2011 Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.D. Brooks


Series Code: 11POFCM

Program Code: 11POFCM000017

00:47 And what a blessing we have been having here
00:50 in these services from just hour after hour
00:54 of being together.
00:56 And I was talking to a young lady the other day
00:59 who said that she sat through three sermons.
01:03 And she said: "That's the only time in my life
01:07 I've ever sat through three sermons in a row. "
01:09 And she said she never was tired.
01:12 How many of you have sat through 4, 5, 6 sermons in one day
01:16 like Wednesday or Thursday or Friday?
01:18 You did? A lot of you. Some of you more. That's right.
01:21 It's amazing, and who would have thought it, right?
01:24 And... But how can you leave because one after another
01:26 with the speakers and the messages, all that's happening.
01:29 So I guess this really is a prelude to...
01:32 to what heaven will be like - Amen - because up there
01:34 we won't get tired and our chairs won't seem to get harder
01:37 on us and our backs won't be giving us trouble.
01:39 But even with all of that, y'all are sticking through this
01:42 and we are so thankful that you came
01:45 from around the world and America and even
01:48 someone wanted me to mention last night... They said:
01:50 "But you need to tell them specifically Alaska.
01:53 We came all the way from Alaska. " Yes. So we're glad
01:55 that you're here from Alaska, right?
01:57 OK. So we've let that be known.
01:59 And that's almost in the United States.
02:01 Alaska is. Oh wow! OK.
02:04 Well, they brought a box and it had some chocolates in it.
02:08 Says it's chocolate-covered wild berries from Alaska.
02:10 I think it's OK to eat the chocolate as long as it's
02:13 covered with good wild berries.
02:14 Yeah, some people refer to that as carob substitute.
02:19 Chocolate is a carob substitute. OK.
02:26 But we... I will get some mail on that, I can tell you that.
02:32 And we also want to thank you around the world
02:33 for your love, your prayers, financial support of 3ABN
02:37 as we endeavor to take this gospel into all the world.
02:40 I'm especially - or still - excited about our next guest.
02:44 Jim, if you would tell us - oh, yes - about our next speaker.
02:47 Yes. Pastor C.D. Brooks for years
02:50 the speaker for Breath of Life.
02:53 And he is a man that just when he stands
02:58 to present the gospel you feel the power of the Holy Spirit.
03:03 Amen. You really do.
03:05 He really needs no introduction.
03:07 He's been a vice president of the General Conference,
03:09 speaker for the Breath of Life.
03:11 He has also been a pastor, an evangelist,
03:15 and he is well known on 3ABN because he is no stranger
03:20 to us. We often have him as a speaker.
03:23 Of course for years he spoke on 3ABN from Breath of Life.
03:27 And his subject today is going to be The Sabbath.
03:31 And before he comes, Reggie and Ladye Love
03:35 are going to come and sing from the Pillars I the song -
03:39 and I think, and Yvonne -
03:41 another person that was not on my sheet here.
03:44 But Yvonne is going to join
03:46 and they're going to sing Remember the Sabbath. Amen.
07:25 Amen.
07:36 I would like to impress everyone with the fact that
07:39 this is no ordinary morning. Amen.
07:43 This is Sabbath. Amen.
07:45 The Lord's servant says Jesus draws near
07:48 to His people on the Sabbath.
07:52 Something special. And it didn't begin this morning.
07:57 If you were here last night - Amen -
08:01 as I was, as we were,
08:03 you felt the very presence of the Holy Spirit.
08:06 Amen. And I don't have a problem using the word "felt"
08:11 or "feeling. "
08:14 A long time ago in homiletics class
08:17 we were taught in presenting the message, appeal first
08:21 to the intellect then to the emotions...
08:24 and through them both to the will.
08:29 This is Sabbath morning.
08:32 The Lord is here. Amen.
08:36 And you know something? For me and my wife
08:38 it was special just to meet Reggie and Ladye Love Smith.
08:44 It's as though we've known them well because we see them
08:47 so much... but they didn't know us.
08:49 And I discovered they're just as friendly and kind
08:54 as they can be. Amen.
08:56 I've been asked to talk about this subject of The Sabbath -
09:00 The Sabbath -
09:02 and that's what I intend to do.
09:05 I call it God's sweet and precious gift. Amen.
09:10 Sweet and precious gift to His children.
09:16 And you know what, dear ones? Truth... truth is not
09:22 complicated.
09:25 It's only complicated when we don't want to believe it.
09:29 When it rubs us the wrong way.
09:35 Truth becomes a problem when we don't want to do it.
09:38 We don't want to obey the Lord.
09:44 We don't want to live it...
09:47 then it becomes complicated.
09:53 Lots of debates and arguments.
09:56 My practice in evangelism was simply to present the truth.
10:00 You do what you want to do with it.
10:02 Amen.
10:04 And I'm going to do it and I'm going to pray for you.
10:08 And if the Holy Spirit doesn't win you, you're not won anyhow.
10:11 Amen!
10:13 This word Sabbath.
10:18 There are certain basic things we've always heard
10:22 but in sort of looking around I found a new meaning.
10:26 And it says it comes from a Hebrew word
10:31 which means - essentially - STOP.
10:36 Maybe you have heard that, but I had never read that before.
10:42 STOP. Now I understand that
10:46 and I believe you do too.
10:49 I will not then try to make it complicated.
10:55 I read somewhere that wise men
10:57 have a way of making profound things simple
11:02 and foolish men have a way of making simple things profound.
11:09 So how do we approach this? By the way,
11:12 when I discovered that part 2 comes this afternoon
11:16 then I've got to be conscious of that and not encroach
11:20 because he who brings that message
11:23 is one of my favorite preachers and he makes it clear.
11:29 And so, when I thought how to begin, I thought of creation.
11:33 It seems to me that ought to work.
11:37 When I was a kid I had an older sister who was a senior
11:42 in high school.
11:44 And in that particular class, I believe it was biology,
11:50 in that particular class they had been pouring over
11:54 Darwin and Huxley and all the rest of them
12:01 having drilled into their heads as a legitimate science
12:07 the business of evolution.
12:10 And eventually examination time came.
12:16 And that sister was troubled
12:18 as she came home so serious and told us
12:22 "I know what they want
12:25 but how can I give it? "
12:31 There was one essay question on the test,
12:34 and here is what it said:
12:37 "How did this earth come into existence? "
12:45 Then there was this long sheet of blank paper
12:49 for you to take all the time you wanted
12:51 to produce a lie.
12:58 They wanted these students through intellectual
13:01 regurgitation to simply tell again
13:06 what had been told
13:10 by Darwin and others.
13:16 They wanted these high school students to account
13:20 for uncounted billions of years
13:25 as we slowly evolved to the level
13:29 where we are right now.
13:34 She said to us later she rolled it over in her mind.
13:38 She knew what she believed. She knew what they wanted.
13:42 Could she do both?
13:44 Could she handle it that way?
13:46 She pondered the question
13:49 and then she wrote a terse little gem.
13:56 Wrote it on the paper, folded it, and passed it in.
14:01 That little gem said:
14:03 "In the beginning God
14:07 created the heavens and the earth. "
14:13 The professor was furious.
14:17 Singled out my nice sister
14:22 for mockery.
14:26 The professor hurled her maledictions over the heads
14:29 of the entire senior class intending to humiliate someone
14:35 whom she thought was only trying to be smart.
14:41 There were demeaning declarations
14:43 before the entire class.
14:46 This was a test... a bit of torment.
14:49 Where do you stand now when the chips are down?
14:54 When the pressure is on?
14:58 My sister died at 89
15:04 her faith intact - Amen -
15:09 and leaving behind a tribe of Seventh-day Adventists
15:15 who believe with all their hearts
15:18 that "in the beginning God. "
15:21 I heard it last night - I read it some time ago -
15:24 that even Darwin himself had questions.
15:28 And when he came down to die he wasn't as sure
15:31 as he always appeared to be
15:34 on the subject of evolution.
15:38 I have in my files a cover story from Newsweek
15:42 on the evolution of the evolution.
15:46 They're not sure... They're not sure.
15:53 Oh, forgive this little cute story.
15:55 At least I thought it was cute.
15:57 An atheist wanted his time in court.
16:02 The day came and he showed up.
16:05 And the judge took his seat and said: "Now what exactly
16:08 is it you want us to deal with in this court? "
16:12 He said: "I want a holiday. "
16:15 "What do you mean a holiday? " He said: "Well the Jews have
16:20 theirs... Passover and all the rest of them... Purim.
16:26 The Christians have Easter and Christmas
16:29 but we atheists don't have anything. "
16:34 The judge thought about it and then pounded his gavel
16:37 and said: "Case dismissed. "
16:40 The atheist jumped up. He said: "How can you? "
16:44 "What do you mean case dismissed? You haven't even
16:46 heard the case yet. " He said: "I don't need to. "
16:49 "Why don't you? " "Because you have a holiday. "
16:52 "What is it? " "April Fools Day! "
17:04 "For the fool hath said in his heart... "
17:07 Amen!
17:11 In the beginning God created.
17:18 Now everything human has a beginning.
17:24 What an appropriate way to introduce
17:30 the Canon... the Word of God.
17:33 Talk about Him in the very first verse:
17:38 the Sovereign Lord of time.
17:42 Way back, and you can look at me and tell I've been around
17:45 a while... Way back in my history
17:49 I either read it or heard it that Jehovah
17:53 is simply a conjugation of the verb to be.
17:57 He was... He is... He shall be.
18:04 Sometimes we who believe what God has said
18:08 the way He said it are considered old-fashioned.
18:11 I like to remind people that God is old-fashioned.
18:15 There never was a time that He wasn't. That's right.
18:22 He is and He shall be.
18:28 Throughout the rolling eons of the coming future
18:32 there will be God.
18:35 There will be God.
18:37 But we cannot think about the beginning.
18:45 Jesus was there.
18:47 John 1... It says: "In the beginning was the Word" -
18:52 the Logos - "and the Word was with God
18:55 and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning
18:58 with God. "
19:01 Whatever you see was made by Him
19:03 and without Him... nothing.
19:07 Jesus was there in the beginning
19:10 and in verse 14 it tells us
19:12 this divine Logos became flesh,
19:15 incarnated, and dwelt amongst us.
19:20 He therefore qualifies to be the Author and the Finisher
19:27 of our faith.
19:29 I don't mind accepting creationism as a theory
19:33 as long as you don't try to present evolution
19:37 as empiric science.
19:39 It is not! It also is a theory...
19:43 a theory that almost lost credibility
19:48 with the man who started it all.
19:52 God is before all else.
19:56 He is the cause of all else.
20:01 He is dependent on nothing else.
20:05 We are talking about God.
20:08 There came a time in the mind of God
20:10 when He stepped out into nothing and said:
20:13 "Let there be something... " and there was!
20:17 Amen.
20:21 That's the God that I serve and believe in Him.
20:26 Have not seen Him... but I believe in Him. Amen.
20:30 Will see Him... so I believe in Him.
20:37 All other is mere speculation.
20:43 Empty, silly, idle,
20:49 thought about with high-faluting poly-syllabic,
20:53 pseudo-scientific babble.
21:01 I hope everybody here has a fixed mind on this.
21:07 But it is a fact that on some of our campuses
21:12 some are beginning to give a kind of hospitality...
21:17 They are choosing a rather dead idea -
21:23 theistic evolution -
21:26 and trying to reconcile that with the Word of God.
21:30 It cannot be done. You've got to make up your mind
21:32 what you believe - Amen! -
21:34 and why you believe it and then stick to it!
21:37 Amen! That shows character.
21:40 We call it faith. Amen. Faith.
21:45 And because of faith, that issue is settled.
21:51 Now you know of the imagery of that preaching.
21:55 I didn't read this in the Spirit of Prophecy.
22:00 But I had time to contemplate Adam being created.
22:06 And now he's finished, and God breathes into his nostrils
22:12 the breath of life and Adam became a living soul.
22:16 What happened next?
22:19 This is not inspired but it's what I thought about.
22:22 I imagine Adam opened his eyes and he is alive.
22:28 That great heart began pounding in his chest
22:31 and the blood began to flow and the brain received its oxygen
22:36 and he looks up and he asks:
22:39 "Who are you? "
22:45 "Why Adam, I am God. "
22:50 "What does that mean? "
22:54 "Adam, I want you to look at everything your eye can behold.
22:59 Everything in perfection and beauty that you see,
23:02 everything that you already appreciate,
23:06 I made it
23:08 and, Adam, I made you. "
23:14 "How long did it take? "
23:19 "Why, Adam, I've been at it for six days. "
23:23 "On the first day light... " and He goes...
23:25 "Well listen, why didn't you create me on the first day
23:28 so I could watch you do all this making
23:31 and then I would believe. "
23:35 "No, my son. You have to accept by faith.
23:40 But you know, I've been studying your circumstances.
23:44 Every bull has his cow; every boar has his sow;
23:48 but you are all by yourself. It's not good
23:52 that man should be alone.
23:54 And so I'm going to make an helpmeet,
23:57 a companion just for you. "
24:02 "That's good! Now I can watch you create her
24:05 and I can believe. "
24:07 "No. Have you ever heard, Adam, of anesthesia?
24:14 I'm going to put you to sleep
24:18 and when you wake up
24:23 the darling of your desires will be standing right there
24:29 by your side. "
24:32 "In the beginning God... "
24:36 This brief Mosaic declaration under inspiration
24:42 for my heart is enough.
24:47 I am satisfied.
24:50 And you are and millions are
24:54 satisfied with this declaration.
24:59 We accept it. Amen.
25:02 Habakkuk said "the just shall live by faith. "
25:05 Not just have faith... you've got to live by it.
25:09 Amen.
25:10 That Paul chose that as his thesis - repeating it
25:15 with power in New Testament times.
25:18 "The just shall live by faith. " Not by logic...
25:24 though faith is logical.
25:27 Not by intellectualism... though God created these brains
25:32 to think. But "the just
25:36 shall live by faith. "
25:40 And it is not required of us
25:45 that we be smarter than or as smart as God.
25:53 I don't even go there in my thinking.
25:57 God is the supreme wisdom... the supreme intellect...
26:04 and we couldn't handle it if we were allowed in
26:09 on His cogitations'.
26:14 Now that is not to encourage us not to use our brains.
26:21 Inspiration does say we only use about 10% of the brain power,
26:28 but look how smart some of us are.
26:33 But the truth is you have to have faith
26:38 in the truth. And you do that by not arrogating your own
26:44 opinions to a level where God declares...
26:48 especially to oppose Him.
26:54 Elohim... in the beginning God. A plural noun.
27:00 And in the next few verses you find plural pronouns:
27:06 Our, Us, etc.
27:10 When God started it all there was no light down here.
27:17 And God said: "Let there be light"
27:21 and then He contemplated it and announced it very good.
27:28 And it still is.
27:31 For when God declared - when God spake and it was done -
27:36 when it happened there had been no light.
27:41 I call light visible energy,
27:47 and God created it.
27:51 And so it is with the shadows fleeing away
27:55 that the shadows of ignorance can be swept away.
27:59 The shadows of dark habits,
28:01 the shadows of gloominess,
28:05 doubts, high-sounding ignorance...
28:10 when the light comes it dissipates.
28:16 No light... no life.
28:20 Light is visible energy.
28:25 I remember very well being moved to Cleveland, Ohio,
28:30 on January 2.
28:34 Nobody should move on January 2
28:39 in the north country.
28:44 But we did...
28:45 and it snowed every day for three weeks.
28:49 Now it didn't snow hard,
28:51 but there was the spitting of snow every day for 3 weeks.
28:55 I decided as a new pastor I had to be about my business
29:00 so I was running around in it.
29:02 And then one day I just felt awfully good.
29:04 So much so that I didn't understand why.
29:09 And then it dawned on me... the sun was out
29:13 and the endorphins were running.
29:16 I was affected physically before my mind
29:19 caught up with it. Light does that.
29:23 It affects the whole person... the whole man.
29:28 The sun had come out.
29:31 "Let there be light. " God spoke His will...
29:35 the universe responds. There WAS light,
29:40 and God said: "That's good. "
29:42 Now He let Adam name the various creatures
29:45 but He named day and night.
29:47 He said: "I will call the light day and the darkness I will
29:52 call night because I'm going to begin measuring time. "
29:56 And the evening and the morning were the first day.
29:59 The evening and the morning... the second day.
30:02 All the way down the line...
30:04 Not incomprehensible ages.
30:09 Not millennium following millennium
30:14 means the day, but 24-hour segments.
30:18 The evening and the morning were the day.
30:24 I read that in the far north scientists
30:30 have found the remains of luxurious tropical gardens.
30:34 What in the world?
30:37 Today there's nothing but extreme cold.
30:42 Ice and snow everywhere.
30:44 Something must have happened.
30:47 Well something did... it's called The Flood.
30:51 And that's why... Dr. Justice told me that's why every time
30:56 you buy a globe it's tilted.
30:59 Off kilter. Off perpendicular.
31:04 When that terrible tsunami struck Japan, they announced
31:08 after a day that it had been moved 8 degrees.
31:11 Now I didn't catch it all
31:13 but here the capricious act of nature
31:18 affects an entire globe.
31:24 Extreme. Eight degrees off normal.
31:29 God divided the waters and set the bounds thereof.
31:34 Of course, He made the sun, the moon, and the stars.
31:36 All of this He called good.
31:39 And while scientists today create conundrums
31:43 God did His work perfectly -
31:49 I said perfectly. Amen!
31:54 I heard quite a scientific argument not long ago.
31:58 Joshua was fighting and needed time, so God
32:02 held up the coming of evening for Joshua.
32:06 "Ah, " said the critics, "how could that be?
32:10 You can't just drop time out of time.
32:13 You've got to make it up somewhere. "
32:16 Well I read later on that there was a king
32:19 who was told he was going to die.
32:22 And God heard his prayer and extended his life 15 years.
32:26 And like most of us he wanted a sign.
32:30 So the prophet told him to go out into the yard
32:33 and look at the sundial of Ahaz.
32:35 And when you look at it, God will move the shadow
32:39 forward or backward at your discretion.
32:41 God is willing to do whatever it takes
32:44 to establish faith! Amen.
32:47 And so when he looked at it
32:49 he said: "Oh, no, no, no. Optical illusion.
32:53 If the thing moves forward, it's headed that way anyhow.
32:57 I might be fooled. I want it to go backward. "
32:59 And God moved it backward by ten degrees,
33:02 and ten degrees is about a day.
33:06 So there was the time that the critics were all upset about.
33:12 God gave it right back in the days of Hezekiah.
33:18 Day six: land animals...
33:21 created to reproduce after their kind.
33:27 When you get into evolution and ignorance
33:32 you believe anything.
33:36 There are some with such extreme racial ideas
33:39 that you wonder is there any hope for them...
33:43 for that person.
33:45 I have had people speak of certain peoples
33:50 are the result of amalgamation between man and beast.
33:54 God said "they will reproduce after their kind. "
33:58 And to suggest anything else is to accuse God
34:02 and to suggest biological impossibilities.
34:06 It cannot be.
34:10 And then God said:
34:12 "Let Us make man
34:17 in Our image.
34:20 Let's give him preeminence over everything else.
34:26 We'll make him life Us. "
34:28 The Lord's servant says: "Akin to his Maker. "
34:31 And when God had fashioned him He breathed into his nostrils
34:37 the breath of life and man became... became. "
34:41 Didn't say man was given or man had.
34:43 He became. The soul wasn't a little extra being
34:48 sitting on his shoulder
34:49 dictating the course he should take.
34:52 He became a soul... that's what he was.
34:55 He became a living soul by the will of God.
35:01 Male and female... denoting not just difference in sex
35:06 but duality of sex.
35:09 God's plan. And He said to Adam:
35:12 "You may utilize for food and aesthetics
35:16 everything that you see.
35:18 The beautiful trees of the garden, the fruits
35:22 of the trees. " I find it amazing that Satan
35:27 got Eve so easily off kilter.
35:32 He began to talk about that tree.
35:36 "Hath not God said you shouldn't eat? "
35:38 I'm going to stop there deliberately
35:41 because that's the way Satan comes with his extreme ideas.
35:45 "Didn't God say you shouldn't eat of these? " "Oh, no"
35:48 said Eve, running to God's defense.
35:50 I want to tell you God doesn't need a defense.
35:52 He needs a witness.
35:54 Amen.
35:55 "God never said that.
35:57 What He did say was there is one tree in the midst of
36:00 the garden is forbidden
36:02 and the day we eat thereof we'll surely die. "
36:04 "Ah-ha, " said the devil.
36:06 "Well if God had forbidden it because He knows
36:10 the day you eat of it you'll be like Him
36:13 knowing good and evil.
36:16 You're going to be little gods down here
36:19 in the Garden of Eden. "
36:21 You read the sad story, and the Bible says
36:24 when Eve saw that the fruit was pleasant to the eyes.
36:29 Now let me say something profound.
36:32 And remember... profundity is simplicity...
36:37 let me tell you something profound.
36:40 That tree not only bore fruit that was pleasant to the eyes
36:46 but every other tree had fruit pleasant to the eyes.
36:53 We have to be determined Satan is not going to take us
36:56 so easily.
37:01 And the sadness that emanates from that mistake
37:05 is with us to this very day.
37:08 But way back on day six
37:12 God looked at all that He had made including Adam and Eve
37:17 and pronounced it very good.
37:21 And the shadows were bending hard toward the east
37:27 and the sun was westerning
37:31 on the first sixth day of creation week.
37:38 Chapter 2 verse 1.
37:44 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished
37:48 and all the host of them
37:52 and on the seventh day... "
37:55 I always like to look at words.
37:58 You don't have an indefinite article
38:03 "a, " you have a definite article "the. "
38:06 "And on THE seventh day... " Not "a" seventh day
38:12 of your... any day of your choosing...
38:15 but on "THE seventh day God ended His work
38:18 which He had created and made. "
38:21 Remember that definition of Sabbath? STOP!
38:25 God has finished it now and He stops.
38:28 "And on the seventh day God ended His work. "
38:34 And God rested, and God blessed it,
38:39 and God sanctified it or hallowed it...
38:44 which means He set it apart
38:46 for special sacred use.
38:51 That was the beginning of the Sabbath.
38:55 And I thought it important to start right there
38:59 and answer some questions.
39:02 Did God rest because He was tired?
39:06 No, no. The Bible tells us He neither slumbers nor sleeps.
39:11 To suggest exhaustion, fatigue, would be incredible on our part.
39:17 It was simply a rhythm being established in the beginning.
39:22 One, two, three, four, five, six, STOP!
39:26 One, two, three, four, five, six, STOP!
39:32 A rhythm of life.
39:36 A rhythm for life.
39:41 And if man had always remembered the Sabbath
39:47 there would never be an atheist. Amen.
39:51 Never an idol worshiper. Amen.
39:54 Never an agnostic.
39:56 Never a deist.
39:59 Never a Communist.
40:03 Not one in all the earth if man had remembered
40:08 one, two, three, four, five, six, STOP!
40:18 I can't go too much further in that direction.
40:21 Don't want to preempt anything that I expect this afternoon,
40:25 but the point is if man had remembered that
40:30 we'd all be one.
40:33 Amen.
40:34 And we'd all worship God in the same way.
40:39 Once every week we celebrate His creatorship
40:45 and His deity.
40:48 His God-hood.
40:51 Every week.
40:53 One, two, three, four, five, six, STOP!
40:59 and consider God.
41:03 Wise man said: "Remember now thy Creator
41:06 in the days of thy youth. "
41:08 I have a translation that says
41:10 "Remember now thy Creator before you get any older
41:15 or while you are as young as you are. "
41:20 It's time to line up with God and stop looking for excuses
41:27 to live in disobedience.
41:29 God set this up when? In the beginning.
41:34 Who did it? God... and not Moses.
41:37 Amen.
41:41 Isn't that clear? Amen.
41:43 That's so clear even I understand it.
41:46 God did it. Why did He do it?
41:49 As a sign between Himself and His creatures
41:54 that He is recognized as the God who in six days
41:59 created the heavens and the earth.
42:01 He is, therefore, the only true God.
42:04 There is no God beside Him!
42:08 And Sabbath keeping is to store that in our heads
42:12 and keep it front and center
42:15 as we go through life's six days shalt thou labor
42:19 but on the seventh day STOP!
42:22 while you're as young as you are
42:25 and contemplate God.
42:30 He gives us a reason for observance.
42:33 The reason is found in the commandment itself.
42:37 When you read it, it goes into these words:
42:41 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. "
42:42 But then it goes into these words:
42:44 "For... " Here's why.
42:46 "For in six days
42:49 the Lord created the heavens and the earth, the sea, and
42:52 all that in them is AND RESTED... "
42:55 He wasn't tired.
42:57 He was setting a divine precedent.
42:59 "He rested on the seventh day. "
43:02 He blessed it - not just the rest -
43:06 and set an example for mankind.
43:08 But He blessed it.
43:11 Nowhere do read He ever did that to another day.
43:17 Nowhere.
43:19 It never happened.
43:22 And then He sanctified it
43:24 meaning He took it and set it apart for sacred use.
43:28 That's why we keep the Sabbath.
43:32 It is a sign between our souls and God
43:36 that He is the true God
43:38 and we are willing to listen to Him above all others.
43:43 We are willing to pay attention when He wants our attention.
43:49 We are willing to go where He wants us to go
43:51 and do what He wants us to do.
43:55 And it's a sign between us.
43:58 Now, I was once young,
44:02 and in my late 20's I got an invitation to speak
44:08 at General Conference session.
44:11 What? General Conference session.
44:15 Now I pastored a big church
44:18 and I have spoken to large crowds,
44:22 but they told me then to expect between 35 and 40 thousand
44:27 in the audience.
44:29 Now that's heavy
44:32 and unless you are made of steel
44:34 it's going to affect you a little.
44:37 And that precious wife of mine came back
44:41 to bring assurance. And she said to me: "Honey,
44:46 when you come out on the rostrum
44:49 and this host is seated before you
44:52 I want you to find me. I'm going to try to be in the front area.
44:55 When you do and our eyes meet
45:01 I'm going to wink like that.
45:05 That means I'm praying for you,
45:08 God is here, and everything will be all right. "
45:12 Amen.
45:14 So I walked out on that stage
45:16 and it had its effect... they were everywhere.
45:19 All of these people... but I'm not looking for them.
45:23 I sat in my chair and I tried to be real cool about it.
45:27 I turned this way and I looked and then I cast my eyes
45:33 into the center and then another center row, and I saw her!
45:37 And she saw me and she winked.
45:41 Now that was a sign between herself and me.
45:47 Amen! Didn't mean a thing to anybody else.
45:53 Another person watching her wink would have thought she simply
45:56 got something in her eye.
45:59 Or even worse, maybe she was flirting.
46:05 But I want to tell you, it meant something to me
46:08 and it had the effect of settling me right down.
46:11 And the Lord was there that night.
46:16 It's a sign between Me and thee.
46:20 If you want to seek some good company in Sabbath keeping,
46:24 start with Adam and Eve.
46:26 They lived almost 1,000 years.
46:30 Then you've got Abel and Seth. Methuselah lived the longest.
46:39 He kept Sabbath.
46:42 Then there was Noah.
46:45 Abraham. I made a mistake.
46:48 I don't know if you caught it or not, but I just made it
46:50 and immediately I became conscious of it.
46:52 I said Methuselah lived the longest.
46:55 Isn't that what you thought?
46:57 That's not true.
47:00 Methuselah was the oldest man that ever died.
47:04 His Daddy was the oldest man that ever lived
47:07 'cause he's still living! Amen.
47:09 He was translated without seeing death.
47:13 But that isn't my point. These men kept the Sabbath,
47:16 and every Sabbath day they contemplated the true
47:20 and living God who in six days
47:23 created the heavens and the earth. Amen!
47:28 Abraham and Isaac
47:33 and Jacob.
47:35 And Jacob's sons were slaves in Egypt.
47:41 I know something about slavery,
47:44 and I like to see people's foreheads wrinkle
47:47 when I tell them my people were never slaves...
47:51 they were enslaved.
47:55 And that is a comment on the wicked people who did it.
48:02 Four hundred years enslaved... in bondage.
48:06 And while they were there in bondage, bondage became cruel.
48:14 No respect; no love.
48:17 Especially no respect for your religion.
48:20 As a matter of fact, the Egyptians thought
48:22 that's part of what tees us off.
48:27 And so they forbade the Jews
48:30 to keep Sabbath.
48:32 Had to keep on working.
48:35 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
48:38 One, two... And it went on for so long
48:42 that when God sent Moses down...
48:44 I want you to catch this. Moses went in before Pharaoh
48:47 and said: "Thus saith the Lord:
48:49 let My people go
48:51 that they might worship Me in the desert. "
48:52 And Pharaoh looked at Moses incredulously
48:57 and said: "Who is God?
49:00 Or who does He think He is? "
49:03 But you know what? The Jews asked the same question.
49:08 When Moses went to them they wanted to know
49:10 "Well who is the God that said you were going to deliver us? "
49:15 And Moses had to unload: "I AM
49:19 is the God who sent me for you. "
49:22 If you stop keeping the Sabbath, you forget God.
49:29 You might call on His name;
49:30 you might put up a front; you might do a lot of things...
49:34 but you forget God. And that's why Sabbath is important.
49:39 That's why I teach the Sabbath the way I do.
49:44 And one of the main excuses you get is:
49:48 "the Sabbath is Jewish. "
49:51 I just told you:
49:54 one, two, three, four, five, six...
50:00 and He made man and woman.
50:04 If you understand that, say "Amen. "
50:06 Amen! Now that's simple, isn't it?
50:08 Amen. And I want to ask you a serious question:
50:11 when God the next day created the Sabbath
50:17 how many Jews were in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve?
50:26 There were only two people alive: Adam and Eve!
50:31 2,300 years later
50:34 would come Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Jews.
50:39 Two thousand plus years!
50:42 You've got to get past the patriarchal age.
50:45 You've got to get past Noah
50:47 and the re-population of the earth.
50:49 You've got to get all the way down to Abraham...
50:54 sometimes called a Jew.
50:56 But Israel was a name given to Jacob,
51:00 and his sons became the Jews.
51:07 Confusion?
51:10 A famous television personality said the other day
51:15 to everybody listening: "There are those who say
51:18 that we should keep Saturday holy. "
51:22 Now he's talking to his own congregation.
51:25 And he said: "I want to make an announcement. "
51:27 Not the same words, but then...
51:29 He said: "I keep Saturday holy. "
51:33 And everything got quiet.
51:35 Now they're shaking. Wonder?
51:39 He said: "I keep Saturday holy"
51:42 and he paused
51:45 "and Sunday and Monday
51:51 and Tuesday. " When he got to Wednesday
51:56 everybody relaxed.
52:00 That isn't what God told us to do.
52:03 Amen. He said: "Remember THE seventh day.
52:08 Keep IT... " Just one... "Keep IT holy.
52:13 That'll be a sign between us that I am your God. "
52:18 He was not at all interested in confusing us.
52:25 Now there are some lazy people who would have loved
52:27 what the minister said on TV.
52:29 They don't want to work any day.
52:34 What they'd rather do is live off somebody else
52:39 or steal or rob or sell drugs.
52:42 There are people who have an aversion to working.
52:46 God finished His work.
52:49 Work is good for us. Amen.
52:52 He did it in six days
52:54 and then on the seventh He told us to keep it holy.
52:58 Now I need to add a thing or two
53:00 and I'm watching my time.
53:02 And the thing I want to add right now is
53:04 you don't keep Sabbath the way people keep Sunday.
53:07 You can go to church on Sunday
53:09 and you can sit there watching your watch while the preacher
53:13 preaches too long. And as soon as you get out
53:15 you can go watch the NFL or baseball
53:19 or you can watch soccer or you can go swimming
53:23 or you can cook dinner.
53:30 When God was trying to get His people into rhythm
53:34 with the manna metronome,
53:37 when God was trying to get them into sync,
53:41 He told them: "On Friday gather enough manna
53:44 for Sabbath. It will not spoil.
53:47 And seethe that which you... or boil
53:50 that which you must boil. Stew... but do it on the
53:54 Preparation Day. "
53:57 Sabbath is not kept the way people keep Sunday.
54:00 And I want to tell you something
54:02 and I hope you will understand me,
54:04 Sabbath is not a holiday.
54:07 Amen. It is a HOLY DAY!
54:10 And the Bible says it is to be a day of convocation.
54:15 What does that mean? It means a day to gather together
54:19 with those of like precious faith and worship together.
54:23 And the Bible says: "So much the more
54:26 as you see the day approaching. " Amen.
54:31 Sabbath is a day of assembly.
54:36 Sabbath to me is not a problem
54:40 it's a privilege.
54:42 Amen. Sabbath to me is not a burden.
54:46 It's a blessing. Amen. Always has been.
54:51 What? Have you thought of this?
54:54 They did a study on the West Coast and discovered
54:57 that Sabbath keepers and vegetarians
55:00 live an average of 6-10 years longer than the average
55:04 other American.
55:05 You mean Sabbath keeping helps that? Yes!
55:09 It releases tension.
55:11 You don't have to worry about those bills you don't have
55:13 enough money to pay. You can at least have a day off!
55:19 And when the tension goes out your health is improved.
55:25 And now I want to just tell you something wonderful.
55:31 It will not interfere with he who shall come after me.
55:35 And that is:
55:37 God's going to create a new heaven
55:42 and a new earth
55:44 wherein dwelleth righteousness.
55:48 We are candidates. We can live in God's new earth.
55:53 Now when we get to heaven there's no night there.
55:56 We've got a thousand years. And Ellen White says
55:59 you will neither desire nor require repose.
56:03 Won't even get sleepy up in glory.
56:08 But when the new earth comes down, there is a "resumation"
56:12 of God's original plan. And the Bible says in Isaiah
56:16 chapter 66 that "from one new moon to another... "
56:19 Moon... month... "From one new moon
56:23 to another and from one Sabbath to another
56:27 shall all flesh come to worship before Me saith the Lord. "
56:33 Amen! Somebody said to me
56:35 "How on earth can you keep the Sabbath on a round world? "
56:39 And I thought about that just as I was coming to church today.
56:42 And I thought in order to get out here
56:46 I had to leave Chicago on a train
56:49 at 4 something PM.
56:52 Now when I got aboard that train I wasn't worried about
56:56 those in Homewood and Kankakee
56:59 and Gilman and Rantoul
57:03 and Champaign and Mattoon.
57:07 If they're coming this way, they get on the train
57:10 when it reaches them.
57:11 But for me, it was Chicago.
57:18 Isn't that clear?
57:20 Let us pray. Oh, Heavenly Father,
57:23 thank you for a sweet and precious gift:
57:28 the gift of the Sabbath
57:30 and for those who accept and believe...


Revised 2014-12-17