Generation of Youth for Christ 2012

Sunday Morning Devotional "Redefining Culture"

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Wes Peppers


Series Code: 12GYC

Program Code: 12GYC000006

00:13 The timeless theme
00:16 Earth and Heaven will pass away
00:22 It's not a dream
00:24 God will make all things new that day
00:31 Gone is the curse
00:35 from which I stumbled and fell
00:40 Evil is banished
00:44 to eternal hell
00:50 No more night, no more pain
00:58 No more tears, never crying again
01:05 And praises to the great, "I AM"
01:13 We will live in the light
01:18 of the risen Lamb
01:27 See all around,
01:29 now the nations bow down to sing
01:35 The only sound is the praises to Christ,
01:42 our King
01:44 Slowly the names from the book are read
01:52 I know the King,
01:55 so there's no need to dread
02:02 No more night, no more pain
02:09 No more tears, never crying again
02:17 And praises to the great, "I AM"
02:24 We will live in the light
02:29 of the risen Lamb
02:38 See over there,
02:40 it's a mansion prepared for me
02:46 Where I will live
02:48 with my Savior eternally
02:59 No more night, no more pain
03:05 No more tears, never crying again
03:11 And we will sing praises to the great, "I AM"
03:18 We will live in the light
03:22 of the risen Lamb
03:27 No more night, no more pain
03:34 No more tears, never crying again
03:42 And praises to the great, "I AM"
03:49 We will live in the light
03:53 of the risen Lamb
03:57 We will live in the light
04:01 of the risen Lamb
04:06 No more night, no more pain
04:33 Thank you ladies for that beautiful music,
04:35 I felt from few moments there
04:38 in the back as I closed my eyes,
04:40 I felt like I was in heaven,
04:42 listening to the angelic choir, amen.
04:45 I want to welcome you this morning,
04:47 thankful that you are here, excited that you are here.
04:50 And I hope that you are excited.
04:52 And we're thankful to be here this morning,
04:54 I'm really thankful to be alive.
04:57 And we were thankful that the person next to you is alive.
05:00 Amen. Amen.
05:01 Praise God this morning.
05:03 Are you tired yet GYC?
05:06 No. Praise the Lord.
05:07 You know, the temptation is as we go further along in GYC
05:11 you are going to get more tired
05:13 and the temptation is going to be
05:15 not to come to the meetings.
05:17 But I want to challenge you every morning friends,
05:19 wake up early, do your devotions,
05:22 spend time with Christ and then come to the meetings.
05:25 How many of you are ready for outreach this afternoon.
05:27 Amen. Praise the Lord.
05:29 I want to tell you something friends,
05:30 this experience of you have not been on it before
05:33 will change your life.
05:34 I want to encourage you to go
05:37 and not just to go
05:38 but take someone else with you.
05:40 Make sure that there is somebody
05:42 who is trying to skip out that you grab them say,
05:44 you are going with me,
05:45 you are going to be my outreach partner.
05:47 God has somebody behind the door today
05:50 that He wants you to impact.
05:52 You have the opportunity this afternoon,
05:56 to impact someone's life for all eternity.
06:00 I can remember, in Ukraine we had,
06:04 we had an AFCO school over in Ukraine
06:06 and we had 30 students and the leadership there said,
06:12 you can never knock on doors in Ukraine.
06:15 And we said why not.
06:16 They said it will never work here.
06:17 And we said, boy you must sound--
06:20 it sounds like you had a negative experience with this.
06:23 They said well we never actually tried it.
06:25 But we know our people, we know it won't work.
06:28 We sent 30 AFCO students,
06:31 20 church members out knocking on doors
06:34 and in about five hours,
06:35 they had over 300 requests for Bible studies. Amen.
06:39 We are anticipating miracles today.
06:42 We are anticipating God to do great things.
06:45 It was once said if you are not a missionary,
06:47 you are a mission field. Amen.
06:51 I want to ask you to pray this morning for two things.
06:55 Pray this morning
06:56 one my son is very sick at home, he had--
06:59 it's been conformed by the doctor yesterday
07:01 he has a flu,
07:02 so I want to ask you to pray for him
07:05 and that he will get better.
07:06 Secondly, I want you to pray for three things,
07:08 I want you to pray for me
07:10 that God spirit would speak through me
07:12 and through His word today
07:14 and that we would be passionate about Jesus, amen.
07:18 Third thing I want you to pray for is for yourselves
07:20 that God would impact your hearts with the word
07:23 and actually I want you to pray for four things
07:25 and that is the person beside you
07:27 that their hearts would be impacted, amen.
07:29 We want to be drawn closer to Jesus this morning.
07:31 We want to have an experience with the living Christ.
07:35 How about you?
07:37 Would you kneel with me this morning
07:38 as we pray and as we begin?
07:49 Father in heaven, we thank You so much today
07:53 for the rich treasure that is in Your word.
07:56 We're thankful today for Jesus
07:58 who loves us more than His own life.
08:01 We are thankful today for souls
08:03 whom you are drawing to yourself
08:06 even this very hour,
08:07 you are arranging divine appointments
08:10 for this afternoon, even this very moment.
08:13 And we want to pray Lord
08:14 in a special way that Your spirit
08:16 would be poured out upon our hearts today
08:19 and that Jesus would be uplifted.
08:21 We would be passionate and excited about Him,
08:24 about His word, about His mission,
08:25 about His church.
08:27 And I ask Lord today
08:28 that you would impact our hearts in a powerful way.
08:31 Speak through us today.
08:33 Help us to understand You in a way we haven't before.
08:37 We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.
08:41 I remember when I first had my--
08:45 my first encounter with the word of God,
08:47 I was 22 years old,
08:49 I did not grow up as a Christian,
08:50 I did not grow up as a Seventh-day Adventist.
08:53 I didn't know much about the Bible,
08:54 I didn't know much about God
08:56 and through the course of my life,
08:58 I endured a lot of different things.
08:59 I'm gonna tell you a very brief version of my testimony.
09:03 Growing up I played high school football
09:06 and I was one of the most,
09:07 one of the top football players in the state of Alabama.
09:11 I was being recruited by number of different colleges
09:14 and I was kind of like the star of my community
09:17 but in that time in my life,
09:19 there was something missing from my life.
09:21 When I was 17 years old my parents
09:24 who had been married for 20 years
09:26 decided to get a divorce.
09:29 My mother in the midst of that tried to commit suicide.
09:34 Thank God that He prevented it.
09:38 But growing up friends,
09:39 I did not have the advantage
09:42 of a Seventh-day Adventist Christian home
09:43 that many of you have.
09:46 And because of the hard things that I experienced in my life,
09:49 I became an atheist.
09:51 I wanted nothing to do with the God
09:53 that will allow me to suffer that much,
09:55 not knowing how much He had suffered for me.
09:58 And so I became a hardcore atheist,
10:01 not just an atheist that says
10:03 I don't believe in God
10:04 but an atheist that would have been
10:05 in the face of any Christian
10:07 cursing them and swearing at them,
10:09 telling them what a foolish thing
10:11 that they believed in.
10:12 I went to a state university where I studied evolution,
10:15 I studied all these different theories of,
10:18 of you know the stuff that they teach there evolution,
10:21 I know all that stuff. And my life became a disaster.
10:27 And my life continued to spiral downward
10:29 until I reach the point,
10:31 where I was thinking about committing suicide.
10:36 I thought the Bible was a fable,
10:37 I wasn't afraid to tell people so.
10:42 And so there I was thinking about suicide,
10:44 I thought if this all the life has to offer
10:46 I was miserable, I was broken, I was hurt,
10:49 I'd experienced a lot of pain in my life.
10:51 And I said, if this is what life is about, why even live?
10:55 And so the more I thought about suicide,
10:57 a thought began to come to my mind
10:59 and I only know now
11:00 that it was from the God of heaven.
11:02 God said, why don't you study the Bible.
11:06 And the more I tried to put that thought out of my mind,
11:09 the more it came, it got stronger.
11:13 And so finally one day I said, you know what,
11:15 this what I am going to do.
11:16 I am going to prove the Bible wrong,
11:18 I am going to prove that God doesn't exist
11:21 but there is no purpose, there is no real meaning to life
11:24 and then I am going to commit suicide
11:26 and I want to cause great pain to my family
11:29 and those around me who have hurt me so.
11:32 And so I started studying the Bible,
11:36 started studying Bible prophecy
11:39 I began to see that God predicted things
11:42 that happened in the world thousands of years
11:45 and even in hundreds and even thousands of years
11:48 before they ever happened.
11:50 I saw that Bible prophecy was being fulfilled today
11:53 and He gave me the confidence
11:54 to know that the word of God was real,
11:56 the word of God was true and it gave purpose.
11:59 And when I had that confidence,
12:01 I turned to the gospels
12:02 and I began to read about the life of Jesus
12:04 and never in my life had I ever read something so pure,
12:09 something so powerful, something so life changing
12:12 and Christ changed my life,
12:14 22 years old college student
12:17 on a secular state university of--
12:19 about 12,000 people,
12:21 I gave my heart to Jesus in my college apartment room
12:25 and Christ changed my life for ever.
12:27 It was His word that transformed me
12:31 and I don't stand before you perfect,
12:33 I can assure you.
12:34 I will be the second person
12:35 to tell you that I am not perfect
12:36 and my wife will be the first person.
12:40 By the grace of God everyday
12:42 I want to be growing more like Jesus, amen.
12:45 I want to spend time in His word
12:48 because His word is powerful friends.
12:51 It is living, it is a alive,
12:53 and it speaks to our generation today.
12:56 The early church experienced the revolution
12:59 because of the power
13:01 and their experience in the word of God.
13:04 I appreciate it Brother Valmy's post on the GYC website
13:08 about the driving force in the Book of Acts.
13:10 He said that 25 times in the Book of Acts
13:14 the word of God is mentioned.
13:15 But you know I looked at the indirect quotes,
13:18 the indirect statements as well as the direct
13:20 and the word of God is actually talked about 50 times
13:25 within direct and indirect.
13:27 It was the word of God in its pure unadulterated form
13:30 that transformed the lives of the apostles
13:33 from cowards into champions.
13:36 Champions of Christ,
13:38 champions of the gospel, champions of His cause.
13:41 It was that which would allow them
13:42 to stand unashamed
13:44 to proclaim His word to a lost generation.
13:48 It was the word of God that gave them more wisdom
13:50 to stand before the Pharisees
13:52 unflinchingly in the face of death
13:54 when before they tuck tail and run.
13:59 No longer cowards
14:01 but men of character, men of Christ.
14:06 Today friends, I don't want to be a coward
14:08 when it comes to God's word, how about you?
14:10 I want to be bold, I want to be sure,
14:13 I don't want to be annoying and obnoxious.
14:16 I don't want to be angry but I want to be passionate
14:18 about God's word, amen.
14:20 It was the word of God that was a driving force
14:22 in the revolution of the Book of Acts
14:24 and it will be also the driving force
14:27 in the revolution in the last days.
14:29 I want to look at four points with you very quickly,
14:32 because I have some counterpoints
14:33 to go along with them.
14:35 Four points this morning
14:36 about the word of God in the Acts.
14:38 Number one, it was received. It was what everyone?
14:41 It was received. Number two, it was belief.
14:44 What was it?
14:45 Number three, it was proclaimed, say with me.
14:49 All right, thank you all five people that said that.
14:53 What was it the third one?
14:55 Proclaim and the fourth one it-- it reclaimed.
14:59 What was it everyone? Reclaim.
15:01 We are going to look at those points
15:03 real quickly from the Book of Acts.
15:04 Please turn with me to the Book of Acts 2.
15:08 We are going to look at our very first point
15:11 that it was received Acts 2:41 and 42.
15:17 Are you there, if you are there please say, amen.
15:21 All right, ten of you were there.
15:24 Are you there?
15:25 All right, Acts 2:41 the Bible says,
15:29 "Then those who gladly received his word were baptized
15:32 and that day about three thousand souls
15:35 were added to them.
15:37 And they continued steadfastly
15:39 in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship,
15:41 in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."
15:44 I want you to notice something very interesting
15:46 about this passage,
15:48 the simplicity of the faith of the disciples.
15:52 The Bible says that they received the word how everyone?
15:58 How do they receive it? They received it gladly.
16:02 I want you to think about this for just a minute.
16:05 There was no issue or debate or discussion about the word,
16:10 they had a simple faith
16:12 that accepted the Bible as it was. Amen.
16:17 And when they received it as it was, it made them glad.
16:22 How many of you want to be glad this morning?
16:25 We want to accept the Bible just as it reads.
16:28 They did not allow their personal opinions
16:30 to get in the way of the word working in their hearts, amen.
16:35 Does the word of God bring joy to your heart today
16:39 or does it simply interfere with your own personal desires.
16:42 If Jesus is leading you in the word,
16:45 it will bring joy to your heart.
16:46 I remember the first-- first church I attended
16:50 after I became a Seventh-day Adventist,
16:52 it was near the university where I attended
16:55 and I went to that church for the first time.
16:57 There was about 20 people there
16:59 and all of them were over the age of 65.
17:04 You had like-- you had like 82, 78, 75, 65, 60
17:10 and then 22 that was me.
17:13 And you know what friends?
17:14 I sat in that church service
17:16 and I was so overjoyed to be there
17:19 because the word of God was being preached
17:22 and it was the word of God that drew me to the church
17:26 not because my friends were there,
17:28 not because there was good music
17:30 but because I could hear something
17:31 that would transform my life.
17:34 Today friends we need to have this kind of experience,
17:38 the early church was a pure faith.
17:41 Let me tell you what friends?
17:42 It was that pure faith, it was that acceptance,
17:45 the glad acceptance of the word
17:47 that transformed their lives.
17:49 There is transforming power in the word of God today.
17:52 How many of you are thankful for that?
17:55 My father-in-law
17:56 who I think is watching right now
17:59 there with my wife, my wife's grandfather,
18:02 my father-in-law's father was the grand dragon
18:05 of the Ku Klux Klan
18:07 for the entire state of Alabama.
18:10 When my father-in-law was growing up,
18:12 his father was so abusive
18:15 that at night time they would hear
18:16 gunshots in their mother's room,
18:19 they would hear their mother screaming,
18:20 they would run in to find their father drunk
18:23 shooting holes through the ceiling.
18:25 When he was 16 his father tried to kill his mother
18:29 and to intervene he ran and got a pistol and shot him.
18:33 This is the environment
18:34 that my father-in-law grew up in.
18:36 Well by the grace of God
18:38 when he left the navy, when he went into the navy
18:42 there was a Seventh-day Adventist there,
18:44 who led him to Christ
18:45 and led him to the truth of God's word, amen.
18:48 My father-in-law since that day
18:50 has become a Seventh-day Adventist pastor.
18:52 He has raised three churches,
18:54 he has been an overseas missionary
18:56 and the power of God
18:57 is working through his life today.
18:59 Let me tell you what friends,
19:00 it doesn't matter what background we come from,
19:02 the word of God has transforming power. Amen.
19:06 How many of you believe that today?
19:08 It can change your life but unfortunately today friends,
19:12 we have entered a trend
19:13 where un-biblical culture is attempting
19:16 to drown out our commitments
19:19 and our stance on the word.
19:22 In Acts the word defines the function of the church.
19:26 The culture did not define the church, amen.
19:30 When this happened there was no question
19:33 when the question was driven by the word,
19:35 there was no questions about cultural issues
19:38 like music, like dress,
19:40 like worship styles, like gender,
19:43 like gender confusion or gender distinction.
19:46 These issues are clearly defined in the word.
19:49 And if they are not guided by the word in our lives,
19:52 then the culture around us will surely guide us.
19:59 We should never be steered by unbiblical culture,
20:02 no matter which one.
20:05 All culture must come under
20:06 the authority of scripture today.
20:09 The word will transform us but culture will conform us.
20:14 There are cultures today
20:16 that are seeking to invade our church,
20:18 cultures from the world, cultures from Babylon,
20:22 cultures of self.
20:24 We are called to call people out of Babylon
20:27 but as a people of God,
20:28 we must get Babylon first out of our own hearts.
20:36 We think they were calling people out of Babylon today,
20:39 but Babylon needs to be kicked out of our hearts.
20:43 The only way to keep unbiblical culture
20:46 from invading our church is to take a firm stand
20:49 upon the word of God
20:50 and upon the spirit of prophecy today.
20:53 This is what the early church did
20:54 and this is what allowed them to grow,
20:56 this is what allowed them to be driven forward
20:59 as a movement of God and that is the same thing
21:02 that must drive us in the last days,
21:06 the word of God and not culture.
21:09 Many times even our own Adventist culture
21:11 has become a hindrance.
21:13 Many times we love the positive good things
21:16 about Seventh-day Adventist culture.
21:19 We love our veggie links.
21:21 We love our morning start grillers.
21:23 We love all these different things
21:25 and there is nothing wrong with those things.
21:28 But dear friends, if we are adapted
21:29 to Seventh-day Adventist culture
21:31 but we have an un-surrendered heart to Christ,
21:34 there is a great problem with that today.
21:37 Many times we love
21:38 the Seventh-day Adventist culture
21:39 but we hate the spirit of Three Angels' Messages
21:42 because it calls for a full surrender of our lives
21:46 and we are unwilling to do it.
21:48 Unbiblical culture never requires
21:50 a surrendered to anything
21:52 but my own selfish desires and indulgence.
21:56 Because the early church was led by the word,
21:58 they were able to redefine the culture
22:01 not just of the church but of the world, of the world.
22:05 They made it impact.
22:07 World culture was re-stamped in the New Testament church
22:12 because they were driven by the word.
22:13 In our culture today,
22:14 what stamp do you want to leave?
22:17 Do you want to just leave
22:18 some Adventist mark like a veggie link?
22:21 You want to just improve people's diets,
22:24 so that they can become healthy sinners.
22:27 All these things are biblical friends,
22:29 I'm not saying that they are not.
22:30 These are good things that we must do.
22:32 But if that's all we do,
22:33 that all we have done has left a little mark of culture
22:37 but we need to see people transform
22:38 by the word of God, amen.
22:40 We need people transformed by the truth.
22:42 We must be a people of the word.
22:44 We must be people who spend time in God's word.
22:48 How much time are you spending
22:49 on God's word today versus facebook,
22:53 video games, time with your friends?
22:57 Is God's word impacting your life today?
23:04 The second thing we find is that the word was believed.
23:07 It was what everyone? It was believed.
23:10 First it was received, then it was believed.
23:12 Please turn over with me to Acts 4
23:15 and we are going to look at verse 4.
23:17 Bible says, "However many of those
23:19 who heard the word believed
23:21 and the number of men came to be about
23:24 how many, five thousand."
23:29 But I want you to notice in the second point
23:31 is that the word of God
23:32 was not only a simple faith for them,
23:35 but it was authoritative in their life.
23:39 You see friends, there is one thing
23:40 to hear the word of God and know the word of God
23:42 but it's another thing to act upon the word of God
23:46 and God today is not calling us
23:47 simply to hear and to know but to act.
23:51 And when the apostles were willing to act
23:53 upon the word of God
23:55 something divine happened,
23:56 souls began to be won to Jesus Christ. Amen.
24:02 The root word believe comes from the word be-live.
24:08 Did you realize that?
24:10 The word believe comes from the word be-live.
24:13 Another words we are not called to just know the word
24:16 but we are called to be the word.
24:18 We are called to be like Jesus.
24:20 We are called to live by the word, that is action.
24:26 They said, Mark Finley my favorite preacher says this.
24:28 "There is a difference between having the word of God
24:30 in your hand to defend the truth
24:32 and having the word of God
24:33 in your heart to live the truth."
24:37 Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, "If you believe you will do
24:40 and if you do it is because you believe."
24:44 Please take note of something very interesting friends.
24:47 The Bible says that when the disciples believed
24:50 they freely and joyfully accepted the word.
24:54 Somehow I've lost my notes here,
24:56 let me come back here.
24:57 The Bible says that when they believe
24:59 the number of them came to be about five thousand.
25:04 I want you to take note of this.
25:06 There is a direct link between the people of Acts
25:11 living the word and growing in numbers.
25:17 Are you with me?
25:18 There is a direct link between the people of God
25:21 being faithful to God's word
25:23 and then seeing the church grow.
25:29 They added 2,000 from the 3,000
25:32 that had been already there.
25:34 Now it's interesting
25:35 because someone will make the argument and say,
25:37 well, look at the Adventist church,
25:39 we are growing by 3,000 a day.
25:41 It was mentioned yesterday,
25:42 thankfully I had to mention that.
25:44 But let me explain something with to you friends.
25:47 They grew by thousands in a day
25:50 and they were 12 men.
25:53 We are going by 3,000 a day and we are 20 million.
26:00 What does that say about our belief in the word?
26:04 Friends, when we begin to live the word,
26:07 God will move powerfully.
26:10 The Ministry of Healing, page 514,
26:13 "The mere hearing of sermons Sabbath after Sabbath,
26:15 the reading of the Bible through and through,
26:17 or the explanation of it verse by verse,
26:19 will not benefit us or those who hear us,
26:22 unless we bring the truths of the Bible
26:25 into our individual experience.
26:29 The understanding, the will, the affections
26:31 must be yielded
26:32 to the control of the word of God.
26:34 Then through the work of the Holy Spirit
26:36 the precepts of the word
26:38 will become the principles of the life." Amen.
26:42 Somebody ought to say amen.
26:47 I remember a story.
26:49 A little boy was with his grandfather
26:53 and he said grandpa, how come grandma
26:55 every times she reads the Bible,
26:58 she weeps and she cries.
27:00 Every morning this woman would read Matthew 27
27:03 the story of Jesus being crucified on the cross.
27:06 And he said everyday grandpa she reads the same story
27:09 and she cries, why does she cry?
27:13 Grandpa looked at his little grandson
27:14 and simply said this because she believes it.
27:21 Do you weep
27:23 at the word of God this morning?
27:25 Do you weep?
27:28 The third point I want to bring out
27:29 is that it was proclaimed.
27:30 We got to move quickly
27:32 because I want to get into something else
27:34 before it's time to close.
27:36 Acts 4:31 please, Acts 4:31.
27:40 The Bible says, "And when they had prayed,
27:43 the place where they were
27:44 assembled together was what, everyone?
27:46 It was shaken."
27:47 The Bible says, "And they were all filled
27:50 with the Holy Spirit and they spoke
27:52 the word of God with" meekness.
27:56 They spoke the word of God with modesty.
28:00 They spoke the word of God as they fell inclined.
28:05 "They spoke it with boldness" the Bible says.
28:09 Boldness can only come when we spend time
28:13 in the presence of our God and Savior.
28:17 You cannot have boldness without Christ.
28:22 The Bible says that the room
28:24 where they were at were shaken
28:25 and I would pray today friends
28:27 that not only the room would be shaken
28:29 but God would shake our hearts. Amen.
28:35 They preach the word of boldness.
28:36 When was the last time friends
28:39 you prayed all night for a soul.
28:43 When was the last time that you prayed
28:45 all night over some Bible passage
28:47 that you wanted to understand
28:49 and you are asking and pleading with God
28:51 to reveal the truth to you?
28:53 When was the last time you did that?
28:56 Disciples were dedicated friends.
28:58 I remember when I first became a Christian,
29:01 it was so exiting, I would spend hours
29:03 and hours and hours in the word of God.
29:06 I could not get enough, I was a college student
29:08 going to classes three to four hours a day,
29:10 I had no job, I was living off student loans
29:12 which later we really regretted.
29:16 But I would study the Bible
29:18 all the several hours into the night
29:20 and into the early mornings.
29:22 And I remember friends that there were times
29:25 when I would-- as I would read the word
29:26 and as I would pray that I could sense
29:29 God's very presence in the room.
29:32 Some people say, I pray and I study
29:34 but I don't get anything out of it. Let me tell you.
29:36 You will get out of it what you put into it.
29:40 If you are not having an experience with God,
29:43 get on your knees and do not get up until you do.
29:46 Somebody says how long should I pray?
29:49 How long should I spend time in God's word?
29:51 You should spend the amount of time it takes
29:53 to know you've had an experience with Him.
29:57 We need to be a people that come back to the word.
30:01 The fourth thing I want you to notice
30:02 is that it reclaimed those that were lost.
30:06 Turn to the Book of Acts 6:7,
30:09 "Then the word of God spread
30:11 and the number of disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem
30:15 and a great many of the priests
30:17 were obedient to the faith."
30:19 It was so powerful in the lives of the disciples
30:22 that it transformed
30:23 even the leaders of the Jewish church.
30:26 Amen.
30:28 What if we could go out and we could be baptizing
30:32 ministers of other places, other faiths.
30:36 Amen.
30:38 I remember studying with a man
30:40 who was a minister of another faith
30:42 and when he heard the word of God,
30:44 he was baptized.
30:45 I want you to notice friends.
30:47 When was the word of God-- when the word of God
30:49 was boldly proclaimed, they were multiplied?
30:54 Today we are simply adding to the church
30:58 but in the Book of Acts God was multiplying. Amen.
31:03 How many of you think that we need to have
31:05 a multiplication factor today?
31:07 In Acts the word of God
31:09 was received, it was believed,
31:12 it was proclaimed and it reclaimed.
31:15 It fed them, it led them,
31:17 they said it and they spread it.
31:19 Amen.
31:20 If we were to have that experience today,
31:23 we would see miracles taking place,
31:25 we would see miracles taking place.
31:27 Today in Adventism we long to see
31:29 those miracles of three, five thousand
31:32 added to the church, not just the world church
31:35 but the local church.
31:40 But unfortunately there are many things
31:42 that are preventing us from having
31:44 that experience like the early church.
31:47 I want to highlight a few of those with you.
31:49 Please turn with me in your Bibles to 2 Peter 3,
31:54 2 Peter 3, we are going to see
31:56 something very significant to us today.
31:59 I got to move rapidly.
32:00 2 Peter 3, I am going to begin in verse 3,
32:05 I'm just going to cut to the point here.
32:07 Bible says Peter the great apostle,
32:09 the great acts revolutionary says this about the last days.
32:14 He predicts a time when people would begin
32:16 to depart from the word of God.
32:20 I'm sorry, 2 Peter 3:3, Bible says, "Knowing this first,
32:24 that scoffers will come in the last days--"
32:27 When and where are we? Thank you.
32:33 "Walking according to their own lusts and saying,
32:36 "Where is the promise of His coming?
32:38 For since the fathers fell asleep,
32:40 all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation."
32:44 Does that sound like what some people said to you here today?
32:47 Not may be today but at some point of your life,
32:49 they say, oh, we've been hearing for years
32:52 that Jesus is going to come.
32:54 I remember when I was in college
32:55 they said don't go to college, because Jesus is coming,
32:58 don't get married, don't have kids
33:00 but Jesus still hasn't come.
33:01 Did you ever heard somebody say that?
33:04 Notice this verse 5.
33:08 "For this they willfully forget
33:10 that by the word of God the heavens were of old,
33:14 and the earth standing out of water
33:15 and in the water by which the world
33:17 that was then existed perished,
33:19 being flooded by water.
33:20 But the heavens and the earth
33:21 which are now preserved by the same word,
33:23 are reserved for fire until the day of judgment."
33:27 Peter tells us that in the last days
33:29 people would forget
33:31 that the word of God has creative power.
33:37 Not people that were outside of the church
33:39 but people that are inside the church
33:40 because they are saying,
33:41 where is the promise of His coming.
33:43 Let me ask you a question.
33:44 Does that sound like an issue
33:46 that we have dealt with in recent times?
33:51 How be it, there are schools,
33:52 some of them are teaching evolution today
33:57 forgetting that by the word of God
34:00 the heavens were created.
34:02 Peter is speaking about
34:03 our generation today right here in his book.
34:08 We have left the word of God.
34:10 We have forgotten that the word of God
34:12 has creative power and that is being taught.
34:15 You see, friends, if you don't believe in creation,
34:17 you cannot be an Adventist,
34:19 because the Advent movement believes
34:20 that the same power by the word of God
34:22 which created the world is the same power
34:25 that can recreate your heart today.
34:28 When God spoke it, it stood fast.
34:30 And when God says create in him a clean hearts.
34:34 We have to believe by faith that it will happen.
34:37 If we lose our grip on creation,
34:39 we lose our grip on salvation, we lose our grip on salvation,
34:42 we lose our grip on the second coming.
34:45 And it has lead to the shipwreck of many
34:48 in their faith and in the church.
34:50 And friends this is an issue
34:52 that we are dealing with today.
34:55 Friends, I want to share with you a quote here,
35:00 The Great Controversy, page 595, it says,
35:03 "But God will have a people
35:04 upon the earth to maintain the Bible,
35:07 and the Bible only, as the standard of all doctrines
35:10 and the basis of all reforms.
35:12 The opinions of learned men, the deductions of science,
35:15 the creeds, the decisions of ecclesiastical councils,
35:18 as numerous and discordant as are the churches
35:21 which they represent, the voice of the majority--
35:24 not one nor all of these should be regarded as evidence
35:27 for or against any point of religious faith.
35:31 Before accepting any doctrine or precept,
35:34 we should demand a plain
35:36 "Thus saith the Lord" for its supports."
35:41 We have drifted away
35:43 from the pure simple faith of the word of God.
35:48 Now, friends, it's easy here at GYC to sit
35:53 and point the finger at those who have gone astray, isn't it?
36:01 So easy.
36:03 Jesus said, "Before you take the speck
36:07 out of your brother's eye,
36:10 take the plank out of your own eye."
36:13 Did He not?
36:15 In my years as a lay person
36:18 working in and also working in ministry
36:21 as an evangelist, as a pastor,
36:23 as a administrator, teacher and whatever else,
36:27 I begun to see a trend that is increasing in Adventism,
36:32 a very troubling trend and it exist even here at GYC.
36:38 I see a trend that's causing spiritual erosion
36:42 amongst young people today
36:44 and I am going to give it to you in three parts.
36:47 Are you ready? Are you sure you are ready?
36:51 It's going to be strong and I don't say it in anger,
36:54 I say it in passion and love, urgency.
36:57 Are you with me?
37:00 Firstly, we've had laws of simplicity.
37:03 You remember we said that the Book of Acts
37:05 the disciples had simple belief in the word,
37:09 they accepted it as it was read. Yes?
37:14 Adventism's failure to make the same impact on the world
37:17 that the early church did
37:18 is because of our relation to the word of God today.
37:21 As Adventist we are always looking for some new deep
37:26 truth to tickle our ears but not to change our hearts.
37:33 We have left the simplicity of the straight message.
37:37 We do not want it anymore.
37:40 We want something that will tickle our ears,
37:42 something that will wow us.
37:44 And this has become like an addiction,
37:48 this tickling has been an addiction
37:50 and we are not satisfied with anything less.
37:53 God wants us to follow
37:55 the simple truth of the word, amen.
37:59 And God is not wanting to give us
38:01 anything new until we follow what He has already given,
38:05 but today we have left the basics.
38:08 We want something deep,
38:10 something rich, something true,
38:11 but we want to avoid the simple truth
38:13 like loving our brother.
38:18 We have left the simple truth.
38:21 The church doesn't need the latest and greatest sermon
38:23 that unpack some truth until that lives
38:26 and believes the truth that God has already laid out.
38:31 We need to start living it out.
38:34 2 Corinthians 11:3, "But I fear, lest somehow,
38:38 as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness,
38:40 so your minds may be corrupted
38:42 from the simplicity that is in who, that is in Christ."
38:47 That is number 1. We have left the simple faith.
38:50 Number 2, we have become a celebrity house.
38:57 I heard somebody say, oh, ho,
39:01 I don't know if that was for me or for you.
39:04 We have become a celebrity house.
39:07 We have begun to focus,
39:09 I am going to read some of this
39:10 because I want to make sure I get it right.
39:12 We have begun to focus more on the one
39:15 that brings the word than the word itself.
39:21 We have elevated speakers to a level
39:25 that ought not to be done.
39:29 When we have a conference coming like GYC
39:32 or some regional GYC and praise God for GYC, amen,
39:37 Praise God for a place we can come
39:39 and experience revival and study the word
39:41 and learn more about Jesus and His last day message.
39:44 Thank God for the GYC's everywhere.
39:48 But a trend that has begun is when there is a GYC
39:51 a youth conference that is put on,
39:53 the first thing we ask is what everybody, you tell me?
39:57 You said it, not me.
40:00 I'm off the hook. No, I'm just kidding.
40:03 We always say who is speaking?
40:06 And we think that if such and such a speaker isn't there,
40:10 then we can't get a blessing.
40:18 I don't want to name names but some of us consider
40:21 preacher A, preacher B
40:23 or preacher C to be the man of the hour
40:26 and when we attend those meeting
40:28 where that speaker is present,
40:30 we will go and we will hang on every word
40:33 that they speak and then when that preacher is done,
40:36 we will leave and go hang out with our friends.
40:41 For some we are looking for our next hit
40:43 or next fix of our favorite speaker preacher
40:47 and while we ignore everything else.
40:49 This is an addiction and an unhealthy one
40:54 and an unbiblical one.
40:58 Should it matter who is speaking friends?
41:00 If that speaker has poured his heart out before God
41:04 to prepare a message to deliver to the people of God,
41:08 who are we to say I can't get a blessing from him.
41:13 Who are we to say, oh, he is boring,
41:16 because you know what friends,
41:18 we have come to the point where we are more interested
41:20 in theatrics than in truth.
41:24 We would rather see the preacher dance across the stage
41:27 than to deliver a true straight statement.
41:32 Do you think popular speakers
41:34 are all there are that has preaching talent.
41:37 They are men and women who pour out their hearts
41:39 and if they had surrendered their hearts to the word of God
41:41 and prepared a message,
41:42 then Christ speaks through them.
41:44 This is much than he does anyone else.
41:50 We have elevated the speaker above the word.
41:54 We have become-- many times
41:57 we often have more endearing things
41:59 to say about speakers than we do about Jesus.
42:05 Yes, I said it.
42:08 We've become real, a real American.
42:17 You know where I'm going.
42:19 We've become a real Adventist idols for sure.
42:25 Is that right or no?
42:30 We like to compare speakers and line them up.
42:32 We have our favorites.
42:34 And this one is better than that one.
42:36 But Paul addressed this issue in his day.
42:38 I invite you to turn in your Bibles with me please
42:47 to 1 Corinthians 1:12, 13, Corinthians 1,
42:50 the apostle Paul speaks here with all biblical authority,
42:54 he says, "Now I say this, that each of you says,
42:59 "I am of Paul," or "I'm of Apollos,"
43:02 or "I'm of Cephas," or "I'm of Christ."
43:05 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you?
43:09 Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?
43:13 We are not called brothers and sister
43:15 to say I'm of this preacher, I am of that preacher,
43:18 this preacher does it for me
43:20 or that preacher doesn't do it for me.
43:22 If they are preaching the word of God,
43:23 it should be the world of God doing it in your hearts.
43:27 Turn over to Chapter 3 please,
43:29 Chapter 3, Paul gets a little bit more bold.
43:33 Please keep in mind
43:34 that I'm not trying to step on your toes
43:36 but the Holy Spirit is.
43:42 I'm only the messenger, don't throw tomatoes at me.
43:46 Talk to the author of the book.
43:49 Verse 3 Paul says, "For you are still carnal"
43:57 if we have this mind set, "For where there was envy,
44:02 strife, and divisions among you,
44:04 are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?
44:07 For when one says, "I am of Paul," and another,
44:10 "I am of Apollos," are you not carnal?
44:15 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos,
44:17 but ministers, ministers through whom you believed,
44:23 as the Lord gave each one?
44:25 Look over in verse 21,
44:26 "Therefore let no one boast in men.
44:29 For all things are yours,
44:31 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas,
44:33 or the world or life or death,
44:35 or things present or things to come--all are yours.
44:38 And you are Christ's and Christ is God's."
44:42 We are not called to follow speakers,
44:45 we are called the follow the word.
44:47 And praise God for godly speakers,
44:49 I am not condemning them, I am not putting them down.
44:52 We need godly speakers, amen.
44:54 But we cannot idolize them,
44:56 they put on their pants the same way
44:59 that you do in the morning.
45:02 We have folks, ladies put on their skirts
45:05 however they put them on
45:06 but they all put them on the same.
45:08 I don't know anything about it, my wife could tell you.
45:13 We tend to take sometimes their word for everything
45:17 and we often depend more upon the speaker
45:20 than on the Holy Spirit to guide
45:22 our own personal study of the Bible.
45:28 It's like traveling back to the Dark Ages
45:32 brothers and sisters,
45:33 where the people were dependent
45:35 upon the priest to tell them what to do.
45:41 We have replaced our own personal devotional life
45:44 with downloaded sermons of popular speakers
45:47 and books about the Bible.
45:51 We have neglected the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy
45:54 and we have been receiving many of us
45:55 the word secondhand and I am not speaking
45:57 to all of you but as a result
45:59 we have become spiritually weak.
46:01 We think that we don't have
46:02 the time to invest in God's word.
46:05 And let me tell you something friends today.
46:07 If you think you don't have the time to spend in God's word,
46:10 then you are busier than heaven ever intended you to be.
46:14 Every day you must spend time in the word of God.
46:19 There is nothing wrong with respecting these men.
46:22 Cornelius comes and bows
46:26 before Peter and Peter picks him up
46:28 and he says stand up for I myself I am also a man.
46:33 Speakers are just men, they are capable of false,
46:35 do not look to them.
46:36 Too many people have looked to men and idolized them
46:39 and when that men falls,
46:41 it creates a disaster of their faith.
46:44 We must look to Christ. We must look to His word.
46:47 You know what friends,
46:48 the devil can preach a good sermon.
46:52 I am not calling our speakers devils,
46:54 you understand, don't misunderstand me.
46:56 But my point is as just because somebody can dance
46:59 across the stage and entertain you
47:00 and even preach a good sermon.
47:02 Doesn't mean always a hell of beans.
47:05 What matters is the character of the life,
47:08 the character of the life.
47:10 We have become a generation
47:11 who heard instead of a generation of the word.
47:14 We are hearing the word spoken through others today
47:17 but are we hearing Jesus speak
47:20 through us personally from His word.
47:26 We need to come back to our personal experience
47:28 with the word Jesus said to the Pharisees
47:30 and He says to us today.
47:32 You search the scriptures
47:33 because in them you think there is eternal life
47:35 but they are those which testify of me.
47:38 You must have your own experience
47:40 with the word of God young people.
47:42 You must have-- we must come back
47:44 to a personal experience of the word.
47:47 I am not saying it's wrong to listen to sermons.
47:50 I am not saying it's wrong to read other books.
47:52 But those things were only meant to supplement our own
47:56 study of the word, not to replace it,
47:59 never to replace it.
48:01 I encourage you to use audio verse.
48:03 I encourage you to read other books by good speakers,
48:07 but do not let that replace your own account,
48:10 your own experience.
48:12 We think that we'd heard it all before.
48:18 But let me ask you something friends.
48:21 We think we've heard it all before,
48:22 but have you applied it to your own lives today?
48:26 You remember the power behind
48:28 the Book of Acts was not simply
48:30 that they heard the word,
48:31 not simply that they knew the word,
48:33 but that they acted on the word. Amen.
48:38 How many of you are acting on the word today?
48:40 How many of you have been to at least one of the GYC?
48:44 Let me see your hands.
48:45 Those of you that are watching,
48:46 you can raise your hands in your living rooms.
48:49 How many of you have been to at least five GYC's?
48:53 How many of you have been to all the GYC's?
48:55 How many of you have been to some camp meetings
48:57 or some other type of youth meeting somewhere?
49:00 We have all been there
49:02 and we all seem to just befall into the rut
49:05 that we are becoming seminar junkies
49:07 and this word is not taking route in our lives
49:11 and we know this because we are not acting
49:14 upon what we are hearing.
49:16 I am not speaking to allof you, but many of you.
49:20 Now let me ask you something.
49:21 Here is something little bit more practical.
49:23 Is it taking action in your life?
49:25 When was the last time
49:26 that you memorized the Bible promise?
49:30 When was the last time that you shared with somebody
49:33 what you've learned in your devotional life today?
49:37 May be you didn't share with them
49:39 what you didn't learn, may be you didn't ask them
49:41 that question because you are afraid
49:43 that they would ask you the same question back
49:46 and you won't have anything to say.
49:52 When was the last time you lead a person to Christ
49:56 and to baptism or how about these.
49:59 We are almost finished for 3ABN.
50:01 I know they are stressing out. We're almost finished.
50:04 How many of you, but I got to say this.
50:06 How many of you could come up on the stage right now.
50:09 Do not raise your hands
50:10 because I may call you up to do it.
50:12 How many of you could come up on the stage right now
50:15 and give a thorough discourse on 2300 day prophecy?
50:20 How many of you could come up on the stage right now
50:22 and explain what and why Jesus is doing
50:25 in the heavenly sanctuary?
50:27 How many of you could come up on the stage right now
50:29 and explain why the Seventh-day Adventist church
50:32 is God's last day remnant church of Bible prophecy.
50:37 I am not saying you have to do everything to share something.
50:40 Don't misunderstand me.
50:42 But listen brothers and sisters, for many of us,
50:44 this word has not taken effect in our lives,
50:49 because we have not acted on it.
50:52 We have simply heard and we've simply known
50:56 but we have not done.
51:01 I am going to make an appeal this morning.
51:04 The Bible brings purpose power to our lives
51:10 and it carries us into the presence of God.
51:15 When you study the Bible you get inside the mind of God.
51:19 What a blessing, amen.
51:21 Hebrew 4:12 says that it pierces our very soul,
51:26 is it piercing your soul today?
51:29 Psalm 119:11 says, "Thy word I have hidden in my what?
51:35 In my heart that I might not sin against you."
51:38 Let me--let me make something very clear.
51:41 Who is the word? Jesus.
51:44 If we have not hidden the word in our hearts,
51:49 then we have not hidden Christ in our hearts,
51:56 and if Christ is not in our hearts,
51:58 because the word is not there,
52:01 then how can He possibly be doing the work
52:04 of your eternal redemption in your life today.
52:09 We must be a people who come back to the word.
52:14 We must be a people who has a simple faith,
52:17 who takes it and reads it and takes it as it says.
52:22 We must be a people who believe
52:23 that the word of God is authoritative in our lives.
52:26 We must receive it and believe it,
52:30 but we also must act on it,
52:31 we must say it and we must spread it.
52:35 This was why the early church was so powerful.
52:39 My appeal is this, this morning, three parts.
52:44 Number 1, may be today your devotional life stinks.
52:49 May be today you've come to GYC
52:51 and you have not touched your Bible in two months,
52:54 three months, six months, a year.
52:58 God has spoken to your heart today
53:00 and He is convicted you by His Spirit
53:02 and by the power of His word.
53:04 And today you say, God I don't know
53:07 how I am going to do it,
53:08 but I am going to get back in Your word.
53:10 Young people do it whatever it takes.
53:12 We are so willing to do
53:13 whatever it takes in the secular world to accomplish.
53:16 We will stay up all night to study for that biology test.
53:20 We will stay up all night to prepare for that math test,
53:23 but when it comes to the word of God,
53:25 we want to read one chapter
53:26 and say I can't get anything out of it, lay it aside.
53:28 Do what it takes, find a book that teaches you
53:30 how to study the Bible.
53:32 Find a pastor that teaches you how to study the Bible.
53:34 Do something, do whatever it takes
53:37 but get yourselves back to the word.
53:40 And you will experience power, you will experience Christ.
53:45 I want to challenge you today to get back to the word.
53:50 Secondly, I don't want to make it easy for you.
53:54 I don't want you to go home and memorize a Bible promise.
53:59 I want you to go home
54:00 and memorize an entire book of the Bible,
54:04 an entire book of the Bible
54:06 and when you memorize that book,
54:07 memorize another book.
54:08 Why can't you do it young people.
54:10 We can memorize the songs,
54:12 the words of popular songs, secular songs.
54:16 For three minutes long we know the words to a song
54:19 that's three minutes long, five minutes long
54:21 but we can't memorize a Bible verse
54:23 that takes us ten minutes, ten seconds to recite.
54:27 Why can't you memorize the book of the Bible?
54:29 Why can't you memorize the Book of Daniel,
54:31 the Book of Revelation, the Book of Hebrews,
54:33 it talks about heavenly sanctuary?
54:34 Why can't you do it young people?
54:36 You are bright, intelligent young people,
54:38 who are being lead by the Spirit of God,
54:41 don't go for the easy thing, go for the hard thing,
54:46 that's my second appeal.
54:48 Thirdly, I want you to act upon that word.
54:53 I am challenging every single one of you
54:57 to lead somebody to Christ in 2013.
55:02 Lead somebody to Christ.
55:03 Let that word take action in your life.
55:07 Read it, memorize it, live it and act upon it.
55:13 This is my appeal to you today.
55:14 I'm not going to be fancy about,
55:16 I'm not going to tell some story,
55:18 but I want to invite everyone of you
55:20 to stand wherever you are,
55:21 just stand wherever you are.
55:25 And I want to give you an invitation
55:26 this morning to respond to act on this appeal.
55:32 If you want to restore your devotional life
55:34 and I don't know you could all come at the same time,
55:36 you may be coming for different reasons
55:39 but if you want to renew your devotional experience,
55:42 renew your devotional life,
55:44 I'm gonna invite you to slip out of your seat
55:47 and come down here to the front.
55:48 You say God, I don't know how I'm going to do it,
55:51 I don't--I don't know but you know.
55:55 Somebody here today needs to get themselves
55:57 back in the word of God.
55:59 I invite you to come down here to the front.
56:01 Secondly there may be somebody who says,
56:03 I don't want to accept a easy challenge,
56:05 I'm going to accept the hard challenge,
56:07 I'm not going to memorize just a Bible promise,
56:09 you can start with that
56:11 but I'm going to memorize an entire book,
56:12 I'm going to take the hard things.
56:15 And thirdly there may be somebody here today
56:19 who says I want to lead somebody to Christ.
56:21 I want that word of God to become real.
56:23 And let me tell you something friends,
56:24 when you lead somebody to Christ,
56:26 it is a greatest joy in the world,
56:30 it is a spiritual high that only heaven can give.
56:34 Young people today,
56:35 do not set up for anything less than God's best for you.
56:40 Do not set up for anything less
56:42 than thus saith the Lord
56:44 for the foundation of your life today.
56:47 Be renewed, be empowered
56:50 by the word of God, the word of God.
56:53 It must be the thing that drives our movement
56:57 all the way until Jesus comes.
57:00 Is that your desire this morning
57:03 to not just have as you have the word of God in your hearts,
57:07 knowing that your have Christ in your hearts as well.
57:10 Is that your desire this morning?
57:12 I'm gonna invite you wherever you are to pray,
57:14 bow your heads with me, as we pray.
57:16 Father in heaven, you see the young people that have come.
57:19 There may be others in their seats who need to come.
57:23 I pray Lord that You will prick their hearts
57:25 and You will not allow them to rest this weekend
57:26 until they surrender to you.
57:29 Lord, empower us by Your spirit,
57:31 empower us by Your word.
57:33 Let Your word dwell richly in us
57:36 and let our lives be transformed
57:39 and let us change the world by Your grace and strength.
57:44 I pray for each one here
57:45 that whatever their need is today,
57:46 whatever reason they came forward
57:48 that You will minister to their hearts,
57:50 You will minister their mind and You would make them
57:53 close with You in a very intimate and special way
57:57 and then you would use them
57:59 to press forward this Seventh-day Adventist
58:02 movement to the outermost parts to the globe and see Jesus come.
58:07 This is our prayer, we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17