3ABN Homecoming 2011

Musical Selections And 3abn Russia Report

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Julia Outkina, Reggie & Ladye Love Smith, The Lesters


Series Code: 11HC

Program Code: 11HC000012

00:59 As I walked through the door
01:04 I sensed His presence
01:09 and I knew this was the place
01:15 where love abounds;
01:19 for this is the temple
01:23 Jehovah God
01:27 abides in
01:31 We are standing
01:35 in His presence
01:39 on holy ground.
01:46 We are standing
01:52 on holy ground
01:59 and I know
02:03 that there are angels
02:06 all around;
02:11 Let us praise let us praise
02:18 Jesus now.
02:24 We are standing
02:27 in His presence
02:31 on holy ground.
02:35 In His presence
02:42 there is joy
02:45 beyond measure
02:48 and at His feet
02:51 peace of mind
02:54 can still be found.
03:00 If you have a need
03:04 my God has the answer...
03:09 yes He does!
03:10 Reach out and claim it,
03:14 for child you're standing
03:17 on holy ground.
03:24 We are standing
03:27 sing it with me
03:29 on holy ground
03:35 and I know that there are angels
03:41 all around.
03:46 Let us praise let us praise
03:51 Jesus now.
03:57 We are standing
04:00 in His presence...
04:03 We are standing in His presence...
04:08 We are standing
04:11 in His presence
04:14 on holy
04:17 ground.
04:23 Amen.
04:25 Amen.
04:29 You know, when 3ABN was just beginning
04:32 that song had special meaning. Isn't that right, Danny?
04:35 Surely did. In fact, we used to stand around...
04:38 we'd go with Brother Kenny and the rest of the family.
04:40 We'd go out... And we just had a building...
04:42 Vonda Summers had donated some property, and we just had
04:45 the shell of a building.
04:46 And we'd go out and stand in a circle on Sabbath,
04:49 and I've got a feeling you were in some of those, Mollie.
04:51 You and Hal. And we'd stand in a circle and just sing
04:54 Holy Ground because we felt like what God had given
04:57 was holy ground. Original was 2 little acres.
05:00 Now it's two hundred acres.
05:01 But that original site is still there
05:04 and anywhere we walk. And people around the world
05:06 have come here and without us, you know, saying anything
05:10 they come up and they say: "We just feel like we're
05:11 standing on holy ground. " Amen. Amen.
05:13 This past Tuesday morning... on Tuesdays we have corporate
05:15 worship where all of 3ABN gets together for worship.
05:19 And Larry Welch who has been with us from almost
05:22 the very beginning, we asked him: "Larry,
05:24 lead us in Holy Ground. " And it was so natural
05:28 for us just to begin our worship singing Holy Ground
05:31 there at 3ABN. Amen.
05:33 You know, the first time I came here, and I've mentioned
05:35 this before, but the first time I came when you called me
05:39 to come we had a worship time together.
05:42 We called everybody together and you sang that song.
05:47 You may not have noticed it
05:49 but I slipped out of my loafers just like this.
05:52 I did not want anything between me and the ground.
05:57 And I feel that way still!
05:59 I tell you that God is using this ministry.
06:04 You know it says: "Your young men will dream dreams. "
06:06 And what does it say the old men will do? I don't remember.
06:09 But whatever it is
06:12 I'm still back there with the young men.
06:14 But that puts you in a category though, when you can't remember.
06:17 But I believe with all of my heart
06:20 that one of these days people are going to turn on their
06:24 televisions sets. Only thing they're going to be able to
06:27 hear is this message.
06:29 I believe it 'cause we've seen it in small areas...
06:33 small ways. I believe that people are going to hear this
06:38 message in their own tongue. We'll be speaking in whatever,
06:43 English or whatever, but they're going to hear it
06:45 in their own tongues. Just like it was at Pentecost
06:49 they're going to hear the truth.
06:51 We've got to keep preaching the truth. Amen!
06:54 And I believe that with all my heart... really do.
06:58 Well let me ask you this:
07:00 um, this Camp Meeting... have you sensed something special?
07:03 Amen. Is there not just a special presence of God's
07:06 Holy Spirit here? And an urgency that's coming from
07:10 both of our speakers that truly the Lord is returning soon.
07:15 This is the time for us to get serious.
07:19 As Pastor Finley was teaching us
07:21 to enter into a really depth in our prayer life
07:24 and to recognize the seriousness of the time.
07:28 And Kenny, it's that time, isn't it?
07:30 It is. Yeah, it's time that you mentioned
07:34 the word serious. I like that. There's a time that we can
07:36 you know the Bible talks to laugh and to cry.
07:39 This is a time for God's move- ment to get really serious.
07:42 Get down to business... and that's God's business.
07:45 I've heard that this Camp Meeting
07:48 and I've just been drinking in the word that I have heard -
07:51 Amen - the spiritual direction that has been given. Um-hmm.
07:55 And it's touched... touched my heart
07:57 and helped me to rededicate and to energize,
08:00 you know, to get this gospel preaching to all the world.
08:03 So it's been a real spiritual treat to be here
08:07 and just want to thank you folks for that. Awesome!
08:09 Kenny, we'd like to ask you to lead us in a word of prayer
08:13 as we begin this service, and we just know that
08:17 every single one of us, everyone who has a very special
08:21 need right now, would you raise your hand with me?
08:24 And would you remember all of us in prayer?
08:30 If you don't mind I'm going to kneel right here.
08:32 The rest of them might be standing. It's OK, but
08:34 I like to kneel before I pray.
08:37 Merciful Father in heaven, we thank you for another
08:40 Sabbath day that You've given us.
08:42 Lord truly heaven has come down and glory has filled our souls.
08:47 We realize that we've been in Your presence.
08:50 Unworthy as we are, You've come down and You spoke
08:54 words of encouragement and words of cheer.
08:56 Many time words of rebuke. But You've come and You spoke
09:00 to Your children, and we want to thank you for that.
09:02 And I realize this Sabbath day is a day that You do
09:05 special things for Your people and You've done it
09:07 and I thank you for that.
09:09 And I pray now as we continue this beautiful walk with You
09:13 during this Camp Meeting time that once again the Holy Spirit
09:17 will come down and consume each and every one who has a part.
09:20 Lord, it's not man that we need to see right now.
09:23 We need to see, we need to hear, we need to understand
09:25 what heaven has in store for each and every one of us.
09:28 We need to hear Your voice. We need to hear and get
09:31 directions that You are giving Your people
09:34 here in the last days, and we need to heed those.
09:36 And as Your Spirit comes down and fills each of those
09:39 who will be speaking and those who may be bringing us
09:42 special music, Lord I know our hearts... prepare them right now
09:46 that what we hear, that we'll take it deep into our hearts,
09:50 deep into our minds.
09:51 May we realize that Jesus is soon to come in the clouds
09:54 of glory. There is a preparation that needs to be made.
09:57 Oh Lord, take our hearts today.
09:59 Mold them and shape them any way that You see fit...
10:02 whatever it takes that we can spend eternity with You
10:06 let it happen in our lives because we trust You
10:09 and we love You. And we leave the rest of this
10:12 service, the rest of the Camp Meeting
10:13 in Thy care and Thy keeping because You have done abundantly
10:16 more than we could ever think or believe.
10:19 And so we give You praise, give You honor.
10:20 Touch each one of Your children today. Touch each
10:24 of our hearts and remember the needs.
10:26 There are so many needs out there. You saw the hands
10:28 that were raised here this afternoon.
10:30 I pray that You will meet every need of every life. Amen.
10:34 Some going through maybe tremendous things in their life:
10:38 troubles and trials, and financial... mentally,
10:40 physically, spiritually.
10:42 Oh, You're the Author. You're the great Healer,
10:44 and I pray that You'll reach down and touch them right now
10:47 Lord. And we'll always give You the praise
10:49 and give You the honor and give You the glory.
10:51 We love You and we just thank You for coming down.
10:55 In Jesus' name, Amen.
10:57 All right. Thank you very much.
10:59 Well we've got some special music, Jim. Yes we do.
11:02 Some of our favorite people. Amen.
11:04 Who've we got coming out? Well, we've got
11:06 Reggie and Ladye - Reggie and Ladye Love -
11:08 and they are going to give us a min-concert right now.
11:11 They are. It's going to be about 25 or 30 minutes.
11:14 Yeah. And I said: "Since the people have probably
11:17 eaten quite a bit and maybe a little bit sleepy
11:20 somewhere in the middle you might want to wake us up
11:22 just a little bit. Just a little bit.
11:24 Nothing out of hand... just wake us up.
11:25 So I think they're going to do that - OK, all right -
11:27 a little bit. OK, we're looking forward to it.
12:01 I come to the garden
12:07 alone,
12:09 While the dew is still on
12:20 And the voice I hear,
12:26 falling on my ear,
12:30 The Son of God
12:36 discloses.
12:42 And He walks
12:48 with me, and
12:51 He talks with me,
12:55 And He tells me I am
13:01 His own,
13:06 And the joy that we share
13:10 as we tarry there,
13:16 None other
13:19 has ever
13:22 known.
13:27 He speaks,
13:29 and the sound
13:32 of His voice
13:37 Is so sweet
13:40 that the birds hush
13:42 their singing;
13:47 And the melody
13:52 that He gave to me
13:58 Within my heart
14:02 is ringing.
14:09 And He walks
14:12 with me, and
14:16 He talks with me,
14:21 And He tells me
14:24 I am His own.
14:31 And the joy that we share
14:36 as we tarry there,
14:41 None other
14:44 has ever
14:48 known...
14:56 None other - none other -
14:59 has ever
15:06 known.
15:28 Amen!
15:33 Thank you.
15:56 Suspended above
16:01 the world that He made
16:04 and below His home in the sky
16:12 God in flesh
16:15 came down to men
16:19 and man raised Him up
16:24 to die.
16:27 And there on the tree
16:31 the destiny
16:34 of every fallen man
16:42 was held by the nails
16:46 driven through
16:49 His sinless feet
16:54 and hands.
16:58 Somewhere between
17:01 heaven and earth
17:04 stood a symbol of grace
17:08 not based on our worth.
17:12 It was there He endured
17:16 what we deserve.
17:20 For a cross held the hope of the world
17:26 somewhere between heaven and
17:31 earth.
17:34 Somewhere between time
17:38 and space.
17:42 And somewhere between judgment
17:46 and grace.
17:48 He became the sin
17:53 He'd never known.
17:57 And as the skies turned black
18:00 His Father turned His back
18:04 and for that moment
18:07 He was left alone...
18:11 He was left alone.
18:17 Somewhere between
18:20 heaven and earth
18:24 stood a symbol of grace
18:27 not based on our worth.
18:31 It was there He endured
18:35 what we deserve.
18:39 For the cross held the hope of the world
18:46 somewhere between heaven
18:50 and earth.
18:51 Somewhere between heaven and earth
18:57 stood a symbol of grace
19:01 not based on our worth.
19:05 It was there He endured
19:09 what we deserve.
19:13 For the cross held the hope of the world
19:19 Yes, the cross held the hope
19:23 of the world...
19:26 Yes, the cross held the hope
19:30 of the world
19:35 somewhere... somewhere
19:39 between heaven
19:45 and earth.
19:51 Suspended
19:54 above the world
19:58 that He made
20:00 and below His home in
20:05 the sky.
20:22 Good afternoon. How are you today?
20:24 Has it been an incredible day so far?
20:27 Amen. Amen. And boy, we just had lunch
20:30 and I'm trying desperately to get through it.
20:32 But it was a good lunch. It was a wonderful wonderful meal.
20:36 Great great lunch. By the way, we are married.
20:39 A lot of people say: "Ladye Love is that really your name? "
20:41 A lot of people know us as Ladye Love and the Tramp.
20:46 But... but I'm OK with that
20:48 'cause I have Ladye Love.
20:51 You guys... you understand, right?
20:52 But we're so blessed to be part of... we feel,
20:57 the 3ABN family.
20:58 And we came in with the Pillars Project.
21:03 I hope you've enjoyed the Pillars Projects
21:05 which were just really anointed and blessed,
21:08 we feel, and we're just so grateful to be part of that.
21:10 And I just think... we just think so highly of the 3ABN
21:14 team... Danny and the whole team.
21:16 Are we not blessed to have 3ABN?
21:19 Amen! That touches all over the world.
21:22 I mean not just locally or nationally but
21:25 internationally. It still just blows my mind to hear the
21:27 stories internationally and it's just amazing.
21:30 And so we're all blessed to be part of that.
21:34 We're all together part of that internationally right now
21:36 I think. So that's pretty cool, isn't it?
21:38 God is good.
21:40 And all the time. God is good.
21:44 Well the pastor brought a message this morning did he not?
21:46 Amen. Wow! He said: "Don't get close to me, it's going to
21:49 get on you, too. "
21:51 And I said: "Brother, come and rub up on me!
21:53 That's OK... let's hug. " Just amazing!
21:56 And you know, we're going to do a little song.
22:00 It's afternoon, and we've all had our meal.
22:03 And we feel good but we're probably a little sleepy.
22:06 Well, is it OK if we do a little toe tapper?
22:09 Now here's the deal: if we do a toe tapper
22:11 you can't tap somebody else's toe, OK?
22:13 Just keep it right here. No, you can...
22:15 Well you CAN... but you might get in trouble.
22:18 And this is a song, an old song,
22:19 called Can He, Could He, Would He.
22:21 And it's a little toe tapper
22:23 and if you guys here will just tap your toe, go on ahead
22:25 and just smile along with us. It goes like this:
22:28 It's up there... now it's upbeat.
22:41 Can He, could He,
22:44 would He, did He,
22:47 can He could He would He? Yes He can, He could, He would
22:49 and He did.
22:51 I said can He,
22:53 could He,
22:55 would He,
22:57 did He. Can He could He would He
22:59 yes He can He could He would and He did.
23:03 From the moment I heard about the Lord and His Word
23:06 well it seemed too good to be true.
23:09 There were questions and doubts, I tried to figure it out
23:12 but the best that I could do was to wander around
23:16 in this love that I found until the questions started
23:18 answering themselves. Saying:
23:21 can He could He would He yes He can
23:22 He could He would and He did!
23:26 Can He, could He,
23:29 would He, did He,
23:32 can He could He would He yes He can He could He would
23:34 and He did!
23:37 I said can He,
23:39 could He,
23:40 would He,
23:42 did He
23:43 Can He, could He, would He yes He can He could He would
23:46 and He did!
24:09 I know that He did.
24:11 Well can He, could He,
24:14 would He, did He
24:17 Can He, could He, would He yes He can He could He would
24:19 and He did. I know, I know He did.
24:23 I said can He, could He,
24:25 would He, did He
24:28 Can He, could He, would He yes He can He could He would
24:31 and He did. I know, I know He did.
24:34 Can He, could He,
24:37 would He, did He
24:39 Can He, could He, would He yes He can He could He would
24:42 and He did! And I know He can
24:45 I know He did. And I know He will
24:48 and He did!
24:53 He did!
25:04 Well you know what?
25:05 I think it's so great we could be here today.
25:08 And I know that where we are today
25:10 it's rainin' a little, isn't it out here?
25:12 But where you may be it may be sunny
25:15 and bright and beautiful.
25:18 And isn't that just so much like us?
25:20 Some of us in here are having a bright time in their lives.
25:23 Things are great. Things are going well.
25:26 But for some of us it's raining.
25:29 And there are times like that in our lives, right?
25:31 And I just want to encourage you today.
25:33 I just want to say that God knows and God cares.
25:37 And He loves you and He understands the pain
25:41 more than you can imagine.
25:44 And He just wants to be... He's never left you.
25:46 He said: "I will never leave you or forsake you. "
25:48 And, um, so for today I just want to say
25:52 for this hope and this promise that it won't rain
25:54 always.
26:07 Well someone said
26:12 that in this life
26:17 some rain is bound
26:21 to fall.
26:26 And each one shares
26:31 his share of tears,
26:36 and trouble
26:39 troubles us all.
26:45 But the hurt
26:48 won't hurt
26:51 forever.
26:56 And those tears
27:00 are bound to dry.
27:06 And it won't rain
27:11 always.
27:17 The clouds will soon
27:22 be gone.
27:26 And the sun that they've
27:32 been hiding
27:37 has been there
27:40 all along.
27:47 And it won't rain
27:53 always.
27:59 God's promises
28:04 are true.
28:08 And the sun is gonna shine
28:14 in His own good time.
28:19 And He will see you
28:25 through.
28:30 And the sun
28:33 it's gonna shine
28:35 in God's own good time.
28:40 And He will see you
28:46 through.
29:01 Are ya'll enjoying Tim Parton this week?
29:04 Amen. Is he not amazing?
29:07 He said: "No, please... come on, stop. "
29:12 We just talked about doing this little song, and actually
29:15 we did this song... WE didn't but I did this song
29:18 the first time a while back out on the road with Danny
29:21 and the gang. And at that time I didn't know the lyric, and
29:24 I know you're going to think: "Boy, do you not go to church?
29:27 You should know this lyric. "
29:29 It's a great lyric written by Dottie Rambo I believe.
29:32 And it's to the tune of Oh Danny Boy.
29:35 And so Danny stood beside... "If I'm going to do it
29:38 you've got to stand right here and give me the words. "
29:41 So he would go: blah, blah, blah and I would sing it.
29:42 Blah, blah, blah and I would sing it like that.
29:44 So I think I need him now but I'm going to try it without him.
29:48 So...
29:58 Amazing grace
30:02 shall always be my
30:07 song of praise.
30:10 For it was grace
30:14 that bought my liberty.
30:22 I do not know
30:26 just why He came
30:30 to love me so
30:34 He looked beyond
30:39 my fault and saw
30:44 my need.
30:49 I shall
30:51 forever
30:56 lift my eyes to Calvary
31:03 to view the cross
31:07 where Jesus died
31:12 for me.
31:16 How marvelous
31:21 the grace that caught
31:25 my fallen soul.
31:33 He looked
31:35 beyond
31:39 my fault
31:42 and saw
31:44 my - and your -
31:48 need.
32:02 Amen.
32:07 Well I just keep thinking about God's goodness right now
32:10 and just how good He has been to us.
32:12 When you said "all the time... " God is good
32:14 all the time
32:17 He really is, isn't He?
32:19 We... You know, we forget that a lot, don't we?
32:21 We get caught up in everyday life and the things that are
32:24 going on, and I know for me... I just... I was thinking
32:28 one day how I always am thinking about how maybe like the
32:31 car didn't start that day and oh my goodness.
32:34 And I've got to get here and there. But you know what
32:36 we forget a lot of times? We have a car!
32:39 You know, we forget that we are still so blessed.
32:44 Even when things are not the best.
32:47 We are so blessed... so, so blessed.
32:49 And I just want to try and remind myself that today
32:52 and you today that we are so blessed and that
32:55 God is good all the time and all the time God is good.
32:58 We wrote this little song when I was thinking about that.
33:01 We have a little boy, and he's usually here with us.
33:03 His name is Bret. He's 8... excuse me, he's 9 now.
33:06 And he usually comes with us and he sings this song.
33:10 Reggie and I wrote this song about God's goodness
33:13 in our life, and we wanted to thank Him and praise Him.
33:16 And look here: here is Melody Shelton Firestone.
33:19 Our little boy normally does this song with us,
33:22 but Melody has done it before and she does such a great job.
33:25 So she's going to sing this song. This is a song we wrote
33:27 called Thank You, Lord.
33:45 For all the countless ways
33:48 You have blessed me all my days
33:52 Father, let me pause to say
33:56 "I give You thanks. "
34:00 For the life You've given me.
34:03 For my friends... my family.
34:07 For every wonder I have seen
34:11 I give You thanks...
34:14 I give You thanks.
34:19 Thank you,
34:23 Lord.
34:27 Thank you,
34:31 Lord.
34:34 For all You've
34:38 done for me
34:42 I thank you,
34:46 Lord.
35:04 For Your guidance through the years,
35:08 for Your presence through my fears,
35:12 for all the joy and, yes, the tears
35:16 I give You thanks.
35:20 For the faithfulness You've shown
35:24 as I faced each dark unknown,
35:28 I have never been alone
35:31 I give You thanks...
35:34 Lord, I give You thanks.
35:39 Thank you,
35:43 Lord.
35:47 Thank you,
35:50 Lord.
35:54 For all You've
35:58 done for me
36:02 I thank you,
36:06 Lord.
36:09 We thank you,
36:13 Lord. Sing it with us.
36:17 Thank you,
36:21 Lord. For all You've done...
36:24 For all You've
36:29 done for us
36:32 we thank you,
36:36 Lord. For all You've done...
36:40 For all You've
36:44 done for us
36:48 we thank you,
36:55 Lord.
37:03 Thank you. Amen.
37:14 Thank you very much. That's beautiful.
37:16 Kinda thinking they were going to do one more song.
37:19 I was kinda hoping they would.
37:20 Isn't that beautiful? We thank you so much.
37:23 You woke us up... you woke us up while ago.
37:25 But we're going to have The Lesters come out
37:27 in just a moment. So I'll introduce in just a few moments.
37:30 They were in the back - the green room - and getting ready.
37:33 They're a family that have been singing for many, many years.
37:36 And as I mentioned earlier, I've seen them
37:38 when I remember I was young and so Brian's about my age.
37:41 And so it's Brian and his sister Jennifer
37:44 and Brian's son Jon that's here.
37:47 And Jonathan... And so I'm going to ask them as soon as
37:50 they're ready to come on out.
37:51 And they're actually from St. Louis.
37:53 They were over in Salem. And Tim Parton is very good
37:56 friends with them and helps produce and play for them
37:58 on some of their projects.
38:00 And so they're guests here today.
38:02 I think the first time... Come on out, Brian.
38:05 And Brian... Some of you may know the Lesters.
38:07 If you do, let 'em know you know 'em.
38:08 Say a big "Amen" or something for them, all right?
38:10 Clap your hands, say something to them. Thank you, thank you.
38:13 And Jennifer come on out and Jon.
38:16 And Jonathan or John? Can we? Which ever.
38:19 OK which ever. As long as we call you in time to eat, right?
38:23 Amen. We appreciate you guys' ministry so much
38:26 and that you would stop here today.
38:27 And again this will be your first time singing on 3ABN
38:31 but we hope it's not the last. Thank you.
38:32 And you've got some of that great family harmony.
38:35 We love it, but most of all we love their spirit
38:37 because they're Christians and they love Jesus
38:39 and it comes through in their music.
38:41 Thank you so much, Danny.
38:43 We're going to sing a song a cappella for you
38:45 here this morning. It says I sing the mighty power of God.
38:48 Of course, that's what we need to do.
38:59 I sing the mighty power of God
39:03 that made the mountains rise.
39:07 That spread the flowing seas abroad
39:10 and built the lofty skies.
39:14 I sing the wisdom that ordained
39:18 the sun to rule the day.
39:23 The moon shines full at His command
39:27 and all the stars obey.
39:31 I sing the goodness of the Lord
39:35 that filled the earth with food.
39:39 He formed the creatures with His word
39:43 and then pronounced them good.
39:48 Lord how Thy wonders are displayed
39:52 where e're I turn my eye.
39:56 If I survey the ground I tread
40:00 or gaze upon the sky.
40:04 There's not a plant
40:07 or flower below but
40:10 makes Thy glories known.
40:15 And clouds arise and tempests blow
40:19 by order from Thy throne.
40:24 While all that borrows life from Thee
40:28 is ever in Thy care.
40:34 And everywhere that man can be
40:40 Thou God art present
40:45 there.
40:49 Amen.
40:55 Amen.
41:05 Amen. Thank you.
41:11 Everywhere that man can be our God is present, folks.
41:15 Amen. There's a song we've been singing for many years
41:18 and it's basically all of our testimonies
41:21 because I'm glad that He looks beyond our faults
41:23 and He sees our needs. And this song has been
41:26 a testimony of mine for many years, and I trust it will be
41:28 a blessing to you. It says that He Didn't Throw The Clay Away.
41:34 Listen:
41:40 Thank the Lord.
41:49 Empty and broken
41:53 I came back to Him.
41:58 A vessel unworthy...
42:03 so scarred with sin.
42:08 But He did not despair;
42:13 He started over again.
42:18 And I bless the day
42:23 He didn't throw
42:27 the clay away.
42:31 Over and over
42:35 He molds me and makes me.
42:41 Into His likeness
42:45 He fashions the clay.
42:51 A vessel of honor
42:55 I am today.
43:00 All because Jesus
43:05 didn't throw
43:08 the clay away.
43:12 Listen, it's Jesus: He is the Potter
43:16 and I am that clay.
43:22 Molded in His precious image
43:27 He wants me to stay.
43:32 Oh but when I stumble,
43:36 when I fall,
43:39 oh when my vessel breaks,
43:44 my Jesus, thank God, He reached down
43:46 and He picked up all the broken pieces.
43:49 He doesn't throw
43:51 the clay away.
43:57 Over and over
44:02 He molds me and makes me.
44:07 Into His likeness
44:11 He fashions the clay.
44:17 A vessel of honor
44:21 I am today.
44:27 All because Jesus
44:31 didn't throw
44:35 the clay away.
44:38 A vessel of honor
44:44 I
44:45 am
44:52 today.
44:54 All because my Jesus
44:58 didn't throw
45:03 the clay away.
45:06 Away.
45:13 Thank you, Lord. Bless you.
45:15 God bless you. Thank you.
45:18 Thank you very much, Lesters. God bless you.
45:21 We want to have them back, don't we? Amen! All right.
45:23 Thank you so much. That's wonderful!
45:26 You enjoying the music so far? Amen.
45:29 Wow! We're going to have some great testimony right now.
45:31 Some of the great and mighty and marvelous things that
45:34 God is doing through 3ABN Russia.
45:36 And I have Julia... Sr. Julia Outkina here.
45:39 And I know you have quite a bit of information,
45:41 but we don't have a lot of time.
45:43 So we're going to go to the end of the hour, though,
45:45 so we'll let our crew know.
45:46 And so why don't you tell us and share with us what you have,
45:49 Julia? First of all, I want to introduce
45:53 some of the Russian crew that are with me here today.
45:59 I asked my two guys to stand up.
46:03 One of them is Alexey Bochkarev, and he is engineer in Russia
46:09 and he is director of IT.
46:11 And next to him is Renat Maztykanov
46:13 and he is learning to be Production Manager.
46:16 And we praise the Lord for both of them
46:18 for the good work that they are doing in Russia.
46:21 Amen.
46:24 And then I want you to...
46:28 I want to ask another worker of 3ABN Russia:
46:31 Svetlana Barinova to stand up together with Jay Christian
46:35 who is a worker of 3ABN the United States.
46:38 And what's happening? Something's going to be
46:40 happening, I understand, right away.
46:42 Yes, I am asking both of them to stand together
46:46 because three years ago when I brought Svetlana
46:50 to 3ABN United States
46:53 the first time, this was when Sveta and Jay met.
46:56 And tomorrow they are going to have a wedding.
47:00 All right.
47:06 All right. And Jay, of course, is our... head of the
47:09 3ABN Radio - yes - and General Manager of 3ABN Radio.
47:13 Yes, and so... Congratulations by the way!
47:16 All right, how do you say that in Russian?
47:19 Yeah, that's what I was going to say. There you go.
47:22 Just couldn't get it out right then.
47:24 Danny's Russian is very good by the way.
47:26 He knows how to say hello and how to say good-bye.
47:29 And in most cases he says this at the right moment.
47:34 But I've been known to get them confused a lot.
47:38 Yesterday I met a couple folk here that were from Russia
47:41 so I would just say a word or two.
47:43 And I had a couple people with me and I was trying to impress
47:45 them like I knew what was going on and I really didn't.
47:48 But I confess today that I was just... I'd say a few words:
47:51 just enough, they say, to be dangerous.
47:53 But it's nice to be able to say hello and good-bye
47:55 and do it at the right time, huh? Yes.
47:58 Today we have brought a very good report from Russia.
48:03 It's a video roll, so I suggest that we can watch it
48:07 because this will give a very good picture of what's happening
48:11 in Russia.
48:27 Jesus said: "Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him
48:31 shall never thirst. "
48:33 All people desperately need the living water of our Lord
48:37 Jesus Christ. For almost 27 years now
48:40 3ABN has been bringing this living water to the people
48:44 all over the planet earth.
48:46 Out of them for 19 years 3ABN Russia has been
48:50 reaching with it Russian- speaking people
48:53 across the globe. Russia is a very big country.
48:57 There are over 150,000 cities,
49:00 towns, and villages in it with about 140 million population.
49:05 And about 160 million Russian-speaking people
49:09 live in the countries of the former Soviet Union
49:12 and in other countries of the world.
49:14 Many of these people are unbelievers
49:17 because during 70+ years of Communism and atheism
49:20 in the Soviet Union they never heard about God
49:24 and His love for people.
49:26 They are so much in need to hear the good news
49:29 about His precious blood that has been shed
49:32 for the salvation and happiness of every human being.
49:35 3ABN Russia was founded in 1992
49:39 as a chapter of 3ABN USA.
49:42 The first programs came on the air
49:44 on a local Russian TV channel on September 26, 1993,
49:49 and immediately became popular.
49:52 Today our programs are broadcast by 24-hour Russian-language
49:57 Internet channels as well as by several satellites
50:00 and quite a number of full-power TV and radio stations
50:04 of Russia and abroad.
50:12 Our priority is production and distribution of
50:15 TV and radio programs that help people give their hearts
50:19 to Christ, find true happiness in this life,
50:22 and be saved for eternity.
50:24 Over 10,000 theological, social, family,
50:28 poetical, musical, health programs,
50:30 programs for children and youth and others have been produced.
50:42 I came across your website
50:45 and watched Face to Face program with a man telling about
50:48 his personal relationship with God.
50:51 As I listened to him tears rolled down my cheeks
50:54 and I continued to watch all of your programs till
50:57 late that night.
51:02 The workers of 3ABN do God's work here on earth
51:06 because there are so many people who learn about God and His love
51:09 through television. I wish 3ABN even more success
51:14 in their ministry.
51:20 The Internet increasingly becomes a powerful tool
51:24 in reaching people with 3ABN Russia programs.
51:27 Our website gives millions an opportunity to watch
51:30 the network's programs 24 hours a day,
51:33 to download hundreds of videos from our archive,
51:37 to order and read books, take online Bible study course,
51:41 ask questions on the form and get answers from pastors.
51:45 We have a children's website to make it easier for the parents
51:49 to raise their kids in the atmosphere of Christian values.
51:53 We receive a lot of correspondence from our website
51:56 visitors.
52:07 I liked the new design of your website as soon as I saw it.
52:12 I'd never watched your programs before I visited your website.
52:16 When I saw them for the first time I enjoyed them very much
52:19 and felt sorry that I hadn't seen them before.
52:22 Now I always watch your programs.
52:30 Many Russians who hunger and thirst for God's Word
52:33 are in a big need of Christian literature.
52:36 For them, we print books and brochures and mail out Bibles.
52:41 We have sent to people many thousands of Bibles
52:43 and children's Bibles and hundreds of thousands of books
52:47 and brochures. Our literature is widely used by church members
52:51 to be distributed in hospitals and prisons
52:54 and among their friends and loved ones.
52:56 Our New Life Bible study course enjoys tremendous popularity
53:00 and has several thousand graduates.
53:03 It is used by many churches in their evangelistic outreach.
53:17 As I watched your Face to Face programs I learned about God.
53:21 I also was attracted by the opportunity to take your
53:24 New Life Bible study course.
53:26 After I completed the course 3ABN Russia sent me the Bible
53:29 so I could continue studying God's Word on my own.
53:33 Today I'm here to tape in a Face to Face program
53:36 and now my conversion experience will help someone.
53:40 I'm also happy that I'm a literature evangelist.
53:44 I enjoy studying the Bible with your New Life Bible study guide.
53:48 Until I got them, I didn't know even the basic things
53:51 about the Bible and there was nobody to help me.
53:54 It was you who assisted me in studying God's Word
53:57 and it had a great impact not only on me but also
54:01 on my family.
54:03 The gospel needs to reach the whole world
54:06 including its most remote parts.
54:09 Christian programming received via satellite
54:12 television, full power and cable stations or the Internet
54:16 is the fulfillment of the greatest prophecy of the Bible
54:20 of Matthew 24:14:
54:32 We are thankful for the prayers and sacrificial spirit
54:35 of all the supporters of the ministry of 3ABN Russia
54:39 due to whom, by God's grace,
54:42 the good news of salvation keeps reaching more and more
54:46 Russian people for the eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ,
54:50 our Lord and Savior.
55:02 Amen. And Julia, we have a couple minutes left.
55:06 You have some needs right now as we do here in the States
55:09 in transitioning from production equipment.
55:11 Tell us just in a minute or two what some of the needs are.
55:14 Yes, 3ABN Russia is in its 20th year. This is what I wanted
55:19 to emphasize once again.
55:20 A lot of accomplishments, but in year 2015
55:24 according to the Russian law all television needs to
55:28 transition into 16x9 which is a completely...
55:33 It's the same here in the States too. It's a different format
55:35 16 this way and 9 rather than past...
55:39 So we would need the upgrading... I mean,
55:43 we would need a lot of new equipment.
55:45 But for us to be able to start making production in
55:49 this format already so that what we tape now
55:51 doesn't go on the shelf but can be used later
55:54 after year 2015.
55:56 We need about $25,000 to do the current upgrading.
56:02 And also we have been praying that the Lord allows us
56:05 to go on satellite because in Russia
56:09 we believe that probably next ten years
56:12 cable is going to develop fast
56:14 and satellite television is going to develop fast
56:17 whereas Internet is not develop- ing as fast there as here.
56:21 So it would be really very good that our programs could be
56:24 rebroadcast from satellite. This is what we are
56:26 very, very earnestly praying about.
56:29 Amen. And when they do go on satellite
56:31 it makes it so much easier for the local cables
56:35 to pick them up at that point.
56:37 So that's a very important thing to take place.
56:40 Well, we just have about a minute or so left,
56:43 and I really want you to pray and think about also this:
56:46 they do an incredible amount of work
56:48 and average salary there is something like $500 a month...
56:51 $400-$500 a month. So we get so much
56:54 and the Russians do so much with so little.
56:57 When you go there I'm amazed at the amount of equipment
57:00 but the creativity is unbelievable.
57:02 Some of the programming that they are producing,
57:04 the amount of programs that they are producing and able
57:08 to put into the homes of potentially millions of people
57:11 that are watching is nothing short of a miracle.
57:14 And I want to thank you, Julia, for 19 years.
57:16 When we hired Julia she was a professor of English.
57:19 Came to our meetings. Was baptized through the
57:22 meetings of Elder John Carter.
57:23 And she was translator for John Cantor for a few years.
57:29 And then later, after the building was constructed,
57:32 became our General Manager there and has done an incredible job.
57:35 So thank you for what you are doing.


Revised 2014-12-17