3ABN Homecoming 2011

We Are Assigned

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles E. Bradford


Series Code: 11HC

Program Code: 11HC000011

01:04 My faithful Father,
01:12 enduring Friend,
01:17 Your tender mercy
01:20 is like a river
01:24 with no wind
01:27 It overwhelms me
01:34 Covers my sin.
01:39 Each time I come into
01:44 Your presence
01:46 I stand in wonder
01:50 once again.
01:54 Your grace
01:58 still amazes me.
02:02 Your love
02:05 is still a mystery.
02:09 Each day
02:13 I fall on my knees.
02:19 Your grace
02:22 still amazes me.
02:27 Your grace
02:29 still amazes me.
02:48 Oh patient Savior,
02:55 You make me whole.
03:01 You are the author
03:04 and the healer
03:08 of my soul.
03:11 What can I give You?
03:18 Lord, what can I say?
03:23 I know there's no way to
03:27 repay You.
03:30 Only to offer You
03:34 my praise.
03:38 Your grace
03:42 still amazes me.
03:46 Your love
03:49 is still a mystery.
03:53 Each day
03:56 I fall on my knees.
04:02 Your grace
04:05 still amazes me.
04:10 Your grace
04:12 still amazes me.
04:16 It's deeper,
04:19 It's wider,
04:23 It's stronger,
04:26 It's higher,
04:30 It's deeper,
04:34 It's wider,
04:37 It's stronger,
04:41 It's higher than anything
04:47 my eyes can see.
04:51 Oh grace
04:54 still amazes me.
04:58 Your love
05:01 is still a mystery.
05:05 Each day
05:08 I fall on my knees.
05:14 Your grace
05:17 still amazes me.
05:22 Your grace
05:24 still amazes
05:30 me.
05:49 Amen.
05:52 Praise the Lord!
05:56 There's been so many blessings that we have received.
06:00 I'm having so many people tell me what a blessing
06:04 this Camp Meeting has been to them. Amen.
06:07 These two men of God: Elder Mark Finley
06:11 and Elder Charles Bradford
06:13 have been bringing us messages that we need to hear.
06:19 And messages that encourage and lift
06:23 and prepare us for these last days.
06:27 We praise the Lord for it.
06:28 Elder Bradford will be coming in a moment
06:30 to bring a message to us entitled We Are Assigned.
06:37 And before he comes
06:40 Yvonne Lewis is going to sing for us
06:45 one of my favorite songs: Via Dolorosa.
07:22 Down the Via Dolorosa,
07:26 in Jerusalem that day,
07:29 The soldiers tried to clear
07:32 the narrow streets,
07:36 But the crowd pressed in to see
07:40 the Man condemned to die on Calvary.
07:49 He was bleeding from a beating,
07:53 there were stripes upon His back,
07:57 And He wore a crown of thorns upon His head.
08:03 And He bore with ev'ry step
08:07 The scorn of those who cried out for His death!
08:13 Down the Via Dolorosa
08:17 Called "the way of suffering"
08:21 Like a Lamb came the Messiah,
08:24 Christ the King.
08:28 But He chose to walk that road
08:31 out of His love for you and me.
08:38 Down the Via Dolorosa
08:41 all the way
08:44 to Calvary.
08:51 Por la Vía Dolorosa
08:55 Triste vía en Jerusalén
08:58 Los soldados le abrián paso a Jesús
09:04 Mas la gente se acercaba
09:09 Para ver al que llevaba aquella cruz
09:14 Por la Vía Dolorosa
09:19 Que es la vía del dolor
09:22 Como oveja vino Cristo
09:25 Rey y Señor
09:29 Y fue El quien quiso ir
09:32 Por amor a ti
09:36 y a mi
09:39 Por la Vía Dolorosa
09:43 al Calvario a morir
09:49 The blood that would cleanse
09:53 the souls of all men
09:57 Made its way through the heart
10:00 of Jerusalem
10:05 Down the
10:09 Via Dolorosa
10:12 called "the way of suffering"
10:16 Like a lamb came the Messiah,
10:19 Christ the King
10:23 But He chose to walk that road
10:27 out of His love for you and me
10:34 Down the Via Dolorosa,
10:38 all the way
10:41 to Calvary.
11:26 Well my cup runneth over.
11:29 Amen.
11:31 All of these meetings... I don't know what to do with myself.
11:35 I'm like the preachers who had a little circle that they
11:38 met every week and talked about their parish and other
11:43 things. And one was one denomination
11:46 the other was another and third... maybe one was
11:48 Adventist. And one said: "I tell you, brethren,
11:50 I have a little problem with such and such. "
11:52 Another one: "I have a little problem. "
11:55 Began to having a little confession, come-to-Jesus moment
11:58 and the third one, I don't know if he was an Adventist preacher
12:00 or not, he said: "I can't wait to get out of here
12:03 to tell everybody what I heard! "
12:05 And so I can't wait till I get back to Huntsville, Alabama.
12:11 Tell those people: "You ain't seen nothing yet. "
12:14 Amen.
12:16 Now you've got to protect me because they won't like it
12:21 but I've got to say it anyhow.
12:23 Now we are here on this Sabbath day
12:27 and I'm wanting to talk about our assignment.
12:34 You used to have assignments, didn't you?
12:37 And they were due on Thursday morning at 10 AM.
12:41 And you had a sleepless night on Wednesday
12:46 because you knew you had to bring your assignment.
12:49 I'm looking at a man right here that I met years ago
12:52 in Memphis, Tennessee. He was one of the Superintendents
12:54 of Schools in Memphis. He looks like my son
12:57 he's so young but he said he's retired.
12:59 But I know he has given a lot of assignments in his day.
13:03 But more than that
13:06 Jesus has given us all an assignment.
13:12 We are under assignment.
13:14 We're not just a people who come to meetings and enjoy
13:18 things. We do and we should.
13:21 And it's God's plan that we come and meet together.
13:24 That's fine!
13:27 But the Seventh-day Adventist church, the remnant of God
13:32 in these last days, has a special assignment.
13:36 Amen.
13:38 Go ahead, enjoy the music. Amen I say!
13:42 You make fun of me, and so you're not new to me.
13:46 My own children make fun of me.
13:49 And my grandchildren are almost worse.
13:51 And the great-grand is coming along, and he's the toughest
13:53 of all! And so they said: "Granddaddy, is such and such? "
13:58 And one time I heard them call me "Old hard nut man" you know.
14:03 They call me... What did they call me, Ethel?
14:07 You know what they call... She doesn't want to say it.
14:09 I know she doesn't want to say it.
14:10 But a little old name they have for me that I was a tightwad
14:13 you know. And I notice, however,
14:16 that the little old... the old granddaddy tightwad
14:19 that they laughed at every now and then
14:22 they've got to sidle up to him and say: "Granddad,
14:24 I think I need a little something, you know. "
14:25 So they're glad for him then.
14:26 They don't call me... they say "Wonderful Dad" at that time.
14:31 But we're here on assignment. That's what I'm trying to say.
14:35 I'm asking the Lord to help me to say the right words
14:41 here at this meeting... this important meeting.
14:49 We are assigned. I want to take that assignment seriously.
14:54 These people - end-time people -
14:56 you're God's end-time people. You've got to accept that.
15:00 You didn't take it; He gave it to you.
15:03 He called you. Didn't He call you?
15:06 Amen.
15:07 Placed you here.
15:09 And we appeared on time.
15:13 After the stars had fallen.
15:16 Before the heavens are split wide open, we are here
15:20 between the already and the not yet.
15:23 We come on the stage. You know, it's like you as a people
15:28 come on this stage at such and such a time...
15:31 a specific time.
15:34 You have a distinct identity. Didn't we talk about that?
15:38 Your identity. Who are you?
15:41 So many people are confused about their identity.
15:45 They don't know who they are.
15:47 But you know who you are:
15:49 the people of God, God's end-time people.
15:53 I think I'll read this text and then have a prayer.
15:57 Revelation 14 and verse 12.
16:04 "Here... " Here... I'm looking at you and pointing at you.
16:10 "Here is the patience of the saints. "
16:14 Here! Tell the devil that.
16:18 You don't need to tell him, he knows already.
16:20 He's already marked this spot.
16:22 If he could throw some kind of bomb here he would.
16:25 But we've got good relationship with somebody.
16:29 Amen! I know somebody
16:32 who can handle any situation, so you don't need to fear.
16:35 Here they are: the people of God!
16:42 "They keep the commandments of God
16:45 and the faith of Jesus. " Oh, dear Lord,
16:49 dear Lord. You called us here together
16:53 and we just need by Your grace to be reminded today
16:58 of who we are and what we ought to be about.
17:04 Thank you for Your promise, and we rely upon it now
17:08 because we are weak and You are strong.
17:10 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
17:14 Now the apostle Peter says a few words to you and to me.
17:20 He says in I Peter the second chapter and verse 9
17:25 he says: "But you are a chosen generation. "
17:31 That's who you are. Now I get a little tough with
17:35 people because people keep telling me:
17:37 "I'm just a layman. "
17:39 What do you mean you're just a layman?
17:40 You're just a stone in the body of Christ in the temple.
17:44 I'm just a layman?
17:46 Now I'm going to confess to you
17:49 I think you're a wonderful layman.
17:51 I think you're great people because you have supported
17:54 this work all these years.
17:56 And I was a little, pitiful boy preacher.
18:00 I was barely 21 years old.
18:03 I didn't have a dime.
18:05 I went out to preach, and I haven't suffered in all those
18:09 sixty years! Amen.
18:12 Why? Because somebody supported the work of God.
18:15 So I ain't gonna let nobody downtalk you.
18:17 Amen. You know you're somebody?
18:21 If you have wisdom enough, sense enough,
18:26 gumption enough to hear that preacher or whoever came to you
18:30 give you the message of truth for these last days
18:33 and you saw it and you believed it and you accepted it
18:37 I have respect for you.
18:40 Amen. So you're somebody to me.
18:44 They might not know you're down on Broad Street
18:47 but I know you're here on God's Street - Amen -
18:51 because you have kept the work of God moving along
18:55 with your bounties and your gifts and your love
18:58 and your labor.
19:01 So you are priests of God.
19:06 Chosen generation... peculiar people.
19:10 "That ye should... " I'm going to your assignment now...
19:13 "That ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath
19:16 called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
19:20 Which in time past were not a people. "
19:25 The Lord didn't call you because you're good looking.
19:28 You may be good looking.
19:29 He didn't call you because you're wealthy.
19:32 You may be wealthy.
19:34 You were not anything in the past but now you are
19:37 the people of God. Amen.
19:41 "Which had not obtained mercy before but now...
19:45 but now you have obtained mercy. "
19:49 You are living stones. You are part of the building,
19:54 the building that He is erecting here.
19:57 You're building... building every day a temple.
20:01 It's not made with hands and you are a part of it.
20:05 You're lively stones.
20:07 You've built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood
20:11 and you are to offer up spiritual sacrifices.
20:16 You are!
20:19 And they have a big thing about ordination in our church.
20:23 I don't care what the brethren say, you are ordained
20:26 already.
20:29 You are ordained. Nobody said "Amen. "
20:31 Maybe you don't believe me?
20:32 You don't believe what this preacher is preaching to you
20:34 here today. I picked up a little book:
20:39 Ephesians by Marcus Barth...
20:43 son of Karl Barth...
20:46 where he's writing in volume 2 of that series of commentaries
20:52 on page 449 he says and I believe him:
20:56 "All members are chosen tools" - you are -
21:00 "chosen tools of the Head for communicating
21:06 the nourishment, vitality, unity, solidity
21:11 to the body as a whole. The weakest member
21:15 is in this case as essential to the life of the body
21:21 as the strongest. "
21:25 Now I look up to Elder Ted Wilson.
21:28 I know his daddy; I worked with him 20 years
21:31 "cheek and jowl" as the Brits would say.
21:34 Know the family, but he's president of the General
21:37 Conference. I look up to him.
21:40 But that doesn't mean I look down to you.
21:43 Everybody ought to say "Amen. " Come on, now.
21:45 I look up to Elder Mark Finley. Amen.
21:49 One of the greatest evangelists we've ever had.
21:51 Amen. He would go into the jaws of a lion
21:55 to preach the message. Amen.
21:58 He's almost like old Charles what you call him
22:00 the early evangelist. He went to Rome and preached in the
22:03 shadow of the Vatican.
22:05 Preach anywhere. I look up to him
22:08 but that doesn't mean I look down to you.
22:10 And that doesn't mean that you are not a part of him.
22:15 And he has a responsibility to you.
22:19 Well what are we trying to say?
22:22 We're trying to say we're all bound up together
22:26 brothers and sisters here in the cause of God
22:29 and there are no big "I's. " There are no little "you's. "
22:33 At the foot of the cross the ground is level. Amen!
22:38 So I can walk into the church anywhere I go in the world.
22:41 I walked in the Seventh-day Adventist church 1968.
22:45 I walked into the church in Moscow... 1968.
22:53 We had a great day that day.
22:55 And after the service somebody told me
22:58 "Did you see that man way up in the balcony? "
23:00 "Yeah. " Said: "He's from the KGB. "
23:05 It's almost like the Lord. He sees all you do
23:07 and He hears all you say and He's writing all the time. "
23:11 But you know, in Russia in those days - I don't know how
23:13 it is now - but you had to preach pretty long.
23:16 You know. You remember that, don't you?
23:18 You can preach about 20, 30 minutes.
23:20 What's the matter with you? Can't you, preacher brother?
23:25 And so sometimes the old spy would get a little tired
23:29 and he'd do like most Adventists do, he'd just take a little nod,
23:32 you know. He was almost like one of us.
23:35 But I felt at home there.
23:37 That's what I was trying to say.
23:38 I felt at home.
23:40 Some brethren from way out in Siberia somewhere
23:43 came to see us. And we said: "How did you know? "
23:46 He said: "We can't tell you because you Americans
23:49 talk too much.
23:51 But we found out about it and we came here to see you. "
23:56 Oh, it's a wonderful thing to be a part of the family of God.
23:59 What about it? Amen!
24:00 I've been over in Africa
24:04 in some of the most remote areas
24:09 where they sit on a log.
24:11 And they are worshiping, and the old deacon walks through.
24:16 He has a little stick,
24:18 and if anybody's nodding he just taps them a little bit.
24:22 I said: "I'm in the Seventh- day Adventist church! "
24:26 I feel at home... I feel at home
24:28 and I can't even speak... I don't understand the language.
24:30 Elder Robert Carter and I, my old friend... He was the
24:33 president of the mission over in Uganda.
24:35 We were there at that place that they had...
24:37 beautiful place up on the hill.
24:38 All the Adventists are on the hill you know.
24:40 You go overseas most of our schools and churches
24:42 are on the hill. And we went up on the hill.
24:44 He lived there in the compound.
24:46 We sat down Sabbath afternoon, Sabbath evening,
24:49 had a sundown worship service.
24:51 And the preachers - they really respect you there -
24:53 they put us right up there on the front and they took care
24:55 of us. Brought us a little water, everything.
24:57 And then they sang. And we got our songbook out
25:00 and they also had a songbook with little symbols there
25:04 that you could make a little sound, and we began singing.
25:08 Now we are ministers of the gospel, baptized, ordained,
25:12 married, fathers. And there we were reading.
25:16 And something happened and I looked over at Bob
25:19 and he was trying to pronounce it and I couldn't pronounce it.
25:21 And we started laughing right in the house of God!
25:28 But we were at home
25:30 with our brothers and sisters.
25:35 Now I've got a little something that's tough for the brethren.
25:39 You ought to know me by now.
25:41 I've tackled the brethren every now and then.
25:45 Ellen G. White - Sister White - says, Review and Herald
25:49 July 16, 1895, she said:
25:52 "The work of God is retarded by the criminal
25:57 unbelief.. " That's a hard word, isn't it?
26:01 "criminal unbelief in His power to use the common people
26:07 to carry forward His work successfully. "
26:12 Who am I to prevent you from doing the work
26:17 that God has called you to do? Amen.
26:21 I must not prevent you. I'm not your father.
26:25 I'm not your owner... I'm your brother.
26:30 And if the Lord called you to do a ministry,
26:32 I must support you to the hilt. Amen.
26:36 Also I mustn't let you get away either.
26:38 If I am your pastor, leader in your church,
26:42 I ought to be a talent scout.
26:46 You know they say... Some people have a little saying.
26:50 They say that... they said: "What is a Puritan? "
26:53 And I said: "A Puritan is someone whose greatest fear is
26:57 that somewhere in the world somebody may be happy. "
27:03 But as your pastor, I must have a great fear...
27:09 As I look out over the flock I must have a great fear
27:14 that somebody in this church may not be using the gifts
27:20 God has given him, and it ought to make me
27:22 break out in a cold sweat.
27:25 Because God gave gifts to be used! Amen.
27:30 You have an assignment.
27:34 And so old Brother Bradford is here today to remind you
27:37 of that assignment. Yes, you came Sabbath.
27:40 You went to church and you prayed and you did all that.
27:43 You came to Sabbath School, gave your offering.
27:45 But that's just the beginning.
27:48 You're on duty 24 hours a day.
27:52 You must not... You must REDEEM the time
27:56 because the days are evil.
27:58 So what we need desperately
28:03 is a renewed focus on the church
28:06 as God agency for salvation.
28:11 His response to the sin problem... we know what He did.
28:15 And to rescue a planet gone astray... I'm using a Bible
28:20 that George Vandeman gave me.
28:24 And George's... one of his favorite phrases he almost
28:28 coined... he called earth "the planet in rebellion. "
28:34 The planet gone astray. Of course, there is first of all
28:38 as the pastor spoke about here today
28:42 number one - numero uno - is the cross.
28:49 You can't get away from the cross.
28:52 At the cross, the instrument of suffering and shame,
28:56 Yahweh God takes not the blame but the responsibility for
29:02 the mess and He reconciles, He clears the way.
29:07 He turns on the spotlight, and Calvary covers it all.
29:12 But Calvary does not end it all.
29:16 Now I wrote this so I'd say it right.
29:18 Usually I'm ad libbing all the time and winging it.
29:21 But I'm not going to fool around this time with it,
29:24 I wrote it down.
29:27 Calvary covers it all but does not end it all.
29:34 Fifty days after came tsunami
29:39 in an upper room... whirlwind.
29:42 The greatest cyclonic force since the creation takes place.
29:46 The unleashing of powers that were restrained for generations
29:50 are now turned loose. Amen.
29:52 Now the plan could be revealed in full. Amen.
29:57 Ah, my great God. You know friend, we must not diminish
30:03 the power of God... the magnitude of God.
30:07 Don't play around with God.
30:09 Don't mention His name thoughtlessly. Amen.
30:13 God!
30:15 When the enemy raised his head
30:19 in the midst of His kingdom
30:22 He knew at once what He had to do.
30:26 You know, elder, you preached that, man. I loved it.
30:30 They came and took me out.
30:32 You saw they had to pull me out of my seat here.
30:34 I was enjoying that message and I'm angry with them
30:37 until now. I'm praying the Lord will forgive them.
30:41 But you spoke it so well!
30:45 He had to pay the price.
30:48 He took the responsibility.
30:51 And you know what Sister White says?
30:53 Sister White says we don't commiserate and sympathize
30:58 with God in His suffering. Huh? OK.
31:02 Somebody said: "Well, I'm suffering so bad. "
31:04 Yes, God has been suffering for more than 6,000 years.
31:11 God has never had a painless day. Oh, my soul!
31:15 Never! My God... He took the responsibility for it.
31:20 He could have snapped His fingers and all would have been
31:23 gone and nicely cool and sweet as Eden again,
31:27 but no, He took the responsibility.
31:32 This plan that was hid for generations
31:35 is opened up now, and the world is invited to come and drink...
31:40 drink of the fountain of waters.
31:42 And when you drink of the fountain of waters, you
31:44 become partners with Him.
31:46 Isn't that a beautiful thing?
31:47 We are laborers together with God. Amen. Partners!
31:51 I had a teacher in Oakwood College, a very fine woman.
31:55 She'd been on Broadway and all that.
31:57 And she used to call... she used to use a phrase...
32:01 She said: "This is the house of God and sons. "
32:05 And over in England they would say Ltd... limited.
32:09 And I would say limited to those who are washed
32:11 in the blood of the Lamb.
32:13 Those who drink these waters are now a part of the caravan
32:20 that's going into all the world giving the invitation:
32:22 "Come buy without money without price. "
32:25 And they... YOU... become officers of the court
32:29 with subpoenas and general amnesties.
32:34 Calvary. Yes, it was the end of the beginning
32:38 but Pentecost was the beginning of the end.
32:42 It's a seamless story. Yahweh put it together.
32:45 This church... This church, which I believe to be fully
32:49 authorized and genuine remnant community...
32:53 is mandated by heaven to be keepers of the flame.
32:57 To let it shine... never let it go out.
32:59 It must now - this church must now - look to itself,
33:03 take an inward look, to discover - rediscover -
33:08 our roots and to be the community that shows forth
33:13 the praises of Him who called them out of darkness
33:17 into the marvelous light.
33:19 I say "let the church be the church. " What about you?
33:23 Amen. Let the church be the church.
33:25 Don't try to govern the church.
33:27 Huh? Don't try to influence the church to go my way.
33:31 Huh? No, no! Let the church be the church.
33:36 Tell the Holy Spirit to come in. He's the Guardian, isn't He?
33:39 He's the Guide. He is the Comforter.
33:42 Let the church be the church. Pentecost was Inauguration Day.
33:47 Messiah was enthroned on that day.
33:51 And where is His throne? Right here among His people.
33:54 A nation was born, and all of its subjects become ambassadors.
34:01 Moses, which came through... You know, Moses...
34:03 Somebody said: "They're over there prophesying. "
34:05 And Moses said: "I wish all God's people were prophets. "
34:10 Witnesses and models of this new situation.
34:15 So the newly baptized become a saving community
34:20 where Christ is enthroned.
34:23 Where? What is Jesus' address?
34:26 Jesus' address is where two or three are gathered together.
34:30 Ah, come on now: "I am there. "
34:33 Now I don't want to get in any trouble.
34:37 I am very careful. But Jesus said:
34:43 "When you want to see Me
34:45 you don't go to the Conference committee. "
34:48 I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.
34:52 He's there... but His place of residence
34:57 is in His church. Amen. That's where He is.
35:01 That's where He lives!
35:04 Jesus is in His church, and His church is the agency
35:07 that will bring this rebel planet back to Him! Amen.
35:11 He's using us. We are His first line of defense.
35:15 And the end, my brother, my sister, the end
35:20 has already begun. Do you believe that? Amen.
35:23 The end has already begun. Amen.
35:26 We cannot overemphasize how great our God is
35:31 and what He is doing in the plan that He has devised
35:35 for our salvation.
35:39 So I have got to be transparent. I've got to look above all else
35:44 to see what the people of God are doing.
35:49 What are you doing for Jesus
35:53 as the days go by?
35:56 And I must tell you that His intent - God's intent -
35:59 was for you to be His mouthpiece
36:04 in the earth.
36:07 So each one, Peter says,
36:10 should use whatever gift he has received to serve others.
36:14 Amen.
36:16 So we preachers can't preach just to make the saints
36:20 feel comfortable.
36:23 Sometimes we've got to stir you all up.
36:26 Amen.
36:27 Now you may be mad when you go home for your Sabbath dinner
36:30 but that's all right.
36:33 If you're mad, you're still alive. Come on now.
36:36 If you're dead you would have no response at all,
36:39 but here you are now. All of us are here.
36:42 And each of us is a part of this grand assignment.
36:47 And it will not be over until Jesus returns
36:51 in the clouds of glory. Amen!
36:55 Now I want to go back to Malachi.
36:57 I've got some good light. I don't say new light.
37:01 I spoke about new light too much, and a dear person
37:05 came to me last night and said: "I've got some new light
37:07 for you. " Right here. And I accepted it.
37:11 That's right. I accepted it and I thanked the person.
37:15 Didn't say male or female. I thanked the person
37:18 for that wonderful light brought to me which I needed all along.
37:21 So I'm going to Malachi. Where are we going?
37:23 Malachi. We're going to Malachi
37:25 the third chapter. We're talking to the people who are assigned.
37:29 God's assignment people.
37:31 Look at verse 1. "Behold... " he says.
37:35 "I will send My messenger
37:38 and he will prepare the way before Me.
37:42 And the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to His temple.
37:47 Even the messenger of the covenant
37:51 whom ye delight in. Behold, He shall come
37:55 saith the Lord of Hosts. "
37:58 He's speaking now to us
38:00 because Sister White says Malachi and Revelation
38:05 go together. He's speaking to us and he says:
38:09 "But who may abide the day of His coming?
38:12 Who shall stand when He appeareth?
38:14 For He is like a refiner's fire
38:17 and like fullers' soap. "
38:19 When He comes this is what He does: He will purify.
38:23 "He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver;
38:28 He shall purify the sons of Levi,
38:31 purge them as gold and silver,
38:32 that they may offer unto the Lord an offering
38:36 in righteousness. "
38:38 Now what is Malachi telling us?
38:41 He's telling us that... What do we have there singing?
38:45 Somebody hear some singing?
38:48 I don't know how it got on. Let's turn that singing off
38:53 because I don't want you to hear them singing
38:56 I want you to hear me preaching.
38:58 I'm sorry. Thank you very much
39:01 for giving us a little more calmness in our soul.
39:04 Well Ellen White says - Sister White says -
39:07 that Jesus here coming to His temple
39:13 is actually a representation of what we call
39:18 the Investigative Judgment.
39:21 All right? Now you've got to think now.
39:24 I'm not just entertaining you.
39:25 There's a little bit of entertainment in preaching.
39:27 We're not doing any kind of entertaining in this.
39:30 I was talking about something that's as serious as it
39:33 possibly can be.
39:35 Sister White says that this coming to the temple
39:40 is not the coming in the clouds of heaven
39:41 but it is coming to set up the Investigative Judgment.
39:47 Now let's go to Daniel.
39:50 I think you're listening now. Let's go to Daniel.
39:53 Let's go to Daniel. We'll go to Daniel chapter 7
39:57 which we all know so well.
40:00 Daniel chapter 7. And we're going to talk here
40:04 in Daniel... We're going to begin here in Daniel 7
40:08 where he says: "I beheld till the thrones
40:13 were cast down... " OK?
40:14 That's verse 9.
40:17 "and the Ancient of Days did sit. "
40:20 The Father.
40:21 "Whose garment was white as snow, His hair like pure wool.
40:26 His throne was like a fiery flame,
40:29 and His wheels as burning fire. "
40:31 Look at verse 10.
40:32 "A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him.
40:37 Thousands, thousands ministered unto Him.
40:39 Ten thousands times ten thousands stood before Him. "
40:43 And what does it say? "The judgment was set
40:46 and the books were opened. "
40:50 Then verse 11 he says:
40:52 "I beheld then because of the voice of the great words
40:55 which the horn spake. I beheld even till the beast
40:58 was slain, his body destroyed and given to the burning flame.
41:01 As concerned the rest of the beasts, they had dominion
41:04 taken away. Their lives were prolonged for a season. "
41:07 And verse 13 says:
41:10 "I saw in the night visions
41:13 and behold, one like the Son of Man
41:16 came with the clouds of heaven.
41:18 Came to the Ancient of Days and they brought Him
41:22 near before Him. "
41:25 Look at the scene. Never been before portrayed
41:30 in any literature.
41:33 The great God, the Father of us all,
41:37 seated on His throne.
41:41 And now they bring someone in in the night vision.
41:47 One like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven
41:52 and came to the Ancient of Days
41:56 and they brought Him near before Him.
41:58 That's the reason Adventists never use the word trinity.
42:02 You know that, don't you?
42:04 The word trinity is not in any of Ellen White's writings
42:07 and the preachers didn't preach on it.
42:08 But before they understood really what the trinity is
42:12 there was three Gods in one.
42:15 There was there Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
42:19 And these three are one, and before we...
42:22 We don't need to concoct any words to describe Him.
42:26 There He is: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
42:29 Amen!
42:31 And they brought the Son in to the Father.
42:36 Presented Him to the Ancient of Days.
42:40 "And there was given Him dominion and glory and a kingdom
42:43 that all people, nations, and languages served Him.
42:46 His dominion is an everlasting dominion
42:49 which shall not pass away
42:52 and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed. "
42:57 Seventh-day Adventist brothers and sisters,
42:59 we really need to sharpen up this one.
43:03 We need to grasp and we need to understand
43:06 the scene. We need to view it carefully and distinctively.
43:10 We need to look at what is really happening.
43:13 There it is, my friends. During this time
43:16 between the already and the not yet
43:19 something happens in glory!
43:22 The Father said: "It's time to set up the end. "
43:27 "It's time to make choices of who shall sit on those
43:31 thrones in glory. "
43:33 "It's time for us to gather a people: every nation,
43:36 kindred, tongue, and people.
43:38 It's time for us to bring them into a fellowship...
43:42 a communion one with another
43:45 so that they will learn to live with each other and
43:47 agree with each other. " By the way,
43:50 we are... We have great doctrines and wonderful truths
43:55 and we can memorize them all. And that would be good;
43:57 it would be helpful. But you know,
44:00 that's not the end thereof.
44:03 The end thereof: to get a people together who love one another
44:08 just like Jesus loved them. Amen.
44:11 That's what it's all about.
44:13 F. Scott Fitzgerald... I never read all of his stuff
44:16 but I read people who read them. You know, I get a little reviews
44:18 here and there. F. Scott Fitzgerald, greatest...
44:21 supposedly the greatest novelist in the world
44:23 and wrote The Great Gatsby and all that type of stuff.
44:25 He wrote... When he passed away he left all of his writings
44:29 in the hand of his executor.
44:32 Now you never get through with your writings... you know that.
44:37 And after... Now this is terrible but Mark,
44:41 after Bro. Mark is gone somebody'll be rumbling through
44:45 his sermons and some graduate student will say: "Oh, this is
44:49 what he said here. " Well, when F. Scott Fitzgerald passed on
44:53 they went through his writings and they had a lot of plots
44:55 that he had never finished. One of the plots was
44:58 a rich man on a hill had six buddies down in a valley
45:02 who were poor as Joe's turkey but he liked to play cards
45:05 and chess with them and so forth and so on.
45:07 And so they had a big time all the time.
45:09 And then he went to his palace, they went to their little huts.
45:13 And he liked them a great deal so he made up his will
45:16 and his will said: "When I'm gone you six guys
45:21 will have my house. "
45:23 But there's a little... what you call it? a little something here
45:27 Huh? Caveat! Man, you're smart.
45:30 Caveat... a little caveat here
45:33 and the caveat is: "you guys have got to live in this house
45:37 one year without one cross word between you
45:40 and then you will own it. "
45:45 And so my Lord has called us together.
45:47 He said: "You've got to live here and love one another. "
45:51 Come on now. Amen!
45:53 I have had deacons say: "I ain't gonna work with him. "
45:57 And that's just where you need to be. Come on now.
46:00 Because because because I rub you and you rub me.
46:04 And that rubbing you files me down makes me smooth
46:08 on that side. So sit down next to that brother.
46:12 Shake hands with that sister.
46:15 And these people of God... let me tell you about it.
46:17 These people of God are going to learn to live together
46:22 and the whole universe is going to look on them and say
46:25 "How could the Lord ever do that? "
46:28 Well He's God Almighty isn't He, friends?
46:30 He knows what He's doing.
46:31 He can bring enemies together and make them friends.
46:34 And my Bible says "When a man's ways please the Lord
46:38 He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. "
46:41 Amen.
46:43 And God bless the church that loves each other.
46:50 And that doesn't mean that we are all just a bunch
46:52 of little... give me another word.
46:56 The Lord doesn't want us to just be here robots.
47:03 He wants us to speak the truth.
47:06 And if I made a mistake in my sermon, you ought to
47:09 come see me. Say: "Brother, you said the wrong thing. "
47:11 I may get a little hot for one minute
47:14 and then I gather myself and say: "You're right.
47:18 Let's pray about it. " And you know?
47:20 I found this out about my people -
47:23 and all you are my people,
47:25 you may not own me but you're my people -
47:28 all of you are my people, but I found out something about
47:32 my people: we have a hard time going to my brother, my sister,
47:37 We go to the phone... and we text it
47:43 and we spread it around.
47:47 And as you play that game Gossip as it goes from one to the other
47:50 it begins to grow and grow and grow
47:53 until the first man that put it in won't even recognize it.
47:56 How much better it is
48:00 if something comes up and I have a little problem
48:05 with you or you with me
48:07 that you come to me. Amen. Huh?
48:12 That's what He said. When He set that church up...
48:14 when He set the church up He gave it a
48:17 constitution and bylaws. Hmmm?
48:19 The con... Yes it is, yes it is.
48:22 Constitution. I'm a constitutionalist!
48:26 The constitution said: "Upon this rock I build My church.
48:30 Gates of hell shall not prevail against it. "
48:32 But then it goes on and gives you some bylaws to live by.
48:37 And they say: "If you have ought against your brother... "
48:39 That's the bylaws.
48:43 Don't go to this one, that one, and the other one.
48:45 Go to him or her.
48:49 And I have done it. Now lots of times, friends,
48:52 I've got to admit I'm sinful, I'm weak.
48:54 Lot of times just didn't want to do it.
48:57 But whenever the Lord got behind me and pushed me,
49:02 wouldn't give me rest.
49:04 That's why my dear old dad used to pray about us boys.
49:08 Say: "Lord, give them no rest day nor night. "
49:14 And I went to my brother.
49:16 I said: "I hear about these things. What about it? "
49:22 He said: "This is the way it was. "
49:23 And you know, most of the time when I get to the brother
49:26 or sister and they tell me the way it really was
49:30 it's new to me. I didn't know it was like that.
49:32 But somebody brought it to me the wrong way.
49:35 Now this is maybe a little too practical.
49:38 This is not theoretical.
49:41 You can't win on this by just saying in a quiz or test
49:46 for a grade... this is life!
49:50 This is life.
49:53 Momma and Daddy: the Lord told you don't let the sun go down.
49:59 Hmmm?
50:03 And I'm going to pray for you. I'll say: "Lord, don't give them
50:05 any rest day nor night. "
50:09 Because this church has got to be one people
50:12 going through together to the kingdom.
50:15 And let me tell you this one thing:
50:17 the old African brethren say "when the cattle stick together
50:22 the lions go hungry. "
50:28 So He says: "This is My messenger. " He's right now
50:32 in the sanctuary. That's where He is.
50:35 The Leader, our Jesus, is there and said He'll sit like a
50:40 purifier of silver, gold. He purifies you.
50:45 A refiner's fire and a fuller's soap!
50:49 Grandma's lye soap.
50:53 Get any stain out of you.
50:55 Might kill you after you wear it, but...
50:57 no stain can stand Grandma's lye soap.
51:01 And He'll sit there. Jesus, our Savior who loves us,
51:05 sits there. And I'm here to tell you
51:08 that the church is the crucible.
51:12 And He throws us all in there
51:15 and He turns on the heat.
51:19 And the old preachers used to say
51:21 that the refiner would tell them when there was enough heat.
51:25 He didn't want to just you know... when He
51:28 put up the heat a little more a little more
51:30 it became molten. And he said: "How long? "
51:32 He said: "I put the heat on until I can look into it
51:36 and see the reflection of my own face. "
51:40 And Ellen White says "When the church" - huh? -
51:44 "reflects the character of Christ
51:48 then He will... " do what? "Come to claim them as His own. "
51:55 And so I'm here to tell you like the preacher said before
52:00 "We are winners. " Now I'm so sorry for my colloquialisms
52:06 and my common expressions, but we used to tell the boys
52:09 on the playground: "You can't win
52:15 because of the mess you're in.
52:18 But I can't lose with the stuff I use. "
52:23 Now it's not good - don't repeat it out of here -
52:25 but you understand what I mean. I mean that God has given us
52:30 an advantage - Amen -
52:33 because the refiner is purifying us.
52:36 And then when it's purified He can stamp upon it
52:40 "hallmark, hallmark, hallmark, "
52:43 and that hallmark will carry you through to the kingdom of God.
52:49 These are the words the Lord gave me to speak.
52:52 These are the words I have tried to bring you in my feeble way
52:56 today because the Spirit of God has come and been poured out.
53:00 And Peter got up on Pentecost Day;
53:02 he said the same thing. He said: "Just like Joel said
53:06 it will happen now. Everybody who receives Him
53:10 will receive the Holy Spirit in His fullness. "
53:14 So I leave you with these words: it only takes a what?
53:18 Spark to get the fire burning.
53:22 Right here, right here. I know I'm a little longer
53:27 but I've got to finish this little part. Right here,
53:30 right here: 3ABN Camp Meeting
53:36 Homecoming. Right here let the fire fall.
53:42 Amen. Let the fire fall!
53:45 I want the people to say with Bradford:
53:48 "Let the fire fall... let the fire fall! "
53:52 It only takes a spark to set the fire glowing.
53:58 And don't you get too near to me 'cause you're going to get
54:01 some fire.
54:03 All right. God bless you; God bless you.
54:09 It only takes a spark
54:14 to get a fire going.
54:20 And soon all those around
54:25 will warm up in its glowing.
54:31 That's how it is with
54:34 God's love...
54:38 once you've experienced it
54:42 you share His love
54:45 to everyone
54:48 You want to pass it on. Hold that up a minute.
54:54 Hold that up... evangelists are like this:
54:56 they butt in on everybody.
54:58 I want to say this to you: you can do it now.
55:03 Right here you can stand up on your feet.
55:07 Come on. Stand up on your feet and say: "Lord,
55:09 let the fire fall on me today. Let it fall on me. "
55:13 "Lord, breathe on me breath of God. "
55:16 "Let the fire fall on me. "
55:18 Let's go out of here with firebrands, every one of us.
55:21 Carrying a firebrand and lighting others.
55:24 Lighting others with the fire
55:28 that we received at 3ABN. Amen.
55:32 Now sing one more time and then we'll have the benediction.
55:36 Once more please now.
55:39 I wish for you my friend
55:43 this happiness that I've found.
55:49 You can depend on Him
55:54 it matters not where you're bound.
56:00 I'll shout it
56:03 from the mountain tops.
56:08 I want the world to know
56:14 the Lord of Love
56:17 has come to me
56:20 I want to pass
56:27 it on.
56:33 Oh, Father in heaven,
56:35 we thank you, Lord,
56:39 for sending us this message today through the power
56:42 of the Holy Spirit and through your servant, Elder Bradford.
56:46 Father I pray that we will take this to heart,
56:50 every part of it.
56:53 Father, I pray that hurts will be healed.
56:58 That feelings will evaporate.
57:04 That the goals will be set of spreading the gospel
57:09 together around the world
57:11 to a lost and dying world.
57:16 Father take us...
57:19 use us, human as we are, Father.
57:23 Use us we pray. In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17