2011 Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting

Change Of The Sabbath

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Calvin Rock


Series Code: 11POFCM

Program Code: 11POFCM000018

00:47 And we do welcome each and every one of you.
00:51 We were just doing a poll of the audience
00:52 to see who came the furthest.
00:55 And we have a couple here from Australia...
00:57 so they won hands down.
00:59 But we also want to welcome all of you who are watching
01:02 by television or by Internet.
01:04 This is the 2011 Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting
01:07 at 3ABN, and it's been a good one, hasn't it?
01:11 Amen. We're getting rich spiritual food.
01:14 Well, you won't be disappointed this hour either
01:17 because we have a special guest with us.
01:20 His name is Dr. Calvin Rock.
01:22 And Dr. Rock can preach the wallpaper off the wall.
01:26 You know, he has been in the service of the Lord
01:31 for over 50 years as a pastor, evangelist,
01:34 world-wide administrator.
01:37 He was for 14 years the president of Oakwood University.
01:41 For 16 years he was the vice president
01:44 of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
01:48 And he's recently retired. He is now the pastor
01:51 of the Abundant Life church - Seventh-day Adventist church -
01:55 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
01:57 And he is going to be speaking to us on the change
02:01 of the Sabbath. But before he comes
02:04 we're going to have a musical number by our pastor
02:08 John Lomacang, who... I always tell John
02:11 he is a true minister of music. Amen?
02:16 And accompanying him on the piano is Tim Parton.
02:20 Going to be singing Pass Me Not. Thank you, John.
02:59 Pass me not, O gentle
03:03 Savior...
03:06 Hear my humble cry!
03:14 While on others
03:17 Thou art calling,
03:21 Do not pass me by.
03:28 Savior,
03:32 Savior,
03:35 Hear my humble cry!
03:42 While on others
03:46 Thou art calling,
03:50 Do not pass me by.
04:01 Let me at Thy throne of mercy
04:08 Find a sweet
04:11 release
04:16 Kneeling there in deep
04:19 contrition...
04:22 Lord, help my unbelief.
04:29 But trusting only in
04:34 Thy merit,
04:37 Would I seek
04:40 Thy face;
04:45 Heal my wounded, broken
04:48 spirit
04:51 and then save me by
04:54 Thy grace.
04:57 For I'm crying Savior,
05:02 oh my Savior,
05:06 Hear my humble cry!
05:13 Lord, while on others
05:16 Thou art calling,
05:20 Just do not...
05:23 Do not pass me by.
05:32 You're the spring of all
05:35 my comfort;
05:38 And you are more than life
05:42 to me!
05:47 Whom have I on earth
05:50 beside Thee?
05:53 And whom in heav'n but Thee?
05:59 So I'm crying Savior,
06:04 oh my Savior,
06:07 Just hear my humble cry!
06:14 Lord, while on others
06:18 You are calling,
06:22 Just do not...
06:25 Do not pass me by.
06:28 Yes, I'm crying Savior,
06:33 my Savior,
06:37 Hear my humble cry!
06:43 Lord, while on others
06:48 Thou art calling,
06:52 Do not pass me
06:56 by.
07:03 Oh, oh, oh oh...
07:10 Do not pass
07:14 me
07:17 by.
07:37 Thank you again.
07:40 We are blessed with not only powerful sermons here
07:45 at this Camp Meeting but the music has been grand.
07:48 Amen! Are you glad you're here?
07:51 Amen! I'm glad I'm here and I bring you greetings
07:54 from Las Vegas, Nevada,
07:57 where I happen to live.
07:59 Some of my friends ask me: "What is an ex-vice president
08:03 of the General Conference doing retiring in Las Vegas? "
08:09 Then they catch me behind a building and say:
08:11 "May I come and visit you? "
08:15 But you know what the Word says: "Where sin doth abound
08:18 grace that much more aboundeth. "
08:22 And I bring you greetings from the church that I pastor.
08:24 A wonderful group of people there in Las Vegas:
08:27 the Abundant Life Seventh-day Adventist Church...
08:30 which is just one of thirteen congregations that meet
08:34 every Sabbath in that city. Amen.
08:38 I've been asked to deal with the topic
08:41 The Change of the Sabbath.
08:43 And we shall do that now, but first of all let us pray.
08:47 Our Father in heaven,
08:50 thank you for these moments of study,
08:53 this time of inspiration and growth.
08:58 And as we open Thy Word once again
09:02 and deal with the topic before us
09:05 please, Lord, may Your Holy Spirit
09:07 give utterance, understanding, and a will to obey.
09:11 In Jesus' name, Amen.
09:19 Given that the creation account
09:23 of Genesis 1 and 2
09:26 plainly teaches that it was on the seventh day
09:31 that God completed His work and rested
09:35 and that He blessed and sanctified that day
09:40 and...
09:42 having carefully explained its origins
09:46 placed its command right there in the middle
09:52 of the holy law.
09:55 The question then is: "What happened? "
10:00 How did Sunday come to take its place in the minds of so many?
10:06 Obviously, somebody somewhere
10:12 at some time succeeded in influencing
10:16 the vast majority of Christians to regard Sunday,
10:20 the first day of the week, as the right day to worship.
10:26 The question we shall pursue is:
10:29 "Who did it? "
10:31 One thing we know as we begin our search for answers
10:36 is that Jesus didn't do it.
10:38 We know that because of a number of scriptures
10:43 that tell us so.
10:44 Among them Luke 4:16 that states
10:48 that when He was here on earth it was His custom or habit
10:52 to worship on the Sabbath Day.
10:55 Matthew 5:17-18
11:00 where He Himself informs us
11:03 that He came not to destroy the law
11:06 or to change the dotting of an "i" or the crossing of a "t"
11:11 but rather to fulfill or live up to all of its obligations.
11:18 Mark 15:42 to Mark 16:1
11:22 that states He was crucified on the Preparation Day,
11:26 the sixth day of the week - which is Friday,
11:29 and rose on Sunday, the first day of the week,
11:31 but rested in the grave all during the intervening hours
11:36 of the Sabbath.
11:37 So that He not only rested when He made the world
11:41 but also when He came to redeem it.
11:45 Then, of course, there is Matthew 24:20
11:50 where He admonishes His followers to pray
11:54 that their flight at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem:
11:58 an event that would occur in 70 AD... some 40 years beyond
12:04 His resurrection and ascension
12:06 be not in the winter -
12:08 in the difficult time of the winter -
12:10 or on a Sabbath Day.
12:13 "But wait... " I hear someone saying.
12:17 "What about John 20:19 which states that
12:19 after the resurrection Jesus met with His disciples
12:23 on the first day of the week
12:25 where they were assembled behind closed doors?
12:28 Doesn't this verse indicate they were together
12:31 observing Sunday? "
12:34 That is indeed the interpretation of some
12:38 but the text reads that they were gathered behind closed
12:42 doors for fear of the Jews.
12:47 And that in no way recognizes a new Sabbath day.
12:52 Well, if Jesus didn't do it, what about the Father Himself?
12:57 Did He somehow during or after Christ's ministry
13:01 here speak to someone or in some way override
13:04 His Son's position regarding the seventh-day Sabbath?
13:07 Again, the answer is "no. "
13:11 Logic tells us that the ethical Father
13:14 who was well pleased with His Son - Matthew 3:17-
13:18 could not be guilty.
13:21 More significantly, Jesus Himself made it clear
13:25 that the work that He was doing on earth
13:28 was actually the will of the Father who sent Him -
13:32 John 12:49-
13:34 and that He and His Father always functioned as One:
13:39 John 10:30.
13:42 So obviously, the Father didn't do it.
13:47 Well, if neither the Father nor the Son made the change,
13:51 what about the Holy Spirit?
13:53 Did He, the Comforter, sent to replace the crucified and risen
13:57 Lord change the day?
13:59 Again, the answer is emphatically "no. "
14:05 As promised by Jesus in John 16:13-16
14:10 the Holy Spirit's role was and is that of glorifying Christ.
14:15 Of reflecting and extending the mission and message
14:19 that Jesus left behind and not starting something new.
14:24 And that, as the record shows,
14:27 He has faithfully done - the Holy Spirit - and is doing.
14:31 Clearly, it isn't the Holy Spirit
14:35 who made the change.
14:37 If then Jesus didn't do it
14:40 and the Father didn't do it
14:43 and the Holy Spirit didn't do it
14:45 who did it?
14:47 Well, perhaps it was one of the apostles who did it.
14:53 They were all mighty men of God
14:56 with a mission to go into all the world and teach all things,
14:59 meaning the full gospel
15:02 which necessarily includes the Sabbath:
15:04 Matthew 28:18-20.
15:07 Perhaps one of them changed the day?
15:10 Let's examine first the writings of the apostle Paul.
15:14 After all, he had more to say about Christian doctrine
15:17 than any other Bible author having written more
15:20 of the New Testament books than anybody else.
15:22 He should know. Did Paul do it?
15:26 The answer to that question is summarized simply
15:29 in Hebrews 4:4 which states:
15:31 "For he spake in a certain place on this wise:
15:34 'And God did rest the seventh day from all His works. ' "
15:38 And again in verse 8:
15:41 "For if Jesus had given them rest, then would He not
15:45 have spoken of another day? "
15:48 And Paul demonstrated his understanding of Sabbath
15:52 validity all during his long and productive ministry.
15:56 It is seen in his Sabbath worship at Antioch - Acts 13:14,
16:01 and verses 42-44.
16:04 At Philippi - Acts 16:13.
16:07 At Thessalonica - Acts 17:1-4.
16:10 At Corinth - Acts 18:1-4.
16:13 And in his rhetorical inquiry
16:17 in Romans 3:31 where he asks
16:20 "Do we then make void the law by faith?
16:23 God forbid! Yea, we establish the law. "
16:29 There are those who point to Acts 27
16:33 where Paul actually preached to a group of believers
16:35 gathered to break bread on the first day of the week
16:38 as evidence of Sunday observance.
16:40 But that reasoning is nullified by the fact that
16:45 according to Acts 2:46
16:47 the New Testament believers gathered to break bread
16:50 or study the Word of God daily in the temple
16:53 and from house to house with gladness and singleness
16:57 of heart. Having a prayer meeting or Bible study
17:01 on a weekday doesn't make it a holy day.
17:06 "All right, " some say.
17:08 "But what about I Corinthians 16:2
17:11 where he told the church members to have their offerings ready
17:14 on the first day of the week?
17:16 Isn't that a sign of Sunday emphasis? "
17:18 The answer again is "no. "
17:23 Paul saying to the Corinthian believers "I'm coming your way
17:26 soon. In fact, I don't exactly know when I'll... but the ship
17:30 will dock there sometime on Sunday
17:32 so please have whatever offerings you plan to give
17:35 to assist the believers in Palestine ready
17:38 when I arrive so that we won't have to waste time
17:41 collecting it"
17:44 in no way suggests Sunday sanctity.
17:50 "I understand, " I hear someone say,
17:52 "but what about Colossians 2:14-17
17:56 where Paul states that when Jesus died
17:59 He nailed the law with all its ordinances of meats
18:02 and drinks and Sabbath days to the cross?
18:04 What about that one? "
18:06 Answer: that was not the moral law, the 10 Commandment
18:12 document, that God wrote with His own fingers -
18:15 Exodus 31:18-
18:17 and gave to Moses and the people for them to give
18:20 to the world that Jesus nailed to the cross.
18:23 It was, as the language of the scripture indicates,
18:27 the vast system of laws that Moses wrote
18:31 for the governance of the social - and in this case -
18:34 the religious activities of the Israelite nation.
18:39 Those laws included numerous feast days...
18:43 all of which were known as Sabbaths or rest days.
18:46 These fell on dates of the year not on a particular, hallowed
18:51 day of the week.
18:52 Paul is simply saying here
18:55 that since the true Lamb of God had died
18:59 those feasts and their ceremonial Sabbaths
19:03 and lamb sacrifices and all that were now invalid...
19:08 no longer meaningful or necessary...
19:11 nailed to the cross.
19:14 Now, Paul did all this in other places such as
19:19 Romans 5 and Philippians 2
19:22 remind us that it is not law keeping that saves us
19:26 but rather the righteousness of Christ.
19:30 But in no place did he question the 10 Commandment law
19:34 as God's standard
19:35 for the Christian's relationship to God is outlined in
19:39 the first four... one of which has to do with the Sabbath...
19:42 or to one another as in the last six.
19:46 It was baptism that he recognized as the memorial
19:51 of Christ's resurrection, not a new Sabbath day -
19:54 Roman 6:3-12.
19:56 Meaning that just as Jesus died and went into the ground
20:01 and came up, so we are to die to sin
20:06 and come from... rise from the waters
20:10 to walk in newness of life.
20:15 And the apostle James who as seen evident in Acts 15
20:20 was recognized as the leader of the apostolic church
20:23 also speaks glowingly with respect to the enduring nature
20:28 of the entire moral law including the Sabbath.
20:32 His highly-confirming observation in James 2:8-12
20:36 is that the 10 Commandment law is royal
20:40 and that anyone who breaks one...
20:42 and to James that would include the fourth...
20:45 breaks them all.
20:49 And then there are the two books that Peter wrote,
20:51 examining the apostles, neither of which mentions
20:55 Sabbath change. Peter talked about our change of direction
21:00 from a corruptible life or vain conversation
21:02 to one of holiness as the result of being born again
21:06 by the Word of God - I Peter 1:18-23.
21:11 He also talked about our change of residence
21:14 as a result of the world being purified by fire
21:18 and our being introduced one day to new heavens
21:22 above our heads and a new earth beneath our feet...
21:26 but he never speaks of a change of God's holy day.
21:33 And what about John the Revelator,
21:36 the seer of Patmos,
21:38 who our latter day prophet was shown opened his heart
21:42 widest to the beams of Christ's love?
21:44 Does he, the beloved disciple, the youngest,
21:48 the last of the twelve to die,
21:51 the last of those used by God to instruct us by His Word,
21:55 provide any evidence of a change?
21:58 "Yes! " some say... quoting Revelation 1:10
22:03 where he speaks of being "in the spirit on the Lord's day. "
22:07 But they do so not realizing
22:11 that in both Isaiah 58:13 and Mark 12:8
22:15 the seventh day is identified as the Lord's day
22:19 and not the first day as tradition later named it.
22:26 And speaking of Isaiah's Sabbath reflections
22:29 his statement in Isaiah 66:22-23
22:32 promising that from one new moon to another
22:35 and from one Sabbath to another
22:37 all flesh shall come to worship before the Lord
22:40 is irrefutable evidence that not only did God
22:44 not order Sabbath change here on earth
22:47 but that He plans no change even in the world to come. Amen.
22:53 So it is from Genesis to Revelation,
22:56 from father Adam to brother John...
22:59 From it was "good, " "good, " "good, " "good, " "good"
23:05 and then it was "very good"
23:07 to "come ye blessed, inherit the kingdom. "
23:10 In other words, from beginning to end,
23:12 from the Garden of Eden to the earth made new,
23:15 from grace to glory,
23:18 from creation to eternity,
23:20 the Sabbath remains unchanged by its Maker.
23:23 Amen.
23:25 And yet most people either ignore it
23:29 or deny it or dispute it
23:33 or disparage it and for other various reasons
23:37 do not keep it.
23:38 And the question remains: "How did it come to this?
23:42 Who altered the day of worship? "
23:48 The answer is that the change came about slowly -
23:54 very slowly -
23:56 during the first 3 centuries after the Bible was completed
24:01 and was popularized in the minds of most Christians -
24:06 not all - by two dramatic proclamations:
24:10 one by state authority and the other by the church.
24:15 The state law was issued by the Roman ruler Constantine
24:20 in 321 AD
24:22 requiring that all except farmers rest on Sunday,
24:28 the first day of the week.
24:30 The church law issued shortly afterward by the
24:34 Council of Laodicea in 364 AD
24:37 went further... requiring that Christians not only
24:41 rest on the first day of the week
24:44 but no longer rest on the Sabbath.
24:49 There were four factors that led to rather wide-spread
24:54 acceptance of these rulings among the Christian population.
24:59 The first was the desire of Gentile Christians
25:03 to distance themselves from the Jewish practices
25:08 and protocols.
25:09 Because of frequent rioting of militant Jews against the
25:14 Roman government, they suffered severe persecution
25:18 and Christians who associated with them suffered with them.
25:24 For this reason, many early Christians developed
25:27 an anti-Judaic posture
25:31 that made it easy for them to reject such unpopular
25:36 rituals as circumcision and even celebrated activities
25:41 as the Passover and
25:43 the day on which the Jews worshiped as well.
25:51 A second factor in the gradual departure of
25:54 early Christians from the seventh-day Sabbath
25:57 was the brutality of the more numerous Jews
26:01 toward the small though growing Christian community.
26:05 The distancing of early believers
26:09 from their Jewish counterparts with whom they had originally
26:12 held close communication angered the larger Jewish
26:16 community who accused them of being traitors and consorting
26:20 with their Roman enemies
26:23 and they attacked the early Christians bitterly.
26:28 Third factor that history outlines as critical
26:33 to the drifting from Sabbath observance by the early
26:38 Christian community was the influence of sun worship
26:43 practiced in the early Roman society.
26:46 The first day of the week - the day of the sun... SUN -
26:51 was commonly regarded in Rome as a holiday
26:54 or as much a holiday as a day of worship.
26:59 As the early Christians surrounded by sun worshipers
27:04 withdrew from the society of the Jews
27:07 and longed for favor with the Romans,
27:10 they more and more rationalized that there was no harm
27:14 in celebrating the day of the sun with their fellow
27:17 Roman citizens. At first they vehemently denied
27:21 that by worshiping on Sunday
27:23 they were - as their pagan counterparts -
27:25 actually worshiping the sun. Rather, they reasoned
27:30 they were honoring Jesus... the light of the world...
27:33 on the day that He made the light.
27:38 They were in fact, they said, by fellowshipping on the day
27:42 of the sun, commemorating creation's beginning,
27:46 not just its ending, as they were told
27:51 by their detractors their seventh-day worship implied.
27:58 A fourth factor in this insidious move
28:05 in the early Christian years...
28:08 A fourth but very sure factor in this development
28:14 is what one writer - Samuele Bacchiocchi -
28:18 in his book From Sabbath to Sunday
28:20 calls resurrection theology
28:25 that was used by early church fathers to guide
28:31 Christians into first-day worship
28:36 and which helped lead them to abandon the seventh
28:41 and endorse the first as the day of worship.
28:45 In the early stages of this process,
28:48 the leaders encouraged the people to keep both days:
28:52 the Sabbath on account of creation
28:55 and Sunday in honor of the resurrection.
29:00 But since Sabbath worship included fasting
29:04 and Sunday worship feasting,
29:07 and since Sabbath observance was sorrowful
29:11 or made so by many
29:14 with the emphasis on Christ's death and silence in the grave
29:18 and Sunday made joyful with emphasis on the gladness
29:22 of His exit from death, and since the seventh day was
29:26 thought of as the end of the first or material
29:31 creation and Sunday the beginning of the so-called
29:35 second or spiritual creation
29:37 it is easy to see how over time
29:40 preference for the new day of worship grew
29:43 and regard for the true Sabbath waned.
29:48 So it was that by the time of Constantine's rule in 321 AD
29:53 and that of the Council of Laodicea in 326 AD
29:57 the social and theological groundwork
30:02 that Satan on one hand had used to drive Christians away from
30:07 seventh-day worship and on the other to pull them over
30:12 toward first-day worship was having tremendous success.
30:19 There are two other important developments that should be
30:22 noted. First is that while the change was for all practical
30:26 purposes completed during the time of pagan Rome -
30:33 the military empire of Rome before it was Christianized
30:38 by Constantine - it was papal Rome,
30:42 the religious power that grew out of pagan Rome,
30:46 that popularized and promoted it.
30:50 It should be further noted that it is papal Rome
30:55 identified in Daniel 7:25 as the force that would "think
31:00 to change times and laws. "
31:03 And in Revelation 13:5-7
31:06 as the power "speaking great things"
31:11 that now occupies the Vatican.
31:20 And its current occupants,
31:24 as did their predecessors,
31:27 do not deny in the least bit
31:33 that the change was produced in their camp.
31:40 In fact, they very proudly own up
31:45 to the change.
31:48 Let me read you a quote or two
31:52 from the Douay Catechism page 59.
31:54 Question: How prove you that the church -
31:58 the church of Rome... the Catholic church -
32:02 How prove you that the church has power to command
32:06 feasts and holy days?
32:08 Answer: By the very act of changing the Sabbath
32:12 into Sunday... which Protestants allow us
32:15 and therefore they fondly contradict themselves
32:19 by keeping Sunday strictly and breaking most other feasts
32:23 commanded by the same church.
32:26 Question: How prove you that?
32:30 Answer: Because by keeping Sunday they - Protestants -
32:35 acknowledge the church's power to ordain feasts
32:39 and command them on the same.
32:43 Second quotation taken from the Catholic Doctrinal Catechism
32:48 page 174.
32:50 Question: Have you any other way of proving that the
32:54 church has power to institute festivals and precepts?
32:59 Answer: Had she not such power
33:03 she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday
33:07 the first day of the week for Saturday the seventh day...
33:11 a change for which there is no scriptural authority.
33:19 And a final statement.
33:21 These are the words of H. F. Thomas,
33:24 Chancellor of the late Father Gibbons.
33:29 "Of course the Catholic church claims that the change
33:33 was her act. And the act is a mark
33:37 of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things. "
33:44 "But, does it really matter? " some ask.
33:48 "Does it really make a difference with God
33:51 which day we keep or who changed it? "
33:55 "Why be concerned about a special day
33:58 if in fact it is the principle of Sabbath rest that counts? "
34:04 "Is God really that particular about a day? "
34:09 Yes, God is that particular.
34:14 As demonstrated in scripture, He means exactly what He says.
34:18 He is so particular that the well-meaning but non-priestly
34:24 Uzzah was stricken for touching the stumbling ark.
34:30 He is so particular that He denied Moses entrance
34:34 into Canaan because he struck the rock
34:37 instead of speaking to it as instructed.
34:41 He is so particular that He did not fell Jericho's walls
34:45 until His wondering army had marched around it seven times
34:50 seven days and seven times on the seventh day.
34:54 He is so particular that He banished Adam and Eve
34:59 from the garden because of one act of disobedience.
35:02 One act. So particular that He could not wink at sin.
35:07 And because He could not ignore or excuse sin's
35:11 consequences, sent His only begotten Son
35:14 to accept its penalty.
35:16 To take our blows... to absorb our punishment.
35:20 He is so particular that somebody had to pay the debt.
35:25 And because we couldn't Jesus did.
35:29 He paid a debt He did not owe
35:34 because we owed a debt we could not pay.
35:39 Satan... when He had been dragged from the cross...
35:42 thought and sought and fought
35:46 to keep Him in the grave.
35:48 He wanted to invalidate the payment.
35:51 If he could just keep Him down
35:54 the check would return to glory marked "insufficient funds. "
35:59 But he could not hold Him there.
36:02 Flesh that had not sinned would not sour.
36:06 The body that had been perfect would not putrefy.
36:10 The humanity that had resisted would not rot.
36:15 He rose, and what Satan thought would be his summary violence
36:20 became Christ's signal victory.
36:23 By abiding death in accepting our penalty
36:28 He abolished death.
36:30 By bowing to death He banished death.
36:35 By courting death He captured death.
36:37 By daring death He devastated death.
36:41 By entering death He embarrassed death.
36:45 By falling in death He fatalized death.
36:49 By granting death He grounded death.
36:52 By harboring death He haunted death.
36:55 By inviting death He invalidated death.
36:58 His death on the cross paid the penalty
37:02 that the particular Father had to collect
37:05 and now in the bank of glory
37:08 our account is marked "PAID IN FULL! "
37:12 Amen. Paid in full.
37:14 Thus, while the cross is the highest evidence of God's mercy,
37:19 it is also the ultimate expression of His particularity,
37:25 proof of His strict accountability,
37:28 and that we are wise to heed the counsel of His trusting
37:32 mother who at the Cana wedding crisis counseled the servants:
37:37 "Whatsoever He says, do it. " John 2:5.
37:43 It is encouraging in this vein to note
37:47 that against all odds there have always been those
37:52 who have done as God commanded.
37:56 They have remembered.
37:58 Against early Jewish animosities,
38:02 against centuries of persecution
38:05 from first pagan and then papal Rome,
38:09 against the stifling pressures imposed by popes and prelates
38:14 all during the Dark Ages,
38:16 against cruelties of opinions and attitudes
38:21 and often the accusation of there being cultious
38:26 or cultish suffered by those who are present-day
38:30 Sabbath keepers by many first-day Protestants
38:34 there has through time remained a remnant
38:39 that has rightly preserved and proclaimed
38:42 the Sabbath truth.
38:44 I am happy to be one of them. How about you? Amen.
38:48 The greater question for us today, however,
38:51 those of us who claim that posture,
38:53 is not "who changed the Sabbath? "
38:57 Or given the inability of any individual
39:02 or institution to truly alter
39:06 what the great God of the universe has decreed
39:09 "who attempted to change the day? "
39:13 The greater question for us is:
39:15 "how well are we who claim its remembrance
39:20 living up to its standards
39:22 and enjoying its promised benefits? "
39:25 The Lord of the Sabbath would be pleased
39:29 if we left this encampment not just further
39:33 instructed and inspired regarding its history
39:37 and validity but with renewed determination to be faithful
39:42 to its tenets and to tell as many others about it
39:45 as we can.
39:46 And then in the light of a coming better day
39:50 hold concourse with Him and one another
39:54 where Sabbath shall never end.
39:58 Do you join me in that dedication?
40:01 If so, may I see your hands?
40:04 Let us pray.
40:06 Our Father in heaven,
40:09 we are awed
40:14 by the facts of creation and redemption.
40:20 And we are made more thankful than tongue can tell
40:27 for the gift of the holy Sabbath
40:31 and for the Lord of the Sabbath
40:33 by whose sacrifices our sins have been forgiven
40:39 and by whose strength we receive power
40:45 to keep holy the day that He has instituted.
40:51 We pray that as a result of this day's emphasis
40:57 on the Sabbath heard already earlier today
41:02 and now by the review of facts that tell us how things
41:07 have gotten where they are and how we
41:10 can improve in our own performance
41:16 and how we must by Your grace be faithful.
41:19 We pray Lord for acceptance,
41:23 for forgiveness, for strength,
41:26 and for power to hold on, to be true,
41:31 to be faithful, and then someday soon
41:35 to see Him in whose person and visage
41:41 there will be the marks of the sacrifice
41:46 whereby our penalty was paid and our redemption assured.
41:50 It is in His name that we give thanks and pray this blessing.
41:56 Let all the people join me in saying
41:59 Amen.
42:05 Thank you so much.
42:07 You know, I just wanted to take a moment to share something
42:10 with you. I don't know how many of you have
42:13 heard my testimony,
42:15 but I was in a Sunday-keeping church.
42:19 Grew up in a Sunday-keeping church.
42:21 And when the Lord called me to full-time ministry
42:24 one of the things... My husband had been brought up as an
42:27 Adventist. One of the things that he asked me
42:31 was what are you going to say to my Seventh-day Adventist
42:35 friends about the Sabbath?
42:37 And I said: "Oh, that's easy! "
42:39 I thought I had the answers on the Sabbath.
42:42 So what happened was God led me
42:46 in a study of the sanctuary.
42:48 And next hour I'm going to be speaking on grace.
42:52 What He proved to me was the sanctuary in the wilderness
42:56 was a sanctuary of grace.
42:59 And as I studied about the sanctuary
43:03 what I saw was that the book of Moses -
43:07 which is also called the book of the covenant,
43:09 that special covenant that He made with the Israelites
43:13 where He had the civil and ceremonial and religious laws
43:17 in there - God told Moses to put that where?
43:21 On a side pocket.
43:24 But what was inside the ark?
43:26 The Ten Commandments. The only words that we have
43:32 recorded by the very finger of God.
43:36 I knew that that was something incredibly important.
43:40 And so as I studied out the sanctuary
43:45 and then the Sabbath... Here's a scripture.
43:48 And I want to give this to you.
43:50 Exodus 31:13.
43:52 And in this scripture I think it's one of the most beautiful
43:56 promises. First of all, did you know that the Ten Commandments
44:00 if you look at this in the Hebrew
44:03 these are actually ten promises of God.
44:07 He is saying: "I am the Lord your God who brought you out
44:12 of bondage. If you recognize My love for you,
44:16 then I promise you, you'll have no other gods before Me.
44:21 You won't take My name in vain.
44:23 You will enjoy My Sabbath. "
44:28 Now, here's what He says in Exodus 31:13.
44:32 He says: "Speak also to the children of Israel saying:
44:37 "Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep
44:41 for it is a sign between Me and you
44:45 throughout your generations
44:47 that you may know I am the Lord who sanctifies you. "
44:53 God set up the Sabbath so that every week
44:59 we would remember.
45:01 Who is in the sanctifying business?
45:04 Who is in the business of salvation?
45:06 It's God!
45:08 God is the One who is going to do this work of sanctification
45:13 in us as we surrender to Him.
45:16 And it's just... I remember the first Sabbath
45:19 that I ever celebrated. May I use that word celebrated?
45:23 The first Sabbath that I ever celebrated
45:26 was such a special day because
45:29 I grew up trying to save myself.
45:34 I thought that... I mean, I did...
45:37 I just constantly had a guilty conscience
45:39 before the Lord which kept me at arm's length from the Lord.
45:43 Then I stepped off a little bit too far on the other side
45:46 of grace. And it wasn't satisfying when I had a bad
45:51 teaching on grace. So what happened was
45:53 when got it all right, oh, I was so excited.
45:56 And J.D. was out of town.
45:57 And I spent that day with the Lord: four hours in prayer.
46:01 I didn't know about... really much about Adventists
46:03 but I spent four hours in prayer.
46:05 Spent the rest of the time in the Word.
46:07 And I even remember after I'd had my breakfast
46:09 I looked over and I thought: "Hmm, I don't even have to
46:12 do the dishes today. "
46:13 You know? All right!
46:15 But the point is this:
46:17 I called J.D. to let him know.
46:20 Think he had mixed emotions at first because here I
46:23 convinced him the first day was the right day.
46:25 And then I called one of his friends
46:28 who had been an Adventist pastor.
46:31 And I told him: "Guess what I did yesterday?
46:34 I celebrated my first Sabbath. "
46:37 And you know what he said to me?
46:38 He said: "Do you remember that seven-page letter
46:42 that you wrote me why you don't have to keep the Sabbath
46:45 on Saturday? "
46:46 And I said: "I forgot all about that. "
46:49 But you know what happened?
46:51 I asked him: "You knew I was a seeker of the truth.
46:55 Why didn't you show me?
46:57 Why didn't you tell me about the joy of the Sabbath?
47:02 That from week to week God set up this memorial in time
47:08 that I might remember that I am resting in Christ
47:14 and that it's God whose work is salvation. "
47:17 And you know what he said to me?
47:19 He said: "Well, Shelley, the reason I didn't
47:23 share this with you is because you almost convinced me,
47:27 I was almost persuaded by your letter. "
47:31 And I said: "Then you don't understand grace. "
47:35 Amen. Grace - and we're going to talk about this in the next
47:40 hour... Grace is more than just justification...
47:46 it's sanctification.
47:48 And God set aside this special day
47:51 so that... He knew our tendency as human beings.
47:56 He knew how we would get our priorities misplaced
48:01 and how sometimes we'd either begin to
48:05 drift away from Him or else maybe we would begin to think
48:09 "I've got to work harder for the Lord so I can be saved. "
48:12 And He knew that we needed this special time
48:15 to come apart and be with Him
48:18 and have that time for our family.
48:21 Have that time to share the Lord's joy in the Sabbath.
48:27 And I hope for each one of you
48:29 that the Sabbath will become what Exodus 31:13 says.
48:35 That the Sabbath will be this memorial - this time
48:41 that God... temple in time that God has set aside -
48:44 that each Sabbath as it begins to roll in
48:48 on Friday evening that you can just go
48:52 Aah... thank you, Lord.
48:53 Let me just inhale You and exhale all of the stresses
48:58 of the world. All of the things that I begin to
49:02 get a little crazy, and let me draw near to You
49:07 that You may draw nearer to me.
49:09 Because, indeed, the Sabbath is one of the greatest blessings
49:14 that God has ever given to mankind.
49:17 And He established it where?
49:20 In the Garden of Eden before there was an Israelite.
49:24 He established it for all mankind.
49:28 And I hope and I pray
49:29 that yours won't be a stop-and-go Sabbath...
49:32 one where you rush right up to the Sabbath hour
49:35 and then stop
49:37 and then sit and drum your fingers and think "how long? "
49:41 Teach your children, teach your grandchildren
49:45 about the beauty of the day and make it a day of joy.
49:51 Amen? Well, we're going to have Pastor C.A. Murray
49:55 who's going to come and sing a special number for us now.
49:59 And C.A., which direction are you? There you are!
50:02 I forgot to ask you: what is it that you're singing?
50:05 Go Free. Go Free. Go free in the Sabbath.
50:24 Troubled soul
50:28 why are you sad and un-hearted?
50:33 Don't you know
50:37 He doesn't care where you started?
50:43 Yesterday can't change tomorrow
50:49 so leave behind
50:52 all your sorrow.
50:54 Go free; go free.
50:59 In the name of Jesus, go free.
51:05 Child of God;
51:08 child of joy...
51:12 come to the Lord and go free.
51:25 Trembling soul
51:29 I know you're so tired of aching.
51:34 Don't you know?
51:38 Jesus has cures for the taking.
51:44 His hand of mercy and healing
51:49 can untie the hurt that you're feeling.
51:55 Go free; go free.
52:00 In the name of Jesus go free.
52:06 Child of God,
52:09 child of joy...
52:12 come to the Lord and go free.
52:26 Tempted soul
52:30 I know you're so tired of fighting.
52:35 Don't you know?
52:39 He sees the wound you've been hiding.
52:45 The battle that's raging is so strong
52:50 but you've been a captive for too long.
52:57 Go free; oh, ya gotta' go free.
53:03 In the name of Jesus go free.
53:09 Child of God,
53:11 child of joy...
53:15 come to the Lord
53:20 and go free.
53:23 In the name of Jesus
53:26 go free. Child of God,
53:32 child of joy...
53:36 come to the Lord
53:40 and go free.
53:43 Go free...
53:46 go free.
53:50 Now go free.
54:01 When I was a child
54:06 we lived next door to some very strange people.
54:09 Their children would play with us
54:12 one, two, three, four, five, six days of the week.
54:16 And then on Saturday morning they would get dressed,
54:21 get in their car, and disappear.
54:26 And they'd be gone all day.
54:28 And it was strange behavior. They never said too much to us.
54:32 Sometimes they would come home in the afternoon
54:33 and they had a gate around the house, and the children
54:36 had on nice clothes. They couldn't come outside
54:38 of the gate and we couldn't go inside.
54:40 They never explained that strange behavior,
54:44 but we thought it was very, very weird.
54:47 Then we moved to another part of the city.
54:50 And wouldn't you know, we moved right across the street
54:54 from some people with that strange behavior.
54:59 That same oddball behavior. On Saturday morning
55:04 they would get dressed, pile in the station wagon,
55:07 and disappear.
55:10 And so after about a year of this we became friends
55:13 with them, of course. And I asked them: "Next week
55:17 when you disappear
55:19 I want to disappear with you. "
55:24 And so at age 9 I stepped foot into the Seventh-day Adventist
55:28 church for the first time
55:30 and immediately fell in love because we had a Sabbath School
55:34 teacher named Mildred Gill.
55:37 And she was young and pretty
55:39 and when you answered your question right she would
55:41 touch you on the cheek and call you "dear. "
55:48 And all of the young guys wanted to answer the question
55:51 because she would say: "that is so sweet;
55:53 that's the right answer, dear. "
55:54 And she would just brush your cheek so nicely.
55:56 And we would study our Sabbath School lessons,
55:58 I mean, into the night just so we could get touched
56:00 and be called "dear. "
56:02 And I said: "This Sabbath thing is great! "
56:08 And so I went every Sabbath. Made sure I got my...
56:10 You remember the Little Friend?
56:12 Got my Little Friend and studied it and got called "dear. "
56:17 And then you know a fellow by the name of Conrad Gill
56:20 married Mildred and took her away, and we hated him.
56:27 Took our Sabbath School teacher away.
56:29 And I saw him years later when he was at Andrews University
56:31 on faculty. He's a pastor.
56:33 And I said: "We used to hate you
56:36 because you took our Sabbath School teacher away. "
56:39 But I envied Adventists so very much as a child
56:41 because my parents were sports fans.
56:44 And I would come home in the fall and my dad watching
56:46 football in the living room and my mother watching football
56:49 in the dining room. My sister watching football
56:51 in the bedroom, and I'm trying to keep the Sabbath.
56:53 And I'd have to go to my room basically and hibernate
56:55 for the rest of the Sabbath. I envied those families
56:58 that could watch... that could come home and have nice
57:02 Sabbath dinners and you know that kind of thing.
57:04 I thought it was just the most wonderful thing in the world.
57:06 And I joined the church at age 10.
57:10 Got baptized at age 10. I told you this morning
57:12 I had my little wilderness time,
57:14 but God kept me through those times.


Revised 2014-12-17