Generation of Youth for Christ 2012

Tuesday Late Morning

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: 12GYC

Program Code: 12GYC000013

00:11 You have given new meaning to the word remnant.
00:16 God bless you.
00:18 The few, the proud and the chosen,
00:21 it's good to see you this morning.
00:22 And I trust that you have been at least as blessed
00:25 as I have been from your time at GYC this year.
00:30 This is actually my first experience at GYC
00:32 and I'm so grateful.
00:35 I have spend years encouraging church members
00:38 and other people to come to GYC
00:41 and now I will always be able to speak from experience
00:43 when I tell folks that this is where they ought to be,
00:47 if they want to be blessed and encouraged
00:49 and lifted up before God.
00:50 What do you say?
00:52 I want to just take a moment to acknowledge
00:56 the leaders of GYC and thank them
00:59 for turning on this wonderful event,
01:03 this venue where God's Spirit
01:05 can work in such a powerful way.
01:07 Over the years, the leaders of GYC
01:09 have done a remarkable job.
01:11 Of course we seek to lift up Jesus
01:13 but I'm giving thanks where I believe thanks is due.
01:16 And I didn't do this when I had an opportunity earlier
01:18 but I wanted to thank Elder John Freedman,
01:21 the president of the Washington Conference.
01:24 Obviously, the support of the Washington Conference
01:26 is being important and greatly appreciated.
01:32 I know not all of you ran this morning.
01:38 About that, uh? The 5k this morning.
01:44 Yeah, don't think the Bradshaw's
01:45 aren't gonna be represented.
01:49 My wife did an awesome job running 5k this morning.
01:53 Awesome.
01:59 So proud of her. Excellent.
02:05 I hope that you are praying
02:08 for the revolution to continue
02:10 in God's church around this world.
02:12 I don't want to be selfish,
02:14 but I would like you to pray for me,
02:15 I have a six evangelistic meetings
02:19 coming up over the next year
02:20 with It Is Written and Escrito Está,
02:22 our Spanish language ministry
02:25 has at least as many in the United States
02:29 and other places as well.
02:30 I would like to take this opportunity
02:32 to encourage you to participate
02:34 in revelation today taking place in Charlotte,
02:37 North Carolina in October of this year.
02:40 It's gonna be broadcast and webcast
02:42 and all kind of cast.
02:44 And you will be able to be part of it wherever you are.
02:48 So perhaps, this is something your church
02:50 wants to participate in, or you want to do at home
02:53 or in your office, in your place of work,
02:54 in your dormitory or something.
02:57 Another opportunity to gather people
02:59 to get around the Bible
03:00 and encourage them into the word of God
03:02 and I would ask you to be praying for this event
03:06 and everything that's taking place in the name of Jesus
03:09 for the up-building of His kingdom
03:11 and the proclamation of the Three Angels' Messages.
03:15 Well, let us pray if you don't mind,
03:18 and we'll pray expecting God to bless us
03:21 as we open the Bible today.
03:22 Let's pray.
03:26 Our Father and our God,
03:27 we come to You in the name of Jesus.
03:31 That our old song said, in our hand,
03:35 no price we bring truly to the cross we cling.
03:43 Heavenly Father, as this convocation
03:46 comes to a conclusion,
03:50 we pray that You would unleash
03:55 the power of Your spirit again.
04:01 I'm not going to ask that you be here
04:04 or that You come into this place
04:07 as sure as the sun is shining in the sky,
04:12 we know that You are here, we know that.
04:16 My prayer is that You would allow for us to be here.
04:22 Take our minds, take our hearts,
04:27 unite our will with Your will.
04:31 Allow our faculties to be absorbed into Your purposes.
04:39 And let these minutes be such as would draw us
04:43 into Your words and into Your heart.
04:49 Bless us now please for Your glory we pray
04:53 in Jesus' name, amen.
05:00 It was the cool December day and the year was 1773.
05:09 A group of patriots known as the Sons of Liberty boarded
05:12 three ships in Boston harbor
05:16 and went to work unloading 342 crates of their contents.
05:23 The crates had been delivered by the East India Tea Company
05:27 and they contain some of India's finest,
05:32 if you allow me to put it that way tea.
05:37 This was no small matter.
05:40 Our children have tea parties today.
05:43 We think that is cute.
05:45 The government of Great Britain did not think this was cute.
05:50 Britain responded decidedly,
05:53 determined to restore British authority in Massachusetts,
05:57 Britain past a series of laws
06:01 that they believed essentially would reform government,
06:04 reform government in the colonies.
06:08 The past several acts in the British parliament,
06:12 five of them become known as the Intolerable Acts,
06:15 four of them really related directly
06:17 to what was taking place in the Massachusetts.
06:18 The fifth one was the Quebec Act,
06:21 but the patriots didn't like that either.
06:22 The Quebec or the Quebec Act,
06:24 in large the problems of Quebec
06:26 and brought it all the way down to the Ohio River.
06:29 The colonies didn't like that either.
06:32 But the four acts that really stuck in the corral with ease.
06:35 One was the Boston Port Act.
06:37 In retaliation against what the patriots have done,
06:39 the Boston Harbor was closed
06:43 until the East India Tea Company had been repaid
06:46 for the tea that had been lost.
06:47 The patriots didn't like that much.
06:50 The Massachusetts Government Act
06:52 brought the colony of Massachusetts
06:54 directly under the control of Great Britain
06:56 just like that.
06:59 And so the colonies and the other colonies
07:00 started to fear that their autonomy would be taken away,
07:03 not that you could really call it autonomy.
07:05 They fear that Britain would act similarly against them.
07:09 Freedom was disappeared.
07:11 The Administration of Justice Act meant that
07:14 royal subject in the colonies
07:18 could should Britain choose be tried
07:21 for crimes levied against them
07:23 in Britain rather than here in the United States,
07:26 what was not the United States yet.
07:29 George Washington called this the murder act.
07:32 He said, what this will accomplish
07:33 that British can do anything at all,
07:35 harass us anyway they like and they will get away with it.
07:37 This is intolerable he said, the intolerables they were.
07:40 And the fourth one was the Quartering Act,
07:42 this was an elaboration upon or enlargement of an act
07:46 that was already in existence
07:48 placing the burden or rather onerous burden
07:50 of housing, billeting caring
07:54 for British soldiers on the colonies.
07:56 And the colonies didn't like that.
07:58 Enough they said of taxation without representation.
08:02 Why should we put up with this?
08:04 The royals, they are treating us
08:06 with scorn, indignity.
08:10 British Prime Minister Lord North misjudged
08:12 the sediment in these colonies.
08:15 The Americans by now had little regards for any laws
08:17 that the British passed, had little regard.
08:21 And they already began organizing for war.
08:23 It was in 1775 that the shot was fired,
08:28 that has been described since then
08:30 as the shot heard around the world.
08:34 And the American Revolution
08:37 developed into the revolution every war.
08:40 A royal decree was issued.
08:42 It declared that the colonists were traitors.
08:47 The colonists said bring it on, because there's no going back.
08:51 And on July the 4th 1776,
08:54 the United States of America were formed or was formed.
08:58 A new nation, new liberties, new opportunities,
09:02 yea verily new responsibilities as well.
09:08 And all came out of a revolution.
09:14 A revolution occurs when the parties involve decide
09:17 that they will no longer tolerate the status quo.
09:20 There has to be change of decisive assault.
09:25 People say we will no longer go along
09:28 with existing conditions.
09:29 There has to be a change. People say this is it.
09:33 We are turning over a new leaf
09:35 and there would be no going back.
09:37 You can think about some of the world's
09:39 great revolutionaries,
09:43 the founding fathers, heroes, imperfect,
09:47 but they step forward when the moment came
09:50 and they acted decisively
09:52 and the world has never been the same since.
09:57 Heroes such as Martin Luther,
10:00 heroes such as Dr. Martin Luther King Junior,
10:04 heroes such as Gandhi are not praising his theology.
10:08 But you know Gandhi was a revolutionary
10:10 who brought change and it was needed change.
10:14 Not all revolutionaries are created equal.
10:19 Some are remembered as being infinites
10:22 more than famous, Che Guevara.
10:26 A revolutionary died in Bolivia at the hands of CIA, I believe.
10:33 Vladimir Lenin,
10:34 no not a hero of mine, but a revolutionary.
10:36 Karl Marx,
10:38 I don't know subscribe to his point of you,
10:40 but a revolutionary nevertheless.
10:42 Mao Zedong, I don't want a revolution like that,
10:45 taking place on our soil,
10:46 but nevertheless chairman Mao was a revolutionary.
10:49 People who brought change, people whose actions lineup
10:53 with the dictionary definition of revolution.
10:58 If you look in the dictionary,
10:59 you will discover that revolution is,
11:01 listen, listen because this becomes
11:03 very important to us on a personal basis.
11:06 A revolution is that I read for you,
11:07 an overthrow or repudiation,
11:11 and the thorough replacement of an established government
11:16 or political system by the people governed.
11:21 Think now, friends, because this is direct
11:23 implications and consequences for you and me.
11:26 A repudiation of an overthrow of the system governing you.
11:32 That's the definition of revolution.
11:35 Another definition is, a sudden complete
11:38 or marked change in something.
11:41 You know where I'm going today.
11:43 A sudden complete or marked change in something.
11:48 The first revolutionary we read about in the Bible
11:52 is a surprising revolutionary.
11:55 He began as Lucifer the light bearer,
11:57 we called him Satan today.
11:58 The Bible calls him a deceiver, a liar and the father of it.
12:03 He is the accuser of the brethren,
12:05 but he was a revolutionary.
12:08 There in heaven all was perfect and all was love.
12:11 There was a perfect system, there was a perfect government,
12:14 but this revolutionary rose up against it,
12:16 he said, we will not have a government
12:19 that brings glory to God,
12:21 but we will have a government instead
12:22 that brings glory to the creature,
12:24 not the creator.
12:26 Lucifer said, and you know it
12:27 for it is written in Isaiah 14:12,
12:30 I will be like the Most High.
12:32 I cannot stand the status quo.
12:34 There must be a change, change will begin with me.
12:39 Lucifer, the first recorded revolutionary in the Bible.
12:46 You could argue with that.
12:48 None I hope you will,
12:49 because there is another revolutionary
12:51 that we will talk about soon.
12:52 The Bible is a book of revolutions.
12:56 And as we've seen over these last few days at GYC,
12:59 the Book of Acts is where we find evidence
13:01 of something truly revolutionary.
13:05 Now, the first, the greatest revolutionary
13:09 there ever was, was Jesus,
13:10 and truthfully you could say that
13:12 Jesus was the original revolutionary,
13:14 because long ago in the council of peace,
13:16 Jesus said, if somebody falls,
13:19 if this world goes to hell, I will go.
13:21 Jesus was the lamb slain
13:24 from before the foundation of the world.
13:26 He said in case,
13:27 there's a revolution down there,
13:29 let me make a decision right here.
13:31 we will have provided for their salvation,
13:33 I will get them out of jail free,
13:35 I will go if I need to, Jesus stood up and said,
13:38 here am I, sent me.
13:40 The father said, all right, should that happen you will go.
13:43 Jesus came to a world darkened by sin
13:46 and He offered salvation.
13:47 He came to a planet mired in tradition
13:50 and He brought truth.
13:52 He traveled to a distance spot in the universe
13:55 where there was failure and He offered victory
13:58 where there was mediocrity or even worse,
14:00 Jesus proffered excellence.
14:04 Instead of wickedness,
14:05 Jesus came and He held out the hope of righteousness,
14:08 and for death Jesus offered life.
14:12 Jesus was and is a revolutionary.
14:18 But there is something interesting
14:19 about that revolution that was conceived in heaven
14:22 and then really took place here on the earth.
14:24 Jesus started the revolution by intent in heaven long ago.
14:29 He brought a massive revolution to our world
14:32 that was dead and trespasses in sins.
14:34 When He came, He was born as a baby in Bethlehem
14:37 and then when He ministered and lived
14:38 and ultimately died on an old rugged cross.
14:42 But Jesus when He left this earth
14:45 and ascended to heaven,
14:46 left the revolution in the hands
14:50 of some interesting characters.
14:56 It was a misfit church.
15:03 You think you see things in your church
15:06 that you don't like.
15:09 We had so many grumblers in the church today.
15:15 It's true, there's plenty to grumble about.
15:19 You are in the church, there something right there.
15:26 But if the grumblers would attempt
15:29 to be part of the solution,
15:32 rather than just amplified the problem,
15:35 this would be not a different church,
15:37 but a different world,
15:39 ladies and gentlemen, a different world.
15:42 It was a misfit church back then.
15:47 Just days before Jesus went to heaven,
15:49 the Bible says, His very closest friends
15:52 and this is a direct quote forsook Him and fled.
15:57 Imagine, Jesus being dragged off to that kangaroo court
16:03 and thinking, well I'm gonna be dead soon
16:06 and the future of the church rests upon some yellow-bellies
16:10 who in My moment of need forsook me and fled.
16:14 Would you have taken that risk?
16:16 No, you would not.
16:19 Two of Jesus' inner circle was so corrupt,
16:24 that their method of solving interpersonal conflicts
16:28 was to appeal to deity to send fire from heaven
16:33 to burn up the people who disagreed with them.
16:37 Can you imagine that?
16:39 You got problems with somebody
16:41 in your dormitory if you are in college
16:43 and you go to the dean and say, I think I have a solution,
16:47 let's pray that God sends fire down
16:49 from heaven and burns here up.
16:54 That's what Jesus was dealing with.
16:58 Judas had a devil.
17:01 Now, Jesus didn't leave
17:03 the future of the church with him,
17:05 but you know that like leavened in dough Judas'
17:10 influences leavened the disciples,
17:12 you understand that?
17:15 Thomas, Doubting Thomas, Philip weak in faith,
17:22 the great revolutionary had left the earth
17:27 and he was passing the torch on to others.
17:33 What could possibly come off this revolution?
17:38 Open your Bible with me please,
17:39 sorry to take so long getting there,
17:41 Luke Chapter 24, Luke Chapter 24.
17:47 And we'll pick it up in verse 49.
17:51 Jesus is about to checkout of this earth
17:55 and He is dealing with His little group of failures
17:58 and He says this to them.
17:59 Luke 24:49.
18:02 "And behold, I send the promise of my father upon you,
18:08 but tarry in the city of Jerusalem
18:11 until you been endued with power from on high."
18:15 Jesus look at them and He realized
18:17 they were failures, they were frail,
18:21 they had more than foibles, this was a broken bunch.
18:25 Peter denied him like he did,
18:27 I mean Jesus was looking at this group
18:30 and He said, you are not gonna get it done on your own,
18:33 but it was never God's intention
18:36 that the church get it done on its own.
18:40 Jesus said, made provision for a group of failures,
18:43 so that they could be raging successes
18:46 in prosecuting the gospel commission.
18:49 And he said to them, wait
18:52 until you be endued with power from on high.
18:55 And then verse 53 says, they responded positively,
19:00 they were continually in the temple,
19:02 praising and blessing God and then Luke write, amen.
19:05 And we all ought to say amen to them.
19:07 Jesus left them behind
19:09 and where would you have found them?
19:10 In the temple. What were they doing?
19:12 worshipping, praising, praying, they were waiting,
19:15 they were pressing close to the heart of God.
19:17 We know, you've got something big,
19:18 we are here, and we are ready.
19:22 What happened as a result?
19:25 The Book of Acts happened as a result.
19:27 For some of reason, the Book of Acts is called,
19:29 the Acts of the Apostles.
19:30 It should really be called the Acts of the Holy Spirit
19:33 because when you look at the Book of Acts,
19:34 the disciples did nothing, other than,
19:39 provide themselves as vessels through
19:42 which the Holy Spirit could work.
19:44 God was gonna get a work done,
19:46 that the disciples would be tools
19:48 in the hands of a mighty God.
19:50 We read about this.
19:52 Book of Pentecost took place
19:53 and when I read about this thing in Acts,
19:55 in a book called the Acts of the Apostles,
19:57 in the Bible book.
19:59 Here's what I discovered,
20:00 I've cobbled a few points together.
20:02 Here's what the disciples knew, when Pentecost took place.
20:07 Here's what the disciples knew,
20:09 when they pressed in close to the heart of God,
20:10 here's what they knew.
20:12 They knew, that they had a representative in heaven
20:14 and advocate of the throne of God.
20:16 Did you know that today?
20:18 In solemn, all day bowed in prayer
20:20 repeating the assurance,
20:22 what so whether you shall ask of God and in my name,
20:25 he will give it to you.
20:26 They believed what God had said,
20:31 revolutionary, as the disciples waited
20:34 for the fulfillment of the promise
20:35 they humbled their hearts in true repentance
20:39 and confessed their unbelief.
20:43 But they were comforted by the thought
20:44 that they were forgiven
20:46 and they determined that so far as possible,
20:48 they would atone for their unbelief
20:50 by bravely confessing him before the world.
20:52 Let me stop there and editorialize
20:53 just a little bit.
20:56 Unfortunately, there are some people
20:58 who struggled with idea that they are forgiven.
21:01 Could God really forgive me after what I have done?
21:05 Does God really have a place for me in His work,
21:07 when you stop and consider
21:08 how sinful I have been and I am?
21:10 Look where I am now.
21:11 Could God use somebody like me?
21:13 I want to tell you something,
21:14 it's time to take your eyes of yourself
21:16 and put your eyes on a mediator in heaven sanctuary.
21:20 When you look at you,
21:21 the answer will always be defeat.
21:22 When you look at Jesus,
21:24 the answers will always be victory.
21:26 Can God use you? Yes, He can.
21:28 Sinful you? Yes, He can.
21:30 Let's not talk anymore about your sinfulness.
21:33 That's our self problem.
21:37 We'd like to define issues with self by saying,
21:40 well, you know, I really wanted a hamburger,
21:42 but I prayed and I just walked right on by McDonalds'
21:45 and I've got victory of our self.
21:49 All right, that probably qualifies.
21:54 But in the big picture I could care less.
21:59 There's another victory over self, you ought to get
22:00 and that's the victory over self doubt.
22:03 That's the victory of our self condemnation,
22:05 that's selfishness man,
22:07 that's all it is, that's self centeredness.
22:09 Look beyond yourself
22:11 and look at Jesus in heaven's sanctuary and say,
22:14 misfit though I might be, broken though I am,
22:18 failed though I be, my hope is in Christ,
22:22 my hope is in heaven,
22:24 I have a mediator at the right hand of God
22:28 in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary,
22:31 Jesus, the Bible tells you in the Book of Hebrews,
22:34 He went to heaven for us.
22:36 He is for you not against you. The disciples believe that.
22:40 They looked at their litany of failures
22:43 and they said wait it's not about our failures,
22:45 it's about Jesus and His great victory.
22:49 What else do we read?
22:51 The disciples pray with intense earnestness
22:53 with intense earnestness for a fitness to meet men
22:56 and in the daily intercourse to speak words
22:58 that would leads sinners to Christ.
23:00 This is what they prayed for.
23:01 God give me words,
23:03 putting away all difference, all desired for the supremacy,
23:06 they came close together in Christian fellowship.
23:09 Read-- you just turn back a few pages.
23:11 These were the same clowns
23:12 who were fighting about who would be the greatest.
23:14 Now that was gone.
23:17 "These days of preparation were days
23:19 of deep heart-searching.
23:21 The disciples felt their spiritual need
23:22 and cried to the Lord for the holy unction
23:26 that was to fit them for the work of soul saving."
23:31 It's a wonder that we don't pray
23:35 and plead for the Holy Spirit to fill us every day,
23:39 every night, maybe you do,
23:41 but if you don't, you are missing out on something.
23:44 This is what the disciples prayed for.
23:45 "They did not ask for a blessing
23:47 for themselves merely.
23:48 They were weighted with the burden
23:51 of the salvation of souls.
23:55 They realized that the gospel was to be carried to the world,
23:58 and they claimed the power that Christ had promised.
24:06 In obedience to the word of the Savior,
24:08 the disciples offered their supplications for this gift."
24:12 Jesus said pray for the gift and so they did.
24:15 And in heaven, I love this,
24:17 "In heaven Christ added His intercession."
24:21 Isn't that something?
24:23 You're on your knees praying
24:25 and Jesus is in heaven adding his prayers to yours.
24:28 You're down here appealing to God
24:30 to do some great thing and Jesus is in heaven,
24:32 adding his intersession to your pleadings.
24:34 Oh, praise the Lord for such a great savior.
24:37 He claimed the gift of the spirit.
24:40 You got to love this.
24:41 Jesus claimed the gift of the Holy Spirit,
24:44 so that He might pour it upon His people.
24:49 Look what was about to take place.
24:51 Jesus said, there's gonna be a revolution.
24:54 He said to the disciples,
24:55 you are going to lead the way, yes you are.
24:57 But in order for you to be successful revolutionaries,
25:01 there's something you gonna need.
25:04 They didn't have to get together
25:05 and plot and strategizes the way
25:07 they are going to get weapons.
25:08 They knew, their weapon would come from above.
25:10 They didn't need to go off to a training camp
25:12 in the middle of the desert and practice guerilla warfare.
25:15 They knew that the warfare they were involved in
25:18 would be carried out under the unction,
25:19 under the aegis of the great Holy Spirit of almighty God,
25:22 they knew that.
25:23 Jesus pledge to provide the Holy Spirit,
25:27 so that the revolution could go forward
25:29 like fire through the stubble.
25:33 The entire Book of Acts is the story
25:36 how the revolution was pressed forward.
25:38 Pentecost, spirit of God was poured out.
25:42 Peter preached a powerful sermon.
25:44 The people were pricked in their heart.
25:46 Men and brethren, what shall we do
25:47 and 3,000 were baptized in a day.
25:50 In the next chapter Peter and John went to pray.
25:53 They met a layman on the way.
25:56 He asked them for a gift
25:57 and they said, silver and gold have I none,
26:00 but such as I have give by the,
26:02 in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
26:04 do what tell me now, rise up and walk,
26:06 and he went walking and leaping and praising God.
26:11 Peter preached with power, the spirit convicted hearts,
26:15 thousands believed a great company of the priests
26:19 were obedient to the faith.
26:21 The Spirit of God went further.
26:24 It wasn't just the actions of the apostles,
26:27 but the Spirit of God went down
26:28 and dealt with the motives of the apostles.
26:32 Peter went on to roof top to pray.
26:33 You got to be careful if you pray,
26:35 because God will answer your prayer.
26:36 He might not give you an answer that you like.
26:38 Peter went up there to pray
26:40 and as he was up on the roof top,
26:41 there was a knocking at the gate,
26:42 someone had come to call him down
26:44 nearly Cornelius' house.
26:45 Peter had seen a vision,
26:46 a great sheet knit together at the four corners,
26:49 filled up with unclean creatures
26:51 descending to the earth.
26:52 God said, rise Peter, kill and eat,
26:55 and Peter said, uh-uh,
26:57 I'm not eating that, that's unclean.
27:00 And God eventually got through to Peter
27:02 and told him that what he was trying
27:03 to communicate with him, was that now,
27:05 even though his theology was right,
27:06 his heart was wrong.
27:07 Get over there to the gentles man,
27:09 don't be a racist.
27:11 That was the message in Acts Chapter 10.
27:12 Peter enough of your racism.
27:14 Peter got the message. He yielded and he went.
27:17 He said I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.
27:20 There was a revolution taking place
27:22 in the heart of Peter,
27:25 then there was a Prophet Agabus,
27:26 there were Philips four daughters who prophesied.
27:29 Philip went out into the wilderness, why?
27:31 Because he was led by the Holy Spirit
27:34 to meet with the utopian and when he was done,
27:36 the Spirit of God caught him away,
27:39 took him to another place.
27:40 This was what happened under the power
27:44 of the Holy Spirit of God.
27:47 At Antioch there were certain prophets
27:49 and teachers, there's Barnabas,
27:50 and Simeon that was called Niger,
27:52 Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen
27:55 who been brought up with Herod the Tetrarch, and Saul.
27:59 Aren't you glad for that?
28:01 Because when they fasted and prayed and appealed to God,
28:05 the Holy Spirit spoke up and said separate unto me
28:10 Barnabas and Saul and the Spirit of God
28:14 sent them on their way.
28:16 It says those very words in the Bible.
28:22 Friend, if there is going to be a revolution,
28:25 the revolution will take place when we
28:27 and the Holy Spirit are connected,
28:30 that's when it would take place.
28:32 God is eager to empower the revolutionaries.
28:36 Over there in the Middle East there are revolutionaries,
28:39 and there are terrorist states if I can just call them that
28:42 who are eager to supply them
28:43 with armaments to provide the power,
28:46 to push the revolution forward.
28:49 Spirit of God is eager to provide the power
28:51 to push the revolution forward.
28:54 There was little failure in the Book of Acts,
28:55 when the apostles, the disciples
28:57 attached themselves to the Holy Spirit of God.
29:00 There was transformation within and without there was power.
29:05 I remember when I was a Catholic teenager
29:07 about 14 years old,
29:10 I started to kick around with the baptized youth group.
29:13 Some kids in my high school,
29:15 you know, when we go down to Westy's house
29:17 and they had a great big living room down
29:18 with the two rivers come together at their old house.
29:21 And these youth group leaders would come,
29:23 you know, and weed, I don't know,
29:24 what we would do, I don't remember too well.
29:26 I remember one thing,
29:28 that they will be singing and someone would pray
29:30 and there would be games and games,
29:31 there's been lot of games, but this just what it was,
29:35 but then there was a little stool,
29:36 it was about this high and was made of wood.
29:38 And if you are unlucky,
29:40 maybe if you got the question wrong
29:41 or you came last in middle of competition,
29:44 it was your sentence to go and sit on the stool.
29:48 It was just an inconspicuous looking wooden stool
29:51 that's all it was.
29:52 But you didn't know when you got there
29:54 because nobody told you, you found out though.
29:58 Somewhere over there, there was a switch
30:00 and when the youth group leader flipped the switch, suddenly,
30:06 suddenly you got moving.
30:09 There was electricity connected to the stool
30:12 and when the switch was flipped,
30:14 you didn't see the electricity,
30:17 but you sure felt the electricity
30:19 and that electricity got out of the seat
30:21 well, it got into the seat, if you know what I mean,
30:24 and throw the individual and you got to move in,
30:26 you couldn't help but move.
30:29 You didn't have to do anything
30:31 but sit there and wait for the power to arrive
30:35 and when the power arrived, you could not remain the same.
30:39 People try, but it couldn't be done.
30:43 Friend, if you would just sit there
30:46 and allow God to do what God wants to do,
30:50 you cannot be the same, you might not see it happen
30:54 but you will its effect, you will see its results,
30:57 when the Spirit of God gets the holds of you,
30:59 there will be power, real power,
31:02 there will be a revolution when God sends us,
31:06 the person of the Holy Spirit there is power.
31:08 When God's revolutionary,
31:10 simply let the Holy Spirit have their way,
31:13 that's when there's a powerful revolution.
31:15 Holy Spirit said to Peter, remember,
31:17 go to Cornelius' house.
31:20 What did Peter do?
31:21 He just went. He didn't have to go.
31:24 Keep in mind Peter didn't have to go,
31:26 Peter could have easily said,
31:28 not me, you got the wrong guy.
31:30 Those are gentles over there, and I hate them
31:32 because there are different race
31:34 and I've been bred to hate them and taught to hate them
31:37 and that we used the scriptures that justify hating them,
31:39 God I will not go and if I go,
31:42 my credibility with the church will be blown.
31:48 But Peter didn't say that, God said go, and Peter went.
31:53 Notice this, in Acts 16:6,
31:55 "When they had gone throughout Phrygia
31:57 and the region of Galatia,
31:58 they were forbidden by the Holy Ghost
32:01 to preach the word in Asia.
32:04 After they were come to Mysia,
32:06 they assayed to go into Bithynia,
32:09 but the Spirit did not allow them."
32:14 Now, they simply could have said,
32:17 we have this annoying feeling.
32:20 We believe God doesn't want us to go,
32:22 but we are going to go anyway.
32:26 You know what that's like,
32:28 last night undoubtedly some of you all
32:31 heard the call of the wild.
32:33 It's New Year's Eve.
32:36 Come on now,
32:37 don't tell me you gonna sit around
32:39 in your little hotel room
32:40 and go down to some prayer room.
32:42 Oh, no, the flesh began to call,
32:45 Satan placed an agent somewhere near you perhaps
32:49 and said this is the way walking in it.
32:53 And you know how it can be when temptation comes.
32:56 God calls us to yield, these guys were told,
32:59 don't go there, they didn't go,
33:01 they could have, but they didn't go.
33:05 "A vision appeared to Paul in the night,
33:06 There stood a man of Macedonia,
33:08 and prayed him, saying,
33:09 Come over into Macedonia, and help us."
33:11 That's where Paul went.
33:12 You see, Paul might have
33:13 had his own agenda, but he didn't.
33:15 He simply made himself available to the agenda
33:18 of the Holy Spirit and when he did that,
33:21 there was no obstruction in the work of God.
33:24 The work of God went forward with power
33:28 because the disciples simply said,
33:30 let's do Your thing.
33:34 Not everybody was called by God and did God what asked.
33:38 You've heard of Jonah,
33:40 Jonah went in the opposite direction.
33:44 You know what Peter did?
33:45 Oh, I didn't know him, no way,
33:47 conviction was telling Peter, Peter confess Jesus,
33:51 but Peter fought it off.
33:52 Judas against the conviction of the Holy Spirit sold Jesus.
33:59 There are plenty of examples in the Bible
34:02 of people who knew better,
34:04 Balaam attempted to prophesy against God's people.
34:07 Call a curse of God down on God's people knowing better.
34:11 Donkey had to talk to Balaam to get him straightened out.
34:16 I hope that you are getting a picture
34:18 of what fueled the revolution,
34:22 not simply the Holy Spirit.
34:25 The Spirit of God was the power,
34:27 really was the fuel, that's true,
34:29 but the disciples yielding their will to God
34:34 enabled the revolution to go forward.
34:38 Friend, when you leave here, something is gonna happen.
34:42 You are going to be confronted with the decision.
34:46 Is life going to be business as usual
34:50 or will the Holy Spirit have control of your life.
34:55 God is gonna speak to you and call you
34:56 and you gonna have to be confronted with the decision
34:58 and the decision isn't to do, the decision is to yield.
35:01 Will I let God have His way in my life?
35:05 Fascinating what God will do,
35:07 I remember being a student literature evangelist.
35:10 And I was canvassing in some hallways in the south,
35:12 and I had a good day and I was driving back home,
35:16 and as I drove fast a couple of homes.
35:18 On this side, I can still see it like it was yesterday
35:21 was an elderly couple sitting on their porch
35:23 and over here was a mom, and a dad,
35:25 and two kids playing in the front yard,
35:27 playing with the ball.
35:29 And I drove past them and came to the T,
35:31 I flipped on indicator was turning left
35:33 and God said, go back.
35:35 And I said no need for that,
35:36 I had a good day and I kept on driving.
35:39 God did not give up, God said go back.
35:43 And, you know, if you see two families,
35:45 elderly and young,
35:46 you gonna go to the young family
35:47 because they want to at least buy the kids books
35:49 and that lady she's gonna want to cook surely.
35:52 And then you gonna interest them in the message book
35:54 and they want to raise their kids in fear
35:55 and admonition of the Lord.
35:58 No, no, I'm not going back.
36:00 If I was gonna go back God,
36:01 I will go back to the young people.
36:03 But I'm not going back, I'm driving down the road,
36:04 that's strike two God said again,
36:06 John go back and go to the elderly couple.
36:11 I didn't hear a voice,
36:12 of course I didn't hear a voice,
36:13 but it was a strong and overwhelming impression,
36:16 I pulled into a driveway, I stopped in the driveway,
36:19 I said out loud, Lord,
36:21 I think I'm fooling myself here.
36:25 But just in case this is you,
36:27 I will go back and see what happens.
36:28 I went back, pulled into the driveway of the elderly couple,
36:31 got my bag over my shoulder, got out of the car,
36:33 walked up the little rise leading to their porch
36:36 and the man or the woman
36:37 I don't remember which one said,
36:38 "Uh what's that you got for us today?"
36:43 I started canvassing them,
36:45 I'm handing books out here to the lady,
36:47 the lady was the decision maker,
36:49 the husband was a nuisance.
36:50 He just was asking questions.
36:53 In the end I pulled out three or four books, I said,
36:54 you look through these while I talk to your wife,
36:56 canvass the wife.
36:57 They brought one or two of everything I had.
37:00 I went on my way praising the Lord
37:01 that truth had been left behind in this home.
37:04 They were buying kids-- not, they weren't buying kids.
37:09 I've sold a lot of things in my time but never children.
37:13 They were buying books for their kids,
37:15 books for their grandchildren, books for themselves.
37:17 I'm saying God when I just listen to you,
37:20 you will do something great.
37:23 You might think this was a small illustration.
37:26 Yes for you maybe because God tells you to go
37:28 and raise dead people.
37:29 Well back then, he was telling me to go
37:31 and sell books to living people,
37:33 and when I did as a young broke LE
37:37 and the money has been handed over
37:39 and I'm thinking God,
37:40 more for the souls than for the money,
37:43 I'm saying this is huge, whatever you are doing,
37:45 God is gonna do something great.
37:47 When you'll listen to the voice of God,
37:49 that's all God wants us to do.
37:51 Put ourselves in the place,
37:53 where we hear Him and then yield to Him.
37:56 The message of the gospel
37:58 is the message of yielding to our God
38:02 who wants to do something great in your life.
38:04 You don't have to sweat that
38:05 you aren't capable of greatness,
38:07 God is capable of greatness.
38:09 You don't want to tell me,
38:11 but I'm too weak because I've read in the Bible
38:13 where God says my strength is made perfect in what?
38:17 Weakness.
38:19 God is looking for the weak.
38:23 And if you can turn up at God's throne
38:25 and say, Lord, I believe I'm weak,
38:26 God says all right, now you've got it.
38:28 I remember it was early this,
38:29 no, it wasn't, it was last year, wasn't it?
38:31 Last year in Paris,
38:32 when we held an evangelistic series in Paris.
38:35 If you want people to pray for you,
38:36 go hold the meeting in Africa.
38:38 If you want people to just envy you,
38:39 go hold the meeting in Paris.
38:45 In Paris, we're having a large baptism,
38:47 hundred or so people being baptized.
38:49 Praise the Lord.
38:50 And the baptism is just taking place,
38:52 I don't have a role in that,
38:53 I'm standing back and enjoying what's going on,
38:55 and they run to me and they grab me
38:56 and they say to me,
38:57 pastor we need your help with something,
39:01 beautiful French accent.
39:03 We need you, I said, how can I help you, huh?
39:08 Pastor, there's a lady
39:10 who does not want to get baptized.
39:13 Oh man, that's too bad.
39:15 What do you want to me to do?
39:17 We want to come and change her mind.
39:23 Yeah, that's what I do,
39:24 I change people's mind, bring her on.
39:26 I will fix this lady in a moment.
39:29 Just bring me to her, I will work with my magic.
39:33 I said, sister, what's the problem.
39:34 She spoke to me through translator,
39:36 she said, I don't want to get baptized.
39:37 I know that, why not?
39:39 She said, I fear that after I'm baptized
39:41 I will fall and fail.
39:42 I said, you will.
39:44 She like, I said you've just demonstrated to me
39:49 that you're ready to be baptized.
39:51 What do you mean?
39:53 I said if you are confident
39:54 that you are gonna get out of the water
39:55 and then walk on water, I will be worrying.
39:58 But you recognize that you are weak, right?
40:00 Yes, pastor, tears streaming down her face.
40:04 I fear that I will fall.
40:07 I said, you don't have to worry about that,
40:09 you give your life to Jesus, He will live His life in you.
40:13 And should you fall, you know where I went?
40:16 We have an advocate with the Father,
40:19 Jesus Christ, the Righteous.
40:20 Sister, get up and go and get baptized.
40:23 God is gonna take care of you when you get out of the water.
40:26 She recognized her weakness.
40:28 We all must recognize our weakness
40:30 because once you think
40:31 you are 10 foot tall and bullet proof,
40:32 you don't even need the Holy Spirit anymore.
40:35 When you are weak, then God can make you strong.
40:38 God says yield, when you yield,
40:41 the Holy Spirit will do what the Holy Spirit will do.
40:44 And if the Holy Spirit calls you to go
40:46 and sweep a floor in the fellowship hall of the church,
40:50 you sweep that floor for Jesus.
40:53 And the Baptist who rent your church
40:55 or the people have a birthday party in your church,
40:57 you gonna come and they gonna say.
40:58 That floor, I'm so impressed.
41:03 What kind of people would have such a floor?
41:08 I want to worship with them on a floor like that.
41:14 And if God calls you to preach
41:15 to stadium full of people, then so be it.
41:18 God calls you to be a missionary in Mongolia,
41:21 go there.
41:22 If God calls you to be a missionary in Manhattan,
41:24 don't turn back.
41:25 If God calls you to be a missionary
41:27 at school or at home, that's what you want to be.
41:32 God didn't call all of us to be the head
41:33 or the tail or the hand or the foot,
41:35 He called all of us to take part
41:37 in the great work that He is doing.
41:38 Let God use you, He will use you.
41:42 It's all great when God uses you.
41:44 All great, the Holy Spirit wants to do a work.
41:48 Holy Spirit cannot put anything in your hand
41:51 when your fist is all closed up.
41:54 Paul wrote to the Romans, in Romans 6:16,
41:56 he said this, he said "Know you not,
41:58 that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey,
42:00 his servants you are to whom you obey,
42:02 whether of sin unto death,
42:04 or of obedience unto righteousness."
42:05 Paul said, you are the servant of someone.
42:09 You are the servant of either of sin or of obedience
42:11 and you get to choose who you're the servant of.
42:14 Isn't that something?
42:16 Look with me, I'm a bit late getting to this.
42:18 Look with me in Acts Chapter 9,
42:21 I'm gonna show you a revolution here.
42:25 Before there was a revolution, there was a revolutionary.
42:30 And in order for Paul to be a revolutionary,
42:32 they had to be revolution that took place in his life.
42:35 A Holy Spirit inspired and moved
42:39 and executed revolution.
42:43 I want you to notice what it says in Acts 9:1.
42:46 "And Saul yet breathing out threatening
42:50 and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord."
42:53 How about that?
42:55 I mean those words are graphic aren't they?
42:58 Breathing out, threatenings and slaughter
43:01 went to the high priest,
43:03 he said, give me some letters,
43:04 I'll go to synagogues in Damascus,
43:06 I will fix him Christians.
43:08 On this way, God confronted him.
43:12 "Saul, why you prosecuting me?"
43:13 And he answered by saying, Lord, who are you?
43:18 He tremble in the presence of God as he might.
43:23 But he asked a question, he said in verse 6,
43:28 what do you want me to do?
43:32 God told him, "Arise, and go into the city,
43:36 and it will told you there what you have to do."
43:38 In others, what do you want me to do?
43:41 I'm not telling you.
43:44 But if you get up and go to the city,
43:46 you will find out.
43:50 Elijah came and said, "Now prophet will you heal me?
43:52 No, no, no, no, go down to the river,
43:53 I'm not interested.
43:55 This was God fending Saul off just a little bit.
43:59 Saul, will you exercise faith?
44:01 Saul, will you learn faith right away?
44:04 You're cruising in a graduation,
44:05 you say, I don't know what I'm gonna do.
44:06 Don't sweat that, make yourself available to God.
44:09 He got a millions things for you to do.
44:11 And one thing that He is gonna show you
44:13 brighter than all of the others.
44:15 Hang in there.
44:17 Saul was breathing out-- what was it?
44:19 Threatenings and slaughter.
44:22 Go down to the city, they will tell you there.
44:24 He gets down to the city.
44:25 Before he got there, the Lord spoke to Ananias.
44:30 And He said, now I want you to go down
44:32 and rondevu with somebody.
44:33 Ananias was petrified.
44:35 Lord in verse 13,
44:36 "I have heard by many of this man,
44:37 this man has a reputation,
44:39 how much evil he has done to your saints at Jerusalem."
44:44 God said you go, it's gonna be okay.
44:47 I have called him. Ananias went.
44:49 Verse 17 he called him, brother Saul.
44:52 Just that phrase alone knocks me out.
44:55 The scales fell from his eyes.
44:57 And what do you read?
44:59 Saul was strengthened,
45:00 he hung out in Damascus for a while.
45:02 And right away he preached Christ in the synagogues
45:07 that Christ was the son of God and the people were amazed.
45:14 "Is not this he that destroyed them
45:17 which called on this name in Jerusalem,"
45:20 They were amazed.
45:22 We know what he is like, this brother has changed.
45:25 I want to challenge you young person,
45:28 whatever age you are,
45:31 we have young people of all ages at GYC.
45:35 Go from here and amaze somebody.
45:40 Not by going back to the church and copying at them about
45:43 they ought to be enthusiastic like you
45:46 or you can do that too.
45:49 Not by going back to the church
45:51 and dazzling people
45:56 with your lifestyle reform.
46:00 Do that. Do that too.
46:03 But amaze people by letting them
46:06 look at you and say, wait a minute,
46:08 this is the man who used to be like this,
46:11 but look at him now.
46:14 This is the young woman, who used to act a certain way,
46:17 but look at her now,
46:20 something is going on, that is revolutionary.
46:24 Friend of mine, God invited to church
46:28 so he went and when he was at church,
46:30 the preacher challenged all of the husbands,
46:32 go home and don't complain about
46:33 anything to your wife for two weeks.
46:41 He said to a friend on his way home,
46:42 these Seventh-day Adventists are cranks,
46:45 that's unreasonable.
46:48 He got home, he didn't complain
46:49 about anything for two weeks.
46:52 Wife thought he had gone mad.
46:56 By the end of two weeks, she said,
46:58 I don't know what they did you in that church,
47:01 but I'm coming along this week to find out.
47:06 They're now parents in Israel,
47:08 they have got family that are in ministry.
47:12 The revolution began in the heart,
47:16 yielding to the power of God, the revolution was seen.
47:22 Saul was revolutionary
47:25 because a revolution began in his life.
47:29 Friend, when you go home from GYC,
47:32 be the revolution you want to see.
47:36 Be a revolution.
47:38 If you can't stop one, be one,
47:40 that's revolution enough.
47:43 Let the revolution begin in you.
47:45 You get to choose today who you gonna serve,
47:48 whose it gonna be.
47:49 Have you chosen to serve God with all of your heart.
47:53 I know there are bunch of you have,
47:55 praise the Lord, but I'm guarantying you,
47:57 he will bunch you in heaven.
48:01 And it would be a tragedy to go home from here,
48:06 the same as when you arrived, tragic.
48:13 We got flashlights all over our house,
48:17 some of them work.
48:22 We really need to change the batteries
48:23 because if there were some sort of power outage,
48:26 I know what would happen, I would run to the flashlight
48:28 and press the button, there would be no power.
48:29 And I would be say, how silly of me.
48:33 I have the flashlight and I know where the power is,
48:37 but I neglected to put the two together.
48:40 It could be a matter of life and death.
48:43 Why would we not yield to the power
48:48 and let the revolution begin in us.
48:52 Why would we not?
48:55 As powerfully as God works at events like this,
48:58 I don't want you to think that GYC
49:01 is the revolution, it's revolutionary.
49:07 But a revolution doesn't take place
49:09 within four walls over four days,
49:11 it may begin.
49:14 But you got to take the revolution back
49:15 to where you came from, your home, your church,
49:19 your workplace, your school.
49:22 Wherever you are, the revolution
49:23 is got to go from here
49:25 and become a reality out there.
49:28 What were those definitions of revolution
49:30 we discussed earlier out of the dictionary?
49:32 An overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement
49:35 of an established government
49:36 or political system by the people governed.
49:38 Before you come to Jesus, you're being governed,
49:41 by the enemy of source, there must be a revolution
49:44 that throws that form of government off.
49:47 It's a tyrannical form of government.
49:54 A sudden complete or mark changed in something.
49:58 If Jesus isn't the ruler of your life,
50:01 you are governed by self.
50:03 Let's just say it this way.
50:04 It's the devil leading you around by the nose.
50:09 Let there be a revolution in your life,
50:11 where self will is swallowed up in Christ's will,
50:15 that's a revolution.
50:17 A sudden complete of mark change in something.
50:20 That's conversion, isn't it?
50:24 That's when a child of enemy becomes a child of God.
50:28 That's when the Holy Spirit took cowardly Peter
50:33 and changed him into the bold Peter who said,
50:35 we ought to obey God rather than men.
50:38 You won't be able to light a fire in your church
50:40 until God has lit a fire in you.
50:42 You can't call anybody out of Babylon
50:43 until God has taken Babylon out of you.
50:45 You can talk about the mark of the beast
50:47 until you are blue in the face,
50:48 but if you are a beast,
50:54 all of your words aren't gonna mean much
50:56 in the final analysis.
51:00 Friends, we got a message to share.
51:02 I thank God for the message God has given us,
51:04 given his church, I thank God.
51:09 I know there are times that it feels like
51:11 you're getting blown this way and that,
51:12 I know that, I know that.
51:17 That doesn't mean that Jesus is not in your midst.
51:19 The disciples were in the boat,
51:20 they had to wake Him up, Lord save us we perish.
51:22 Jesus was right there, they thought they gonna perish.
51:24 Jesus is with us in this church.
51:26 Amen.
51:29 He is gonna get the good ship Adventism
51:30 over to the other side.
51:32 Now when Saul may landfall at multi,
51:34 he had to grab hold of a little chunk of the boat.
51:36 If that's all that's left by the time
51:37 we come to the other side, so be it.
51:40 But hang on to Jesus.
51:42 Hang on to the great truths
51:44 He has committed to this church.
51:45 Hang on, we got a message to share
51:48 and we got a message to live.
51:53 You can talk about revolution and that's good.
51:56 God wants you to be a revolution.
52:01 If you already having an Enoch experience.
52:04 If you are eating the right amount of almonds
52:05 and drinking eight glasses of water every day
52:08 and spending time in prayer, God bless you.
52:11 But if you are not,
52:13 now is the time to enlist in the revolution.
52:16 A revolution like no other, where God works,
52:19 to turn you inside out and put you right side up.
52:22 I've known scoundrels who have been used by God
52:25 in a mighty way.
52:27 I spoke to a fellow who used to be the principal
52:30 of an academy in New Mexico, oh many years ago.
52:34 He told me about some of the things
52:35 that the academy students were doing then,
52:37 the boys in the dorm, you think it's bad today?
52:39 It was as bad then.
52:42 He told me some of these guys are conference president now.
52:46 I said, who? He wouldn't tell me.
52:58 I baptized a witch doctor earlier this year.
53:00 That one anything I have done, I just did the baptism,
53:02 there was a team of people who worked with them
53:04 and led them to Jesus.
53:05 You wait and see,
53:06 God will use a witch doctor for His glory.
53:11 I met someone here
53:12 and I ask this individual here at GYC.
53:14 Do you know pastor so and so?
53:16 Oh, yes, he is great, and he is.
53:20 But the last conversation I had with pastor so and so
53:23 was when he said to me, John I like to fight.
53:28 I like to go out to bars and get drunk
53:31 and find the biggest guy
53:33 and take him outside and beat him up.
53:40 He gets lots of decisions for baptism these days.
53:48 I wonder.
53:51 That's the last conversation I had with him.
53:53 Now he is a soul winner, winning souls left and right,
53:57 inspiring young people, inspiring older people
54:00 and the last time I spoke with him face to face,
54:02 he said I want to go out
54:04 and fight with someone right now.
54:07 Not exhibit A, this is the guy
54:10 that's gonna cause a revolution.
54:12 Oh, let's ordain him.
54:16 If God can get hold of that guy
54:19 and revolutionize a corner of the world.
54:24 You got no excuse.
54:26 I know former gamblers who teach Sabbath school
54:28 and drunks, former drunks who sit on church boards
54:31 and form allies who lead pathfinders in,
54:34 former drug users, who are Bible workers now,
54:36 doing great work for God because a revolution started.
54:40 How?
54:41 Did they say to themselves, I'm gonna fix myself.
54:43 No, they didn't.
54:44 They said, I need Jesus to do in me what I can't do myself.
54:49 Will Jesus do it?
54:50 Or does He only do it for somebody else?
54:53 He does it for you.
54:54 The Bible says in Philippians 2:13,
54:56 "It is God who works in you both to will
55:00 and to do for his good pleasure."
55:03 It is God's good pleasure
55:05 to straighten you up, lift you up
55:07 and use you in some great way for His glory.
55:11 That's what God will do.
55:13 Paul had it figured out, not I, but Christ lives in me.
55:17 He wrote to the Colossians,
55:18 he told them the mystery of the gospel
55:20 was Christ in you, the hope of glory.
55:23 Man, I remember once breaking my arms playing rugby
55:26 and they took me to the emergency room
55:29 and they needed to anesthetize my arm,
55:32 and they had my arm back.
55:34 The doctor put a needle somewhere here in my armpit
55:36 and as he started injecting the anesthetic,
55:39 it felt like fire, I've never felt that before.
55:43 All through my arm, bam and in instance I said,
55:46 wow the body is an amazing thing,
55:47 through your body just like that.
55:53 When the Holy Spirit gets into you,
55:55 Christ in you the hope of glory,
55:57 it's gonna be--
55:59 there will be burning, all right,
56:02 a burning in your heart, a change in your life.
56:07 There will be a revolution that begins in you
56:09 and then it has to flow out, it has to flow out.
56:11 I want to share with you a secret
56:12 that shouldn't be a secret.
56:13 Don't let it be a secret.
56:15 I read this in a book the Desire of Ages.
56:18 If you haven't read it lately, read it.
56:19 Soon as they get through
56:20 the Great Controversy this time around,
56:22 I'm going back to the Desire of Ages.
56:24 Listen to this, listen to this and be blown away.
56:28 If this doesn't blow you away, check for a pulse.
56:35 This is amazing, listen to this,
56:37 I don't need to read it, but I'm gonna read it,
56:38 in case I forget and screw it up.
56:40 Page 668, if we consent...
56:46 What was that word? If we do what?
56:49 Give me another word, that means what?
56:51 Yield, you got it, allow I like that.
56:55 If we consent, so we consent,
56:57 we go okay, okay, is it consenting?
57:00 Okay, someone's gonna me 5 dollars,
57:01 okay that consenting right?
57:03 All right.
57:04 "If we consent, He will so identify Himself
57:09 with our thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts
57:12 and minds into conformity to His will."
57:16 Okay I'm going too fast.
57:17 "If we consent, He will so identify Himself
57:22 with our thoughts and aims, He will so blend our hearts
57:25 and minds into conformity to His will."
57:29 That when obeying Him, hang on to your seats.
57:32 We shall be but carrying out our own impulses.
57:36 Amen.
57:39 The will, refined and sanctified,
57:42 will find its highest delight in cheering
57:45 for the Seattle Seahawks.
57:50 No, somehow that's not your highest delight anymore.
57:52 We'll find it's highest delight in doing His service,
57:56 when we know God as it is our privilege to know Him,
57:59 our lives will be lives of continual obedience.
58:06 Through an appreciation of the character of Christ
58:08 through communion with Him, sin will become hateful to us.
58:16 That's what God will do.
58:18 If you let Him, if you consent,
58:20 friend, let the revolution begin.


Revised 2015-02-12