2011 Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting

God Truly Forgives

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Dinzey


Series Code: 11POFCM

Program Code: 11POFCM000007

00:48 Well I want to welcome all of you back this afternoon.
00:51 Everybody had a good meal I'm assuming?
00:54 Amen. Great food.
00:55 And I want to welcome all of the people from around the world.
00:59 Do you know that our potential viewing audience
01:02 is in the billions?
01:03 And we want to welcome every one of you to
01:05 3ABN Spring Pillars of our Faith Camp Meeting.
01:10 We just welcome you all.
01:12 And this afternoon our first speaker is John Dinzey.
01:17 How many of you know John Dinzey?
01:18 He's the General Manager of our Latino Network.
01:22 And I just wanted to tell you a little about
01:24 Pastor John Dinzey.
01:25 He's one of the nicest men you're ever going to want
01:28 to meet. You're going to find that he's an excellent teacher.
01:31 But I wanted to tell you a few little stories about Johnny
01:34 before he comes out.
01:36 Doesn't it make you feel a little better acquainted
01:38 with someone when you hear a few little stories about him.
01:42 One of the things that Danny tells me about is...
01:45 You know, Danny loves to play basketball.
01:47 All of you know Danny? Well he had John Dinzey playing
01:50 on his team one time.
01:52 And so someone had the ball on the opposing team
01:58 and Johnny stole the ball!
02:00 It wasn't that he wasn't a good basketball player.
02:02 He stole the ball from him. Stopped, turned around,
02:05 and told the man: "Oh, excuse me. "
02:08 He... he is one of the most... the nicest
02:12 man you're ever going to meet.
02:15 And I think Hildebrand was just telling me a few minutes ago
02:20 about Johnny. She was in a situation, I guess, where
02:23 she was observing where somebody in traffic
02:25 cut Johnny off. How many of you in traffic like to get cut off?
02:29 Dee said that Johnny experienced road rage.
02:33 He said...
02:36 That was the closest thing to an expression of road rage
02:40 that Johnny knew how to express.
02:43 So I want you to receive him this afternoon
02:45 with that heart of love that he has.
02:48 And he does a tremendous work with our Latino Network.
02:51 Do you know it's one of the fastest growing
02:55 networks in the world. Constantly we are receiving
02:59 new cable systems that are signing up to have 3ABN Latino
03:05 air. So we are reaching the Spanish-speaking world
03:08 as a result of the dedication of John Dinzey.
03:11 So receive him with an open heart.
03:13 But, before Johnny comes, let me tell you about this
03:16 couple that is going to sing for us.
03:18 It's Todd and Lisa Parrish.
03:20 Now you've seen Todd and Lisa on 3ABN many times.
03:24 And they're accompanied by our very own Jill Morikone.
03:28 They're going to sing a beautiful song:
03:29 Amazing Grace. But let me tell you a little about them.
03:32 They've been singing together, they said, ever since they met.
03:36 And they've been married for 28 years.
03:39 Ooh, we're having a ring.
03:40 Maybe... There, that worked.
03:42 Maybe you need to move forward a little, I'm not sure.
03:45 Hey, that worked!
03:47 OK. They've been married for 28 years.
03:49 They've been singing together all that time.
03:52 He works with Amazing Facts and she's a nurse.
03:55 And we just love them and appreciate them so much.
03:58 And I know you're going to enjoy them as they sing
04:01 Amazing Grace.
04:15 Amazing grace.
04:20 how sweet the sound
04:25 That saved a wretch
04:30 like me!
04:35 I once was lost,
04:40 but now I am found,
04:45 Was blind, but now
04:50 I see.
04:55 'Twas grace that taught
05:00 my heart to fear,
05:06 And grace my fears
05:10 relieved;
05:16 How precious did
05:21 that grace appear
05:26 The hour I first
05:31 believed!
05:36 When we've been there
05:41 ten thousand years,
05:46 Bright shining as
05:51 the sun,
05:56 We've no less days
06:02 to sing God's praise
06:07 Than when we first
06:12 begun.
06:17 Amazing grace,
06:23 how sweet the sound
06:29 That saved a wretch
06:35 like me!
06:41 I once was
06:47 lost,
06:48 but now I am found,
06:55 Was blind,
06:59 but now
07:02 I see...
07:10 Was blind,
07:14 but now
07:18 I
07:21 see.
07:30 Amen.
07:33 Thank you Todd, Lisa, and Sr. Jill Morikone on the piano.
07:37 Praise the Lord for that wonderful song.
07:40 Amen.
07:41 That's one of the songs that I'm sure we'll be singing
07:44 in the new earth. Amen; Amen.
07:48 We're going to study a topic that is of great interest to me.
07:53 I worked for many years in the Pastor Ministries Department.
07:57 Talked to I don't know how many people... hundreds, for sure
08:01 if not thousands, throughout the over 20 years
08:05 that I've been here. And one of the things
08:08 that kind of stands out for me is that people have a hard time
08:14 accepting God's forgiveness.
08:17 So we're going to talk about that today
08:19 with the hopes that God through His Word
08:22 will help us understand that God truly forgives.
08:26 And that's the title of our topic.
08:29 Before we do that we'd like to go to the Lord in prayer.
08:33 So I am going to kneel.
08:35 I am going to ask you to bow your heads where you are
08:37 but I will kneel and we're going to ask for the Lord
08:39 to bless us. Let us pray.
08:46 Our loving heavenly Father,
08:49 We thank you, Lord, for Your goodness and Your mercy.
08:54 We come to you now in Jesus' name
08:57 and we pray, Lord, that You will bless us
09:01 with a message from heaven.
09:03 I place myself in Your hands
09:06 and I ask for Your Holy Spirit to be poured out.
09:09 that You will use me according to Your good pleasure.
09:13 It is Your time, Lord, to speak to Your children.
09:16 Let them hear Your voice.
09:20 In Jesus' name, Amen.
09:23 Jesus went about doing good.
09:27 The Bible says that the common people heard Him gladly.
09:32 The scribes and the Pharisees sometimes sent out spies
09:36 to trap Him, but the spies came back saying
09:40 "Never a man spake like this man. "
09:44 We have a scene in John chapter 8
09:48 that I would like to invite you to join me in.
09:52 John chapter 8 beginning in verse 1.
09:55 In John chapter 8 verse 1 and forward
10:00 we see that a trap was laid for Jesus.
10:03 Let us begin in verse 1:
10:05 "Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives.
10:09 And early in the morning He came again into the temple,
10:14 and all the people came unto Him, and He sat down
10:18 and taught them. And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto Him
10:22 a woman taken in adultery. And when they had sat her
10:26 in the midst they said unto Him: 'Master,
10:31 this woman was taken in adultery... in the very act.
10:37 Now Moses and the law commanded us
10:40 that such should be stoned. What sayest Thou? '
10:44 This they said, tempting Him
10:47 that they might have to accuse Him.
10:50 But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground
10:55 as though He heard them not. "
10:57 So we have a scene here: a woman caught in adultery.
11:01 They caught her in the very act they say.
11:04 But if they had followed the scriptures
11:06 it was not only the woman they were supposed to bring...
11:09 they were supposed to bring the man.
11:11 And the scripture says they said this tempting Him
11:15 because if He spoke against Moses' law
11:18 He would be in trouble with the scribes and the Pharisees
11:22 and the people.
11:23 Being under the Roman rule
11:25 only the Romans were allowed to pass a judgment
11:29 or the sentence of death.
11:31 So it was a trap.
11:33 "This they said tempting Him. "
11:36 But Jesus did not answer their question right away.
11:38 The Bible says He stooped down and began to write.
11:43 I like what it says in the book Desire of Ages.
11:47 That Jesus began to write the sins of those that came
11:52 to accuse her.
11:55 Let us continue reading in John chapter 8
11:58 verse 7 and onward.
12:01 "So when they continued asking Him
12:03 He lifted up Himself and said unto them:
12:07 'He that is without sin among you
12:12 let him first cast a stone at her. '
12:15 And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground.
12:19 And they which heard it being convicted
12:22 by their own conscience went out one by one
12:26 beginning at the eldest even unto the last.
12:30 And Jesus was left alone
12:35 and the woman standing in the midst.
12:38 When Jesus had lifted up Himself and saw none but the woman
12:43 He said unto her: 'Woman, where are thine accusers?
12:47 Hath no man condemned thee? '
12:50 The woman looked around and then she said:
12:55 "No man, Lord. "
12:57 Surely surprised.
12:59 "And Jesus said unto her: 'Neither do I condemn thee. ' "
13:03 Now He didn't give her license to sin. He said:
13:06 "Go and sin no more. "
13:09 Praise the Lord!
13:11 We have here a beautiful passage of God's mercy
13:15 and God's forgiveness.
13:18 But we also see that insomuch as a person that is forgiven
13:24 does not give the person license to continue to sin.
13:27 Jesus said: "Go and sin no more. "
13:30 But when Jesus said: "Go and sin no more, " we have to consider
13:34 the other passages of the scriptures
13:36 that tell us - John 15 verse 5-
13:40 Jesus said: "Without Me you can do nothing. "
13:45 So this woman was expecting the sentence of death
13:49 to come from Jesus
13:52 but she heard: "Let him who is without sin
13:56 cast the first stone. "
13:59 I'm sure she was waiting for the stones to begin to hit her.
14:02 She was probably covering herself
14:04 because apparently she did not notice when the people
14:07 started leaving.
14:08 So Jesus asked her to help her come to her reasoning
14:14 "Where are your accusers? "
14:19 Surprised she said: "No man, Lord. "
14:23 Let's go to the scriptures.
14:26 You see, when God forgives He truly forgives.
14:33 The Bible tells us in I John chapter 3 verse 4-
14:37 we have to define sin before we understand
14:39 why you need forgiveness.
14:40 "Sin" in I John 3:4 it says
14:45 "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law
14:51 for sin is the transgression of the law. "
14:55 Sin is transgression of the law.
14:59 And so does sin exist today? Yes or no?
15:05 Yes! Forgive me for asking these questions because
15:08 I'm accustomed to doing that
15:09 because when we have devotional in our family
15:12 I have to ask the children to make sure they're listening
15:15 and paying attention.
15:18 So it says that "sin is the transgression of the law. "
15:22 So does that mean that the law exists?
15:25 Yes, the law continues to exist.
15:27 Sin exists today.
15:29 Unfortunately there are some Christian believers
15:33 that think the law has been done away with...
15:35 you no longer have to keep the commandments.
15:38 But there is a problem with this thought because
15:42 the same people that say this confess their sins.
15:47 And without sin... I mean without the law
15:51 sin does not exist
15:53 because you don't have a guide, something... a standard
15:57 by which you know what is sin.
15:59 In the same way, if you would catch the same people
16:03 out in the streets sharing the gospel and you say:
16:09 "Excuse me, sir, what are you doing? "
16:11 "Well I'm preaching the gospel to help convert sinners. "
16:13 But you see, sinners cannot exist
16:16 if the law does not exist.
16:18 So the law continues to exist
16:21 and people continue to confess their sins.
16:26 So how is it that God looks upon the sinner when he sins?
16:33 God has extended mercy from the beginning
16:37 that sin entered into this world.
16:40 Amen? Amen.
16:42 Let's look at the scriptures.
16:45 Repentance means to change one's mind;
16:51 to feel remorse; a turning about; the act of forsaking sin
16:56 and accepting God's gracious gift of salvation
16:59 and entering into fellowship with God.
17:01 True repentance implies a radical change
17:05 in the attitude toward sin and God.
17:08 In other words, it will not work with God
17:12 for you to consider just a formula.
17:14 "Well, I'm going to sin in about an hour.
17:18 And then after I'm done with that I'm going to confess
17:21 my sin and move on. "
17:26 No! He who plans for sin depending on God's forgiveness
17:32 will not experience God's forgiveness
17:34 unless there is true repentance.
17:36 A desire includes sorrow for sin...
17:41 repentance includes sorrow for sin
17:43 and the desire to turn away from it.
17:45 Not to do it anymore.
17:48 That's why Jesus said: "Go and sin no more. "
17:54 And so before we are forgiven we must confess our sins.
17:59 Before we even confess our sins
18:02 God blesses us with the gift of repentance.
18:07 Let's go to the scriptures to help us see that.
18:09 For that we must turn in our Bibles
18:12 to the book of Romans chapter 2 and verse 4.
18:18 The book of Romans chapter 2 and verse 4.
18:21 And in the book of Romans chapter 2 verse 4 it tells us
18:25 where begins the act of repentance.
18:30 "Or despiseth thou the riches of His goodness
18:34 and forbearance and longsuffering
18:37 not knowing that the goodness of God
18:39 leadeth thee to repentance? "
18:42 It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance.
18:46 So when you understand that you feel guilt
18:51 and that you must come to God for forgiveness of sins
18:56 be grateful for His amazing grace
19:00 that's leading you to repentance
19:04 and go to Him and ask for forgiveness of your sins.
19:10 In Proverbs chapter 28 verse 13-
19:14 Proverbs chapter 28 verse 13-
19:17 the scriptures tell us that
19:21 "he that covereth his sins shall not prosper;
19:27 but whoso confesseth and forsaketh
19:32 them shall have... " what?
19:34 "mercy. " So we see there a good picture of repentance.
19:38 He who confesses and forsakes them
19:43 will have mercy.
19:45 The Lord is good to every one of us.
19:49 And we will see that some of these scriptures are very
19:54 familiar to some of you.
19:55 But we need to be reminded of them from time to time.
20:00 Turning our Bibles to I John chapter 1.
20:03 And we must move quickly to get through a good amount
20:07 of scriptures. We have to find a foundation
20:11 of our... of the truth in the scriptures.
20:15 I John chapter 1 verses 8 and 9.
20:18 "If we say that we have no sin,
20:22 we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
20:25 If we confess our sins,
20:29 He" - that is, God - "is faithful and just
20:32 to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
20:36 from all unrighteousness. "
20:39 Is the Lord good? Yes or no?
20:41 The Lord is good and kind and merciful to each one of us.
20:47 There's not a person in this world that can say
20:52 in sincerity: "God has not been good to me.
20:56 God has been unkind. God has been unfair with me. "
21:01 God has been fair with everyone.
21:04 God has been good to everyone.
21:06 It is His grace and mercy...
21:09 It is by His mercy that every drop of rain comes to the earth
21:15 to water the ground so we can have food to eat.
21:20 It is by His mercy.
21:22 The whole world, as it says in the book Steps to Christ,
21:26 is surrounded by an atmosphere of grace...
21:29 God's grace.
21:35 In John chapter 1 verse 29- one of my favorite passages
21:39 in the Bible... I have many,
21:41 that's why I say one of my favorite passages -
21:44 in John chapter 1 verse 29 it says: "The next day...
21:48 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him
21:53 and said: 'Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away
21:59 the sin of the world. ' "
22:01 And He is the only one that can take away the sin of the world.
22:06 There is no other way for us to receive forgiveness of our sin.
22:10 It is only through Jesus Christ.
22:13 It is not through anything that you can do.
22:18 If you just committed one sin, you would be a candidate
22:22 for the wages of sin. The Bible says in Romans
22:24 chapter 6 verse 23: "The wages of sin is? " Death.
22:29 "Death. " You know that verse.
22:30 "But the gift of God is? "
22:33 eternal life... "eternal life through Jesus Christ. "
22:36 I was really amazed in a testimony by a pris...
22:40 a... a prisoner... not a prisoner but a person in jail -
22:44 prisoner, a convict, OK.
22:47 They asked him: "What is your favorite verse? "
22:51 And he said: "My favorite verse is:
22:53 'The wages of sin is death. ' "
22:57 But he said: "But the gift of God is eternal life
23:00 through Jesus Christ. "
23:04 He concentrated on the last part.
23:07 And that's what God wants us to do.
23:09 He doesn't want us to receive the wages of sin.
23:12 The Bible says in II Peter that "God is not willing that
23:16 any should perish but that all should come to repentance. "
23:23 So God is merciful.
23:24 In order to help us understand how God deals with sin
23:29 He has blessed us with many scriptures
23:32 for us to understand how He considers forgiveness,
23:36 what He does with sin,
23:38 and what He will do with sin.
23:40 First let us see the part of... for us now here.
23:45 Let's go to the first passage that helps us with that
23:47 and that's Micah chapter 7.
23:50 Micah chapter 7, and we are going to begin reading
23:56 in verse 18.
23:59 Micah chapter 7 and verse 18.
24:04 "Thus it is written:
24:05 who is a God like unto Thee
24:10 that pardoneth iniquities
24:13 and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of His heritage?
24:17 He retaineth not His anger forever because he delights in"
24:23 What? Mercy. "Mercy. "
24:25 "He delighteth in mercy.
24:28 He will turn again; He will have compassion upon us.
24:32 He will subdue our iniquities.
24:35 And Thou will cast all their sins... "
24:40 Where?
24:41 "in the depths of the sea. " Praise the Lord!
24:45 Wow! This is powerful.
24:49 He delights in what? Mercy.
24:52 He's not willing that any should perish.
24:55 Or how about that guy over there? He killed 1,000 people.
25:00 Don't you delight to destroy that person?
25:02 No. The Bible says He "delights in mercy. "
25:05 What about that guy that he has stolen money from his mother
25:08 and his father to use drugs?
25:11 God delights in mercy; not willing that any should perish.
25:15 What about that man over there committing adultery?
25:19 Cheating on his wife? If he repents, God will forgive him
25:25 and make him a new creature in Jesus.
25:30 God delights in mercy.
25:33 But notice this passage says that to help us understand
25:36 how God, when you come to Him and ask for forgiveness
25:41 in true sincerity, repentance,
25:44 He will cast all their sins in the depths of the sea. "
25:50 How many here have been to the very lowest part of the sea?
25:53 The very depths of the sea?
25:55 Nobody. Nobody?
25:58 They don't even have instruments that can go down there.
26:02 You can't even get into one of those little capsules
26:05 and go way down there. They have to use these robots
26:07 to go down there.
26:10 So if your brother has committed a sin
26:14 and God has forgiven him, don't go fishing.
26:21 I'm sure you don't want him to go fishing to find your sins.
26:26 Because God delights in mercy.
26:28 And I could not resist the curiosity:
26:32 well, how deep is that?
26:34 How deep is that? I'll tell you: if you try to go down there
26:37 by yourself, you will never come back.
26:41 It says that
26:45 it is... the lowest parts is called... the Mariana trench
26:50 is the deepest part of the world's oceans
26:52 and the deepest location on the surface of the earth's crust.
26:57 It has a maximum depth of about 11 kilometers.
27:01 That's about... almost 7 miles.
27:04 That's pretty deep.
27:06 And to visualize that a little bit: 11,033 meters
27:12 or 36,201 feet.
27:16 I'm sorry I don't have the inches for you.
27:19 Well that's pretty deep.
27:21 How many are grateful for that?
27:24 Praise the Lord!
27:26 I'm sure I don't want my sins to be broadcast anywhere
27:31 or to be let known. I'm sure you don't.
27:35 And God does not delight in people who do that.
27:41 And God has not given any one of us the ministry
27:45 of gossip. "Did you hear what Bro. Andrew did? "
27:50 "Oh, man, I thought he was a Christian. "
27:53 "Did you hear what he said to his wife? "
27:57 "My husband would kill me if I did say that. "
28:02 God delights in mercy and He wants His children
28:05 to do the same... delight in mercy towards your brothers
28:09 and sisters. And God, trying to help us understand this,
28:14 has given us many scriptures.
28:16 But we must also make it clear that even though God is merciful
28:21 we must repent for our sins.
28:25 We must forsake our sins
28:27 and by His grace go and sin no more.
28:31 And God makes it clear that those that want to continue
28:36 in sin are not going to be forgiven.
28:39 Those that persist in doing evil? They will not be forgiven.
28:44 Let's read a passage to help us understand that
28:47 in Exodus chapter 34.
28:51 Exodus chapter 34 reveals something to us
28:57 about God's character. His mercy is spoken of there
29:02 but also how He regards those that continue or want to persist
29:07 in sin. Beginning in verse 6, Exodus chapter 34.
29:12 "And the Lord passed before him
29:16 and proclaimed: 'the Lord, the Lord God,
29:20 merciful and gracious, longsuffering,
29:24 and abundant in goodness and truth.
29:27 Keeping mercy for thousands,
29:30 forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin,
29:33 and that will by no means clear the guilty.
29:38 Visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children
29:42 and upon the children's children unto the third and to the fourth
29:45 generations. ' " And so
29:48 He will by no means clear the guilty.
29:53 It does not fit in the scriptures that God will save
29:57 everyone including those that want to continue in sin.
30:03 Only those who accept the gift of salvation
30:07 and choose to follow Jesus
30:11 who want to be a part of the family of God
30:15 will be saved, will be forgiven.
30:18 Only those.
30:20 All the evil people that want to continue doing evil
30:23 are going to be left out
30:25 and they are going to experience the wages of sin
30:31 which is? Death.
30:33 And when we mention " the wages of sin is death"
30:36 please understand that we're not talking about the first death.
30:40 The Bible talks about the first death and the second death.
30:43 The first death is one that possibly every one of us
30:47 will die if Jesus Christ does not come while we are alive.
30:54 He MAY come while we are alive.
30:58 The signs indicate that Jesus Christ is coming soon.
31:04 So lift up your heads. Sing loud; let it ring.
31:10 Jesus is coming again!
31:15 Let us continue.
31:17 Ezekiel chapter 33. Ezekiel chapter 33.
31:24 In Ezekiel 33 we have a passage that helps us understand
31:30 how God regards those that are righteous that turn to evil
31:36 and those that are wicked that turn their lives around
31:40 by God's grace to righteousness.
31:42 Beginning in verse 13:
31:46 "When I say to the righteous that he shall surely live
31:53 if he trusts to his own righteousness
31:57 and commits iniquity,
31:59 all his righteousness shall not be remembered.
32:03 But for his iniquity that he has committed,
32:07 he shall die for it. "
32:09 "The wages of sin is death. "
32:12 And so if you are living a life following Jesus
32:17 and you turn away, you have turned away from salvation
32:21 into a life of wickedness.
32:24 And God will allow you to experience the reward
32:30 of the wicked... which is death.
32:33 Verse 14: "Again when I say unto the wicked
32:36 'thou shalt surely die, '
32:38 if he turn from his sin and do that which is lawful
32:43 and right, if the wicked restore the pledge" -
32:47 we'll come back to that -
32:48 "give again that he has robbed,
32:50 walk in the statutes of life without committing iniquity,
32:54 he shall surely live; he shall not die.
32:57 None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned
33:01 unto him. He has done that which is lawful and right;
33:05 he shall surely live. "
33:07 Amen? Amen. Praise the Lord!
33:09 So if you've committed five sins,
33:13 none of those five sins will be mentioned to you.
33:17 If you've committed a million sins,
33:20 none of those sins will be mentioned unto you
33:24 if you have asked God for forgiveness.
33:27 Amen. That's marvelous.
33:30 You know in this world - I've said this in other times -
33:33 in this world if you've committed a crime
33:36 you're labeled as a convict.
33:39 An ex-con, they say.
33:42 If you've murdered anybody and you happen to be released
33:45 and you go into society,
33:49 whenever you go apply for a job
33:52 there's a part there that asks you to write down
33:56 if you are an ex-con.
34:00 In heaven we will not be ex-cons.
34:05 We will not be sinners.
34:08 We will be children of God. Amen!
34:12 We're not going to have there the: "here come the sinners;
34:17 Let's go over there. "
34:19 You're not going to have over there the righteous,
34:22 the angels, and the unfallen worlds when you come to the
34:27 table: "Oh, the sinners here. Let's move on to another part.
34:30 We don't want to be infected. "
34:33 No. The Bible says that we are children of God -
34:39 Amen - and we'll be treated as such.
34:41 The Bible goes on to say that we are joint-heirs
34:44 with Jesus Christ. Amen! What a privilege; what a joy.
34:49 Praise the Lord! Moving on.
34:52 In Matthew chapter 6 we have a passage that helps us
34:56 understand that God's children must also
35:00 inasmuch as they receive mercy they must extend mercy.
35:06 Matthew chapter 6 verses 12 through 15.
35:12 Matthew chapter 6:12-15.
35:14 "Thus it is written" - considering the Lord's Prayer -
35:19 "And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
35:22 And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
35:26 For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
35:30 forever. Amen. " Jesus goes on to say
35:34 in verse 14: "For if ye forgive men their trespasses
35:40 your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.
35:44 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses,
35:49 neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses. "
35:54 Wow! So we must extend mercy.
35:59 God extends mercy to us...
36:02 we must extend mercy to our brothers and sisters.
36:06 Amen? Amen. Amen!
36:11 We, by God's grace, cannot hold a grudge.
36:16 God says: "Vengeance is Mine. "
36:19 A lot of Christians are trying to take vengeance
36:22 in their own hands. It is very dangerous.
36:27 And I must remind you that the passage that says
36:31 in the same way, when Jesus says: "When I was hungry
36:36 you gave Me food. "
36:38 But He says to the wicked: "When I was hungry
36:40 you did not feed Me. "
36:42 Insomuch as we don't do it to the least of these
36:47 "you have not done it unto Me" says Jesus.
36:50 The same thing applies.
36:51 If you do evil to your brothers and sisters,
36:54 it is as if you are doing it to Jesus Christ.
36:57 So please, be very careful.
37:01 Be very careful for Satan tries to easily bring us into that
37:06 trap so that we can go down a path of ruin
37:11 and destruction.
37:14 Let us continue seeing how the Lord considers our sins.
37:19 In Nahum - going back to the Old Testament -
37:22 Nahum 1...
37:27 Nahum 1 verse 3.
37:29 Nahum 1 verse 3:
37:31 "The Lord is
37:33 slow
37:38 to anger and great in power
37:43 and will not at all acquit the wicked.
37:47 The Lord hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm
37:50 and the clouds are the dust of His feet. "
37:53 "The Lord is slow to anger. "
37:56 I'm grateful for that. Amen.
37:59 There's a passage that we're going to read in a moment
38:02 that says that the Lord really has not visited us according
38:09 to our iniquities. Amen! He has been very merciful.
38:11 Very merciful to us.
38:14 Let us turn to Psalm 103.
38:17 Psalm 103.
38:20 Join me there; wonderful stuff.
38:23 Wonderful stuff: Psalm 103.
38:25 We're going to read several verses from there.
38:27 Beginning in verse 8:
38:29 "The Lord is merciful and gracious,
38:33 slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. "
38:37 Amen? I'm glad He doesn't run out of mercy.
38:41 I'm glad He has plenty of mercy.
38:45 Plenty of mercy.
38:48 And we don't have time to enter into the
38:52 unpardonable sin which, quickly,
38:57 the unpardonable sin as we understand it
39:00 is the persistent refusal
39:07 to forsake evil
39:09 and resist the drawing of the Holy Spirit.
39:13 We don't know how long.
39:16 We don't know how long.
39:19 God is the One that determines that.
39:22 But the time comes when the cup of iniquity is full.
39:28 When you have exhausted... When God has said
39:33 "We have done all that could be done for this person
39:37 and he still continues to follow that direction. "
39:43 Still...
39:47 And God has to turn away in sadness and walk away
39:52 because nothing more could be done.
39:54 Brothers and sisters, I have heard of people
39:58 that have left the Lord 20 years,
40:03 30 years, and come to God
40:08 and God receives them.
40:11 They have the joy of the Lord
40:13 knowing that their sins are forgiven
40:16 because God is merciful... plenteous in mercy.
40:20 But those who choose to rebel
40:24 knowing that God is drawing them and drawing them
40:30 and turn their back on Him
40:32 they are in danger of committing the unpardonable sin.
40:37 We must be very, very careful with that.
40:38 We are not able to continue in that for now.
40:41 Verse 9 Psalm 103: "He will not always chide
40:45 neither will He keep His anger forever. "
40:48 Verse 10: "He has not dealt with us after our sins
40:52 nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. "
40:56 Praise the Lord.
40:58 Wow; wow.
41:02 I'll never forget when I was in Jerusalem.
41:06 We were there, and some people were getting baptized
41:11 in the same river that Jesus was baptized in.
41:14 Different people were there. Different groups;
41:16 different church groups had apparently
41:18 come to the same place.
41:20 And a lady caught my attention
41:24 because of how grateful she was for God's mercy.
41:31 And after she was baptized all she could say
41:35 "thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus. "
41:38 LOUD. "Thank you Jesus; thank you. "
41:42 She understood "by grace are ye saved
41:47 and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. "
41:54 Psalm 103, continuing in verse 11.
41:57 Notice this wonderful passage:
41:59 "For as the heaven is high above the earth
42:04 so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him.
42:08 As far as the east is from the west
42:12 so far has He removed our transgressions from us. "
42:17 Glory be to God.
42:19 I like the way Pastor C.D. Brooks puts it:
42:22 You can start here, go north, and you will eventually get to
42:27 the north pole.
42:29 Or you can go south
42:32 and you will eventually get to the south pole.
42:35 But you can start here, go east, and continue going east
42:40 for the rest of your life
42:43 and you'll never reach the east pole.
42:45 Or you can go west and continue going west
42:48 for the rest of your life - for millions of years -
42:51 and you will never reach the west pole.
42:55 And God has said: "As far as the east is from the west
43:00 so far has He removed our transgressions from us. "
43:04 Praise the Lord for His infinite mercy!
43:08 Wow! Wonderful!
43:13 Lamentations 3:22 goes along the same lines.
43:18 Lamentations 3:22: "It is of the Lord's mercy
43:21 that we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. "
43:28 "His compassions fail not. "
43:30 God has a guarantee that lasts forever.
43:35 You know, you can get a warranty for your car.
43:38 And any time your car breaks down, the warranty - if you get
43:41 a good one - covers your car.
43:47 Some last 5 years, 10 years.
43:51 But God's guarantee of forgive- ness lasts throughout eternity.
43:57 Throughout eternity.
44:00 Praise the Lord for that.
44:02 I would like to read to you what God is finally
44:06 going to do with sin.
44:08 Finally going to do with sin. This has to do with the
44:10 sanctuary service.
44:13 Sanctuary service... the end of sin.
44:16 And in order to say it quicker
44:20 and in words better than I can express,
44:22 I am going to read from the book Great Controversy
44:26 by Ellen G. White, page 485.
44:29 Notice: "The work of the investigative judgment
44:34 and the blotting out of sins is to be accomplished
44:37 before the second advent of the Lord.
44:40 Since the dead are to be judged out of the things
44:43 written in the books, it is impossible that the sins of men
44:47 should be blotted out until after the judgment
44:51 at which their cases are to be investigated.
44:55 But the apostle Peter distinctly states
44:58 that the sins of the believers will be blotted out.
45:01 As it says in Acts 3:19-20
45:04 'when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence
45:08 of the Lord and He shall send Jesus Christ. '
45:11 When the investigative judgment closes, Christ will come
45:16 and 'His reward is with Him
45:19 to give every man as his work shall be. ' "
45:22 Notice this part.
45:23 "In the typical service, the high priest -
45:26 having made the atonement for Israel -
45:28 came forth and blessed the congregation.
45:32 So Christ at the close of His work as Mediator
45:36 'will appear without sin unto salvation'
45:39 Hebrews 9:28
45:41 to bless His waiting people with eternal life.
45:44 As the priest is removing the sins from the sanctuary,
45:50 confess them upon the head of the scapegoat,
45:53 so Christ will place all of these sins
45:56 upon Satan, the originator and instigator of sin.
46:01 The scapegoat, bearing the sins of Israel,
46:04 was sent away unto a land not inhabited.
46:08 Leviticus 16:22.
46:09 So Satan, bearing the guilt of all the sins
46:12 which he has caused God's people to commit,
46:16 will be for 1,000 years confined to the earth
46:20 which will then be desolate without inhabitants
46:23 and he will at last suffer the penalty of sin
46:27 in the fires that shall destroy all the wicked.
46:31 Thus the great plan of redemption will reach its
46:35 accomplishment in the final eradication of sin
46:38 and the deliverance of all who have been willing
46:41 to renounce sin. " Amen.
46:44 So sin will be done away with.
46:46 Completely done away with.
46:48 No more to be remembered.
46:51 No more to be brought back.
46:54 This is a time when the sins have already been atoned for.
46:58 Christ has covered those sins.
47:01 The placing of the sins upon the scapegoat - Satan - at that
47:04 time. It is not for an atonement because atonement has
47:07 already been made.
47:09 It is because he has been the instigator, the originator
47:12 of these things and now must suffer the penalty
47:15 for his participation in the temptation process.
47:20 And God's children will be set completely free.
47:23 Praise the Lord! Amen!
47:25 I praise the Lord for this.
47:28 The Lord is plenteous... plenteous in mercy.
47:33 When the moment comes, when Jesus is done
47:39 His work of investigative judgment,
47:42 there will be a sad moment in heaven
47:46 because God is not willing that any should perish
47:50 but that all come to repentance.
47:52 But the moment will come
47:54 when the very last case will be tried.
47:58 The very last person... that name will come up
48:06 and there will be no more names after that
48:08 because millions of others have not accepted salvation.
48:14 Millions of others have turned their back on Christ.
48:17 And God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit...
48:21 there will be weeping, sadness beyond our understanding.
48:29 That moment such as: "Is there no one else?
48:34 No one else that wants to take advantage
48:38 of the shed blood of Christ and receive forgiveness
48:42 and be accepted in the Beloved?
48:45 Is there no one else? "
48:47 The answer will come: "There is no one else. "
48:52 And I hope that everyone here and everyone watching
48:57 and listening will be among those who have accepted
49:02 God's salvation and will enter in through the gates
49:06 into the city.
49:08 I would like to read to you for a moment
49:13 Hebrews chapter 12 verses 1-2. Have to move quickly.
49:16 Hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 and 2.
49:20 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about
49:23 with so great a cloud of witnesses
49:26 let us lay aside every weight and the sin
49:30 that doth so easily beset us
49:32 and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
49:35 Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith
49:39 who for the joy that was set before Him
49:42 endured the cross... despising the shame
49:46 and has set down at the right hand of God. "
49:50 Praise be to His name. Amen!
49:52 God is inviting us to lay aside every weight
49:56 and the sin that doth so easily beset us.
49:59 Among us there are people that came here full of sin
50:06 and there are people that have sinned since they've come.
50:10 We can walk away from here completely clean
50:14 through the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.
50:17 In a moment we're going to make that invitation.
50:20 But God is asking His children to lay aside every weight
50:24 and that sin that doth so easily beset us.
50:27 And let us run with patience, looking unto Jesus...
50:32 the Author and Finisher of our faith.
50:36 Listen... listen to this wonderful quote
50:41 from Review and Herald, December 21, 1886,
50:45 by Ellen G. White. Listen to this:
50:47 "In the light of divine revelation
50:50 through the atoning sacrifice we may see the glorious plan
50:55 of redemption whereby our sins are pardoned
50:58 and we draw near to the heart of infinite love.
51:02 We see how God can retain all His justice
51:06 and yet pardon the transgressor of His law.
51:10 And we are not simply forgiven but we are accepted of God
51:13 through the Beloved.
51:15 The plan of redemption is not merely a way of escape
51:18 from the penalty of transgression
51:20 but through it the sinner is forgiven His sins
51:24 and will be finally received into heaven.
51:26 Not as a forgiven culprit, pardoned and released
51:30 from captivity yet looked upon with suspicion
51:34 and not admitted to friendship and trust,
51:37 but welcomed as a child and taken back
51:40 into fullest confidence. "
51:43 Praise the Lord!
51:44 "The sacrifice of our Savior has made ample provision
51:49 for every repenting believing soul.
51:54 We are saved because God loves the purchase
51:58 of the blood of Christ.
52:00 And not only will He pardon the repentant sinner,
52:03 not only will He permit him to enter in heaven,
52:06 but He - the Father of mercy - will wait at the very gates
52:13 of heaven to welcome us. Amen!
52:16 To give us an abundant entrance to the mansions of the blessed.
52:19 Oh what love... what wondrous love
52:23 the Father has shown in the gift of His beloved Son
52:26 for this fallen race.
52:29 And this sacrifice is a channel for the outflow
52:33 of His infinite love that all who believe on Jesus
52:37 Christ may like the prodigal son
52:40 be received... receive full and free restoration
52:45 to the favor of heaven. " Praise the Lord!
52:49 God the Father
52:53 will be waiting for us at the gates.
52:58 Waiting for you at the gate.
53:02 He's been waiting for a long time to receive His children.
53:07 A long time.
53:09 We sometimes hear: "When is the Lord going to come? "
53:14 "It has been so long. "
53:17 God feels it like nobody else could feel it.
53:21 He longs to have His children with Him.
53:24 But He's not willing that any should perish.
53:27 Waiting... waiting. But the moment will come
53:33 when the door of mercy will close.
53:35 For now, the door of mercy is open.
53:39 In Isaiah chapter 1 verses 16 to 18 we read
53:44 the following words:
53:45 "Wash you, make you clean.
53:49 Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes...
53:53 Mine eyes. Cease to do evil" God tells us.
53:57 "Learn to do well; seek judgment.
54:02 Relieve the oppressed; judge the fatherless;
54:05 plead for the widow.
54:07 'Come now and let us reason together, ' saith the Lord.
54:12 'Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow.
54:18 Though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool. ' "
54:23 Praise the Lord!
54:25 How many here are willing to receive that?
54:28 I would like to ask you to stand.
54:30 If you would like to ask God:
54:32 "Lord, I may have come here with one sin or a thousand sins
54:36 but I want to leave this place completely clean:
54:40 washed, cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. "
54:45 I encourage you to purpose in your hearts
54:49 to leave this Camp Meeting different.
54:55 Completely surrendered to Jesus Christ
54:58 with renewed hope and desires to serve Him
55:01 with all of your heart.
55:03 I read here from Isaiah chapter 55
55:09 verses 6 and 7.
55:11 "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found. "
55:15 Implying that the time will come when you cannot find Him.
55:19 "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found.
55:22 Call ye upon Him while He is near. "
55:24 Verse 7:
55:27 "Let the wicked forsake his ways
55:29 and the unrighteous man his thoughts
55:32 and let him return unto the Lord.
55:35 And He will have mercy upon him,
55:37 and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. "
55:43 Praise the Lord!
55:45 I join with you in that.
55:46 I want to serve the Lord with all of my heart.
55:49 I want to be renewed and revived.
55:54 I want to be like Jesus.
55:57 How many want to be like Jesus? Would you raise your hand?
55:59 Praise the Lord! Keep your hands high.
56:02 Let the world see that you also want to be like Jesus.
56:07 Praise the Lord; praise the Lord!
56:09 Let us pray... let us pray.
56:12 And while I am praying, if God brings to your remembrance
56:17 any known sin, confess that sin before God in sincerity.
56:22 Ask Him to forgive you, cleanse you, and wash you anew.
56:28 Let us pray together.
56:30 Our loving heavenly Father,
56:33 how great Thou art!
56:36 Your mercy is as high as the heaven is from the earth.
56:40 And here, Lord, a group of Your children
56:43 and even those that are in different parts of the world
56:47 are coming before You to claim the promise
56:51 of forgiveness of sins.
56:54 And we pray for Your promise to be fulfilled
56:56 such as is revealed in I John chapter 1 verses 8 and 9.
57:01 That if we confess our sins
57:05 You are faithful and just
57:08 to forgive us for our sins
57:10 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
57:13 And we ask you, Father, that it shall be done.
57:17 That you will cleanse us from all unrighteousness
57:19 and from all iniquity and make us pure, holy, white.
57:25 We ask You for these blessings
57:27 through the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
57:29 In Jesus' name, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17