Generation of Youth for Christ 2012

Sunday Noon Plenary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Zippora Ansen


Series Code: 12GYC

Program Code: 12GYC000007

00:13 Hello and welcome back to GYC family.
00:17 I know that you've been blessed
00:18 by the sessions this morning, weren't you?
00:21 The revolution truly continues.
00:23 It's a privilege for us to gather again
00:26 as we'll be empowered by the speaker
00:29 we're listening to this morning.
00:32 Her name is Zippora Ansen.
00:34 It's my privilege to introduce her because
00:35 I'm from Germany
00:37 and that's a neighbor country of the Netherlands.
00:39 She has served in several ministries before.
00:42 And she will tell us more about that as she will be speaking.
00:45 But before we do so, let's have a word of prayer
00:48 to invite God's spirit to be with us.
00:53 Dear Father, which art in heaven.
00:56 We're thankful that You're not ashamed
00:59 to call us Your children.
01:01 You're not ashamed that we can call
01:04 You our Father and our God.
01:08 You're the most excellent God we can serve.
01:11 You're the only God we would like to serve.
01:14 Father, we thank You that You've gathered us here
01:17 for a purpose to accomplish the mission.
01:22 You gave us the message.
01:23 Father we want to have revolution
01:25 that You started will be continued.
01:28 So that You can come.
01:30 We pray that You'll empower us.
01:32 So that we are able to share
01:33 what You've done in our lives this afternoon for outreach.
01:36 We're blessed that You'll anoint the lips of the speaker,
01:40 so that we'll hear Your voice
01:43 and we'll make a decision for eternity.
01:46 This we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
01:49 Now we'll have the opportunity to listen
01:53 to heavenly music by the Stateline Youth Choir.
02:24 As the snow falls from heaven
02:28 As it comes in swirling showers
02:32 From the sky
02:35 So is my Word
02:41 As the rains bring the water
02:45 To the earth that is thirsty and dry
02:52 So is my Word
02:58 And the Word of my mouth
03:02 It shall not return empty
03:06 It will bless the earth wherever it is heard
03:14 This is my Word
03:24 As the rain brings renewal
03:28 And the tender buds begin to come alive
03:33 Begin to come alive so is my Word
03:40 Giving seed to the sower
03:44 And the bread to the hungry 'til
03:49 They thrive, So is my Word
03:56 So is my Word
04:01 And the Word of my mouth
04:06 It shall not return empty
04:10 It will bless the earth wherever it is heard
04:18 This is my Word
04:22 This is my Word
04:42 O Lord, when I am weary
04:51 When I fell the days
04:54 I'm living are in vain
05:01 My God, help me be faithful
05:06 To the Word You have given to proclaim
05:12 Proclaim the Word
05:18 And you will go out in joy
05:24 And be led forth in peace
05:28 And the hills will break before you into song
05:36 So be faithful, brave and true
05:41 For I will go before you
05:45 And when your earthly journey here is done
05:53 I'll say well done
05:57 I'll say well done
06:02 I'll say well done
06:07 Well done!
06:36 As the snow falls from heaven
06:41 And the rain comes in showers
06:46 from the sky
06:51 This is my Word,
06:58 my Word
07:08 I'm happy to be here, little bit nervous.
07:12 When GYC asked me to share my testimony,
07:16 I thought two things.
07:18 The first was, have they heard me speak.
07:21 I mean I speak so fast sometimes that my own mother and father
07:24 need translation to understand me.
07:26 I'm not kidding.
07:28 The other thing is, I thought
07:29 to myself-- my life isn't that interesting.
07:32 I mean really can I-have I?
07:34 Do I have something to share to have you listen
07:38 to me for the next 40 minutes?
07:42 And but I said yes, I'll think about it.
07:45 There is always something that I can share
07:47 if you're walking with Christ.
07:48 And the closer GYC came-- actually especially,
07:52 when I was already in the hotel.
07:54 I thought to myself this was such a bad idea.
07:59 There is--I'm okay in, you know, one to one that's fine.
08:03 But there's, there's a lot of you.
08:05 But Luke 22:32 says, "I have prayed for thee,
08:09 that thy faith fail not, and when thou art converted,
08:12 strengthen thy brethren."
08:14 That's Jesus saying you have no excuses,
08:16 when you have an opportunity to share, go right ahead.
08:20 So before I get into my testimony,
08:22 I'd like to pray with you real quick.
08:27 Dear Father in heaven, I thank You
08:30 for the opportunity to be here.
08:34 It's our prayer that in this time
08:37 I'll spend together it wouldn't be me.
08:41 It wouldn't be about my glory but about Your's alone.
08:44 That You're name might be lifted up
08:45 and that we would leave here being
08:49 more comforted of the power of God.
08:52 Thank You for hearing us is our prayer
08:53 in the name of Jesus. Amen.
08:58 Okay, I was born into the Adventist home
09:01 of Jack and Cynthia Anson.
09:03 They're two beautiful people each in their very own way.
09:07 My introduction to Christianity was through them
09:11 telling me and reading me Bible stories.
09:13 And seeing them very active in our church.
09:16 The church I grew up in and still go
09:18 to was one that would have activities together regularly,
09:21 have picnics in the park, he is doing things together.
09:24 My parents and their friends would visit each other
09:28 after Sabbath, sorry after the church service,
09:33 so we would have our Sabbath afternoons together.
09:35 So my idea of Christianity was based on community
09:39 and knowing I was part of the bigger family.
09:44 My parents divorced when I was 6.
09:47 My dad left the home while my two younger sis
09:50 and I stayed with my mom.
09:54 I slowly started noticing that my mom was an Adventist
09:58 in her ways as she had been before.
10:00 It took another 14 years for her to leave the church.
10:03 But it's safe to say that I didn't learned
10:05 ins and outs of Adventism from her.
10:09 She would always make sure as kids would get to church though.
10:11 And the members in our local church always loved that.
10:15 So that church has always been my home.
10:19 My mom encouraged us to read.
10:23 I read all the ten volumes
10:24 of Maxwell children's Bible by the time I was 10,
10:27 you've the blue ten series set.
10:30 And with the knowledge I've gained from the children's Bible
10:32 and later through by adult Bible, normal Bible.
10:35 I concluded that I was a pretty good kid.
10:39 I was working out what Adventism was by looking at the church
10:42 and the way we did things there combined with
10:44 what I've learned by reading.
10:50 It has been my story and may be you can recognize this.
10:53 That when we hear of the power of God's redeeming love.
10:57 It's often from those who come from the outside.
11:00 I mean a nonbeliever turns Christians and God delivers them
11:03 from their sinful habits and we rejoice.
11:06 And that's good.
11:08 However what we don't often hear or such testimonies
11:11 by those who are already inside the church
11:13 and this I think makes it easier
11:16 for us or at least it did for me,
11:18 to believe that if you're already inside,
11:20 you don't have mistakes.
11:23 You're already safe.
11:24 You don't have to be delivered anymore.
11:26 If you guess people in the inside they don't seems
11:28 to have things they need to be delivered from.
11:31 And so it seems to me that if I was obedient
11:34 to my teachers and my parents, if my gracing score are okay.
11:39 If I made sure that I wasn't mean to anyone,
11:41 then I was doing all right.
11:44 I never really got out far into the world,
11:47 at least my body did not.
11:49 My mind is a different story altogether.
11:54 At this time I knew there was a God,
11:56 a Creator of all things who established the rules
11:59 that govern nature and us.
12:00 I knew He wanted me to live right but at the same time
12:03 I stole candy from the store with my cousin
12:06 when I was around 8 years old.
12:08 I joined my friends as they went shoplifting
12:10 when I was probably around 11.
12:12 And I would lie about the reason I was late for school
12:15 often times just so that I could get out of being punished.
12:20 I share that with you to show that I knew what right and wrong
12:23 was but I was little hypocrite believing
12:27 that it was sort of okay to bend the rules
12:29 as long as I did not get caught
12:31 and as long as I wasn't hurting anyone.
12:35 Though I didn't know it back then.
12:38 I had brought into the Greek philosophy version of God.
12:41 You know, where God exists
12:43 but doesn't really have feelings with humanity.
12:46 When you have this kind of mindset,
12:48 when you believe that God is somewhere on the cloud
12:50 and He doesn't really do anything to reach out to you.
12:56 Then you can't depend on Him to do anything for you.
13:02 And when you can't depend on God to do anything for you,
13:04 you're going to have to do it yourself.
13:07 So I lived a life in a way that I could get what I wanted.
13:12 My concept of God was that of a legislator.
13:15 Somewhere on the cloud and not a God who is after my heart.
13:20 God to me was a distant entity.
13:24 I read about Him a lot.
13:25 I could even talk about Him with enthusiasm
13:28 but besides asking Him to bless my food and my sleep,
13:32 I had little to say to Him.
13:36 This started to change when Pastor Steve Farmer from England
13:39 took a group of his young people to the Netherlands
13:42 and held a prayer weekend with us.
13:45 I have no idea what a prayer weekend was and what we do there
13:48 but I knew some of the people who were going,
13:49 so I was excited to go.
13:52 So they came over and we continued out
13:54 to be quite amazing.
13:56 The sessions were led out by the young people
13:58 and they were probably between age 17 and 25.
14:01 And for the first time in my life besides
14:04 just reading the Bible, they were teaching me
14:08 to ask questions, so that I would understand
14:10 what I was reading much more.
14:13 I was studying the Bible and it was so amazing to see
14:19 the deeper meaning of what God was trying to tell me all along.
14:24 What was very astounding to me that the young people
14:27 were teaching me?
14:31 Yeah, it's just-- it was very inspiring
14:33 and it still inspires me today.
14:35 They were my age.
14:37 They were normal young people, I could relate to them.
14:39 For the first time I realized
14:41 you don't have to be an old person or a stuffy person
14:45 to teach someone about Jesus.
14:46 If they could do them, then certainly
14:48 I would be able to do it too.
14:51 We have many prayer sessions that weekend.
14:53 But I remember the one we had the last night most vividly.
14:56 We all got together in a circle.
14:58 We all contributed to the prayer.
15:00 Thank God for all He had done for us.
15:04 We asked Him to heal us, to come near to us.
15:06 And for the first time God's love
15:10 weren't just His rules or His wisdom,
15:12 but His personal love for me was so real to me
15:15 that I felt that I could touch it.
15:18 It was that year that I decided to take my devotional life
15:21 more personally, more seriously.
15:26 The year after about two months before my 17th birthday,
15:29 I officially gave my life to Jesus and was baptized.
15:33 I will tell you here by the way,
15:35 it has nothing to do with my testimony per se.
15:37 I'm about 7 to 10 years older than you think I'm.
15:40 I'm 27. So when you hear me talk about my law degree.
15:46 I'm not a whizz-kid, I took
15:48 a long enough to finish university.
15:51 All right, so I said yes to God
15:53 based on what I understood of Him back then.
15:55 I knew I wanted to live with Him.
15:56 But I wasn't clear what to leave behind.
15:59 I stopped lying and I determined to keep
16:02 the rest of the commandments also.
16:04 But after, after you know not lying anymore
16:08 and trying to be better person.
16:10 I wasn't sure what they still ask forgiveness for.
16:13 I was doing well with keeping the letter of the law,
16:16 but I was really missing the spirit there of.
16:20 I didn't think about being a good student of my time,
16:22 of my energy or my money.
16:24 And being a Christian was more than refraining
16:27 from being mean to others but actively caring about them.
16:31 More than I care about my own interest.
16:34 And I didn't realize that selfishness is shown
16:36 by not loving my neighbor as myself.
16:39 It made me still very much guilty
16:41 of the same set of commandments.
16:45 It shows in the next story I did one year
16:47 of nursing before I went into law.
16:49 And during that year I met a boy.
16:53 We were just friends the first two weeks.
16:57 Then I started liking him.
16:59 And he liked me too.
17:01 But he wasn't Adventist.
17:03 I knew we didn't live according to the same principles.
17:05 So we decided we just stay friends.
17:09 He told me he was agnostic and opened to religion
17:11 and I thought may be with time, he will get to know Jesus
17:14 and then we will get together
17:15 and live happily after ever after.
17:17 He didn't. I still got close to him though
17:20 and it became hard to be just his friend.
17:23 Just friends was still the label we used.
17:26 But then I would find myself holding hands in the library
17:29 while studying with my "just friends."
17:31 It doesn't make sense.
17:34 Let's pause this story for little bit and I'm going to see
17:36 if you're all here and listening.
17:39 If you ask a Christian with or without the life partner.
17:42 Who is your number one?
17:44 Who has your priority?
17:46 What would they say?
17:48 Jesus. Jesus, God, yes, okay.
17:50 Good, you're here.
17:51 All right, if you don't have a God but you do have a partner.
17:54 Whether you're most likely to answer the same question.
17:59 Your partner. Yeah, yeah,
18:02 I think that's true for most people, okay.
18:05 So what do you call something that takes the place of God?
18:10 Right. So if we believe that the first commandment
18:14 is that we love God.
18:15 We will not have other gods before Him.
18:18 And the second is that we will not make idols either.
18:20 Then I was well on my way to break the second commandment
18:23 by making myself his idol.
18:26 And I was helping him break the first by becoming his idol.
18:30 And I knew this but I didn't really take the time to think
18:33 about it much and because I didn't think about it,
18:35 I didn't-- it didn't have to change me.
18:38 It was easy to discard it.
18:41 God was gracious besides my, sorry despite my rebellion
18:45 and His spirit was still pulling on my spirit.
18:47 So one day I'm walking towards my friend's house
18:49 and they seem to listen on my mini disc player.
18:51 And I'm praying like I have been doing all this time
18:55 and I'm asking God, please help me to,
18:58 you know, decide what to do with this.
19:00 It's so hard. And I like him.
19:01 And please Lord, you know, change his heart.
19:05 And the song I'm listening to is saying words like.
19:07 "I try and sometimes I fail."
19:09 And I need you Lord.
19:10 Help me to make better decisions.
19:12 And I'm still walking and praying
19:15 and then all of a sudden it was like I heard Jesus says.
19:19 "Zippora, you can continue to ask me about this.
19:22 But you already know my answer."
19:25 And so we're at home that time.
19:27 I continued to walk.
19:30 We met, we had a short but good conversation
19:34 and we ended our kind of relationship.
19:39 And here comes the sad part.
19:41 When I spoke to him a few months after,
19:42 He told me he was an atheist.
19:44 That was sad to hear because before he had been open
19:47 to religion and now he was not.
19:50 I don't know how much of that was my doing.
19:53 If what I showed him of Christianity
19:55 was just that unappealing.
19:57 But I do know that if I had not been so busy
20:00 trying to please myself and my feelings,
20:02 that I would have more time to show him
20:05 the wonderful love of Christ.
20:08 I know now that my actions and dealings with people,
20:11 not just my words, show what I believe
20:15 about the values I claim to adhere to.
20:17 If my life doesn't show that I believe
20:19 God's principles are true.
20:21 Why would anyone who doesn't know God
20:23 would even want to try them.
20:26 So young people or may be not the just young.
20:29 Be careful in forming attachments.
20:32 Even if you come out okay,
20:34 you don't know what you're doing to the other person.
20:38 Another major event that happened
20:40 that dear concerns my sister Karen.
20:43 She had been sick for a couple of days
20:45 and missed school because of it.
20:48 She'd already been to the doctor.
20:49 They took her blood.
20:51 They established that she had some kind of anemia
20:53 and we were waiting for the rest of results.
20:57 My classes were scheduled to start late that day.
21:00 So I was home with her.
21:03 And I think in that semester I just recently learned
21:06 that if your blood is bad, you need water,
21:10 you need to eat healthy food and you need to move around,
21:14 so that your body can make new fresh healthy blood.
21:18 And my sister was complaining she had a headache.
21:20 And so I knew why because she didn't have enough blood
21:22 and she didn't have enough blood because
21:24 she wasn't drinking enough water,
21:25 she wasn't eating the good food.
21:26 And she wasn't moving,
21:27 she was just sitting on the couch.
21:29 And she kept complaining, she said, Zippora,
21:31 I have such a headache, I have such a headache.
21:32 And I told her drink something,
21:34 do something which she wouldn't do it.
21:36 But she kept complaining and finally I said,
21:38 okay, you know what?
21:39 If you're so sick get some Ibuprofen or something,
21:43 drink it and then get on with your day.
21:46 So she finally reluctantly gets up to do as I told her.
21:52 And not long after she dropped to the floor.
21:55 She was conscious but she said her
21:59 feet could no longer carry her.
22:02 So I'm panicking because this is the part
22:03 they didn't teach me about in my nursing school.
22:08 So I did the only thing I knew to do how and I called my mom,
22:10 because she--her voice just, you know, calms all my fears.
22:14 And she is also a doctor.
22:16 So she-- I called her and she came home.
22:18 And then it was time for me to go to class,
22:21 so I went to class thinking mom is here now,
22:24 everything will be fine.
22:26 But then when I got back home.
22:29 One of my aunties was calling me on the houseline saying,
22:32 "Zippora get your sister Hadassah from school.
22:38 Rush to the hospital.
22:41 Go now as fast as you can."
22:47 And I knew that by the way that she was saying
22:50 that that there was good chance
22:52 that I would not find my sister there alive.
22:56 So I called my sister to come home from school.
23:01 And as I waited for her to come back.
23:03 I switched on my computer checking to my emails.
23:09 I just emailed every church friend
23:11 I knew inside Netherlands, outside Netherlands.
23:14 If I'd spoken them last week or three years ago,
23:18 I emailed them all.
23:20 Everyone who was at the prayer conference
23:21 that three years ago, I emailed them.
23:23 And I begged them please, please beg God
23:27 to save my sister's life.
23:30 So my sister comes home.
23:31 And my aunty, Margaret she meets us
23:35 at the bus stop and when we go to the hospital
23:38 and as we get into the room of my sister.
23:40 Sister is laying, she looks really pale,
23:46 which is very freaky when you consider
23:48 that when she is healthy her complexion
23:51 is much darker than mine.
23:53 She was on to her second bag of blood.
23:55 She needed the blood transfusion to gain strength again.
24:00 And my mom was explaining to us that when she got into
24:04 the hospital that day her hemoglobin score was 2.7.
24:09 In a healthy person it's between 7 and 10.
24:13 It's funny I can hear that there is lot
24:15 of medical people in the room.
24:18 In a healthy person it's between 7 and 10.
24:20 And when it drops under 5 it's quite serious.
24:23 But 2.7 is more than dangerous.
24:25 And that she was alive was a miracle in itself.
24:32 We prayed, God saw it fit to save my sister.
24:37 My sister is still here today and God is good.
24:43 This experience what they showed me is that there is nothing
24:48 that I can trust God with.
24:50 I was growing in my relationship with Him
24:52 and that was a good thing.
24:55 But my Christian experience only really started
24:57 to get more interesting when I started
25:00 to actively share Christ.
25:03 Probably since my baptism my urge to share Jesus
25:06 had been intensifying.
25:08 My friends knew I was an Adventist.
25:12 I was trying to walk the Christian walk.
25:14 But I wasn't trained or even used to explain
25:16 the reasons for my faith.
25:19 Yeah, I was reading my Bible, so I'm encouraging people
25:21 who already knew that Bible was true, was fairly easy.
25:24 But otherwise the best I could do was debate Sunday worship
25:29 on the Sunday worshippers on the Sabbath.
25:31 And truthfully they never got me anywhere.
25:36 I remember talking to one of my good friends Andrius on Skype.
25:41 And he was telling me that he was
25:42 doing little bit experiments.
25:44 It's the simple one.
25:45 He would not watch TV for a week.
25:49 And then he would see what effects would be on him.
25:53 He is like a brother it to me.
25:54 And at the time he was one of my few spiritual friends.
25:57 So anything he did or thought was worth considering.
26:03 So I thought about it and I thought,
26:04 well, may be I should try TV this week myself.
26:08 So I did. I should tell you.
26:11 I have been TV junky.
26:14 Honestly, I don't know how I got it through high school,
26:16 because I would come home from school around 4 PM.
26:19 So watching my soap series
26:22 which we came kind of difficult when they changed
26:24 that schedule up, because my reference
26:28 would be on the one channel,
26:29 then the other would be on the other channel,
26:31 but when they are at the same time,
26:32 I would actually go between the two,
26:33 so I could keep over both.
26:35 It was very complicated.
26:37 So then after the series I would have may be hour and half
26:41 where I wouldn't anything to do because you know
26:43 you can only watch so much interesting
26:47 things or interesting to me.
26:49 So I would have a break of hour and half.
26:53 And then I would come right back watching other soap series
26:56 and two drama series and go to bed around 10 PM.
27:01 And then on top of that my sisters
27:03 and I would usually-- yeah quite often
27:08 we would rent movies, then we would have movie marathons.
27:11 We watched the movies over and over and over again.
27:14 So not watching TV that week was an eye-opener.
27:17 I had so much time on my hands,
27:18 I didn't know what to do with myself.
27:20 I noticed that I actually quite enjoyed not having to deal
27:23 with all of the information.
27:25 So I cut it all out for a good while.
27:29 I came to the conclusion that I could no longer
27:32 enjoy the type of entertainment that celebrates or promotes
27:38 or endorses just about everything that Jesus
27:40 likes to save us from.
27:44 When I stopped allowing the TV and Hollywood
27:45 to dictate the majority of my thoughts,
27:48 I started going closer to my Savior.
27:51 I changed the sources that could have input
27:53 on my thinking process and it was very liberating.
27:57 Focusing in my prayer became easier.
28:00 I mean I just remember trying to pray and scenes of movies
28:04 just coming into my head and it's just hard to focus.
28:09 I was learning more during my devotional times.
28:12 I was less needy for relationship.
28:14 You know, when you watch Hollywood love stories
28:16 all the time and you're the living on yourself,
28:18 you kind to start wondering what's wrong with you.
28:20 Oh, really, may be just me.
28:24 But I learned to be content with my singleness.
28:26 I was becoming more interested in spiritual things
28:29 and I was hungry for learning more.
28:34 Discovering audio verse at work was a blessing.
28:39 I would listen to sermons while cleaning my room,
28:41 cooking, going to university and coming back from university,
28:44 going shopping all the time.
28:47 I was then hungry for practical Bible based messages.
28:51 Through audio verse I became more aware
28:54 of the need for evangelism.
28:57 Then a powerful spirit filled sermon
29:00 was preached at a camp meeting
29:02 I attended in 2007, and it took me over.
29:07 I knew God was moving me to go and get mission training.
29:10 At that time I was is in the middle
29:12 of my bachelor's degree in law.
29:15 And I wanted to reach more people in my university classes.
29:18 I wanted to have an answer when they ask me things.
29:20 I wanted to have a bigger impact.
29:23 However, taking out a year back then
29:27 would have been bit messy.
29:28 So I decided to go the year after which would allow me,
29:32 you know, time to save up.
29:36 God totally paved the way for me.
29:38 Because one of the challenges I had,
29:40 I said I needed about 5,000 euros but I only had 2,
29:44 which means I was missing 3.
29:47 That translates to $6,500
29:53 the 5,000 euros did.
29:56 You know, that's a lot of money
29:58 but I was determined in my heart,
29:59 I wouldn't stress about it.
30:02 If God wanted me to go, then He would
30:04 have to make it happen.
30:08 So I send him my application February times.
30:12 May came so that's about a month before ARISE
30:15 will start asking you, you know,
30:18 it's time for you to pay your fees.
30:21 And I still didn't have the 3,000 euros I was missing.
30:25 But then in May we were at this--it was like
30:31 a planning meeting for the conference
30:32 we would have may be 2 to 3 weeks later.
30:36 And this young woman who was engaged to one of the guys
30:41 in the team and she is driving us home.
30:43 She is driving and she is looking
30:46 at me in a rearview mirror.
30:48 And she goes, "Hey Zippora, do you,
30:49 I hear you want to go ARISE."
30:51 And I said, "Yes, that's correct."
30:52 So do you have the money for that"?
30:55 Like why would you ask that, I was like no.
30:59 Said, okay, well I think I know
31:02 some people who can help you out.
31:03 And I'm like ah.
31:06 Well, she wasn't kidding.
31:08 Two weeks later those people found me.
31:11 I didn't go look for them.
31:13 I was at the conference.
31:14 They came to look for me.
31:17 They introduced themselves.
31:18 And they ended up sponsoring me the remaining 3,000 euros.
31:23 Amen. God showed me that money is not an issue for Him.
31:27 He has plenty of it.
31:31 And I praise God for people who give
31:32 their money to further the gospel.
31:35 So I flew over to Michigan in September 2008.
31:41 When I got to this school, I was almost immediately
31:44 set straight on what I was coming to learn.
31:47 I had kind of had this idea that they would
31:49 put some buttons on me and I would turn into
31:51 super evangelizer you know.
31:55 Yeah, they didn't do that.
31:58 Instead they showed me the importance
32:01 of my personal relationship with God that there is no need
32:05 for me to turn to a female black David Asscherick or whatever.
32:11 God wants me for me. Amen.
32:13 And that I can be most useful to Him when I'm me.
32:19 Seeing those guys, my teachers,
32:21 my parents got more David Asscherick,
32:23 in real life was good for me.
32:25 It showed me that there were normal people too.
32:28 And we'll make some grades and will bring some success,
32:31 is their relationship with Christ.
32:32 And the choices they make because of it.
32:35 My time at ARISE was splendid.
32:38 Having been brought up in the church,
32:41 I knew we have 28 fundamentals.
32:45 But it was only when it teaches they put it out
32:47 to me that all our doctrines are centered around Christ.
32:49 It's that I realized and indeed our fundamentals
32:52 are more than a creed.
32:53 You know sometimes we just hear about
32:54 28 fundamentals people refer to them,
32:57 but they are not often explained.
33:01 I started to understand there is much more that separates
33:04 us from Sunday worshipping Christian
33:06 than just a Sabbath or a State of the Dead.
33:08 That as a church we have more unique views on the world
33:11 that will become more evident towards the end of time,
33:13 but are important to have a correct understanding of now.
33:18 ARISE helped me to one to become more inquisitive,
33:21 to do more research more thinking and as a result of it,
33:25 I became more balanced, more genuinely
33:28 excited Seventh-day Adventist.
33:31 And doing evangelism really makes
33:33 more sense when you yourself have
33:34 an intimate relationship with Christ.
33:37 Understanding that to Christ all souls are of infinite value.
33:43 And then things like door knocking,
33:45 something I absolutely dreaded are less of a challenge
33:49 when you know that you can explain why you're at that door.
33:55 At ARISE we had outreach probably 3 or 4 times a week.
33:59 And so when I came home in the Netherlands,
34:02 I kind of missed it.
34:03 So I went door knocking with my cousin
34:04 a few times but then exam time came.
34:07 And I decided you know what,
34:08 I don't really have time to go out.
34:09 Lord, I don't like--it's just going to take too much time so.
34:13 Everyone who comes to my door I will witness of you.
34:18 I never had a busier 2 weeks.
34:23 My phone died twice, had to be picked up twice,
34:26 I brought it back twice.
34:27 Then our central heating needed service,
34:30 so someone came to do that.
34:31 And there is a guy that would sell windows,
34:33 some kid that sold me cards, some charity
34:35 that came to collect money.
34:36 Really, people just kept coming.
34:39 And even though sometimes I struggle to bring up
34:41 the subject of God with them.
34:43 When I had finally find the courage to do so.
34:46 I had meaningful conversations with each and every one of them.
34:50 I'm such a complete with sometimes.
34:52 I will be afraid to bring up Christ
34:54 when I know it's a perfect time to do so.
34:57 Sometimes I win the battle with myself and sometimes I lose.
35:01 But whenever I have won,
35:03 I mostly have positive experiences.
35:07 Like I was trying shoes when I was in Australia
35:09 last year--because I want a new church shoes.
35:12 And the store clerk, she comes to me and says,
35:14 okay, so what you use them for.
35:15 And I think if I tell her church, she is going to ask me.
35:19 Oh, you go to church and you know,
35:20 so we're going to have this long conversation.
35:21 People are listening, it's going to be awkward.
35:24 And this is--oh, I'm thinking this in two seconds, right.
35:26 And she's still looking to me, so what they are for.
35:28 And I like "Oh, for church."
35:32 As soon as we started talking all my inhibitions disappeared.
35:35 We had a really good conversation.
35:37 Turns out that she is interested in knowing more about God.
35:41 And she was really happy with the Steps to Christ
35:44 I later delivered to her.
35:50 Another experience I had recently was on Sabbath morning.
35:53 There was a lady standing outside of church doors.
35:56 I was standing at churchyard actually.
35:58 And she was staring at the church doors.
36:00 And I'm usually not on that side of the church
36:03 but at this particular day I was and I saw her staring.
36:07 And I thought to myself, well, why would she be doing that.
36:10 So I went outside and asked her if she wanted to come in.
36:14 She said she did.
36:15 And I later found that she walked pass the church
36:18 often times but she had been afraid of coming in.
36:22 She needed someone to pull her in.
36:29 Today she comes to Sabbath school and divine hour.
36:32 She helps out at church events and she is one of our more
36:35 faithful members at the prayer meeting.
36:40 At first she just sat in church,
36:42 you know, just listening, but now
36:43 she is asking questions reading her Bibles.
36:45 It's really, really encouraging to see her.
36:50 Evangelism is not just something you do at conferences
36:53 or once in a while at church.
36:56 It's part of who we are as followers of Christ.
37:00 Within Youth For All which is the youth ministry
37:02 I represent in the Netherlands.
37:03 We call it evangeliving.
37:05 You know evangelism and living because it's a lifestyle.
37:09 And God will use us as we make ourselves available to Him.
37:13 Don't wait for all your fears to disappear,
37:16 because for the record I hate rejection
37:18 just as much as a next person.
37:20 And talking to someone and risking
37:22 that they might think I'm a mad person,
37:24 it's not something I enjoy either.
37:27 But the more I walk with Christ,
37:30 I see the need for evangelism.
37:35 And once in a while He allows me to see
37:38 the fruit of my labor that I get through Him
37:43 and it brings joy to my hearts.
37:46 When the life is changed, the person freed from
37:48 the snares of life, my world gets a bit privative.
37:52 On top of that evangelism has made me a more pleasant person.
37:56 Remember the verse I read to you in beginning.
38:00 "I prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not,
38:02 and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."
38:06 Well, that's a direct command
38:10 from our commander-in-chief.
38:15 You have to be live like Christian.
38:17 To do something, to strengthen the church is your task.
38:22 Because when I start doing evangelism I'm doing something.
38:26 When I start doing something, I stop doing nothing.
38:29 And it's when I started to step out
38:30 in faith trusting that God would be with me as I tried
38:33 my best to do as He asked, that I could see
38:35 His power at work,
38:37 which increased my faith in Him.
38:45 Listen to this quote.
38:46 If you had the week of prayer with your church,
38:49 then you've probably already heard this.
38:51 But I tell you again.
38:53 "Nothing to do" is the reason of trial among the brethren,
38:57 for Satan will fill the minds of idlers with his own plans,
39:00 and set them to work.
39:01 Your unemployed heart and mind afford him a plat
39:04 to sow the seeds of doubt and skepticism.
39:07 Those who have nothing to do, find time for gossiping,
39:10 tale-bearing, backbiting, and mischief-making.
39:15 "Nothing to do" brings evil testimony against the brethren,
39:17 and dissension into the church of Christ.
39:19 Jesus says, "He that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad."
39:23 So doing evangelism prevents you from falling
39:27 into the devil's traps.
39:29 Doing evangelism will make you
39:31 not have time to engage in nonsense.
39:33 It will prevent you from becoming the devil slave again.
39:36 And we just heard Jesus say,
39:37 "By the way if you're helping me gather.
39:39 You're effectively working against me."
39:44 I need to come to close.
39:47 I'd like to show something that illustrates
39:49 my experience and may be you'll recognize it too.
39:52 Come with me to Exodus 1.
40:03 Are you there?
40:12 In Exodus 1 we see in New King.
40:15 "One that not known Joseph and this king fears
40:19 that the Hebrews will become a serious threat to him.
40:22 So he decided to oppress and enslave them."
40:26 In verse nine it says, "And he said unto his people--"
40:30 so this is pharaoh speaking.
40:31 "Behold, the people of the children of Israel
40:33 are more and mightier than we, come on,
40:36 let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply,
40:39 and it come to pass, that, when there falls out any war,
40:42 they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us."
40:47 So the question that comes to my mind is.
40:52 How do you enslave a people that is mightier and more
40:57 in numbers than you are?
41:00 Anyone ever thought about that?
41:03 Like they're more, they're mightier
41:07 and not only that, these are the people of the Most High God.
41:11 How do you make them bow down to your commands?
41:16 Could it be that may be the new king wasn't the only one
41:18 who didn't know Joseph or God?
41:22 That is Israelites born into the faith
41:23 were may be aware of their history,
41:26 aware of God's promises for the future
41:27 and aware of the doctrines or at least some of them
41:30 but failed to connect them
41:31 to the living God of heaven and earth.
41:34 So that the idea of a personal God who was interested
41:37 in their well being was just too far from their mind.
41:41 Could it be that they were merely going through
41:44 emotions and had empty religion.
41:48 So that when the will told them
41:49 they would have to be slaves to it, they believed it.
41:53 Instead of putting up the fight they would have won.
41:58 Could it be?
42:01 I was born in this church
42:02 that means that I grew up in the so much safe environment,
42:07 where was a wealth of knowledge.
42:10 But just having that doesn't secure my salvation.
42:14 For long time God was impressing on to me.
42:17 And tough intellectually I knew that He loved me,
42:19 I didn't experience that.
42:21 And so His love wasn't moving me to live
42:23 a life according to His plans.
42:26 But when I finally had my all experience with Him
42:28 which was greatly enhanced because a group of young people
42:31 decided to invest time in me.
42:34 I understood that He is real and He cares.
42:37 And if He has much to say to me if only I will listen.
42:42 When I entered into that relationship with Him,
42:44 I finally started to allow Him to burn away the ropes
42:47 that bind me to this earth.
42:50 And its freedom moves me to want to shares
42:52 it with others so they can be free also.
42:55 Like the Israelites in Egypt,
42:57 I allow myself to be enslaved by worldly ideas like
43:01 the Greek philosophy version of god that won't intervene.
43:05 And I didn't even realize that until God freed me from it.
43:09 And I know that God doesn't just care about me.
43:12 It's not that He is just on the cloud somewhere.
43:16 He cares for me so much that He--from where He was,
43:19 He came down to this earth and became like me to save me.
43:25 God send people on my way to reckon to His word.
43:27 And they could not make me believe in His word
43:30 but as soon as I started studying it, I found him.
43:36 Because once you start looking for God, you'll find Him.
43:41 He says, I'm not far from each and every one of you in Acts 17.
43:46 And he says, "If you abide in my word,
43:48 you are truly my disciples,
43:49 and the truth will set you free."
43:52 So concluding now.
43:55 If you're born into this church whether by birth or baptism
43:58 or both and recognize that you've allowed
44:03 His will to enslave you again.
44:05 And you're left with the world view of God,
44:09 so that you're giving in where you
44:10 should be putting up a fight.
44:13 But you're tried of that and you want a life with Him,
44:16 a life lived in His service.
44:19 Then determining your heart to make
44:21 your relationship with Christ your priority.
44:24 It will not enclose conflict with him.
44:27 We can't really be sure who we're taken orders from.
44:31 Please don't allow the world to tell you
44:32 who you are, what they think.
44:36 When the people of God know who they are and consequently
44:39 live out their purpose, they are indeed aligned into the world.
44:43 But when they don't know who they are,
44:45 they'll slowly but surely be enslaved by the world,
44:49 by its ideas and its pleasures and their light is dimmed.
44:52 And that would be account to revolution.
44:56 We want to let our light shine, right.
45:01 If it's your desire to make Christ your priority,
45:03 then decide to have a living relationship with Him
45:06 when you'll look for Him daily.
45:09 And when you're making honest efforts to figure out
45:11 what Seventh-day Adventist believes and why.
45:14 Is that our collective desire? No. Is it?
45:18 Amen. Okay, I guess because
45:21 you're all stuffing, this is a very general appeal.
45:23 I'm pretty sure we can pretty much all say yes to that.
45:27 A bit more specific now.
45:31 We need to be helping each other out.
45:34 You look at Acts 2 and we see a church
45:38 that's sharing everything together.
45:39 They put their personal time money energy into each other.
45:43 They're investing in each other.
45:45 And if you want to have an Acts like revolution,
45:48 we need to start investing in each other,
45:50 strengthening each other as we go out into the world
45:54 and change it for ever.
45:56 Too often when we go to church,
45:58 we talk about the whole lot of things but we forget to ask
46:01 or to inquire or to find out how people are doing spiritually.
46:06 So I guess my next appeal is this.
46:09 If you understand the importance of strengthening the brethren.
46:12 If you're ever going to have an Acts like revolution,
46:16 get your pen, paper or your phone,
46:18 your tablet whatever you want to write this down on.
46:22 And write down a name or two of people you'll be sharing
46:25 your devotional experiences with.
46:28 Think of ways that you can strengthen your fellow
46:31 brothers and sisters with.
46:33 If you're in a small group here at GYC that make your part
46:38 that you'll do your best to stay in contact even after GYC.
46:41 So you can continue to strengthen each other.
46:47 Those of you who are not in a small group,
46:48 you think of someone that you can assist
46:50 as we strengthen by sharing your faith with.
46:55 I have been reading the in prayer revival
47:00 and reformation devotion everyday.
47:02 And I enjoy them.
47:04 I send them to my cousin and my friend everyday,
47:10 well not now because my phone won't connect to the internet.
47:12 But usually I send them everyday and then
47:14 and when they learn something they turn it back to me
47:16 and then we can talk about and we're strengthened by it.
47:19 Those are easy ways
47:20 to share and strengthen.
47:28 With the power of God you can choose
47:31 to be who he is calling you to be.
47:34 There is no reason for you to fail.
47:37 There is no reason for us to settle for a small God,
47:40 when He wants to reveal so much more of Himself.
47:46 I have learned in my life that when I'm serious about God.
47:51 Then I see how serious He is about me.
47:58 Following Christ is a serious thing.
48:03 And once we start doing it seriously.
48:11 We see much opportunities to go and share
48:14 and do things that matter for eternity.
48:18 That's what motivates me now.
48:20 And I pray that that's what will motivate you too.
48:24 Did you write down your names yet?
48:27 That you've already write down
48:28 who you're going to be strengthening and calling.
48:31 If you did you can stand up and we'll have our prayer.
48:52 Dear Father in heaven.
48:55 We thank You for who You are to us.
48:58 A God who cares about who we are.
49:01 A God who is interested to see how we are doing.
49:06 Who is willing and able to strengthen us to care for us.
49:12 Father, we recognize that You're the only one's God.
49:16 And that we need You to survive.
49:20 We need You to have this revolution
49:22 that we have been talking about.
49:24 We need you to remind us that every morning
49:27 needs time with You.
49:29 And we need to get to know you in a more intimate level.
49:33 That we need you to go out to our friends
49:35 and share and encourage them.
49:38 That we need You for anything
49:40 that we wish to accomplish in this life.
49:43 So Father as we're going to the next part of the program.
49:47 We pray that You would help us remember those names
49:49 that we wrote down just now.
49:51 Help us to indeed
49:56 try Your best to encourage them
50:00 like You've been encouraging us,
50:01 like You've been sending people to encourage us.
50:05 We thank You for Your patience, for Your love,
50:08 for Your never ending mercy.
50:13 All of this we pray now because
50:14 You deserve it but in Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17