Generation of Youth for Christ 2012

Sabbath Evening - Music and Members in Action

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 12GYC

Program Code: 12GYC000004

00:11 Good evening.
00:13 How many of you had a blessed Sabbath today?
00:15 Say a hearty amen.
00:16 Amen.
00:17 Amen, amen, that's great.
00:20 So we are glad that you are here.
00:22 And we welcome you again to GYC 2012,
00:25 those of you listening on 3ABN and all of you here in Seattle,
00:28 we are glad to see each and every one of you here.
00:29 And we have a wonderful program in store
00:31 for us this evening by God's grace.
00:33 So we have some questions for you.
00:36 How many of you went to the best seminar
00:38 ever this afternoon?
00:39 Please raise your hands.
00:40 Who went to the best seminar?
00:42 That's right, I forgot to ask that question,
00:43 I was hoping to do that, okay.
00:45 Another question. All right, a few hands.
00:46 I think I went to the best seminar.
00:47 Did you go to the best seminar?
00:48 I think I did, I won't tell you where it is,
00:50 you have to come and ask me afterwards.
00:52 Okay, I have another question.
00:53 I want to see the hands of everyone
00:55 for whom this is their very first GYC?
00:59 Very first-- wow, look at the hands out there.
01:02 Praise the Lord.
01:03 Amen, a very special welcome to you
01:06 if this is your very first Sabbath at GYC.
01:09 Now, Livvy, that's a good question
01:11 but I have an even better question.
01:13 Oh, really?
01:14 If you have been to at least five GYCs,
01:18 they don't have to be consecutive,
01:19 they could be added up over the years,
01:21 but at least five GYCs, raise your hand,
01:23 and let's see those hands.
01:25 Okay, all right, quite a few. Livvy, quite a few.
01:28 Well, Kyle, that was a very good question.
01:30 But I have an even better question.
01:32 An even better one? An even better one.
01:34 I would love to see the hands of anyone
01:37 who has been here for all 11... GYCs.
01:40 This is your 11th GYC.
01:42 All right, we have a few hands waving probably.
01:45 Well, Livvy, what if-- what if it's 10?
01:48 Ten out of the eleven? Any tens?
01:51 I'm just by-- okay, I'm just missing that by one.
01:54 You've been to 10 GYCs.
01:56 Ten, I know that dates me, doesn't it?
01:57 It does, it does a little bit.
01:58 Yeah, so--
02:00 Why have you come to 10 GYCs?
02:01 Well, I'll tell you what, the first GYC
02:04 I went to was 2003 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
02:08 And I went there because I saw a little flyer
02:10 on my dorm, Columbia Union College,
02:13 little flyer that said General Youth Conference.
02:14 And I thought what is this General Youth Conference.
02:17 And so I took it to the school
02:18 and they said, well, we'll send you there.
02:20 So Columbia Union College sent me there
02:23 and what I found at that gathering
02:26 in Ann Arbor changed my life.
02:29 Because I found a group of young adults,
02:31 committed to the Seventh-day Adventist message,
02:34 committed to taking the gospel to the world.
02:37 And it profoundly moved my heart.
02:39 And I have not been able to stay away
02:41 from GYC ever since then, Livvy.
02:44 And I know that there is a reason
02:45 why each and everyone of you is here today.
02:48 Because we know that Jesus is coming soon
02:50 and that's why we are here and that is why GYC exists.
02:53 Amen, I resonate,
02:56 I actually couldn't even answer your first question,
02:58 'cause my first GYC was only four years ago.
03:01 That's not bad.
03:02 Yeah, but I remember that in Louisville, Kentucky,
03:04 if any of you were there, I just--
03:06 I remember at the end of every evening meeting
03:10 going back to my room and crying,
03:12 because ever since I was a little girl
03:15 and I heard Jesus's name,
03:17 and I heard that he was coming back,
03:19 it's always been my deepest wish
03:23 that I could see Him come back in my life time.
03:26 And I remember in Louisville thinking that it was possible.
03:30 Amen.
03:32 And so I want to read for you my favorite verse this evening
03:35 and it may be the favorite verse of many of you.
03:37 It's a well-known verse in Job.
03:39 It's Job Chapter 19 starting in verse 25
03:44 and it reads like this.
03:46 "For I know that my redeemer lives,
03:49 and at the last He will stand upon the earth,
03:52 and after my skin has been thus destroyed,
03:54 yet in my flesh I shall see God,
03:58 Whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold,
04:01 and not another, my heart yarns within me."
04:06 And I suspect that the hearts
04:08 of some of you yarn for the exact same thing.
04:11 And so as we think about the revolution continuing,
04:14 I love, I love it that
04:17 this revolution is only a means to an end.
04:21 And that end is when we see Jesus face again.
04:24 Bow your heads for prayer with me.
04:27 Oh, Father, tonight we ask You two very simple things.
04:31 Please help us,
04:34 please help Pastor David Shin as he preaches
04:36 and please help us as we listen.
04:39 Give him clarity, give us understanding.
04:41 We love You, and please, please come soon.
04:45 Amen. Amen.
04:48 By the way I think you may be seated.
04:49 And we will now invite our special music forward
04:52 for a wonderful special music.
04:53 God bless you.
05:10 In Your mercy You have shown me
05:14 Your salvation
05:18 Undeserving of Your favor
05:22 I am free
05:25 And I'll never be the same
05:29 All my life I will remain
05:35 In Your mercy tender mercy
05:39 Shown to me
05:48 In your mercy You have promised
05:52 To be near me
05:56 I am resting in the shelter
06:00 Of your wings
06:03 Every fear I leave behind
06:07 Every confidence I find
06:12 In Your mercy tender mercy
06:16 Shown to me
06:20 So great is Your love
06:23 Higher than the Heavens
06:26 Your faithfulness reaches the sky
06:33 Be exalted, O Lord
06:37 Over all the earth
06:40 Let Your glory be seen in my life
06:46 In my life
06:53 In Your mercy You have given
06:58 Of Your life blood
07:02 One last heartbeat
07:04 And redemption was complete
07:09 What a debt of love You paid
07:13 With Your death my soul was saved
07:22 In your mercy
07:26 Tender mercy
07:33 Shown to me
07:45 Amen.
07:47 Acts, the revolution continues.
07:51 What is a revolution without action?
07:54 I have with me on this stage today joining me
07:58 a group of people that have been involved
07:59 in taking revolution and putting it into action.
08:03 In some way everyone on this stage
08:05 is involved in evangelism.
08:09 You know what the word evangelism comes from?
08:10 You know the-- the word
08:12 for evangelism is actually two words.
08:15 It's good and it's actually
08:17 the word for angel or messenger.
08:20 So let me ask you something, what is a good messenger?
08:25 What's a good messenger?
08:27 It's someone who gives the message
08:31 accurately, correct?
08:33 Someone who takes the message from God
08:36 and gives it accurately to someone.
08:38 Now if I was to stand in this line
08:40 and give a message in this ear
08:42 and replay it, what do we call it?
08:43 Telephone, went all the way down,
08:45 would it be an accurate message at the end?
08:48 An accurate message requires one person
08:53 to take a message from someone
08:54 and accurately give it to another.
08:59 Please, we are not here just to be spiritually fed,
09:05 we are here to be equipped
09:08 to go and spiritually feed.
09:10 Thando is the vice president for Missions with GYC.
09:15 And Missions is nothing
09:17 but evangelism going to the world
09:19 or going beyond your local context.
09:21 She is gonna tell a little bit about what's happened
09:24 over the last year with GYC going beyond our local context.
09:29 Good evening, GYC.
09:32 You know, Jeff has given me
09:33 a very, very difficult task here
09:35 because he asked me to share a testimony with you.
09:38 And I thought we have so many testimonies
09:40 from the intermissions we did this summer.
09:42 How do I even choose to condense one
09:45 into the two minutes that he's so graciously given me?
09:50 But what I will share with you
09:51 is one story that really impacted me
09:54 the most from Tanzania this summer.
09:56 For our August intermission site,
09:58 we had been having a very difficult time
10:01 finding a location that will be the most ideal,
10:05 most perfect for our evangelistic series.
10:07 And so it just so happened providentially that,
10:11 you know, scout seeing, searching,
10:12 praying, planning for a location
10:15 and which would hold the evangelistic series.
10:18 That a man from the community
10:21 who is not even an Adventist, not Adventist,
10:26 volunteered to donates a piece of land to our mission team
10:30 and to use that land for evangelistic series.
10:33 And so we got this news and we were praising the Lord,
10:37 it was perfect location, everything we had prayed for.
10:41 And then literally with less than two weeks to go
10:45 before the mission trip, the very same man
10:48 who'd donated the land to us died a very tragic death.
10:55 And so we start to pray
10:57 and we were thinking, Lord, we don't know what to do.
11:02 We went to the funeral, our team went there
11:07 and in the course of that
11:09 difficult weekend for the family,
11:10 just comforted them, prayed with them
11:13 and did what we could to share with them that God
11:17 in His goodness and grace
11:18 and mercy somehow would comfort and help them.
11:22 And, you know, we didn't know what to do about the series
11:24 or the location or the land.
11:25 But God is just so, so incredibly good,
11:29 because what happened is that the family was so moved,
11:33 so touched by the time that
11:35 we spent with them, praying with them
11:36 and just comforting them,
11:38 that they actually the week before the mission trip,
11:40 all 20 members of his family,
11:42 non Adventists came to Sabbath worship.
11:45 Their very first Sabbath they kept as a family.
11:49 And they came only because they said
11:52 they had seen Christ in our mission team.
11:55 And that family friends
11:56 actually even attended the very first opening
11:59 of the entire evangelistic series.
12:01 And they kept on coming.
12:02 And I can't share with you the joy,
12:05 the experience of sitting down with them
12:06 and hearing them tell over and over again
12:09 how they had come to know Christ
12:11 by observing our young people,
12:13 really just their experience with Christ blood
12:16 and it's shown and impacted an entire family.
12:19 God is good.
12:21 And I could share so much more with the snippets
12:23 of what God is doing through young people committed,
12:26 radically omitted to Christ.
12:29 The young people standing on to my right at this point
12:33 represent the committee
12:36 that has helped to plan this event here.
12:38 And they're here today on stage...
12:42 for one reason, and the reason is not credit.
12:45 The reason is we want you to see the best picture
12:50 of the DNA of evangelism as possible.
12:53 It requires a group and in your home context,
12:57 in your home context, that may mean
13:00 you say something to your friend,
13:02 your pastor gives an inspiring message,
13:04 and then also your--
13:06 your mother takes the time to listen to your friend.
13:10 It takes a group to reach someone.
13:15 It's not about credit, it's about Jesus.
13:18 And all of us represent the body of Christ.
13:20 Also the body of Christ, Elder Freedman here
13:23 is the Washington Conference president.
13:26 When I first met Elder Freedman almost 13 months ago,
13:29 the first words out of this man's mouth
13:32 to myself were, "Jeff, describe for me
13:36 the ideal relationship between GYC
13:39 and the local conference."
13:41 And we've been able to do some incredible things
13:43 that you're gonna hear about,
13:45 because of that openness to communicate
13:48 with young people and to organize church
13:50 to make something great happen.
13:52 Elder Freedman, can you say something to us
13:54 and introduce your team?
13:55 Well, yeah, thank you, Jeff.
13:56 And I tell you the God needs to be praised
14:00 for everything that's happened.
14:02 Working with you and your team
14:03 has been absolutely amazing.
14:05 And we do need to work together.
14:07 It does take a team that the Holy Spirit's poured out
14:10 when people work together.
14:12 We've got to open up our hearts
14:13 and be able to share with one another.
14:16 And I just want to encourage everybody here,
14:18 your local churches is a place to make that happen,
14:21 and our pastors are willing, the conference is willing.
14:24 We want to work with people
14:25 and I appreciate all that you've done.
14:27 Amen.
14:28 So let me introduce my team
14:29 and we have to work together
14:31 as a team in the office too to make anything work.
14:33 This is Doug Bank,
14:35 vice president for our administration.
14:37 Jerry Russell, vice president for finance.
14:40 And Harry Bumgardner
14:42 who is director of communication for us.
14:44 I have to others team members
14:45 that you will meet but they are the best.
14:48 And I love them and we work well together
14:51 and God's doing wonderful things through them
14:54 for the Lord because of that.
14:56 Elder Freedman, tell us what did you think
14:58 when you heard GYC was coming to town.
15:00 Wow!
15:02 That's exactly what I said, wow, it's coming to Seattle.
15:05 And I was kind of excited
15:08 and scared all at the same time.
15:12 GYC, I had heard a lot of things about GYC,
15:15 and most of it pretty good.
15:17 But one of the things that I had heard was that
15:21 they go knocking on doors
15:22 and they take bus loads of people
15:24 and thousands of people are knocking on doors,
15:26 and they have these thousands of Bible study interests.
15:29 And I said, how are we gonna follow that up?
15:32 So we're not trained, we don't have that ability,
15:34 so we got to do something, we better start
15:36 working with them if this is gonna happen.
15:38 And I went to my team and they encouraged me to go
15:41 and talk with GYC leadership,
15:44 and talk with Justin, he got the ball rolling
15:46 and he sent you guys out to talk to us.
15:48 And we said, how can we make
15:50 this the very best experience for everybody?
15:53 Amen.
15:54 And God's blessed in this whole process.
15:58 Down here one of my team members
16:00 is gonna talk to you about
16:01 something he's been involved in.
16:02 This is Lo-ammi Richardson.
16:04 Lo-ammi, introduce us
16:06 to someone you've been working with.
16:08 I'm gonna introduce to you Elder Dulan,
16:10 we actually are spearheading
16:11 the service projects for GYC this year.
16:14 We are excited, last year the Pastor Deverger
16:17 made an appeal to really reach out to the community,
16:21 to serve the poor, and give food to the homeless,
16:23 and really commit-- fulfill the commission
16:25 in Matthew 25 and Isaiah 58.
16:28 And Elder Dulan will be spearheading
16:31 this special group that we're doing outreach tomorrow
16:34 and really gathering a group of 200 people to go out
16:38 and really do service for the community.
16:40 Elder Dulan, if you can do me a favor
16:42 and tell them GYC, a little bit about
16:45 what we will be doing tomorrow in our project.
16:49 The lucky 200. Amen.
16:52 We were trying to get 300 like Gideon's band
16:56 but they only gave us 200!
16:58 But the lucky 200 who will be going out
17:01 will be feeding the homeless in downtown Seattle.
17:07 Amen.
17:08 Amen. We are doing what Jesus did.
17:12 And then another group is going to go to Tacoma,
17:15 and is going to do a similar thing.
17:18 A third group is going to go door-to-door
17:21 getting Bible studies in the Lake City area.
17:24 And we are excited.
17:25 I was reading yesterday that
17:28 Seattle is still seen as the least church area.
17:32 But that was yesterday.
17:35 Less-- I was also told that
17:38 less than 10% of the people in the Puget Sound area
17:42 have even heard of Seventh-day Adventist.
17:45 But that was yesterday... Amen.
17:47 Tomorrow there will be change! Amen.
17:51 And you're gonna help make that change.
17:53 Thank you, GYC.
17:55 Joe, another one of our team members
17:58 is going to introduce you to someone else,
18:00 who have been involved with very much
18:02 and just been so pleased to work with. Joe.
18:04 Yes, if you think it's exciting
18:06 what the 200 are gonna do, wait till you hear
18:08 what the 2,000 are going to do.
18:11 And it's my privilege
18:13 to introduce to you Elder McClendon,
18:15 the ministerial director of the Washington Conference.
18:19 And we've been making plans together
18:22 and when we first visited about a year ago
18:25 with GYC in the Washington Conference,
18:28 we said, well, GYC does not come
18:30 just to sit on the wealth,
18:33 we come to share, is that right?
18:35 And so Elder McClendon said, well, what if after GYC
18:41 we have another conference?
18:44 Not a GYC conference but seminars on Bible prophecy
18:49 where we will be inviting people from Seattle
18:52 and the surrounding area to come and to study
18:55 and to learn the same things
18:56 that we've talked about here, amen?
18:58 So we went to the drawing board,
19:00 we started making plans and Elder McClendon,
19:02 why don't you tell us what these plans are?
19:06 Yes, John, our president shared with you
19:08 when we heard that GYC was coming to Seattle,
19:12 that scared part was how do we take advantage
19:16 of the incredible resources
19:19 of thousands of young people knocking on doors.
19:22 We didn't want to generate just a bunch of Bible studies
19:25 that would sit on someone's desk,
19:28 and we thought, well, why not schedule
19:31 some strategic evangelistic meetings
19:33 that would happen in days, just days following GYC.
19:38 So we have a lucky 2,000 people who're going to be meeting,
19:45 we hope tens of thousands of people
19:47 that live within our conference territory
19:50 inviting them to a meeting that will start next Friday evening.
19:54 We have six evangelistic meetings
19:57 strategically throughout our conference,
20:00 and we are-- we couldn't be more excited
20:03 about giving people an opportunity to come
20:06 and learn about Jesus in that setting.
20:09 Amen, GYC? Amen.
20:11 This is something we believe in very much.
20:14 And we're gonna ask Elder McClendon
20:15 to come to the middle of the stage now,
20:19 we're going to gather around him
20:20 and lay hands on him in prayer.
20:22 As representative of the--
20:24 the leader of the evangelistic team
20:27 that's going to be doing these meetings.
20:29 His local team and us as GYC
20:31 we're gonna gather around pray for--
20:34 lay hands on him and pray for him,
20:35 but I invite you in your seats
20:37 please as far as possible keel with us and let's pray.
20:53 Dear Heavenly Father,
20:55 we've made many preparations for what is beginning tomorrow,
21:00 many logistics that have gone into this,
21:03 but it's not about buses or about papers
21:08 or about any of that, it's about your Holy Spirit.
21:11 Amen. amen.
21:12 So tonight we are asking for miracle
21:14 because we know that Your angels have gone before us
21:17 preparing the way that there are people
21:19 in this community who are hungry,
21:22 yearning to learn the truth of Scriptures
21:25 and at this time, we are praying
21:27 for miracles as we go out tomorrow.
21:29 And we are praying for each of the six evangelists
21:32 including Elder McClendon as they're preparing
21:34 for the meeting starting on January 11.
21:37 That there will be people that will come out,
21:39 there will be strong follow up from the outreach
21:42 that GYC is doing this year
21:44 and that we will be telling stories
21:46 for many years to come of how You've worked here.
21:49 We thank You and praise You in Jesus name.
21:51 Dear God, I want to also pray
21:55 that You will glorify Your son
21:58 by giving him a healthy body, the church.
22:01 And as we've worked together
22:03 and will continue to work together,
22:04 God, we ask for Your Holy Spirit
22:08 to be present, to guide and to bless.
22:12 So that Your name can be glorified,
22:14 so that people will not reject
22:17 to false presentation of You that's been given by Satan,
22:20 but we'll see an accurate message,
22:23 a good message of who You truly are.
22:26 Be with Elder McClendon, be with his team.
22:29 Thank you for Your blessings.
22:30 In Jesus name, amen. Amen.
22:36 I thought it would be appropriate
22:37 to also show you all
22:40 what you're going to be doing tomorrow.
22:43 Any of you excited? Raise your hands.
22:45 Amen.
22:46 Joe is going to give you a brief training
22:49 of what's going to happen tomorrow.
22:51 All right, so we're going to be going door-to-door
22:54 inviting people to Bible prophecy seminars.
22:58 And some of you might be a little bit like me,
23:01 nervous about going door-to-door.
23:03 Although I have to admit I'm not as nervous
23:05 as I used to be going door-to-door
23:06 'cause I've done it a few times now.
23:09 But I have some friends,
23:11 you all know about those friends that you have
23:13 that make you a little bit upset
23:14 when you go door-to-door.
23:15 Because they're just natural at it,
23:17 they always know what to say, they always know how to smile.
23:21 And then when I do it, I stutter
23:23 and I'm still learning how to smile.
23:28 So we're making it really, really simple,
23:31 so that everybody can be involved
23:34 and participating tomorrow when we go door-to-door.
23:37 We've done something brilliant
23:39 and we have typed up something called a canvas.
23:43 And on this piece of paper
23:45 that you are going to get tomorrow
23:47 is everything that you are going to say
23:50 when you are at the door.
23:51 So well, first of all let me survey here.
23:55 How many people at GYC know how to read?
24:00 All right, you are prepared to go to door-to-door.
24:03 Because if you can read the sheet that we've printed,
24:06 then you'll be able to go door-to-door with us.
24:09 The exciting thing is even though
24:10 I'm not very natural or good at going door-to-door,
24:14 I've seen the Lord used me door-to-door many, many times.
24:18 What a blessing.
24:19 He uses us in spite of ourselves.
24:21 I'm currently working as a pastor in Michigan
24:24 where we are doing a church plant.
24:26 And we're doing a church plant in the area of Wixom.
24:31 We are doing a Bible study on Thursday nights
24:33 at Geisler middle school.
24:34 And you know that all the people
24:36 that are coming to that Bible study came
24:38 from door-to-door, amen?
24:40 And we are making some great friends there.
24:42 I just gave the Bible study on Thursday night
24:44 just before coming to GYC,
24:46 and, well, we have some other special things
24:49 we can go door-to-door for those people
24:51 who do not answer the doors.
24:54 In my hand I have sticky notes
24:57 so that when somebody doesn't answer the door
24:58 we can slap a sticky note on the door.
25:01 GYC is on the cutting edge of door-to-door technology.
25:06 So...
25:07 you know, at the church plant
25:09 where I'm working, one of the ladies
25:11 that just started coming to our Bible study was a lady
25:14 who did not answer the door when my Bible worker knocked.
25:17 And she left a flyer,
25:20 she called back the next day and she's been coming
25:22 to our Bible studies ever since, amen.
25:24 I know that they are going to be people in Seattle
25:27 who do not answer the doors,
25:28 who will still come to the Bible prophecy seminar.
25:32 So I am expecting tomorrow God to work many miracles
25:36 when we go out there when we're meeting people.
25:39 We have also--
25:40 this is my little bag of goodies,
25:41 tomorrow each one of you will get one.
25:43 I know you can't wait and we have a coupon
25:47 for the people that you meet at the door.
25:49 And this coupon is for people who pre-register
25:53 for the Bible prophecy seminar.
25:54 When they pre-register for the Bible prophecy seminar,
25:57 they will come on January 11
25:59 and they will get this amazing DVD documentary for free.
26:04 We have thousands of them ready to go,
26:06 The Forgotten Dream, this is on Daniel Chapter 2.
26:10 So people that pre-register for the Bible prophecy seminars
26:13 will be able to come and pick
26:14 one of these up on opening night.
26:16 Isn't that pretty cool?
26:17 And so we know that tomorrow we are going to be meeting
26:21 tens of thousands of people and that God is going to work
26:25 and we are going to have testimonies
26:27 to see the Lord working through us.
26:29 Amen.
26:31 That's tomorrow, but we've got a four year ahead
26:34 of us as well with opportunities as well.
26:36 And Thando is gonna share with you
26:37 some of the mission opportunities
26:39 that GYC also provides.
26:43 I'm ready to go, are you, GYC?
26:46 Amen. Praise the Lord.
26:48 And as we encourage you to participate tomorrow
26:51 into exciting opportunity to impact the city of Seattle,
26:54 we also want to encourage you to continue
26:56 to give of your time and your resources
26:59 and continuing to live a life of mission.
27:01 So how many of you in this room have your program booklets?
27:04 And I'll share with you just some
27:05 very exciting opportunities for next summer.
27:08 If you have your program booklets,
27:10 please open them to page 18, I believe it is, yes, 18.
27:15 Please, open them to page 18.
27:18 It has a beautiful map of part of the world.
27:24 And as you'll see on the map
27:26 as you are looking at it is three dates and locations
27:31 that are indicated and marked out,
27:33 as the mission opportunity that GYC
27:34 will be coordinating next summer.
27:36 The dates and the locations are in the booklet
27:39 and more information will be available for you
27:41 at the GYC booth along with application forms.
27:45 I want to highlight just one of the missions
27:47 which is the one to Canada.
27:50 Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada.
27:53 That is largely a native reservation
27:56 with no Adventist presence.
27:58 And what we are committing to as GYC
28:00 that after this mission next summer,
28:02 we'll continue to go back for more shorter missions
28:06 and that by God's grace in two or three years,
28:08 we would plant a church in that community.
28:11 And you get to be a part of that
28:14 if you're willing to be.
28:15 You look at Allentown in New York City as well.
28:16 And those are urban missions that will provide you
28:18 opportunities to do health expos,
28:20 children's programs,
28:21 evangelistic series and just continuing
28:23 to give off ourselves for the Lord's work.
28:26 So I invite you to come to the GYC booth,
28:28 find out more, we'd love to have you,
28:29 I would love to have you.
28:31 Amen.
28:33 GYC, I thought it'd be appropriate
28:34 to end with a testimony.
28:37 And Judy is going to share a testimony that
28:39 she experienced a couple of years ago in Louisville.
28:43 Judy. Good evening, GYC family.
28:46 Good evening.
28:48 How many of you were at the 2009
28:51 "Unashamed" GYC conference?
28:54 Amen.
28:56 That was my first GYC,
28:58 and it was my first GYC outreach as well.
29:03 Well, I was debating whether to go or not
29:05 because I do not have a snow jacket,
29:08 very long story about that.
29:09 But many of you who were there,
29:11 you know how cold it was in Kentucky.
29:13 Right? You remember it.
29:15 So I was praying about it,
29:16 Lord, should I go or should I not go?
29:18 And He just strongly impressed my heart to go,
29:21 so I went to the training as you'll have tomorrow
29:24 and I loaded the bus.
29:27 Well, the partner that I had,
29:29 she was actually from the north
29:31 in Michigan I believe it was.
29:33 And I remember-- well, it was truly a miracle
29:38 because as we were going throughout outreach,
29:40 she kept looking over at me
29:42 and here she is all suit up in her,
29:43 you know, winter attire.
29:45 And I'm like in this thin long sleeve shirts
29:48 and like a think scarf, she kept looking over at me.
29:51 Are you sure you are not cold?
29:53 Like what's happening here.
29:55 And I wasn't really thinking about that,
29:57 I just kept going along you know
29:58 'cause that's your mission, you want to get out as much
30:02 pamphlets and information that they hand you to the public.
30:05 So I was just going about it
30:06 but now I know that it was truly a miracle of God,
30:10 He put a heavenly warm cloak around me
30:14 and I was able to go through out the whole outreach.
30:16 I didn't get hyperthermia or any of that.
30:19 Another miracle was she knew how to speak Spanish
30:23 and I also knew how to speak Spanish and Portuguese.
30:26 And of all the routes that our bus was given
30:28 and out of all the people on our bus,
30:31 we were placed on a route that
30:34 the majority of the people there spoke Spanish.
30:38 And I knew that's not by luck or chance
30:40 that was God himself who placed us there.
30:43 So you may be thinking,
30:44 okay, well, its maybe gonna be way to cold tomorrow
30:47 or I don't know how to speak to certain people,
30:51 I can guarantee to you that God will be with you.
30:54 If He's calling you as we heard last night,
30:58 He will equip you, empower you,
31:01 and qualify you to do His work.
31:04 So I hope to see you tomorrow. Amen.
31:07 Are you ready to experience a miracle at GYC?
31:09 Amen.
31:10 This is how it'll happen for you tomorrow.
31:13 We are providing sack lunches for you,
31:16 so that you can eat quickly.
31:18 Amen.
31:19 You will go get your sack lunch,
31:21 I believe, the time in the schedule says 1 o'clock.
31:24 It says we're beginning outreach at 2 o'clock
31:26 but we're beginning at 1:30.
31:29 So go get your lunch, eat quickly,
31:32 come back here, you will get more directions.
31:34 Do not go to the street level, where are you going to come?
31:37 Right here.
31:40 I've been told that Seattle is the city
31:44 that can't be reached, it's the secular city.
31:48 I say that's not true,
31:51 it may be secular but it can be reached.
31:53 Amen.
31:54 We have a good message,
31:57 it's our duty now to be a good messenger.
32:00 Amen.
32:02 And I say Seattle is the perfect place
32:05 for the revolution to continue.
32:07 Amen. God bless you all.
32:08 Amen. Amen.
32:28 There's a day
32:31 That our God said remember
32:36 A day He created and blessed
32:44 He says come
32:45 Let's grow closer each Sabbath
32:51 This day is for worship and rest
32:59 So let's spend
33:01 This time with Jesus
33:06 On His seventh day of rest
33:13 All of heaven
33:15 Waits to meet us
33:20 Jesus calls to us
33:23 Come and be blessed
33:35 When we rest from our work on the Sabbath
33:42 Our needs God provides in His way
33:49 He says come
33:51 Let's grow closer each Sabbath
33:56 If we love Him
33:58 We will honor His day
34:03 So let's spend
34:05 This time with Jesus
34:10 On His seventh day of rest
34:17 All of heaven waits to meet us
34:24 Jesus calls to us
34:27 Come and be blessed
34:43 At the cross
34:45 God did not change His Sabbath
34:50 This truth in the Bible explains
34:57 That Sabbath
35:00 Is of God's ten precepts
35:05 His law and His love
35:08 Never changed
35:20 On this day our true
35:22 God claims our worship
35:27 This day is His signature seal
35:34 When we meet
35:36 In these hours of sweet friendship
35:41 What joy and what pleasure we feel
35:49 So let's spend this time with Jesus
35:56 On His seventh day of rest
36:03 All of heaven waits to meet us
36:10 Jesus calls to us
36:13 Come and be blessed
36:18 All of heaven
36:21 Waits to meet us
36:28 Jesus calls to us
36:32 Come and be blessed
36:44 Amen.
36:47 Welcome, GYC.
36:54 Hello, everyone.
36:55 Now you're probably wondering
36:56 why we are greeting you in these different languages.
36:59 We have the fortune of being able to come
37:02 to GYC in person and enjoy these messages.
37:05 But they are so many who want to come
37:07 and cannot for one reason or another.
37:09 And I'm not just talking about the United States
37:11 but I'm talking about internationally.
37:13 There are so many people who would like to come to GYC,
37:16 who would like to hear these messages
37:17 and attend seminars but they can't.
37:19 And so the GYC resources department
37:21 has been working on a very exciting project.
37:25 So, Miriam, why don't you tell us a little about
37:27 what you've been working on?
37:28 Yeah, we've been working on two great projects.
37:31 The first one is translation of past GYC messages.
37:34 So we've been focusing on translating into Korean,
37:37 Arabic, Spanish and French so far.
37:39 And these will be used as subtitles
37:41 on YouTube videos that are online.
37:43 And as well as translation, we've also been working
37:45 on transcription of these messages
37:48 to also be used as subtitles and as templates
37:50 for the translators to translate from.
37:52 So let me get this straight, we are taking GYC messages
37:55 and we're asking for volunteers
37:57 to translate them into different languages
37:59 like Korean and French or Arabic
38:01 and putting these on the internet
38:03 so everyone can watch GYC messages, is that right?
38:06 Yes, that's correct.
38:07 So we believe that that through this project
38:10 that we can reach so many thousands more.
38:13 You know, we have about,
38:14 I think 4,000-5,000 people come to GYC
38:17 and even more probably but we think that
38:21 by putting these messages on the internet,
38:23 we can reach thousands and even millions more.
38:26 And so we pray that if they're any of you here
38:29 in this audience who speak another language
38:32 and you feel impressed to donate those talents
38:34 to God that you will come by the GYC booth tonight
38:37 whenever the exhibit hall is open,
38:39 sign up to translate for GYC.
38:41 We could use your talents and I think we could reach
38:45 a very global audience this way.
38:48 So thank you, Miriam.
38:50 At this time I'd like to invite my friend Sikhu on stage
38:53 and while she's coming up here,
38:55 I-- you know, we have another
38:57 exciting initiative with GYC.
38:59 And so, Sikhu, do you want to tell us
39:01 a little bit about what we've been doing?
39:04 What we're planning to do is GYC
39:06 and campus are gonna be partnering together
39:08 to bring you Studies.
39:11 It's gonna be an opportunity to study the Bible.
39:14 So Studies is a new initiative by GYC
39:18 and the Center for the Adventist Ministry
39:20 to Public University Students.
39:22 Now, Sikhu, how is this different from GYC?
39:25 It just sounds like another conference or something.
39:27 Well, there was a time
39:30 when the Seventh-day Adventist church
39:32 were known as people of the book.
39:34 Where before I do anything I want to plain,
39:37 a clear thus saith the Lord,
39:39 I need you to show it to me from Scripture.
39:41 And it's reminiscent-- I brought my phone up here
39:44 so I can read it.
39:45 In Acts17: 11,
39:49 this is when Paul and Silas go to Berea.
39:52 And it talks about the Bereans saying that
39:53 these were more noble than those in Thessalonica,
39:56 in that they received the word.
39:58 Firstly, they had all readiness of mind,
40:01 secondly, they searched the Scriptures daily
40:04 whether those things were so.
40:05 So they didn't just receive,
40:07 they had a heart to receive the truth
40:08 but after they heard it,
40:09 they wanted to search it out for themselves.
40:12 They didn't just sit at GYC and just take everything in,
40:15 they wanted to see for themselves
40:17 what the Bible said.
40:19 So the goal is to take a topic, right?
40:23 And to teach attendees
40:26 how to process it for themselves from the word?
40:29 Right, that the idea is not just learning
40:32 how to listen to good messages
40:35 but how would I study the Bible for myself.
40:38 Another thing that came to mind
40:40 as I was thinking about the session was
40:43 when Jesus after His death, His resurrection
40:47 and the disciples were still finding out about it,
40:50 they're the two disciples
40:51 walking down the road to Emmaus,
40:53 they were feeling discouraged
40:54 and Jesus shows up walking with them.
40:57 And then it says how He expounded to them
40:59 from the Scriptures.
41:01 And actually when you look at the way that
41:03 He expounded things, there is a methodology
41:05 to the way that Jesus expounded Scripture.
41:08 So it's one thing to read the Bible,
41:10 how do we end up with so many different denominations,
41:13 so many different views on different topics,
41:15 because it's one thing to read the Bible,
41:17 but how do you understand what the Bible is saying?
41:20 There's a process of learning
41:21 how to understand what the Bible is saying,
41:23 how to study the Bible.
41:25 And I think this initiative is to work together
41:28 in learning how to study the Bible
41:30 so that I'm not just waiting for my pastor to tell me
41:33 what the Bible says
41:34 but I'm actually learning how to study it out for myself.
41:38 And I think this is so useful
41:40 because for myself as a university student,
41:43 there are so many issues that I just wonder
41:45 what the Bible says about these things.
41:47 But you have to begin not with
41:49 what does the Bible say about these issues
41:50 but how do I arrive at these conclusions,
41:53 how do I-- what is the methodology
41:55 by which I study these issues in the Bible.
41:57 And so you're probably wondering
41:58 when this is happening, what is GYC Studies,
42:01 you know, studying this year,
42:03 if you actually come to the GYC booth,
42:05 you can find more information there.
42:07 Our first conference is in February,
42:10 February 1 through 3 in Michigan
42:14 and we'll be working with CAMPUS
42:16 to put on our first retreat
42:17 registration is extremely limited.
42:20 What we are hoping to do is gather
42:23 a small group of students
42:24 and we'll be walking you through the process
42:27 of how to study a certain topic.
42:29 And this year's topic, we're so excited,
42:30 it's "Social Justice."
42:32 How do Adventists look at the topic of social justice?
42:35 How is it distinct from the way that
42:38 other people talk about social justice,
42:39 other Christians the world?
42:42 You know, how should we as Adventist
42:43 really define social justice for ourselves.
42:45 Really excited about that, come by the GYC booth
42:47 for more information.
42:49 Thanks, Sikhu.
42:52 One last announcement, that's on my phone.
43:00 We just want to emphasize that
43:01 there will be an upper room session tomorrow--
43:04 sorry, Monday at 4:30 here in this main auditorium
43:08 and we'll be having people share
43:10 testimonies from outreach.
43:12 You just heard a really exciting
43:14 appeal to go on to outreach
43:16 and I think many of us are excited about doing that,
43:19 we're excited about what the Lord is gonna do.
43:21 So please come here at 4:30 on Monday for upper room.
43:25 If you go to outreach and you come back
43:26 with amazing testimonies, we ask that you come
43:29 to either an information booth or talk to your bus leader
43:34 and let them know, hey, I have a testimony to share.
43:36 We want to get those testimonies out there
43:38 so that other people can hear about the blessing
43:40 that you've received.
43:41 Thank you.


Revised 2015-02-26