3ABN Homecoming 2012

Baligamy - The Man With Two Gods

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: 12HC

Program Code: 12HC000005

00:48 Hello friends and welcome to 3ABN Fall Camp Meeting
00:52 here in Thompsonville/ West Frankfort, Illinois,
00:55 here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:57 We have been blessed already. If you missed the last message,
01:00 you've got to get a copy of it.
01:02 Cherie Peters really shared a wonderful, relevant message
01:05 about the forgiveness of God.
01:07 And we're going to continue all day long.
01:08 So if you're not too far away and you can drive to get here
01:11 we'd like to encourage you because the weekend is
01:13 building up. More meetings this afternoon,
01:16 tonight, and also tomorrow is going to be a blessed
01:18 Sabbath day. Can the people of God say "Amen" to that? Amen!
01:21 And so this morning the message is entitled
01:24 Baligamy... the man with two gods.
01:26 And I happen to be the presenter and the one who's going to bring
01:29 this message. But before we do anything
01:31 we're going to have some music by one of our favorites:
01:35 Jimmy Rhodes. He's going to play a Camp Meeting medley.
01:38 But before he does that let's bow our heads
01:41 and ask the presence of God to continue with us.
01:44 Heavenly Father, we thank you for Your blessing.
01:46 We know that we can never be disappointed
01:49 when we turn to you, Father, and ask for You to empower us
01:54 to do Your will.
01:56 So come near to us now, Father, and open our hearts.
01:58 Empower our minds. Give us clarity
02:02 that Jesus may be heard and His will may be done in us.
02:06 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
02:09 Let's welcome Jimmy Rhodes with a hearty "Amen. "
02:11 Can you say "Amen" to that? Amen.
06:31 Amen!
06:34 Can we say "Amen" again? Amen!
06:37 I think I met Jimmy before.
06:38 Have you ever heard of the guy that's the one man band?
06:42 Boy, that's amazing.
06:43 On that last piece he had to think trumpet note,
06:46 keyboard note, and bass note at the same time.
06:49 I think you need three brains for that.
06:51 But praise the Lord... what a wonderful blessing.
06:54 Let's bow our heads. Father in heaven,
06:55 this is Your message. Bring it to life
06:58 and use it to intend Your purpose to be accomplished.
07:02 In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
07:04 You know, when I put this message together I was
07:06 struggling about the title.
07:07 It is: Baligamy, the man with two gods.
07:10 But I also was tempted to entitle this sermon
07:13 Dumb and Dumber.
07:15 And you'll discover why a little later on.
07:17 If you've watched football before, you'll discover that
07:20 football is pretty entertaining but it gets intense
07:22 when the home team is at the two-yard line
07:26 and there are just a few seconds left in the game.
07:29 The defense really bulks up to make sure
07:32 that the home team does not get that winning touchdown.
07:36 Now brothers and sisters, whether we know it or not
07:38 we are using that illustration to indicate that we are
07:41 the home team. We're at the two-yard line
07:44 and there are just a few seconds left in this game called life.
07:48 And Satan is bulking up to keep the people of God
07:51 from making it in for that final touchdown.
07:54 But God is on our side. Can you say "Amen" to that?
07:56 Amen! And we are excited that God is going to carry us in.
07:59 But the battles are intensifying
08:01 as we stand on the border of the Promised Land.
08:04 If you have your Bibles, go with me to Deuteronomy
08:06 this morning. Deuteronomy chapter 10
08:08 is the verse we're going to use as our springboard
08:11 but Numbers chapter 22
08:13 is where our story is going to come from.
08:16 The entire illustration for the message this morning
08:20 entitled Baligamy... the man with two gods.
08:24 Deuteronomy chapter 10 and verse 12 reads as follows
08:27 and I'm reading the New King James version.
08:30 The Word of the Lord says: "And now Israel
08:34 what does the Lord God require of you
08:39 but to fear the Lord your God?
08:43 To walk in all His ways and to love Him.
08:46 To serve the Lord your God... " With how much of your heart?
08:49 All. "with all your heart and with all your soul. "
08:55 There is never a more opportune time
08:58 to attack the people of God than on the day before they plan
09:02 to enter the Promised Land.
09:04 Such was the story recorded here in the book of Numbers
09:08 chapter 22. The journey that they took
09:12 was only supposed to be eleven days long...
09:15 but it became a forty-year nightmare.
09:19 From Egypt to Canaan was only supposed to be eleven days
09:25 but it became a 40-year wandering.
09:28 What God never intended
09:30 became the experience of the people of God.
09:33 I don't want to be in this earth any longer than I have to be
09:35 here. What do you say? Amen!
09:37 But for many reasons that are outlined in this story
09:40 for whatever reason we are on this earth
09:43 much longer than God intended.
09:45 When you look at the journey of Israel
09:47 it went through three phases.
09:48 The first phase was revival:
09:50 from Egypt to Mt. Sinai where God established
09:55 principles of revival for 40+ days.
09:57 They went from revival to rebellion for the next 38 years.
10:02 And I looked at this. Thirty-eight years
10:05 three months and 10 days.
10:09 But just before they entered the Promised Land
10:11 God went through one more step:
10:13 and that was the step of reformation.
10:15 And that's where Satan attacked
10:17 with greater intensity the people of God.
10:20 God never intended for it to take so long
10:22 for the children of Israel to enter the Promised Land.
10:25 And God never intended for them to have all the battles that
10:28 they had. They had more battles
10:30 than God ever envisioned that they would have.
10:33 Eleven days... forty years.
10:36 Quite a bit more battles than God ever intended.
10:39 But the good news is armies great and small attacked
10:42 the people of God, but when the battle was over
10:44 the headlines read: ISRAEL PREVAILED.
10:48 On 28 separate occasions you find the Bible gives the
10:51 name of the nation that Israel defeated.
10:54 But before we get into the message today
10:56 I want to say this: I want to make it very, very clear
10:59 that the power to prevail was not in Israel...
11:02 it was in the God of Israel. Amen.
11:04 The power for us to win our battles is not in us -
11:08 not in our strategies, not in our plans -
11:11 it always lies in the power of God.
11:15 By the time you get to Numbers chapter 21
11:18 the Amorites notice that nation after nation was falling
11:23 when they attempted to bring down the children of Israel
11:26 and all of a sudden they got very concerned.
11:28 In Numbers 21 verse 24 you read these short words:
11:32 "Israel defeated him with the edge of the sword. "
11:37 Now sometimes when you read the Bible you've got to look up
11:39 those phrases because they never appear in the Bible arbitrarily.
11:43 Any time you find a phrase repeated 35 times
11:47 there's a reason behind it.
11:49 So I did the research, Monte, and I looked up the phrase
11:52 "edge of the sword. " And I discovered that
11:54 the edge of the sword is the sharpest part of the weapon.
11:59 The edge of the sword is the strongest part of the weapon.
12:04 So today we've got the edge of the sword.
12:07 As a matter of fact, we've got something sharper
12:09 than the edge of the sword. Hebrews tells us in 4:12
12:12 that "the Word of God is quick and powerful
12:15 and sharper than ANY two-edged sword. "
12:18 So the battle that they... So the weapon that they used
12:22 is not as powerful as the weapon that God has given to us.
12:25 What do you say? Amen.
12:27 They stood firmly in the Word of God
12:29 and today we stand firm in the Word of God.
12:31 So it's not enough just to have on the whole armor of God
12:35 because the armor of God includes the most powerful
12:39 weapon... and that is the Word of God and prayer.
12:44 So in these last days we've got to have on the entire armor
12:47 but we have to be skillful in our use of the Word of God.
12:50 And then even after that we've got to keep praying.
12:52 What do you say? Amen!
12:54 From the time that Israel left Sinai
12:56 Satan employed whatever means he could
12:59 to keep them from entering the Promised Land.
13:02 Go with me to Numbers chapter 22
13:04 and look at the story as it unfolds.
13:06 It is amazing how patient the devil really is.
13:11 He waits his turn.
13:14 He lays his trap.
13:16 Outside of my window just a few days ago...
13:18 outside of our window I should say because I'm not
13:20 the only one that lives there...
13:22 But I said to my wife: "Honey, look at that spider. "
13:25 A HUGE spider... and he was just patiently spinning his web
13:30 planning his breakfast menu,
13:32 his dinner menu, his lunch menu.
13:35 And she says: "Go knock it down. "
13:37 I said: "No, he's my friend.
13:38 He's going to eat the mosquitoes and the flies. "
13:42 That's the kind of guy you want on your side, what do you say?
13:44 And so I looked at that and I realized
13:47 you know, the Bible talks about "the snare of the fowler. "
13:51 Satan spins his web and the bird doesn't know
13:54 until it flies into the snare of the fowler
13:57 and is caught and becomes a victim of the fowler.
14:01 But it takes time to spin a web.
14:03 And when you read the story of the children of Israel
14:05 at the border of the Promised Land
14:08 it took time for Satan to plan strategically how he was
14:12 going to attack them right at the border of the Promised Land.
14:15 And he sought to employ somebody
14:18 that was employed by God already.
14:21 Follow this very carefully.
14:22 Numbers chapter 22 verses 1 to 3.
14:26 The Bible says: "Then the children of Israel
14:28 moved and camped in the plains of Moab
14:33 on the side of the Jordan across from Jericho.
14:38 Now Balak the son of Zippor
14:42 saw all that Israel had done to the Amorites.
14:46 And Moab was exceedingly... " What's the next word?
14:50 Afraid. "afraid of the people because they were many.
14:54 And Moab was sick with dread
14:57 because of the children of Israel. "
15:00 Let me tell you something, brethren:
15:02 the devil ought to be afraid of the people of God.
15:04 What do you say? If the devil's not afraid of us,
15:06 then we are not standing where God wants us to stand.
15:09 The children of Israel were only powerful
15:12 as they were faithful because God does not empower
15:15 those that are not faithful.
15:17 So as long as they were faithful they had the power of God.
15:20 Whenever they were not faithful they had no power.
15:22 God did not work through lives that were not determined
15:26 to be faithful.
15:27 When you read Numbers chapter 22 and verse 4
15:29 you will discover that Balak the king of Moab was
15:32 so afraid of the kingdom that he possessed being destroyed
15:36 by the people of God
15:38 that he looks for someone to curse the people of God.
15:44 The question is: Who does he find?
15:46 Satan always finds someone will- ing to curse the people of God.
15:52 Look at verses 5 to 6.
15:56 "Then he sent messengers to Balaam
16:00 the son of Beor, at Pethor,
16:03 which is near the river in the land of the sons
16:06 of his people to call him.
16:11 And he said: 'Look, a people has come
16:15 from Egypt. See, they cover the face of the earth
16:18 and are settling next to me.
16:21 Therefore, please come at once.
16:24 Curse this people for me
16:27 for they are too mighty for me.
16:29 Perhaps I shall be able to defeat them and drive them
16:33 out of the land.
16:35 For I know he whom you bless is blessed
16:39 and he whom you curse is cursed. ' "
16:44 You know sometimes... and this is a solemn warning
16:47 to those who are in positions of leadership...
16:50 God only gives His leaders the ability and the privilege
16:54 to bless His people. God never gives
16:57 those that He chooses the ability or the blessing
17:01 or the power to curse His people.
17:03 Am I right?
17:04 So whenever God gives us the responsibility
17:07 what Balaam remembered but had chosen to forget
17:10 that's why he was on Balak's list... that's why
17:13 Balak sent him a text message.
17:14 He said: "There's somebody that's willing to sell out. "
17:18 But Balaam knew that God made a promise with His own people.
17:22 And He said: "I will bless those who bless you
17:24 and I will curse those who curse you. "
17:27 And this blessing continued with the people of God
17:29 no matter where they went.
17:31 So even though Balaam appeared to be
17:35 powerful, he was only powerful when he was obedient
17:40 to the will of God.
17:42 We are only powerful, we are only blessed
17:45 when we are obedient to the will of God.
17:49 God never blesses us when we step outside of the
17:52 will of God. But... for some reason...
17:55 Balak sends and calls for Balaam.
17:59 Look at verse 7 in chapter 22.
18:06 Disobedience always has a price.
18:09 "So the elders of Moab and the elders of Midian
18:14 departed with... " What? "the diviner's fee
18:19 in their hands.
18:21 And they came to Balaam and spoke to him
18:23 the words of Balak. " I saw that phrase "divier's fee"
18:27 and I came to the conclusion there is no such thing as
18:30 sin without a price.
18:32 Any time somebody's offering you money be careful
18:35 because they know that you wouldn't do what they're asking
18:38 you to do for free.
18:40 Any time someone offers you a price be careful
18:44 because they hope and they are perceiving that you can be
18:47 bought. But what God needs today is people that cannot be bought.
18:51 What do you say? Amen! People that are true to God
18:53 no matter what the price...
18:55 because we are standing at the border of the Promised Land
18:59 and once again Satan is looking for somebody to buy.
19:02 So they stand there with this diviner's fee
19:04 and Balaam knew the answer before he asked God
19:06 the question. And they came to Balaam asking him
19:09 "Now Balak has a concern and he wants you to help him. "
19:11 And notice what Balaam responds by doing.
19:16 He knew what God's answer was before he would ask God
19:19 but notice what he decides to do.
19:22 Verse 8:
19:24 "And he said to them: 'Lodge here tonight
19:29 and I'll bring back word to you as the Lord speaks to me. '
19:35 So the princes of Moab stayed with Balaam. "
19:38 Now you know, if God says something is wrong
19:40 on Tuesday it's going to be wrong on Wednesday.
19:42 What do you think? You don't need a good night's rest
19:45 to decide whether or not God is going to change His mind
19:48 overnight. God is the same yesterday, today, and how long?
19:51 Forever. And I can look back at my life and one of the reasons
19:54 why I ended up where I was...
19:55 You see, in the church I attended we had what we called
19:58 shared sin. Let me explain what that is.
20:02 We had a 1,200 member church and there were a lot of young
20:05 people in our church including myself - including me -
20:08 that we shared sin. We partied together
20:10 after the Sabbath ended.
20:12 We partied together on Friday night.
20:14 So we covered each other's sins.
20:16 So we couldn't tell on each other because we were all
20:18 in the very same camp.
20:20 Satan found somebody that he could use.
20:22 But praise the Lord, where I was
20:25 I am no longer there. What do you say? Amen.
20:28 Shared sin... partakers of sin.
20:31 Balaam knew what the answer was before he even asked
20:35 God the question.
20:37 He knew what God's requirements were,
20:40 but he saw the money that they brought with them
20:42 when Balak sent his representatives.
20:46 He looked at the check and said: "I could use that money
20:49 so stay overnight and let me see if God's
20:52 going to change His mind. "
20:55 He said: "Man, what could I do with that money! "
20:57 Now some people say that money doesn't buy happiness.
21:00 I often say: "Give me a chance to decide that myself. "
21:04 Amen? Now money doesn't buy happiness
21:07 but I'd like to have more of it than I have right now.
21:10 Come on, you can say "Amen" to that
21:12 'cause you're in the same boat.
21:14 It doesn't buy happiness but it sure makes gettin' happy
21:16 a lot easier than when you're poor.
21:19 So Balaam looked at that check.
21:21 And they... I'm sure they showed him the check and said:
21:23 "Now Balaam, check this out...
21:25 check this out. "
21:27 And Balaam said: "I know it's not right, but let me just
21:30 talk to God and see if God changes His mind
21:32 because God probably knows that I need that money. "
21:35 And so he spent the night asking for God's permission.
21:40 And verse 9 is very interesting to me
21:44 because he goes to talk to God and look what God says.
21:48 "Then God came to Balaam and said:
21:52 'Who are these men with you? '
21:55 Now I want to suggest to you God knew who these men were.
21:59 So God was not asking for information.
22:01 It was intended to arouse Balaam to the danger
22:03 of the path that he was about to travel.
22:06 In other words, the Lord is saying to him:
22:08 "The people that you're hanging out with should tell you
22:11 that you're headed in the wrong direction. "
22:13 How many of you remember hearing that from your parents
22:15 when you were young?
22:17 "Who are those people you're hanging out with? "
22:18 I remember my mom used to always say to me:
22:20 "Who are you going with? "
22:21 "Who... why are you always hanging out with the bad guys
22:24 in the community? " Company does determine our destiny.
22:30 The people that we hang out with does influence our decisions.
22:34 And so God is saying to Balaam: "Now you're My prophet
22:36 but they're not. Why is it that you're considering
22:40 hanging out with this group? Who are these guys
22:42 that you're with? "
22:44 And Balaam somehow ignored that.
22:46 And instead of Balaam understanding the reason
22:48 for the question, you look at verses 10 and 11.
22:50 You read that on your own. Balaam decides to give God
22:52 information as though God needs information.
22:55 "Now Lord, let me tell You who they are.
22:57 This guy's name is Sam; that guy's name is Jeff. "
23:01 God doesn't need that information.
23:02 God knows exactly who they are. Amen? Amen.
23:04 God doesn't ask for information.
23:06 You notice in the Bible, whenever God asks a question
23:08 like He said: "Adam, where are you? "
23:10 God didn't need a GPS to find Adam. He knew exactly
23:13 where Adam was.
23:14 He was waiting for Adam to come out and confess
23:16 "Lord, it's me. It's me, it's me, oh Lord...
23:18 standing in the need of prayer. "
23:20 Adam, instead of confessing, well you know what he did.
23:22 He blamed his wife.
23:24 And so Balaam finds himself in the same position
23:27 and instead of remembering what Adam had done
23:29 and others after Adam...
23:31 God does not need information. God knows it all.
23:38 So when God asks "Where you goin? "
23:40 He's not asking for location... He's alerting us to the danger
23:43 that lies ahead. When God asks us "What are we doing? "
23:46 He's not asking for the description
23:48 but He's warning us of the consequences of our act.
23:51 My mother used to ask me that question.
23:53 Whenever I'd say to her: "Mama, could I do this? "
23:55 and she'd say: "Say that again. "
23:56 "Mama, can I? " "Say that again. "
23:58 "Mama, can I? " "Say that again. "
24:00 Have you heard that before? "Say that again. "
24:02 And she'd ask me the same question over and over and over
24:04 again until I realized what I was asking for.
24:07 "Say that again. "
24:08 "Mama, could I? " "Say that again. "
24:11 And God answered Balaam only to reinforce
24:15 what Balaam chose to forget.
24:18 Look at verse 12.
24:24 "And God said to Balaam: 'You shall not go with them.
24:29 You shall not curse the people
24:33 for they are blessed. ' "
24:36 I want you to keep the title in your mind:
24:38 The man with two gods.
24:41 But look at Balaam's response.
24:43 Verse 13: "So Balaam rose in the morning
24:49 and said to the princes of Balak:
24:52 'Go back to your land
24:54 for God has refused to give me permission
24:58 to go with you. ' " Did you get that?
25:02 "See, I'd go... but God said not to go. "
25:05 I've used that line 100 times or more growing up.
25:09 Come on... anybody else?
25:11 "I want to go but my mom said I can't go. "
25:13 "I mean, I'd go but... you know...
25:15 if I go I'm getting in trouble. "
25:17 The same line that we used as children Balaam comes and says
25:22 to those that were sent by Balak
25:25 "I would go but the Lord has refused to give me permission
25:28 to go with you. " And the reason why God refuses
25:31 to give us permission, brothers and sisters,
25:33 is He sees the end of a thing before we see the beginning
25:36 of it. He sees way down the highway before we even
25:41 get into the car. He sees way around the corner
25:44 before we even make a turn.
25:45 He sees the end of the party before the party even begins.
25:48 He sees us sprawled out, drunk somewhere,
25:51 before we take the first sip.
25:52 He sees us addicted before we try the first marijuana drag.
25:57 He sees the life falling apart from sexually-transmitted
26:01 diseases before we even decide who to go with.
26:04 God always sees the end from the beginning.
26:07 Don't ask God for permission
26:08 for things that we know that God does not support. Amen.
26:15 I believe more people would choose God if God
26:17 simply agreed with them. And Balaam was hoping that God
26:20 would agree with him so he asked for God's permission.
26:24 And so they go back and they tell Balak that
26:26 "Well you know, good attempt. We showed him the check
26:29 but he's not coming. "
26:31 And Balak does not take no for an answer.
26:35 He simply increases the bribe.
26:37 He says: "Well maybe that check wasn't good enough. "
26:40 And so he writes a larger check.
26:42 And... But he said: "Now next time you go, tell Balaam
26:45 I'll deposit it in his account down in the Cayman Islands.
26:49 Nobody would know. It'll be just between him and me
26:52 but it's going to be a huge check.
26:54 And by the way, when you go back
26:57 let's sweeten the pot. Let's send people that are
27:00 more important than these guys. These guys are novices.
27:02 Let's pull out all the stops. Let's send people that really
27:05 impress. Let's send them in limousines, and maybe Balaam
27:09 needs to see somebody roll up in a Maserati.
27:12 Let's put him in a Maserati.
27:13 Let's give him those expensive suits.
27:15 Let's invite Balaam to a really expensive dinner tonight.
27:20 Let's pull out all the stops: best music, best band.
27:23 Let's give him everything that he really wants.
27:25 I think there's a way... " And the reason why they sent
27:28 them back is because Balaam didn't say a "no"
27:32 that really meant no.
27:34 He kind of says: "God... You know, yeah I'd do it
27:37 but God is not going to give me permission. "
27:40 That's why the Bible says we should let our yes be yes
27:43 and our no be what? No.
27:44 In other words, say no and mean it!
27:47 "I'd go with you on Sabbath
27:50 but God said don't do it. "
27:54 "See, I'd wear those earrings but you know the Bible says
27:59 I'm not supposed to. "
28:01 "I'd go to that concert with you but the Bible says... "
28:05 You know brethren, we need a constitution
28:07 that even if the Bible didn't say it we wouldn't do it
28:10 because we stand before God as those who want to represent
28:13 God in all we do. Amen!
28:15 There are some people that if they don't find the
28:16 Word of God saying you shouldn't do it...
28:18 Like there are some people that say: "God's Word
28:20 doesn't say you can't smoke marijuana. Show me the verse. "
28:23 Have you heard that before?
28:25 "God's Word doesn't say we should not... "
28:26 "You know, as a matter of fact, Jesus turned the water
28:29 into wine. I mean, that's evidence enough
28:30 that I can drink. " "Show me where God's Word says
28:34 thus and so. " And when you can't find it
28:36 they say: "See, I told you. "
28:38 And nowadays we've got people doing all kinds of things.
28:40 And even Adventists doing all kinds of things
28:42 because they believe that God's Word doesn't really just
28:46 say it that way.
28:47 We ought to be like the Hebrews:
28:49 "Even if God doesn't deliver us we've made up our minds
28:52 that we're not going to bow. " Can you say "Amen" to that?
28:54 Amen. We need people like Joseph: "How can I do this great
28:58 wickedness and sin against God? "
29:00 He had a constitution that did not need him to go back
29:03 and say "Now honey, you look good.
29:05 Wait till I come back. I'll check the Bible. "
29:07 Did you get the story?
29:09 'Cause Potiphar's wife laid a trap for him.
29:11 And if you study on how she dressed...
29:14 That's why, gentlemen, you can't stand up and negotiate
29:17 with women when they're dressed a certain way.
29:20 Amen somebody? Amen!
29:22 You've got to say: "You know I've got to go. "
29:24 And don't walk away like this.
29:28 You'd better run for your life. You'd better do an Elijah
29:32 'cause God can find you. But you can't stand around,
29:34 you cannot compromise with sin. You can't say: "Well, you know,
29:38 sunset. See, it's almost sunset. If it wasn't sunset
29:40 I'd have been with you right now... I'd of been hanging out
29:41 with you right now but it's sunset so I've got to go home
29:44 and get ready for the Sabbath. " Those who were Jews
29:47 cared more about the sunset and the Sabbath
29:49 than they did about representing Jesus.
29:52 We can't be like that. We've got to be moral;
29:55 we've got to be firm... even if we can't find the text
29:58 and verse that says that we shouldn't specifically
30:02 do thus and so.
30:04 And so Balak ups the ante. Verse 15:
30:11 "Then Balak again... " See, you've got to get that word
30:14 again... "sent princes more numerous and more
30:20 honorable than they. " You've got to get this in your head.
30:22 You've got to see this thing coming together.
30:24 Here is Balaam sitting at home and he hears in the distance...
30:28 he hears a processional coming.
30:31 And in those days they didn't have quiet
30:35 cars with rubber wheels. They had chariots.
30:39 They had horses. And I could imagine he could say...
30:42 Have you been sitting in a house and a car goes by? Whuuummm.
30:46 And you say: "What was that? "
30:48 I could see Balaam sitting in his house: "What's that noise?
30:52 Sounds like thunder in the distance. What's that noise? "
30:56 And he could see a path of dust
30:58 being led by a trail of white horses,
31:02 golden chariots, and princes dressed to kill.
31:07 And when they pulled up in front of Balaam's house
31:11 they were escorted out of their chariots.
31:13 Somebody opened the chariot door
31:16 for them to get out and Balaam said:
31:18 "Hey, honey, look... look at this.
31:21 They're in front of our house.
31:23 I wonder if this is Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes?
31:27 They're knocking on our door. Do you think we hit the lottery? "
31:31 They're in front of Balaam's house.
31:34 And then he sees what really gets his attention
31:37 because he remembered that when they came last time
31:39 they took a check out of their pocket but this time
31:42 they have four guys carrying a treasure chest,
31:46 hardly able to carry it because it's so heavy
31:49 with reward for Balaam.
31:53 The Bible says that Balak again
31:56 sent princes more numerous and more honorable
32:01 than they.
32:04 Be careful because flattery is the door to deception.
32:08 You see, Balaam felt honored that Balak would recognize his
32:11 importance by sending princes
32:14 more numerous and more honorable.
32:19 And so the story continues to unfold. Verse 17:
32:26 Balak appeals again.
32:29 "For I will certainly honor you greatly. "
32:32 They bring the message from Balak... they're reading
32:34 the e-mails. "For I will certainly honor you greatly
32:38 and I will do whatever you say to me. "
32:41 See, last time it was a check with a certain amount.
32:43 Now he says: "Whatever you want you've got it. "
32:45 "Whatever you want you've got it. "
32:47 And I think that's the problem sometimes:
32:49 there seems to be no limit.
32:50 You know, when the devil presents sin before you...
32:52 He did that to Jesus. He showed him all the kingdoms
32:56 of the earth and their glory.
32:57 And there are those here... many people that I was
32:59 raised with... that are selling out for the earth, the kingdoms,
33:02 and its glory. I'd rather be relatively unknown now
33:05 and be known in the kingdom. What about you? Amen!
33:08 "Whatever you say to me, whatever you want,
33:12 I promise I'll do it.
33:14 Therefore, please come and curse this people
33:19 for me. " And when you read verse 18
33:21 Balaam makes it sound like he can't be bought.
33:24 He said: "Even if you filled the entire house with silver
33:27 and gold I'm not going to go.
33:30 I promise I'm not... Even if you filled this house
33:32 with silver and gold I refuse to go.
33:35 But stay overnight... let me see what God says. "
33:39 Did you get that?
33:41 "I don't care how much you give me I cannot be bought
33:44 but stay overnight... let me see what God says. "
33:46 That's where Balak found a kink in his armor.
33:49 You see, if we won't disobey God for a small salary
33:53 don't disobey God for a large salary.
33:58 Because no matter the price the wages of sin is still death.
34:03 I remember working at an insurance company in New York.
34:05 I think I've shared this story before, but if you forgot it
34:07 I'm going to remind you.
34:08 I was... That's when they began to change over
34:10 and start people working on Saturdays.
34:13 But when they began that I was working downtown Manhattan.
34:15 That's when I lived in New York before I got married.
34:17 And they started bi-monthly... every...
34:22 bi-weekly... every two weeks. And so my turn came up
34:25 to work, and I worked for an insurance company.
34:28 And they said: "Well tomorrow you should come in at 9 o'clock
34:32 and 9 to 5 on Saturday. "
34:34 And I said: "I'm not coming in. " They said: "Well you're
34:36 scheduled to come in. " I said: "I'm not coming in. "
34:37 I told my supervisor on Friday "I'm not coming in. "
34:40 Can somebody give me an "Amen" to that?
34:42 Amen. I'm not going to sit home and say: "Now should I go? "
34:46 I mean, there are some folks that would work on Sabbath
34:49 because they get double salary.
34:52 I know some of them.
34:54 "Why'd you work on the Sabbath when you're not in the
34:57 medical field? When you're not in a position where God
35:00 can support that decision? Why would you? "
35:02 "Well you know I get time and a half! "
35:04 "I get double time. "
35:06 The price is still the same.
35:09 So I decided not to go in and I didn't show up.
35:12 And when they went to work... people that went to work
35:14 said: "John didn't show up. " And I got a call on Monday
35:16 morning into the office. He said "Now how come you didn't come? "
35:18 I said: "I told you on Friday I wasn't coming. "
35:20 He said: "Well you're scheduled for two more weeks.
35:23 In two more weeks you're scheduled again. "
35:25 You know what I said? "I'm not coming. " Amen.
35:29 So I worked for... I only had two more weeks
35:31 left at that job by the way. I want you to know that.
35:34 Because when I didn't show up the second Sabbath
35:36 they called me back on that Monday morning
35:37 and I saw it on the desk.
35:39 Back then they really did give pink slips.
35:41 Nowadays I don't know what the color of the slips are
35:44 'cause I don't get those slips any more. Amen somebody.
35:46 Amen. But they gave a pink slip
35:49 and he said: "Now John, two weeks ago I told you
35:52 and so, you know, I regrettably...
35:55 I do this with regret but we're going to have to let you go. "
35:58 And I said: "That's fine. No problem; I'm OK with that. "
36:01 I left that company, walked three blocks to Chase Manhattan
36:05 and got a job and started the next day.
36:07 Amen. See, sometimes God allows you to be faced with
36:11 a test to see whether or not you can be bought.
36:14 Balaam was in a position where he said: "No matter how much
36:17 money you give me I cannot be bought, but WAIT
36:19 overnight and see what God says the next day. "
36:24 "And the Lord said... " You've got to get this
36:27 because if you don't get this passage -
36:28 verse 20- you can think that somehow God was joining Balaam
36:31 in his rebellion. "The Lord said: 'Now Balaam
36:33 don't go. But unless they come and call you...
36:35 Don't go unless they come and call you. ' "
36:38 It's like a parent saying to a child: "Now you know
36:40 you shouldn't be going with your friends...
36:42 but if they call, you go. "
36:45 Like saying: "You want to go? Go.
36:47 But don't go unless they call you. Go.
36:49 But you shouldn't be going... but go.
36:52 If they call, you go. "
36:53 So God is testing Balaam to see whether or not
36:56 he's more willing to obey God than to give in to the price
36:59 that Balak has set. So what did Balaam do?
37:02 When morning came Balaam didn't tell them at all
37:05 about the conversation that he had with God.
37:07 He got up in the morning... Look at verse 21:
37:09 "So Balaam rose in the morning... "
37:11 And the phrase in the morning means he rose early.
37:14 He got up really early. You know why?
37:16 Because he saw dollar signs.
37:19 "He got up really early, saddled his donkey,
37:23 and went with the princes of Moab. "
37:28 Now I don't know about you but I could imagine
37:30 while he's traveling in his head he could hear God talking.
37:33 Have you ever been in your way to sin and you can still hear
37:35 God's voice in your head?
37:37 Anybody?
37:38 Here you are in the club, music is kicking,
37:41 and you say: "Man, Dwight, I shouldn't be here
37:43 but this is really cool. You know, this is hip. "
37:45 One Friday night I was disc jockeying at the
37:47 World Trade Center... the old World Trade Center.
37:49 Obviously not in the new ones yet because they're not
37:51 completed. I was on the 44th floor, Cherie,
37:53 and on the Windows of the World disc jockeying 2 turntables,
37:58 mixing back and forth and partying hard.
38:00 The atmosphere was hot; the atmosphere was good.
38:03 I mean I was into it.
38:05 And my girlfriend shows up. Angie, the woman I married.
38:09 And there she is at the counter saying: "You know
38:11 you shouldn't be here... it's the Sabbath. "
38:14 And I'm thinking... you know,
38:16 "I'll be at church tomorrow. Would you just leave?
38:19 I'll be at church tomorrow. Would you just LEAVE! "
38:23 And she's there rebuking me with all get out.
38:25 And I'm: "How'd you find out where I was? "
38:27 I learned... I learned as a married man
38:30 your wife will always find out where you are.
38:35 Women have something that men don't possess.
38:38 A woman could be in the next room and her husband
38:40 can't find her. "Honey, where are you? "
38:42 But her husband could be in Saudi Arabia on the 14th floor
38:45 in room 1406 and she'll show up in two minutes.
38:48 "What are you doing here? "
38:50 So Balaam's on his way
38:52 with the princes of Moab and he could hear in his head...
38:55 And when she left I remember telling her
38:58 "Just leave... just leave. " And I remember her leaving
39:00 and when I was shooing her out
39:03 one of my speakers began to smoke.
39:05 And I thought: "Boy, God could have burned this thing down. "
39:08 You know what? I didn't get it then.
39:10 I got this just about a year ago.
39:12 It dawned on me when I told that story
39:14 I remembered that night.
39:16 I had to open up the back of the speakers.
39:18 And if you're electronic at all, you understand this
39:20 terminology. I had to bypass the crossover -
39:24 that limited the pressure on the speaker itself -
39:27 because the crossover began to smoke.
39:30 And I didn't think about it until I told this story
39:32 about a year and a half ago and God was saying to me:
39:34 "See, I could have burned that speaker down. "
39:38 But God sometimes allows us to move forward
39:40 in our own rebellion
39:42 to realize that the road we choose is never as blessed
39:44 as the road that God chooses.
39:46 So here it is. Balaam now, he gets in his Maserati.
39:49 His Maserati is called a donkey by the way.
39:53 And he is following the princes of Moab
39:55 and the most ridiculous thing begins to happen.
39:57 You see the story begin to unfold.
39:58 I'll just give it to you in nutshells.
40:00 In verse 23 the donkey sees the Lord and runs into a field.
40:04 And what is Balaam's response? He hits the donkey.
40:07 He kicks the car. He bangs the dashboard.
40:11 Then the donkey again crushes Balaam's foot
40:14 against a wall. What's Balaam's response?
40:16 He hits the donkey. He gets upset
40:18 and shakes the steering wheel.
40:20 And the third attempt: the donkey sees the Lord
40:22 and lies down under Balaam. And what does Balaam do?
40:26 He hits the donkey and gets upset
40:29 and throws a tantrum.
40:30 And he doesn't realize that after 3 mysterious encounters
40:33 it should dawn on the sensible mind that these events
40:36 are not coincidental.
40:42 William Cowper said: "God moves in mysterious ways. "
40:46 You know, sometimes our plans fail because God is trying to
40:49 spare us from that which is not for our good.
40:52 Sometimes God allows us to get injured to prevent
40:54 the greater evil. Sometimes God causes the engine to die
41:00 to prevent a fatal accident.
41:01 Sometimes God allows the plane not to move.
41:03 I was in the Marion airport I think it was last year
41:05 or maybe year before last and I was supposed to be in Miami,
41:09 Florida, to preach for a men's ministries weekend
41:12 and I scheduled to fly out of Marion
41:16 because I was kind of tired of driving back and forth
41:18 to St. Louis. It's a long drive.
41:21 And so I decided to go ahead and take the plane out of Marion.
41:23 And I got on the plane...
41:24 And I wasn't crazy about that plane. When I saw it
41:26 in front of the terminal I thought: "Man, this is a
41:28 little plane. I don't fly in planes like this often. "
41:31 And I got in the seat... My wife and I prayed
41:34 before I got on the plane. And my wife prayed this prayer:
41:37 "Lord if it's not Your intention for John to be on this plane
41:43 don't let the plane go anywhere. "
41:45 Well now what even made it more scary was
41:49 I was in the co-pilot's seat.
41:51 You've got to understand how things happen in the Midwest.
41:54 I was in... The pilot said: "Come on up front
41:57 and sit with me. " And I'm thinking:
41:59 "How do they know I'm not a terrorist? "
42:01 I'm in the right seat and the pilot in the left.
42:04 He starts up the plane
42:07 and opens the window. Checks all the - you know - the
42:11 whatever they call that... the list that you go through.
42:14 Pre-flight checklist.
42:16 And then he reaches down and releases the brake
42:19 and then "roarrrr" throttles up...
42:22 and the plane doesn't move.
42:24 And he looks at me and kind of like was embarrassing.
42:27 "Don't worry, I got it. " And he reaches down again
42:29 and this time he pulls really hard.
42:33 The plane doesn't move.
42:35 And he does it a third time and a fourth time.
42:38 And then it really gets embarrassing.
42:39 And he says to the passengers: "We have a just slight problem.
42:43 Just get off the plane. We'll check it out and
42:45 you can get back on board. " Well I want to tell you this:
42:47 God did not allow those brakes to be released
42:49 because He answered my wife's prayer.
42:51 Amen somebody? He knew something that we didn't know.
42:54 My wife prayed. She said: "You know, when I was driving
42:57 away from the terminal I prayed that prayer again. "
42:59 "Lord, if You don't want John to be on this plane
43:02 don't allow that plane to go anywhere. "
43:04 I want to tell you this story: when I got off the plane
43:06 and decided "Well you know what?
43:08 I'm just going to go ahead and drive to St. Louis
43:10 and I'll leave the next day. "
43:12 You know, when I got off the plane and left the airport
43:15 then the plane left.
43:17 It was not God's intention for me to be on that plane
43:22 because God knew for whatever reason
43:24 the devil probably thought that "I can bring this down.
43:27 I just need to get John in that seat.
43:29 I need to be in a situation... "
43:31 And the weather wasn't that great and I'm crazy about
43:33 weather anyway. And so I was so glad that God
43:35 decided to block. You see, some- times God blocks our intention
43:39 for our greatest blessing...
43:42 because the only thing worse than disappointment
43:44 is destruction.
43:45 So here is Balaam on his way now.
43:47 And when you read verses 20 to 30
43:49 or 28 to 30, this is where I decided I could have
43:53 named the sermon Dumb and Dumber.
43:55 Because it goes from the mysterious to the ridiculous.
43:59 Because this is where now the donkey doesn't just act
44:02 but the donkey does what donkeys don't do:
44:05 he begins to talk.
44:08 Here it is. I'm not going to read it, I'm just going to
44:10 break it down. The donkey talks to Balaam.
44:12 That's ridiculous, isn't it?
44:14 But even more ridiculous Balaam talks back.
44:18 It never dawns on this idiot
44:20 that there are no other reports of talking animals
44:23 in the community. The donkey talks to Balaam.
44:26 Balaam talks back.
44:28 Then the dumb speaks to the dumber.
44:33 The dumb animal speaks to a dumber prophet.
44:37 They are full swing in a conversation
44:40 and it doesn't dawn on Balaam that he's in a situation
44:42 that has never been documented before.
44:44 Conversation... God's prophet has a conversation
44:48 with a dumb animal.
44:50 Who's dumber is the question.
44:52 You know, I've talked to animals before and some of you have -
44:54 you've talked to your cats and dogs -
44:55 but I have never had an animal talk back to me.
44:57 Anybody else? It doesn't dawn on Balaam
45:00 until his eyes are opened that he realized that he was
45:04 resisting the attempts of God. And Balaam finally saw
45:07 that no one could be blamed for his troubles but himself.
45:11 He finally sees that where he is and where he is intended to be
45:13 is where God never intended for him to be.
45:17 The man with two gods. Caught between the God
45:19 that called him and the god that he's pursuing.
45:21 The god of money and the God of heaven.
45:24 Caught between two gods.
45:25 And you know if you look at the story of salvation
45:27 that's exactly what the story of salvation often is.
45:29 When you look at the rich young ruler...
45:31 The Lord said to the rich young ruler: "There's only
45:32 one thing you lack. " And most of us
45:35 in our journey to salvation
45:38 are battling day in and day out with one god or the other.
45:41 Am I telling the truth? Yes.
45:44 In every one of us there's a Balaam.
45:47 One god or the other.
45:50 But as I wind up, the question is: "How can we tell
45:53 that Balaam was torn between two gods? "
45:55 Point one... you want to get this:
45:58 God allowed Balaam to follow his own course
46:01 because Balaam was determined.
46:04 Evidence that we are caught between two gods:
46:07 when we determine to follow our own course
46:10 no matter what God's Word says
46:12 we are torn between two gods.
46:15 When I was a disc jockey I remember that very well.
46:18 I had gone to a church once and I might just tell you.
46:21 I was a young man... I was in my teenage years
46:23 and I went to a church because I figured if I could
46:25 find a church that would still allow me to be a disc jockey
46:28 I'd join that church.
46:30 And so I went to a Nazarene church, and I remember very well
46:32 I went and I asked the Nazarene pastor
46:35 you know to tell me about the Sabbath. And as a teenager
46:37 he invited me to stand up out of my seat,
46:39 walked me through the halls up the steps
46:41 across the hallway down the steps and he told me
46:44 never to come back to his church again.
46:46 And I went to a Catholic priest...
46:48 And so I went to a Pentecostal preacher and asked him
46:50 the same question, and he sat me in his office and left me
46:53 sitting there for more than two hours.
46:55 Then I went to a Catholic priest and he was the only one
46:57 that told me the truth. And I was trying to find a place
46:59 to worship where I could still belong to the world.
47:02 But God did not allow me to be caught between two gods.
47:06 Balaam was caught between two gods.
47:08 Whenever we are determined to follow our own course
47:10 no matter what God's Word says, we are caught between
47:13 two gods. That's point number one.
47:15 The second point: Balaam made his own decision
47:19 but he sought God's approval.
47:22 Don't miss that one.
47:23 When we make sinful decisions and claim divine approval
47:28 we are torn between two gods.
47:30 Now get this: because God allows it
47:33 does not mean that God sanctions it.
47:35 There are some people that say: "Well if God didn't want me
47:37 to smoke He wouldn't make tobacco. "
47:42 "If God didn't want us to drink beer He wouldn't make barley. "
47:47 God allows us to use what is for our good
47:51 sometimes to our destruction.
47:53 Because God allows it doesn't mean that God sanctions it.
47:56 There are those people that would date other people
47:58 that are not in the faith and that person will be
48:00 leading them down a path. And you know they'll think
48:02 in all their mind they think "Well I could convert that
48:04 individual. Give me time... I'll change their heart. "
48:06 But if you don't like the person the way they are when you
48:08 find them, chances are they're going to be that way
48:10 for a long time.
48:13 He made his own decisions but he sought God's approval.
48:16 There are those people that look in the Bible
48:17 and I don't want to harp on anything... but there are
48:20 those individuals that are searching the Bible nowadays
48:22 in the Adventist church trying to find scriptures to support
48:25 wearing tiny earrings.
48:27 Tell me "duck. " All right?
48:29 Before you throw something tell me when to duck.
48:32 There are those... I kid you not...
48:36 Something's got to be wrong when you have a movie entitled
48:38 "Seventh-gay Adventists. "
48:41 Something's got to be wrong to think that you can be gay
48:43 exercising, living that lifestyle
48:46 and still be a practicing Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
48:49 Something's wrong. Somebody's got to be making
48:51 their own decision but looking for divine approval somewhere.
48:57 The third evidence that you are caught between two gods
49:00 is Balaam's desires and inclinations were more important
49:04 than God's Word. Have you noticed over and over
49:07 something I keep repeating? God's Word.
49:09 I believe that God's Word is a reliable book. Amen.
49:13 If we simply read God's Word,
49:15 we'll never have to ask questions about whether or not
49:18 we should or should not. I remember Elder C. D. Brooks
49:20 said: "If you've gotta ask a question, that means
49:22 you're not converted. " Some people say:
49:24 "Now what's wrong with dancing? "
49:27 He says: "When you are converted you won't ask those questions. "
49:30 "Now what's wrong with this or what's wrong? "
49:32 Whenever we are reading the Word of God, we'll have
49:34 less questions about "What's wrong with... "
49:38 and more desire to support what God's Word says
49:41 is right with it. Amen. Amen?
49:44 The other thing is:
49:48 Balaam spoke as though God did not choose him.
49:51 He was a prophet.
49:52 Today there are so many that have chosen
49:54 to lead that speak as though they are not chosen.
50:01 One of the reasons I'm keeping my eyes on the Lord is
50:04 because the church right now is going through a lot of
50:05 struggles, a lot of battles, a lot of issues.
50:08 I'm not going to get caught up in the struggles and the
50:10 battles and the issues. Anybody else?
50:12 Amen! Because if you get caught in one camp or the other
50:15 you know right now one of the hotbed issues
50:16 is whether or not to ordain or not to ordain.
50:19 Let me put it this way:
50:22 if you've got a mouth, you ought to open your mouth
50:26 and use it to proclaim the ministry of God.
50:28 What do you say? Now whether God chooses to
50:30 ordain Cherie Peters or not He still uses her
50:34 to proclaim the good news of His salvation. What do you say?
50:37 Amen! So I'm not going to get caught up in that camp.
50:42 I was looking recently on the Internet
50:46 and sometimes you've got to be careful where you look
50:48 on the Internet. Am I right? Amen.
50:51 You know, some people spend time on Facebook and fail to
50:54 realize that one day we're going to have to face the Book.
50:56 And then we get all these friends that connect to our
50:59 Facebook page. And I tell you what:
51:01 if you look at the friends that you have sometimes
51:03 they can get you more discouraged than if you spend
51:05 more time looking at the Word of God. Amen.
51:08 And then friends write e-mails.
51:09 And then there are those who are spending their time
51:12 searching out whether or not another person is living right,
51:14 another person is doing what they should do.
51:15 Brothers and sisters, I don't have time for that.
51:17 I've got to study God's Word and determine whether or not
51:20 I'm doing what God has called me to do
51:22 rather than becoming a police in somebody else's life. Amen!
51:26 Balaam spent more of his time determining his own course,
51:29 his own way, his own ideas, his own ideology.
51:32 And for many years that's the camp that I was in...
51:35 caught between two gods.
51:37 A room filled with records, a room filled with albums,
51:40 a room filled with pool sticks and boom boxes
51:43 and living my life on a different road all together.
51:46 Not really concerned about whether or not I was living
51:49 to the pleasing call of God on my life.
51:51 And there even are some times... and I want to confess...
51:54 there are even some times when we would sit down
51:57 and look at the things that the world has to offer.
51:58 I've told you this story.
52:00 We sometimes look at the things that the world offers
52:02 and we think: "Now you know, if I go out there, maybe I could
52:04 be a lot better off financially. "
52:06 But finances is not the best blessing
52:08 because you cannot buy your way to the kingdom. Amen.
52:11 You've got to serve God because what God has in store for us
52:14 is far greater than anything that money can buy.
52:18 Sometimes I'd sit down and look up at the stars
52:22 and I'm one of those guys that likes astronomy.
52:25 I'm one of those guys that likes to look up at the stars
52:27 and sometimes go beyond the things that I have
52:29 and look at what God has in store.
52:31 And there are some nights that I look at the stars
52:33 and I say: "If God can create that
52:34 I can only imagine what God has in store for me. "
52:39 And then I'll look at the things of the earth
52:41 and then that song all of a sudden comes into my mind
52:43 "And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
52:46 in the light of His glory and grace. "
52:49 Let me encourage you: the blessings that God has in store
52:52 for us are far greater than any blessing that we can ever
52:56 experience on this tiny little speck called planet earth.
53:02 Amen.
53:03 My wife and I have decided
53:05 that come what may we're going to make up our minds
53:07 and that's why we study our Bibles.
53:09 That's why we read our Bibles.
53:11 You know, we have to always be continuing to filter
53:14 our lives and filter the things that come into our home.
53:17 I remember that we... just a few weeks ago
53:19 turned on our television. And we have DISH Network
53:23 and we were thumbing through the channels
53:24 and we noticed that we didn't order this;
53:27 all of a sudden HBO showed up.
53:29 I said: "HBO? Doesn't that stand for Hell's Box Office? "
53:34 And then... And then I said: "HBO? We've got HBO. "
53:39 And then we kept going further. "Cinemax.
53:41 Isn't that Sin to the Max? "
53:43 I'm thinking: "Why is that in our house? "
53:46 We've got to filter our lives because no matter how long
53:50 we are Christians sometimes Satan chooses the timing
53:54 to re-insert himself into our lives. Amen?
53:57 So we've got to always filter our lives.
53:58 Don't be like Balaam thinking that" Hey, maybe there's
54:00 something in it. " Because as long as you stand
54:02 in front of sin and compromise with sin
54:06 you'll discover that there's always a price
54:08 to going in the wrong direction.
54:11 The fourth evidence that you're caught between two gods -
54:14 and this one to me is the most powerful one -
54:15 Balaam prayed for answers that he already knew
54:20 what the answers would be.
54:22 You know sometimes we pray: "Lord, I need this job. "
54:24 And God... They get up off their knees and then somebody calls
54:27 them to work on Sabbath and they come and say:
54:30 "Pastor, I got a job! " "Well where'd you get a job? "
54:33 "I'll be back to prayer meeting but I'll be working on Sabbath
54:35 from now on. And I'll be back. I haven't forgotten the church. "
54:38 God does not answer that kind of prayer. What do you say?
54:41 Amen! So when you pray for an answer opposite to what
54:44 God's Word already supports
54:46 you are caught between two gods.
54:50 You've got to be familiar with what God's Word says
54:53 before you ask God
54:56 to decide to join you in your rebellious thought,
54:59 in your journey, in your decision to follow
55:02 the wrong course. And so the question is:
55:05 which one was torn between two gods?
55:08 An obedient donkey or a disobedient prophet?
55:12 Which one was torn between two gods?
55:15 A donkey that sat when God said "sit"
55:18 or a prophet that refused to stand when God said "stand? "
55:23 Which one was torn between two gods?
55:28 A donkey that stopped when man said "go"
55:32 or a man that kept going when God said to stop?
55:37 Which one was torn between two gods?
55:40 At the border of the Promised Land
55:42 Balaam was torn between two gods.
55:46 Church: once again we are at the border of the Promised Land
55:50 and this is too late of an hour
55:52 for us to be battling between two gods.
55:54 So you've got to examine your life.
55:56 Camp Meeting is the place where we challenge you
55:58 to go back and examine the kind of life you live.
56:00 To see whether or not there are any gods in your life
56:03 that you are choosing through.
56:04 There are some Monday to Friday gods.
56:07 Then there are Sabbath gods.
56:09 And so we live one way during the week
56:10 and come to church on Sabbath. And the reason why
56:12 we're so off and not able to get anything from the message
56:15 is because we spend so much time in that god's camp
56:18 that this God's camp doesn't even measure
56:20 when we come to church. Which god are you torn between?
56:24 The god of music and of fashion?
56:27 The god of entertainment?
56:28 The god of prestige and fame and notoriety?
56:31 Which god are we still torn between?
56:35 Don't forget the words of Moses and he said:
56:38 "And now Israel, what does your Lord God require of you
56:42 but to fear the Lord your God?
56:43 To walk in all His ways and to love Him.
56:46 To serve the Lord your God with all your heart
56:50 and with all your soul. "
56:53 I don't want to be caught between two gods.
56:55 I want to serve God and Him alone. What do you say?
56:57 Amen! Those of you who are watching and listening to the
56:59 program, the hour is too late.
57:02 What other god may be in your home that's taking your
57:04 allegiance from God, let us cast off that god
57:08 and put on the armor of light.
57:10 Let's make our decision to serve God and Him alone.
57:12 For when He comes I want to meet my God
57:15 in peace... my God in obedience.


Revised 2014-12-17