Generation of Youth for Christ 2012

Monday Noon Plenary "Hear the Wind Blow"

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Vincent Samuelson


Series Code: 12GYC

Program Code: 12GYC000010

00:11 Have u guys been blessed so far.
00:15 Amen. Our speaker this afternoon is Vincent Samuelson,
00:20 he comes to us all the way from Australia.
00:23 And Vincent not only runs two businesses but he is a--
00:29 an active lay member of his church and has a passion
00:33 for seeing Muslims have clear picture of a biblical faith.
00:39 And so my prayer this afternoon is that we pray for Vincent
00:43 as he delivers the word of life to us this morning as well as
00:47 prefer ourselves that we will pay attention and give him our
00:51 undivided attention as he delivers the word of life to us.
00:54 And so yeah, that just our prayer and there won't be
00:59 any distractions during this time
01:01 and that we can really hear those words.
01:04 Go ahead and bow your heads with me
01:06 and kneel if possible, where you are at
01:08 as we pray for Vincent this morning.
01:16 Heavenly Father, we thank you Lord,
01:19 for the experiences we've had this far at GYC.
01:24 For the messages that we've heard for the appeals
01:27 that we've heard and the decisions
01:29 that we've made and Lord we so thankful for
01:33 Your goodness to us and the good gifts
01:36 that You desire to give to us to, Lord.
01:39 Lord, we just pray for our Brother Vincent
01:42 this morning as he speaks, we pray that
01:44 you would hide Him behind your cross.
01:46 That he will not been seen-- his words we're not be heard
01:49 but truely You would be seen and heard through him.
01:52 And Lord, I just pray You would
01:54 put a hedge of heavenly protection around
01:57 this auditorium this morning and that's that no evil forces
02:02 or distractions would come in
02:04 but that we would give you attention
02:07 and that we would hear
02:08 and we would learn and we would grow.
02:11 Lord, send Your spirit here to be with us this morning
02:13 and we thank You for this things in Jesus name we pray, amen.
02:19 We will have a special music at this time.
05:55 Amen. Good afternoon, GYC.
06:01 It's long life from Australia but it's especially long life
06:04 from that back into here, I'll tell you.
06:08 Open your Bibles with me to John Chapter 3,
06:12 we're going to read verse 5 and verse 8
06:15 and then I'm going to pray.
06:18 John 3:5, Jesus speaking.
06:21 He says, "Most assuredly, I say to you,
06:25 unless one is born again,
06:28 he cannot see the kingdom of God."
06:31 And in verse 8 Jesus goes on to explain little bit
06:34 about that rebirth and part of that rebirth
06:38 "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it,
06:43 but you cannot tell where it comes from and where it is goes.
06:47 So is everyone who is born of the Spirit."
06:52 As I share my testimony as I've been ask to do this afternoon.
06:57 In case any of my words are misunderstood
06:59 it needs to be very clear that, the things that I share,
07:03 the things I've been part of but these are
07:06 things of the spirit has done.
07:08 This is the way the spirit has blown
07:11 you could say in my life.
07:13 And it's my prayer this afternoon
07:15 that the spirit might blow through me into you
07:19 so that we can go into the world
07:22 and the winds of revolution that the Holy Spirit always
07:26 wants to accomplish through us would begin to blow
07:30 with great force than they have in recent times.
07:33 I am gonna kneel, you can stay seated,
07:35 I am going to pray.
07:38 Father in Heaven, Lord, You are a great God
07:41 and You gave us a great commission.
07:44 But you never gave the great commission
07:47 without having a promise of Your spirit
07:49 right there beside it.
07:52 And so Lord as I share my interactions
07:56 and my involvement in that great commission
07:58 that has brought such joy, such fulfillment to my life.
08:02 I pray that Your spirit would move into
08:04 the lives of each person hearing here,
08:06 through the internet and in future places
08:09 through future mediums.
08:11 And just pray Lord, that You would use this message
08:14 as I've been praying for months
08:17 to revive a missionary culture in our church.
08:21 May it start here at GYC,
08:23 we pray this in Jesus name, amen.
08:27 Imagine with me, that you are in the Middle East.
08:30 I am not gonna name the country because I wish to return there.
08:35 Imagine you are in the Middle East
08:38 and you're down the street shopping for the men
08:43 it's you down the street shopping
08:45 because in this particular country it's definitely Islamic.
08:50 So Islamic that the woman don't go out in public
08:52 and do business transactions.
08:54 So you've been sent down the street
08:56 by your lovely wife to get the groceries for the house.
09:01 You're in the grocery store and you're looking
09:05 past the foreign script at the pictures
09:08 on the packaging because you can't read the script
09:10 you definitely not going to read the ingredients list here.
09:13 And as you're concentrating making your decisions
09:16 in the foreign store your attention is grabbed by a voice,
09:22 one of the few people that you know in this valley.
09:28 Says your name and since we've got five minutes
09:31 to be at the madras or the school.
09:34 You've been invited to speak to all the staff and students.
09:39 Now this town that you're in the Middle East
09:42 just happens to be one of the foremost centers
09:46 for Islamic education in the world.
09:50 The leading Imam attached to the school
09:53 is ranked frighteningly close to the top of the list of
09:57 500 most influential Muslims in the world.
10:00 And so as you travel by a motorbike
10:03 at great speeds to the seminary
10:05 where you gonna share with the students and staff there.
10:10 You speak to the-- this messenger that's been
10:13 send to get you and who will also be your translator
10:16 and he say what is it that I am expected to speak about?
10:22 And he says calmly, whatever's on your heart.
10:27 See Arab hospitality doesn't always have punctuality
10:32 and it this situation he didn't have communication and planning.
10:36 And so tongue-in-cheek I though to myself thanks.
10:42 Just about to speak with 800 plus of the most influence
10:46 or the people would become future leaders
10:48 in the world of Islam and you've just help me
10:52 gain perfect clarity on what it is that I'm to say.
11:01 What would you say in that situation?
11:04 What would you do?
11:06 You arrived and you're ushered into the front row
11:09 and you sat down just moments before you hear
11:13 your English name midst all of the Arabic introductions
11:16 and you know that it's your time to speak.
11:18 You go up to the front with your translator
11:22 and you sit on the carpet like they do.
11:27 On you right is one of these most
11:31 influential Muslims in the world.
11:33 On your left is your translator and he given a microphone.
11:38 You haven't had time to plan what you're gonna say.
11:42 You only just had time to pray.
11:45 What would you say in this situation, what would you do?
11:49 Not sure, which makes me more nervous
11:51 speaking in front of 800 Muslims
11:53 so speaking here today with five minutes
11:55 planning or six months planning.
11:58 But here I am this is a situation
12:00 that my wife and I found ourselves in last year.
12:04 We had the pleasure and the opportunity
12:06 to travel to the Middle East
12:08 and we were doing humanitarian work.
12:13 But this is a situation we found ourselves
12:15 in because whatever we do in our lives
12:19 we've decided to do with the intention of sharing
12:22 wherever and whenever we can.
12:27 Now, I've asked you what you would do in the situation
12:31 and many of you are probably saying I don't know.
12:34 I just hope I don't find myself in that situation tomorrow.
12:38 Well, eight years ago I would--I had no idea
12:43 what to do in that situation,
12:45 you couldn't have convinced me
12:47 by any measure that I would find myself in that sort of scenario.
12:52 Eight years ago on the 11th of December, I was baptized.
12:59 That was the same day that I graduated from Arise.
13:05 And eight years ago,
13:10 I began to live the sort of life that Christ wants us to.
13:16 I've gave my life to Him
13:17 and to the service of His church.
13:28 But I hadn't been raised an Adventist.
13:31 How does a non-Adventist end up Arise
13:34 being baptized on graduation day?
13:37 Well, I was raised in home in Australia with a great family.
13:40 Not a Christian family even per-say
13:43 definitely not an Adventist family.
13:47 But a great family and one of the reasons
13:50 I say this is because my parents
13:52 saw the value of raising us
13:54 in a country leaving type situation.
13:57 And until you've grown up in that lived in that environment
14:00 you don't realize the impact
14:01 that has on molding your character
14:04 and I am thankful for up that bringing.
14:08 This up bringing along with influence of my grandmother
14:11 gave me a great love for the outdoors
14:13 and for nature and that was one of my passions
14:15 as young person before I was an Adventist.
14:19 Now my first exposure to missions which has later
14:21 become a passion in my life
14:24 and specifically missions to the Muslim world.
14:28 And when I say missions just so it's understood
14:31 by yourselves and if a Muslim ever ends up
14:35 watching or hearing this.
14:37 Missions to me is giving people
14:41 a clear revelation of biblical faith,
14:46 a clear understanding so that they can make
14:49 decisions for themselves.
14:53 My first exposure to mission was at a catholic high school.
14:57 The homilies that we given their by the priest
15:00 made an impression upon me about service
15:02 and I even responded to one of the appeals
15:04 one day to go to the pacific islands
15:06 and help this Catholic order
15:07 that my school belong to, to do mission work.
15:12 And confusingly my interest was never followed up.
15:17 But I graduated from catholic high school
15:19 and three months after graduating
15:20 I begin backpacking trip like many Australians do.
15:23 We grow up seeing all these famous sites on television
15:26 but they just so far away, so we finish school
15:29 and we book a ticket, we go overseas
15:30 and we stay out of the country as long as we can
15:32 to get our moneys without the ticket.
15:34 So for 11 months I travel through the UK, Scandinavia,
15:39 Europe, and North Africa just to see the world.
15:44 But it didn't take long before I grew tired of seeing
15:48 this famous sight and that famous sight
15:50 taking a picture and getting on the next train
15:53 and the same thoughts that had plagued me
15:54 through high school about futility.
15:58 See, I though a lot like the Book of Ecclesiastes
16:01 reads even though I hadn't read it.
16:05 And I begin to yearn to do something more meaningful
16:08 and so I started to look for opportunities
16:10 to volunteer in environmental courses.
16:13 But I never found something that fit because
16:15 I don't wanted you to pay for the privilege of volunteering
16:18 because that's how they would raise money for their projects.
16:21 So I didn't get involved in service then
16:24 but once I returned to Australia
16:29 my uncle who had recently become a Seventh-day Adventist
16:32 invited me to go in mission trip with him.
16:36 And it was a mission trip organize through OCI,
16:39 who have booth and I encourage you to visit there
16:42 because that was a pivotal point in my life.
16:46 The young people that I met there
16:49 were the sort of people that I've been looking for.
16:52 People that had meaning in life
16:54 and people that were helping others.
16:56 Disinterested benevolence spirit of prophecy calls it.
17:00 And when I spent time with these people in Africa
17:03 seeing them serve I intend just to be there for three weeks
17:06 and then take off traveling around the rest of Africa
17:08 just using these Christians in essence to have a safe place
17:11 to go back to if anything went wrong.
17:14 But God had other plans.
17:15 I ended up driving from Zambia
17:17 where the mission trip was all the way to South Sudan
17:19 to set up an agricultural project
17:21 with Jabel Busl and Caleb Knowles
17:25 who run Frontline Builders.
17:29 And from the early age they had been
17:30 in the mission field supporting global mission pioneers
17:34 and frontline workers who were planting churches
17:36 but didn't have facilities and they would go along and help.
17:39 And in this incidence we're going to
17:40 set up an agriculture project.
17:43 And the impact that those guys my age
17:47 selflessly serving in Africa had upon me
17:50 was profound because they would rise
17:52 early each morning and they sit by the fire.
17:55 We were sleeping on a concrete floor
17:56 in a church that they had built.
17:59 They would sit by the fire and they would read
18:02 and seeing them serve others developed in me an interest
18:07 and what it was that made them do what they did.
18:10 And I began to ask questions and they began to point me
18:15 towards Arise thinking my interest
18:17 was enough that I could handle as a non-Adventist
18:20 going to a Bible college of that nature.
18:24 Now before that trip, before I would finish
18:28 back packaging in Europe I had one experience
18:30 with Muslims in the North of Sweden.
18:35 And I had arrived in a train station
18:37 the train was late and I missed my connecting bus.
18:41 And I was just planning to sleep because
18:43 I was on shoestring budget in the train station there.
18:46 But there was a problem there was three Algerians
18:48 that were in the train station and they asked me
18:51 where I was going to sleep.
18:53 Now they spoke Swedish and Arabic
18:55 and I only spoke English.
18:56 So just through gesturing we had this conversation
18:59 that I was gonna sleep in here they said
19:01 no this closes at 9 o'clock.
19:04 I said we'll all sleep outside and they just flat out refused
19:07 to accept that because those several feet of snow outside.
19:10 That wasn't an issue because I had been
19:12 camping around the place
19:14 and I had all the necessary equipment
19:15 but in their hospitality that was just unacceptable.
19:18 So they convinced me to follow them to their apartment
19:21 and this is in the year 2003, post 9/11 world.
19:27 So as I follow these three North African Muslims
19:31 to their place, I am thinking
19:33 this is the stupidest thing I've even done.
19:38 And I am sizing them up thinking
19:40 I've got everything on my back my passport, my money,
19:44 my food, my clothes everything that I have here in Europe.
19:48 And they could easily pull me in and take my bag, push me out.
19:52 These are the thoughts that I had but as soon as
19:54 we enter their home they treated me
19:57 with the hospitality that none of us deserve.
20:00 That fresh hot Arabic bread, a warm bed, a hot shower.
20:08 And when their brother came home who did speak English
20:11 we begin to converse about many things
20:13 and finally in the wee hours of the morning
20:16 while the midnight sun was still up.
20:19 I said I am going to sleep don't you guys ever sleep?
20:22 And they said we're waiting to pray.
20:24 And I asked if I could watch that.
20:27 And I sat down in their prayer room
20:29 and pick the only place that I shouldn't sit
20:31 and they ask me to move because they didn't
20:33 want to be praying towards me.
20:37 And I learned that lesson there.
20:41 And as I watch them pray in the early hours of the morning
20:44 and they did that because their prayer time are set
20:47 by the solar cycle and if the midnightsun
20:50 they had to be up it was about two in the morning.
20:53 Now, after watching that I went to bed
20:56 and left early the next day to get my bus out of there.
20:59 But that left deep impression upon me
21:03 and I believe the Lord use that experience
21:06 and impressions and experiences
21:08 the interactions I had with Muslims
21:09 in North Africa in Egypt and Morocco
21:11 traveling around as an 18-year-old.
21:14 In Egypt I was there for three weeks
21:16 with my 16-year-old brother.
21:18 And we were just free and enjoying a company
21:20 and seeing the sites but that put within me
21:25 an interest in the Muslim world
21:27 and the Lord started to prepare a worker
21:30 before I had even given life to Him for a work
21:33 that desperately needs workers.
21:36 And so the Lord had been moving in my life
21:40 even before Arise but it was Arise
21:43 that I got into the scriptures
21:47 and I saw that full picture of Christ
21:51 and I've gave my life to Him and to His church.
21:54 Now what I didn't realize when I made a decision
21:57 to a attend Arise on a concrete floor in Africa
22:00 when I was in this delirious fever of malaria.
22:04 So I understand when Pastor Shin saying about
22:06 that mental clarity you get when you in the malaria fever.
22:14 I decided to get to Arise not knowing what it was.
22:17 I thought it was four months
22:20 going from Genesis to Revelation.
22:22 So it's quite surprise when they said
22:24 in the third week we would be going door knocking.
22:27 I hadn't signed out for that.
22:28 I had never received a personal Bible study at that point.
22:32 Little own given one but I found myself
22:34 on the doors in Michigan looking for people
22:37 that I could give Bible studies too.
22:40 And there is a principal here that I don't want to miss
22:42 and it something that I see
22:43 all the way through my experience with Christ.
22:48 When you get involved you get equipped.
22:50 When you get involved you get prepared.
22:55 The interactions in the relationships
22:58 that I've had with Muslims in the interfaith work
23:01 that I've been involved in knocking on doors
23:05 and giving Bible studies
23:06 before I had ever received Bible study personally.
23:10 The Lord taught me what I needed as I needed it.
23:14 If you sit on the sidelines,
23:16 saying when I am ready I'll go, you'll never go.
23:20 As soon as you go you will find that the Lord
23:23 takes you through 'A' to get you to 'B'
23:25 and once you've done 'B' He will open a opportunity 'C'
23:28 and you'll be prepared for that because if it.
23:31 And that was my experience in the Middle East
23:34 when I am sitting there next to these prominent scholar
23:37 with all of these future leaders of Islam
23:40 and you want to say because I got involved at the beginning.
23:45 Do what is at hand and the Lord will open up
23:48 avenues for you to do things that you would never imagine
23:51 yourself doing and that's the abundant life
23:53 and that's the joy of the Lord
23:56 that He is inviting us into is the sharing experiences.
24:02 Again at Arise took a class with AFM
24:05 and they did this illustration where they divided the class up
24:08 into all the unreached people groups.
24:11 And at the end of that illustration
24:13 we could say how many Muslims were in the world
24:15 by the class members that were standing over here
24:17 and all the Buddhist over here.
24:20 And they said which people group would you go to
24:22 and instantly without thinking
24:24 I just thought I would go to the Muslims.
24:27 And is because of those experiences
24:29 before Arise that I came to that.
24:33 Now wasn't until my second year of Bible work
24:36 that another Bible worker another Australian and myself
24:40 we've started to talk because he was continually
24:42 running into Muslims as he went door-to-door.
24:45 And we were curious how to share
24:48 our faith in a clear way with the Muslim.
24:51 And as we started to ask around we found that
24:54 there was this peculiar disinterest
24:57 in apathy towards the subject.
25:01 And it sadly a pattern that I have noticed is that
25:05 as Adventist we are so enthralled
25:08 with the signs of the times
25:10 in Matthew 24 and studying the news
25:13 and seeing the fulfillment of the signs of the times
25:16 and sharing them with people.
25:17 Sending emails to each other
25:19 about the latest article what the Pope's doing.
25:22 That we forget to get involved, that we neglect to get involved
25:26 in the one sign of the time
25:30 that we can have anything to do with.
25:33 And that is Matthew 24:14, where it says
25:38 "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world
25:41 as a witness and then the end will come."
25:44 That's our business, that's what we've been call to do.
25:47 And so let's get involved in that.
25:50 And as we get involved in that the character
25:54 that you need to get through those
25:57 other signs of the times that are coming,
25:59 that are upon us now, that are gonna intensify
26:01 closer towards the end that's where you develop
26:04 that character is when you participate
26:06 in the one sign of the time you've got anything
26:09 to do with that you can influence in anyway.
26:13 So with this lack of instruction
26:15 we were finding in the Adventist community
26:17 who lived amongst these Muslims
26:19 and you had just never thought that it would be
26:21 part of Matthew 28 or Revelation 14:6-7
26:26 that the gospel should go to the Muslims as well.
26:30 We thought the best way for us to learn how to reach a Muslim.
26:35 How to communicate clearly what the Bible says
26:37 about the character of God and why we should relate to Him.
26:41 We used to go to mosque
26:43 and so after weeks of prayer we begin to go to a mosque.
26:48 One day a week, it was our one day off as Bible workers
26:52 and we prayed before we went the first time.
26:55 We just open the phonebook
26:56 and found a mosque and we went.
26:59 And we prayed that we meet the right person.
27:03 And our first experience in mosque was this,
27:06 the first person we meet was answer to that pray.
27:10 He made us feel welcome. He asked us who were.
27:13 We said we're Seventh-day Adventist.
27:15 He had never heard of that.
27:18 And as we started to explain
27:19 some of the few things that we knew that we had in common
27:23 he looks out and he says, so you are Muslim.
27:29 We said, well, no, we are Seventh-day Adventist.
27:32 But he toured us through the mosque,
27:34 he is a kind of man you would pay good money to be a grader.
27:39 He gave us a tour of the mosque,
27:42 he explain the services we went through it.
27:45 And before we left that day he made sure
27:47 that we meet all of the elders and the Imam of that mosque.
27:52 And once again as you do in the Muslim world
27:55 we ended up sitting on the carpet
27:58 with all the ladies of this community
28:00 and he rehearsed that conversation that we had
28:03 when we first walked into the mosque
28:04 in front of all these ladies.
28:07 And they would say hold on, why do you not eat pork
28:10 and why do you abstain from alcohol
28:13 and where do you get this belief in the judgment and creation?
28:17 And we shared with them
28:18 the each of our beliefs comes out of the Bible.
28:21 And that was surprising to them because of the example
28:24 on the demonstration of biblical faith
28:26 that they seen in the rest of Christianity.
28:30 And guess what they said? You are good Muslims.
28:36 You're better Muslims than many of those
28:38 that come to worship at this mosque.
28:41 And so that was our first experience with Muslims
28:44 knowing nothing more then what you know right now
28:49 about sharing your faith with the Muslim.
28:52 Another experience that we had
28:53 and this was the straw that broke the camel's back
28:55 so to speak where we transition from one day a week
28:59 in that last half of my second year of Bible working
29:02 into full time interfaith work in this area.
29:07 And we went to the largest conference
29:11 in North America for Muslims.
29:13 Tens of thousands of Muslims gather there once a year
29:19 and have something very similar to GYC.
29:21 Workshops, prayer rooms, plenary sessions
29:26 and as we got to know people in the exhibit area,
29:33 they got to know us and we had this
29:34 Euro Muslim conversation many times.
29:37 And some of them saw an opportunity
29:40 that if we could just happen to run into
29:43 one of their most prominent speakers
29:45 that there is good chance we could become Muslim.
29:48 And so they made sure that we ran into him in the isles
29:52 and we had a conversation with him
29:54 and he ended up running late
29:56 for the plenary session that he was to deliver
29:59 before tens of thousands of Muslims
30:00 and many more through television.
30:05 And when he stood up the front to speak
30:07 he shared that he just had conversation
30:09 with two Seventh-day Adventist brothers.
30:13 And that we were brothers in his mind
30:15 against a common enemy and that enemy is evil.
30:20 And when my student colleague and I heard that we thought
30:23 if these are the kind of responses
30:25 that we can get from one day a week
30:27 or one day off as Bible workers
30:29 what could we achieve if we would do this fulltime?
30:33 And so we began by faith-- interfaith ministry
30:41 and I was involved in that for going on six years
30:46 just until September last year when I move back to Australia.
30:51 And one of the experiences that I had
30:54 during these interfaith work was to go and live with 50 Muslims
30:58 for a period of two months was in Arabic language intensive,
31:04 had an Islamic school here in North America
31:06 that since become the first
31:08 to credit to Islamic school in the nation.
31:11 And living with 50 Muslims there
31:13 was just such a sweat time of fellowship
31:16 especially in Berkeley, California
31:18 where the outside influences are very different in the values
31:21 that we hold in common with Muslims.
31:24 And spending that two months living with Muslims
31:26 has given us friendships that continue to this day
31:30 but a connecting point for me with people of other faiths
31:34 and in this case specifically Muslims
31:37 is been the environment.
31:40 And what the Lord has done in my life is
31:41 He's taken that first passion and that first interest
31:44 in conservation and environmental things
31:48 and he is fusing it with the other burden that He's given me
31:51 for communicating clearly the Bible faith to Muslims.
31:54 And as I meet with the Muslims there in that school
31:58 we learned of a lecture that was taking place
32:00 on something called permaculture.
32:02 We were all interested in sustainable
32:04 agricultural or biological agricultural
32:06 and living system sustainability at large.
32:10 And his talk was recommended to us
32:12 and so we went along to that
32:14 and it was September last year that my wife and I stepped out
32:17 of full time ministry to go back to Australia
32:21 and get further education in this field
32:23 for the purpose of developing a tent making skill
32:27 that can get me into countries
32:29 the are otherwise would not be able to get into.
32:32 And it gives me a skill in which I can serve others,
32:36 so that they can see Jesus.
32:39 And maybe like I did desire to learn of Him
32:41 when I see Him in others
32:42 in the developing work and an aid work.
32:47 And so just months after finishing that education,
32:54 no, days after finishing that education
32:58 my wife and I boarded a plane to the Middle East
33:01 and we found ourselves in this Islamic setting.
33:05 And what I shared that night
33:10 with the students and the faculty of the seminary
33:15 gave me opportunity to do an interview
33:17 for the school magazine there
33:19 and they interviewed me from 9:30
33:21 till the wee hours of the morning.
33:23 And when they ask me if I could interview me
33:25 I wasn't about sustainable agriculture and permaculture
33:29 if it was about my faith but it became very obvious very quickly
33:33 that it was my faith that they were interested in.
33:36 Because when I was given 10 minutes
33:38 to share with that unique audience
33:40 whatever was on my heart,
33:43 guess what I choose to speak about?
33:46 It wasn't premaculture, that was my faith.
33:50 And I was able to build a relationship
33:52 over the three weeks that we were there was the translator
33:57 and it wasn't until the last night that I was in the country
34:01 that he begin to ask me questions about my faith.
34:04 Now my wife, she choose to wear the,
34:07 the conservative dress that was there
34:09 which was the burqa the fully black outfit
34:11 where all you can see is, eye should shows in that.
34:15 And respect that, that gained us in the community
34:18 gave me access and relationships
34:21 that I wouldn't otherwise have had.
34:23 And there's a lesson there for the young people here
34:27 especially young brothers.
34:29 The wife that you prayerfully choose
34:32 can build up or tear down your ministry.
34:36 And so I encourage you to prayerfully choose
34:39 when you're making that decision.
34:43 Now I was able the relationship with this translator
34:45 and at 1 a.m. in the morning
34:47 we had to end our discussion about faith
34:49 because I still had to pack my bags
34:51 and both of our wives had fallen asleep in the other room
34:54 waiting for us to finish talking.
34:57 But we agreed that when he returned to Australia--
35:00 he was from Australia over there studying
35:03 that we would continue this conversation
35:05 because he developed an interest in how we understood Jesus
35:09 because of the differences that he saw
35:11 in our lives from other Christians that he knew.
35:14 And he also developed an interest in learning
35:16 the prophetic warnings that I spoke of
35:19 before that larger audience.
35:23 And so I want to comment to you
35:26 the blessings that come from interacting
35:28 with people of other faiths and cultures.
35:31 The things you see, the things you learn,
35:33 the questions they ask it will give you a new perspective
35:38 helping you to see relevance in our message
35:41 and to study it deeper and to grow in your understanding.
35:45 And also I want to comment to you
35:47 what Spirit of Prophecy calls welfare ministry.
35:51 Some people use welfare ministry or humanitarian work,
35:54 ablutions movements some what not
35:56 as an end in themselves
35:58 but the legitimate ways that we can get involved
36:00 and partner with people of other faiths
36:02 to built relationships for a greater purpose
36:06 that's been my experience
36:07 and I think there is a lot of people in this room
36:09 and this audience that are talented
36:11 and have things to share in that area.
36:15 We can't all be in full time ministry
36:16 but we can all be tent makers
36:18 and there is world to win out there yet.
36:23 As I prayed and prepared for this message
36:27 a real burden is come upon me to see and do whatever I can
36:32 to help revive a missionary culture in our church.
36:38 And they're four things that I've seen in the Book of Acts
36:40 and I've read about it in Sprit of Prophecy
36:42 and as I look back over my own experience
36:44 I say the Lord has led me through these four activities.
36:49 And these four activities are what made the Book of Acts
36:52 the church in the Book of Acts
36:54 a missionary movement that we should still be.
36:57 See revival and reformation is not named in itself
37:00 the capstone or the finish line
37:02 or the fruit of revival and reformation is missions.
37:08 And even of evangelism ministering to people locally
37:12 who may have heard of the gospel before
37:14 or is hearing of it for second time
37:16 is part of a bigger picture
37:18 and that's of the whole world learning about Biblical faith.
37:25 And these four things are these. The first is prayer.
37:30 Spirit of Prophecy poetically says
37:34 that our prayer should follow the servants of God
37:37 like a sharp sickle into the harvest field.
37:42 Now why do I think that a missionary culture
37:44 needs to be revived in our church?
37:47 Well, let me demonstrate by asking you this.
37:50 How many of you here regularly pray for a missionary
37:55 that's working among some rich people groups?
37:57 By a show of hands how many of you
37:59 regularly pray for a missionary?
38:03 Put them up high.
38:05 Not to embrace people, not to boast
38:08 but just so we can see
38:09 that we are not what the Book of Acts church is
38:14 that we are of one accord
38:15 that we are praying together in the upper room
38:17 and that's why they got the spirit
38:20 and we need the spirit for this work.
38:25 The second is offerings
38:26 and people are kind of shy to talk about money.
38:30 But my experience is with Muslims
38:32 and with in bordering in Islamic countries
38:33 has got me over that social fopa
38:37 and I want to talk to you about money.
38:40 See the sanctuary service in the Old Testament
38:43 was the vehicle for evangelism
38:45 and for missions for the Hebrew people.
38:48 And we learn as in the study of the sanctuary
38:52 that the Hebrew people gave up to one-forth of their income
38:58 for the sustaining and the work of the sanctuary.
39:02 And if you read in Patriarchs and Prophets
39:05 the chapter on tithe and offerings
39:08 Ellen White says that when you read of this
39:11 you would think that would bring the people to poverty.
39:15 But on the country the faithful observance of these regulations
39:18 was one of the conditions of their prosperity.
39:21 She goes on the say that the work of the gospel
39:24 as it widens requires greater provisions to sustain it
39:30 than was called for anciently.
39:33 And this makes the Lord of tithes and offerings
39:35 of even more urgent necessity now than in the Hebrew economy.
39:41 Now hear that, one-forth of the income
39:44 of the Hebrew people was to go to the sanctuary
39:47 so that the message could go to the world.
39:50 And as the work grows the resources required grows.
39:58 Again not to boast but just to exhort you to good works
40:02 maybe to encourage you
40:05 I can personally testify that this is true.
40:08 When I read this months after being Baptize
40:11 I committed in prayer to give one quarter
40:15 of meagerly bible worker salary
40:18 to missions through tithe and offering.
40:22 And for seven years as a Bible worker
40:28 and as someone in faith base ministry
40:31 on small stipend I never went without.
40:36 And I committed to do that until I got married
40:38 when I would prayerfully reconsider
40:40 that commitment with my wife.
40:44 In 1912, Adventist gave
40:46 three percent of their income to missions.
40:50 So for every $1000 that an Adventist made
40:52 they've gave $30 to missions.
40:55 In the year 2010, every $1000 that an Adventist made
41:03 $3.50 made it into missions.
41:09 Do I need to say anything more to convince us
41:13 that in order for us to hasten the second coming of Christ
41:17 we need to do something in our church,
41:20 we need to do something personally
41:22 to revive the missionary culture,
41:25 that saw in the life time of the earlier apostles
41:28 the message go to the whole world to every creature.
41:33 We need to pray, we need to give.
41:36 And there is another example,
41:38 there is a model in the Book of Acts
41:39 and it's reiterated in Spirit if Prophecy
41:42 in the Book of Evangelism on page 569
41:44 where this model for missionary work is given.
41:48 She says that in God's providence
41:50 He's brought people to very door
41:53 that they might receive the message for this time
41:56 and return to their kinsfolk and friends
42:00 in their country of origin and share it with them.
42:04 I want to give some of you a vision
42:08 for the work that you can do in finishing the great commission
42:14 and reaching unreached people groups
42:15 from right here in America.
42:17 How many of you would be willing to move to Kabul, Afghanistan
42:21 and give you life to missions?
42:24 I see one hand. Praise the Lord.
42:26 I see a few. Praise the Lord.
42:28 But how many more of you would be
42:30 willing to move to Fremont, California
42:33 the second largest Afghani city in the world?
42:38 How many people here would move to California?
42:40 Yeah, I could be convinced to move to California a lot quicker
42:44 than I could be convinced to move to Afghanistan.
42:47 There is opportunity at your door
42:50 to get involved in reaching unreached people groups.
42:54 Everyone can pray, everyone can give,
42:58 even without you moving yourself and your family
43:00 to foreign mission fields
43:02 if you are awake to the opportunities
43:05 that God is giving you to be a part of the great commission
43:09 than you can do something here
43:12 ministering to immigrants, helping refugees get settled.
43:16 You can do a powerful work.
43:18 One of our Muslim friends in Michigan,
43:21 we're doing Bible studies with her
43:23 and she would share everything that she learn for us
43:25 with her father who is from Syria.
43:28 When my wife and I had opportunity
43:30 to go to the Middle East we made a point of visiting him.
43:33 And when we walked into his home
43:36 recipients of that traditional Arab hospitality
43:40 it was like picking up our friendship with his daughter.
43:49 And the other, fourth point
43:52 of course is going as foreign missionary.
43:57 Now I am gonna make an appeal here
43:58 but I'm not unrealistic about this.
44:00 There was 120 disciples in the upper room
44:06 when the outpouring of the Holy Spirit took place.
44:09 But only handful of those 129
44:12 who ever mentioned in the Book of Acts
44:13 is going abroad and reaching unreached people groups.
44:17 Many of them are involved in evangelism.
44:19 Peter, James and John stayed behind
44:22 and they would witness to the people
44:23 that came to the religious holidays and festivals
44:26 and they would take part in that third point by doing that.
44:30 Meeting people here in God's providence
44:32 and they took the message back
44:33 much like Philip with the Ethiopian.
44:36 But only a few names are mentioned
44:38 that went to Asia or went to Macedonia
44:40 or went far to reach unreached people groups.
44:43 And so when I make this appeal
44:45 I am not expecting that you will come forward.
44:49 I don't want you to all come forward
44:51 because an appeal in a church or in a group
44:54 that as missionary culture looks like this.
44:58 See in 1910, D. L. Moody made an appeal for mission volunteers
45:03 and 100 people came to the altar and a 100 people went.
45:09 What an appeal looks like in church
45:11 that needs revival of missionary culture is GYC 2004.
45:16 An appeal is made for people to give a tithe of their lives
45:19 and 204 people come to the front of this convention
45:23 may be some of you came forward.
45:25 And guess how many went eight years later. One.
45:32 We need a revival of missionary culture in our church
45:37 because the Lord wants to come.
45:39 One of my favorite lyrics written by friend says,
45:42 if we can hurt and feel and love
45:46 how much more can God above.
45:48 And day after day there is suffering in this earth
45:51 and we have part to play in finishing that,
45:54 hastening the second coming of Christ.
45:57 But what we're doing?
46:00 As GYC, we have an opportunity to lead by example
46:08 to demonstrate to our home churches
46:12 to the world church what missionary culture looks like.
46:18 And so with just a short time to go here
46:20 I just want to ask for people that would be willing
46:26 to do long term missions to stand and come to the front.
46:30 I am talking three to seven years of your life.
46:37 You don't have to come forward to make me feel better.
46:41 I made an appeal for missions one time
46:43 in a church here in North America
46:45 and it was only at the very end one little girl stood up.
46:51 Not a single adult, not a single young persons stood up
46:54 and I rejoice for that
46:55 because I preferred to have one little girl standup
46:58 then 204 people come forward,
47:00 make a commitment that they don't keep.
47:03 Now as you come to the front
47:04 if this is something the Lord is being speaking to you about,
47:07 if this is something that you're serious about.
47:10 The GYC mission's team is at the front here
47:13 and they are committed to helping you find a way
47:17 and a place to serve unreached people groups.
47:21 And I want you to turn around
47:22 and look at this audience if you've come forward.
47:27 And if you are willing to pray for these people
47:30 as you learn about how God's leading them
47:35 and to give sacrificially and prayerfully consider
47:39 even giving a quarter of your income
47:41 to support missions to the unreached
47:43 I want you to stand and show your support for them.
47:46 But if you stand for this commitment
47:48 the Lord says it and He hold you to it.
47:51 You have to answer for it.
47:56 This is the kind of response I expected from GYC.
48:00 But when we look back in the history of the moment
48:03 why don't we see more missions.
48:05 Let's use this as a turning point
48:08 to revive a missionary culture in the church
48:12 and let say all these decisions with prayer.
48:17 Father in Heaven, Lord, you are great God
48:21 and You've called us to a great commission
48:23 and we need Your spirit.
48:26 We are part of the world church
48:27 that Lord, is not worse off than us.
48:34 Lord, I pray that the people that have come to the front here
48:38 would keep their commitment that they would prayerfully
48:41 be lead by You into a place
48:44 where people have never seen and heard
48:46 the Biblical picture of You.
48:48 And the people that have stood up
48:50 pray that you would bless their businesses, bless their careers,
48:56 keep them faithful in their prayer life
48:58 and even lay upon them, Lord, commitment
49:01 to move to a place where they can minister to immigrants
49:05 and help refugees settled
49:06 and be a part of the great commission that way.
49:10 Lord, I pray that this message
49:13 and the decisions that are made here
49:14 would be sealed by Your spirit
49:16 and that it would be the beginning
49:17 of the revival of a missionary culture in our church.
49:21 And I pray these things humbly in Jesus name. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17