2011 Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting

The Lord's Our Rock

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 11POFCM

Program Code: 11POFCM000006

00:49 Hello and welcome once again to Thompsonville,
00:52 Illinois... the biggest little city in the world.
00:55 At least we believe that... that's why we're all here.
00:57 Can you all say Amen? Amen!
00:59 We are here at the 3ABN Worship Center
01:01 enjoying what has been to this point a very spiritual
01:06 journey through the Word of God.
01:07 Every one of our speakers has not disappointed.
01:10 They have come to us studying the Word of God
01:14 and this next speaker is no exception.
01:17 Pastor Stephen Bohr is the Director/Speaker of
01:20 Secrets Unsealed. Which means every time he stands up here
01:24 the Lord uses him to once again reveal another secret
01:28 from the sacred Word of God. So we encourage you to
01:31 pause whatever you're doing at home
01:33 to just ask the Lord to speak to your heart.
01:35 And we know that you will not be disappointed
01:38 as the man of God will come to this desk
01:41 and break for us the bread of life.
01:43 We are also on the second day of our 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting.
01:47 We'd like to encourage you to come and join us
01:48 if you are in driving distance.
01:50 There are some who have come from Huntsville, Alabama.
01:52 We know there are more people coming from that area.
01:55 From Missouri, from the northern states, from Michigan.
01:58 Some have come from California.
01:59 Some flew in from outside of the country!
02:02 And whatever mode of transportation you choose
02:05 we sure would like to see you here for this extravagant
02:07 and Spirit-filled Camp Meeting. What do you say?
02:10 Amen! Now before we invite Pastor Bohr to come
02:13 and break the bread of life I want you to
02:16 also ask the Lord to speak to your heart through this song.
02:19 You know we are living in troublous times.
02:21 We're living in difficult times where people are
02:24 wondering whether or not to continue following the Lord
02:27 in the midst of their trials.
02:29 Well you know, I would encourage you to listen to the words
02:32 of this song because it says
02:34 regardless of how God is going to lead you
02:37 allow Him to lead you
02:38 and the end of that journey will be the house of the Lord
02:42 forever. God leads His dear children... no matter what
02:45 the circumstances. Praise His name! Amen!
03:07 In shady green pastures,
03:12 so rich and so sweet,
03:18 God leads His dear children
03:22 along;
03:27 Where the water's cool flow
03:31 bathes the weary one's feet,
03:37 God leads His dear children
03:42 along.
03:48 Some thro' the waters,
03:52 some thro' the flood,
03:56 Some thro' the fire,
04:01 but all thro' the blood;
04:06 Some thro' great sorrow,
04:10 yet God gives a song;
04:15 In the night season
04:20 and all
04:23 the day long.
04:38 Tho' sorrows befall us,
04:43 and Satan oppose,
04:48 God leads His dear children
04:51 along;
04:55 Through faith we will conquer
04:59 and defeat all our foes,
05:03 God leads His dear children
05:08 along.
05:12 He leads some thro' the water
05:16 and some thro' the flood,
05:20 Some thro' the fire,
05:24 but all
05:28 thro' His blood;
05:33 Some thro' great sorrow
05:37 yet God gives a song;
05:41 In the night season,
05:51 In the night season
05:57 and all
06:02 the day
06:05 long.
06:20 Amen.
06:33 Good afternoon.
06:35 Good morning. Is it morning?
06:44 Well you have to forgive me.
06:47 The last couple of weeks I've been in Australia
06:50 and in Sweden.
06:53 Nine hours west and nine hours east.
06:55 So I guess it would be a good noon.
07:02 It's good to be back at 3ABN
07:04 in this area of the country where our family has roots.
07:09 Our son was born in West Frankfort when I had
07:13 the privilege of pastoring the West Frankfort church
07:16 many, many years ago.
07:18 I won't tell you how many.
07:22 Before we open God's Word
07:23 we do want to ask for the Lord's special blessing.
07:26 And so I invite you to bow your heads with me
07:28 as we pray. Father in Heaven,
07:32 what a joy it is to be here at 3ABN Pillars Camp Meeting.
07:36 We thank you, Father, that we are able to review
07:39 and remember the message
07:42 that You have committed to Your church.
07:44 And Father, as we open Your Word
07:47 we ask for the presence of Your Spirit
07:50 through the ministry of the angels.
07:52 Give us clear minds
07:55 and tender hearts to receive the word of truth.
07:59 We thank you, Father, for the promise of Your presence
08:03 because we ask it in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
08:11 On Sabbath evening at 6 o'clock I'm going to be speaking
08:15 on Christ's ministry in the sanctuary
08:18 and so I decided that the other two topics -
08:21 the one today at noon and tomorrow at noon -
08:24 I would deal also with subjects relating to the sanctuary.
08:29 And what I would like to share this morning is
08:32 the fact that there is a very intimate connection
08:36 between what happened at the cross
08:39 and what took place on the Day of Pentecost.
08:44 Without the cross, there would have been no Pentecost.
08:48 What happened on the Day of Pentecost was dependent
08:52 upon what Jesus did at the cross.
08:57 And what I would like to do as we begin our study
08:59 is to go to several episodes in the Old Testament
09:04 where first of all you have a sacrifice
09:07 and then you have fire that descends from heaven
09:12 to consume that sacrifice
09:14 showing that God accepted and approved of the sacrifice.
09:19 I'd like to begin with the sacrifice that was made by Abel.
09:23 Now the Bible does not tell us that fire descended
09:27 from heaven. However, the Spirit of Prophecy does have
09:31 a very clear statement in Signs of the Times
09:34 February 6, 1879,
09:37 where she speaks about God's response to Abel's sacrifice.
09:43 This is what she says:
09:57 Now you say, "Well, Ellen White says that
10:00 but it's not in the Bible. "
10:01 I'm going to give you several other examples that show
10:04 that this is the pattern that is followed in scripture.
10:08 It's much better than many commentators
10:11 that I read as I was doing research
10:14 where they say that the way that God shows that He approved
10:16 of Abel's sacrifice was that the smoke went up
10:19 and the way that God disapproved of Cain's was that the smoke
10:23 went down. That doesn't make much sense
10:26 and it doesn't fit at all what we find in scripture.
10:31 So the first example of sacrifice and then fire
10:34 is this one concerning Abel's sacrifice.
10:38 Now I'd like to go a little bit further forward to the
10:41 inauguration of the tabernacle in the wilderness.
10:45 Notice what we find in Leviticus chapter 9
10:48 and verses 22 to 24.
10:51 And this morning at my hotel room I was watching
10:54 a little bit of the audience shots here
10:57 and I noticed several rows where everybody had their Bibles
11:00 and they were turning the pages. And I said:
11:02 "Man, it must be musical there this morning. "
11:04 Because that's the kind of music that ministers like to hear
11:08 is the pages of the Bible turning. And once in a while
11:10 at least an Amen.
11:12 Not cell phones.
11:14 Now, Leviticus 9:22-24. Notice a pattern:
11:18 sacrifice/fire. It says there:
11:56 So sacrifice/fire in the case of Abel.
12:01 Sacrifice/fire when the tabernacle was inaugurated
12:05 in the wilderness.
12:06 Now the same is true during the period of the Hebrew monarchy.
12:10 Let me give you one example.
12:12 I Chronicles chapter 21 and verse 26.
12:16 This is a sacrifice that was offered by David
12:19 on Araunah's threshing floor.
12:22 I want you to notice the same pattern all over again:
12:25 sacrifice/fire.
12:27 I Chronicles chapter 21 and verse 26.
12:30 It says there:
12:51 Once again: sacrifice/fire.
12:55 The same is true when Solomon's temple was inaugurated
12:59 or dedicated.
13:00 And we call it Solomon's temple even though it was the Lord's
13:03 temple. But the temple that was built by Solomon
13:07 when it was dedicated we find the same pattern all over again.
13:10 II Chronicles chapter 7 and verse 1
13:13 has this story of the moment when fire fell from heaven
13:19 after Solomon's dedicatory prayer.
13:22 It says there in II Chronicles chapter 7 and verse 1:
13:41 So once again, sacrifice/fire.
13:45 Now let's take one example from the period
13:49 of the Hebrew prophets.
13:50 We all remember the story of the prophet Elijah.
13:54 Go with me to I Kings chapter 18 and verse 38.
13:58 I Kings chapter 18 and verse 38.
14:02 Here we find the story of the sacrifices that
14:07 Elijah placed upon the altar and God's response.
14:11 It says there:
14:34 So you find this pattern in scripture
14:37 where you have sacrifice or offering and then you have
14:41 fire from heaven where God shows that He approves
14:45 and He accepts that sacrifice which has been placed
14:48 upon the altar.
14:50 Now I would like us to take a look at a different
14:53 illustration that teaches the same truth.
14:56 And this is where I want us to dedicate most of our time
14:59 in our study today.
15:01 Instead of this example speaking of sacrifice
15:06 and then fire showing approval of the sacrifice
15:09 this illustration that we find in scripture
15:13 is really striking the rock and water coming forth
15:18 from the rock as a sign of God's approval.
15:21 Now there are two rock episodes in the Old Testament.
15:24 And I would like us to examine those two episodes
15:28 to see this same pattern: sacrifice/fire,
15:31 striking the rock/water.
15:34 That's the parallel.
15:36 Now go with me to Exodus chapter 17
15:38 and we'll read verses 1 through 6.
15:41 Same lesson... different symbols.
15:44 Exodus chapter 17 and verses 1 through 6.
15:49 Of course, Israel was in the wilderness
15:52 and they had no water to drink
15:54 and they started murmuring against God.
15:56 Now let's read the story as it's recorded there:
16:51 And now notice what God tells Moses:
17:23 Now we have three symbols in this story.
17:27 The first symbol that we have in this story is the rock.
17:31 The second symbol that we have in this story is the rod.
17:35 And in the third place we have the symbolism of water.
17:39 So we have the rock, we have the rod,
17:43 and we have the water.
17:44 Now once we're able to decipher the symbols
17:47 we'll be able to determine the meaning of this passage.
17:51 So let's begin by speaking about the rock.
17:54 What does the rock represent?
17:57 Absolutely. Now let me ask you:
18:00 could Israel have known that the rock represented the Lord
18:04 even in the Old Testament?
18:05 Of course they could've.
18:07 Go with me to Deuteronomy chapter 32 and verse 4.
18:10 This is a thought that appears 9 times in Deuteronomy 32.
18:15 Deuteronomy 32 and verse 4.
18:18 It says there speaking about the Lord:
18:38 So did they already know in the Old Testament
18:41 that the rock represented the Lord?
18:43 Absolutely. Nine times in chapter 32 of Deuteronomy
18:47 the Lord is called the Rock.
18:50 In fact it says there no other nation has a Rock
18:54 like the Rock that we have which is the Lord.
18:57 So they should have known even in the Old Testament period
19:00 that that Rock represented the Lord.
19:02 And of course, the Lord who guided them was none other than
19:05 Jesus Christ Himself.
19:07 Now the New Testament makes this explicit.
19:10 Notice I Corinthians chapter 10 and verses 1 through 4.
19:14 I Corinthians chapter 10 and verses 1 through 4.
19:19 Here the apostle Paul is reminiscing about certain events
19:22 in the history of Israel.
19:24 And he says this:
19:55 The Bible is explicit.
19:57 In the Old and New Testament the Rock is the Lord.
20:00 But that Lord is none other than Jesus Christ.
20:04 So we know that in the symbolism is Exodus chapter 17
20:08 the Rock represents Jesus.
20:11 Now the question is: what is represented by the rod?
20:14 The fact is that the rod represents judgment.
20:19 Every time that Moses raises his rod
20:23 a judgment falls upon Egypt.
20:26 In fact, it's interesting that that word smite
20:29 that is used... "You will smite the rock... "
20:31 is used... For example, the Bible says that he "smote
20:35 the waters and they became like blood. "
20:38 He smote the dust and from the dust came lice.
20:42 He also smote the firstborn in Egypt.
20:46 In other words, the word smiting with the rod
20:49 represents judgment.
20:52 In fact, the word smite there that is used for
20:55 "smite the rock" is the Hebrew word nakah
20:58 which means to strike, to beat,
21:01 to smite, to hit,
21:04 to slay, to kill,
21:07 to receive a blow, or to be wounded.
21:11 So the rod represents judgment.
21:15 It represents punishment.
21:18 Now let's notice a Messianic text that uses that same
21:22 identical word smite... the word nakah.
21:25 Isaiah chapter 53 and verse 4.
21:28 Does that chapter sound familiar when it comes to the Messiah?
21:31 Isaiah 53 and verse 4
21:34 uses this identical word... "you will smite the rock. "
21:38 Notice what it says there in this very well-known verse:
21:55 That's the word nakah.
21:56 It's the same word that is used for smiting the rock.
21:59 So it says:
22:10 So the rod of punishment falls upon whom?
22:14 It falls upon the Rock.
22:17 God's judgment falls upon the Rock
22:20 and the Rock is Jesus Christ.
22:22 In other words, Jesus was smitten for our sins.
22:26 The judgment of the Father fell upon Him.
22:29 And then of course we have the symbolism of the water
22:32 that comes from the Rock when the Rock is smitten.
22:35 Now the question is: what does the water that comes
22:40 forth from the Rock represent?
22:43 Basically it represents the same as the fire that comes
22:47 after the sacrifice.
22:49 It represents the fact that God approved
22:53 of the smiting of the Rock
22:55 and He reveals it or He shows it
22:58 by having water come out of the Rock.
23:01 Now the question is: what does the water represent?
23:05 We don't have to guess.
23:06 Go with me to John chapter 7 and verses 37 to 39.
23:11 John chapter 7 and verses 37 through 39.
23:16 I want us to notice a very important pattern here.
23:19 And we're going to come back to this a little bit later
23:22 when we speak about the Day of Pentecost.
23:24 John 7 verses 37-39.
23:28 Jesus is at the Feast of Tabernacles.
23:31 It's the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles...
23:33 Tabernacles... the last day.
23:35 And notice what it says:
23:53 So who is the Rock? Jesus.
23:56 Where does the water come from? From Jesus.
23:59 So He says: "Let him come to Me and drink. "
24:01 What was He talking about? Let's continue reading:
24:14 Now do you notice something interesting here?
24:17 Where are these waters flowing from?
24:20 From the heart of the person who drank.
24:23 Are you with me? In other words, the person drinks the waters
24:27 and then that person becomes a fountain or a tributary
24:32 of the waters. And so it says here
24:35 "He who believes in Me" as the scripture has said
24:38 "out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. "
24:42 What was Jesus talking about?
24:44 Verse 39:
25:00 So what do the waters represent?
25:03 They represent the Holy Spirit that was poured out when?
25:07 On the Day of Pentecost because that's when Jesus
25:10 was glorified as Prince and Priest over His people.
25:14 In other words, because of His sacrifice on Calvary,
25:18 because He fell under the judgment of God,
25:21 He is now able to pour out what?
25:24 To pour out His Holy Spirit.
25:26 By the way, in the first illustration that we used
25:29 Jesus is sacrificed and God shows His approval
25:33 by raining tongues of fire from heaven on the Day of Pentecost.
25:38 So you have the same teaching: sacrifice and fire,
25:41 striking the Rock and water coming from the Rock.
25:44 Now I want to pursue this idea a little bit
25:47 of drinking the waters and then you becoming a fountain
25:50 of water. You notice it says: "Come to Me and drink"
25:53 and then it speaks about waters gushing out of your heart.
25:57 Let me give you an illustration so that we can understand
26:00 what Jesus is trying to teach here.
26:02 You know, we go outside on a beautiful evening
26:06 when the sky is clear and we see the beautiful, full moon.
26:12 And we say: "Oh my, the moon is so beautiful tonight. "
26:17 Do you know what we should really say?
26:19 "Oh my, the sun is so beautiful tonight. "
26:24 Because the light of the moon is the light of the sun.
26:28 It receives light from the sun and then it projects
26:32 the sunlight to the earth.
26:34 And so it is with Jesus.
26:37 When we are in connection with the light
26:39 as a result we will reflect the light.
26:42 When we drink the living waters of the Spirit
26:45 then we become a source of life to others
26:49 as the Holy Spirit is poured through us to other people.
26:53 In fact, notice I Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 13.
26:58 I Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 13.
27:01 Here it says clearly that the water is a symbol
27:04 of the Holy Spirit. It says:
27:21 So what is it that we drink?
27:22 We drink the Holy Spirit symbolically speaking.
27:26 And then when we drink the Holy Spirit
27:28 the waters are in us and those waters flow as a blessing
27:33 to other people. In fact, Ellen White says
27:35 that if we don't have any light to impart it's because
27:38 we have no connection with the source of light.
27:41 If we have no water to give it's because we have not
27:45 received the water in the first place.
27:48 Now we need to go to the second rock episode.
27:51 It's found in Numbers chapter 20 and verses 7 through 11.
27:56 There's a very important difference
27:58 between the two stories.
27:59 Numbers chapter 20 and verses 7 through 11.
28:04 It says here:
28:21 What was he told to do?
28:22 What was he told to do the first time?
28:25 Strike or smite. But now he's told
28:28 "speak to the Rock before their eyes. "
29:05 What was so serious about this striking the rock by Moses?
29:10 The fact is folks that the Rock was only going to be smitten
29:14 once. The book of Hebrews say that Jesus was to die
29:18 "once for all. "
29:20 He would never have to fall under the judgment of God again.
29:24 He did it once and that was it.
29:27 So Moses was ruining the beautiful symbol
29:30 that Jesus was going to fall under the judgment
29:33 of His Father once and that if now if we want the Holy Spirit
29:37 all we have to do is ask and we shall receive. Amen.
29:42 Allow me to read you the inspired commentary
29:44 from Ellen White, Patriarchs and Prophets page 418.
29:48 She caught the nuance of what the seriousness
29:51 of the sin of Moses was.
29:53 She says: "By this rash act Moses took away the force
29:58 of the lesson that God purposed to teach.
30:01 The Rock - being a symbol of Christ -
30:05 had been once smitten
30:08 as Christ was to be once offered.
30:11 The second time it was needful only to speak to the Rock
30:15 as we have only to ask for blessings
30:19 in the name of Jesus.
30:21 By the second smiting of the Rock
30:23 the significance of the beautiful figure of Christ
30:27 was destroyed. "
30:29 Therein lied the terrible sin of Moses.
30:34 You see, if we want the Holy Spirit now,
30:36 we don't have to have Jesus fall under the judgment of God
30:39 again. And there's one church in the world that
30:42 teaches that Jesus is sacrificed anew every time
30:46 that people partake of the Eucharist.
30:48 The Bible teaches NO! Jesus fell under the judgment
30:52 of God once. He died once for all!
30:55 He suffered the judgment of the Father once.
30:57 And if we want the Holy Spirit today, all we have to do
31:00 is ask. Amen.
31:03 Notice Luke 11 and verse 13
31:05 where Jesus expresses this explicitly.
31:08 Notice Luke 11 and verse 13. Jesus says:
31:31 There you have the speaking to the Rock:
31:34 asking Jesus for His Holy Spirit.
31:37 In fact, Ellen White tells us in the devotional book
31:41 In Heavenly Places page 113:
31:43 "There is one blessing that all may have who seek for it
31:47 in the right way.
31:48 It is the Holy Spirit of God
31:50 and this is a blessing that brings all other blessings
31:55 in its train. "
31:57 Now let's go and speak a little bit about the Day of Pentecost.
32:01 What happened on the Day of Pentecost?
32:04 Now in order to understand the Day of Pentecost
32:06 we need to understand what Jesus did before that.
32:09 Now the first thing that Jesus does in the sanctuary is
32:13 to live a sinless life.
32:17 Now let me ask you this:
32:19 um, does the law require absolute sinless perfection?
32:23 Yes. Does the law say obey and live?
32:26 It most certainly does.
32:27 Now what happens if we don't offer the law
32:30 that sinless perfection?
32:32 The law says you must what? You must die.
32:35 How many of us have broken the law?
32:38 Raise your hand if at least once in your life you've
32:40 broken the law. Uh, those of you who did not raise your hand,
32:44 uh, you just broke the law because you're lying.
32:52 See the law says you have to offer me absolute sinless
32:56 perfection, and if you don't you'll die.
32:59 And none of us can offer the law sinless perfection
33:01 so we're all on death row.
33:03 So do you know what we needed?
33:05 We needed someone to come to this earth and to live the life
33:09 that we should live.
33:11 And we needed someone to come to this earth to die the death
33:14 that we should die.
33:15 We needed someone to live for us and to die for us.
33:20 And that's exactly what Jesus did.
33:22 He came to the camp.
33:24 That's where the sanctuary really begins.
33:26 He came to the camp. He dwelled in our midst.
33:29 He was tempted in all things such as we are...
33:32 yet He never sinned.
33:33 That life He lived in behalf of every single human being
33:37 that has ever drawn breath on planet earth.
33:40 And then Jesus went to the cross.
33:42 And on the cross Jesus died the death that all human beings
33:46 should die. His death was for every single human being
33:50 on earth that has ever drawn breath.
33:52 And so you have Jesus coming to the camp
33:55 and living His sinless life.
33:57 Then going into the court at the altar of sacrifice,
34:01 dying His death in place of human beings.
34:05 Then He moves to the laver which represents the resurrection
34:09 because it's called the laver of regeneration.
34:12 And then what is the next place in the sanctuary?
34:16 The next place is the holy place of the sanctuary.
34:20 I've never been able to understand how people say
34:23 that Jesus went directly into the most holy place
34:25 when He ascended to heaven.
34:27 That would mean that He would have to skip over
34:29 the holy place. The fact is that He first comes
34:32 and He dwells with us in the camp.
34:34 Then He goes to the altar of sacrifice and He dies.
34:37 He resurrects at the laver and then the next place
34:40 in the sanctuary is the holy place of the sanctuary.
34:44 And that's exactly where Jesus went:
34:47 into the holy place of the sanctuary.
34:49 Now the question is: what did Jesus go
34:52 into the holy place to do?
34:54 Very important question.
34:58 What did He go there to do?
34:59 What has Jesus been doing during the last 2000+ years?
35:04 Well, go with me to Revelation chapter 4 and verse 5.
35:08 I want us to notice something very interesting here.
35:11 Revelation chapter 4 and verse 5.
35:15 Revelation chapter 4 is actually speaking about the heavenly
35:19 throne room being prepared for the return of Jesus to heaven
35:24 upon His ascension.
35:26 I don't have time to get into all of the details
35:28 but if you read Revelation chapter 4
35:30 you'll find that God the Father is sitting on the throne.
35:33 Around the throne are 24 thrones that represent the...
35:38 actually, the elders. They represent the beings
35:41 or the representatives of the worlds that never sinned.
35:43 And then you have the seraphim that are present there...
35:46 six-winged creatures. And before the throne as we're
35:49 going to read you have the seven Spirits of God
35:53 which is the candlestick... the fire.
35:55 Notice what it says in Revelation chapter 4
35:57 and verse 5.
36:11 So you can see... God is sitting on the throne.
36:14 There are seven lamps of fire burning before the throne.
36:17 And you have the 24 elders... the representatives of the
36:21 worlds that never sinned around the throne.
36:23 And then you have the seraphim in the midst of the throne.
36:27 And then I want you to notice something very interesting
36:30 that happens. In chapter 4 you look in vain for Jesus.
36:36 He's not found in chapter 4.
36:37 You look in vain for the angelic host in chapter 4
36:41 of Revelation. The angelic host are not there.
36:43 The seraphim are there... which as the leaders of the
36:46 angelic host but you don't find the angelic host themselves.
36:49 So you say: "where are they? "
36:51 Well, when you get to chapter 5
36:53 Jesus Christ arrives to the throne room.
36:57 And the Bible says that there are 10,000 times 10,000
37:01 and thousands of thousands.
37:02 The angelic host arrive there with Him.
37:07 Now if you read Desire of Ages,
37:09 the last three pages of Desire of Ages,
37:11 you're going to find that Ellen White comments
37:13 about Revelation 4 and 5.
37:15 She speaks about everything being prepared in the holy place
37:18 of the heavenly sanctuary for the arrival of Christ
37:20 with the angels that had come to pick Him up.
37:23 And when He actually arrives into heaven
37:26 the angels are singing His praises.
37:29 He's coming back from the battleground;
37:30 He's gained the victory. And Jesus raises His hands
37:36 and He says: "Silence. Don't sing. "
37:41 And He goes into the presence of His Father.
37:44 And do you know what He says there to His Father?
37:47 He says: "Father, I need to know if My sacrifice
37:53 was sufficient to save My people and bring them home. "
37:58 What is He pleading for? He's pleading for
38:02 clarity as to whether His Father has accepted what?
38:06 His sacrifice.
38:09 And Ellen White describes it. She says: "The Father says
38:12 it is more than sufficient. "
38:15 And then the Father commands all of the angelic host.
38:18 He said: "Let all the angels of God worship Him. "
38:21 Amen! And heaven explodes in a scene of praise.
38:25 And then do you know what happens?
38:27 The Holy Spirit is poured out
38:30 as a signal that His sacrifice
38:33 has been accepted by His Father in heaven. Amen!
38:36 Let me prove it to you.
38:38 Revelation chapter 4 and verse 5 once again.
38:40 It speaks about the seven lamps of fire burning before the
38:43 throne. See, there in heaven at that point
38:44 before Jesus arrives and when Jesus arrives.
38:48 Then in Revelation 5 verse 6 you have a change.
38:52 Notice what it says there in Revelation 5 verse 6.
39:07 So has Jesus been slain at this point?
39:09 Yes. Is He alive there? Absolutely!
39:28 So the seven Spirits are there in chapter 4
39:31 but in chapter 5 what happens to the seven Spirits?
39:34 They are sent to the what? To the earth.
39:37 Now there are not seven Holy Spirits.
39:38 We are aware of that. The number seven represents what?
39:41 It represents fullness or totality or completeness.
39:45 The fullness of the Spirit is poured out on the
39:48 Day of Pentecost.
39:50 So in chapter 4 we have the throne room prepared
39:53 for Jesus to arrive. In chapter 5 He arrives
39:56 as the Lamb. He's been sacrificed.
39:58 And then as a result of the acceptance of His sacrifice
40:02 we are told in Revelation chapter 5 and verse 6
40:05 that the seven Spirits which represents the totality of the
40:10 Holy Spirit is poured out upon the disciples
40:14 who are in the upper room.
40:16 Now allow me to read you an interesting statement
40:19 from the pen of Ellen White.
40:20 This is Story of Redemption page 386
40:24 where Ellen White describes the relationship between the
40:27 sacrifice of Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
40:31 This is what she says:
40:48 See the connection? The great sacrifice has been what?
40:52 Offered and had been accepted.
40:55 Now listen carefully:
41:16 So what did Jesus go to heaven to do?
41:19 He went to shed upon His disciples the what?
41:23 The benefits of His atonement.
41:26 Now you say: "What are the benefits of His atonement? "
41:28 It's very simple.
41:30 The benefits of the atonement of Christ are His perfect life
41:34 and His perfect death.
41:36 Those are the benefits.
41:38 He lived for all and He died for all.
41:41 Does that mean that everyone's going to be saved?
41:43 Absolutely not.
41:45 What needs to happen in order for a person to be saved?
41:48 You have to claim His life and you have to claim His death
41:53 as your own.
41:56 He gained the benefits while He was on earth.
41:58 He now had a perfect robe of righteousness.
42:01 He had a perfect life that He can offer every individual
42:05 in place of your sinful life.
42:06 And He had a payment of debt for sin that if you accepted Him
42:11 your debt of sin would be cancelled
42:14 and you would be accepted in the Beloved.
42:16 Those are the benefits of His atonement.
42:19 In other words, Jesus went to heaven to apply to individuals
42:23 who were repentant and confessed their sins on earth
42:26 the benefits of what He had done.
42:28 Are you understanding me?
42:31 That's the reason why Peter, on the Day of Pentecost,
42:34 after he preached his sermon a multitude of men come to him
42:37 and they say: "What is it that we need to do
42:40 in the light of the fact that Jesus is now sitting
42:42 at the right hand of God and He's interceding for us...
42:45 What do we need to do? "
42:46 And Peter says: "Repent!
42:48 And let each one of you be baptized
42:53 for the remission of sins" -
42:55 that is, for the forgiveness of sins -
42:57 "and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. "
42:59 And you read the book of Acts and you find
43:03 that all throughout the book of Acts the disciples
43:06 are preaching to people:
43:07 "The sanctuary is now open for business.
43:10 There is a perfect life at your disposal.
43:14 There's a perfect, satisfying death on the cross
43:18 for your sins. All you have to do is come
43:22 and, through repentance and confession, claim it
43:25 as your own and it will be placed to your account. "
43:28 Amen.
43:29 That's what Jesus went to do in heaven
43:32 and that's what He's been doing during the last 2000+ years.
43:35 Are you understanding what I'm saying? Yes!
43:38 Now, what was the mission of the disciples?
43:42 The mission of the disciples was simply to go out and preach
43:47 to people that the sanctuary was open for business.
43:53 In other words, they were to go out and preach and say: "Hey,
43:55 Jesus lived a perfect life
43:58 and He died for sin.
44:01 And you can claim that as your own. Repent.
44:04 Be converted. Confess your sins,
44:07 and He will take His life and His death
44:10 and He will place it to your account
44:11 and you'll be accepted into the Beloved.
44:13 He'll look upon you as if you had never sinned. "
44:16 That was the preaching of the disciples.
44:18 They were supposed to go out and preach that the sanctuary
44:21 was now open for individuals to come and claim the benefits
44:25 of Christ's atonement.
44:29 Now let's go to the book of Acts chapter 1 verses 7 and 8.
44:34 Acts chapter 1 verses 7 and 8.
44:36 And I want you to notice that there are two times
44:40 in this passage where you have the expression
44:43 "you shall. "
44:45 Two times... "you shall. "
44:47 It has a lot to do with the rock episodes that we studied.
44:51 Acts chapter 1 and verses 7 and 8.
45:11 So the first "you shall" has to do with what?
45:13 With receiving, OK?
45:25 And then notice the second "you shall. "
45:40 Do you see the pattern here?
45:42 First of all, you what? You receive power.
45:47 And then what do you do with that power?
45:50 You shall witness.
45:52 You drink the water and then what?
45:54 The water flows through you to others.
45:58 You know, there's this idea in the Christian world
46:00 that the reason why God gives His Holy Spirit is
46:02 for self-edification.
46:04 God does not give His Holy Spirit for self-edification.
46:08 He gives His Holy Spirit to empower people
46:12 who have received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord
46:16 and have been saved to go and tell others
46:18 how to be saved.
46:20 "You shall receive power"
46:23 and "you shall be witnesses to Me. "
46:26 Now let's go to the gospel of John chapter 4
46:32 and notice something very interesting there
46:35 in John chapter 4 and verses 13 and 14.
46:39 This is the story of the Samaritan woman.
46:42 She comes to the well at noon to draw water
46:47 which was a very unusual time to draw water
46:49 because it was very, very hot.
46:51 And yet she comes at that time because she doesn't want
46:54 to meet anyone.
46:56 And there, of course, is Jesus.
46:58 And Jesus says to her: "Give Me water to drink. "
47:02 She immediately looks at Him and says: "How is it that You
47:06 a Jew would ask a Samaritan for water? "
47:11 Because Jews and Samaritans don't speak to one another.
47:15 And then Jesus says: "You know what?
47:17 If you knew who was speaking to you,
47:20 you would ask Me for water where you would never thirst again.
47:24 You drink this water you'll thirst again,
47:25 but you would ask me for water
47:27 where you would never thirst again. "
47:28 And she said: "Well I definitely want that water. "
47:33 And so Jesus opens before her eyes the spiritual truths
47:38 undoubtedly about the rock and the water.
47:41 And this woman embraces salvation in her heart!
47:47 I want you to notice the words of Jesus in John 4 verses 13-14.
47:51 Very, very important.
48:10 Now listen carefully:
48:22 Amen! So you drink and what happens?
48:26 And the water becomes in you a spring of water
48:32 breaking forth into everlasting life.
48:35 Now it's interesting to notice that this woman actually
48:39 lived what Jesus taught her because after the conversation
48:42 finished she went back to Sychar, the town of Sychar.
48:46 And meanwhile the disciples came back.
48:48 Jesus had sent them to get some food.
48:50 And when they brought the food Jesus says: "My food
48:54 and My drink is to do the will of My Father and to accomplish
48:57 the work that He sent Me to do. "
48:58 And the disciples, you know, they were usually not very much
49:01 in tune spiritually. They say "Well, maybe somebody
49:03 brought Him something to eat while we were gone. "
49:05 They thought He was speaking about physical food.
49:09 And then Jesus pointed out into the distance
49:12 and He says: "You know, haven't you heard that there's
49:15 still four months until the harvest? "
49:17 Said "No. " He says: "Look at the fields.
49:22 They're already white, ready for the harvest. "
49:28 You know, if you read Desire of Ages
49:30 you'll find that Ellen White tells us that Jesus was not
49:34 pointing at fields of wheat or fields of barley.
49:38 Jesus was pointing at the entire town of Sychar
49:42 that was coming with this woman to hear the words
49:46 that Jesus had spoken to her.
49:48 This woman had drunk from the water
49:51 and now she had gone back to Sychar and she had witnessed.
49:55 And now all of the people from town were coming
49:58 to listen to the words of Jesus.
50:00 She drank the water and then she became what?
50:04 She became a fountain of water.
50:07 So what is the sequence in these rock episodes?
50:11 Jesus Christ came to this earth to live the life that all of us
50:15 should live. Then at the end of His life
50:19 He was smitten by the rod of God's judgment.
50:24 He suffered for the sins of the whole world.
50:28 And then Jesus resurrected. There you have the laver.
50:32 He enters into the holy place of the sanctuary
50:35 and He says: "Father, is My sacrifice sufficient
50:38 to bring My people home? "
50:41 And the Father says: "Yes! It is sufficient. "
50:46 And then there's this outbreak of praise in heaven.
50:49 And the Holy Spirit is poured out upon the earth
50:53 and you have tongues of fire on the Day of Pentecost.
50:56 Sacrifice/fire.
50:58 Striking the Rock/water.
51:00 Are you following me?
51:01 And what is the Holy Spirit poured out for
51:03 on the Day of Pentecost?
51:05 Had the disciples repented of their sins?
51:08 Had they confessed their sins?
51:09 Had they made everything right before the Day of Pentecost?
51:12 Absolutely!
51:14 And therefore the Holy Spirit is poured out on the
51:16 Day of Pentecost so that they would now do what?
51:19 They received power so that they could go out and witness.
51:23 What was their message?
51:24 Their message was: "Hey, Jesus lived a perfect life.
51:28 Jesus died for sin.
51:30 These are available now!
51:33 The sanctuary is open for business.
51:36 All you have to do is repent and confess your sins
51:41 and trust in Jesus Christ and you will be saved. "
51:46 What an amazing story.
51:48 Allow me in closing to read you a statement that we find
51:51 in the book Ministry of Healing page 102
51:56 where Ellen White is commenting about the experience
51:58 of the Samaritan woman.
52:01 She says this:
52:10 Listen carefully now:
52:23 Now listen carefully... here's where Adventists come in:
52:40 When the Latter Rain is poured out.
52:45 See, the Latter Rain hasn't been poured out yet
52:47 so you guys have got to wait for a great work in the future.
52:51 That's the way many people think in the Adventist church.
52:55 She continues saying:
53:26 Powerful statement!
53:28 If we don't feel that intense desire to witness,
53:34 it's because perhaps we don't have a connection with Christ.
53:37 Because when we have drunk the water, the water will flow
53:41 through us to others.
53:43 It's automatic.
53:45 When we receive the light, it will be our joy and our
53:49 privilege to shine or to reflect that light to the world.
53:55 That's what Pentecost is all about.
53:58 Now I'd like to end this morning or this afternoon
54:02 depending on what time zone you're in
54:08 by saying that the present truth of the apostles
54:12 in the days of Christ was that the sanctuary was open
54:17 for business. To repent; to confess their sins;
54:20 to trust in Jesus so that His life and death
54:22 could be credited to their account.
54:25 That was present truth.
54:28 But that doesn't mean that that is present truth today.
54:32 Amen. We're going to talk about what present truth is today
54:38 on Sabbath evening.
54:39 You see, you want to know what present truth is?
54:42 It's very simple.
54:43 All you have to do to know what present truth is
54:46 is find out where Jesus is and what He's doing -
54:50 Amen! -
54:51 now... and that's present truth.
54:56 You see, when Jesus went to heaven, He went to the
54:58 holy place.
55:02 The message of the holy place was present truth.
55:06 But where is Jesus today?
55:08 Jesus is in the most holy place of the sanctuary.
55:13 So present truth has to do with the most holy place.
55:17 Now don't misunderstand me.
55:19 The sanctuary is a sequence.
55:21 You have to begin in the camp
55:23 where Jesus lived His perfect life.
55:26 You have to continue in the court where Jesus died for sin.
55:29 You have to continue with His resurrection.
55:32 You have to continue with the fact that you can receive Jesus
55:36 as Savior and He will take His life and His death
55:38 and He'll place them to your account.
55:42 But then God wants us to go a step further
55:44 because the Bible tells us that Christ is cleansing the
55:48 sanctuary today
55:50 from the sins that have gone into the sanctuary,
55:53 sins that have been confessed and that have been forgiven
55:55 that are in the sanctuary. The sanctuary is being cleansed.
55:59 And there needs to be a parallel work taking place on earth
56:02 among God's people.
56:04 While he is cleansing the sanctuary in heaven
56:06 there needs to be a cleansing among God's people of sin
56:10 from the temple of the soul.
56:12 And we're to find that that is present truth.
56:15 You see, the most holy place has a cluster of truths.
56:18 There you have the law.
56:20 There you have the Sabbath.
56:22 There you have the idea of the judgment.
56:25 We'll see that there you have the state of the dead.
56:29 Let me ask you: are end-time issues going to have to do
56:31 with primarily the state of the dead, the law, and the Sabbath?
56:34 Those are most holy place issues, folks,
56:38 and that's where our message should be focused today.
56:42 Not that we ignore bringing people to the feet of Christ
56:45 to invite them to accept the life and death of Christ.
56:49 But we need to lead them a step further
56:52 to the point of victory over sin through the grace
56:55 and the power of Jesus Christ.
56:57 And so the sanctuary presents the plan of salvation
57:00 from beginning to end.
57:02 We know exactly where Jesus has been,
57:04 what He has done, and what our present duty is
57:08 in the light of what Jesus is doing.
57:10 What a marvelous message God has committed
57:12 to the Adventist church. Amen.
57:15 But woe to us if we receive and at the same time
57:19 we refuse to give what God has given us.
57:23 Let us pray.
57:25 Father in Heaven, We thank you for the marvelous
57:27 message that You have given
57:29 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church to share with the world.


Revised 2014-12-17