2011 Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting

Helping Churches Experience Revival -part2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jay Rosario


Series Code: 11POFCM

Program Code: 11POFCM000012

00:49 Hello friends and welcome once again
00:50 to 3ABN's Spring Camp Meeting 2011.
00:54 The blessings have been flowing from day to day.
00:57 The people of God are receiving strength from above.
01:00 And once again we'd like to thank you for tuning in.
01:03 For those of you who are too far away to join us
01:05 just take time right now to sit down and listen to
01:08 a powerful, Bible-centered message by Pastor Jay Rosario
01:12 who visits us from the Central California Conference.
01:16 This is part 2 in "Helping Your Church Experience Revival. "
01:19 Every one of us needs revival. Can you say Amen to that?
01:22 And you'll discover that revival cannot be sustained
01:25 without the Word and without the Holy Spirit.
01:28 But Pastor Jay Rosario will continue the trek
01:30 through the Word of God
01:31 putting the pieces together. Hoping that your desire
01:35 is to be revived by the presence and power of the Lord.
01:38 If you are within the southern Illinois area,
01:41 we'd like to invite you. We have today, tomorrow,
01:44 and we have a wonderful concert tonight... Friday evening.
01:47 The Pillars Project is going to be released... the second one
01:50 which is about Pillars hymns, and you don't want to miss that.
01:53 So come out to enjoy some wonderful, Christ-centered music
01:57 to the glory and honor of the Lord.
01:59 But right now we want to focus our minds and our hearts
02:01 on receiving what God has in store for us.
02:05 And I think it's fitting that the song that God has impressed
02:07 me to sing is one that really focuses on the
02:10 very strength and essence and foundation
02:12 of what revival is all about.
02:14 The title of that song is There Is A Savior.
02:30 There is
02:33 a Savior.
02:38 What joys expressed.
02:45 His eyes are mercy,
02:51 His word is rest.
02:57 For each
03:00 tomorrow...
03:05 for yesterday...
03:11 there is
03:14 a Savior
03:18 who lights our way.
03:27 Are there burdens in your heart?
03:31 Is your past a memory that binds you?
03:39 Is there a pain deep inside
03:43 that you've carried far too long?
03:52 Well, there's strength in your heart
03:58 with His good news.
04:04 There is a Savior
04:09 and He's forgiven you.
04:17 There is
04:20 a Savior.
04:24 What joys expressed.
04:31 His eyes are mercy,
04:37 His word brings rest.
04:44 For each
04:47 tomorrow...
04:51 for yesterday...
04:57 there is a Savior
05:04 who lights our way.
05:11 There is
05:14 a Savior.
05:18 What joys expressed.
05:24 In His eyes I've found mercy,
05:30 His word brought
05:34 rest.
05:37 For each
05:41 tomorrow...
05:45 for yesterday...
05:51 There is
05:54 a Savior
05:59 who lights our way.
06:06 There is a
06:09 Savior
06:14 who lights our
06:18 way.
06:42 There is a Savior!
06:44 Amen! Thank you, Pastor Lomacang.
06:46 Multi-talented. Amen?
06:48 Amen. He's a preacher and a singer.
06:51 The Bible says that we need to covet the earnest gifts, Amen?
06:55 Oh, it's a blessing to be here at 3ABN.
06:58 Umm, we've been learning quite a bit
07:00 and we have another exciting presentation.
07:03 Um, but before we do so as our custom is here
07:07 let us bow our heads for prayer
07:08 and invite the real presenter... the Spirit.
07:11 Father, we want to thank you because You are a Savior
07:14 and Your name says it all.
07:17 You save us from ourselves.
07:21 You save us from complications
07:24 and we need to be saved in this particular occasion as well.
07:28 Father, our many churches also need to be saved
07:31 from spiritual lethargy
07:34 and they need to be saved, Lord, from the formalities
07:37 and the deadness that they find themselves in.
07:40 And we ask that in this presentation You may help us
07:43 to be able to understand a little bit more
07:45 what we can do as lay people
07:47 to help our churches experience revival.
07:49 Is our prayer in Jesus' name, Amen.
07:53 Amen! Well, this is part two
07:55 of... continuation of our previous presentation
07:58 on helping churches experience revival.
08:00 And let's do a little review just to make sure that
08:02 we're all on the same page.
08:04 What is revival? We talked a little bit about this.
08:07 A renewal, right? It's coming back to life.
08:12 Coming back to life from the spiritual deadness.
08:15 And we said that many churches need to be revived
08:17 because at some point in history they were alive
08:20 but for whatever reason they died spiritually...
08:23 they need to be revived. And we also said that
08:25 some churches don't need revival...
08:27 they just need "vival"
08:29 because they've never been alive. Amen?
08:32 So revival implies that they need to have life once again.
08:36 Now, how do we find... how do we experience revival
08:40 according to Exodus... not Exodus... I got the letter
08:43 right, E... Ezekiel.
08:45 Ezekiel 37 and where else?
08:48 Luke 24. Somebody remembered that.
08:51 How does Ezekiel 37 explain to us how we get revival?
08:58 The Word... and what else? And the Spirit of God, right?
09:03 When you put these two things together
09:06 be very, very careful because a spiritual explosion
09:10 is what's going to follow.
09:12 So what we saw in Ezekiel chapter 37 is that there was
09:16 a valley of dry bones.
09:17 And the valley of dry bones represented who?
09:19 Israel. And the Israel in the Old Testament was who?
09:22 The church. So the church was found in a dead, dry
09:26 spiritual experience.
09:27 And the question was: "Can these bones live? "
09:31 And Ezekiel I would imagine scratched his head
09:35 in doubt and said: "Oh Lord, only You can answer that. "
09:39 And many of us, when we think of our own churches,
09:42 we say: "Can these bones live? "
09:45 There's good news. Those bones can live. Amen?
09:48 Amen. Don't give up on your churches
09:51 because even in your church revival can be a reality.
09:55 We also discovered in Luke chapter 24
09:57 that Jesus - finding 2 disciples on the road to Emaeus
10:02 that were disappointed... they were discouraged,
10:06 they were in need of revival -
10:07 and Jesus also brought to them the Word of God.
10:10 But not only did He bring the Word of God.
10:11 What else did He do? He went inside their home -
10:14 remember? - and He broke bread.
10:16 He spent time building personal relationships
10:20 with people who needed revival.
10:23 So we're learning a little bit more about what revival is
10:25 and how to... how to help somebody or a group of
10:28 individuals experience revival.
10:30 It's not just preaching to them. Amen?
10:33 It's spending time with them.
10:36 It's listening to them.
10:38 And that's exactly what Jesus did.
10:39 And we found out why it was that Israel in Ezekiel 37
10:44 and these two disciples on the road to Emaeus
10:47 experienced the spiritual deadness.
10:49 You guys remember? What was it that they lost?
10:51 They lost hope. In both cases they lost hope.
10:54 Hope in their role as a special people.
10:58 Hope in the prophesies; hope in the message.
11:01 Hope... hope in their mission.
11:03 They lost hope in all of these things,
11:05 and that led then to spiritual deadness.
11:08 Ladies and gentlemen, if we lose hope
11:10 in the message of God, the only thing that will follow
11:15 is spiritual deadness. And I believe the reason why
11:17 there's so many churches that are spiritually dead
11:19 is because of that... because we have lost hope
11:21 in the three angels' messages.
11:23 We have lost hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
11:25 We have lost hope in that "good old news"
11:28 that Jesus is a friend of sinners.
11:31 There is hope for the hopeless.
11:34 We also discovered that revival
11:38 doesn't always begin large.
11:43 But revival - the majority of the times -
11:47 is initiated by something very, very small.
11:51 Yes? So when you talk about revival
11:56 we're not always referring to every individual
12:00 buying in to this experience.
12:03 What we're talking about is a group of individuals
12:05 who catch a vision and little by little
12:09 it becomes contagious. And they win one person after the other
12:15 one by one, one by one until
12:17 there's an exceeding great army as we saw in Ezekiel 37.
12:20 And that exceeding great army was ready for war.
12:24 Now revival is a blessing. Amen?
12:27 But we know that every blessing that God has
12:32 Satan has a counterfeit.
12:36 So although revival is a blessing and the Bible speaks
12:38 volume about revival, there's also this thing called
12:41 the false revival.
12:44 And the closer and closer we come to the end of time
12:47 we're going to see more manifestations of the
12:50 false revival. And if we're not aware
12:52 of what true revival is, ladies and gentlemen,
12:54 we are in danger of being swept away.
12:58 The greatest example of revival that we see in the
13:00 New Testament is none other than Pentecost.
13:04 When we think of Pentecost we usually think of several
13:06 things. What comes to our minds when we think of Pentecost?
13:11 Speaking in tongues. What else?
13:13 The Holy Spirit.
13:16 Fire, baptism... all these things, right?
13:19 How was it that Pentecost took place?
13:23 There was a spokesperson. Who was that spokesperson?
13:25 It was Peter.
13:27 What was it that Peter preached?
13:29 Because if that message created such a powerful aftermath
13:33 of 3,000 people getting baptized
13:35 then we'd better preach that message, Amen?
13:38 Amen! So what was that message?
13:39 Well really the bulk of that message was an Old Testament
13:44 prophecy found in the book of Joel.
13:47 If you have your Bibles, I want to invite you to go to the
13:49 book of Joel. Joel is right after the book of Hosea.
13:53 There's Daniel, Hosea, Joel.
13:56 Joel chapter 2.
13:58 Joel chapter 2. This is kind of like the foundation,
14:01 this kind of was the nucleus of Peter's message
14:03 on the Day of Pentecost.
14:04 And really this is a prophecy of revival to a certain extent.
14:07 Joel chapter 2, and when you're there please say "Amen. "
14:10 Amen. Joel chapter 2 beginning in verse 28.
14:13 The Bible says: "And it shall come to pass"
14:16 When?
14:18 "afterward... " some time in the future
14:20 "that I will pour out" What?
14:23 "My Spirit on all flesh.
14:26 Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
14:28 Your old men shall dream dreams.
14:30 Your young men shall see visions.
14:32 And also on My manservants and on My maidservants
14:36 I will pour out My Spirit in those days.
14:39 And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth:
14:42 blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
14:44 The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood
14:46 before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
14:50 And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name
14:52 of the Lord shall be saved. For in Mount Zion
14:56 and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance. " Amen? Amen.
15:00 "As the Lord hath said among the remnant whom the Lord calls. "
15:04 So Joel chapter 2 - this portion of scripture - was
15:07 really what Peter was basing his Pentecost sermon on.
15:12 Now it's very interesting when you look carefully in
15:14 verse 28 because there's a promise there.
15:17 And the promise is that God is going to pour out
15:22 His Spirit. Is that what He says?
15:24 He says: "I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. "
15:30 By the way, "all flesh" is inclusive, yes?
15:33 That means that you can be a recipient
15:36 of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
15:38 So let's run to Acts chapter 2 to make sure that
15:40 we're really correct in our... in our case here that Peter's
15:46 sermon in Acts chapter 2 is really based on Joel.
15:49 We said that in Joel chapter 2 we saw clearly
15:53 that God says: "I will pour out My Spirit. "
15:57 Very clear.
15:58 But notice what Acts chapter 2...
16:00 Notice some of the details that we have.
16:02 You have Peter's sermon beginning in verse 14.
16:05 And the Bible says in verse 14:
16:07 "But Peter standing up with the eleven raised his voice
16:10 and said to them: 'Men of Judea
16:12 and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you
16:15 and heed my words.
16:16 For these are not drunk as you suppose
16:18 since it is only the third hour of the day.
16:20 But this is what was spoken by' Who?
16:22 'the prophet Joel. ' "
16:25 So far so good, yeah?
16:26 We just went to Joel; we just saw the prophecy.
16:28 Peter says: "Let me quote the prophet Joel. "
16:32 So far so good. But there's something interesting
16:35 that you find in his quotation
16:39 of the very verses that we just read.
16:41 "And it shall come to pass in the last days says God
16:44 I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.
16:47 Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
16:49 Your young men shall see visions.
16:51 Your old men shall dream dreams. "
16:54 Does that sound familiar?
16:55 Yes! It's almost verbatim to Joel chapter 2.
16:59 But there is a minor detail
17:03 in Acts chapter 2 that Joel chapter 2 does not have.
17:07 It's almost unnoticeable if you read it very quickly.
17:12 Let's read verse 17 once again.
17:15 "And it shall come to pass in the last days says God
17:17 that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. "
17:20 Is that what it says?
17:22 Well according to my translation -
17:24 I have the New King James - it actually says
17:26 "And it shall come to pass in the last days says God
17:29 that I will pour out... "
17:33 And then there's a really tiny word. It's almost
17:37 unnoticeable. It's apparently insignificant.
17:40 "I will pour out... " It doesn't say My Spirit
17:43 but rather it says what?
17:44 "of My Spirit on all flesh. "
17:49 Interesting. Why in the world does Peter say
17:53 "I will pour out of My Spirit"
17:56 when Joel said what?
17:58 "I will pour out My Spirit. "
18:00 Now is that a big difference?
18:02 "Of My Spirit" and "My Spirit? "
18:04 What's the difference?
18:06 My Spirit means what?
18:08 All. It means the totality of the Spirit.
18:10 "I will pour out My Spirit. "
18:12 But when I say: "I will pour out of...
18:16 My Spirit, " what does that mean?
18:19 It means that it's a portion but not all of it.
18:23 You guys follow? So in Acts chapter 2
18:26 what Peter is implying - at least, that's what the
18:28 evidence appears to teach us - is that what they were
18:32 experiencing in Acts chapter 2, the experience of Pentecost,
18:36 was only... was only...
18:41 was only... Amen?
18:44 a partial fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel chapter 2.
18:50 Why? Because in the not-so-distant future
18:54 Amen? Joel chapter 2 is going to be fulfilled
18:58 in all of its totality. Amen. And God is going to have
19:02 recipients of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
19:05 And I don't know about you but I would love to be
19:07 one of those recipients. Amen? Amen!
19:09 So Acts chapter 2 teaches us. And we look at Pentecost.
19:12 We're like: "Wow! That's so incredible!
19:14 How could it be? 3,000 people; one message.
19:17 Wow! "
19:19 Can you imagine? If this was only a portion of the
19:22 Holy Spirit, can you imagine what would happen
19:27 if the entirety of the Holy Spirit is poured out
19:29 into God's people in the last days?
19:32 Amen. There is going to be an outrageous revival
19:36 of primitive faith and godliness amongst God's people
19:38 and Pentecost will be repeated. But the difference
19:42 is that the second Pentecost is only going to be bigger
19:45 and way more powerful. Amen! And ladies and gentlemen,
19:48 when I look at Acts chapter 2 I get encouraged.
19:50 You know why? Because I see the recipients of
19:52 the Holy Spirit... and they're human beings.
19:56 Peter was a human being, was he not?
19:59 Peter was a human being that made mistakes.
20:03 Amen. Peter was a human being that slipped and fell at times.
20:07 When I look at Peter I resonate with Peter
20:09 because a lot of his flaws I can see in my own life.
20:13 And yet it is this man that has weakness and that has flaws
20:18 that was sanctified and that was used to be the main instrument
20:23 to communicate this powerful message
20:25 which led to the Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
20:27 Amen. So if that was true with Peter...
20:29 in order words, if God can use Peter, ladies and gentlemen,
20:32 he can use any single one of us in this room.
20:35 Amen? Amen.
20:36 So don't let the devil get the best of you.
20:39 If you slipped and fell, look at the life of Peter
20:41 and follow his example... he went to Jesus.
20:43 In fact, we're told... you can study it carefully...
20:47 right after Peter denied Jesus three times
20:49 he was running through the woods.
20:51 He was in shame; he was in guilt.
20:54 And he had an experience that was so powerful
20:56 that the Peter of post-repentance
21:01 was way more powerful than the Peter before he denied Jesus.
21:05 So there's hope. And maybe you find yourself denying Jesus.
21:08 Ladies and gentlemen, we just have to come back to the Lord
21:12 and recognize that even in this broken body that we have
21:16 and sometimes our broken experience
21:18 God can still use us.
21:20 The Bible tells us that the end time will have a bigger
21:23 Pentecost.
21:25 There will be a bigger outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
21:27 However, every blessing that God has
21:30 Satan has a counterfeit.
21:33 And if we look in Revelation... Run with me to Revelation
21:35 chapter 13. In Revelation chapter 13
21:38 we have this amazing chapter that talks about
21:41 the specific details of end-time events
21:45 associated with the beast power and the mark of the beast power.
21:48 We don't have time to get into specifics,
21:50 but when you look carefully in Revelation chapter 13
21:53 you see clearly that one of the tools that the enemy is going to
21:57 use is false revival. When you look at Revelation chapter 13
22:03 and you look in verse 13
22:05 the Bible says he - the beast - performs what?
22:09 Great signs so that even he makes what?
22:14 fire come down from heaven on the earth
22:17 in the sight of men. Ladies and gentlemen, what
22:19 happened on the day of Pentecost? What came down?
22:21 Fire. There was fire. In Revelation chapter 13
22:24 we have Satan's Pentecost.
22:27 It's a false revival.
22:29 And the Bible tells us that it's going to come down on earth
22:32 in the sight of men
22:36 meaning that it's going to be visible.
22:39 Meaning that many will be led astray.
22:40 Verse 14: "He deceives those who dwell on the earth
22:45 by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight...
22:48 in the sight of the beast
22:50 telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image
22:52 to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. "
22:55 One of the things that Satan is going to use
22:57 in opposition towards God and His people
23:00 is he's going to use false signs, false wonders.
23:03 And he's going to create a false revival that's going to
23:06 sweep all over the place.
23:08 And many people are going to see this.
23:10 They're going to see all of these amazing things
23:12 and they're going to be led astray.
23:14 Ladies and gentlemen, we need to be very careful
23:17 that we are not swept to the false revival.
23:19 Now it's interesting because there's an Old Testament story
23:22 that talks about fire coming down.
23:24 Actually, there are many Old Testament stories.
23:26 But there's one in particular that comes to my mind
23:28 in the book of I Kings. When you look at I Kings
23:31 and we take a look at chapter 18 you find a showdown
23:35 between God's representative and Satan's representatives plural.
23:41 You find Elijah - who we don't have time to... to
23:45 develop this - but when you study the story of Elijah
23:48 from beginning to end it's literally a pattern
23:51 of God's people's experience in the end of time.
23:54 So what Elijah went through is what you and I will go through.
23:59 Especially... I really like the last part of the story of Elijah
24:01 when he gets translated. Amen?
24:02 Amen! That's the good part.
24:04 Then he lives "happily ever after. " Amen?
24:07 I Kings chapter 18 we have the showdown on Mt. Carmel.
24:10 We don't have time to get into all the details.
24:12 Some of you are familiar with the story.
24:14 There was... The issue on Mt. Carmel was what?
24:19 The issue was the issue of worship.
24:22 And you had two different approaches to worship.
24:27 At the end of the day there's only 2 kinds of worship, right?
24:30 There's true worship and there's false worship.
24:33 And when you look at the 400+ prophets of Baal
24:37 they had a very interesting way of calling on their God.
24:41 What were some of the things that they did?
24:47 To sum up... to take all of those those answers
24:50 and put them together, we could just say they were wild.
24:54 Right? It was almost abnormal. Like, what are they doing?
24:57 They started cutting themselves. Like, what are they doing?
24:59 Right? It was externally very flamboyant
25:04 for the lack of a better term.
25:06 But when you look at what happened after they did
25:09 all of these outrageous things
25:12 the Bible tells us that there was no answer.
25:17 It was all an emotional rush.
25:21 And then God's prophet approaches
25:26 and he says indirectly: "Let me show you how to worship God. "
25:32 And let's pick up the example in I Kings chapter 18
25:36 beginning in verse 36.
25:37 "And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the
25:40 evening sacrifice that Elijah the prophet came near and said:
25:43 'Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel
25:45 let it be known this day that You are God
25:48 in Israel and I am Your servant and that I have done all these
25:51 at Your word. Hear me, O Lord, hear me
25:53 that this people may know that you are the Lord God
25:56 and that You have turned their hearts back to You again. '
25:58 Then the.. " what? "fire of the Lord fell
26:04 and consumed the burnt sacrifice
26:06 and the wood and the stones and the dust
26:08 and licked up the water that was in the trench.
26:10 Now when all the people saw it
26:12 they fell on their faces and they said: 'The Lord,
26:15 He is God. The Lord, He is God. ' "
26:19 Now how did Elijah approach the altar?
26:22 In a very prayerful, in a very humble
26:27 in a very reverent manner. And what was the...
26:30 what was the conclusion or the result of that?
26:35 There was fire that came down from heaven.
26:37 Remember we talked about fire in the past.
26:39 Remember we talked a little bit about the disciples on the
26:42 road to Emaeus?
26:44 What did they experience after spending time with Jesus?
26:46 There was fire. And by the way,
26:48 they were breaking bread with Jesus.
26:50 They were talking with Him; they were hanging out with Jesus
26:53 and then there was fire.
26:55 There was revival.
26:57 There was an explosion inside.
26:58 So when you look at I Kings chapter 18
27:01 we see that the devil is going to counterfeit this experience
27:05 on Mt. Carmel and he's going to deceive many people.
27:10 When you look at many of the things in today's world
27:13 that are labeled revival, ladies and gentlemen, they are
27:16 nothing more than an emotional exercise.
27:19 They're nothing more than just an empty, emotional rush.
27:22 I remember on one occasion I was working as a Bible worker
27:25 in northern California and a good friend of mine was
27:28 giving Bible studies to another young man.
27:31 And this young man was, you know, pretty on fire.
27:34 He was pretty excited about, you know, the things he was
27:36 learning. And this young man was a Christian.
27:39 And he invited my friend to go to their charismatic
27:44 youth revival.
27:47 So my friend got a little scared.
27:50 He didn't really know what to expect so he called me.
27:54 "Hey, Jay, how's it going? " I'm like:
27:56 "I'm doing good. What are you up to? "
27:58 So he tells me: "You know, I've just been invited to this
28:00 charismatic youth revival. "
28:02 I'm like: "All right, well have fun.
28:04 I hope you enjoy it. " He says: "No, no, no, no, no, no.
28:06 I don't want to go by myself. "
28:08 And I'm like: "But aren't you? Didn't somebody invite you?
28:12 Aren't you? " "Yeah, but can you come with me? "
28:14 And I'm like: "Why do you want me to come with you? "
28:17 He said: "I don't know... I don't know what to expect.
28:19 I'm kind of afraid. " I said: "Sure, I'll come with you. "
28:21 "All right. " So I hang up.
28:23 You know, five minutes later I started getting nervous.
28:27 I'm like: "Man. " So then I picked up the phone
28:31 and called my other friend.
28:32 "Hey, how's it going, man? How are you doing? "
28:34 "Um, oh nothing. " "Listen, what are you doing
28:37 tomorrow? " And eventually I invited... I told him the
28:40 whole story. He says: "Sure, I'll go. "
28:42 So here we were Sunday morning. We were invited to this
28:45 charismatic youth revival.
28:47 And we get into the park... The place is packed.
28:50 We barely found a parking spot.
28:51 We get out of the car. We carpooled there.
28:53 We were praying the whole way, of course.
28:55 All the way there.
28:56 We get out of the car and we're kind of taking baby steps
28:59 like this into... 'cause we don't really know what to
29:03 expect. We're like: "Oh, what are we going to say?
29:05 What are we going to do? " And I hope we weren't
29:09 holding hands. But I vaguely remember I was...
29:12 I vaguely remember I was very close... rather close
29:15 to each other as we opened the door.
29:18 It was kind of like the three Hebrews in Daniel:
29:20 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
29:22 We were going to enter into an unexpected situation.
29:26 So as soon as we opened the door...
29:28 no exaggeration... as soon as we opened the door
29:31 we were almost like kicked back. We were almost
29:34 pushed back by the sound of the heavy music.
29:38 I mean, I thought in California there's a lot of earthquakes.
29:40 And I thought when we walked inside: "Oh, we're in the middle
29:43 of an earthquake. " It wasn't. It was the vibration
29:45 of the music. And as we walked and as I looked
29:48 down in the altar there was a group of I don't know 60-70
29:53 young people and they were literally jumping up and down.
29:57 Jumping up and down.
30:00 Jumping up and down.
30:01 Not only were they just jumping up and down.
30:03 They were jumping up and down; they were yelling;
30:05 and they were screaming. And the guy on the piano was
30:07 getting down... he was doing his thing.
30:10 And I was like: "Man, look at this!
30:12 What's going on? " And we sat at the last - you know how it is
30:15 the last row. Like way in the back.
30:18 And I think we were still holding hands at this point.
30:21 And I said to myself: "Wow, this is so bizarre.
30:25 This is so interesting. " And everybody was
30:27 in this emotional rush and it went on for a very, very
30:30 long time. I thought: "Well OK, 20 minutes of this
30:32 and then they're going to get into the devotional. "
30:34 No. Twenty minutes, 30, 40, 1 hour.
30:38 It was just constant emotional rush.
30:42 Now don't get me wrong. I believe there was a lot of
30:44 beautiful people in that... in that youth revival.
30:47 Lot of sincere people.
30:49 This is not pointing fingers at nobody
30:51 or making fun of anybody. The point is that
30:54 if you were to speak to one of those young people
30:56 after that revival and ask them
31:00 "What did you learn? "
31:02 "What did you learn today in this revival? "
31:06 what would they tell you?
31:07 "Oh, I don't know. I just felt really cool...
31:11 felt really nice. "
31:12 Does that make sense? In other words,
31:14 revival in many cases today is not something that is
31:18 educational. It's not something that disciples.
31:21 It's not something that teaches. It's just an emotional energy.
31:24 Why? Because they know that young people love energy.
31:26 They love the flow of the emotions. So what do they do?
31:29 That's exactly what they give to them.
31:31 Does that make sense? So when I left that charismatic
31:34 youth revival I learned quite a bit in the sense
31:36 that I realized the difference between God's revival
31:40 and the difference between Lucifer's revival...
31:43 Satan's revival. God wants to not only
31:46 inspire our hearts, He also wants to educate the mind.
31:51 Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that we should
31:53 come to church and experience worship as robots
31:57 because I think we need to tap into the emotions. Amen?
32:00 I mean, if you read the Psalms there's a lot of emotion there.
32:02 Amen? "In the morning when my prayers rise up to Thee,
32:06 O Lord. " "As the deer panteth for... "
32:08 This is a lot of emotional communication to God
32:12 and I think we need to tap into that.
32:14 But I think the charismatic youth revival that I went to
32:18 was a little bit on the extreme if you would not say so.
32:21 So I think we need to have a balanced approach.
32:23 And I think that's what Elijah teaches us in I Kings.
32:27 We see that Elijah comes in a reverent manner
32:30 and maybe even in an emotional. He's approaching God
32:32 saying: "God of Abraham, God of Isaac and Israel. "
32:36 These are kind of... You can even hear in his words
32:39 that there was a lot of emotion overflowing in his heart.
32:41 Ladies and gentlemen, we live in an age that we are all about
32:46 the feelings. And many times if it feels good
32:49 but it goes contrary to the Word it's OK if it feels good.
32:54 At the end of time God is going to have a people
32:57 that are going to say "No! " to the false revival
33:01 and they're going to experience God the way that the disciples
33:03 did in the book of Acts.
33:05 When you look at Acts chapter 2 yes, you have
33:07 an emot... Yes, you feel the presence of God.
33:12 Your emotions are touched.
33:15 But not only are your emotions touched
33:17 the Bible says in Acts chapter 2 the Pharisees, their consciences
33:21 were touched. They were under conviction.
33:25 Why? Because there was a particular message
33:27 that went through the mind and finally gripped the heart.
33:30 And they said: "Men and brethren, what shall we do? "
33:32 "Repent and be baptized. "
33:35 There was education there.
33:36 So we need to be very careful when we talk about revival
33:39 because there's a lot of things that are called revival
33:41 that really are not revival.
33:43 Let's take a look at Acts chapter 2.
33:44 Talking about revival quite a bit.
33:45 We're just seeing a little bit of the other side of the coin.
33:50 And we're recognizing that in the last days
33:53 there's going to be another type of revival.
33:55 But we need to be very careful that we don't fall
33:57 into that kind of a revival.
33:58 Acts chapter 2: what does a church that is revived
34:01 look like? Amen?
34:03 Let's be practical. We're talking about revival.
34:05 We're talking about this, that, and the other.
34:06 But at the end of the day what does the church that has
34:09 just experienced revival look like?
34:12 Well, I think there is no better example than
34:15 the church of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2.
34:19 What did the church look like immediately after the Spirit
34:22 of God was poured out?
34:23 Immediately after there were 3,000 people baptized?
34:26 What did it look like? Well, so glad you asked that question
34:28 because in Acts chapter 2 beginning in verse 40
34:31 it gives us the very specific detailed characteristics
34:34 of what that church looked like.
34:37 Let's take a look at Acts chapter 2 beginning in verse 40.
34:40 The Bible says: "And with many other words... "
34:42 I wish we had those many other words written
34:44 so we could read them.
34:45 "He testified and exhorted them saying:
34:47 'Be saved from this perverse generation. '
34:51 Then those who gladly received the" what?
34:53 "the Word were baptized. " You see, this kind of revival
34:57 there was the communication of the Word.
35:00 "And that day about 3,000 souls were added to them. "
35:04 Now listen carefully to what verse 42 says:
35:06 "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine
35:10 and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers. "
35:15 Did you see that? There's a key word there.
35:17 "They continued. "
35:20 A church that has just experienced revival
35:23 is not experiencing a fleeting emotional rush.
35:27 Why? Because you have the word continue there.
35:30 And when you have the word continue there
35:33 you have another word that also is implied there
35:36 and it's the word consistency.
35:38 Does that make sense? It's a day-by-day constant growing.
35:42 Constant taking of steps.
35:44 And if it was just an emotional rush
35:45 Acts chapter 2 on that particular day
35:48 it would have been a fleeting emotional rush
35:51 and it would have been back to square one
35:52 in Acts chapter 3. But we know that's not the case.
35:55 "They continued... " Verse 43:
35:57 "Then fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs
36:01 were done through the apostles. "
36:03 44: "Now all who believed were together and had all things
36:07 in common. " We talked about unity.
36:09 "And they sold their possessions and goods
36:12 and divided them among all as anyone had need. "
36:16 If you were a member of this church,
36:17 all of your needs were met.
36:19 Spiritually... socially... even financially.
36:23 Amen?
36:25 "So continuing... " We have the word continuing again there.
36:28 "daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread
36:31 from house to house, they ate their food with gladness
36:34 and simplicity of heart,
36:36 praising God and having favor with all the people.
36:39 And the Lord added to the church daily
36:42 those who were being saved. "
36:44 I don't know about you, but when I see that church
36:46 I'm tempted to call the secretary of that church
36:49 and accept my membership.
36:52 Amen? Amen. That's an exciting church.
36:55 But the point is that your church can become this church.
36:59 Because it's the same Holy Spirit that came down
37:03 2,000 years ago that has promised to come down into your
37:06 congregation as well. Amen.
37:08 Now in verse... there's so much here.
37:10 There's so much characteristics here, but
37:12 verse 42. I'm going to talk a little about verse 42
37:14 because you have the concept of continuing.
37:17 You have the concept of follow-up.
37:20 Amen? Many times there are so many evangelistic campaigns
37:24 that are conducted and many times we tend to
37:27 want to pressure people in making decisions.
37:30 Yeah? And then they make the decision
37:33 and then we say: "Nice to meet you. Goodbye. "
37:35 And then a year later guess what?
37:38 Yeah, goodbye. They're not there.
37:40 They're gone. Why?
37:42 Because there wasn't follow-up.
37:45 When you realize that people... they had 3,000 people coming
37:48 into the faith. And when somebody is baptized
37:51 they're not graduating. Amen?
37:52 They're just being initiated to a certain extent.
37:55 They're... they're spiritual infants that need attention.
37:58 They need love; they need compassion.
38:01 They're going to slip and fall, make mistakes.
38:02 Judging them is not going to help. Amen?
38:05 You need to take them in as your own family.
38:08 But you have these two characteristics in verse 42
38:13 that almost seem at opposite spectrums -
38:17 And they're not opposites. It's just that today's...
38:20 in the church life of today we see them as opposites.
38:23 They "continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine
38:27 and fellowship in the breaking of bread
38:30 and in prayers. " Now let's talk a little bit about
38:33 our churches today. How about I get in trouble for this?
38:35 This is my last presentation so I think it's OK.
38:40 Today we have many different churches. And by the way,
38:42 this... I'm talking Christianity in general.
38:45 You have churches that are considered liberal
38:50 and then you have churches that are considered what?
38:52 Conservative.
38:54 OK. Now let's talk a little bit about liberal and conservative
39:00 Christian churches today.
39:01 Because generally speaking we categorize churches
39:04 in this manner because they have certain characteristics.
39:07 So question... let's talk about the liberals for a minute here.
39:10 When you go to a liberal church
39:13 what are certain things that you encounter?
39:15 What do you experience?
39:22 Friendly... Ah, somebody says friendliness here.
39:25 OK. So usually speaking, when you go into a liberal church
39:29 they're very friendly. OK, what else?
39:32 They're very happy; there's warm smiles. What else?
39:36 Very upbeat music, right? And that's an understatement.
39:40 Some liberal churches have serious music, right?
39:43 Kind of like what I mentioned with this revival experience
39:45 we had in northern California.
39:48 And even though... there's nothing wrong with being
39:49 friendly, right? There's nothing wrong with that.
39:51 There's nothing wrong with smiling.
39:53 There's nothing wrong with having firm handshakes.
39:55 But what are some of the problems that you have in
39:57 liberal churches? Somebody said "lack of reverence. "
40:04 OK. Lack of calling sin "sin".
40:09 So can we say lack of the Word?
40:12 Amen? So there's a lot of friendliness.
40:15 People are very welcoming.
40:17 A lot of compassion... accept you as you are.
40:20 The problem is that they leave you there, too.
40:23 Right? We're going to accept you as you are
40:25 and then we're going to leave you in that same condition.
40:27 And generally speaking, when you... when it comes time
40:30 for the public discourse, there's not a whole lot of
40:33 spiritual calories, yeah?
40:35 Tends to be a lot of just kind of jokes here and there
40:39 and there's no depth... spiritual depth.
40:41 Does that make sense? So that's... so as you can see
40:43 liberal churches have some good.
40:45 Can we say that? We see that there's friendliness.
40:48 They tend to be very aware of the needs in their community.
40:53 They tend to be very humanitarian...
40:55 community services. They tend to be a lot of... But they don't
40:58 when it comes to spiritual discipleship
41:01 they don't challenge people
41:03 because they tend to want to be everybody's best friend.
41:07 But in doing that they don't disciple people
41:10 or challenge them. Yeah?
41:12 I think that may be a fair analysis of liberal churches.
41:15 And, of course, we're generalizing
41:16 so it's not always in this case.
41:17 All right, conservative. We picked on the liberals.
41:19 Let's talk a little bit about the conservatives
41:21 or the ultra-conservatives, right?
41:22 When you go into an ultra- conservative church
41:24 what do you experience?
41:28 Formality. What else? Judgmental.
41:33 What else?
41:37 Boldness. Rules are more important than people.
41:42 OK, so mission minded.
41:45 So when you go into an ultra- conservative church
41:48 they tend to emphasize rules.
41:52 They tend to emphasize works.
41:55 They tend to emphasize theology.
41:58 Right? There's a lot of regulation.
42:02 There's a lot of policies. They tend to point the finger.
42:05 They tend to judge, right?
42:07 It's almost like a spiritual competition.
42:11 OK? Very unfriendly.
42:14 Very unkind at times.
42:16 You could kind of give the impression of coldness, yeah?
42:20 I'm talking about ultra- conservative.
42:22 But... so we're talking about all of that.
42:24 But what do you find in general ultra-conservative
42:28 churches that are maybe something good?
42:33 They stick to the Word!
42:35 OK. So when it comes time for the preaching of the Word
42:39 there's a lot of... there's a lot of meat.
42:41 OK. Right? There's a lot of spiritual depth there.
42:45 Granted it could be sometimes dry and very, you know,
42:49 not a whole lot of life in it, but there's a lot of
42:52 meat, there's a lot of bread, right?
42:54 There's a lot of emphasis to truth.
42:56 There's a lot of emphasis to standards.
42:58 There's a high calling; there's challenge.
43:00 Are you guys beginning to see the picture here?
43:02 So in other words, in conservative, ultra-conservative
43:05 bubbles you have some good.
43:08 You have norms; you have principles;
43:10 you have foundations.
43:11 But it tends to be very shallow as far as relationships.
43:16 Tends to be very cold.
43:18 Tends to be very formal
43:19 and it's like a spiritual competition, right?
43:23 Then you have the liberals. Those are the friendly...
43:25 friendly people, right?
43:26 A friend of mine said: "Liberals are the good guys
43:28 with bad ideas. "
43:30 Very friendly; very loving. Just beautiful personalities.
43:34 Very wooing. They're very... they're just very friendly
43:37 people, right? BUT... there's no challenge.
43:40 It becomes more of a social club
43:44 rather than a place that you go to find the Lord
43:46 and to learn about the mission of the church.
43:49 So the point is that liberals and the ultra-conservative camp
43:54 are both in unhealthy conditions.
43:59 Right? And the devil is as happy as he can be
44:03 as the church continues to attack the liberals...
44:07 conservatives attack the liberals
44:10 and the liberals attack the conservatives. You know why?
44:12 Because as long as you have these two bubbles
44:14 guess what? The church is not united.
44:16 Amen? And when you read the book of Acts
44:19 you don't have conservatives and liberals. Amen?
44:21 You have the church. And the interesting thing is
44:23 that you have two very prominent characteristics.
44:26 One which is probably the heaviest prominent
44:29 characteristic of the conservative circle
44:31 and you have a very prominent characteristic of a liberal.
44:35 Acts chapter 2 verse 42: "And they continued steadfastly
44:38 in the apostles' doctrine. " Amen.
44:41 Now we said that the apostles' doctrine you're probably not
44:43 going to find in a liberal church. Probably not.
44:46 You'll find the doctrine of, you know, the famous people
44:49 of the world. The celebrities, right?
44:51 But you're not going to find the apostles' doctrine
44:52 generally speaking in a liberal church.
44:55 So that is a strong characteristic -
44:57 a good characteristic -
44:58 generally speaking in a conservative context.
45:01 But it doesn't just stop there.
45:03 Not only do they have the apostles' doctrine
45:05 they also have... fellowship.
45:08 What does fellowship imply?
45:10 Friendliness. There is a social connection.
45:13 There's breaking of bread.
45:15 And that's generally not found in conservative circles.
45:19 That's found where? In liberal circles.
45:22 You guys... are you guys beginning to see the picture?
45:23 I believe that when the Spirit of God is poured down
45:26 in the last day church, the walls of liberals and
45:29 conservatism is going to be completely destroyed.
45:32 Amen. Because both groups are somewhat unbalanced.
45:35 And when I read the Bible
45:37 I find Jesus, who's walking in the streets of Galilee.
45:40 And there's a conservative group of people called the Pharisees
45:43 and there's a liberal group of people called the Sadducees.
45:45 And then in the book of Acts guess what?
45:47 You have the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
45:49 and the church is composed of Christians who are balanced.
45:54 Amen? So I believe that a church that is revived
45:56 is not going to fall into this liberal/conservative
45:59 business because the devil loves us to spend time
46:02 talking and arguing and attacking each other.
46:04 Because as long as we're doing that, guess what?
46:06 The church will never be united.
46:08 When I read the book of Acts I find a church that is
46:11 a winsome church. It's a church that is attractive.
46:14 It's a church that is friendly
46:15 but it's a church that has foundations.
46:17 It's a church that has Pillars of our Faith. Amen?
46:20 It's a church that you can go to and find God.
46:23 It's a church that you can be challenged.
46:25 It's a church that is friendly, that meets your needs.
46:28 They're not interested in you as a number. Amen?
46:30 Amen. On a report that they send to the evangelism committee. No.
46:34 They're interested in you as a person because they know
46:36 that Jesus died for you as an individual
46:38 and they're interested in being your friend...
46:41 not only being a fellow church member.
46:44 They call you, they visit you,
46:46 they ask: "Do you have any prayers?
46:48 Is there any need that you have? "
46:49 And they listen carefully and they think when they go home
46:53 "How is that I, as a Christian, can be a blessing to my brother?
46:57 How can I as a Christian be a blessing to my sister? "
47:00 And it's a church that is constantly being united.
47:03 Why? Because everybody's trying to outgive everybody else.
47:05 It's not a competition.
47:07 It sounds like wishful thinking ladies and gentlemen
47:09 but it isn't. Because Acts chapter 2
47:12 is a record of events that took place on this planet
47:15 with the same type of people that are present here.
47:20 Christians that are walking in the light
47:23 who at times slip and fall but little by little are
47:26 constantly approaching closer and closer to the
47:28 kingdom of God. Amen.
47:29 Revival... When revival sweeps the church
47:33 the church is going to be the most attractive thing
47:36 in the neighborhood. Amen. Handbills are great to send out.
47:40 We're going to be doing an evangelistic meeting this fall
47:42 in my church. That's wonderful. We're going to send thousands.
47:44 But the greatest flyer for any church is you.
47:48 Amen. Your smile... because a flyer can't smile.
47:52 Right? A handbill can't say "Hello, what is your name? "
47:54 But you can. And God wants to use you as the greatest
47:58 advertising for the church and for the kingdom of God.
48:01 Problem is that many of our churches that don't have revival
48:07 we don't realize why that is.
48:10 We don't realize that all the issues in the church
48:13 are just symptoms. And many times we fight over the
48:17 symptoms in the church rather than the root of the issue.
48:20 Or we're going around in circles like this.
48:22 We spend years - 20, 30 years - battling over little issues
48:24 that are symptoms instead of trying to figure out:
48:27 "OK, what is the host of this problem? "
48:30 Right? And even in health
48:33 it's a lot easier to deal with the host issue rather than
48:36 just trying to deal with the symptoms of the issue.
48:39 But that's what we do in our local churches.
48:41 We need to remember that a church is more than just
48:45 a building. A church is a community of believers.
48:49 But that community of believers are made up of
48:53 these little things we call... well, some of them are not so
48:55 little... these things we call homes or houses.
48:59 So when you have a church that is congregated together
49:02 what really do you have?
49:03 A collection of different homes
49:05 that meet together on a weekly basis.
49:09 All the issues that are found in the home
49:13 are going to be transferred into the church.
49:16 And many... Many of us, we look at the youth in the church.
49:19 I look at my youth in the church sometimes. I have to be honest.
49:22 "Ah, right? Why? Can't you stay awake?
49:27 Just listen to the message. Stop texting each other
49:29 you know, during the message. You know, why? Ah... "
49:32 But we need... We need to have mercy on some of our
49:34 young people, First of all, we need to remember that revival
49:38 begins in the home. Revival begins at the family altar.
49:42 It begins in the living room.
49:45 And the Bible tells us that the father - Amen -
49:49 the father... careful study that you realize that the father
49:52 is the priest of the home.
49:56 Well why does the Bible call him a priest?
49:58 Where do priests usually hang out?
50:01 In the sanctuary. And the sanctuary are places
50:03 that are holy. Do you accept that?
50:06 So the husband, the father, is the priest of the home.
50:10 And if the priests hang out in places that are holy
50:13 and the husband hangs out at home, that means that
50:16 the home is a holy place. So guess what ladies and gentlemen?
50:21 We don't treat our home like a holy place.
50:23 Our homes... there's a lot of irreverence in the home.
50:26 There's a lot of unclean things that enter into our homes.
50:29 Amen? There's a lot of disrespect in our homes.
50:32 There's a lot of lack of love and lack of respect.
50:36 And by the way, family worship is becoming an extinct art.
50:41 How many families spend 10 minutes together in prayer
50:44 and in the reading of the Word?
50:46 Lord have mercy.
50:48 So for six days our young people in the home
50:52 do not spend time with each other as a family.
50:54 They do not spend time in prayer.
50:56 They don't read the Bible.
50:58 They're not trained how to be in the presence of holiness.
51:01 They're not trained how to read the Bible.
51:04 Then on the weekend we go to church,
51:07 we dress up as nice as we are,
51:09 and we bring our nice little smiles, right?
51:11 And then our young people are fidgeting; they can't sit still.
51:15 They're texting. Well, you know why?
51:17 Because they're not being trained in the home.
51:19 Amen. Any issue that you have in the home is going to
51:22 manifest itself in the church...
51:24 maybe even in the liturgy... maybe even in the board meeting.
51:27 The point is that when you have issues in the church
51:30 don't take it out on the church
51:31 because the church is not at fault.
51:34 Those are symptoms. You've gotta deal with the root issue
51:37 of the problem, ladies and gentlemen.
51:38 I don't know what issues you're going through at your church
51:40 but I can guarantee you that those issues
51:42 find their inception in the home.
51:45 So what do we need to do?
51:47 Well, we discovered already that revival is two things:
51:49 spiritual power and social power.
51:52 We saw that Jesus in Ezekiel brought the Word of God
51:55 but we also saw that Jesus went into the homes.
51:58 He listened; He broke bread.
51:59 We see in the book of Acts the church that was revived.
52:02 It wasn't just a church of a bunch of theology and doctrine.
52:04 It was a church of fellowship.
52:06 It was a church of meeting each other's needs.
52:09 So if this is the case and in order to bring revival
52:12 to the church we need to bring it to the home,
52:14 well, guess what? Very simple. We need to bring two things
52:17 into the home: spiritual power and social power.
52:21 And you as a lay person can be actively involved
52:25 in constructing evangelism in your church.
52:29 Know what you can do? Visit your fellow members. Amen?
52:32 Amen. And say: "Hi, I came to visit with you and just have
52:36 a prayer. " That simple. Go in there; have a prayer.
52:39 And you can say: "You know, I have a real burden
52:42 to see our church become what God wants it to become.
52:46 Why don't we pray for the rest of our church family?
52:49 Those that are struggling with marriages.
52:51 Those that are struggling with these issues.
52:52 Those that are struggling with that. "
52:53 Guarantee you... that person's going to be very, very moved
52:56 and very impressed because you're coming on a Tuesday
52:59 rather than on Sabbath when everybody looks good.
53:01 Right? Everybody's dressed...
53:03 but it becomes very shallow, becomes almost very plastic
53:07 and you can't really...
53:09 there is no appli... there is no practical application
53:13 to the spiritual remedy that we have.
53:15 And in closing, I want to take us to our last text, which is
53:18 found in the Old Testament book of Malachi.
53:21 Malachi is the last book in the Old Testament.
53:24 And there's a last... In fact, there's the last chapter
53:29 in the book of Malachi which is the last book in the
53:31 Old Testament towards the last few verses of the entire
53:34 Old Testament we have a powerful promise.
53:37 I believe it's a challenge but it's also a promise.
53:39 Malachi chapter 4. When you're there please say "Amen. "
53:41 Amen. The Bible says in Malachi chapter 4
53:44 beginning in verse 5... says: "Behold
53:46 I will send you Elijah the prophet... "
53:50 We just talked about Elijah, didn't we?
53:52 Mt. Carmel. There was revival, right?
53:54 This is talking about the Elijah experience.
53:56 The Elijah message.
53:58 In other words, I will send you the revival of Elijah. Amen?
54:02 "before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. "
54:04 Well what day is that?
54:06 It's the second coming of Christ.
54:08 Right before Jesus returns in the clouds
54:10 He's going to send us the revival of Elijah. OK?
54:13 How is that revival going to manifest itself
54:16 in our human experience?
54:18 Verse 6: "And he" - Elijah the prophet, the Elijah experience -
54:24 "will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children
54:29 and the hearts of the children to their fathers. "
54:33 Isn't that interesting?
54:35 It doesn't mention anything about the church.
54:37 But what does it talk about?
54:39 Talks about the family circle.
54:41 Talks about the family altar.
54:43 The Bible tells us that before Jesus returns in the clouds
54:45 of glory God is going to send the Elijah experience
54:49 to His people. And the way that it's going to fundamentally
54:52 manifest itself is not in the liturgy or the program
54:55 of the church. Amen? It's going to manifest itself
54:58 in the day-to-day experience in the home.
55:01 The hearts of the fathers are going to be turned
55:03 towards their children. You know what that means?
55:05 That means there's going to be social intimacy between
55:09 parent and child.
55:11 And ladies and gentlemen, when you have a home
55:13 where the father's hearts are turned to the children
55:15 and the children's hearts are turned to the father,
55:17 when you have unity, when you have love,
55:20 when you have acceptance, compassion,
55:22 when you have exhortation, encouragement
55:24 in one home and you multiply that by fifty
55:28 you have the church in the book of Acts.
55:30 Amen. I don't know how many homes are represented
55:33 in your church but I do know this:
55:35 that if the revival of Malachi chapter 4
55:37 sweeps five living rooms in your church
55:41 you're going to be able to tell the difference.
55:43 And revival is contagious, Amen?
55:45 Amen. It spreads. Starts small... but it spreads.
55:49 And it all begins in our homes.
55:54 So before we try to bring revival to somebody else's home
55:56 Amen? - let's evaluate our own hearts and ask God:
56:00 "God, how do I stand before You?
56:03 How are my family? How is my family doing?
56:06 How are my kids doing? How's my marriage? " Right?
56:09 Ask those questions and ask yourself
56:11 "If every other home in the church were like mine,
56:15 would we be in a favorable position
56:19 or an unfavorable position? "
56:22 Maybe God is calling you to begin a small group
56:25 in your home. Amen?
56:27 Maybe God is asking you to invite your fellow members
56:31 that are in a spiritually dead condition
56:34 God is calling you to invite those dead bones into your
56:37 home - Amen? - so that as you spend time reading the promises
56:40 of God and you have people around your living room
56:43 that are hopeless, their marriages are hopeless,
56:45 their children's spiritual condition is hopeless,
56:48 you think: "Is there any solution? "
56:50 As you spend time in fellowship
56:53 learning each other's favorite color - Amen? -
56:56 it becomes very shallow at times in the church...
56:58 we don't even know who we like as people...
57:00 you will realize that when you go to church the next Sabbath
57:03 oh, it is so much sweeter.
57:06 The singing is more rich.
57:08 The worship service is more intimate
57:11 and you experience the presence of God. Amen?
57:13 I don't know what your church is experiencing,
57:15 but if you forget everything that I said, remember this:
57:17 revival can sweep even your church. Amen!
57:21 Let's ask God to do this and begin in our lives. Amen?


Revised 2014-12-17