Generation of Youth for Christ 2012

Sunday evening & Tuesday Late Morning - Music and Members in Action

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 12GYC

Program Code: 12GYC000015

00:11 Happy Sabbath. Got you.
00:14 Well, wait a minute. Wait a minute, Livvy.
00:17 It's Sunday.
00:19 It is Sunday. Okay.
00:21 Well, it wasn't Sabbath today but it was a very good day.
00:25 Amen. Amen.
00:27 Kyle, why was it such a good day?
00:28 It was a good day because we went on--
00:31 what was it everyone?
00:32 Outreach.
00:33 How many of you went on outreach?
00:36 Amen. Amen.
00:37 How many of you were called?
00:41 How many of you were really called?
00:43 All right, everyone. I was shivering.
00:44 My hands couldn't even move after a while, Livvy.
00:47 But it was a blessing.
00:48 I know that all of you that went,
00:50 you met people and you prayed with people
00:52 and people signed up to come
00:53 to our evangelistic meetings, amen.
00:55 It was a tremendous day, today. Amen.
00:58 So when we were loading the buses
01:01 I was standing out here waving flags,
01:03 directing people where to go.
01:04 And I was so struck by how happy everyone looked.
01:10 And I was thinking about this
01:11 because I don't think God needs us.
01:14 He's God-- please.
01:15 He's the God that said that
01:17 if we didn't sing His praises the rocks would cry out.
01:20 He also said that He could make
01:22 and I'm pretty sure that if He needed to
01:25 He could make faithful Adventists
01:27 out of these rocks to spread the gospel to the world.
01:30 So it must be then that it is God's graciousness
01:36 and from His kindness that He allows us
01:38 to participate with Him
01:40 in telling the world about Jesus.
01:42 And I've seen that today.
01:44 I've seen that today that spreading Jesus makes us happy.
01:49 I've seen that in your faces today
01:51 and that has been a privilege for me.
01:52 Amen, amen.
01:53 And I saw it on everybody's faces
01:55 as we were coming back today Livvy, as well.
01:57 And I'll just share really quick,
01:58 I was out there and we went to the doors
02:01 and I honestly-- I didn't know what to think.
02:02 I mean, we're in Seattle, you know, I didn't know
02:05 that it was gonna be very successful
02:06 and my faith was low, I'll be honest, okay.
02:09 But the second door, the second door,
02:12 a lady came and we handed her the flyer.
02:14 And she looked at it and we could tell that
02:16 she was interested and she looked it over
02:18 and she said, you know, I've been searching
02:21 and I think I'm gonna sign up to come.
02:23 And so she signed up to come. Amen.
02:25 And so we'll call her Anna.
02:27 I'm sure there are many other stories like that
02:30 and whatever the response was at the door for you today,
02:34 whether it was someone who signed up
02:36 or maybe they just took the flyer
02:38 or maybe you just prayed with someone.
02:41 God has promised us in Isaiah 55:11.
02:43 I'll just read for you this promise.
02:45 He says, "So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth,
02:49 it shall not return unto me void,
02:52 it shall accomplish what I please."
02:55 Amen? Amen.
02:56 God's word will not return void
02:58 and we can claim that promise tonight
02:59 and believe that the efforts that went out today
03:02 will make a difference for God's kingdom eternally.
03:04 Amen.
03:05 Let's bow our heads and pray as we begin.
03:08 Father, thank you for this day, the wonderful day
03:11 that we've had together the outreach that took place.
03:14 Father, we want to pray for each and every flyer
03:17 that went into a home this afternoon.
03:20 We want to pray for each and every person that we met.
03:24 People like Anna who are searching for You,
03:28 people like Anna who need You.
03:29 Father, we pray that You would move upon on their hearts
03:32 to come to these evangelistic meetings.
03:33 Please Lord, please use our feeble efforts today
03:38 to bring many into Your kingdom.
03:39 We pray for baptisms, hundreds of baptisms, Father.
03:43 Thank You for what has taken place.
03:46 To Jesus be all the praise tonight.
03:49 Be with us now in this evening devotional
03:51 we pray a special blessing upon our speaker Pastor David.
03:54 These things we ask in Jesus name, amen.
03:56 Amen.
04:24 Darkness around me
04:28 Sorrow surrounds me
04:33 Though there be trials
04:38 Still I can sing
04:43 For I have this treasure
04:48 My God reigns within me
04:53 And I am determined
04:58 To live for the King
05:06 I am determined
05:11 To be invincible
05:15 Till He has finished
05:20 His purpose in me
05:24 And nothing shall shake me
05:28 For He'll never forsake me
05:33 I am determined
05:37 To live for the King
05:53 Hell's gates are trembling
05:57 from our prayers ascending
06:02 Darkness is crumbling
06:05 From praises we sing
06:10 Our Sovereign,
06:12 Victorious is marching before us
06:19 And we are determined
06:23 To live for the King
06:30 I am determined
06:34 To be invincible
06:38 Till He has finished
06:42 His purpose in me
06:46 And nothing shall shake me
06:50 For He'll never forsake me
06:55 I am determined
06:59 To live for the King
07:06 When I am weary,
07:10 I'll look to His face
07:14 And when I am tempted
07:18 I'll trust in His grace
07:24 I'll trust in His grace
07:30 I am determined
07:35 To be invincible
07:39 Till He has finished
07:43 His purpose in me
07:47 And nothing shall shake me
07:51 For He'll never forsake me
07:56 I am determined
08:00 I am determined
08:04 I am determined
08:08 To live for the King
08:20 I'll live for the King
08:30 Amen.
08:35 I have a group of amazing leaders with me today.
08:39 And they are the leaders of GYC affiliates
08:43 across North America.
08:45 And I've two questions for them.
08:47 Number one, to tell us the territory they cover.
08:52 Number two, tells us the plans you have for 2013,
08:58 so that every young person can be involved in the mission
09:02 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
09:05 Thank you, Valmy.
09:07 My name is Brennen Vaneck
09:08 and I'm representing ACTS for Christ in Western Canada.
09:12 ACTS stands for Adventists Commissioned
09:14 to Train Servants for Christ.
09:16 Our next conference is going to be March 28 till 31st.
09:23 The theme is, "Do You Love Me?"
09:27 It's based off of John 21 when Jesus asked Peter,
09:30 "Do you love me?"
09:32 For more information please visit
09:33 our website at
09:36 Thank you.
09:37 My name is Kimberly St. Val and I represent GYC Atlantic.
09:42 We cover the north eastern states
09:44 of the United States of America.
09:46 And our conference for next year
09:48 will be in October.
09:49 And for more information
09:51 we are located at
09:57 First of all I want to say. Buenas tardes, GYC.
10:02 Oh, there's so many Hispanic over here.
10:05 My name is Alexander Ramirez and I do represent GYC Espanol.
10:09 We have wonderful plans across the States.
10:11 We're gonna have youth rallies in California,
10:13 Illinois, Texas and New York.
10:16 But we're looking forward for one event
10:18 that is gonna take place, it's gonna be huge.
10:20 We want to invite every one of you
10:21 to be in November in Texas, in Keene, Texas.
10:28 My name is Eric Louw and I represent GYC Southeast,
10:32 on the campus of Southern
10:33 Adventist University in Tennessee.
10:36 And this October coming up well, next October,
10:38 so while off we're gonna be having
10:40 a conference entitled "Called Apart."
10:43 And we're gonna just be looking at our identity
10:45 as Adventist and the necessity that,
10:48 that causes in our lives to be people
10:50 who love as though we're called apart.
10:53 The dates as I said will be in October 9 to 12
10:55 and we also gonna be working
10:57 with the SALT's program on southern campus
10:59 which is known as abbreviation for the Soul-winning
11:03 and Leadership Training program.
11:05 So just initiatives of them in evangelism
11:07 and we hope that those of you who are in the vicinity
11:10 will be able to join us for that events.
11:14 Good evening.
11:15 My name is Janice Adea
11:16 and I'm the representative of GYC Southwest.
11:19 Our ministry is based in Southern California
11:22 and our flagship conference is on labor day weekend 2013.
11:27 Its gonna be on August 30th to September the 2nd.
11:30 And our topic for this year is gonna be on Unity.
11:34 We invite you to the study with us the Bible
11:36 and see what biblical unity is.
11:39 We're gonna cover practical things
11:40 such as unity in the family, unity in the church
11:44 and also look at the pillars of our faith,
11:47 the sanctuary message in connection with the 2300 days,
11:50 the Commandments of God, in the faith of Jesus
11:53 and see what about, about these topics
11:55 that is perfectly calculated to unite the flock.
11:58 We hope to see you there.
12:01 Good evening.
12:02 My name is Mark Teh and I represent GYC West.
12:06 GYC West among other things hold an annual conference
12:10 and we've done so on the beautiful campus
12:13 of Weimar in sunny Northern California.
12:16 And we cover the areas
12:17 surrounding Northern California.
12:21 When I think of GYC West, one of the things
12:24 I think of are the young people and the families
12:26 who have been inspired to make decisions for Christ.
12:30 But with that decision also comes
12:32 a calling to be always ready.
12:35 Our theme for 2013 is "Always Ready."
12:39 And it's found in 1 Peter 3:15
12:42 we're counseled to be always ready
12:45 to give an answer for the hope that is in us.
12:48 We pray that you will be able to join us
12:51 and that you will also be always ready.
12:55 Good evening, GYC.
12:57 My name is Sue Sunny Lee.
12:59 It is wonderful to have GYC here,
13:02 almost our backyard.
13:03 I represent Oregon Youth for Christ.
13:06 We affectionately call ourselves the Baby YC of GYC
13:10 because we're the youngest and perhaps the smallest.
13:14 But being here I am wanting to urge all of you
13:17 who are in the Northwest area to help,
13:21 pray for this Oregon Youth for Christ.
13:24 We are a ministry that is supported
13:26 by the Stone Tower Seventh-day Adventist Church
13:29 which is part of the Oregon Conference
13:31 and our territory covers all of Oregon
13:34 and part of into Washington.
13:37 So it doesn't exclude all the Washingtonians either.
13:41 We have-- our conference also is being planned
13:44 and it's interesting to know that the themes
13:47 that are coming out are pretty similar
13:49 but it's nice to know that the Bible never can get old
13:53 and it's always bringing out new truths.
13:56 We are coming on from awakened hope,
13:59 having a wellness reformation
14:01 and last year was be ready always,
14:04 and this years will be transformed.
14:06 Please visit our booth for more information,
14:09 it's upstairs.
14:10 Thank you.
14:13 Hello, I'm Rob Mosier with Wisconsin Youth for Christ.
14:16 And as you can guess our territory covers Wisconsin.
14:19 Of course we invite our neighbors to come out as well.
14:21 Our next event will be the weekend of September 20th.
14:24 We'll be having training outreach
14:27 and of course inspiring messages.
14:28 So we welcome everyone in Wisconsin
14:30 and those around the area
14:32 to come out the weekend of September 20th.
14:35 My name is Ann Ikonne and I represent SYC,
14:38 the Southern Youth Conference.
14:39 And if you want to be transformed in the south
14:42 you just come to our conference,
14:44 if you're from Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma,
14:46 New Mexico or Louisiana we hope to see you there.
14:51 Amen, GYC.
14:53 This is what God is doing in North America,
14:56 across North America.
14:57 Now I understand Alexander,
14:58 that you have a testimony for us
15:00 of what God is doing in your territory.
15:03 Share with us what's happening.
15:05 Well, this is the beautiful thing to happen.
15:06 You know, there was a group of people
15:09 that came from New York
15:10 but they didn't have any money to come to our event.
15:13 So they plan idea to how are we gonna make it there,
15:16 so they start selling oranges.
15:20 You're saying they are selling oranges.
15:22 Oranges. Well, the whole time.
15:24 So they told me that they went to the event,
15:27 they enjoyed the whole time, they came back,
15:29 the last penny of the oranges, they spend it on the gas,
15:33 they just go home and then after that
15:35 they started doing there own GYC in their church.
15:39 One of them told me.
15:40 Okay, I attended to this preacher over here,
15:42 so I started preaching the same class
15:44 that they told me over here.
15:46 He was like that. He was like a copy and paste.
15:48 So they were doing it. Amen. Amen.
15:50 And, Janice, you also mentioned
15:51 that you have a testimony
15:53 for what's happening in your territory as well.
15:57 You know, what, in GYC Southwest
15:59 is not just inspiring but it's also practical.
16:02 Last year our theme was about the family.
16:05 So we have this family
16:06 that came to Southwest Youth Conference
16:08 and the husband was a non-Adventist.
16:11 He came to the conference,
16:13 listened to one of the speakers
16:15 and he approached the speaker and asked him,
16:17 well, how do you know you have the truth?
16:19 So the speaker actually spent personal time,
16:22 an hour studying the Bible with him, showing him
16:24 that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has the truth.
16:28 The man went out of his room
16:29 and jokingly told his friends that,
16:31 you know, I think that guy wrote the Bible.
16:34 But you know what?
16:35 The wonderful think is that we're able to bring
16:38 practical things out of the conference
16:41 and that man after a week we found that he decided
16:44 that he and his family will have evening
16:46 and morning worship.
16:48 So we praise God for that. Amen.
16:52 We praise God for what God is doing in North America
16:55 and I believe that every young person,
16:58 every young person in this room
17:00 can get involved in finishing the work
17:03 so we can go home.
17:04 Thank you so much.
17:08 I have with me Wes Via. Wes is from Pennsylvania.
17:12 Now tell me about what's going on up in Pennsylvania?
17:16 Well, Pennsylvania is really investing
17:18 in empowering young adults to drive mission forward
17:21 and I've the distinct privilege of being involved
17:24 with an urban mission project called "Mission to the Many."
17:26 So this is something that the conference
17:28 is supporting and promoting, right?
17:30 Yeah, absolutely.
17:31 So the conference is supportive of an urban evangelism
17:34 in which they are engaging
17:36 and putting young people to work.
17:38 Amen.
17:39 All right, so "Mission to the Many"
17:41 tell me a little bit about what you guys do at
17:43 "Mission to the Many."
17:44 "Mission to the Many" was established
17:46 specifically to identify and implement the plan
17:49 that we're given in Spirit of Prophecy
17:51 to work the cities.
17:52 The plan that we're told that when we follow that plan
17:55 we'll set an operation, the mighty moment
17:57 such as we've not yet witnessed.
17:59 And so our charge from the conference
18:01 is to take our team, primarily of young adults,
18:04 almost all of us are young adults
18:07 and do the best that we can to find ways
18:10 to engage the cities
18:11 and to identify the best way to go about
18:14 making the difference in the community.
18:16 So a lot of you went out on outreach today.
18:18 You went on knocked on door.
18:19 Is there a need for the gospel in the cities?
18:24 There is a huge need, amen. Amen.
18:28 Say like you mean it. Amen.
18:29 There is a huge need for this.
18:32 So Wes is working in a project in the cities
18:34 that is doing and targeting evangelism
18:37 and the people of the cities
18:39 and its young people that are involved.
18:40 Now you guys also,
18:41 you don't just send young people out to work
18:43 but you equipped them as well with a program.
18:45 What's that program called? Yeah, absolutely.
18:47 We're starting a brand new training program.
18:49 We're so excited about.
18:50 It's called Simplicity Institute
18:52 and this is not like any other kind of training program
18:55 that you heard of before.
18:56 It's a training program specifically designed
18:59 to teach young people or older people
19:01 if you want to come along as well
19:02 how to be urban missionaries?
19:04 We're gonna be working to give you the skills
19:06 that are necessary to be able to go
19:07 and do a medical missionary work
19:09 or welfare ministry work
19:11 and do evangelism in the urban centers.
19:13 Okay.
19:14 So it's called Simplicity Institute?
19:16 Yes.
19:17 That is, it's simplicity but it's not easy to say.
19:21 You know, simplicity, simplicity.
19:23 Okay. It's not easy.
19:24 It's a bit of tongue twister but Simplicity Institute.
19:27 All right, so now tell me how long is this program?
19:30 The program actually runs for six months.
19:31 Now that's longer than many
19:33 of the other evangelism schools why?
19:36 Well, we did that for two reasons.
19:38 One, we want to give the opportunity for our people
19:42 who come, our missionaries that will come to be trained.
19:44 They have the opportunity
19:45 not only to learn in a classroom setting
19:48 and get a little bit of outreach time
19:49 in conjunction with that
19:51 but we've designed the program so that four months of that
19:54 is instruction time, it's classroom time,
19:57 but then the last two months will be evaluating
20:01 with our participants, with our missionaries,
20:03 what's their passion for ministry in the cities.
20:06 What is their skill set?
20:07 What are they feel most comfortable?
20:08 And the last two months of that six months time frame
20:12 is specifically set aside to give the people
20:14 who come the opportunity to engage in fulltime ministry
20:18 and see what it's like when you step out of the classroom,
20:21 when you put the classroom behind you
20:23 and now you're working fulltime for the Lord.
20:26 How does that begin to, to take that instruction you receive?
20:29 How does that begin to really work in the real world
20:32 and then have the opportunity to be there
20:34 and be able to ask questions
20:36 and have the support of the whole team with you still.
20:38 Excellent. I think that very needed.
20:39 A long time ago, not really a long time ago,
20:42 I'm still young.
20:43 A while ago I went to an evangelism school
20:45 and in class you learned a lot of things
20:47 and lot of information and it's overloading,
20:49 it's overwhelming.
20:51 If any of you have been, you know,
20:52 and then you get out into evangelism
20:54 and you're in the day to day life and you're like,
20:57 oh, man, I know I learned this in class
20:58 but I don't remembering.
21:00 So it's great that you guys are offering
21:02 two months of continuing education to work with
21:05 and disciple and mentor these students
21:08 so that they can actually really apply those things
21:11 and learn how it works in the wild,
21:13 not just in theory in the classroom.
21:15 And I think that, that is beautiful.
21:17 So when does this program start?
21:19 The program actually starts in just a little over month,
21:21 January 31st is our first day.
21:24 That's like right out a month. Yeah, it's coming up quick.
21:26 Now is it too late for anybody to apply if they want to go?
21:29 It's not. We have just a few slots left.
21:31 So if there's anyone here that they really feels like
21:33 the Lord is calling you to do something.
21:34 You may just haven't quite figured that out
21:37 yet come by and see us at our booth
21:40 and we've got a few slots open.
21:41 We love to talk to you about join us.
21:43 So if somebody here has felt God calling
21:45 or pulling and tugging on their to get involved
21:48 with evangelism to witness, to do more for Him,
21:51 to work more for Him, they have an opportunity
21:54 to still get involved in a training program
21:57 that will give them the practical skills
21:58 that they need and the practical experience
22:01 to become an effective soul winner in an urban setting.
22:05 Yes.
22:06 So if somebody lives in a city they can go back to a city
22:09 where they come from and become,
22:10 you know, a Christian, evangelist in that city
22:14 winning souls for Christ.
22:17 And if I can just very quickly, one of the areas
22:20 that were gonna be doing training
22:22 is entrepreneurial business principles.
22:25 What we want to do is equip people
22:26 who come to our program to be able to go
22:29 wherever God calls him, regardless of whether
22:31 there's an opportunity to work directly
22:33 with the church or for a conference
22:34 but give them the skills where they can go
22:36 and start a business or engage in some enterprise
22:40 where they can be self-supporting,
22:41 the way the Paul was self-supporting
22:43 so that they can answer the call
22:44 Lord, wherever they go and we're gonna be
22:46 actually starting some of the businesses like
22:48 we see when you read about like the Beehive in San Francisco.
22:51 Some of those businesses are there.
22:53 We're gonna be actually starting those in our program.
22:55 Our students will gonna have the opportunity
22:57 to engage in that first hand
22:59 and what it takes to make that happen.
23:00 So this is extremely practical. Absolutely.
23:03 Everything we've done is to try to make it
23:04 as practical as possible.
23:05 Even our instruction time is more seminar based
23:09 and very heavy on the practical application
23:12 even during that four month training period,
23:14 this gonna be a lot of outreach time,
23:15 more than you would normally get
23:16 at a regular training school.
23:18 So now remind me,
23:20 if somebody wants to sign up for this program
23:22 or learn more about it, what booth do they go to?
23:26 We're at booth 400. All right.
23:28 Now supposed that somebody doesn't have six months,
23:31 I understand that you're gonna be partnering with GYC
23:34 to do urban mission projects.
23:37 When does that happen?
23:38 That is going to be May 31 to June 9.
23:41 May 31 to June 9.
23:43 So if somebody wants to go experience urban missions
23:45 and kind a get a taste for this,
23:46 they can go May 31 to June 9.
23:48 They can participate in that if they want.
23:50 The full experience training and equipping,
23:52 then they can go to the entire four month program
23:55 that starts in January 31--
23:57 or six month program excuse me.
23:58 January 31, Simplicity Institute,
24:01 you're a mission to the many, booth 400, right?
24:04 That's right. All right.
24:06 Are you interested go talk to Wes?
24:09 Thank you. Thank you, Wes.
24:10 I want to invite Uncle Bill out on to the stage.
24:15 Now Bill is not my uncle.
24:18 The reason we call him Uncle Bill is that his niece
24:22 is one of the executive committee members,
24:24 Livvy Knott is our secretary.
24:26 And so we affectionately refer to Elder Knott as Uncle Bill.
24:30 Glad to be known as Livvy 's uncle.
24:33 You never saw that one coming didn't you?
24:34 Never saw that one coming.
24:35 I hear it shouted across the hall sometimes here.
24:39 Now what do you do?
24:41 Well, most days I work as editor
24:43 of the Adventist Review and I work on the kind of issue
24:46 you see sitting on your chair this evening,
24:48 a special GYC edition of the Adventist Review.
24:51 Now everybody has one of these sitting on their chair.
24:54 Now you guys, you guys publish one magazine every week, right?
24:58 We publish 48 issues a year between Adventist Review
25:01 and Adventist World, thirty six, Adventist Review,
25:03 12 monthly Adventist World so that every week
25:07 we're turning out of 32 or 48 page magazine
25:10 and so we're pretty fast paced production.
25:13 That sounds like a lot of work.
25:14 It's a lot of work but it's also a lot of fun.
25:16 So why with all of that work would you say,
25:19 hey, let's add another magazine
25:21 and let's produce a special edition for GYC?
25:25 One Christian author has defined the role of leadership
25:28 as "Figuring out with the Holy Spirit
25:30 is doing in the church and getting in on it."
25:33 That's exactly the way we at Adventist Review see
25:36 what are our tasks.
25:38 We concluded that the Holy Spirit
25:40 is living and active in the life of the GYC.
25:43 We're eager to be part and cover
25:45 and to give prominence to what the Holy Spirit
25:47 is doing in this organization.
25:48 So every year we put out a special edition
25:51 of the Adventist Review to highlight
25:53 what happens at this conference.
25:54 What's the circulation of that issue?
25:57 That issue is, but right not it comes,
25:59 hard copies goes to everyone here
26:01 and it's on our website.
26:03 In fact this gives me an opportunity to mention,
26:05 go to the and you can get unlocked
26:09 all the contents of this edition
26:11 and of our regular weekly edition,
26:13 the last one of December.
26:14 It gives you a chance to browse at no cost,
26:18 see what's there, see what you're missing,
26:20 if you're not a regular reader of the review.
26:22 Now I got to see this a little bit
26:23 before everybody else here did.
26:25 And there's some really interesting stuff in here.
26:27 I know I want to go home and read about more of this
26:30 and read some of these articles.
26:32 But tell me a little bit about this issue?
26:36 What's the purpose and the goal with this issue?
26:38 It's got the V for Revolution, right?
26:41 Well, you know, we're all thinking
26:43 in the next 24 hours, about plans
26:46 we might be making for ourselves,
26:48 challenges we want to put
26:49 in front of ourselves for the next year.
26:51 But actually it's not a resolution
26:53 we need as the theme of this conference
26:55 is pointed out, it's a revolution we need.
26:58 And the article here, the cover story authored by,
27:01 an author to be named later
27:03 well, it talks about New Year's revolutions.
27:07 How is it that God's gonna bring about
27:09 a change in my life in the coming year?
27:11 How will 2013 be different than 2012?
27:14 John Chapter 1 lays out some beautiful ways
27:17 of understanding how Jesus is gonna bring
27:19 about a revolution in my life and your life.
27:21 Amen.
27:22 I think we all need to read that.
27:24 Now tell me, I know that,
27:25 I also saw in here that there's a short blur about
27:30 the average age of people in Adventist Church,
27:32 they were accomplishing things.
27:33 And were these old people or young people?
27:35 You know, one of the ironies is that on many of the committees
27:37 I sit on at the general conference building,
27:40 at an age I'm not going to tell you.
27:41 I'm still the youngest person in the room.
27:43 There's something dramatically wrong with that.
27:46 And one of the reasons we come here to GYC
27:49 is to encourage you to engage with your church,
27:51 get involved in leadership, get the experience,
27:54 take a look at this page and look at six--
27:57 actually seven key pioneers of the Adventist faith
28:00 and look at the age at which they began
28:02 working for this movement.
28:04 You'll be surprised and startled to discover
28:07 that God doesn't wait until people are 30, 40,
28:10 or 50 plus to start using them for His cause.
28:13 He begins using you now and the Adventist Review
28:16 is committed to finding that talent,
28:18 helping to grow that talent, making sure you get your place
28:21 at the table to help lead God's church.
28:23 So you guys support young people being active,
28:27 being, you know, in the frontlines working,
28:29 leading and doing things in the church.
28:31 Talent doesn't depend on age
28:32 and gifting is the Holy Spirits business.
28:35 It doesn't depend on a certain level of years
28:37 sitting at a committee table.
28:39 One of the reasons I come to GYC every year
28:41 is because God has given the gift of writing
28:44 to individuals who are within
28:45 the hearing of my voice tonight.
28:47 I come to find those people every year at GYC,
28:50 encourage them, tell them,
28:51 when you send your material to us,
28:53 we're not looking to turn it down,
28:55 we're trying to help you share the message
28:57 God has given you with the worldwide audience.
28:59 And so tonight even though I know
29:01 I'm asking for a lot of contacts.
29:03 If you have a concern or an interest in writing,
29:06 find me after the meeting tonight.
29:08 I'll be delighted to help develop you.
29:10 Amen.
29:11 Take a look at this, keep your copy, read it,
29:14 there's some fascinating content in here.
29:16 I want to thank you. Thank you, Brandon.
29:18 I appreciate it. God bless.
29:21 This morning we heard Pastor Wes sharing
29:22 how he was challenging each and everyone of us
29:25 to memorize a whole book of the Bible.
29:28 And tonight I have my friend Alonna and Natasha
29:31 and they are going to share with you something really cool.
29:33 What did you guys do early this year, Natasha?
29:37 Well, throughout this year
29:38 we decided to memorize the Book of the Acts.
29:39 The whole Book of Acts?
29:41 In preparation for the conference.
29:43 Wow. Isn't that amazing, guys?
29:44 Isn't that inspirational? What lead to that?
29:47 What was the inspiration? What motivated you?
29:50 Well, actually we ended up happening
29:52 was earlier this year in February
29:55 we were at an executive committee planning retreat
29:57 and Alonna and I were rooming together.
30:00 And one evening we were talking sitting on our bed there
30:05 and we were somehow gone
30:06 to the subject of Bible memorization
30:09 and because we had been talking about this
30:11 up coming conference, Acts the Revolution continues.
30:14 Alonna looks at me and she's like,
30:15 you know, I've been thinking, I think I should memorize Acts,
30:18 you know in preparation for the conference this December.
30:20 And I was like really, that's really neat,
30:22 I'll do it too.
30:23 And so it was kind of an abrupt decision
30:27 but then we thought about little bit
30:28 and talked a little bit about it more
30:30 and then when I went home
30:31 I said to my brothers and sisters,
30:33 hey, listen, Alonna and I are memorizing
30:35 the Book of Acts for the conference
30:37 in preparation for the conference,
30:38 you should memorize it with us.
30:40 And so my brothers and sisters said,
30:42 oh, yeah, that's a good idea and so then my brother
30:44 was posting his blog to make a long story short,
30:46 when 150 people across four continents decided to join us
30:50 in memorizing the Book of Acts.
30:52 That's amazing. So amazing.
30:54 And how did you come up about actually
30:56 memorizing the Book of Acts?
30:58 I've done Bible memorization before
30:59 but I've never memorized a book of that size.
31:02 So how do you go about it? How did you guys do it?
31:05 You know, it was a challenge for sure,
31:07 but several things happened.
31:09 Number one is, I listen to the Book of Acts on audio
31:12 every chance I had literally every moment in the car,
31:15 every time I was exercising literally for the past,
31:17 you know, 10 months.
31:18 The second thing was, many of us
31:20 are literally almost attached
31:21 to our Smartphones or iPhones or what have you
31:24 and there's a really cool app called Scripture Typer that--
31:28 I don't know how I could have done it without it.
31:30 It really helps with review and you know just knowing
31:33 that everybody was doing it with me
31:35 just really help to, for the consistency.
31:38 And you're not somebody
31:39 who has a ton of free time, right?
31:41 No, I don't think so.
31:42 So if Alonna can do it, can we do it, right?
31:45 I think we can.
31:47 And so I want to ask you,
31:48 you know, you've been spending
31:49 all these months going over these passages of scripture
31:53 over and over and over,
31:54 they have been coming better than your mind.
31:57 Has that had an effect on your life at all?
32:00 I'll tell you. It has had a tremendous effect.
32:02 Now that we have-- there's a difference
32:05 in how much the Word of God
32:07 is in your thoughts through the day.
32:10 How much it is constantly a part of your life
32:14 when you're memorizing the Book of Acts
32:15 is really big and I don't know
32:16 if we had realized what a big project
32:18 that would be at the beginning we would have committed to it
32:21 but once we committed to it,
32:22 it was really good and the accountability
32:24 was really key in memorizing it.
32:26 But I remember as we're going through
32:29 and memorizing the Book of Acts,
32:31 one day Alonna and I were texting,
32:32 we live across the continent from each other
32:34 but we were texting back and forth
32:35 and Alonna said to me, you know,
32:37 I was at nominating committee today
32:39 and the thing that kept running through my mind
32:41 over and over and over again
32:44 was the quotation from Acts 1 verses.
32:47 "Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men,
32:49 shew whether of these two thou hast chosen."
32:51 When they were trying to decide which Matthias or Barsabbas
32:55 who was going to join the apostles.
32:58 And I thought to myself how much more beautiful
33:00 is it of a thing to go to nominating committee
33:02 and think "Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men,
33:04 shew whether of these two thou hast chosen."
33:06 Instead of going to nominated committee and thinking,
33:09 man, I can not stand the way that elder runs this church.
33:12 Hey, do you want to nominate so and so with me?
33:13 Come on let's nominate so and so.
33:15 Isn't it so much more beautiful?
33:16 And we just notice that in so many respects
33:19 that the Word of God is in your mind
33:21 and it effects your life
33:22 and the way you think about the world.
33:24 That is so exciting.
33:26 As I was listening to you guys throughout the year
33:29 and keeping up with friends that I knew or doing it
33:31 as well I was also very inspired.
33:33 And I want to thank you for that and ask you,
33:35 you know, if somebody out in the audience
33:37 or even myself if I was interested
33:39 in doing something like this,
33:41 what word of encouragement or advice will you give us today?
33:45 I would say that there are three things in my mind
33:48 that are most important.
33:49 If you want to memorize a large amount,
33:51 the first is inundate yourself with scripture.
33:53 Listen to it, read it,
33:55 constantly, have constant input of the scriptures.
33:58 The second would be, have a really good review system
34:01 which is why Scripture Typer.
34:02 If you have a Smart Phone,
34:04 get Scripture Typer, it will save your life.
34:05 If you're gonna memorize a lot,
34:07 Scripture Typer kept us on track with review
34:09 and the third thing is accountability.
34:10 I remember Alonna calls me one time
34:12 and she's like how you doing with Acts?
34:14 And there's was this long pause and she says,
34:16 this is your conscious speaking.
34:20 It makes a big difference.
34:21 That's something, thank you so much
34:22 for sharing with us tonight.
34:24 Isn't that exciting?
34:25 I think, I think all of us can be challenged
34:28 to aim higher in what we do.
34:30 And right now I'd like to share with you another person
34:33 who's going to-- who's actually doing
34:35 something really exciting in Canada.
34:37 Mrs. Sandra. Sandra, I want you to tell us
34:40 what is it that is happening in Canada right now?
34:44 Well, we're very excited
34:46 Canada starting a new school of Evangelism.
34:50 It's starting May first to end of July.
34:54 And it's basically the first real three month program
34:57 that we ever really had.
34:58 So this is three month Bible worker, Bible training--
35:02 Yes. Program in Canada.
35:04 Yes, we'll be training individuals
35:06 to be literature evangelist
35:08 as well training them to be Bible workers
35:11 and evangelism coordinators for the churches even.
35:14 That is really exciting.
35:15 How did this come about in your own life,
35:17 what motivated you to pursue this?
35:20 Well, it's amazing how God leads.
35:23 We never know.
35:24 I mean, I was working in banking
35:26 and I remember waking up from a dream with a latter
35:28 is amazing facts and saying
35:30 God, if this is for me You make it clear,
35:33 I don't get it.
35:34 And about a week and half later
35:36 I received a brochure in the mail
35:38 and the broacher was Amazing Facts
35:41 College for Evangelism and God laid in my heart.
35:44 Sandra, leave everything and follow Me and go.
35:47 And so I went to AFCOE,
35:49 after that I taught at schools of evangelism
35:52 in Brazil, Germany, Portugal, other places
35:55 and I guess God was preparing me
35:58 to then start something back in Canada
36:00 which is really where I was born, so.
36:02 That is exciting.
36:03 And if somebody was interested in doing something like this
36:07 or participating in this program
36:09 how will they become involved?
36:11 Well, I think most importantly you can go to the website.
36:15 We have
36:20 And so we're located on the campus
36:22 of Canadian University College
36:24 and that's Alberta, Canada for those of you
36:26 who know where that is, near the West Coast
36:29 and they just contact, you know, through the web,
36:34 even call through the Alberta Conference
36:36 and they could be told how to get involved
36:38 and look at even opportunities in working together.
36:41 That's really exciting.
36:42 And you know, what I really appreciate
36:43 is the fact that you were able to see a need
36:46 and by God's grace follow His,
36:47 His leading right, in that direction.
36:49 Well, what would you say to somebody
36:51 who may be feels that in his local area
36:53 he doesn't have those resources that would enable him to do
36:56 what he feels he's been called for God to do?
36:58 Okay. Yeah, very good question.
37:01 I think we may not understand always God's leading
37:05 and I didn't realize God was preparing me
37:09 for so many years to then really start a school.
37:12 But I was doing volunteer work for many years
37:15 and I just wanted to be faithful,
37:18 wherever God placed me to do the work
37:20 and I would train in my church, other churches
37:23 and so what I would say is,
37:25 you know, connect with the Lord everyday
37:27 and say, God, what can I do
37:30 in my sphere of influence to further the work
37:32 and I know that God will place you
37:34 and use you powerfully for His service.
37:37 Thank you so much for sharing with us.
37:38 Thank you.
38:03 Morning by morning
38:08 I wake up to find
38:13 The power and comfort
38:18 Of Gods hand in mine
38:26 Season by season
38:30 I watch Him, amazed
38:35 In awe of the mystery
38:39 Of His perfect ways
38:44 All I have need of,
38:49 His hand will provide
38:54 He's always been faithful to me
39:10 I can't remember a trial or a pain
39:18 He did not recycle
39:22 To bring me gain
39:29 I can't remember
39:33 One single regret
39:37 In serving God only,
39:42 And trusting His hand
39:46 All I have need of,
39:51 His hand will provide
39:55 He's always been faithful to me
40:37 This is my anthem
40:41 This is my song
40:45 The theme of the stories
40:50 I've heard for so long
40:56 God has been faithful,
41:00 He will be again
41:04 His loving compassion,
41:08 It knows no end
41:12 All I have need of,
41:16 His hand will provide
41:24 He's always been
41:27 Faithful to me
41:36 He's always been faithful
41:46 He's always been
41:50 Faithful to me


Revised 2015-02-19