2011 Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting

Unity In The Body

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jay Rosario


Series Code: 11POFCM

Program Code: 11POFCM000008

00:48 Why hello and welcome to 3ABN's Worship Center
00:52 here in downtown... yeah almost, Thompsonville, Illinois.
00:56 If there was a beautiful downtown Thompsonville...
00:58 that's right, yeah.
01:00 I hope that all of you have enjoyed today.
01:02 I want to welcome you here in the Worship Center
01:05 but I also want to speak to you that are watching from
01:07 around the world. Now these that are here in the Worship Center,
01:10 they know that for the next three hours
01:12 where are you going to be? Right here.
01:15 And I want to let you know that for the next three hours
01:17 we have got three of the most powerful speakers.
01:20 Amen! And we want you to sit down, relax,
01:24 kick your feet up and don't go anywhere
01:26 for the next three hours. And let me tell you who
01:28 our speakers are. The first one is Jay Rosario.
01:31 And I'll tell you more about him in just a moment.
01:33 But in the next hour we have John Bradshaw,
01:36 and he's going to be speaking on Spiritual Gifts and Ministries.
01:40 And then, Danny, the next hour is C.D. Brooks.
01:43 And his ministry... subject is going to be Growing in Christ.
01:48 So that's what's going to happen in the next three hours.
01:51 Wow. I'm looking forward to that, aren't you?
01:53 Well, all of them really. I mean, honestly,
01:56 a lot of prayer went into the speakers
01:58 and getting the speakers and the singers
02:00 and musicians for this Camp Meeting
02:02 because we want this to be the most spiritual Camp Meeting
02:05 that we've ever had and that you've ever attended.
02:08 Because Jesus... every day Jesus' coming is closer
02:12 and we need to be ready more than ever before, right?
02:15 Right. So that's why we're here. We want to uplift,
02:17 glorify, and magnify the Lord.
02:19 We get up and we have a little fun from time to time
02:21 and I think it's all right for Christians to be happy.
02:24 We should be the happiest, most excited people on planet earth,
02:27 shouldn't we? Amen. We should be!
02:29 But we also can get serious because there's a world
02:32 around us that doesn't know Jesus.
02:34 And God has given us an opportunity and given us
02:36 a channel of blessing through 3ABN.
02:39 And I say "us" because that's all of you here,
02:41 all of you watching and listening around the world
02:43 by radio... whether it's satellite, television,
02:46 however... the Internet.
02:48 That it's all of us working together that makes this happen.
02:51 Without you there would be no 3ABN.
02:53 3ABN reaching, literally, as I mentioned last night
02:56 to virtually every continent - inhabited continent -
02:59 on planet earth. And what a privilege
03:02 to be a Seventh-day Adventist Christian in these closing
03:05 moments of earth's history and know that God has
03:08 literally given us the tool to get the undiluted
03:11 three angels' messages, one that would counteract
03:13 the counterfeit, into all the world
03:15 before Jesus comes back very soon.
03:17 Amen! And He is coming back very soon.
03:20 The signs all foretell that Christ is coming soon!
03:25 We've got to preach this message around the world.
03:28 It... you know, folks, it's not a time for us to pull back.
03:31 The economy may not be the best.
03:34 The financial circumstances may not be the best
03:38 but God says that we are to go.
03:40 "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel. "
03:44 And He doesn't tell us to slow down when the finances get slow.
03:49 And I've got a good... I don't even know the man's name
03:53 but he writes me every once in a while.
03:55 He doesn't sign his name, and he's so upset that we're not
03:58 just cutting back and he thinks we ought to just cut way back
04:02 and lay everybody off and things like that.
04:05 No! This is the end of time, folks. Amen!
04:08 We can't cut back now.
04:10 We've got to move forward as never before
04:14 with the gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world.
04:18 There are people out there that are counting on this
04:21 message that have never heard this message before.
04:24 They don't even know that it exists.
04:26 But it is our place to tell them the wonderful good news
04:32 that Jesus Christ is coming again and that He loves them,
04:37 He dies on the cross for them, and that through His blood
04:41 they can receive life eternal.
04:44 And what kind of bride is the Lord returning for?
04:48 Purified. A church that's purified and perfected.
04:50 A glorious bride without spot or wrinkle or blemish
04:53 or any such thing. A bride that's in unity.
04:56 And that's the subject matter that Jay Rosario is going to be
04:59 presenting this evening is Unity in the Body.
05:02 Uh, I asked Jay a little about himself
05:05 and he told me that he was born in Miami, Florida,
05:09 came into the Adventist faith in, of all places, Alaska,
05:13 and he is now living in San Jose, Arizona...
05:15 not Arizona... California.
05:17 And I asked him: "What was your inspiration to become
05:20 a teacher... such a strong preacher? "
05:23 How many of you have seen him here on 3ABN?
05:26 Uh, we got to know him through GYC
05:28 and he is just a powerful preacher!
05:31 And he told me that while he was in Alaska
05:33 he started taking Bible studies.
05:36 And he said the most amazing thing.
05:38 Something that inspired him so much was that when he would
05:41 have questions - and he was full of questions as young people
05:44 usually are - that every time he had a question
05:48 the gentleman that was giving him the Bible studies
05:50 would take him to the Word and give him nothing but scripture.
05:53 This so impressed him, and he asked the gentleman
05:57 one time: "How on earth do you do this?
06:00 How do you know the scripture so well that you can answer
06:02 all of my questions with the scripture? "
06:04 And the gentlemen said to him: "Jay, someday
06:08 you will be teaching and you will be preaching
06:10 just the same way. " And he said: "That so inspired me. "
06:13 You know what the man did?
06:15 He cast a vision and he cast it right inside of Jay.
06:18 And Jay caught that, and now we are just honored
06:21 to have him come and speak for us tonight.
06:23 But before Jay comes, we have got a marvelous young lady
06:27 that we have come to appreciate so much here at 3ABN.
06:31 Through the years she's been faithful
06:34 and we just admire her so much.
06:36 Danny, I think you know this young lady.
06:38 I know this little girl. This is my daughter Melody...
06:41 Melody Dawn. And when she was born, we named her
06:44 Melody in faith that God would give her musical abilities.
06:47 And God has done that.
06:49 And Melody, I love you and appreciate you.
06:51 Someone said tonight: "You've got to quit losing weight! "
06:54 They said: "She's too little.
06:56 Tell her don't lose any more weight. "
06:58 But you know what, when they're almost... I won't say what
07:01 her birthday is, but when she's almost that age
07:03 they pretty well do what they want, right?
07:05 But I love Melody and Greg and all the kids
07:10 and what a blessing they are.
07:12 I'm so thankful that you love Jesus and you're willing to
07:14 use your talent for Him.
07:16 What are you going to sing tonight? He Knows My Name.
07:37 He counts the stars one and all.
07:41 He knows how much sand is on the shore.
07:45 He sees every sparrow that falls.
07:52 He made the mountains and the sea.
07:56 He's in control of everything...
08:00 of all creatures great and small.
08:04 And He knows my name.
08:08 Every step that I take.
08:11 Every move that I make.
08:15 Every tear that I cry.
08:19 And He knows my name.
08:22 When I'm overwhelmed by the pain
08:26 and can't see the light of day,
08:30 I know I'll be just fine
08:34 'cause He knows my name.
08:44 I don't know what tomorrow will bring.
08:49 I can't tell you what's in store.
08:52 I don't know a lot of things.
08:59 I don't have all the answers
09:02 to the questions of life,
09:06 but I know in whom I have believed.
09:12 And He knows my name.
09:15 Every step that I take.
09:19 Every move that I make.
09:23 Every tear that I cry.
09:27 And He knows my name.
09:30 When I'm overwhelmed by the pain
09:34 and can't see the light of day
09:37 I know I'll be just fine
09:42 'cause He knows my name.
09:47 He knew who I was
09:50 when He carried my cross.
09:55 He knew that I would fail Him
09:59 but He took the loss.
10:04 And He knows my name.
10:08 Every step that I take.
10:11 Every move that I make.
10:15 Every tear that I cry.
10:19 He knows my name
10:22 when I'm overwhelmed by the pain
10:26 and can't see the light of day
10:30 I know I'll be just fine
10:34 'cause He knows my name.
10:37 When I'm overwhelmed by the pain
10:41 and can't see the light of day
10:45 I know I'll be just fine
10:53 'cause He knows my name.
11:08 Hello again.
11:10 Aren't you excited that you serve a God who knows your name?
11:13 Amen!
11:14 Aren't you excited that He's going to give you a new name?
11:16 Amen? Amen. I like the name Jay but it'd be kind of cool
11:19 to have a more... more powerful name.
11:22 I always felt like my name was kind of...
11:24 it wasn't strong enough. Jay... just short
11:27 and kind of to the point. A little too concise.
11:29 So I wants something a little bit like, you know, Maximus.
11:33 You know? In high school I think people would have left me alone
11:36 if they knew that my name was Maximus.
11:38 Sounds exciting. I don't know what my new name is going to be
11:40 in the kingdom, but I'm excited to have a new name.
11:43 So... have you been enjoying yourselves?
11:44 Amen! I've been really, really excited
11:47 listening to all... so many different perspectives
11:49 to scripture and it's very... so exciting
11:53 to see how different minds are able to glean
11:58 different perspectives to the same texts.
12:02 So I think that's really the whole point.
12:03 That's why we come together in unity
12:06 to seek the Lord's presence.
12:08 And as we speak about unity in the body of Christ
12:13 I want to invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray
12:15 and invite the Spirit with us.
12:17 Father, We come before You excited
12:19 because you know our names
12:21 and because you're going to give us a new one.
12:23 And Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that You bless
12:26 us now as we open Your Word and at the same time
12:31 open our hearts. May You speak to us in a powerful way.
12:35 May we leave this presentation, Father, with a deeper
12:39 appreciation of Your... of Your character
12:41 and may You help us, Father, to be more and more like Jesus.
12:44 It's our prayer in His name. Let everyone say... Amen.
12:48 So our message: Unity in the Body of Christ.
12:53 Unity in the Body of Christ.
12:56 This is going to be interesting. Amen?
12:58 Unity. Is it possible to have unity
13:01 in the body of Christ? Do you think it's possible?
13:04 Amen. I think with God all things are possible.
13:07 And once again, we've talked a little bit, you know,
13:10 the reality of church. The challenges that we've had
13:13 in the past experience. But, you know, the Bible promises
13:18 that God's promises will be fulfilled in His people
13:23 in the last days. So maybe you're a person who
13:26 looks at your local church situation
13:30 and you wonder to yourself: "How in the world
13:32 are we going to be united? "
13:34 And I think... I think that's the cry of many of us.
13:38 But I think it's only possible with the Spirit of God.
13:40 And as the Spirit is moving upon the hearts of people
13:44 I believe that slowly but surely He's uniting us more and more
13:48 and more. And I believe that the Bible has been given us
13:50 to unite us into the same foundation. Amen?
13:54 And so may the Lord help us as we endeavor to study this
13:58 a bit further. Unity in the Body of Christ.
14:00 It's interesting because when you consider
14:03 all of the things in scripture -
14:07 particularly the concept of God -
14:11 which is such a sublime, such a profound concept,
14:17 obviously our minds are too limited
14:19 to be able to fully fathom and comprehend
14:22 all of the intricate mysteries of God.
14:24 But the Bible tells us that God
14:28 has three different, distinct personalities.
14:33 Yes? The phrase, of course, we refer to it as the trinity
14:38 although trinity doesn't appear in the Bible.
14:40 The term that appears in the Bible is the term
14:44 Godhead... Godhead. And I think if we really want to understand
14:48 this concept of unity we really have to go to the essence.
14:52 And I believe that when you look at the Godhead you find
14:56 the perfect picture of unity in the entire universe.
15:02 What we will discover is that God Himself
15:06 in His very being is a unity.
15:10 God Himself in His very essence is harmony.
15:15 And when you take a look at... when Jesus is referring to
15:19 the Holy Spirit... If you have your Bibles, run with me
15:22 to John chapter 16. And I have to warn you:
15:25 we're going to be going over scripture. Amen?
15:28 So make sure you have your fingers ready.
15:30 Remember we're going to do finger exercises.
15:32 John chapter 16.
15:36 John chapter 16... Jesus is speaking
15:39 in the future of the coming of the Holy Spirit
15:44 and He's unfolding to His disciples the mission
15:47 of the Holy Spirit and how the Holy Spirit is
15:50 going to manifest Himself.
15:52 And when you're there, please say Amen.
15:54 Amen. And notice what the Bible says in John 16 verse 13.
15:57 Jesus says: "However, when He... "
15:59 Notice He doesn't refer to the Spirit as an it.
16:01 Amen? Because the Spirit is not an it.
16:05 The Spirit is a person.
16:07 "When He the Spirit of Truth has come, He will guide you
16:11 into all truth. "
16:14 Now, Pastor David Shin talked a little bit about this concept
16:18 of truth. Powerful presentation on that.
16:20 So we know that the truth is found where?
16:23 "Sanctify them through Thy truth... Thy... "
16:25 "Word is truth. " So the Spirit of God
16:28 will ultimately lead you to where?
16:31 To the Word of God.
16:32 If there is something that is leading you
16:38 contrary to the Word of God,
16:40 then you can rest assured that it's not the Holy Spirit.
16:43 And there are many claims of the movings and the promptings
16:47 of the Spirit that I believe that they are
16:49 the movings and promptings of A spirit...
16:54 but not necessarily the Holy Spirit.
16:58 Amen? So may the Lord help us to be able to be wise
17:01 and able to discern the movings of the Holy Spirit
17:04 and the movings of other spirits that are not of God.
17:07 So the Spirit of God will guide us into all truth,
17:10 into all of the Word, "for He will not speak
17:13 on His own authority. "
17:15 So as the Holy Spirit comes... and by the way,
17:17 the Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead.
17:20 Uh, they are... they are similar.
17:23 They are... all three of them are powerful.
17:25 And as the Spirit of God is here on planet earth
17:29 He will not speak on His own authority.
17:31 Isn't that interesting?
17:32 And notice what it says: "But whatever He hears
17:35 He will speak, and He will tell you things to come. "
17:40 So as the Holy Spirit... There was a switcheroo.
17:44 Right? Jesus ascended; the Spirit descended.
17:47 And as the Spirit descended, the Spirit speaks nothing
17:51 on His own behalf.
17:52 The Spirit is simply bringing back to mind
17:58 bringing back to our remembrance
18:00 the very things that Jesus said of old.
18:04 So if there is something that you're claiming
18:08 to be the leading and promptings of the Spirit,
18:10 you have to ask yourself the question:
18:12 Is the leadings and promptings of that spirit
18:15 does it coincide, does it harmonize with the leadings
18:18 and the promptings and the teachings of Jesus?
18:20 And if it contradicts the teachings of Jesus,
18:23 well then you have to ask yourself the question:
18:25 is this really the Holy Spirit or is it A spirit?
18:29 So the Holy Spirit simply... The Holy Spirit's task
18:33 is simply to exalt and bring back to mind
18:38 the sacrifice and the words of Jesus.
18:42 When you look in chapter 14 of the same book,
18:45 chapter 14 and verse 26,
18:47 the Bible says: "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit whom the Father
18:51 will send in My name, " Jesus says,
18:53 "He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance
18:56 all things that I said to you. "
18:58 And when you do a careful study of the Holy Spirit
19:00 you'll discover that the job of the Holy Spirit is to exalt
19:04 and to magnify what Jesus has already done.
19:08 I don't know about you, but that's kind of...
19:11 that's kind of selfless.
19:15 That's kind of humble on the Holy Spirit's behalf.
19:17 You guys follow that?
19:19 Here you have a powerful being that was present in the creation
19:23 account by the way. The Spirit was actively involved
19:25 in the creation of the world.
19:27 Here He is thousands of years later
19:29 and He's heavily involved in the experiences of humanity
19:32 and He doesn't say anything about Himself.
19:35 He just says what Jesus had already said.
19:40 He just quotes; He just brings back to memory.
19:43 He is humble and He exalts the ministry of Jesus.
19:48 The Holy Spirit exalts the ministry of Jesus.
19:52 But what I find interesting is when you look at Jesus.
19:57 Jesus kind of had a motto; He had a certain outline.
20:01 He kind of had a certain rhythm to His life
20:04 which I think is an example for all of us.
20:07 For example, if you read in John chapter 5...
20:10 We're in John; just go a few pages back.
20:12 John chapter 5 and you will find
20:17 something very interesting that Jesus says
20:19 in John chapter 5 and verse 30.
20:21 Jesus says: "I can of Myself do... " What?
20:25 "do absolutely nothing. "
20:27 "As I hear I judge, and My judgment is righteous
20:32 because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father
20:37 who sent Me. " So here you have Jesus Christ
20:40 who was actively involved in the creation account
20:43 in Genesis chapter 1 along with the Holy Spirit -
20:46 all powerful; almighty - and He is here on planet earth.
20:50 He has all the power to do whatever He wants
20:54 and yet He says: "I can of Myself do nothing. "
20:57 What does He say: "I do not seek My own will
21:01 but the will of My Father who sent Me. "
21:04 You're in John. Go back to Matthew chapter 26.
21:07 I warned you: we're going to go through a lot of Bible texts.
21:09 Matthew chapter 26.
21:12 And this is the melancholy chapter where you find
21:16 Christ weeping and sweating and trembling
21:21 in the cool evening in the Garden of Gethsemane.
21:26 And in Matthew chapter 26 and in verse 42
21:29 and really in that whole passage you find Christ coming
21:34 to the Father and He's praying and He's praying
21:37 and He's praying. And He's praying the same thing.
21:41 You ever find yourself praying the same thing?
21:43 Well, we definitely have a good model of an example here
21:47 that persistence in prayer is important. Amen?
21:50 Don't give up; keep praying. We see that in Jesus' example.
21:53 And in verse 42 of Matthew chapter 26 we see
21:57 Jesus praying a second time.
22:01 "And He went away and prayed saying: 'Oh my Father, if
22:03 this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it
22:06 Your will be done. " And if you read the third time
22:11 He says... He basically surrenders and He says
22:14 finally: "Your will be done. "
22:17 So, what do we have so far? We have the Holy Spirit
22:19 who is an all-powerful being who decides to come to planet earth,
22:23 fully humbles Himself, lives a selfless life,
22:29 and all He does is exalt the ministry of Jesus,
22:32 brings back to humanity the words that Jesus had said
22:36 previously, and that's all He does.
22:38 But when you look at Jesus' ministry, Jesus really was also
22:42 kind of humble and selfless.
22:46 What does He do? What is His motto?
22:48 His motto in life is not to do His will
22:51 but to do the will of His Father.
22:54 Do you... are you guys seeing a pattern?
22:55 Here you have the Holy Spirit submitting and exalting Jesus.
23:01 Here you have Jesus submitting and exalting the Father.
23:05 Ladies and gentlemen, the essence of the Godhead
23:08 is constant submission to each other.
23:13 Is constant exaltation of each other.
23:16 Selflessness.
23:19 And I believe that the reason why the Godhead is united...
23:22 Amen? You're not going to find a more intricate unity
23:25 than the Godhead... is because there is infinite love
23:29 constantly being lavished upon the three members
23:33 of the Godhead. And I believe if that same Godhead
23:38 is dwelling in the hearts of His people - Amen? -
23:41 it should manifest itself in what manner?
23:45 In a way where we also are humble and selfless.
23:50 Does that make sense? Run with me to the book of Psalms.
23:53 Psalms chapter 133. I warned you
23:57 we're going to go through a lot of scripture this presentation.
24:01 Psalm 133; Psalm 133. And this is really kind of...
24:07 this could be the bedrock, the foundation of this presentation.
24:10 Psalm 133. And when you're there, please say Amen.
24:15 Amen.
24:17 Psalm 133 verse 1:
24:19 A song of ascents. Of David. He writes:
24:23 "Behold how good and how pleasant
24:26 it is for brethren to dwell together" how?
24:32 "in unity. " Isn't that a beautiful text to read.
24:34 Next board meeting I want to encourage you to read that text.
24:37 Amen? Amen!
24:39 Don't let them know where you got this idea from.
24:42 Psalm 133 tells us clearly that when God's people are
24:46 united it is good. That's such an understatement, isn't it?
24:50 It is good; it is a pleasant thing.
24:52 I think in the King James it says "blessed. "
24:55 It is a "blessed" thing.
24:56 I'm not sure if it's in the King James that's what it says.
24:58 Pleasant. "It is good for the brethren to dwell together
25:02 in unity. Now if this is true
25:04 then obviously the opposite must be true.
25:06 Yes? So if it's pleasant and if it's good for God's people
25:11 to be in unity, then what must it be like
25:13 when God's people are in disunity?
25:18 It could read this way: "Behold, how bad" -
25:21 all right - "and how unpleasant
25:25 it is for the brethren to dwell together in disunity. "
25:30 Can we say that? I think that's safe.
25:32 I think that's Biblically sound. Ladies and gentlemen,
25:34 the reason why sometimes the world is not attracted
25:38 to us or to our message is because they look
25:43 at a congregation - they look at a group of people -
25:46 that many a time manifest themselves in a very
25:50 disunited fashion.
25:54 And they're thinking: "If you don't even get along
25:56 in there, how in the world... why should I even
26:01 bother coming and spending my time and investing my energy
26:06 in worshiping this God that you say is a God of love
26:10 and yet there is no love being manifested to these people? "
26:15 So when you look at the Holy Spirit who exalts,
26:18 when you look at Jesus who exalts the Father,
26:21 ladies and gentlemen it is very, very clear that
26:23 anyone who is walking and anyone who truly knows God
26:27 is going to walk in a humble fashion.
26:30 Is going to walk in a way that is going to uplift and exalt
26:33 those around them. Amen?
26:35 And we have the contrary example of this
26:38 when you look at that fallen angel.
26:41 Anybody know his name?
26:43 Lucifer! Let's take a look at Isaiah.
26:45 Isaiah chapter 14.
26:48 Told you we're going to go through a lot of texts.
26:51 Isaiah chapter 14.
26:54 The essence of God is unity.
26:56 That is His very essence in His being.
26:59 The Godhead - the three members of the Godhead - are
27:03 lavishing respect and love
27:06 and they are esteeming each other better than themselves.
27:09 And yet in Isaiah 14 something happened.
27:14 Something created, something that was united,
27:17 was divided. Something that was in harmony
27:23 became out of harmony. What happened?
27:26 Isaiah chapter 14. When you're there, say Amen.
27:28 Amen. The Bible says in verse 12 "How you are fallen from heaven
27:32 O Lucifer, son of the morning!
27:34 How you are cut down to the ground
27:35 for you who weaken the nations!
27:38 For you have said" where?
27:39 "in your heart. " Isn't that interesting?
27:42 He said in his heart. So that means that
27:46 this disunity first began where?
27:51 On the inside.
27:54 And then it was manifested on the outside.
27:58 It was just a thought; it was just a feeling
28:02 that Lucifer had. "He said in his heart... "
28:06 Well what did he say in his heart?
28:07 "I will ascend into heaven;
28:09 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
28:13 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
28:15 on the fartherest sides of the north;
28:17 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
28:19 I will be like the Most High. "
28:20 Now does that sound like the Holy Spirit exalting Jesus?
28:25 Does that sound like Jesus exalting the Father?
28:28 Here you have an angel that's exalting himself.
28:32 And ladies and gentlemen, this is... this was a foreign
28:36 behavior. This was a foreign attitude
28:39 to the culture of heaven. Amen?
28:41 And this created a disunity and this is what began
28:45 the cosmic conflict between good and evil.
28:47 It was simply an attitude problem.
28:52 Many many problems and issues begin
28:57 simply with a bad attitude.
28:59 And we're talking about unity in the body of Christ.
29:02 And of course, this manifests itself in many different
29:04 contexts, right? In the workplace, yes?
29:08 In the home; at the university;
29:10 and definitely at church as well.
29:12 So here we have kind of like this attitude
29:15 that Lucifer was developing. And he was marinating
29:18 inside of him until eventually it killed him.
29:20 Until eventually it led him to exalt himself
29:24 at the expense of others.
29:28 But when you look at the Bible you find that Jesus
29:32 did exactly the opposite.
29:35 Run with me to Philippians chapter 2.
29:36 Philippians chapter 2.
29:41 Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians.
29:44 Philippians chapter 2.
29:47 We saw that Lucifer exalted himself.
29:50 Lucifer wanted to establish his throne.
29:54 Let's see what Jesus does in Philippians chapter 2
29:56 and when you're there please say "Amen. " Amen.
29:59 Philippians chapter 2 and verse 1. The Bible says:
30:00 "Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ,
30:03 if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit,
30:06 if any affection and mercy,
30:08 fulfill my joy... " How?
30:10 "by being like-minded. "
30:13 Having the same love; being of one accord.
30:15 And this is not talking about a vehicle, Amen?
30:18 Being of one accord... uh, of one mind.
30:22 "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit. "
30:26 Well that was Lucifer's problem.
30:28 He did what he did through selfish ambition or conceit.
30:32 "But do it rather... " how? "in lowliness of mind
30:36 let each other esteem others better than himself. "
30:39 And that's exactly what the Godhead does.
30:42 They esteem each other better than themselves.
30:47 And that's why that's the most purest form of love.
30:51 Amen? Agape.
30:53 And by the way, that love is available to you and I.
30:55 Did you know that? And the prayer of Jesus
30:57 in John chapter 17 is that you and I may what?
31:00 Be one as He is one with the Father.
31:04 The same unity that the Godhead has
31:07 is what Christ is inviting us to.
31:10 In fact, if you do a careful study of this in I John,
31:12 you'll discover that really when we do evangelism
31:15 when we proclaim the good news
31:17 you know what we're really doing?
31:18 We're simply inviting people to experience the communion
31:23 that dwells within the Godhead
31:25 which is infinite love lavished upon each of them.
31:29 Ladies and gentlemen, when you look at Philippians chapter 2
31:32 we see exactly the solution to the problem of disunity.
31:37 "Let each of you look out not for his own interest
31:40 but also for the interest of others. "
31:42 Verse 5: "Let this... " what?
31:45 "mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. "
31:48 And you can read the rest later on.
31:50 I think you guys are familiar with Philippians chapter 2.
31:52 Talks about the sacrifice of Christ.
31:54 It talks about the incarnation.
31:56 But notice before the incarnation,
31:57 before the sacrifice of Christ in verse 5,
32:02 what was the original way
32:07 that the sacrifice was born?
32:12 Paul says "let this mind. " It was a mindset.
32:18 Right? It was an attitude.
32:21 Jesus looked at fallen humanity
32:23 and His heart broke. He felt compassion.
32:26 And He had a particular mindset; He had a particular attitude.
32:31 And that was what? Complete submission,
32:36 complete selflessness, complete humility.
32:40 Are you beginning to see the contrast?
32:42 Isaiah chapter 14 you have Satan who is exalting himself.
32:47 In Philippians chapter 2 you have Jesus
32:51 who is humbling Himself.
32:53 Jesus came into this world to bring unity.
32:56 In fact, you're right there in Philippians.
32:58 Go to the book of Ephesians.
32:59 If you're there, in Ephesians chapter 1:
33:02 why is it that Jesus came into the world? Simple.
33:05 If you look in verse 9 of Ephesians chapter 1 it says:
33:09 "Having made known to us the mystery of His will
33:12 according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself
33:15 that in the dispensation of the fullness of time
33:17 He might" - listen - "gather together in" what?
33:21 "one all things in Christ both which are in heaven
33:26 and which are on earth" how? "in Him. "
33:31 Jesus came into the world why? Because the world was
33:34 divided. The harmony and the bliss and the unity
33:40 that existed in the Garden of Eden was lost.
33:42 It was interrupted. There was a different note
33:45 that was introduced into the song.
33:48 How many of you love when somebody... when there's
33:52 a harmony until somebody adds their voice
33:54 and it's completely out of tune. You guys love when that happens?
33:57 You're like... oh, no. Right?
33:59 And that's kind of what happened in the Garden of Eden.
34:02 There was a beautiful rhythm. There was a beautiful
34:05 environment and then there was a different tune.
34:10 There was a different note that was introduced
34:12 that was opposite to God's original plan.
34:15 And in Ephesians the Bible tells us that Jesus came because
34:18 He wants to gather everything in one.
34:20 He wants to unite it. Under what foundation?
34:23 Under the foundation of love.
34:25 God is love, and God expresses that love in the Godhead.
34:30 Job chapter 10 verse 8 says something interesting
34:32 You don't have to go there. It says: "Your hands
34:35 have made me and fashioned me
34:37 in intricate unity. " Isn't that interesting?
34:43 Job talks about the origins of man
34:46 and he says that "God's hands have made us
34:49 and have fashioned us in intricate unity. "
34:53 Well that communicates that even in science,
34:57 even in physiology, even in biology
35:00 you have this element of unity present.
35:03 You find unity in the organs of the body.
35:09 You find how the body is such an amazing machine.
35:13 Amen? It's such an incredible... everything is constantly
35:16 being simultaneously working together
35:20 for the proper function. And you cannot look
35:24 at the human body and say that God doesn't exist.
35:28 That is the most intricate machine
35:31 that you... that any person could ever fathom of creating.
35:35 So when you look at the creation of the world
35:39 you find that even in the creation of the world
35:42 there's unity.
35:45 Even when you look at science. Now I have to warn you,
35:47 I hope my science teacher is not watching this
35:49 'cause I barely passed biology.
35:51 I think he was just merciful because he was tired of me.
35:55 But when you look at science and when you study science
35:57 carefully you will discover that you will find...
35:59 By the way, you find the gospel all over science. Amen?
36:02 The gospel is found in every scientific discipline:
36:06 chemistry, physics, biology.
36:08 When you look at the atom - not ADAM, ATOM -
36:14 when you look at the atom, you have a very interesting reality.
36:19 Even within an atom there are certain components
36:21 inside the atom. Does anybody want to take a guess?
36:24 You have... help me out...
36:29 You have protons - I heard somebody say it here.
36:31 Neutrons. This is science class.
36:34 I'm taking you back to the classroom.
36:36 So in an atom you have electrons.
36:40 You have protons, right? And neutrons.
36:46 What are the differences between protons and electrons?
36:52 The positive and negative charge, yeah?
36:55 Or we could just say "they're different. "
36:58 Right? That's what I liked to tell my science teacher.
37:02 When they would ask me what is the difference:
37:04 "well, they're just different. "
37:05 But this is my point: even though protons
37:09 and electrons are different...
37:13 Somebody said it; somebody beat me to it...
37:18 they're hanging out in the same place.
37:20 Does that make sense?
37:22 I mean, at the atomic level
37:24 I mean, that's the most... that's the...
37:25 In fact, the word atom... I looked this up;
37:26 I thought it was interesting.
37:28 Atom comes from the Greek.
37:30 Atomos is really kind of where it comes from.
37:33 And a is basically the prefix of un - the negative -
37:37 and tomos is to cut.
37:40 So an atom literally means un-cutable,
37:44 indivisible, something that cannot be divided further
37:48 because it's so small.
37:52 So in the atom, even the atom, there's different
37:56 charges. And yet even within the different charges
38:00 they're kind of hanging out together.
38:02 Ladies and gentlemen, in your church
38:05 there are different charges. Amen?
38:09 You guys following me?
38:11 At board meeting there are different charges.
38:16 When you're dealing with issues in the church
38:20 there are different charges. We need to remember
38:23 that just because somebody else is a different charge
38:28 it doesn't mean that we have the right to destroy them. Amen?
38:32 Amen. They're just a different charge.
38:35 We're all a little different and we have to respect that.
38:38 When you look at the atom you find this concept of unity.
38:42 And when atoms form in a group, anybody know what that is?
38:45 You find a molecule.
38:47 And even when you consider the cell...
38:51 What is a cell? What do cells have inside?
38:54 A lot of weird stuff, right?
38:57 Have you seen the science books?
38:59 Like wow, that's inside my body? That's weird.
39:02 You have all kinds of stuff. Anybody remember?
39:05 You have the nucleus. What else?
39:07 The ribosomes. What else have you got?
39:09 The apparatus thing... what's that called?
39:11 The Golgi apparatus I think is what it's called.
39:15 A lot of different things. I mean, the cell is so small.
39:18 The cell is so tiny and yet it's literally a little...
39:23 it's like a little city.
39:25 And there's different things going on inside the cell
39:27 and yet it somehow maintains... here's a key word...
39:31 unity.
39:33 In fact, another word for cell or the popular phrase for cell
39:38 is "the building block of life. "
39:42 So if a cell is the building block of life
39:45 and the cell is full of unity
39:48 even though there's a diverse... different things in there,
39:52 then that would mean that every- thing that extends from the cell
39:56 into a bigger level - meaning you -
40:00 you should also reflect the unity that exists in your cells.
40:04 Does that make sense? Yes.
40:05 So even in biology, even in physio...
40:08 that's why Job said what he said.
40:10 "Your hands have made me and fashioned me
40:13 in intricate unity. "
40:15 And there are different things in the cells.
40:18 But just because they're different does not mean
40:20 that they have to be at odds.
40:22 Take another example: Genesis chapter 1.
40:25 We have the creation account.
40:28 And we already spoke a little bit about how
40:30 God spoke and things came into existence.
40:33 And usually after God finished creating what He was creating
40:39 on that particular day Genesis always concludes
40:43 each day with a phrase. What does it say?
40:45 "It was good. " That's true.
40:48 But right before "it was good, "
40:52 "and the evening and the morning were the first day. "
40:58 Evening and the morning... second day.
41:01 Third day, fourth day, etc.
41:03 Isn't it interesting that here you have in Genesis chapter 1
41:07 God is introducing a unit
41:11 of time, and it's called a day.
41:14 And it's composed of what? Two things.
41:17 And by the way, they're two completely opposite things.
41:23 Daylight and darkness.
41:26 I mean can you get any more opposite than that?
41:29 And even though you have the daytime
41:32 and even though you have the nighttime
41:34 God puts it under the same package and He says:
41:37 "This is the day. "
41:40 What is that trying to tell us?
41:42 That there could be unity in diversity.
41:46 In your church - Amen? -
41:48 there are people that are sunshining the daylight.
41:52 And there are others... I'd better not go there.
41:57 I will refrain from that temptation.
41:59 So the point is that when you look at biology,
42:02 you look at the atom, you look at the molecule,
42:04 you look at the cell, you'll find that the cell is the
42:07 smallest unit of life. It's complex.
42:10 Has a lot of activity and yet is 100% in harmony.
42:15 That's what the body of Christ should be like.
42:17 By the way, go to I Corinthians chapter 12.
42:20 This is really where Paul unpacks this whole concept of
42:25 the body and unity in the body of Christ.
42:28 And it makes sense why it's unity in the BODY of Christ
42:31 because we know that in our bodies there is unity.
42:34 So if there's unity inside of my body, there should also be
42:37 unity outside of my body. Amen?
42:40 There SHOULD be.
42:42 I Corinthians chapter 12 and when you're there,
42:44 please say "Amen. " Amen.
42:46 Beginning with verse 12
42:47 the Bible tells us the following words:
42:49 "For as the body is one and has many members
42:52 but all the members of that one body being many
42:55 are one body, so also is Christ.
42:59 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body
43:02 whether Jews or Greeks. " Amen?
43:04 Doesn't matter how diverse of cultures you have in a church
43:10 you're all brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen?
43:12 Doesn't matter the complexion of your sin.
43:14 We all are red underneath. Amen?
43:17 Keep that in mind. "Jews or Greeks, whether slave or free. "
43:20 Social status, yeah? Financial status.
43:24 Just because there's somebody in the church who makes
43:27 a little bit more money than the person next to them
43:29 gives that individual no right to use that individual
43:34 as a floormat. Amen?
43:37 Amen. Because behind all of those things we are all one.
43:42 "And have all been made to drink into one Spirit.
43:46 For in fact the body is not one member but many.
43:50 If the foot should say 'because I am not the hand
43:54 I am not of the body, '
43:56 is it therefore not of the body? "
43:57 No! "And if the ear should say 'because I am not an eye
44:01 I am not of the body' is it therefore not of the body?
44:05 If the whole body were an eye... "
44:07 That would be really weird, wouldn't it? Walking eyes.
44:10 "If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing?
44:13 If the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling?
44:17 But now God hath set the members each one of them in the body
44:20 just as He pleased. And if they were all one member
44:25 where would the body be? But now indeed there are
44:28 many members yet one body.
44:31 And the eye cannot say to the hand... "
44:33 Aren't you happy that your eyes and hands don't have mouths?
44:36 That would be very, very interesting.
44:39 Arguments between your body parts: that'd be weird.
44:41 "And they eye cannot say to the hand 'I have no need of you. '
44:44 Nor again, the head to the feet 'I have no need of you. '
44:47 No. Much rather those members of the body
44:50 which seem to be weaker are necessary. "
44:55 I'm going to read that one more time.
44:56 "No. Much rather those members of the body
45:00 which seem to be weaker are necessary. "
45:05 Ladies and gentlemen, there are certain people in your church
45:08 that seem to be weaker.
45:11 But ladies and gentlemen, they are necessary. Amen?
45:16 You have no right to marginalize anybody in the church.
45:20 "Those members of the body which we think to be less honorable
45:24 on these we bestow greater honor, and our unpresentable
45:28 parts have greater modesty.
45:30 But our presentable parts have no need.
45:32 For God composed the body having given greater honor
45:34 to that part which lacks it that there should be no schism
45:37 or division in the body but that the member should have
45:40 the same care for one another. And if one member suffers
45:43 all the members suffer with them. "
45:46 By the way, that's what you see in the book of Acts. Amen?
45:48 If somebody has a financial crisis, the whole church
45:51 has a financial crisis and everybody aids that individual.
45:56 If somebody has health problems, the entire church recognizes
46:00 this need and they fulfill that need.
46:02 "And if one member suffers all the members suffer with it
46:05 or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. "
46:09 You can read the rest of the chapter later.
46:11 In I Corinthians chapter 12 what the apostle Paul is saying
46:13 is that the human body is composed of different parts
46:16 that look different and have different functions.
46:20 Just because the eye is smaller than the ear
46:24 doesn't mean that the eye is useless.
46:27 Right? Amen. And the point is that just because
46:31 in the church there are different people...
46:34 there are different types of people...
46:36 some people are taller, some people are shorter...
46:38 some people have more talent than others...
46:39 some people have more experience...
46:41 doesn't mean that those other individuals are useless.
46:45 Some people in the church are the eyes.
46:48 There are those that have vision.
46:50 There are those that can see beyond the horizon of the...
46:52 of the struggles and the difficulties in the church
46:55 and they can cast vision.
46:57 There are those that are the feet.
47:00 They're those that have a lot of energy
47:03 and can do the groundwork. Yes?
47:05 There are those that are the hands.
47:07 There are those that are the ears.
47:08 There are those... and I think you guys get the point.
47:10 So in every church, just because there are differences
47:14 doesn't meant that there has to be disagreements.
47:19 In fact, in business
47:23 there is this new idea of innovation.
47:27 Being innovative. How do you get something innovated?
47:31 And what they're basically saying is when you get two
47:34 completely opposite ideas
47:36 and you merge them together, that is the most cutting-edge
47:41 innovation. Now I don't have time to explain this, but
47:46 the idea is that when you have something
47:49 that has... when you have a group of people that has so many
47:52 different upbringings and different cultures
47:55 and different traditions, that is the most innovative
47:59 group of people that you can deal with.
48:03 And if you go to the book of Acts, if this is true...
48:06 which I believe it is... if you go to the book of Acts
48:08 it makes sense why Pentecost was so powerful.
48:11 Because Pentecost was the most innovative thing,
48:16 innovative trade, that God was able to bring to humanity.
48:20 Now why? Because in Acts chapter 2 not only do you have
48:23 by the way the apostles that are also in what?
48:27 "One accord. " They are in unity.
48:29 And in Acts chapter 2 beginning in verse 9
48:32 we find the apostle Peter proclaiming
48:38 a very powerful truth to a very diverse group of people.
48:42 Notice what verse 9 says when you're there:
48:44 "Parthians, and Medes and Elamites;
48:49 those dwelling in Mesopotamia,
48:51 Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,
48:54 Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya
48:58 adjoining Cyrene; visitors from Rome
49:01 both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and... "
49:04 I think you guys get the point, right?
49:05 "and Arabs. " What happened during the Day of Pentecost?
49:08 Who was present?
49:09 Everyone.
49:11 And that's why the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
49:13 was such an innovative and powerful thing.
49:16 Because you had every culture you had different perspectives.
49:19 You had different mindsets.
49:21 You had different cultures, different upbringings.
49:23 Different styles of food, Amen?
49:25 And diversity is a wonderful thing, especially when it comes
49:28 to food. Amen? And if you disagree with that
49:31 I invite you to come to my church on potlucks
49:33 and you will be amazed at the innovation that you find
49:36 when you have the burritos and then right next door
49:38 you have the Filipino food
49:40 and right next door you have the Jamaican food. Amen?
49:42 I love... That's innovative, that's exciting.
49:46 The Bible tells us that unity does not have to be uniformity,
49:52 Amen? Unity can express itself in a diverse form.
49:56 Just because there are differences in the church
49:58 doesn't mean that that church can't be united.
50:01 In fact, the unity in that church will be more strong
50:06 because it will be more balanced.
50:08 Because you have so many different perspectives.
50:10 You have different ages, etc.
50:12 God is preparing a group of people that come from
50:15 different parts of the world. Amen?
50:17 That come from different perspectives.
50:19 And yet God is bringing them and trying to create a united
50:24 group of people who in the end will stand
50:26 among those who keep the commandments of God
50:28 and have the faith of Jesus.
50:30 Run with me to the book of Ezra
50:32 as our time is coming to a close.
50:34 Ezra. Ezra. Ever read the book of Ezra before?
50:38 It's a powerful little book.
50:40 Ezra chapter 3. I wish we had time to unpack Ezra
50:44 and all the situations, the historical setting.
50:46 Ezra. There was a crisis in the book of Ezra.
50:48 God's people just came out of Babylon.
50:53 Cyrus the Mede gave permission
50:57 to the Jews to go back to Jerusalem
51:00 and to build the sanctuary that was destroyed.
51:05 And they kept restoring little by little
51:08 different aspects of truth and different aspects of
51:13 the message that they were given.
51:14 And in Ezra chapter 3 how were they going to do this?
51:18 How were they going to accomplish the restoration
51:21 of the temple after spending 70 years in Babylonian captivity?
51:25 And by the way, many of the Hebrews
51:27 who spent 70 years in Babylonian captivity
51:31 did not leave Babylon... they stayed there. You know why?
51:34 Because after 70 years things get kind of what?
51:37 It gets kind of comfortable.
51:40 By the way, there's a parallel in the book of Revelation
51:42 to come out of Babylon. Amen?
51:43 We don't have time to go there.
51:45 Here you have a call to come out of Babylon.
51:48 There's a group - a remnant - that comes out of Babylon
51:51 and they go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.
51:53 And ladies and gentlemen, there were arguments.
51:55 There were disagreements about what the temple should...
51:59 should have been like, etc. Some people wanted it
52:01 this way; other people wanted it that way.
52:03 But notice what Ezra chapter 3 tells us.
52:05 God was trying to develop something powerful
52:07 in Israel in those times.
52:09 Ezra chapter 3 beginning in verse 1.
52:10 When you're there, please say "Amen. " Amen. The Bible says:
52:13 "And when the seventh month had come and the children
52:15 of Israel were in the cities, the people gathered
52:20 together... " How? As one man.
52:23 "as one man
52:25 all the way to Jerusalem. "
52:28 How was it that God was going to accomplish
52:31 the restoration of worship?
52:33 The restoration of the Hebrew temple?
52:36 How was He going to do it?
52:38 He was going to only be able to do this
52:41 by uniting all of His people and uniting them as...
52:47 "one man. "
52:50 We just read about I Corinthians chapter 12. Amen?
52:52 The eye. We read about the ears.
52:55 Read about the hands; read about the feet.
52:58 God was organizing His people.
53:00 They just came out of Babylon;
53:02 they just came out of inactivity.
53:04 And now God was wanting to put them to work.
53:07 But the only way He was going to be able to accomplish this
53:10 if they were as "one man. " Ladies and gentlemen,
53:13 if we are going to accomplish the work that God has
53:15 called us to accomplish, our churches need to become?
53:20 As one man.
53:22 We need to march to the same beat.
53:25 Amen? Amen. We need to be under the blood-stained banner
53:29 of Emmanuel. We need to be in exceedingly great harmony.
53:32 Army, in harmony, ready for war
53:34 and ready to march when General Jesus tells us to do so.
53:38 Maybe today you represent a church that is divided.
53:41 There's all manner of bickering.
53:43 There's all manner of gossip; there's negativity.
53:46 There's bad attitudes in the church.
53:49 This is not an easy thing to deal with.
53:51 Well there's hope and there's good news for you this morning
53:54 because the same disunity that exists in your church
53:58 is the same disunity that existed among the disciples
54:02 in the upper room. But somebody... somebody...
54:06 decided to take initiative.
54:09 Somebody decided to say: "You know what? I'm not going to
54:11 bicker and fight like the rest of them are.
54:13 I'm not going to point fingers like the rest of them are.
54:17 I'm not going to try to defend my position like
54:20 the rest of them are. I am simply going to serve. "
54:25 Jesus got up from the table
54:27 and He began to wash the disciples' feet.
54:29 And that is the glue that kept the 12 disciples together.
54:34 And because of that example they were able to go
54:37 into the far places of the world bringing the gospel.
54:41 And even though there were differences amongst the
54:42 12 disciples, ladies and gentlemen, they were united
54:45 under the love of God. Amen!
54:47 Because the Godhead is united in humility and love
54:52 they began to exemplify that same unity as well.
54:56 And in the Day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 1
54:58 we see the paramount picture of God's people
55:02 united in one accord, esteeming each other better than
55:06 themselves. And I believe that this is a type
55:09 of the end time. And God is wanting you
55:14 maybe to take the initiative in your church.
55:17 Maybe you are the one that God is calling
55:20 to not point fingers like the rest of them. Amen?
55:24 Not be negative like the rest of them.
55:26 Maybe God is asking you to serve.
55:31 Maybe God is asking you to take initiative
55:35 and to bring unity where there is disunity.
55:38 And ladies and gentlemen, the greatest remedy
55:41 for a divided church is what I like to call
55:46 vitamin E... evangelism.
55:52 Amen? Amen. If you have a church that is divided,
55:55 evangelism is the medicine... evangelism is the remedy.
56:00 Why? Because the essence of evangelism...
56:03 When you're involved in evangelism
56:05 whom are you not thinking about? Yourself.
56:08 You're not thinking about yourself.
56:09 Who are you thinking about? Somebody else. Somebody else.
56:12 And when the church develops the culture of evangelism
56:15 you know what they're going to develop?
56:16 They're going to develop the culture of not thinking
56:18 about themselves. And when you have a church
56:20 that doesn't think about themselves
56:22 they're constantly thinking about others.
56:24 How can we help this brother? How can we help this sister?
56:26 Board meetings are going to become so much sweeter.
56:28 Amen? Issues in the church are going to be so much easier
56:32 to resolve. And I believe when the love of Jesus
56:36 permeates each and every one of us
56:38 that's when we come together we're going to
56:41 experience the greatest and the most wonderful taste
56:45 of heaven. Jesus said: "By this shall all men know
56:50 that you are My disciples:
56:52 if you have love for one another. "
56:55 And that type of love is which kind of love?
56:58 The same love that exists in the core, in the nucleus
57:03 of that beautiful triangle of God the Father,
57:06 God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
57:08 God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
57:10 The essence of that kind of love is a selfless love.
57:13 It's a love that esteems others better than themselves.
57:17 How many of you today would like to say: "Jesus, forgive me
57:19 for not being a positive influence in my church?
57:22 And help me to bring unity,
57:24 and to bring love and to bring peace. "
57:26 How many of you want to say that?
57:27 Amen. Let us pray together.


Revised 2014-12-17