestine!
05:50 That was beautiful and it was so appropriate.
05:53 Well, there's something that I have to explain to you
05:55 just right off the bat
05:57 why I'm not going to be holding my Bible.
05:59 It's right here. But you see this little wrist bandage
06:04 of mine or this bracelet? It's a bandage.
06:07 And here's what happened.
06:09 Three months ago I went to visit my sister.
06:12 She had just gotten out of the hospital
06:13 and so I was - you know - the cavalry coming to the rescue
06:18 to help her. And when I arrived
06:21 the very first day that I was there I was in a hotel room
06:25 that had a bathtub that was slick as ice.
06:29 I was washing my hair when my feet went completely
06:33 out from underneath me and I landed on my wrist.
06:37 Now, I went to the emergency room.
06:40 They x-rayed it.
06:42 They said: "You've got a nasty sprain. "
06:44 They put me in a brace.
06:45 And two weeks later I came back
06:48 and I was working and I couldn't use this hand at all.
06:52 So I went and I had it re-x-rayed.
06:56 No break; stay in the brace.
06:59 But they also prescribed 5 weeks of physical therapy.
07:03 So I went through 5 weeks of physical therapy
07:06 with this just killing me and them saying:
07:08 "OK, lift these weights. "
07:10 "Lift them here... lift them there. "
07:12 And after 5 weeks and I'm not getting a whole lot better
07:17 the doctor said: "Well maybe we'd better do an MRI. "
07:21 And when they did the MRI they found out it was fractured
07:24 in two places and I have a torn ligament.
07:27 Now that is 5... 7... almost 8 weeks into it.
07:32 But I'm not telling you this for your pity.
07:36 But don't you feel sorry for me? Poor baby.
07:40 But the reason I wanted to share this is 'cause I thought
07:43 "What a perfect illustration of a spiritual principle. "
07:49 If you think of the x-rays,
07:52 that's kind of like our conscience.
07:54 You know we kind of see a little bit into our own heart,
07:58 don't we? But we don't always see the root of the problem.
08:01 And the physical therapy is everything that we do
08:05 to try to make ourself better.
08:07 We say: "Oh, if only I prayed more. "
08:10 "If only I read my Bible more. " "If only
08:13 I would do this more. "
08:16 We get a case of the "do mores" and that's our physical therapy
08:19 to try to heal us spiritually.
08:22 But that MRI in the spiritual realm
08:27 think of it as God's
08:29 "majestic redeeming investigation. "
08:34 When He looks into our hearts - and only God knows our hearts -
08:38 we don't know our hearts.
08:40 But He looks into our hearts and He sees
08:45 the root of the problem.
08:48 And I have to tell you I won't be carrying this.
08:50 Normally I carry my Bible in my left hand.
08:53 I don't know why I can't turn pages right-handed.
08:56 It just messes me up.
08:57 But as I... The last couple of months
09:02 I read through the Old Testament.
09:05 And this wasn't a study. You can't go through the
09:07 Old Testament in just two months and call it a study.
09:10 This was a read.
09:12 You know, sometimes it's good to just sit down and read
09:14 the Bible because when you go through it rapidly
09:18 like a story you really kind of get
09:21 the overall picture in your mind a little bit better.
09:26 And as I was reading through the Old Testament
09:31 something just kept coming to the surface over and over again.
09:37 And that is this: that man's greatest problem
09:43 is we have been infected with pride.
09:48 And our greatest need
09:51 is the grace of humility.
09:54 And so today we are going to be talking
09:58 about God's humble heart. His humble heart...
10:02 and the need in our own hearts to have that restored.
10:08 Now I want to tell you right now
10:09 I am not an expert on this topic.
10:12 Anybody that thinks they're an expert on humility
10:15 stand up and we'll tell you... We'll all point our fingers
10:19 and say: "Sit down. "
10:21 If you are proud of being humble, you're not!
10:25 That's it.
10:27 So let's invite the Lord to be with us today.
10:30 Heavenly Father, once again we come before You.
10:33 Lord, sincerely I ask in the name of Jesus
10:36 please let me be surrendered to You.
10:38 And I ask, Father, that You would send Your Holy Spirit
10:43 to speak through me to be our teacher.
10:46 Give us ears to hear
10:48 what Your Holy Spirit has to say.
10:51 I ask in the name of Jesus, Father, that You will also
10:55 empower us to put this into practice.
10:58 And Lord, we want it to be done all for the glory of Your name.
11:02 In Jesus' name, Amen.
11:04 Something that amazes me
11:07 is the humility of heaven.
11:11 It's truly an incredible thing.
11:14 When you think of Jesus Christ
11:17 and the Father and the Son
11:20 who cooperate in perfect harmony
11:23 who never compete with one another
11:26 who are always looking
11:30 to reflect love and to reveal their humble heart
11:37 it is amazing to me
11:39 when we think that the essence of the character of the Trinity
11:44 is humility.
11:46 Jesus did absolutely nothing
11:49 contrary to His Father's will.
11:51 In fact He said: "I have come not to do my own will
11:56 but to do the will of the Father. "
11:58 He was always bringing glory to the Lord...
12:02 to the Father. He said that "This teaching
12:06 that I have is not Mine.
12:08 It's My Father's. I can do nothing of Myself...
12:12 only what I see the Father do. "
12:15 Turn to Philippians chapter 2 if you will.
12:18 That's where we're going to spend our time today
12:21 is in Philippians chapter 2.
12:24 But when we think and really look at how
12:30 Christ had such reverence for the Father
12:33 that He never competed with Him
12:36 and we'll look at how the Holy Spirit never competes
12:39 with Christ. It is amazing to consider
12:43 the humility of heaven.
12:45 Philippians 2 is... let's look at verse 5.
12:49 This... the life of Christ showed the perfect reflection
12:55 of His humble heart.
12:57 So let's look at verse 5. We'll begin...
13:00 Philippians 2 verse 5: "Let this mind be in you
13:04 which was also in Christ Jesus. "
13:07 Oh, how many of you want the mind of Christ?
13:10 Oh we need the mind of Christ.
13:14 He says: "Who, being in the form of God,
13:18 did not consider it robbery to be equal with God. "
13:22 Jesus knew who He was.
13:25 He knew His authority.
13:27 He knew His power.
13:29 He did not think to say these things was setting Himself up
13:34 to be in competition with the Father.
13:37 "But yet He made Himself of no reputation. "
13:44 No reputation. "Taking the form of a bondservant
13:49 and coming in the likeness of men. "
13:53 Now keep your finger there. We're not through with
13:55 Philippians 2 but let's unpack this for just a moment.
13:58 Kenneth Cox has an illustration
14:00 that I remember. I've only heard him say it once.
14:03 But when he said it, it absolutely grabbed my attention.
14:08 He said that if you consider the created...
14:12 the order of created things
14:14 there is angels, then man,
14:18 then animals, then insects.
14:22 Now, when we think of the incarnation
14:26 of our Creator - Christ,
14:29 He didn't come as an angel.
14:32 No, He skipped that level. He came as a man.
14:36 And what Kenneth Cox said
14:39 was that would be like you or me as a man
14:44 skipping the level of an animal
14:46 and being incarnated as an insect.
14:50 Can you imagine coming as a cockroach
14:53 to save a bunch of cockroaches?
14:56 Think about it.
14:58 Think about the humility of Jesus Christ.
15:03 He didn't arrive as a powerful man...
15:06 He arrived as a baby.
15:09 A baby... where there was no place for Him to lay His head.
15:15 He was not born in the palace.
15:17 He was born in a feed trough.
15:19 He wasn't a noble. He appeared as a carpenter's son.
15:24 And Isaiah 53 said that there was nothing...
15:28 nothing about Him to attract man to Him.
15:35 His physical appearance was very average.
15:39 You know, think about this.
15:43 He could have chosen to be born handsome.
15:48 Rich. Showing up as a powerful person.
15:55 But He didn't.
15:57 Instead, the self-sacrificing love of humility
16:03 chose the path of humility.
16:08 Now He worked for 3-1/2 years
16:12 with 12 men very closely, didn't He?
16:15 Let me ask you: in those 3-1/2 years
16:18 did the disciples develop the same humble heart
16:24 of Jesus Christ?
16:26 Oh no! At the Last Supper what are they arguing about?
16:31 Who is going to be the greatest?
16:34 Here they've walked with Jesus for 3-1/2 years
16:39 and they're arguing among themselves:
16:42 "Who's going to be the greatest? "
16:44 And how did Jesus respond to them?
16:47 He simply said: "I am in the midst of you
16:52 as one who serves. "
16:55 Then He got up, He took off His outer robe,
16:58 tied a towel around Himself,
17:00 and He modeled humility in the unselfish service
17:06 of washing their feet.
17:09 My, my, my.
17:11 Washing the feet.
17:13 You know, in that day they walked around in sandals.
17:18 There weren't many paved roads.
17:20 Their feet were dusty.
17:22 They could have had cow dung
17:26 or other animal dung on their feet.
17:30 To wash someone's feet was such a menial task
17:34 that only a non-Jewish slave
17:38 was assigned to that task.
17:41 But the Creator of the universe -
17:43 their Creator - got down and washed their feet.
17:47 And you know what amazes me?
17:51 He washed the feet of Judas.
17:54 Oh that is so amazing.
17:56 Then He said to them: "If your Lord and teacher
17:59 has done this, you ought also to do it for one another. "
18:04 Because we are not... no student is better than their master,
18:09 are we?
18:11 Now, His life of perfect humility
18:15 was lived not only before God His Father
18:18 but before mankind.
18:20 And let's continue in Philippians 2.
18:22 Let's look at verse 8.
18:24 He says... "and... " here He talked about Him being humbled,
18:31 coming in the form of a man:
18:33 "being found in appearance as a man
18:37 He humbled Himself and became obedient
18:42 to the point of death... even the death of the cross. "
18:45 His humble heart, His life of perfect obedience
18:49 and self-denial is what led to our salvation.
18:53 The ultimate expression of Christ's humility
18:57 was His death on the cross...
19:00 this sacrificial death to ransom us.
19:03 And when you think about this: He was beaten
19:07 with a flagellum.
19:10 He was flogged by the Romans.
19:13 Did you know the Romans?
19:14 The Jewish people had a law that you couldn't
19:19 strike somebody in flogging more than 40 blows.
19:23 So they always stopped at 39 just in case they miscounted.
19:27 The Romans did not have any such law.
19:30 This was an instrument of torture
19:32 made of leather with multiple tongs, and it had
19:36 bits of iron, bits of broken glass
19:40 and things in it. And ancient writers said that
19:43 as people were flogged often they were disemboweled.
19:48 Their bones were laid bare.
19:50 The Creator of the universe
19:52 took these stripes upon Himself
19:55 that we might be healed.
19:57 Then He was crucified naked.
20:00 Naked.
20:02 What a shame to think
20:04 I mean that just... for some reason that just hit me
20:07 that our Lord, our Savior,
20:12 was put in such a humiliating position
20:16 before all of His enemies
20:20 who were spitting at Him.
20:22 He was crucified naked.
20:23 How humble could He be?
20:27 What a hideous death crucifixion was in the first place.
20:31 But the point is that because of Christ's reverent submission,
20:36 because of His humble heart,
20:38 God exalted Him.
20:41 Look at verse 9... Philippians 2 and verse 9.
20:44 It says: "Therefore also God has highly exalted Him
20:50 and given Him the name which is above every name.
20:55 That at the name of Jesus
20:57 every knee should bow - of those in heaven,
21:01 of those on earth,
21:02 and of those under the earth -
21:04 and that every tongue should confess
21:08 that Jesus Christ is Lord
21:11 to the glory of God the Father. "
21:15 Hallelujah!
21:18 Hallelujah!
21:19 Now I want you to keep your finger there in your Bible
21:21 or put a marker. We're going to come back
21:23 to Philippians 2 in just a moment.
21:25 But how wonderful.
21:28 Jesus did everything to glorify the Father
21:31 and the Father glorified Jesus. Amen?
21:36 Does the Holy Spirit share in His humble heart?
21:41 Absolutely! There's indivisible unity
21:45 in the Godhead.
21:48 The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are one in essence,
21:52 one in purpose, one in thought, and one in action.
21:56 And the Holy Spirit does not compete with Jesus.
22:01 He does everything for the glory of Christ.
22:05 Listen to Jesus' words.
22:07 He says: "When He, the Spirit of Truth has come,
22:10 He will guide you into all truth
22:13 for He will not speak on His own authority
22:16 but whatever He hears He will speak. "
22:19 That's what Jesus said about Himself:
22:21 "I only speak what I hear from the Father. "
22:23 Now the Holy Spirit only speaks what He hears
22:27 "and He will tell you things to come. "
22:30 Jesus said: "He will glorify Me
22:33 for He will take of what is mine and declare it to you. "
22:38 So the Holy Spirit glorifies Christ
22:42 who glorifies the Father. And the Father
22:44 in turn glorifies Jesus Christ.
22:47 What humility!
22:49 What absolute humility.
22:52 Now in sharp contrast we have to...
22:55 To talk about humility we have to talk about pride.
22:58 So where did the root of pride begin?
23:02 You know, when you consider what Ezekiel chapter 28 says
23:06 it's talking about Lucifer who was the anointed cherub.
23:10 Who was created in perfect beauty.
23:13 Perfect wisdom. Walking in the very presence of God.
23:20 He was perfect until iniquity was found in his heart.
23:25 And what was that iniquity?
23:28 Pride. Isaiah says in...
23:31 Just listen to this. We don't have time to turn to every
23:33 passage, but Isaiah 14:12-14.
23:37 This is very familiar to you.
23:39 These are the words. It says:
23:43 "How you are fallen from heaven O Lucifer,
23:46 Son of the Morning.
23:47 How you are cut down to the ground
23:50 you who weakened the nations.
23:52 For you have said in your heart
23:55 'I... I will ascend into heaven.
23:59 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
24:04 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
24:07 on the farthest sides of the north.
24:09 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
24:14 I will be like the Most High. ' "
24:17 Satan's heart - because of his perfection and his beauty
24:21 and his wisdom - became haughty
24:25 and he reached the pinnacle of pride
24:28 when he desired to be like God.
24:32 The self-exaltation resulted in rebellion against God's
24:37 will and the great controversy between good and evil,
24:41 between pride and humility, began.
24:45 The hellish power of pride
24:50 has a Satanic origin.
24:53 And if you don't hear anything else, listen to this:
24:56 that hellish power is rooted in self love.
25:03 It is the sinfulness of pride and selfishness
25:07 that is also infecting the human heart.
25:11 Now you know, it's pretty easy for us sometimes
25:14 we think to identify those who share Satan's haughty heart.
25:20 When a life is infected with the poison of pride
25:23 there is a lot of evidence.
25:25 And as we consider briefly some of this evidence
25:28 I want to warn you about something.
25:31 The root of all sin, I believe, is pride.
25:34 But it blinds us... pride blinds us
25:39 to our most offensive sins.
25:42 When we're proud, we don't even recognize our sin.
25:45 We can see everybody else's problem
25:48 but we don't see ours.
25:49 So as we go through speaking of some of these
25:53 I want you to promise me one thing.
25:56 I don't want to make you stumble.
25:58 I don't want to make you judgmental.
26:00 So don't sit here and start thing: "Oh, yeah, I know someone
26:04 who's just like that, you know. "
26:07 No! Look and let's examine our own hearts.
26:12 Because one of the trail of evidence of the prideful
26:17 is that when they are weighed in the balance of divine
26:22 love they are found sadly wanting.
26:27 If... it's basically this:
26:32 humility is self-sacrificing love.
26:35 Pride is self love,
26:39 self confidence, self seeking,
26:42 self exaltation, self centeredness.
26:45 Notice the pattern?
26:47 Self, self, self.
26:51 Oh how we all need to get our eyes off self.
26:55 Celestine prayed about... she was singing about that
26:58 in her song.
27:01 We've got to get our eyes off self and onto the Lord.
27:06 Inflated egos. How many of...?
27:10 We know somebody with inflated egos.
27:12 We all probably have an inflated ego in somewhere.
27:15 We want to be first in line.
27:17 I remember... I remember when we were going to...
27:20 were going out to California and I was getting ready to speak
27:24 at a very large meeting. And there was a Friday night
27:27 and several presentations on Sabbath.
27:30 And so we got... I don't remember...
27:33 somewhere in northern California.
27:35 And when we got there, guess what?
27:38 Our flight had been cancelled.
27:41 And I was like: "Wait! I'm speaking
27:45 Friday night! I mean, this is the night.
27:47 I'm speaking tonight! "
27:48 And I can remember when we went to get in line
27:52 with other people to see how can we...
27:55 I mean, first of all, how can they just cancel the flight?
27:58 And so we're trying to get other arrangements
28:00 so I can get there to speak.
28:02 This is a big complication!
28:05 And J.D. is just as calm as he can be.
28:07 And he says: "Honey, the Lord knows all about this. "
28:10 And all I'm thinking is "let me get to the front
28:12 of the line because I'm important! "
28:16 You know, sometimes we think our business is so much more
28:20 important than everybody else's.
28:22 We didn't make it that night, by the way.
28:23 They got somebody... they got somebody to fill in for me.
28:27 I can be replaced.
28:29 All right.
28:31 You know, the interesting thing about our world:
28:35 prideful people are often power hungry
28:38 and, you know, they wear their pride like a status symbol.
28:44 And the world bows down to it.
28:47 Our world sets people up for the sin of pride.
28:50 They recognize it as an attribute
28:54 rather than as the root of sin.
28:57 If you ever get in a conversation
28:59 with a prideful person, this will sound familiar.
29:02 And ask yourself if you do this 'cause I've been asking myself
29:06 "How often do I do this? "
29:08 When you're in the conversation with a prideful person
29:12 they are masterful at turning it around
29:17 to where the focus is on them.
29:20 How often do we do that to someone who comes to tell us
29:23 one of their problems
29:25 and we start telling them one of our problems?
29:30 The haughty heart of Satan is made manifest
29:35 in mankind... even within the church.
29:39 Now this may not sound like you.
29:41 You may be saying: "No, I'd never do what
29:43 Shelley Quinn just said she did. "
29:45 It may not sound like you.
29:48 But what about when the pressure's on in the heat of
29:51 controversy? What comes out of your heart?
29:54 Is it His humble heart or Satan's haughty heart?
29:59 Are you dogmatic and have angry outbursts?
30:02 You know, prideful people have a hard time admitting
30:05 when they're wrong.
30:07 There's a lot of finger pointing,
30:08 blame shift, and justify.
30:11 And I want you to know: I know some really humble
30:15 people who are not... They're humble in church,
30:19 they're humble at work, but they're not humble at home.
30:22 If you're humble, the place that you should let your
30:26 humility shine is in your home.
30:30 This is where you should be the most humble.
30:33 We are to submit to one another.
30:35 You are to be kind to your spouse.
30:38 You are to be humble before your spouse,
30:40 and that simply means self-sacrificing love.
30:46 You know, God puts His finger on the pulse of pride.
30:50 In context, scripture defines pride as disobedience.
30:57 Disobedience is prideful.
31:00 Every time we disobey we are being self willed.
31:05 We are putting self above God's Word.
31:09 And by the way, I want to tell you:
31:10 when you do obey don't get proud about it.
31:13 You only obey by grace.
31:16 You know, it is only if God works in you to will and to do
31:18 His good pleasure
31:20 'cause you can't save yourself.
31:23 So disobedience is when people refuse to acknowledge
31:29 God's rule. That's what happened with Adam and Eve
31:33 wasn't it? What was their sin?
31:34 They wanted to be like God.
31:38 "Eat of this and your eyes will be opened.
31:40 You'll be like God. " PRIDE.
31:42 "Yeah, I'd like to be like God. "
31:45 "Let me decide what's good for my life, what's bad
31:48 for my life. " The Tower of Babel...
31:50 the same sinful pride of self glorification was evident.
31:55 And God expelled these sinners from their homes.
31:59 The vanity of human pride and arrogance was the preeminent sin
32:05 of God's people in the Old Testament
32:07 and I would say in the church today.
32:10 They had pride in human resources
32:14 rather than in the Lord.
32:17 They became comfortable and complacent
32:20 like the Laodicean church.
32:23 And what happened - I'm going to skip through this -
32:27 is this:
32:31 when you look at pride
32:34 God sets Himself against those who don't have His humble heart.
32:40 Paul wrote something interesting to Timothy.
32:43 Just make a note of it if you want.
32:45 It's I Timothy 3:6.
32:47 He's talking about electing elders.
32:49 Don't get a novice. And here's the quote:
32:52 "Don't get somebody that's a brand-new baby Christian
32:55 lest if you're elevating them
32:59 being puffed up with pride
33:02 he fall into the same condemnation of the devil. "
33:07 See, pride's inconsistent with true devotion and discipleship.
33:13 It exempts faith. It makes it absolutely impossible.
33:16 Christ prayed that we may be one as He and the Father
33:20 are one so that we might display the indivisible unity
33:24 of God. And the church will never be able to bear witness
33:30 to the true identity of God
33:33 until such time as we stand unified
33:36 and reflecting His humble heart.
33:43 The common element in history of God's people
33:46 is that pride was the prelude to their destruction.
33:50 Why? 'Cause pride invites the antidote
33:56 from God. You know, throughout the Bible
34:00 every time someone lifted themself up
34:03 God loved them enough to send them humbling circumstances
34:10 because He did not want them to be lost for eternity.
34:14 The pride of Israel led them to repeatedly rebel against God.
34:20 They had evil actions, evil deeds.
34:24 And the surest antidote against this poison of pride
34:28 was a humiliating experience.
34:31 And God brought it to them.
34:33 He sent them prophets over and over to warn them
34:36 that it was coming
34:38 but they generally did not heed the message of the prophet.
34:42 But finally the exile came.
34:45 The Babylonians humbled His people.
34:48 And God loved that Babylonian king - king Nebuchadnezzar -
34:51 enough to even humble him
34:55 when Nebuchadnezzar was lifted up in pride.
34:58 God... You know, pride brought his insanity.
35:02 Pride can bring insanity.
35:05 But God humbled him. He spent seven years
35:08 with the mind of an animal.
35:10 And when he repented and came to himself, God restored him.
35:15 So sometimes God allows suffering
35:20 to instill humility.
35:23 And sometimes even God's blessings we need to be
35:27 careful about. Because we can be like Israel
35:32 who thought: "Oh, we're God's remnant people.
35:35 We're the chosen people
35:37 and we don't have to worry about anything. "
35:40 But you know what? Paul - who had these marvelous
35:45 revelations - wrote to the Corinthians
35:49 in II Corinthians chapter 12 and he said:
35:51 "Lest I should be exalted above measure... "
35:58 which would bring his downfall...
36:01 "God sent me a thorn in the flesh.
36:04 And I prayed three times 'Lord, remove it. ' "
36:07 But God didn't remove it because He knew Paul needed
36:12 that thorn in the flesh.
36:14 And finally... It's not that Jesus didn't answer his prayer
36:21 'cause the third time he prayed this is what he heard:
36:24 "Paul, My grace is sufficient for you
36:28 for My power is made perfect in weakness. "
36:32 And Paul says: "Ha! I will celebrate
36:36 all of my infirmities, all of my problems
36:40 because when I'm weak then I'm strong. "
36:42 You see, the root of humility is love.
36:47 It's love for God and it's love for man.
36:51 John 14:15 Jesus said: "If you love Me,
36:56 obey My commandments... keep My commandments. "
36:59 But now... you got your finger there in Philippians 2?
37:02 Let's look back because if we are humble before God
37:06 we will be humble before men.
37:11 We're going to look back at Philippians 2
37:14 and we're going to back up just a little bit.
37:17 Before Paul is talking about Christ
37:21 here's what he says to us. Philippians 2 verse 1.
37:25 He said: "Therefore, if there is any consolation in Christ... "
37:30 and there is - "if any comfort of love... " -
37:35 oh, and there is -
37:37 "if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection
37:40 and mercy, fulfill my joy by being likeminded... "
37:45 Be united!
37:47 "having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
37:51 Let nothing be done through selfish
37:56 ambition or conceit but in lowliness of mind... "
38:02 In humility is what that's saying.
38:05 In lowliness of mind.
38:07 "in humility let each esteem others better than himself.
38:12 Let each of you look not only out for his own interest
38:16 but also for the interest of others. "
38:19 What would our world be like
38:21 if we all had His humble heart?
38:24 What would our world be like
38:27 if we were all looking out for the needs of others
38:33 and esteeming them more highly?
38:37 You know, God said: "Be holy
38:42 for I am holy. "
38:45 I think we could also say
38:47 "Be humble for I am humble. "
38:50 You cannot be holy - you cannot live a sanctified life -
38:55 if you're not humble.
38:58 If His humble heart is not in you,
39:03 if you heart's not beating one with His,
39:06 you're not holy.
39:08 And you want to know the secret to holiness?
39:11 Ah, I love this scripture: I Thessalonians 3:12-13.
39:17 Paul said: "May the Lord make you increase and abound
39:22 in love... " That self- sacrificing love of humility.
39:26 "to one another and to all just as we do to you... "
39:30 Why? "so that He may establish
39:34 your hearts blameless...
39:38 that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness
39:42 before our God and Father
39:44 at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
39:46 with all of His saints. "
39:48 Do you want to be holy?
39:51 All you have to do is say: "Oh, Lord, fill me
39:53 with Your Holy Spirit. " Romans 5:5 says
39:58 that "God sheds His love abroad. "
40:01 He pours out His love into our hearts
40:05 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
40:08 See, God is holy, God is love.
40:13 The Holy Spirit is the spirit of holiness
40:16 but He's also the spirit of love.
40:18 So when He dwells in you
40:21 the humble heart of heaven
40:25 will become your way of life.
40:31 That's self-sacrificing love.
40:34 Turn to Galatians chapter 5 please.
40:36 Galatians chapter 5.
40:40 I want to show you something.
40:44 His humble heart, the self- sacrificing love of Christ,
40:49 His humility, His meekness, His gentleness,
40:53 can be ours through the power of the Holy Spirit.
40:56 Hallelujah!
40:58 Galatians 5...
41:02 chapter 5 and verse 22.
41:04 "But the fruit... " Notice that's singular.
41:08 There are not nine fruits of the Spirit.
41:12 There is one fruit, and this one fruit
41:16 is like a multi-faceted diamond if you will.
41:21 This fruit of the Spirit,
41:23 the work which His abiding presence within us accomplishes,
41:28 "is love, joy, and peace,
41:32 longsuffering" - which is patience
41:35 and even temper... having forbearance -
41:38 "kindness, goodness or benevolence,
41:42 thankfulness, gentleness... "
41:46 which is synonymous - gentleness is synonymous
41:51 with meekness and humility.
41:54 So humility and self control
41:59 is a fruit of the Spirit.
42:02 If we are rooted in His love -
42:05 His humble heart - the root is good.
42:08 And if the root is good the fruit's going to be good.
42:10 Amen, Mollie?
42:13 Humility develops from the power of the Holy Spirit
42:16 living inside of us. Therefore, it is a working
42:21 of God's grace. It is God working in us
42:25 to will and to do. And I'll tell you,
42:29 everything about a humble person...
42:32 the evidence of their humility...
42:35 is all just the opposite of what we talked about
42:38 with the prideful person.
42:40 The humble walks in obedience.
42:43 The humble doesn't put themselves first.
42:48 The humble... they regard others
42:54 with... they're constantly trying to uplift others,
42:59 encourage others.
43:00 I want to tell you: I live with what I believe
43:04 is one of the most humble men in the world.
43:08 My precious husband J. D. Quinn
43:11 is so humble. He's always putting everybody else first.
43:15 If we're at church and we stay for fellowship lunch
43:20 we're going to be the last in line.
43:21 He's always encouraging.
43:24 Always uplifting someone else.
43:26 I don't care how much of a hurry we're in
43:28 he is going to take the time to encourage someone else.
43:32 His business is never more important than someone else's
43:36 business. But I have to tell you this wasn't always so.
43:41 He wasn't always this humble.
43:45 He prayed for humility.
43:49 He saw the need and said: "Oh Lord, make me like You.
43:55 I want this mind to be in me that was in Christ Jesus.
43:59 Let me be humble. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. "
44:05 And God has done such a marvelous work.
44:09 It's such a joy to be his wife.
44:11 And he is equally as humble at home
44:15 as he is at work or on the road.
44:18 Praise the Lord. But I have to tell you:
44:21 some people see humility as a weakness.
44:25 A lot of the world sees humility as a weakness.
44:29 But humility does not deny the power and the authority
44:35 that God has given us.
44:37 Jesus said these things.
44:40 They came from His humble heart.
44:43 "I am the Bread of Life; I am the Light of the world;
44:46 I am the Good Shepherd; I am the Resurrection
44:48 and the Life; I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life;
44:51 I am the True Vine. "
44:54 This One who was perfect in humility
44:59 knew who He was.
45:02 He knew His power and authority.
45:04 And I believe that... You know, I have this
45:08 ongoing conversation with Jim Gilley.
45:11 He'll say: "Shelley, now don't get fooled because of... "
45:15 You know, we talk about who's humble or who's not.
45:18 And he'll: "Don't be fooled by someone's personality.
45:22 Just because someone has a shy, retiring personality
45:26 does not mean they are humble.
45:27 Sometimes their heart is lifted up with pride. "
45:31 And just because someone may be rather loud and boisterous
45:36 and ta-ta-da doesn't mean that they're prideful.
45:39 They may have the most self-sacrificing love there is.
45:42 But the humble... When His humble heart is within us
45:46 it causes us to recognize
45:50 who we are in Christ Jesus.
45:54 We are not weak.
45:56 See, true humility is just exactly...
46:00 My husband taught me to pray for humility.
46:02 I didn't pray for it specifically,
46:04 I prayed to be surrendered.
46:06 And you have to be totally surrendered to be humble.
46:08 But I've added that to my prayer
46:10 and I'm so glad that he taught me that
46:13 because it has my eyes more focused on that quality
46:18 of humility. But we have to be absolutely
46:24 surrendered to the Lord to receive this humble heart.
46:29 To walk in obedience.
46:32 And can I get on a... I'm going to get on my hobby horse
46:35 for a second. Did you know Pacific Publishing
46:43 is my publisher or who publishes my books I should say.
46:49 The Lord gave me a teaching on grace,
46:51 and I called it the Grace Pipeline.
46:53 There is a program that's coming up on that.
46:55 But they told me: "Oh, you cannot have grace in the title.
47:00 It will not sell. "
47:02 And I said: "What? "
47:04 And they said: "You know, Adventists are afraid of grace -
47:06 teachings on grace. They have heard some bad teachings. "
47:10 Oh please don't let an incomplete or a bad teaching
47:15 on grace turn you off from grace
47:17 because everything in the kingdom is by God's grace.
47:22 Everything. And if we recognize
47:27 it is not our sin that causes us to recognize
47:33 our pride or our pride that causes us
47:38 to recognize our sin. It is the grace of humility
47:42 that causes us to recognize our sin.
47:45 And we need to surrender so that we may draw on God's power.
47:53 I want to think about just a moment
47:58 some of the humble men in scripture.
48:01 Abraham was certainly a humble man.
48:03 Joseph... brought out of prison.
48:06 Clean shaved; new outfit.
48:08 Taken before the Pharaoh
48:10 to interpret the dream of the seven cows...
48:13 lean cows, seven fat cows.
48:15 You know, after what he had suffered it would have been
48:18 easy when the king said: "I hear you can interpret dreams. "
48:22 "Oh, yes, king. I am here. I can interpret your dream. "
48:26 But no, he said: "No, not I.
48:30 It is not in me, but God will give you the answer. "
48:34 Moses - the Bible says - was the most humble man
48:39 on earth.
48:40 David was humble. There's so many.
48:43 John the Baptist. But Paul... I love our dear brother Paul.
48:48 Persecuting Saul - which was his old name -
48:53 became submissive Paul.
48:56 And Paul said in I Corinthians 15:10
48:59 "By the grace of God I am what I am.
49:03 And His grace toward me was not in vain.
49:06 But I labored more abundantly than they all.
49:08 Yet not I... but the grace which was in me. "
49:13 You see, all of these great men learned one thing:
49:17 that the very model of humility and service -
49:22 if we're humble before men we're serving mankind -
49:25 that was modeled to them and they realized
49:31 that they had to follow in that model.
49:35 Because Jesus said: "Whoever desires to become great
49:40 among you shall be your servant.
49:42 Whoever of you desires to be first
49:45 shall be slave to all.
49:47 For even the Son of Man did not come to save
49:50 but to serve... " I mean "did not come to be served... "
49:54 of course He came to save -
49:55 "but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many. "
49:59 Always in scripture humility is a positive quality.
50:03 Humility commends us to God.
50:07 And guess what? Humility leads to exaltation by God.
50:13 The Bible says that God dwells...
50:16 God actually says this.
50:19 That He dwells with the humble in spirit.
50:22 That He looks to the one who is humble
50:25 and trembles at His Word.
50:27 Humility brings us into fellowship with God.
50:31 Humility requires, of course,
50:36 that absolute surrender. But God gives grace
50:41 to the humble. The scripture, I Peter 5:5 and others,
50:45 says that He resists the proud;
50:48 that He gives grace to the humble.
50:52 "Be clothed with humility" He says.
50:56 But listen to this point:
51:00 pride invites the antidote from God.
51:05 Humility avoids humiliation.
51:11 When we humble ourselves before the Lord
51:13 we don't have to worry about God sending us
51:16 some type of a trial.
51:19 You know, Proverbs are filled with it.
51:21 How humility comes before wisdom. It ushers in honor.
51:25 It helps you retain honor.
51:27 So in conclusion pride is a great sin.
51:32 Humility is a great virtue.
51:35 And we should never think too highly of ourselves.
51:39 We need to take heed lest we think we stand we fall.
51:44 Grace - God's grace - is sufficient to deliver us
51:48 from the temptation of pride.
51:50 And salvation by grace leaves no boasting
51:54 for our good works.
51:57 No room for pride in salvation by grace.
52:02 Paul said to the Philippians: "Let this mind be in you... "
52:06 This same humble mind that was in Christ Jesus.
52:09 Our lives must be guided by His humble heart.
52:14 By His motives to glorify the Father.
52:18 All who participate in the life of Christ will be humble
52:21 because that is a condition for fellowship.
52:26 Are you humble?
52:28 Is His humble heart beating in you?
52:33 The life of Christ living in us brings us the mind of Christ.
52:37 He made Himself of no reputation.
52:39 He delighted to do God's will.
52:41 He calls us to do exactly the same.
52:45 He says: "If anyone would follow after Me,
52:49 let him deny himself.
52:52 Let him pick up his cross daily
52:56 and follow Me. "
52:59 I'll tell you what: we need to make it
53:01 the desire of our hearts.
53:04 We need to pray that God will impart
53:09 humility to us.
53:11 We need to humble ourself before the Lord
53:16 that He might lift us up.
53:18 We need - not just the Seventh-day Adventist church
53:23 but every church on earth,
53:26 every human being on earth -
53:28 needs to recognize pride distances them from God.
53:34 And we need to come before Him and we need to pray
53:38 for correction. You know, I love what Jeremiah says.
53:41 He says: "O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself.
53:44 It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.
53:48 O Lord, correct me... but with justice.
53:53 Not in Your anger lest You bring me to nothing. "
53:57 Pray for correction. You don't have to worry
53:59 that God is going to be too harsh with you.
54:02 God is all loving.
54:04 And when you pray for correction you're open for correction.
54:08 And when we recognize God is our all-in-all
54:11 we will recognize our own nothingness.
54:14 Let me tell you: would you agree with this statement?
54:18 I believe it's a scientific fact.
54:20 Water seeks the lowest level.
54:23 Right? When you humble yourself
54:27 before the Lord, when you come before Him
54:31 with a lowly attitude on your knees saying: "Lord,
54:34 I know I am nothing without You"
54:38 He will fill you with living water of the Holy Spirit.
54:44 And we need His grace.
54:49 The humble will seek God for this grace.
54:53 James chapter 4 verses 5 through 11 says this:
55:01 "Do you think that the scripture says in vain
55:04 the Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously
55:09 but He gives more grace. "
55:13 Praise God. He's always giving us more grace.
55:17 And the three greatest gifts of grace are the gift
55:21 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
55:23 the gift of the Holy Spirit,
55:25 the gift of His Word... that when it's implanted in our heart
55:29 it has the power to save our souls.
55:32 And then he says... we're in verse 6:
55:35 "Therefore... " he says... "God resists the proud
55:40 but gives grace to the humble.
55:43 Therefore, submit to God.
55:47 Resist the devil... " and his haughty heart
55:51 "and he will... " and I added his haughty heart...
55:55 "Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
55:59 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
56:05 Cleanse your hands, you sinners.
56:09 Purify your hearts, you double minded.
56:13 Lament and mourn and weep.
56:15 Let your laughter be turned to mourning, your joy to gloom.
56:18 Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord.
56:21 He will lift you up. "
56:26 I want to tell you that the most important
56:33 prayer of our day
56:36 is to ask the Lord to fill us with the Holy Spirit.
56:39 Day by day we have to die to self.
56:42 Day by day we need to surrender control of our life
56:45 to the Lord. And day by day we need to pray
56:49 that His humble heart
56:52 will beat as one with us
56:56 or ours with Him.
56:58 And when we reach this point
57:00 the beauty of it is the work will be finished
57:03 because the church will stand united... not divided...
57:07 and we will give evidence
57:11 of the true character of the Living God of heaven.
57:15 God bless you all.
57:17 I hope that His humble heart is in you.


Revised 2014-12-17