3ABN Homecoming 2011

Updates & Reports

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley (Host)


Series Code: 11HC

Program Code: 11HC000013

00:47 We're so happy that you've joined us.
00:50 And we are looking forward to more beautiful music
00:53 and enthusiastic and exciting reports.
00:58 Things that are happening with 3ABN.
01:00 We just talked to Julia about those things that are happening
01:04 in Russia. In a few moments we're going to listen to
01:07 some exciting things that are happening with Dare to Dream
01:11 which is a new television venture by 3ABN
01:17 reaching in to the inner city... reaching out
01:21 to the minorities in a special way
01:24 and talking about some of the challenges that those
01:28 communities face that perhaps other communities don't face
01:33 quite nearly as much.
01:35 And so we have a special ministry that direction.
01:38 Going to be talking to you about it just in a moment.
01:42 You know we always are so happy when Jim and Pam Rhodes
01:46 are with us. They love the Lord with all of their hearts
01:52 and I assure you that when they come here
01:57 we are so happy to see them.
02:00 We love them. And Pam, we really do
02:04 appreciate you. We are always so appreciative
02:07 of your conservative dress and...
02:13 I just let my light shine.
02:15 Let your light shine... all right.
02:17 Right now they're going to sing one of my favorite songs...
02:21 Pam is: He Washed My Eyes With Tears.
02:51 He washed my eyes with tears
02:57 that I might see
03:03 the broken heart I had
03:09 was good for me.
03:14 He tore it all apart
03:21 and looked inside.
03:26 He found it full of fear
03:32 and foolish pride.
03:38 He swept away the fears
03:44 that made me blind.
03:50 And then I saw the clouds
03:56 were silver lined.
04:02 And now I understand
04:08 'twas best for me.
04:14 He washed my eyes with tears
04:20 that I might see.
04:26 He washed my eyes with tears
04:32 that I might see
04:37 the glory of Himself
04:43 revealed to me.
04:49 I did not know that He
04:55 had wounded hands.
05:01 I saw the blood He spilt
05:07 upon the sand.
05:13 I saw the marks of shame
05:19 and wept and cried.
05:25 He was my substitute...
05:31 for me He died.
05:37 And now I'm glad He came
05:43 so tenderly
05:49 and washed my eyes with tears
05:55 that I might
05:58 see.
06:11 You know... thank you.
06:13 The Lord has blessed me in so many incredible ways
06:17 but the biggest blessing that He's given me
06:21 is my dear husband. There's nothing the man can't play.
06:25 You can give him an old cooking pot and a stick
06:29 and he will make a tune come out of the thing.
06:32 So I'm going to turn the time over...
06:34 It's Sheltered in the Arms of God?
06:37 It is? OK. Hope you enjoy.
09:11 Amen.
09:19 I grew up in a home that we were below the poverty level.
09:22 My father was disabled.
09:23 We had... there were 5 kids in the family... seven of us
09:26 and not much of an income. I guess I'm no different
09:29 than a lot of folks whether they're inner city
09:31 and you grow up with a certain economic you might say
09:35 disadvantage. The difference to me is
09:37 was my folks were Christians and they introduced me to Jesus.
09:42 And by doing that it allowed me to dare to dream
09:45 to do more than what I can do. Maybe I could,
09:49 with God's help, build a television network
09:51 that would reach the world with an undiluted
09:53 three angels' messages: one that would counteract
09:55 the counterfeit.
09:57 3ABN by counteracting the counterfeit
09:59 is to say, you know what? Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.
10:04 That's what we want to present.
10:06 But there are many ways of doing it
10:07 and many flavors. The gospel can take on many flavors.
10:11 But the inner city... there are specific needs
10:14 and we have dared to dream that it will work.
10:27 Right after graduate school I started working
10:31 in the field as a social worker,
10:32 and I was working in the inner city.
10:34 And I had a chance to see what was going on there.
10:38 And that was in the 70's, and I'm looking at
10:41 where we are now. And we're actually worse than we were
10:45 in the 70's. Sixty percent of the young men
10:48 who are over 18 by the time they are 30
10:52 will be in prison.
10:53 One out of three African- American males is either
10:56 in prison or supervised by the court system.
11:00 We have over 70% of the births in the community are
11:04 out of wedlock. The child that was born in slavery time
11:09 had more of a chance to be raised by a two-parent household
11:13 than a child born today in the African-American community.
11:17 That is so frightening. That is so disturbing.
11:20 How did we get here and how do we get out of here?
11:25 The people in the inner cities are languishing
11:27 and suffering, and we have a message for them.
11:31 We have hope for them... and it's Jesus!
11:34 There are many people who will never watch
11:37 and have the privilege of watching 3ABN
11:40 that most of us see around the world.
11:43 Dare to Dream is going to add to the complete mission.
11:45 Jesus said: "Go ye into all the world. "
11:47 Incredible tools that can work with God's blessing.
12:01 Hello. My name is Dr. Yvonne Lewis
12:04 and I am the new General Manager of 3ABN's new urban network
12:08 Dare to Dream.
12:10 God has been doing some great and amazing things
12:14 at Dare to Dream, and today we're going to give you
12:17 a sneak peek into some of the programming that we are
12:21 offering. The first segment that you are going to see
12:24 is a Did You Know? spot.
12:26 The Lord laid it on my heart to share some of the
12:29 contributions above and beyond sports and music
12:33 and entertainment that have been made by African-Americans
12:36 to our society. It's important for children
12:39 to know that they can dare to dream
12:41 and know that they, too, can do something important to make
12:44 our world a better place.
12:46 So take a look... Did You Know?
13:02 When you plug your printer into your PC
13:05 think of Mark Dean. He was born on March 2, 1957,
13:09 in Jefferson City, Tennessee.
13:11 Growing up he was a straight-A student and an outstanding
13:14 athlete. In college he graduated at the top of his class
13:18 and went on to earn a Ph. D. in electrical engineering
13:21 from Stanford University.
13:23 In 1997 Dr. Dean received the Black Engineer of the Year
13:27 President's Award, was inducted into the National Inventor's
13:31 Hall of Fame, and was named an IBM Fellow, the highest
13:34 technical honor awarded by the company.
13:36 He devised the color graphics adapter which allows
13:39 color to be displayed on the PC.
13:41 He holds more than 20 patents.
13:43 Did you know that Mark Dean and Dennis Moeller developed
13:46 a component that allowed multiple peripheral devices
13:50 such as printers and modems to be connected to a PC?
13:52 Did you know that Dr. Mark Dean dared to dream
13:55 and owns 3 of the 9 patents that all PCs are based upon?
13:59 Well now you know!
14:03 Our inner cities are laden with crime and poverty
14:06 and chronic disease, just to name a few of the challenges.
14:10 We have a program for ex-offenders hosted by an
14:13 ex-offender... a young man, Aaron Chancy,
14:17 and he's on fire for God.
14:19 Watch as he hosts The New Journey.
14:50 We'd like to welcome the viewers back to this New Journey
14:53 program. Today our guest is Pastor Donell Morgan.
14:57 Welcome, Pastor Morgan. Thank you.
14:59 Now we want to focus on your amazing testimony
15:02 of God's amazing, saving grace.
15:04 We want to focus on four areas of your life:
15:06 your early childhood,
15:08 how you got involved in crime,
15:10 changing your life and your battle with even learning how
15:12 to read, and we want to talk about your work as an
15:15 ordained minister for God.
15:16 But before we get into those four aspects of your life
15:19 you have a book that's written. I want you to talk a little bit
15:22 about what prompted you, what motivated you to
15:24 want to write this book.
15:26 Because chronic disease is such a major concern
15:30 in the inner cities, Dare to Dream has several
15:33 health programs that we are offering.
15:36 The one that you are about to see is constructed
15:38 in an interesting manner.
15:40 It's divided into raw food preparation
15:43 and cooked food with health tips.
15:46 The first half of the program is hosted by Evita Tezeno
15:50 and Brenda Kemp and the second half
15:52 is with Nyse Collins.
15:55 Mmmm, yummy food. You're going to see Nyse Collins first.
15:57 Take a look.
16:09 Would you like to see that again? 'Cause I would love
16:10 to show you. All right. I heard somebody say "yes. "
16:13 So you go ahead and you...
16:17 Oh, my, this is dangerously good for me!
16:19 Let's get started cooking or, shall I say, uncooking?
16:22 Yes, Nori sushi rolls and mock tuna.
16:26 What is the best finish? Apple pie! Yes!
16:29 And guess what? You don't have to give up apple pie
16:32 when you become raw.
16:33 A raw apple pie.
16:35 Cholesterol is normally manufactured in the liver.
16:38 OK, so if something has a liver,
16:39 comes from something that has a liver,
16:40 maybe it's related to something that has a liver,
16:42 if it even has a face
16:45 or a mama or it's a mushroom or something of that nature
16:48 then it will always have cholesterol.
16:49 So let me ask you a quick question:
16:50 does this have a liver? Not quite. Does it have a face?
16:53 Well I guess you can draw it in or something like that
16:55 but does it? It doesn't have any of those.
16:58 So this in general, and you can look at the science,
17:00 it has how much cholesterol? Absolutely no cholesterol.
17:03 But what it does have... it has a lot of fat.
17:07 Actually, good fat.
17:10 It's good, isn't it, so far? Praise the Lord.
17:15 Poverty and unemployment are high in the inner cities
17:18 and money management skills are critical.
17:22 So we have a money management program - Take It To The Bank -
17:25 hosted by Cordell Thomas. And it's full of valuable tips.
17:30 Here it is:
17:33 Simple ways to save.
17:38 Buying or selling a home.
17:41 And many more financial matters on Take It To The Bank.
17:45 Hi, my name is Cordell Thomas and I welcome you
17:49 to Take It To The Bank.
17:51 Today we're going to talk about something that's kind of
17:53 interesting to me... kind of... it really is interesting
17:56 because it takes me back to a time in my life
17:58 that I had to leave home. I stayed and lived at home
18:01 until I was well into my 20's.
18:03 But when it's time to leave home
18:05 it was an intriguing perspective on understanding
18:08 the real expense of living on your own.
18:12 It's kind of intriguing because we do financial literacy courses
18:16 as part of our organization and teach young people
18:20 about what financial literacy is all about.
18:25 Well, there you have it.
18:27 I told you it was a sneak peek and some of you are looking
18:29 like you wanted to see the whole thing.
18:31 This is just a little sneak peek into the programs that
18:35 we are producing here at 3ABN for the inner cities.
18:39 But as you can see, anybody can watch these programs.
18:42 Oakwood College is providing programming for us.
18:46 And we have some other external sources that are providing
18:49 programming. We are collaborating with other
18:53 facilities to get some other programming in
18:56 for Dare to Dream.
18:58 We need for you to catch the vision and support
19:01 Dare to Dream. Again, these programs can be watched
19:05 by anyone and everyone.
19:07 We have a heavy youth emphasis.
19:09 So we're looking to get our young people more involved
19:11 in evangelism. To reach out into the inner cities...
19:15 to take this gospel to the world.
19:18 So please support us.
19:20 We want to take the gospel and tools for living
19:23 across the world. Across... we want it to transcend
19:27 race. We want it to go around the world
19:30 so that those that are hurting can dare to dream
19:33 of a better day... here and in eternity.
19:37 Thank you. Amen.
19:41 Amen! God is doing great and mighty things.
19:43 Amen? Amen. Amen.
19:45 Well we want to talk to you about 3ABN Latino.
19:47 And we would like to show you a video
19:50 to help you capture something from the past
19:53 and up to the present. And now... watch this video.
19:57 In 1984 God told Danny Shelton
20:00 "I want you to build Me a television station:
20:03 one that will reach the world with the undiluted
20:06 three angels' messages, one that will counteract
20:09 the counterfeit. " Danny responded to the call of the
20:12 Lord by saying: "Lord, if this is really You,
20:14 I'll go forward if You supply every need. "
20:17 In the fall of 1986
20:20 Three Angels Broadcasting Network was on the air
20:23 broadcasting to one satellite to North America,
20:26 Central America, and the Caribbean.
20:30 In 1994, 3ABN opened the largest Protestant evangelism center
20:35 in Russia, and today it is reaching millions of people
20:39 in radio and television in the Russian language.
20:43 In 1996, 3ABN expands its satellite coverage
20:47 to two satellites to reach millions of people
20:50 in Europe and Africa.
20:52 In the year 2000
20:54 Three Angels Broadcasting Network begins to send the
20:57 three angels' messages around the world with four satellites.
21:02 Also in the year 2000 3ABN Radio was launched:
21:06 another powerful instrument to reach millions of people
21:10 for Jesus Christ.
21:11 Then in the year 2003
21:14 in an effort to reach more than 600 million people
21:18 that speak Spanish and Portuguese, Three Angels
21:20 Broadcasting Network launched 3ABN Latino.
21:24 Here's a sample of what's going on on 3ABN Latino.
22:23 Since its launch in 2003
22:25 God has used pastors and lay people
22:28 to help 3ABN Latino grow year after year
22:31 at a phenomenal rate.
22:33 In 2011 through God's mighty blessings
22:37 3ABN Latino reached a milestone with over 1,000 cable affiliates
22:42 and counting. 3ABN Latino continues to grow,
22:46 entering new cities through cable stations, radio stations,
22:50 and local TV channels in Argentina, Bolivia,
22:54 Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic,
22:58 Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
23:02 Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico,
23:07 Peru, and Venezuela.
23:09 Since its humble beginnings in 1984
23:13 Three Angels Broadcasting Network has been transforming
23:16 lives with the everlasting gospel.
23:20 Today in 2011
23:22 3ABN can be seen on 9 satellites
23:25 broadcasting the good news of salvation through 3ABN English,
23:30 3ABN Proclaim, 3ABN Radio, 3ABN Russia,
23:35 3ABN Sonbeam channel, 3ABN's Dare to Dream channel,
23:40 3ABN Latino TV and soon 3ABN Latino Radio.
23:46 Evangelizing with power!
23:50 Amen! Amen!
23:52 God is doing great and mighty things
23:54 and I hope that you come to the same conclusion I did
23:58 if you know a little bit of the history of 3ABN:
24:01 this is a ministry of divine origin.
24:03 Amen. And God is using it to bring people to Jesus Christ
24:07 in many different ways.
24:09 This year we are on a record year.
24:12 Every year we get about 100 cable stations for 3ABN Latino
24:16 alone. But this year just in the month of April
24:19 over 200. Praise the Lord!
24:22 And I believe, as I said before, God is preparing this
24:25 world for a great harvest of souls.
24:28 And let me tell you about a man from Honduras.
24:31 He wrote to us and he said:
24:33 "I was a member of another denomination for 28 years
24:38 and many times I preached against the Seventh-day
24:42 Adventists and against Ellen G. White.
24:44 I began to watch 3ABN Latino
24:47 to find some more things to talk about...
24:51 ammunition against you.
24:53 But as I continued to watch
24:56 I learned that this is the truth of God
24:59 and this is my fourth Sabbath as a Seventh-day Adventist. "
25:02 Amen! Praise the Lord!
25:06 Pastor Hernando Miranda told us this story during ASI.
25:11 He told us that in the home in Texas
25:14 in McAllen, Texas, there's this couple, Gabriel and Minerva,
25:19 and they had six televisions in their home.
25:24 Of the six televisions in their home, only one
25:27 could get two channels.
25:30 The others could get nothing but only 1 could get 2 channels.
25:33 One was a Mexican channel that didn't come in very good
25:38 but 3ABN Latino came in nice and clear.
25:44 So her husband Gabriel begins to watch.
25:46 Watched for several hours that morning.
25:48 And in the evening turns on the TV again
25:52 and Minerva asks: "What is it that you keep watching?
25:56 This channel... what is this? "
25:58 He said: "This is a Christian channel and it's very good!
26:01 Sit down and watch. "
26:02 She began to watch and being a pastor -
26:05 Minerva is a pastor in the Pentecostal church -
26:08 she began to listen and evaluate the theology
26:12 and soon ordered Bible studies.
26:15 They got her in contact with the local pastor.
26:18 The pastor came, invited her to an evangelistic series.
26:21 "Come, there's an evangelistic series. Starts this Sabbath. "
26:24 She said: "I'm really sorry. I would love to come
26:29 but I am preaching every single night for the next two weeks.
26:35 The only night I am free is Monday. "
26:38 He said: "Wow, this evangelistic series lasts two weeks. "
26:41 She said: "Well I will be there on Monday but I can't make
26:45 it the other days. " She came on Monday
26:47 and was blessed. Began to pray and ask the Lord. Said:
26:50 "Lord, I would love to go to these meetings
26:53 but I'm preaching the Word so I can't go.
26:56 If you really want me to go, Lord, do something. "
27:00 She said "within two hours... " I talked to her yesterday.
27:03 Within two hours she gets a call.
27:05 And the person said: "I am really sorry.
27:08 I wonder if you would allow us to change your schedule
27:12 and move it two weeks ahead into the future?
27:15 Is that all right with you? "
27:16 She said: "That will work out perfect. "
27:20 And she began... she came to the meetings every night.
27:22 And praise the Lord, she was baptized along with her husband
27:26 Gabriel. Amen? Amen. The Lord is doing great and
27:29 mighty things. And we don't know who's watching
27:34 but we know that God using His Holy Spirit
27:38 is changing lives for Jesus Christ.
27:40 I wish I had more time, but I want to tell you to...
27:43 I want to ask you to pray for 3ABN Latino.
27:46 Pray for 3ABN ministry.
27:49 We pray that there will be no obstacles that will detain
27:55 the speed at which God wants to make this ministry grow.
28:00 And I believe there will be a great harvest of souls
28:02 for Jesus Christ. Thank you for listening.
28:05 I would like to invite Bro. Jay Christian to tell you
28:08 about the wonderful things that God is doing
28:10 through 3ABN Radio English.
28:13 And I want to thank Jay and Mike Babb and Nikki
28:17 and the rest of the staff for directing us
28:19 because soon we want to start 3ABN Latino Radio.
28:23 So we praise the Lord for that. It's not this month...
28:25 we're going to have to wait a little bit.
28:26 But by the grace of the Lord 3ABN Latino Radio
28:29 will also brings many souls for Jesus Christ.
28:31 May God bless you; thank you.
28:33 Amen; thank you, John.
28:34 You know, it's really interesting how God works
28:37 in unusual ways.
28:39 Since most of us at 3ABN Radio have been here
28:44 we've been very interested and we've seen the opportunity
28:48 in Latino radio. And yet, for one reason or another,
28:53 the money wasn't available or any of that.
28:55 And just a short while ago we had a meeting -
28:59 a manager's meeting at 3ABN Radio -
29:02 and we brought it up again... you know, we really would
29:06 like to have Latino radio.
29:07 And so we put our heads together and we said:
29:10 "You know, this may not happen for a long time yet
29:12 but why don't we at least offer them the use of one of our
29:18 production studios that's free, that isn't used as much.
29:21 And so we said: "OK, let's do that. "
29:24 And so we offered it to them, and almost no sooner did
29:28 we offer it to them than somebody contacted 3ABN
29:31 and said: "I am willing to donate the money to get
29:34 Latino Radio Network going. "
29:37 Now is that God or what?
29:39 So praise God.
29:41 You know, if you've been watching or listening to my
29:45 reports over the last number of years
29:47 you've probably heard me mention cell phone technology.
29:50 As a matter of fact,
29:54 I've got 3ABN Radio on my cell phone.
29:57 And it's very interesting to be driving down the street
30:01 and listening to 3ABN Radio through my car speakers,
30:05 and you can do the same thing. Now the main thing to remember
30:09 is that you have to have a Smart Phone,
30:11 you have to have a data connection, and all of that.
30:14 If you don't know how to do that, contact us at 3ABN Radio
30:17 and we'll be glad to talk you through it.
30:19 But it's just amazing how this signal goes around the world
30:23 and how God works out things.
30:26 We have just begun a new tuner system
30:31 on the Internet where when you go to this
30:34 particular website you can find us, you can mark us
30:37 as a favorite, and you can also download a widget
30:41 to go with us, and we're just very easy to find.
30:43 And so once you have that on your cell phone
30:47 then basically it's just you turn your cell phone on
30:49 hit a couple of things and we're playing.
30:51 And there have been times I've carried my cell phone
30:54 around with me like this. How many of you remember
30:56 the old transistor radios? OK.
30:59 Yeah, I would carry my cell phone like this. I thought
31:02 "You know, this brings back memories
31:04 when I used to have a transistor radio listening to the radio. "
31:08 But it can be done and we encourage it.
31:11 Now the new website that we've found is
31:15 www. tunein. com and it's all one word.
31:19 All you have to do is go to www. tunein. com
31:21 You can search. Look for 3ABN Radio Network.
31:25 And then you'll load that up.
31:29 And then you can save that as a preset.
31:32 You can also like I said download a widget
31:34 if you understand. How many know what a widget is?
31:39 A few of us here know what that is.
31:41 And so you can do that. In any case, we encourage you
31:44 to do that. We'd love to have you listen.
31:46 You know, we are so blessed at 3ABN Radio.
31:49 Mike Babb, Nikki Anderson, Angela Lomacang,
31:52 Pam Turner and myself: we are so blessed to be there.
31:57 God has blessed each one of us. I've been there for 12 years now
32:02 and how time flies. You know, in a way I can't remember
32:06 being anywhere else and yet at times it feels like
32:09 I just got there... so many exciting and wonderful things
32:12 happening. And I see Beverly down here.
32:16 Beverly in the front audience was I think actually the first
32:21 radio employee, so she started doing things before
32:25 I was even hired. I think I was the 3rd official radio employee
32:28 to come along. And it's... just, we are so blessed
32:32 when we see the way that God is doing things.
32:35 We have some new affiliates that I'd like to mention.
32:39 We're getting pretty close to 200.
32:42 I don't know the exact number but we keep inching up and up
32:45 and up and we're getting real close.
32:47 But the latest affiliates we have:
32:50 full power FM in Drakes Branch, Virginia at 88.7 FM
32:55 On the Internet in Chelsea, Alabama: Elijah Radio.
32:59 We have low power FMs in Minot, ND, at 104.1 FM
33:04 and in Port St. Lucie, Florida, at 100.1 FM.
33:10 There's a microtransmitter in Lincoln, Nebraska,
33:12 at 1550 AM... and so we'd like to welcome them.
33:17 Now I have a list here of New Zealand and Australia
33:21 stations. If you ever heard any of the New Zealand and Australia
33:26 town names... I'm going to butcher every one of them
33:30 but I want to say thanks. And so for the people in
33:32 New Zealand and Australia I apologize,
33:35 but we thank you very much for going with 3ABN Radio.
33:39 In Whitaker, New Zealand, 87.9
33:43 I'm sure I've already gotten off to a bad start.
33:45 In Taree, New South Wales, Australia, 87.6
33:50 Mudgeeraba... now you know that's gotta be wrong...
33:54 Queensland, Australia, at 88 FM
33:58 Kyogle, New South Wales, Australia, 87.6
34:02 Collinsvale, Tasmania, Australia, 88.7
34:06 In Manawatu, Ashurst, New Zealand, 107.7
34:12 Levlin, New Zealand, 107.7
34:15 Pahiatua, New Zealand, 107.7
34:20 and Palmerston, New Zealand, also at 107.7.
34:24 And so for each one of you in New Zealand and Australia
34:29 I apologize for fracturing your names, but we thank you
34:35 very much for joining with us in reaching out to your local
34:38 area with the signal of Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
34:41 Now you know one of the things that is really good is
34:46 our signal goes around the world. You all knew that.
34:49 And we have found that no matter where in the world
34:55 it almost seems like somebody is listening to us.
34:57 You know? A small fishing village in Alaska.
35:00 A hut in Tasmania.
35:02 A war-torn nation in Africa.
35:04 We're hearing from all of these places, and when they say
35:06 "thank you for all that you've done for us. "
35:09 In March of this year we received an e-mail
35:12 from a non-Adventist pastor in Liberia.
35:15 And he said he's been hearing our broadcasts on the radio
35:19 and he says: "You know? That's truth!
35:23 Can you send somebody down here to teach us
35:27 about what you're saying? Preach to 300 of our pastors
35:31 so we can preach your message? "
35:33 Is that God or what?
35:37 Also, we've got many other things going on in radio
35:42 as well. We've got some new programs.
35:45 In August we've recorded ten new episodes
35:50 of Women at the Well, so we've got that.
35:52 We have an encore presentation of an older series
35:56 with Women at the Well. That has started
35:58 and that's airing on 3ABN Radio.
36:01 We've added a new program. It's called Life Quest Liberty
36:05 and it's a program that I think is probably near and dear
36:09 to many of our hearts because it deals with religious liberty
36:13 issues, not only in America but around the world.
36:17 And it's amazing to sit here and watch.
36:20 So much is happening in the world to restrict
36:23 religious broadcasting. I don't know if you've seen it.
36:27 I don't know if you've recognized it in different
36:29 news stories that you've seen?
36:31 But I'm hearing more and more news where the different places
36:37 in the world there is an animosity toward Christianity.
36:42 And where people of other religions can stand up and speak
36:46 and say whatever they want, and let a Christian stand up
36:48 and they're being shut down.
36:51 And that is happening in America
36:56 if you can believe that.
36:58 I grew up and I'm sure you grew up
37:00 knowing that we had freedom of religion and people were
37:04 allowed to say what they wanted to say about religion.
37:07 And yet one by one each one of the things
37:11 that we bring up and talk about is being attacked
37:14 in the media and we are in many ways paying
37:19 for our belief in God, in Christianity,
37:23 and in all the things that we hold near and dear.
37:26 And I ask for you to pray for us.
37:27 Listen to Life Quest Liberty on 3ABN Radio as well.
37:31 We encourage you to do that.
37:33 Thank you for having me, and now it's time for John Lomacang.
37:37 Great voice. Do you love to listen to him sing?
37:40 Amen. He'll sing Lord, I'm Coming Home.
37:43 Thank you.
37:45 Thank you, Jay. Can we say "Amen" again
37:47 for all the work being done at 3ABN? Amen.
37:50 You know I was sitting in the back and looking at the clock
37:53 and I'm thinking... soon we're going to be going home.
37:58 But I thought to myself... not literally going to our homes
38:02 but soon we'll be going home. Amen.
38:05 And there are so many still
38:09 that have heard the gospel,
38:11 so many that have walked with the Lord for many years
38:14 that have left the church. When I was over in Australia
38:18 a couple of years ago and I was invited to speak at AYC
38:21 I had a special appeal... not for people that were there
38:25 but for people that were not there.
38:28 And I said to the audience of a few thousand young people
38:33 I said: "If there's someone that has left the Lord
38:37 that you can think of right now and you'd like to stand
38:39 and commit yourself to pray for that person to come home
38:43 before Jesus comes, I want you to do that. "
38:47 And that day I think all through the audience
38:51 everyone thought of the name of someone who had walked
38:55 with the Lord but had walked away from the Lord
38:58 and needed to come back home.
39:00 So once again I want to dedicate this song to those
39:02 who may be watching, those who may be listening,
39:04 and you may have walked with the Lord. I'm not speaking about
39:07 what denomination. But you may have walked with the Lord
39:11 and you walked away. You may be living in a life of sin
39:15 and you're tired of it.
39:16 Today, before Jesus comes, He's extending the call
39:21 even to you. And I pray that you'll say: "Lord,
39:25 I'm coming home. "
39:48 I've wandered far
39:53 away from God,
39:59 Now I'm coming
40:04 home;
40:09 The paths of sin
40:13 too long I've trod,
40:19 Lord, I'm coming
40:24 home.
40:28 I've wasted
40:32 many precious years,
40:39 but now I'm coming
40:43 back home;
40:47 I now repent
40:53 with bitter tears,
40:59 Lord, I'm coming
41:04 home.
41:09 Coming home,
41:14 coming home,
41:19 Nevermore
41:23 to roam,
41:27 Please open wide
41:33 Thine arms of love,
41:38 Lord, I'm coming
41:44 home.
41:54 I'm tired of sin
41:58 and straying Lord,
42:03 So now I'm coming
42:08 back home;
42:12 I'll trust Thy love
42:18 and I'll believe Thy Word,
42:23 Oh, my Lord,
42:26 I'm coming
42:29 home...
42:38 I need Your cleansing
42:44 blood I know,
42:48 so now I'm coming
42:53 back home;
42:57 Lord, wash me whiter...
43:03 I want to be whiter than snow,
43:08 Oh, my Lord,
43:11 I'm coming back home.
43:18 Yes, coming back home,
43:23 yes, I'm coming home,
43:27 Lord, never
43:30 never again will I roam.
43:37 Please open wide
43:43 Your arms of love,
43:48 Oh Lord, I'm coming
43:54 home.
44:06 Never again...
44:10 never again will I roam.
44:16 Lord,
44:18 please open wide
44:23 Your arms of love,
44:28 Lord,
44:31 I'm coming
44:41 home.
45:01 Amen.
45:09 I want to introduce someone that you may have met before
45:14 that I almost forgot about.
45:17 But when I saw her face I said: "How could I forget about
45:20 Tammy? " Everybody does, it's OK.
45:24 The former Tammy Shelton
45:25 now Tammy I-need-to-give-her-a-Chance:
45:29 Tammy Chance. Tammy, what are you going to sing for us
45:32 this afternoon? I'm going to sing Tell It Wherever I Go.
45:35 This is a special request from my good friend Jim Rhodes.
45:39 And I tell you that only because if you don't like it
45:42 that's the man to blame. Let's give her a hearty amen.
46:05 I'll tell of
46:09 the Savior
46:12 I'll tell
46:16 of His favor
46:19 I'll tell it, Lord,
46:23 wherever
46:26 I may go.
46:32 I'll count every
46:37 blessing
46:40 I'll go on
46:44 confessing
46:46 I'll tell it, Lord,
46:50 wherever
46:53 I may roam.
47:00 What He is
47:04 to you
47:08 maybe you cannot see.
47:14 But this thing
47:18 I know:
47:22 He's everything to me.
47:27 Oh, He'll be there...
47:31 yes, meet me there...
47:35 and then go where
47:39 He's prepared. I'll tell it, Lord,
47:45 wherever
47:48 I may go.
47:55 And if I
47:59 were dying
48:03 with just one word to say,
48:09 I'd speak it
48:13 for Jesus
48:17 then breathe my life away.
48:22 Oh, He'll be there...
48:27 yes, meet me there...
48:31 and then go where
48:34 He's prepared.
48:37 I'll tell it, Lord,
48:41 wherever
48:45 I
48:50 may go.
49:02 Amen.
49:08 Thank you, Tammy. Always appreciate Tammy.
49:11 She sings from her heart, doesn't she?
49:13 Yes she does!
49:15 And you know something? She sings songs people like.
49:17 And don't you like people that sing songs you like?
49:23 I do, I'll tell you!
49:25 And Tammy has this ability that not everybody has.
49:28 Danny has it. She never gets nervous,
49:31 and that just amazes me.
49:33 Yeah. And so she's got that.
49:35 I don't know what her problem is. My Dad said: "Son... "
49:37 when I was young I'd get up front somewhere and he'd say:
49:39 "Don't you ever get nervous? " And I'd say: "No,
49:41 am I supposed to? " He said: "I don't think you're
49:43 sharp enough to get nervous. " He said: "You should be. "
49:46 He said: "Anybody that's a little sharper than that
49:49 would get nervous. " Well maybe I'm just not the sharpest knife
49:52 in the drawer. Well Tammy's sharp enough but for some reason
49:56 she doesn't. She's sharp but she still doesn't get nervous.
49:59 You know what? Seriously, we're all just alike, aren't we?
50:01 So if you're up here if I trip and fall
50:03 if you were up here you'd probably trip and fall.
50:05 So I mean we'd just be ourselves and that's all we are.
50:08 And people say: "Why I heard you say something one night
50:10 on television that I didn't like. "
50:12 One person said: "I've watched you for years
50:15 and the other night you said something I didn't like. "
50:17 And I said: "That's the only time - yeah -
50:18 that I said something you didn't like? I say stuff I don't like
50:21 every day. " Every day. So I'm used to it.
50:24 But you know, when you're up you just be yourself that's all.
50:27 Yeah, I said something in Sacramento.
50:29 We got a... someone called and left a note
50:33 that I said something in Sacramento
50:35 that they didn't like.
50:37 And I thought "Man alive! "
50:40 Camille thinks... says you do things she doesn't like
50:43 all the time. All the time... that's right.
50:45 Sorry, Camille... I shouldn't speak for you.
50:47 For somebody that wants to be critical of those that will
50:49 get up front, come try it some time. Oh, yeah.
50:52 I recall the time when I would be so nervous
50:54 I couldn't get enough air in my lungs to force a word out.
50:57 We're not reading a script, folks.
50:59 In fact, we were back there trying to figure out
51:01 what we were going to do just when we came out just now.
51:03 So... And so what we want to do is talk about
51:06 some of the areas of need for this ministry.
51:09 You know, we aren't doing doing Behind the Scenes
51:11 like we once did. Have ya'll noticed that?
51:14 And on those Behind the Scenes we had this great opportunity
51:19 to share with our viewers and our listeners
51:22 those things that are needed here at...
51:24 just open up a little window and let you look in
51:27 to what goes on behind the scenes of 3ABN
51:30 to see what some of the great needs are.
51:32 Because as we say so often
51:34 and we've mentioned here... Danny, you did such a wonderful
51:36 job this morning expressing the needs of 3ABN.
51:40 That's right. But for this ministry to continue to reach
51:43 the four corners of the earth... Do you believe God has
51:45 called this ministry to do an end-time work?
51:48 Amen! Yes. In my opinion, 3ABN is
51:50 one of the greatest... not the only...
51:53 but one the greatest tools in the hand of God - that's right -
51:57 to proclaim this precious message that God has entrusted
52:03 to our church. Who else is going to do it
52:05 if we don't do it? - that's right; that's right -
52:06 to get this message to the four corners of the earth?
52:08 And for us to accomplish all that God has called us
52:11 to accomplish there are things that we're going to have to do.
52:14 For instance, Julia was talking about
52:18 doing the conversion to HD in Russia.
52:22 Do you know we have to do that here in these United States
52:24 as well? And we have to do it before they do it in Russia.
52:28 And our need is great.
52:29 And we were in the office the other day -
52:32 Jim and Moses and myself -
52:33 and we were looking at some of these needs.
52:35 Needs before the end of the year, Danny.
52:38 We... stations that have got to be converted
52:42 because, Jim, if they're not converted what happens?
52:44 They go dark because... And we have about 16 of them
52:47 that have to be converted by January 1.
52:51 When you say "converted" you mean what?
52:54 Analog to digital.
52:56 What does approximately each one of them cost?
52:58 It takes about $50,000 each.
53:00 We've paid some of that down.
53:02 We need about half a million dollars that has to come in
53:04 over and above our regular operating
53:07 by January 1 in order to get that done.
53:10 And I look out at Dan who is working by himself
53:14 doing some of this, and he knows good and well
53:16 that even with all the money we can't get them all done
53:18 before the first of the year.
53:20 But we can get a lot of them done and then we can hopefully
53:23 apply for an extension on a few of them
53:27 so that they don't go dark and then we can get them done.
53:30 But we have to have the components in hand
53:34 so that we can physically get it all done.
53:37 That's just one of the challenges.
53:39 As Moses and Jim and I were talking
53:41 and we were looking at this, and we see it
53:43 in the physical... what we can see with our natural eye...
53:46 it's an impossibility.
53:48 So what... You know what we did?
53:50 We stopped and we prayed because unless God
53:53 moves on our behalf - and we know He will...
53:56 How many of you know that God wants those stations
53:58 to continue broadcasting the gospel more than we do? Amen.
54:02 Amen. But we need your help.
54:04 That... I guess that's the bottom line, isn't it, Danny?
54:07 Well a little earlier they showed me the figures
54:11 they'd written down. And I said: "I don't think
54:13 we ought to go out and show those figures...
54:15 it'd scare everybody. " That's right.
54:16 And it's really that much. But I've found out
54:18 as I've been saying for a lot of years...
54:21 as the guy said one time: "How do you eat an elephant? "
54:23 "One bite at a time. " That's right.
54:25 And so if you get looking too far ahead
54:27 and too much money it'd be discouraging, so
54:29 we just have to continue to go on our knees
54:32 and say: "One day at a time, Lord.
54:34 This is our needs. You know what they are.
54:35 Please supply them. " And you know, the great thing about this
54:38 is it's a great challenge
54:41 because even though the government's mandated this
54:43 we go from one channel now to four plus radio
54:48 that we can put on in all these cities.
54:50 So that means that Dare to Dream and Proclaim
54:54 and our Sonbeam channel...
54:58 all of these different ones can go on as well as 3ABN.
55:02 So that's exciting. And by the way,
55:04 another challenge that we have is Dare to Dream is going to go
55:09 on satellite by faith on January 1. Yes!
55:13 We hope to be able to keep Proclaim on at the same time.
55:17 How many of you are enjoying Proclaim?
55:19 You watch Proclaim? All right... see a lot of hands
55:22 there, and we're hoping to keep both on.
55:24 But it will take $21,000 a month
55:28 for us to have both of them on...
55:31 additional to what we're paying already.
55:34 That's just band width charge.
55:36 But it's one of those things that we were talking about
55:37 today: the stop and go. You have to go because -
55:40 yeah - never in history has there been a time
55:43 that minority programming will be accepted
55:46 and is wanted by cable stations all across America -
55:50 that's right - in major cities. And we have the programming
55:52 and it's a matter... The only way they can get it is
55:55 when we go to satellite... A lot of you get it on the
55:58 Internet, but that's not the way of the cable stations.
56:00 So we have to be able to send it to satellite
56:03 in order to do that. That's that $21,000 a month.
56:06 So how do you say "no" to potentially reaching
56:10 millions of people every day not only here in the United States
56:13 of America but around the world. I mean
56:15 it's just something... this thing... we have to go
56:18 and yet every day we don't know how we're going to...
56:20 But somehow God always has done it, so we're just
56:23 appealing to His people as the Holy Spirit impresses
56:26 to say: "What can I do? " Those of you at home,
56:28 those of you here, what can we do to make a difference?
56:31 Your five dollars a month does make a difference.
56:33 Yes it does. Your $10 a month makes a difference.
56:35 $50... $100 as a one-time gift.
56:38 So no gift is unappreciated and no gift is too small
56:42 because we've seen it... Years ago we had a point
56:45 where we had several large donors - yes.
56:48 And when we first started several people really jumped in
56:51 and we had a lot of... you know, not as many smaller donors.
56:54 Today we have less large donors
56:56 but many more people giving the $20, the $50.
57:00 And that's what keeps 3ABN going - that's right -
57:03 and what keeps us growing is the extra gifts,
57:05 the investment that you all do,
57:06 the things that you maybe have at home that people donate:
57:09 an old car or a motorhome, or whatever else.
57:13 People say: "Well we sold a home. We have some extra money
57:16 that we can give. " Whatever.
57:18 And all of that mounts up, so thank you so much
57:20 for what you do for the cause of God in support of 3ABN.
57:23 Well we're coming down to the end of this hour
57:25 but we'll be back at 6... six o'clock... with another
57:29 message by Elder Bradford.
57:31 And then we'll have a message by Pastor Mark Finley.
57:34 And we are looking forward to wrapping up our Camp Meeting
57:38 this evening with those two powerful messages.
57:42 And, Danny, I know this is... Always Camp Meeting is a thrill.
57:47 This one is no exception. We'll look for you.


Revised 2014-12-17