Generation of Youth for Christ 2012

Monday evening / Sabbath Late Morning - Music & Members in Action

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 12GYC

Program Code: 12GYC000014

00:12 We are in the last hours of 2012.
00:15 Amen. Amen.
00:17 And what better way or what better place
00:19 to spend the last hours of 2012 than at GYC?
00:22 Amen, I couldn't agree more.
00:24 Amen.
00:25 So this afternoon Kyle and I
00:27 were asking a few of you some questions,
00:29 and there were two questions we asked.
00:30 The first question we asked was this,
00:32 what did this GYC mean to you?
00:34 And we just want to share some other responses we got.
00:37 The first person I talk to, they say that
00:39 this GYC meant to them rejuvenation.
00:43 All right, James and Phil said, spiritual substance,
00:46 that's what this weekend to meant to them.
00:48 Spiritual substance.
00:50 Another girl I talked, her name Megan
00:51 who is one of the volunteers,
00:52 she said that what impressed her about this GYC
00:54 was the spirit of helpfulness amongst people.
00:58 Amen, amen.
00:59 Mark who brought his friends to GYC,
01:02 he said that he was blessed
01:04 because he saw the change it brought in his friends.
01:08 Amen. Amen.
01:09 Katherine said that this GYC
01:11 helped to set her priorities straight
01:13 and that she wants God to be her number one priority.
01:16 Amen. Praise God.
01:18 And Michelle said, even after coming
01:20 for nine years it blesses my life.
01:22 Amen.
01:23 Michelle, I couldn't agree with you more.
01:25 Amen.
01:26 The second question we asked was this,
01:28 what are you going to do differently
01:30 when you go home?
01:33 One of the people I talked to named Roger
01:35 is a 24 year teacher at an Adventist academy
01:38 and he said that when he goes home
01:40 he is going to support two or three
01:42 of his students in leading a Bible study.
01:44 Amen.
01:45 And Katy said,
01:46 she wants to get in to her Bible and pray more.
01:49 That's her commitment.
01:50 Amen -- -- After being here at GYC.
01:51 You now, there are lot of people
01:52 actually they said that, as a result to this GYC
01:54 they want to develop
01:55 their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
01:57 And to me that is so beautiful.
01:59 Another girl I talk to her name was Stevie
02:01 and she was so impressed
02:03 then had so much fun on outreach that she said,
02:05 that's what I want to do when I go home.
02:07 I want to do outreach.
02:09 She also said that she really, really wants to be a colporteur
02:11 but she is too young.
02:13 And so if there's any colporteur leaders out there--
02:15 They should let her in.
02:16 Yes, who approach by a girl name Stevie let her in?
02:19 All right.
02:20 I met Romanian friend who said that,
02:22 he is been giving a double tithe for many years,
02:26 but today after listening
02:27 to Sam's message about missions,
02:29 he said you what?
02:30 I want to add an extra five percent,
02:31 I want to give 25 percent of income to the church.
02:35 And he said you know what?
02:36 I'm still in debt, and when I get out of debt
02:37 I gonna give Him more
02:39 because 25 percent isn't enough.
02:41 That, Amen.
02:42 Amen, that's the spirit we need, amen.
02:43 Amen.
02:44 A girl name Heidi said, I'm going to by God's grace
02:48 spend more time in His word.
02:50 Amen, and final one I have here
02:52 as I ran into some just before we came in here tonight, Livvy,
02:56 and this girl said that she has been not wanting
02:59 to be a missionary her whole life,
03:00 her parents are missionary but she didn't want to do it.
03:03 But she said after today's message
03:04 and after this experience at GYC she has made
03:07 the commitment to be a missionary
03:09 for at least three to seven years of her life.
03:10 Amen.
03:12 And she specifically wants to reach the Muslim world.
03:14 And so praise God for those decisions that were made today.
03:16 Amen.
03:18 David said that when he goes back home
03:20 he is going to win back the youth of Austria.
03:22 Amen.
03:24 That to me-- that is GYC.
03:26 GYC is not a conference,
03:27 but it is the spirit that exists among you, among us,
03:31 between conferences, that is GYC,
03:34 that is Adventism, that is Christianity.
03:37 Amen. Let's bow our heads for prayer.
03:39 Father in heaven, we thank You
03:41 for the blessing that we have received
03:44 by being here at GYC, 2012.
03:46 Thank you Father, that tonight
03:48 as we enter in to this hour of worship
03:51 that You are with us.
03:52 And Father, we invite Your Holy Spirit to be here,
03:55 as we close out this year 2012
03:58 and as we welcome the new one,
03:59 may we have that full resolve in our hearts,
04:02 that we are going to live fully for You, Father,
04:06 so that Your coming may be soon.
04:08 Bless us tonight, bless every aspect
04:09 to this program, especially our speaker
04:12 and we ask these things in the name of Jesus
04:13 and for His sake, amen.
04:15 Amen.
04:16 We want to again invite the wonderful GYC Choir
04:19 to sing "By the Gentle Waters."
04:47 By the gentle waters
04:53 You will safely lead me
04:59 In green pastures feed me
05:05 Knowing what is best
05:11 Though I often stray
05:17 Wander far away
05:22 I can hear you say
05:28 Come to me and rest
05:34 Though the path be rough and rugged
05:39 Though the trail be dark and steep
05:45 Still the Gentle Shepherd
05:50 Watches over His sheep
05:59 There's no need to fear
06:04 When the Shepherd's near
06:10 While Your voice I hear
06:16 I can comfort sure
06:22 Keep the love alive
06:27 Sheltered from above
06:33 Leaning in your arms
06:39 I can rest secure
06:44 With the flock abiding
06:49 All my needs supplying
06:54 Comforting and guiding
06:59 Leading all the way
07:05 All the way
07:11 Jesus loving shepherd
07:17 You'll forsake me never
07:22 In your flock forever
07:27 I am thine alone
07:32 Though
07:38 The darkness hide me
07:44 You are close beside me
07:50 Gentle Shepherd guide me
07:56 Ti'l I'm safely Home
08:04 Ti'l I'm safely Home
08:17 Safely Home
08:32 Its a moment that I know, I have been waiting for,
08:34 you ready to hear this statistic from outreach?
08:37 Yes.
08:39 Amen.
08:41 Doors knocked on 22,595,
08:51 glow tracts distributed 6,115,
08:57 meals served 650, gloves, hats
09:02 and scarves distributed 100,
09:05 prayers, 916.
09:11 Flyers distributed 19214
09:17 and 441 people registered
09:20 for evangelistic meetings starting in 10 days.
09:24 Amen.
09:26 Praise God.
09:32 Its truth, Seattle is a different day today
09:35 than when you last saw me on this stage.
09:38 I have Lo-Ammi with me.
09:39 He led in our service projects
09:41 and he's gonna give you a testimony
09:43 of what happened on those projects.
09:46 Good evening, GYC.
09:48 How many of us was blessed yesterday about the outreach?
09:50 Amen.
09:51 Those who participate in to the community service,
09:54 how many of you guys were blessed yesterday?
09:55 Amen.
09:56 My few remnant people out there, Amen.
09:59 Well, this being the first time that GYC has ever done this
10:03 not everything went according to plan,
10:05 and as the chaos and through the midst of the chaos,
10:08 you can see God's hand really leading,
10:11 and for whatever reason my bus is 48 through 51,
10:15 did not have bus drivers.
10:16 So I had to go out and recruit bus drivers
10:19 to lead my special group of people
10:23 to do ministry in Downtown Seattle,
10:25 and as I was recruiting bus drivers,
10:27 here in the midst of-- of the chaos
10:29 there is three willing bus drivers
10:32 eagerly and anticipating to want to take me
10:34 and my group out to do outreach.
10:37 But God has something better plan,
10:39 see there is-- one of the leaders
10:41 of bus leaders called on a young lady to come
10:44 and to take our special group out.
10:46 Now for me I didn't quite understand
10:48 why he will call somebody from across the room
10:51 when we have three willing people to take us.
10:55 Well, as we are reached on to the bus
10:57 and she is taking us to Downtown Seattle,
11:00 we got to know this young lady.
11:04 We spoke to her and she come to find out
11:07 has been praying about possibly taking her family
11:10 and bring her to church.
11:12 Well, there was no mistake that God has led her to that bus.
11:16 Two days after she prayed that prayer,
11:18 we had-- she said--
11:19 she mentioned that they had two--
11:22 two people from the Mormon Church,
11:24 knocked on the door
11:25 and they've been doing Bible studies with her.
11:27 And they finally gave to--
11:29 they got the point the presentation
11:30 where they presented there Prophet John Smith
11:34 and she supposes to get Baptize Sunday.
11:37 She got called in Sunday,
11:39 and ended up being our bus driver for outreach.
11:43 What a divine of appointment, but its gets better.
11:45 So as we found out this story our bus leader Joey
11:48 and her husband was dialoging with her
11:50 and telling her about Adventist,
11:53 about what is a Seventh-day Adventist,
11:54 what is a Sabbath, what is a second coming,
11:57 that we believe in the Ten Commandments.
11:59 And she stopped and she is like one question,
12:01 do you guys believe in the Holy Spirit?
12:03 And I had to jump into seat I was like
12:05 well, of course, we believe in the Holy Spirit,
12:06 we had a whole convention on the Holy Spirit,
12:09 and we invited her to out to the--
12:11 to the evangelistic series, this coming next week
12:15 and I told her, I was like,
12:16 listen I will give you $20, I'm not a betting man,
12:18 but I'll give you $20 that you will get more information
12:21 out of the Bible in four nights than you did your entire life.
12:24 She says, I don't need your money.
12:25 I said praise the Lord, 'cause needed my $20.
12:28 So as we continue on as-- as the group went out
12:32 and left to do the passing up
12:36 the lunches and everything
12:38 the bus leaders are really dialoging with her,
12:40 and I made an appeal and gave her a glow tract
12:42 and gave her the evangelistic series flyer
12:45 and we told her considering,
12:48 and when I come back I gonna close the deal.
12:50 Well, the first time she didn't enclose the deal.
12:51 I read some of it, I'm not sure just yet,
12:54 then I said well, when you drop us
12:55 all the second time I gonna pitch my deal,
12:57 we need a close this deal.
12:58 So the second time we came about,
13:00 she says, well, I read most of it,
13:01 I think I might be interested by the third time,
13:04 when I asked her she said,
13:05 I will be taking my family to the evangelistic series.
13:09 There was a reason why God set up an appointment
13:12 for this lady to be called in on Sunday,
13:14 to be our bus driver.
13:15 And we pray--
13:16 can you please keep Evelyn in prayers,
13:20 that her and her family may go to this evangelistic series
13:22 and really hear the true message,
13:25 the true gospel
13:26 and that her life may be change,
13:27 not only herself but all families.
13:30 You know, I was on-- I was when there is Curb,
13:32 waiting for buses to return
13:34 and a girl gets off the bus
13:36 comes up with one our-- one our speakers
13:38 Kameron DeVasher, one of our pastors.
13:41 She comes up to me and he introduces me to her
13:44 and she says, I had a rough time at home,
13:49 I came GYC by miracle and after outreach today
13:53 I have decided to get baptized.
13:55 Amen.
13:58 We basically paid a tithe,
14:01 there is about 4,000 of us here
14:03 and we got a little over 400 people
14:06 to come to evangelistic series.
14:09 Next year in Orlando,
14:11 we're looking at having a 100 to 150 buses,
14:14 can we pay a tithe and an offering
14:16 next year in Orlando?
14:19 Praise God and I want to see you there.
14:22 The world for Jesus.
14:23 GYC Intermissions.
14:39 GYC.
14:40 GYC intermission is an opportunity
14:41 for young people to work for Christ.
14:43 Overseas and here at home.
14:54 Be part of the mission trip.
14:56 Be part of the mission trip.
14:57 That will change our life.
14:59 Change your life.
15:00 Change your life.
15:05 Children's ministry.
15:12 Prayer ministries.
15:16 Medical ministry.
15:22 Evangelism.
15:27 I see 90 people give their lives to Christ.
15:30 Amen.
15:39 Turn the world upside down for Jesus.
15:42 Upside down.
15:44 What are you waiting for?
15:45 Change the world.
15:46 Change the world.
15:48 Change the world.
15:50 Change the world for Jesus.
15:55 Good evening GYC, Change the world for Jesus,
16:00 the little God at the end is my favorite.
16:04 I wanted to share with you one story from Tanzania,
16:08 while we were there that really touch my heart,
16:11 in addition to the smiles
16:13 of all those happy these children.
16:15 This one of our door to door teams,
16:19 visited a lady who is of a Muslim background,
16:23 and when they visited her continuously
16:26 day after day saying the Bible with her,
16:30 she expressed to them her desire
16:31 to give her life to Christ in baptism.
16:35 But then she also shared that in as much as
16:38 she was willing to take that step
16:40 coming from a Muslim background
16:42 willing to give her life to Jesus
16:44 that she was having this dreams that if she got baptized--
16:48 in the dream she would get killed.
16:52 She expressed this to our team
16:54 and our missionaries brought this back to the prayer,
16:58 the prayer team and said,
17:00 can we hold a special prayer for this woman
17:03 who wants to give her life to Christ?
17:05 Like she is having these dreams,
17:07 that if she gets baptized she would get killed.
17:10 And so our missionaries knocked down
17:11 and prayed, and prayed and prayed.
17:15 And you know, at the end
17:17 of those days of prayer that woman was baptized
17:23 and it's even more incredible
17:25 is that it was after she was baptized
17:28 that she stopped having those dreams.
17:30 And it's that kind of story,
17:33 when you see lives that are completely
17:36 radically transformed transform by the power of Christ
17:38 that's the reason why we do evangelism.
17:42 And I-- I think I have another best--
17:45 it's not really a job, but the best job at GYC
17:50 because I get to travel
17:51 and do all these exciting things
17:53 and work on the frontlines with young people
17:56 and in addition to being in Tanzania the summer
17:59 I also have the privilege of working
18:01 on a local mission project that GYC was helping
18:04 to coordinate in Charleston, West Virginia.
18:07 And I'm going to invite one of my friends Daniela
18:10 come and tell me,
18:12 we were young so were ambitious
18:14 and we had very ambitious idea
18:17 of what we could do in Charleston.
18:18 Daniela, what did we attempt to do
18:21 and what happened?
18:23 We attempted to knock on every door in Charleston,
18:26 West Virginia in one year.
18:29 We did not complete our goal
18:32 because once we began working,
18:34 we were so overwhelmed by the response that we had,
18:37 that we realized that we had to adapt to the situation
18:40 and kind of adjust the plans that we had
18:42 so that we could be thorough in our follow up.
18:45 But over the course of the year,
18:46 over 90 church members from all around our conference
18:49 and even a few from outside of conference came together.
18:52 Hence they work together to knock over 1,882 doors.
18:57 They past out over 2,168 pieces of glow
19:00 and 952 flyers inviting the communities
19:03 to various functions at the church.
19:05 They prayed with 247 people.
19:07 Out of all the people that we talked to 168 of them
19:10 signed up to receive Bible studies.
19:13 There are also 145 people
19:15 who took the Bible study cards at the door to mail in later,
19:18 but the amazing thing about all of this
19:21 is that the vast majority of all of this work
19:23 happened in eight days,
19:25 working only two and half hours or less.
19:28 And so God was really working in West Virginia,
19:31 and it was just so amazing
19:32 because this is just a tiny glimpse
19:34 and so what God can do if we're willing to work
19:37 and if the Holy Spirit is poured out.
19:38 And so we know this is just a beginning
19:40 and we're just so excited to see what else
19:41 God has in store for West Virginia.
19:43 Amen, and it's so exciting-- Thank you, Daniela.
19:46 So exciting because as you-- as you think about
19:49 how amazing it was to be apart of the GYC outreach
19:52 that you can actually go back home
19:54 then realize from Charleston, West Virginia,
19:56 which-- when I visited
19:58 I appreciate of living in Boston so much more
20:01 because Charleston was interesting,
20:04 but that be-- for the being
20:07 even way you are in Charleston, West Virginia
20:09 and young people got together
20:11 and say let's knock on the doors
20:12 and let's see what God can do.
20:13 God did amazing, amazing things
20:15 and in that's the opportunity that you have
20:18 as well to go back home and do something.
20:20 Mirriam, why don't you come up here and join me in.
20:22 and Mirriam is going to tell us a little bit
20:25 about one of the mission projects
20:26 that's coming up next year
20:28 that GYC is going to be engaging
20:29 and in support together with ECYC
20:32 and its mission project to Manitoulin Island,
20:34 in Ontario, Canada.
20:36 So why don't you tell me
20:37 why should I as a young person even care about--
20:40 I can't even pronounce it correctly,
20:42 you know, Manitoulin Island, if I said it right.
20:46 Let me summarize it in a short story.
20:49 Did you know that in to 1850s,
20:52 Adventist founder Joseph Bates, an American
20:55 who left America and went in a five week mission to Canada?
20:59 This involved more than 20 days of struggling
21:02 through heavy snowfall and extreme cold.
21:05 And at point he cut through three feet of ice
21:08 so that he could find enough water
21:10 to baptize just seven people
21:12 in weather 22 degrees below zero.
21:15 Now this is a 50-year-old man,
21:19 if a 50-year-old man can do this,
21:21 how much more can we as young people do
21:23 for the cause of God?
21:25 Amen.
21:26 On another occasion Elder Bates walked
21:29 through 40 miles of deep snow
21:31 just to take the gospel to a single family.
21:34 Next summer GYC and ECYC are giving you the opportunity
21:39 for you and I to follow in the footsteps
21:41 of our pioneer Joseph Bates to reach an unreached area
21:45 in Eastern Canada called Manitoulin Island.
21:48 It is the largest island in the world
21:50 and is populated with over 12,000 people
21:54 who know nothing of the Three Angel's Messages.
21:58 Friends, Canada and America are mission fields.
22:01 These are dark regions in our own continent.
22:04 One American whose mind was convinced
22:07 of the truth of the Adventist message
22:09 and whose heart was warm with the love of Christ
22:12 was used by God as a missionary to Canada
22:15 and as a result Canadians like me
22:18 have been-- have benefited from it.
22:22 Now next summer you have the opportunity
22:24 to make the same eternal impact
22:26 on the lives of thousands of Canadians.
22:29 So brothers and sisters, the Lord has called us
22:32 to reached the unreached areas
22:34 including those here in North America.
22:36 There is a desperate need for this line of work
22:39 and yes, it does call for self-denial,
22:42 but if the Lord is moving up on your heart
22:44 by the burden for the unreached areas,
22:47 please come by the GYC booth tonight,
22:49 pick up an application form
22:51 and we will see you in summer 2013, thank you.
22:56 I want to share some alarm trends with you today.
23:01 If you listen to Adam Ramdin the other day,
23:03 he talked about the base of the--
23:05 the difference between
23:06 the net births and deaths each day.
23:09 It was over 200,000-- over 200,000 a day.
23:12 The Adventist church is adding 3,000 people a day,
23:15 that's means we're loosing ground
23:18 by over 200,000 a day, that's not good.
23:22 I recently read a statistic about the number of people
23:25 who are going to church each week,
23:27 those who are 65 and older
23:30 the percentage of people go to church
23:31 each week is about 70 percent,
23:33 those between the ages of 18 to 25
23:36 is under 20 percent, that's alarming.
23:40 There is a swelling population of young men in prisons.
23:45 There is increasing number of fatherless homes.
23:48 These are alarming statistics
23:50 and I have one more alarming trend for you
23:54 that is that the GYC in a mission trip
23:57 the women out numbered the men, five to one.
24:00 So I want to speak to your men,
24:03 we're needed all these statistics point to the fact
24:05 that men are needed, don't they?
24:08 You know, that the life blood of--
24:09 of a Christian's life is Bible study prayer and witnessing
24:13 and I want to share something real quick
24:14 from Steps to Christ, it says,
24:18 "God might have committed the message of the gospel,
24:20 and all the work of loving ministry,
24:22 to the heavenly angels.
24:23 He might have employed other means
24:25 for accomplishing His purpose.
24:27 But in His infinite love
24:28 He chose to make us co-workers with Himself,
24:31 with Christ and the angels,
24:33 that we might share the blessing,
24:34 the joy, the spiritual uplifting,
24:37 which results from this unselfish ministry."
24:39 Yeah, opening night Just in mentioned
24:41 I ask the question, are we become settled?
24:43 GYC men, have you become settled?
24:46 I hope not.
24:47 You GYC men, you are the present and future leaders.
24:51 You're present and future
24:53 spiritual leaders of your homes.
24:54 You're present and future fathers and husbands,
24:57 that we cannot be unsettled.
25:00 You know, I have gone in the past two years
25:02 in the intermission trip
25:03 and I've learned valuable lessons
25:05 for myself to be a spiritual leader in the home.
25:07 I've learned how to better
25:10 through serving in the intermission trip
25:12 to better love my wife, as Christ has loved the church.
25:15 I've also learned that in order to really truly love
25:18 those who are close to you,
25:20 your-- your wife, your spouse or your children
25:23 that you need to really first learn
25:25 how to love those who are not close to you.
25:28 And so I just want to end by saying,
25:29 gentlemen, you are needed in Canada GYC.
25:34 Amen.
25:38 You know, the Lord blesses us of a day job,
25:42 so that we could fund our eternal job.
25:45 And so what a young professional
25:48 in this day and age concentrate on is trying to gain money
25:52 and trying to have a nice home
25:54 and all of those things are well
25:56 and all those things are good,
25:58 but it isn't until you've gone on a mission trip
26:00 that your life changes.
26:02 My first mission trip was in 2009 with GYC,
26:06 we went to Ecuador, and I tell you my mind--
26:10 I didn't know how selfish I was until I went on a mission trip.
26:15 I thought I was giving, I thought I was loving,
26:17 but it wasn't until I actually saw the need of others
26:22 and I was in a mission setting
26:24 where the-- equipments on the topics
26:29 that you love and the computers
26:31 and the internet and everything
26:33 that you're use to and you going to an environment
26:35 where there is no running water
26:37 and it's difficult to have a warm shower
26:41 that you decide, you understand that
26:44 there was more to life than the things
26:46 that we take for granted.
26:47 And so we see people that are richer than us,
26:50 who have less than less.
26:52 And it isn't until you go on a mission trip
26:53 your mind gets converted
26:55 from been a selfish mind to a mission mind,
26:58 and that's what happened with me.
27:00 When I came back from my first mission trip
27:02 I got the bug, I needed to go another mission trip,
27:04 and let's go another mission trip
27:06 because I found out that I was closer to the Lord
27:09 when I gave of myself
27:11 as opposed to when I took for myself.
27:14 And so instead of using vacation time to please me,
27:18 I would use my vacation time for the Lord,
27:20 and the lives that I've seen
27:22 drawn to the kingdom not because of me,.
27:25 but because of the spirit that is with in me
27:27 I'm more blessed
27:29 and I'm a better person because of it.
27:31 So I encourage you,
27:32 if you haven't been on a mission trip
27:33 or if you've been on a one before
27:36 do sign up, we need you.
27:38 The kingdom of God needs you and there is someone
27:41 who won't be saved unless you go on a mission trip
27:44 to save that person with the spirits of God in you,
27:48 thank you.
27:54 I just like to share my experience on GYC mission trip.
27:58 This is my first mission trip ever.
28:00 This is my first time leaving Canada,
28:03 and it was crazy.
28:05 But little bit of myself, I'm graduate student
28:07 and I love school, I love school so much.
28:10 And God later showed me that the reason
28:12 I loved school so much was
28:13 because if I wanted a good grade
28:15 I could go out and get it,
28:16 I had that instant gratification.
28:18 He blessed me with a mind
28:20 that I've been using for academics that
28:21 I think He really now wants me to use for mission work.
28:26 I receive calls from missions before
28:28 and I thought, why me?
28:29 Like I'm just regular student, I go to church,
28:32 I help out with pathfinders, I do my part,
28:34 I think I'm that's it, I'm nothing special.
28:37 One year GYC was here last year
28:39 the year before there was a call from missions
28:41 and I thought, no way,
28:43 there is no way I going on a mission trip.
28:45 God there was no way God could use me
28:47 and the sense in my life to be able to help anyone.
28:51 But my friend Diana who also works with missions,
28:53 she convinced me.
28:54 She is like just pray about it and think about it.
28:56 So they can what, just to,
28:57 you know, shut her up I will do it.
28:59 So I started praying and things started
29:01 just coming together, it was crazy.
29:03 God took care of all the process,
29:06 I 'm in a masters program
29:07 that requires a full time registration
29:08 all the way through your program,
29:10 God worked it out that I could take the time off.
29:12 He gave me a job that ended
29:14 the day before the mission started.
29:16 Our church family and local church was very,
29:19 very critical they helped us to fundraise
29:21 and help us with the funds that we needed.
29:24 We arrived in Africa, I worked with kids,
29:26 I've never worked really with kids under the age of 12,
29:28 but we are working with the 150 to 200 kids,
29:31 twice a day for two weeks
29:33 and it was such an amazing experience.
29:34 I learned so much from God about love,
29:36 about commitment, about surrender
29:39 as Kimberly had mentioned,
29:40 I thought that I was a loving person,
29:42 but it wasn't until I saw that
29:44 the best laid plans unless they are blessed by God
29:47 they are not really anything.
29:49 So God really helped me to change my life.
29:53 what happened to me afterwards when I got back,
29:55 I spoke to my supervisor
29:56 I said, I'm-- I'm done
29:58 with this program once come April
30:00 I'm finished for the PhDs is off the table.
30:03 And she said to me,
30:04 so you finally realize just how trivial
30:07 your experience in university has been.
30:09 And through that she is-- she is not Christian
30:11 and for her to say that to me that really spoke to me
30:13 that was God speaking to me.
30:15 So I just want to encourage those of who are students
30:17 we can still be used by the Lord,
30:20 no matter who you are,
30:21 an ordinary person from wherever you are from,
30:24 as you are willingness increases,
30:26 Gods' mighty works through you will also increase.
30:32 Ten years ago,
30:33 four hundred young people changed the world.
30:37 You see in December of 2010
30:40 they conquered, gated together
30:41 to try to conduct an experiment.
30:45 What would happen they asked,
30:47 if we lived by the Bible, if we follow what it says
30:51 and we lived according to those ideals?
30:54 Ten years ago 400 young people
30:56 committed themselves to this experiment.
30:59 Last night you saw on the screen the map,
31:02 the result of that experiment is this,
31:04 we are changing the world.
31:07 You see GYC is based on a set of ideals.
31:11 Last you heard that GYC is not in annual conference,
31:14 GYC is not an institution,
31:17 GYC is not a nonprofit organization,
31:20 GYC is a movement,
31:22 it's a revolution if you will,
31:24 based on a core set of principles
31:26 and ideals, ideals that were discovered
31:29 as a result of studying the life of Jesus Christ
31:33 and the deep longing to understand His teachings
31:36 and to share them with other people.
31:38 A yearning to have His character emulated in our lives
31:43 and reproduced so that we can share with other people
31:46 and the desire to live His lifestyle of mission
31:50 as our own life as we are walking this earth.
31:54 Ten years ago these cored principles
31:57 of Jesus' life on earth
31:59 change the experience of 400 young people
32:01 and they changed the world.
32:04 The challenge to any movement is this, defining it.
32:08 People will often try to apply labels
32:10 to a movement to try better understanding,
32:12 they will say that its conservative
32:14 or they will say its liberal,
32:15 they will say its reactionary or that is progressive.
32:18 GYC is not defined by the labels
32:21 that other people applied to it,
32:23 GYC continuous to be defined by those biblical ideals
32:27 that were found in the life of Jesus
32:29 that inspired this revolution 10 years ago.
32:32 I'm gonna ask you each of you to pull out your smart phones,
32:34 this is the only time at church you ever gonna hear
32:36 anyone to do this, say this.
32:38 But please pull out your smart phones,
32:39 if you don't have one look at the person next to you
32:42 and surf on over to
32:47 When you get there I'm gonna ask
32:48 that you click on we about link,
32:51 and under above I'm gonna ask that
32:52 you click on the Spirit of GYC.
32:55 The Spirit of GYC is-- are those ideals
32:59 that define what GYC is.
33:01 They are those principles that we go back
33:03 to as our guiding principles that define us as individuals
33:06 who are part of this movement.
33:08 So please join me in reading--
33:10 you don't have to read out loud,
33:11 but join me in reading the Spirit of GYC.
33:15 In seeking to uphold the distinctive message
33:18 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
33:20 GYC will promote among its participants.
33:23 A respect for Scripture as the foundation
33:26 and test of all teachings and practices.
33:30 An appreciation of the Spirit of Prophecy
33:34 as an authoritative source
33:35 of instruction, comfort, and warning.
33:39 A quest for Biblical holiness through a daily prayer
33:43 and devotional experience with Jesus
33:45 and a commitment to following His Word.
33:48 A vibrant worship experience
33:51 one that is characterized by principle,
33:53 reverence, and decorum.
33:55 A passion for lost souls animated
33:58 by personal experience in the saving love of Jesus
34:02 and a desire for His imminent return.
34:05 A cultivation of godly relationships
34:08 preserving purity and encouraging accountability.
34:11 An exemplary and abundant lifestyle
34:14 in recreation, entertainment, dress, and healthful living.
34:18 An enthusiasm for service through care for the needy,
34:23 service to the community,
34:24 promotion of human rights,
34:26 and stewardship of the environment.
34:29 A commitment to the Seventh-day Adventist Church
34:32 as God's remnant church
34:34 by supporting and upholding its principles,
34:36 organization, and leadership.
34:39 An attitude of humility and cordiality
34:41 as we seek to clarify, articulate,
34:44 and defend the Biblical teachings
34:46 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
34:49 Brothers and sisters,
34:50 the Spirit of GYC is classic Seventh-day Adventism.
34:55 Ten years ago 400 young people
34:57 were transformed by believing
34:59 in the Seventh-day Adventist message.
35:01 Ten years ago 400 young people change the world.
35:04 Today GYC that revolution continues.
35:08 Welcome to the revolution.
35:10 Amen.
35:11 At this time, I would like to introduce to you
35:13 Elder David Yeagley, he is going to come
35:15 and share some welcoming words for us.
35:16 He is the youth director for the Washington Conference.
35:19 Thank you, Amy.
35:20 Its good to be here
35:21 and its wonderful to have all of you here in Seattle.
35:24 The Washington Conference have been
35:25 looking forward to having you here
35:28 and participating with you.
35:29 It's been an honor
35:30 to work with the leadership team of GYC
35:33 to bring this event here.
35:36 And in the spirit of that participation
35:39 and cooperation, I have an invitation
35:42 to ministry for each and every one of you.
35:46 God is working a revolution here
35:48 in Seattle over these next few days.
35:51 If you want that revolution to continue
35:53 this is what I would like you to do.
35:56 I want you to go back to your local church,
35:58 back to your local conference, find your local youth leader,
36:02 find your local young adult leader
36:04 and say to them, God has done a work in my life,
36:08 I have a passion for service and for ministry,
36:11 what can I do to get involved?
36:14 If you don't have a youth leader in your church,
36:15 if you don't have a young adult leader in your congregation,
36:18 go find your pastor and say, sign me up, I'm ready to work.
36:23 And do me one more favor if you will,
36:26 give a call to your conference youth director
36:29 and say, God has laid a burden on my heart for service,
36:33 what can I do to participate with you
36:36 in sharing the gospel and preparing a world
36:38 for the soon coming of Jesus Christ?
36:40 They will be a smile on that youth director's face
36:43 I guarantee you.
36:44 For those of you here from the Washington Conference,
36:46 I will just give you your marching orders right now,
36:48 if that's all right with you?
36:50 On January 12, right here in--
36:53 just south of here actually in Kent, Washington
36:55 at the New Beginnings Christian Fellowship
36:58 we have our annual youth rally,
37:01 and we are excited to bring it back here to the Seattle area.
37:05 It's an event where we come together to worship,
37:07 we come together to pray, to learn,
37:09 to serve, to share, to witness.
37:12 It's not just an event
37:13 where we come and fellowship together,
37:16 I'd like this to be an event where we change the world.
37:20 If God has touched your heart over these next few days,
37:24 I challenge to go back to your homes,
37:26 back to your schools, back to your neighborhoods
37:30 and find someone that you can bring to this event
37:34 and introduce them to your Savior Jesus Christ.
37:37 What an event we will have
37:39 if all of you will bring a friend.
37:42 That's your first job, your first task.
37:44 I hope that you will take that assignment
37:46 and we will see you on January 12.
37:49 If you go to the exhibit hall today,
37:50 you gonna see all kinds of ministry opportunities.
37:54 There is one you won't see there,
37:56 but is one that desperately needs you
37:58 and that is your local church and your local conference.
38:02 Today on behalf of youth directors
38:05 across the North American division
38:08 I want-- I want you to know,
38:10 that your church needs you
38:12 and your church is waiting for you.
38:16 I look forward to serving side by side
38:19 with each one of you as we go forward from this place.
38:24 Now let me just ask out of curiosity,
38:26 how many of you remember Mission Spotlight?
38:30 Yeah, it was all so exciting,
38:32 you hear mission stories from around the world.
38:35 This morning we want to give you a Mission Spotlight live.
38:40 And so we've some of our friends from Hungary,
38:42 from the Netherlands, form Austria,
38:44 from Spain, Spain, Spain,
38:47 Iceland, Italy, Iceland and Austria
38:52 to come and share an exciting report to you.
38:54 Now last night I alluded to the fact that
38:56 we had GYC in Europe back in July.
39:00 And so this morning we want to tell you a little bit about
39:02 how that happened?
39:04 And so will start with you, Eniko.
39:06 Why don't you just tell us
39:07 how did-- how did it began?
39:09 How did GYC in Europe began?
39:11 Yeah, for me the first time
39:13 when we met with the organizing committee
39:16 was in 2011, November in Norway.
39:19 And for me what's really inspired me
39:21 was that we met her, we had three days,
39:24 but on the first two days we were basically
39:26 just studying the Bible, praying together,
39:29 we shared testimonies and I was surprise you know,
39:31 we have basically one day to organize,
39:33 and how're we going to manage it?
39:35 But it was such a miracle,
39:37 in one day we had so many things done,
39:39 I was surprised.
39:40 We had the department setup,
39:42 we had speaker suggestions, it was a miracle.
39:45 So you did just so you didn't miss that,
39:48 we spent two days in prayer, two days in Bible study
39:51 and then one day in planning and God worked a miracle.
39:54 So we had this time in Norway,
39:56 Zippora tell us what happened
39:58 between our meeting in Norway
40:00 and the opening night of GYC in Europe.
40:02 Oh, well, Skype calls.
40:03 You can imagine when you get together
40:05 with the group with every tongue
40:08 and nation and people-- cannot every,
40:09 but a lot of them, a lot of countries represented there
40:13 and we couldn't get together face to face,
40:15 so we had Skype calls to different committees
40:17 would come together in there groups
40:20 and then of the entire group would have prayer meetings
40:21 every two to three weeks.
40:23 So that we could plead with God,
40:24 ask Him to-- He need to bless us
40:26 and encourage us as we went along.
40:28 That's great, so there was young people
40:29 from-- from the United States GYC
40:31 as well as a bunch of young people spread across Europe,
40:33 they were meeting on Skype every couple of weeks
40:35 to be able to plan this concurrence.
40:37 Okay.
40:38 Now, Jonathan, unfortunately--
40:43 probably a few of you are there,
40:44 but the majority the audience
40:46 and those viewing on 3ABN
40:48 didn't have the opportunity to be there.
40:50 So why don't you just kind of paint the picture for us
40:52 so we all have spiritual jealousy
40:55 in our hearts that we weren't there.
40:57 Well, it was exciting, you should've bee there.
41:00 The first evening,
41:01 I remember people flocking in from over 50 countries,
41:05 coming in to the convection hall for all us
41:07 it was a first time GYC in Europe
41:09 and sort of coming in
41:11 and registration was still not done
41:13 on we didn't know what to do,
41:14 so we just stop registration going
41:16 and we just let the people flock in to the--
41:18 in to the main hall,
41:19 whatever eager to listen to God's plain word.
41:22 And it was exciting to see throughout
41:24 this conference people studying together,
41:26 praying together, listening and learning together,
41:29 throughout to planning sessions and seminars,
41:31 it was unlike anything I ever seen before.
41:34 Amen.
41:35 So, Tiphaine, what do you think it is that
41:37 attracted the young people to come to GYC Europe?
41:40 There were 1,700 young people
41:42 that showed up Linz in for this conference.
41:44 I think considering that GYC is as well know in Europe,
41:47 as his here in America,
41:49 one of the big things was the people
41:50 who had attended GYC in the past,
41:52 and had the wonderful experience
41:54 of leaving GYC here in America.
41:56 Spread the word to people they know
41:58 as they share it with their friends
41:59 and I think allowing encouragement came through
42:01 what mouth people talking to other people that may--
42:04 more than the new and the word spread like that.
42:07 Also I think they promotion,
42:09 advisement for the event
42:11 and then just the fact that obviously it was gonna be
42:12 more biblical preaching that-- that drew young people
42:15 and I think most of all the fact that
42:17 you could have international experience with the God,
42:19 joining with so many different people
42:20 from different countries
42:22 and unite for that beautiful experience of sharing--
42:26 God in sharing and learning
42:27 more with Him, you know.
42:29 So sort of that just that international experience
42:31 and the biblical preaching.
42:33 Now was it just biblical preaching
42:36 that enticed people to come?
42:38 Not only.
42:39 I know of a girl that was at GYC in Europe
42:42 and she was actually not too enthusiastic
42:44 about being there,
42:45 but her friend had dragged her along.
42:48 She was at a point in her life
42:49 where she had to make a decision
42:51 what past to take in life and she was actually
42:55 considering leaving the church.
42:57 But at GYC in Europe she was so encouraged
43:00 when she met all the young people
43:02 that were in fire for God,
43:04 also the Bible based preaching really touched her heart
43:08 and today she is convinced that she wants to live her life
43:11 for Christ and with Christ.
43:13 Amen.
43:14 Amen, isn't that powerful friends?
43:17 So, Samuele, what do you think
43:19 it was that attracted young people
43:20 to come to GYC, Europe?
43:23 I have a friend that came there,
43:24 there was no expectation.
43:26 They came-- they are the kind of Adventist
43:29 that grew up in the church but they are not believing.
43:33 When they was there,
43:34 there was seating hour Thursday,
43:39 there was attached by the power
43:41 of the full Adventist message.
43:43 They came straight from the Word of God,
43:45 a message that changed the heart.
43:47 Amen.
43:48 So the Holy Spirit descended upon the--
43:50 the congregation that was there
43:52 and it was powerful to see
43:53 how the Lord unified all of the,
43:56 the young people that came
43:57 all these different countries together.
43:59 Jon, you are from Iceland, correct?
44:02 Okay, tell me how was it--
44:04 how was it experience for you to be able to meet
44:06 with young people from 50 different countries in Europe?
44:10 Well, in Iceland there are only 200 to 300 Adventist,
44:14 so when I came to GYC, Europe,
44:17 it was actually kind of phenomenon
44:18 because I was seeing people from all parts of my continent,
44:23 and that is specifically exciting
44:25 because Europe tends to be very fragmented,
44:28 plus we really work a lot together,
44:30 so when I was just looking and seeing people
44:32 from very different countries becoming friends in networking,
44:36 it made me personally really happy
44:38 because in front of my eyes I was seeing
44:40 how the church in Europe
44:41 is becoming more unified and stronger.
44:44 Amen.
44:45 That is exciting.
44:46 Now just so that actually let's keep the mike down there.
44:50 Just to mix things up, we don't want to get
44:52 too comfortable up here or anything.
44:54 Just to reiterate you said
44:55 there is 200 or 300 Adventist,
44:58 total across the country in Iceland?
45:00 And so coming together
45:01 and seeing all these young people worship together
45:03 from 50 different countries inspired
45:05 and nothing quite like it.
45:08 Now we were in Linz, Austria
45:11 and so I'm just wondering the local impact
45:13 I think you even go to the Linz Church,
45:15 what was the local impact in Austria that GYC, Europe had?
45:18 Yeah, it impacted us in several ways
45:20 because-- yeah,
45:22 first on the local church level in Linz
45:25 we're having Bible workers in January.
45:28 They dedicate the first,
45:29 Pacific Church planting project.
45:31 Second, young people are starting to--
45:35 to work with the youth department
45:38 and they starting grassroots movement
45:41 and third, I think for the first time in Europe,
45:45 people really unite-- people really
45:47 unite have a vision-- dream that vision
45:51 and, think that vision is that
45:56 we able to accomplish that vision.
45:58 Amen.
45:59 now our question to the GYC audience
46:03 what is typically one of the highlights
46:04 to GYC here in the United States.
46:06 Outreach.
46:08 Outreach, absolutely all those buses going out--
46:11 going out into the streets,
46:13 young people by the thousands knocking on doors,
46:15 now the assumption is sometimes
46:17 that outreach doesn't happen or is not successful in Europe.
46:23 Did we do outreach over in GYC Europe?
46:25 We sure did.
46:26 Tell us about it.
46:27 It was exciting the hall where we would gather
46:31 and where we would usually see a lot of people
46:33 when there was no meetings going on, would be full,
46:37 but during outreach it was empty,
46:39 virtually everyone went out to do outreach
46:41 it was very exciting.
46:43 Unlike you're in the States,
46:45 we stayed in the city of Linz
46:46 and that's a pretty density,
46:48 so we just walked to our locations,
46:50 there we did door knocking,
46:52 and we went out in the city and we sang,
46:55 and we gave out 300 Great Controversies
46:59 and 7,000 glow tracts.
47:01 So that exciting.
47:03 One of the reports that came back to us
47:05 was from this young Adventist lady
47:08 who's friend had emailed her today after outreach.
47:11 She said her mom who lives in Linz
47:13 was visited by-- in Germany it said,
47:17 so she got a book from-- who from star and dimension,
47:22 which means from shiny people,
47:23 which means they to glow about them,
47:25 the people who visited her
47:26 they were so shiny for Jesus
47:28 that she was so excited she start reading the book
47:30 and the young lady who would call their friend
47:31 he would also-- also said I want the book also.
47:34 So you know what that means?
47:36 It means when young people
47:38 or those when people who are in fire from Jesus,
47:40 who are shining for Jesus, go out in Europe,
47:42 secular Europe and do evangelism,
47:44 that do works and they will find people
47:45 who wants to hear it too.
47:47 Amen.
47:49 Amen, so Jonathan, you are at GYC, Europe
47:52 you had a special experience in the sense that
47:54 you were not only just attending there,
47:56 but you're heavily involved in some of the planning.
47:58 Tell me how was the GYC experience for you
48:01 and how did that impact your life?
48:03 Well, I was part of the logistic team,
48:05 so I'm throughout the months before the GYC event
48:09 we were heavenly all of us for involved in this
48:11 and we had to plan and--
48:13 what I could experience through the planning
48:15 and also during the conference
48:17 was a sense of very deep spiritual community
48:21 where we were always praying together,
48:24 planning together and we could see
48:25 God moving mightily for-- for us,
48:27 He was preparing the way all the way through.
48:29 And so also through out the conference,
48:32 the experience that I had was an experience
48:34 of deep Christian love amongst the attendees all though
48:37 they have never met before.
48:39 You could feel that the Holy Spirit was moving
48:41 and touching the hearts
48:43 and all the different people attending there to.
48:45 So there's diverse group of Europeans
48:47 were united by the spirit and what I caught
48:51 there was a glimpse of the Book of Acts.
48:53 So if you think that Acts happened
48:55 2,000 years ago, think twice
48:58 because the revolution is continuing all over the world.
49:01 Amen.
49:02 Amen, absolutely.
49:03 So I hope that you have been inspired
49:06 as we heard how God is working
49:08 around the globe, friends.
49:10 The Holy Spirit is being poured out
49:11 and Jonathan said
49:12 Acts the revolution continues that's today.
49:16 And I pray that you been inspired by the report
49:18 that we had from our European brother,
49:20 inspired by what is happening in Europe
49:24 and that you will be desirous of being participating
49:27 in that revolution continuing in our lives today.
49:29 And we can do that through a lifestyle
49:32 of radical commitment, a lifestyle of missions,
49:36 a lifestyle of faithfulness and that is our prayer.


Revised 2015-02-19