3ABN Homecoming 2011

Buy That Field

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles E. Bradford


Series Code: 11HC

Program Code: 11HC000014

00:47 And we're down to the last two meetings of this Camp Meeting.
00:51 And we have really been having a wonderful time.
00:56 We have. And it's been a privilege to be here with...
01:00 have Elder Bradford here - yes - and Mark Finley,
01:02 Pastor Mark Finley. And I don't know about you all
01:05 but I've been blessed. And so we don't get to come
01:07 out here but we can hear from the green room.
01:09 We've finally got us a television up
01:12 a couple years ago so we can sit and listen and enjoy too.
01:15 Right. But through the running back and forth.
01:17 And the great thing is: DVDs will be available -
01:20 they are - for the programs and because I...
01:23 There's a special anointing that they both have -
01:25 yes - and they both have been incredible evangelists
01:28 in the Seventh-day Adventist church for many years.
01:31 So it's been a privilege. And then I've been especially
01:33 also impressed with some of the music that we've had here
01:37 with Reggie and Ladye and with the Lesters that were here
01:40 this afternoon and some of the other folk.
01:42 So we're just thankful for this whole Camp Meeting
01:45 and mostly we're thankful for all of you that're here,
01:47 those of you at home that continue to support 3ABN.
01:51 Yes, and it means so much to us to hear from you
01:55 because, Danny, there's nothing like getting a letter
02:00 that's encouraging. And I got one once.
02:04 I want you to know that. And uh...
02:09 And I still have it on my desk and every once in a while
02:12 I read it. You get the other kind, too,
02:15 where they tell you that your tie wasn't right
02:18 or... or that you said something they didn't approve of.
02:21 You don't get the tie letters any more?
02:24 All right. I was talking with a fellow out here.
02:28 He's a pharmacist. Ray... he's sitting here.
02:30 And he and his wife - she's a nurse/practitioner -
02:33 have watched us for many many years.
02:34 This is their first time. Came down from Michigan
02:36 to be with us. And said the same thing we hear so many times.
02:41 "It's one thing to see it on TV... "
02:43 yeah... "but it's another thing to be in the house
02:46 and experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. "
02:48 Amen. It's a whole different world,
02:49 a whole different ballgame. It is... it really is.
02:52 And even though, for those of us that work through this...
02:56 this whole Camp Meeting time,
02:59 it is tiring. Some of you here... I'm looking at you
03:02 and you're thinking those of you that sit through it
03:04 it's tiring, too. But... but I will tell you this:
03:07 that it is so inspiring. We're all ready looking forward
03:11 to the next one. And the next Spring Camp Meeting
03:15 will be May 30-31
03:19 and June 1-2. So put that on your calendar
03:25 right now. May 30-31 and June 1-2,
03:31 2012.
03:34 Lord willing, we'll be right here for another Camp Meeting
03:37 at that time. Well right now we want to sing our theme song
03:41 that we've enjoyed singing: When the roll is called up yonder
03:45 I'll be there.
04:35 Amen.
04:36 Shall we pray? Father God, we thank you
04:39 for this blessed Sabbath day which is now slipping
04:43 into eternity. We thank you for Your presence and Your power.
04:48 For the word that has been preached with power.
04:51 For the music that has been sung under the anointing
04:54 of the Holy Spirit. We thank you, Lord, that You
04:57 have allowed us to sit even for a little while
05:00 in heavenly places and get a brand new glimpse
05:05 of the King and His soon-coming kingdom.
05:09 What we have experienced heretofore
05:12 we ask that we may be privileged to experience it
05:16 once again in this particular meeting.
05:19 Be the honored guest. Speak to us through the music.
05:23 Preach to us through the spoken word.
05:26 Open our hearts and fill our minds with Your love
05:30 and Your Word and Your glory and Your grace.
05:35 Teach us those things that You would have us to know
05:38 and help us to do them
05:40 because it is in the doing that we are made like Christ Jesus.
05:44 Bless us again this night we ask and pray
05:47 and thank you in Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.
05:52 Praise the Lord!
05:53 Well listen, we... we have looked forward
05:57 to this meeting all day
06:01 because this is the time when we will hear
06:05 our two speakers one more time:
06:07 Elder Bradford at this service
06:10 and immediately after our closing service
06:14 will be Elder Mark Finley.
06:16 And the messages we've received already today
06:20 have been such a blessing. Those messages that
06:23 were given this morning and I have been excited about
06:28 every one of them that I've heard. I've learned a lot.
06:32 You know, when you can learn something from a message
06:35 that is new, that is exciting,
06:38 that is something that just inspires you,
06:42 then you know that God is really using that message
06:46 in a very special way.
06:47 Elder Bradford's subject tonight is "Buy That Field. "
06:52 And before he comes to speak to us
06:55 Tammy Chance is going to come back.
06:58 She's going to sing a song that we've already heard once today.
07:01 But we want to hear it again. We want to hear her sing
07:04 He Didn't Throw The Clay Away.
07:08 Jim, I'm chicken. After the Lester's doing it
07:10 I couldn't go after them and do it again.
07:13 You're not going to do it? No.
07:15 Well thank you for telling me. I appreciate...
07:18 That's the crew's job.
07:21 I chickened out. I asked her... I said:
07:24 "Is she going to do that song again? "
07:26 And they said: "Yes, she is! " I sent them over there.
07:30 Sorry. You did chicken out, huh?
07:32 I did chicken... I can't follow them. No.
07:34 She threw the clay away and now she's going to...
07:37 she's going to sing something else, all right?
07:41 What are you going to sing? I'm going to sing
07:42 This World Is Not My Home. All right.
07:50 I hope I don't get fired.
07:57 This world is not my home,
08:02 I'm just a'passin through.
08:07 My treasures are laid up
08:12 somewhere beyond the blue.
08:16 The angels beckon me
08:21 from heaven's open door
08:25 and I can't feel at home
08:29 in this world
08:32 any more.
08:38 Oh Lord, you know I have no friend like You.
08:44 If heaven's not my home, Lord,
08:48 Lord, what will I do?
08:50 The angels beckon me
08:54 from heaven's open door
08:56 and I can't feel at home
08:59 in this world any more.
09:07 Just over in glory land we'll
09:11 live eternally.
09:14 The saints on every hand
09:17 are shouting victory!
09:20 Their songs of sweetest praise drift back from heaven's shore
09:26 and I can't feel at home
09:29 in this world any more.
09:34 Oh Lord, You know,
09:37 I have no friend like You.
09:40 If heaven's not my home, Lord,
09:44 Lord what will I do?
09:47 The angels beckon me
09:50 from heaven's open door
09:52 and I can't feel at home
09:56 in this world any more.
10:01 They're all expecting me
10:03 and that's one thing I know.
10:07 My Savior pardoned me
10:10 and now I onward go.
10:13 I know He'll take me through
10:16 though I am weak and poor
10:19 and I can't feel at home
10:22 in this world any more.
10:26 The angels beckon me
10:29 from heaven's open door
10:31 and I can't feel at home
10:34 in this world
10:37 any more.
10:45 Amen.
10:56 Tell that young lady she can sing anything she wants to.
10:59 Amen. And if these brethren are not nice to her
11:02 she must call me up and I'll let them know
11:04 what side I'm on, all right? Thank you so much.
11:07 And your theme song grips me. What's your theme song?
11:13 Come on... huh?
11:16 When the roll is called up yonder.
11:19 It happened in London they tell me.
11:21 Now many of these stories about hymns
11:24 are different versions of them.
11:26 But my version of this comes from London.
11:28 They began Sunday Schools, you know, there in London.
11:32 They were really almost in contradistinction of the church.
11:36 The church over here and the Sunday School over here.
11:38 And Sunday School workers took care of the children
11:41 down in the slums and they gathered them in, you know.
11:44 They didn't have busses they gathered them in.
11:46 And they had the little talks and Bible plays and so forth.
11:51 And they missed one little fellow.
11:53 They missed him. Couple of times they missed him
11:55 and they went to his little tenement house where he lived.
11:59 Very, very poor section of London.
12:01 And when they walked into his room, he was fading away.
12:05 And they said: "Oh, we missed you.
12:07 We missed you. You know we call roll every Sunday
12:10 and you weren't there. "
12:12 And the people told them he was really dying.
12:14 And he said: "But I will be there... When the roll is called
12:19 up yonder, I'll be there. "
12:22 Amen. That's a little boy's testimony.
12:24 I hope that's the right story about it.
12:26 But it's a good one anyway, isn't it?
12:29 A good one... it's a good one.
12:31 Now tonight I want to talk about that field.
12:35 Buy That Field.
12:39 Our foreparents came here
12:41 and they homesteaded, some of them, didn't they?
12:44 And that property meant something to them.
12:49 The property was precious.
12:52 Family treasure.
12:54 They kept it as long as they could
12:56 in the family.
12:58 It was a disgrace for property to get out of the family's hands
13:04 and control.
13:06 Now tonight I'm going to talk about that field.
13:09 It was lost
13:11 and somebody who owned it was angry.
13:17 And I'll read this text before we pray.
13:20 Twenty-third chapter of Jeremiah.
13:24 Jeremiah chapter 23 and verse 20.
13:30 Hear the Word of the Lord:
13:33 "The anger of the Lord shall not return
13:38 until He hath executed
13:42 until He have performed
13:46 the thoughts of His heart.
13:48 In the latter days ye shall consider it" -
13:52 or understand it - "perfectly. "
13:55 Father God, help us to talk tonight about the field.
14:00 It was Yours. You created it, You made it.
14:04 You established it and somehow it slipped away
14:08 from the family of God
14:10 and was in the hands of an enemy:
14:13 a usurper, a pretender king.
14:19 Help us to understand, Lord, of Your anger,
14:22 Your fury, and Your determination
14:27 to buy it back... to bring it back into the family.
14:31 Help us to understand it I pray dear Lord.
14:35 In Jesus' dear name, Amen. Amen.
14:38 Old D. L. Moody... I used to like to read about Moody.
14:44 Great evangelist. Never had an education
14:48 in theological seminaries.
14:51 Was never ordained. He was a layman all his life
14:54 but a great soul winner.
14:57 And sometimes Moody would say
15:01 "Sin leaped into the world full grown. "
15:06 The first child was what? The first child was a murderer.
15:11 So sin doesn't take long to ripen
15:15 and bring death and destruction.
15:20 Poets call earth's history this "vale of wrath and tears. "
15:26 And the Bible records things in reality.
15:31 The Bible is not a nice little romantic tale.
15:35 The Bible gets to the root of the issue
15:39 and the Bible tells you what sin is really all about.
15:44 Unvarnished truth they call it.
15:48 That's what it is in the Word of God.
15:51 I'm going to read you here a few texts
15:54 before we plunge into the middle of our talk.
15:57 Let's go over to II Timothy.
16:01 And that's Paul's writing, you know, to his son Timothy
16:04 in the gospel ministry. And he almost begins that
16:08 II Timothy - it's chapter 3 - with some terrible,
16:12 terrible predictions and dire predictions
16:16 of what is happening when somebody buys the property.
16:21 When the wrong man gets in charge of the property.
16:26 II Timothy 3 and verse 1.
16:29 "This know also that in the last days
16:33 perilous times shall come. "
16:37 We've got to believe that, haven't we?
16:39 "In the last days. "
16:41 I call my little topics that I'm giving to you
16:44 God's End-Time People.
16:47 We're seeing it all.
16:49 Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
16:52 all the rest of the apostles: they looked forward to it.
16:57 But we are surrounded by it.
17:00 Somehow the Lord in His mercy planned this day
17:05 and put us right in the center of it: the end of time.
17:10 This "vale of wrath and tears. "
17:13 So Paul says - he's looking forward to it also...
17:17 One of the passages of scripture has Jesus saying
17:21 Abraham looked for that day. Didn't see it.
17:23 A whole chapter: Hebrews 11, you know.
17:26 Hebrews 11... that entire chapter.
17:28 I once heard Elder M. L. Andreasen preach
17:32 on this, the great Bible scholar.
17:34 Down in Dallas, Texas, he preached on the 11th chapter
17:38 of Hebrews. All of these died without seeing the promise.
17:43 And so in these last days where we are
17:47 "Men shall be lovers of their own selves. "
17:51 You agree with Paul?
17:53 Amen. "Covetous, boasters,
17:58 proud, blasphemers,
18:02 disobedient to parents,
18:04 unthankful, unholy... "
18:07 It goes on. What a list!
18:09 This is more than a little laundry list.
18:12 "without natural affection,
18:14 truce breakers, false accusers,
18:18 incontinent, fierce,
18:21 despisers of those that are good... "
18:24 I'd almost tell Paul "Hurry up and get through
18:26 with this list. "
18:27 "traitors, heady, highminded,
18:31 lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God... "
18:34 And then, this is the frightening part of it...
18:36 "having a form of godliness... "
18:40 You see the picture?
18:42 "but denying the power thereof.
18:46 From such turn away. "
18:50 What a catalog.
18:51 And what a surprise when we find that these people
18:57 who have these traits claim to be religious.
19:01 They have a form of godliness.
19:04 I don't know who they are and I am not to be a judge
19:07 or I am not to make decisions on you or you or you,
19:11 but the Bible said they would exist.
19:13 And the Word of God said: "From such turn away. "
19:18 Yes, we preach the law of God.
19:21 We preach the second coming of Christ.
19:23 Amen.
19:25 We preach that we should live soberly, righteously,
19:28 and godly in this present world.
19:30 Amen. The grace of God that we preach
19:32 is not a grace that gives license... cheap grace.
19:36 The grace of God that we preach tells us that we must live
19:40 in this world under the aegis, the guidance of the law of God.
19:46 Amen.
19:48 The law tells us what sin is.
19:50 We're not going to fight the law because it tells us who we are.
19:56 They tell the story of a woman who was the queen of the tribe.
20:01 They had no mirrors there in those days in that place.
20:05 And along came a tinkerer...
20:08 that is the guy that comes and sells stuff, you know...
20:11 and had a mirror.
20:13 And she said: "That's the only one you have? "
20:15 "Yes. " "I am the queen and I must take the mirror. "
20:19 So she took the mirror.
20:20 Ran into her little hut and looked at herself in the mirror.
20:25 She was shocked!
20:26 She threw the mirror down and stomped on it.
20:29 She said: "Now I still am the most beautiful woman
20:32 in this tribe. "
20:35 But we are not of those why deny what the mirror reflects.
20:41 When I see myself in that mirror I run to Jesus.
20:46 Amen. Elder Finley has a way he teases me about
20:50 saying "the old preachers. "
20:52 Well the old preachers used to preach that...
20:54 that when you break the mirror
20:56 it hasn't changed a thing, has it? Amen.
20:59 Now let me tell you about that mirror.
21:01 That mirror can't clean you.
21:03 Huh? No. But it's still necessary, isn't it? Yes.
21:07 And already when we got ready to come out here
21:10 they examined me back there.
21:14 Your tie, huh?
21:16 Your face is shiny. You need a little something here.
21:19 We'll wipe you off. Do I fight them because of that?
21:22 No. What do I do? Change.
21:24 Now when I see the mirror... myself in the mirror...
21:28 I don't take the mirror and wipe myself up with the mirror.
21:31 I go get some soap and water, huh? Come on now.
21:34 And the mirror sends us to the cross.
21:36 Come on tell me friends it's right. Amen!
21:38 It is right. The mirror... the mirror of God's law.
21:42 "Oh how I love Thy law.
21:44 It is my meditation both day and night. "
21:47 And then Paul comes back and he brings up the question
21:51 again in verse 13. He says:
21:53 "But evil men and seducers
21:56 shall wax worse and worse
21:59 deceiving and being deceived. "
22:02 We've got to be clear headed here.
22:05 We can't be murky and walking as blind men
22:10 that cannot see, groping in the darkness.
22:13 We've got to have a searchlight here
22:15 because there are in the land men, women
22:19 who are giving out their catalog of what they say is right.
22:24 But it's on the other side.
22:27 And they are skillful... they're well-trained.
22:32 They have beautiful voices.
22:36 They sing well.
22:38 They are well-trained and well-groomed.
22:42 And you sit there and you look at them
22:46 and continuing... by beholding we become changed
22:51 and we move our position. And let me tell you friends,
22:55 please don't misunderstand.
22:58 But the more we look at things
23:00 the more we become what we look at.
23:02 Amen.
23:04 It overwhelms us and then we begin to make excuses.
23:07 "Well how can they be so bad when they're so nice looking? "
23:12 Well I don't need to dwell on that.
23:14 The Holy Ghost has put that in your mind already.
23:17 But I'm going to talk tonight about the field that was lost.
23:22 This is Jeremiah's talk.
23:25 Jeremiah dominates my thinking now.
23:28 Look at Jeremiah chapter 20
23:32 and we're going to talk a little bit about Jeremiah.
23:36 Jeremiah is called by some the "weeping prophet. "
23:41 He's always crying, isn't he?
23:43 He said "Oh, I wish my head were a fountain of tears. "
23:47 You know, if we could see sin in all of its enormity
23:53 as God can see it, we'd cry too!
23:56 But the devil has sugar-coated it, hasn't he?
24:00 "Come on, just take a little sip. That's all. "
24:03 And a little another sip... huh?
24:06 And far and far sipped, and you're sipped out of your mind.
24:09 You don't know what's going on; you're confused.
24:11 And you go to the brethren, your neighbors, your preacher and say
24:14 "You think that man is OK? "
24:17 Now friends, you don't need to come and see your brethren.
24:20 You don't need to come and see me; you know what it is.
24:23 "To the law and the testimony.
24:26 If they speak not according to this Word,
24:29 there is no light in them. "
24:32 Do not equivocate.
24:34 Do not get too close and tiptoe around.
24:40 Take your position and say: "If they speak not
24:43 according to this Word... " I don't care how well they sing.
24:48 I don't care how beautifully programmed their message is
24:53 and packaged. I don't care anything about that.
24:55 I care about what it carries. What is it?
24:58 What's the kernel there? And look at the kernel
25:00 and the kernel is not truth, and if they have no light
25:04 in them, get away from them.
25:06 Amen.
25:08 That just came out like that. I didn't plan it to.
25:10 If they... I'm going to say it again now.
25:12 If there is no light in them get away from them.
25:16 And don't ask me if it's OK to look at them.
25:19 Let the Holy Ghost tell you. He's already told you
25:22 "According to the law and the testimony. "
25:26 If they don't speak according to this you get away from them.
25:29 There is no light in them.
25:32 So Jeremiah is here
25:35 and Pashhur, the son of Immer, the priest
25:39 who was also chief governor in the house of the Lord,
25:41 heard that Jeremiah prophesied these things.
25:46 Jeremiah didn't have nice music or anything.
25:49 He didn't have an organ. He didn't have...
25:51 All he had was the Word of God and his harp.
25:54 And then Pashhur smote Jeremiah the prophet.
25:58 Put him in the stocks
26:02 that were in the high gate of Benjamin
26:04 and which was by the house of the Lord.
26:08 Put poor old Jeremiah in jail.
26:12 In jail. In stocks.
26:16 Just for telling the truth.
26:19 Verse 3: "And it came to pass on the morrow
26:22 that Pashhur brought forth Jeremiah out of the stocks. "
26:27 Took him out. "Then said Jeremiah unto him:
26:30 'The Lord hath not called thy name Pashhur
26:33 but Magor-Missabib. '
26:35 Can hardly pronounce that.
26:39 All I know it's a terrible name.
26:42 An awful name.
26:45 In my early experience I pastored very humble people.
26:50 I had evang... My wife and I had evangelistic campaigns
26:54 many many very poor places.
26:58 And people came to Jesus, and I want to tell you one thing:
27:01 I don't care whether they came out of those bayous of Louisiana
27:06 or the penthouses in New York City,
27:08 they're all precious in God's sight, aren't they?
27:11 Amen. And so in those days we used to really have
27:14 the Week of Prayer as a solemn time.
27:17 And the brethren at the General Conference sent it down,
27:19 the offices of the General Conference.
27:21 We'd read it to the people.
27:22 You know, in those days when we read those scriptures
27:27 that the brethren sent us from Washington, DC,
27:30 to come part, we took them as from the Lord
27:33 and we read it just like people would read Paul's letter
27:36 in Ephesus. You'd sit there quietly.
27:40 Every now and then a little "Amen. "
27:44 Was the word from the Lord.
27:46 And they gave us, of course, in the Review...
27:50 I got my Review the other day. It's there.
27:52 I don't hear much about it in the churches,
27:55 but they used to send it out and we read it
27:57 and we were carefully looking at it.
27:59 And I would take these dear brethren.
28:01 We wanted them to be elders in the church...
28:03 brand new members...
28:05 and they would take those Reviews and they'd read it
28:09 and they'd read it. And one of my dear brethren -
28:12 wonderful man, godly man, but very humble -
28:17 not schooled in colleges. He was reading it...
28:21 I had them to do it, you know, practice it.
28:23 He was reading it and he came to a word like this
28:26 Magor-Missabib and he just said: "hard word. "
28:33 But I treasure that memory... I treasure it.
28:35 I look back on it.
28:37 A few years later I passed through that little town
28:40 and that brother who couldn't repeat that word
28:43 any better than I do, he said: "hard word, "
28:45 but now he's teaching the Sabbath School lesson.
28:48 Amen! I'm telling you what God can do for poor people,
28:51 humble people.
28:53 Put yourself in the hand of God and He will teach you!
28:57 He will guide you.
28:59 You will not be just ignorant all your life.
29:03 I'm sorry I said that. That's not the right way to go.
29:07 I'm too... I'm not careful enough in my speech.
29:11 But the Lord does lead you and guide you.
29:14 You come to Him just as you are.
29:16 And I heard a preacher here in this meeting say already:
29:19 "but you don't stay like you were when you came to Him. "
29:23 Amen. You begin growth in grace
29:26 and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
29:30 Now it says something here. In Jeremiah 26 it says something
29:35 here in verse 8 I want to read you.
29:38 "And now it came to pass when Jeremiah had made an end of
29:43 speaking all that the Lord had commanded him to speak
29:46 unto the people, that the priests and the prophets
29:49 and all the people took him saying:
29:52 "thou shalt surely die! "
29:53 This is serious.
29:56 Now I have almost at times been run out of town.
30:01 That's right.
30:03 But I've never been threatened to be killed.
30:06 Some of my dear brethren in other communions
30:09 did say "he ought to get out of here. "
30:12 But they never put anybody on me. The only thing that
30:14 I've had... One little old town where we went
30:17 and the sheriff came and he said: "Preacher,
30:20 don't put your loud speaker up too loud.
30:24 We don't like that down here. "
30:26 And you know, I was compliant.
30:28 I turned it down a decibel or two
30:31 and let the church roll on.
30:34 We just went on. But I never had death threats.
30:37 Look in the 37th chapter. Just reading so you can
30:40 catch a little bit of the spirit and the situation
30:43 that Jeremiah had to face.
30:45 It's back over here in 37 verse 16 where he says:
30:50 "When Jeremiah was entered into the dungeon
30:54 and into the caverns, and Jeremiah had remained
30:59 there many days. " This wasn't just an in and out
31:04 where they arrest you and take you down and you pay a fine
31:07 and go home. This was incarceration.
31:10 Jeremiah was there in jail for many days.
31:14 Now let's get some hope in here.
31:16 The 32nd chapter of Jeremiah.
31:20 And we're going to look here at... what verse are we
31:22 going to look at now? Jeremiah 32 and verse 17.
31:28 And it says: "Ah, Lord God,
31:30 behold Thou hast made the heaven and the earth
31:33 by Thy great power and stretched out arm... "
31:37 Now here's my favorite:
31:38 "and there is nothing too hard for Thee. "
31:44 There's nothing, Lord, too hard for Thee.
31:48 And we look in the 32nd chapter
31:50 and we go a little bit here. And there is hope,
31:53 there is always hope. The 32nd chapter brings us some hope
31:57 where he says "the word came to Jeremiah... " and so forth.
32:00 The king said - Zedekiah - saying, that's third:
32:03 "Wherefore dost thou prophesy and say: 'thus saith the Lord:
32:06 behold I will give this city into the hand of the king
32:09 of Babylon. He shall take it. ' "
32:11 You know, Jeremiah had to preach some hard messages.
32:15 He had to tell the people of Judah that you're going to be
32:20 taken into captivity.
32:21 And when the brethren said: "Well, we'll get some guns... "
32:26 not guns back then... "some bows and arrows
32:29 and some spears and some shields and we'll fight. "
32:33 Jeremiah said: "No, when they come
32:36 just go quietly with them. "
32:39 They were proud people... they didn't like that.
32:42 Why do you preach that kind of a message?
32:45 It's a terrible thing for you to say these things.
32:48 Why don't you, Bro. Jeremiah, can't you sometimes
32:52 preach something that makes us feel good?
32:54 Ah-ah... a feel-good sermon.
32:57 Hmmm? That's what I want.
33:00 And Paul says in the last days they shall heap unto themselves
33:04 teachers "having itching ears. "
33:08 People who tell us: "Well, you're doing fine.
33:10 Don't worry about it. Everything is all right.
33:15 Just go and enjoy yourself
33:17 and the Lord will breathe down upon you in a nice way. "
33:22 Yes He will breathe upon you, too.
33:24 Jeremiah had to tell the whole... nothing but the truth.
33:28 The whole truth... nothing but the truth.
33:32 And by the way, when we tell the truth they say we are
33:35 preaching doom and gloom.
33:38 "You Adventists... that's all you preach:
33:40 end of the world. Why don't you preach something good? "
33:44 Well, I can preach something good and I do!
33:48 Jesus is coming soon. Amen!
33:52 And by the way, He's my friend. Amen.
33:55 And I want to see my friend in peace.
33:58 I want to see Him with my own eyes. "Then shall I behold Him
34:01 with mine own eyes. " If that doesn't make you feel good
34:05 I don't know what will. Because I've been praying to Him
34:08 since a little child saying my little prayer at night
34:11 "God be with me when I sleep. " Now I'm going to see Him
34:15 about whom I have talked and whom I have imagined
34:20 in my mind what He looks like. Now I'm going to get to really
34:23 see Him. Amen!
34:27 Look at Him. Touch His hands and His feet.
34:33 Look at the hole in His side.
34:36 Fall on my knees as the apostles did and say:
34:41 "Oh Lord, my Savior and my God! "
34:44 There's a popular TV evangelist.
34:46 Now I'm not negative but I'm realistic.
34:49 There's a popular TV evangelist who said:
34:55 "Seventh-day Adventists have nothing good to say.
34:57 They're so depressing.
35:01 Such gloom and doom. "
35:04 Listen up, listen up. That's what they say in my world.
35:08 Listen up! Listen up!
35:10 We are preaching Revelation 14:6-7
35:13 and it tells me God is still on the throne. Amen.
35:18 Now the outlook... dear old H.M.S. Richards,
35:22 my... one of my mentors
35:23 Elder H.M.S. Richards used to preach
35:26 "The outlook may be drear... "
35:29 We've got to preach that list of terrible things that
35:34 Paul said to Timothy... we've got to preach that.
35:38 Don't give people sugar-coated sermons. They don't need them.
35:43 And they tell me we don't need to eat any sugar anyway!
35:47 Huh? Amen! It's not the best for you.
35:51 No, no, we've got to give them that.
35:54 But you know, friends, we do have a message
35:58 that shows that God is in control.
36:03 He hasn't lost it.
36:05 Now He did have a piece of land called earth.
36:11 He made it.
36:14 And that's why we've got to again come back to this creation
36:17 business: He made it.
36:22 Ah, you know... Evolution, evolution, evolution.
36:26 If evolution can produce you or you and you,
36:31 a person with this system that we have,
36:35 this blood circulation, this neurological system,
36:39 this cranium that holds a brain that can...
36:42 better than any computer in the world, huh?
36:44 If evolution can do all that, well I'm going to kneel down
36:47 and worship evolution.
36:50 Come on now. If evolution can do all of that
36:53 I say: "My goodness, evolution is wonderful. "
36:59 But no, He told me and He said this:
37:03 "I made it. It belongs to Me.
37:08 And even if it slips out of the family
37:12 into the hands of an enemy
37:14 I haven't forgotten it... I still own it! "
37:17 Amen.
37:18 "And those who have stolen it may act as if it's there's.
37:24 But the day will come when it will be snatched out of their
37:27 hands and they will perish. "
37:31 So always remember that God has never abdicated.
37:38 God has not... And you can't catch God by surprise.
37:43 Some people act as if something happened and God is surprised.
37:46 God saw it already.
37:48 Hmmm? Do you believe that?
37:50 Amen. He saw it already.
37:51 So if God saw it and understands it and is still on the throne
37:55 why am I worrying about it and losing sleep?
37:58 Amen! Huh?
38:00 God saw it; He made it; it's His.
38:03 He didn't change the title.
38:04 A title to that land... it belongs to Him!
38:09 Now I'll tell you a little story. It came to me out of
38:12 Las Vegas I guess and somebody told me this story.
38:15 I read it in the paper or somewhere
38:16 where one of these fellows that worked on the... on the
38:20 what do you call those boards that they use over there
38:23 to gamble and so forth and so on?
38:25 I've been in Las Vegas a couple of times for meetings.
38:28 I went there... The brethren said go for a meeting there.
38:30 And don't you get me wrong. Don't you come talking
38:32 this foolishness now. I saw... We went to bed one night...
38:37 It was the Educator's Convention.
38:38 We went to bed and I saw a man there just going at it.
38:42 We had a good night's rest. Got up back for a devotion
38:45 early in the morning... he was still there.
38:46 Same man... same place.
38:49 Well one of those fellows stumbled into a big revival
38:54 meeting. The preacher was preaching about creation.
38:56 Preaching about God; preaching about the Word of God.
38:59 And he enjoyed it so much he was almost carried away.
39:03 He went back to the table and his buddies were there.
39:06 Said: "Where were you last night? "
39:07 "Oh man, I went down and I heard an evangelist. "
39:10 "What? You went to an evangelistic meeting? "
39:12 "Yes I did! " "Well what did he preach about? "
39:15 He said: "Well I didn't understand all of it
39:17 but I understood him to say God gave Adam
39:21 a bundle and he blew it.
39:30 God gave Adam the whole thing, didn't He? Come on now.
39:35 Amen. He gave him everything.
39:36 He said: "You've got... you are My manager.
39:39 I put you in charge of this whole planet.
39:42 It's under your stewardship. "
39:45 I believe it. He gave him birds of the air,
39:48 beasts of the field.
39:50 He gave him all things. He gave him a wonderful wife
39:54 and the prospects of eternal life.
39:58 You've got a tree... eat it.
40:00 Eat that fruit. You will never die as long as you keep
40:05 My commandments.
40:08 And he blew it.
40:10 This is not nice language but he blew it.
40:14 It went into the hands of somebody who had been planning
40:20 how he would steal it.
40:24 He went to himself and said: "Ha, ha, I've got it now!
40:30 It belongs to me. "
40:32 And so that list of sins and trials and tribulations
40:37 and terrible blood and wrath and tears -
40:41 the history of it all - happened after he stole it!
40:45 He messed it up... he ruined it.
40:50 I can't be strong enough in my opposition to him.
40:55 He sent tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes,
41:00 all the rest of it. He sent... he sent terrible blights
41:03 and your crops failed. And ain't he a terrible fellow?
41:07 He's a terrible fellow. He took this beautiful planet
41:12 and he blasted it.
41:15 He tried his best to destroy it.
41:18 It's mine. You see? Anything...
41:20 We have heard of Midas' touch, you know.
41:23 Midas... the man Midas. Everything he touch turned
41:26 to gold. But this man has a reverse Midas' touch:
41:31 anything he touches burns and dies.
41:36 He touched it and it's dying.
41:39 We've been dying ever since!
41:41 In our time it waxes old... this earth...
41:45 like a garment. But now...
41:49 God is angry. Yes He is.
41:53 But God knows what to do with His anger.
41:56 He understands all about it.
41:57 He has sworn - now this is what I read in Jeremiah 23
42:02 and verse 20... And that's a great text, you know.
42:05 I've been looking at that more than I have in the past.
42:07 Lately it's come to me with a little fresher impact.
42:11 "The anger of the Lord... " See? Anger of the Lord.
42:15 Jeremiah 23 verse 20.
42:18 I've been meditating on it now for the last few years
42:21 or months. "The anger of the Lord shall not return. "
42:25 He won't get over this.
42:28 God is not going to say... Now I have three children.
42:31 I have a daughter... I have two boys.
42:34 And you know who's in My heart.
42:37 My daughter is first. In fact, she's the firstborn.
42:40 And people say every man wants a man child.
42:44 I'd never say that. I said: "Lord, whatever you send
42:46 that's OK with me, I'll be happy. "
42:48 And it came out a daughter.
42:49 And now she's almost... she's turning...
42:52 I won't tell you how old she really is
42:54 because I'm on the public, you know...
42:57 And so... But now when she was a little tyke
43:00 she would do things. Never did anything real bad.
43:03 I didn't have any trouble out of the girl.
43:05 I don't say the same thing about boys, but...
43:08 the girls... And so she'd do little things
43:11 and I would try to warn her and I'd say:
43:14 "Don't do that, don't do that. "
43:15 And I overheard her talking to a little friend
43:17 in the back yard one day and she said:
43:19 "Well Daddy's not going to do anything. He's just going to say
43:22 'you're not going to do that no more' and that's all. "
43:27 That's my daughter who is grown up now and is
43:29 a grandma herself just about.
43:31 And she thinks she's my mother now.
43:44 But God knows how to get His property back!
43:49 There is a... an account in the Old Testament
43:53 of a person known as the Goel.
43:57 The Goel.
44:00 You notice in the Old Testament the Levitical system
44:05 property meant something.
44:07 You know, they didn't let property get out of the family.
44:09 They said: "It's yours forever; you just take care of it. "
44:13 And so when somebody - you know, the children -
44:17 sometimes the children get a little, you know, free-spirited.
44:21 Want to do what they want to do. They don't want to work hard.
44:24 They don't want to make those crops grow and all that.
44:27 And so they fool around, get in debt,
44:30 and lose the property.
44:32 That's a shame, isn't it? A disgrace.
44:35 They lose the property.
44:38 But the system here in the Old Testament among the
44:40 Israelites was that if you had left a family member
44:47 a member of the family who would be under
44:52 the laws of the time responsible to get that property back.
44:57 And that Goel would have to say: "Look, I'm
45:02 going to take over here now and I'm going to raise enough
45:05 money to buy this property back
45:07 so it can be in the family
45:10 and we can have honor restored once again.
45:13 Tired of looking at that property said
45:15 "Used to be owned by Mr. Joel
45:18 and now, uh-uh, those children lost it. "
45:21 A man did come to me one time and said: "Bro. Pastor,
45:24 I want to put all my property in your name. "
45:27 I said: "Oh, no sir. "
45:29 He wept. I said: "No sir, I can't do that. "
45:33 He had children.
45:35 I couldn't put myself ahead of his children.
45:38 He had to work himself out with them.
45:40 But the Goel would say: "I am willing to buy this
45:43 property back. It's a duty, a heavy responsibility. "
45:48 And so he would go and buy it back.
45:51 First thing he had to have was the price, didn't he?
45:54 He couldn't just say: "This used to be my family
45:57 property; give it back to me. " No, the people in there
46:00 own it now. And so he had to buy it back.
46:03 And if the people didn't want to move, he had to have power
46:06 to get them out of there. He had to buy it back.
46:09 He had to get the usurpers off the property.
46:12 He had to be a strong man - this Goel -
46:14 to get the property back.
46:16 He had to move any impediment that kept him, the family, from
46:20 owning their rightful property.
46:23 So he had to be a real strong man.
46:25 Now here is Jeremiah.
46:29 Jeremiah is talking and somebody comes in and says:
46:32 "Wait a minute Jeremiah.
46:34 You've got a relative over there and a piece of property
46:37 in your home town. They took it.
46:39 What you gonna do about it? "
46:41 And then another one came in and said: "Jeremiah,
46:44 will you please buy that field? "
46:47 That's my talk tonight: Buy That Field!
46:51 Jeremiah had been saying... Listen to what the situation,
46:54 let's paint it. The situation is dire.
46:57 The people are going to go into captivity for 70 years.
47:02 Why worry about buying back property
47:06 when you can't use it?
47:08 But the Word of the Lord was upon Jeremiah
47:11 and the hand of God was on him and Jeremiah said:
47:14 "Buy it. I'll pay for it. "
47:16 He said: "Get it notarized. "
47:19 Get a piece of paper to show that it has been transferred
47:25 legally from this family to mine.
47:30 And the family will be happy once again
47:35 together when the family property is recovered.
47:40 So think about my God in glory.
47:44 He's looking down and He sees what happens to Adam and Eve.
47:49 He is not going to take away their power of choice.
47:55 He's not going to make them a robot.
47:59 He is going to give them the ability: "choose ye this day. "
48:04 Come on now. "Choose ye this day whom you will serve. "
48:10 He gives us a... What a great God He is! Amen.
48:15 He doesn't have to fool around with me.
48:18 He doesn't. He doesn't need me.
48:21 But He owns me, hmmm?
48:24 I'm going to get to that a little later. So Jeremiah
48:27 buys this property.
48:29 What a marvelous example of faith in God.
48:33 He buys it. Somebody said: "Jeremiah,
48:36 you're a little touched in the head.
48:39 You're buying a property. You're an old man already. "
48:43 That's like telling me to buy a piece of property
48:46 to live in way some years later.
48:49 I'm not going to spend my money on that.
48:50 I'd rather give it to 3ABN, you see.
48:55 You young people can understand it and believe it and enjoy it.
48:59 But here Jeremiah goes through with it.
49:02 Now he'd been in jail. The people are against him.
49:07 He got so upset one time Jeremiah said:
49:10 "I'm not going to preach any more. "
49:15 When you preach the truth sometimes you feel like that,
49:17 don't you?
49:19 It's serious, friends.
49:21 The poor little man gets up. He's a sinner just like you
49:23 but he has a message to give you.
49:26 And he tells you what the message is and he preaches
49:29 to you what God will do and what the cost will be
49:32 if you go on your own unrequited way.
49:34 He has that mission to preach.
49:38 And the people rise up against Jeremiah.
49:41 And Jeremiah said: "Oh, I'm through preaching! "
49:45 He said that, didn't he? He said:
49:46 "I'm not going to preach any more. "
49:49 But he was called of God and the Lord won't let you go either.
49:53 I know a lot of preachers had to run.
49:55 But one got swallowed by a fish. Come on.
49:57 And when he came back out he said: "Lord I'll go any... "
50:00 "I'll go where You want me to go.
50:02 I'll be what You want me to be.
50:04 I'll preach what You want me to preach. "
50:07 That's what he said.
50:08 And so Jeremiah said: "I'm not going to preach. "
50:12 But he said: "You know, there's a fire in my bones.
50:16 I can't rest.
50:19 I've got a lot to eat but I can't eat.
50:22 I've got a wonderful place to sleep but I can't sleep.
50:26 It's in my bones; it's like a roaring, raging fire. "
50:30 And he said: "I'll come back and I'll preach. "
50:32 Well he even said... I had a young preacher named
50:36 Malcolm Phipps. What a great evangelist he was.
50:40 A little bitty fellow. I used to tell him:
50:42 "You're a little piece of leather but you're well
50:44 put together. " And he preached. That man preached and...
50:48 And I heard him preach one time. He got a little beside himself.
50:51 He said that Jeremiah said: "I'm going into the
50:55 motel business. " Well now the Bible did say
50:59 he was like that wayfarer, you know?
51:01 He'd have a house where the people could come in.
51:02 He wouldn't preach no more... just have a nice house.
51:05 People'd come in, rest, he'd take care of them.
51:07 But he still couldn't do that.
51:09 He had to go back and preach that message
51:12 that God had placed upon his heart.
51:15 And God's strategy is this... God has a strategy:
51:19 God sent His Son. They called Him Jesus.
51:23 On a mission from on high He came to rescue the property.
51:28 All that was lost. Luke 19:10: "The Son of Man
51:33 is come to seek and save that which was lost. "
51:36 And not one square inch of land is going to be left in the
51:41 devil's control. Amen! It's all going to be brought back
51:46 into the family of God.
51:48 He pays the price! You know He paid the price.
51:52 You are not redeemed with silver and gold
51:55 but with the precious blood of Jesus.
51:58 The blood of a spotless Lamb.
52:02 And power to evict the trespassers...
52:05 My God is a mighty man of war.
52:09 When He paid for it on Calvary it was notarized in glory.
52:14 He said: "Now devil, step out of the way! "
52:18 As the preacher told us already every time He met that enemy
52:23 He had the power to cast him out.
52:26 He said: "I saw him fall like lightning. "
52:28 Didn't he say that?
52:29 "I saw him fall like lightning from heaven. "
52:34 Now what is expected of you and me?
52:36 What is my response to all of this?
52:39 Well, He wants me to invest
52:45 in the payment also of the plan
52:50 to buy back the earth.
52:53 He expects me to invest my life.
52:57 This is a life and a death matter: it's life and death.
53:02 We are not in a little tiddlywinks game.
53:07 No we're not.
53:09 This is serious business.
53:11 This whole earth hung in the balance.
53:14 If our Savior hadn't paid the full price,
53:17 the enemy would still be ruling.
53:20 Now what the enemy does is act as if he owned it.
53:24 But I see the title, and the title does not say
53:29 the arch enemy: Satan.
53:32 The devil. Whatever he is called. He has 40-some names.
53:35 That's right. But Jesus has 43 names, huh?
53:40 "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. "
53:43 He is a liar.
53:47 He is a liar; he doesn't own it.
53:50 Now why in the world would I let him have charge of me
53:53 and lead me and guide me when he doesn't even own me?
53:58 He doesn't own me.
54:01 I thank God I'm the property of someone who paid
54:05 the full price. Amen.
54:07 He paid it all. Jesus, come on, paid it all.
54:10 All to Him I owe.
54:13 Sin had left a crimson stain
54:17 but He washed it white as snow.
54:21 What a mighty God He is!
54:24 Ah, I like to think about How Great Thou Art.
54:27 Oh Lord, my God,
54:29 when I in awesome wonder...
54:32 How great Thou art!
54:34 Coming into this world as a little baby!
54:38 Mary's baby... born in a stable.
54:42 Put in a little manger... the feed box for the animals.
54:46 But He was God in the flesh,
54:48 and the enemy couldn't conquer Him.
54:52 You would have... And He did not come with armies and trumpets
54:55 and all the rest of that.
54:57 But He came just like you came. You ever think about that?
55:02 Just like you came He came.
55:06 This is expected of us.
55:08 Do not let that trouble your heart.
55:12 Stop talking about the power of the devil.
55:16 Stop talking about how the enemy can do great things.
55:21 Dear Sr. White said: "Some people talk more about
55:25 the devil than they talk about God. "
55:27 Don't quiver; don't shake
55:33 when he comes near you.
55:35 We humans are part of that lost property
55:37 and the Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost.
55:42 And one day I met Him.
55:45 One day I fell at His feet.
55:49 One day I said: "Lord, I want to serve you all the days
55:53 of my life. " We made a transaction.
55:57 He said: "Now my son, you belong to Me
56:01 but I also belong to you. " Amen.
56:05 And so we made a pact there.
56:08 We made a covenant there.
56:10 And He said: "You walk in My path and keep My laws
56:13 and I will protect you and guide you all the days of your life. "
56:19 I don't just have a personal trainer...
56:21 I have a personal governor. Amen.
56:24 And He'll cover me; He takes care of me.
56:28 And every day I must put myself in His hands.
56:31 I must get up and say: "Lord, today is in Your hands.
56:36 What will You have me to do today?
56:38 I'll go where You want me to go.
56:41 I'll be what You want me to be.
56:43 I'm in Your hands, dear Lord. "
56:46 And who here today will say? Who says now
56:49 in response to my little talk "I'm in Your hands, Lord? "
56:52 "I'm in Your hands. " Come on now.
56:53 "I'm in Your hands; I'm in Your hands. "
56:56 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17