2011 Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting

The Lord's Supper

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kenny Shelton


Series Code: 11POFCM

Program Code: 11POFCM000020

00:48 Welcome back to the 3ABN Pillars Camp Meeting.
00:51 This has been a wonderful Camp Meeting.
00:53 Some of y'all have been here through almost all
00:55 of the services. I see your faces and I say:
00:58 "Man, these folks are sitting for hours! "
01:01 But it's hard to leave, isn't it? Amen.
01:03 And because each time each person comes and gives us
01:06 something new - brand new... something fresh...
01:09 something to encourage us in the Lord.
01:11 I'm here with my granddaughter Hayley Kaye.
01:13 Hayley Kaye, how're you doing, honey? I'm doing good.
01:16 Good. Hayley's the one I quoted this morning...
01:19 little letter I found where she was talking to Papa.
01:22 And she's been back here, and this girl...
01:24 I've been seeing her.
01:25 She's sitting through hours of meetings.
01:27 Yesterday I'd see her by herself just sitting back.
01:30 So I asked her just now: "Hayley, what are you?
01:32 What's something that stuck in your mind
01:34 that one of the preachers said? "
01:35 Well definitely yesterday when Pastor Brooks was speaking:
01:40 prayer. I just... I don't know why
01:43 it didn't really click just how important it is that we pray.
01:46 And how he was talking about how the angels were surprised
01:49 that we don't pray as much as we should.
01:52 Oh, wow! That just stuck in my mind.
01:54 Yeah, well that stuck in mine, too.
01:56 And that is so important... the power of prayer
01:59 is absolutely amazing... it's incredible.
02:02 We have a special guest - somebody that you like a lot
02:06 'cause I know you and her went shopping the other day
02:09 I heard. Oh, yeah! I even heard she bought you a pair of shoes.
02:12 She did. All right. So it's good to have friends like that,
02:14 isn't it? All right. And we're going to be introducing
02:17 Dr. Yvonne Lewis,
02:19 and she's going to be singing for us The Language of Canaan.
02:22 Those of you from the Pillars I
02:25 it's a song that was written about Ellen White's vision
02:28 when the Lord showed her heaven
02:30 and when she came back and her response from this.
02:33 David Huntsinger and Kris Wilkinson
02:36 wrote this beautiful song: The Language of Canaan.
02:39 Thank you, Yvonne.
04:38 The wonderful things the Lord showed me of heaven
04:42 I cannot describe.
04:45 I saw there tables of stone in which the names
04:48 of a multitude of the redeemed were engraved
04:51 in letters of gold.
04:53 After we beheld the glory of the temple
04:56 we went out. And Jesus left us and went into the city.
05:02 Soon we heard His lovely voice again saying:
05:06 "Come My people.
05:09 You have come out of great tribulation
05:12 and done My will... suffered for Me.
05:16 Come into supper, for I Myself will serve you. "
05:20 We shouted "Hallelujah! Glory! "
05:24 and entered into the city.
05:27 And I saw there a table of pure silver.
05:32 It was many miles in length
05:34 yet our eyes could extend over it.
05:37 I saw the fruit of the Tree of Life,
05:39 the manna, almonds, figs,
05:43 pomegranates, grapes, and many other kinds of fruit.
05:47 And Jesus said:
05:50 "You must go back to earth again
05:53 and relate to others what I have revealed to you. "
05:57 Then an angel bore me gently down to this dark world.
06:02 Sometimes I think I can stay here no longer.
06:07 All things of earth look so dreary.
06:11 I feel very lonely here for I have seen a better land.
08:06 Amen. Amen. Thank you.
08:11 I still find myself tearing up every time I hear that song.
08:15 It's such an incredible song when you think about
08:19 our heavenly home that someday very soon
08:23 we're going to be there ourselves.
08:25 We won't have to just hear about it, right?
08:27 Right now I'd like to introduce my brother Kenny.
08:30 And Kenny was with 3ABN when we started for many many years.
08:35 And he works in pastoral ministry, and he has been
08:39 in a supporting ministry in the church
08:41 for the last several years.
08:43 And Kenny is a hard worker.
08:45 And he's someone that I love, I respect.
08:48 I appreciate his love for Jesus and his wife, Chris.
08:52 They have such a desire for soul winning.
08:55 And so, Kenny, it's my privilege to have you
08:57 to come on out here.
08:59 I know I was talking while ago and I said to
09:01 Brother C.D. Brooks, I said: "Look at Kenny's suit. "
09:05 I said... I said...
09:07 Yvonne Lewis was saying she heard him preach
09:12 and she said: "I think they need to check his DNA. "
09:15 Because I think... she said that...
09:17 So when I looked at this suit
09:19 and I said: "What do you think about his suit? "
09:21 Elder Brooks, and he's such a nice guy, he said:
09:24 "Yeah, Kenny could teach you how to dress... "
09:26 Or something nice to that effect.
09:28 I think... But now, he said it in such a nice way
09:32 you couldn't be offended. But he did say something
09:34 that I should maybe look how you're dressed.
09:37 But I don't know if... I've got the little cowboy thing going on
09:40 I guess. What was our response, though?
09:42 What was it? "It's not what's on the outside
09:44 but it's what's on the inside that counts. "
09:47 That's true. Well, we're thankful that you're here today.
09:49 Thank you. And you're going to be preaching on... Communion.
09:52 Communion. Yeah, all right. Thank you... appreciate that.
09:58 We've had several moments of prayer, but you know,
10:00 I always like to begin again. And so if you'll allow me
10:03 I'm going to kneel right here and have prayer.
10:05 And where some of you can, that'd be beautiful.
10:07 If you can't, that's all right too. But I'm going to kneel
10:09 before my Creator.
10:14 Merciful God in heaven, we thank You for the privilege
10:18 that we have of prayer.
10:20 Thank you that we can call upon the name of Jesus
10:22 and You promise to hear.
10:24 Father, today we realize that we are an earthen vessel.
10:27 There's nothing good within us.
10:28 We have nothing good within ourself to offer Thy people,
10:31 but we look to You: the Author and Finisher of our faith.
10:34 I ask for forgiveness of any sin in my life that
10:39 needs to be covered by the blood right now in the name
10:42 of Jesus because I need to hear from heaven.
10:45 Your people need to hear because You have a message for them.
10:49 And Lord as we participate now at Your feet
10:53 as the bread of life is broken once again
10:55 and all the beautiful messages that have been taught
10:57 and preached here, we pray that Your people
11:00 each one their hearts and their lives will be turned
11:03 closer to You. Especially as we see the day approaching
11:06 that Jesus is soon to come.
11:08 Now covered by the blood we sit at Your feet;
11:11 we stand behind the cross of Calvary.
11:14 May You be seen. In Jesus' name, Amen.
11:20 I think it's good to be honest, don't you?
11:23 Amen. So I'm going to just really be honest.
11:26 I like to lay it out,
11:28 and I think it's very, very important.
11:30 So you know... And so honesty starts with the beginning.
11:32 And in the beginning it was... I forget who it was...
11:36 somebody called or they sent an e-mail and they said
11:38 "You know Brother Kenny, you're going to speak on communion. "
11:43 And I said... to myself...
11:46 "Well, I'll have that over in about 10 minutes...
11:50 then what are we going to do? "
11:56 But you know, that's a lack of maybe wisdom
12:01 on my part because, boy, as I began to study
12:04 about this communion service
12:06 boy did it help to change my heart and my life...
12:08 even though I've been participating in it for years.
12:11 It touched a ch... God knew what I needed.
12:15 If anyone else here needs it or not, God knew what I needed
12:17 in my life and I thank Him for it.
12:19 So I really feel like - and I feel selfish about it -
12:22 I have the best subject of the Camp Meeting.
12:24 Is that all right with you to feel that way?
12:27 All right. Praise the Lord. I hope you brought your sword
12:29 with you. You brought your sword.
12:31 We're going to be using the sword.
12:33 I'll have to move, you know, rather quickly
12:35 as we watch our time and so on,
12:36 because there's a lot of information.
12:37 And Jesus gives us the... He starts with a question
12:40 as we begin communion. Now remember,
12:42 it's more than doing what? Washing the feet.
12:46 It's more than just the bread, and, you know, the wine.
12:49 It's much more than that. Jesus was teaching us a lesson.
12:53 I want to challenge you with this:
12:55 there's a lot of Adventist folk who should know better
12:59 that never participate in the communion service.
13:02 First of all I'm going to say "Shame on you. "
13:04 Get mad at me if you want. I'm still going to love you.
13:07 It's all right.
13:09 And there's excuses that will be made, but we're going to
13:11 eliminate them by the Word today. What do you say?
13:13 It's going to be a new day for us. Amen.
13:16 Jesus posed a question there in John chapter 13 verse 12
13:21 and I want to just say it quickly. Here's what He said.
13:22 He just simply said... When He got done with communion
13:26 what did He say? Washing the feet, what did He say?
13:29 He said: "Know ye what I have done to you? "
13:34 What a question! And so I say today,
13:37 you know, ask this in my mind: "what is He saying? "
13:41 "Know ye what I have done to you? "
13:43 There must be something of importance here.
13:46 And I'm talking about this is not selective.
13:49 This is not something you say "Well, I'll attend sometime
13:52 and sometime I won't. "
13:54 Jesus made very clear the message that He wanted us
13:58 to learn and to do and to participate in.
14:01 "Know ye what I have done? "
14:02 We get done today I'm going to say to everybody
14:04 by the power of the Holy Spirit is going to be saying is
14:07 "I know now, and if I've faltered, if I've fallen short,
14:12 God forgive me and next communion service
14:14 I'm going to be there.
14:16 I'm not just going to be there in person, I'm going to
14:17 be there in the Spirit.
14:19 I'm going to participate the way God would have me
14:22 to participate. " Because boy, He has a load of power
14:24 for you and for me.
14:26 Here's what happens sometimes in the celebration
14:29 of communion service.
14:30 Many times we concentrate more on the service.
14:36 Did you ever notice that?
14:37 Sometimes we concentrate more on the service. What do I mean?
14:40 The things that we do.
14:41 We get all these little things together and all this stuff.
14:44 We're concentrating on all these things
14:46 more than what the service is really about.
14:49 What is the service really about?
14:52 Friend, it's communion with God and communion with what?
14:57 Our fellow man.
14:59 So it goes deeper than we think.
15:01 Now many times what happens if we just think along
15:05 the things that we're doing and we'll say the pots and the
15:07 pans and the water and the towels.
15:09 We have so many times a form of godliness
15:12 but we deny the power that God wants to give you and me
15:17 in my life. Real power that I'm talking about.
15:20 Three reasons, quickly, the devil hates communion.
15:24 He hates the potential that it has.
15:27 Jesus knew this
15:28 and He knew who He was dealing with
15:30 and He knows who He's dealing with today with you and me.
15:33 Three reasons that the devil would have us to misunderstand
15:37 communion and what it's all about.
15:40 And I found this in the most beautiful book...
15:42 one of the most beautiful books ever written.
15:44 It's Desire of Ages page 661 on the life of Christ.
15:47 I'm going to get this out of the way real quick.
15:50 I'm a believer in the Spirit of Prophecy.
15:51 I'm going to use it because I believe in it.
15:54 I believe it's an identifying mark of God's last day
15:57 remnant church. God's people need to be in it.
16:00 And we need to be reading it; we need to be studying it.
16:03 And more than that we need to be following every word. Amen.
16:07 Friend, we live in an hour and Jesus is soon to come
16:09 and we've got to quit playing church.
16:12 The devil realizes these three reasons, and notice
16:15 what Desire of Ages says so beautifully.
16:17 It says here: "He who beholds the Savior's matchless love. "
16:23 Have you been beholding the Savior's matchless love?
16:26 Or have you been - we talk about here - he who holds
16:29 communion with God?
16:32 Notice what happens. If you're holding communion with God,
16:35 three things happen.
16:37 Our thoughts will be elevated.
16:41 How many need your thoughts elevated today?
16:43 Let's just really be honest.
16:45 We started... Well now some of you are not going to be
16:47 honest with me. I see now what's taking place.
16:51 Every one of us in here... this... Do you think that you're
16:53 already elevated up there I want to see you when we get done
16:55 here, all right? Because I know in my own life
16:58 every day I need to be elevated more and more toward Jesus.
17:01 Don't you? So I take this as a love letter.
17:04 Don't take it as a scolding.
17:05 Some people are like: "It's like you're scolding me. "
17:07 Well it's because they didn't want to hear the truth,
17:09 that's why. Oh, I'm telling... They said... They said...
17:12 Our thoughts are going to be elevated - and God help us
17:15 we need that. The heart will be purified.
17:19 Oh, that's it? And no! Three:
17:22 the character will be transformed.
17:24 This is when we what? Hold communion with God.
17:30 More than just a communion service.
17:32 The communion service is communion with God
17:34 and communion with what? Our fellow man!
17:37 And so we need that. We need elevated thoughts
17:40 and we need to be purified in heart
17:42 and we need to have a transformed character.
17:46 After all, that's all that's going to go to heaven, isn't it?
17:48 And for those who are not familiar -
17:50 I just want to move on fast - those who are not familiar with
17:52 this service, I'm going to read a few passages here
17:54 in just a moment.
17:55 But there's some who are not familiar with it, and
17:58 there's many denominations and people today
18:01 who cut the service kind of short.
18:03 They're doing like half of it.
18:05 Some of them are not doing any of it
18:07 'cause they say things like "Well, you know,
18:10 things have changed. "
18:13 Hey, the Bible I read God doesn't change.
18:14 It says His Word doesn't change. He's the same yesterday,
18:17 today, and what? Forever. And forever!
18:20 Let no one tell you "Well things have changed now. "
18:23 No, we've changed - Amen! -
18:24 and God's challenging us to come back to the center.
18:28 People are not... We need to be following the counsel
18:31 that God has given.
18:32 Some people don't want communion because they just...
18:34 it just takes too much time and they talk about why
18:36 they don't want to wash their feet. They don't want to...
18:38 You know? But this is what we're going to do.
18:41 We're going to read exactly what Jesus said
18:44 and exactly what Jesus did.
18:47 And then... And then... if any portion
18:51 of this service - we're talking about communion here -
18:54 can be eliminated... listen carefully...
18:56 and still have a part in the kingdom of God you let me know.
19:01 I'm talking life and death issue here.
19:04 Maybe you never looked at communion as a life and death
19:07 issue. If you can eliminate any part of it
19:10 and still have a part in the kingdom of God,
19:13 let me know about it later when we get done.
19:16 Turn with me in your Bible to John chapter 13.
19:18 This again for those who... Still, there's always people
19:21 who tune in... I'm sure, bless your hearts, there at home
19:23 you're interested in learning what is truth.
19:26 And maybe they've not... they don't know about this
19:28 so I'm going to take time to read it.
19:29 The rest of you just bear with me.
19:31 In John chapter 13.
19:33 John chapter 13. Just a few verses because there's so much
19:36 to cover here. Just going to read verses 4, 5, and 12
19:40 in John chapter 13. Are you ready?
19:42 The Bible says... let's just give us the foundation.
19:45 It says: "He rises up from... " What?
19:47 "from supper. He laid aside... " What? "His garment
19:51 and He took a towel and He girded Himself. "
19:54 Verse 5. After that, what did He do?
19:57 "He poured water into a basin; He began to wash His disciples'
19:59 feet; He began to wipe them with a towel
20:02 wherein He was girded. " Verse 12... quickly notice:
20:05 "So after He had washed their feet... " Here we go...
20:08 "and taken His garment and was yet set down again... "
20:11 Here's what... what did He say?
20:12 "Know ye what I have done to you? "
20:17 Now if you'll just flip over to I Corinthians.
20:19 If you'll do that with me. I Corinthians chapter 11.
20:23 Again for all of you who have been reading this, all of you,
20:25 bless your heart, you bear with, but there are some who have not.
20:28 Maybe they've never read this.
20:30 Starting in verse 23.
20:32 Says: "For I have received of the Lord that which I also
20:36 delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus
20:39 the same night which He was betrayed... " What did He do?
20:41 "He took bread and when He had given thanks... "
20:44 Telling exactly what we should be doing.
20:46 "He brake it. He said: 'Take, eat. This is my body
20:50 which is broken for you. This do in remembrance of Me. ' "
20:53 Twenty-five: "After the same manner He took the... " What?
20:56 "Cup when He had supped saying: 'This cup is the... ' What?
21:00 'the New Testament in My blood. ' "
21:02 You know what He said? "This is the new contract
21:05 that I am making with you.
21:06 This is the new covenant that I am making with you
21:09 and I'm doing it in My blood.
21:11 This do as often as you drink it in remembrance of Me. "
21:14 Last verse, 26, says:
21:16 "For as often as you eat this bread and you drink this cup
21:20 you do show the Lord's... " What?
21:22 "death till He come. "
21:24 In manuscript 43 written in 1897 listen to this comment:
21:28 The ordinance of feet washing
21:29 for some of you who are selective and some who don't
21:32 believe it's really important listen:
21:34 "The ordinance of feet washing is a lesson that the Lord
21:37 would have all of us learn and practice. "
21:43 Did you get it?
21:44 All of us to learn and all of us to practice.
21:48 After all, Jesus did it.
21:50 What an example for us, isn't it?
21:52 And as God's remnant church
21:54 may I say we need to understand what the truth is
21:57 and ask God to help us follow that truth
21:59 because we love Him with all of our hearts and our souls
22:03 and our minds. Oh friends, if we learn and practice.
22:06 Now let me... In the Bible there was a lot of washing going on.
22:10 Is anybody with me? There's a lot of washing going on.
22:13 You know, they washed their hands; they washed their feet
22:16 and they washed their face and they washed the offerings.
22:19 And in places it says they... they washed feet and they
22:22 they ate together.
22:24 Well what does all of this mean? What is the difference
22:27 of the lesson that Jesus was trying to teach us
22:30 as His people when He washed the disciples' feet?
22:34 What maybe have we been missing?
22:37 See the Lord's Supper - we're talking communion service -
22:40 represents a very special occasion.
22:43 I hope you sense it when you have communion at your church.
22:46 It's very special. It's a public declaration -
22:50 notice this - of two things: our purposes and our intentions
22:56 to serve Christ.
22:58 Notice the word "serve. "
23:01 It tells what? Our purposes and our intentions to serve Christ.
23:06 In fact, in John 13:15 what did Jesus say?
23:08 He said: "I have given you... " What?
23:11 "I have given you... " Oh, somebody help me now.
23:13 I have given you what? Jesus said: "I have given you
23:16 an example that you should do... " What?
23:19 "You should do as I have done unto you. "
23:22 That should be clear enough for a Bible-believing individual.
23:26 Shouldn't that be enough?
23:28 It's clear cut, once again, as you heard that today.
23:31 When it's clear. Jesus said: "I have given you an example
23:33 that you should do. "
23:35 And then He goes on with His words. He says:
23:37 "If you know these things... " What?
23:41 "Happy are you if you do these things. " And you know what?
23:44 Oh, boy. I took these words to heart
23:47 and I said: "Well OK, that makes sense. "
23:49 But you know, pastoring for many years, I've come
23:51 to this conclusion: there's a lot of unhappy Christians.
23:55 Somebody's not with me.
23:57 The Bible said "happy if you do them, " so I'm coming to
24:01 the point there's a lot of unhappy people
24:03 'cause there's a lot of people who don't do it.
24:06 I think that's fair enough, don't you?
24:10 Because on communion day he's been pastoring
24:12 for many, many years... You know, communion...
24:14 Some of you pastors out there, you just...
24:16 I want to hear you when I get done here.
24:18 You know and I know that attendance is low
24:21 on communion day. Pastor C.A.
24:24 Well OK, he's not going to really commit
24:26 but we're doing all right. Before it's over
24:28 you're going to commit, my brother, I'm telling you.
24:30 It's strange but sometimes there's a lack of people.
24:35 They just... They're not really, they don't want to show up.
24:37 You know what their excuse is?
24:41 They say: "I'm not worthy. "
24:44 Oh friend, you realize that, you know, within ourself
24:47 that we're not worthy. We will never be worthy
24:49 but because of the blood of Jesus Christ...
24:51 because of His love, because of His sacrifice,
24:54 because of His merit, and by faith, you see.
24:57 Oh friend, I hope you're accepting that.
25:00 It makes us worthy because of Jesus.
25:04 So no longer can any of us in here say:
25:07 "Well I don't participate because I'm unworthy
25:09 to do that. " You'll always be unworthy by yourself.
25:11 Not with the blood of Jesus Christ. You're going to be...
25:14 Cleanses you from what? "From all sin" the Bible says.
25:18 Makes us whiter than snow.
25:19 Now I want you to listen to this statement.
25:21 Desire of Ages once again, page 656.
25:24 It says... Listen...
25:26 "It was because the disciples
25:31 were erring and faulty that Jesus washed their feet. "
25:37 Is that clear enough?
25:38 Why did Jesus wash their feet?
25:41 Because they were erring and faulty.
25:44 So we can't use the excuse any more: "Well I'm having
25:46 some problems. " You know, we're having problem sometimes
25:49 because we're dibble-dabbling around in sin
25:51 and we know that we are.
25:53 OK, I'm going to get off of it. Let's get on with this thing.
25:55 Come on, you know what I'm talking about.
25:58 Jesus said they were erring and they were faulty.
26:01 That's why He wanted to wash their feet.
26:03 But there's much more involved here.
26:06 But remember, before Jesus washed the disciples' feet...
26:11 Oh, please listen to this. Before Jesus washed
26:15 the disciples' feet, not one of the disciples
26:19 was prepared to spend eternity with Jesus.
26:22 Not one of those who followed Jesus. And here He was
26:26 on the brink of giving His life.
26:28 And even at that point they were not ready
26:32 to spend eternity with Jesus.
26:34 They needed to be born again.
26:37 Jesus knew this; He understood.
26:39 Not one of them was able to as we said
26:44 "Hold communion with the spotless Lamb. "
26:47 Not one of them could be a soul winner for Jesus.
26:51 Oh how He knew that
26:53 and how He was trying to get to the bottom
26:56 and how He was reaching out one more time
26:59 like He is reaching for you and me right now
27:00 in the last minutes of earth's history.
27:02 The time of playing church, thinking and pretending
27:05 we're Christians and going through all the motions
27:08 and all the form has got to go and it needs to go now. Amen.
27:12 Now is the time to get real with God.
27:14 Pretense is gone; lay yourself bare before God
27:17 and say: "God, I need You to do... I need... "
27:20 More! It's more than washing of the feet.
27:22 Jesus was telling them something.
27:24 And oh as I read this here: "The washing of the feet
27:27 symbolizes... " Notice: symbolizes what?
27:31 Yes? The washing of what? "The cleansing from sin. "
27:34 Didn't cleanse you from sin. Only the blood of Jesus
27:37 can do that. But it symbolized a cleansing from what?
27:41 From sin. And notice, it calls for a dedication for service.
27:47 Communion is calling for us to be in service
27:50 for Jesus Christ. Maybe that's why some people don't show up!
27:55 They don't want to do service for Jesus.
27:58 Oh, I think the workers are going to be in the kingdom.
28:00 I'm a believer of that.
28:02 And notice this part here we're talking about.
28:06 The washing of the feet... it was preparatory
28:09 before the Lord's Supper because the heart had to be what?
28:15 The heart had to be right and the heart had to be prepared
28:18 before they could take of the bread and the wine.
28:21 If they couldn't wash their feet, they couldn't
28:23 partake of the bread and wine.
28:25 Jesus knew all of these things.
28:28 The word communion just has so many... so many
28:32 connotations. And I never realized, never thought
28:35 about it. The communion is to be an intimate time
28:39 between me and God.
28:41 An intimate time between my brothers.
28:44 Now the sisters will have the sisters and
28:46 the brothers will have the brothers. That's the way. Yeah.
28:50 And when we fellowship, you know, it's a good thing to do
28:52 is you kneel down to wash your brother's feet
28:54 down there and you take a hold of that brother's hand
28:56 and you put it in your hand and you thank God for that brother.
28:59 When you don't let your feet out there for me to wash it
29:01 you know you're hurting me because I need that experience.
29:06 Are you getting what I'm talking about here?
29:07 Don't with... Started to say: "don't withhold your feet
29:10 from me" but you know what I'm talking about now.
29:12 Don't you? I need that!
29:14 Your brothers and your sisters need that.
29:18 An intimate time... a special time... a spiritual time.
29:22 Have you ever thought about communion being
29:23 a spiritual time? See, it's supposed to be.
29:27 But most people don't. They grimace all the way through it.
29:29 It's like they're hurting and like "Oh, oh, oh... "
29:33 Something's wrong. It deals with relationships.
29:41 Oh, I call it intimate... something personal.
29:44 Feelings and emotions connected to something or someone
29:49 during communion.
29:51 And I read this in Vol. 4 Testimonies 534
29:54 and, oh, I liked it.
29:56 It said: "Communion with God imparts to the soul... "
30:00 What? "An intimate knowledge of His will. "
30:03 Communion with God does what?
30:06 Now we're reaching out. We're talking about the service here
30:08 but we're talking about communion because it is
30:10 dealing with God and dealing with man.
30:12 And so when we commune with God, what does God do?
30:16 There becomes an intimate knowledge of His will
30:20 and every one of us wants to know God's will - don't we? -
30:23 for us in our lives?
30:24 Oh, I hear so many people say: "Oh, if I just knew...
30:26 If I just knew God's will. "
30:28 You want to know God's will? Get in His Word!
30:31 It's there. He'll answer every question for you.
30:34 Stay in the Word.
30:35 Stay in there until you find out what His will is for you.
30:39 He will reveal that to you.
30:40 Friend, we're not spending enough time with God.
30:44 Friend, prayer is making... Prayer is communion with God.
30:52 Communion with God. We think about communion.
30:55 God is the source of the Christian.
30:58 You know, it's a source of power for the Christian.
31:01 Prayer... and yet we forget that.
31:05 Communion with God is power in our lives
31:07 that we so desperately need in this world where the devil
31:11 is tearing everything and everybody apart that he can.
31:16 Communion with God is the richest blessing
31:19 that a Christian can have.
31:21 Oh friend, think about it. And you know what?
31:24 Redemption provides the door of that communication.
31:28 What? Redemption... What? Because of His blood
31:32 He's opened it up to us.
31:34 How desperately we need that.
31:36 Communion should be a time... a time when God and man...
31:42 A spiritual time... relationship. Notice this:
31:46 here's something very simple.
31:47 Here's the result of simple communion with God.
31:50 I like simple results, you know.
31:52 I like to get down to it sometimes, don't you?
31:55 Too many people fooling around today.
31:57 You know what I'm talking about?
31:58 Fooling around in the ministry; fooling around in the work;
32:00 fooling. Well, we don't have time to fool around any more
32:02 if you follow me.
32:04 Yeah, I'm talking about getting serious with God.
32:07 Getting down to what? To business with God.
32:09 We serve a God who wants you to get down.
32:13 We serve a God, dear friend, who's doing fantastic things
32:17 in the world today for His people,
32:18 and we need to be a part of that.
32:21 Simple communion with God will do exactly what we need
32:25 in our lives to prepare us for the coming of Jesus.
32:29 Listen to this. Desire of Ages once again
32:31 page 668 says...
32:33 notice this: "Simple communion with God... "
32:36 Here's what will take place.
32:37 "sin will become hateful to us. "
32:42 What? By communing with God, right? Spending time with God
32:46 in His Word, praying... Sin will become what?
32:48 "Hateful. "
32:50 Some of you say "It's a sin to hate. "
32:52 Listen! If you can't get hateful right now
32:55 how about just say something like this:
32:57 "Well, dislike... " You come to dislike it to begin with.
33:00 What do you say? And if that doesn't do it,
33:02 what do you say? "Well, I'm going to develop a distaste
33:05 for it. " Or you might say: "Well, I'm going to try
33:08 to avoid it. " But eventually you will come to do what?
33:11 You'll come to hate it. That's what the Word says.
33:13 As you commune with God you'll begin to hate sin.
33:17 Oh, that's beautiful.
33:19 And when we're studying this,
33:20 you know, we talk about the Pillars.
33:22 Pillars of our Faith.
33:24 Friend, don't let anybody be tampering with the Pillars
33:27 of our Faith. Those pillars are there; they're anchored in
33:31 and no man can move them.
33:33 No movement... no army... no enemy
33:37 can move those pillars. They are anchored
33:41 on the rock of Jesus Christ. And you know what?
33:45 Communion service as well as baptism
33:48 is a monumental pillar.
33:52 You say: "Well I haven't read it before.
33:54 Why don't we do it? I like the book Evangelism
33:56 and I encourage you who haven't been reading Evangelism
33:59 to get in it.
34:00 I'm going to say it again till I hear something.
34:03 Amen.
34:06 Evange... Listen, I'm going to have to get down here because
34:10 evangelism is where it's at, isn't it? Reaching people.
34:13 Read the book Evangelism if you want to be soul winner.
34:17 The book Evangelism page 273 says... notice:
34:21 "The ordinance of baptism and the Lord's Supper
34:24 are two monumental pillars. "
34:28 Monumental pillars. Something that's enduring.
34:31 Something that's massive... something that's colossal.
34:35 Something that's lasting.
34:37 Monumental pillars... notice this:
34:39 One within the church - evangelism -
34:41 one without the church.
34:43 See one takes place indoors and maybe one outside
34:45 in the creek. Is somebody with me?
34:46 But on these ordinances,
34:50 hear me, on these ordinances is inscribed the name
34:54 of the true God. Amen.
34:56 You serve the true God?
34:58 Well then you have to participate.
35:01 We need to be participating because the name of the true God
35:04 is written upon these two: baptism and communion.
35:07 The monumental pillars.
35:10 Jesus simply said in Luke 22... He said: "Do this in... "
35:14 What? "in remembrance of Me. "
35:17 How could we not when He says it so loving and so kind?
35:21 It just breaks your heart. Knowing where He was headed
35:24 and He looked around and He said: "Please do this
35:26 in remembrance of Me till I come back. "
35:29 We can't turn that down, can we? That act of love?
35:33 Now notice. In Adventism we believe in testing truths,
35:38 don't we? We heard today in the 11 o'clock hour
35:41 there's a test. The Sabbath is a test... it's a sign.
35:45 And notice, communion also gets a little heavy-duty here.
35:50 Notice what it says here in Manuscript 8 in 1897.
35:55 It says "this ordinance of feet washing was made a religious"
36:00 what? "Religious service.
36:02 It was given" - here's 2 words - "It was given
36:06 "to test and to prove
36:09 the loyalty of the children of God. "
36:12 If that's a fact, some of us... we flunked the test.
36:16 We haven't proved ourself to be a child of God
36:19 because we've been neglecting it
36:21 because we don't think it's important
36:23 and we don't go that day; we don't participate in that day.
36:26 Friends, I'm telling you: it's a test
36:28 of loyalty to God... of who you serve.
36:31 You cannot afford to be indifferent.
36:33 I cannot afford to be indifferent.
36:35 I need it because God says to me "it's more than
36:37 washing your feet. I want to wash your heart.
36:40 I want to wash you all over and cleanse you out from all sin. "
36:43 Amen.
36:44 Jesus made it very, very clear.
36:48 Washing of the feet did not cleanse away the sin,
36:52 but listen... but tested the cleansing of the heart.
36:56 They did what? It tested the cleansing of the heart
37:01 and the disciples needed to be what?
37:02 Their heart needed to be tested
37:04 because they were all just following along the Master.
37:07 You know what I mean? Wherever the Master would go
37:08 that's where they... OK.
37:11 You know what I'm talking about. They were right there.
37:14 Wherever He went, they wanted to be the closest,
37:15 isn't that right? There were some changes
37:17 that needed to take place.
37:20 If the heart is clean, if the heart is pure,
37:24 you know what? We'll participate and we will love it
37:28 and we will look forward to it.
37:30 Many are concerned about... Oh, time is running out.
37:32 Many are concerned and they should be.
37:34 And I want to go... Oh Lord, have mercy on us.
37:38 I Corinthians chapter 11. People are concerned
37:40 and they tell... Pastors, you'll know this.
37:43 Many old people will say: "You know,
37:45 I Corinthians 11:27-29. I'm not going to take
37:47 time to read it, but it simply says: "Those who eat and drink
37:51 unworthily... " Do you remember that one?
37:52 What happens. It says if you do it unworthily
37:56 you drink damnation to yourself.
37:58 And I'm just going to say right now if we're not participating
38:01 and we're not eating of His flesh and drinking of His blood
38:04 we pronounce damnation upon ourself.
38:06 May I be that bold?
38:09 Amen. It's the truth.
38:11 But "unworthily. " What does that mean unworthily?
38:15 And people are afraid of this...
38:16 but there's a reason why they're afraid.
38:20 Paul's saying in view of all that was read
38:23 and take time to read that whole chapter
38:24 the purpose of the Lord's Supper. He says if we have no
38:28 reverence for it, if we have no love for it...
38:31 no respect for what the service represents...
38:34 It's simply what? The suffering and the sacrifice of Jesus
38:37 Christ. Notice he says two things that we need to think
38:41 about here. Two things.
38:43 If we say "Well we can't because oh we're afraid of damnation"
38:47 there's something in your life.
38:50 You have unbecoming conduct in your life.
38:53 You have sin in your life and you know you have sin
38:55 in your life you know you haven't taken care of.
38:58 That's why you're not washing feet.
39:00 You know that you do.
39:02 Verse 21 will tell you that in I Corinthians 11.
39:04 Just read it for yourself!
39:06 Or! This gets heavy.
39:09 Or... number 2. You know we talk about
39:11 a lack... we lack faith in His sacrifice.
39:14 We just don't believe.
39:17 And when we really don't believe in that sacrifice
39:20 we have to consider that we have rejected Jesus Christ.
39:24 Amen. None of us want to reject Jesus Christ.
39:26 We're not going to make it to heaven that way!
39:30 Rejection. Therefore I won't do this.
39:33 We need to examine ourself.
39:35 Quit examining somebody else; that's none of your business.
39:44 That's why some people's eyes are like this at different times
39:46 you know? I mean...
39:48 You keep your eyes in your head.
39:52 If you want to know something, you got to the mirror.
39:55 And you look in the mirror and you see your own little face
39:57 right there. You know what? That's what it's all about.
40:00 It's the truth, friend. I'm serious with you.
40:03 This is the truth.
40:05 What kind of people that God's having prepared
40:08 and He's calling is those who are looking into that perfect
40:10 law, isn't that right? They're looking in the face
40:12 of Jesus Christ and they're seeing things in their own life
40:14 that need to be changed for eternity.
40:16 And they're pleading and begging with God right now
40:19 to make sure that all sin is gone out of their life.
40:21 Whatever it takes that I can be right and ready with Jesus
40:24 let it happen. I trust you, God.
40:26 See, this is what it's about... we're talking about.
40:28 So when it comes to communion you're using all these excuses,
40:31 consider these four things, please.
40:33 Am I... number 1... Am I reflecting the image
40:37 of Jesus fully?
40:39 Whew... Now I heard somebody say "OK. "
40:42 Now look... all right.
40:46 And it's OK you said it 'cause it's OK.
40:52 It's OK... like you say "all right. " OK.
40:56 You see, it's all right to do that but I'm saying
40:59 it's easy for us to say "that's right. "
41:02 But what are we willing to do about it?
41:04 OK, what are we really? The talk is cheap!
41:07 The profession is cheap.
41:09 Am I reflecting the image of Jesus fully?
41:13 And I look at it right now and I need to fall down
41:16 on my knees and say: "God help me; have mercy on me
41:19 a sinner. " I look at my own life and say:
41:21 "God, I need so much help.
41:24 I'm in need of a Savior every day of my life. "
41:28 I'm saying "Oh, God! " If it wasn't for His promises,
41:30 His Word, I'd just go back out in the north forty
41:33 and stay, I can tell you that.
41:34 There's no hope without a Savior.
41:37 And you know the things that you think, the things that you do.
41:40 The way that you gossip and you back bite
41:42 and you talk about your neighbor.
41:44 You're thinking ugly thoughts. You're watching ugly things
41:46 that you shouldn't be watching.
41:48 And you think that's in the image of Jesus Christ?
41:51 Oh, friend, it's not!
41:53 That will never make it to the kingdom.
41:55 And it's not going to change when Jesus comes;
41:57 it's going to change before He comes...
41:59 when He comes to pick you up.
42:01 Friend, I'm telling you, you've got to be reflecting.
42:04 Number 2: Am I dying to sin daily?
42:07 Dying to sin daily? Oh, God, help me.
42:11 Am I gaining victories every day in my life?
42:15 Am I gaining victory over sin or am I being defeated?
42:19 Day after day I'm sinning and I'm praying
42:22 and I'm sinning and I'm praying
42:23 and I'm sinning and I'm praying. That's not God's plan
42:28 even though it happens in our lives.
42:30 He wants you to commit yourself to Him
42:33 totally and completely and to be His.
42:38 Gain the victory.
42:41 And here's one that hits home... all of us.
42:44 What is my attitude?
42:48 Whooo!
42:50 I know one thing... oh, time.
42:58 Attitude! I know we had a church school for 5 years.
43:05 The attitude of the children wasn't what it should be
43:07 sometimes.
43:12 The teacher says to me: "I need an attitude adjuster. "
43:16 Now that's just up my alley because I can grab a 1x6
43:20 and I can cut out a paddle really well.
43:21 I can drill some holes in it.
43:23 And boy I did that, and I mean they shaped up.
43:26 And on it was written "Attitude Adjuster. "
43:32 And I said: "The teachers got tired? Call me.
43:35 It takes a while to wear me out. "
43:39 So what is my attitude toward others?
43:42 Listen: jealousy, pride, evil speaking.
43:47 But I'll tell you, when all of these things are made right
43:50 we will want to participate.
43:52 Desire of Ages simply says: "All who neglect
43:55 these seasons of divine privilege... " Listen...
43:58 "will suffer loss. Them it may be said
44:03 what Jesus said. He said: "Ye are not all... " What?
44:07 "you are not all clean. "
44:10 Just think about what He's saying.
44:11 If we're not participating, He said: "You're not all clean. "
44:15 And only the clean are going to make it to heaven.
44:18 You get it? You all end up clean.
44:20 But you know that the enemy hates communion so much
44:23 they had to - you know, the Lord's Supper - that He's
44:25 invented the counterfeit.
44:26 Now I say this for one reason and one reason only:
44:28 because the devil has fooled the majority of the world.
44:32 And I believe that this station, what it represents,
44:36 is to present the truth. It may be offensive.
44:39 It's not meant to be but it is the truth of God's Word.
44:42 Amen.
44:43 And we find millions today... So what do you think
44:45 the counterfeit of communion is? It's mass.
44:49 Somebody with me?
44:51 According to Great Controversy it says it's an idolatrous
44:54 sacrifice. Now it either is or it isn't.
44:56 There's no need to sit there and squirm in your seat
44:59 and say: "Oh, oh, oh, oh. "
45:04 Are you feelin' it?
45:07 Why? Because it's your job and my job to present what?
45:11 The truth. Not be selective about it
45:13 but it either is of God or it's of man or it's of tradition.
45:17 Those things have to be exposed. God requires it.
45:21 Not to try to hurt somebody.
45:22 But even you know Cardinal Wiseman said, talking about the
45:27 priests and he talked about the presence and the body of...
45:29 of, you know, Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
45:31 You know what he said? He said the priests pretended.
45:35 They pretended to do what?
45:39 To what? Somebody say it. To turn what?
45:43 To convert the simple bread and the wine... What?
45:46 Into the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ.
45:52 Friend, the Great Controversy says: "With blasphemous
45:56 presumption they openly claim the power of creating God. "
46:01 If there's somebody trying to create God,
46:03 somebody needs to be exposed
46:05 by the Word of God, dear friend.
46:07 I've heard people say: "Well you know you present the truth. "
46:09 But if sometimes you don't come out and say:
46:11 "this is a counterfeit, " some people don't get it.
46:15 And you've got to... you've got to hit it.
46:17 Christians were required - listen - at the pain of what?
46:21 of death. They had to vow their faith
46:24 to this horrible, heaven- insulting heresy
46:27 according to Great Controversy 59.
46:29 Multitudes who refused were given to what?
46:32 To the flames.
46:35 For the sake of time, let's just go over quickly
46:37 a couple of things. We're talking about the Passover.
46:39 You remember the Passover?
46:40 Oh, it was the commemoration of what? Deliverance of Israel -
46:44 right? - from Egyptian bondage. What an awesome thing.
46:47 Ordinance of the Lord's Supper when we look at it right here.
46:50 A deliverance we're talking about brought about as a result
46:53 of what? The death of Christ.
46:56 The ordinance is to be celebrated until Christ comes.
47:00 Do you believe that? Amen.
47:01 Until Christ comes... there's no doubt about it.
47:03 It's a memorial to Christ's death.
47:06 Communion service is a witness that believers accept Christ
47:10 as their personal Savior.
47:12 And really, when we have communion service, we need to
47:14 confess our sins, get things made right with God
47:16 before we come in the doors and try to participate in it.
47:18 You know what? If you don't you're bringing the devil in
47:20 and cause a mess in the church.
47:22 Get it right...
47:24 And here's one that will just kind of blow your mind
47:27 a little bit if you're in opposition.
47:28 If not, you're going to embrace it and you're going to love it.
47:30 Desire of Ages page 656 says:
47:34 "Each member must participate publicly. "
47:43 You know what some of you will say?
47:46 "Oh, shhh... "
47:50 You will say: "Well I would participate publicly
47:53 but my feet's ugly. "
47:55 No, I'm serious!
47:57 People have said their feet is ugly.
47:59 You know, God didn't say " 'cause your feets' ugly. "
48:01 He said "Take your socks off and put your feet in the water
48:04 whether they're ugly or whether they're not. "
48:05 You follow me? People have said that.
48:07 That's not just to be funny... it's the truth.
48:09 They make... try to make an excuse.
48:11 Why? Because the heart's not right.
48:14 Take the socks off; get them in the water.
48:16 I need to wash your feet!
48:18 Somebody get about 1,000 bowls and let's get started.
48:21 There need to be some changes going on right here.
48:25 There needs to be some humbling before God.
48:28 There needs to be some confessing of sin before God.
48:32 Unfermented wine - grape juice - symbolized Christ's blood.
48:35 You know the unleavened bread... His body.
48:38 These are things that what? Represent the unblemished
48:42 sacrifice. And the Adventist church holds open communion.
48:46 Anybody that professes the name of Jesus - loves Jesus -
48:49 is... they can come and fellowship with us.
48:52 The only thing that excludes is open sin,
48:54 and when open sin is there they need to be excluded.
48:57 And it's not how you look at it.
48:58 It's what we understand is open sin.
49:01 Very obvious, everybody knows it. Not how you think about it.
49:04 Or you think somebody did something.
49:06 Somebody told you somebody did something.
49:08 You just take care of your feet.
49:10 Amen. All right?
49:12 You know what I'm talking about.
49:15 It's time to get serious. This is serious business.
49:18 This is life and death issue and you never hardly hear it
49:20 talked like that. It's kind of selective.
49:22 You can just... If you feel like you want to do it...
49:27 Great change was about to take place.
49:30 You know, habits are hard to be broken.
49:35 Desire of Ages 652 tells us this. Says:
49:38 "The system of types and ceremonies
49:40 that for 4,000 years had pointed to His death" -
49:44 notice this - "as He ate the Passover
49:46 with the disciples He instituted in its place a service
49:50 that was" What? "A service that was to be a memorial
49:53 of His great sacrifice.
49:56 The national festival - Passover" - was to do what?
49:59 "was to pass away forever.
50:02 The service which Christ established was to be observed
50:06 by" What? "all of His followers in all lands through all ages.
50:10 Here the cross was just before Him.
50:13 He was about to leave this world. Pain grasped His heart. "
50:16 Oh, friend, grasp the picture, please.
50:19 He knew He was going to be left alone in His hour of trial.
50:23 He was going to be betrayed.
50:25 He understood what death was all about
50:28 and He knew for many that it would be in vain...
50:30 they wouldn't accept it.
50:32 He understood what men... how brutal they can be
50:36 apart from Him.
50:37 He could have been overwhelmed by His... right?
50:40 All what He was getting ready to go through.
50:41 It could have been all about Himself, but it wasn't.
50:44 As He began to look quickly at the disciples faces,
50:46 what happened? He began to look at their faces.
50:48 Oh, oh, how could He leave them?
50:50 Why? Because they need to be changed
50:52 and so He was going to talk to them. Jesus said:
50:54 "I have loved My own" in John 13.
50:56 "Having loved His own unto... " What?
50:58 "in this world. " And He loved them till the end.
51:00 He loves you to the end brothers and sisters.
51:03 His last evening with the disciples He looked around
51:05 the room. You know what He saw in the room?
51:07 You know what He saw in their faces?
51:08 He saw jealously. He saw contention.
51:11 He saw strife and controversy.
51:14 Just like you see sometimes among your brothers and sisters
51:17 over who's going to be the greatest.
51:19 Who's going to occupy the highest position.
51:22 Who's going to stick close to this person and that person.
51:25 Who's going to follow this one around the room the closest.
51:27 I hope they don't stop too quickly.
51:29 You know what I'm talking about. It's the truth.
51:33 There's no difference here, friends.
51:35 Jesus saw that in His own disciples.
51:37 His heart ached inside.
51:38 Why? Each one said this
51:41 in their... Think of it, in their own estimation
51:44 they were better qualified to be close to Jesus.
51:47 They were better fit. They were better educated.
51:51 They'd been around a little bit longer.
51:54 They knew a little bit more
51:56 and so they should occupy that position closer to Jesus.
52:00 But they really didn't know themselves. And Jesus...
52:02 there was something... there was a struggle that developed here.
52:04 There was going to be a test that Jesus was going to give
52:07 them that would reveal their character.
52:09 You have tests, and He is revealing your character
52:11 and mine today.
52:13 At the feast - we realize there's just 5 minutes or so
52:16 left - at the feast it was customary for the servants what?
52:18 To wash their feet. But there was no - right? -
52:20 no servant there. So it became what?
52:22 The responsibility of the disciples.
52:25 Isn't that interesting? There's a big problem. Why?
52:27 Because none of the disciples thought themselves a servant.
52:31 No. Even though Jesus taught them in Galatians 5.
52:36 He said: "But by love serve one another. "
52:40 Here came the "P" word.
52:43 Oh, boy.
52:45 "P" word: pride.
52:47 Proud.
52:50 They think they're prime.
52:52 Presumptuous many times.
52:55 Pretense... profession... pretext.
52:59 Pretended.
53:01 And so they looked around - the disciples. They pretended
53:03 not to know that something needed to be done.
53:05 But they didn't feel themselves a servant.
53:08 Many people do it. Does that sound familiar to you?
53:10 You know, you call 4 or 5 guys up here to move the piano.
53:14 "Let's move the piano. " Right quick I go get the piano bench.
53:21 I might as well go on here.
53:24 You know that in the church.
53:26 You know my brothers say: "oh... "
53:28 Jesus said this in Matthew 20:28.
53:31 He said "I didn't come to be ministered unto
53:34 but I came to... " Do what? "I came to minister. "
53:37 How could Jesus help them to love and esteem others
53:39 more than themselves?
53:41 We have to realize that a profession means nothing.
53:44 A signed paper, something that's sealed, something with your name
53:46 on it, doesn't mean anything in the kingdom of heaven.
53:49 Amen.
53:50 Oh dear friend. Here we see the expression of love
53:55 as we wrap it up here. The expression of love.
53:57 Oh, so much controversy. He's giving them an example.
53:59 Jesus didn't get into controversy because they
54:02 didn't get down and start washing their feet.
54:04 Here comes the King.
54:05 Here comes the King of Kings the Bible said.
54:08 Isn't that right? In Hebrews 12:2.
54:11 Here comes "the author of my salvation" the Bible says.
54:14 Here comes the "captain of my salvation. "
54:16 Here comes the "desire of the nations" in Haggai 2:7.
54:20 Are you getting this?
54:21 Here comes the faithful witness on the scene.
54:24 Here comes the head of the church...
54:26 He came on the scene.
54:27 Here comes the "heir of all things. "
54:29 Here comes "the great I AM. "
54:31 Here is the Lamb of God; here comes the blood, dear friends.
54:34 The great I AM and the John chapter 1.
54:37 The Lamb of God... He's the bread, He's the life.
54:41 Are you getting it? He's the light; He's the lion.
54:44 He's the prince; He's the Savior.
54:46 He's the Son of Man; He's the Son of God.
54:48 He's Jesus! Amen.
54:50 He came on the scene and He got down
54:53 and He washed their feet.
54:54 He stooped as low as necessary to get ahold of you and me.
54:57 Aren't you glad for salvation?
54:59 He lays aside that heavenly crown. He becomes a servant.
55:03 One of His last acts on this earth He became a servant
55:07 for you and for me to serve us
55:09 who is the wonderful God in heaven.
55:11 Oh friends, I'm telling you I'm just...
55:14 Whooh... give me another hour.
55:16 I'm gettin' warmed up right now.
55:21 I'm startin' to feel it right now, I'm telling you.
55:24 You know, when we're talking about this
55:26 it's really the King of Kings. He's really God.
55:29 But you know, our time is running out and I want to pray.
55:31 You know, a very important part of my life is my wife,
55:34 and I'm going to ask her to pray.
55:36 We do on our program. She always prays with me
55:39 and for me. We get in the closet together and we pray together
55:42 because I need it. I need a helpmeet,
55:44 and God has given me a good helpmeet.
55:46 Praise God. Yes.
55:48 I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm never
55:50 going to look at communion service the same.
55:52 I think every year, every time we have it, we're going to
55:55 have to replay this message.
55:57 God is calling a people... Yes.
56:00 a people to be ready and look at why He...
56:03 look at what He's doing just in that service!
56:06 Just in the service. I missed it for a lot of years,
56:09 I can tell you. Sanctification.
56:11 Reminding us... awesome.
56:14 Did you hear what God had to say to you today?
56:17 Amen.
56:19 Mercy. She's not on very long and I said: "You've got a minute
56:23 girl. " Come on. Let's get down on our knees.
56:25 Let's talk to God about it. Amen.
56:27 You're going to make a decision. You've been fumbling around
56:29 and not been doing it? What? You're going to repent right now
56:31 and say: "God change me... I'm going to be involved. "
56:34 Praise God. Let's pray right now.
56:36 Wash us all over. Let's kneel together and pray.
56:38 Oh mercy, Heavenly Father,
56:40 Lord we thank you for Your Word.
56:43 We thank you for that Spirit of Prophecy: that precious gift
56:48 that You have given to Your people.
56:50 Father, I pray that each and every person in this sanctuary
56:54 today has heard Your voice speak to their heart.
56:58 Father cleanse us. Not wash our feet only
57:01 but our whole body. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
57:05 Help us to realize that we need to make ourselves right before
57:10 You, Lord. We need to have communion time each and every
57:14 day. Taking of that Word, drinking in that blood.
57:18 Never start a day without You Father.
57:21 We need You so much. Thank you for loving us.
57:24 Thank you for speaking to us today. In Jesus' name we pray...


Revised 2014-12-17