3ABN Homecoming 2012

The Sanctified Life, Part 1 - A Biblical Understanding

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Venegas


Series Code: 12HC

Program Code: 12HC000001

00:48 Well Danny, it's homecoming. It is.
00:51 It's great to be here. It's wonderful. We have
00:53 it each year. Yeah. Years ago we used to have one Camp Meeting.
00:57 Right. People started saying "Well how about in the Fall? "
01:00 And we said: "Well, not a lot of people can come.
01:01 You've got in school. People are back to work. "
01:04 Right. You know, all these things.
01:06 And they can only usually take one summer vacation
01:08 or time. But people said: "We really enjoy... "
01:11 So we said: "You know what? Where there be a few or
01:13 whether there be a lot, let's do it.
01:15 Let's organize it... put it together.
01:17 Let's have a great spiritual time in the Lord. "
01:19 And you know, we've got a good group here to start with
01:21 but we're going to have a fantastic group this weekend.
01:25 Um-hmm. I really believe that. A lot of people
01:26 are going to drive in.
01:28 You all are fantastic too. He just means - oh yeah - we'll
01:29 have more of you. Fantastic. More fantastic; more fantastic.
01:33 And they are going to drive in.
01:36 And you know, we've got even... this is unusual...
01:40 but we have some spots available for motorhomes
01:44 and trailers. So if you have one, bring it.
01:46 We'll find a place for you.
01:48 And hook-ups are free, right?
01:50 Yeah, absolutely. Just come. If you're watching
01:52 and literally on television wherever, you've got time
01:55 to show up. Now tomorrow we're going to have meetings
01:58 all day long. Yes. And all tomorrow night,
02:01 all day Sabbath. So we want you to...
02:03 those of you at home you know say: "Hey drive over. "
02:06 Maybe you're in 100 miles... 200. In fact, for Sabbath
02:08 you've got time to drive 1,000 miles if you want
02:11 if you get in tonight and get a good start.
02:13 Really do. And bring your kids with you
02:16 because we've got outstanding young people and children's
02:20 programs. Well, Maryann, of course, your daughter.
02:22 She's here but she has somebody special with us
02:25 this time. Well she does. She brought
02:27 several groups in. But one is the Knapps Group
02:30 that's here. Yes. All right! And they're working with
02:32 the teenagers I think it is. Yes... yeah.
02:35 And so these are fantastic young people
02:38 that have some experiences from around the world.
02:41 They will inspire your young people.
02:44 So be sure to bring them here for this weekend.
02:47 It's going to be just a really inspiring weekend.
02:51 Well it is. And we have as our special
02:54 speaker that's very... I mean, this was not easy
02:58 to get this guy scheduled here.
02:59 But Bro. John Carter. He's going to be telling us
03:02 some incredible stories of coming back from New Guinea.
03:05 Yeah. We just heard some of those. Amazing!
03:07 You don't want to miss this. No.
03:08 And he's going to be preaching after while.
03:10 We have another pastor we'll introduce in just a moment -
03:13 that's right - that's going to be here that you're going to be
03:15 blessed by this young man also.
03:17 That's right. And so we're just going to have a great time.
03:20 You all ready to have a great time in the Lord?
03:21 Everybody here? All right. I see some faces
03:24 that come every year, and we're glad that you are here.
03:26 Even twice a year some of you are coming back.
03:28 So praise the Lord that you're here!
03:30 So we're going to get ready for Camp Meeting.
03:31 I think we ought to just sing. We've got Jimmy Rhodes
03:34 over here. OK. We've got Jill Morikone over here.
03:36 And we kind of put them on the spot and asked them
03:39 to play What A Day That Will Be, just the chorus,
03:42 and we want you to sing it with us. All right?
04:20 Isn't that a beautiful song? It is!
04:22 What a day - glorious day - that will be!
04:25 How many is looking forward to that?
04:26 You all looking forward to that?
04:27 No more sickness. No more pain.
04:29 No more sorrow. Amen! And literally it's going to be
04:32 an amazing time. Elder Carter said something
04:34 earlier today. He said: "Well be sitting around
04:37 after... " What'd he say? "15 billion years. " Yeah right.
04:40 And we're like: "Wow! You don't really think about it. "
04:42 But he said: "Well that's what eternity's all about! "
04:44 That's right. Fifteen billion years from now
04:46 we'll be talking about - wow - the wonderful times
04:48 and the wonderful God that we serve.
04:51 We will. Right now we're going to
04:54 listen as Tammy sings for us. That's right.
04:56 Tammy Chance? That's right. You know her
04:58 pretty well, don't you? Well yeah. She's my baby sister.
05:01 All right. And brother Kenny's out here.
05:02 It's his baby sister. Yeah.
05:04 And this is... Tammy's going to come out.
05:06 She's actually doing a new project
05:08 over at the 3ABN Sound Center.
05:10 All right. Is it about finished? It's not finished.
05:12 Ooh, I didn't... it's your fault.
05:14 I started to say I wish I hadn't of brought it up.
05:15 I'm supposed... She asked me to sing one song
05:18 with her and I haven't had the chance this week.
05:20 So she keeps e-mailing me and says: "Get over there
05:23 and finish so we can have this album done. "
05:25 So, what are you going to sing tonight Tammy?
05:28 Father's Eyes. That's a real old one
05:30 about 20-30 years old. Amy Grant used to sing it.
05:33 A song with great meaning. All right. Amen.
05:45 I may not have been every mother's dream
05:50 for her little girl.
05:53 And my face may not grace
05:57 the minds of everyone in the world.
06:00 But that's all right.
06:03 As long as I can have one wish, I pray
06:08 when people look inside my life
06:13 I want to hear them say:
06:17 "She has her father's eyes. "
06:23 Her father's eyes.
06:26 Eyes that find the good in men
06:30 when good is not around.
06:34 Eyes that find the source of help
06:38 when help cannot be found.
06:42 Eyes full of compassion.
06:46 seeing every pain.
06:50 Knowing what we're goin' through
06:54 and feeling it the same.
06:59 Just like my father's eyes.
07:03 My father's eyes.
07:07 My father's eyes.
07:15 Just like my father's eyes.
07:24 On that day when we will pay
07:28 for all the things we have done.
07:32 Good and bad... they'll all be had
07:36 and seen by everyone.
07:39 But when you're called to stand and tell
07:43 just what you saw in me
07:47 More than anything I know
07:51 I want your words to be:
07:56 "She has her father's eyes. "
08:01 Her father's eyes.
08:05 Eyes that find the good in men
08:09 when good is not around.
08:13 Eyes that find the source of help
08:17 when help cannot be found.
08:21 Eyes full of compassion
08:25 seein' every pain.
08:28 Knowing what we're goin' through
08:32 and feeling it the same.
08:37 Just like my father's eyes.
08:42 My father's eyes.
08:46 My father's eyes.
08:53 Just like my father's eyes.
08:57 My father's eyes.
09:01 My father's eyes...
09:08 Just like my father's eyes.
09:16 Do do do do do.
09:23 Amen! Amen! Thank you, Tammy.
09:26 Well it's my privilege to introduce Pastor James Venegas.
09:30 And brought him out here because instead of just
09:34 the normal introduction he's kind of a new face to 3ABN.
09:38 Good looking young face, right?
09:40 And... Thank you. Yeah, he said "thank you"
09:42 and you all said "Yes. " You see that?
09:44 And he hails all the way from Down Under...
09:47 the great nation of Australia.
09:50 I know that's confusing for some people.
09:52 But yeah. We are now in Los Angeles,
09:56 and when I tell them that I'm Australian they kind of
09:58 scratch their heads a little bit. And I look like
10:01 every other "Los Angelene" around.
10:03 But I am Australian as you can hear with the accent.
10:06 Well you know, you don't have the accent that John Carter does
10:10 now... 'cause you don't say "lauer" do you
10:12 when you're talking about the law of God?
10:14 I think he says "the lauer of God"
10:16 and I'm always... "Oh, I know what he said.
10:18 The law of God. " Some are more broad than others.
10:20 Oh I see. OK.
10:22 All right. Well listen tell us a little bit about your past.
10:25 Were you born and raised in an Adventist home?
10:27 Yes I was. I was born and raised in Sydney, Australia
10:30 in the Adventist church.
10:32 My parents were immigrants from South America.
10:34 From Chile - OK - in South America.
10:37 So yeah, just... in a Spanish church
10:40 was where we started life.
10:41 And it was a very active evangelistic Spanish church.
10:44 Uh-huh. And I didn't move to an English church
10:47 until I became an adult.
10:49 And so... And I've been out of the Spanish
10:51 church for about 20 years now.
10:53 Wow. How long did you...
10:55 how old were you when you knew that God had a calling
10:59 on your life? Well it happened for me
11:00 I had the opportunity to sing in a group similar to
11:03 the Heritage Singers - OK - back in Australia.
11:06 And I was in that group and traveling around
11:08 speaking and singing to people that that penny dropped for me.
11:11 Just seeing the difference that was making in people's lives -
11:14 um-hmm - but also the difference that it was making in mine.
11:17 I moved away from the starry-eyed singer
11:21 to a real deep relationship.
11:22 And it started from there. That went to Avondale College
11:25 and then now pastoral ministry.
11:27 And speaking of pastoral, you're working with
11:30 Pastor John Carter. What are you doing there?
11:32 Tell us. Well, I've been on an amazing journey
11:34 this year. February 1 this year
11:36 we arrived for the first time in the United States.
11:39 My family: my wife Kaylene;
11:41 two children: Daniel, Leticia.
11:43 Um-hmm. We packed up from Australia and moved here
11:45 to pastor at the Carter Report Center
11:47 in Arcadia, California.
11:49 All right. So it's been a whirlwind for us.
11:52 And we've even gone to PNG to do an evangelistic campaign.
11:55 Now to here. It's just been an amazing year for us.
11:58 And we're going to be hearing a lot about PNG, I'm sure,
12:01 through both of you that have been there
12:03 and all of you because of some incredible
12:05 miracles that have taken place there. Elder Carter was sharing
12:09 some this evening. I said: "We've got to
12:11 get all of this out to the public. "
12:13 God is alive and well and He's still on the throne.
12:16 Can you say "Amen" to that? Amen!
12:17 Somebody excited tonight to be a Christian? Amen!
12:20 You glad that you've learned the truths of the Bible
12:22 through the Seventh-day Adventist church?
12:23 Many of you... our viewers that are watching...
12:25 We read a letter today... At the board meeting Jim did...
12:28 some guy said in the area... he said: "I used to deliver pizzas;
12:32 I had a rock band. " And he began to tell all about it.
12:35 And his band was starting to take off and do some things.
12:37 But he said: "I started watching and listening to 3ABN
12:41 television and radio and it's changed my life.
12:43 Everything in my life has changed. It's been godsend
12:46 literally. " Amen. So that's what's happening.
12:48 Tonight we're so happy to introduce to many of you
12:52 who don't know Pastor James Venegas.
12:54 It's a thrill for us to have you here
12:56 and we're looking forward to a great Camp Meeting
12:58 and we're asking God's blessings upon you.
13:01 Thank you for having me here, Danny. Thank you so much.
13:04 Well it is a real joy as I've said to be with you.
13:08 I know that when I arrived in the States, the very first
13:11 thing that I could read on people's minds was
13:14 "Hold on a minute. Is this guy truly Australian? "
13:17 And second to that is: "Boy... he looks young. "
13:22 And I've had to explain that we... we've been around
13:25 a little while. We've celebrated 20 years together with my wife.
13:29 My son is 14 years of age.
13:31 He's now in grade 9 here in the States.
13:33 And my daughter is 12 years of age.
13:36 So we've been around a little while.
13:38 But I guess I have to thank God for my South American
13:42 Hispanic skin.
13:45 Having been born and raised in the Adventist church
13:48 I have seen a lot in my time.
13:51 We've traveled a lot in the group that I've shared with you
13:53 about. And I really have come to the conviction
13:56 that in our church and in the Christian churches
13:59 there's a great need for Christians, for Adventists
14:03 alike, to be living a sanctified life.
14:08 I find that in the world that we live
14:11 we have Christians misrepresenting the character
14:15 of God every single week on the news.
14:19 And coming from Australia I guess we live in a country
14:23 that a little bit more along the atheist line.
14:26 And we have the major churches coming out these days
14:29 and misrepresenting God in ways you couldn't even imagine.
14:34 These days the leaders of these churches come out
14:37 on television interviews saying that the Bible
14:41 is just a made up story... that it's a myth.
14:45 These are religious leaders.
14:47 That the miracles of the Bible are just myths and that
14:51 the resurrection is again a myth.
14:53 We have people that misrepresent God in so many ways.
14:58 And so I believe that in our church -
15:00 in the Seventh-day Adventist church -
15:02 it's so important that we are living sanctified lives
15:06 so that the world can see the true character of God
15:09 through us.
15:12 My opening passage for this meeting and for my sermon
15:16 is found in Leviticus chapter 19.
15:19 And this is the launching pad for the sermon
15:21 that I'm going to share. Leviticus chapter 19 verse 2.
15:26 If you have your Bibles, I invite you to open them up.
15:30 And Leviticus 19 verse 2 reads as follows:
15:36 From verse 1: "The Lord said to Moses:
15:39 'Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them
15:43 be holy because I, the Lord your God,
15:48 am holy. ' "
15:51 And with that in mind I'm just going to invite you
15:52 to bow your heads as we ask God's presence
15:54 and His anointing on the Word.
15:57 Father in heaven, we are discussing a broad
16:00 subject tonight. This is an important message for us
16:05 as Adventists. It's an important message
16:08 that the world needs to hear and see through us as Christians.
16:13 But Lord, this message is also fraught with danger...
16:16 it's a subject that the devil is attacking.
16:18 He is trying to distort and misrepresent.
16:21 And so we ask especially for Your Holy Spirit to be
16:25 with us, to anoint us, to speak through us.
16:28 To open our eyes to what You want to teach us.
16:31 To help us to start living the sanctified life...
16:36 the Christlike life that You would have us live.
16:39 Is our prayer in Jesus' name, Amen.
16:46 Now this passage in Leviticus chapter 19
16:50 is a very important passage.
16:52 It's spoken by God through Moses to the people of Israel.
16:57 These people are a new nation.
16:59 They have just come out of Egypt.
17:01 They have gone to Sinai.
17:03 They have received the Ten Commandments...
17:05 the law of God.
17:06 And now God is establishing His rules for life,
17:10 His guidelines for their living.
17:13 And He tells Moses to lay it out immediately
17:17 straight up to tell them that God's purpose for His people
17:21 is that they be sanctified. That they be holy people.
17:25 And then throughout the book He specifies what that means.
17:29 What holy means. What it means to be sanctified.
17:32 So the whole book of Leviticus is really surrounding
17:37 this key message of sanctification.
17:40 Of being holy... of being sanctified.
17:45 He wants His people - God wants His people -
17:48 to be a people that are different to the nations that
17:52 surround Israel. And the nations that will
17:54 surround Israel once they move on to the Promised Land.
17:57 He wants His people to be distinct to the pagan
18:01 worship that existed in those days.
18:04 He wanted them to be different.
18:06 He's calling them to obedience.
18:09 He's calling them to faithfulness.
18:13 He's calling them to be separate... to be holy.
18:17 But this concept of being sanctified and holy
18:21 like I said in my prayer is a topic that has been skewed.
18:24 It's a topic that has been debated, and there's been
18:28 a lot of misunderstanding and disagreement
18:30 as to what it means to be holy.
18:33 And it's such an important topic for us as Adventist Christians
18:37 that I can show you that the Bible is really bookended
18:40 by the whole concept of holiness from start to finish.
18:44 If we open up our Bibles to Genesis chapter 2 verse 3,
18:48 for example, at the very outset of scripture we find
18:52 the theme of holiness right there.
18:54 Chapter 2 verse 3 of Genesis.
19:00 And it reads as follows:
19:05 "Then God blessed the seventh day... "
19:07 And what did He make it?
19:09 "holy. " Or He sanctified it.
19:13 And He... "because on it He rested from all of the work
19:18 of creating that He had done. "
19:20 And so the very first thing that we find in the story of
19:23 creation is that we get to the Sabbath. God blesses it.
19:26 He sets it apart and He declares it holy.
19:29 Straight up the theme is introduced of sanctification...
19:32 holiness.
19:34 And then if we turn to the end of the scriptures
19:35 we find that it ends in the same way.
19:38 In Revelation chapter 22 verse 11 where the
19:44 the subject of holiness is the last broach
19:48 to the closing of the entire Bible.
19:51 Revelation chapter 22 verse 11.
19:58 And it reads: "Let the one who does wrong
20:01 continue to do wrong" is the declaration.
20:04 "Let the vile person continue to be vile.
20:07 Let the one who does right continue to do right.
20:10 And let the holy person continue to be holy. "
20:17 So as you can see it's the theme that is
20:20 right throughout the Bible starting at Genesis,
20:22 continuing through to Revelation.
20:24 And it permeates the whole of the Bible and yet
20:26 we live in a world that scarcely speaks of holiness
20:31 any more. That scarcely talks about sanctification any more.
20:35 It is a theme that is to be avoided by many
20:39 for many reasons.
20:41 And I believe it's a Satanic work
20:43 that is... because the devil knows that his time is short.
20:47 He knows that if he can sabotage the whole idea
20:50 of what it means to be holy,
20:51 if he can get in there and confuse the people,
20:53 get them arguing about the topic amongst each other,
20:56 get them thoroughly distorting the concept,
21:00 then he will have a whole group of Christians
21:04 who claim a form of godliness
21:07 and yet deny the power thereof.
21:10 And so holiness is something that is much needed in our
21:13 churches but yet we don't hear it preached very often
21:17 from our pulpits any more.
21:22 So God wants specifically a sanctified people.
21:28 Now we've been talking about this in our lessons in the last
21:30 few weeks when we studied I Thessalonians.
21:33 But I want to show you one other passage in the New Testament
21:36 where Peter is challenging the Christians
21:39 to be holy as well... just like Moses did in the days of old.
21:44 So we'll open up to I Peter chapter 1 verses 15-16
21:48 and we'll find Peter reiterating what Moses said
21:52 all those years earlier.
21:53 I Peter chapter 1 verses 15-16.
22:01 The whole section is on being holy, but I'm just
22:04 grabbing a small portion of it.
22:08 Verse 15 reads: "But just as He who called you
22:12 is holy so be holy in all that you do. For it is written... "
22:18 and he quotes from Leviticus...
22:20 "Be holy because I am holy. "
22:25 So now this is a concept that is not just a broad concept
22:29 that requires holiness from a day.
22:32 We are no longer talking about holiness of articles
22:35 in the sanctuary service or of the holy place
22:39 or the most holy place.
22:41 We are being taught very specifically here
22:43 that God's people are to be holy.
22:47 So if Moses said that to the people of Israel
22:50 and now Peter says it to the early Christian church
22:53 who is now scattered all around the world, surely
22:57 this is a concept that is important for us as God's people
23:01 also today.
23:03 So what does the word holy actually mean?
23:06 What does the word holy entail?
23:10 What does it mean to be sanctified?
23:13 If we look up the words in the original language
23:16 in Hebrew the word holy is "qodesh".
23:18 And some of you may know this: that the word
23:20 qodesh in Hebrew means to consecrate,
23:24 to dedicate to, to be hallowed, to separate, to set apart.
23:30 And so essentially this idea is where things or people
23:34 are consecrated to God and set apart for holy use...
23:38 for holy purposes.
23:39 That is what the Hebrew word qodesh means.
23:43 Holy; to set apart; to consecrate for holy use.
23:47 And that extends to people as well.
23:50 To priests... to God's people.
23:52 In the New Testament we have another word called hagios
23:57 which is a Greek adjective as opposed to the Hebrew verb.
24:01 And this one has a similar connotation
24:03 to the Hebrew but with a slight...
24:05 slightly different meaning.
24:07 So hagios in the Greek means distinct.
24:11 It means different from.
24:13 It means other; it means different from the world.
24:19 So if you put these two words together...
24:21 if you put qodesh from the Hebrew
24:24 and hagios from the Greek together you have a concept
24:28 that is about being separate, being consecrated,
24:31 being distinct from the world in which we live.
24:37 Notice there's no mention there of moral behavior at that point.
24:43 The words really just refer to being different
24:46 to the way of the world and being like God who is holy.
24:52 It is a distinction that we have that God's people need
24:54 to have from the world. And so hagios provides the root
24:58 for many different Greek words like holiness,
25:02 sanctification, to sanctify, and saint.
25:07 So in essence holy means separate, different,
25:10 devoted to, consecrated to.
25:12 In essence it means being Christlike.
25:16 In essence it means having the attributes of God
25:20 who alone is holy.
25:22 He is holy other and He's absolutely morally perfect.
25:29 And so we are to share those attributes,
25:31 but this is where the misunderstanding can come in
25:34 where people can carry that through to its full extent
25:37 and we get a distortion of this truth.
25:41 In reality, the word holy is not about absolute perfection.
25:47 The word holy is about separation.
25:51 It's about consecration which includes obedience.
25:58 Did you hear that?
25:59 The word holy is about separation.
26:02 Separation from sin? Yes.
26:04 Separation from the world.
26:05 It's about consecration to God... holiness.
26:11 And Bible-believing Christians, Seventh-day Adventists,
26:14 must be true believers... truly sanctified, truly holy.
26:20 And the process starts when we accept Jesus...
26:23 when we accept Christ and salvation.
26:25 But then it extends from there for a lifetime
26:27 and we are transformed, changed into the image of God.
26:31 And then we have the passages that we've been studying
26:33 lately. For example: John chapter 17 verse 17.
26:39 John 17 verse 17.
26:42 We are told that Christians are to be sanctified by God's Word.
26:49 Verse 17 reads:
26:53 "Sanctify them by the truth:
26:56 Your Word is truth. "
26:59 And then if we were to just review some of the passages
27:01 we've been studying in our lessons in I Thessalonians...
27:05 I Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 3.
27:09 We'll just review a couple of these verses
27:11 because they're important to our theme.
27:14 I Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 3 to 7.
27:23 "It is God's will that you should be... " What?
27:28 "sanctified, made holy.
27:33 That you should avoid sexual immorality.
27:35 That each of you should learn to control your own body
27:38 in a way that is holy and honorable,
27:40 not in passionate lust like the pagans who do not know God.
27:44 And that this matter no one should wrong
27:47 or take advantage of a brother or sister.
27:49 The Lord will punish all those who commit" these things.
27:55 I'll just turn the page. "who commit such sins
27:58 as we told you and warned you before. "
28:00 So in essence this is about being different
28:03 to the pagan cultures around us.
28:04 To living a life that is according to God's will
28:08 for our lives.
28:12 The only other verse that I want to share along this line
28:15 is in the next chapter.
28:17 I Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23
28:20 where it says: "May God Himself,
28:23 the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.
28:28 May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept
28:31 blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
28:35 The One who calls you is faithful and He will do it. "
28:39 So there's no question that in scripture we are told
28:42 that God's people need to be sanctified.
28:45 There is no question that the Bible teaches holiness.
28:48 It is from cover to cover.
28:50 It is throughout the Old Testament and New.
28:53 But the problem is the devil takes ahold of a theme like this
28:57 and he skews it to such a point
28:59 that he gets the church arguing amongst itself
29:05 over the... over the theme.
29:07 He so misrepresents the idea.
29:11 He creates such misunderstanding.
29:14 And so we get this pendulum swing of people that...
29:17 that go to extremes on the subject
29:20 and the whole idea gets swept under the carpet.
29:23 People avoid it; it doesn't get preached on.
29:26 And yet it's such a fundamental teaching for our times...
29:30 for the last days.
29:32 For example, on one extreme we have some people that...
29:36 don't want to take the full step
29:40 where we are basically going to resemble
29:43 the image of God in a complete sinless state.
29:46 And so some of the people that subscribe to this view
29:50 to an extreme... they end up being very judgmental.
29:54 Critical of everyone they find.
29:56 They can be very nasty people.
29:59 And yet we get people on the other extreme
30:01 where they are completely permissive
30:04 and they lead a free and easy existence.
30:07 Easy... easy goes.
30:09 There are no rules; there are no boundaries.
30:11 And we have people... It never ceases to amaze me...
30:14 people living together before marriage as if it's -
30:17 I'm talking Christians - as if it's something that is...
30:21 that is normal.
30:23 We have all sorts of things that happen in God's name
30:27 because there is a pendulum swing the other way
30:30 where people object to any talk of Christian perfection.
30:36 But then the majority of us sit somewhere in between.
30:38 And what's interesting to me is that there is a...
30:41 there is a lukewarm existence that happens in our churches
30:44 where we see ourselves as having a balanced view,
30:49 as having a balanced theology,
30:51 as understanding the concept of holiness
30:54 and yet in the churches that I have seen
30:57 in the places that I have been
30:59 we find a Christianity that is well and truly lukewarm.
31:05 That is not holy in the sense that the Bible teaches.
31:11 We find unsanctified Christians in our pews
31:17 who claim to have that form of godliness.
31:19 Claim to take the name of Christian
31:24 and yet the behavior is just not compatible
31:29 with the nature, with the person of Jesus Christ.
31:34 And I'm talking about the majority of us sitting here.
31:38 You and I. I'm not talking about anyone to any extreme now.
31:41 I'm talking about those of us who are regular church attenders
31:44 who claim to be practicing, active Seventh-day Adventist
31:47 Christians.
31:50 And yet where is the character of Christ?
31:54 I'm being very frank with you because to be honest
31:58 I have seen such behavior in my short years.
32:04 I've seen such bitterness.
32:06 I've seen such anger defending Christian truths.
32:12 I've seen a lot of knowledge where we can defend every single
32:15 fundamental that we believe and yet
32:18 when the rubber meets the road
32:20 our behavior just doesn't match up with the claim that we make
32:24 of being Christians... Christ-like, sanctified people.
32:30 And I ask myself: "What is going on? "
32:33 And I'm reminded that obviously we live in the last days
32:37 of this earth's history and the devil is attacking
32:41 like never, ever before.
32:44 The devil does not want the church sanctified
32:47 and representing Christ as it should be representing Him.
32:50 The devil is trying to do whatever it takes
32:54 to distort this concept and to have us misrepresent
32:58 the character of Christ.
33:01 And so we have people that indulge in all sorts of
33:06 entertainment. We have people that...
33:09 that happily drink and will happily do things
33:15 very similar to the world.
33:17 There is no difference; there is no setting apart.
33:20 The church is starting to look just like the world
33:24 in which we live.
33:28 And I believe that this is no coincidence
33:31 and we need to take stock of what is going on
33:36 in our churches.
33:38 I also believe that our leaders
33:40 need to be sanctified leaders.
33:43 I find that we are losing a sense of sanctity and integrity
33:49 in our leaders. The leaders need to be leading
33:52 by example. And this was the whole problem with the nation
33:55 of Israel. It was the high priest,
33:57 it was the leaders themselves,
33:59 that had lost that relationship with God.
34:01 That had lost their idea of sanctification.
34:03 And so they themselves were leading the nations astray.
34:09 And I believe this is what's happening in our world leaders.
34:12 Pastors, elders, as well as church members
34:18 have lost the idea of sanctification.
34:25 So what we need is a sanctified church...
34:29 a Christ-like church.
34:32 But what does... what does this take?
34:36 What has to happen?
34:38 I believe what has to happen is that we need to start
34:41 to see ourselves in the mirror of God's Word.
34:45 Because everybody that I've met
34:48 kind of justifies where they are at.
34:51 There are very few people that will admit
34:53 that they are living unsanctified lives.
34:57 I've rarely come across a person who has said to me
35:00 "Yes, look... I'm falling short. "
35:02 Most people will somehow... somehow
35:05 find that they sit somewhere in the middle,
35:08 somewhere close to Christ,
35:09 and everybody else is somewhere else.
35:13 Rarely do we see ourselves clearly in the mirror
35:16 of God's Word and in God's commandments
35:18 and realize that: "Hey... this is me! "
35:23 There's not some mysterious church out there that lacks
35:26 sanctification. It's not the Adventist church
35:28 or the leadership of the church.
35:30 We are the church!
35:33 And if sanctification is going to begin in our church
35:35 surely it begins with me.
35:38 Surely it begins with me.
35:46 A truly sanctified person, according to scripture,
35:49 is someone who never sees themselves as perfect
35:54 or good.
35:56 A truly sanctified person is someone who never
35:59 sees themselves as perfect or good.
36:05 A truly sanctified person is constantly dwelling on the
36:09 character of Christ.
36:12 Constantly dwelling on Christ's character...
36:16 not so much on me and my character.
36:19 A truly sanctified person is someone who
36:23 has subconscious Christlikeness.
36:28 Someone who's not even aware that they are Christ-like.
36:31 Someone who is Christ-like and other people can tell
36:34 but yet they don't have an awareness of it.
36:37 In fact, the person is more aware of their own sinful state
36:43 than anything else.
36:46 Being Christ-like is a conformity to God's will
36:51 in every area of our lives...
36:53 not just in the religious, church-going area.
36:57 It is taking God's will to every corner of our lives.
37:01 To every corner of our heart.
37:03 To every part, every segment, everything we do
37:06 from work to leisure to family to marriage.
37:09 Every aspect of our lives needs to be permeated by
37:13 this sanctification.
37:15 God's will needs to cover all of that.
37:18 Nothing should be hidden from Him.
37:23 Sanctification is also a progressive...
37:26 a progressive process.
37:30 We are called saints because it starts at salvation.
37:33 When someone comes to Christ they are justified
37:36 and sanctification begins at that point.
37:39 But it is a process that takes a whole lifetime
37:43 where God works through tough times, through good times.
37:47 He works on our character molding us and shaping us
37:50 into the image of Christ.
37:55 And you know, sanctification is always linked to evangelism
38:00 and to service. There is no such thing as being
38:04 sanctified and I guess just coming to church
38:07 and sitting in a pew and not living for anybody else
38:12 but ourselves. To just becoming fat Christians
38:16 where we just are fed and fed all the time
38:18 and we never serve, we never evangelize.
38:22 That's not sanctification. It can't be!
38:25 I mean the only reason we're on this earth still
38:28 is that there's a world out there that needs to be saved.
38:31 So surely sanctification also includes evangelism.
38:35 We can't just be sitting around on our hands
38:39 waiting for the second coming of Christ.
38:41 We need to be "sign-doers" not just "sign-watchers. "
38:44 So sanctification includes that as well:
38:48 service, evangelism.
38:54 I want to now kind of switch a little bit
38:56 'cause I've been showing you a bit of scripture and theology
38:59 and I want to share with you a little story that for me
39:02 really shows what sanctification looks like.
39:06 What it looks like in a person's life.
39:08 It is a Bible story that I think is an excellent
39:12 illustration of what it means to be sanctified.
39:15 I think it's full of lessons for us
39:17 to hold on to and to learn from.
39:20 And so I want to invite you to open up your Bibles
39:22 to Genesis chapter 37
39:25 which is the very beginning of scripture
39:29 to one of the most famous Biblical stories in the whole
39:33 of the Bible. Genesis chapter 37.
39:36 So in essence what we've done is we've laid down the foundation
39:39 theologically from scripture the passages that talk about
39:42 holiness and sanctification.
39:44 But now I want us to see what it actually looks like
39:47 in real life... in a person's life.
39:50 So Genesis chapter 37
39:54 and I want us to read from verse 3.
40:02 And it says: "Now Israel loved Joseph
40:05 more than any of his other sons
40:08 because he had been born to him in his old age.
40:13 And he made an ornate robe for him.
40:16 When his brothers saw that their father loved him
40:18 more than any of them they hated him
40:22 and could not speak a kind word to him.
40:26 Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers
40:30 they hated him all the more.
40:32 He said to them: 'Listen to this dream I had.
40:36 We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field
40:38 when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright
40:41 while your sheaves gathered around mine
40:45 and bowed down to it. ' "
40:48 This is a young man... We all know the story.
40:51 I want to just give you a little bit of background on this
40:53 story and why I like it so much.
40:55 This story is the longest Biblical narrative -
40:58 Biblical story - in the entire Bible.
41:00 It is so full of lessons for us to learn
41:04 on the subject of sanctification.
41:07 What I need to also share with you is that
41:09 Hebrew narrative needs to be understood in a different way
41:12 to the way we think in the Western world.
41:15 I need to tell you that Hebrew narratives
41:18 are very compact in the sense that they
41:21 don't give a lot of descriptive words for characters
41:23 or for places. They are very compact
41:26 because the Hebrew language was a very small language.
41:30 In fact, it only had 5,000 words
41:34 in its whole vocabulary.
41:37 And that was 5,000 but only 2,000 of them were
41:42 root words. So 2,000 root words
41:44 extended to 5,000 words is all they had to use
41:48 to explain their stories.
41:50 And so they would have to use a lot of different conventions
41:54 to try to get their point across.
41:57 I tried to find out how many words we have
41:59 in our English language. And it's very hard to determine
42:02 but they say it's about 250,000.
42:05 A quarter of a million words in our language
42:08 to explain what we need to explain.
42:11 So you can imagine the difference.
42:12 Where I can break something up and I can give you adjectives
42:16 and really pull something apart
42:18 whereas the Hebrews had just the stories.
42:21 And they had to use things like repetition,
42:23 they had to use things like dialogue
42:27 to get the character across.
42:29 They would often place stories side by side
42:33 without any comment, and what you would have to do
42:35 is compare those two stories to see what lesson the author
42:39 wanted to get across.
42:42 And the characters were rarely described.
42:46 Their motives are rarely described.
42:48 We have to really try to understand and hear
42:50 the dialogue and try to see their actions to work out
42:54 who's the good guy and who's not the good guy
42:56 and try to find out what the story is about.
42:58 And so with that in mind
43:01 I want us to just notice a few things about the story
43:04 of Joseph and what we can learn
43:07 about sanctification from his life.
43:10 I need to tell you that this young man grew up
43:12 in a dysfunctional home with many step siblings.
43:18 And this was the result of Jacob's unfaithfulness
43:21 in a time in his life where he lacked the faith
43:25 to trust in God.
43:26 And so he had all of these children to different wives
43:30 and it was a really difficult family to live in.
43:35 And out of this dysfunctional family comes this young man
43:41 with a difference. He stands out.
43:43 He's got a pure heart and a pure mind.
43:49 He's very honest
43:51 and he enjoys a close relationship with God.
43:54 Ellen White talks about him sitting at the feet
43:57 of his father, hearing the stories of all of how God worked
44:00 in the lives of his father and his great-grandfather.
44:04 He had a real interest in God and the Word of God.
44:09 There's no coincidence that he was receiving
44:12 prophetic visions from God at such an early age.
44:16 This young man must have been an exceptional,
44:19 godly, sanctified young man.
44:25 And you know, his pureness of heart
44:28 and his character really accused
44:34 the characters of his brothers.
44:37 You may notice early in the story he doesn't actually
44:39 say any more than he has to. His words are very brief.
44:42 He describes his dreams in a kind of naive way
44:47 and when they get upset he doesn't answer back.
44:50 He doesn't elaborate.
44:52 He doesn't actually say: "Yes, one day you're
44:54 going to all bow down to me. "
44:56 He's kind of perplexed just like they are
44:58 trying to work out this dream.
45:00 So it's a naive thing that he's sharing these dreams
45:03 with his brothers.
45:06 And his character stood out and made them look bad.
45:10 And so it wasn't only Jacob's favoritism that made them angry.
45:14 It was his life... it was his sanctified life
45:18 that made them angry because it showed them up.
45:24 And so we have the story.
45:26 You know it well, many of you,
45:28 where the brothers plot to kill their younger brother.
45:32 And they wait for him. They see him from afar
45:35 and they are prepared. They're so angry they want to...
45:38 they want to murder him in cold blood.
45:42 But Reuben - the oldest brother - says: "No,
45:44 let's just throw him in an empty well. "
45:46 And they do that.
45:51 But the anger is so great
45:55 that they can't... they can't keep him there.
45:59 They end up selling him to Midianites - Ishmaelites -
46:02 on their way to Egypt.
46:04 You know, the interesting part of the story -
46:07 and Ellen White talks about this too -
46:09 is that after they manhandle him in anger
46:14 and they sell him off to the Midianites, and he finds himself
46:17 alone without his father,
46:20 he finds himself afflicted on the way to a strange land,
46:26 his mind goes back to the angry eyes and the hatred
46:30 that his brothers had displayed towards him.
46:36 And you know, in that moment Ellen White tells us
46:39 that he had a moment of uncontrolled grief.
46:44 He had a moment of deep terror for a time.
46:49 Which implies to me that this young man - though sanctified -
46:52 was not perfect. He had a moment where he...
46:54 he distrusted. He didn't know what we going to happen
46:57 in this foreign land.
47:01 But on that trip he takes a moment to take stock.
47:05 He takes a moment to recognize his own faults.
47:11 He comes to the conclusion that yes, he has been
47:14 self-sufficient, he's been demanding.
47:16 He recognizes that he's fallen short.
47:21 And then he's reminded of the God of his father, Jacob,
47:25 and he's reminded of the stories that he heard at the feet of his
47:28 father. Stories about how when his father was far from home
47:32 felt the presence of God and the presence of angels.
47:35 And how his father had trusted in the promises of God
47:40 and God had never let him down.
47:42 And so it's at that point on the way to Egypt that...
47:47 that young Joseph makes a decision
47:50 that will be the turning point in his life.
47:54 At 17 he makes a decision that
47:58 would change his life forever.
48:03 He decides that he will be faithful to God
48:08 no matter what would come in his future.
48:13 He decides that he would lead
48:19 a sanctified, God-pleasing life
48:22 regardless of the trials that may lay ahead
48:25 and even the temptations.
48:29 And so he has a moment with God
48:33 that completely shapes the rest of his life.
48:38 And we know the remaining part of the story
48:41 where he well and truly encountered deep, deep trials
48:46 and major temptations
48:49 and he stays faithful.
48:51 And as a result of that faithfulness we find an increase
48:55 in his blessings... for him and for those around him.
48:59 And I have a couple of examples. Verses that I want to
49:02 just show to you that the blessing of God
49:04 as it increased as he went along.
49:07 In chapter 39 verse 2 we have the first example
49:13 where it says: "The Lord was with Joseph
49:15 so he prospered. And he lived in the house
49:18 of his Egyptian master.
49:20 When his master saw that the Lord was with him,
49:22 that the Lord gave him success in everything that he did,
49:26 Joseph found favor in the eyes of his master
49:30 and became his attendant. "
49:31 Potiphar put him in charge of his household.
49:34 He entrusted into his care everything that he owned.
49:37 From that time on he put him in charge
49:40 of everything that he owned essentially
49:43 as Potiphar recognizes in this young man something different.
49:48 Something that separates him from the rest.
49:53 And then we build on this.
49:54 There's repetition that goes on in this story.
49:56 In verse 20 of that same chapter
49:59 we read a very similar passage
50:01 where he is now in prison and it says:
50:04 "Joseph's master took him and put him in prison -
50:07 the place where the king's prisoners are confined -
50:10 but while Joseph was there in prison the Lord was with him. "
50:15 We've heard this before.
50:16 He showed him kindness, granted him favor
50:19 in the eyes of the prison warden now.
50:22 And so the prison warden puts Joseph in charge
50:25 of all of those held in the prison.
50:27 Makes him responsible for everything there.
50:30 He continues to be blessed
50:32 AND whoever comes into contact with this young man
50:35 is blessed as a result.
50:38 And so this blessing increases.
50:41 And we have another verse in chapter 41 in verse 39 where...
50:45 where it says on a bigger scale now.
50:48 Now we are seeing Pharaoh - who is essentially the king
50:53 of Egypt... "Then Pharaoh said to Joseph
50:55 'Since God has made all this known to you
50:58 there is no one so discerning or as wise as you.
51:02 You will be put in charge of my palace
51:04 and all my people are to submit to your orders.
51:08 Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you. ' "
51:11 So we've gone from the house of Potiphar
51:14 to the prison of the king
51:16 now to the whole nation of Egypt.
51:19 And it's doesn't even stop there.
51:20 There's another verse in that chapter - verse 56-
51:23 where we are told it extended to the whole world.
51:27 When the famine was spread over the whole country
51:30 Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain
51:34 to the Egyptians. We're talking about a vast region
51:37 of people that he was responsible for
51:40 and were blessed as a result of his commitment
51:43 and faithfulness to God.
51:46 And so we kind of know the story.
51:48 We kind of know that this young man was different
51:51 and that God blessed him as a result.
51:53 What I'd never realized before in this story
51:55 when I was younger and I've found out in recent years
51:58 as I've studied it more
52:00 was that there is a comparison made in this story
52:02 that the author - Moses - wants us to see.
52:05 And I didn't see it in Sabbath School.
52:07 I didn't see it when I was a young man.
52:09 And I quickly just want to show you that comparison.
52:12 It's found in chapter 38 of Genesis.
52:18 Chapter 38 of Genesis.
52:20 There is a bit of an interruption in the flow
52:22 of the story. And I don't know why I hadn't noticed it,
52:27 but it is there and it is significant.
52:29 In chapter 38 we no longer have the story of Joseph.
52:33 Joseph starts in 37
52:36 and then it continues 39, 40, 41, up to 45.
52:40 Chapter 38 is different.
52:42 There is like a change in scene there
52:47 and we talk about... we learn about Judah, his brother.
52:52 And what we learn in the story, just to be brief
52:54 because we don't have a lot of time,
52:56 is that just as Joseph left his father's home
52:59 Judah also left his father's home.
53:02 Joseph was taken without his consent
53:07 but Judah decided to leave of his own volition.
53:10 Judah heads out to Canaan.
53:13 We are told that Judah marries a Canaanite woman.
53:16 We are told that he has three boys to this Canaanite woman
53:20 but everything goes wrong with Judah.
53:25 He loses his firstborn.
53:28 He loses his second born, and God calls them both
53:31 "wicked... " these two boys of Judah.
53:34 Then Judah loses his wife.
53:38 And then eventually he fails to trust God
53:41 and he ends up committing a grievous sin of adultery
53:47 with Tamar, his eldest son's daughter,
53:50 thinking that she's a prostitute.
53:51 She was veiled. And he solicits her
53:55 and has intimate relations with her
53:57 and ends up destroying everything.
54:01 And so the contrast is clear.
54:04 Where one son's - Joseph's - life is up and up
54:07 as a result of his faithfulness,
54:09 the other son's life is on the slide as a result
54:14 of his unfaithfulness.
54:16 His unsanctified life.
54:19 I believe that Moses put that clause there
54:22 for us to see the contrast between what it is to live
54:26 a sanctified life versus an unsanctified life.
54:31 Joseph and Judah.
54:34 What's amazing to me is that Joseph is the hero
54:38 of the story and yet it is Judah
54:40 who ends up being the great great grandparent
54:43 of King David.
54:45 And it is Judah and through his line
54:48 that Jesus Christ comes... not Joseph.
54:52 And I believe that Moses put that chapter in there
54:56 to show the people of Israel who needed to come back to God,
54:59 that needed to be a holy nation,
55:01 he wanted them to see one example of Joseph
55:03 who was always faithful to God and who hardly ever
55:07 made an error but he also wanted to tell them
55:13 that Judah - who took a different journey,
55:16 he almost took the long way around,
55:18 whose life was unholy and unsanctified at one point
55:22 but who hit such a rock bottom in his life
55:25 where he realized the error of his ways -
55:28 and he, too, came back to a sanctified experience.
55:33 And for me the clincher of the story -
55:35 and I've only got a few moments to finish -
55:37 is found in chapter 44 verse 18.
55:46 44 verse 18.
55:59 We find Judah entering into the presence of Joseph
56:02 at the end of the story.
56:04 And for many many verses on we find Judah pleading
56:08 for the life of his younger brother Benjamin.
56:11 Something has changed in the life of Judah.
56:15 Something has changed.
56:17 And we don't have time to read the whole section
56:19 so I'm just going to grab the ending of it
56:21 where Judah is pleading for the boy. In verse 30 it says:
56:25 "So now if the boy is not with us
56:27 when I go back to my father,
56:29 if my father - whose life is closely bound up with the
56:32 boy's life - sees that the boy isn't here, he will die. "
56:35 And then verse 33 says: "Now please,
56:37 let your servant remain here as my lord's slave
56:40 in place of the boy. Let the boy return home. "
56:43 And then in verse 34 he says:
56:45 "How can I go back to my father if the boy is not with me?
56:48 No. Do not let me see the misery that would come
56:51 to my father. " Essentially
56:54 Judah had just offered his life for his younger brother
56:58 and he has just pleaded for the father that he once
57:01 didn't care at all about.
57:04 So the Israelites heard this
57:06 and they realized the importance of turning back to God.
57:09 And I think we, too, must learn the importance
57:14 of a sanctified life
57:17 and coming back to God even if we've strayed.
57:20 And it's not about absolute perfection. It is about...


Revised 2014-12-17