ASI Conventions, 2012

Music & Members in Action

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 12ASIC

Program Code: 12ASIC000001

03:19 Amen.
03:22 Oh, good evening, ASI.
03:24 Now that's what I'm used to. Thank you.
03:27 It's really nice to be here at another ASI convention.
03:31 Tonight we started journey, a journey to discover
03:34 how God is using your sacrificial offerings
03:37 to further His Word and hasten His soon coming.
03:40 So we're gonna learn a little bit tonight about
03:43 a couple of the ministries that are in your booklet.
03:46 And tonight standing beside me
03:47 is Chance from the NAPS organization.
03:50 Chance, tell me what, what is NAPS stand for?
03:53 Well, NAPS stands for the National Association
03:55 for the Prevention of Starvation,
03:58 not only physical starvation but also spiritual starvation.
04:02 So we're a group of students, voluntary missionaries
04:04 from Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama.
04:07 Now we go around the world,
04:08 we do a lot of medical relief program,
04:09 we do evangelism program
04:11 and especially in Southern Africa
04:14 also in the United States and of course on Friday
04:16 we talk more a little bit on some of the work
04:18 that have been doing
04:20 with the Youth of Jesus program over the years.
04:22 Now, you're going to be doing
04:23 something a little bit different than
04:25 what you've done in the past
04:27 with this particular project.
04:28 Tell us a little bit about that.
04:30 Well, this is a project that we really appreciate ASI
04:33 for partnering with us about its called
04:35 The Good Life Wellness Center and this is gonna be
04:39 a missionary outpost center as well
04:41 where we provide for you know,
04:43 people who are in the south of Alabama,
04:45 we'll call it Deep South or the Black Belt,
04:47 you know, these are some of the poorest counties
04:49 in all of the United States.
04:51 They lead the nation in health problems
04:54 also education is among the lowest
04:57 in all of the whole United States.
04:59 And so we want to be able to do something about that.
05:03 How is that you came to this particular places that
05:05 in you said Sawyerville is where it's located?
05:08 How did you identify that city as well?
05:10 Well, actually that was very interested.
05:12 At our annual board meeting
05:14 Pastor Humphrey, Auldwin Humphrey,
05:16 he is actually the chairman of the NAPS board
05:19 and also he served on the South Central Conference
05:22 as the executive secretary.
05:24 And so he's been challenging us
05:26 you know, in school he did some project
05:29 on the southern work
05:31 which is Ellen White's commission for us
05:32 to reach you know, in the south.
05:34 And so we had kind of neglected it
05:36 for a little bit and then you know,
05:38 about eight months ago Dr. Paul in a staff meeting
05:41 we're like, you know what guys,
05:42 let's just start, let's make us start somewhere.
05:45 And so that's where the journey began
05:46 and here we are now to where we are today.
05:49 So you're starting in Sawyerville
05:51 and so what is happening there?
05:53 Well, it's exciting
05:55 what's going on in Sawyerville right now.
05:57 Every week NAPS group goes to the area,
06:00 we work there, we do a lot of health programs,
06:04 so right now we meet in the needs
06:06 of the community there but however,
06:08 each Sunday the students there,
06:11 all of the NAPS students
06:12 who volunteer on that particular week
06:14 and they will go down
06:15 and they build, they build this building,
06:18 we're gonna see some pictures in a little bit
06:20 but they do a lot of building,
06:21 they meet the needs of the community.
06:23 There's a lady there called Mrs. Queenie,
06:25 they help her you know,
06:27 in health reduction issues, helping her
06:29 to also get more physically fit and so forth.
06:31 So that was just a entry point
06:33 where we're meeting the needs of the community,
06:35 assessing what's going on.
06:36 And so there's another clinic also
06:38 which is about 45 minutes from Sawyerville
06:41 in Gainesville and that clinic there,
06:43 Dr. Mala Hardnett, every Friday,
06:45 she takes time off of her busy practice as a doctor
06:48 and she goes through the community there
06:50 and she provides free medical care
06:52 to those in the community.
06:54 So the emphasis there would be
06:55 as we're meeting the needs of those area there,
06:57 once their lifestyle center
06:58 becomes active we're going to be able
07:01 to have those people bridge over into the wellness center.
07:05 Now how did you find the location in Gainesville?
07:08 That location actually came about
07:10 because there's a federation,
07:12 there we call the Federation of Southern Cooperatives,
07:14 this been there for many years
07:16 so it's like a community group
07:17 where farmers came together back in the today
07:20 and so this building had--
07:22 it hasn't been used for about 40 years
07:25 and so as Dr. Paul was going into the area
07:27 and so forth, we're able to negotiate our work with them
07:30 and help them repair the building
07:32 and bring it up to speed
07:33 and so that's where we use the building every Friday.
07:36 So you're collaborating with community entities
07:39 to server the community?
07:40 That's exactly right.
07:41 Exciting, that's really wonderful.
07:42 Now, tell me a little bit about the students
07:44 who were in school and coming down on days
07:49 that they should be studying to do things for the community.
07:52 How does that work?
07:53 Well, that's one of the things
07:54 I love about NAPS is the commitment
07:56 of our volunteer student missionaries.
07:58 So these are people who are committed
08:00 they already in classes and so forth
08:02 but yet they are so committed that every weekend
08:04 they just take the time off to go.
08:06 And what we've noticed that
08:08 they really don't get behind in their studies
08:09 and matter of fact some of them
08:11 once they start working and serving others
08:12 we find that some of their grades even go up.
08:15 And there's a particular group of people called,
08:16 we call them the YOD
08:18 which is the Year of Dedication that
08:20 students take a year off of their studies
08:23 and they go out and serve the Lord
08:24 in the United States and then they go overseas
08:27 for a spring break mission as well.
08:30 And some of them, they're even here tonight.
08:32 So let's take a look at
08:33 what kind of progress has been made so far.
08:35 Well, if you look at the pictures
08:36 this is how it came about.
08:37 We have been blessed to have 110 acres in the area
08:42 and it's fully paid for, we thank the Lord for that.
08:44 And these are some of the young men
08:46 as you can see here on the screen
08:47 that they are actually helping to clear the land
08:50 and next picture you will see that
08:53 you know, these are the boards,
08:54 the material that we were able to purchase,
08:57 other people give their donations and help.
08:59 And you can see again NAPS young men
09:00 are going in to the area, these are two young men
09:02 who are very powerful in this project here.
09:04 We have David Moise and we have also Wilson Henry,
09:07 he's a theology major but he's actually the one
09:10 who has been there with the pluming
09:11 and these young men,
09:12 they learn to do all of this work themselves.
09:14 So they do the pluming, the electrical work
09:16 in that area as well.
09:18 Actually the year before
09:19 they were on the Year of Dedication
09:20 team number seven,
09:22 so Dr. Paul actually encouraged them,
09:24 motivated them to learn
09:26 how to do pluming and wiring and so forth.
09:28 Next picture, as you can see
09:30 this is the building here, it's over 6,000 square feet
09:33 and so this is just the starting.
09:34 We're gonna be doing evangelism program here as well
09:37 where we train self supporting medical missionary,
09:40 even bring in maybe some people from Africa over
09:43 so they can be able to get trained
09:44 and go back out and share.
09:45 And this is the last picture,
09:47 it's already up to the roof all summer,
09:49 the young men have been laboring diligently in the area
09:52 where its hot, it's very, very hot in the area
09:55 but they've been laboring there
09:56 doing a lot of work trying to get us.
09:58 So now all we have to do now
10:00 for this upcoming school term now
10:02 is to work on the interior with
10:04 you know, the pluming, electrical
10:05 and other things like that.
10:06 That's really exciting. Thank you.
10:07 I'm so glad that we have opportunity
10:10 to advance the cause, the work through NAPS.
10:12 Thank you very much, Chance.
10:13 And just one thing, if you want to hear
10:14 more about NAPS you can come
10:16 to the booth number 923 and also visit us
10:19 online, thank you.
10:21 Thank you.
10:24 Coming to join me now is a person with the same name
10:26 as someone you heard before.
10:28 Jason, well, not part of the name.
10:31 Jason Fournier, Jason is the son
10:33 of Frank Fournier our president.
10:36 And Jason, conducts his work in his ministry
10:40 in Africa at Kibidula, where is it located
10:43 and exactly what is it all about?
10:45 Kibidula is in the eastern part of Africa
10:50 in the country of Tanzania
10:54 which is about half way or just below Kenya.
10:58 And what do you do there?
10:59 What's your role there?
11:01 I'm the director of Kibidula
11:03 and basically I oversee everything
11:07 that goes on at the place.
11:08 So you receive all the blame and all the credit?
11:11 I guess so.
11:12 So what kind of services or programs
11:14 do you provide at Kibidula?
11:16 Well, at Kibidula we have
11:18 several different programs going on.
11:19 We have a primary school with about 90 children
11:24 learning all the subjects in English
11:29 and we also have a school of agriculture
11:35 which is for children who dropped out of school,
11:39 they then come to our place for a two year course
11:42 and in that course we then teach them,
11:47 basically the basics of life, tools to have a successful life
11:52 and also the goal is to reach them with the gospel.
11:56 So we're reaching them with, yeah, the gospel and--
12:03 Kind of helping them through the education
12:05 of agriculture and those different tools.
12:08 And carpentry and sowing and English
12:10 and as many things as we can give them
12:12 to have a successful life.
12:14 So and they don't just walk away with tools,
12:17 they walk away with the gospel and some of those individuals
12:20 have actually given their lives to Christ in baptism?
12:22 Actually, almost all are students
12:26 every year end up being baptized.
12:28 Oh, praise the Lord.
12:30 And so you have another school, the school of evangelism.
12:34 That's correct.
12:36 We run a school of evangelism, two sessions a year,
12:38 we have four months each session
12:42 where we get students from all over Tanzania
12:45 and they learn principles
12:48 or methods in spreading the gospel
12:52 and reaching souls for Christ.
12:54 And you mentioned that there are lot of baptisms
12:58 and so what number of baptisms occur
13:02 like every year for instance?
13:04 We have at least 300 baptisms every year
13:08 as a result of our work or outreach at Kibidula.
13:12 Oh, praise the God. That's wonderful.
13:15 Let's see, you also talked to me about,
13:18 you actually you're in the print work, too.
13:20 What do you do in publishing?
13:22 Well, we don't print books ourselves
13:25 but we translate books into Swahili
13:28 and we also have books written by Swahili authors
13:33 and they-- well, after the editing process
13:37 we send the books to Korea to be translated
13:40 and then we import container loads full
13:44 of Swahili books to sell through the colporteur system.
13:49 So our books are actually sold
13:52 by all the colporteurs around Tanzania.
13:56 And you said that, so this work at Kibidula
13:59 with the literature is actually more than
14:03 what the church provides or--
14:05 Well, we work in conjunction with the church
14:08 but we produce probably a major portion
14:12 or at least half of all the Swahili books
14:16 that are sold in Tanzania, the Adventist books.
14:20 Now you are also partnering with another ministry
14:23 and that happens that has been supported
14:25 and it is supported by ASI, the one day church.
14:28 You've built a couple of churches there in Tanzania.
14:33 At Kibidula we've been blessed
14:35 to be a recipient of the one day church program
14:39 and we've built,
14:41 I think up-to-date close to 200 churches.
14:43 Two hundred churches, just from your staff
14:45 at Kibidula and other volunteers?
14:47 Yes, just our group at Kibidula going out and building.
14:50 That's incredible.
14:51 Thank you so much for that effort there.
14:53 And we'll be hearing a lot more about the one day church
14:56 and more one day structures later in this weekend.
15:00 Tell me a little bit about a particular vegetable.
15:04 I understand that you're into guacamole.
15:06 We're just about up to our necks in guacamole
15:09 if you want to say.
15:11 At Kibidula the soil is not very good for most crops
15:16 but we found over the years of trailing there
15:19 one thing that grows excellent is avocados.
15:22 So we are in the process of growing or making orchids
15:29 of avocados with intend that they will support
15:35 the work of the gospel in Tanzania.
15:37 Okay, wonderful.
15:38 And this is I think, where our offerings come in
15:40 because in order to work those fields
15:44 you explain to me it's a pretty tedious process
15:48 to work on avocado plants.
15:52 Well, up to now we've done all the work by hands.
15:55 We've about 1,000 trees planted so far
15:58 and you know dig the holes
15:59 and now we have to do all the mowing the orchids
16:02 and we're planting more orchids
16:05 and it's growing beyond our capacity
16:07 to be able to do everything just by hand.
16:10 So with our help we can get a tractor for Kibidula.
16:13 That's right.
16:15 Actually last year's offering
16:18 provided the money for a tractor
16:21 and it was shipped beginning of this year
16:24 and arrived recently at Kibidula.
16:26 Oh, wonderful.
16:28 And that's a picture of the tractor
16:30 actually mowing between the avocado trees at Kibidula.
16:34 Now you talk to me a little bit about
16:38 some of the individuals who are baptized as a result.
16:43 Well, it's just a short story.
16:46 Recently I was speaking with one of our missionaries
16:50 who, I forgot to mention
16:52 we have about 30 some lay missionaries
16:55 doing work in un-entered areas of Tanzania,
16:57 many of these are Muslim areas
17:00 and the one of our missionaries
17:05 they baptized the daughter of a Muslim
17:08 and the father was so angered by that, that he came
17:12 and attacked our missionary with a machete
17:15 with the intention of killing him.
17:18 Fortunately the weather was cool,
17:19 he was wearing a big coat
17:21 and I think with the blessing of God
17:23 when the machete hit him the coat saved him
17:26 and he was actually not seriously injured
17:29 and so the Lord blessed him like that, yeah.
17:33 Well, we were so grateful for the blessings of the Lord
17:35 and His protection.
17:36 And thank you for what Kibidula is doing
17:38 to advance the gospel.
17:40 You will find out Kibidula's where you want to go.
17:42 Thank you very much.
17:44 This is the best part of ASI.
17:47 And we have some more for you, that's good news.
17:50 I have with me here Dr. Naren James
17:53 and he is a medical professional
17:55 who is doing gospel ministry.
17:58 Actually he's not a pastor, he's a medical physician.
18:02 You have a practice in Kentucky
18:04 and you operate, what two clinics?
18:06 Yeah, two clinics called Bluegrass clinic.
18:08 Okay, so you're very busy.
18:09 Very busy.
18:10 Okay, so how long have you been in ASI?
18:15 Twelve years now, since the year 2000.
18:17 Twelve years, okay in those 12 years
18:19 how has your practice, medical practice
18:23 changed to a medical missionary practice?
18:25 Well, ASI has been such a fundamental part of that
18:27 when I arrived here,
18:29 you said, thinking of my practice is my profession
18:30 and church is something else.
18:32 Over time having come to ASI the seminars
18:34 and the events have inspired me
18:35 to look at my practice differently.
18:37 I look at patients differently.
18:39 As children of God,
18:40 they are to receive message from Him,
18:42 even as I minister to their physical needs.
18:43 Right.
18:45 Now, you're very, very busy and I've visited you
18:49 and you are very busy and having such a busy practice
18:52 how can you find the time to incorporate
18:56 evangelism into your practice?
18:58 It's just like you find a time for two or three meals a day,
19:00 however, you come in, I mean you eat.
19:02 Basically I make it a priority
19:04 and so we make it a priority, in our practice
19:06 we for the past 12 years since we've been in practice
19:08 we start with a devotional time every Monday morning
19:11 with all of our staff that's totally volunteered
19:13 but it's paid for their time to come to it.
19:16 And then of course we find time to integrate prayer
19:18 into our practice with our patience.
19:19 So it's very simple but very straight forward.
19:21 Okay, now you've made a little video
19:24 to encourage other physicians
19:26 to incorporate evangelism into their practice.
19:29 Yes.
19:30 So maybe we can see that now.
19:32 Excellent, let's look at it.
19:35 Bluegrass Clinic, my name is Naren James
19:37 and I'm a family physician
19:38 and medical director of this clinic.
19:40 Here at Bluegrass clinic
19:41 we've taken seriously the injunction
19:43 of the mastered great physician himself
19:46 as he mentioned in John 10:10,
19:48 "The thief comes to steal and to kill or to destroy,
19:52 but I've come that they may have life,
19:54 and have it more abundantly."
19:55 We're also quite aware that we are at the end of time
19:57 and the end of time only a few lines of work
20:00 will be left standing
20:01 and one of those will be medical missionary work
20:03 and that'll involve more than just trained
20:05 health professional like myself or yourself,
20:07 He'll involve us working along with pastors
20:09 and lay members of the church
20:11 to achieve the ultimate goal
20:12 of helping each individual to come
20:14 to a saving personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
20:18 The doctor came in and give me my weight
20:20 and I've said you know, it has to change.
20:22 He just didn't want to be social around people too much.
20:26 When I started the health classes at the time
20:32 I didn't think that it would be for me.
20:35 At one point I didn't even care if I lived or died.
20:38 I used boom to get me through the day.
20:44 Most of the time they don't really want
20:46 so much medical advice as they want more emotional
20:49 and spiritual advice,
20:50 you find that many of the problems
20:52 that people deal with have more of a spiritual basis.
20:57 When he said about Sabbath word of prayer
20:59 it's kind of shock to me
21:01 because I never, never witnessed there.
21:05 Dr. James has just brought
21:06 his patients to the meetings here.
21:08 So many of them, almost all of the attendees,
21:11 the visitors who come to the church here
21:14 are patients of Dr. James.
21:17 We work together and I think that's crucial.
21:21 There is a bomb in Gilead, there is a physician there.
21:28 God has just gave His ministry for the pastor
21:31 as he does for the physician,
21:33 that they must come from the nature.
21:40 Amen.
21:41 Now, you know, we know this council
21:43 we've heard it before and one other things that
21:45 you said was interesting is that
21:47 the medical missionary work
21:48 will be the last work that we can do.
21:50 So it's very important
21:51 for all the health professionals to take that up.
21:55 What advice would you give them
21:57 and how they can get started?
21:59 Well, health professional certainly
22:00 the Adventist Medical Evangelism Network,
22:02 they have a booth here in the 600 row,
22:04 I don't remember the exact booth
22:05 but beyond that of course
22:08 individual lay members in the church can be trained up
22:10 by health professionals to be a part of it, so--
22:13 So you mean the ministry that you're talking about is AMEN?
22:16 That's right, Adventist Medical Evangelism Network.
22:19 Okay, and there they can get resources
22:20 and training and videos on how they can incorporate--
22:24 Exactly, and we also doing annual conference,
22:26 we have a journal report out called the medical evangelism.
22:29 So they can visit us at
22:32 Okay, wonderful. Thank you so much.
22:34 Thank you, Leasa.
22:35 Next we have a very unique ministry in our church
22:39 and I'd like to call up Jeff.
22:42 Jeff, I worked with him in Tampa, Florida.
22:44 Jeff, what is your unique ministry?
22:47 Well I work with reaching out to the Jewish people.
22:52 Okay, and how do you reach out to them?
22:54 We reach out in various different ways.
22:56 We have unique literature
22:58 and we have unique buildings, congregations
23:01 or house and buildings that look like Jewish temples.
23:05 And the services inside are also conducted in a way
23:09 that makes it very Jewish friendly.
23:11 Okay, now you brought some slides with you.
23:14 Okay, let's go through them.
23:15 Okay.
23:17 The first one would be some of the literature
23:19 that we have and then the second one
23:23 is of one of the buildings that we have
23:25 and so you can see it looks like a synagogue
23:27 and there we are celebrating Hanukkah.
23:29 And then the inside is, little bit
23:31 what the inside of that particular synagogue looks like
23:34 and so our services are again conducted
23:36 very much like a traditional synagogue.
23:40 Okay.
23:41 Now, why-- what led you to this ministry?
23:44 Well, there is some wonderful quotes
23:45 one out of Acts the Apostles,
23:48 that says in the closing proclamation,
23:51 "God expect His messengers
23:53 to take particular interest in the Jewish people.
23:57 Among the Jewish people are some who like Saul of Tarsus
24:01 and these will proclaim with wonderful power,
24:04 the law of God.
24:05 We must make larger plans,
24:08 let there be special efforts made
24:10 for the enlightenment of the Jewish people
24:12 for among them the Lord has mighty men
24:15 who'll proclaim the truth with power."
24:16 Amen.
24:18 Now the special effort that we're to make,
24:21 there is a right way and a wrong way
24:24 and I work with you in your Tampa ministry there,
24:29 when you know, we're interested in following this council
24:32 but what is the mistake that we as non-Jewish people make
24:37 when trying to out reach.
24:39 Right, often its very eternal love
24:41 you know, people have love for people
24:43 and want to help people and share with them,
24:45 want to bless them,
24:47 the knowledge of God and the Bible
24:49 but we often want to do it
24:50 in a way that is comfortable to us
24:53 and bring them into our culture
24:54 and into our way and the Jewish culture
24:57 although may not recognize the Jewish person
25:00 from someone else out in America
25:03 but the culture is still so much different,
25:05 especially when we get into the religious circles.
25:08 And so the terminology is different
25:10 and just so much about it is different
25:12 that it's like a totally different foreign language,
25:15 even though we'll speak English.
25:17 Okay, so if there's a wrong way,
25:18 then there is a right way.
25:19 Correct. So what is the right way?
25:21 Well, the right way
25:22 is to get to know some of the terminology
25:25 and some of the culture issues that are helpful
25:27 and continue to love and demonstrate love
25:31 and start with love
25:32 and start with to get to theological issues,
25:35 talk on issues that are common
25:38 between us in the Jewish people
25:40 and relate in that way, certain I hope--
25:42 I mean we could do this whole seminar
25:44 and it's one of the things we do, we go around
25:45 and give seminars at congregations to share
25:48 and teach how to share with Jewish people.
25:52 And that's one of the reasons
25:53 we have the congregations in totally different format.
25:56 So as we bring them in
25:57 they are used to that type of setting.
26:00 Okay, so do you have resources that
26:02 we can find or how can we find these?
26:05 Yeah, advent source has produced a book
26:07 called Reaching and Winning your Jewish Friends.
26:10 And that teaches us how to interact--
26:13 The right terminology.
26:14 The right terminology-- The right motivation.
26:16 Right. That's right.
26:17 And to learn a little bit about the traditions
26:19 and the lifecycles like
26:20 what type of gift do I give to person
26:23 that I work with that just had a child.
26:24 Okay.
26:25 Or what do I do if their parent just died?
26:28 Or if their son's having a bar mitzvah
26:29 or daughter is having a bat mitzvah.
26:31 You know what will be appropriate things
26:32 and that's all covered in that book.
26:34 Okay, now you work at the North American division.
26:36 Correct.
26:37 And what are you doing within the division
26:40 and what are your future plans?
26:41 Well, in the division alone we have over 20 congregations,
26:45 not all of them have their own buildings yet.
26:48 But that we have 20 congregations,
26:50 we have Shalom Adventure Magazine, it's a web magazine
26:55 which is designed to again reach out to them
26:58 where they are in their homes
27:00 and to be able to share with them
27:02 different articles, religious articles
27:04 as well as common interests,
27:06 health and archaeology in Israel.
27:10 And so that's developing more, more to reach out to them
27:13 and reach them where they are at.
27:14 Okay, now do you have Bible study or set of studies
27:18 that we can get to share with our friends?
27:20 Yes, we do have a couple different studies.
27:22 We have Shema Israel, it's a Bible study
27:24 and we have Jewish discoveries which is a set of Bible studies
27:28 that also covers the traditions in again,
27:32 their format covers Bible doctrines
27:34 as we understand them
27:36 but does it in a Jewish friendly way.
27:37 Okay, now those of us
27:39 who really want to reach out to a Jewish friend
27:41 sometimes are intimidated
27:43 you know, because of lack of knowledge for one thing
27:45 but also--
27:47 Because there is a perception that it's very difficult.
27:52 Right, right.
27:53 And it's not so difficult, its just different
27:55 and so just learning the differences.
27:57 We also have a ministry where we train people
27:59 to lead congregations or working congregations
28:01 to Shalom learning center.
28:02 Okay, and where is that located?
28:05 It's actually, what we do is the people come
28:07 and visit the different congregations,
28:09 so it's kind of traveling couple of different weekends
28:11 through out the year, you know,
28:12 it's like a home study and continue that way.
28:14 So if we want you to come and train at our church,
28:16 how do we contact you?
28:18 Well, I guess you can contact me
28:19 or and then I'll just give the, and then I'll--
28:21 Okay, do you have a booth here?
28:23 We do have a booth here. Yeah, 552.
28:25 Just go around the fifth aisle,
28:27 straight in the middle all the way to the end,
28:28 we are at the end of the world.
28:30 We are at the very end, right against the wall there.
28:32 So just come all the way to the end
28:33 and we'll give you the information on that.
28:34 Okay, wonderful.
28:36 Now, before we go,
28:38 do you have a testimony that you can share with us?
28:39 I do, there is a lady
28:41 who just, just a few weeks ago,
28:44 she got little dissatisfied with Jesus
28:47 and very active in their congregation stuff with longing
28:49 for something more Holy Spirit was working on her heart
28:52 and she, a friend invited her to sing at church
28:56 and she went to the church service
28:59 and was impressed and the people are friendly
29:00 and all like that but she's so long
29:02 for the Jewishness of her culture
29:04 and so she found us online
29:05 and she began doing our Bible studies on our webpage,
29:08 at
29:10 and then came to our service
29:12 and then that week did the next Bible study
29:15 and accepted the Lord
29:16 and sent out an email to all her friends.
29:20 On next thing that we're working on
29:21 in reaching New York City,
29:23 with a division that's going to focus on
29:24 New York City for 2013
29:27 so we want to start a health ministry there.
29:29 We have a program coming on 3ABN reaching your roots
29:32 or returning to your roots, back to your roots.
29:34 Wonderful.
29:35 Well, thank you so much.
29:36 Thank you, Leasa.
29:37 And we'll be praying for you.
29:39 Thank you very much, God bless.
29:41 Next we have a,
29:43 you know, we've got a variety,
29:44 we've got a ministry, we had a medical professional
29:46 next we have a business
29:48 but it's not an ordinary business.
29:51 And Dirci, you are not new to us
29:53 but your son I don't think he has ever been up here.
29:56 Yeah, we are not new to ASI.
30:00 Okay, well, how long have you been in ASI?
30:04 2004, it's been a while, yes.
30:06 So your name is Dirci Marquart
30:09 and introduce this young man.
30:11 I'm Junior Seidi.
30:13 Junior Seidi. This is your son?
30:14 Yes.
30:15 Okay, and you work together in this business?
30:17 Yes.
30:18 Now, we just heard that
30:21 this is coming to the close of time
30:23 we can't do business as usual.
30:25 So how are you not doing business as usual?
30:29 Well, we continue to do as usual
30:31 in order to support out ministry.
30:33 Our dream is to continue mission serve and its work
30:38 but we need to do our regular business
30:40 in order to support it.
30:41 Okay, maybe we should establish what your regular business is.
30:46 We build granite countertops.
30:50 You build what kind of countertops?
30:51 Granite, stone.
30:52 Granite counter tops, okay.
30:54 Yes, we have a granite counter top business
30:56 in the Frederick area of Maryland.
30:58 And that's our, you know, pay our bills everyday.
31:01 Okay, now, that's not all you do with your business.
31:06 No, our business actually has this ministry
31:10 which is called MissionServ International
31:12 and we have been doing this for the last 10 years.
31:15 Before we joined ASI we already doing this work
31:20 with poor communities in Brazil
31:22 where we are from and building
31:26 different types of training facilities--
31:31 What kind of training?
31:34 Community training, health, we did also evangelism,
31:40 we even had twice ASI training
31:43 with the DVD program which is excellent.
31:46 Yeah, we trained like 1,500 people
31:48 there in that same area.
31:49 Okay, wonderful.
31:51 So have you heard the results from those trainees?
31:53 Oh, yes.
31:55 Well, the result really is that
31:57 the church is growing so much there
31:59 that we decide to start to build churches now
32:01 so that's what we're doing right now.
32:04 Okay, now I understand that you have an exciting testimony.
32:09 Actually I do, I think we all have been hit
32:11 a little bit from the economy, we specifically have done that.
32:15 In the building trade. In the building trade.
32:18 And we actually had to move
32:20 from one building to another building,
32:21 we had the opportunity to share in the marketplace,
32:25 you know, the faith that we have
32:26 and God has been extremely blessed,
32:29 He has been blessing us throughout the years.
32:32 And we actually had the opportunity
32:34 to meet our new landlord that
32:36 we had extremely a very wealthy business man
32:41 in the Frederick area and we actually were talking
32:44 about him or to him, he's not Christian,
32:46 he doesn't do any church or anything like that.
32:49 So he found out that we're going to do a mission trip
32:52 but it was only a family activity.
32:55 It was supposed to be our kids,
32:56 my wife you know, my--
32:58 it was a direct family mission trip
32:59 that we actually were doing.
33:00 Okay.
33:01 He decided that he wanted to go with us,
33:03 I really thought it was a joke, he was playing with me.
33:05 Oh, wow.
33:06 This man is a big guy.
33:08 He's very large and very excited and everything
33:11 but I didn't think he was gonna come to Brazil with us.
33:12 Did you tell him where he, yeah, we are just listening?
33:14 Well, he did come to Brazil
33:16 believe it or not and he actually--
33:17 And he brought the whole family.
33:18 He did bring his son and his wife.
33:20 Well, the Holy Spirit was working on him.
33:22 It was, Holy Spirit works amazing things.
33:25 And so he did come down with us
33:27 and we had this interlocking building concept that
33:30 we've been here ASI many years before showing espousing
33:34 but and he comes down and looks at this thing
33:38 and he gets, he is so impressed
33:41 and surprised by the fact that my two boys
33:44 being able to build the structure
33:46 that he told me when we got back to US
33:49 that he wanted actually to help us
33:51 and push that forward.
33:53 Okay, and how would he help you?
33:55 Well, he actually decided that,
33:56 one of my goals and my dreams
33:57 was to actually have a training facility
34:00 with our building concept here in the US
34:03 and he actually gave us an area that we could do that.
34:06 Land? Or building?
34:09 The actual land area,
34:10 we're gonna be doing that in Frederick this next year.
34:13 At the same time he also help us fund
34:15 the actual money for automating the machines.
34:20 Amen.
34:21 So, and the most amazing thing was that
34:23 the last three months ago
34:25 we were able to build our first church
34:30 done with totally construction rubble.
34:33 It was build out of trash.
34:36 So we went from trash into a church now that you have,
34:40 you know, 40 members being able to--
34:42 Make turn with that, the roof.
34:44 In the Frederick area?
34:46 No, this is in Brazil.
34:47 Oh, in Brazil, okay.
34:48 Okay, so he came down with you,
34:51 he saw what you were doing, got all excited,
34:54 now you so have contract with him.
34:57 Yes, yes.
34:58 Okay, so what's happening there?
35:00 Well, he's helping us through this project
35:02 and every once and while he comes
35:04 and ask us a little about our faith and what we do.
35:07 And we slowly and we're able to actually show that
35:12 and I believe he really likes and wants to be help
35:16 as much as possible in the future.
35:17 Its interesting that he really got involved
35:20 and now he doesn't want to stay only in Brazil,
35:24 he said what we have here is for the whole world.
35:27 There are so many other organizations
35:29 needing that as well.
35:30 So our next stage is to train a group in Haiti
35:36 and then it's Africa the next one that
35:39 we are lining up for training.
35:41 So you are sharing Christ in your marketplace.
35:44 Certainly.
35:46 And your marketplace is the building trade
35:49 but you involved your landlord
35:51 and he went on a mission trip with you.
35:53 Okay, what other plans
35:55 do you have to share Christ in your marketplace?
35:58 Well, we really want to continue this,
36:00 we call this project now Project Hope
36:02 from trash into hope that's our motto now.
36:07 Okay, so recycling is a big thing.
36:09 Yes, because our machine
36:11 now crushes the rubble from construction
36:15 and that's what we use to build our churches now.
36:18 Okay, now I'm kind of confused.
36:21 You sell granite counters.
36:23 That's correct.
36:24 But now you're recycling trash.
36:28 Well, unfortunately
36:31 we don't make money in doing that,
36:32 we make money doing the countertops.
36:33 Okay.
36:34 Our goal and our future is to be able to do that
36:36 and actually multiply that, have the same training facility
36:40 and the same ability to take this trash
36:43 and make it into churches
36:44 and structures and stuff like that.
36:46 It's pretty amazing.
36:47 We'll be next year in Orlando
36:49 and you'll be able to see there what we're doing.
36:51 Okay, well, wonderful.
36:52 Now, do you have a booth here?
36:54 No, no? Not yet.
36:55 No, not this year.
36:57 Okay, so now, we have business people here
37:01 and maybe they're thinking
37:03 how can I turn my business into a ministry?
37:07 Do you have any advice?
37:10 Well, first of all trust the Lord.
37:13 God has opened doors for us
37:15 and He will open to everybody that's willing to work.
37:18 There is no doubt about it.
37:20 We have seen God blessing us and helping us through out.
37:25 If we're willing certainly the Lord will bless us.
37:28 I'm sorry, I want to say,
37:29 if that is exactly what it is.
37:31 You got to trust.
37:33 God has an opportunity for you to do His work.
37:36 He needs to use you
37:38 and He's not gonna let you down.
37:39 So it doesn't matter for super talented
37:42 or super charismatic,
37:44 we just have to have an open heart.
37:45 True. That's exactly--
37:46 So that's the first requirement?
37:47 Yes.
37:48 And then God can do amazing things.
37:49 Sure.
37:50 Just like He's used you.
37:51 Thank you so much.
37:53 Thank you. Thank you so much.
37:54 Okay, our last person tonight is from Poland.
37:59 Actually there's two of them, they are brothers.
38:02 And I have the opportunity to work with one of your wives
38:07 but we can talk about that a little bit later.
38:09 So tell us what your names are and what your ministry is?
38:14 Springs of Life Foundation from Poland.
38:16 I'm Wiktor Kuczek.
38:17 And I'm Robert Kuczek.
38:19 Okay, so Wiktor and Robert,
38:21 brothers, right.
38:23 Okay, and how long have you been doing this ministry?
38:26 We have been in operation
38:27 for the last 25 year-- for 21 years,
38:30 so we just hit our 21st anniversary
38:32 just a few months ago.
38:33 Just a few minutes ago?
38:35 Few months ago.
38:36 Oh, few months ago, okay.
38:38 I've thought, wow, you keep time right to the minute.
38:41 That's pretty impressive.
38:43 Okay, so what are--
38:45 you've been in ministry for 21 years,
38:47 is there anything new happening?
38:49 Yes, when you are in publishing ministry
38:52 it's heard not to be involved
38:53 with the Great Controversy project.
38:55 So in Poland we have following the success
38:59 from 12 years ago when the Great Controversy book
39:02 became the fourth best selling book in our country
39:05 and we've sold 230,000 copies at that time.
39:09 We decided to do it again
39:11 and we have reformatted our book
39:14 to match the low price that's possible
39:17 since the prices in Poland are going up.
39:19 Show it to them.
39:20 Yes, so this is copy of our new book.
39:23 We have also put the book in the digital format
39:25 and I have with me a CD,
39:28 we have made 130,000 copies of this CD's
39:33 and we have also designed a special--
39:34 So this is an audio book?
39:35 This is audio, yes.
39:37 We have also, created a special webpage
39:40 called the
39:43 and we have the audio and the digital
39:47 and the regular book available for people
39:49 who want to buy the book.
39:51 And of course we didn't have as many hits
39:54 for this webpage as we wanted
39:58 so the Lord find the better way
40:00 of bringing this message from the book to people.
40:05 Now you could find the book on the webpage
40:08 of the famous catholic television station,
40:13 which is amazing.
40:15 So, okay. The book is Great Controversy.
40:18 Yes.
40:20 And it is now on sale at a catholic website.
40:24 It's actually free on catholic website.
40:26 Oh, free. Okay.
40:29 So how do you track how many you are sending out,
40:32 they're ordering out from you?
40:34 Well, that's why we don't get so many orders.
40:36 Most people like the catholic webpage.
40:39 I see.
40:40 Okay, well, praise the Lord.
40:42 He'll send His message out.
40:44 Okay, now Wiktor, your wife is a physician.
40:48 Yes.
40:49 And she came to Eden Valley last year, was it?
40:52 Three years ago.
40:53 Okay, and she wanted to know how we treated cancer.
40:58 Yes.
41:00 Since she came-- she went back,
41:01 what has she been doing?
41:04 Well, we were praying for a new lifestyle center.
41:08 We wanted to build a one and actually a year ago
41:11 we have been distributing newsletter
41:14 here on ASI trying to find--
41:17 trying to raise the money for this.
41:19 But we were able to raise
41:21 less than one percent of what we needed.
41:24 So we could not go with this progress-- with this plan.
41:27 So, were you pretty discouraged?
41:29 Well, no, we kept praying.
41:30 Okay, you had faith?
41:32 Yes.
41:33 So how did the Lord show a better way?
41:37 Yes, this is actually a miracle.
41:41 A year ago right after we return from ASI
41:45 we have a New start program
41:47 and on this new start program came a man.
41:50 A man who has been actually opposing Adventist church
41:55 for many, many years
41:56 and he came because of the health problems
41:59 and he has been counseled that he will find a solution.
42:03 After the program, he liked the program quite well
42:06 and he offered us his brand new built
42:11 big building for the Newstart program.
42:14 Okay, this is the building here.
42:15 This is the building, you can see it on the screen
42:18 it's a much better building that we were planned to build.
42:21 Yes, I have to ask you the building that
42:23 you were planning on building,
42:27 what is the difference between the sizes?
42:29 This building is about three times bigger in the size
42:32 and it costs probably four times
42:35 more than we were planning.
42:36 So you were dreaming too small and the Lord said no.
42:39 Yes.
42:40 Okay, so now this building, is it finished?
42:44 This building is almost finished,
42:46 now these are something things
42:47 that are not finished in this building,
42:49 actually right now we have only eight rooms available
42:53 while after the finishing of the building
42:54 we could have 16 rooms
42:56 plus we could have some other things,
42:59 the bigger kitchen and like we planned
43:01 that it's not present now.
43:03 Okay, so but it's not finished but I know Garzina your wife,
43:06 she really wanted to start a program.
43:09 So was she able to?
43:10 Yes, we have sat with that owner of this building
43:14 and we calculated what is the most needed
43:17 in order to start the small programs
43:21 and so we came up with the number
43:24 and we have long to disbanded to this owner
43:27 and he was able to finish this part of the building
43:31 so we could start the program.
43:32 And so we did have two programs in this year.
43:37 And we have just finished on the Monday
43:40 the second program
43:41 and the both programs were full,
43:43 all eight rooms were busy over 20 people on each program.
43:48 Okay, now Poland is a catholic country,
43:52 is that correct?
43:53 Yes. Okay.
43:54 So the gospel ministry really is an opening ledge,
43:59 it is the right arm of the gospel,
44:00 can you share with us a testimony
44:02 of how that has helped somebody that has come to your program?
44:08 Well, sure.
44:10 Could I have the next picture?
44:13 I don't know. Okay, the next picture.
44:14 Next picture, the picture, the last picture
44:18 and the one before the last on the screen.
44:20 I don't know if this we can have it
44:22 but there was a lady
44:24 that we were measuring the blood pressure.
44:27 Okay.
44:28 And this lady have come to the program
44:29 this year as well
44:32 but she came for the first time couple years ago
44:36 and she came from the very wealthy family in Poland
44:40 and-- but they have some problems
44:46 and she was very exhausted because of this problems
44:50 and so she came for this program
44:51 and at the program she got, she liked the program
44:55 so much that the same year she came for another program
45:00 and the same year for another program.
45:01 Okay, so three times.
45:02 Three times, yes.
45:04 And next year it was, I think two years ago
45:08 she has been baptized at our church.
45:11 Not on only this year later her husband was baptized also
45:17 and their daughter has been baptized.
45:20 So all family almost has been baptized.
45:24 God is doing amazing things around the world
45:27 and tonight you have heard a business,
45:30 ministry, a medical evangelist
45:33 and medical missionary ministry
45:36 and all of us can be involved if we just have an open heart.
45:40 Amen.
45:41 Thank you so much and God bless you.
45:45 God bless you.
46:15 The timeless theme
46:18 Earth and Heaven will pass away
46:26 It's not a dream
46:29 God will make all things new that day
46:37 Gone is the curse
46:41 From which I stumbled and fell
46:46 Evil is banished
46:51 To eternal hell
46:59 No more night
47:04 No more pain
47:09 No more tears
47:14 Never crying again
47:20 Praises to
47:25 The great "I AM"
47:29 We will live
47:32 In the light of the risen Lamb
47:47 See all around
47:50 Now the nations bow down to sing
47:57 The only sound, are the praises
48:03 To Christ our King
48:09 Slowly the names
48:13 From the book are read
48:18 I know the King there's
48:23 No need to dread
48:30 No more night
48:35 No more pain
48:40 No more tears
48:44 Never crying again
48:50 Praises to
48:54 The great "I AM"
48:59 We will live
49:01 In the light of the risen Lamb
49:10 See over there it's a mansion
49:16 Prepared for me
49:20 Where I will live
49:23 With my savior eternally
49:33 No more night
49:38 No more pain
49:42 No more tears
49:47 Never crying again
49:52 And praises to
49:56 The great "I AM"
50:00 We will live
50:03 In the light of the risen Lamb
50:54 We will live
50:57 In the light of the risen Lamb
51:10 The Lamb


Revised 2015-02-26