Participants: Chad Kruezer
Series Code: 12ASIC
Program Code: 12ASIC000009
00:26 The Texas cowboy, an icon America gone by.
00:32 Days when men would risk their lives 00:34 driving herds of cattle hundreds of miles north, 00:36 battling ruthless weather and wild terrain. 00:41 Cowboys founded the city of Fort Worth, Texas, 00:43 but their legacy has since faded in today's fast-paced society. 00:51 However this summer a group of youth camp to town, 00:55 don't be fool though. 00:57 They may look like cowboys, 00:59 but actually they're fishers of men. 01:03 ASI youth for Jesus, the premier 01:05 the quintessential summer program 01:08 for youth in the United States. 01:11 Happy, boys. 01:14 I didn't really know how much 01:17 Youth for Jesus would change my life. 01:19 They totally changed my perspectives. 01:21 Hasn't not influenced me. 01:44 My name is Megan and this is Steven and Dakota. 01:47 And we're with Youth for Jesus 01:49 and we just really quick community health survey. 01:53 Here are those who keep the Commandments of God 01:56 and faith upon Jesus. 01:58 Many times we cannot tell the difference 02:03 between if you're a Christian or if you're not. 02:06 Everyone enjoys every single point it makes. 02:10 The poor guy couldn't get a break. 02:13 What is this testimony? 02:14 Turn with me to Revelation Chapter 19. 02:18 The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. 02:24 "But you have come to Mount Zion 02:28 and to the city of the living God." 02:31 Helping other people see the Bible, 02:33 giving Bible studies with other people 02:35 really will help me understand it 02:36 and see it better in my own life. 02:38 It pushes me out of comfort zone 02:40 and makes me stretch out and go deeper into Gods Word. 02:44 So, yeah, it's very good for me, 02:47 kind of scary sometimes but I definitely enjoy it. 02:50 It's like I'm actually getting baptist or something. 02:52 Praise the Lord, I'm so excited. 02:56 We're having our baptisms tonight 02:57 and it's gonna be awesome. 02:59 The best experience I have had here 03:02 is watching people change. 03:05 It's the most wonderful thing you can watch. 03:07 Our destiny, figures on the decision 03:10 we're about to make and I'm asking you 03:12 to make a decision tonight. 03:13 Some of you need to make a decision tonight. 04:12 Who will go with until the world left, Jesus is the way. 04:20 Who'll go away from dark of life without the light of the day. 04:31 All the dark is left with our Lord to free us. 04:40 God is for His children. Who will go for me. 04:51 I will go until the world that Jesus is the way. 05:02 I will pray the dot of light to bring the light of the day. 05:10 There I go to do the God's holy work, yeah it's true. 05:20 All the day is for you and I will live for you. 05:41 Who shall God's love that goes more than for a man. 05:50 Who shall head and talk with those who need the helping hand. 05:58 Who shall bear joy for news with those who need to know. 06:07 He is our sky for the world, thy shall move with God. 06:18 I will share my Father told that He is our God. 06:29 I will share His hope with those who need the helping hand. 06:37 Jesus lives, proclaimed the news of all the world He know. 06:46 I can give you the morning. 06:51 Lord, I give you my faith and I will love you. 07:07 He by sins of worlds, thy shall move that out. 07:26 ( chorus ) 07:46 Lord, I give you my faith and I will love you. 08:25 Well good evening. Good evening. 08:27 How is everybody doing? Great. 08:30 Well, I can tell you this I personally believe 08:33 in the Youth for Jesus program. 08:35 I--it was 12 years ago this summer 08:40 where I had never heard 08:42 of the Seventh-day Adventist in my entire life. 08:44 Never had I heard of them 08:45 and I was invited by someone who wasn't in the church, 08:49 who the--somebody in a charismatic church 08:52 got a flyer in the mail and they got-- 08:54 when some of the churches said 08:55 oh, there's a seminar on the Book of Revelation 08:57 coming in town we've to go and check it out. 08:59 And so my friend who was in that church he called-- 09:02 we talked on the phone and he said, 09:03 oh, you're to come and I had no interest whatsoever in going. 09:06 But I had nothing to do that night. 09:08 So that night I ended up saying, okay, I guess I will go. 09:11 I went to the meetings, it was a young man 09:13 by the name of David Asscherick speaking. 09:15 I had never in my entire life 09:17 heard the Bible opened so clearly 09:20 and when I saw the message it was just revolutionary to me. 09:24 I saw that the Bible could be trusted. 09:26 The next night I came back, I came back every single night 09:28 except for one or two nights 09:30 because I couldn't make it after work 09:31 and I decided, you know, I saw these things 09:35 and I saw this is what the Bible says, I believed in God. 09:38 This was what the Bible actually revealed 09:39 and I thought I have no choice. 09:41 To me there was option. 09:42 If this is what the Bible says, I have to follow it. 09:45 And so at the end of that series I was baptized. Amen. 09:49 My-- I made a decision, 09:51 they--they told me that all the people worked 09:53 and it seemed they go to the school 09:54 called the mission college the Black Hills Mission College. 09:57 They said, oh, you've to go to the school. 09:59 And someone came up and said 10:00 oh, you're going to the Black Hills 10:01 and I didn't have a clue what that was and it sounded scary. 10:06 In my family basically I ended up I said God, 10:11 if You want me to go I'll go. 10:13 And the door opened 10:14 I just started my second year of college in my-- 10:18 I thought oh, no, you know, I told God I would go 10:22 and then I got a phone call saying, 10:23 oh, I'll be taken care of, you can go. 10:25 And I said, no I'm not gonna go. 10:28 And it was the hardest decision in my life. 10:30 I knew my family would not be happy. 10:32 My family pled with me, they cried 10:34 and I ended up going anyway. 10:36 I left the college I was going to-- 10:38 when it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. 10:41 And it was the hardest decision I have ever made in my life. 10:43 The long story short I went to the school there, 10:45 I was asked to become an evangelist. 10:48 I had been traveling the world for the last 12 years 10:50 doing evangelistic meetings 10:52 and seen scores of people give their life to the Lord 10:55 and come to the truth as a result of the work 10:57 that we have been doing. 10:58 And so I believe in this message 11:00 and as a result we're doing evangelism, 11:03 we're working-- we worked in Europe 11:04 we're working with the atheists, Agnostics, this nonbelievers. 11:07 We were working after that in Portland, Oregon 11:09 meeting a lot of skeptics. 11:11 And as we're meeting them one of the things that we 11:14 as I was studying the Bible with them. 11:15 I had a guy whose is a atheist, who's a videogame designer, 11:18 he made me a 3D sanctuary. 11:21 I was sitting down reading Leviticus with him and saying, 11:23 okay its two cubits and so he's trying to make this thing 11:26 and the Lord was blessing us 11:27 as we're working with these skeptics. 11:29 But one of the things we noticed was 11:30 that they would say over and over is they say, 11:32 oh, I saw something about that on Discovery channel. 11:35 And we thought man, what if somebody made something 11:37 that look like Discovery channel 11:39 but instead of being skeptical shares our message. 11:42 And so as we were thinking about that the Lord open the doors 11:46 and we began a ministry called Anchor Point Films. 11:49 And what we do is we do exactly that, 11:51 we go on to archeologist, we go on to scholars, 11:53 theologians and so forth and we make documentaries 11:56 that look like Discovery channel a History channel 11:58 but instead of being skeptical 12:00 they give a reason to believe in the Bible, 12:02 a reason to believe in Jesus and the Adventist message. 12:05 And they're going all over the world, 12:07 be they're using them in Europe in very secular areas. 12:09 They are using them in the United States, 12:10 Carl Potter is using them across the Unites States. 12:13 We have doctors getting them on to the patients, 12:15 dentist to their patients. 12:16 And it has been-- this wasn't our purpose. 12:19 My purpose was I wanted something 12:21 that I was happy to give out door to door. 12:23 We just thought this was for me 12:24 and my friends going door to door. 12:26 But the Lord ended up blessing and so we are my wife and I-- 12:29 I actually also ended up meeting my wife at the mission college 12:33 that was another perk of going to school. Amen. 12:36 And so--I'm just so happy now my wife and I 12:41 are both members of ASI. 12:43 And so--I'll tell you this, when I first went to ASI, 12:45 the day after I was baptized, 12:47 day after I became an Adventist I went to ASI 12:49 and I got to say I thought it was totally strange. 12:52 These people had concoctions 12:54 that could cure every disease known to man. 12:56 And it was such a strange thing for me, 12:58 but you know actually honestly 13:00 all the Bible workers were very strange to me also 13:02 but I had never seen people 13:04 who love the Word of God like this and people who, 13:07 even though they were so strange to me actually, 13:09 Nathan Renner worked with me. I thought he was a strange guy, 13:12 but, you know, I didn't care. 13:13 I thought I want to become just like this guy. 13:15 You know the Lord uses strange people like us, right. 13:20 But before we go into the messages you see now-- 13:22 oh one more thing, one more thing 13:24 the message I'm gonna share tonight 13:26 is a little bit on overcoming. 13:27 My wife and I do seminars. 13:28 We travel and do seminars 13:30 on overcoming habits and addictions, 13:32 not only drugs, alcohol, tobacco and so forth 13:34 but just general habits. 13:36 Everybody struggled with habits in their life 13:38 and our purpose is to give people hope 13:41 that we can see there is victory in Jesus Christ. 13:44 And so with our evangelistic meetings afterward 13:46 we always do a five day seminar 13:48 on overcoming habits and addictions. 13:49 And I'm gonna share with you 13:50 some principles that here will be more spiritual 13:53 in our seminar we do there-- 13:54 you know, the Bible science and health. 13:56 This is going to be more biblical tonight. 13:58 But before we begin let's put our heads forward for prayer. 14:03 Heavenly Father, we're so excited 14:06 that you have brought these young people here 14:09 that You've used them to change lives 14:11 as people in the group that they have met 14:13 then I'm sure in years to come 14:14 we will be doing powerful work for You. 14:18 Lord, I thank You that you use anyone 14:21 who's willing to be used. 14:24 Father, I pray right now that you would annoint my lips, 14:26 that You would give me the message 14:28 You would have to me speak. 14:30 Anything that You would have me to say give that to me 14:32 and anything else help me avoid that. 14:33 Father, may Your Spirit rain down 14:36 in a powerful way in the name of Jesus. Amen. 14:42 Howard Rutledge was an executive officer 14:47 on a battle ship in the Gulf of Tonkin, 14:51 getting ready to go into the Vietnam. 14:55 Now Howard Rutledge took a plane 14:56 and he soured up over North Vietnam. 14:58 And as he was going up over North Vietnam he was struck, 15:02 his plane was struck by a missile 15:04 and as just before it exploded 15:07 he ejected and came sailing down to the earth. 15:10 But as he did he was immediately captured and throne into a, 15:13 what would later be known 15:14 as the Hanoi Hilton or Heartbreak Hotel. 15:17 He was put into the situation, he was thorn in situations 15:21 where he was literally face down in human feces 15:25 living without food being beaten, 15:27 going through an absolute living hell. 15:30 Seven years he was in this place, 15:32 five years he was in solitary confinement. 15:36 And in this situation, he wrote these words 15:39 or he later said about his experience. 15:41 He said it is hard, 15:43 it is hard to describe what solitary confinement 15:46 can do to our nerve and defeat a man. 15:49 You quickly tired of standing up or sitting down, 15:53 sleeping or being awake. 15:55 There are no books, no paper or pencils 15:57 no magazines or news papers. 16:00 The only colors you see are drab gray and dirty brown. 16:04 Months or years may go by when you do not see the sunrise, 16:09 the moon, the green grass or flowers. 16:12 You're locked in alone in silent in your filthy little cell 16:17 breathing stale rotten air and trying to keep your sanity. 16:22 He talks about what it's like for people in this situation 16:24 to try to just be sane 16:26 when there is nothing to do for years on in. 16:30 And he goes on to say this, 16:31 he says now the sights and sounds 16:33 and smell of death were all around me. 16:35 My hunger for spiritual food 16:37 soon out did my hunger for a stake. 16:41 I tried desperately to recall snatches of scripture, sermons, 16:45 the gospel choruses from childhood 16:48 and hymns we sang in church. 16:50 How I struggle to recall those scriptures and hymns. 16:54 I had spent my first 18 years in a Baptist Sunday school 16:57 and I was amazed than how much I could recall. 17:00 Regrettably I had not seen the importance 17:03 of memorizing verses from the Bible 17:06 and learning gospels songs. 17:08 Now when I needed them it was too late. 17:11 I never dream that I would spend almost seven years 17:15 five of them in solitary confinement 17:17 in a prison in North Vietnam 17:20 or that thinking about one memorized verse 17:25 could have made a whole day bearable. 17:30 Here is a man who sat alone for five years. 17:34 And as he looked back on it, 17:35 as he looked back on the trial that he had gone through 17:38 and he thought about the fact 17:39 as he's sitting in there and he's thinking, 17:41 oh, if only I could remember some of those text of scripture, 17:45 if only I had taken more seriously 17:47 storing up Gods word in my mind 17:49 and storing up the songs from church in my mind 17:52 I would have something to fill my mind with. 17:55 And then he says I learned near that 17:58 one verse could make a day of hell bearable. 18:05 Read a story about another man 18:06 who is thrown into that Hanoi Hilton. 18:09 In this situation he didn't know many verses 18:12 and one day he was listening, 18:13 he was also in solitary confinement 18:15 and as he was in there he began listening 18:17 and he began to hear. 18:20 He began to hear someone pounding out Morse code 18:23 and what he heard was Psalms 21:1-2. 18:26 "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, 18:28 from whence cometh my help. 18:30 My help cometh from the Lord, 18:32 which made heaven and earth." 18:35 And his heart thrilled within him 18:37 and he began to listen him 18:38 and somebody else typed out another verse 18:40 and somebody else typed out another 18:42 and they began to have the collective Bible 18:44 all the text they could remember from the childhood. 18:47 And this man Captain James E. Ray said these words, 18:51 he said "Scriptures on paper are not one iota 18:59 as useful as scriptures that are burned into the mind, 19:03 where we can call on them 19:04 for comfort in the time of need." 19:09 You see James Ray never thought he would be in the Hanoi Hilton. 19:13 Howard Rutledge never imagine 19:16 he will spend five years in solitary confinement. 19:19 He had no clue. 19:20 As the young Baptist, he didn't know 19:22 what the future in this world would hold for him. 19:25 You see, he wouldn't know, 19:27 but the reality is we know the future, right. 19:32 We know what's coming 19:34 and we don't have to be confused, 19:35 that's the word that is coming upon us this world. 19:36 We know for the fact we have the prophecies. 19:39 We have the Book of Daniel, we have Book of Revelation. 19:42 We have, you know, The Book the Great Controversy. 19:46 We have Last Day Events 19:47 that just spells it out real simple for us. 19:49 We know what the future holds. 19:52 These young men did not know 19:54 and did not prepare for what was coming. 19:57 But God has given us very clear messages 20:00 so that we wouldn't be confused 20:02 as to what would come in the future. 20:04 He's calling us to be ready for the last days, 20:07 He has a people He's going to have a people 20:09 who are gonna spread His message to the entire planet. 20:12 We see the signs fulfilling all around us, it's no question. 20:15 I mean, even secular people notice 20:17 the world is changing something is got to give. 20:20 But the reality is we know 20:21 that all these signs are signs of the times, 20:23 but we know that one has to be fulfilled 20:25 and that is that God's people will go to every nation, 20:28 kindred, tongue and people 20:30 spreading the Three Angels message 20:32 in the everlasting gospel to the world. 20:35 And God is calling us to be a part of this group, 20:38 sharing His message of love and hope. 20:42 But you know we also know that midst this message of hope 20:46 that they're all trials that are coming up in the future. 20:50 There are severe difficulties that are coming with in 20:53 we have something we know about called Jacobs time of trouble. 20:57 We're going to be in troublous time 21:00 and God is calling His people to be ready. 21:03 He's calling His people to seek His word 21:06 to get to know the Savior. 21:07 And many times when we look at Jesus, 21:11 when we look at Jesus and we think 21:12 well, okay, Jesus went through a time of trouble, 21:16 He actually went through a time of trouble such as never was, 21:19 since the beginning of the world until this time, 21:21 no never will be. 21:22 Jesus actually went through a greater trial 21:25 than we will ever be called upon to bear. 21:28 And so we think about, okay, how did Jesus overcome? 21:31 And so when we look at Matthew Chapter 4 21:34 and we see and Jesus was let up into the-- 21:37 of the spirit into the wilderness 21:38 to be tempted of the devil. 21:40 And when He had fasted 40 days and 40 nights 21:42 he was afterward in hunger. 21:45 And the devil said onto Him, 21:47 command that these stones be made bread. 21:49 And you remember what Jesus said in Mathew 4:4. 21:52 What did He say? It is written. 21:56 "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word 21:58 that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." 22:00 Now we know this, we know that in the time of the trial, 22:02 in the time of temptation that our Savior Jesus 22:05 in these difficulties He knew He had a word in season 22:08 to combat the temptations of the devil. 22:11 And so we know that, we know 22:13 the second temptation came and He had a scripture 22:15 and third temptations He had a scripture, 22:17 He always had a scripture. 22:19 We notice that no less then 43 times in Jesus ministry, 22:23 He either quotes specifically 22:26 or alludes to specific passages of scripture, 22:29 no less then 43 times. 22:31 So it's clear that Jesus knew the Bible very well. 22:34 And we say well, why would He know the Bible? 22:36 Obviously He knew the Bible because He happen to be who? 22:40 God. 22:41 Now it makes sense that God will know the Bible right, 22:44 since He's the one who inspired the Bible. 22:45 But if you have your Bible's look in Luke Chapter 2 22:47 with me for a moment. Luke Chapter 2. 22:52 Yes, Jesus was God there's no question. 22:54 We're looking in Luke Chapter 2. 22:55 Jesus was God we can see that, 22:57 the Bible is very clear Isaiah 9:6 23:00 simply says that He was the mighty God. 23:02 Revelation chapter 22 says He was the Alpha and Omega, 23:05 the beginning and the ending. 23:07 But then we see in Revelation chapter 1, 23:09 the Bible tells us that Jesus was not only the mighty God 23:11 Isaiah 9:6 it says He was the almighty. 23:16 The Bible is very clear but in Luke Chapter 2, 23:19 speaking of Jesus in Luke Chapter 2 23:21 you --the context is very simple 23:22 in the beginning you have the birth of Jesus 23:24 toward the end of the chapter 23:25 you see Jesus in the temple with the doctors of the law. 23:29 And as He's with the doctors of the law what happened? 23:32 He was talking with them 23:33 and He knew the Bible better then they did. 23:36 And directly after that we see in verse 52, Luke 2:52, 23:40 the Bible says, and Jesus increased in what? 23:45 Wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. 23:48 So the first verse says, Jesus increased in what? 23:52 Wisdom. 23:53 Now how much wisdom does God have? 23:56 All wisdom, right. 23:57 So it would make sense that God would know the Bible 24:00 since He was the one who inspired it, right. 24:02 Since God inspired, yeah, He would know it 24:05 but notice what the text says, 24:06 it says and He increased in wisdom. 24:09 But I thought God knew everything. 24:11 God does know everything and Jesus was God. 24:15 But as He became a human being He actually what? 24:19 Became a human being. He had to learn in the same way. 24:23 Notice there was a time where He didn't have as much wisdom. 24:26 So that means as a child He really was a child. 24:29 He had to go through life just as we were. 24:31 He had to learn the scriptures in the same way we would. 24:35 We're actually told that Jesus learned the scriptures 24:39 at the knee of His mother from the open scroll of scripture. 24:45 Jesus knew the Bible not because He was God 24:48 not because He remembered, oh, yeah, 24:50 I remembered the time back in desert, 24:51 you know, and I was helping out these, 24:52 no, it wasn't like that, right. 24:54 He actually was living as a human being 24:56 and had to read the scriptures, 24:58 had to learn them just like you have to. 25:01 He in these situations in His times of trail and temptation 25:05 as He went through His great time of trouble. 25:08 It was not that He just oh, He had a you know 25:11 He had some extra sight that we want blessed to have 25:14 yes, we know that He was divine, 25:16 I'm not getting into the whole nature of Christ issue. 25:18 That's not what I'm talking about. 25:19 But what I'm saying is He had to learn just like we have too. 25:23 He had to search the scriptures, 25:25 He had to store them up, He knew. 25:26 Remember when He was 12 years old, 25:28 what did He discover? 25:29 He went into the feast and He ended up finding, 25:31 oh, that lamb that-- that's me, that's me. 25:38 And He discovered that He was going to be killed 25:40 and then He understood the Prophecy 25:42 of Daniel Chapter 8, Daniel Chapter 9. 25:45 He understood these prophecies, 25:47 He saw in Daniel Chapter 9, that He knew exactly, 25:50 oh, yes I came I was baptized on 27 AD prophecy fulfilled. 25:53 I'm going to be crucified in 31 AD. 25:57 Jesus knew the exact time of His death. 25:59 He knew there was a time of trouble coming. 26:02 Jesus knew that and He prepared His life 26:06 for the future that was coming. 26:08 He took seriously the fact that He knew 26:10 that prophecy actually was talking about Him. 26:14 Prophecy was not just nebulas and speaking about some people 26:17 but it was actually talking about Him 26:19 and He needed to be ready. 26:21 He was ready when He went to his baptism. 26:23 He had text from scripture and there's a scriptures 26:25 that He quoted were all from Deuteronomy. 26:27 They were all from Deuteronomy 26:29 meaning that most of those words, 26:30 the Israelites could have use the very same promises 26:33 in the temptations in the wilderness 26:36 and they could have used them to find victory. 26:38 Jesus walked over the same ground found victory 26:41 from the same text of scripture 26:42 that they could have used to find victory 26:44 when they were in the wilderness. 26:46 He was in the wilderness being tempted. 26:48 He found victory because he clung to his Father 26:50 through trusting in the word. 26:52 The Israelites had not trusted as it says in the Hebrews 4:2. 26:57 "For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them." 27:00 Specifically referring to the Israelites. 27:02 "For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them, 27:04 but the word preached did not profit them," 27:07 it didn't profit the Israelites why? 27:08 It says, because it was 27:09 "not mixed with faith in them that heard." 27:12 So they have the word of God. 27:13 They had it seemingly as it were on the shelves of their tents. 27:17 They had it right there. 27:19 They knew they had the testimonies, 27:21 they could even tell you things about them. 27:22 They could eat, right, they could do all these things, 27:24 but they were not trusting in the Word of God. 27:27 They were not storing it up in their heart 27:29 and actually having faith 27:30 when the times of trails and temptations came. 27:34 Jesus in His trail and the wilderness three times 27:38 He's claiming victory from the word of God. 27:41 You know, when we look at Jesus life 27:44 in every trail in every temptation 27:47 we see Him turning to God. 27:48 We see Him, you know, bearing the wilderness. 27:51 In His time of trail, 27:52 His time of trail in the wilderness 27:54 He was ready He had the Word of God to cling to. 27:56 So it was if for Jesus temptation 27:59 instead of leading Him away from God actually lead Him to God. 28:02 As it says in Hebrews Chapter 5 that, 28:04 "He was a Son, yet He learned obedience 28:08 through the things He" what? "Suffer." 28:11 Jesus actually learned to be obedient in the trails of what? 28:14 He would cling to word of God with prayer 28:17 and supplications and fastening. 28:19 He was actually clinging to God 28:20 trusting in His word in the time of temptation. 28:23 And so what it was is that Jesus was so united to the word. 28:28 His life just out flowing of the Word of God 28:30 that John in the Book of John Chapter 1 28:32 just simply calls Jesus what? 28:35 He calls Him the word of God. 28:36 Jesus is the living Word of God. 28:39 He was so united to His word, 28:42 Gods word that in every trail 28:44 His mind instead of turning to the temptation 28:46 would turn to his Heavenly Father and to His word. 28:51 Scientist have done a study with monkeys, 28:56 now I'm not saying it's a good study 28:58 and they come up with crazy things 29:00 and I'm just gonna tell you about 29:01 I'm not saying I can donate 29:02 but they did it now I got to tell you about it. 29:05 They did a study and what they did was 29:06 they took a monkey, maybe several of them 29:09 and what they did was they mapped out their brain, 29:12 I mean with their imaging machines what ever they are 29:15 they're sitting there and they're looking at the-- 29:17 and they began to discover, okay we can see the monkey, 29:19 I'm just gonna make up the areas of the brain but right here, 29:22 okay that's the index finger 29:24 and right next to it is the middle finger. 29:27 And so they can actually tell, 29:29 okay right now he's moving his index finger, 29:32 right now he's moving his middle finger 29:34 and they're right next to each other 29:36 and so what they did was-- 29:37 and I don't know why they came up with this. 29:39 They sewed his two fingers together. 29:42 Not very nice of them, 29:43 but they sewed his two fingers together 29:45 and so what happened is those two parts of the brain 29:48 the right next to each other 29:49 the pointer finger, the middle finger. 29:52 They were right next to each other 29:53 and they were two different parts. 29:54 This is not some kind of Masonic symbol, 29:56 just in case you wondering. 29:57 But never less so they were right next to each other, right. 30:01 And as they're right there, they can see, 30:04 okay, middle finger, index finger, 30:05 middle finger, index finger they can see what's moving. 30:07 But when they sew them together 30:09 those two portions of the brain map 30:11 in time actually fused together 30:13 and became just one part of the brain. 30:16 And so scientists have discovered 30:18 that our brains are elastic, they're changeable. 30:20 They used to think they were changeless 30:22 now they're discovering they can be changed. 30:24 And so they saw these two parts become one 30:27 and so scientists claim the term, 30:29 things that fire together wire together. 30:34 Things that fire together wire together. 30:38 So what would happen because they couldn't do anything 30:40 but move those two fingers to together, 30:42 what did they do? 30:44 Well, they ended up wiring together 30:46 in the brain of that monkey, very interesting. 30:50 No we also see-- I think back on my life 30:54 I used to be I have an addictive personality. 30:56 Well, I didn't know that. 30:57 You know, my dad always been a drinker, my moms smokes. 31:00 And so as a kid, you know, 31:02 they were always doing those things in the house, 31:03 I didn't like the smell of smoke 31:04 and I didn't like the taste of alcohol. 31:06 But I remember and I never wanted to smoke but, 31:08 one day my dad decided to give me cigar the-- 31:11 you all the guys were over so I smoke my first cigar 31:13 and very rapidly I became hooked on cigars. 31:17 And I got to the point over time where now before that time 31:20 I had never associated stress with smoking or tobacco. 31:26 I never associated the two they were two different whelms. 31:28 They had nothing to do with each other. 31:30 But over a time with this addiction, 31:33 when ended up happening as I got to the point 31:34 when anytime a stressor came 31:36 immediately my brain went to what? 31:38 Tobacco. 31:40 So when ended up happening those things 31:41 that began to fire together began to what? 31:46 They began a wire together. 31:47 So they became, you know, just a straight shaft from to the next. 31:49 So anytime stress came 31:51 stress immediately goes to tobacco 31:55 or for others it maybe stress goes to anger or whatever. 31:58 But those things that begin to fire together 32:00 end up wiring together. 32:03 Well, the scientist later came in 32:04 and what they did was they took that same monkey 32:07 and they took the two fingers and they took a scalpel 32:09 and as they took the scalpel what they ended up doing was 32:12 they took the scalpel in 32:15 and ended up cutting the two fingers apart 32:17 and then over a time that-- remember, 32:20 one portion that one brain map area 32:23 once again went back to two areas. 32:28 And so scientist have coined the term 32:30 things that fire apart what? Wire apart, very simple. 32:36 So now think about this for a moment. 32:38 So what happened was I-- in the beginning, you know, 32:42 stress and smoking had nothing to do with each other 32:45 but they began to wire together because that-- 32:47 that action I kept going to that it became a habit. 32:50 And we know we've been told 32:51 what that thoughts work out what? 32:54 Actions, repeated actions form habits 32:56 and habits from character. 32:57 So our thoughts either we think about something 33:00 not to become an action. 33:01 Once we've done that several times, it becomes the habit 33:04 and that habit becomes our character 33:06 and it becomes so hard to break our character or our habits. 33:11 We try to change them but we always end up 33:13 stumbling back into the same actions. 33:17 God actually wants to change our mind. 33:19 The Bible says in Ephesians Chapter 4 33:21 beginning in verse 22 through 24 33:24 the Bible says, that ye put off. 33:26 It says we're to put off the former conversation 33:28 or the former life style which is deceitful lusts. 33:32 And then in the next verse in verse 23 says, 33:34 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. 33:38 And then it says, and that ye put on the new man, 33:40 which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. 33:43 The text basically say this it starts off I think 33:46 you need to be changed 33:47 you need to put off the old diaries of life. 33:49 And then it says how are you gonna be changed? 33:51 It says you'll be changed by the renewing of your mind. 33:55 And then it says simply-- 33:57 now you need to put on the new man 33:58 which is renewed into his image, into the image of our Savior. 34:03 So, basically what happens is many times what happens is, 34:05 we try to avoid the old ways. I'm gonna quit doing this. 34:09 I'm gonna quit looking at dirty stuff. 34:10 I'm gonna quit listening to this music. 34:12 I'm gonna quit doing these things 34:13 and then we end up falling back into even worse. 34:16 Because what we end up doing is we don't end up changing 34:19 or actually filling ourselves with something better, right. 34:21 You remember the old parable of the house 34:23 that is swept and clean in the demon leaves. 34:26 But what is he end up doing? 34:28 Because the house is not filled seven demons 34:31 even worse than himself come back and fill that place. 34:34 What happens is we need to, 34:35 yes, we need to put off the old ways, the old life style 34:38 but it says we need to be renewed in our mind 34:40 and we need to put on the new man. 34:42 You see Jesus when He was on earth 34:44 when His temptations came instead of just, 34:46 you know, just going on with life He always clung, 34:50 He clung to the Word of God. 34:52 We can have the very same experience 34:54 just with this-- now think about this, 34:56 for me stress used to continually 34:59 bring me back to the smoking. 35:01 I would quit for a while 35:02 and I would throw the pack of cigarettes away a few days 35:04 and a stressful event would come 35:06 and when stress came my brain went back to those things. 35:08 Had been firing together were wired together 35:10 and so I would go back to. 35:11 But imagine this, what happens then 35:13 when that temptation comes again 35:14 and I went to the see evangelistic meeting. 35:16 And David shares about this text, two texts 35:19 in 1 Corinthians 3 and 1 Corinthians 6 35:21 that tell us, they say simply that your body is the what? 35:26 Temple of the Holy Spirit. 35:28 And it goes on to say, if you destroy Gods temples, 35:31 He's going to destroy you 35:32 and I thought that was pretty heavy. 35:34 And so seeing that-- I thought well, 35:35 God actually cares about my body. 35:37 He actually wants to take care, 35:38 me to take care of my body I don't-- 35:40 it's not just me that I'm sick of coughing all the time, 35:43 sick of having a sore throat or whatever 35:44 but God actually wants me to change. 35:47 And so when ended up happening I saw Gods Word 35:49 and so several different things in my life 35:51 I began to realize, wow, 35:53 you know, I struggled with these, 35:54 I struggled with that, I struggled with this. 35:55 And so what happens is what? 35:59 Temptation comes and as the temptation comes, 36:02 now typically I would go back to cigarettes 36:04 or typically I would get angry 36:06 or typically I would do whatever. 36:08 And so in this situation now I realize 36:10 no, God has a new plan for my life. 36:11 And so God's-- God's, you know, 36:13 word begins the flash in to my mind. 36:15 In the beginning it was hard to memorize 36:16 so I have to write to. 36:17 I have to have it always in my pocket or whatever. 36:19 And so as the temptation would come I would say 36:22 Father, You told me, You told me Father that, 36:25 you know, my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. 36:28 Father, you're gonna give me the victory 36:30 and so now in the temptation comes slowly 36:32 instead of my mind going to the things 36:34 of this word like cigarette, 36:35 the mind begins to go to God's Word. 36:38 Jesus in times of trail, 36:39 every time the temptation instead of going to world 36:41 He would always go to the God's word. 36:43 And so as the temptations are coming guess what? 36:46 Those things that once we're firing together. 36:48 I will give you an example. 36:50 We-- in overcoming seminar we talk to people, 36:52 we talk to people homosexuals. 36:53 We talk to people who have been abused. 36:55 We talk to people who haven't been to all those things. 36:58 But I know that, some young ladies and young men 37:00 who have been abused physically or sexually by their uncle, 37:04 if they just hear the word uncle 37:06 just this negative feeling comes over them. Why? 37:10 When in think of uncle, I don't necessarily have these 37:12 you know terrible painful thoughts. 37:14 But because of their memory those things they-- 37:17 when they hear uncle they sometimes associated it 37:19 with the pain and the suffering 37:20 and uncle has brought upon them. 37:22 And so as their life goes on 37:23 it's just such a burden of the past 37:25 these things that have happened to them 37:26 and because those things firing in their mind, 37:28 it's wired together. 37:30 Uncle and pain are now part of their life. 37:33 God doesn't want us to have to live 37:34 with this burden this pain all throughout our lives. 37:37 He wants to give us victory, 37:38 He wants to help us to truly forgive top move on in life 37:42 and actually get to the point where we can somehow 37:45 love the person who has abused us. 37:50 Could that be possible? 37:53 Jesus as He went to the cross as He was being abused, 37:57 now our typical nature would want to bring us 37:59 to the point where we would hate the abuser 38:01 but Jesus said some simple words, 38:02 he said, Father, what? 38:04 Forgive them for they don't know what they're doing. 38:08 God can actually bring us to the point where we forgive. 38:11 We find victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 38:14 And get to the point where actually we can care 38:15 and love for the person who has heard us in the past. 38:18 Jesus was so tied with the Word of God. 38:22 It was connected in His brain. 38:24 It was a part of who He was. 38:25 The Word of God was filling him. 38:28 And the Bible says in Colossians 3:16, 38:30 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly." 38:35 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly." 38:37 Jesus, the word was dwelling in Him, 38:39 so He was close to the father. 38:41 He was clinging to the father in times of temptation, 38:44 so these things that were firing together, anytime of trail. 38:47 It says that Jesus learned obedience 38:49 through the things He suffered. 38:50 And those things, they actually 38:51 temptations brought him closer to God. 38:54 His brain was actually changed. 38:56 We don't think about that fact that our sins change our brain. 39:01 They actually affect us. 39:03 But also, when we begin to come to Christ 39:06 and we are changed so now the temptation comes. 39:07 Now I want a cigarette, right? 39:09 So I don't really struggle with it anymore 39:10 'cause it's been years but when I want the cigarette, 39:13 so then I go to God and I say probably You said, 39:15 that had no temptation taking you 39:17 but such as is common to man. 39:19 But God is faithful who will not suffer you 39:20 to be tempted above that you're able 39:23 but will with the temptation also make a way to escape 39:25 that you might be able to bear. 39:27 1 Corinthians 10:13, Father, you told me 39:29 that you'll make a way for me to be victorious. 39:31 You told me that You'll give me the victory 39:34 as it says in 1 Corinthians 57. 39:36 Thanks to be God which gives us the victory. 39:38 Father, I trust in You 39:40 that You actually give the victory. 39:42 And so now when the temptation comes, 39:43 we can get to the point where instead of stress 39:46 leading us to cigarettes or stress leading us to anger 39:49 or stress leading us to sadness or whatever, 39:51 we can get to the point where stress 39:54 actually turns us to the Savior. 39:56 And those things that begin to now fire together, 40:00 begin to wire together. 40:02 Which means like the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17. 40:05 It tells us that we can become new creatures, 40:09 new creatures in Jesus Christ. 40:11 Find total victory through our Savior Jesus Christ. 40:15 Now Jesus had to learn obedience 40:19 from the things he suffered, Jesus had to learn 40:21 the scriptures in order to find victory. 40:24 And what many people don't know is that 40:27 yes, three times, three times in the desert 40:29 Jesus coded scripture to find victory in His time of trial. 40:33 But the Bible also reveals that Jesus, 40:35 when He went to the cross. 40:36 When Jesus went to the cross, 40:38 there were seven statements that He made. 40:41 The theologians call them the seven words 40:43 of Jesus on the cross. 40:45 While He's making those seven words, 40:48 those seven statements, 40:49 three of them were quotations from the Old Testament. 40:53 Jesus in His great time of trial, 40:56 he knew the future, he knew the future prophesied 40:59 that He was gonna go through this time of trial. 41:00 He knew He was going to die. He knew this would come. 41:03 And in that he had prepared and as he was upon the cross, 41:07 three times he's quoting the Word of God. 41:10 He quotes from Psalms Chapter 22, 41:11 He quotes 41:14 and as He's quoting the word of God, 41:16 he's even finding comfort in the scriptures 41:19 that were written to prepare Him for the last days. 41:23 The Bible says these things were written for us, 41:27 for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come. 41:32 This book has been written for us. 41:35 Now you're saying chad this-- 41:36 so we're just preparing for the last days 41:38 or maybe storing up some verses in our head for the last days. 41:41 The reality is this, the trials today 41:43 prepares for the trials tomorrow. 41:46 The struggles you deal with today, 41:48 if you having the Word of God, 41:50 if you're stirring it up in your mind, 41:52 if it's becoming a part of your brain 41:53 or part of who you are 41:54 these are preparing you for tomorrow. 41:56 They're preparing you for the next day 41:58 and they're preparing you for the very end of time. 42:01 God is calling us to be clinging to His-- 42:03 He's calling us to cling to His word, 42:06 to have it there in the times of trial. 42:08 You know, some of the things 42:09 you struggled with, you're tempted with. 42:11 And so God is saying listen, I have verses for you, 42:13 I have things to prepare you. 42:15 I have the preparation for tomorrow for you. 42:18 And you say, I'm not very good at memorizing. 42:20 That's okay, you can write it down. 42:21 You could stick it in your pocket. 42:22 Anytime you could pull it out. You can have it there with you. 42:25 And there's somebody might be saying, 42:26 well, you know, that's good for Jesus. 42:29 You know, that's good for some other people. 42:30 That's good for real spiritual people but for me, 42:33 I don't know I just don't think that's my thing. 42:35 I'm not saying we're not just talking about promised verses. 42:38 I want to be very clear. 42:40 Promised verses the Bible says in 2 Peter Chapter 1, 42:43 "Whereby are given unto us" in verse 4 42:45 "Whereby are given unto us 42:46 exceeding great and precious promises, 42:49 that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, 42:53 having escaped the corruption 42:55 that is in the world through lust." 42:57 The Bible says, we're giving promises 42:59 to escape the corruption of the world through lust 43:02 and it helps us to partake of Gods divine nature. 43:04 It helps us to overcome. 43:05 Gods' given us these promises. 43:08 He has given us these things that totally change us. 43:11 Now it is not as if we just claim the promise, right. 43:14 We just say some simple promise like you know 43:17 we see a woman who is scantily clad 43:19 wearing very little clothing 43:20 and men's carnal heart immediately makes them 43:22 want them to look where they shouldn't be looking, right? 43:25 But and we can say, well, God you said in Proverbs 4:25, 43:28 " Let thine eyes look right on, 43:30 and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. 43:32 Look where you ought to look 43:33 not where you ought not to look, right? 43:35 Now we could do that and sometimes 43:36 you may even quote a verse and you will find the victory. 43:39 What happened? It's not a magic trick. 43:42 It is not as if you just quote the verse 43:45 and temptation disappears. 43:47 The reality is we see the Israelites, 43:50 remember on to us was the gospel 43:52 preaches well as under the Israelites. 43:54 But the word preached didn't profit them, why? 43:57 So they have the word, we have the word. 44:00 But the word didn't profit them 44:01 because it was not mixed with faith in them they heard it. 44:05 They were clinging to the promises of God by faith. 44:08 They had them, they had the promises 44:09 and they even had probably many of them memorize, 44:12 many more that we do probably. 44:13 But they were clinging to the promises by faith 44:15 coming to the Father saying, 44:16 Father, I trust you I don't trust myself. 44:19 I don't trust my feelings. 44:20 Father, I trust the fact that You promised to give me victory 44:22 and I know that you can give me victory. 44:25 And as the more we do this what ends up happening 44:27 is that those things that are firing together, 44:29 Gods word in the temptation, 44:31 Gods word in the trails will begin to wire together. 44:34 Before Gods Word and the trails were two separate things, 44:37 but they can be so be brought together, 44:40 that through communion with Christ we're told 44:43 sin will become hateful to us. 44:48 He can give us the ultimate victory. 44:49 Notice this quote. 44:52 This is one of my favorite quotes. 44:53 We are told in, Gospel Workers, page 109. 44:59 Think about this for yourself. 45:00 "They do not watch and pray, 45:02 lest they enter into temptation. 45:03 If they would watch and pray, 45:05 they would become acquainted with their weak points, 45:08 where they are most likely to be assailed by temptation. 45:12 With watchfulness and prayer, 45:14 their weakest points can be so guarded 45:17 as to become their strongest points, 45:20 and they can encounter temptation 45:22 without being overcome." 45:25 Imagine right now, the worst part of your character, 45:28 the worst part of who you're. Imagine what it is? 45:31 I mean, let me just say you don't need to shout it out 45:33 but just think what is the worst part of who you're? 45:36 If you can't think of anything its pride, right. 45:43 But now think about it, think of the worst thing. 45:46 I'm guessing most of us I can think several things. 45:48 But think of the worst thing. 45:49 We are told that through watchfulness and prayer 45:51 through clinging to God that our weakest points 45:53 not only can be overcoming and you know we find victory. 45:56 But it says your weakest points 45:58 can become your strongest points. 46:01 Is that not good news, yes or no? 46:03 That is good news. 46:04 God says, He will give the victory. 46:07 Jesus three times on the cross He's quoting scripture. 46:10 The scripture is just part of who He is 46:12 it is living inactive in His life 46:15 and it is meant to be living inactive 46:17 in the God's people at the end of time. 46:19 We're told this in the Review and Herald from 1890, 46:22 "God will flash the knowledge obtained 46:24 by diligent searching of the Scriptures 46:26 into their memory at the very time when it is needed. 46:30 But if you neglect to fill your minds 46:34 with the gems of truth, 46:37 if you do not acquaint yourself 46:38 with the words of Christ, 46:40 if you have never tasted the power of His grace in trial, 46:45 then they cannot expect that the Holy Spirit 46:47 will bring His words to their remembrance." 46:51 You see what that says? 46:53 We can hold that in the last days 46:54 some miraculous things will happen 46:56 and we are gonna overcome 46:57 or I wish I would have done. 46:58 These men do not know as they went off to war 47:01 this is what the future had in store. 47:02 We know what the future has in store. 47:04 We know for a fact, if we're faithful 47:07 and spread the message to the entire world, 47:08 we're gonna live to a great time of trail 47:10 and God is telling us we need to be ready, 47:12 we need to prepare, we need to prepare today. 47:15 We need to storing up the Word of God 47:17 in our minds and in our hearts. 47:19 David himself said, what? 47:20 He said, "Thy word have I hid in my heart, 47:23 that I might not" what? 47:24 "Sin against you." 47:26 He said, "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? 47:28 by taking heed there to according to your word." 47:32 It's the word that will give victory, 47:33 trusting in the one who gave the word. 47:36 God is calling us to be faithful at the end of time. 47:39 He's calling us to cling to His word. 47:42 Corrie ten Boom, she was a young lady in the Netherlands 47:48 during at the second world war as the Gestapo came in. 47:52 And as they--as they were you know making away 47:55 when she was a child, she had a terrible fear 47:57 she thought what if God calls me to be immortal. 48:00 I don't have enough faith. 48:02 And she went to father and she said Dad, 48:03 I don't think I have enough faith to be immortal for Jesus. 48:06 And her wise Dutch father said to her 48:08 Corrie, when we go into Amsterdam. 48:12 When--when do I give you the money to get on the train? 48:16 Do I give it to you three days before? 48:19 She said no, you give it to me right before. 48:22 And as she heard that story she thought, wow, 48:24 God is going to give me if she calls me 48:27 he's gonna give me the victory at that time 48:29 but we need to be preparing. 48:30 Corri ten Boom was over and half again in a country 48:32 that had-- their government 48:34 had just went shifted to another government 48:36 and three days before they had called a set of Christians 48:40 into the government office to be registered. 48:42 When they got there they were executed. 48:44 The next day another group were called 48:46 to the government office and same thing happen. 48:49 They also were executed. 48:51 Third day, same thing, fourth day, 48:52 they were systematically 48:53 executing the Christians of this African country. 48:57 As this was happened-- happening, Corrie ten Boom 49:00 came to a church there and she began to speak. 49:02 In this church who had you know, people sitting 49:05 on wooden benches, wooden walls, 49:07 you had naked light balls sitting there 49:09 with bugs flying around them 49:10 and as she speaking she notices nobody is paying attention. 49:14 No body cares about what she is talking about, 49:15 because they're all looking around 49:16 and she could see with their eyes 49:18 as they look around there they're thinking 49:19 is he next? Is she next? 49:22 Am I gonna be the next one to die? 49:25 And as she's thinking these things, 49:27 as she's going as they're thinking these things, 49:29 she looks at them and she tells them the story 49:32 that her father had told her when she was a child. 49:35 That if God calls you to be a immortal 49:38 He will give you the strength, when the time comes. 49:43 And when they began here that story, 49:44 their eyes lit up they began to smile 49:46 they began to look around at each other. 49:47 As they began to look around 49:49 smiles began came across their faces 49:51 and they began the sing that old song. 49:54 "In the sweet by and by 49:57 we shall meet on that beautiful shore." 50:03 Corrie discovered, she discovered that later that week, 50:09 half of that congregation was killed. 50:13 She discovered that shortly after 50:15 the rest of the congregation was killed. 50:18 She said these words-- but I must tell you something, 50:22 in the context of all this in 1974 she said, 50:24 "But I must tell you something. 50:26 I was so happy that the Lord used me 50:28 to encourage these people, 50:29 for unlike many of their leaders, 50:31 I had the word of God. 50:33 I had been to the Bible and discovered 50:35 that Jesus said He had not only overcome the world, 50:37 but to all those who remained faithful to the end, 50:40 He would give a crown of life. 50:43 How can we get ready for the persecution?" 50:46 Corrie Ten Boom says, 50:47 who had been in a concentration camp herself. 50:50 She says, "How can we get ready for the persecution? 50:53 First we need to feed on the word of God, 50:57 digest it, make it a part of our being. 51:01 This will mean disciplined Bible study each day 51:05 as we not only memorize long passages of scripture, 51:08 but put the principles to work in our lives." 51:14 For a woman who had gone through a great time of trouble 51:16 she knew the necessity in the trial of having God's word 51:19 to strengthen us in times of temptation. 51:24 Friends, God is calling us to find the victory. 51:26 This is the time. 51:28 We don't want to wait for another generation. 51:31 We don't want to wait another few years 51:33 until we can you know, have the next you know, 51:36 business boom or whatever it may be 51:38 or may be things perk up in the economy. 51:40 What are we waiting for? 51:41 God is calling us to overcome now, 51:44 to be a part of the people to share this message 51:46 through the entire world 51:47 but He needs people to be overcome through Jesus. 51:50 He needs us to be clinging to the world 51:52 letting go the things of this earth saying, 51:54 Jesus, whatever you want from me, 51:55 that's what I want for myself. 51:57 Jesus is calling us to be victorious in Him. 52:01 And may be there's someone here 52:03 who has been struggling with a sin. 52:06 Maybe there's someone who's been struggling with anger. 52:09 Lack of forgiveness for what someone 52:11 has done to you in your past. 52:13 Maybe there's someone here 52:14 who's struggling with pornography and lust. 52:18 Somebody else may be struggling with greed. 52:20 You thinking about business all the time, 52:22 it's crowding out your relationship with Jesus Christ. 52:25 Somebody else maybe just struggling with the fact 52:27 that you just don't care anymore. 52:29 You don't care about spiritual things anymore. 52:31 God is calling us to be victorious. 52:33 He is calling us to be a part of His last day people 52:35 and He is calling us to find the victory. 52:38 I want to challenge you, 52:39 I want to challenge you to say, 52:41 God, whatever it is, 52:42 whatever it is I want to let it go. 52:44 Today, right here, right now this Friday evening, 52:47 this Sabbath night, Father, I want to let go. 52:50 I am going to ask you to bow your heads just now. 52:55 Maybe there's someone here right now, 52:57 some temptation, some sin has been 52:59 ruining your life, ruling your life. 53:04 Nobody knows maybe, but you know 53:06 and God Is calling you saying, 53:07 this is the day, this is the time to let go. 53:10 Would you just raise your hand just now? Amen. 53:13 Let's bow our heads for word of prayer. 53:15 Heavenly Father, we all have things in our lives, 53:22 we have things that are fire together 53:24 and wire together and you seen as just the part of who we are. 53:29 It is a part of the very core of our brains 53:32 but Father we are asking, 53:34 we are asking that You break these things 53:36 that you come in with your heavenly scalpel 53:39 with the sword of the spirit 53:41 which Ephesians 6:17 says is the Word of God. 53:45 That father you would bring that Word of God 53:47 to sever apart those fingers as it were 53:50 that you would separate these things 53:52 and then You would unite our mind in the times of trial 53:55 and the times of temptations 53:56 then instead of fleeing to the sin 53:57 that we would be so connected to our Savior through prayer, 54:00 through Bible study and through your promises in your mind 54:03 that instead we would flee to You and find victory. 54:06 Father, we wanted to be people that are victorious 54:09 though our savior Jesus Christ. 54:12 And Father, I pray that you would help us 54:13 to store up gems of truth for these last days 54:16 that we will overcome as our Savior overcame. 54:20 In the name of Jesus, amen. |
Revised 2014-12-17