Participants: Various artists
Series Code: 11POFCM
Program Code: 11POFCM000016
00:47 Well Danny, we have really been blessed by the Lord
00:51 this morning. Oh, we have... we have. Incredible. 00:54 Amen. And we were blessed last night 00:57 and all day yesterday. Yeah. And ever since this Camp Meeting 01:01 started the Lord has just been with us. 01:04 You know what, Jim? Last night I had a... 01:06 a man come up to me after the music program 01:10 and he said: "I was so blessed that I actually took my shoes 01:14 off 'cause I felt like I was standing on holy ground. 01:16 Amen, amen, amen. 01:18 We give God the credit for that. Amen. 01:21 For sure. The Spirit of the Lord was here in a mighty mighty way. 01:24 Camp Meeting. That's really what it's all about. 01:26 It's a renewing. Coming together as family 01:29 and renewing ourselves, rededicating ourselves to God. 01:33 And what better way to bring revival and reformation? 01:35 I mean, how can you not be encouraged 01:37 after hearing what you just heard... this sermon. 01:39 How can you not be encouraged after you are hearing 01:42 some of the music that God has put together? 01:45 Amen. And impressed people to write. 01:47 And to me this is just a wonderful time of rededication. 01:51 And we want to let the world know that we're serious. 01:53 That we believe as Seventh-day Adventists 01:56 Jesus is coming soon. Amen. 01:58 Amen. We really do. And you know, you don't just say it 02:02 you really feel it and you know that it's true 02:05 that He is coming again. 02:07 And the music last night, even though some... most of it 02:11 was really ancient music - far older than we are - 02:16 and yet it still inspires because God gave those words 02:22 to those writers and He gave that music 02:26 to continue to inspire us. 02:29 You know Danny, one of the great privileges that we have had 02:32 in this last year is getting very much - really closer - 02:37 to our General Conference president. 02:38 And he has been so supportive of this ministry. 02:42 He has reached out in a way that perhaps 02:46 no administration has ever done from the General Conference 02:49 and encompassed all of the supporting ministries 02:54 along with the regular organization. 02:58 He has put his arms around all of us 03:00 pulling us together to promote Jesus Christ around the world. 03:05 Amen! And we praise the Lord for that. 03:08 We really do. 03:09 And right now we're going to listen as he brings us 03:13 a special message. 03:16 Greetings from the General Conference headquarters 03:19 of the Seventh-day Adventist church. 03:21 The Pillars of our Faith Camp Meeting 03:23 is such a blessing to so many. 03:25 The CD's resulting from the last Camp Meeting 03:29 and the 3ABN Anniversary Celebration 03:32 are very close to my heart 03:34 as well as to the heart of my wife, Nancy. 03:37 We enjoy the music in our home and have shared it with friends. 03:41 We look forward to the new CD releases 03:44 of Pillars of our Faith. 03:46 It would be a wonderful opportunity to greet all of you 03:50 face to face and become personally acquainted with you. 03:54 But allow me to take just a moment 03:57 to share this message of appreciation 03:59 for the work that has been continuing at 3ABN 04:03 for over a quarter of a century. 04:06 I commend and congratulate the leadership, 04:09 staff, and volunteers at Three Angels' Broadcasting Network 04:14 for spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, 04:17 His three angels' messages of Revelation 14, 04:21 and pointing to His soon second coming. 04:25 You are accomplishing an effective work 04:28 in our Lord's harvest field. 04:31 The Seventh-day Adventist church is grateful 04:34 to 3ABN and like-minded supporting institutions 04:38 who work tirelessly to reach lost and suffering souls 04:42 who don't know our Savior, Jesus Christ 04:45 and also to enhance the spiritual walk of fellow 04:49 Seventh-day Adventists 04:51 and Christians of other denominations the world over. 04:54 Our church is experiencing unprecedented growth. 04:59 I believe that it is in part due to media outlets 05:04 like 3ABN, Hope Channel, LLBN, and other supporting networks 05:10 which serve as evangelists for the church 05:14 on a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week basis. 05:17 As you know, the Seventh-day Adventist church 05:20 is seeking and praying for world-wide revival 05:25 and reformation through the power of the Holy Spirit 05:28 to accomplish God's great evangelistic mission 05:31 to this world. Uplifting the pillars of our Christian faith 05:36 is an important part of that effort. 05:39 My prayer is that the Spirit of the Lord 05:43 will move in a mighty way during your encampment 05:46 and that you will be revived 05:49 to have a closer walk with the Lord, 05:51 changed more and more into the likeness of Christ, 05:55 and energized to work with increased zeal for the Lord 06:00 all through the mighty power of our Redeemer, Savior, 06:04 and best friend, Jesus Christ. 06:07 Working together, we can hasten the day 06:11 when we shall see Christ coming in the clouds of glory. 06:15 Please know that our prayers are with you. 06:18 We also entreat you to remember us 06:21 as you boldly approach God's throne of grace. 06:24 Today more than ever we need to pray for the power 06:29 of the Holy Spirit to work in our lives 06:32 and to grant us heavenly wisdom. 06:35 In a world filled with uncertainty, may you cling 06:39 to the pillars of our faith that are all anchored 06:43 in God's Word, the Bible. 06:46 May your hearts overflow with the blessed hope 06:49 of Jesus Christ's soon coming. 06:54 Thank you very much Pastor Wilson. 06:56 You know, Pastor Ted Wilson is the pastor 07:00 of nearly 20 million members around the world. 07:03 He is the lead pastor, the president of our organization 07:08 and he works tirelessly in that position. 07:13 And the real leader of our church, though, 07:16 is the Lord Jesus Christ.. Amen! This is His church 07:19 and Pastor Wilson is the first to acknowledge that. 07:23 You know Danny, I really love the Pillars music. 07:26 And there was one song, though, that I wanted so much 07:31 for you to put on that album. And I was just wondering if 07:35 maybe you might sing that for me. I would do that. 07:39 What happened is... confession is good for the soul 07:41 yet hard on the reputation. Yeah. 07:43 Jim asked me... I wrote a song about a year ago 07:46 entitled Heaven Means Home to Me. 07:48 So I recorded it, and Jim said: 07:51 "I want that on the Pillars CD album. " 07:54 So he put me in charge of the Pillars CD album. 07:57 Shows you I don't get done what I want done around here but... 08:00 Well, as I confess before the world, as I listened to the song 08:05 and the music and maybe even the way I sang it 08:08 but as I listened to it I said: "You know what? 08:11 I... I... I... There's no way that I want to put this 08:15 song with these great songs from the early Adventist leaders. " 08:19 While the Lord gives songs and I give Him credit 08:21 for this song, I just didn't feel like that it 08:23 fit in with the rest of it. On a separate album, 08:26 stand alone, it's fine. But on that particular one 08:29 I said: "You know what... " So I didn't tell him 08:31 till I just handed him the finished CD and 08:33 it wasn't on there. And so... 08:37 Hope you'll understand. 08:38 And I'm not taking away from what God does. 08:40 And I think He gives a lot of writers great songs. 08:43 That song "In Christ Alone" Yvonne sang... 08:46 that's a newer song. But I just didn't feel like it 08:48 really fit in with this Pillars. 08:50 But maybe it'll fit in here today. All right. 08:53 Heaven Means Home to Me. 09:15 I'm longing for a place 09:19 I've never been. 09:23 But it's a place 09:26 that I call my home. 09:33 Where the Son is the light 09:38 in the midst of the night. 09:43 Heaven means home 09:47 to me. 09:52 Heaven means home 09:56 to me. 10:01 Where Jesus is 10:06 I want to be. 10:09 There's no dying up there; 10:14 this old earth can't compare. 10:19 That's why heaven 10:22 means home to me. 10:38 I've heard of a beautiful city 10:44 above 10:46 with streets that are paved with 10:51 pure gold. 10:57 But my eyes are fixed 11:01 on Jesus my King... 11:05 that's why heaven means home 11:10 to me. 11:15 Heaven means home 11:19 to me. 11:24 Where Jesus is 11:29 I want to be. 11:32 There's no dying up there; 11:37 this old earth can't compare. 11:42 That's why heaven 11:45 means home to me. 11:51 What a day that will be - sing it with me - 11:56 when my Jesus I shall see. 12:00 And I look upon His face 12:04 the One who saved me by His grace. 12:09 When He takes me by the hand 12:14 and leads me through the Promised Land... 12:19 what a day, glorious day, 12:23 that will be. 12:29 There's no dying up there; 12:32 this old earth can't compare. 12:37 That's why heaven 12:41 means home to me. 12:53 Amen. 12:57 I'd like to invite Reggie and Ladye Love Smith out. 13:01 The song... I'll go back just a second while they're coming out. 13:04 And I'm sorry about my voice. I've really got this cold thing 13:07 going but hopefully you heard the words. 13:10 And it impressed me one night. I was sitting with the guitar 13:12 and I said, you know: "Wouldn't it? The world would have no idea 13:16 of what you're talking about. " Because the thought came to me 13:19 I'm longing for a place I've never been 13:22 yet it's a place I call home. 13:25 So in the world you'd say: "Now how can you long for a place 13:28 you've never been and yet it's a place you call home? " 13:31 So that song came to me: Heaven Means Home to Me. 13:34 I'm so thankful that Reggie and Ladye Love Smith are here. 13:37 And come on up guys... and girls. 13:39 And these are some of the most incredible people 13:43 I've ever had the privilege of meeting in my life. 13:45 They're wonderful people. Amen. 13:49 We have... we have such a wonderful time together. 13:52 And you can't be down if you're around Reggie and Ladye Love. 13:55 I don't care what you're going through, you will be up; 13:59 you'll be happy; you'll be excited and you'll be laughing. 14:02 And maybe that's part what's wrong with my voice: 14:04 we laugh too much together. 14:06 But I do notice it doesn't affect you guys. Oh, no. 14:09 For sure. But Reggie and Ladye Love have sung around 14:12 the world, and we're just so honored to have met them 14:15 a number of years ago. Many of you have seen them on 14:17 the Gaithers. They're the ones who sang the Pillars I 14:21 project for us. I mentioned last night 14:23 Reggie sang "I Have Fixed My Mind" at the GC session. 14:26 I'm hoping you will do that again today some time, 14:28 all right? Or tonight? OK. 14:30 Great. What are you going to sing for us now? 14:32 You Raise Me Up. 14:34 All right. I saw this... You guys were in Canada 14:37 I think with the Gaithers. Toronto. Toronto. 14:39 We had a huge crowd. And one night I turned on the television 14:42 and I said: "Hey, there's my friends. " And when you guys 14:45 sang this I said: "That is just a wonderful song. 14:49 I'm so blessed. " And so we've asked you to sing it today: 14:51 "You Raise Me Up. " 15:13 When I am down 15:16 and, oh my soul, so weary; 15:21 When troubles come 15:25 and my heart burdened be; 15:31 Then, I am still and wait here 15:36 in the silence; 15:38 Until you come 15:42 and sit awhile with me. 15:48 You raise me up, 15:51 so I can stand on mountains; 15:56 You raise me up, 16:00 to walk on stormy seas; 16:07 And I am strong, 16:09 when I am on your shoulders; 16:16 You raise me up, 16:19 to more than I can be. 16:42 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. 16:58 You raise me up, 17:01 so I can stand on mountains; 17:06 You raise me up, 17:09 to walk on stormy seas; 17:14 And I... I am strong 17:18 when I am on your shoulders; 17:23 You raise me up, 17:26 to more than I can be. 17:36 There is no life - 17:39 no life without its hunger; 17:44 Each restless heart 17:46 beats so imperfectly; 17:51 But then you come 17:55 and I am filled with wonder, 18:01 Sometimes I think 18:03 I glimpse eternity. 18:07 You raise me up, 18:11 so I can stand on mountains; 18:16 You raise me up, 18:19 to walk on stormy seas; 18:23 And I am strong 18:27 when I am on your shoulders; 18:33 You raise me up, 18:37 to more than I can be. 18:43 Lord, you raise me up 18:51 to more than I can 19:00 be. 19:12 Amen. Thank you; thank you. 19:16 All right. Ooh... Boy, that gives me chills. 19:21 I don't know about you. 19:23 What a song: "You Raise Me Up. " 19:25 I'm going to invite my sister Tammy Chance to come out now. 19:28 And we'll see what she's going to sing for us. 19:31 I kind of switched them up. 19:33 I told you everyone planned on doing some of the songs 19:35 we did last night. And I said: "You know what? 19:36 After last night let's leave that alone. " 19:38 So I said: "Pick out something here. " 19:40 So I've kind of put everybody on the spot, but... 19:43 Tammy, what are you going to sing for us today? 19:46 "Healing in This House. " 19:47 I just wondered how come I have to go on after them? 19:49 You... you can't beat that. 19:53 Well, it's just about... 19:54 it's maybe a little worse than going on before them. 19:58 Because after... so it's really not much difference. 20:01 At least we didn't do it to our guests, right? 20:03 That's true... that's true. But you know, here's a good 20:05 thing, and I want to say this seriously. 20:07 Sometimes we spend a lot of time and we are not... 20:11 really, we don't want to uplift man. 20:12 But what I uplift is God and the gift that He gives people. 20:16 And when I see people humble enough to use gifts 20:19 like these folks, they're in a class by themselves. 20:21 They're in a world by themselves 20:22 as far as talented people like them and Yvonne and others, 20:26 but it's not always about talent. It's about an anointing. 20:30 And these folk have an anointing and a gift. 20:32 But I've heard people who communicate 20:34 who maybe don't sing that well. But if you can communicate 20:38 the gospel from here to there, 20:40 and God has appointed you to do it, 20:43 then it's going to bless somebody. 20:44 Amen. And I remember that I mentioned last night 20:48 Owen Bradley was a great record producer in Nashville. 20:51 He brought country music to... made Nashville the country music 20:55 city that it is, capital that it is. 20:58 Bobby, our engineer here... it's his uncle. 21:00 And he said to me once: "It's not about singing. " 21:03 And I said: "How do you pick out all of these folks? " 21:05 And a lot of them, frankly, couldn't sing that well... 21:08 some of these country folk. Sorry, I'm not saying any names. 21:10 But way back they weren't what you would call... 21:12 Musically they might have not made their church choir. 21:15 They may not have made... You know what I'm saying. 21:17 But they went on to be what the world calls "stars. " 21:20 And he said: "It's because they know how to communicate 21:23 their message. " And we, as Seventh-day Adventist Christians 21:27 should know how to communicate the message that 21:30 we say that we believe into the hearts and lives of people. 21:34 And the best way that we can do that is to show it 21:36 in our own lives. So Tammy, I'm thankful for you 21:40 for the gift that you have. You do have the gift of music 21:42 and I look forward to hearing this. Thank you. 22:05 When I walked into the room 22:09 my heart was heavy. 22:14 I had struggled just to make it through 22:19 the day. 22:25 Suddenly I felt 22:27 an awesome reverence 22:33 and the pain inside 22:35 began to slip away. 22:43 Right away I knew something happened. 22:51 Was reflected in expressions on 22:56 each face. 23:01 Taken by surprise 23:05 I felt His presence 23:10 and I knew that this would be 23:13 a holy place. 23:19 There is healing in this house; 23:24 there is healing in this house. 23:28 Manifested peace to calm 23:33 your troubled heart with healing balm. 23:38 There is healing in this house. 23:42 Restoration in this place; 23:47 there is mercy, there is grace. 23:52 All ye heavy laden, come. 23:57 Bring your burdens one by one. 24:01 Lay them here where they belong. 24:05 There is healing in this house. 24:13 If you're heavy laden, 24:17 there is peace for troubled times. 24:25 Ah, ah, a-ah-ah. 24:29 There is 24:32 healing in this house. 24:36 There is healing in this house. 24:41 Manifested peace to calm 24:45 your troubled heart with healing balm. 24:50 There is healing in this house. 24:54 Restoration in this place; 24:59 there is mercy, there is grace. 25:04 All ye heavy laden, come. 25:09 Bring your burdens one by one. 25:14 Leave them here where they belong. 25:18 There is healing in this house. 25:29 There is healing in 25:37 this house. 25:46 Mmm-hmmm. 25:55 Amen! 26:02 Doesn't matter when you go, it matters who you sing about. 26:05 Can you say amen? Amen. Thank you, Tammy, 26:07 for that wonderful song: There is Healing in this House. 26:10 After being here in Thompsonville for eight years 26:14 my wife and I are still getting used to some of the things 26:16 are different than being in the city... 26:19 like power outages. 26:22 It could be a perfectly clear day and the power would go off 26:24 at our home, and sometimes it happens in the middle of 26:27 a sermon. That is one of the most frustrating things. 26:31 So what I've done is in my program I've set my 26:35 word processor to save every minute 26:40 a back-up of what I'm working on. 26:43 You know, you only have to lose a good sermon 26:46 two or three times before you have to learn a way 26:48 not to lose it again. 26:51 The power outages come when we don't expect them. 26:55 And we call the company and they say: "Well, we... 26:56 we're working on a transformer. We thought everybody would be 27:01 at work. " I said: "I am at work. " 27:03 And, um, there are no notices when the power outage 27:08 is going to come. And that's how it is sometimes 27:11 in our Christian lives. You're working, getting 27:13 everything together. It seems like your whole life is 27:15 coming together and all of a sudden there's a power outage 27:18 in your life. And you've got to pick up all the broken pieces 27:21 and begin to start constructing your life from the very 27:24 beginning. What's good about that, though, is 27:27 whenever there's a power outage in our lives, the Lord 27:29 allows us to begin again. Can you say "Amen" to that? 27:32 So I want to encourage you this morning that if 27:34 there is a power outage in your life and you are in the 27:37 midst of reconstructing your life to get back to 27:39 where you know you will be in your strength 27:42 in your walk with Christ. I hope this song encourages you 27:45 that God allows us all to begin again. 28:03 I can still remember 28:08 when I made my sacred vows. 28:13 I gave the Lord my heart 28:18 and our home. 28:24 But lately we're so busy 28:29 it's changing us somehow. 28:34 I wonder if that's why 28:38 we feel alone? 28:43 Let's begin again. 28:49 Trusting Him 28:51 and not our feelings. 28:56 Let's leave the loneliness 29:00 behind. 29:04 Take His hand and there 29:09 we will find a new beginning. 29:15 Let's begin again... 29:19 while there's still time. 29:32 Jesus made a promise 29:36 if two of us agree 29:42 the Father up above 29:45 would hear our prayer. 29:52 For He is still the Healer 29:57 of hurting families. 30:03 And there is hope as long as He is 30:08 there. 30:11 So let's begin again. 30:16 Trusting Him and not our feelings. 30:24 Let's leave the loneliness 30:27 behind. 30:32 Take His hand and there 30:37 we will find a new beginning. 30:42 Let's begin again... 30:47 while there's still time. 30:58 Let's begin again. 31:03 Trusting God and not our feelings. 31:10 Let's leave the loneliness 31:14 behind. 31:19 Take His hand and then 31:24 we will find a new beginning. 31:29 So let's begin again... 31:34 while there's still 31:38 time. 31:42 Let's begin again. 31:51 Amen. 31:55 Thank you, Pastor. John is not only gifted musically 32:00 but he's a wonderful pastor. 32:02 Uh, he's just a wonderful person to know. 32:06 And as I mentioned last night, he is a brother to me 32:09 and I appreciate and respect him tremendously. 32:11 And I have my little daughter Melody here. Hi, Melody. 32:14 How you doing, honey? You look pretty this morning. 32:17 And... So do you. Oh, really? 32:22 Now that's embarrassing. 32:25 I don't get embarrassed very often, but... 32:27 since I've looked in the mirror already, 32:30 that's embarrassing. 32:31 OK. But I want people to know that I love you 32:34 and appreciate you. Thank you for all the babies 32:37 that... They're so much fun and I love every one of them! 32:41 You've got eight of them, and the littlest one, 32:44 baby Faith. And just this morning I was 32:47 looking for something to wear. 32:49 Somebody said: "You should have kept looking. " 32:50 I was looking for something to wear 32:53 and I found this little note in the closet 32:56 that was on a little dresser in the closet. 32:58 And I opened it up and it said: "Dear Papa, " 33:01 It said: "You and me have been so close since the time 33:04 I was first born and I've always loved you. 33:07 And any time I go through something that's hard for me 33:11 just talking to you makes it go away. 33:14 I love you very much. Haley Kay. " 33:16 That will get to you, folks, when your grandchildren 33:20 will do that to you. So I was in the closet by myself 33:23 crying this morning when I read that 'cause 33:25 she had written that two or three years ago. 33:27 But that's all right. So I love these babies 33:30 and I love you and thank you for what you do 33:32 for the cause of God. 33:34 And we named Melody when she was born 33:37 and we thought she was going to be a boy at that time. 33:39 They said you go by the heart beat. 33:41 When we found out it was a girl we didn't have a name. 33:43 So I asked her mother: "What shall we name her? " 33:45 She said: "Let's pray about it. " The next morning she 33:47 said: "Let's name her Melody Dawn. " 33:49 That's DAWN as the dawn of new music 33:52 in the Shelton home. 33:53 So we dedicated her to the Lord when she was 6 years old, 33:56 and God has given her a musical gift 33:59 and a heart for Jesus. Thank you, Melody. 34:20 In the beginning 34:25 of creation 34:30 when the world was formed 34:37 though God in His splendor 34:42 this world He had rendered 34:47 still the best was yet to come. 34:55 God's 34:59 greatest glory - 35:03 the world's 35:08 love story - 35:11 written just for me: 35:21 Jesus 35:25 is God's 35:29 greatest glory. 35:46 From His birth in a manger 35:51 to His death on Cal'vry 35:56 He fulfilled the Father's plan. 36:04 Jesus Christ 36:09 the sacrifice 36:13 giving hope 36:16 to every man. 36:21 God's 36:25 greatest glory - 36:29 the world's 36:33 love story - 36:37 written just for me: 36:46 Jesus 36:51 is God's 36:55 greatest glory. 37:04 Jesus 37:08 is God's 37:12 greatest glory. 37:33 As we look back over our lives, I think we all have 37:37 stuff that we are proud of 37:40 and stuff that we are not so proud of. 37:44 And thank God, He's a forgiving God. 37:47 I gave my heart to the Lord at age 10... 37:50 was baptized at age 11. 37:52 'Round about age 14 I went through what we call 37:55 the wilderness years. You know, those wilderness years. 37:58 And I got into this thing where I was ashamed. 38:01 I used to get a ride to church with the family across 38:04 the street and they went on vacation. 38:06 And I was going to church one Sabbath... had to take the bus. 38:11 And I realized going on Sabbath morning I had to 38:15 pass the fellows. You know, the guys on the block. 38:18 And I didn't want the guys to see me carrying my Bible. 38:21 You know, carrying your Bible... 38:23 Guys watching you carry your Bible. 38:26 So I put my Bible in a paper bag, 38:30 got on the bus, and went to church. 38:33 Did you ever go to church and from the time you get there 38:35 it's like the Lord is just laying the lumber to you? 38:38 You know, the sermon, the song, everything was just... just 38:42 hittin' you up the side of the head. 38:44 And the Lord told me in a very marked way that day 38:48 "If you're going to be ashamed of Me, 38:50 I'm going to be ashamed of you. " 38:53 So the Bible came out of the bag and has never gone back. 38:58 Amen. 39:00 I'm not ashamed of the gospel. 39:03 Our job is to tell the world that we are Christians 39:08 and not be ashamed to bear His name. 39:11 Amen? Amen. 39:29 I'll tell the world 39:33 that I'm a Christian 39:37 I'm not ashamed 39:40 His name to bear; 39:44 I'll tell the world 39:48 that I'm a Christian 39:51 I'll take Him with me 39:55 everywhere. 39:58 I'll tell the world 40:02 how Jesus saved me, 40:05 And how He gave me 40:09 a life brand new; 40:14 And I know 40:16 that if you trust Him 40:20 That all He gave me 40:23 He'll give to you. 40:30 I'll tell the world 40:34 that He's my Savior, 40:38 No other one 40:41 could love me so; 40:45 My life, my all 40:48 is His forever, 40:52 And where He leads me 40:56 I will go. 41:03 I'll tell the world 41:06 Jesus is coming, 41:10 And it may be near 41:13 or far, far away; 41:17 But we've got to live 41:21 as if His coming 41:24 Could be tomorrow 41:28 or today. 41:31 For when He comes 41:35 and life is over, 41:38 For those who love Him 41:42 there's more to be; 41:47 Eyes have never seen 41:50 the wonders 41:53 That He's preparing 41:56 for you and me. 42:03 Go tell the world 42:07 that you're a Christian 42:11 Don't be ashamed 42:14 His name to bear; 42:18 Just tell the world 42:21 that you are a Christian, 42:25 And take Him with you 42:29 everywhere. 42:34 I'll tell the world 42:40 how Jesus saved me 42:43 And how He gave me 42:47 a life brand new; 42:51 And I know 42:54 that if you'll trust Him 42:57 That all He gave to me 43:01 He'll give to you. 43:08 I'll tell the world 43:11 that I'm a Christian 43:15 I'm not ashamed 43:19 His name to bear; 43:22 I'll tell the world 43:26 that I'm a Christian 43:29 I'll take Him with me 43:33 anywhere. 43:36 I'll take Him with me 43:40 anywhere. 43:53 Amen. 43:58 I'm asking Reggie to come on back out. 44:02 This is a Christian. 44:04 And he's a good man and he's a good friend. 44:07 He loves the Lord and we love him. 44:36 If I lose it all tomorrow. 44:43 If there's nothing I can do. 44:50 If I have one breath 44:54 of life in me, 44:58 I will still trust in You. 45:05 If my dearest friends 45:10 forsake me. 45:12 If my heart is torn in two. 45:20 If I'm left alone 45:23 to face this world, 45:28 I will still trust in You. 45:34 Let the mountain crumble; 45:38 the sea turn to dust. 45:42 Let the sun and the stars fade from view. 45:49 Let the world say I'm foolish 45:53 but still I will trust 45:57 for Father You've proven 46:00 You're forever faithful 46:06 and true... 46:09 so I will still trust 46:13 in You. 46:22 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. 46:26 When my days on earth 46:31 have ended 46:34 and my struggle here 46:37 is through. 46:41 When I slip into 46:44 what lies beyond 46:49 Lord, I will trust in You. 46:57 I will trust Him, 47:01 I will trust Him, 47:05 Trust the Lamb that reigns on high! 47:11 Let the mountains crumble; 47:16 the seas turn to dust. 47:20 Let the sun and the stars fade from view. 47:27 Let the world say I'm foolish 47:31 but still I will trust 47:35 for Father You've proven 47:38 You're forever faithful... 47:42 Lord, You're faithful and true. 47:47 I will still trust 47:50 in You... 47:55 Father, I'll trust 48:05 in You. 51:42 Amen! Thank you, Tim. 51:49 Well, what we're going to do. We have just a few minutes, 51:51 and you've heard us sing... 51:52 so we kind of wanted to hear you sing a little bit. 51:55 Is that fair enough? Amen. 51:57 And lets' try Something About That Name. 52:01 And... that sounds like a good key. All right. 52:06 Jesus, Jesus, 52:11 Jesus. 52:15 There's just something about 52:19 that name. 52:24 Master, Savior, 52:29 Jesus. 52:33 Like the fragrance 52:35 after the rain. 52:41 Jesus, Jesus, 52:46 Jesus. 52:50 Let all heaven and earth 52:54 proclaim. 52:59 Kings and kingdoms 53:04 will all pass away... 53:08 but there's something about 53:13 that name. 53:52 Jesus, Jesus, 53:56 Jesus. 54:00 There's just something about 54:05 that name. 54:09 He's my Master and my Savior: 54:14 Jesus. 54:18 Like the fragrance 54:21 after the rain. 54:27 Jesus, Jesus, 54:32 Jesus. 54:36 Let all heaven and earth 54:40 proclaim. 54:45 Kings and kingdoms 54:49 will all pass away... 54:54 but there's something about 54:59 that name. 55:03 Amen. 55:07 There is something about the name of Jesus, isn't there? 55:10 It's just unbelievable. And when you're here, 55:15 I always feel like I'm standing on holy ground. 55:19 Amen. 55:20 Would you lead us in that song Holy Ground as we go out? 55:23 We are standing - 55:27 you can stand if you want - 55:29 on holy ground. 55:35 And I know that there 55:40 are angels 55:42 all around. 55:48 Let us praise 55:54 Jesus now. 56:00 We are standing in 56:04 His presence on holy ground. 56:09 One more time... 56:12 We are standing 56:17 on holy ground. 56:23 And I know that there 56:28 are angels 56:30 all around. 56:35 Let us praise 56:41 Jesus now. 56:47 We are standing in His presence 56:53 on holy ground. 56:59 Amen. 57:01 Heavenly Father, we thank you 57:03 that You are in our presence today. 57:07 We thank you, Father, that through the power 57:10 of the Holy Spirit we can actually experience 57:12 Your presence. And Father, today we pray 57:16 that that Spirit will reign in the heart of every single 57:19 one of us. |
Revised 2014-12-17