2011 Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting

The Millennium And The End Of Sin

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Calvin Rock


Series Code: 11POFCM

Program Code: 11POFCM000023

00:48 And we do welcome you right here for the final
00:52 program tonight. And we are so excited
00:56 about the way the Lord has been with us all day.
00:59 Have you been blessed?
01:00 Amen. Amen.
01:02 One message from God right after another.
01:06 And when I heard you singing a few moments ago
01:10 When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be!
01:14 I was singing at the top of my lungs back there.
01:18 They won't give me a mike when I'm singing...
01:20 they held it away from me but I enjoyed it.
01:25 And boy, I tell you, John preached his heart out
01:28 and you sang your heart out.
01:31 And Tim played his fingers off over there
01:34 and we just had a wonderful praise the Lord. We really did.
01:39 Well, we're going to enjoy some more really good music
01:43 in a moment. Before our music comes
01:46 I want to talk to you about Dr. Calvin Rock.
01:48 Dr. Calvin Rock has been professor - president actually -
01:54 of Oakwood University.
01:56 He served at that capacity for a number of years.
01:59 Before that a pastor, an evangelist.
02:02 And then he became vice president of the
02:05 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
02:07 The whole world church he was vice president.
02:10 And when he retired nine years ago
02:15 he said: "I want to retire where I can reach people
02:21 for the Lord. "
02:23 Now he could have gone to Oakwood where people love him,
02:26 where he'd been president,
02:27 and been around a whole lot of friends.
02:30 He could have stayed in Washington, D.C.
02:32 where there are more Adventists than you can shake a stick with.
02:36 But... at. And I don't know how to say that
02:39 I messed that up. But anyway...
02:42 You don't want to start shaking sticks, do you?
02:46 But he said: "I'm going to go
02:50 where I believe that I can reach out and witness. "
02:55 And he moved to Las Vegas, Nevada.
02:59 They asked him... they said: "Would you take the church
03:02 for about six months? " And he said: "Yes. "
03:04 That was nine years ago.
03:08 When the brethren ask you to do something for six months
03:11 look out, because...
03:13 But you know, he is retiring July 1 as far as that church
03:18 is concerned. Remember he already retired once...
03:22 but he's still going to be available to preach
03:26 wherever the Lord calls upon him to go
03:30 because he's given his life to the Lord Jesus.
03:34 This is a man that I appreciate very much.
03:37 I know his uncle: Elder Charles Bradford.
03:40 You know Elder Charles Bradford?
03:43 Elder Charles Bradford's oldest sister
03:47 is the mother of Calvin Rock.
03:51 And she went to sleep in Jesus a few years ago.
03:55 But this is a lady who had a powerful ministry
04:00 as a lay person in a church out in California
04:05 because I knew of so many people who knew her.
04:09 And this man... God has blessed him.
04:12 He has been used by the Lord mightily
04:16 through all of these years
04:19 and pastor now of the Abundant Life Church in Las Vegas.
04:24 And he's going to be speaking on The Millennium
04:27 and the End of Sin.
04:29 It's going to be all over tonight.
04:31 And that's a fitting subject for us to close this series with.
04:37 Before he does, Reggie Smith is going to come.
04:41 He's going to sing that song that he sang
04:44 at General Conference: I Have Fixed My Mind -
04:49 Amen - On Another Time.
04:51 Words of William Miller... Reggie.
10:15 Amen everybody? Amen! Praise the Lord.
10:20 Our final message for this encampment
10:24 is The Millennium. Shall we pray?
10:31 Our Father in heaven,
10:33 we thank Thee for the words of hope and comfort
10:37 that have been sung just now
10:40 and for all of the words, the preaching, the singing
10:44 that have cheered and encouraged and educated our hearts
10:48 during this encampment.
10:50 And as we come now to the final study
10:53 we ask that the Holy Spirit will once again
10:56 speak to us and through us to the good of the cross.
11:00 In Jesus' name, Amen.
11:05 The Millennium.
11:08 The book of Revelation chapter 20 beginning at verse 1
11:12 as recorded in the New International version
11:16 reads as follows:
11:18 "And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven
11:23 having the key to the abyss and holding in his hand
11:27 a great chain.
11:29 Besieged the devil, that ancient serpent,
11:34 the dragon, or Satan
11:38 and bound him for 1,000 years.
11:42 And he threw him into an abyss
11:46 and locked and sealed it over him
11:50 to keep him from deceiving the nations any more
11:54 until the 1,000 years were ended.
11:59 After that he must be set free
12:03 for a short time. "
12:08 Now, of course, the abyss referred to
12:11 in other versions as the bottomless pit
12:16 is symbolic of the earth's grim darkness
12:22 and the destruction that will be wrought in the wake
12:26 of Christ's second coming
12:29 when every mountain and island will be moved out of its place
12:33 and our planet chaotically convulsed.
12:39 The chain by which Satan is bound
12:43 is also mentioned in verse 1
12:46 and further detailed in verse 2,
12:49 and it is a chain of circumstances
12:54 and speaks to the fact that at Christ's second coming
12:57 the wicked living are slain.
13:01 Isaiah 11:4 and II Thessalonians 2:8.
13:06 And joining the wicked already dead.
13:10 And that the righteous dead
13:12 are raised at the sound of the archangel's shout
13:16 and the trumpet's sound.
13:18 Now mind you, this trumpet that will sound at the second coming
13:24 is different from any other trumpet that has ever sounded.
13:29 All other trumpets have assumed the faculty of sound,
13:35 but this trumpet supplies the faculty of hearing
13:39 and the dead in Christ shall rise.
13:42 Then joined by the translated living who follow them up
13:48 levitated into the presence of Christ.
13:53 So that with all the wicked down
13:57 and all the righteous up
14:01 there are no humans left for the devil to tempt and trouble.
14:06 No souls for him to corrupt.
14:08 No flesh for him to disease.
14:11 No bodies for him to mangle; no minds for him to confuse.
14:18 The seal mentioned in verse 3
14:22 symbolizes Satan's total quarantine or lockdown
14:26 to this desolated earth in the most miserable of circumstances.
14:31 Unable to trouble any other planet
14:34 and having at his disposal only the vast but already
14:39 irreversibly corrupted host of angels
14:42 who accompanied him in his fall,
14:45 he is stymied, stalled, shut up, and shut down
14:50 in this earth.
14:52 Frustrated and forlorn, he is left for 1,000 years
14:57 to stumble and stew amidst the devastated remains
15:02 of the once idyllic kingdom he rested from Adam's grasp.
15:08 There is more to be said about Satan's unhappy plight
15:12 and eventual destruction.
15:14 But the main character in this drama is not Satan,
15:18 the incarcerated, but Christ, the incarcerator.
15:22 The hero of Revelation 20 is not Lucifer the deceiver
15:27 but Christ the deliverer.
15:31 And that becomes starkly apparent in verse 4
15:34 which informs us that during the 1,000 years the devil
15:39 and his angels are confined to this devastated world
15:43 and the unhappy company of each other
15:46 while the redeemed are the guests of the Savior
15:51 living and reigning with Christ in heaven.
15:56 Now John does not detail for us the journey of the saved
16:00 from earth to glory,
16:02 but the prophet to the remnant - Ellen White - does portray
16:06 in glowing terms. And her description is that of the
16:11 redeemed after their rendezvous with Christ above the earth
16:16 being transported on clouds shaped like chariots
16:22 with wings on each side and wheels below
16:26 to their heavenly home.
16:28 And as the chariot rolls upward the wheels cry "holy"
16:32 and the wings cry "holy"
16:34 and the accompanying angels cry "holy, holy, holy. "
16:37 Story of Redemption page 412.
16:40 John does give a hint of travel activity
16:44 in Revelation 8:1 where in commenting on the opening
16:48 of the seventh seal which follows closely the events
16:52 leading to the second coming
16:54 he observes there was "silence in heaven
16:57 about the space of half an hour"
17:01 or prophetically speaking one week.
17:04 I like to think that the heavenly silence
17:07 speaks to unusual quiet in glory
17:10 because the angelic hosts are busy escorting the redeemed
17:14 to heaven and that since a week or seven days
17:18 will include a Sabbath - and we've been talking about that -
17:21 that somewhere on some happy hosting planet
17:25 the traveling saved will enjoy their first post-resurrection
17:31 or translation Sabbath worship before entering glory.
17:35 Now the mileage and route and travel time
17:38 and stops along the way if any
17:40 are not otherwise detailed by inspiration
17:43 but the events of our arrival there are.
17:47 "Our entrance into glory... " inspiration says,
17:50 Early Writings page 288...
17:52 "will be preceded by a welcome ceremony in which the saints
17:57 will be arranged in a wide expansive square
18:01 before the gates of glory.
18:03 Christ the Redeemer, who positions Himself in the middle
18:06 of the square will then requisition for each redeemed
18:10 a crown on which is written
18:18 and with it the new name promised overcomers
18:22 in Revelation 2:17.
18:24 And that crown gilded with stars
18:28 representing others each recipient led to salvation
18:32 will be placed on the head of every waiting saint.
18:37 He who as undeserving victim wore a crown of thorns
18:42 now as undisputed victor hands to every saint
18:47 a crown of glory and a golden harp.
18:49 And the redeemed will break forth in loud, long, rapturous
18:55 joyous praise to the Savior. "
18:58 I find the arranging of the saints in a square
19:01 with Christ in the middle highly suggestive.
19:06 In ancient Israel the sanctuary where the Shekinah glowed
19:10 was squarely in the middle of the formation
19:13 that positioned the tribes.
19:15 And the altar in Solomon's splendid temple
19:19 on the top of which God's presence shown was built
19:22 in a perfect square.
19:24 The prototypical temple described by Ezekiel
19:28 in the last 9 chapters of his book
19:31 contained an altar built foursquare
19:34 in the middle of which was a hearth or pit
19:37 designed for the burning of sacrifices.
19:40 And of course the habitation above
19:43 to which the saints are journeying now.
19:46 That place built by God's own hands will be the
19:50 bejeweled city where Jesus Himself is King
19:54 and according to
19:57 is a city foursquare.
20:00 Christ positioning Himself squarely in the middle
20:03 of structural arrangements of both ancient Israel
20:07 and the future redeemed is a forceful reminder
20:11 that He was and is indeed God with us.
20:17 God in the middle.
20:19 He is the centerpiece of our salvation:
20:22 equidistance from all His children,
20:25 equally available to every petitioner.
20:28 That in all our trials, all our striving,
20:32 all of our overcomings, He - Christ - is squarely
20:38 in the midst. That He is not an absentee landlord
20:42 occupying broad space in some far-away antiseptic kingdom
20:47 that we cannot see or reach
20:49 but rather He is ever nigh
20:52 unto all that call upon Him in truth.
20:55 Psalm 145:18.
20:57 And please notice that the number of those served
21:01 by Jesus with crowns and harps
21:04 is according to Revelation 7:9
21:07 a number that no man can number.
21:11 And yet we are promised that each will be personally served
21:15 by Him. Now in human time
21:19 this process of crowning and harping
21:22 would require an unimaginably- lengthy period.
21:26 But in millennial time, it will be but a happy, happy instant.
21:32 The saints will have crossed over from beginnings and
21:37 endings. From weary days to the never-ending joys
21:42 of chartless tomorrows.
21:45 Chronology will have given way to eternity,
21:48 and eternity past will have collapsed into eternity future.
21:53 And time - the tragic interruption of God's plan
21:57 for the human race - will be no more.
21:59 It is then, when the welcome ceremony has concluded,
22:04 that the radiant Savior will swing open the pearly gates
22:08 and in the words of Matthew 25:34
22:12 say to His church - once militant, now triumphant -
22:15 "Come, ye blessed of My Father.
22:18 Inherit the kingdom prepared for you
22:21 from the foundation of the world. "
22:23 And then it happens.
22:27 In full view of the transfixed redeemed
22:31 there in the foyer of glory
22:34 the two Adams meet:
22:36 the Adam who pulled us down and the Adam who turned us around.
22:40 The Adam who started our strife and the Adam who gave us life.
22:45 The Adam who failed his race and the Adam who took his place.
22:49 The Adam who started the trouble
22:51 and the Adam who pulled us from the rubble.
22:54 The Adam in whom we sinned and the Adam by whom we win.
22:58 The Adam who saddled us with loss
23:01 and the Adam who saved us by the cross.
23:04 They meet in wondrous interaction.
23:07 The first Adam who was banished from the garden
23:11 after sin is then presented that for which the last centuries
23:15 of his sorrowful life he longed and lamented:
23:18 the Garden of Eden.
23:20 Third Spiritual Gifts page 83 informs us
23:24 that the garden was kept safe, unentered by any human being
23:29 from Adam's expulsion until just before the flood
23:33 when it was taken from the earth and preserved in heaven.
23:37 But now Adam is reinstated in his paradise lost.
23:40 He and his glorified descendants joyfully inspect
23:45 its provisions and then begin 1,000 years of reveling
23:50 in the environs of glory.
23:52 Walking upon the sea of glass. Eating from the Tree of Life.
23:56 Bowing before the great white throne.
23:59 Singing praises to the holy Lamb.
24:01 Renewing happy acquaintance with family and friends.
24:05 Studying with fascinated attraction the wonders
24:08 of nature and the science of salvation
24:11 and judging the records of the wicked.
24:14 Revelation 20:4.
24:16 All recorded - the deeds of the wicked - in what
24:21 Ellen White called the Books of Death.
24:24 Great Controversy, 661.
24:28 More accurately stated
24:31 this process will be a matter of the righteous
24:35 given modern technology - the saints -
24:38 judging the wicked based upon information
24:41 stored in the databases viewed from the desktops
24:47 of their personal thrones.
24:49 And what a gesture of absolute grace and fairness that is.
24:53 God the Father, who never walked in our moccasins,
24:57 who does not know what it is to be born of a woman
25:01 and to live in a world of sin,
25:03 gives judgment to the Son according to John 5:22.
25:07 But then Jesus, who does know what it's like to be born
25:12 and to live and die in our world,
25:14 Jesus who came in our flesh and ate our food
25:19 and breathed our air and drank our water
25:22 and suffered our pain and died our death...
25:26 He, the compassionate Savior,
25:28 He who was temped in all points as are we - Hebrews 4:12-
25:33 but who never sinned.
25:35 Who repented and was baptized symbolically
25:38 gives the last word of judgment to those for whom repentance
25:42 was real and necessary... to you and for me.
25:46 He who came in Adam's sinless innocence
25:49 but with our physical debilities
25:52 and lived in a world that was as wantonly wicked
25:57 as was Adam's perfectly pure...
26:00 He who overcome under circumstances
26:03 infinitely more drastic than those that Adam endured
26:07 and suffered temptations 100 times more intense
26:11 than he or we... He who in the wilderness felt the strength
26:16 of our evil cravings
26:19 whose corpuscles and cells and sinews
26:22 after 40 days and nights of fasting
26:25 cried out for satisfaction with the same force
26:29 with which the addict craves for a fix...
26:32 He who though hounded, harassed, and hassled by Satan
26:35 every step of His life never yielded to temptation
26:39 commits judgment to those who did
26:42 but who in sorrow accepted His forgiveness
26:45 and yielded to the ongoing process of sanctification
26:49 or daily growth. THOUGH, while they were growing,
26:54 while we are growing,
26:57 already perfected - Hebrews 10:14 says -
27:00 by the robe of His righteousness.
27:04 And when the process of judgment is completed
27:09 the thousand years will expire.
27:12 That is when, verse 7 of Revelation 20 informs us,
27:18 Christ will return back to the earth
27:22 and Satan will be loosed from his prison.
27:28 Now this coming to the earth is labeled as His 3rd coming.
27:33 And that is correct in terms of His appearances
27:37 with global visibility and global mission.
27:41 However, He has visited this earth on many other memorable
27:47 though less auspicious occasions
27:50 as when He appeared to Abraham at Mamre
27:53 and when He wrestled with Jacob at Peniel.
27:56 When He spoke to Moses from the burning bush.
27:59 When by Jericho with sword in hand
28:03 He intercepted Joshua.
28:05 When He recruited Gideon at the winepress.
28:08 When He appeared in the flames at Manoah's altar.
28:12 When He stood with the Hebrews in the fiery furnace.
28:15 He was here when He after His resurrection conversed
28:19 with Mary and walked with the travelers toward Emmaus
28:22 and when in repeated visits with the 11 He instructed
28:26 them regarding His replacement, the Holy Spirit.
28:30 Zechariah 14:5 tells us that when He returns this time
28:35 He will touch down on the Mount of Olives.
28:38 And our remnant prophet describes in graphic language
28:42 how that mountain in the bosom of which He agonized
28:46 the night of His betrayal
28:48 will spread out into a broad plateau and how the redeemed
28:53 and angelic hosts who followed Him back here from heaven
28:57 will then look up and see the holy city following them
29:02 descending from God out of heaven.
29:04 At that point, Satan is released from his prison.
29:09 It was the removal of his followers
29:13 that tied the devil's hands
29:16 and it is their reinstatement to life, their resurrection,
29:21 that frees him again.
29:24 At Satan's call, they all come forth...
29:28 from the antelluvian giants of antiquity
29:32 to the anticommandment jurists of modernity they come forth.
29:37 The righteous who were raised at the second coming -
29:41 I Thessalonians 4:13-18-
29:43 were brought up in immortal bloom.
29:47 The wicked are now raised immoral and doomed.
29:52 Every rejecter of grace,
29:55 every proclaimer that God was dead,
29:59 every preacher of the Ten Commandments done away,
30:03 every promoter of Sabbath change,
30:06 every purveyor of evolutionism,
30:09 every pompous prophet of self-praise and adoration,
30:13 every drug dealer and user,
30:16 every child molester and abuser,
30:19 every unregenerate adulterer and disobedient child,
30:24 every professor of Christ who lived a double life,
30:27 every smiling parrot of "Happy Sabbath"
30:30 who lived a previously unholy six along with every
30:35 bloodthirsty warrior who ever died during the 6,000 years
30:39 of warfare on earth... they come forth.
30:41 From Ahab to Attila the Hun.
30:45 From Chedorlaomer to Charlemagne.
30:47 From Nero to Napoleon and Senaccherib to Stalin.
30:51 And Pharaoh to Pot-Pol.
30:53 From Pilate to Pinochet; from Hamaan to Hitler.
30:56 From Cain to Capone.
30:58 From Jezebel the queen to Idi Amin...
31:01 they all come forth
31:02 in the same bodybuild and mindset in which they died.
31:08 And their second resurrection... this releasing the devil
31:13 from his prison... is but prelude to their second death.
31:18 Except, that is, for those who pierced Him.
31:21 Those who inflicted the body blows at Calvary -
31:25 Revelation 1:7.
31:28 For these it is the third death.
31:32 They died the natural death at the end of their unprofitable
31:35 lives. They were resurrected at Christ's second coming
31:39 and died with the wicked then.
31:41 And now at the millennium's end they are revived
31:45 only to die once more.
31:49 Some religionists teach that the millennium -
31:53 the 1,000 years - will be a golden age of Christianization.
31:58 A time when the wicked will be afforded a final opportunity
32:02 for repentance and that then Christ will return.
32:05 They are known as the post- millenialists.
32:10 There are others who teach that the 1,000-year period
32:13 mentioned six times in Revelation 20
32:16 is simply symbolic... a representation of the time
32:20 between the first and second coming of Christ.
32:23 They are known as the amillennialists.
32:27 Neither position is correct.
32:29 What is correct based upon the earth-clearing events
32:34 at Christ's second coming
32:36 and the earth cleansing actions of His third appearance
32:41 is that millennial consequences do not take place
32:45 at His second coming and that it is destruction
32:49 not revival that follows the awakening of the wicked.
32:52 Now it is true according to Story of Redemption page 423
32:58 that upon resurrection to life
33:00 the wicked - made ashamed and remorseful
33:03 by the brightness of His person -
33:06 will acknowledge His mercy and truth
33:09 and cry out the honor and justice of His name.
33:14 But that will not be genuine repentance.
33:17 It will be Balaam-like confession wrung from
33:21 Balak-like hearts soon to receive the dire reward
33:25 of their foxhole religion.
33:27 And it is not simply the glow of Christ's appearance
33:31 that will arouse their awe.
33:34 As they awaken, they witness in the skies,
33:38 our prophet tells us, a panoramic display
33:41 in three-dimension clarity - I added that, but I believe it -
33:47 the whole history of Christ's salvation efforts
33:51 from Adam's fall to Christ's first coming and crucifixion
33:55 and the centuries of growth and development of His cause
33:59 will be shown.
34:01 Having been so vividly reminded of God's goodness
34:06 and their guiltiness, their awe converts to ire
34:10 and they turn in rage upon the deceiver
34:13 who himself has seemed paralyzed and transfixed
34:17 by the panorama in the skies.
34:20 But then their rage is interrupted
34:23 as their attention is called to the Holy City
34:26 into which Christ has now taken the redeemed and shut the door
34:31 upon its happy occupants.
34:32 The lost look up and see the saints looking down
34:37 from the cities walls.
34:40 And above them they see Christ seated high
34:45 upon a throne. And as they look up
34:48 and see the saints peering over the walls
34:52 of the city positioned above them
34:54 and above the saints there is Christ
34:57 and above Christ, our prophet says, there is the cross
35:01 sitting high.
35:03 And how fitting that is.
35:06 The cross... they see the cross above it all.
35:12 Above the wicked, above the city, above the righteous,
35:16 above the throne stands the cross.
35:19 The cross - where six hours of suffering excised
35:23 six millennia of sin.
35:25 The cross - where justice and mercy met in perfect blend.
35:30 The cross - on which the Son of God gave all for the victims
35:34 of sin. The cross on which Jesus endured and died
35:39 not because of loss of blood or searing physical pain
35:43 but because of a broken heart. A heart imploded
35:47 by the thought of human rejection.
35:49 The cross - where Satan took his last stand
35:53 and Jesus died with pierced hands and feet and wounded brow.
35:57 The cross will stand above it all.
36:00 It was a thing of pity then... but it is a thing of praise now.
36:05 It was an ugly instrument then
36:08 but it's a beautiful diadem now shining in the heavens
36:12 above the head of the victorious Christ.
36:16 And it's all too much for the wicked who are looking up
36:20 and much too much for their leader, Satan,
36:24 who rallies them to attack.
36:25 "Let's take it, " he commands.
36:27 "I know that city. I lived there for thousands of years.
36:31 I know every street and every building and every room.
36:34 I was once the covering cherub; I practically ran the place.
36:38 Have no fear... follow me. "
36:41 Revelation 20:8-9 states
36:45 that the wicked - as numerous as the sand of the sea -
36:48 then surround the Holy City.
36:51 Satan, who just prior to the end of the world, knew
36:55 that he had but a short time to work
36:57 and frantically assaulted society - Revelation 12:12-
37:02 now just prior to his own end
37:05 knowing that he is loosed but for a little season -
37:08 chapter 20 verse 2-
37:09 frantically rallies his forces and succeeds...
37:13 our prophet saw, Great Controversy 644...
37:16 in marshaling his vast army and leading it -
37:21 get this - and leading it in a well-planned advance
37:27 on all four sides of the city.
37:35 And it is then - Revelation 20:9- that Christ
37:41 gives the orders and hell fire erupts.
37:45 Satan has been loosed from his prison
37:48 and fire is now loosed from its pent-up casement
37:52 deep in the bowels of the earth.
37:54 The searing, soaring flames springing up from below
37:58 meet with raging, roaring flames raining down from above,
38:02 and this planet glows red and its surface is covered
38:07 with melting fervent heat - II Peter 3:10.
38:13 The God who hates sin -
38:16 big sins and little sins -
38:19 public sins and private sins -
38:23 weekday sins and Sabbath Day sins -
38:27 old folk sins and young people sins -
38:31 sins of commission and sins of omission -
38:34 laity sins and preacher's sins -
38:39 sins of the mind and sins of the body -
38:42 now conducts what Isaiah 28:21 calls
38:47 "His strange act. "
38:49 The planet is now literally a molten lake of fire
38:53 but the God who protected the ark and its occupants
38:58 when the world was rendered a lake of water
39:01 now shelters the city and the redeemed as the world has become
39:06 a lake of fire - Revelation 20:9.
39:10 Because all sin must be punished no sin will go unrewarded.
39:15 The wicked will burn for their evil...
39:18 some lesser and some to a greater degree.
39:21 But Satan will burn not only for all of his personal sins
39:26 but for all of the confessed sins of the redeemed as well.
39:31 And I've got a lot to add to his load...
39:34 how about you?
39:36 And there are some confused by the language of verse 10
39:41 that states that the wicked will "burn forever and ever. "
39:45 However, close scrutiny reveals that this "foreverness"
39:49 does not imply, as some believe, an ever-burning hell.
39:55 It means only as long as the burning substance
39:59 will last. In fact, Malachi 4:1 states clearly
40:03 that the wicked will be burned up... root and branch.
40:07 Root = the devil. Branch = his followers.
40:14 They will be entirely eliminated,
40:17 completely obliterated,
40:19 and the message sent to the Father in language akin
40:26 to the report of the American SEALs who overran Bin Laden
40:32 A... or rather EKIA.
40:37 EKIA...
40:40 enemy killed in action.
40:42 And the earth... fumigated, cleansed, and finally cooled
40:48 will then be much as it was
40:51 in its pre-creation condition.
40:54 And then Christ goes to work again.
40:56 Christ, who in the beginning when the earth was without form
41:02 and void, spake and it was done,
41:04 commanded and it stood fast - Psalm 32:5,
41:09 will speak again and the earth will reappear
41:13 in its original beauty.
41:15 It is then that He opens the gates to the city
41:19 now majestically settled upon its exalted heights
41:24 and those who've been sheltered there
41:26 will flow forth to inherit the earth made new -
41:30 Revelation 21:1-4.
41:32 The curse has now been eliminated, the scourge excised.
41:38 The one blot in God's otherwise pure, holy, perfect, pristine,
41:44 pure universe done away.
41:47 And as Nahum reminds us chapter 1 verse 9
41:50 "iniquity shall not rise the second time. "
41:55 And then there will be peace in the valley.
41:58 "The lion and the lamb shall lie down,
42:00 and none shall hurt or destroy in all His holy mountain. "
42:04 There we shall not have a tear nor terror.
42:08 Not an itch nor a twitch.
42:11 Not a snarl nor a sniffle.
42:14 Not a pill nor an ill.
42:17 No health shots and no blood clots.
42:20 No abrasions and no contagions.
42:23 No rheumatism and no embolism.
42:26 No infections and no injections.
42:29 No paralysis and no dialysis.
42:32 No aching backs and no heart attacks.
42:35 No amnesia and no anesthesia.
42:39 No handicapped signs and no drug store lines.
42:43 No pacemakers and no undertakers!
42:47 No terminal pains and no funeral trains. Yes!
42:51 But the Tree of Life and the giver of life,
42:55 the God in whose presence sickness cannot abide
42:59 and by whose power we will enjoy eternity without infirmity.
43:05 Utopia with no myopia.
43:08 Society with no psychiatry.
43:11 Paradise with no parasites.
43:14 "And the former things will not be remembered
43:17 nor brought to mind. " Amen!
43:19 And He shall reign where ere the sun
43:23 on its appointed course shall run.
43:26 His kingdom rule from shore to shore
43:30 till moon and stars shall wax no more.
43:34 And with only the beautified scars on his brow
43:38 and the glorified marks in His hands and feet
43:42 and the glow from His wounded side
43:46 to remind us that there was a former life
43:50 we shall follow the glorified Lamb of Calvary
43:54 wherever He shall go.
43:56 We must be there.
43:58 I must be there.
44:01 By God's grace we SHALL be there.
44:05 Is that your determination?
44:07 If so, would you stand with me now and let us pray.
44:14 Our Father in heaven,
44:16 we long for the second coming
44:22 and look to the end of the millennial period
44:29 when sin and sinners
44:32 and even the evil proclivities
44:37 of our fallen nature will forever be done away.
44:41 When we can cry: "Free at last, free at last"
44:46 and live together forever
44:51 in the environs of a sinless happy home.
44:58 Toward that end we work and pray.
45:01 And before I conclude my prayer while our heads are bowed
45:06 and our eyes are closed
45:07 I want to go one step further as we conclude our encampment.
45:13 There just may be somebody here, and let me start with
45:18 those of us who are already Seventh-day Adventists.
45:20 Is there a party here who would like by raising your hand
45:25 while you stand to say: "Yes, I have let this vision
45:29 fade a little bit. I admit I haven't been on it
45:33 like I should have been.
45:35 I haven't been reading the prophesies and studying.
45:38 My first love has cooled off,
45:41 and I don't want to be a part of that mob at the end
45:44 of the millennium. I want to be on the inside looking out
45:48 not on the outside looking in.
45:51 So right here now I say yes, Lord,
45:53 I renew my vows; I renew my covenant. "
45:57 If you feel OK with the Lord and it's all right
46:00 don't raise your hand. Well let me change that.
46:02 It's never all all right. But I mean
46:04 if you've been living so that you have no major problem...
46:08 just the usual wash your feet at communion time...
46:12 that's OK. But if you have something special you need
46:16 to get rid of you want to get behind you
46:18 something that you really want to leave and not take home
46:22 would you raise your hand and say: "Yes, that's me.
46:23 I've got it and I admit it.
46:25 God renew my commitment. " And here's my hand.
46:28 All right, you may put your hands down.
46:31 That's your commitment.
46:32 But I want to go a step further.
46:35 There may be some Seventh-day Adventist, some ex-Adventist
46:38 here, somebody who used to belong to the church
46:41 but you came to the 3ABN Camp Meeting to hear preaching
46:45 and singing. And somebody brought you here or dragged you
46:48 here or you wandered in. Don't know how you got here
46:51 but you don't want to leave here
46:52 without coming back into the fold.
46:55 I want to go a step further.
46:57 You used to be but now you want to come back home.
47:00 You want to get your name back on the books.
47:02 You want to start attending church like you should.
47:05 Or maybe you've never been a Seventh-day Adventist
47:07 but you know the commandments are right.
47:09 You know the Sabbath is right
47:11 and you want to say: "Yes, Brother Preacher,
47:13 I want to rejoin the church tonight.
47:16 I'm not going to leave here outside the ark.
47:19 I do want to be on the inside. "
47:21 Would you raise your hand where you are?
47:23 That man or woman or boy or girl who may need to return,
47:26 are you here?
47:30 God sees your hand, maam.
47:32 Seal the vision; when you go home, talk to your preacher.
47:35 You know who the preacher is in your city?
47:37 Talk to him; talk to her. Anybody else?
47:40 Need to come back home? Need to get in the ark?
47:45 Need to make your reservation for the Holy City?
47:50 Want to be in the first resurrection.
47:57 To the rest of us who are standing...
47:59 God bless you brother... He sees you.
48:01 When you get home talk to your preacher.
48:03 Get it right... seal the vision.
48:07 Let the words you've heard this weekend be a seed in good soil.
48:12 Father, we stand in Your presence humbled and awed
48:17 at Your goodness, at Your mercy.
48:20 Thanking you that You've given us yet another chance,
48:24 another day of life, another opportunity learn and grow.
48:29 Now Father, by Your Holy Spirit
48:34 in the name of Jesus seal the blessings
48:37 that we have enjoyed here together
48:39 as seed in good soil to spring forth into fruits
48:43 and works of righteousness and finally
48:46 to be saved at Christ's return.
48:51 In His name and for His sake we ask it,
48:54 let all the people join in saying, Amen.
48:59 Shall we be seated.
49:01 Amen. Thank you.
49:05 Thank you. Be seated.
49:08 We're going to ask some of our folks to come out.
49:11 And we've got... We're going to ask some of the singers
49:15 and some of the musicians. We thought what we would do
49:18 in closing. We have about eight minutes left on satellite.
49:22 Some of you that were singers and... come on up.
49:26 Singers from last night come on up.
49:29 If you were a speaker here... Elder Brooks and Sr. Brooks,
49:33 if you all want to just come up for a minute.
49:34 Some of the speakers and the singers.
49:36 We want to come up...
49:37 We thought we'd have Reggie maybe sing
49:40 the song that we ended with last night: The Solid Rock.
49:43 And when we get to the last part of it, maybe all of us
49:46 will sing... join with him.
49:48 But this is an incredible song and it's been an incredible
49:51 weekend, hasn't it? Amen.
49:53 And where's Baby Faith behind... there she is, OK.
49:57 And it's been a wonderful time and we're coming to the close.
50:00 And so what we'd like to do is... we're so thankful
50:04 for all the speakers, the sermons that we've heard,
50:06 all the music. But maybe give us a chance to stand together
50:10 because without Christ we'd have nothing.
50:13 And He is the only thing solid. It's the solid rock
50:15 that we have, and we need to depend upon Him.
50:18 And so Reggie, if you want to come on up.
50:20 You sing it. Maybe when you get toward the end of it
50:23 on the chorus we'll all just jump in with you. OK?
50:25 All right.
54:12 Praise the Lord!
54:15 Thank you, Reggie. Jim...
54:17 My oh my oh my.
54:20 Wow, what a way to end Camp Meeting, right?
54:24 On Christ the solid rock we stand.
54:28 Each and every one of us. ALL other ground is
54:31 sinking sand. Amen!
54:33 Standing in His righteousness alone.
54:37 All other ground is sinking sand.
54:41 That song has a message... a message for God's people
54:44 today, Danny. It really does.
54:47 I'm so thankful for all of you that have come so far.
54:51 And we found out from several other countries... even as far
54:54 away as Australia. I have to say Alaska again
54:57 'cause they tell me "remember Alaska. "
54:59 But all across the continental United States, probably even
55:02 somebody from Hawaii. We're so thankful for all of you
55:05 who have come here. It shows great support to us
55:08 because we're here in this little community of 600 people.
55:10 Our big town, my home town there, West Frankfort,
55:13 of about 8500 people. And so to have all of you coming
55:17 from so many places around the world
55:19 and to see what you have built. What God has built, but
55:22 through you. Because without you, none of what you see here
55:26 at 3ABN and all the dishes and all the production facilities,
55:29 the facility we're in tonight. None of this would happen
55:32 without your being willing to listen to the Holy Spirit
55:35 and to give in support of this ministry.
55:38 We want to thank you for that. Those of you at home,
55:40 those who couldn't come... thank you for how you support
55:43 through prayer, through financial blessings,
55:45 whatever is on your heart. Sharing the word about 3ABN.
55:49 Getting the good news into all the world.
55:51 And really, that's all it's all about.
55:53 And without this, there would be nothing...
55:55 This is solid ground that we're talking about,
55:58 and here we feel like we're on holy ground.
56:00 But anywhere we go we're on holy ground
56:03 when we're in the presence of the Lord. Amen.
56:05 I have felt it this entire weekend from Wednesday night.
56:08 Even before, actually... our board meeting and on.
56:11 And we want to take this home with us, folks.
56:14 We want you to take what you got here this weekend
56:17 and take it home and share it with your loved ones.
56:20 Share it with your friends, your enemies... everybody.
56:22 Share what you have got because that's God's commission
56:27 to us is "Go ye into all the world. "
56:30 So when we come to the gas station and fill up
56:32 now we've got to go disseminate it, right?
56:35 Share it with others... that's how God blesses us.
56:37 It's been an incredible meeting, an incredible weekend.
56:41 And there's been a number of appeals already.
56:43 But if there's anybody watching on television,
56:46 listening on radio, or here
56:48 that you still... It's never too late to give your heart
56:50 to the Lord Jesus Christ.
56:51 That's right. And that's where it all begins
56:53 is making that step of saying "yes" to Jesus
56:58 and then stepping out and trusting in Him
57:01 and relying upon Him. Jesus is coming again.
57:07 He's coming! I don't know when but I know He is.
57:12 And I'll trust Him. He has not put me on the Arrangements
57:15 Committee; He has put me on the Proclamation Committee.
57:19 I'm not to bring Him in; I'm to proclaim that He's coming.
57:22 All right. And He's coming very soon.
57:25 Keep on keeping on with Jesus, our Lord, our God,
57:30 and our Savior. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17