3ABN Homecoming 2012

Our Apocalyptic Age

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Carter


Series Code: 12HC

Program Code: 12HC000002

00:49 We're so happy that you could be with us for the second
00:53 of our sessions here at Camp Meeting:
00:56 Fall Camp Meeting 2012.
00:59 And we welcome each one of you.
01:01 Those that are here in person and those of you that are
01:04 joining us by television.
01:06 If you live anywhere within driving distance,
01:10 we recommend you start planning to be with us this weekend.
01:13 And come on over... bring your children.
01:16 We have outstanding children's programs.
01:19 And also if you have a camper
01:22 or some type of a conveyance of that kind
01:26 we have a place for you to park. We have a few parking places.
01:28 We will make room for you if you come on to our Camp Meeting
01:33 and we'd just love to have you with us.
01:36 If you can't, then we understand and you joined us by television.
01:41 But every single meeting will be televised
01:44 and I believe it's going to be a real blessing.
01:48 Our speaker tonight is Pastor John Carter.
01:51 And I mentioned in the letter that I wrote
01:55 that Pastor Carter doesn't come to us from a quiet
01:59 pastor's study where he has been opening up the books.
02:04 He comes to us from the wilds of Papua, New Guinea
02:10 and 150,000 people out for some of the meetings
02:15 there... over 100,000 night after night.
02:18 And amazing number of baptisms.
02:22 There are over 6,000 people now attending those churches
02:27 that were not attending the Seventh-day Adventist church
02:31 in that Port Moresby region at this particular time.
02:36 The churches are just overcrowded.
02:38 They're having to do multiple services in that area.
02:41 God has poured out His Spirit
02:44 and it is from that that he comes.
02:47 And as we have visited, he is overflowing
02:50 with the power of the Holy Spirit that came down on that
02:54 meeting and came down upon everyone that was there
02:57 and especially anointed the speaker.
03:00 And they made videos of those.
03:04 We'll be showing them a little later on, on 3ABN.
03:06 We're making arrangements to do that
03:08 so that you can take part in it if not literally by being there
03:14 you can take part by video.
03:17 So Pastor Carter is going to be speaking to us tonight.
03:20 I want to leave him plenty of time.
03:22 And so we'll give no further introduction,
03:26 but he needs no introduction to this audience.
03:28 But before he comes, Yvonne Lewis is going to come.
03:32 Yvonne is our Director of Dare to Dream.
03:35 And she's going to sing
03:38 Your Grace Still Amazes Me.
04:02 My faithful Father,
04:10 enduring Friend.
04:15 Your tender mercy's
04:18 like a river
04:22 with no end.
04:26 It overwhelms me,
04:33 covers my sin.
04:38 Each time I come into
04:42 Your presence
04:45 I stand in wonder
04:49 once again.
04:55 Your grace
04:58 still amazes me.
05:02 Your love
05:05 is still a mystery.
05:10 Each day
05:13 I fall on my knees
05:19 'Cause Your grace
05:21 still amazes me.
05:26 Oh, Your grace
05:29 amazes me.
05:47 Oh, patient Savior,
05:55 You make me whole.
06:00 You are the author
06:03 and the healer
06:07 of my soul.
06:10 What can I give You, Lord?
06:16 Oh what can I say?
06:23 I know there's no way
06:26 to repay You...
06:30 only to offer You
06:34 my praise.
06:40 Your grace
06:43 still amazes me.
06:46 Your love
06:50 is such a mystery.
06:54 Each day
06:58 I fall on my knees
07:04 'Cause Your grace
07:06 still amazes me.
07:10 Lord, Your grace
07:14 amazes me.
07:17 It's deeper,
07:21 it's wider,
07:25 it's stronger,
07:28 it's higher,
07:32 it's deeper,
07:36 much wider,
07:39 it's stronger
07:44 and higher
07:46 than anything
07:50 my eyes can see.
07:54 Your grace
07:57 still amazes me.
08:01 Your love
08:04 is such a mystery.
08:09 Each day
08:12 I fall on my knees
08:19 'Cause Your grace
08:21 still amazes me.
08:25 Oh, Your grace
08:28 amazes me.
08:34 Your grace
08:37 still amazes
08:42 me.
08:55 Mmmmm.
09:05 Amen.
09:09 Good evening my friends. Good evening.
09:12 Let's have a little talking here tonight.
09:13 Good evening my friends. Good evening.
09:16 I'm glad to see you.
09:17 Are you glad to see me? Amen!
09:19 Well I'm glad that you're glad to see me.
09:21 I'm glad to be seen anywhere today.
09:23 I'm just glad to be here tonight.
09:25 I've just come from as Dr. Gilley... I want to thank
09:29 Dr. Gilley for his very cordial welcome tonight.
09:33 I've just come from Pentecost.
09:36 I want to tell you folks something:
09:38 I've just come from Pentecost
09:40 so I'm sort of steamed up tonight.
09:43 Doesn't take much to get me steamed up, but I'm really
09:45 steamed up tonight. Amen!
09:47 I have seen the mighty out- pouring of the Spirit of God.
09:51 I have seen Pentecost repeated, maybe a double Pentecost
09:56 and so I'm here to tell you that God is alive and well
09:59 on planet earth. Amen!
10:01 And tonight we're going to have a good time.
10:03 Can you say: "Amen, glory be to God? " Amen!
10:05 Say: "Glory be to God. "
10:07 Glory be to God!
10:10 As somebody said: "If you've got a glory
10:12 inside you and if you don't let it out it's going to hurt you. "
10:14 So... got to let some of those glories out.
10:17 March 23, 1989... no one saw it coming.
10:23 Do you know what happened on that date?
10:25 March 23, 1989.
10:28 A week passed before anyone discovered what had happened.
10:31 An asteroid was heading towards planet earth.
10:35 It had the power of 20,000 one-megaton hydrogen bombs.
10:41 It would have splattered everything.
10:43 It whipped past us at 72,000 miles per hour
10:49 crossing our exact path
10:52 missing us by a mere 6 hours.
10:56 For 5 billion years
11:00 that 1-billion-ton of stardust
11:04 had been circling the sun
11:08 and it missed us by 6 hours.
11:14 In astronomical time it's nothing.
11:18 Had it struck the United States of America
11:22 it would have destroyed all life.
11:24 Nothing would have survived.
11:27 Was God sending us a message?
11:32 January 25 of 1995 in north Russia...
11:38 I know Russia so well. I love Russia.
11:42 A radar station in north Russia saw
11:45 an American missile on it's way towards Russia.
11:50 They thought: "Is it a U.S. submarine
11:53 releasing one of these devilish devices? "
11:59 These missiles can launch eight hydrogen bombs
12:04 and the Russian radar said "It is coming toward us. "
12:09 January 25, 1995.
12:12 Boris Yeltsin was then the person in charge.
12:15 He had three minutes to make up his mind.
12:19 For the first time in history... He opened up the Russian
12:24 computer that contained the nuclear launch codes
12:28 for the first time in history. He had three minutes.
12:32 At the last moment the missile veered off course.
12:37 It was a missile carrying a U.S. scientific probe.
12:43 He had three minutes.
12:46 If he had launched the Russian rockets
12:51 America would have had three minutes to doomsday.
12:59 How can people think it's business as usual in the church?
13:02 You tell me that.
13:04 How can people in the church...
13:06 how can people in the world be so complacent
13:10 concerning our apocalyptic era?
13:15 That's the topic tonight: the Apocalyptic Era.
13:21 I want you to take your Bibles
13:23 because I'm just an old-fashioned Bible preacher.
13:26 I'm going to turn over here to the little apocalypse -
13:28 to Matthew 24- and I'm going to read a heap of texts.
13:32 Matthew chapter 24 and verses 1 down to 14.
13:37 And give me a little more fallback on these things please.
13:40 Matthew 24 and verses 1 down to 14.
13:43 That's getting better.
13:45 I'll get warmed up soon.
13:46 Matthew 24:1-14: "Jesus left the temple... "
13:49 Have you folks got your Bibles here?
13:51 Amen. Look me in the eye. Let me tell you folks something.
13:54 If you don't bring your Bibles to church,
13:56 you've got a real spiritual problem.
13:58 You really have.
13:59 And I'm not talking about a Bible on a computer either.
14:02 I'm talking about a Bible - you know - that's a real Bible.
14:05 Matthew 24: "Jesus left the temple
14:08 and was walking away when His disciples came up to Him
14:11 to call His attention to its buildings.
14:14 'Do you see all these things? ' He asked.
14:16 'I tell you the truth: not one stone here will be left
14:19 on another. Every one will be thrown down. ' "
14:21 This happened of course in 70 AD
14:24 when the Romans came like the wolf on the fold
14:27 and destroyed the city of Jerusalem.
14:29 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives
14:32 the disciples came to Him privately. 'Tell us, ' they said
14:35 'when will this happen?
14:36 What will be the sign of Your coming
14:38 and of the end of the age? ' "
14:40 Or as the KJV says: "the end of the world. "
14:43 "Jesus answered: 'Watch out that no one deceives you. ' "
14:46 Religious deception.
14:47 'For many will come in My name claiming "I am the Christ... "
14:51 False preachers.
14:53 'and will deceive many.
14:55 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars
14:57 but see to it that you are not alarmed.
15:00 Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
15:04 Nation will rise against nation
15:06 and kingdom against kingdom.
15:08 There'll be famines and earthquakes in various places.
15:11 All these are the beginnings of the birth pains. ' "
15:15 Our Lord said that the earth would go through a time of
15:19 tremendous trouble like a woman goes through
15:22 before the baby is born.
15:24 Verse 9 says: "Then you'll be handed over to be persecuted
15:27 and put to death, and you'll be hated by all nations
15:30 because of Me. " Worldwide persecution.
15:35 Then it says: "At that time many will turn away from the faith
15:39 and will betray and hate each other
15:42 and many false prophets will appear
15:44 and deceive many people. "
15:47 Religious deception on a worldwide scale.
15:50 "Because of the increase of wickedness
15:54 the love of most will grow cold. "
15:57 And it's talking about people in the church.
16:02 "But he who stands firm to the end will be saved.
16:06 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole
16:10 world as a testimony to all nations
16:14 and then the end will come. "
16:17 Listen to me... listen to me
16:19 because tonight I've got a fire in my soul
16:22 and I want every person watching the telecast
16:25 to get this fire tonight.
16:27 The Bible talks - Jesus, our Lord, talks -
16:30 about the end of the age.
16:34 And Jesus spoke about a final generation.
16:39 I have a conviction that we could be the final generation.
16:45 Would you come down to the verse now? Verse 28?
16:48 Matthew 24 and verse 28.
16:51 Jesus said: "Wherever there is a carcass
16:57 there the vultures will gather. " What does it mean?
17:02 Jesus said that all of society
17:07 including American society is going to become
17:11 like a stinking rotten corpse.
17:17 Society is going to go down, down, and down.
17:25 Then the eagles - or judgment - will come upon the world.
17:31 And so don't get the idea that things are going to get better.
17:35 Things are going to get worse and then Jesus is going to come.
17:40 Now I want you to take your Bible and turn over here
17:43 to Luke 21 and verse 25-36.
17:48 Luke 21 and verse 25...
17:53 down to verse 36. Here it is.
17:57 I'm reading a lot out of the Bible because
18:00 I believe the power is in the Bible.
18:02 "There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars.
18:08 On the earth nations will be in anguish and perplexity
18:13 at the roaring and tossing of the sea.
18:19 Men will faint from terror
18:22 apprehensive of what is coming on the world
18:27 for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
18:31 At that time they'll see the Son of Man
18:34 coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
18:40 When these things begin to take place
18:43 stand up and lift up your heads
18:46 because your redemption is drawing near. "
18:49 It is time for God's people to stand up
18:53 and shout glory - glory - because the Lord is on His way.
18:59 Amen.
19:00 Now keep on reading, folks.
19:02 You're a good audience... you really are.
19:05 Jesus said... verse 29... He told them this parable:
19:10 "Look at the fig trees and all the trees.
19:13 When they spout leaves you can see for yourselves
19:16 and know that summer is near.
19:19 Even so when you see these things happening
19:22 you know that the kingdom of God is near.
19:26 I tell you the truth: this generation will certainly
19:29 not pass away until all these things have happened.
19:33 Heaven and earth will pass away
19:35 but My words will never pass away" said our Lord.
19:40 "Be careful or your hearts will be weighted down with
19:44 dissipation, drunkenness, and the anxieties of life
19:50 and that day will close on you unexpectedly
19:54 like a trap. For it will come upon all those who live
19:58 on the face of the whole earth.
20:00 Be always on the watch and pray that you may be able to escape
20:04 all that is about to happen
20:06 and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man. "
20:11 Now listen to me my dear friends
20:13 in the little bit of time we've got here tonight.
20:15 And God is going to bless us.
20:17 The Holy Spirit is going to come into this meeting tonight.
20:21 The Bible tells us that there is going to be a final generation.
20:26 I know we live in an age of skepticism
20:30 in the world and in our own church.
20:34 I know we've got people who say
20:37 "Well you people have been preaching that stuff
20:39 and the Lord hasn't come. "
20:42 I want to tell them something tonight:
20:44 the Lord IS going to come. Amen!
20:47 The Lord may delay but the Lord is going to come
20:51 and He's going to come in power and He's going to come
20:55 in great glory. Hallelujah! Amen.
20:58 Now we're going to talk tonight for a little bit
21:01 about ten great signs.
21:05 And I want you to know tonight that the clock is ticking
21:09 and that the sands of time are running out.
21:13 Sign #1... we've got to go fast tonight.
21:17 Number 1: terrorism and the time of trouble.
21:25 There's no excuse for terrorism.
21:29 We've seen the dreadful actions of terrorists
21:33 in the Middle East even during the last few days.
21:37 There is no excuse for terrorism.
21:39 Terrorism is of the devil.
21:45 But I would remind you, my American friends
21:49 and my Australian friends watching the telecast,
21:52 that injustice is a breeding ground for terrorism.
21:58 Millions of refugees
22:03 in camps breed angry young men.
22:13 Around the world
22:16 terrorists are growing and growing and growing.
22:20 And I want to tell you folks something:
22:23 there'll be no end to the terrorists until Jesus comes
22:28 because society breeds terrorism today.
22:34 We breed it by false theology.
22:36 Now I'm going to say some things that are controversial...
22:39 which I never do.
22:46 As they say: "Lord have mercy. "
22:48 Now just listen to this.
22:50 False theology.
22:53 There is a great mis- understanding of Bible prophecy.
22:58 The prophecies about Israel.
23:01 The belief that the state of Israel is God's special nation.
23:07 Israel is a great nation
23:11 but she is no more the children of God
23:15 than Russia or America or Australia.
23:19 She is a Gentile nation
23:23 because the only people, my friend, who belong to the
23:27 house of Israel are the people who have accepted Christ
23:31 the Lord. Amen!
23:33 But you've got theology being taught today
23:36 in this great land... You know about it.
23:40 The idea that the church is raptured before the great
23:43 tribulation. Some people say: "Don't talk about it!
23:47 You'll get some people mad. "
23:48 I want you to know that idea is not taught in the Bible.
23:54 It's a fallacy.
23:58 The idea that converted Jews will spread the gospel
24:02 after the rapture... I want you to know
24:04 there'll be no people on the earth after Jesus comes.
24:08 That the antichrist attacks a restored temple
24:12 after 3-1/2 years...
24:16 And these ideas
24:21 have so permeated our society
24:26 that they even have a tendency to influence
24:30 decisions that are made.
24:36 But I want you folks to know this:
24:39 terrorism is a sign of the end.
24:43 Now we have the possibility of a war between Israel
24:48 and Iran. I say: "Lord have mercy upon us
24:54 because that will bring upon the world a holocaust! "
24:58 Israel is armed with nuclear weapons.
25:01 Iran is ruled by fanatical religious leaders.
25:12 How can people think it is business as usual
25:17 while the clock... the prophetic clock... is ticking?
25:24 Did you know there are suitcase nuclear bombs?
25:28 They're working on technology so that
25:31 they can carry nuclear weapons in handbags.
25:35 I guess they'd have to be big handbags.
25:41 It's only a matter of time before American cities
25:46 are destroyed.
25:49 It's only a matter of time,
25:52 and God has given to the church a message to preach.
25:56 This cannot be business as usual
25:59 unless we are so spiritually dead we cannot see the signs
26:04 of the times. Are you with me tonight? Amen!
26:06 Time fails me to tell of Pakistan, India,
26:12 North Korea... all with weapons.
26:15 The Bible spoke in Revelation 7 about the angel
26:20 holding back the winds of strife.
26:23 And when God says to the angel: "Let 'em go, "
26:28 everything that is written in the apocalypse
26:32 is going to happen.
26:34 And the things that we should have done we're going to say
26:38 to ourselves: "Why didn't we do it? "
26:43 Why does God send us this warning message?
26:45 Because He loves us!
26:47 He's preparing for us a home in glory
26:52 and therefore I want to tell you the good news is this.
26:56 You may say: "There's no good news in terrorism. "
26:59 The good news is this: Jesus is coming.
27:01 Amen! That's the good news.
27:04 Number 2... sign number 2:
27:06 I may not get through to the ten.
27:08 I don't care 'cause I'm going to preach tomorrow night.
27:11 And then I'm going to preach on Sabbath morning.
27:13 I may only get to point 10 by 12 o'clock on Sabbath morning.
27:17 That's all right... but then I've got other sermons, too.
27:21 Point number 2... second sign:
27:23 natural and man-made disasters.
27:29 You know what's going on at Yellowstone, don't you?
27:32 This is not speculation.
27:33 Did you know that the earth is rising in Yellowstone?
27:37 Did you know that?
27:38 Did you know that the people at National Geographic
27:42 have carried out scientific experiments
27:45 and they say beneath Yellowstone
27:48 there is a holocaust which is the greatest, the most potent
27:53 power probably in the history of the world.
27:56 And if it goes, the wave of lava
28:02 will take you out and will take out as far away
28:07 as Los Angeles.
28:11 The time is ticking. God has
28:14 an arsenal already prepared.
28:18 Time fails me to tell of earthquakes,
28:23 tsunamis, tornadoes, global warming.
28:29 I'm going to say "warning" because that's what the
28:32 National Geographic called its edition: Global Warning.
28:39 The earth is protesting her rape
28:44 by men and women consumed by greed.
28:50 The earth has been raped, and the earth is running a fever.
28:57 Global warming.
29:00 The good news is: Jesus is coming.
29:05 Sign number 3: now this is a strong one.
29:10 Doesn't apply to you, I believe, but it's a strong one
29:15 so I'm going to move it along right now.
29:18 The dumbing down... I'll say it again...
29:22 The dumbing down... the dumbing down of religion
29:28 and politics in preparation
29:31 for the mark of the beast.
29:39 We have become so dumbed down
29:45 that we can only elect a president
29:50 on 5-second sound segments.
29:57 Because we have become so dumbed down
30:02 by Hollywood and by society
30:09 that most of us can no longer think for ourselves
30:13 and therefore most of us will easily get the mark
30:17 of the beast.
30:20 I want you to take your Bible and turn over here
30:23 to Revelation 13:14-17.
30:27 I'm taking about the dumbing down of religion
30:32 and politics.
30:34 Revelation 13:14-17.
30:39 The apocalypse... the last book in the Bible.
30:43 Revelation 13:14.
30:49 Did I say 14? Yes I did.
30:54 "Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf
30:58 of the first beast he deceived the inhabitants of the earth.
31:04 He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast
31:07 who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
31:11 He was given power to give breath to the image of the
31:14 first beast so that it could speak and cause all who refuse
31:18 to worship the image to be killed.
31:22 He also forced everyone - small and great,
31:25 rich and poor, free and slave -
31:28 to receive a mark on his right hand
31:32 or on his forehead so that no one could buy or sell
31:36 unless he had the mark which is the name of the beast
31:39 or the number of his name.
31:42 This calls for wisdom.
31:44 If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number
31:47 of the beast for it is a man's number.
31:50 His number is 666. "
31:52 Now what I'm going to say is true
31:56 but gives little comfort.
31:59 The Christian Science Monitor
32:03 has published an article on religion
32:07 in the United States of America.
32:11 And I guess what applies here
32:14 applies with equal force in Australia and other places.
32:21 The Christian Science Monitor says
32:25 that religion in North America
32:30 has produced a group... a race of people...
32:34 who are monumentally ignorant.
32:40 It says that Christians know nothing
32:45 of the scriptures or the Word of God
32:49 and they can no longer think for themselves.
32:55 I add the words: "and thus they have become
32:59 candidates for the mark of the beast
33:02 because they don't think for themselves. "
33:05 Satan has successfully... I'm not saying this is true of you.
33:10 He has successfully worked to destroy our minds,
33:14 the capacity to think for ourselves.
33:18 We have become by and large a race of conformists...
33:23 even in our own church...
33:25 who are easily duped by slogans.
33:29 We easily believe lies...
33:32 whether those lies are told to us by government leaders
33:36 or by church leaders.
33:42 And so vast numbers of people in this great land
33:46 and in Australia and in other places
33:49 believe lies
33:54 without a second thought.
33:58 What is needed? Now my friend,
34:00 that is the very condition that prepares the world
34:03 for the mark of the beast.
34:05 Let me tell you what an Adventist Christian ought to be.
34:08 An Adventist Christian ought to be a person
34:12 and a Baptist Christian ought to be the same.
34:16 Any Christian ought to be the same.
34:18 A person who reads the Bible and by the grace of God
34:24 he thinks for himself. Amen!
34:27 Now we had a little lady who was a non-conformist
34:30 in our church, and it caused some people a lot of trouble.
34:36 She still does.
34:40 She said: "What is needed? People who read and study
34:45 the Word who will not be bought or sold at any price.
34:49 Whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle
34:53 to the pole. " Amen!
34:57 "People who have the integrity to say 'no' to sin,
35:01 tyranny, brainwashing, mind control, bribes,
35:07 or any promotion that comes with a price. "
35:13 Remember Martin Luther.
35:15 He said: "Unless I am convinced by reason or the text of the
35:20 Bible I cannot AND I WILL NOT recant. "
35:26 Now the dumbing down of religion and politics
35:29 is good news, however,
35:31 because it tells us Jesus is coming. Amen.
35:37 Now the fourth sign... And I'm sorry that these signs
35:41 are so so strong that they may disturb some of the saints.
35:47 The fourth sign is a sleeping church.
35:52 And I'm talking about my own church.
35:55 And I'm turning over here to Matthew 25 verses 1 down to 13.
36:00 Matthew 25 verses 1 down to 13.
36:08 Matthew 25 1 down to 13.
36:10 "At that time the kingdom of heaven will be
36:12 like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet
36:16 the bridegroom. " That is our Lord.
36:18 "Five of them were foolish and five were wise.
36:22 The foolish ones took their lamps
36:24 but did not take any oil with them.
36:26 The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.
36:31 The bridegroom was a long time in coming
36:35 and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. "
36:39 The whole lot.
36:41 "At midnight the cry rang out 'Here is the bridegroom;
36:45 come out to meet Him. '
36:47 Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. "
36:50 Now it is plain as you read that story
36:53 that this is referring to the true church in the last days.
36:58 But the Bible says even the true church
37:03 is asleep.
37:06 The good and the bad in the church are largely
37:12 asleep... indifferent to Christ and truth.
37:17 And that is one reason, my friend,
37:20 why there is so little real evangelism
37:23 and the preaching of the gospel to vast crowds of people.
37:29 I'm here to tell you tonight something:
37:31 the time is ripe for the preaching of the gospel
37:36 and the world is ready to hear it.
37:39 But what about the church?
37:44 The church seems to sleep on indifferent.
37:53 This lethargy is an amazement to angels and men
37:57 but it is a sign of the times.
37:59 But a sleeping church, in a sense, is good news
38:05 because Jesus is coming.
38:09 The fifth sign... here it is. The fifth sign:
38:14 spiritism.
38:17 The rise and the reign of spiritism.
38:21 Take your Bibles and turn with me to Revelation chapter 16
38:25 and verses 12 through to 14 dear hearts and gentle people.
38:30 Revelation chapter 16
38:33 and verses 12 and onwards.
38:38 The Bible says:
38:40 "The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river
38:43 Euphrates and its water was dried up to prepare the way
38:48 for the kings from the east.
38:50 Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs.
38:55 They came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the
38:58 mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
39:00 They are the spirits of demons performing miraculous signs
39:05 and they go out to the kings of the whole world
39:07 to gather them for the battle of the great day of
39:11 God Almighty.
39:12 Behold, I come like a thief.
39:15 Blessed is he who stays awake
39:18 and keeps his clothes with him so that he may not go naked
39:22 and be shamefully exposed. "
39:27 I don't know if you are aware of the fact
39:32 that it seems today that from that pit of great iniquity -
39:40 that pit of iniquity that is polluting the world with evil:
39:45 Hollywood -
39:48 every second movie seems to be about demons
39:52 or evil spirits.
39:56 Mmmm. I believe that Hollywood
39:59 is helping prepare the world for the very end.
40:05 Spiritism is real.
40:08 I don't have time tonight to talk about it.
40:11 But listen, I can tell you some things because I know it's true.
40:15 I'm not an armchair theologian.
40:19 I'm not an armchair theologian.
40:21 I am out in the battle.
40:23 Last year when I preached in Honiara...
40:27 Vast crowds... the biggest crowds in the history of that
40:31 part of the world. Thousands.
40:34 More than half the city of Honiara came every night
40:38 to the meetings.
40:41 Before the meeting on spiritism
40:43 I said to my men and my ladies on the team:
40:48 "Beware. Tonight we're going to have problems. "
40:53 They said: "You think so? "
40:55 I said: "Oh, it happens. "
40:56 So we prayed earnestly.
40:59 As soon as I walked out on the stage
41:01 there came a tremendous wind.
41:04 Just about blew me straight off the big stage.
41:07 And then the rain came down.
41:09 We're out of doors, you see.
41:10 We don't have a roof over our heads...
41:12 we've only got the sky.
41:13 So the rain came down in sheets.
41:17 But I cried out to God and I said to the audience:
41:19 "We are now under attack. "
41:22 "We're under attack ladies and gentlemen. "
41:24 You know how many people got up and walked out?
41:28 I guess about 50 women with their babies went to a place
41:32 where they had shelter. 35,000 people sat in the rain.
41:36 Got sopping wet. So did I!
41:40 I was pleased to be preaching in the rain
41:44 and getting sopping wet with the saints of God
41:48 and fighting the devil. Amen!
41:52 And as I preached on... As I cried out to God
41:56 because this is what I do when I'm preaching:
41:57 I cry out to God. I said: "God, come to our help.
42:00 We're under attack here. "
42:02 I was preaching on spiritism.
42:04 Then after we'd taken a good beating for about 40 minutes
42:08 the rain stopped and I preached on.
42:11 I was sopping wet; the people were sopping wet.
42:13 The stage was sopping wet. Then I had an altar call
42:16 and about 10,000 people came down the front to turn to God.
42:21 But the next night when I walked out on the stage
42:27 I believe in an unseen world of evil spirits.
42:32 I believe in an unseen world of Holy Spirits, too.
42:37 The angels. As I walked out on the stage
42:40 and I started to preach to that vast audience
42:43 and I'm preaching from the Bible and we have these vast
42:46 screens, a huge stage.
42:49 I felt on this shoulder
42:53 a strong hand grab me by the shoulder.
42:57 I felt the fingers go into my back.
43:00 I thought it was the campaign manager, Pastor Harold Harker,
43:05 come to tell me that maybe someone was going to try to
43:08 shoot me or something.
43:09 So I... I turned around.
43:14 There was somebody there but I couldn't see him.
43:21 But I felt the hand on my shoulder.
43:26 I talked to the native pastors.
43:28 I said: "What do you think? " They said:
43:30 "God was there.
43:34 A holy angel put his hand on your shoulder
43:37 to tell you: 'Be strong! Be of good courage. ' "
43:42 My friend, we live when the great warfare
43:47 between Christ and Satan is heating up.
43:51 I could talk to you about people who come to my meetings
43:54 who tell me that they talk to their dead loved ones.
43:57 But I've got no time tonight so I'm going to move along.
44:00 Sign number six: the days of Sodom are here.
44:05 I want you to come to the book of Jude and verse 7.
44:08 The book of Jude - second to last book in the Bible -
44:11 Jude verse 7.
44:13 And I've got some plain things to say about this tonight.
44:16 I believe it needs to be said
44:18 and I'm glad that 3ABN has the courage still
44:22 to preach the truth of the Bible. Amen!
44:24 Because we live in a time of great controversy
44:27 and not every channel - not every Christian channel -
44:30 is prepared to preach the truth of the Bible.
44:32 But 3ABN is... so you ought to support it.
44:36 Verse 7: "In a similar way
44:40 Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns
44:44 gave themselves up
44:46 to sexual immorality and perversion.
44:53 They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment
44:58 of eternal fire. " When it talks about
45:03 that perversion, my friend in America,
45:07 my friend in Australia,
45:11 my friend in Papua, New Guinea,
45:16 it is talking about the perversion of men
45:21 having sex with men.
45:27 And the Bible tells me that the wrath of Almighty God
45:32 came upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
45:36 because of that dreadful sin.
45:40 Let it be said very plainly
45:43 God loves the homosexual
45:46 just as He loves the heterosexual.
45:50 I've said it when I was the pastor of the church out there.
45:54 We have a new pastor - Pastor James Venegas.
45:57 Just a wonderful pastor and a man of God.
46:00 But I said when I was the pastor
46:03 "The doors of this church are open to every homosexual
46:08 in Los Angeles. You're wanted. "
46:10 Of course you couldn't fit them in.
46:12 We don't have a church big enough.
46:15 So God loves homosexuals.
46:19 But listen: when the president of the United States endorsed
46:24 same-sex marriage it was a blow to America
46:28 and the American family.
46:30 When the NAACP
46:34 threw their influence behind same-sex marriage
46:40 they turned their backs on the Word of God.
46:47 Judgment came upon Sodom and judgment came upon Rome.
46:52 It was said of Nero, the Roman emperor,
46:55 "He was every woman's man
46:58 and every man's woman. "
47:01 And that's why Rome went down.
47:05 Let not America think that she is so mighty
47:11 that God will not bring her down.
47:16 If you go to Washington, you can go...
47:19 Now I know I'll get letters from people saying
47:22 "You shouldn't preach on these things. "
47:24 Do you want me to be a liar? No!
47:28 Do you want me to be a coward?
47:31 Do you want me to go the way of apostate Israel?
47:35 By the grace of God I will preach the Word.
47:39 Amen!
47:40 If you go to Washington, you go to the Lincoln Memorial
47:44 and there is a great statement there. And it says:
47:47 "God is just, and justice cannot sleep forever. "
47:58 But the days of Sodom and Gomorrah are good news.
48:02 Jesus is coming.
48:05 Now my dear friends and gentle people,
48:12 I'm not going to get through these ten points...
48:15 but I'll get through them sometime.
48:18 But let me talk about one of the great prophecies
48:21 in the Bible, and that is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
48:26 Now take your Bibles and turn over here to Joel chapter 2.
48:31 Hosea, Joel... chapter 2 and verse 28 and onwards.
48:36 Have you got this text my dear friends? Turn to it.
48:39 We only guarantee the salvation of those people who bring
48:43 their Bibles to church. Joel chapter 2:28 and onwards.
48:47 "And afterward I will pour out My Spirit on all people.
48:50 Your sons and daughters will prophesy;
48:53 your old men will dream dreams... "
48:55 So everybody, you see?
49:00 "Your young men are going to see visions;
49:05 even on my servants both men and women. "
49:09 The women are going to get the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
49:12 "I will pour out My Spirit in those days.
49:16 I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth:
49:18 blood and fire and billows of smoke. "
49:21 I'm going to tell you a couple of quick stories.
49:23 Want everybody watching 3ABN tonight...
49:26 I want you to listen up.
49:28 I want you to hear something tonight
49:30 because it's absolutely wonderful. It is the truth.
49:33 Not long ago I was in China... at least in Hong Kong.
49:38 They brought in all of the pastors from that part of the
49:41 world and all the pastors from inland China.
49:46 It was my privilege to preach to them for three days
49:49 and we had a great evangelism seminar.
49:52 I'm going to tell you something.
49:54 Now this should give you a lot of hope.
49:58 In China we had a work. We had hospitals.
50:02 We had sanitariums.
50:04 We were established in China and then came the Communists.
50:09 And then came the Cultural Revolution.
50:12 You know what happened?
50:15 They took away our hospitals.
50:17 They took away our institutions,
50:21 and virtually all of our church members gave up the truth
50:27 and the light went out in China.
50:32 I was talking to a Chinese pastor... a saint of God.
50:37 He said: "The Communists told me you can never preach again. "
50:41 The next Sabbath he went to his church
50:44 and he preached a sermon... and they took him to prison.
50:48 He was put there for 10 years and beaten and tortured.
50:54 Every night he had to lie on a concrete slab.
50:58 His clothes rotted away.
51:00 He had hardly any decent food.
51:03 He became emaciated; he was sick.
51:09 Then after 10 years they said to him:
51:12 "We're going to let you out.
51:13 But you can write to your loved ones. You can write a letter. "
51:17 And so he wrote a letter to his mother -
51:20 our Chinese pastor - and he said: "Dearest Mother. "
51:25 The Communist officials said: "You can't send that letter.
51:30 You've got to take out the word dearest.
51:32 Nobody is dear to you. "
51:35 That's what the pastor told me.
51:37 They said: "You can't send that letter.
51:39 Nobody is dear to you. You're nothing; you're a scumbag. "
51:44 And then they put him in a rehabilitation center
51:47 indoctrination for 10 years.
51:50 He said: "It was worse than the prison. "
51:53 The beatings... twenty years in prison.
51:58 China threw out the West.
52:03 It threw out the foreign missionaries.
52:07 The Americans were sent home.
52:11 All the foreigners were sent home.
52:14 And the Communists said: "God has been sent home"
52:19 and the light went out.
52:24 You know what happened?
52:28 Do you want to know what happened?
52:33 This was told to me by the church's authority on history
52:39 for that time period.
52:41 Then they saw a little light over there.
52:45 A little light over here starting to shine
52:48 and then a little light over there.
52:51 The Spirit of God came down and without anybody from the
52:57 Western world He raised up thousands -
53:01 hundreds of thousands - of new believers on fire for God.
53:08 Now I want to say something to the ladies here tonight
53:13 because I think sometimes man ought to get out of God's
53:16 work and let God be God.
53:18 I spoke to a lady pastor.
53:22 I have never in my life felt the love that I felt
53:28 when I spoke to those people from Communist China.
53:35 This lady pastor is the pastor of a church of 20,000.
53:41 No men pastors.
53:43 She's the pastor of a church of 20,000,
53:47 ordained by God to preach the Word
53:51 and anointed by the Holy Ghost. Amen!
53:54 She's got a few young women who help her.
53:58 The church is carried largely...
54:01 you're not going to hear this everywhere...
54:03 The church is carried largely in China by the women.
54:08 God does His work in ways that astound the carnal mind.
54:13 I want you to know that Jesus is coming.
54:18 Listen: Jesus said the gospel of the kingdom is going to be
54:21 preached in all the world as a witness unto all nations
54:26 and then He said: "the end is coming. "
54:32 Listen: I have seen the power of God.
54:37 I'm going to talk about it more later.
54:40 I've seen the power of God.
54:43 Up in Port Moresby 100,000... 120,000...
54:48 130,000. The biggest crowds - secular crowds - in the history
54:54 of our church in more than 160 years.
54:59 You tell me... you tell me... The skeptic tells me
55:03 "It's lost its power. The day of evangelism is dead. "
55:08 No! It's not dead... you're dead. Amen!
55:11 You're dead. The skeptic is dead; the unbeliever is dead.
55:17 The last Thursday night I preached on the ministry
55:20 of the Holy Ghost... the Holy Spirit.
55:24 We put up a giant dove on the screen. Huge screen.
55:29 Huge projectors.
55:30 As I was preaching as I was taken home
55:34 one of the pastors came to me and he said: "Pastor Carter,
55:38 my members have come to me and they say a giant white dove
55:43 as you were preaching was flying over the audience. "
55:46 I said: "No? "
55:48 He said: "That's what our members are saying. "
55:50 I said: "No. "
55:55 Then the last Saturday night I was standing behind the
55:58 blackboard talking to a government minister
56:04 and I heard a cry from a crowd of maybe 150,000 people
56:10 like the sound of many waters.
56:16 And a great white bird swooped in and flew lovingly
56:20 over the audience. The people cried out
56:24 "God has visited His people. "
56:26 I have seen the power of God.
56:31 The good news is Jesus is coming.
56:36 Jesus is coming. Amen!
56:39 I want you to bow your heads.
56:41 Oh my Father, tonight we thank you
56:42 for the Bible. We thank you for Christ.
56:46 We thank you for the prophecies.
56:48 Help us to preach the Word with all our hearts.
56:50 Help us not to be cowards in this tremendous hour.
56:54 We thank you for the good news of the gospel:
56:57 that Christ died for fallen, lost sinners
57:01 and that He loves us... every person.
57:04 Bless us here tonight and fill us with the Spirit of God.
57:08 We thank you in Jesus' name, Amen; Amen.
57:13 God bless you dear folks.
57:15 God loves you... so do I.


Revised 2014-12-17