ASI Conventions, 2012

Thursday Morning message 'Doubtless'

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: 12ASIC

Program Code: 12ASIC000005

00:32 You told me how that Jesus gave His life for me
00:37 You love me when all others turned away
00:43 My empty heart was yearning
00:46 And Lord you kept me turning
00:48 To tell me of the truth, the life, the way
00:52 And then I saw the Lord
00:54 Then I saw the living the Savior
00:58 living in your life
01:04 Giving with Your hands
01:06 Speaking with Your voice Staring through Your eyes
01:11 Yeah, staring through your eyes
01:14 As you showed God's love to me
01:19 All at once my eyes could see, I saw Jesus
01:27 Praise God, I saw the Lord
01:36 I thirsted for the water that can satisfy
01:41 I hunger for the matter from above
01:46 You saw my need and thought me
01:49 You told me Christ had got me
01:52 And with your light you showed me Jesus' love
01:56 And then I saw the Lord
01:57 Then I saw the Savior living in your life
02:03 Yes, living in your life
02:06 Giving with your hands
02:09 Speaking with your voice
02:12 Staring through your eyes
02:14 Yeah, staring through your eyes
02:17 As you showed God's love to me
02:22 All at once my eyes could see, I saw Jesus
02:30 Praise God, I saw the Lord
02:37 And then I saw the Lord
02:38 Then I saw the Savior living in your life
02:44 Yes, living in your life
02:48 Giving with your hands
02:50 Speaking with your voice
02:53 Staring through your eyes
02:55 Yeah, staring through your eyes
02:58 As you showed God's love to me
03:03 All at once my eyes could see, I saw Jesus
03:11 Praise God, I saw the Lord
03:18 Giving with your hands
03:20 Speaking with your voice Staring through your eyes
03:25 I saw the Lord
03:39 Thank you. I am sure you are blessed.
03:41 If you are blessed I expect that you are going to say,
03:43 amen. Amen.
03:45 Good morning everyone. Good morning.
03:47 Now, let's try that again, shall we?
03:50 Good morning everyone. Good morning!
03:53 It's just important for the preacher to know
03:55 that the people listening are awake, that's all.
03:58 I noticed some friends of mine, some dear friends of mine
04:02 when we passed in election to Kentucky,
04:04 some people down here with the most--
04:05 they were the best church members in the world.
04:10 I say that about everyone actually.
04:14 In Kentucky, we had this little thing
04:16 and Keith would tell you about this.
04:19 We had this thing when people fell asleep in church.
04:24 It wasn't good. Here's what we would do.
04:27 We had a deacon in the church, his name was Jim.
04:29 He is the head deacon.
04:31 When someone fell asleep during the church service,
04:34 you knew trouble was coming
04:35 because Jim would stand up and walk out.
04:38 And I knew trouble was coming, I mean, I hated this.
04:41 I dislike this more than anybody.
04:42 And Jim would walk out, he would go to a cupboard
04:44 we had out at the foyer
04:45 with the word deacons written on it, deacons.
04:49 And he go out to the deacons cupboard,
04:50 this is what would happen when somebody fell asleep
04:53 in Lexington which is not far from here.
04:56 And Jim would go out and he would get this--
04:58 it was a big long pole
04:59 that stood in the corner of the deacon's closet
05:02 and on the end of the pole there was a knob,
05:06 a rounded knob, this what would happen.
05:08 And then Jim would come walking back into church,
05:11 our beloved head deacon
05:13 and he would be holding the long pole
05:14 and everybody knew what was coming.
05:18 And I--I mean, I knew what was coming.
05:21 I dreaded this.
05:22 And Jim would come in with the long pole
05:24 and remember this is what happen when somebody fell asleep
05:26 in church and heads were turn
05:28 and people will look and they be--
05:30 you know, when the dear sisters out here would gasp
05:32 a little bit, oh, not again, dear God, help us.
05:35 And when somebody fell asleep in church,
05:37 Brother Jim, the head deacon would come up with that long--
05:40 that long pole and he walk right up the front
05:43 and when someone fell asleep in church
05:45 he would take that pole and jab, he would jab the preacher.
05:59 Isn't that right?
06:03 So please don't fall asleep on me,
06:04 it just makes me nervous,
06:06 break on the cold sweat. Not good.
06:12 Well, it's a blessing to be here,
06:13 it's a privilege to be here actually.
06:15 What a great place to be, ASI, the National Convention.
06:17 What a blessing to be here.
06:19 Now, theme for this weekend, this week, weekend is
06:24 "Its Time to be about--" what?
06:27 "Our Father's business." Do you believe that?
06:30 I believe that, I believe
06:31 it's time to be about our father's business.
06:33 So lets pray and talk a little bit about this
06:36 from what I hope will be a biblical perspective.
06:39 Please bow your head with me as we pray together.
06:44 Our Father in heaven, we thank you
06:45 that we can come to you today in the name of Jesus.
06:50 We are reminded of the words of the old hymn,
06:52 in our hand no price we bring simply to the cross we claim.
06:59 I thank you that we have this, really this oasis of place
07:03 where we can come together
07:04 and celebrate that we are Yours and be challenged a little bit.
07:10 Challenged and inspire.
07:12 Please Lord, would you speak to our heart.
07:16 And I pray that you would be merciful to me
07:21 and please do not allow the fallenness
07:28 and the inadequacy of sinful humanity
07:31 to get in the way of the working of Your Spirit.
07:34 I will not ask that You send Your Spirit to be here,
07:36 instead I will thank you that Your Spirit is here.
07:39 We consider this Your place.
07:41 So speak here Lord and be heard please, we pray.
07:46 We ask this of you in Jesus' name.
07:48 Please join me in saying. Amen.
07:53 I think I am right in saying
07:54 that in this world we love sure things.
07:58 We love sure investments.
08:02 If you knew that there was a place
08:05 that you could take your hard earned money and invest it
08:08 and you were guaranteed a risk free return
08:13 that was handsome, that was attractive
08:16 you'd be all over that, you would love that.
08:18 We like can't lose stuff.
08:20 We like the idea of a can't lose investment.
08:22 One of the reasons, one of the reasons
08:24 so many people lost their sure during the housing crises
08:27 was that, well, you can't possibly lose
08:31 on real estate, right?
08:33 That's one of the reason so many people
08:35 as many people as did came out of this thing kind of hard.
08:38 Unfortunately, many can't lose investments
08:41 turn out to be can lose investments.
08:43 That's just the way it is.
08:45 We like sure things. We like them.
08:48 We like them in sports. We like sure things in sports.
08:52 Now what I am about to tell you
08:53 is very difficult to me to tell you.
08:54 I would never-- I will never say this again.
08:56 It's difficult for me to tell you,
08:57 I am from New Zealand originally.
08:59 In 1987, the first rugby world cup was held,
09:03 it was held in New Zealand.
09:04 New Zealand is traditionally
09:06 the rugby super power of the world.
09:09 Now there's a South African or two around here
09:11 who's going to disagree with me but I don't mind,
09:13 I have the microphone and they don't, so that's that.
09:16 You can talk about South African rugby when you preach.
09:22 New Zealand was expected to win
09:24 the 1987 world cup and did. No problem.
09:28 The last rugby world cup was 2011,
09:30 last year New Zealand was expected to win it.
09:32 New Zealand won it.
09:33 Now we played along with the French
09:35 and allowed them to think they were in the game,
09:37 they pushed us a little
09:38 but we won in 1987, we were the favorites.
09:40 We won in 2011, we could not lose
09:44 but do I need to tell you
09:45 what happened in 1991 and 1995
09:50 and 1999 and 2003 and 2007?
09:55 New Zealand was the can't lose overwhelming favorite
09:58 in all of those rugby world cups.
10:00 And in all of those other ones we didn't lose once--
10:02 oh sorry, I wish that was true.
10:05 We didn't win once. So much for can't lose.
10:08 Wait a minute, I feel I am well having told you that.
10:12 I have to find something to make myself feel better.
10:14 What can I tell you that can make me feel better?
10:18 In the Olympic games, an Australian swimmer
10:20 name James Magnussen was the can't lose
10:23 overwhelming prohibitive favorite
10:25 to win the men's 100 meters freestyle.
10:27 He was the world champion.
10:29 He was the fastest ever man over 100 meters freestyle,
10:34 one of swimming's glamour events
10:36 wearing the traditional swimsuit.
10:38 You know, a few years ago
10:39 they went to these space age swimsuits
10:41 made out of I don't know, carbon fiber or something.
10:44 They ban those.
10:46 But wearing the conventional swim suite,
10:47 the missile, the Aussies call them,
10:49 the missile, the fastest. He said, "I think I will win."
10:53 The Australians expected him to win.
10:55 In his home town, a very beautiful city
10:57 called Port Macquarie people got up early in the morning.
10:59 Many of them went to town square at 4:30 in the morning.
11:03 Well, the domain not a town square,
11:05 there was a big screen there, the citizens came out.
11:08 His race was at 5:15, Australian time.
11:12 And James Magnusson swam well.
11:14 He swam so well, many people thought he had won
11:17 but he didn't win, he came second.
11:18 I feel better telling you that.
11:19 He came second by 1/100th of a second.
11:23 He couldn't lose but he didn't win.
11:29 Let's keep going. 1972, Munich Olympics.
11:32 The New Zealand-- no, hang on a minute,
11:34 I am on a-- I am stuck in a grove.
11:36 The United States basketball team,
11:38 the men's basketball team had won the god medal
11:41 at every Olympic Games since 1936.
11:45 They were on a roll and they got to Munich
11:48 and they couldn't lose.
11:50 Then they played the Soviet Union in the final
11:53 and they couldn't lose.
11:55 And with seconds to play they were leading 50 points to 49.
12:00 As a matter of fact, America though that they had won
12:03 until there was some confusion with the clock.
12:06 And they added a second.
12:07 And then they added another second I think it was.
12:09 And they gave the ball back to the Soviets with a second
12:12 and a half left to play or something like that.
12:15 And something happened and the Soviets scored.
12:18 The United States went home without the gold medal.
12:20 They couldn't lose but they didn't win.
12:24 We like can't lose especially when we don't lose.
12:28 Wouldn't it be great to have a can't lose proposition
12:34 in the Lord's work?
12:36 Wouldn't it be great
12:38 to get involved in some kind of evangelism outreach
12:42 where you had God's assurance
12:45 that doing this, you just cannot lose?
12:51 Now anybody who's been involved in evangelism, you can say,
12:54 "Oh no, hang on man, we've held meetings,
12:56 we've done outreaches, we've had health programs,
13:00 we've done all kinds of community service,
13:03 there's no such things as a cannot lose
13:07 proposition in evangelism."
13:09 That's what somebody might say.
13:11 But I want to take you to a passage in the Bible
13:13 that demonstrates to you that in the work of evangelism,
13:17 you cannot lose.
13:19 Let's turn in our Bibles to Psalm 126, Psalm 126.
13:26 There is one of the songs of ascents.
13:30 Some times, I think my Bible, it says a song of degrees.
13:33 Same thing, yours might say
13:35 under Psalm 126, songs of ascents.
13:39 Probably not written by David,
13:41 certainly inspired by the Holy Spirit of All Mighty God.
13:45 These songs of ascents were sung by worshippers
13:50 when they went up to keep certain feast days,
13:52 Passover was one of them.
13:54 Up, when they ascended up to Jerusalem.
13:57 And this Psalm begins with the worshippers
14:00 singing the words, Psalm 126,
14:03 "When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion,
14:08 we were like them that dream."
14:10 Now, I read this the first time and thought,
14:12 this must be talking about the captivity in Babylon.
14:14 Not so, the expert says. Not so.
14:17 Uh, possibly but not necessarily and actually not likely.
14:21 This could be the scholar say any sort of captivity,
14:24 any sort of oppression, any sort of burden.
14:28 The Lord turns them.
14:29 "When the Lord turned again the captivity,"
14:32 and if you look at this rather than just thinking back.
14:36 If you take the narrative
14:37 and transpose it into a contemporary key,
14:40 you will read this and discover that the Bible writer believed
14:43 that the Lord is able to turn again our captivity.
14:47 Can you say, amen?
14:48 Whatever your burden is, whatever your difficulty is.
14:53 When you are down, God lifts you up.
14:55 When there is some captivity taking place in your life,
14:59 it is God who was able to turn that thing.
15:02 If you will press the throne of God in faith,
15:06 you will know that it is the Lord
15:08 who was able to turn again your captivity,
15:10 whether it is captivity to sin,
15:12 whether it is captivity to some crisis in your life.
15:16 When you perceive, you are held fast some place
15:20 you don't want to be,
15:22 you can know God is able to turn your captivity.
15:26 The worshippers going up to Mount Zion knew that,
15:29 they believe that.
15:30 Verse 2, "Then was our mouth filled with laughter,
15:34 and our tongue with singing."
15:37 Ladies and gentleman, I would like to suggest you today
15:39 that when God does some great thing for you,
15:43 you ought to have some laughter
15:44 and you ought to have some singing going on.
15:48 I remember the first sermon I preached on American soil.
15:54 It was a terrifying experience.
15:57 I preached in a town in Pennsylvania.
16:01 Names will be changed to protect the guilty.
16:05 I was a kid preaching my heart
16:06 and I didn't even know why I was preaching.
16:08 I was doing an LE program with a bunch of students
16:11 and they said, "Hey, you talk a lot.
16:12 Would you preach?" Yeah.
16:17 I said, "Man, I got to fire up these Adventists."
16:19 I preach the First Angel's message.
16:21 I said, "Wow, there's something in there
16:23 that everybody can get excited about."
16:25 And I preached.
16:31 And I though to myself this is not going well.
16:36 And I preached again. Man, I was hitting the high--
16:38 the high notes and some big points
16:40 and I said this will excite them.
16:42 It excited them all right.
16:47 And I walked out of there saying,
16:48 why did I agree to do this,
16:49 I will probably never preach again.
16:53 And when they met me at the door I was barraged.
16:58 It was like an avalanche.
16:59 Little old ladies were hurling themselves at me
17:00 from 10 or 12 feet away.
17:03 God bless you, young man.
17:06 The conference president was there.
17:08 Shook my hand, just about rip my arm
17:10 out of its arm socket.
17:11 Man, we need more of that in our churches.
17:15 And while I was standing there preaching,
17:18 I thought they are ready to throw me out.
17:21 When the Lord touches you and excites you,
17:25 it ought to show and I don't just mean during a sermon.
17:28 When God has done something for you,
17:31 you shouldn't be backwards about coming forward.
17:35 Can you say, amen? Amen.
17:37 We ought to be able to stand up and say, glory to God.
17:40 God is good. God has done some good thing.
17:44 "Our mouths are filled with laughter
17:46 and our tongues with singing,
17:48 then said they among the heathen,"
17:50 We are still in verse 2.
17:51 "The Lord has done great things for them."
17:55 Man, that's what you want unbelievers to say,
17:57 isn't that right? People living way you live.
18:01 Ought to be able to say, those Christians,
18:04 those Sabbath keepers, those Seventh-day Adventists,
18:07 God has clearly done some great thing for them.
18:12 Friend, if Jesus is yours, if you keep the Sabbath,
18:17 if you attend church, if you can breath,
18:20 if you believe let it be seen by somebody
18:25 that knowing Jesus makes a difference in your life.
18:29 Let it be seen.
18:31 Lets somebody say,
18:32 the Lord has done great things for them.
18:35 Jesus didn't say, I have come into the world
18:38 so that those who chose me
18:40 are just the same as everybody else.
18:42 He came that we might have life more abundantly.
18:45 You don't have to be doing cartwheels down the aisle
18:47 but there ought to be something going on in your life.
18:50 Someone ought to be able to say, these people are blessed.
18:54 That's why God put Israel where God put Israel,
18:56 at the crossroads of the world.
18:58 So people would go through
18:59 and say, this church is different.
19:03 The blessing of God rests on this thing.
19:06 What did the prophet Isaiah say? Arise.
19:08 Next word he used was what? Shine. Why?
19:11 For your light is come
19:14 and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
19:17 Friend, if God's glory is risen upon you,
19:20 it's going to be seen.
19:23 If it's not going to be seen,
19:25 you can blame your Scandinavian ancestry.
19:32 Or you can simply say, there's something missing in my life.
19:34 When God rises on you, the world ought to know,
19:36 let your neighbors see,
19:37 your colleague-- don't be one of these people.
19:40 I think I lived next to him for 30 years
19:42 and didn't even know they were Christians.
19:44 The Lord has done great things for them.
19:47 Let people know.
19:48 In the Book of Acts, they took knowledge of the apostles
19:51 that they had been with Jesus. It showed.
19:53 Revelation 18, what happens?
19:56 Revelation 18:1, the earth is lit up
19:59 with the manifestation of the glory of God
20:02 in the people of God sakes.
20:05 God put us on this earth so people could look at us
20:08 and say, it obviously makes a difference
20:11 when you are a believer in Jesus.
20:13 Somebody ought to say, amen.
20:14 The Lord had done great things for us where of we are glad.
20:17 I can just imagine.
20:19 The Israelites singing the song on their way to Jerusalem.
20:22 The Lord has done great things for us and we are glad.
20:26 I've told the story a couple of times this summer,
20:28 I don't mind telling it again.
20:31 I was in Jerusalem a couple of months ago.
20:32 First time I'd every been.
20:34 I am not an expert on Israel
20:35 but I certainly love being there, it was wonderful.
20:38 We had held an event and it is written evangelistic series
20:41 in Paris, France.
20:44 And because we are only this--
20:45 it's close to Israel we said, let's go, take a camera,
20:48 films and inserts for some of these television programs.
20:52 And so we went.
20:53 Friday night we went down to the Western Wall
20:56 and it was interesting, I'd never been there.
20:58 Some of you, you have been there.
20:59 You know what it's like.
21:01 People were singing, it was like a soccer game.
21:04 You know, how they sing in the stands of soccer games.
21:07 It was--it was, they were exuberant.
21:09 They were jubilant, they were demonstrative.
21:14 Jewish people, I lived near Jewish people
21:16 when I lived in England and they were pretty low key, man.
21:20 I didn't expect this.
21:22 All these rabbinical students were down there.
21:24 It was like a party. It really was.
21:26 It was like spring break.
21:29 And there I was and I was walking along by the scruple,
21:32 make a little room here.
21:33 I was walking along next to this group of kids
21:35 because I was-- well, we were filming actually
21:41 and I got talking to this kid
21:42 from New York City, 18 years old.
21:44 I said to them, "So what's going on,
21:46 these guys look might happy?"
21:48 he said, "Well, we are down here to worship God."
21:52 All right, tell me more.
21:55 He said, "It's the Sabbath
21:57 and we are down here to celebrate
21:59 the arrival of the Sabbath."
22:02 You know somebody-- somebody said
22:03 that a Jewish person cannot hear say,
22:06 you Adventist know how to keep the Sabbath.
22:07 We Jews celebrate the Sabbath. They were celebrating that.
22:12 They are down there--
22:13 now Tony Moore had told me about this.
22:15 He said, we went over there to film for Tony stuff
22:18 and he showed me some of the footage
22:20 of Friday night down there and these guys are dancing.
22:23 I looked at that, I said, "Wow,
22:24 I wonder if we are going to see that when we get there."
22:27 They are dancing, they are dancing around in circles.
22:29 They grab each others arms.
22:30 The New York kid said to me, "Hey, why don't you join in."
22:39 One of the really cool things
22:40 about becoming an Adventist for me,
22:43 no more dancing.
22:47 No, I am fine, man.
22:48 It's okay, leave it to the experts.
22:50 Now you know, this-- they weren't--
22:51 this wasn't John Travolta.
22:54 You know, they-- that wasn't disco dancing.
22:56 They are celebrating, they are exuberant.
23:00 And he said join in with them. I said, "No, man. It's okay."
23:03 They are singing the Psalms, at one stage it got silent.
23:08 Hundreds of people turned around all together--
23:10 I would turn around too but there's something
23:11 I am not going to show you.
23:12 They all turned around at the same time.
23:16 The sun was this high above the horizon.
23:20 He said, "We are welcoming Queen Sabbath."
23:24 I said, "Queen Sabbath?"
23:26 Next minute they are dancing again.
23:27 I am just standing there and minding my own business.
23:29 Ho, I get pulled over in the dancing line.
23:33 My mic came off into.
23:34 I-- when in Rome you got to do as the Roman.
23:37 So now I am doing this thing
23:39 and we are doing this-- oh, oh, hey.
23:40 I didn't know the words, the guy says,
23:41 "You don't know the words, just feel the words."
23:43 So I am feeling the words.
23:51 Let me say this with respect ladies and gentlemen.
23:54 And I say this with respect,
23:56 if a group of Jewish people, Jewish Jews.
23:59 I am not talking about Messianic Jews.
24:01 If they can get excited on Friday night about the Sabbath.
24:05 If they can be excited about the Messiah,
24:08 a Messiah they don't know, a Messiah they are waiting for.
24:12 If they can say the Lord has done great things for us,
24:16 I want to tell you Seventh-day Adventists
24:19 who know the Messiah by name,
24:23 who know He's coming back soon.
24:27 Who have been given blessings,
24:29 limitless blessings by All Mighty God.
24:32 Man, we've got something to be excited about.
24:37 People ought to be able to say,
24:38 the Lord has done great things for them
24:41 we ought to be able to say the same.
24:43 Friend, you ought to be glad, God is yours.
24:47 Here with these people, we are God's people,
24:49 I am saying, "No, wait a minute that's us."
24:52 I am thinking if you can be excited,
24:54 I can be more so excited.
24:56 Here's what the Psalmist went on to write,
24:59 "Turn again our captivity, O Lord,
25:01 as the streams in the south."
25:02 Luther wrote about this.
25:03 He said, it doesn't matter if it's the Read Sea
25:05 or the Jordon or anything else.
25:06 He said the similitude is this,
25:08 like as by the mighty hand you brought to pass miraculously
25:11 that the waters would dried up and consumed.
25:13 So dry up O Lord and bring to nothing all our captivity,
25:16 that's Martin Luther through them a day.
25:18 So that's the waters.
25:20 But now let's get to the serious part of the Psalm,
25:21 the business end of the Psalm.
25:22 How it applies to us today?
25:24 Cannot lose evangelistic outreach.
25:26 Let's read verse 5,
25:29 "They that sow in tears shall--" what?
25:34 "Shall reap in joy."
25:37 And the next verse extrapolates that out little bit,
25:41 "He that goeth forth and weepeth,
25:43 bearing precious seed, shall," give me the next word.
25:49 "Shall doubtless come again--" with what?
25:53 "Rejoicing, bringing his sheaves--"
25:56 where? There you go.
25:59 Somebody say, well, this represents Jewish farmers
26:01 casting the last of their grain into the ground and celebrating.
26:04 They are going to reap, fine, maybe it does.
26:07 But as we look at this through the lens
26:09 that God's end time people look through.
26:12 We see an application for us today.
26:14 An application that suggests
26:15 that God is urging us to reach this world for Him.
26:20 "He that goeth forth and weepeth,
26:22 bearing precious seed,
26:24 shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
26:27 bringing his sheaves with him."
26:29 God, friend, he's speaking to you and me.
26:32 Look at this. He that goes forth.
26:37 Now this presuppose or something.
26:39 It presupposes that God's people what? Go forth.
26:44 Have you heard the great commission?
26:45 "Go ye therefore." Jesus said go.
26:50 The Psalmist says, go forth.
26:51 I know I am preaching to the choir here
26:53 but our theme is we--
26:55 it's time to be about our father's business.
26:58 I don't know if you know but that's always the theme for ASI,
27:00 they just call it different stuff
27:02 because when you are part of this ASI movement
27:04 then you recognize that the mandate for you life
27:09 is that it's time to be about your father's business.
27:12 Old news, I know that.
27:14 The Savior told us what?
27:15 The harvest truly is great
27:19 but the problem is the laborers are what?
27:21 Few. But the laborers are few.
27:26 The harvest is great if ever there was a time
27:32 for all of God's people to go forth,
27:36 that time is now. Friend, go forth.
27:39 If God has been prodding you
27:41 in your comfort zone to move out of that comfort zone
27:44 and do something for Him
27:45 on the frontline somehow, go forth.
27:48 If it's that naive you've been waiting to talk, you go.
27:51 A family member, you've been waiting to reach, go, go forth.
27:54 Soon Jesus is coming back.
27:57 And how many times have you heard so and so just died?
27:59 You know what, I tell you what.
28:02 The doctor who rushed to my father's side
28:06 when my father had his heart attack and died.
28:08 When he got there, dad was dead
28:09 but the doctor was a great guy.
28:11 I used to play squash with him.
28:12 That's the intelligent person's racket ball.
28:14 Use to play squash with the doctor.
28:16 He was a good guy. Now I tell you what?
28:19 This is a family show, so I won't tell you
28:21 everything about his lifestyle.
28:25 I though to myself, that guy is a lovely guy.
28:29 He wept when my father died.
28:30 He wept. Oh, John-- my dad's name was John.
28:33 "Oh, John, I will miss you"
28:34 he said to my dead father.
28:36 Oh, John, I will miss you.
28:38 I though to myself, I got to do something about this guy.
28:41 He said, he said, he said something about God
28:45 and then he said not that I know anything about that.
28:48 Speaking of himself.
28:50 Not that I know anything about God.
28:51 I said, man, I got to do something for this guy.
28:53 I got to do something. I got to send him a book.
28:56 A voice, Steps to Christ that, to the audios,
28:58 oh, send that to him, he can listen to it in his car.
29:01 I will send him the Steps to Christ book,
29:02 I will send him something.
29:03 Maybe he will burn it, maybe he will listen,
29:05 maybe he will reject it, maybe he will accept it.
29:10 I kept thinking to myself every now and then,
29:11 it will be a great idea to send the doctor
29:13 something about Jesus.
29:14 Then I heard the doctor was dead.
29:19 Friend, if God is calling you to go forth, go forth.
29:22 If God is calling you to mission service at some place,
29:25 to leave your home, sell up, go,
29:27 go have a good talk with Jesus but go, go.
29:29 God is looking for people who would go forth.
29:32 God is looking for people who will take a risk.
29:34 God is looking for people who will say,
29:35 we will make a sacrifice.
29:38 God is looking for to say,
29:40 we will do something radical
29:41 even if it does freak out our parents, we will go.
29:45 I was in Papua New Guinea recently
29:47 and heard the story about a great New Zealand missionary,
29:50 his name was Len Bernard.
29:51 He is still alive. Great guy in his 90s now.
29:54 I haven't met him but I've heard the stories.
29:57 Pastor Bernard went to Papua New Guinea
29:59 and he saw the mountains and he saw the valleys.
30:01 He said somebody's got to go in there
30:02 and tell these cannibals about Jesus, I am going.
30:06 They said to him don't go.
30:09 You will not come out of there alive.
30:12 If you go, the people are very hospitable.
30:15 Somebody is gonna have you over for dinner.
30:23 He said somebody has to go.
30:25 You know, when I went there, I went to the very village
30:27 Pastor Bernard had been in. And when he was there--
30:29 when he was there, somebody died.
30:32 He taught the people we're gonna have Christian funeral.
30:35 But they had to stay up all night guarding the body
30:37 so that nobody would steal the body and eat it.
30:41 We're gonna teach you how to have a Christian funeral.
30:42 You go there now. There is no fear.
30:45 There is no devil worship.
30:47 You go there now. There is no suspicion.
30:50 There is no filth. There is no disease.
30:53 You'd live in that village and be happy.
30:55 Beautiful. God has made the difference.
30:57 It would not have happened, it would not have happened,
31:01 without Pastor Bernard taking the big risk and going in there.
31:05 I was there to cap off, it is written God's Pod project.
31:08 We distributed the thousands of mp3, audio Bibles.
31:12 The people, they can't read or write, many of them.
31:15 Two-thirds of the people in the country.
31:17 We took these things there.
31:18 Man, am I glad somebody went forth before I went forth.
31:23 And I tell you what I saw the results
31:25 of what Pastor Bernard and others did.
31:27 When we were there and we had a baptism,
31:28 a couple of witch doctors,
31:29 former witch doctors were baptized.
31:32 And we talk about witch doctors
31:33 we say, "Oh, that was long ago."
31:34 Now one of them, he had a bow and arrow.
31:36 He would step out in front of his hut, shoot the arrow.
31:39 The arrow would fly for miles. They say even hundreds of miles.
31:44 It would hit a pig or some other animal
31:46 and fly back and deposit the animal
31:49 at the front door of the man's hut.
31:52 This was happening just a year ago.
31:54 And I know what's happening, because the man told me himself,
31:57 and the missionary told me himself,
32:00 it's the real thing. There's darkness out there, man.
32:03 And similar darkness, most likely in your neighborhood,
32:06 we just call it different things.
32:07 Friend, God is calling us to go forth.
32:10 What happens when you go forth? Is there a price to pay?
32:13 Pastor Bernard went froth.
32:14 He went a little forth, too close to an airplane propeller,
32:18 chopped off his leg.
32:20 Other than that, didn't cost him anything.
32:22 He was fine.
32:25 He's lying on the ground without his legs.
32:26 He said get me to the hospital. Not the hospital, a clinic.
32:29 We're talking about a bush clinic.
32:31 They were taking him to the bush clinic.
32:32 He said, "Hold on. Get my leg."
32:34 They said, pastor, you won't be leaving them.
32:36 Oh, yes I will.
32:37 They can't attach that leg, Pastor.
32:39 This is in the 1960's, early1960's.
32:44 He said will it God decide. They got him to the clinic.
32:48 Now man, this is a clinic.
32:49 This is not Loma Linda University Medical Centre
32:51 or University Hospital here in Cincinnati
32:54 or U.K. Hospital down in Lexington, Kentucky.
32:57 This was out in the bush,
32:58 50 years ago in the Papua and New Guinea.
33:00 He said if God has used for me,
33:03 if God sees to that I need my leg,
33:06 God will make it work.
33:08 They saw that leg on.
33:11 It took a few months.
33:13 Pastor Bernard walked out, walked out--
33:17 do you believe in the miracles, ladies and gentleman?
33:19 If you met him today, you might notice
33:21 he walks with a slight limp.
33:23 There's a story behind that limp.
33:24 What's the story?
33:25 The Lord had done great things for us, can you say Amen?
33:30 Thank God for that.
33:31 He that goes forth and weeps,
33:34 the world will not be one while we hang back.
33:39 It won't happen. He that goes forth and weeps.
33:43 We can come at this from two angels.
33:45 Number one, we weep because we are burdened for souls.
33:49 We're burdened for souls.
33:51 We recognize that they are people
33:53 that must be one without Jesus.
33:54 They must be lost. We're burdened.
33:57 We cannot stand to see
33:59 our neighbors leaving Christ for lives.
34:00 We got to go forth weeping as it will,
34:03 either literally or metaphorically.
34:06 And there's a second thing that we might look at.
34:08 He that goes forth recognizing his insufficiency.
34:12 Recognizing that she isn't the answer here.
34:15 We go forward saying, God, you must do something here.
34:18 Lord, I will go but you work.
34:22 We were holding a series of meetings years ago in a town,
34:24 the name of which I would love to tell you.
34:28 I said to a lady, who's that man over there,
34:29 who's that man?
34:30 He looked like he fit in, but evidently
34:34 she said, you will never baptize him.
34:40 I thought to myself, well, I don't do the baptizing anyway.
34:42 I leave that to the church pastor,
34:43 but why do you say that.
34:45 Ah, he's been coming around here for years.
34:47 You will never baptize him. Man, did I pray that night?
34:51 Oh, God, please, please show this lady what you can do.
34:56 Show this congregation, what you can do?
34:58 I pled with God.
35:01 A month later, I stood up near the Baptistery,
35:03 watched him get baptized.
35:05 I'm looking around for that lady.
35:06 She didn't dare look at me.
35:10 I wanted to go up there and say, ha!
35:15 But I was far too Christian to do that.
35:21 Friend, God is able isn't he? God is able.
35:24 When we put in God, Lord I will go forth,
35:26 but I'm burdened here. I'm weeping here.
35:29 "He that goeth forth and weepeth,
35:30 bearing precious seed," precious seed.
35:32 Has God given us seed to go forward with?
35:36 Let's not be confused about this.
35:38 The seed that God had given His end time church
35:43 is the Three Angels messages. Can we agree on that?
35:46 That's the seed.
35:48 Now you can say, now there is more then one way to skin a cat.
35:51 Sure there are or is, plenty of ways.
35:55 But friends ultimately,
35:57 the message God has given us is the Three Angels message.
36:01 That doesn't mean you need to be talking about beast
36:03 every time you open your mouth.
36:04 It means you're lifting up Jesus every time you open your mouth.
36:08 It means that we need to tell people that there's a way,
36:11 that there's a Heaven, that there's a Savior,
36:13 that there's a seal of God, that there's a Remnant Church.
36:18 We ought to be proclaiming this message unapologetically.
36:24 I tell you what our problem is.
36:25 Many of our own people have figured out
36:26 that the precious seed isn't precious seed,
36:28 that's what they deduced.
36:30 I want to tell you something that there's power
36:32 in the word of God.
36:34 There's power in the word of God.
36:36 Power to change a life.
36:39 Power that reach somebody that you think is unreachable.
36:42 Power to reach somebody that you think is unwinnable.
36:45 God is able to do it.
36:48 I wonder if one of the reasons,
36:50 some parts of the world are baptizing tons
36:53 and others are not is because in some parts of the world
36:57 they're lifting up the Three Angels messages proudly
36:59 and in other parts, they're hiding it under the bush.
37:04 Now if you want to start a church in
37:05 and a coffee shop, I'm not gonna knock you.
37:07 If that's what God is leading you to do it, do it.
37:08 He's never let me do that,
37:10 but thank God He has led some people do that
37:11 because some people had reached that way.
37:14 If you think you need to change this
37:16 or change that or take this approach
37:17 or do something that's a little effort on God,
37:19 I'm not gonna tell you that's wrong.
37:21 But I will tell you way the power is.
37:23 The power is in the message
37:26 that God has given us to proclaim
37:28 down here in the end of time.
37:29 Everything else is a means to an end.
37:33 He that goes forth and weeps,
37:36 bearing precious seed, precious seed,
37:40 I'm reminded of what happened in Las Vegas, Nevada.
37:42 We had a wonderful series of meetings
37:44 in Las Vegas earlier this year.
37:46 In cooperation with Nevada-Utah Conference,
37:49 in cooperation with ASI,
37:51 God blessed so beautifully there.
37:54 In the lead up to the meetings,
37:57 we had this tremendous response to the project,
37:59 "Steps to Christ mailing." Tremendous response.
38:03 And so they were hundreds of people
38:05 who needed to be followed up.
38:07 One man lived way on the north side of the town,
38:10 way on the north side.
38:12 A couple went there. They said it's a long way.
38:15 He lives in a gated community. We went twice.
38:19 We couldn't find him. We are done. He is the name.
38:22 I say thank God they turned the cart back in,
38:26 because Michael and Phyllis got a hold of it.
38:27 They said where did you say that man lives?
38:30 He's not that far from our church.
38:32 We'll go. It's interesting.
38:34 Michael worked overnight. He worked all night long.
38:36 And then when they were so willing to do,
38:38 he wouldn't go to sleep.
38:39 He'd stay up all day, going knocking down doors
38:41 and offering Bible studies to people.
38:43 Praise the Lord. They went to the man's home.
38:46 Oh, hey, hang on a minute. Gated community.
38:48 But, you know, let me tell you,
38:51 if you live in a gated community,
38:52 you won't like me saying this.
38:55 But if you ever want to get into it gated community,
38:58 you know the trick light, pull up to the gate and wait.
39:04 Someone is going to come out soon.
39:08 That's your opportunity.
39:12 That wasn't gated with a guard or rottweiler wire.
39:14 It was just a gate. They went in.
39:17 They found the address. They knocked on the door.
39:19 Nobody was there. They said, uh.
39:21 We'll come back. They came back a second time.
39:24 They came back a third time.
39:26 They came back a fourth time.
39:28 When they knock down the door for the seventh time...
39:33 they said there's nobody home.
39:34 And suddenly, the door handle turned
39:39 and the door opened and there he was.
39:41 And she said, you sure a hard man to find at home.
39:45 And they left Bible studies.
39:46 They came back and they came back.
39:47 You see what--
39:49 "He that goeth forth and weepeth, burdened,"
39:53 we got to reach this man.
39:55 Bearing precious seed, the fourth time he said,
39:59 "would you all mind stepping up,
40:01 I got some questions about these Bible studies."
40:04 And then when he came to the read these written meeting,
40:05 the Revelation Today meeting,
40:07 I was looking forward to meeting him.
40:08 And when I met him, he had one question.
40:09 His question was, "do you think
40:12 I should be re-baptized
40:13 or should I just join this church on profession of faith?
40:17 No, no, no you meant to say amen there. Amen.
40:19 That's right. That was his only question.
40:22 He said there's a reason God has kept me alive this long.
40:25 He was an older man,
40:26 because God wanted me to learn his end time truth.
40:29 I say praise the Lord.
40:31 The Lord has done great things for us.
40:33 When you go forth, burdened, leaning on God,
40:36 Lord, we have got to find a way to reach this person,
40:41 to reach this community.
40:42 Now I want you to see what happens next verse 6,
40:46 "He that goeth forth and weepeth,
40:47 bearing precious seed," yes this is driving in nuts,
40:50 shall--shall what, shall next word,
40:52 shall let me hear you, shall what?
40:55 "Doubtless!" "Doubtless."
40:57 I got to love that word.
40:59 "He that goeth forth and weepeth,
41:00 bearing precious seed,
41:01 shall doubtless come again with rejoicing."
41:06 Started talking about can't loose propositions.
41:08 God gives you one right here.
41:11 He that goeth forth and weepeth,
41:13 bearing if you go forward with the word of God,
41:18 the Bible says you will doubtless without a doubt.
41:25 Come forth with rejoicing, bringing your sheaves with you.
41:30 If you sow they'll doubtless be a harvest.
41:35 Now I know, you're saying but, but, but-- I don't mind.
41:38 I am not interested in your but, in your objections.
41:46 See English language, I'm sorry.
41:49 Not interested.
41:51 I said a couple of times in sermons
41:52 I was referring to people
41:53 who went to India as missionaries.
41:56 And I said, man they would go to India
41:57 to bang their head against the brick wall.
41:59 They would celebrate baptizing one.
42:01 Baptize one. They baptize one.
42:03 They would come home they say, why did I even go.
42:05 I wonder, I asked some return missionaries,
42:07 some old missionaries.
42:08 They said John that's exactly what it was like.
42:12 And now you go to India
42:13 and you preach the word of God.
42:15 What's the problem we have there?
42:17 We can't build the churches fast enough.
42:20 It may take a while.
42:22 But you would doubtless come again with rejoicing,
42:25 bringing your sheaves with you.
42:27 But John, Evangelism doesn't work.
42:28 No, no, no, hang on a minute.
42:30 The problem is people don't work.
42:32 Evangelism works. It was 1970.
42:36 George Vandeman, when he was headed, he Written
42:39 held an Evangelistic series, guess where?
42:42 Here. Right here.
42:45 And they were multitude, ah, it's a big word.
42:49 They were many people baptized.
42:50 As a matter of fact, the conference president
42:52 at that time said we're gonna get
42:54 our pound of flesh out of this guy
42:55 and so George was holding meetings in Columbus,
42:57 Dayton and Cincinnati simultaneously.
43:02 We're holding meetings in Dayton later on this year.
43:03 They haven't asked us to go to Columbus
43:05 and Cincinnati simultaneously.
43:07 Please don't give them any ideas.
43:11 In Cincinnati in 19--
43:13 whatever, Robert Booth beheld meetings.
43:16 You know, how many people were baptized
43:17 in the city at the end of that meeting?
43:21 457 people were baptized. But John, that years ago.
43:28 That was before there was electricity.
43:31 You know, the last time ASI was held here in Cincinnati
43:33 there was a Youth for Jesus.
43:34 You know, Youth for Jesus, right?
43:37 Kids holding Evangelistic meetings.
43:39 In several places around the city,
43:41 they were hundreds and hundreds of people
43:44 who said they were going to come up to the meeting
43:46 and dozens and dozens
43:48 more than a hundred people baptized.
43:50 Children leading more than a hundred people to Baptism
43:55 in secular post-modern Cincinnati,
43:58 just a few years ago.
43:59 I got a question for you. Does it work?
44:03 God says this thing will work.
44:05 The word He used was "doubtless."
44:08 Now I do want to express that there's more then
44:10 just public Evangelism as part of Evangelism.
44:14 But Evangelism is Evangelism.
44:16 And if you want to share a loaf of bread
44:17 over the back fence with your neighbor,
44:18 do it, that's Evangelism.
44:20 If you want to look after your neighbors' kids,
44:22 so she can go shopping so you can demonstrate
44:24 the love of Jesus, that's Evangelism.
44:26 You bet it is.
44:27 If you want to operate a soup kitchen
44:28 or feed the homeless or go to the prison, it's Evangelism.
44:32 If you want to gather some interests together
44:34 and preach the word of God and share the word of God,
44:36 it's Evangelism and this work cannot be without fruit.
44:40 I read somewhere, "don't be discouraged.
44:43 Oh, man in our town, we haven't seen a breakthrough."
44:45 Doesn't mean there hasn't been one,
44:47 doesn't mean there won't be one.
44:50 My buddy, Ron Halverson was telling me the story,
44:51 you've probably heard the story.
44:53 If you haven't, I'm gonna tell the story.
44:55 It's a great Ron Halverson story.
44:56 Ron, sorry man, I'm about to use your story,
45:01 in front of everyone. You can use two of mine.
45:06 This story is worth my ten best stories.
45:10 Ron Halverson was at a camp meeting
45:12 and he eyed one of the camp meeting speakers
45:14 that were backstage. He said hmm.
45:17 That's the famous Evangelist who went to a certain city
45:20 and they spent a boat load of money.
45:23 I need a boat load.
45:26 And they got a handful of Baptists.
45:28 And these Evangelists have thought
45:29 that the meetings have been a colossal failure.
45:32 Ron went up to me and said, "well, done.
45:34 Glad to meet you.
45:35 I remember those meetings, you held in new"--
45:38 wasn't going to tell you the city, in some place.
45:43 Evangelist wasn't too interested.
45:45 Ron said I had heard you I had 12,000 Baptisms at that meeting.
45:50 No, brother Halverson, that's not right.
45:52 We just had a handful. Oh, no. Oh, no, Ron said.
45:56 Oh, no, brother, I heard you had 12,000 Baptisms.
46:03 No, no, you must be hearing it wrong.
46:05 Oh, no, no, no brother, 12,000.
46:08 He said, let me tell you.
46:10 You baptize the lady
46:11 in that series of meetings named misses so and so.
46:16 Her son was a good buddy of mind,
46:19 who led me to the Lord and in my ministry
46:22 so far we baptized 12,000 people.
46:25 He said, "Elder, I understand
46:27 you have 12,000 Baptisms in that meeting.
46:32 Thank you, for telling me, brother.
46:34 A young Evangelist said to me,
46:35 said, "John, man he is a friend of mine, John.
46:37 I held a meeting in Arkansas, "oh, man, how did it go?"
46:41 No what's wrong? What's the matter?
46:42 How did it go? How many Baptisms you have?
46:44 And that's not always the measure. How many?
46:46 He said, "Oh, man, just two."
46:49 I said two Baptisms. Oh, man.
46:53 I said what's the population of that town?
46:56 He said three thousand. Three thousand!
46:59 You ought to be jumping for joy.
47:01 Now this was just after the Mark Finley
47:02 had held his Written meeting in San Diego.
47:05 I said Mark Finley just held a meeting in San Diego.
47:07 They had four hundred Baptisms.
47:09 He said, oh, don't tell me. I should hang on.
47:11 San Diego has got 1.3 million people.
47:15 Do the math.
47:16 Four hundred Baptisms in the city of 1.3 million
47:19 is not as good as two Baptisms in the city of 3000.
47:23 I said, "man, you did better than Mark Finley."
47:28 Hey, no disrespect, Mark. You did better than Mark Finley.
47:31 Oh, he stood up.
47:34 Don't worry about how many heads you can count.
47:38 If you go forward weeping, burdened
47:42 and you saw precious seed God has promised,
47:45 you will doubtless come again with rejoice
47:48 and bringing your sheaves with you. Doubtless.
47:51 "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth,
47:54 it will not return to me void,
47:55 but it shall accomplish that which I please,
47:59 and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."
48:01 God calls us simply to "Go."
48:07 Brand new Adventist,
48:09 pardon me if you've heard the story before.
48:11 I say brand new Adventist. I'm looking at the clock.
48:15 Ah, it's better to apologize later
48:17 than to ask for permission beforehand.
48:23 And so, I was baptized in England.
48:26 The next day I returned to New Zealand,
48:28 called up local church.
48:29 I don't know where it was, how to get there, nothing.
48:31 He said there is a guy in your town
48:33 who comes to this church.
48:34 I said no, no there's no Adventist
48:36 in my old town. Yes.
48:37 He told me the name of the guy.
48:39 I said that guy is a big shot in our Catholic Church.
48:44 I said I know a fellow by that name, but it's not him.
48:47 He calls the guy, he says Bradshaw,
48:48 John Bradshaw, can you give him right to church?
48:50 He said John Bradshaw,
48:53 he said I know what John Bradshaw,
48:54 that's not him. That's not possible.
48:57 When we met, oh, man,
49:00 I can still see his little white man
49:01 driving of my mother's blacktop driveway.
49:03 Oh, it's you I said. He said it's you.
49:05 We couldn't believe it.
49:07 And there he had his four kids,
49:08 the daughter and the three sons.
49:10 If he hadn't joined the Adventist church...
49:13 But that was just four
49:17 and sweet daughter, nine years old.
49:20 We had a great time.
49:22 Years later, I'm preaching back in that same church.
49:25 I'm bringing the sermon into a closing.
49:27 God says make an altar call.
49:30 I said, no I cannot do that. Make an altar...
49:32 no, no, I will just make a regular altar appeal.
49:34 Make an altar call.
49:35 I said there's something, you don't understand.
49:38 God likes that about me.
49:39 I help Him with the things He can't understand.
49:41 I said there's something you don't understand.
49:43 I come back from New Zealand
49:44 and you all think I sound like a New Zealander.
49:46 The New Zealanders think I sound like an American.
49:49 It's very disconcerting.
49:51 I said if I make an altar call they'll think,
49:53 I think I'm a big shot American preacher
49:55 and I'm showing off. I can't do that.
49:57 I'm not gonna make an altar call.
49:59 And right when I said that to the Lord,
50:01 one of the pastors came forward
50:02 and started playing an appeal song on the piano.
50:04 I looked down.
50:06 He looked up at me and nodded his head.
50:12 I'm outnumbered. Make the appeal.
50:15 I see a young lady stand up, she's got a baby on her hip,
50:17 I say, hey that's the girl.
50:21 Oh. She comes forward. I talk to you at the back.
50:24 She waits to talk. I said how is it going?
50:28 John, see says, things aren't good.
50:31 Mom and dad have left the church.
50:32 In fact, they split up.
50:34 Dad went back to drinking alcohol.
50:36 My brothers they don't come.
50:37 The elder's one smoking dope,
50:39 and the others wanting to smoke dope.
50:42 I hardly ever come to church.
50:44 But this morning, I felt like God said go to church.
50:46 And when I came and you were preaching,
50:48 I knew that God was calling me
50:49 and I knew that God was calling me back, join back.
50:55 And I gonna go and I'm gonna bring my whole family back.
51:02 You got to admire people.
51:04 On the inside I said, that will never happen.
51:06 I mean, come on. The dad was an alcoholic.
51:10 He got off the booze and now he's gone back to drinking.
51:11 Oh, he's done.
51:13 The parents, they've been married 25 years.
51:15 Now they split up and now they back together.
51:19 They're not coming back together.
51:20 The brothers, the teenage boys out in the world
51:22 maybe the oldest was 20 years something, out in the world.
51:26 They're not all coming in. I said what a great idea.
51:29 You go, get your family. I will pray for you.
51:34 My prayer wouldn't have been worth two cents.
51:37 She said I'm gonna and get my family
51:39 and bring the whole lot of them to Jesus.
51:40 We got to come back. God's calling us all.
51:43 You see the Bible says, "he that goeth forth
51:44 and we bearing precious seeds shall," what? Doubtless.
51:48 Come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves.
51:51 I come back a couple of years later
51:52 and hold an Evangelistic series there.
51:54 Well, there's my girl and she comes bounding up to me.
51:57 John, have you heard. Heard what?
51:59 Mom and dad are back in the church.
52:01 What happened?
52:02 Well, dad got off the booze. They got back together.
52:04 They've been re-baptized, I think it was.
52:06 They're back in the church and there's-- they're involved,
52:09 they'll be working in the series.
52:10 I said, well, hallelujah. Take that.
52:17 What about the rest of the family?
52:19 My oldest brother coming back to church.
52:23 How about your husband?
52:24 He's agreed to attend the archeology seminar.
52:28 The husband is sitting in the archeology seminar.
52:30 He leans over to the wife he says,
52:32 you know, I think what this guy
52:33 is saying about Noah's Ark is true.
52:35 Yes, of course it's true.
52:38 If it's true then the Bible is true.
52:40 I have been telling you for years that the Bible's true.
52:43 If the Bible is true, then I should get baptized. What?
52:48 Yeah, I should get baptized and join the church.
52:50 I think that's what I will do.
52:51 As a matter of fact, let's get your brothers
52:53 and bring them in too.
52:57 By the time the series was over,
52:58 they had all made decisions for Baptism.
53:01 And when I was back for a Youth,
53:02 I went a year later, guess he was front and center.
53:05 The daughter was running the show.
53:06 The husband, he was there too.
53:08 One of the boys became a student missionary.
53:11 One of the boys did something else
53:14 and one of the boys did something else,
53:15 but the point is they all came to Jesus.
53:18 And the husband became "It is Written" Bible worker.
53:21 Somebody ought to say Amen out there. Amen!
53:23 Friend, "he that goeth forth
53:26 and weeps bearing precious seed,"
53:28 tell me shall what?
53:29 "Doubtless, come again with rejoicing
53:31 bringing his sheaves with him."
53:32 This is cannot lose proposition, cannot lose.
53:37 God is just asking you if you'll go forth, that's all.
53:43 If you are out there on the frontline,
53:45 God bless you, pray and ask that
53:48 the spirit would work like never before.
53:49 Friends, Jesus is coming back soon.
53:53 This isn't maybe. This isn't possibly.
53:55 This isn't perhaps.
53:56 Jesus is coming back and when He comes back
53:58 there will be people ready to meet Him.
54:00 There will be people who will say,
54:02 I'm standing on the platform of the Three Angels messages.
54:05 I'm standing on Jesus as my Lord and savior.
54:07 He's the sea. Friends, let's go forward.
54:11 If we weep, we weep,
54:13 but we bear precious seed.
54:14 And God says, "we shall doubtless"
54:17 come again with, what?
54:18 Rejoicing! Rejoicing!
54:26 Bringing our sheaves with us, what do you say? Amen!
54:29 Let us pray, "Our Father and our God,
54:33 we thank you today for Jesus.
54:36 We thank you that you've called us out of darkness
54:38 into your marvelous life.
54:41 We thank you today that you've commissioned us.
54:46 You've given us the greatest work
54:47 that there ever was that is sharing Jesus.
54:51 Lord some of us we don't know what we're doing.
54:54 We're all ill-equipped really.
54:56 We're all in adequate and we're all tainted by sin.
54:58 We thank you that our sufficiency is of Christ
55:00 and that we're collaborate together with you.
55:02 Lord thank you for this beautiful psalm.
55:05 Encourage us to go forth.
55:07 Bearing the precious seed, and Father we believe,
55:10 we will doubtless come again with rejoicing,
55:13 bringing our sheaves with us.
55:14 We thank you for this wonderful truth
55:16 and these blessed promises.
55:18 And we pray today in Jesus name,
55:20 please join me and say, Amen and Amen.
56:16 Give me ears to hear Your Spirit
56:22 Give me feet to follow through
56:27 Give me hands to touch the hurting
56:33 And the faith to follow You
56:42 Give me grace to be a servant
56:47 Give me mercy for the lost
56:52 Give me passion for Your glory
56:57 Give me passion for the cross
57:03 And I will go where there are no easy roads
57:08 Leave the comforts that I know
57:13 I will go and let this journey be my home
57:19 I will go I will go
57:37 I'll let go of my ambition
57:42 Cut the roots that run too deep
57:47 I will learn to give away
57:52 What I cannot really keep
57:57 What I cannot really keep
58:04 Help me see with eyes of faith
58:11 Give me strength to run this race
58:17 And I will go where there are no easy roads
58:22 Leave the comforts that I know
58:27 I will go and let this journey be my home
58:32 I will go I will go
58:37 I will go Lord where Your glory is unknown
58:42 I will live for You alone
58:47 I will go because my life is not my own
58:55 I will go
58:58 I will go I will go


Revised 2014-12-17