Participants: Israel Ramos
Series Code: 12GYC
Program Code: 12GYC000001
00:12 Good evening and welcome to GYC 2012 in Seattle WA.
00:16 We are glad you're here and happy Sabbath. 00:18 I'm Kyle and this is Livvy. 00:20 It is my honor this evening to welcome you to GYC 2012 00:25 and to the theme of this conference: Acts, 00:29 The Revolution Continues. 00:31 We are gathered here from 42 countries around the world 00:34 to join a continuing revolution. 00:37 We have come in the spirit of the book of Acts 00:39 to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit 00:43 and to His working in our lives. 00:45 But it's important to remember that yes 00:47 there is a revolution. But it's not us. 00:50 it's not GYC... Jesus Christ is the revolution. 00:56 And He has been in the business of turning people's lives 00:59 upside down throughout the ages. 01:00 And recently He has seen fit to raise up a revolutionary 01:06 movement... the Advent movement. 01:08 As we are gathered here as young Adventists 01:11 it is our great happiness to play a part in this revolution. 01:16 Amen! We believe with all of our hearts that Jesus 01:18 is coming soon. Amen! That is why we are here. 01:21 That is why we are here this weekend. 01:22 And you know, you may have come to GYC for a variety of reasons. 01:26 You may have come for the great speakers, 01:28 for the great seminars. 01:30 You may have come because your friend came 01:31 or because your mom or dad told you to. I don't know. 01:35 Whatever the reason is 01:37 that made you come here tonight 01:40 God had a plan for you to be here. Amen! Amen! 01:42 And we know by the power of His Spirit that as you give 01:45 your heart to Him over these next few days He can change you 01:48 and do a work in your life that will change you forever. 01:52 So, in spite of all the things that are going on, 01:55 my heartfelt prayer for you is that you will make these few 01:58 days here in Seattle a life-changing few days. 02:01 Spend time on your knees in prayer. Amen! 02:03 Spend time with the Lord Jesus. 02:05 And go to everything you can 02:07 because you will receive a tremendous blessing. Amen! 02:10 At this time we want to ask Pastor David Yeagley 02:13 who is the Youth Director for the Washington Conference 02:15 of Seventh-day Adventists to come out, and he is going to 02:17 have our opening prayer. Welcome Pastor Yeagley, 02:20 we're glad you're here. 02:21 Good evening GYC and happy Sabbath 02:23 to each and every one of you. 02:26 We are so excited to have you here in the 02:28 Washington Conference. On behalf of the thousands of 02:31 youth and young adults throughout our conference 02:34 we want to welcome you here. 02:35 And we know that God has something very very special 02:38 in store for you as you spend this time with Him. 02:42 For those of you who packed umbrellas and rain boots 02:46 and whatever else in your luggage on your way here 02:49 I have some good news for you: 02:51 God has blessed us with one of the best weekends 02:53 weather-wise we've had in months. 02:56 So now you got home and tell all of your friends: 02:58 "No, it does not rain in Seattle all the time. " 03:01 And I hope you enjoy the weather. I know we are. 03:04 And it's a sign - I believe - that God is doing something 03:08 extraordinary for us this weekend. 03:10 And as you are here, as God's Spirit moves in this place, 03:13 it is my prayer that your life will be changed, 03:16 your heart will be warmed, 03:18 and you will be challenged to go and to serve 03:21 and to make a difference in your communities and your church 03:23 back in your home conferences. 03:25 I invite you to stand with me now, and let's invite God's 03:28 presence to be with us as we begin this time together. 03:35 Dear Lord, we invite You 03:38 to come not into this place because You have come long 03:41 before us to be here, but we invite You into our hearts 03:44 tonight. Lord, tear down the barriers... 03:47 whatever stands in the way. Lord, we ask that Your Spirit 03:50 will have free and complete access to our lives 03:53 over the next few days. 03:55 Lord, come into our hearts. Change us; renew us; 03:59 challenge us. May we leave here new people, 04:02 a new creation in You. 04:04 We look forward to the old being gone and the new coming. 04:08 We look forward to what You're going to do through us 04:11 and in us over the course of these next few days. 04:13 So come now and be the center of our worship. 04:17 In Your name I pray, Amen. 04:19 You may be seated. 04:40 Ring the bells of heaven! 04:43 there is joy today, 04:45 For a soul, returning from the wild; 04:49 See the Father meets him 04:51 out upon the way, 04:53 Welcoming His weary, wand'ring child. 04:57 Glory! glory! how the angels sing; 05:01 Glory! glory! how the loud harps ring; 05:05 'Tis the ransomed army, like a mighty sea, 05:10 Pealing forth the anthem of the free. 05:21 Ring the bells of heaven! there is joy today, 05:26 For the wanderer now is reconciled; 05:30 Yes, a soul is rescued from his sinful way, 05:34 And is born a new and ransomed child. 05:38 Glory! glory! how the angels sing; 05:43 Glory! glory! how the loud harps ring; 05:48 'Tis the ransomed army, like a mighty sea, 05:52 Pealing forth the anthem of the free. 05:56 Ring the bells of heaven! spread the feast today, 06:01 Angels swell the glad triumphant strain. 06:05 Tell the joyful tidings! bear it far away! 06:09 For a precious soul is born again. 06:16 Glory! glory! how the angels sing; 06:21 Oh, how they sing! 06:23 Glory! glory! how the loud harps ring; 06:28 'Tis the ransomed army, like a mighty sea, 06:33 Pealing forth the anthem of the free. 06:43 We'll sing the anthem 06:48 of 06:52 the free. 07:21 Amen. 07:27 Good evening everyone. 07:32 I invite you at this time to bow your heads with me 07:35 in prayer as we begin the message for this evening. 07:40 Father in heaven, it is impossible for a human mind 07:44 and a human tongue to communicate with things of God. 07:49 At the same time it is impossible for the human ear 07:52 to understand them. 07:53 And so, Lord, we are in a bit of a fix tonight. 07:57 We are in need of a miracle 07:59 that You would use me as an instrument today 08:03 and that You would somehow communicate the words from 08:06 on high into the personal lives of each individual here tonight. 08:12 So Lord, we pray that You would give us Your Spirit tonight 08:15 as we study Your Word. 08:18 We ask for these things in Jesus' name, Amen. 08:24 Acts chapter 2. 08:28 Jesus has just risen again, 08:32 and as He gathers together with His disciples 08:35 for the final time before He goes back 08:38 to begin His work for you and for me in the sanctuary 08:40 in heaven, He tells His disciples that it will be their 08:45 responsibility from that point forward 08:48 to communicate to the entire world 08:51 the message of a risen and soon-coming Savior. 08:56 And so it is that His parting words are these to the disciples 09:00 "You will receive power 09:02 after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you 09:04 and you will be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem 09:07 and in Judea and in Samaria" He says, "and in the 09:10 uttermost parts of the world. " 09:14 And with those final words the disciples are left with 09:17 perhaps the largest responsibility ever given 09:21 to humankind: 09:24 to be a testament, to be a testimony, to be a witness 09:27 of Jesus Christ and of His soon return 09:30 before an entire world. 09:33 And we find these words penned: chapter 2 verse 1: 09:38 "And when the Day of Pentecost was fully come 09:40 they were all with one accord in one place. 09:43 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a 09:47 rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house 09:50 where they were sitting. 09:52 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire 09:55 and it sat upon each of them. 09:56 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost 09:58 and began to speak with other tongues 10:00 as the Spirit gave them utterance. 10:02 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men 10:05 of every nation under heaven. 10:07 Now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together 10:10 and were confounded because that every man heard them 10:13 speak in his own language. 10:15 And they were all amazed and marveled, saying one to another: 10:18 'Behold, are not all these which speak Galilean? 10:22 And how hear we every man in our own tongue 10:25 wherein we were born? ' " 10:27 Skip down to verse 12: "And they were all amazed 10:29 and were in doubt saying one to another: 10:31 'What means this? ' Others mocking said: 'These men 10:34 are full of new wine. ' But Peter, standing up 10:36 with the eleven, lifted up his voice and said unto them: 10:39 'You men of Judea and all you that dwell in Jerusalem: 10:42 be it known unto you and hearken to my words 10:45 for these are not drunken as you suppose 10:47 seeing it is but the third hour of the day. 10:50 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel. ' " 10:53 "And it shall come to pass, " he says 10:55 "And it shall come to pass in the last days 10:58 saith God 'I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh 11:02 and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. 11:05 And your young men shall see visions and your old men 11:08 shall see dreams. And on My servants and on My handmaids 11:12 I will pour out in those days of My Spirit 11:15 and they shall prophesy. 11:17 And I will show wonders in heaven above 11:19 and signs in the earth beneath. 11:22 Blood and fire of vapors of smoke. 11:24 The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon 11:27 to blood before that great and notable day of the Lord comes. 11:30 And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call 11:35 on the name of the Lord shall be saved. ' " 11:39 Verse 37 is a response: 11:42 "Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts. 11:45 And they said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles: 11:49 'Men and brethren, what shall we do? ' 11:51 Then Peter said unto them: 'Repent and be baptized 11:54 every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ 11:55 for the remission of sin and you shall receive the gift 11:59 of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you 12:01 and to your children and unto all that are afar off... 12:04 even as many as the Lord shall call. ' 12:09 Then they which gladly received his word were baptized. 12:12 In the same day were added unto the church 12:13 about 3,000 souls. And they continued steadfastly 12:17 in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship 12:20 and in breaking of bread and in prayers. 12:22 And fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs 12:27 were done by the apostles. 12:29 And all that believed were together and had all things 12:32 in common. And sold their possessions and their goods 12:35 and they parted them to all men as every man had need. 12:39 And they continuing daily in one accord in the temple 12:42 and breaking bread from house to house 12:44 did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, 12:47 praising God and having favor with all people. 12:50 And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. " 12:55 If there was ever a revolution, this is it! 13:00 As a matter of fact, the book of Acts is full of revolutions. 13:04 How is it possible that God takes men and women 13:08 who were just previously - not in the distant past - 13:12 afraid for their lives? How does He take those people, 13:15 fill them with courage and boldness, 13:18 in order to proclaim the message of a Christ that 13:21 no longer is seen that people think is dead? 13:26 If there is ever a revolution, this is a revolution. 13:30 How is it that God takes selfish individuals 13:33 and causes them to come together 13:35 in fellowship and in unity for a singleness of purpose? 13:40 If there is ever a revolution, Acts chapter 1 13:43 and Acts chapter 2 record for us that revolution. 13:48 I call it "the revolution of power. " 13:53 And there are lessons for us tonight. 13:56 Lesson number 1 is this: 13:58 that the revolution of power recorded in Acts chapter 1 and 2 14:02 is a revolution that is not dependent on who we are 14:04 yet at the same time it IS very dependent on who we are. 14:09 It is a revolution that is not dependent on who we are 14:12 yet at the same time is very, very dependent 14:15 on who we are. 14:17 Not dependent on who we are in terms of gifts. 14:20 Not dependent on who we are in terms of talent. 14:23 But it is, however, dependent on who we are 14:26 in terms of whether those gifts 14:28 are totally and 100% 14:31 sacrificed and committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. 14:35 If you are not willing to be a fool for Jesus Christ, 14:38 you are not ready for the revolution of power. 14:42 If you are not willing to be used - to be wasted - 14:46 for the service of Jesus Christ, 14:48 then we cannot be ready for the revolution of power 14:51 if we have not yet prepared ourselves to be used or unused 14:56 for whatever cause or purpose 14:58 Christ has in store for you and for me 15:01 then we are not ready for the revolution of power. 15:04 The revolution of power teaches us first of all 15:06 that God is not bound by the talents that you possess 15:10 or the talents that I do not possess. 15:12 That is not what limits God. 15:13 What limits you and what limits me 15:16 is our willingness to surrender what we do have 15:19 to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 15:21 The first lesson that we learn from the revolution of power is 15:24 this: that it is not dependent 15:26 upon the talents that we possess. 15:28 It is not dependent on who we are 15:29 yet at the same time it is very dependent on who we are. 15:33 But there is another lesson that we learn, and that is this: 15:37 that the revolution of power is a revolution that is totally 15:43 dependent on the Word of God. 15:47 Just before Jesus leaves this earth 15:50 the final words to His disciples are these: 15:53 "You will receive power. " 15:56 "You will be My witnesses 15:58 both in Jerusalem... " And He says: "As a matter 16:00 of fact, you will be My witnesses in the entire world. " 16:05 A revolution cannot exist - 16:08 a revolution from the Word of God, a revolution for Christ 16:11 cannot exist - outside of the power of the Word of God 16:16 for it is totally 100% dependent on the Word of God 16:20 to do what it says. 16:23 The one key ingredient, the match that sets aflame 16:27 the entire world and the complete individual 16:30 IS the Word of God. 16:33 Jesus Christ said: "You will be My witnesses" 16:35 and so did the prophet Joel. 16:38 The prophet Joel said: "Your young men 16:42 will see dreams; your old men will see visions. " 16:47 "My Spirit shall fall upon all flesh. Upon the old 16:52 and upon the young. It will fall upon those who are 16:55 afar off and those who are close. " 16:57 He says "It will fall upon you and upon your children. " 17:01 "My Spirit... " He says, "My Word, My power 17:04 will fall not just on a few individuals 17:07 but upon anyone that is called. " 17:10 This leads me to the next point. 17:12 The next lesson that we learn - lesson number 3- 17:15 is this: that the revolution is for those who are called. 17:18 The revolution is for those who are called. 17:21 It is dependent upon the Word of God. 17:23 It is not bound by what you don't have 17:25 or by what you do have. 17:26 But it is at the same time very much bound by what you 17:29 don't have and what you are willing to do 17:31 with what you do have. 17:33 And the third thing is that this revolution is for those 17:36 who are called. My friends, God has never 17:41 ever called the qualified. 17:45 God has never called the qualified, but rather He always 17:50 qualifies those that He calls. 17:53 In other words, the call itself is the qualification. 17:59 And if God wants a revolution to take place, 18:02 it doesn't matter if you're old or young. 18:05 It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl. 18:08 It doesn't matter if you are near or if you're far. 18:11 We need not ask ourselves if we are the descendants of Peter 18:15 but we need to ask ourselves "Has the Lord Jesus Christ 18:18 called me to be part of His revolution? " 18:22 God never calls the qualified; 18:24 He instead qualifies the called. 18:26 The call is the qualification. 18:28 The Desire of Ages 250 says this: 18:30 "In the common walks of life 18:33 there is many a man patiently treading the round of daily toil 18:38 unconscious that he possesses powers 18:41 which if called into action 18:44 would raise him to an equality 18:46 with the world's most honored men. 18:49 Touch of a skillful hand is needed... 18:54 Leaders... church leaders... the touch of a skillful hand 18:57 is needed to arouse those dormant faculties. 19:00 It was such men that Jesus called to be His co-laborers 19:04 and He gave them the advantage of association with Himself. 19:07 Never had the world's great men such a leader. 19:11 When the disciples came forth from the Savior's training 19:14 they were no longer ignorant and uncultured. 19:17 They had become like Him in mind and character 19:21 and men took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. " 19:27 The call is the qualification. 19:34 There is a supernatural yet certain phenomenon that 19:38 takes place with the call. 19:41 There is a supernatural yet certain phenomenon that 19:45 takes place with the call. They have the advantage 19:48 of association with Christ, and in this association 19:52 this association somehow transforms the called 19:56 to become like Him in mind and character 19:59 and people take note that they have been with Jesus. 20:03 The called are qualified because the call itself 20:07 is the qualification. Young person, tonight 20:10 you need to understand that you do not need 20:13 anything except the call of Jesus Christ upon your life 20:18 to be successful in labor for Jesus Christ. 20:22 Is there a dream in your heart to do something for God? 20:28 The call is the qualification. 20:32 The call is the qualification 20:35 because it gives us the advantage of communion 20:38 with Jesus. And communion with Jesus transforms the life 20:41 so that you and I become like Him in mind and character. 20:45 So much so that the surrounding world takes note 20:49 that we have been with Christ. 20:52 Lesson #4 is that the revolution of power 20:57 is always an outward manifestation of something 21:00 greater that is within. 21:02 It is an iceberg. 21:04 It is a manifestation of some- thing greater that takes place 21:08 within. What you see on the outside - no matter how big 21:12 it is - is always smaller than what is on the inside. 21:17 Perhaps the best and most powerful words ever recorded 21:22 in the book of Acts are found in Acts chapter 2... 21:25 the very first words that we read. 21:26 "And on the Day of Pentecost when the Day of Pentecost 21:30 was fully come" it says "they were all with one accord 21:35 in one place. " 21:38 Perhaps the greatest and most successful challenge 21:42 that the disciples were able to overcome, 21:45 the greatest revolution that ever happened even before 21:48 you read the rest of Acts chapter 2, 21:49 is the revolution that has already taken place 21:52 in the hearts of each of the apostles. 21:55 And that is unity with Christ that leads to unity 21:59 with one another. 22:00 It is always an iceberg. 22:04 This isn't some type of yoga or karate 22:07 that the power comes from within. 22:09 What I'm trying to say is this: 22:11 that greater than the role that we play in the revolution 22:15 is the role that the revolution plays in us. 22:19 Is it a genuine power and force in our lives? 22:21 Is Jesus not only someone that we believe in 22:25 but is He someone that believes in us? 22:29 Because the revolution of power is always first greater 22:33 in the life of the individual 22:35 before it becomes an outward manifestation 22:38 of power in the lives of numbers. 22:42 Acts chapter 1, Acts chapter 2 22:45 records for you and for me the first revolution that we find 22:49 in the New Testament church. And that is the revolution 22:51 of power. 22:53 But it is a power that is unknown to you and to me. 22:57 It is a power that we cannot comprehend 23:00 and we cannot fully understand. 23:01 The disciples thought that when Christ was to leave 23:04 that He was to establish - once again - an earthly kingdom. 23:09 And so they asked Jesus: "Will You now restore Israel? " 23:12 And He said: "It is not for you to know the time 23:15 but you shall receive power. " 23:18 Real power. "You will receive power when the Holy Ghost 23:22 takes control of your life and in that power uses you 23:27 to transform an entire world for the sake of Jesus Christ. " 23:35 At the conclusion of Acts chapter 1 23:39 the disciples are left with the daunting task 23:42 of preaching the gospel - newly-established church - 23:46 preaching the gospel to the entire world. 23:48 And I often pause 23:51 right then at the command of Christ 23:54 and try to place myself in the place of the apostles. 23:58 And I can't help but think: "Lord, 24:01 what would be going on in my mind if I was one of them? " 24:06 If I was given the task with my friends 24:11 to preach the gospel to the entire world, 24:15 how would I respond? 24:20 How is an uneducated unqualified group of people 24:24 going to reach the whole world? 24:28 Acts chapter 2: speaking in tongues. 24:31 For me it's but a small glimpse of the answer that is ahead. 24:35 It is as though God is saying to me: "Israel, are you 24:38 at all aware of the power of the omnipotent God? " 24:42 The God who knows no challenge and has no limit. 24:45 A God whose concept of power 24:47 we are not even able to fully grasp. 24:50 Because when we grasp that the "ungraspableness" 24:55 of the power of God, only then are we ready 24:58 to experience in our own lives 25:01 that revolution... 25:03 the revolution of power. 25:06 Acts chapter 3. 25:09 Peter and John went to pray. 25:12 You know the song. They met a lame man on the way. 25:16 He asked for an alms and he held out his palms 25:19 and this is what Peter did say. 25:21 "Silver and gold have I not but that which I have 25:25 give I thee. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth 25:28 rise up and walk. " 25:31 The Bible says that this man went walking and leaping 25:33 and praising God. 25:38 The revolution of miracles. 25:42 Verse 11 says this: 25:44 "And as the lame man which was healed held Peter and John 25:48 all the people ran together unto them 25:50 in the porch that is called Solomon's greatly wondering. 25:53 And when Peter saw it he answered unto the people 25:56 'Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? 25:59 Or why look ye so earnestly on us as though by our own power 26:03 or holiness we have made this man to walk? 26:07 The God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob, 26:12 the God of our fathers, has glorified His Son Jesus 26:15 whom you delivered up and denied Him in the presence of Pilate 26:18 when he was determined to let Him go. ' " 26:21 Why marvel at miracles? 26:25 The reason is because we don't understand 26:28 the power of the revolution of miracles. 26:34 Here we find several lessons for our contemplation... 26:37 three of them. That is this: 26:40 that as certain as God's desire to make people believe in Him... 26:45 as certain as we are of God's desire to make people 26:50 believe in Him, so is His ability and His willingness 26:55 to work miracles today for you and for me. 26:59 We live in a society today where we're afraid of miracles. 27:03 Where we are afraid to experience the miracles 27:06 of Jesus Christ. But, when Peter and John went to pray 27:10 they were not afraid of the miracles of Jesus Christ. 27:15 And perhaps the reason why we do not experience 27:18 the revolution of miracles which the early church clearly had 27:23 is because we don't understand the importance and the 27:26 willingness of God to work on our behalf 27:30 in our lives today for you and for me. 27:37 The Bible says that as a result of Peter's miracle and John's 27:42 miracle that more people were baptized and added to the church 27:45 than Peter's sermon itself. 27:50 Lesson #1 is that God is willing to work miracles today. 27:53 We need to believe that. 27:57 Lesson #2 is this: that miracles are designed to bring attention 28:01 from us to Jesus. 28:05 That is the purpose of miracles. 28:09 Lesson #3 is this: 28:11 that we have not because we are not willing to ask. 28:17 I remember when I had my first pastoral assignment 28:23 in the upper peninsula of Michigan. 28:25 Beautiful place. 28:28 We went to a worker's meeting and my boss - the president 28:31 of the conference - said: "I'm going to make an effort 28:35 to visit every single pastor in their home in the entire 28:38 conference. " That's over 100 pastors. 28:40 And I was really excited. I thought: "Man, 28:42 the conference... we are so far away from the conference 28:46 headquarters that it is closer for people to drive 28:50 from Michigan's capital to D.C. 28:52 than it is for me to go to the conference office. " 28:55 It was cheaper for me to fly to worker's meeting 28:58 than to drive. That's how far... that's how long of a distance 29:00 it is. And so I was excited that the president was going to 29:03 drive all the way to visit me. 29:07 And he said: "Israel, I'm going to come and I'm going to preach 29:09 at all three of your churches. " 29:12 So I was excited. 29:14 He came and I got to hear him preach. 29:15 Went to the first church; he preached a sermon... 29:17 we were on the way to the second. 29:19 And as we're driving... he's riding shotgun... 29:24 we see a hitchhiker on the road. 29:30 I am facing now a moral dilemma. 29:35 If I pick the hitchhiker up and we're late for church, 29:38 then he's going to think I'm always late. 29:41 If I don't pick him up, he's going to think 29:43 I'm not godly enough. 29:46 This is what's going on in my mind. 29:49 And I look at him... and I'm a smart guy. 29:55 I think that at that time I was inspired and I said: 29:58 "Elder Gallimore, what should we do? " 30:02 And I think he's a little bit smarter than I am. 30:06 He said: "Do what you normally do. " 30:14 So I did what I normally do... 30:17 passed the guy up. 30:22 And then I thought to myself: "I've already lost my job... 30:26 might as well go back and do the right thing. " 30:29 And so I turned around... did a U-turn - 30:31 made us even more late for church - 30:34 and then I picked the guy up. 30:37 He jumps in the back seat 30:40 and now things have gone from bad to worse 30:44 'cause now I'm thinking to myself: "Do I have to talk 30:46 to this guy about Christianity? Because if I don't... " 30:53 So we had an awkward conver- sation for about 45 minutes 30:56 till we reached the church... late. 30:59 He goes in and preaches 31:01 and I stay back with this guy to talk to him. 31:03 I give him my card and I never hear from him again. 31:09 And I wonder to myself 31:11 how many times I have missed out 31:14 on opportunities to witness a miracle 31:18 because I was too busy or because I was unwilling. 31:23 Because if there's anything that we learn from the life of 31:25 Peter and John in Acts chapter 3 it is this: 31:30 that the Christian does not need to look for miracles. 31:33 Miracles or divine appointments 31:35 or interactions between two individuals 31:38 that have been perfectly matched by God Himself 31:40 take place all the time if you are willing to look 31:44 for them and if I am willing to look for them. 31:47 And I ask myself a question: "How many times have I passed up 31:51 a miracle that Christ had or a divine appointment that Christ 31:54 had for me because I was too busy or too scared? " 31:58 And if there's anything that we learn from the revolution 32:01 of miracles it is this: that God, my friends, 32:04 has lined up for you and for me 32:06 miracle upon miracle upon miracle 32:09 that we pass by because we are unwilling 32:14 to explore them. 32:17 It happens all the time. 32:20 We read about it all the time. 32:23 Man comes knocking on the door. The person has been praying 32:28 that someone would come to their house 32:31 and teach them about Jesus. 32:33 And yet we are unwilling to put God at test. 32:37 I was working in New York City 32:39 selling books door-to-door. 32:41 Knocked on a door... no one came. 32:44 We knew someone was inside so we kept on knocking. 32:46 Finally a little girl came to the door. 32:48 She said her mom could not come. 32:51 We asked why. She said she was having a hard time breathing. 32:54 We opened the door... went inside. 32:56 The lady was having a heart attack. We called 911. 32:59 We saved her life that day. 33:02 If there was ever a miracle that I could think of, 33:05 that in itself IS a miracle. 33:06 And there are many miracles that happen 33:09 that are out there that we pass by because we are afraid. 33:13 And my friend, if we are afraid of failure 33:17 and if we are afraid of looking like fools 33:19 we would never experience the miraculous power 33:22 that the early church experiences that becomes a part 33:25 of its very fabric it is the revolution of miracles. 33:31 But there is another type of miracle 33:34 that I want to talk about this evening. 33:37 It is the third type of revolution. Sorry. 33:40 The revolution of witnesses. 33:46 Acts chapter 4 verse 5: "And it came to pass 33:49 on the morrow that their rulers and elders and scribes 33:53 and Ananias the high priest and Caiaphas and John 33:56 and Alexander and as many as were of the kindred of the 33:58 the high priest were gathered together at Jerusalem. 34:00 And when they had set them in the midst they asked 34:03 'By what power or by what name have ye done this? ' 34:07 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them: 34:10 'Ye rulers of the people and elders of Israel: 34:14 if we this day be examined of the good deeds 34:18 done to this impotent man by what means he is whole, 34:22 be it known unto you all 34:24 and to all the people of Israel 34:26 that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 34:28 whom you crucified, whom God raised up from the dead, 34:31 even by Him does this man stand before you whole. ' " 34:37 When I read this I get goose bumps 34:40 because this is the same Peter that in the same hall 34:44 just a little while before had denied his Master with cursing. 34:49 But he is now a different Peter 34:52 because he has undergone a revolution in his personal life. 34:57 He has been transformed from a coward to a witness. 35:02 And the Bible says that this man Peter 35:04 stands before this group of people. 35:06 This group of people stand before Peter knowing 35:09 that this guy is a weak coward. 35:11 That they will break this man. 35:13 But Peter stands unflinchingly and he says: 35:16 "We have done this deed by the power of the name 35:19 of Jesus Christ whom you crucified. " 35:22 And the Bible says that this group of people 35:24 is shocked and is put in a difficult position 35:27 'cause they can't harm Peter. 35:29 And the Bible says that they have taken note 35:33 that Peter has been with Jesus. 35:39 Peter has been with Jesus for more than three years 35:45 and it is only now that we find those words recorded of him. 35:51 That "they take note that he has been with Jesus. " 35:56 It is a shame yet at the same time 36:01 it is a testimony to the mercy and the grace of God. 36:08 Verse 13: "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John 36:11 and perceived that they were unlearned ignorant men 36:13 they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they 36:16 had been with Jesus. " Verse 18: "And they 36:19 called them and commanded them not to speak at all 36:23 nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John 36:26 answered and said unto them: 'Whether it is right 36:28 in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God 36:31 judge ye. ' " Verse 20: "For we cannot 36:34 but speak the things which we have seen and heard. " 36:43 This was the same John 36:45 that would later on pen these words. 36:51 I invite you to turn with me in your Bibles to the book 36:53 of I John 37:01 chapter 1. 37:05 "That which was from the beginning which we have heard 37:08 which we have seen with our eyes 37:10 which we have looked upon and our hands have handled 37:13 of the Word of life. For the life was manifested 37:17 and we have seen it and bear witness and show unto you 37:21 that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested 37:25 unto us, that which we have seen and heard, 37:28 declare we unto you 37:30 that you also may have fellowship with us and truly 37:33 our fellowship is with the Father 37:35 and with His Son Jesus Christ. " 37:40 John says: "We cannot help 37:44 but be witnesses of Jesus Christ. " 37:51 Did you know that being a witness 37:53 is a revolutionary act? 37:57 I'm not talking about any witness 38:00 but I'm talking about the type of witness 38:02 that John and Peter were. 38:05 That is a revolutionary act 38:09 because they are not just witnessing as someone would 38:13 witness in court. 38:14 They are not just telling of an event that they saw and heard. 38:19 John later on says: "That which we have heard: 38:22 that is what we declare unto you. " 38:26 But you see, it is possible for someone to hear the word 38:30 of Jesus yet at the same time never see His countenance. 38:36 It is possible for someone to hear the word of Christ 38:39 and yet at the same time never be touched by its power. 38:43 I wonder how many times Jesus preached to the multitude 38:46 and someone heard as they were passing by 38:48 yet left without being impacted in their personal life. 38:52 John is not just talking about a casual witness 38:55 of someone who heard Jesus. 38:59 He said: "We didn't just stop with the hearing. " 39:01 He says: "That which we have heard but that which we have 39:03 seen with our very own eyes. " 39:08 But not just casually seen. 39:12 I live in Lansing, Michigan, now 39:14 and I have to drive to Ann Arbor. 39:16 It's about an hour drive. 39:18 And I drive on the highway 39:20 and there's a sign that always catches my attention. 39:24 But I cannot tell you what that sign says. 39:26 I can tell you what it's about. 39:28 It's actually about revolutionary people, 39:31 but I forget the exact quotation because I'm driving 39:34 so fast and I'm trying to concentrate on the road 39:37 and on the cops that I miss the sign 39:39 and the value and the power of the words. 39:44 Even though I see the sign 39:46 and even though the sign impacts me 39:48 it's a casual seeing. 39:50 John says: "I didn't just see Jesus... " 39:52 he says... "but I beheld Him. " 39:55 The difference between seeing and beholding is this: 39:58 my wife... she's not the romantic type. 40:03 If I buy her flowers she will tell me 40:06 "Why did you waste the money? " 40:09 Now secretly I really think that deep down inside 40:11 she likes the flowers. 40:14 But she's not the romantic type. 40:18 And so sometimes romantic moments can be 40:21 kind of awkward. 40:27 And so there are times when we will lie in bed 40:33 and I will wait until she falls asleep... 40:35 which doesn't take much... 40:38 And when she falls asleep and I know she is completely out 40:47 I will look over and I will look at her face. 40:55 And I will look and look and continue to look. 41:00 And it's not awkward 'cause she's asleep. 41:02 And... and I will behold. 41:08 I will behold her face. 41:12 It's not like the sign. 41:15 It's not like hearing the word of Christ 41:17 but not being impacted. 41:19 I will intentionally stare at the beauty of the face 41:23 before me and marvel at the fact that I was able 41:27 to trick her into marrying me before it was too late. 41:35 But John said 41:38 "I'm a witness to Jesus not just of the things 41:40 that I have seen or heard or even beheld. " 41:45 He said: "These hands 41:47 have handled the Word of life. " 41:54 I have a friend of mine... his name is Willie. 41:56 He's going to kill me for saying this. 42:01 But when he was growing up he was a Chicago Bulls fan. 42:06 And one time he was at a game... baseball game. 42:11 And news went around that Michael Jordan - 42:13 one of the most popular athletes of our time - 42:18 was using the bathroom. 42:21 And he did what every fanatic 42:24 person that has lost his mind would do: 42:28 he went to the second floor bathroom B 42:31 and there he saw Michael Jordan coming out of the bathroom. 42:39 And he tells me that he was able to touch Michael Jordan. 42:47 And then if you ask him "What happened next, Willie? " 42:50 and he said "The security guard. " 42:55 And this is a perfect illustration of the difference 42:59 between touching and handling. 43:02 He touched Michael Jordan; 43:04 the security guards handled... handled him. 43:12 John says 43:16 that he is a witness. 43:19 That he has personally, intimately, 43:24 handled Jesus Christ. 43:31 The greatest revolution that the early church experiences 43:35 is that revolution: the revolution of identity. 43:41 Looking at themselves as witnesses of Jesus Christ. 43:45 Not just casual witnesses 43:48 but intimate witnesses that have handled the Word of life. 43:53 And he says: "That is what we share with the world. " 44:00 And so we go back to the very beginning. 44:04 "You will be My witnesses 44:06 when the Holy Ghost has come upon you. " 44:09 "You will receive power 44:12 and you will be witnesses to Me for the entire world... 44:16 to the entire world. " 44:18 Witnesses of an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. 44:21 You see, more than a revolution of witnessing 44:24 this is a revolution of love. 44:28 The love of God transforming the life of an individual... 44:31 so much so that that individual is willing 44:34 to die for Jesus Christ. And so we find these words 44:38 Desire of Ages 251: 44:41 "He who loves Christ the most will do the greatest amount of 44:44 good. There is no limit to the usefulness of one 44:48 who by putting self aside 44:50 makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart 44:53 and lives a life wholly consecrated to God. 44:56 If men will endure the necessary discipline without complaining 45:00 or fainting by the way, 45:02 God will teach them hour by hour and day by day. " 45:08 You can be part of the revolution that began 45:13 in the book of Acts. 45:15 You can be part of the revolution that began in the 45:18 book of Acts: the revolution of power. 45:21 You can be a powerful Christian that experiences in your life 45:25 the daily power of God to transform you 45:28 from being a rebel to being a saint. 45:31 You can experience the power of God 45:33 from failure into success. 45:37 You can experience the power of God to work miracles 45:41 in your life and in the lives of others. 45:43 And most important and most powerfully of all 45:46 you can experience the power of God to become 45:50 a witness to the things of God that He has done in your life. 45:57 There are witnesses in this room tonight 46:01 that have experienced in their personal lives 46:04 the power of God... and we don't have time to talk to you 46:08 but that have started this ministry that you are a part of 46:13 today. 46:16 People who wanted to be a witness for Christ so bad 46:21 that they said: "I'm wiling to make this thing happen 46:25 at all costs... even if 46:29 I have to put my parents' credit card on the line. " 46:31 That's not me by the way. 46:34 That's James Kim. He's here somewhere... 46:36 you won't even see him but he's here... 46:38 our first treasurer. 46:40 A doctor here in the Seattle area. 46:44 People who were willing to put everything on the line 46:48 for the sake of Jesus Christ... they are here. 46:50 And you can be a part of that group of people 46:53 if you have a yearning desire to experience Christ intimately 46:59 and personally for yourself. 47:02 In closing I want to make an appeal for you tonight. 47:12 First of all it's an appeal for the power of God 47:16 working in your life. 47:19 You look at yourself and you say: "I don't have 47:22 the power of the living God in my life. " 47:25 Tonight I want to make an appeal for you. 47:29 In your life you might think: "Man, God... 47:32 I live my life every day. 47:35 I go to the supermarket. 47:37 I go to the gas station; I go to my classes; 47:40 I go to work unaware of the fact 47:43 that the people that I work with that I encounter every day 47:46 are people that God wants to save 47:48 and I might be the missing link. I'm afraid. " 47:54 I make an appeal for you. 47:55 Third appeal is going to be 47:58 to be a witness for Jesus. 48:01 You might say to yourself: "I've been in ministry 48:04 for a long time yet I've realized that my walk with God 48:08 is not intimate. I hear Him all the time... 48:11 maybe every day. I see Him all the time... 48:16 maybe every day... but I never handled Jesus. " 48:19 I want to make an appeal for you tonight. 48:23 Let's bow our heads for prayer. 48:27 Father in heaven, 48:29 we look in the book of Acts 48:32 and indeed it is a revolution. 48:36 Your church is a revolution. 48:39 You have placed us here at this time in earth's history 48:43 to revolutionize the entire world. 48:46 To show the world the face and the love 48:52 and the heart of Jesus Christ Himself. |
Revised 2014-12-17