2011 Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting

A Living Sacrifice

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley


Series Code: 11POFCM

Program Code: 11POFCM000001

00:39 Live from the 3ABN Worship Center
00:42 welcome to the Pillars of our Faith event.
00:47 Well good evening, and we welcome you to the 2011
00:52 Pillars of our Faith Camp Meeting
00:54 right here in our Worship Center in beautiful downtown
00:58 Thompsonville.
00:59 It's great to be here, isn't it?
01:01 It is great to be here.
01:02 I don't know about beautiful downtown Thompsonville...
01:05 but that's maybe a little bit of a stretch, but...
01:08 we do have a little place called Thompsonville here
01:10 and a little bigger one called West Frankfort. But...
01:12 I'm happy to be anywhere the Lord's presence is,
01:14 aren't you? It's beautiful to us.
01:16 We were away for a few days and we came back
01:19 and we said: "It's wonderful to be back home. "
01:21 We love it here!
01:23 And about four years ago when we talked to Jim and Camille
01:27 about moving here he said: "How's the weather? "
01:28 And I said: "It's perfect all the time. "
01:30 You see, today... OK, we've had two
01:32 perfect days since I got here.
01:35 Well the first time we had a little bit of a snowstorm
01:37 he called me and he said: "I thought the weather was
01:40 perfect. " I said: "This is the first time I've ever seen
01:42 such a thing. " And then it rained for days.
01:44 He said: "Well, it's raining. " I said: "Well...
01:45 that's just the first time for everything, you know. "
01:48 So I still try to convince him the weather's always perfect
01:51 here. Well, my dad said I would complain if they were to
01:54 hang me with a new rope. Yeah? So...
01:57 I guess... I guess I would, you know, by the way!
02:00 Mine said I would complain if they buried me in a new casket.
02:02 So... our dads must have gone to the same school!
02:07 I think they did. My father never had any of those kind
02:09 of sayings. Didn't have any of that?
02:12 Well, it's great to be here.
02:13 We have a wonderful time at camp meeting.
02:16 We have a spiritual time; we have fellowship together.
02:21 We have... as I'm looking at this Wednesday night
02:26 attendance... We usually have, I think,
02:28 about half this many on Wednesday night.
02:30 This is a great attendance
02:32 and by Sabbath this place is really going to be packed out!
02:36 But if you're planning on coming, come on anyway
02:39 because we will find a place for you.
02:41 One place or the other, there will be a place for you.
02:46 Well Danny, it's great to be here
02:48 and to be with you, and I thank you for inviting Camille
02:52 and me to be a part of the team.
02:54 And I have gotten better acquainted with
02:58 C.A. Murray. I had known him... met him in New York City
03:02 a number of years before I came here.
03:04 But we've gotten better acquainted and we've
03:08 even become friends.
03:10 He comes over and lets me watch football on his TV
03:13 giant television. OK.
03:15 All right. I tell you, we're just happy to be together
03:19 and, you see, I was at the North American Division
03:22 and he was in New York City and, well, I won't
03:26 go into that. But there's...
03:28 But it was really great for us to be on the same team
03:34 and to be here together, it really is.
03:38 Well you know we've got someone else
03:40 that is a part of that team.
03:42 But we're going to get to that in a minute.
03:43 We've had some exciting things happening at 3ABN.
03:48 Tell us about it, Danny. Well, we have one of them is
03:50 that I'm extremely excited about is the new Pillars of our Faith
03:54 Hymns. And how many of you have the Pillars of our Faith CD...
03:58 the first one that came out? OK.
04:00 Many of you if not most of you do.
04:03 We have a project this year and I said: "How can we
04:07 come up with something that's as good
04:09 as the Pillars of our Faith, the incredible songs
04:11 by David Huntsinger and Kristin Wilkinson
04:13 and Remember the Sabbath and Language of Canaan and all
04:16 those songs? And so what we did... I think at maybe C.A.
04:19 and Jim's suggestion... they found a book written in
04:22 about - or published in - 1849, I think, by James White.
04:27 So that was before most of us in this room were born,
04:30 I'm sure, and it's a long time ago.
04:32 Yeah, 1849. And we picked out a lot of those songs,
04:36 and most of this new project is those songs
04:40 that the pioneers were looking forward to.
04:42 They're songs of hope and encouragement and looking
04:45 forward to the second coming of the Lord.
04:48 So we got Tim Parton involved. And Tim
04:51 is a great pianist - nationally known pianist -
04:53 that does a lot with the Gaithers and plays with
04:56 Legacy Five and others. He came on board
04:58 and between E.T. Everett and then Kristin Wilkinson again
05:01 made some great arrangements. And these songs
05:04 really, they're incredible. So starting really Friday night
05:07 we're going to do a two-hour concert of all the new
05:10 Pillars Hymns. In fact, they just came out yesterday!
05:12 I think they just got here yesterday.
05:14 And so it was put together very quickly but
05:17 it's just incredible music that will encourage us
05:20 and strengthen our faith in the Lord.
05:22 In fact, you can pick some up at the end of the program
05:25 tonight. I think they'll be open out there,
05:28 and you can hear the new Pillars music.
05:32 It is beautiful; it is fantastic!
05:34 And these are songs that you have heard all your life
05:38 like Lift up the Trumpet and Loud Let It Ring...
05:40 but you've never heard it like this.
05:42 It is beautiful. Well done...
05:45 Uh, how would you describe it, Danny?
05:48 I think it was very, very spiritual, yeah. Yeah.
05:51 There is one song there that we found that sounds like
05:54 a classic hymn but it is brand new
05:57 but has been the #1 Christian song in the world
06:01 for the past seven years
06:03 written interestingly enough by an Englishman
06:05 and an Irishman: two countries that have been at war
06:07 for 100 years. But they came together in Christ
06:09 and wrote this beautiful song called "In Christ Alone. "
06:12 Wonderful song... #1 Christian song in the world
06:15 since it came out in 2002.
06:17 Right. Well, it's really worth getting,
06:20 I can promise you that. And if you're watching by television
06:24 you can contact 3ABN and the Call Center will be able
06:28 during non-Sabbath hours and during...
06:32 most of the time during the day
06:34 you call and you'll be able to order those.
06:37 And I know you're going to appreciate them as much as
06:40 we have enjoyed listening to this beautiful
06:44 and inspiring music.
06:47 Well, Danny, we have had some other things happen
06:50 and you were telling me a little bit about
06:53 some of the goals that we've had in the past that
06:57 how the Lord has reached out and helped us fill those things.
07:03 Share some of those with the people, would you?
07:05 Well, I was just talking about... We had a board meeting
07:07 today and we are always looking at financing
07:10 and finances. And so especially this time of the year
07:13 in the summer the finances are really low.
07:16 But you know, Ellen White made a statement years ago
07:18 and she said that we need not fear the future
07:21 because all we have to do is look to the past
07:23 and see how God has led us.
07:25 And so today I was encouraging the folk with
07:28 some of the stories of when it looked like 3ABN,
07:31 there's just not going to be enough money...
07:33 whether it's the end of the year whether it's summer.
07:35 And we have lots of assets but sometimes like now
07:38 the cash flow is very low.
07:40 And miracles that the Lord would provide for us
07:43 time and time again. Over 26 years
07:45 God has continued to keep this ministry on its feet
07:49 and going. And we want to thank all of you here
07:51 and those of you watching by television,
07:53 listening by radio and around the world, because without you
07:57 3ABN would be just a dream... still just a dream.
08:01 So because of you we have dared to dream
08:03 and the three angels' messages is literally going
08:05 by ten satellites anywhere on planet earth.
08:08 On every inhabited continent if you really want to watch
08:11 3ABN you can.
08:12 So thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts.
08:15 Also here at the Camp Meeting, if you have a love gift
08:18 be sure and give it to one of us if you're not going to
08:20 be here Sabbath. We're going to take up an offering Sabbath.
08:22 We're not going to bother every service and every day
08:25 maybe taking up those offerings, but at our 3ABN booth
08:28 there'll be a place out here that you can put love gifts.
08:31 And so we do appreciate your love and your prayers
08:34 and your financial support.
08:35 You know, I called a friend of mine - Pastor Gary Grimes -
08:38 who is one of our prayer partners and I was sharing
08:42 with him that we're already into a long, hot summer
08:45 and that it is a real shortage.
08:49 A lot of it has to do with the economy, I'm sure.
08:52 And you know what he said to me? He said:
08:55 "Every ministry that is on the go
08:58 is always short of money. "
09:01 He said: "It tells you two things:
09:04 when you're short of money you're on the go - number 1-
09:07 and number 2: the devil is angry and doing everything he can
09:11 to prevent those from giving. "
09:14 And that, you know, we had prayer together
09:16 and what courage came from those remarks.
09:19 But he's right. You know, if a ministry is doing nothing
09:23 with the money that's coming in then they can build up
09:27 quite a stockpile. But when you see the things that
09:31 are happening and the plans that are on the table
09:34 not only for television and radio
09:37 but also for what we call social media...
09:40 getting more into YouTube and Facebook
09:42 and reaching out to the younger generation
09:45 through these means where even now you can listen
09:49 to 3ABN Radio on your Smartphone...
09:52 if your phone is smart enough.
09:54 My... I have a phone that's not quite that smart.
09:58 I have to tell you, though, I bought one of those
10:00 and I took it back because the phone is smarter than I am
10:03 and we were not compatible. So I took it back
10:06 and got me a simple one.
10:08 I have the same phone you do and I enjoy mine, too.
10:13 It's a... it's a pretty simple phone.
10:15 Well listen, it's just so wonderful to be with you.
10:18 And there was someone who really wanted to be with us tonight
10:22 but he was not able to be here in person.
10:25 But he is going to be bringing us a greeting by video.
10:31 And it's Pastor Ted Wilson, who is the president
10:35 of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
10:39 Pastor Wilson:
10:41 Greetings from the General Conference headquarters
10:44 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
10:46 The Pillars of our Faith Camp Meeting is
10:48 such a blessing to so many.
10:50 The CDs resulting from the last Camp Meeting
10:54 and the 3ABN anniversary celebration are very close
10:58 to my heart as well as to the heart of my wife, Nancy.
11:02 We enjoy the music in our home
11:04 and have shared it with friends.
11:06 We look forward to the new CD releases
11:09 of Pillars of our Faith.
11:11 It would be a wonderful opportunity to greet all of you
11:15 face to face and become personally acquainted with you.
11:19 But allow me to take just a moment
11:22 to share this message of appreciation
11:25 for the work that has been continuing at 3ABN
11:28 for over a quarter of a century.
11:31 I commend and congratulate the leadership,
11:34 staff, and volunteers at Three Angels Broadcasting Network
11:39 for spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ,
11:43 His three angels' messages of Revelation 14,
11:46 and pointing to His soon second coming.
11:50 You are accomplishing an effective work
11:54 in our Lord's harvest field.
11:55 The Seventh-day Adventist Church is grateful
11:59 to 3ABN and like-minded supporting institutions
12:03 who work tirelessly to reach lost and suffering souls
12:07 who don't know our Savior, Jesus Christ,
12:10 and also to enhance the spiritual walk of fellow
12:15 Seventh-day Adventists and Christians
12:17 of other denominations the world over.
12:20 Our church is experiencing unprecedented growth.
12:24 I believe that it is in part due to media outlets
12:29 like 3ABN, Hope Channel,
12:32 LLBN, and other supporting networks
12:35 which serve as evangelists for the church on a 24-hour,
12:40 seven day a week basis.
12:42 As you know, the Seventh-day Adventist church is seeking
12:46 and praying for world-wide revival and reformation
12:51 through the power of the Holy Spirit
12:53 to accomplish God's great evangelistic mission
12:56 to this world. Uplifting the pillars of our Christian faith
13:01 is an important part of that effort.
13:04 My prayer is that the Spirit of the Lord
13:08 will move in a mighty way during your encampment
13:12 and that you will be revived to have a closer walk
13:15 with the Lord,
13:16 changed more and more into the likeness of Christ
13:20 and energized to work with increased zeal
13:24 for the Lord... all through the mighty power
13:27 of our Redeemer, Savior, and Best Friend
13:31 Jesus Christ.
13:33 Working together, we can hasten the day
13:36 when we shall see Christ coming in the clouds of glory.
13:40 Please know that our prayers are with you.
13:43 We also entreat you to remember us
13:46 as you boldly approach God's throne of grace.
13:50 Today - more than ever - we need to pray for the power
13:54 of the Holy Spirit to work in our lives
13:57 and to grant us heavenly wisdom.
14:00 In a world filled with uncertainty, may you cling
14:04 to the pillars of our faith that are all anchored
14:08 in God's Word... the Bible.
14:11 May your hearts overflow with the blessed hope
14:14 of Jesus Christ's soon coming.
14:20 Amen. And all the people said: "Amen. "
14:23 I want to say thank you so much to Elder Ted Wilson.
14:27 What a blessing he's been to 3ABN already since this past
14:30 year he was elected General Conference president.
14:32 And he's a man with a vision and I believe the type of leadership
14:36 that can take us where we want to go...
14:38 and that's to the end of the road of this earth
14:40 and the beginning of life everlasting.
14:43 And I believe as we work together as a church
14:45 and a people that this can happen very soon:
14:48 yet in our lifetime.
14:49 So it's my privilege at this time to introduce
14:53 to start off the Pillars of our Faith Camp Meeting
14:55 this year with Pastor Jim Gilley.
14:58 And Jim is a wonderful friend.
15:01 He's like a brother. He and Camille are wonderful people.
15:04 We're actually neighbors now
15:05 and I look forward to being neighbors with them,
15:08 as Elder Micheff - Jim Micheff - used to say,
15:10 on Glory Street. And wonderful people.
15:12 And Jim is a tremendous example of a Christian.
15:16 He's... God has appointed him here for such an hour as this.
15:19 Great business head; a great person to work with,
15:22 and I appreciate him so much. And tonight he'll be bringing us
15:25 our first message. But before we do, he's asked me
15:28 to sing a song: the song the Lord gave me about a year ago
15:31 entitled "All My Praise. "
15:47 All my praise,
15:52 I give You all my praise.
16:00 That's all I have
16:04 to offer You.
16:10 I now build a sanctuary
16:16 deep within my heart,
16:22 and all my praise
16:26 I offer up to You.
16:34 I love You, Lord.
16:38 Oh, how I love You, Lord.
16:45 I bare my heart
16:49 and soul to You.
16:57 I'm an empty, broken vessel
17:02 filled with hurt and pain inside.
17:07 Still I offer up
17:11 all my praise to You.
17:19 Fill me, Lord.
17:24 Oh, please fill me, Lord,
17:32 with Your Holy Spirit
17:36 fill me now.
17:42 For I long for Your anointing
17:48 that I may work for You.
17:54 Fill me, Lord,
17:58 touch me, Lord, just now.
18:06 All my praise.
18:11 I give You all my praise.
18:18 That's all I have
18:23 to offer You.
18:29 I now build a sanctuary
18:34 so deep within my heart.
18:39 Oh, and all my praise
18:44 I offer up to You.
18:52 And all my praise
18:56 I offer up to You.
19:09 Appreciate it.
19:13 That song is fast becoming one of my favorites.
19:17 Amen. Really do enjoy hearing Danny sing it.
19:23 Um, I think a lot of you are just like I am:
19:28 you love to hear Danny sing.
19:31 God has really given him gifts...
19:35 many, many gifts...
19:36 and the gift of faith
19:38 is the greatest gift that God has given him.
19:43 The faith to begin this ministry with absolutely nothing.
19:48 The faith to continue this ministry
19:51 with absolutely nothing!
19:54 And I will tell you something: I have never in my life
19:57 seen any place that is just sustained
20:03 by God on a day-by-day basis. Amen.
20:06 And I will tell you that anybody that works in
20:09 the business office will triple that Amen.
20:12 I... they... they have never seen anything like it either.
20:17 And we know that we just trust in God.
20:21 We trust in Him, and He does not...
20:24 You know the text that "we walk not by sight but by faith? "
20:28 I may be saying it backwards but it's the way it is.
20:32 We walk by faith and not by sight.
20:37 Let us pray.
20:38 Father, we pray for Your Holy Spirit to come,
20:41 to lead, to direct, to guide
20:44 in all that's said and done tonight.
20:47 We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
20:50 If you have your Bibles, turn with me to the 12th chapter
20:54 of Romans and beginning with verse 1.
20:58 A verse familiar text that sometimes is used
21:02 only in one way.
21:05 We often hear it used when people are talking about health
21:08 but it really goes far beyond health.
21:13 It includes health but it goes far beyond health.
21:16 The 12th chapter of Romans beginning with verse 1:
21:19 "I beseech you, therefore, brethren,
21:22 by the mercies of God
21:25 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
21:28 holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
21:33 And do not be conformed to this world
21:37 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
21:42 that you may prove what is that good and acceptable
21:48 and perfect will of God. "
21:51 Transformed it says.
21:55 Changed. Now I had a teacher one time
22:00 that said: "Whenever you see therefore
22:03 in a sentence, find out what it's there for. "
22:09 And if you look at this: "I beseech you therefore brethren"
22:13 it is referring to the first eleven chapters.
22:18 We're now down to the twelfth chapter.
22:19 It's referring to the first eleven chapters.
22:22 And these first eleven chapters are dealing with the doctrine
22:28 of sin and of salvation.
22:33 The Bible says in Romans the third chapter verse 23
22:36 that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. "
22:40 All.
22:43 That means everybody.
22:46 And we've all sinned the Bible says.
22:49 Romans 6:23 says: "The wages of sin is death
22:53 but the gift of God is eternal life. "
22:59 The gift is eternal life.
23:02 Sin? Death.
23:04 God gives life.
23:07 That's the contrast that Romans 1 through 11
23:12 goes into all kinds of detail telling us about.
23:16 Sin... the ugliness of sin, the awfulness of sin.
23:20 How sin separates us from God.
23:23 How there is salvation only in Jesus...
23:27 no place else.
23:29 But it's so clear and so fantastic.
23:34 And then Romans the 10th chapter verse 13 says:
23:38 "Who... " Verse 13 chapter 10:
23:43 "For whosoever calls on the name of the Lord
23:47 shall be saved. "
23:49 That's the way: calling upon the name of the Lord.
23:56 You know Jesus Christ was designated from the very time
24:00 of the fall of man to be the sacrifice.
24:04 He was to come to give His life.
24:08 To go to the cross; die for you and for me.
24:13 The sacrifice. But He was also a living sacrifice.
24:18 He lived a perfect life.
24:22 He demonstrated what real sacrifice was:
24:27 giving up what He wanted so that He would perform
24:31 the will of His heavenly Father.
24:36 You know, that's exactly what we must be.
24:41 Matthew the 10th chapter verse 38 says:
24:44 "He who does not take his cross and follow after Me
24:48 is not worthy of Me. "
24:51 Then He says in verse 39: "He who finds his life
24:55 will lose it and he who loses his life for My sake
25:01 will find it. "
25:04 Galatians 2:20 the apostle Paul says:
25:08 "I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live
25:11 yet not I but Christ liveth in me.
25:15 And the life which I now live in the flesh
25:18 I live by the faith of the Son of God
25:20 who loved me and gave Himself for me. "
25:23 But he talks about the going to the cross.
25:27 "I am crucified with Christ. "
25:31 Christ says to take up His cross.
25:33 He says that we must die daily.
25:36 He talks about dying. You know,
25:39 we've had a big flood season this year
25:42 all down through the Mississippi here.
25:44 We've seen so many fields that were flooded.
25:48 And Camille and I have made a number of trips south on
25:51 highway 57 down to 55 and then on down 55.
25:56 And there was one part of 55 that for weeks
26:01 the water was just a thin layer of water
26:04 came over the interstate.
26:05 They slowed you down; you were OK.
26:08 But there was just a little bit of water
26:09 coming over the interstate down there.
26:11 They had sandbagged... held back all they could...
26:15 water was actually higher... You'd look at it;
26:18 it was higher than you were.
26:20 And I remember mentioning to Harold Roddy, good man
26:26 and a great agricultural genius...
26:30 And I said: "Harold, it looks like we're going to lose
26:35 all these crops this year. "
26:37 He said: "Listen, we can plant as late as July
26:41 and still get a good crop. "
26:44 And I thought: "Well that's a praise the Lord. "
26:47 And on our way back up this week
26:51 we saw them planting.
26:54 Some of the areas that were actually covered with water
26:58 already had dried out enough to where they had already plowed it
27:01 and they were planting those areas.
27:04 There were some areas that still were flooded
27:07 not too far from it, but they were... they were
27:10 planting those areas...
27:12 putting that seed in the ground.
27:15 Now when you look at a seed...
27:17 we could take a seed and we could put it on a table
27:21 and we could lay hands on the seed.
27:24 We could anoint the seed.
27:27 We could pray for the seed.
27:29 We could talk to the seed.
27:31 We could encourage the seed,
27:33 but until it goes in the ground
27:35 and it's buried
27:38 then... and it dies...
27:42 then it comes forth a plant.
27:46 My friend, until we die to self
27:52 we are not reborn to a real true life in Christ.
27:58 He said that we must be buried with Him.
28:02 The Bible talks about being buried with baptism.
28:05 Being buried in baptism.
28:08 Coming forth to newness of life.
28:13 The Lord says: "I want you to be a living sacrifice. "
28:19 "I want your life to be not for self. "
28:23 You see, we've got to... we have to get away from
28:26 looking at self, worrying about self.
28:28 Being afraid that self isn't going to have enough to eat.
28:31 Being afraid that self is not going to have enough
28:34 to get by on. Because once we get away from self
28:38 we start looking to God.
28:41 Trusting in Jesus.
28:43 Relying upon Him totally.
28:46 Becoming a living sacrifice.
28:51 Sacrificing self completely
28:55 through Jesus Christ our Lord.
28:58 You know, the disciples had to learn this.
29:02 Peter had to learn it.
29:03 All the other disciples had to learn it.
29:05 That they had to die to self.
29:07 They had to quit trying to figure out
29:09 what was going to be happening for self.
29:12 If you go over to John the 21st chapter
29:17 you remember that after the resurrection...
29:19 Now they had been with Jesus... they had seen Jesus.
29:22 In fact, Jesus had even made the statement to them
29:26 of where He was to meet them on a mountain
29:29 after the resurrection.
29:32 But here we find Peter being inpatient.
29:36 I don't know if Peter went to the mountain,
29:38 waited around a little bit and was impetuous and inpatient
29:41 and he finally said: "Listen, I'm not waiting around
29:44 here any more. I'm just not being here anymore. "
29:49 I don't know if that's exactly what happened or not,
29:51 but I do know that Peter said...
29:55 Simon Peter, Thomas called the twin,
29:57 Nathaniel of Cana of Galilee,
29:59 Sons of Zebedee - that's James and John -
30:01 and two others of His disciples were all together.
30:04 And Simon Peter said to them: "I am going fishing. "
30:08 And they said to him: "We're going with you. "
30:14 And they went out and immediately got into the boat,
30:20 and that night they caught nothing.
30:22 "I'm going fishing. " Nothing wrong with going fishing
30:29 except if God wants you somewhere else.
30:31 God didn't say "I'll meet you at the boat. "
30:35 He said - Jesus said: "I'll be on the mountain;
30:39 I'll meet you on the mountain. "
30:41 And they went fishing.
30:43 They had given up; they had gone back.
30:48 They had been called away from fishing
30:51 and now they were back fishing again,
30:56 and they didn't catch a thing.
31:00 I want to tell you something: there's a real lesson there.
31:02 A real lesson.
31:05 And he said when the morning came
31:09 and Jesus stood on the shore
31:12 yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.
31:15 You see, you can get so far away from the Lord
31:18 even when His voice is heard you won't recognize it.
31:22 They were not where they were supposed to be
31:26 and they did not think that He was going to be there.
31:30 But He was.
31:32 And then Jesus said to them
31:37 "Children, have you any food? "
31:41 And they answered Him: "No. "
31:44 And then He said to them: "Cast the net on the
31:47 right side of the boat and you'll find some. "
31:50 You'd think right then they'd have known who it was,
31:52 wouldn't you? But they had gotten so far out of fellowship
31:57 with Him that they didn't recognize His voice.
32:02 They didn't even recognize that this is what He had told them
32:07 3-1/2 years before
32:10 when He had told them to cast the net
32:14 on the other side.
32:17 The Bible says: "So they cast and now they were not able
32:21 to draw it in because of the multitude of fish.
32:26 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved
32:31 said to Peter: 'It is the Lord. ' "
32:35 That was John... he finally caught on.
32:39 "It is the Lord! "
32:43 And now you see what Peter did.
32:44 "Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord
32:47 he put on his out garment for he had removed it
32:50 and plunged into the sea... "
32:52 The other disciples came in the little boat.
32:56 "for they were not far from land...
32:59 but about 200 cubits" - which is 100 yards -
33:03 "dragging the net with the fish. "
33:06 Now Peter... You know, sometimes people will say...
33:10 Peter, he... he was different.
33:16 He didn't just wait in the boat until he got there...
33:20 he dove in
33:22 when he found out it was the Lord.
33:24 You remember it was Peter who said: "You're not going to wash
33:26 my feet. " Then he said: "No, my feet, my head,
33:30 everything. " It was Peter that said:
33:34 "Let me walk on the water, " and he jumped in
33:36 and started walking on the water.
33:38 It was Peter!
33:40 Now, Peter was not the first pope.
33:44 Understand that?
33:46 He was not.
33:48 But don't think for a moment that he was not
33:51 the leader of the bunch... because he was.
33:55 He was.
33:57 We see that in so many ways.
34:01 In fact, if you look at all the disciples...
34:04 You got real quiet when I said that.
34:06 But when you look at all the disciples
34:09 they are mentioned all together 129 times.
34:14 When you get to the room tonight if you can't go to sleep
34:17 you count those: 129 times.
34:21 Out of 129, 86 times
34:27 it mentions Peter.
34:31 43- or half the number -
34:34 all of the other disciples together.
34:38 Forty-three times all the other disciples together.
34:44 Peter is mentioned twice for every time
34:48 any of the 11, other 11, are mentioned even once.
34:53 He was the leader.
34:56 Not a pope but he was the leader.
35:01 You watch how many times they list the disciples.
35:03 There'll be Peter, Andrew, James, and John
35:05 and it'll go down through the list.
35:06 But it almost always mentions Peter first
35:11 because he was there on the cutting edge.
35:17 Peter was an ambitious man; he was a hard-working man.
35:20 So were James and John.
35:21 These fellows were fishing.
35:24 Now let me tell you about this fishing.
35:26 This was not just out there with a rod and reel.
35:29 Danny called me the other day and he said: "Do you mind
35:32 if I fish over there in your pond? "
35:35 I said: "No, please do. "
35:36 I have never fished out there once.
35:38 I'm not going to go fishing until the Lord just finally says
35:43 to me: "You're going fishing. "
35:45 All right?
35:47 But Danny was just wanting to test the waters out there.
35:50 He catches them... throws them back in.
35:52 And I have... I think the same fish follows him around.
35:57 I think he likes the thrill of coming up out of that water.
36:00 I think the fish gets a bigger thrill than Danny does
36:04 because it seems like he's a pet fish.
36:06 I saw him walk around there one day
36:09 and catch 12 fish... but they all looked exactly alike.
36:15 And he keeps throwing him back.
36:17 But these men were commercial fishermen.
36:21 They made money doing this.
36:25 By the way, I love the Sea of Galilee.
36:29 I'm going to take a limited trip over there in November.
36:34 I'm only going to take one busload and that's it.
36:37 I'm not going to take four or five hundred people.
36:39 But one bus - about 50 people -
36:41 and we've still got a few seats left. But...
36:44 if you want to go, let me know.
36:46 But I love the Sea of Galilee.
36:49 My favorite place maybe in the whole world.
36:52 And they go to the place - the traditional place -
36:56 where Jesus was cooking those fish.
36:59 Wouldn't you love to do a... have breakfast with Jesus
37:05 on the Sea of Galilee in the earth made new?
37:10 I... I look forward to that.
37:12 Sometime during eternity if He'll just schedule me
37:16 any time to be with Him and have breakfast
37:19 on the Sea of Galilee with Jesus like those disciples did.
37:24 I hope and pray that I can do that someday.
37:30 But you know something? These men...
37:33 this fishing was very important to them.
37:35 The guy that I use over there, Malcolm Cartier,
37:38 he is a genius in this whole area of study.
37:42 And he has found information that leads him to believe
37:47 that these men - Peter, Andrew, James, and John -
37:52 were very successful fishermen.
37:57 They were good at it.
37:59 In fact, they had devised a plan.
38:02 There's one species of fish that's only found in
38:05 the Sea of Galilee.
38:07 And they were taking that fish and somehow
38:12 putting it in a barrel of salt, whatever, I don't know
38:15 what process, and shipping those to Rome.
38:19 Because those people from Rome, particularly the soldiers
38:23 that had done a tour of duty there,
38:26 had developed a taste for that fish and they wanted it.
38:30 And these disciples were doing well.
38:33 They excavated Peter's house a number of years ago,
38:36 and I believe that house was built
38:38 before he went into preaching.
38:40 There's no money in preaching, I can tell you that!
38:42 But I believe that that house was developed
38:46 when he was still in the fishing business.
38:48 It's large!
38:51 Harold Weiss, who was one of my professors in college,
38:53 is one of the leading archaeologists in the world
38:56 today. And he was given the honor
39:00 of leading a group from a number of several universities
39:04 but Notre Dame being one of them.
39:05 And he went with that group, he led the group
39:09 and they excavated Peter's house.
39:11 And I read the article that he had in BAR Magazine:
39:15 Biblical Archaeological Review.
39:17 I try to impress you that I read some of these things.
39:21 But I read that
39:25 and it talks about how exquisite the home was.
39:31 Beautiful, big.
39:32 I've been there, seen it,
39:34 and it looked big to me.
39:38 But this was Peter's home.
39:42 You see, these men... They were not walking away
39:47 from a hobby. They were walking away from a livelihood.
39:52 Zebedee. There are those through the study of the Word
39:57 who have come to the place that believe that Zebedee,
40:01 the father of James and John, was a leading fishermen
40:05 there. That he supplied fish
40:09 to Caiaphas the high priest.
40:11 That this is how John and some of the other disciples
40:16 gained entrance that night.
40:18 You know, when you know the servants
40:20 and you're in on the go, you can go to the door
40:23 and say: "Hey, this is John. Let me in; I'm Zebedee's son. "
40:26 "Come on in; come on in. "
40:28 They didn't let just anybody in there.
40:31 And he... they supplied...
40:34 They found some evidence that indicates that that was true.
40:38 So these men were in business.
40:40 Now listen, there's nothing wrong with being in business.
40:43 Nothing wrong with being in the fishing business.
40:45 Nothing wrong with being successful.
40:47 But if God wants you somewhere else
40:50 then that's where you've got to be.
40:53 Now we take the apostle Paul.
40:56 He was a tentmaker.
40:59 God never told him to quit making tents.
41:02 And I've thought about that.
41:05 I've thought why is it that the Lord called those disciples
41:09 to quit fishing - get out of the fishing business -
41:13 and go hook, line, and sinker into the soul-winning business.
41:19 Why?
41:21 And I think the Lord may have given me a little vision
41:24 into that. You see, Paul could move around
41:27 in the tent building business.
41:29 He could... wherever he went they needed tents.
41:32 Wherever he went they needed an awning.
41:35 Wherever he went he could set up shop again
41:39 and be right back into business and make his livelihood.
41:42 But these fishermen couldn't take the Sea of Galilee
41:45 with them everywhere they went.
41:46 You see what I mean?
41:47 They were tied down to a locale.
41:50 They had one place; they had one species of fish
41:55 they really specialized in.
41:56 They had one business where they were shipping it to Rome.
41:59 They would have been tied down right in that general area.
42:02 And so the Lord says: "No!
42:06 I want to send you out... I want to send you out. "
42:10 And He did. When you look at these men
42:13 and how completely they gave themselves to the Lord
42:19 it is unbelievable. If you go down
42:23 and fast-forward a little bit,
42:26 you will find Paul as a tentmaker.
42:30 You find Peter as a preacher;
42:33 Paul a writer, preacher as well.
42:36 But you see, Peter had Pentecost about three weeks or so
42:42 hence from that time.
42:44 He was there at Pentecost preaching.
42:48 Preaching. Read Acts 2... read that sermon.
42:53 This man who had denied Christ,
42:55 this man who left and went back to fishing,
42:58 Jesus went and got him.
43:00 He wasn't at the mountain where he was supposed to be.
43:04 But Jesus went and looked for him and found him
43:07 and brought him to Him.
43:12 A living sacrifice.
43:16 One hundred percent sold out to Jesus.
43:20 Every part of them.
43:22 Their finances, their life, their character...
43:28 everything.
43:30 As I was looking at this process, sort of a sequence
43:34 that takes place here,
43:35 we see they got all totally out of line.
43:38 The first thing that happens is when we become self-reliant.
43:43 They had been relying on the Lord for 3-1/2 years
43:46 to supply everything for them.
43:48 And finally Peter says: "Hey, this isn't going to cut it
43:51 any more. This is... We've got to get back to work
43:54 and I'm going fishing.
43:57 That's what I know and that's where I'm heading. "
44:00 So what happens? When we become self-reliant
44:03 that leads to disobedience.
44:07 He wasn't where he was supposed to be.
44:09 He was somewhere else.
44:13 Disobedience leads to failure, disappointment.
44:16 They fished all night; they didn't catch a thing.
44:18 I believe if they'd have stayed on that lake forever
44:21 they'd have never caught anything else
44:22 because God wasn't going to bless them.
44:25 It wasn't going to be just that night.
44:28 They were not going to be successful
44:32 in the fishing business any more
44:35 because He was not going to bless them. And that, my friend,
44:41 leads to failure, disappointment.
44:44 Leads to a loss of intimate fellowship with Jesus.
44:49 They didn't even recognize His voice.
44:52 They had lost that fellowship
44:55 and they didn't even recognize Him.
44:58 You know, so many times we can drift like this
45:02 by going our own way, becoming self-reliant,
45:06 not relying upon Him.
45:07 You see, what He wants for us is just the opposite.
45:10 He wants us to rely on Him.
45:13 And when we rely on Him, this leads to a life of obedience
45:18 which leads to success and happiness.
45:21 You will find it all through God's Word.
45:25 Obedience has taken a bad rap.
45:29 A bad rap.
45:32 You know, I love my grandchildren.
45:35 I love 'em.
45:37 I've got some of them with me.
45:39 Some of them are here.
45:40 Have I got any on the front row?
45:42 No? Yeah, I've got one.
45:44 That's right. I've got one.
45:47 And I've got some little ones.
45:49 And... But let me tell you, I don't think one time
45:55 whenever they have obeyed me
45:57 that I've said: "You little legalist. "
46:02 "What in the world are you doing? Are you trying to win
46:05 my approval by obeying?
46:08 Is that what you're trying to do?
46:09 Why you're nothing but a legalist.
46:11 What are you trying to do... work your way into my will?
46:16 Is that what you're trying? " When we see obedience in a child
46:20 we are blessed by it.
46:22 When God sees a willing and obedient heart in us
46:27 He is blessed by it. That fellowship is growing in us.
46:31 Don't let people
46:34 turn you away from obedience.
46:39 Because it will bring success, it will bring happiness,
46:42 it will bring an intimate fellowship with Christ.
46:46 Doesn't bring salvation... no.
46:48 He brings salvation.
46:50 He brings it.
46:52 But it brings all the joy.
46:56 Now that doesn't mean that they're not going to be problems
46:59 in the world. There will be.
47:01 There's always going to be problems for Christians.
47:04 But when you enter into a partnership with Him
47:07 something really happens.
47:11 And I want to tell you something: I believe
47:13 with all my heart that everybody who is a living sacrifice;
47:19 who has really become born with Jesus;
47:23 who has died to self,
47:25 been resurrected to Him;
47:27 I think every one of them...
47:29 I don't care if they work out here on the road crew.
47:31 The road crew's put off their work on this road
47:34 just because of our Camp Meeting. Isn't that wonderful?
47:37 Amen. It doesn't take them much to put off work,
47:40 I guarantee you. But...
47:42 But I appreciate their doing it.
47:46 And they did, by the way. They went to a lot of trouble
47:48 to do it. We had Ben Birkhammer who works with us
47:53 got hold of the Department of Transportation,
47:55 talked to the man in charge.
47:56 And he said: "We're going to be having Camp Meeting. "
47:59 They were supposed to start here Monday
48:02 tearing up this road.
48:03 And he said: "Is there any way you can put that off? "
48:06 They said: "We have another place we can work.
48:08 Thank you, Brother Ben, for calling us
48:11 and we will go work some place else
48:13 and we'll be there next Monday. "
48:15 Isn't that? Praise the Lord!
48:19 Praise the Lord.
48:21 But you see, I believe that everybody has a ministry.
48:26 I don't care if the fellow's working on the road.
48:29 I don't care if he's a surgeon.
48:31 I don't care what he is. We should also have a ministry.
48:37 And God blesses those that do that.
48:43 I was visiting with a member of the Fjarli family today.
48:48 He's on our Board: Brother Bruce.
48:50 Talking about his father, Meriin,
48:52 and something that their family started.
48:55 And they saw a program on 3ABN
48:59 and it excited them about the work in India.
49:04 And so they said: "We're going to start trying to do something
49:07 over there. " In fact, Brother Merlin called Danny
49:10 and he said: "We've been giving a monthly contribution
49:13 to 3ABN. What would you think if we turned around
49:17 and used that in India? "
49:21 I want to tell you, I've never seen a selfish bone
49:24 in Danny Shelton. I never have.
49:27 He said: "If the Holy Spirit is leading you to do that,
49:30 please do that. "
49:31 And that's what we tell you every day
49:33 is "You go and give where God leads you. "
49:37 Amen. Not where man leads you but where God leads you.
49:41 The Holy Spirit. They began a ministry there.
49:44 I don't know how many orphanages they have.
49:48 They have a number of orphanages over there.
49:51 But they have started building churches.
49:54 And how many churches do you think that family has built
49:57 in India? Over 900 churches. Amen!
50:03 Amen? Amen!
50:05 That's a family. They're not in the preaching business.
50:08 They are in the construction business
50:12 and development business.
50:14 But they are in the soul-winning business at the same time!
50:17 You know how many baptisms have been held in the crusades
50:20 they have held and they have paid
50:23 to get lay people, other people to hold over there?
50:26 You want to guess how many have been baptized?
50:29 Would you guess 15,000?
50:32 Would you guess 50,000?
50:34 Would you guess 100,000?
50:37 Would you guess over 150,000 people baptized in India?
50:42 Amen. Amen?
50:46 You see, that, my friend, is a living sacrifice.
50:50 That's what it's all about.
50:52 It's teaming up with God,
50:54 and that's what He wants us to do is to team up with Him.
50:59 It says in Matthew 6:33:
51:01 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
51:04 and all these things will be added to you. "
51:07 I'm going to tell you something:
51:08 the Fjarli's are not in bread lines.
51:12 They're not.
51:14 God takes care of that partnership.
51:18 He takes care of us when we become partners.
51:21 And we all become partners on different levels.
51:24 Different levels.
51:26 But He takes care of that partnership.
51:30 Matthew 23:23:
51:32 He says... Jesus is talking about the tithe:
51:35 Sometimes people say: "Oh, there's no tithe in the
51:37 New Testament. " Let me tell you something:
51:39 you really get down to it you may be right.
51:42 God wants it all in the New Testament.
51:46 Some of you want to go back to the Old Testament right away,
51:49 don't you? So let me get back to Malachi.
51:52 He only wants 10 per cent in Malachi.
51:56 But God wants a living sacrifice
52:01 when we team up with Him.
52:02 You remember the rich young ruler?
52:05 What'd He say to him?
52:06 This fellow was... this was a good man.
52:08 This is not a bad man... it's a good man.
52:10 The Bible says Jesus loved him.
52:13 But Jesus saw that he loved money more than anything else.
52:18 Now by the way, the Great Physician
52:21 does not give one pill for every illness to everybody
52:25 for the same thing.
52:27 He hasn't told you to sell all you have
52:30 and give it to the poor, but He told him to
52:32 because He knew that that was what he needed.
52:38 But you know something? I wish that man had done it
52:40 because I think the most exciting thing would have
52:42 happened because the more he gave away
52:44 the more God would have given him back.
52:46 As he was shoveling it out... As my good friend
52:48 Rex Callicut used to say:
52:50 "I shovel it out with a teaspoon and the Lord puts it back
52:53 with a front-end loader. " Amen.
52:55 And that's the way that He gives.
52:59 Malachi 3:8-11: "Will a man rob God?
53:01 Yet ye have robbed Me. But you say: 'In what way
53:04 have we robbed You? '
53:05 In tithes and offerings.
53:08 You are cursed with a curse for you have robbed Me
53:11 even this whole nation. "
53:12 Wonder what the problems are of our nation?
53:15 "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse
53:17 that there may be food in My house. And try Me now
53:20 in this says the Lord of Hosts
53:22 if I will not open for you the windows of heaven
53:24 and pour out for you such blessing
53:28 that there will not be room enough to receive it. "
53:31 Amen! That's His promise!
53:34 "Give that it will be given to you" Jesus said in Luke 6
53:38 the 38th verse: "good measure,
53:41 pressed down, shaken together, running over
53:44 will He put into your bosom.
53:47 For with the same measure that you use it
53:49 it will be measured back to you. "
53:51 And then in II Corinthians 9:6-7 Paul says:
53:55 "But this I say: He who sows
53:57 sparingly will also reap sparingly,
54:00 he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. "
54:06 That, my friend, is the message of commitment to Jesus.
54:12 You know something? When He went back
54:17 to Peter, this time He didn't call him Peter
54:23 the rock; He called him Simon.
54:27 And He said - because Peter had gone back to being Simon -
54:31 he had gone back to fishing...
54:35 And Jesus told him,
54:39 He said: "Do you love Me? "
54:41 And he said: "Yes, You know that I do. "
54:44 He asked him three times: "Do you love Me more than these? "
54:49 When I first used to read that I thought He was
54:51 talking about the other disciples.
54:53 But as I've come to look at it more in the original
54:56 I find that He was talking about the fish.
55:00 The money. That's what He was talking about.
55:05 "Do you love Me more than this success? "
55:08 "Do you love Me more than what this represents? "
55:12 "You're all excited about 153 fish,
55:16 but do you love Me more than that? "
55:18 That is the question for you and for me.
55:23 Do we love Him with all of our hearts?
55:29 Because He says: "I want you to be a living sacrifice. "
55:36 He says: "If you will give Me your heart,
55:40 I will give you life eternal. "
55:43 You know, God is the great giver.
55:46 He knows how to give gifts.
55:48 God loves a cheerful giver the Bible says.
55:51 The reason is that God IS a cheerful giver.
55:53 "For God so loved the world that He gave
55:56 His only begotten Son
55:59 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish
56:03 but have everlasting life. "
56:06 The greatest gift of all
56:10 God gave when He gave His Son
56:15 for you and He gave Him for me.
56:20 You see, He knew Peter's heart.
56:24 Peter had cursed...
56:28 You cannot imagine how Peter cursed
56:31 when he cursed and denied the Lord.
56:36 You and I have denied the Lord somewhere along the line.
56:40 And there are times we've wondered will He forgive us.
56:45 Yeah, He does.
56:48 He restores.
56:50 He restores your soul; He restores my soul.
56:56 He is our Lord, our God, and our Savior.
57:00 Father in heaven, thank you
57:03 for life eternal. Thank you for the commitment, Lord,
57:06 that You have given to us
57:08 that if we will lay it all on the altar
57:13 that You will cover us with the precious blood of Jesus.
57:20 Thank you, Father, for that assurance.
57:22 In Jesus wonderful and powerful and loving name, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17