Series Code: 12ASIC
Program Code: 12ASIC000003
03:13 Every year we get the opportunity
03:16 to renew this relationship 03:18 between ASI and Adventist Review. 03:21 You know it's hard to get as much creditability 03:24 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 03:26 as is it is with the Adventist Review 03:28 that has existed almost longer than 03:31 the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been as in existence. 03:35 You know, tonight I have with me Bill Knott the editor 03:41 and executive publisher of the Adventist Review 03:45 and tell me Bill 03:47 I know what an amazing privilege it is for ASI 03:50 to have the Adventist Review 03:52 have a special edition come out that features ASI. 03:55 I know what we get out of the publication 03:57 and that what we get out of the amazing viewer ship 04:02 that happens but 04:03 what exactly does the Adventist Review get out of it. 04:07 We get to partner 04:08 with one of the most dynamic organizations 04:10 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 04:12 that's what we get out of it. Amen. 04:13 Our opportunity each year to put this message 04:17 in front of the members of ASI and all the viewers 04:20 who come from around the world 04:21 to see what's happening at this convention. 04:24 It's an opportunity to spread the message of Jesus 04:26 in a compelling way with a partner 04:28 that's out there in the marketplace doing the work, 04:30 that's the best kind of partnership for us. Amen. 04:33 And isn't that why we're all here 04:35 to spread the good news of the gospel. 04:38 Now, I have noticed here 04:40 on the front of the Adventist Review, 04:42 it says what happened to the lost? 04:44 Is-- I can't help but notice 04:46 that this is obviously featuring reaching those lost souls 04:50 and this particularly has a special interest to me. 04:54 How many of you guys out there 04:56 know someone have a family member, 04:58 any one in your present life right now 05:01 that is not walking with the Lord? 05:03 Raise your hand. 05:05 Almost every single one of us. 05:07 So why, Bill, did you choose this topic 05:09 for this special ASI edition? 05:12 Well, if you look at who wrote that cover article, 05:15 he is going to be speaking to you on Sabbath, 05:17 Shawn Boonstra and I have gotten to know 05:19 each other well in the last several years 05:21 and Shawn has been talking with me about this issue 05:23 and it began to be burning in my heart, 05:26 what are we saying about the lost? 05:27 We frequently talk about the success of our programs 05:31 and the importance of our committees 05:33 and the size of our ministries 05:34 but is that what heaven is talking about? 05:37 In fact Shawn will be telling you on Sabbath 05:40 to focus again on those 05:42 that heaven is most passionate about. 05:43 This whole issue is focused on renewing our focus on the lost. 05:48 In fact, there is even a piece in their 05:50 called reclaiming the territory 05:52 about some entity called Little Lights Studios 05:55 and a figure name Scotty. 05:58 You guys all need to read that article, just kidding. 06:02 No, you really should. 06:03 It is so important for us to reach out to those 06:08 that are in our own midst that, 06:10 you know, our brothers and sisters and family members 06:14 and I know for a fact that I'm standing here today 06:16 because a friend of mine reached out to me 06:18 so definitely this has a huge impact on me. 06:21 Now, tell me, Bill, 06:23 there is so many religious magazines out there 06:26 and there is a lot that focus on various different aspects. 06:30 What is it about the Adventist Review 06:32 that is unique or special or different? 06:35 This magazine has always been about some of the very simple 06:38 but very powerful ideas. 06:40 The second coming of Jesus, the truth of the seventh day, 06:43 his ministry in the heavenly sanctuary, 06:46 those ideas have been foundational 06:48 for this magazine for 163 years now. 06:52 And that connection makes us 06:54 unique among all religious publications 06:56 because we are continuing to tell that same story, 06:59 communicate that same message and we are discovering 07:02 that wherever the gospel is shared it does have results. 07:05 For those of you who come up and talk with us 07:07 about what this magazine means in your life, 07:09 it's very gratifying. 07:10 But I want to see it get out to even more people, 07:13 more of those who will come back into God's church 07:16 because of the message of this magazine. 07:18 Amen, so, Bill, what is that you want everybody in here 07:22 who has had a magazine placed on their chairs to do? 07:27 Oh, of course, a publisher would always like it 07:29 if you subscribe but more importantly 07:32 this publisher would like you to start thinking about 07:35 the people who are not walking with Jesus in your life. 07:38 I would like you to read the articles 07:39 in this particular edition, the online edition is free, 07:43 unlocked for the next ten days. 07:44 Go to 07:46 and you can read everything in here as well 07:48 and send your friends to it, 07:50 take the opportunity to pray about your commitment 07:54 to those not walking with Jesus. 07:56 The spirit is going to lay on your heart 07:58 a burden and a responsibility 08:00 that will also be the joy of your life. 08:02 Amen, amen. 08:03 Bill, I look forward to all of you guys 08:07 reading every article that's in here 08:09 and taking this home 08:10 and learning these precious truths 08:12 of how we can all labor together here to win as many souls 08:17 and bring them up to the kingdom of heaven as possible. 08:19 Thank you. Thank you. 08:23 Good evening ASI. 08:26 I bring you greetings 08:28 from your fellow members in Europe. 08:31 In Europe we have currently about 1,000 members, 08:36 scattered through 19 chapters and 23 countries. 08:41 So we bring you these greetings 08:43 from many languages and cultures. 08:46 Our president couldn't be with us this year 08:50 as he has been many years, 08:53 so he asked me to represent ASI for him with you. 08:58 ASI has been blessed in Europe. Thank God for that. 09:02 Amen. Amen. 09:03 It's very active and indifferent from some years ago. 09:08 We have many activities going on 09:10 and especially we have diverse activities 09:14 in different countries. 09:16 And we are also very glad 09:17 and thankful that North America has 09:20 supported the GYC project in Europe. 09:23 Thank you for that. Praise the Lord for this. 09:27 And specifically they are youth active. 09:32 I want to share with you 09:33 something that I lived last week, 09:36 actually last weekend. 09:39 Last weekend I came from a visit, 09:42 visiting the Youth for Jesus in Portugal. 09:46 All though a smaller project, 09:48 we have there a team of 20 people 09:52 and one story impressed me very much 09:55 that I want to share with you. 09:58 A young guy that was there participating 10:04 knew the church in a very particular way. 10:09 He was at a class and at the end of the class, 10:12 one of his fellow students 10:15 started talking about the soon return of Jesus. 10:19 But the way that he described, 10:21 he told me that somehow it didn't, 10:24 you know, it didn't match what he could imagine of it. 10:28 So he went home, got a Bible and start studying it himself. 10:33 And he found out that Jesus will really soon return. 10:38 So he started a research in the internet 10:41 and started seeing some YouTube videos 10:45 of Alejandro Bullón. 10:48 Probably you some of you know him, 10:49 he is evangelist in South America. 10:52 He was so impressed 10:54 that he sent an email to Alejandro Bullón 10:56 asking him how can I know more about the soon return of Jesus. 11:00 So he put him in contact with the local church 11:03 and making the story short, he was baptized a year ago 11:08 and he was there participating in Youth for Jesus. 11:12 You see so God has many ways 11:15 and this active member is now impressing others 11:18 to study the Bible. 11:19 In that group 45 people were especially touched 11:24 to receive Bible studies. 11:26 So these 45 people from that small town 11:29 are now enrolled for Bible studies. 11:32 Thank God for that, we praise the Lord. 11:34 Now I also wanted to share with you 11:37 and make you an appeal, 11:39 because Europe is so active that want you to participate 11:44 and that is about the ASI 2013 Convention. 11:48 It's going to be held in July next year 11:51 and I'm going to ask you have an image of Portugal 11:55 that's a typical tower of the Portuguese discoverers 11:59 that went through the world 12:00 and Mark Finley is going to be with us. 12:03 He is going to be from 3rd of July 12:06 to the 6th of July 2013 in a very special town or city 12:11 the second largest city in Portugal 12:13 that has a long story, history. 12:16 So if you want to see history in Europe, 12:18 just go to ASI Europe 2013. 12:21 It is a very special place as you can see. 12:25 It's 19 century building of 1854, 12:30 full of history and this city particularly is, 12:35 was founded in the third century, 12:38 so you can see there is a lot of things to see. 12:41 I strongly urge you to participate 12:45 in ASI Europe, why not? 12:47 You had been here many times, 12:49 some of you why not just a catch a plane 12:53 and go to Europe and participate actively 12:56 also with your fellow members from many different countries, 13:00 last year because our convention is held every two years 13:04 we had participants of 25 countries. 13:07 So probably we are going to have lot of Americans next year 13:10 because you have a direct flight from New York to Porto 13:15 the city in Portugal where it is going to be held. 13:17 So make plans. 13:19 It's a good opportunity for you to know Europe 13:22 and participate with your fellow members 13:25 at ASI Convention 2013. 13:29 Thank you very much 13:30 and continue to pray for God to act in Europe. 13:38 We have one more or one tonight, 13:42 wonderful, exciting, 13:44 motivating testimony from GYC 13:50 and how they have utilized or will utilize funds 13:53 that we will provide in our offering, 13:55 that you will provide 13:56 and so I'm really excited to have them share. 13:58 So come just a little bit closer 14:00 and so tell me what is your name 14:03 and what role do you serve in GYC 14:05 and tell us what GYC stands for. 14:08 My name is Natasha Nebblett, 14:09 I'm the Vice President of Logistics for GYC 14:12 and GYC stands for Generation Youth Christ. 14:16 It's an acronym for a generation of young people 14:18 that are excited about Christ's soon return. 14:24 My name is Alonna Smith 14:25 and I'm serving as a Treasurer for GYC. 14:28 My name is Joshua Nebblett 14:30 and I'm serving as the GYC Director of European Affairs. 14:35 The Director of European Affairs? 14:38 That's right. 14:40 How old are you? I'm 23. 14:42 Do you have a Job? 14:44 Well, that was my job for a little while, 14:46 I'm also a student and do couple of other things as well but. 14:48 That's amazing. Yeah. 14:50 I like, so I have to give him some credit, 14:54 the Director for European Affairs, all right. 14:57 It's actually a polished, it's a very fancy term 15:01 probably for Secretary of Europe Business as well so. 15:03 Okay, all right. 15:05 Well, Mr. Director, can you please tell us 15:08 a little bit about what happened for GYC Europe 15:11 since you would be expert on that? 15:13 Absolutely so probably most of you are familiar with GYC, 15:17 it's a North American based youth movement 15:20 that holds an annual conference every year. 15:22 And every year we had a delegation, 15:24 certain young people from Europe that have come over 15:27 and attended our conference. 15:28 Now there are young people in Europe 15:30 that are passionate about the gospel, 15:32 that are passionate about youth movement 15:34 and want to see something like GYC happen in Europe. 15:38 And so every year they would come 15:40 to our conference here in North America. 15:43 And every year the leadership of GYC would meet with them 15:46 and there was always this thing when can GYC come to Europe? 15:50 We want GYC in Europe 15:52 because though there is young people 15:53 that are inspired about that message, 15:56 about youth movement in Europe, it's very difficult 15:59 for many of the Europeans to get over here, of course 16:01 because plane tickets are very expensive, etcetera. 16:04 So they really want GYC to come to Europe 16:06 and I believe it was a year and six months ago, 16:10 approximately our president Justin McNeilus, 16:12 he went to Europe and he met with certain young people 16:15 that were there in Europe 16:17 and kind of that's where the whole thing 16:20 really got off the ground. 16:21 And since then we had-- 16:23 there has been a lot of planning that went into place. 16:26 We actually held our GYC Europe Conference, 16:29 just a few weeks ago July 20-24 16:32 and that was held in Linz, Austria. 16:34 It was really an inspiring event. 16:36 So all of you were in Austria 16:38 along with other GYC young people. That's right. 16:41 So how do you, Alonna tell us 16:42 how do you plan an event like that, 16:44 inter continent in a whole another continent. 16:47 Did you guys just skype and email 16:50 and you guys all planned that event there? 16:52 Yes, in fact I don't know what we would have done 16:54 without digital technology for sure, 16:56 but it's difficult planning a conference in United States, 16:59 when I actually understand the language. 17:01 But, to do something in Europe 'cause of lot of challenges 17:04 but it was a huge blessing because youth from Europe 17:08 teamed up with our team in the Untied States 17:10 and we really formed one team which made this happen. 17:14 And so it was a great blessing 17:15 and I of course is helping with some logistic staff 17:18 and that teamed up 17:19 with the person who spoke German 17:21 so it worked out really good 17:22 and it was amazing to see 17:23 how a team of young people from North America and Europe 17:27 just literally we formed one team, 17:28 it was amazing. 17:30 For those who may not have been blessed 17:31 that you attended GYC Convention 17:34 and, Joshua, can you share little bit about 17:35 some of features of the GYC Europe Convention? 17:38 Yeah, absolutely. 17:39 It was shaped very similarly to GYC here in North America 17:42 if any of you have attended there. 17:44 It started on a Friday and went till Tuesday, 17:47 GYC it started actually-- 17:49 it's actually somewhat similarly shapes to how ASI is. 17:52 We have, you know, our plenary session 17:54 in the morning and evening and in the afternoons 17:56 we have breakout sessions or seminars, 17:58 where the young people were able to go 18:00 and attend individual tracks that they were interested in 18:04 whether it would be, you know, health evangelism 18:06 if they had a burden to go back to their countries 18:08 and to hold tough evangelism or you know public speaking, 18:11 whatever it may be there is always different tracks 18:13 that the young people could go to 18:15 and attend those seminars 18:16 and get specific hands on training. 18:17 We had many other things 18:19 including one of the highlights of GYC Europe 18:22 which is always a highlight also here in 18:24 we have our conventions in United States is evangelism, 18:27 we have outreach every year. 18:29 And on Sabbath afternoon when we were in Linz, 18:33 all of the young people went out into the streets of Linz 18:37 and handed out literature offered, 18:38 the Bible study cards, it was really a powerful experience. 18:41 That sounds incredible. 18:43 Natasha, tell us something, why is it significant 18:46 that young people would hold the conference 18:48 of that nature in Europe? 18:52 Well, one of the things that makes it incredibly significant 18:54 is it you look at the spiritual condition 18:57 of the European continent for one. 19:00 Secularism, humanism and postmodernism 19:03 are all having a heyday over there 19:06 and if we look around the United States 19:08 and we think that, you know, postmodernism 19:10 and secularism and humanism are rough here, 19:13 they are even more rough over there. 19:15 So explain secularism, what's the big deal 19:17 that it's so embedded there in Europe? 19:20 Well, secularism I think is really born out of 19:23 when Europe came through the Dark Ages, 19:24 the picture that they had of God 19:26 that was shown them during the Dark Ages 19:28 really turned Europe off. 19:29 And so now God has been pushed back out of society, 19:34 He is not loved as a general rule, 19:38 He is viewed very poorly 19:40 and most people have turned away from Him 19:42 and decided there isn't a God at all. 19:44 And so, in Europe where some of the first countries 19:47 that decided that atheism was their official religion 19:50 and this is the culture that we are going into 19:54 and the people in general 19:56 are turning away from any concept of God, 19:58 whatsoever to like humans can do, 20:01 what we can get out of this world, 20:03 what advantages we have right here now 20:05 because this is all we have in their minds. 20:07 And so to have this conference come in 20:10 where we are excited about Bible study, 20:12 where we're are excited about prayer was groundbreaking 20:15 and it was beautiful. 20:17 Now, Joshua, you were telling me there was another reason 20:19 why it was pretty significant 20:20 that this was being held in Europe, 20:22 conducted by young people, why is that? 20:24 Yeah, absolutely, why because in Europe there is-- 20:26 because of the culture of Europe, 20:28 it's been very difficult for the grassroots movement, 20:31 for young people as individuals 20:33 Seventh-day Adventist young people 20:35 that are interested in working for God 20:37 its been difficult for them to start a youth movement 20:41 like GYC here in the US. 20:43 Like you know in North America 20:45 we have so many grassroots ministries. 20:49 I mean ASI is made of all of those, right? 20:52 Of layman their understanding up on Europe 20:54 it's more, it's been difficult 20:56 because of the culture for that to happen. 20:57 So, GYC it was a landmark occasion 21:02 in the sense that it was young people 21:06 putting on this confidence and so GYC came in cooperation, 21:10 you know, with some very talented European young people 21:14 as well as Alonna was referring you before. 21:17 We came together and we held this conference 21:19 and it was amazing, was absolutely amazing. 21:22 Now, since we have shared with you 21:24 a little bit of a picture and words. 21:26 Let's look at a few pictures you can see exactly 21:28 what may have taken place. Okay. 21:29 So, what's happening here? 21:30 All right so this is the picture of the congregation, 21:32 there was about, in this picture there is about 21:34 1,700 people sitting there. 21:37 We had actually registered about 2,300 on Sabbath, 21:41 we had 1,700 people come to the meetings. 21:44 Let's go to the next slide. 21:49 Yeah, we had actually 47 countries represented. 21:52 Here you see the attendees 21:53 that are getting ready to go on outreach. 21:56 And next, oh. Yeah, this is actually- 21:59 You had a camp out. We did. 22:01 Some of the attendees obviously are coming from countries 22:03 where it's difficult to afford even travel to get to Austria. 22:08 So we offered accommodations as you see 22:10 where they could stay for much more economical prices 22:14 and many of the attendees chose to do this. 22:16 Okay and next? 22:19 This is translation with that many countries 22:21 coming together, those many. 22:24 I don't even know how many languages 22:26 total we had represented. 22:28 But we had a massive amount of translation going on. 22:31 The meetings were held in English 22:32 because that is the most common language. 22:35 But as you can see here, these are translation booths, 22:40 all those young people in there, 22:41 very dedicated, very talented young people 22:44 that translated via they were speaking to a microphone 22:48 and that would be translated to the earpiece 22:50 of the people sitting in the congregations. 22:52 Those were the major languages 22:54 such as German, French, Spanish etc. 22:58 we also had a lot of smaller groups 23:01 from countries where there was many be 23:03 only five representing that language 23:05 and for them we did whisper translation. 23:07 I love that whisper translation. 23:10 We did whisper translation where they would sit in 23:11 with someone who could translate 23:13 would sit like amongst their group 23:15 and would whisper the meanings. 23:17 They were such-- God poured out His Spirit. 23:20 We would praise specifically for the translators 23:22 because they were the ones communicating the messages. 23:24 They had to translate David Asscherick 23:26 which was a real challenge, but they did. 23:29 We were so, so thankful. 23:30 You can put that on speed dial, I'm sure. 23:33 All right, let's get into some experiences. 23:35 Share with us a little bit, Alonna, about Macedonia? 23:38 Yeah, we had some attendees that were coming 23:40 from some rather obscure parts of Europe, 23:42 Macedonia was one of them. 23:44 We found a young person who was able to come 23:46 and we actually achieved a sponsorship for him 23:49 because he was unable to afford it. 23:50 So week before GYC he decides to come, 23:53 we put the funding in place. 23:55 So he arrives and on the train right there 23:58 he managed to witness to 10 different people 24:01 and so he came all excited just after GYC 24:04 and talked to me and said, you wont believe this 24:06 but I know this was a divine appointment for me to come here 24:08 just because of who I met on the train 24:11 and he is going back now to Macedonia 24:13 to share with all his friends 24:14 and other young people about GYC. 24:16 Oh, that's excellent. 24:17 Natasha, tell us about the cook in the kitchen? 24:20 The cook in the kitchen. 24:21 Well, besides the tents that we had, 24:24 we did have hotels for people to stay in 24:26 and in the main host hotel, 24:29 they would feed the attendees breakfast within the hotel 24:32 kind of what we would call a continental breakfast 24:35 but on much larger scale. 24:36 And so like hundreds of young people 24:39 would be coming in here every morning for breakfast 24:41 and they were all smiling, they were happy 24:43 and so the cooks and the waiters 24:46 and waitresses would be like you know, who are you, 24:47 what are you doing here? 24:49 You all look so happy, you are all smiling. 24:50 We got so many comments of that nature. 24:52 Anyway one of the cooks after observing 24:56 ended up asking for Bible studies 24:58 and he is already receiving Bible studies, 25:01 the last morning he was 25:03 one of the logistics people was telling him, 25:05 we are going to have so and so give you Bible studies 25:07 and he is like, oh that is wonderful, 25:09 that is so wonderful, thank you so much. 25:11 And we were so excited that this person 25:13 who didn't even really wasn't an Adventist, 25:16 wasn't anything, he observed us 25:18 and after watching the young people 25:20 that were there, he actually attended 25:21 some of the evening meetings 25:23 and then he requested Bible studies. 25:25 Incredible, incredible. 25:26 Now, we only have a couple of minutes left. 25:28 I want to move off of Europe 25:29 to find out what's happening now? 25:31 What are the plans for GYC in the future? 25:34 Okay, well of course, we have our annual conference, 25:36 so we are having our conference in Seattle this year. 25:39 Seattle, Washington December 8 through January 1, 2013. 25:44 This year it's a little bit different, 25:46 normally we run our conferences Wednesday through Sunday, 25:49 but because of this year where Christmas falls, 25:51 we moved our conference through Friday through Tuesday. 25:53 So, it starts Friday night then it moves on to-- 25:56 ends Tuesday morning. 25:57 Wow, I'm sure that someone might here 26:00 might you want to go to GYC. 26:02 We would love to have them. 26:03 There is something else that GYC is doing. 26:04 It's not just holding conferences 26:06 but you have some mission work and outreach that's happening. 26:10 Alonna, tell us about 26:11 what's happening here in the United States? 26:13 Yeah, here in the United States 26:15 exciting things are happening as well. 26:16 Charleston, West Virginia, we were invited to come there 26:19 and hold a brief training 26:21 to help mobilize the young people there. 26:23 To make a long story short, 26:24 now they are knocking on every door 26:25 in Charleston, West Virginia. 26:27 And there is a mission in Tanzania? 26:30 Even as we speak we had two mission trips 26:33 in Tanzania this year that GYC organized. 26:36 One happened in June 26:37 and one is happening as we speak here, 26:39 they are in a very, very difficult to reach portion 26:42 of Tanzania where there is a lot of resistance. 26:44 Keep them in your prayers there 26:45 they are right now holding evangelistic series 26:47 and the Lord is blessing. 26:48 Wonderful. We're so excited. 26:49 And the last word for the Director 26:52 of European Affairs. 26:53 If people want more information and hear more of these stories, 26:56 is there a booth in the exhibit hall? 26:59 Yeah, absolutely there is a booth 27:01 and unfortunately I don't know the number 27:03 but you can go to, or you can go into there 27:06 and see if you can find the GYC booth 27:08 and if you can't do that, then you can visit us online 27:11 at or 27:15 Excellent, thank you very much young people. 27:21 GYC is truly an international organization. 27:25 God using people all over the world 27:28 to accomplish his mission 27:30 for those who are willing to follow. 27:33 And our next interview is an example of that. 27:37 Sandra Silva, who well, where are you from? 27:43 I'm actually from Canada. 27:44 Right now? Right now. 27:45 And your parents are the ones 27:47 who are spearheading this mission project. 27:51 Where are they from? 27:52 My parents are actually from Portugal. 27:54 Okay. Yes. 27:55 And where is the project? 27:57 The project is actually in Costa Rica. 28:00 Okay, so it truly is an international type project. 28:04 May be you can tell us name 28:05 since I'll sure, I'm sure that I will stumble over it. 28:08 Well the name is Vista Los Suenos 28:11 Lifestyle Solutions and Spa. 28:14 Okay, and it's a ministry that is largely overlooked. 28:20 What is the ministry and what is it, 28:22 just tell us just a little bit about 28:24 what you are planning to do? 28:25 Okay, well the ministry is basically 28:29 looking to reach out to the very wealthy. 28:32 We will be doing a lifestyle spa and solutions, 28:36 we will teach life style education, 28:39 teach people how to have improved health 28:41 but most of all how to know Jesus, the great physician. 28:46 Tell us just a little bit about how you started with this idea. 28:52 How did you get where you are at 28:54 and how far long are you? 28:56 Okay, well you can see on the website 28:59 for example Los Suenos 29:01 it's a beautiful resort a five star resort 29:05 and it's a place where my parents had a condo and I just. 29:08 We have some pictures in fact of where it's at, 29:11 so perhaps we could show some of those too. 29:14 It's basically located you will see there 29:17 just near Jaco beach about nine and half 29:19 from San Jose there in the Pacific Ocean. 29:23 It's a beautiful resort, 29:25 has the only international marina in Costa Rica 29:29 and basically it's really to reach out to the wealthy. 29:33 And one day I just woke up from a dream 29:36 and the dream was that my dad was building 29:39 two houses on this piece of land 29:41 going up this hill and mountain 29:44 and it was on the left hand side 29:45 and I remember calling my parents that morning 29:49 and saying mom, dad, I had this dream 29:51 that you building two houses on this piece of land 29:55 and I described it. 29:57 My dad said Sandra how do you know that today 30:00 I'm to sign papers to buy exactly what you described. 30:04 And my dad wasn't a member 30:06 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church at that time 30:08 but praise God he is now. Amen. 30:10 And he is, and I just said daddy got must be in it, amen. 30:15 And sure enough God then let us 30:18 to build there right after. 30:20 Three years later got another dream 30:21 saying build on the mountain, Sandra. 30:23 It's time to reach out to those people. Amen. 30:27 So, let's back up just a little bit 30:29 you said your dad wasn't an Adventist then what was he? 30:34 What denomination was he? 30:35 He was Catholic, have being Portuguese. 30:38 And so how about, 30:39 we are not talking about Adventist 30:41 for a long period of time, 30:43 how long has he been an Adventist? 30:44 He is been an Adventist for just over 4 years. 30:47 Okay, and so this is a lifestyle centre 30:52 that is designed to appeal to those who are wealthy. 30:56 Tell us some stories? 30:57 Well exciting, there is a gentleman 31:00 on top of the mountain there, 31:02 said to my mom and dad Mr. Silva 31:04 we want to take you to our beach house 31:07 in another part of Coast Rica and I'm bring my chef 31:10 and he is going to do a weekend meal for you 31:12 and I'm bringing my wife and come along. 31:14 And my parents had that opportunity 31:16 while they were there my mom began to share about my life 31:19 and my walk with God and how God answers prayers. 31:23 And the lady said you know, I don't know God 31:26 but can you pray for my children 31:29 and you know it just began relationship building, 31:31 you know building relationships 31:33 that these individuals might know Jesus 31:35 and we started Bible studies there 31:37 and we do hope to plant a church there as well. Amen. 31:41 Sandra, your parents, this is kind of a new thing 31:46 and so you don't have a website yet 31:48 and you don't have a booth here 31:52 but there are heading toward membership as ASI members. 31:56 How can we contact you 31:58 if we want to get more information? Yes. 32:02 Well they heard about the story very recently 32:04 and so we didn't have all the information to give, 32:07 but I'll give you my email 32:10 which is 32:15 that's 32:19 and then we hope to have a website out soon 32:23 with Vista Los Suenos, the Lifestyle Solutions and Spa. 32:28 Okay, we actually have a one more minute 32:31 little bit over a minute if you have another story. 32:33 Do you have a quick story for us? 32:34 Well, I just share how God can use 32:36 any one to give Bible studies. Good. 32:38 I remember my mom sings Sandra come prepared, 32:40 we have so many Bible studies, 32:42 I go walking and I meet all these people 32:45 and so we started to study the Bible 32:46 with a lady who was from even Brazil 32:50 and then she went off and the maid came to see us. 32:53 She said will you teach me as well. 32:55 You know, I have been listening 32:57 and so we continued in Bible studies 32:59 and I had to leave 33:01 because I could only be there for a month 33:03 and I was praying Lord what do I do? 33:05 And God said Sandra give them over to your mom, 33:08 let her give the Bible studies. 33:10 And so I ran to my mom, 33:12 I said mom see it's easy you can do this, 33:15 you know, and most importantly God is with you. 33:18 And my mom said, but Sandra I don't speak Spanish, 33:21 I speak Portuguese. 33:23 I said, mom it's so close 33:25 I know the Holy Spirit will help you 33:27 and indeed God is able to, 33:29 my mom had never given Bible studies before 33:31 but she was able to give Bible studies 33:33 and continue to correspond with these individuals, 33:35 praise God. Amen. 33:37 So, once again give us the email address. 33:40 Again the email is 33:46 Sandra, it's been a pleasure talking to you 33:48 and we wish you God's blessing 33:50 and we will keep you on our prayers too. 33:51 Thank you, thank you. 33:53 God is able to use people 33:55 no matter what position they may hold. 33:58 You don't have to be a pastor, 33:59 you don't have to be someone 34:02 who has been trained necessarily in evangelism, 34:04 all you have to be is willing and that kind of leaves us 34:09 to our next members in action segment 34:12 and that's about a church plant. 34:14 I have here with me this evening 34:17 Steven Grabiner and Jay Anders. 34:20 May be you could tell us very quickly, 34:21 and I know some of you know are known here 34:24 but just quickly tell us what you do 34:27 and then we will go from there. 34:29 I work with Outpost Centers International, 34:32 a mission organization. Good, and Jay? 34:34 I am electrical engineer and I work for Mesa Associates 34:37 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. 34:38 Okay, now you-- this is an exciting story. 34:43 You have just begun 34:45 or it's been now very shortly a church plant. 34:49 Where did you go to church before? 34:51 We used to attend a church in Collegedale, 34:53 Tennessee called McDonald Road 34:55 and any one knows Collegedale 34:57 so the amount of Adventist universities there, 34:59 there is lots of churches. That's right. 35:01 So it's pretty easy to go to church 35:02 and just fade into the furniture. 35:06 Yeah, and then, Jay, tell us, 35:10 how did you kind of get the idea 35:12 that you wanted to, you're thinking, 35:13 may be we could start a church. 35:16 I guess a lot of us did talked about it, 35:18 several of us had gone to Sabbath school together 35:20 and one spring after this camp meeting, 35:23 we were all just sitting around, kind a, got the idea, 35:25 let's do this, let's start a church plant. 35:28 So from there, we just started looking at some possibilities, 35:30 you know, were in the area 35:33 and we looked at, like Steven has alluded to in Chattanooga, 35:36 Collegedale area, there's a lot of churches. 35:39 But as we start putting punch pins on the map, 35:41 we noticed that in East Ridge, there was nothing. 35:44 So from there, we thought, 35:45 well lets' just look and explore the idea, 35:47 doing a church plant in East Ridge, Tennessee. 35:49 Okay, so what East Ridge 35:51 and you began your little group, began where? 35:57 What facility were you using to start with? 36:00 Well, we began looking for locations, 36:03 we considered a spot on the main drag, 36:05 which is really small but fortunately, 36:07 'Church of God' wasn't it? 36:09 They opened their doors to us, 36:10 that was the first church we rented, 36:12 then we outgrew that, 36:14 and then the Methodist church opened up their doors to us 36:17 and we rented that for a while. Okay. 36:19 So we brought the Seventh Adventist church 36:21 into other churches as well. 36:23 Now, tell us some stories, you have some amazing stories 36:27 or things that have happened 36:29 very recently with this church plan. 36:32 Yeah, before we do that, may be, 36:34 we could just share a little about our transition 36:35 from our Methodist church to where we are now. 36:37 Jay, you want to share it. 36:38 In fact I was going to ask you about the building, go ahead. 36:40 Okay, yeah, like Steven said, 36:43 we started off we were in our second facility meeting there 36:47 and slowly outgrowing it. 36:49 And a friend of mine who is a realtor, 36:51 she'd never sold a church before and never sold a home 36:54 in East Ridge, Tennessee actually. 36:56 She worked up in another part of town. 36:58 She called me up and said, Jay, 36:59 God has given me your church to sale, 37:02 because her husband worked for me, I was like what. 37:05 It's a long series of events, but through God's providence 37:09 and the dedication of our members, 37:11 we are actually able to-- we set some goals. 37:13 We have to raise 50% of the money, 37:15 we were able to do that. 37:17 Things fell in place over and about a three month interval 37:20 finally we ended up buying to purchase a church 37:23 that was in for closure in East Ridge. 37:25 I would say that right now, again go to God's providence, 37:28 the dedication of the members, that church is now paid off, 37:32 and we are in a middle of a renovation program, 37:35 that's again being totally done by capital 37:37 which was raised, no debt incurred. Amen. 37:39 So that's kind of an unusual thing isn't it, 37:42 100% pledges and 100% paid off 37:45 and what it's amazing, really it is. 37:46 I think it sort of really amazing about it, 37:48 is it's total lay led church. 37:50 We have no pastor assigned 37:52 to the church from the conference, 37:53 everyone there has a paid position. 37:56 They're paid job that they go and do, 37:58 but then all of our, every thing in the church 38:00 is all done by the lay members. 38:01 Right now we have about 170 members 38:04 attending the church. 38:05 Okay, let me get it straight, you are not a pastor. No. 38:09 But you-what do they call in now that missional pastor. 38:12 In Georgia-Cumberland Conference they call him missional pastor. 38:15 Okay, and you have had a formal training 38:18 in that though. No. 38:19 Bible worker training? 38:21 Engineering and business training. 38:23 So what you are is willing to follow wherever God-- 38:27 Yeah, I mean that's, 38:28 that's everybody in the church. Yeah. 38:30 Everybody there, we all have skills, 38:32 we bring it and you know it's interesting 38:34 that this past week, I was up here 38:36 and we needed some work to get gone. 38:37 I just sent an email out 38:39 and I did that to send a second email out. 38:40 And said, we would need some help 38:42 with this painting of the church. 38:43 Over 27 people showed up to help with the painting. 38:47 Last week, we had some-- I mean we went door to door, 38:50 and we had like a 103 folks 38:52 that went out door to door in East Ridge, 38:54 knocking the door generating Bible studies. 38:56 Right now we have over 4, 38:58 no over 30 Bible studies actively engaged 39:00 all being done by the members of the church. 39:02 So it's just people, giving time. 39:04 People made themselves available 39:06 and God just blessing greatly there in East Ridge. 39:08 May be we should talk about the Kurten family. 39:10 But it's just part of the DNA, 39:12 if somebody wants to join the church. Amen. 39:14 The bar for the church membership 39:17 in addition to believing, 39:18 what the Seventh-day Adventist believe 39:19 is that you have to be involved in the congregation. 39:23 And we are very upfront with that, 39:24 you want to come and be part of this church, 39:26 expect to be involved. 39:27 And it's really exciting as Jay said to see, 39:30 everybody with full time jobs, 39:31 carrying the responsibilities of the church. 39:33 So you are not looking for people 39:34 who just want to occupy 39:35 the same 18 inches of lumber every week. 39:37 You are interested in people being involved in it. 39:39 Okay, tell us some stories. 39:40 So the third Sabbath, that we are in the church 39:44 that we were first renting. 39:46 After church, we walked down and people are talking 39:47 and this woman walked up, her name is Laura. 39:49 She had a couple of kids with her 39:51 and she said, what's going on here, 39:52 is there a wedding or is this church. 39:55 And we said, no, actually this is a church. 39:57 And she would take her children to the school right next door 40:00 for just to play on the play ground 40:02 on Sabbath Saturday mornings. 40:04 And she said, when I was a teenager, 40:07 I heard about the Sabbath. 40:09 And ever since that time 40:10 I've been looking for a Sabbath keeping church to go to. 40:14 Third week we were there, someone from the community 40:16 just works up, walks up next Sabbath, 40:18 she was there with her three children, 40:21 then her husband started coming, 40:22 and at this point, she's been baptized, her husband 40:25 and the two older children had been baptized 40:27 and are active members in the church. Amen. 40:30 Here we have another individual, 40:32 and again there are so many people from East Ridge 40:34 that are joining the church are members of the church. 40:36 Another individual Matt, he started attending with us 40:40 and did profession of faith and joined the church, 40:44 has been there recently attending 40:47 and he called me earlier this week 40:49 and said he wanted to-- 40:50 he's going to enroll in the SALT program 40:52 at Southern Adventist University 40:54 and wants to become active as a Bible worker. 40:57 He said, I was in the mess of this church, 40:58 but now he's joined the Adventist church, 41:00 he lives in East Ridge, spent his-- 41:02 mom and dad have been there living there for over 30 years 41:05 so, again we are just really growing there in East Ridge 41:08 with these folks want to be involved. 41:10 Last word is, anybody can really do this. 41:14 You don't have to be a pastor, 41:16 you don't have to be an evangelist. 41:18 You can do this, is that the last word. 41:20 And it's really a matter of priorities. 41:22 As Jay and I were talking, everybody in our group is busy, 41:26 but you do what you really think is most important. 41:28 That's right. And, so yes, people can be involved. 41:31 Gentleman thank you for sharing with us-- 41:32 Thank you for letting us share. 41:33 God is blessing on you too. Thanks. 41:40 Lots of exciting members 41:42 and action stories tonight, aren't there? 41:44 It's so good to be at ASI, where we can talk about 41:47 what we are doing to share Christ in the marketplace. 41:49 This evening I have with me, 41:50 Chuck Hegley who is from Project Patch. 41:53 Now, Chuck, how long have you've been involved 41:55 in the ministry of Project Patch. 41:57 I've been working full time at Project Patch since 19-- 42:01 excuse me, 1994 is when I married Tom Sanford's daughter, 42:05 but 2005 is when finally God dragged me in 42:07 and I started working there full time. 42:09 So you married into the family and then God kind of sucked you 42:13 into the ministry a bit at a time. 42:15 Exactly. Okay. 42:16 Tell us what is the mission of Project Patch? 42:20 The mission, I like to think the mission of God 42:23 that He's given Project Patch is to restore trouble teens. 42:26 Those teens that are falling through the cracks 42:28 and also to build stronger families, 42:30 to really be that protection for their teen. 42:33 Now we've heard about Project Patch through the years 42:36 and tell us about the work 42:38 that you are doing with the youth, 42:40 it's on your Idaho campus, right. 42:41 Correct, since 1993, we've had this beautiful campus in Idaho, 42:46 right on the Payette River, just an amazing place for kids, 42:49 ages 12 through 18 come and spent a year with us, 42:52 learn better ways to manage their life 42:54 through group counseling, individual counseling. 42:56 They attend in a credited high school, 42:58 they do outdoor therapy, indoor therapy, 43:00 they learn responsibility, they learn to respect. 43:03 And over all that they learn 43:04 that God's got a plan for their lives. 43:06 And so our chaplain and staff work with them closely 43:08 to help them discover that God loves them deeply 43:11 and that they can trust him fully with their lives. 43:13 Wow, and so how many young people 43:16 are you helping at a time there at Project Patch? 43:18 We help 36 kids, 18 boys, 18 girls, kept separately. 43:25 So you keep them separated there for a little bit 43:27 and but you help them to mature in that process. 43:30 Now I know that Project Patch 43:33 just kind of launched on another track here, 43:35 with the second part of your mission statement 43:37 and that is not only to help the troubled youth 43:40 but to help the whole family. 43:42 Tell us how God has lead in that way? 43:44 It's been frustrating for years 43:46 to see a child coming to our program 43:48 and to recognize that we could have moved 43:50 back in their lives a couple of years. 43:52 If we could have equipped 43:53 the family with some basic skills, 43:55 or if we could've given them some encouragement 43:57 to keep moving forward, 43:58 that they had been a good chance 43:59 that they wouldn't have to go through this 44:01 self destroying relationship, destroying behavior 44:03 that took him to our youth ranch. 44:04 And so we long for a way to get into their lives earlier 44:08 and God's given us a chance to do that 44:09 through our family center. 44:11 Now you say a family center, 44:12 tell me a little about this family center. 44:15 Five hundred acres, about two hours, these- 44:18 Right, I think we've some pictures, right? 44:19 Yeah, we've got some pictures we're showing the background, 44:21 an amazing place, that just, 44:23 as you drive on to our campus, it takes your breathe away, 44:26 that's the view of Mount Adams, just a priceless view. 44:30 We tell people if this was in other parts of the country, 44:32 it would be a national park. 44:34 We have a 70-foot water fall in our property. 44:36 We've got canyon views. 44:38 We got a ropes course at 10,000 square foot lodge 44:41 with meeting rooms, private motel, 44:43 hotel type rooms for the families. 44:46 We have four cabins, we have RV size, 44:48 we have trails, 44:50 and most of all we've got a place 44:51 that God has given us to serve families that's safe, 44:55 that's beautiful and that they can feel like 44:58 they can be themselves and grow. 45:01 So actually you bring these families 45:03 into this relaxed kind of a resort setting. 45:06 And tell us about what happens 45:08 when you bring a family in there 45:10 and how long are the sessions and how do you do that? 45:13 Families are busy and so we have about 45:16 four days with each family 45:18 to really give them as much as encouragement as we can, 45:20 so we don't spend that time with them, blaming each other, 45:23 we don't spend that time with them looking back 45:25 and pointing at each other. 45:26 What we do is we equip them with skills. 45:28 First of all, what are the personalities in our family? 45:31 How are we the same, how are we different. 45:33 Give them that information how can we communicate better? 45:35 How can we communicate in ways 45:37 that really helps to get understanding? 45:39 Once we learn how to communicate, 45:40 how can we solve some of our conflict? 45:43 And then most of all, 45:44 one of the most important things families, 45:46 what do we value? 45:48 What are our shared family values, 45:49 how do we protect these things? 45:52 And then what sort of things 45:53 can we encourage the family to grow in 45:55 and it's not a bunch of sitting around, 45:56 who wants to sit around on a vacation. 45:59 It's ropes courses, it's activities, it's playing 46:02 and families really enjoy that process of learning. 46:05 So as you're bringing the families into this setting 46:07 and they are spending these four days with you. 46:10 About how many families have you helped 46:12 in this kind of setting? 46:14 We just opened a facility last summer, 46:16 which is one of those things that we say, please God, 46:18 don't make us do this during a recession. 46:20 And so it's been a scary time to do it 46:22 but God's led families into us, 46:24 we've been able to with a limited budget 46:26 for advertising we have been able to help 46:27 about 20 families now. 46:29 And how many come at a time? 46:31 We can, house, we've got 8 motel rooms 46:34 we got another 4 cabins 46:36 and most sessions are about 4 to 7 families 46:38 depending on the size of the family. 46:40 And not only there, 46:41 and the family interacting with each other 46:42 but they are interacting between families as well. 46:45 You know one of the things that Satan does is, 46:47 he isolates families. 46:49 He makes them feel like they are the only family 46:51 that doesn't quite feel close. 46:53 They go to church and they look around 46:54 and all the other families have it together 46:56 but their family tends to argue and fight, 46:58 their family can't even figure out, 47:00 where to go to eat without having this trauma. 47:03 And so having families together, 47:05 they share that experience, 47:06 know that they can struggle with some of the same things, 47:08 it's just an amazing gift to them. 47:10 And so we have the parents together part of the time, 47:12 we have the kids together part of the time, 47:14 and they discover that they're not alone 47:16 and most of all they know that 47:17 God isn't embarrassed about them, 47:19 He is willing to get into their lives and help them. 47:22 Now I know that in the process of helping these families, 47:25 you probably have a few stories to share. 47:27 Share with us a story about a family that has come 47:30 and somehow their life has been 47:32 really impacted by being there. 47:34 Yeah, we had a family that just didn't quite feel close. 47:38 They were going to transition of kids getting older 47:40 and they knew that they're having 47:41 a few more fights than they wanted, 47:42 that they were struggling finding unity. 47:45 And so they came to our site 47:47 and over those 4 days they had with us, 47:51 their daughter who is a teenager, 47:53 felt safer and safer and safer and finally revealed 47:56 that she'd been actively planning her suicide. 47:58 Oh, wow. 48:00 On the outside she was smiles and calmness 48:02 but on the inside there was incredible pain. 48:05 And the neat thing about it was, 48:07 with our therapist that are on staff 48:08 and with other caring adults there, 48:10 they were able to get her the help that she needs 48:11 and she is doing great with her family now. 48:14 I imagine that family is very grateful for the services 48:17 that you offer there at Project Patch 48:19 and working with the families. 48:21 Exactly, and for us we believe wholeheartedly 48:24 in John 10:10, 48:25 that there is a thief out there 48:26 to steal the lives of young people 48:28 that destroy families and for us the privilege 48:30 of seeing abundant life where there was before 48:33 only loss is amazing gift for us. 48:36 May be there is a family here tonight 48:38 that needs to contact you 48:39 for your services or knows a family. 48:41 What's your booth number? 48:42 Yeah, our booth number is 549 48:44 or you can find us on our website 48:45 which is 48:48 I want you to be convinced tonight 48:50 that God cares deeply for you and your families and your kids. 48:54 He's chasing with a relentless heart 48:56 to bring healing and that as Patch we will do 48:59 what we can to serve and it is our privilege to do that. 49:03 Thank you for being with us tonight. 49:04 Thank you. I appreciate it. 49:07 Our next interview this evening 49:09 from members in action is the Rodgers family, 49:15 Cary and Elene Rodgers, 49:18 coming to us from North Carolina. 49:21 Now, Cary and Elene have a ministry, 49:24 that is called Pathway to Peace. 49:28 Now Pathway to Peace has been in existence for a few years, 49:30 Cary, how long have you been in ministry? 49:32 I've been in ministry for 10 years now 49:34 full time and I'm loving it. Praise the Lord. 49:36 How did God get you into ministry anyway? 49:39 I mean it's a long story, it goes out of tragedy. 49:41 We lost a loved one of ours, actually we had still birth 49:45 and Lord actually got us into radio, 49:47 because we want to give back to the Lord. 49:50 So we say, Lord, we want to do 10 programs for you 49:52 and then actually lead from 10 programs 49:54 to actually going on to 30 radio stations. 49:57 So God used your personal tragedy 50:00 to help heal other people 50:02 and in the process brought you some healing. 50:04 I would get Bible studies, 50:05 testimonies and things like that. 50:07 It's amazing how God works, isn't it? Amen. 50:09 That's what Isaiah 58 says, 50:11 "As we help others, God uses that to help us." 50:14 Amen, amen. 50:15 Well, we can testify to that, can't we? 50:17 So you've been involved in ministry for about 10 years, 50:19 but God didn't leave you 50:21 just with dabbling in radio a little bit. 50:23 Tell us how, what happened? 50:24 It's amazing because God expanded the vision. 50:27 We did radio for a while 50:28 and then Lord made it very clear to me, 50:30 I said, one day I was out walking, 50:31 I said, Lord, I want to be part of the 144,000. 50:34 I want to see you when you come. Amen. 50:36 And he said, something that surprised me. 50:38 He said, Cary you need to get your health right. 50:40 I said what? I said Lord, I am a vegetarian. 50:44 But then I eat chips and junk food 50:47 and things like that and I literally fell on my knees 50:49 I said, Lord I don't know how to do it, teach me. 50:52 And two days later, the Lord got me 50:54 to a program at the church, I didn't know it existed 50:57 but at the church the pastor talk about health 50:59 and how we can get healthy and things like that 51:01 and taught us about the plant based diet. 51:04 And I also lost a lot of weight 51:05 and the Lord did some amazing things with that. 51:08 So God is leading you now, He takes you through this radio 51:12 and tuning up your health and-- Right. 51:15 And step-- the next step? 51:17 The next step, after we expanded the radio, 51:20 the Lord said, now I want you 51:21 to add the health ministry to your ministry. 51:24 The Bible and health, that's effective ministry. 51:26 So God gets you healthy and then He said, 51:27 now I want you to minister to others. 51:28 Exactly. Amen. 51:30 But the amazing thing as He said, 51:31 I want you to start a lifestyle health retreat, 51:33 and I want you to also to start a college of Bible 51:35 and health evangelism. 51:37 And I said, wow, this is a big plan 51:38 and at that time, we didn't have much resources at all. 51:41 We are staying in a one bedroom 51:45 actually, my whole family at a time, 51:47 because most of the money went to the radio stations 51:49 and God gave us the vision to do this, 51:53 and I said, okay Lord, let's just do it, 51:54 I've just learned to say yes. 51:56 And so God took your humbleness 51:59 and said we're going to do something. That's right. 52:02 So what has He done with that? 52:03 Well, He actually did it. 52:04 I mean, we actually went from Michigan, 52:06 we were on mission at the time and actually he sent us 52:08 all the way down to North Carolina. 52:10 And to just land there, 52:12 he said, I just want to send you to this place. 52:15 We landed not knowing 52:16 he said, I want you to get lifestyle center, 52:18 that takes property, it takes land, 52:20 but he said I want you to get started. 52:21 So we just packed our car, drove down there, 52:24 he opened up a place for an apartment, 52:26 and as soon as we got there about a few weeks later, 52:29 the Lord opened up doors, 52:31 we can actually minister to children, 52:33 with Bible and health. 52:34 And then we were able to minister to various churches 52:36 in there with Bible and health, 52:37 and I didn't know a whole lot but I just knew a little bit, 52:40 what I've learned in the past about the NEWSTART program 52:43 and I implemented that NEWSTART program 52:45 and people were, it was to change thier lives, 52:47 there's change in my life. 52:48 So then God gave you some property to go with that. 52:51 It wasn't that, but the story is a long story 52:56 but the Lord did it, matter of fact, 52:58 we got there about two years later, 52:59 he opened up the way for a 40-acres of property 53:02 with two houses and a cabin on it 53:04 with a beautiful lake pond there in it. 53:07 And that's the amazing story in itself 53:09 but don't have time to go through it. 53:10 You come to our booth if you want to come 53:12 and listen about that story but it's amazing 53:15 because I could tell you God is real in His last days, 53:18 no doubt about it. 53:19 And I am nobody special at all. 53:21 I am just a regular plain old lay person. 53:24 But you are willing to step out in faith. 53:26 I have to, if God says do it, we got to do it. 53:29 So you have this lifestyle center now 53:31 in this property that God has supplied 53:34 and you're ministering there. 53:35 And I know that during this process, 53:37 lives are being changed. Amen. 53:40 We have a few stories tonight, 53:41 just a little testimony about how lives are being changed, 53:44 we're going to play that now, 53:45 and just watch and see the testimonies 53:47 that lives are being affected. Amen. 53:52 I got to learn how to cook God's way, 53:56 using seeds, nuts, berries, fresh vegetables 54:01 and fruits, healthy eating and I just loved it. 54:05 Got to learn some new recipes, 54:08 so I'm excited to take some of those home. 54:09 How do you feel? I feel great. 54:12 I feel like I'm on the way to return. 54:15 I've lost 45 pounds. 54:18 We really thoroughly enjoyed it. 54:21 And if you can come, 54:22 and tell some ideas and tell them to come 54:24 because this is a life changing experience. 54:25 I never realized that the things that I was eating as I did, 54:29 that was killing me and making me sick. 54:31 This experience, this week, 54:33 I guess we could call it a retreat 54:35 has changed our lives forever. 54:37 A new start, new beginning. 54:39 And this was a new beginning for us. 54:42 Why are you so good? 54:44 Well, I just got healthy food and we learn about Jesus. 54:50 Oh, man he said it right, 54:51 healthy food and learn about Jesus. 54:53 And the summer camp has been about the Ten Commandments, 54:55 have you learned anything. Yes I have. 54:58 Why don't you tell some of the things 54:59 that you've learned. 55:00 I learned about how you should 55:04 control your anger and worship God. 55:07 And why you like your Bible class 55:08 so much, why you like it so much. 55:09 Because they teach about Jesus and what is sin? 55:14 Right, so, what is sin? 55:15 Sin is God's, flesh breaking God's law. 55:20 There you guess they're learning something, kids learning. 55:22 You gonna come out a all around ministry. 55:25 You got to know how to develop industry. 55:27 You gonna learn how to work in the industry. 55:29 You gonna learn how to set up churches. 55:32 You gonna learn how to do evangelistic meetings 55:35 and to do Bible work. 55:37 You will learn a whole lot of things. 55:38 What I'm gonna to do with the things 55:40 I've learned here at Pathway to Peace is 55:43 take it to the community, take it to the dark counties, 55:48 preach teaching and heal, 55:50 effectively the gospel of Jesus Christ. 55:54 So exciting things are happening, 55:56 their lives are being changed, 55:58 I know ministry doesn't happen in the vacuum though, 56:01 and that the ministry still has projects 56:02 and things going on in needs. 56:05 Elene, tell us about what's happening right now? 56:08 Our greatest need right now is 56:10 more of the Holy Spirit's power to do His work 56:12 because it's for His glory and He does do it. 56:15 We just completed 56:16 a preliminary copy of the Ten Commandments 56:19 and a scripture children scripture songs. 56:21 We were looking for children scripture songs 56:23 for our own kids, 56:25 something that was of the King James Version 56:27 directly verbatim from the Bible 56:28 and we couldn't find something that we really like, 56:30 but the Lord, said well you do it. 56:32 And the Holy Spirit worked through us to do this project. 56:37 Do you your booth here at ASI? Yes. 56:39 what's your number? 1026. 56:41 Come see this folks at booth 1026 56:43 and enjoy some more of that story. 56:45 Thank you tonight. Thank you. |
Revised 2014-12-17