ASI Conventions, 2012

Sabbath afternoon & evening: Music & Members in Action / evening message

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Ted Wilson


Series Code: 12ASIC

Program Code: 12ASIC000013

00:20 There are things that are heard all over as Connor just said,
00:23 but one place that we recently went to
00:27 was Las Vegas, Nevada.
00:29 And many of you know about
00:31 what we did in Las Vegas,
00:32 it was a combination of--
00:34 It is Written ASI in the Nevada-Utah Conference
00:38 because if you can do lot,
00:39 if you could do evangelism in Las Vegas,
00:41 you can what? You could do it anywhere.
00:45 And so we had a wonderful time,
00:47 a ministry that actually was formed back in the fall--
00:51 The project was formed back in the fall of 2008.
00:54 And, John, tell us what happened in May
00:56 of last year and January of this year.
00:58 May of last year, we started
00:59 a short series called Babylon Rising,
01:01 a four part series
01:03 that was a seed-sowing series to revelation today.
01:05 And then earlier this year we began Revelation Today,
01:08 the month long Bible prophecy series.
01:11 What was interesting about this is
01:12 it was a three way cooperative venture.
01:15 Elder Larry Unterseher from the Nevada-Utah Conference,
01:18 the president of the Nevada-Utah Conference
01:21 is present but only in text message form,
01:23 here's what he's sent me just a little bit earlier.
01:26 The Revelation Today meetings drew all our members
01:28 from all walks of life together with one common cause
01:32 sharing Jesus with hurting lost people in Las Vegas.
01:38 We still have over 200 active Bible studies
01:41 generated by It is Written,
01:43 and the activities leading up to the meetings
01:45 that's in spite of the fact that they've been
01:47 somewhere in the area of 175 baptisms so far.
01:50 We are so grateful that It is Written,
01:52 Steps to Christ, a project Steps to Christ
01:55 and ASI facilitated the distribution
01:58 of Steps to Christ to every household in Las Vegas.
02:02 We still receive over a 100 Bible study leads
02:04 per month from It is Written.
02:06 We could use more Bible workers!
02:10 We'll never know the total impact
02:12 of the Revelation Today meetings.
02:13 And what so interesting about this one
02:16 not only was It is Written there
02:17 and we were thrilled to be there,
02:19 we had wonderful cooperation
02:21 and support from the Nevada-Utah Conference
02:23 but, Terry, what was different about this
02:25 is that ASI was involved with a dozen or more ASI ministries
02:32 participating in this event which made it unique.
02:34 You know, John, it was unique
02:35 because this is the first time that I know of
02:38 and other people I have talked to that
02:39 so many ministries came together to work on one project.
02:44 And, Leasa, you were part of that.
02:46 I was, I actually represented ASI
02:49 and Eden Valley Institute.
02:51 And as an ASI representative,
02:53 you heard about the DVD training program this morning?
02:56 It's not just done overseas,
02:58 it's done right here in North America
03:00 and we took a team of ASI people
03:05 and we went to Las Vegas
03:06 and we did an ASI DVD training
03:08 where people, the church members
03:10 can take the material that they receive
03:12 and they could hold a whole evangelistic meetings
03:15 in their home as part of the pre work.
03:18 And then as Eden Valley Lifestyle Center Institute,
03:22 the Eden Valley Institute's Lifestyle Center,
03:26 we took a health team to Las Vegas
03:28 and we did a health outreach
03:30 training program for the church members.
03:32 And so it was really exciting actually to see
03:35 how ASI and It is Written and the conference church,
03:41 we can join together
03:42 and our Pastor Wilson read a statement
03:45 either this morning or yesterday that
03:47 when that happens, this church will--
03:50 the work will be finished in the church
03:52 and we can all go home.
03:53 So it was exciting to see that happening.
03:56 Oh, we said it was,
03:57 and to see all the ministries working together was fabulous,
04:02 especially the health message that you brought
04:04 in the combination of the evangelistic work
04:07 and the gospel.
04:08 You know, when we did, we did a health expo there
04:11 and we didn't think that it was very well attended,
04:15 maybe it wasn't very successful
04:17 but about two months later,
04:19 we heard from a person that had come through,
04:22 it was actually a training session
04:23 for the church members, and they said that
04:25 they were so excited about that program
04:28 that they took it to their church.
04:30 And their church is going to do a form of a health outreach
04:33 like every single semester
04:35 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
04:40 Thank you, Leasa.
04:42 John, tell us what else has happened since that time?
04:46 Well, I'd like to tell you that
04:48 there is power in the word of God
04:50 and I need to hear, say amen. Amen.
04:52 See, ladies and gentlemen, when we share the Word of God,
04:55 the Spirit of God does something great.
04:58 God's Word won't come back to in void,
05:01 isn't that right?
05:02 I think that's what the Bible says
05:04 and so I want to, you know,
05:05 I'm gonna tell you about eight stories or seven stories
05:08 or six stories pretty quickly
05:09 and I wish I could show you a documentary on each one
05:12 because when you have a young mother
05:15 with a young son coming and talk with you
05:18 and weep, really cry and say, "I'm a Christian.
05:22 My husband is not, I'm praying
05:25 he'll give his life to Jesus in this meeting."
05:28 And then she comes back the next day weeping again,
05:32 now they're tears of joy.
05:33 She says, last night,
05:34 I've looked down on my husband's cot
05:35 and he checked to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior
05:38 and then she says but now, I wish that
05:40 he would be baptized
05:42 and by the time the meeting was over,
05:45 both the mother who'd been
05:46 attending a difference church altogether
05:48 and the husband were baptized,
05:49 their family was united
05:51 and united together with Jesus Christ.
05:53 It's powerful.
05:54 A lady came to me first day,
05:55 I must tell you, I was little nervous really.
05:57 She said, oh, I watch
05:59 It is Written every weekend I have for years.
06:01 What a thrill to meet you. Oh, I'm so glad.
06:03 I watch It is Written every weekend,
06:04 and I thought, you know, George Vandeman
06:05 began this ministry so that people who saw
06:08 It is Written on TV
06:09 would come to these meetings to be baptized.
06:11 Lord, we pray, this lady must be baptized,
06:14 halfway through the meeting, she said I don't know
06:16 what I'm gonna do about my husband,
06:17 his mother drilled it into him when he was young,
06:19 never to have anything to do with any other church.
06:21 Now I've learned so much, I'm on board
06:23 but what about my husband,
06:24 he won't even come to these meetings,
06:26 I'm so here attending with a man,
06:27 a man I've never seen about three days later,
06:29 I hope for the best, it was the best,
06:31 it was her husband.
06:34 And then I saw her and that man
06:35 walk together into a swimming pool
06:37 to be baptized at the end of Revelation Today.
06:40 God added to the church and God grew the church.
06:43 A couple came from Wisconsin,
06:45 he'd been offered a job in Las Vegas.
06:47 I said, oh, the good thing is
06:48 we can go and play, we like to gamble.
06:50 What they didn't gamble on was one of the new co-workers
06:53 giving them an invitation to Revelation Today.
06:56 And now they said just the other day
06:57 to new pastor they said, oh, he were on Las Vegas,
07:00 we thought we'd have plenty to do with all of the casinos
07:03 but we got nothing to do anymore
07:05 'cause we were baptized.
07:06 You understand what she was saying,
07:08 jokingly we came to play
07:10 and the Lord changed our lives entirely.
07:13 This was fun.
07:15 Eight or so years ago, there was an
07:19 It is Written evangelistic series
07:21 held in north of Seattle in Washington State,
07:23 Dan Bentzinger was an
07:24 It is Written evangelist at the time
07:25 and held that series of meetings
07:27 and a man was baptized.
07:28 He immediately started witnessing to his dad.
07:30 Dad, I want to share with you what I've learned.
07:33 Dad, I want to encourage you to go to church where you live.
07:36 Dad, this is the best thing since slice bread.
07:39 Dad never took the bait until
07:42 the son called his dad and said, dad,
07:45 It is Written is bringing Revelation Today
07:48 to your hometown in Las Vegas,
07:50 you got to go. This was interesting.
07:52 I found this out late that this man was coming
07:54 of course was twice a day, he was coming in the morning
07:57 and most of the time in the evening as well.
07:59 So 10 years apart, the son and the dad
08:03 were both baptized in
08:04 It is Written evangelistic series
08:05 and this wouldn't have happened
08:07 if it wasn't for the cooperation between
08:09 It is Written, ASI, the Nevada-Utah Conference
08:13 and then God's people doing what God's people can do.
08:15 I already shared this story on Thursday morning,
08:17 so I'll give you the real spit up version.
08:19 A couple have followed a lead,
08:22 they couldn't find the man at home,
08:23 they brought the lead back, and now the couple said,
08:26 well, we'll go and find this man.
08:28 They found a way into the gated community.
08:30 They knocked on his door, he wasn't home.
08:32 They tried it a second time, a third time,
08:34 a fourth time, the seventh time,
08:37 they went to the man's house.
08:39 Would you have gone back seven times?
08:42 Don't ask me that question later
08:43 because I know what I'd tell you.
08:45 They went back seven times and after the seventh visit,
08:49 they found him at home.
08:51 They dropped Bible studies off,
08:52 after the fourth Bible study visit,
08:55 he said would you come inside,
08:56 I got some questions to ask you.
08:59 You know, when I came to town,
09:00 he only had one question to ask me.
09:02 He said should I be re-baptized
09:05 or should I join this church on profession of faith.
09:08 All I could say was hallelujah.
09:10 He said the Lord kept me alive,
09:11 I know why God has spared my life.
09:14 He has kept me alive this long
09:15 so that I could learn His truth,
09:17 isn't that wonderful?
09:19 An additional 200 people in the area
09:21 in Las Vegas are studying right now.
09:24 I was so thrilled
09:26 to have someone approach me at a camp meeting
09:29 and they said, you know, we went and told our pastor,
09:31 little church in California, we told our pastor
09:33 we want to do Revelation Today in our church.
09:35 And the pastor said it will never work.
09:39 God loves to hear people say that.
09:42 It will never work.
09:43 They said well, if it won't work, let us try.
09:45 He said go through your life,
09:48 this little church is rejoicing,
09:49 they had somewhere between,
09:50 I forgot the number, it was somewhere between
09:52 6 and 12 baptisms at the end of the meeting
09:54 that the pastor said would never work
09:56 and they haven't baptized that many people
09:57 and they can't remember how long,
10:00 just because when you share the Word of God
10:03 something great happens.
10:04 And I was at the southern New England Conference
10:06 camp meeting and then someone came to me
10:08 and said, you must have lunch with us.
10:11 I mean the answer is always yes when somebody says that.
10:13 But they said you must have lunch with us
10:15 because we help Revelation Today,
10:16 we've got a whole lot of new church members
10:18 and they want to meet you and so on.
10:20 You know friends I just want to encourage you,
10:23 God is reaching people
10:24 and through ASI working together with the conference
10:26 and that It is Written, God did great things.
10:28 I do want to interrupt.
10:29 You got to tell the quick story about the lady
10:31 who came to Los Vegas on vacation,
10:32 who had the restaurant?
10:34 Oh man, she was in Las Vegas on vacation,
10:37 she had a restaurant.
10:42 Somewhere else, she saw the advertising.
10:45 She said, well, I'm not a Christian
10:47 but may be I ought to think about something like this.
10:50 She went home, she checked the website out.
10:52 She said, I'm going to show this
10:55 in my restaurant in the evenings.
10:58 Now that I was told that the lady was,
11:01 you know, she wasn't a member of the choir,
11:04 let's just put it that way
11:05 but somewhere she felt the need in her heart.
11:10 She started making changes to the restaurant menu.
11:13 She decided to close the restaurants,
11:15 the restaurant on Saturdays.
11:17 She was involved in...
11:19 how we say, an alternative lifestyle
11:22 and she took measures to clean up
11:24 the aspect of her life
11:25 because she felt like God had spoken to her.
11:27 We didn't talk about any of that and so--
11:31 simply by miracle of all mighty God
11:33 this was shown night after night after night after night
11:36 in a restaurant not a Christian restaurant,
11:39 not the usual way and even via
11:42 that means in a unexpected way
11:44 God touched hearts and God materially changed lives
11:48 and we say, praise the Lord.
11:51 Thank you so much, John
11:52 for what It is Written did with ASI.
11:55 Thank you, Leasa. Thanks, God bless you.
11:57 Praise God, You know great things happen
12:02 and I want to just take a few seconds here to talk about
12:04 what went on yesterday afternoon.
12:07 A group of us, we put it in the program
12:11 a group of us about 20 to 30 went out
12:14 and handed out the Great Controversy
12:15 between about one and four in the afternoon
12:18 and in that period of time we handed out about
12:20 900 Great Controversies here in the Cincinnati area.
12:24 And I'll tell you there was already
12:26 stories that came from that.
12:27 Very quickly the first one
12:30 I talk to a couple, they were a little,
12:35 they have been doing some extracurricular activities
12:38 but they said they asked me what the book about?
12:40 And I said, well, it's about
12:42 where this earth is headed and the soon coming of Jesus.
12:44 And they said, oh! We will take and read that
12:47 and then the woman turned to the gentleman
12:51 and said, we got to get another one for our friend.
12:53 So they took another book for their friend.
12:56 So here they were, they weren't not quite
12:58 in the state to understand that book
12:59 but they took the book.
13:01 Another group, a construction workers
13:03 that was kind at the end of the day,
13:06 they came, they were working
13:07 and I walked up told them the same thing about the book.
13:10 They were drinking their beer,
13:12 two of them took the book.
13:13 They said we will read it, so you pray for those books
13:16 because the power of the Great Controversy
13:19 can change lives.
13:20 We've seen that over and over in our church.
13:22 And I encourage you and next year
13:25 make that part of your ministry,
13:27 giving the Great Controversy.
13:36 One of the largest evangelistic outreaches
13:40 in the history of North America
13:43 will take place in New York City
13:46 in the late summer and early fall of next year.
13:51 NY'13 is going to be an exciting event
13:55 that will reach into the burrows of New York
13:58 into Connecticut into the various states
14:01 around New York.
14:03 It is an exciting adventure
14:05 that is being under taken by the world church,
14:07 the North American division
14:09 by two unions and five conferences
14:12 in the North American division.
14:13 You have on your chair today
14:16 a little fast fax brochure
14:19 that identifies a number of exciting things.
14:21 Not only does it identify the reality of what is coming
14:26 but it says to you and gives you an invitation
14:29 that there are a number of things
14:31 that you can be involved in.
14:33 Number one you can be
14:35 one of the more than 5,000 individuals
14:39 who will become prayer warriors for NY'13.
14:43 You can give Bible studies.
14:45 You can distribute literature.
14:47 One of the things that we are encouraging
14:49 every one to do is this.
14:51 If you are interesting or interested,
14:54 I hope you are interesting,
14:55 but if you are interested in NY'13,
14:59 we want to encourage you to become involved,
15:02 but if you have a program or something you wish to offer,
15:05 we want to invite you to go to the website.
15:08 It's a simple website, it is
15:15 and register your particular program
15:17 or what it is that you would like to do.
15:20 Other interesting facts are these.
15:23 On September 21 and 22 in the city of New York,
15:27 there is going to be a huge prayer rally in that city,
15:30 it's going to be uplink to the whole city of New York
15:34 and it will be broadcast live on Hope Channel.
15:39 Now, what I want to ask you all to do
15:41 and encourage you all to do is to begin even now
15:44 to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
15:47 that God will be able to work through men and woman
15:50 like you and me to reach into that city
15:54 and find those who are ready to meet Jesus
15:58 and to be members of his kingdom.
16:00 God bless you, let's all pray for NY'13.
16:04 Thank you very much.
16:32 The greatest
16:35 want of the world
16:41 is the want of men
16:49 The greatest want of the world
16:55 is the want of men
17:11 Men,
17:14 men who will not be bought or sold
17:21 Men,
17:24 men who in their inmost souls
17:31 are true and honest
17:40 Men, men who do not fear
17:47 Who do not fear to call sin
17:53 by its right name
18:01 Men whose conscience is as true to duty
18:08 As true to duty as the needle to the pole
18:14 As true as the needle to the pole
18:31 Men who will stand for right
18:36 Though the heavens fall
18:42 Men who will stand for right
18:47 Though the heavens fall
18:55 Men who will stand for right
19:01 Who stand for right
19:04 Though the heavens fall
19:10 Though the heavens fall
19:26 The greatest want
19:31 of the world
19:35 is the want of men
19:38 Is the want of men
20:00 I want to personally thank in the spirit
20:03 for that marvelous rendition
20:06 of what the Spirit of Prophecy has written
20:08 on page 57 of the book education.
20:12 What a wonderful challenge to each of us,
20:14 the greatest want of the world is the want of each of us,
20:19 who will stand for truth
20:22 and I'm going to talk about that tonight.
20:26 And praise God that the Lord has led in spirit
20:30 to speak and to actually sing
20:33 and to speak to our hearts about that.
20:36 I'm just delighted to have been
20:39 able to be present at the ASI Convention,
20:42 on behalf of the General Conference
20:44 and the world field, I want to thank ASI,
20:48 for all that it has done
20:50 for many years and is doing today.
20:53 The projects that have been funded
20:55 just today by your generosity are absolutely incredible.
21:01 Also I'm delighted that
21:04 people have been able to go to the booths
21:06 to be able to see what ministries
21:08 are being accomplished and it amazes me,
21:12 how the Holy Spirit speaks to people,
21:16 encourages them in their own ways
21:18 to use their own gifts
21:19 and then to be able to go out
21:21 and actually be sustained
21:24 by God's people in every way possible,
21:27 some very modestly and others in a grander way.
21:32 This is the moving
21:34 of the Holy Spirit upon God's people.
21:38 I'm also delighted that
21:40 we have seen such an emphasis
21:42 in this afternoon's program on the great cities.
21:48 As many of you know the General Conference
21:50 has called the attention to the world field
21:54 regarding the great cities.
21:57 Over 50% of the world's population
21:59 now lives in those urban areas.
22:03 It is our responsibility
22:05 to take this precious advent message,
22:08 the Three Angels' Messages to those metropolitan areas.
22:13 We need to follow this Spirit of Prophecy council.
22:17 We need to allow the biblical principles
22:20 of being able to reach people to be shown.
22:26 Luke 19:41 says that
22:32 "When he drew near he saw the city,
22:34 that was Jerusalem
22:35 and instead of being overjoyed
22:38 it says he wept."
22:41 My question to you at this point,
22:43 this evening as you have listened to these reports.
22:47 As you have seen what God is doing
22:49 in many places, not only in this country
22:51 but around the world in the large cities,
22:54 are you willing to weep with Jesus
22:56 for the people of the cities?
22:59 Are you willing to do something
23:03 for God's great last final cry to this world?
23:09 In the Spirit of Prophecy,
23:11 we read in that magnificent book
23:14 which is a favorite of mine "Medical Ministry"
23:18 page 304.
23:21 When the cities are worked as God would have them,
23:24 the result will be the setting in operation
23:27 of a mighty movement
23:29 such as we have not yet witnessed.
23:32 Brothers and sisters, we have not yet witnessed
23:35 that mighty movement.
23:36 There are many people and I even see one brother
23:40 seated over in this section over here
23:42 who had spent a lot of time in New York City.
23:45 A lot of people who have spent time in various cities
23:48 and God has blessed in a magnificent way
23:51 but we have not yet seen that mighty movement.
23:55 By God's grace we want to see it happen.
23:58 Thank you ASI for featuring the cities of the world
24:04 and thank you for the emphasis on NY'13.
24:10 Little less than a year from now
24:13 that program will kick into gear
24:16 in a dynamic way and last over many months,
24:20 for our comprehensive urban evangelism approach
24:23 is not simply to be an event oriented situation.
24:27 But it is a process it is defiantly a way of life,
24:32 a life style to bring the Adventist message
24:35 to the people of the cities
24:37 but it will have at times public activity.
24:44 Little less than a year from now in June,
24:47 I along with many others intend to spend three weeks
24:51 at least in New York City
24:53 and to preach from multiple sites.
24:57 In fact Don King,
24:59 the President of the Atlantic Union
25:01 and the chair of the coordinating committee
25:03 is hoping for at least 300 plus sites
25:07 in the metropolitan New York area.
25:10 I want you to pray for NY'13
25:13 and for some of you who are interested
25:15 more in trying to find out, you can certainly
25:18 get one of these fact cards in the exhibition area.
25:23 You can go on to
25:29 and find out more.
25:31 As Elder Jackson has indicated,
25:33 we will be having a prayer rally
25:35 next month in New York City
25:38 and I plan to be there.
25:39 But, in June I plan to preach
25:42 the precious message of God
25:45 soon return to the people of New York
25:48 along with many others.
25:50 In fact I'm going to have the privilege of preaching it
25:52 in the very church on a 11th street
25:56 in Greenwich Village where God allowed me
25:59 to start my ministry in New York.
26:03 I want you to pray for me
26:04 and for so many others as we reach every soul
26:10 through the power of the Holy Spirit
26:13 in these great cities of the world.
26:20 Mission to the cities
26:23 goes along with revival and reformation.
26:27 And if we are not revived,
26:29 we cannot impart this precious message.
26:33 We need to humble ourselves before the Lord, all of us.
26:38 Regardless of what opinions we hold on various subjects,
26:42 we need to humble ourselves
26:45 before each other and the Lord.
26:50 In fact I want to share with you
26:53 an incredible quotation from Spirit of Prophecy,
27:00 Selected Messages book 2, page 397.
27:04 I am instructed to say to Seventh-day Adventists
27:07 the world over including Cincinnati and each of us here,
27:12 God has called us as a people to be
27:14 a peculiar treasure unto Himself.
27:16 He has appointed that His church on earth
27:18 shall stand perfectly united.
27:25 That's what God wants
27:27 and I want to tell you
27:29 that is what is going to happen. Amen.
27:32 Perfectly united in the spirit and counsel.
27:39 You see, you can't just have the spirit,
27:41 you got to have God's word.
27:44 You got to have the Spirit of Prophecy
27:47 in order to be united.
27:50 Perfectly united in the spirit
27:51 and counsel of the Lord of hosts to the end of time.
27:58 You are going to see a great emphasis
27:59 in the next few months from the General Conference
28:02 and throughout the world on medical missionary work.
28:05 The right arm that helps the gospel to move forward.
28:09 A blended ministry,
28:11 a reemphasis on the need to pull together
28:15 and to follow God's counsel.
28:20 I'm so delighted with the way
28:23 that the Great Controversy project
28:25 is evolving around the world.
28:27 And North America, those of you who live here,
28:30 you are now beginning to hear more information
28:34 and there are goals of trying to distribute
28:38 upwards of five million copies of the Great Hope
28:42 which is a condensed version,
28:46 excuse me, of the Great Controversy.
28:50 My great prayer goal
28:53 and I want to challenge you to night
28:55 here in North America,
28:57 those who are watching on television,
28:59 those who are here in this auditorium,
29:01 there is no reason why North America
29:04 and its strength and its members
29:06 cannot distribute 50 million copies of that book.
29:12 At 39 cents a copy, we could distribute five million
29:17 just out of this group here.
29:22 I want to tell you that as we listen to those
29:26 who are preaching God's word
29:28 and what a precious sermon
29:29 we heard from Pastor Boonstra today
29:32 about getting to our mission,
29:34 about trying to save the last soul.
29:38 I want to tell you my heart is thrilled.
29:41 I'm of good courage tonight,
29:43 God's church is moving ahead.
29:47 And as we participate in all things here at ASI
29:51 I just marvel, this morning
29:52 I had opportunity to touch base about
29:56 the exciting New Beginnings project.
29:59 Then I was able to talk with the early teens
30:02 and with the youth and then back here again to talk
30:05 on the one day church and all of those kinds of things.
30:09 All of the projects that are involved here help us to know
30:13 we are coming to the end of time.
30:16 Do you believe its time to do our father's business?
30:24 Believe versus unbelief.
30:29 Do you really believe it?
30:30 I want to tell you that this is God's advent movement,
30:34 this is His remnant church, this is His Three Angels' Messages,
30:40 the sanctuary message is His message.
30:43 His final warnings to the world
30:45 are the message we are to proclaim.
30:47 We are a people of promise to share the straight message
30:52 to the world of Christ's precious love
30:56 and His soon coming but to hold people to know the word of God
31:03 and what the message says, the straight message.
31:08 Do we believe it?
31:10 It's time to be about our father's business.
31:15 You know, when you reflect
31:16 on the children of Israel and how they had so many signs
31:21 that told them that they were being lead by God.
31:25 Repeatedly God gave them all kinds of physical signs,
31:29 everything from the cloud and the pillar of fire,
31:35 all the way to manna to demonstrations of water and food
31:40 and preserving them in the wilderness
31:42 and yet they doubted all along the way.
31:46 Is that not an indication for those of us in the last days
31:49 as spiritual Israel to understand that the devil
31:53 will try to bring in every possible deception,
31:56 every possible form of unbelief, so that you will not be able
32:01 to believe even your very eyes except that you know this word.
32:05 Amen. Do you believe?
32:12 You know, it is time.
32:17 It is time for the Elijah message.
32:22 It is time to stand up and speak the truth in love
32:27 but to speak the truth.
32:31 Jesus is coming soon.
32:36 You know that wonderful story that's familiar to all of you.
32:39 I want to touch on for the next 15 minutes or so.
32:43 And I want to make an appeal to you at the end,
32:48 to ask if you really do believe if its time.
32:54 That marvelous story about Elijah,
32:58 the very humble individual.
33:02 Elijah, the Tishbite, the reformer,
33:08 the simple man, the straightforward person,
33:12 who had a burden for Israel.
33:17 That man prayed to God to change the course of Israel.
33:24 I want to challenge every single one of you, prayer is powerful.
33:30 God can do incredible things as you pray to Him
33:34 to change the course of whatever is facing you or the church.
33:42 Never minimize the power of prayer.
33:46 I can't tell you how many people have come up
33:48 to me at this very meeting and have told me
33:53 I'm praying for you, I'm praying for you,
33:56 I'm praying for God's church.
33:59 No matter what we go through brothers and sisters,
34:01 no matter what we face, no matter what meetings
34:03 we have to go to, no matter where we have to stand
34:07 for truth, I want to tell you,
34:09 God will see this church through.
34:14 Prayer is a powerful enemy
34:18 to the devil's incredible plans.
34:23 Prayer is the victory that God can give to us.
34:27 Well, Elijah prayed that prayer,
34:30 Elijah was given a message for Ahab,
34:33 we read in 1 Kings 16, "That Ahab
34:40 did more to provoke the Lord, God of Israel to anger
34:43 than all the kings of Israel who were before him."
34:47 Well, Ahab was an extremely wcked person,
34:50 but the day Elijah walked to some area into the palace
34:54 he passed by the guards, he gave no apology
34:57 because he was on a mission.
34:58 It's about time brothers and sisters
35:01 to be on our father's business.
35:05 He made no apology, he came, he gave his message,
35:07 Chapter 17 "As the Lord God of Israel lives,
35:11 before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain
35:14 these years, except at my word."
35:17 And then he disappeared, the guards couldn't stop him.
35:20 Nothing could hold them because he was on God's mission.
35:25 Well, people heard about the prophecy,
35:29 the way they do today you know.
35:32 They make fun of God's church.
35:36 There are lot of skeptics.
35:38 There are lot of cynical people.
35:41 Ah, What's Elijah know,
35:44 so is rained, it's going to rain.
35:47 They ridiculed what Elijah had to say.
35:50 I want to tell you as you preach the Elijah message today,
35:54 you will be ridiculed.
35:58 Be prepared for it.
36:00 And thank God and claim Mathew 5
36:04 that if you suffer in the name of the Lord,
36:07 the Lord will bless you.
36:09 Don't be afraid.
36:12 Well, soon the vegetation began to wither.
36:16 Now the priests of Baal had insisted that Baal gave the rain
36:20 and so they continued to worship and offer their sacrifices.
36:24 One year no rain, the fields were like deserts.
36:28 The groves where the idols were leafless,
36:31 the forests were like skeletons.
36:33 Dust storms came, hunger and thrust everywhere
36:37 and Jezebel denounces Elijah as the source of the problem.
36:44 Now, here is an interesting point.
36:46 Many times when you are standing for truth,
36:49 those who receive the truth denounce you as the problem.
36:56 And so Elijah said, if we put him out of the way,
36:59 all our troubles will be over.
37:02 They searched for Elijah but he couldn't be found,
37:06 because God had protected Elijah at a brook,
37:10 He fed him by the raisin, the ravens
37:12 and when the brook dried up, He took him to a very special
37:15 place another family that was about to give up
37:19 and God performed an incredible miracle
37:22 there which we don't have time tonight to go into.
37:27 But Jezebel was so furious, she killed all of God's prophets.
37:33 The drought and famine continued throughout the lands.
37:37 Parents watch their children die,
37:41 Israel still held to its pagan ways.
37:46 Years of neglect of God
37:50 were seen in the land.
37:54 They needed To turn to God.
37:57 We need to turn to God as we prepare
38:00 for the last days of earth's history.
38:05 Well finally God told Elijah to go to Ahab
38:10 and in verse 8 verses 1 of chapter 18 it says
38:14 "And it came to pass after many days,
38:16 that the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year,
38:19 saying, go present yourself to Ahab
38:21 and I will send rain on the earth."
38:25 And so Elijah went to present himself to Ahab
38:27 and there was a severe famine in Samaria and Ahab
38:30 had called Obadiah, who was in charge of his house.
38:34 Now Obadiah feared the Lord, Elijah met Obadiah
38:41 and he says go tell your master, Elijah is here.
38:45 And Obadiah of course was terrified because
38:47 he knew that they have been searching for Elijah everywhere,
38:51 he was afraid for his life but Elijah said go you will not die.
38:57 It's time to be about our father's business.
39:02 Don't be afraid to obey the voice of God,
39:08 and so finally the meeting was set up.
39:11 Obadiah went to meet Ahab and finally
39:16 there they are face to face.
39:20 Ahab a proud king and Elijah
39:26 a humble servant.
39:30 And Ahab asks the most interesting question.
39:34 Verse 17. It's a question that
39:38 if you stand for God's truth, people will ask you.
39:45 Is that you, O troubler of Israel?
39:51 Are you the one who is troubling Israel Elijah?
39:57 Be prepared when you go forward
40:03 in doing God's business.
40:07 Its pretty strange question.
40:11 God had tried to turn Israel around.
40:13 Ahab knew he was doing wrong,
40:17 but Ahab tried to justify himself.
40:20 Listen to what Prophets and Kings,
40:24 page 139 says "It is natural
40:27 for the wrongdoer to hold the messengers of God
40:30 responsible for the calamities that come as the sure result
40:34 of a departure from the way of righteousness.
40:39 Those who place themselves in Satan's power
40:43 are unable to see things as God sees them.
40:46 When the mirror of truth is held before them,
40:50 they become indignant
40:53 of the thought of receiving reproof."
40:58 Well, what about you and what about me?
41:02 Are we ready to receive God reproof in our own lives,
41:08 as we go forward in God's business? It is time.
41:14 Another beautiful quotation from that same book page 140.
41:18 Today there is need of the voice of strong rebuke.
41:22 I want to say this with wonderful love and kindness
41:24 because every time we say something that is truth,
41:28 it ought to be couched in the love of Christ.
41:32 And yet it says, "Today there is need
41:34 of the voice of strong rebuke,
41:36 for grievous sins have separated the people from God.
41:39 Infidelity is fast becoming fashionable."
41:44 Now, can you imagine when those words
41:46 were written what she would say today?
41:49 Political correctness is the theme
41:52 of the day, fashionable.
41:55 I'm quoting now, "The smooth sermons
41:59 so often preached make no lasting impression,
42:04 the trumpet does not give a certain sound."
42:08 What we rebuke to each of us?
42:10 Are you ready?
42:12 Is it time to go about our father's business, quoting,
42:18 "Men are not cut to the heart
42:21 by the plain sharp truths of God's word."
42:26 Are you and I willing, are we willing to humble ourselves
42:32 and to accept God's changes for our lives.
42:36 Well, Elijah showed great courage
42:38 and we had to follow his example.
42:40 He was the person who said, "Thus saith the Lord."
42:44 He spoke truth bravely.
42:47 God needs strong men and women
42:51 today to speak His truth clearly and do it in love,
42:57 do it with the power of the Holy Spirit.
43:01 Well, Elijah gave his powerful answer in Verse 18,
43:05 "I have not troubled Israel,
43:06 but you and your father's house
43:07 have in that you have forsaken the commandments
43:10 of the Lord and it followed the Baals.
43:13 And then he launches his appeal.
43:16 "Now therefore send, and gather all Israel
43:18 to me on Mount Carmel,
43:19 the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal
43:22 and the four hundred prophets of Asherah,
43:24 who eat at Jezebel's table."
43:26 Ahab could do nothing else but to follow Elijah's command.
43:31 And so then all Israel was assembled at Mount Carmel.
43:37 I had the great privilege a few weeks ago
43:39 for the first time to be in Israel
43:42 and to see from a distance,
43:44 I didn't get close to it but to see Mount Carmel,
43:47 I wanted to go there but our time limit
43:49 was so limited that I could not, to see that incredible
43:54 place where this magnificent event took place.
44:01 Ahab at once obeyed he sent for all the people to come.
44:06 Mount Carmel had been a beautiful place.
44:09 The altars to Baal and Asherah were seen
44:12 in the leafless groves of that great mountain.
44:16 And on the summit of one of the highest ridges
44:22 was the broken down altar of God.
44:26 Elijah chose Mount Carmel, as a most conspicuous place
44:31 to display God's power.
44:34 It was early morning, every one gathered
44:36 near the top of the mountain.
44:37 Jezebel's prophets marched in all of their array,
44:39 the king in his regal robes arrived
44:44 and Elijah stands alone.
44:49 His countenance was lighted with solemnity.
44:53 The people waited for him to speak,
44:55 and in verse 21 it says, he challenged them,
44:59 "How long will you halt or falter
45:02 between two opinions?"
45:06 If the Lord is God, follow Him, if Baal, follow him.
45:09 But the word, the people answered
45:11 him not a word.
45:15 It's time to be about God's business.
45:19 Are you willing to stand firm for Him?
45:23 Well, people were afraid to reveal anything
45:27 and slowly Elijah began
45:31 to repair that altar.
45:35 You know, in Prophets and Kings, page 148, we read this.
45:41 "The Lord abhors indifference and disloyalty
45:44 in a time of crisis in His work.
45:48 The whole universe is watching with inexpressible interest
45:53 in the closing scenes of the great controversy
45:56 between good and evil."
45:59 The whole universe is watching us right now to see
46:03 what we will be doing.
46:05 Let us stand loyally for God's truth.
46:10 Well, Elijah explains what he wanted to see happen,
46:15 You know the story, told those
46:18 who are followers of Baal, you prepare an alter,
46:20 I'll prepare an altar and then we will pray.
46:24 We don't have time to go into the entire story
46:27 but you know exactly what happened.
46:29 The whole day those priests of Baal
46:31 were flailing themselves self inflicting wounds,
46:35 trying to get their prophet, their God and their prophets
46:40 to be able to provide some kind of fire and Elijah
46:44 was been very careful to watch that they didn't slip
46:47 something in on the side.
46:51 And then of course, Elijah kind of began to tease them.
46:54 Cry it loud for he is a God, may be he is meditating
46:58 or busy or on a journey, may be he is sleeping.
47:01 I want to tell you brothers and sisters,
47:02 the God of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
47:05 does not sleep. Amen.
47:08 We have a God who will hear us and will see us
47:10 through to the very end.
47:12 And then at the end of the day,
47:16 Elijah build that, rebuild that altar.
47:20 And then he asked for something very unusual,
47:24 put a little trench around,
47:27 bring water and pour it on the sacrifice.
47:30 I wondered where they got the water but of course
47:31 the Mediterranean Sea was not far away.
47:34 He had probably planned in advance and told them
47:36 to bring water, because I want to show
47:38 something magnificent.
47:39 God is going to do something extraordinary.
47:42 Poured water on it, not only once, not only twice,
47:47 three times and the water filled the trenches,
47:52 then it came to pass at the time
47:53 of the evening sacrifice that Elijah prayed.
47:57 Verse 37, "Hear me, O Lord, hear me,
48:00 that the people may know that you are the Lord God,
48:03 that you have turned their hearts back to you.
48:06 Then the fire of the Lord fell,
48:09 and consumed the burnt sacrifice."
48:12 I tell you, I wish I could have been there that day,
48:16 as people were listening it was quite.
48:20 And as Elijah finished that prayer,
48:23 fire came down in such power that it not only burned up
48:29 the sacrifice, it burned up the wood,
48:33 it burned up the stones, it burned up the dust,
48:36 it burned up the water, it dazzled
48:38 the eyes of the multitude.
48:40 Those who were in the valleys could
48:42 clearly see it and like a pillar of fire which separated
48:45 the children of Israel from the Egyptian army,
48:47 God was demonstrating His power once again
48:50 that He truly was the God of the universe.
48:54 And that same God will go with you
48:59 as you go about your father's business.
49:03 And the people bowed in submission to God.
49:08 The Lord, he is God.
49:11 The Lord, he is God.
49:14 That was a great opportunity
49:16 for revival and reformation after that experience.
49:20 The prophets of Baal were killed.
49:24 And God had an opportunity, although we know the story
49:28 about it afterwards that Elijah became afraid
49:31 after seeing all those signs, he became afraid and God
49:35 had to remind him and that 7,000 were still loyal to him.
49:40 Brothers and sisters, don't ever feel
49:42 that you are alone, God is there.
49:45 And you have many faithful brothers and sisters around.
49:49 Tonight as we close, I want to ask you,
49:51 how long will you halt between two opinions?
49:55 How long will I halt between two opinions?
49:58 It's time to go about our father's business.
50:03 I want to challenge each of you to understand
50:05 and remember that we must not be distracted by anything.
50:10 We must not allow disunity to come into the church
50:14 to take our eyes off of the great Elijah message
50:18 that God has entrusted to each of us.
50:20 Romans 12:2 in the Phillips Translation
50:24 "Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its mold."
50:30 Don't allow the devil to challenge
50:32 you on biblical authority, on the Sabbath,
50:35 on creation, on the sanctuary service,
50:40 on righteousness by faith, the uniting of justification
50:43 and sanctification, both which are so important
50:46 to the righteousness of Christ
50:48 and that which we receive from Him.
50:52 Don't allow people to dissuade you,
50:57 to give you a cloudy understanding
50:58 about lifestyle about how to dress, about what to eat.
51:03 You know, we are saved only by grace
51:06 but I want to tell you the same savior
51:08 that saves us by grace, also gave us
51:10 the original diet in Genesis 2.
51:13 And He asks that whatever we do,
51:15 we ought to give God the glory.
51:19 And so as we go about, don't be distracted
51:22 by what the world says about lifestyle
51:24 or music or your principles or your lifestyle,
51:28 but remember that God is leading His people.
51:33 A shaking is coming, we know that.
51:38 God is asking you to stand firm for Him.
51:41 It's time to be about our father's business.
51:46 It's time for revival and reformation.
51:49 It's time for mission to the cities.
51:51 It's time to be revived by His word.
51:53 It's time for medical missionary work.
51:55 It's time to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world,
51:59 so that the world may know in the cities and the country
52:03 that the Lord, He is the God.
52:06 Are you willing tonight,
52:10 to go about your father's business?
52:13 Are you willing to go from this ASI Convention
52:16 renewed in the Spirit of the Lord,
52:19 to help you to know, this is God's hour.
52:22 We are part of the Elijah message and it is time
52:26 to be about God's business.
52:30 If you are willing to do that and you want
52:34 to be part of the dynamic activity
52:38 of this advent movement.
52:40 Would you just stand in commitment right now?
52:48 Loving Father, you see Your people
52:50 standing before You.
52:52 We again had made a commitment
52:54 to follow You in everything we do.
52:58 Lord, this is the time for the Elijah message.
53:02 This is the time to speak truth in love.
53:05 This is the time to open God's word
53:08 and to share it with people everywhere to keep in our minds
53:12 the vision and the mission of this church.
53:15 Help us not to be distracted in anyway
53:19 but help us to keep ourselves as true to duty
53:26 as the needle to the pole.
53:29 Lord, we submit to you now and ask that you will guide us.
53:34 We know, it's time to be about Your business.
53:40 Fill us now with the Holy Spirit as we do just that.
53:45 In Jesus' precious name we ask it, amen.
53:50 Please be seated.
54:22 Oh, Lord, I will lift
54:29 My eyes to the hills
54:39 Knowing my health
54:44 Is coming from You
54:56 Your peace
55:00 You give me in
55:05 Times of the storm
55:15 You are the source
55:19 Of my strength
55:24 You are the strength
55:28 Of my life
55:32 I lift my hands
55:37 In total praise to You
55:49 Lord, I will lift
55:56 Mine eyes
55:59 To the hills
56:05 Knowing my health
56:13 Is coming from You
56:22 Your peace You give
56:28 Me in times
56:33 Of the storm
56:40 You are the source
56:44 Of my strength
56:48 You are the strength
56:52 Of my life
56:57 I lift my hands
57:01 In total praise to You
57:13 You are the source
57:17 Of my strength
57:22 You are the strength
57:25 Of my life
57:30 I lift my hands in
57:35 Total praise to you
57:43 Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen
57:51 Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen


Revised 2014-12-17