2011 Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting

Christ's Ministry In The Sanctuary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 11POFCM

Program Code: 11POFCM000021

00:48 Well praise the Lord. We now have an opportunity to
00:51 study another wonderful topic from God's Word,
00:55 and during this hour we have Pastor Stephen Bohr.
00:59 We continue with the blessing in the study of God's Word.
01:02 And if you know Pastor Bohr from watching 3ABN
01:06 you will notice that he studies his Bible in depth. Amen?
01:11 Amen. So he's going to take us through a study of a topic
01:15 that is of great importance for all the Christian world.
01:20 It's a topic that is not very well understood by many.
01:24 And Pastor Bohr has even written some material on this.
01:28 And the people that are here have the opportunity
01:30 to go see that material.
01:32 So that's another reason why we say
01:34 "you should come to 3ABN Camp Meeting! "
01:37 Not only do you get to see the speakers
01:39 but you also get to speak to the speakers in person.
01:42 Amen? Amen.
01:44 How many of you have been blessed during this
01:46 Camp Meeting? Praise the Lord, every hand went up.
01:49 Praise the Lord for that.
01:51 During this hour we have a message entitled
01:54 Christ's Ministry in the Sanctuary.
01:58 Christ's Ministry in the Sanctuary.
02:01 Pastor Stephen Bohr has been serving the Lord
02:04 as a pastor for over 30 years.
02:06 He has been a professor in theology.
02:10 He has also been an evangelist,
02:12 and he currently is the Speaker/ Director of Secrets Unsealed.
02:17 But that's not all... he's very busy.
02:21 He also serves as the pastor of the Fresno Central church
02:26 in California. And they're very loving and caring there.
02:31 I was there for a weekend once and it's a wonderful church.
02:35 And Pastor Bohr one time told me: "They're very good to me.
02:39 I've been here for many years and they still haven't
02:41 thrown me out. "
02:43 It's because they appreciate what God does
02:46 through his ministry.
02:47 And I believe you will as well as you study with him
02:52 during this hour. Before we continue in this study
02:55 we would like to invite you to pray.
02:57 And if you wouldn't mind standing with me...
03:01 We ask those joining us by radio and television
03:04 to join us in prayer,
03:05 and we're going to ask for the Lord's blessing.
03:08 Let us pray together.
03:10 Our loving heavenly Father,
03:13 we thank you, Lord, for Your goodness and Your mercy.
03:18 We thank you, Lord, for bringing Pastor Bohr
03:21 to direct us in this study.
03:24 But we know, Lord, that even though he has studied
03:27 the scriptures for many, many years
03:31 from knowing him, he relies totally on You.
03:36 So we pray for Your Holy Spirit to once again use him
03:39 in a mighty way to bring us the message You have for us
03:43 through him. And we pray that You will be with us.
03:46 Help us to understand this message
03:49 and help us, Father, to share with others as well.
03:52 We ask for Your blessing in his ministry as he preaches
03:57 and we pray for Your blessing as well
04:00 in the music that we will hear.
04:02 We pray that it would draw us close to You.
04:05 We ask you, Father, for these blessings in Jesus' name,
04:08 Amen. Amen.
04:10 You may be seated. It is my pleasure once again
04:13 to introduce to you the music that will
04:19 lead us to God's throne of grace.
04:21 And it's a beautiful song from last year's Pillars CD...
04:25 or the year before.
04:26 And Reggie and Ladye Love Smith will be sharing
04:29 In The Sanctuary. Amen? Amen! Amen.
04:32 Afterward you will hear Pastor Bohr
04:35 bringing us the message:
04:36 Christ's Ministry in the Sanctuary. May God bless you.
10:02 Amen.
10:15 Very meaningful words. Amen.
10:20 Don't you love the music that was composed
10:22 for the first Pillars? Amen.
10:24 Praise the Lord!
10:26 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
10:28 Our Father and our God, we are going to study
10:33 the foundational truth that has made us what we are as a people.
10:40 And we just ask that the Holy Spirit
10:42 through the ministration of Your angels
10:45 will be present in this place
10:48 to give us understanding
10:50 not only intellectually but also experientially
10:55 that we might experience salvation
10:58 as it is revealed in the sanctuary.
11:00 We thank you, Father, for the privilege of approaching
11:04 Your throne with the assurance that You hear us.
11:07 And we know that You will answer this prayer
11:10 because we ask it in the precious name of Jesus,
11:13 Amen. Amen.
11:18 At the General Conference session last year
11:22 we head an impassioned plea
11:25 by our new General Conference president, Elder Ted Wilson,
11:31 in a kind and yet firm tone.
11:36 He spoke about the unique relevance
11:40 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
11:42 and the dangers of losing our self-identity.
11:50 Why does the Seventh-day Adventist church exist?
11:55 What makes us unique?
11:58 Should we be preaching what other churches are preaching
12:04 or do we have a distinctively- unique message for this time?
12:11 Amen. I believe the answer to these questions is found
12:16 in an understanding of the ministration of Christ
12:21 in the sanctuary.
12:23 In fact, we find in the book Counsels to the Church
12:27 page 347 written by Ellen White
12:31 these very significant words:
12:34 "The correct understanding... "
12:37 notice the correct understanding -
12:40 "of the ministration in the heavenly sanctuary
12:45 is the foundation of our faith. "
12:50 Now as we look at the sanctuary
12:53 I believe that the sanctuary reveals five stages
12:57 in the work of Christ for our salvation.
13:01 The first stage takes place in the camp.
13:05 We usually begin our study of the sanctuary
13:08 in the court, but the sanctuary begins in the camp
13:12 where sinners are.
13:14 Needy sinners.
13:17 And so Jesus came to this earth and He came to dwell among us
13:22 and to face all of our temptations
13:26 and all of our trials... and never to sin, not even once.
13:31 Because Jesus not only came to live with us
13:36 Jesus came to live for us.
13:39 He came to live in our place.
13:43 He came to live the life that we should live.
13:47 You see, the law of God demands absolute perfection.
13:51 You cannot deviate from the law -
13:54 which is a reflection of the character of God - one iota.
13:58 Amen. And none of us can offer the law that perfection.
14:01 And so we needed Jesus to come to this earth
14:05 to live the perfect life that God requires from us.
14:10 And then, of course, we move into the second part
14:12 of the sanctuary which is the court.
14:15 In the court we find the main piece of furniture:
14:19 the altar of sacrifice.
14:21 That is where Jesus died for us.
14:26 You see, it wasn't sufficient for Jesus to live the life
14:29 we should live because the law also condemns us to death
14:32 because we're all sinners.
14:34 And so somebody had to come and pay the penalty for our sins.
14:38 And so at the altar of sacrifice in the court
14:42 Jesus dies...
14:45 paying the penalty for every person who has ever lived
14:47 on planet earth. The work that Jesus did
14:50 in the camp and in the court is corporate.
14:53 In other words, it was done for every person
14:56 who has ever lived on planet earth.
14:59 He lived His life for all
15:02 and He died His death for all. Amen!
15:06 And then He resurrected at the laver.
15:09 It's called the laver of regeneration
15:12 in Titus chapter 3 and verse 5.
15:16 And then He enters upon the third stage of His work
15:20 of salvation which takes place in the Holy Place
15:25 of the heavenly sanctuary.
15:26 There Jesus applies the benefits of His earthly work
15:32 to people who come to Him in repentance...
15:36 confessing their sins and trusting in His merits.
15:40 You see, the resources are there,
15:43 but the resources must be individually claimed.
15:47 On earth Jesus gained the benefits of salvation:
15:51 a perfect life and a death for sin.
15:53 But those must be personally and individually claimed
15:57 in order for us to benefit from what Jesus did.
16:00 And so in the Holy Place Jesus receives prayers
16:05 of repentant sinners who confess their sins
16:09 and say: "Jesus, I trust Your merits. I trust in Your life.
16:14 I trust that You can take Your life and Your death
16:17 and put them to my account. Thank you, Jesus.
16:19 Please accept me. "
16:22 And Jesus then takes His perfect life
16:25 and He takes His death for sins
16:27 and He places them to my account.
16:29 And God looks upon me as if I had never sinned.
16:34 That's the work that Jesus performs in the Holy Place.
16:38 And so our sins enter the sanctuary
16:42 through the blood of Jesus.
16:44 And some people say: "Well that's a threat
16:46 to our salvation for if our sins enter the sanctuary
16:49 and they're written in the sanctuary
16:51 they're against us. "
16:53 I beg to differ.
16:55 You see, if your sins do not enter into the sanctuary
16:59 by the blood of Jesus they are here!
17:02 You don't have to worry about your sins being in the sanctuary
17:06 as long as they enter the sanctuary through the blood
17:08 of Jesus. Amen! What is written in heaven
17:11 is forgiven sins!
17:14 They are not sins that will be held against you.
17:17 But nevertheless, our sins are recorded in the books.
17:22 And next to the books is written when we confess our sins
17:25 when we repent, when we come to Jesus and trust in His merits
17:29 next to those sins Jesus writes FORGIVEN.
17:33 Amen.
17:35 And then of course we have the 4th phase of the work of Jesus,
17:39 and this is where the Seventh-day Adventist church
17:42 is unique.
17:44 You see, we believe that all of those sins
17:48 that have entered the sanctuary through the blood of Jesus
17:51 must be cleansed from the sanctuary.
17:54 And that takes place during the Day of Atonement.
17:57 The purpose of a Day of Atonement - as we are going to
18:00 see - is to reveal before the universe who was a true believer
18:05 and who was not.
18:08 In other words, the purpose of opening up the books
18:11 and revealing the records is to show
18:13 who truly repented, who truly confessed sin,
18:17 and who truly trusted in the merits of Jesus
18:20 which is shown by a changed life.
18:24 And once the sanctuary is cleansed from all forgiven sins
18:29 they are placed on the head of the scapegoat: Azazel.
18:34 And then Jesus changes His garments
18:38 from his High Priestly-garments to His Kingly robes
18:42 and He returns to earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
18:47 And that is stage number five.
18:51 I once had somebody say to me
18:53 "Pastor Bohr,
18:56 true Ellen White said that Jesus is going to change His garments
18:59 from His High-Priestly garments to His Kingly garments.
19:02 Where do you find that in the Bible? "
19:07 And I looked at him - I knew that his question was not
19:10 a sincere question... it was a loaded question
19:14 because he didn't believe in the writings of Ellen White -
19:17 and so I looked at him and in my normal, diplomatic way
19:25 I said: "If you just use a little of the gray matter
19:29 that God has given you,
19:33 you would be able to figure it out. "
19:36 And he looked at me with surprise. And I said:
19:40 "Let me tell you where it is in the Bible.
19:44 How is Jesus clothed today? "
19:47 He says: "Well, He's serving as High Priest
19:50 so He's clothed as a High Priest. "
19:52 I said: "Good answer. "
19:54 I said: "When Jesus comes again, how is He clothed? "
19:59 Oh, now he knew he was up a creek without a paddle.
20:03 Says: "Well, in Revelation 19 it says that He comes clothed as
20:07 King of Kings and Lord of Lords. "
20:09 So I said: "The inevitable conclusion is that before
20:12 He came He changed! "
20:20 It's simple!
20:23 What Ellen White says is found in scripture if you look
20:26 hard enough.
20:28 The trouble is we are lazy Bible students.
20:31 We are not in-depth Bible students.
20:33 And so we have these 5 stages of the work of Christ.
20:38 Now I would like to ask this question
20:40 and we're going to dedicate the rest of our time to answer
20:43 this question. Before that let me make a statement.
20:47 Would you agree that all of these statements -
20:51 all of these phases of Christ's ministry - are truth?
20:55 No doubt about it. All of these stages are truth.
21:01 But let me ask you:
21:04 are all of these stages of the work of Christ
21:07 present truth?
21:10 No.
21:12 You say: "Now wait a minute.
21:14 All these stages are not present truth? "
21:18 Do you want to know what present truth is?
21:21 It's very simple.
21:23 If you want to know what present truth is, all you have to do
21:27 is find out where Jesus is and what He's doing now.
21:33 And that's what we should be preaching!
21:36 Now don't misunderstand me. The perfect life of Christ
21:39 is indispensable. His death on the cross is indispensable.
21:44 His ministration of receiving sins in the sanctuary
21:47 is indispensable.
21:49 But present truth has to do with the apartment where
21:53 Jesus is ministering today.
21:55 What is He doing today
21:57 and what are the truths revealed there where Jesus is?
22:02 And let me ask you... where is Jesus?
22:05 He is in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary
22:10 which means that present truth...
22:13 In order for us to preach present truth
22:15 it must be the truths that are revealed where?
22:19 That are revealed in the Most Holy Place
22:22 of the heavenly sanctuary. Are you with me?
22:25 Amen.
22:26 Now I'd like to take our minds to the book of Revelation.
22:31 I want us to take a look at Revelation's seven churches.
22:36 Now most conservative Bible scholars believe that the
22:39 seven churches represent seven periods of church history.
22:44 In fact most of them - even Hal Lindsey,
22:48 who is a dyed-in-the-wool futurist
22:51 who believes in the rapture and the re-establishment of
22:54 Israel and the rebuilding of the temple and all of those
22:57 things - even he says that the seven churches represent
23:01 seven stages of church history.
23:03 And this is the way they look at it:
23:05 the church of Ephesus is the apostolic church.
23:10 The church of Smyrna is the church that was persecuted
23:14 under the Roman emperors.
23:15 The third church - Pergamum - is the church when
23:19 compromise comes into the church
23:21 in the days of Constantine the Great.
23:24 The church of Thyatira where that woman Jezebel
23:28 does her work, that harlot woman, represents the period
23:32 of the Middle Ages... the dominion of the
23:35 Roman Catholic papacy.
23:37 The church of Sardis represents the period of the Protestant
23:41 Reformation. In other words, the first five churches
23:45 take us to the period after the Protestant Reformation
23:49 and the period of papal supremacy.
23:51 Now I would like to take a look at the 6th church in the series.
23:57 Remember that according to Adventists and non-Adventist
24:00 conservative scholars
24:02 the sixth church would come after the period of papal
24:05 supremacy and after the period of the Protestant Reformation.
24:10 Now I want you to notice church number six
24:14 is called Philadelphia.
24:16 Let me ask you this question:
24:19 would church number six be a period before the second coming
24:24 of Christ? Yes. It would have to be
24:27 because after the sixth church there is a seventh.
24:31 And you can't have a seventh church if Jesus came
24:33 during the sixth church!
24:35 And so the period of the sixth church is some time
24:39 after the fall of the papacy in 1798 AD
24:42 but before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
24:46 Interestingly enough, the word Laodicea
24:49 which is the very next church means "judging the people. "
24:54 So the church after the church of Philadelphia is the church
24:58 of the what? Is the church of the judgment...
25:01 interestingly enough.
25:04 Now I'd like us to read from Revelation chapter 3
25:07 and verses 7 and 8 something very interesting
25:11 that is placed before the church of Philadelphia.
25:13 The sixth church - before the second coming of Christ
25:17 but after the year 1798 AD.
25:19 It says here:
25:39 So there's a key and something is going to be shut
25:42 and something is going to be what? Opened.
25:44 Now what is it that's going to be shut and what is
25:46 going to be opened? Verse 8:
26:02 So what is placed before the church of Philadelphia?
26:05 The church before the second coming but after the period
26:08 of papal supremacy? An open door.
26:11 Interesting.
26:14 How many doors does the sanctuary have?
26:17 Actually the sanctuary had 3.
26:20 The first door led from the camp to the court.
26:25 The second door led from the court to the Holy Place
26:28 and the third door led from the Holy to the Most Holy Place.
26:30 Now the question is: which of these doors
26:33 was open before Philadelphia?
26:35 It cannot be the door to the court
26:38 because Philadelphia is church number six
26:41 and Jesus came to the court even before the church age.
26:46 Are you understanding me or not?
26:48 It cannot be the second door - the door that leads into
26:51 the Holy Place - because Jesus opened that door
26:54 and entered the Holy Place when He ascended to heaven.
26:57 And we talked about that in my first two presentations.
27:01 So it can't be the first door
27:03 because the first door is the door to the court
27:05 and the work of the court Jesus did on earth when He
27:07 died on the cross.
27:09 It can't be the second door - the door to the Holy Place -
27:11 because that door was opened when Jesus ascended
27:14 and began His High-Priestly ministry in the Holy Place.
27:17 So how many doors does that leave?
27:19 One. It only leaves one door!
27:22 The door of the sixth church after 1798 AD.
27:26 Now the question is: where does this door lead to?
27:30 We've noticed that it leads to the Most Holy Place.
27:33 But now let's prove it from scripture.
27:35 Revelation chapter 11 and verse 19.
27:38 Revelation chapter 11 and verse 19.
27:42 This verse is in the context of the sixth trumpet.
27:45 Interesting.
27:46 You have the sixth church and you have the open door.
27:49 Now you have the sixth trumpet and you're going to notice also
27:53 an open door.
27:55 It says there in Revelation 11:19:
28:03 Which means that it must have been what?
28:05 It must have been closed until then.
28:09 So it says: "the temple of God was opened in heaven"
28:13 and where does this door of the temple lead to?
28:17 It says: "And the ark of His covenant was... " What?
28:22 "The ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. "
28:26 Which temple is this? The earthly or the heavenly?
28:29 It's the heavenly temple.
28:31 Which door is this? To which apartment?
28:34 To the Most Holy Place.
28:35 How do we know that?
28:39 The word temple here is the word naos.
28:42 It is used 15 times in Revelation.
28:45 Every single time it refers to the Most Holy Place
28:49 of the heavenly sanctuary.
28:50 Not only that, but the text itself tells us that
28:54 the temple was open in heaven and what was seen?
28:57 The ark of the covenant.
28:59 Now here's my question:
29:00 on which day of the Hebrew year was the Most Holy Place
29:05 opened and the ark of the covenant seen?
29:08 It was on the Day of Atonement.
29:11 So under the sixth trumpet - under the sixth church -
29:15 you have an opening of a door
29:16 and that door leads to the Most Holy Place
29:19 where the ark of the covenant is found. Are you with me?
29:22 This gives us the chronology of the judgment.
29:26 Now I'd like to remind us about Daniel 7
29:29 because Daniel 7 follows the same pattern...
29:31 the same chronology.
29:33 I can only review this.
29:35 I'm sure that many of you - probably most of you - have
29:37 studied Daniel chapter 7.
29:38 We have a lion. What does the lion represent?
29:41 The kingdom of Babylon.
29:43 Then we have a bear. What does the bear represent?
29:45 The Medes and Persians.
29:46 Then we have a leopard and that represents what?
29:49 The kingdom of Greece.
29:50 Then we have a dragon beast which represents what kingdom?
29:54 Rome. And then that dragon beast sprouts ten horns
29:58 and what do the ten horns represent?
30:00 Rome in a divided state.
30:02 And then among the ten horns rises what?
30:06 A little horn.
30:08 And what does the little horn represent?
30:10 It is a new Rome... it is papal Rome.
30:14 And how long does the little horn rule?
30:17 Time, times, and the dividing of time
30:19 which is 1,260 what?
30:22 Years... applying the year/day principle.
30:25 And then in Daniel 7 after the little horn rules
30:30 for 1,260 years we have this heavenly scene of judgment
30:36 where the Ancient of Days goes and He sits.
30:41 And it says that the "judgment is set and the books are... "
30:47 What? "Opened. "
30:49 Is that after 1798 AD?
30:51 Absolutely after 1798 AD.
30:54 But then we find that coming on the clouds of heaven
30:58 to where the Ancient of Days entered... and by the way,
31:01 it doesn't say He came on the clouds of heaven to the earth.
31:04 That was a fundamental mistake of the Millerites.
31:07 You know they... clouds of heaven, Jesus coming.
31:09 That's the second coming. No! Daniel 7 says
31:12 that He came on the clouds to the Ancient of Days.
31:15 Where does the Ancient of Days live?
31:17 Since 1844 AD He is in the Most Holy Place
31:20 of the heavenly sanctuary.
31:21 So Jesus goes into the Most Holy Place
31:24 and there He is given His kingdom.
31:29 The purpose of the judgment is for Jesus to receive
31:32 His kingdom. Now the question is:
31:34 what is the kingdom?
31:38 Folks, the kingdom has nothing to do with territory.
31:44 The kingdom has everything to do with what persons
31:49 belong to the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
31:52 Amen. The purpose of the judgment is to determine
31:55 who is a true genuine follower of Jesus Christ.
32:00 Who has truly accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord?
32:05 That's the purpose of the heavenly judgment.
32:07 And when Jesus has judged the case of all of those
32:10 who profess Jesus Christ then His kingdom will be made up
32:15 because it will have been revealed who are members
32:19 of His kingdom.
32:20 Amen. Now you say: "Why do we need this judgment
32:23 if God knows everything? "
32:25 The purpose of the judgment is not to inform God.
32:29 The purpose of the judgment is to reveal before the universe
32:33 that God was right in the way that He dealt with those
32:37 who professed the name of Jesus Christ.
32:40 Let me ask you: are there true and counterfeit believers
32:45 in the church? Yes.
32:46 Did Jesus say that there are wheat and tares in the church?
32:50 Yes. Absolutely.
32:52 Does the gospel net gather good and bad fish? Yes.
32:57 Absolutely. Were there wise and foolish virgins
33:01 in the church? Yes.
33:03 Was the wedding hall filled with guests?
33:07 Yes! But there were some that did not have the robe.
33:11 They were in the books but they did not have the robe.
33:14 Are there those who say "Lord, Lord"
33:18 but their life denies "Lord, Lord? " Absolutely.
33:22 Are there even ministers who claim to be ministers of
33:24 righteousness but are not? Absolutely.
33:27 Are there those in the church that have a form of godliness
33:30 but not the power of godliness?
33:32 Are there those who have been forgiven a huge debt by Jesus
33:37 but then refuse to let that forgiveness flow through them
33:42 to others to forgive others?
33:44 By the way, for those who say that forgiveness cannot be
33:48 revoked just read Matthew chapter 18.
33:51 This individual that was forgiven much
33:56 then he goes out and he grabs somebody by the neck
33:59 that owed him a pittance.
34:01 And he started shaking him and saying: "Pay me. "
34:06 And this man said: "Well give me time and I'll pay you. "
34:08 "No! No time! Pay me now! "
34:11 And he has him thrown in prison!
34:13 Haa! When the king heard that he called him in
34:16 and he revoked his forgiveness.
34:20 So don't you tell me that forgiveness cannot be revoked
34:23 when the cases are examined and it's discovered
34:27 that those who claimed Jesus as Savior and Lord
34:31 did not really embrace Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
34:39 What else do we find in the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary?
34:43 The Ten Commandments.
34:45 Could that be part of the preaching of the
34:48 Seventh-day Adventist church? Yes.
34:50 What is found in the center of the Ten Commandments?
34:54 The Sabbath.
34:56 And by the way, the Sabbath is highlighted in the
35:00 Most Holy Place. You say: "How is it highlighted? "
35:04 Because God placed in the ark of the covenant two things
35:07 related to the Sabbath.
35:08 The first is in the fourth commandment:
35:11 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. "
35:13 But He also placed in the ark a pot of manna.
35:18 So the Sabbath is doubly highlighted.
35:20 And I believe that's the reason why Ellen White saw the
35:22 Sabbath commandment with a halo around it.
35:25 It's enhanced... it's highlighted.
35:28 And if you remember, when God rained the manna from heaven
35:31 He gave that as a test to Israel
35:34 to see if they would walk in His law.
35:36 Which means that in the ark of the covenant you have the law,
35:40 you have the Sabbath, and the Sabbath as a test
35:44 whether God's people will walk in God's law or not.
35:48 But another lesson of the manna was healthful living.
35:51 God gave the manna to show that we should live healthy -
35:56 vegetarian, vegan -
36:01 lifestyle.
36:02 And not only... we should also sleep enough.
36:05 And we should drink enough of the right things, of course.
36:11 And that we should exercise.
36:15 So in the ark of the covenant the manna highlights the
36:19 Sabbath but it also teaches healthful living.
36:23 And then, of course, you have the idea of the judgment
36:26 in the Most Holy Place.
36:27 In fact, the judgment of Israel took place in the
36:29 Most Holy Place. So you have the investigative judgment
36:32 in the Most Holy Place.
36:33 You also have in the Most Holy Place
36:35 the idea that the dead are dead.
36:38 You say: "Now where do you find that? "
36:40 Well, I'll tell you briefly.
36:42 There was also a rod in the ark of the covenant
36:47 and that rod sprouted life.
36:51 That rod represented Jesus who has life in Himself.
36:56 "Because I live... " Jesus said, "you shall live... What?
37:01 "also. " There's something else in the Most Holy Place
37:05 that reveals that people are dead until the resurrection.
37:08 That there's no immortal soul that goes to heaven or to hell
37:10 when you die. You say: "What is that? "
37:13 Well, if the judgment began in 1844 AD
37:16 at a certain point in history and the first ones to be judged
37:22 were those who first lived upon the earth
37:26 it must mean that Adam who was judged first
37:29 because he was the first being created...
37:31 Adam - who was judged first in 1844 AD -
37:37 he couldn't be in heaven.
37:39 How could he be in heaven before he was judged?
37:42 Are you with me? Yes.
37:44 So in other words, the idea that the judgment begins
37:47 at a certain point of time indicates that people did not
37:51 go to heaven or to hell when they died
37:53 because they would not be taken to heaven
37:55 or they would not be sent to hell
37:57 before they were what? Judged. Before they were judged.
38:02 Now let me ask you: are these all the distinctive
38:05 beliefs of the Adventist church?
38:07 Are those the points of conten- tion with the Christian world?
38:11 The commandments? The Sabbath? Healthful living?
38:15 The state of the dead?
38:17 The investigative judgment?
38:20 Absolutely. These are the doctrines that are contended
38:24 in the Christian world
38:26 and are rejected to a great degree in the Christian world.
38:30 And the reason why is because the Christian world
38:32 has not followed Jesus Christ into the Most Holy Place
38:36 of the heavenly sanctuary which is present truth.
38:39 Amen.
38:40 Now we need to go to Revelation 13 and 14 quickly.
38:45 You see, in Daniel chapter 7 we have the judgment
38:48 as a heavenly scene.
38:50 In other words, what you see in Daniel 7 about the judgment
38:52 is taking place in heaven.
38:56 But of course it wouldn't do any good for this judgment
38:59 to take place in heaven if nobody knew about it on earth.
39:02 So in Revelation 14 we have the same judgment but
39:06 the emphasis is the announcement of that judgment on earth.
39:10 Go with me to Revelation chapter 13 and verse 2.
39:14 Revelation chapter 13 and verse 2.
39:16 It's referring clearly to Daniel chapter 7.
39:20 It says here:
39:36 What do those beasts bring to mind?
39:39 Daniel 7.
39:42 Is that correct? Yes.
39:44 So notice you have the same four beasts:
39:46 you have a lion, you have a bear, you have a leopard,
39:49 and you have a dragon.
39:51 And Revelation 12 says that that dragon has ten horns.
39:54 And then the 10-horned dragon gives its seat, its authority,
39:58 and its power to the beast
40:00 and the beast rules for 42 months or 1,260 years.
40:06 Do we have the same time frame in Revelation 13
40:10 as we have in Daniel 7? Absolutely.
40:12 But now I want you to notice in chapter 14
40:15 what transpires after these powers rule.
40:19 Revelation chapter 14 and verses 6 and 7.
40:24 Revelation chapter 14 and verses 6 and 7.
40:27 Right after talking about the lion, the bear, the leopard,
40:30 the dragon, the ten horns on the dragon
40:33 and then the beast that rules for 1,260 years
40:37 we have an earthly announcement of a very important event.
41:02 "for the hour of His judgment will come... "
41:06 Thank you very much... you're with me.
41:09 It doesn't say "for the hour of His judgment WILL come... "
41:12 it says "the hour of His judgment HAS come. "
41:20 Now here's my question:
41:23 Does the judgment begin while the gospel is being preached?
41:27 Of course.
41:32 This angel is saying: "Proclaiming the everlasting
41:35 gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people... "
41:37 And the angel said: "Fear God and give glory to Him
41:40 for the hour of His judgment has come! "
41:42 So the judgment begins while the gospel is being preached.
41:46 So does the judgment begin before probation closes?
41:49 It most certainly does.
41:52 After these powers rule
41:54 and immediately afterwards what do we have?
41:59 The warning in Revelation 14 that the hour of God's judgment
42:04 has what? The hour of God's judgment has begun.
42:08 See, this isn't rocket science.
42:11 All you have to do is follow the logical sequence
42:16 of prophecy. It's called historicism.
42:19 It's the main method that is used to interpret prophecy
42:24 in the Adventist church and if I dare say
42:27 there are those in the Adventist church
42:28 that are starting to fiddle with this method.
42:31 And they're starting to project portions of Revelation
42:33 purely to the future.
42:36 They're on dangerous ground.
42:39 Now do you know that the three angels' message contains
42:43 the same things as the Most Holy Place?
42:46 Let me just share it with you.
42:50 If you look at the expression "Fear God, "
42:54 almost invariably in the Old Testament it's used in
42:58 connection with keeping God's commandments.
43:00 Ecclesiastes chapter 12 says: "Fear God and keep His
43:04 commandments for this is the whole duty of man. "
43:07 Furthermore, the third angel's message says:
43:10 "Here are they who keep... " What?
43:13 "the commandments of God. "
43:14 Do the three angels' messages bring the commandments to view?
43:17 How about the Sabbath?
43:20 Hmmm.
43:22 "Worship Him who created the heavens, the earth, the seas
43:26 and the fountains of waters. "
43:28 The first angel's message brings to view the Sabbath.
43:30 Is that a Most Holy Place teaching?
43:32 Absolutely.
43:33 Does... Do the three angels' messages bring to view
43:37 the idea that the Sabbath will be a test?
43:40 Yes, because the test will be over the mark of the beast
43:43 or what? Or the seal of God.
43:46 Those are in the three angels' messages.
43:49 Do the three angels' messages bring to view the hour
43:52 of God's judgment? Is that in the Most Holy Place?
43:56 It most certainly is!
43:58 How about the state of the dead?
44:00 Is the state of the dead in the three angels' messages?
44:03 Of course. If the hour of God's judgment begins at a certain
44:06 point, then people did not go to heaven or to hell
44:09 when they died.
44:10 Do the three angels' messages have the idea of health reform?
44:16 Yes, because the first angel's message says:
44:18 "Fear God and give GLORY to Him... "
44:21 And the apostle Paul says: "Therefore glorify God
44:24 with your body and with your spirit which are God's.
44:28 If therefore you eat or drink or whatever you do
44:31 do all to... " What? "to the glory of God. "
44:34 In other words, the three angels' messages are the
44:36 earthly proclamation of the message of the Most Holy Place
44:41 of the heavenly sanctuary.
44:43 This is present truth.
44:48 And it worries me when I see Adventist churches changing
44:51 their names to Adventist Community Church
44:56 or Adventist Fellowship. Like we want to get rid
45:01 of the distinctiveness of the Adventist church.
45:04 We should be proclaiming this from the rooftops - Amen! -
45:09 that we are Seventh-day Adventists - Amen! -
45:12 and then we must explain to people what that means.
45:16 But the Most Holy Place has another message
45:19 which has been greatly ignored by the Christian world
45:22 and even by Adventists.
45:24 You see, before the Day of Atonement - which is the message
45:28 of the Most Holy Place - you have the Feast of Trumpets
45:32 which announced the coming Day of Atonement and the need
45:35 to prepare. You know, sometimes we have emphasized so much
45:39 what Jesus does in heaven that we forget what the people did
45:43 outside the sanctuary as the priest was working inside.
45:48 What were the people doing outside?
45:51 Oh, they were jumping and they were speaking in tongues
45:54 and they were shouting and they were laughing in the Spirit?
45:57 No! What were they doing?
46:00 They were afflicting their souls and they were fasting.
46:07 And they gathered around the sanctuary because
46:10 their minds had to be in the sanctuary.
46:12 Because once the Day of Atonement closed, that was it!
46:16 He who was filthy was still filthy
46:20 and he who was holy was still holy.
46:23 You see, as Jesus cleanses the sanctuary in heaven
46:27 He does a parallel work of cleansing the temple of the soul
46:32 on earth.
46:34 I want to read Joel chapter 2.
46:37 Of course, the clock is our greatest enemy.
46:41 Joel 2 verses 10 and 11.
46:44 If you read the first 9 verses, that's describing the second
46:46 coming of Christ.
46:48 And the climax is in verse 10, and verse 11
46:51 asks the question. Notice what it says:
47:18 So it's describing the second coming and it says:
47:21 "Who can endure the day of Christ's coming? "
47:25 The answer is in the very next verse.
47:27 And I'm only going to read verses 12 and 13
47:30 and then I'm going to jump down to verses 15-17
47:33 because of the time. It says in verse 12:
47:37 Because the day of His wrath is going to be so great
47:41 and terrible, who is going to be able to stand?
47:44 God says beforehand:
47:54 Is that what we're supposed to be doing now?
47:56 Amen. Yes!
47:58 It's not time for celebration.
48:01 The time for celebration is tabernacles in heaven.
48:05 Now that doesn't mean that we can't celebrate
48:07 what Jesus did on the cross and we can't experience salvation
48:10 like Shelley told us this afternoon.
48:13 We can have the joy of salvation.
48:15 We can even say that Christ has saved us by His grace.
48:19 It doesn't mean that we can't have joy, but it does
48:21 mean that we're doing soul searching.
48:23 Amen.
48:25 And it continues saying:
48:39 And then you have a reference to the Feast of Trumpets.
49:16 That's the spirit of the Day of Atonement on earth
49:19 because Jesus is not going to cleanse anything there
49:23 that has not been cleansed here.
49:27 You know, that question that you find in Joel 2:11
49:32 is repeated in Revelation.
49:35 After describing the second coming... signs in the moon
49:38 and the stars and the great earthquake and so on
49:41 it says in Revelation 6:17 at the conclusion of this passage:
49:52 Is that the same question we noticed in Joel?
49:55 Absolutely. Do you know where the answer comes?
49:57 In the very next chapter.
49:59 There are 144,00 which represent the living saints when
50:03 Jesus comes.
50:05 They follow the Lamb wherever He goes.
50:09 They have the name of their Father
50:10 written on their foreheads.
50:13 They are virgins...
50:15 which means that they have not become defiled
50:17 with the apostate women... with fallen churches.
50:22 They are without spot before the throne of God.
50:25 In other words, those who have been in the sanctuary with Jesus
50:31 and through the power of the Holy Spirit have overcome sin
50:35 in their lives. You know, I have people say
50:38 "Well Pastor Bohr, nobody's perfect. "
50:43 In fact they say: "Are you perfect? "
50:47 And when I... And I answer: "No, I'm not perfect. "
50:50 But the possibility of perfection does not depend
50:55 on whether I'm perfect or not. It depends on whether
50:58 God is able or not. Amen.
51:01 Some people say: "You can never overcome sin
51:03 before Jesus comes. The flesh is too strong. "
51:06 So you're saying that the flesh is stronger than God?
51:09 "The world is too powerful! "
51:11 So you're saying the world is more powerful than God?
51:13 "The devil is more powerful. "
51:15 You're saying that the devil is more powerful than God?
51:18 "Oh, my genes made me do it. "
51:22 So your genes are more powerful than God?
51:24 "The environment I grew up in made me do it. "
51:27 So you're saying that your environment is more powerful
51:30 than God? See, when you say that it is not possible
51:32 to reach perfection, you're not really saying that man is weak,
51:36 you're saying that God is not strong.
51:40 You know that text in the Bible that says: "I can do almost
51:43 all things through Christ who strengthens me? "
51:49 OK, you didn't like that.
51:51 OK. How about: "I can do some things
51:55 through Christ who strengthens me? "
51:56 My Bible says: "I can do ALL things through Christ
52:00 who strengthens me. "
52:02 And by the way, there are no parentheses.
52:04 He doesn't say: "I can do all things except overcome sin
52:08 through Christ who strengthens me. "
52:11 Allow me to read you a couple of statements from Ellen White.
52:13 From the book Maranatha page 249 she says:
52:56 In the devotional book The Upward Look page 344
53:01 she says this:
53:47 In other words, this is present truth.
53:51 While most of the Christian world, you know, follows what
53:54 the bumper sticker says: "I'm not perfect... just forgiven. "
53:59 Well God wants you to be forgiven but He wants more
54:01 than forgiveness. He wants to pour out His power
54:05 to overcome. Amen. He doesn't want us to have
54:08 a frustrated Christian walk where we are just constantly
54:11 coming: forgive, forgive, forgive.
54:13 He will forgive if we're sincere and we love the Lord.
54:18 But Jesus wants us to have victory over sin. Amen.
54:21 You see, this is the one doctrine that distinguishes
54:26 Seventh-day Adventists from every other church.
54:32 It's no coincidence that shortly after 1844 AD
54:35 our pioneers discovered all of the distinctive truths
54:37 of the Adventist church.
54:39 Because once you enter the Most Holy Place
54:41 you see the ark and you know that the law is there.
54:44 So it wasn't done away with at the cross.
54:46 And once you examine the law you see that the Sabbath
54:49 is there. And once you're in the Most Holy Place
54:52 you say: "That's where the judgment took place. "
54:55 And once you see the pot of manna you say:
54:57 "God gave that to Israel for healthful living
54:59 and it highlights the Sabbath. "
55:02 And once you believe that the judgment began at a certain
55:04 point, the dead are dead until the resurrection...
55:07 until after they're judged.
55:09 All of the distinctive truths of the Adventist church
55:13 are found in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary.
55:17 That IS present truth.
55:19 And Ellen White has said in Early Writings page 256...
55:23 She says about the three angels' messages which are the earthly
55:27 announcement of the heavenly event:
55:47 Is the final controversy going to be over God's law? Yes.
55:50 Is it going to be over the Sabbath? Yes.
55:54 Is spiritualism going to be involved
55:57 which is a wrong concept of the state of the dead?
56:02 Are you understanding that the distinctive truths of
56:05 the Adventist church are the issue in the end-time conflict?
56:09 Do we need to warn the world about this? Amen.
56:14 This is what we need to be warning the world about.
56:16 Yes, we need to teach people to follow Jesus.
56:19 We don't start with people in the Most Holy Place.
56:21 We need to take them first of all to the camp.
56:25 Jesus lived His life for you.
56:26 We need to take them to the court.
56:28 Jesus died the death for you.
56:30 There we need to take them to the Holy Place and say:
56:32 "Now you can come to Jesus and if you're repentant
56:35 and you confess your sins and you trust in the merits of Jesus
56:38 Jesus will take His life and He'll take His death
56:41 and He'll put them to your account and you'll be
56:42 covered by the blood in the sanctuary.
56:44 Amen. But we need to lead them one step further
56:47 and reveal to them the truths of the Most Holy Place.
56:50 The idea that through the power of God
56:53 sin can be overcome
56:56 because sin is not more powerful than God.
57:01 Amen!
57:03 This is what Elder Wilson was calling us to do.
57:07 This is what makes our church special
57:09 and gives us the reason for our existence.
57:12 And woe to us
57:16 if we should think that we need to preach
57:18 what everybody else is preaching
57:19 and we need to grow churches
57:21 the way everybody else grows churches. Amen.
57:23 The truth will fill the church with those who are sincere
57:27 and loving, and that's the way we should do it.


Revised 2014-12-17