ASI Conventions, 2012

Friday morning: 'Christ Our Righteousness'

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steve Wohlberg


Series Code: 12ASIC

Program Code: 12ASIC000007

00:20 Our speaker for this session is Pastor Steve Wohlberg.
00:24 He is the speaker director for White Hors Media
00:28 and Pastor Steve has just an incredible ministry.
00:32 He's been involved in as a TV producer,
00:36 as a radio host and he's actually been a guest
00:39 on more than 500 different radio and TV programs.
00:44 He's been by special invitation a speaker
00:47 at the Pentagon and the US Senate.
00:50 And I am just really looking forward to hearing
00:52 what he has to say.
00:53 I asked Pastor Steve, "How things were going
00:56 with White Horse Media" and he said,
00:59 "The Lord is really blessing."
01:01 In fact he shared a little story
01:04 that I just have to squeeze it in a couple seconds.
01:06 He said that someone called him, the media recently and said,
01:12 "We've been looking for a program
01:15 to put on our coast to coast live TV station,
01:20 a program on Bible prophecy."
01:23 They did an internet search and they found
01:26 White Horse Media's website.
01:29 I believe the angels helped them to do that
01:32 and they gave them the call just out of the blue.
01:35 They talked to Pastor Steve and they said,
01:38 "Would you be interested in taking a prime time slot
01:40 for the next year?"
01:42 And of course they said yes.
01:44 And a friend of the ministry said,
01:49 I am going to sell my condo to help cover the cost
01:51 and they covered the cost.
01:53 And now from cost to coast on prime time live TV
02:00 we are going to be able to hear Bible prophecy
02:03 shared by Pastor Steve Wohlberg,
02:05 a program called "His Voice Today."
02:09 God is amazing, isn't He?
02:11 How He works, praise the Lord.
02:13 So let us prepare our hearts and minds to receive
02:17 the message that God has for us this morning.
02:35 Oh, to see the dawn
02:40 of the darkest day
02:44 Christ on the road
02:47 to Calvary
02:52 Tried by sinful men
02:56 Torn and beaten, then
03:01 Nailed to a cross of wood
03:07 This, the power
03:11 of the cross
03:15 Christ became
03:19 sin for us
03:23 Took the blame,
03:27 bore the wrath
03:29 We stand forgiven
03:32 at the cross
03:44 Oh, to see the pain
03:48 written on Your face
03:51 Bearing the awesome
03:55 weight of sin
03:59 Every bitter thought
04:03 Every evil deed
04:06 Crowning Your bloodstained brow
04:13 This, the power
04:16 of the cross
04:20 Christ became sin for us
04:27 Took the blame,
04:31 bore the wrath
04:33 We stand forgiven
04:36 at the cross
04:53 Now the daylight flees
04:57 Now the ground beneath
05:01 Quakes as its Maker
05:05 bows His head
05:09 Curtain torn in two
05:13 Dead are raised to life
05:17 Finished the victory cry
05:23 This, the power
05:27 of the cross
05:30 Christ became
05:34 sin for us
05:37 Took the blame,
05:41 bore the wrath
05:43 We stand forgiven
05:46 at the cross
05:56 Oh, to see my name
06:00 Written in the wounds
06:03 For through Your suffering
06:06 I am made free
06:10 Death is crushed to death
06:14 Life is mine to live
06:17 Won through Your selfless love
06:23 This, the power
06:27 of the cross
06:30 Son of God
06:34 slain for us
06:37 What a love,
06:41 what a cost
06:43 We stand forgiven
06:46 at the cross
07:01 Thank you very much.
07:03 I appreciate that song.
07:06 Good morning everyone.
07:07 Good morning. God is so good
07:09 and I am so thrilled to be here.
07:10 I have had a dream for a long time to share
07:14 what I am going to share with this group this morning.
07:17 And today, my dream has come true.
07:19 So if you have a Bible,
07:21 I invite you to open up to the Book of Revelation 18.
07:26 I will confess I had a cold for three or four days
07:29 and so my voice is not strong
07:33 as it often is but I read a promise
07:37 just about 20 minutes ago that God's powers made perfect
07:40 in weakness and I love that promise.
07:44 So let's bow our heads and let's just pray.
07:46 Let's pray.
07:48 Dear Father in heaven,
07:50 God, thank you so much for this group
07:52 and for Your power and especially above all things
07:58 for Jesus Christ and for the cross.
08:00 And we pray that as we get into
08:02 this topic of the message of the righteousness
08:04 of Jesus Christ during earth's last crisis
08:08 that the Holy Spirit will be here mightily.
08:11 Please Father, work through me
08:13 and speak to all of our hearts and to people around the world,
08:16 in Jesus name we pray, amen.
08:20 All right, well I got a lot to share in a short time
08:23 so I am going to get right in.
08:25 is one of my favorite verses
08:30 in the Bible in the Book of Revelation.
08:31 It's a-- it's a dream, it's a vision of what God
08:35 wants to do through His people and what He will do,
08:39 someday soon around the world.
08:41 Verse 1, "And after these things
08:43 I saw another angel come down from heaven,
08:47 having great power; and the earth
08:49 was lightened with his glory."
08:54 Don't you want to see that happen,
08:56 the earth being lightened with God's glory?
08:57 I will tell you a little story, about five years ago,
09:00 my family was living
09:01 in Auberry California, north of Fresno.
09:05 And my son was about three years old
09:08 and we were up in our house looking out
09:10 through the living room window out into the distance,
09:12 we were living up in the hills
09:13 and we saw it was about 8:30 at night,
09:16 it was dark but we saw on the horizon lightening flashing,
09:20 a storm was approaching and we just sat there
09:23 in the living room watching the lightening
09:24 getting closer and closer and closer and finally wham,
09:28 a big bolt hit our-- hit the area
09:31 at least it hit the power somewhere
09:32 and we were in pitch black,
09:35 pitch darkness and my little boy,
09:37 he was quite frightened,
09:38 so we all got together on our couch,
09:41 we grabbed our flash lights and little Seth,
09:43 he was three years old and he said daddy
09:45 we need to pray, we need to pray,
09:47 so we knelt down and he prayed this prayer,
09:51 little three year old prayer, he said, it was very short,
09:53 he said dear Jesus, he said,
09:55 please turn the lights on, that was his prayer.
09:58 Dear, Jesus, please turn the lights on.
10:01 And then I would still remember he opened his eyes
10:03 and it was still dark and he looked at me
10:05 and he said daddy, it's still dark.
10:08 And I said, I said Seth,
10:09 just give the Lord a little time to answer your prayer.
10:12 Well, on that night we all slept in our bed in the bedroom,
10:16 three of us and we were there and we went to sleep
10:20 and at about 1 o'clock in the morning,
10:22 I could hear the heater upon the roof kick in,
10:25 so I knew the power was back on.
10:26 And at about 6 o'clock, Seth gets out
10:29 of bed and he's feeling around in the bedroom
10:31 and he whispers to me.
10:32 He says daddy, he said I want to play with my toys,
10:35 where is the flash light and I knew
10:38 that the heater was off, that the electricity was on
10:40 so I said to him, I just whispered and I said,
10:42 Seth, just go, just go flick on the light,
10:44 flick on the switch and so he got out of bed went around,
10:48 he flicked the switch and the light went on
10:50 in the bed room and I looked at him and he looked at me
10:52 and his mouth just dropped open and he said daddy,
10:55 wow he said Jesus answered my prayer.
11:00 The lights are on and that just little scene
11:03 just impressed me so much and I've shared this many times
11:07 as I think about that little family experience,
11:09 I think about the darkness of this world,
11:12 I think about the storm that is on the horizon.
11:15 I think about the pitch blackness
11:18 that is all around us morally, I think about Revelation 18:1
11:23 that says an angel is gonna come down from heaven
11:25 and lighten the earth with its glory
11:27 and I strongly believe that one of these days coast to coast
11:31 people are gonna be saying wow,
11:33 we have never seen light like that,
11:36 power like that and that's what we need.
11:38 That's the power that we need
11:39 and that's what Revelation 18:1 says.
11:42 "After these things I saw another angel come down
11:44 from heaven and he had great power;
11:47 and the earth was lightened with his glory."
11:50 Back up a couple of pages to Chapter 14 Revelation 14,
11:53 if you've studied Revelation carefully
11:57 which I know many of you have.
12:00 You know that the angel that comes down in Revelation 18:1
12:05 is often referred to as the fourth angel.
12:08 And he comes down to basically join
12:11 the Three Angels' Messages especially
12:14 the Third Angel's Message during the time of earth's last crises.
12:19 And that's what the Three Angels' Messages
12:21 are all about, pointing us to a final period.
12:24 warns about the beast.
12:28 It warns about the image of the beast.
12:31 Verse 9 and 10 warns about the Mark of the Beast
12:35 and then verse 12 talks about the people
12:38 who don't get the mark and who are ready
12:40 for the second coming.
12:42 Revelation 14:12, let's read it- let's read it together 14: 12,
12:46 the Bible says, "Here is the patience of the saints,
12:50 here are they that keep the commandments of God,
12:55 and the faith of Jesus."
12:57 Right, I strongly believe that just like John 3:16
13:02 is the most famous verse in the Bible.
13:06 I believe that this verse is soon going to become
13:10 the most quoted verse all over the planet.
13:14 14:12, people are gonna be saying this first on the radio,
13:18 on television, it's gonna be quoted on the internet,
13:21 it's gonna be all over the planet.
13:23 People are gonna be hearing it,
13:24 they are gonna be reading it on their cell phones,
13:27 on their apps, on their Bible programs.
13:30 Here is the patience of the saints,
13:32 here are they that keep the commandments of God
13:36 and the faith of Jesus during the final crises.
13:40 Now what I'm gonna share with you right now as we get in,
13:43 I'm going to try in a very simple way
13:46 to show you how during the final crisis,
13:50 the verse that you just read Revelation 14:12
13:54 is going to have a pulsating heart and that heart
13:57 is going to be the message
13:59 of the Jesus Christ, our righteousness.
14:02 And I'm gonna make that plain to you.
14:04 I have got a quotation here, it's on a little brochure
14:06 that we have at our booth,
14:08 this is from an inspired pen in believe,
14:12 volume six of the Testimonies, page 19.
14:15 It's right on the cover of our little brochure here.
14:18 This is what it says, in the days ahead
14:21 the law of God is to be magnified.
14:25 Its claims must be presented in their true and sacred character
14:33 that the people maybe brought to decide for or against the truth.
14:39 Yet the work will be cut short in righteousness.
14:41 Now listen to this.
14:43 The message of Christ's righteousness is to sound
14:47 from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth
14:51 to prepare the way of the Lord.
14:55 This is the glory of God which closes
14:59 the work of the Third Angels' Message.
15:03 Does that speak to your heart,
15:05 it speaks to my heart, that one of these days
15:08 the message of Christ's righteousness
15:10 is to sound and that paragraph is really a comment
15:14 upon this verse, verse 12.
15:16 "Here is the patience of the saints,
15:18 here are they that keep the commandments of God,
15:20 and the faith of Jesus."
15:21 Now let me explain this to you.
15:23 I want to take your mind back
15:26 to a fateful day September 11 2001.
15:31 I think we all remember that day.
15:34 It's over ten years ago, when the twin towers
15:38 came down in New York City.
15:40 There was a lot of different ideas,
15:42 speculation, opinions, interpretations
15:45 about the significance of 911.
15:49 Well, I'm gonna share with you my take
15:51 on what I see as the biggest significance of that day
15:55 and of that week and some very, very powerful lessons
15:59 that we can learn today.
16:01 Here's a quiz question for you.
16:02 I often do this in front of my audiences.
16:04 How many of you remember
16:05 what day of the week September 11 fell on?
16:11 Okay Tuesday, that's right,
16:12 it was Tuesday morning, that's correct.
16:16 Tuesday morning the crisis hit.
16:18 Tuesday morning the stock market plummeted.
16:20 Tuesday morning fear rippled out across the world
16:24 because people were very concerned
16:26 that what happens to the financial center
16:28 of the most powerful nation upon the earth
16:32 could affect the global economy.
16:35 And so it was a big day.
16:36 I remember thinking of myself,
16:38 when I watched on live television,
16:40 the first tower go down and the second tower go down,
16:42 I thought to myself, wow this is definitely
16:44 an apocalyptic moment.
16:47 So that was on Tuesday, three days later was what day?
16:52 Three days later was Friday.
16:53 Now I don't know if any of you watched on television
16:56 but that Friday in inside the national cathedral
17:01 in Washington D.C., there was a major,
17:04 you could call it a church service,
17:05 a gathering, a prayer service that took place
17:09 in the national cathedral, it was televised live.
17:12 There were every living president was there,
17:16 senators, congressmen, politicians, religious leaders
17:19 from around the world on the platform
17:21 was Billy Graham representing the Protestant world.
17:25 There was a Rabbi representing Judaism.
17:27 There was an Imam representing Islam.
17:29 There was-- I don't know where the Pope was
17:31 but there was a catholic cardinal
17:32 representing the Roman Catholic religion
17:34 and there were and all of these different leaders
17:36 addressed the crowd and basically
17:38 what they said was we need to pray,
17:41 we need to come together and pray for unity
17:43 and pray that God will do something to help America
17:47 and the world in this crisis.
17:48 How many of you watch that church service?
17:51 Okay, quite a few of you did.
17:53 Well, I watched that with great interest
17:56 and I'm certainly in favor of prayer,
17:58 people need to pray during crisis.
18:00 But as I watched that I thought to myself,
18:02 okay this is very significant.
18:04 Tuesday, the crisis hit and now Friday three days later
18:09 is a very strong movement for unity.
18:11 Now, two days later would be what day?
18:15 Two days later was a Sunday.
18:18 Can any of you think of anything significant?
18:22 Highly significant that happened on the Sunday
18:25 following the Tuesday when the towers came down.
18:30 Okay, I heard somebody say it, don't miss this.
18:33 Church attendance in America and around the world
18:38 went through the roof.
18:41 People there were more people in church,
18:43 the Sunday following September 11
18:46 that had been to church in a long, long time.
18:50 And it wasn't just in America, it was in Australia,
18:53 it was in Europe, because people knew,
18:56 people sensed something big is going on that could affect
19:00 the global economy and people were quite frightened.
19:04 So I looked at that and I watched
19:06 this with great interest, I'm a student of the Bible,
19:09 I'm looking at events taking place in the world
19:11 and I saw something that to me was just as clear
19:15 as a bell and that was this.
19:18 There was a crisis on Tuesday that was followed by a movement
19:22 toward unity on Friday and that was followed by Sunday church
19:26 attendance going through the roof around the world.
19:29 And I thought about that and the words just kept ringing
19:31 in my ears crisis, unity, Sunday, crisis, unity, Sunday.
19:39 To me that's very significant.
19:41 Whenever a major crisis hits,
19:44 the result is people are going to--
19:46 they would be going to church.
19:47 You heard the expression there is no atheist in foxholes.
19:50 Have you heard that expression?
19:52 Well, the same thing happened during the week of 911.
19:55 Now it's no secret, to a lot of people in the world,
19:58 even secular people and especially those of us
20:01 that are studying our Bibles
20:03 that we're on the edge of a much bigger crisis
20:07 than what happened during the week of September 11?
20:11 Isn't that right?
20:12 The Book of Daniel tells us in Chapter 12 verse 1,
20:15 that sometime in the future there will be a time of trouble
20:19 such as never was, never was
20:24 ever since there's been a nation.
20:26 There are many verses in Mathew 24 and Luke 21,
20:30 lots of verses that tell us that we're on the edge
20:33 of an overwhelming crisis and it's gonna be much bigger
20:37 than the one that happened during the week of 911.
20:42 We know that those of us who are studying
20:43 our Bibles we know that.
20:45 Now what is going to be the spark
20:47 of that final global crisis
20:51 that has been predicted in Bible prophecy,
20:54 I don't know, I'm not a prophet?
20:57 It could be a series of disasters,
20:59 of natural disasters, it could be
21:01 a gigantic solar storm, people are talking a lot about
21:04 the power of the sun and these storms
21:06 that could knock out the power grid, I'm not sure.
21:09 It could be an economic melt down,
21:11 the collapse of the dollar, I don't know--
21:14 things are I do know the things
21:15 are being held together by a thread.
21:17 How God is holding this world together is amazing.
21:21 How He can do it? It could be a well placed terrorist attack
21:28 on the computer system, the computer grid,
21:31 I just don't know, but I do know that it's coming.
21:36 And I also know that September 11
21:38 hit on a clear blue sky, out of a clear blue sky,
21:41 people just weren't expecting this and all of a sudden wham,
21:43 there it was, we woke up the next day or that day
21:45 and all of a sudden we were in the midst of this
21:47 and something similar is gonna happen at the end.
21:50 The final end, when the final crisis hits.
21:53 And I do know that just like what happened
21:56 during the week of September 11, the same dynamics
22:00 are gonna be at work.
22:02 there is no question about it.
22:04 And to me that's the big significance
22:05 of what happened on September 11
22:07 that we're gonna see once again,
22:08 that was just like a little window.
22:11 It was an example of what's coming in the future,
22:15 that we'll see again crisis followed by unity
22:19 or a move toward unity and that will be followed
22:22 by Sunday attendance around the world.
22:25 It's just-- it's not a mystery.
22:28 It's a no-brainer.
22:30 It's easy to figure out.
22:32 It's easy to look at that and realize
22:34 that that's going to happen.
22:36 Now, if we get into another crisis a big crisis,
22:39 a final crisis that hits this world really hard.
22:44 During the week of September 11
22:45 the market went down, they stop trading,
22:47 but as time went on the trading continued
22:50 and the market came back, right.
22:52 We got out of that crisis, didn't we?
22:54 But what happens if another crisis hits
22:57 and we don't get out of it.
22:59 What happens if things get,
23:01 things start to spiral out of control
23:04 and the crisis gets deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper
23:07 and there just seems to be no way out.
23:13 What's gonna happen then,
23:15 when that time comes, which it will?
23:18 What will happen then I can--
23:20 I don't know how much money you have,
23:22 it's a phrase, you can bet your bottom dollar,
23:24 you may not have very, many dollars,
23:27 but if you did have you get my point,
23:30 you can bet your bottom dollar that this is what will happen.
23:34 That if we don't get out of this crisis,
23:37 that eventually Sunday attendance
23:40 which we'll see again is going to shift.
23:43 It's gonna shift in the crisis,
23:45 it's gonna shift in the midst of an hour of desperation.
23:50 And it's going to shift to Sunday legislation.
23:55 There are Sunday laws that are on the books now,
23:58 if you do your homework in history,
24:00 Sunday legislation has taken place in Europe,
24:02 it's taken place in England,
24:04 it's taken place in colonial America.
24:06 There was strict blue laws
24:08 during the time of the early colonies
24:10 and there is a movement today.
24:12 I think about the European Sunday Alliance
24:15 I think about the efforts of Pope Benedict 16th.
24:19 There are lot of people today that would like to see Sunday
24:24 once again become legislated by law.
24:28 And if we come into a final crisis,
24:31 that's what's going to happen.
24:34 We believe that's what Bible prophecy predicts
24:37 that that will happen
24:38 and it will happen as a result of people
24:41 trying to come to God in a crisis
24:46 and say Lord, you got to help us
24:48 because if You don't do something,
24:50 the planet is in peril.
24:52 We got to get out of this somehow
24:53 and only You can do it.
24:55 And so Sunday attendance will shift to Sunday legislation
25:00 and it will be done as an effort to try to bring America
25:03 and the world back to God in a time of crisis
25:05 and in emergency measure
25:07 when you're in a emergency force must be used
25:12 and at least that's what they think.
25:14 That's what's going to happen
25:15 and those that don't go along with it.
25:18 Those that don't flock to church on the first day of the week,
25:23 they're going to stick out like Shadrach, Meshach,
25:27 and Abednego on the plains of Babylon.
25:30 When everybody bow down
25:32 and they were bowing down
25:33 to the image of King Nebuchadnezzar,
25:35 there were three people that said,
25:37 our conscience tells us we can't do this.
25:40 Our conscience tells us we can't do this.
25:42 Now what I am sharing with you
25:45 maybe a new idea to many of you,
25:47 I'm not sure, I don't imagine that
25:49 all of you here are completely familiar with this scenario.
25:52 This maybe a new idea to you,
25:54 for those that watch this on television the same thing.
25:57 I'd like to share with you
25:59 what Seventh-day Adventist believe is on the horizon.
26:03 And I ask that you think about it,
26:06 ponder it, pray about it
26:08 and take a look at it from the Bible.
26:12 What's wrong with Sunday legislation anyway?
26:15 It happened in Europe, Constantine did it.
26:18 It's happen in British history, colonial American history.
26:22 It happened many times.
26:23 What's wrong with Sunday legislation?
26:25 If Sunday-- if people are going to church,
26:28 we're in a crisis they are praying
26:30 and the government says, you got to go to church,
26:32 we're in emergency.
26:33 Churches and governments unite around the world
26:35 in a time of crisis and so Sunday is enforced by law.
26:40 What's wrong with that? Isn't that a good thing?
26:43 There's two major things
26:44 that are wrong with Sunday legislation.
26:47 Number one is, it's the wrong day.
26:50 If you look at the Ten Commandments,
26:51 the big ten and if you go down one, two, three, four
26:54 and look at the Fourth Commandment.
26:55 The Fourth Commandment tells us
26:56 that what day is the Sabbath day.
26:59 It's the seventh day,
27:01 not the first day of the week. That's right.
27:03 And so first of all what's wrong with it
27:05 is it is the wrong day being enforced by law.
27:09 It's not the day of the Ten Commandments.
27:11 I think anybody with an open heart
27:13 looks at the law of God will recognize that.
27:15 Second problem with Sunday legislation
27:20 and somebody just tell me what it is?
27:22 It's pretty obvious for those of us
27:24 that at least thought about it.
27:27 Okay, that's right, that right, it's the use of force,
27:31 it's the use of force in religion.
27:34 Its government and churches
27:36 trying to force people to be religious
27:39 and to go to church.
27:40 Jesus Christ never used force to compel obedience.
27:46 He only used the power of love.
27:48 He doesn't do that. So that's it.
27:50 And when that time finally comes
27:52 and we're in a big crisis and there is unity
27:54 and there's Sunday attendance
27:56 and then Sunday legislation
27:58 and it's happening around the world
28:00 and there is a whole lot of us that have a problem with this
28:03 and think there's something wrong,
28:04 it's the wrong day, its forced
28:07 and especially if we know our Bibles,
28:09 if we know what Revelation 14 says.
28:12 We know what the Third Angel's Message says
28:14 that we're gonna be in the time of the final crisis
28:16 and we have a message to get to the world.
28:19 When that time comes
28:21 we need to be able to explain to our friends,
28:25 to our families, to our neighbors,
28:28 to reporters, to the media
28:31 what this crisis is all about, right.
28:34 We need to be able to explain what's going on.
28:40 I fully believe by the grace of God
28:42 that White Horse Media is going to be
28:45 operating at that time.
28:47 This is the goal of our ministry.
28:49 This is our dream
28:51 to be a part of God's last message to the world.
28:54 And I can guarantee you
28:56 that if we are a functioning organization
28:59 when the final crisis hits around the world,
29:02 we're gonna send out press releases
29:04 which we've been doing in the past.
29:06 We've learned how to engage the media,
29:08 I've learned how to get on television shows
29:11 and radio shows as a guest.
29:13 I don't know how many of you are local
29:14 but who have you have listened to Billy Cunningham
29:17 on the Big One 700-AM WLW?
29:20 How many of you are from Cincinnati
29:22 ever listened to Billy Cunningham, anybody?
29:24 You guys, you must all be from out of town.
29:27 Anybody that lives in Cincinnati
29:30 is well aware of the radio station WLW 700-AM,
29:35 it's the biggest one in Cincinnati.
29:37 And one of the biggest talk show host out there
29:39 is the man name Billy Cunningham.
29:41 He has recently gone with Fox News.
29:43 He has got a national television show as well.
29:46 I've been Billy's guest at least five times
29:49 discussing different things.
29:51 Just about a week ago
29:52 I was a guest on the Rob Pratte show.
29:55 The Weekend Magazine with Rob Pratte
29:56 it's a CBS affiliate KDKA station in Pittsburgh.
30:00 That's a large station on the east coast.
30:03 I've been on all kinds of shows,
30:04 hundreds and hundreds of shows.
30:06 And we talk about all kinds of media issues.
30:09 We talked about the Colorado murder massacre,
30:11 the massacre that was the last program
30:13 I was on with Rob Pratte.
30:16 And when the crisis hits,
30:18 we're gonna send out a press release
30:20 and try to engage the media.
30:22 I hope to get on Fox News, I'd like to have the producer
30:25 of the Bill O'Reilly show contact me and say,
30:27 Steve Wohlberg, Bill would like to interview you
30:30 about Sunday legislation
30:31 and your views of Bible prophecy.
30:34 I'd love to be on the No Spin Zone with Bill
30:37 and to discuss this.
30:39 Anyway when this time finally comes,
30:42 God is gonna have a people around the world
30:44 that are gonna be getting on the radio,
30:47 getting on television, talking to the reporters,
30:49 talking to the newspapers.
30:51 And they're gonna be explaining
30:53 what the Bible says about this final crisis.
30:57 Are you ready for that time?
30:59 Do you know what to say when the crisis hits?
31:04 Well, we're gonna open up our Bibles
31:05 and we all need to do this back to Revelation 14.
31:08 And we need to explain in a simple way.
31:10 Verse 9, who the beast is? We got to do it.
31:15 We're gonna say what the image of the beast is.
31:17 We're gonna talk about the Mark of the Beast.
31:20 We're gonna explain that in a simple way,
31:22 and then we're gonna go down to verse 12, 14:12
31:26 and we're going to say this verse.
31:28 And let's say it together.
31:30 "Here is the patience of the saints,
31:33 here are they that keep the commandments of God,
31:37 and the faith of Jesus." Right.
31:40 And that's the quote that I read earlier
31:43 from 6 volume of the Testimonies, page 19,
31:46 it says that the law of God is to be magnified.
31:50 Its claims must be presented
31:53 in their true and sacred character
31:56 that the people may be brought to decide
31:59 for or against the truth.
32:02 When the final crisis hits when we get on the radio
32:04 and television and we're interviewed by these people,
32:06 we need to open our Bibles, we need to read verse 12
32:09 that talks about those who keep the commandments of God.
32:12 Let's just say that again "keep the commandments of God."
32:16 Now then what we're gonna do is
32:17 we're gonna open up our Bibles to Exodus 20
32:19 and we're gonna go down through
32:20 the Ten Commandments one by one.
32:22 Ands this is what's gonna be happening all over the world.
32:26 People are gonna be opening their Bibles
32:28 and telling people, let's look at the law of God,
32:32 let's look at the big ten
32:35 that God wrote with His own finger on stone.
32:38 The first commandment
32:40 "You shall have no other gods before me.
32:43 That verse is gonna be shared around the world.
32:45 The second commandment "No idols."
32:48 The third commandment "Don't take God's name in vain."
32:51 The fourth commandment
32:52 "Remember don't forget the Seventh day,
32:54 the Sabbath and to keep it holy."
32:58 The fifth commandment "Honor your father and mother."
33:01 Number sixth "Don't murder."
33:03 Number seventh "Don't commit adultery."
33:06 Number eight "Don't steal."
33:08 Number nine "Don't lie." Number ten "Don't covet."
33:12 And I strongly believe that
33:14 when that time finally comes the crisis hits,
33:16 God's gonna have people around the world
33:18 that are directing people to His law.
33:21 When that time finally comes,
33:23 it will not be a time for a marshmallow Christianity,
33:27 it will not be a time for fluff,
33:29 it will not be a time for side issues,
33:31 it will not be a time for all kinds
33:33 of different interpretations about strange things
33:38 that are blowing around the world.
33:41 It's gonna be a time when the fourth angel comes down
33:45 from heaven uniting with the third angel
33:47 to direct people all over the planet
33:50 to the holiness of the big ten,
33:54 the Ten Commandments. Not the ten suggestions
33:57 but the Ten Commandments
33:58 that Got wrote with His own finger on stone.
34:01 That are summarized into two big commandments
34:04 to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength
34:07 and your neighbor as yourself. And I want to be a part of that.
34:12 And I'm deeply convicted
34:14 that God can't use me to lift up His law
34:17 to magnify His law if I'm breaking His law on myself.
34:21 The only way God can use me to really communicate
34:25 the importance of the Ten Commandments
34:28 is if I am a commandment keeper.
34:30 And so that's what's gonna be happening,
34:32 we're gonna be lifting up the law around the world.
34:34 Now follow this thought, don't miss this point.
34:38 When we are in the midst of the final crisis
34:40 which we will be soon
34:43 and the Mark of the Beast is enforced by law
34:45 around the world which will happen.
34:48 And God has a people
34:50 that are lifting up the Ten Commandments
34:53 and showing people number one,
34:55 number two, number three, number four,
34:58 all ten of them, especially the fourth one.
35:02 And the Holy Spirit is speaking with great power
35:07 and people's eyes are being open
35:08 and they are going wow, I've never seen that before.
35:11 And the finger that wrote the law
35:14 is speaking to people's hearts.
35:16 Commandment by commandments saying this is my law,
35:19 this is nonnegotiable.
35:21 God wrote it with His own finger on stone.
35:27 When that time comes
35:29 and the world at least those that are open are convicted
35:33 that they've broken the Ten Commandments.
35:39 Then what, then what happens?
35:43 Here's a few Bible verses.
35:45 1 John 3:4 says
35:47 "Sin is breaking the law." We know that.
35:49 Romans 3:23 says
35:51 "All have sin and come short of the glory of God."
35:54 Roman 6:23 says "The wages of sin is death."
35:58 Roman 3:19-20 says
36:00 "The whole world will become guilty before God."
36:07 14:12 says "Here are they that keep."
36:11 Here's a very important point, don't miss this point.
36:15 Before anyone becomes a commandment keeper,
36:21 they first must realize that they are what?
36:25 They are commandment breakers. That's right.
36:26 And if God has people around the world
36:28 that are lifting up His law and showing people
36:30 that they've broken all the different commandments
36:32 and the fourth commandment is being broken
36:33 and the Holy Spirit is speaking with power
36:35 to human hearts, impressing people.
36:40 People realize that they are guilty,
36:41 that they are sinners, that they've broken God's law,
36:44 His moral law, then what? Then what?
36:50 Do we just tell people do I go to Bill O'Reilly
36:53 or Billy Cunningham and say Billy or Bill or Rob
36:58 or whatever show I'm on.
37:01 Really the Fourth Commandment points to the seventh day,
37:03 not the first day of the week and if you'll just shift days
37:06 from the first day of the week to the seventh day,
37:09 everything is fine.
37:11 You'll go to heaven that way.
37:14 Is that what we're supposed to say during the final crisis?
37:17 No. Don't miss this.
37:20 When the law of God is lifted up as this quote says magnified
37:25 and its claims are presented
37:27 in their true and sacred character
37:29 that the people maybe brought to decide
37:31 for or against the truth.
37:33 When that time comes all around the world
37:35 and the Spirit of God is trying
37:37 to convict people one last time.
37:43 And the world feels its need at least those that are open
37:48 that they are guilty of breaking the law of God.
37:52 Don't miss this.
37:54 That moment is going to become heaven's finest hour.
38:00 That moment is going to be the moment
38:02 when the greatest light
38:04 that has ever burst upon this world
38:07 is gonna flash from sea to sea,
38:09 from shore to shore all around the world.
38:12 It is in the midst of that final crisis hour
38:16 that God's people
38:18 through the power of the Holy Spirit
38:20 are going to lift up, lift up
38:23 higher and higher and higher.
38:26 One man and all eyes are going to be directed
38:31 to one man, to one man
38:35 and its not gonna be Steve Wohlberg.
38:37 I'm not trying to offend anybody
38:39 but it's not gonna be Doug Batchelor,
38:40 its not gonna be Mark Finley,
38:41 its not gonna be anyone of those that the Lord is using.
38:46 Its not gonna be you, its not gonna be Danny
38:49 or Jim or any of us
38:52 because as Danny Shelton so often correctly says
38:55 "it's not about us." Right?
38:59 Its not about me who's it about?
39:02 It's about Jesus. That's right.
39:04 And in the final crisis, listen to what she says.
39:08 The same quote after the law of God is magnified it says
39:12 "The message of Christ's righteousness
39:15 is to sound from one end of the earth to the other
39:19 to prepare the way of the Lord.
39:22 This is the glory of God
39:24 which closes the work of the Third Angel."
39:30 When the Ten Commandments are lifted up
39:32 and people realize that they are sinners
39:34 which is the first half of verse 12
39:36 the commandments of God, then the next half of verse 12
39:40 is gonna be lifted up higher
39:41 and higher and higher and higher.
39:43 And people are gonna look at Jesus
39:45 and they're gonna be told,
39:46 John 3:16 "That God so loved the world,
39:50 that he gave his only begotten Son."
39:52 The 2000 years ago, a baby was born in Bethlehem,
39:55 2000 years ago He came down,
39:58 the One whose finger wrote the law came down
40:02 and became a baby and became a man.
40:05 And during 33 years of living
40:09 walking the dusty roads of Galilee,
40:13 the shores of Judea.
40:15 For 33 years, a man name Jesus Christ, a God man
40:21 kept every single one of those commandments perfectly.
40:25 He kept the Sabbath.
40:26 says
40:27 "He went into the synagogue
40:29 on the Sabbath day stood up to read."
40:31 He kept the Fifth Commandment.
40:32 Honor your father and mother
40:33 when He was subject to Joseph and Mary in Luke 2.
40:36 When He resisted the devil in the wilderness.
40:38 And said, it is written,
40:41 worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.
40:43 He kept the first commandment and put His Father first.
40:46 When He said, I tell you the truth.
40:48 He never lied, He kept the Ninth Commandment.
40:51 He didn't bear false witness.
40:53 Jesus Christ kept every single one
40:55 of the Ten Commandments perfectly,
40:58 from birth to grave.
41:00 And who did He do it for?
41:03 He did it for you and for me, that's right.
41:05 Now Jeremiah 23:5, 6 says
41:08 That Jesus is gonna have a special name.
41:10 And the name is the Lord our righteousness.
41:14 If you read your Bibles, you'll discover Romans 9:31,
41:17 Romans 8:4 that God's law,
41:20 His Ten Commandments is the law of righteousness.
41:22 It tells us what's right and what's wrong,
41:24 it tells us, it's wrong to lie, it's wrong to steal,
41:26 it's wrong to commit adultery.
41:28 It's wrong not to honor our parents.
41:30 It's wrong not to keep the Sabbath.
41:32 It's wrong to bow down to idols.
41:33 God has a law,
41:34 He has the standard of right and wrong,
41:36 its nonnegotiable,
41:37 it doesn't change no matter what the world says,
41:41 God's big ten stand today.
41:43 It's a law of righteousness showing us
41:45 what's right and what's wrong.
41:48 And the good news is that Jesus Christ came down
41:51 here as a man and He kept
41:53 every single one of those commandments.
41:54 He loved His Father with all His heart,
41:56 soul, mind, and strength.
41:57 He loved His neighbor as Himself.
41:59 He kept the law of God perfectly
42:01 and He earned the right
42:02 to become the Lord, our righteousness.
42:06 And then at the end of 33 years of holy living
42:10 in the Garden of Gethsemane,
42:14 He suffered and He agonized and He drank a cup.
42:17 I don't have time to develop this right now
42:19 but the Third Angels' message says
42:20 that those that get the Mark of the Beast
42:22 will eventually drink the wine of the wrath of God
42:25 which is poured out into a cup.
42:27 That's what Revelation 14:10 says in your Bible.
42:31 And I am deeply convicted
42:33 that in the Garden of Gethsemane,
42:35 Jesus Christ drank that cup.
42:38 He trembled with that cup.
42:40 The destiny of the human race trembled in that trying hour.
42:44 And Jesus drank that cup
42:45 and He said, "Father if you're willing,
42:47 take this cup from Me.
42:50 Nevertheless not my will but Your will be done."
42:52 He took our justice, so He could give us His mercy.
42:57 He took the wrath of the Third Angel's Message.
42:59 The just wrath of God.
43:02 He took it in His on mind and in His own heart.
43:05 He loves us more than we'll know.
43:07 And during the final crisis,
43:09 we lift up the Ten Commandments
43:11 and then we lift up Jesus.
43:12 He is on righteousness.
43:14 At the end of His life,
43:15 He took, He gathered to Himself
43:17 the sins of the whole world.
43:19 All the commandment breaking that you've ever done,
43:22 that I've ever done, that every religion has done
43:25 whether its Catholic, or Baptist, or Wiccan
43:28 or Muslim, or Jewish,
43:31 whatever it is, all the Ten Commandments
43:34 that have been broken all over the world,
43:36 all the sin was gathered and placed in the mind
43:39 and in the heart of Jesus Christ.
43:42 And He paid, He suffered, and He agonized,
43:45 and He drank that cup in Gethsemane on the cross
43:49 and He died-- He died for you
43:52 and for me and for the whole world.
43:54 And during the final crisis that needs to be that cry,
43:58 the loud cry needs to be lifted up.
44:02 Jesus needs to be lifted up higher and higher and higher.
44:06 The finger that wrote the law was on a hand
44:09 that was nailed to a cross.
44:14 Two mountains, Mount Sinai where He gave His law.
44:18 Mount Calvary where He paid the price.
44:22 The heart of the Third Angel's Message,
44:24 the Commandments of God,
44:25 the faith of Jesus, the law, the gospel,
44:28 these truths come together in the final crisis.
44:32 The laws lifted up, and the cross is lifted up,
44:35 and Jesus Christ is lifted up.
44:36 He is my righteousness, He is my Savior,
44:40 He loves me, He suffered for me,
44:42 He took all my sins, He died for me,
44:45 and He rose from the death.
44:47 And He offers me and He offers you
44:50 a pure white robe of perfect righteousness
44:53 to cover all of our sins.
44:55 And that message must be preached
44:58 during the final crisis with tremendous power.
45:02 With latter rain, Holy Ghost power
45:04 like we've never seen because that's it.
45:08 I mean, that's the bottom-line.
45:10 People have broken God's law
45:12 and they need a Savior, they need Jesus.
45:14 This is not a side message, this is not a rabbit trail,
45:16 this is not a one of the devil's diversions.
45:20 It's the final message of God to the world
45:22 as described in the Bible, it's the Third Angel's Message.
45:26 It's right there in scripture and those that hear the message
45:30 during that final time,
45:31 they will have to make a final choice.
45:34 And they'll have to respond, they'll know they're guilty,
45:37 they've broken the law,
45:38 there is a law enforcing the wrong day,
45:41 now they see the right law, they see the right day,
45:44 and they see the right man,
45:45 the right savior who is their righteousness,
45:48 who loves them, who paid the price,
45:50 whose arms are open,
45:51 and who says come to me right now.
45:54 This is your last chance,
45:56 this is your last chance, this is it.
45:59 And those that make the right choice
46:01 and yield to Jesus as their Savior,
46:03 trust Him as their righteousness,
46:06 they will be forgiven, they will be clothed
46:08 with the white robe, they'll have the Holy Spirit
46:11 coming into their hearts with power
46:13 and He will write that law in their hearts.
46:14 The finger that wrote the law was nailed to a cross
46:17 and then that same finger will write the law
46:18 in their hearts and in their minds.
46:21 And then by the grace of God,
46:23 they will then become commandment keepers
46:25 like this verse says.
46:26 "Here are they that keep.
46:27 First they know they have broken
46:29 and then they know they need Jesus and then they become those
46:32 that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus
46:35 through the power of the Holy Spirit."
46:38 Commandment keepers will be born during that final crisis.
46:44 And I want to be one of those people.
46:46 I want to be a commandment keeper.
46:49 Don't you? I'll tell you a quick story.
46:54 Actually let me show you that.
46:56 Most of you know that a few months
46:57 from now a very fateful day is coming December 21, 2012.
47:02 I've written the book about this 2012 the end of the world.
47:05 If you happen to watch this program on television
47:07 after that date is passed, then you'll have to find another book
47:10 to share as a missionary book.
47:12 But I've written a little book on this,
47:13 we got that at our booth.
47:15 And it talks about December 21,
47:17 the day when the Mayan calendar comes to an end
47:18 and all the speculation about this and it's got
47:22 the Third Angel's Message right in
47:23 and it's got the Ten Commandments in it,
47:24 and it's got Jesus in it, the gospel in it,
47:26 His law, and His love is in it.
47:29 And anyway I bring out in my book
47:32 and I've done this on the radio many times
47:33 and I'll do it again as we get closer to December 21.
47:37 That I personally believe that December 21, 2012
47:41 is going to be a very significant day.
47:44 Something big is going to happen on that day.
47:48 And you're wondering what are you talking about.
47:51 Well, I tell you, December 21, 2012
47:54 my little girl, her name is Abby.
47:57 Abigail Rose Wohlberg, she will turn five on that day.
48:03 December 21, 2012 is her birthday.
48:09 To me that's the only significance of the day.
48:13 Anyway last December right around December 21
48:17 we had a birthday for Abby and when she turned four,
48:20 we had some church friends in our home,
48:22 grandma and grandpa were there
48:23 and Abby had little stack of presents.
48:26 And grandma and grandpa had bought her this big present,
48:30 it was gigantic bigger than my daughter.
48:33 And it was a dollhouse.
48:35 And I'll confess you that I do play with dolls sometimes.
48:39 When my little girl grabs my hand
48:40 and says daddy will you play with me in my dollhouse.
48:43 She is hard to resist.
48:44 Well, she didn't know she had a dollhouse in this big box.
48:49 So we all got around and time came open the presents
48:52 and she pulled out and she pulled off the wrapper
48:54 and she looked and she saw this big image
48:57 of a gigantic dollhouse in this box
48:59 and she was so shocked to see this.
49:02 And she looked at it and she looked at grandma and grandpa
49:06 and this is what she said, it was so mooting to me.
49:09 She looked at them and she said, she said,
49:12 grandpa is this really for me?
49:17 Is this really for me?
49:20 And of course they looked at her and said,
49:21 yes honey, this is all for you.
49:24 This is all for you.
49:25 Well, I want to tell you and we need to be saying
49:27 this with the loud voice all around the world
49:31 especially during the final crisis.
49:33 That 2000 years ago God came down and became a man
49:39 was that all for you? It was.
49:43 2000 years ago for 33 years Jesus Christ
49:48 kept the Ten Commandments perfectly with love
49:50 in His heart, unselfish love to become the Lord,
49:54 our righteousness, your righteousness
49:57 and mine because we haven't done it.
50:00 Did He do that all just for you?
50:05 At the end of His life in Gethsemane,
50:07 He wrestled, Father, if it's possible
50:11 take this cup from me.
50:13 But it wasn't possible if we were to be saved.
50:17 So Jesus chose to drink that cup to take the justice
50:21 so we could receive His mercy.
50:25 Did He do all of that, was He separated
50:27 from His Father in Gethsemane and on the cross all for you?
50:34 Yes. And then He finally stretched out
50:37 His arms and He said, "It is finished."
50:41 And He died.
50:45 Was that all for you? Yes, it was.
50:47 And then He rose from the dead, He rose from the dead.
50:50 It was all for you and it was all for me.
50:55 And that's what we need to preach.
50:57 The message of Christ, our righteousness
51:00 during earth's final crisis with a loud voice through the power
51:04 of the Holy Spirit so that this verse is fulfilled
51:08 and God has the people all around the world
51:11 who are among the saints, here are they that keep
51:15 because they love Him for what He has done for them.
51:19 Here are they that keep the commandments of God
51:22 and the faith of Jesus.
51:25 And when that people is fully formed
51:27 and everyone makes their choice,
51:29 then the door in heaven will close the plagues will fall,
51:33 those that make the right choice who are on Jesus' side
51:36 will be protected during the final crisis,
51:39 the final time of plagues and then the sky will crack open
51:44 and the Son of God will come down to get His people
51:48 who are His saints, who love Him, who want Him,
51:51 who have given Him their whole lives and say Lord,
51:53 get me out of here.
51:55 And it will be the greatest airlift
51:57 in the history of humanity.
51:59 And we'll be going up to glory, hallelujah,
52:02 and we won't have any more ASI Conventions.
52:06 May God hasten that day.
52:08 Let's bow our heads and let's pray.
52:12 Dear Father, Holy Father in heaven,
52:15 thank you for the message of the Third Angel,
52:18 the message of Jesus Christ and His righteousness.
52:22 How much Jesus loves us, how much He has done for us.
52:26 Oh, Lord, thank you so much.
52:27 Please be with all of us.
52:30 Write your law in our hearts.
52:32 Put your love inside of us and help us to love you,
52:35 to love our neighbor as ourselves,
52:37 to be commandment keepers in the midst of a lost world
52:40 so that light, that great light that people will go wow,
52:46 look at that light, I've never seen it like that before.
52:49 It will be shining around the world.
52:51 May we be a part of that, we pray in Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17