Generation of Youth for Christ 2012

Friday and Sabbath evenings

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Shin, Justin McNeilus


Series Code: 12GYC

Program Code: 12GYC000005

00:12 Let's pray.
00:14 Blessed Father, here we are, it's the opening night of GYC.
00:18 We're excited.
00:21 We have an understanding that You will do great things
00:23 through this conference.
00:25 We have a trust that You would teach us more
00:27 about Yourself through this conference.
00:30 And so we ask that tonight through this,
00:33 this opening night that You would teach us
00:35 something about You.
00:37 We pray these things in Your precious name, amen.
00:40 I should alert you to the rest of the tonight's proceeding.
00:43 I'm not actually gonna preach to you tonight.
00:45 I've asked Israel to come up and have him
00:48 give our devotional thought.
00:49 He will do that a little bit later
00:50 because I wanted the opportunity
00:52 to explain a little bit to you of what I think GYC is
00:56 and why young people continue to be attracted to it.
00:59 Can I do that? A very presidential update.
01:03 Am I allowed to do that? Amen.
01:07 So what I would like to do is take us
01:08 through a very systematic approach to what GYC is.
01:14 We'll have a slide in just a second
01:15 but there's a gentleman by the name of Simon Sinek.
01:20 I maybe pronouncing his name incorrectly
01:22 but he takes to look at organizations
01:24 and movements and leaders and he says that you--
01:26 there's a very common threat between the three of them.
01:30 If you look at them you can look at the "What,"
01:32 the "How" and the "Why" of an organization.
01:36 Anyone ever familiar with this kind of thinking?
01:38 You can see it up on the screen,
01:40 What, How and Why of an organization.
01:43 Now with your permission we'll take that as our filter
01:46 and look at GYC.
01:49 So when outsider came in, looked at GYC,
01:52 what would be their perspective as to what GYC is?
01:59 This is the part where you interact, respond.
02:04 What would they say it is? Young people coming together.
02:07 Young people coming together.
02:09 A youth conference. A youth conference.
02:13 Anything else? Finished the work.
02:16 Finished the work.
02:17 Seventh-day Adventist. Seventh-day Adventist.
02:20 Revival. Revival.
02:24 All good answers and so, I think I heard someone say,
02:27 a youth conference.
02:29 Very clearly, if someone came in,
02:30 look through here and they looked around,
02:32 they surveyed the landscape of this,
02:34 they would say undoubtedly
02:35 we're a youth conference that is meeting.
02:38 Yes? Yes.
02:39 So we must ask ourselves a question.
02:41 Has GYC been successful in holding youth conferences?
02:46 I would submit to you, yes.
02:47 Let's take a look at the next slide,
02:49 this is year one from GYC.
02:52 The short version of the history of GYC is this.
02:54 A group of young people 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 year olds
02:58 got together and their collective thesis was this.
03:02 We want to study the Bible
03:04 and there must be other young people out there
03:06 that what to study the Bible.
03:08 And so they did something like any rest 16, 17, 18,
03:12 and 19 year olds would do.
03:13 They borrowed their parent's credit card
03:15 and they put a $50,000 down payment on a venue
03:20 and they held the youth conference
03:23 and God blessed it.
03:24 And you can see there visually on the screen
03:26 this is GYC 2002, there was representation
03:30 from three different continents or countries.
03:33 You know someone from China came to the first GYC,
03:37 even Australia?
03:39 It's fascinating to me, a bunch of young people.
03:44 So we moved on.
03:46 We continued to have youth conferences
03:48 and God has blessed our efforts.
03:51 And I want to take just a little bit of time
03:53 to go on international tangent with you
03:56 because we've been praying
03:58 for discernment for quite sometime
04:00 as to what GYC would look like on an international level.
04:04 And for a long time we prayed.
04:06 We want to go to a difficult territory
04:09 because we thought, you know, if we went to Asia,
04:11 if we went to Africa, if we went to South America,
04:14 we could probably get quite a few numbers
04:16 to come to the conference,
04:18 but we wanted difficult territory.
04:21 And so we surveyed the landscape of the church
04:24 and we decided that Europe was probably
04:26 the most difficult territory that our church has.
04:30 Middle East is probably up there.
04:34 That's Europe.
04:36 That's what happens when you don't have a clicker,
04:37 they go a little aggressively.
04:40 That's Europe.
04:41 Now let you what happened in Europe.
04:43 We put the Word out, the vibe up
04:45 that we wanted to have a conference in Europe.
04:48 And you know what immediately the critic said?
04:51 It's not gonna work.
04:53 You see the young people in Europe,
04:55 they don't want the same thing as the young people in America.
04:58 Just because it happens here,
04:59 doesn't mean it could happen there.
05:00 And further more listen to this young people,
05:03 the fact that the Seventh-day Adventist message
05:06 has to be segregated from country to country.
05:11 The message that we preach in Switzerland
05:13 will not work for the message we preach in Germany.
05:17 You think we believe that? Not for a second.
05:20 We went to our knees, we prayed and we said,
05:22 Lord, we want to go to Europe,
05:24 we're gonna take a spot in the middle of the continent
05:26 and we're gonna invite the entire continent to come
05:29 because the gospel message is not related to one country.
05:35 The gospel message transcends culture,
05:38 transcends age, transcends history
05:41 and it applies to everyone.
05:44 So we went to Europe,
05:45 we picked the place in the center of the country
05:47 and we put the Word out.
05:49 Critic said, young people will not come
05:51 and if further more or maybe one,
05:52 two countries will be represented.
05:54 Let's put the slide up again so you do not miss it.
05:57 The entire continent you can see is colored.
06:01 You know, what happens?
06:02 The same message that is preached in Switzerland
06:05 or in Italy or in Norway
06:07 or you pick the continent is relevant.
06:10 The Seventh- day Adventist message
06:11 is relevant anywhere in this world
06:14 and young people are proving that.
06:17 The critics they can go the side,
06:18 it can be preached anywhere.
06:21 And so the young people held a conference.
06:23 The word of GYC is a conference.
06:25 Each year we have young people coming
06:27 from countries and countries and countries.
06:30 And let me show you a graphic representation
06:32 of what we've had so far in GYC.
06:35 Fast forward a 11 years from 2002,
06:38 that is the impact.
06:40 That is actual attendees that have come
06:42 to the conference in the United States
06:44 or in Europe over the last 12 years.
06:48 We're creating a revolution.
06:53 The what of GYC is youth conferences
06:55 and God has blessed us.
06:57 We're the impacting the world
06:58 and we're creating a revolution.
07:01 There's an understanding now
07:02 that the Seventh-day Adventist message
07:04 for young people applies to anyone in any country.
07:08 The revolution is happening.
07:13 So what's the next step? How does it happen?
07:16 The what of GYC is certainly a young conference.
07:19 And among other things we produce resources,
07:21 we do mission trips, we do studies, weekends,
07:24 we do all these different thinks
07:26 that certainly is the what of GYC.
07:28 But how does it happen?
07:30 And to do that I want to just use this analogy.
07:34 Just bear with me.
07:36 My wife and I we stumbled across
07:38 some exciting news recently.
07:40 And I was gonna have her stand
07:41 but apparently she's way, way in the back
07:43 where no one would see her but she's in here.
07:45 And if she was here
07:46 and if she would come on stage like
07:48 I was hoping she would,
07:49 you would notice a certain glow about her,
07:54 because she's pregnant.
07:57 We found out that my wife is pregnant.
07:59 We're by God's willingness going to have a baby in July.
08:03 You don't have to clap.
08:04 You don't have to clap, don't clap.
08:07 We're very excited.
08:09 So you would notice the glow about her if you saw her.
08:13 Now immediately what happens is this,
08:15 we found out we're pregnant,
08:17 we found out we're gonna be having the baby
08:19 and so the next step is how do you tell the parents,
08:22 because the parents
08:23 are both grandparents for the first time.
08:25 Now my parents live in Minnesota
08:26 close to where we live.
08:28 So we were able to tell them face to face,
08:30 but I really sort of a slave to the dramatic things in life.
08:34 I really just, I just love
08:36 the theatrics of telling someone.
08:39 And so I was a discussion with my wife, I said,
08:41 you know, we should sneak out to your parents place
08:44 and show up there maybe late at night
08:45 or early in the morning
08:47 and maybe we've a baby carriage, maybe we don't,
08:50 but we just sneak out there and tell them
08:52 and it will be so excited, we'll do this,
08:54 this is a grand thing to tell them.
08:57 And she said, you know, we should just call them.
09:00 And I'm thinking what in the world
09:02 is it that we've a great news, we got to tell them,
09:04 we got to get there and she said
09:05 we got to call them.
09:06 And so we went back and forth and back and forth.
09:08 And we did like any happy married couple
09:10 would do, we compromised.
09:14 So as we're dialing the phone to call them,
09:18 no, no, no, no.
09:22 As we're dialing the phone to call them
09:26 my wife made an important
09:29 relevant pregnant with meaning thought.
09:33 There's a point intended there. She said this.
09:37 Justin, it doesn't matter how we tell them,
09:42 it's what we tell them.
09:46 We could slop it together in a text,
09:48 we could, we could call them,
09:50 we can Skype, we could email them,
09:51 we can do whatever it was but they are gonna be excited
09:54 because of the message that we're telling them.
09:58 And if you follow that logic to the next step,
10:00 it's the person behind the message
10:03 that we're telling them.
10:05 So how does GYC happen? It's sacrificial service.
10:10 Sacrificial service of our volunteers,
10:13 but it's the message that gives the power.
10:17 Won't you get it?
10:19 It happened in the Book of Acts.
10:20 A bunch of ordinary people
10:22 who preached an extraordinary message
10:24 and the gospel, the revolution just flew
10:26 through the whole Book of Acts.
10:28 You're looking, when our church started
10:30 Ellen White, J.N. Andrews, James White,
10:32 they are many of them, ordinary people
10:34 with an extraordinary message to preach.
10:37 And you look at GYC, last year we had 636 volunteers,
10:40 this year we'll have something equivalent to that,
10:42 ordinary people
10:44 with an extraordinary message to preach.
10:48 As volunteers we don't have any more talents
10:50 or anything else that you don't have,
10:53 but we have an extraordinary message to preach.
10:57 The what of GYC is a youth conference
10:59 and God has blessed it.
11:01 The how of GYC is sacrificial volunteers
11:05 preaching an extraordinary message.
11:09 But what about the "Why?" What about the "Why?"
11:20 The core of GYC, what it is?
11:26 Why you have been,
11:27 will be or should be attracted to GYC is this.
11:32 Radical commitment to Him.
11:38 Radical commitment to Him.
11:42 You see my thesis to this explanation is this.
11:45 If all the money from GYC dried up
11:47 and we could not have our conference,
11:49 if we could not have Seattle,
11:51 if we could not have Orlando next year,
11:53 if all the money dried up
11:54 and we could not have a youth conference,
11:57 GYC still exist
12:02 because there's still commitment to Him.
12:05 There are still men and young men,
12:07 young women who are praying
12:09 to their Savior night after night.
12:11 There are still young people scattered around the world
12:13 who are committed to study in the Word.
12:15 There are still young people all over the world
12:17 who are committed to learning more about
12:18 the Sprit of Prophecy.
12:20 There are still young people who are brought to tears
12:22 when the Adventist churches are erected.
12:24 They are still young people
12:25 who despite the clause are smuggling
12:27 in Ellen White books in to countries.
12:29 They are still young people
12:30 who are coming up by the thousands
12:32 proclaiming that we want to be committed to Him.
12:35 We don't need a youth conference,
12:36 GYC exists without it
12:39 because you are committed to Him.
12:43 So why is the Why important?
12:46 And Simons account in his book of What,
12:49 How and Why of explanations.
12:50 He looks at two examples.
12:53 There was a man by the name of Langley.
12:56 Langley was given $50,000 by the government.
13:00 He was given all the best Ivy League mines and flight.
13:04 The New York Times followed him around
13:07 and he set out to be the first man in flight.
13:11 At the same time the Wright Brothers,
13:14 there they were financing their--
13:16 their mangled institution with their money
13:19 from their bike shop.
13:21 They didn't have anyone with the college degree.
13:24 The New York Times didn't follow them anywhere in fact.
13:29 But you never heard of Langley,
13:32 and my assumption is you heard of the Wright Brothers.
13:36 Langley didn't make the first of flight
13:38 and that the authors premise is this.
13:41 He had the Why mistaken. The difference was this.
13:46 Langley was driven by a passion to be rich
13:49 and to be famous and he failed.
13:52 The Wright Brothers only wanted to fly,
13:54 that's all they cared about and they succeeded.
13:59 They had the Why in place.
14:02 GYC we must understand the Why of why we're here.
14:06 It is the unfiltered, unhindered,
14:09 radical commitment to Him.
14:13 I'm sure it manifests itself in different ways.
14:16 It gives us a passion for souls like Paul.
14:18 It gives us the humility of Mary.
14:20 It gives us the commitment to our church.
14:22 I don't doubt it,
14:23 but at the end of the day GYC exists
14:26 because you and I have a desire
14:28 to be radically committed to Him.
14:32 Now let me be 100 percent raw and open and expose to you,
14:36 which is not in my nature.
14:40 But I've alerted to the board, to the fact that
14:42 and the executive committee, next year after Orlando
14:45 I'm gonna step down as president.
14:48 It's time for me to retire, I'm getting old.
14:54 And I think through this process of understanding
14:57 what no GYC in my life means, at least in the capacity
15:01 I'm now understanding that
15:03 I've hit a bit of a midlife crisis.
15:07 I've always plague with the sense
15:10 of under accomplishment.
15:12 I just can't shake it.
15:15 And when I take a long unfiltered look in the mirror,
15:18 here's my conclusion.
15:20 Sure there are selfish worldly ambitions
15:22 that I've to push through but at my core,
15:26 at my core of my unrest is the unsettling fact
15:29 that I'm the president of one of God's greatest movements
15:33 and I think we've settled.
15:37 I think through our success of all these great pictures
15:40 and all these great people coming
15:42 and all the thousands and thousands of people
15:45 that we get, we have settled and we missed the Why.
15:51 We understand the What.
15:53 We understand the How but we missed the Why.
15:57 When GYC started we're gonna preach to the world,
16:01 we're gonna wear out the pages of our Bible,
16:03 we're gonna pray without ceasing
16:05 and Jesus was gonna come again in our generation.
16:09 Jesus in our generation.
16:12 It was the heart of GYC then
16:14 and it needs to be the heart of GYC now.
16:17 GYC is not a youth conference.
16:20 It is not an association of youth club presence at the GC.
16:23 It's not a series.
16:24 It's not a bunch of biblical preaching.
16:27 It's not a map. It's not any of those things.
16:30 GYC is you and your commitment to him.
16:37 Young people don't screw up the Why.
16:42 Some of you have come because it was cool.
16:46 But I pray you leave and come back next year
16:48 because you're committed to Him.
16:50 Some of you came because your youth group came
16:52 but I pray you leave and comeback next year
16:54 because you're committed to Him.
16:56 Some of you came and met,
16:57 hoping to meet someone from the opposite sex
17:00 but I pray that you comeback next year
17:02 because you're committed to Him.
17:05 GYC is you.
17:07 Believe you can preach to the world.
17:09 Wear out the pages of your Bible.
17:11 You pray without ceasing and you believe
17:13 Jesus gonna come in your generation.
17:16 GYC is you and your commitment to Him,
17:20 radical commitment that is what GYC is.
17:23 We're not a youth conference,
17:24 we're not an organization of young people,
17:27 we are you and your commitment to Him.
17:33 And I would submit to you
17:34 that GYC can be summed up into one word.
17:38 One word.
17:40 You can pass all the preaching,
17:41 you can pass the stage, the lights,
17:43 the great graphics, the flowers, everything else,
17:46 and at the end of the day
17:47 GYC can be expressed in one word.
17:52 At the core of GYC it is faithfulness,
17:59 faithfulness, faithfulness,
18:05 faithfulness, faithfulness.
18:11 Let's pray.
18:14 Heavenly Father,
18:16 we understand that You blessed us greatly.
18:20 The What of GYC that youth conference is.
18:25 We don't deserve it
18:26 but You've done something great here.
18:29 We look at the How and it's that sacrificial service.
18:33 Young people volunteering with a powerful message,
18:38 it's the message that makes the volunteers extraordinary.
18:42 It's not the volunteers themselves.
18:45 And Lord, we looked at the Why.
18:49 We come to the realization
18:50 that GYC is not a youth conference,
18:52 it's not an association of youth,
18:54 it's-- it's not any of those things
18:56 where we need to placein the What category it's us.
19:01 It's the young man sitting in a seat
19:03 that's what to be committed to you.
19:06 It's the young woman that sitting in her seat
19:08 that wants to be committed to you
19:09 and so Lord, as we go through this weekend we pray
19:13 that we'd have a more firm understanding
19:15 of why it is we're here,
19:18 because we want to be radically committed to You.
19:22 We want to wear out the pages of our Bible.
19:25 We want to pray without ceasing.
19:27 We want to believe that You can come in our generation.
19:33 We want all the scores away and when we go home
19:35 we pray that at the end of the day
19:39 we would be found faithful,
19:42 faithfulness, faithfulness,
19:49 faithfulness, amen.
19:55 I like to invite you to bow your heads with me
19:57 as pray this evening.
20:02 Our Father in Heaven,
20:04 we thank you for this opportunity
20:06 that we're having to come into Your presence.
20:12 We recognize tonight that Your strength is perfect
20:17 when our strength is gone.
20:21 As we talk about revolution, as we talk about
20:26 how You moved in the Book of Acts,
20:30 how priorities were shifted in the hearts of Your people
20:37 we pray that You would speak to us.
20:42 We pray that Christ would be uplifted
20:46 that Jesus would be seen.
20:49 Cover us with Your robe of righteousness here tonight.
20:55 May our hearts be drawn closer and closer to You.
21:00 For we ask these things in Jesus name, amen.
21:06 This evening I'd like to invite you to turn with me
21:08 in your Bibles to Psalms 90:10-12.
21:15 The Book of Psalms
21:18 Chapter 90:10-12.
21:28 Revolutions even though they are corporate events,
21:35 always begin with individual change.
21:41 God always changes the world by changing me.
21:49 Revolutions even though they are mass scale,
21:52 always begin with an individual conversion.
21:59 A conversion is a reorganization
22:01 of the thoughts and priorities of the hearts.
22:03 It's a radical experience and as Pastor Wes Peppers
22:07 mentioned this morning,
22:08 it begins the process with repentance.
22:15 The Book of Acts is no exception
22:19 and this evening I'd like for us
22:21 to reflect on some scriptures that show us
22:23 that there are certain times in our human experience
22:28 when even unconverted individuals
22:31 recognize heavens values.
22:35 The Bible tells us what is important,
22:37 what we should live for
22:39 but there are certain in aid experiences
22:42 that help us to recognize
22:45 what is ultimately important in life.
22:50 In Psalms 90:10-12,
22:54 it's a reflection by the psalmist and he says,
22:57 "The days of our lives are seventy years,
23:02 and if by reason of strength they are eighty years,
23:07 yet their boast is only labor and sorrow,
23:10 for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
23:15 Who knows the power of Your anger?
23:16 For as the fear of You, so is Your wrath.
23:21 So teach us to number our days,
23:25 that we may gain a heart of understanding."
23:31 The Bible tells us that life is short.
23:36 Life is finite, we do not live forever.
23:39 And he says here and even back in the days of the psalmist,
23:42 he says, there are 70 years
23:44 and if reason of strength they are 80 years.
23:49 The Bible is telling us that it is good for us
23:52 to recognize our mortality
23:54 that we do not live forever.
24:00 So the psalmist goes on and says,
24:01 "So teach us to number our days."
24:06 We need to count to calculate,
24:08 to recognize that life is short
24:11 and this helps us to gain a heart of understanding.
24:20 And so this morning with your permission
24:21 I'd like to have us meditate
24:25 for a little bit about the brevity of life.
24:27 It says to number our days.
24:29 So I want to take this literally.
24:32 Let's say that you live till 70
24:34 and I pray that you live longer
24:36 if the Lord doesn't come, amen.
24:38 But just for the sake of illustration,
24:40 let's use the psalmist example and say,
24:42 you live till 70 years of age that comes to,
24:46 if you multiply 365
24:48 by 70, 25,550 days.
24:58 If you're 20 years of age,
25:03 you have 18,250 days left.
25:10 If you're 35,
25:13 and you paid the penalty
25:16 for being over 35,
25:21 you have 12,775 days left.
25:29 If you're 50, 7,300 days.
25:40 James says in James 4:14.
25:43 "Whereas you know not what shall be tomorrow.
25:46 For what is your life?
25:48 It is even a vapor that appears for a little time
25:51 and then vanishes away."
25:52 Life is short. Life is finite.
25:55 I remember my grandmother telling me
25:57 in one of those moments that I had, that I treasure.
25:59 She was sitting down with me at the table in my home
26:06 and she said, David, I want to tell you
26:09 a reflection of my life.
26:10 She told me how she escaped from North Korea.
26:15 Went to Japan as a missionary.
26:18 Came to America, worked her fingers to the bone
26:22 to provide an education for her family.
26:25 Finally she said, she got to the point in her life
26:28 where she could breathe or sigh of relief
26:30 and then she looked in the mirror
26:31 and she was over 70 years of age.
26:35 And she said, live is short. Life is finite.
26:40 We do not live forever and it's in this moment
26:42 that the Bible tells us
26:44 reflecting upon our own mortality
26:47 that it shows us something about values.
26:51 It shows us something about priorities.
26:56 I found another statistic,
26:58 it said, for the average American
26:59 who leaves college at 22 and lives to be 70.
27:03 So average college student graduates at 22,
27:08 he lived to 70 it's 48 years from 22 to 70.
27:13 The adult lifespan can be broken down
27:17 into a few key activities.
27:21 You will spend 16 years working.
27:25 Sixteen years if you would have compressed
27:27 that time to 16 years non-stop without taking breaks
27:30 for eating, sleeping or vacationing.
27:35 You will spend 15 years sleeping.
27:40 Some of us more than other.
27:45 Sixteen years working, 15 years sleeping.
27:50 The next biggest strain on your time,
27:52 they say, on average it's media.
27:55 They're saying, you could spend
27:56 up to eight years watching television,
27:59 on the internet or other sources.
28:03 Four years eating.
28:10 Two years commuting for the average American.
28:15 And when you subtract all these things,
28:17 16 years working, 15 years sleeping,
28:23 four years eating, eight years in media,
28:27 two years commuting,
28:29 you have less than four years
28:31 to do what you actually like.
28:37 Time with a spouse or loved one.
28:40 Time with the children and grandchildren,
28:43 outings, and vacations,
28:45 it comes down to 1/12 of your life.
28:50 A maximum of five minutes every hour
28:55 and tragically most of that time
28:58 will be postponed to a period called retirement.
29:02 When many people no longer enjoy the health
29:04 needed to live life to the fullest.
29:09 Life is short.
29:14 James 4:14 says, "For what is your life?
29:16 It is a vapor that lives and appears for a time
29:19 and vanishes away."
29:22 Psalms 39:5 says,
29:23 "Indeed, You have made my days as handbreadths,
29:26 and my age is as nothing before You, certainly every man
29:29 at his best state is but a vapor."
29:35 Psalms 103:15-16.
29:37 "For as a man, his days are like grass,
29:40 as a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
29:42 For as the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
29:44 and it remembers it no more."
29:49 Billy Graham that American evangelist said
29:51 the greatest surprise to me
29:54 is the brevity of life.
29:59 Life is short, so the obvious question is,
30:04 how should I spend it?
30:07 If you only have a few moments to actually do,
30:13 to actually be, to actually prioritize,
30:17 what should I do?
30:19 How should I spend my life? How should I spend my time?
30:23 Ecclesiastes 7:2, that great experiential chapter
30:29 from the wisest man that ever lived
30:32 in a personal reflection upon life says these words.
30:38 Ecclesiastes 7:2, he says,
30:44 "Better to go to the house of" what?
30:49 He says, "Better to go to the house of mourning
30:53 than to the house of feasting,
30:56 for that is the end of all men,
31:00 and the living will take it to heart."
31:06 Solomon is saying that it's better to go to a funeral
31:10 than to a wedding.
31:13 If I had my choice I'd rather go to a wedding.
31:18 Solomon is not saying that we should go to funerals
31:21 because he's a melancholy individual.
31:27 He is saying that, funerals, places of mourning,
31:31 help the living to recognize their mortality
31:36 and it's in this event
31:39 that priorities and values are recognized.
31:45 Several years ago I had the privilege
31:47 of going to Africa on a mission trip
31:54 and it was an incredible experience.
31:57 I'd never been to Africa before
31:58 I've since gone a few more times.
32:02 And I noticed immediately that economic poverty
32:07 does not equates spiritual lethargy.
32:13 People would stop me in the jungle and say,
32:16 do you have any literature?
32:19 In America you can't give it away.
32:22 And it was an experience
32:24 where I saw souls come to Christ.
32:27 We had a wonderful time.
32:29 There was an element of discomfort though
32:31 and it seems like even in the States
32:33 whenever I'm in a place that is more tropical,
32:36 I don't know because I'm Asian or because of my blood
32:41 but it seems like I can be in a place
32:43 and no one else is getting bit by mosquitoes
32:45 but they are just swarming all round me.
32:49 And this was the case I had multiple welts
32:51 all over my body but I said, hey,
32:53 this is for missions, this is for the Lord.
32:57 I would suffer for Him
33:01 and I came back to the States
33:06 it was around December, went to my parents home,
33:11 it's around Christmas break and I started getting flu like
33:15 symptoms there's a flu going around.
33:20 And this is a little bit different.
33:22 I would wake up in the middle of the night chills.
33:25 I've to change all my clothes
33:26 and lot of other things happening
33:29 which I won't go into detail.
33:33 It was absolutely misery and one day, two day,
33:36 three days, four days, five days, six days go by
33:39 and finally in the middle of the night
33:42 I feel this incredible impression.
33:44 David you need to go to the hospital,
33:45 this is not normal.
33:49 I'm a typical male. I do not like hospitals.
33:56 I can't remember the last time
33:57 I've gone to the doctor for a check up.
33:59 My wife keeps reminding me I should go.
34:01 And that night I crawl upstairs,
34:04 I said, mom, dad, something is wrong,
34:06 we need to go to the hospital.
34:07 They bundled me up, took me off to the hospital.
34:09 The doctor on call that night had been to Africa.
34:16 He took one look at me and he said David,
34:20 I don't even need to see the blood test.
34:23 You're six days into this, I think you have malaria.
34:30 He educated me very quickly about what malaria was.
34:33 When mosquito comes and bites you
34:35 and he takes your blood but leaves a gift.
34:41 He leaves a parasite
34:44 and that parasite incubates in your liver
34:47 and then in a few days or few weeks it comes out
34:50 and this parasite goes into your red blood cell,
34:53 starts multiplying and then when it reaches
34:56 a certain capacity it bursts.
34:58 Then they go out to another red blood cell
35:01 and it keeps going and that's why you get fever
35:03 and flu like symptoms.
35:04 And the type of malaria I had,
35:07 I found out later was called falciparum
35:11 and they say that you have up to seven days to treat it.
35:16 I was on day six and they said
35:17 even if you catch it at day six or seven
35:22 you get liver failure, kidney failure,
35:25 you could be on dialysis for the rest of your life
35:28 and you could die.
35:31 And I'm sitting there
35:35 in that hospital bed
35:39 sweat pouring down my face, my parents looking at me,
35:45 and I said look, this is something
35:47 you read out in Readers Digest.
35:50 I said this is always happens to someone else not me.
35:56 And I recognized that night,
36:01 a recognition on what I thought was my death bed
36:09 knowing that I might not making it through the night.
36:12 I want to tell you that my priorities crystallized.
36:18 It's an element of human experience.
36:21 I recognized what was ultimately important.
36:26 And it came down to two things
36:30 or two individuals or two entities.
36:33 God, if I don't make it through the night,
36:38 do I have a relationship with Him
36:42 and the other one was people,
36:44 everything else paled into insignificance.
36:51 There was no fog,
36:53 there was ultimate clarity.
36:58 "Better to go to the house of mourning
37:04 than to the house of feasting, for that is the end of all men,
37:09 and the living will take it to heart."
37:16 Recognizing our mortality is a healthy endeavor.
37:26 I did youth ministry for a few years
37:32 and as I would talk to these academy kids
37:35 and high school kids, I would ask them,
37:39 let's say that you're on a plane,
37:42 Transatlantic flight and the pilot comes
37:47 over the intercom and he says,
37:51 we're having some technical difficulties,
37:56 this is not turbulence and for whatever reason
38:00 he tells you that we're going to crash in the Atlantic Ocean
38:05 and you have five minutes before impact.
38:10 And the pilot says, use those five minutes well.
38:15 And I ask these teenagers,
38:19 what would you do for the last five minutes of your life?
38:25 And I said how many of you would play video games
38:27 for the last five minutes of your life?
38:31 Not a single hand went up.
38:34 I said how many of you ladies would go off to the bathroom
38:37 and check your hair because you want to die pretty?
38:42 Not a single hand went up.
38:44 I said how many of you would watch television
38:46 or be on the internet?
38:47 Not a single hand went up.
38:50 And then I asked them, how many of you would pray?
38:56 Every single hand went up.
38:58 And I said how many of you would call your parents?
39:03 Every single hand went up
39:05 and I said, isn't it ironic that the two people
39:09 you want least in your life right now
39:10 when you're about to die are the two people
39:12 that you want most in your life.
39:17 Better to go to the house of mourning
39:22 than to the house of feasting,
39:27 for the living will take it to heart.
39:36 I was listening on the radio,
39:40 it was the 10th anniversary of September 11.
39:47 And I don't know how many of you ever heard StoryCorps.
39:51 It's an audio description of people
39:56 testifying about certain events.
40:01 And on the 10th anniversary of September 11,
40:04 they had different individuals that would come on
40:06 that had lost loved ones in that terrible event.
40:13 And there was one widow that was on the radio,
40:18 her testimony just broke my heart.
40:20 She says that, her husband worked on tower one.
40:25 She heard the news that one of the towers had been hit
40:29 and then she received a chilling phone call,
40:33 it was her husband.
40:37 And her husband is on the phone and he says,
40:42 I'm above the explosion.
40:46 I've checked every exit
40:49 and I don't think I'm going to make it.
40:53 And she tells the story about how for half an hour
40:56 they are on the phone.
40:57 What would you do with that last half hour with your spouse
41:00 and she's talking and their sharing experiences
41:03 and finally they get to the place
41:04 where they had nothing more they could say
41:07 and all they are saying is I love you,
41:10 I love you, I love you, I love you,
41:13 and then there is the crash and silence
41:15 and she says, she was sitting there
41:17 with the phone on her heart weeping
41:19 and she said she-- not want to go to bed that night
41:22 because as long as she stayed awake
41:24 she believed that it was the day
41:26 that she had spent with her husband.
41:30 Instinctively people that knew they were perishing,
41:35 knew what was important and knew whom to call,
41:42 people, relationships.
41:47 If we discovered we only had five minutes left
41:49 to say all that we ever wanted to say,
41:53 every cell phone would be occupied by people
41:56 calling other people to stammer, I love you.
42:04 "Better to go to the house of mourning
42:07 than to the house of feasting, for that is the end of all men,
42:13 and the living will take it to heart."
42:19 Blaise Pascal says this,
42:20 "I've learned to define life backwards
42:24 and live it forwards."
42:28 I like to invite you to turn with me
42:29 in your Bibles to the Book of Acts, Acts 4:32.
42:37 The corporate revolution in the Book of Acts was made
42:44 and represented by individuals
42:49 that had one heartbeat,
42:54 one priority.
42:57 Acts 4:32.
43:06 "Now the multitude of those who believed
43:08 where of one heart and one soul,
43:13 neither did anyone say that any of the things
43:16 he possessed was his own,
43:18 but they had all things in common.
43:23 And with great power the apostles gave witness
43:25 to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
43:28 And great grace was upon them all.
43:31 Nor was there anyone among them who lacked,
43:33 for all who were possessions of lands or houses sold them,
43:37 and brought the proceeds of the things
43:40 that were sold, and laid them at the apostles' feet,
43:44 and they distributed to each as anyone had need."
43:51 The energies, time
43:53 and resources in the Book of Acts
43:56 was sacrificed for the salvation of souls.
44:01 The Book of Acts represents a radical paradigm shift
44:06 in the minds o f the disciples
44:08 where every resource was invested
44:13 in what heaven values most, souls in the kingdom.
44:19 It was a paradigm shift of priorities
44:22 where God and the worth of souls
44:24 was supremely realized.
44:34 There was a man that had a dream.
44:39 And in this dream he was hearing voices.
44:44 One voice in particular told him to go down this path
44:49 and was giving him direction around the path,
44:51 go left, go right and finally the voice said stop.
44:56 He stopped and the voice said,
44:58 I want you to pick up these rocks
45:00 and place them in your pocket.
45:03 So he did that.
45:04 He place the rocks in his pocket
45:06 and, then the voice told him
45:09 go back out the path, go home,
45:11 don't look at the rocks until you get home
45:13 and when you look at the rocks
45:14 you will be extremely elated
45:18 and at the same time you will be extremely sad.
45:22 He thought that was strange
45:23 to experience two conflicting emotions
45:25 but he followed that instruction
45:27 and went out of the path, came back home
45:29 and reached into his pocket to pick out the rocks
45:34 and he looked at them in the light
45:37 and they were not rocks, they were diamonds.
45:42 And then he understood the meaning of the words.
45:45 You will be extremely happy, yet you will be extremely sad
45:48 because he was happy.
45:49 Yes, because he had the diamonds
45:52 but if he recognized the value of the rocks
45:57 he would have taken more.
46:00 I believe that we won't recognize
46:02 the value of a soul until we stand
46:06 on the sea of glass in heaven.
46:09 And it's my prayer here tonight that none of us,
46:12 when we get to heaven we'll have any regrets
46:16 as to what God would have us to have done here on earth
46:21 while we had the opportunity.
46:25 I think of Jesus.
46:29 In Luke Chapter 15,
46:32 He's portraying to the disciples
46:35 and to the people,
46:36 how heaven looks at individuals.
46:42 He's hanging around with individuals
46:45 that the Pharisee say, He should not be around
46:47 and suddenly the Pharisees come up to Him and say,
46:50 why you're hang around with these people?
46:52 And Jesus says to them, I want to tell you a story.
46:55 It was actually one story
46:57 but it's three stories combined to portray a point.
47:01 It's the parable of the lost sheep,
47:03 the lost coin and the lost son.
47:08 In all three stories there is something that is lost.
47:13 Illustrating three lost conditions,
47:15 the sheep, doesn't know he's lost,
47:18 doesn't know the way back home.
47:20 The coin-- doesn't know he's lost.
47:26 The Prodigal Son knows he's lost,
47:30 knows he's way back home at the end each parable
47:34 there is a celebration that takes place.
47:39 The lost coin, the lost sheep and the lost son
47:44 and it helped me to recognize,
47:47 that when I knelt down in the hills of Pennsylvania
47:51 and gave my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ
47:55 that heaven, God the Father, God the son,
47:59 God the Holy Spirit, the angels they stopped.
48:05 Those are moment of silence and then celebration.
48:13 And there was place reserved in heaven for me
48:18 just in that moment.
48:23 Who can estimate
48:25 the value of a soul in the eyes of God?
48:33 I like to read the statement from Ellen White.
48:39 Review and Herald, March 25, 1880.
48:45 "Here is a work for every one of us to do.
48:50 Never did I see and sense the value of souls
48:54 as I do at the present time.
48:57 How can we realize the important
49:01 the importance of the work of salvation?
49:04 In comparison with the value of the soul,
49:07 everything else sinks into insignificance.
49:11 This world and its treasures, this life and its happiness,
49:16 are of little consequence, when we compare them
49:19 with the joy of even one soul eternally saved.
49:25 Until we have a clear and distinct ideas
49:29 of what that soul will enjoy
49:31 when saved in the kingdom of glory,
49:34 until we can fully comprehend the value of that life
49:38 which measures with the life of God,
49:41 until we can fully realize the riches of that reward
49:45 which is laid up for those
49:47 who overcome and gain the victory,
49:49 we cannot know the inestimable value of the soul.
49:54 If I had a thousand lives, I would devote them all
49:59 to the service of the Lord.
50:03 Let us consider, dear friends,
50:06 what joy unspeakable will fill our hearts
50:10 in the day of God,
50:12 if, as we gather around the great white throne,
50:15 we shall see souls, saved through our instrumentality,
50:19 with the crown of immortal glory upon their brows.
50:23 How shall we feel as we look upon that company,
50:27 and see one soul saved through our agency,
50:30 who has saved others, and still others,
50:34 a large assembly brought into the haven of rest
50:38 as the result of our labors,
50:41 there to lay their crowns at the feet of Jesus
50:45 and to praise him with immortal tongues
50:48 throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity."
50:55 The Book of Acts represents
50:58 a radical transformation in human nature,
51:00 recognizing what heaven values most
51:06 is people.
51:09 What heavens values most is souls
51:14 and heaven forbid that when we get to heaven
51:21 that we will live a moment of regret
51:25 recognizing on that side of eternity
51:29 what is ultimately valuable.
51:38 I was at a pastor's retreat...
51:43 and one of the pastor stood up
51:45 and told us an experience that his wife had.
51:53 And he said that his wife was praying to the Lord,
51:57 she has a powerful prayer ministry
52:01 and she was praying, Lord Jesus,
52:04 please show me Your heart.
52:07 I want to see Your heart.
52:12 She fell asleep and in her sleep
52:16 she had a dream.
52:19 It was after the millennium,
52:23 the New Jerusalem had comedown from heaven.
52:28 Praise the Lord she was inside the city.
52:33 And she said the walls were of transparent gold.
52:37 She could see through them
52:38 and on the horizon she could see a shadow
52:41 that filled the entire landscape
52:43 and the shadow approached the city
52:47 and she said that, she could see that,
52:49 it was not a shadow but it was people.
52:54 They got closer and closer to the city
52:57 and she started to see faces.
53:01 There was one face that broke her heart,
53:05 it was her son.
53:10 Her son saw the mother through the walls
53:15 and in the dream the son walks up
53:18 to the walls of the New Jerusalem,
53:21 places his hands on the walls.
53:25 She places her hands on the wall.
53:29 And she could not hear through the wall
53:31 but she could hear or read his lips
53:33 and he's saying mom,
53:37 let me in, please let me in.
53:44 And instinctively from the mothers heart
53:46 she turned to try to let her son in
53:48 and she recognize that she couldn't.
53:53 And in that moment she heart the voice,
53:54 now is the time and she woke up.
54:03 And it was as if the Spirit of God was telling her
54:08 now you know My heart.
54:16 Friends,
54:22 I pray this evening
54:27 that God would give us
54:31 a love for souls for whom Christ died.
54:33 Amen? Amen.
54:37 I want to say Lord Jesus, help me to love people
54:39 like You love people because I don't.
54:43 Give me a love for souls for whom Christ died
54:46 so that when I stand in that New Jerusalem
54:50 I can say by the grace of God
54:52 that I've done everything possible
54:55 to influence as many people for the kingdom.
54:59 And tonight I want to make a very simple appeal,
55:03 this has what moved the revolution
55:04 in the Book of Acts.
55:05 They valued what heaven valued.
55:08 They invested in what heaven valued.
55:10 They gave up everything for the salvation of souls.
55:15 And tonight, I want to pray in my heart.
55:19 David, asking the Lord Jesus
55:23 give me a love for people
55:29 that You shed Your blood upon Calvary for.
55:31 Is that your desire here tonight?
55:34 It's something that we can not manufacture.
55:38 It's not something that we can try
55:40 to conjure up in our own nature.
55:41 It is a divine love for souls for whom Christ died.
55:46 Let the revolution begin and let it begin with me.
55:52 When we love the world as Christ loved the world,
55:59 then His mission for us is accomplished.
56:07 Is that your desire here tonight?
56:08 Amen.
56:09 Lord, help me to love people like You love people.
56:13 Let's bow our heads together as we pray.
56:20 Our Father in Heaven,
56:26 we pray tonight
56:31 that You would help us love people like You love people.
56:36 We pray tonight that You would help us
56:38 to see people the way that You see people.
56:44 That heaven values would become our values.
56:51 That when we stand on the sea of glass with You
56:55 that You would help us to recognize,
57:00 by the grace of God
57:01 that we've done everything possible
57:04 to lead people into the kingdom.
57:07 May we not live a moment of regret.
57:12 Help us to recognize from your perspective
57:17 what is ultimately important.
57:20 For we ask these things in Jesus name
57:24 and for His sake, amen.


Revised 2015-02-05