3ABN Homecoming 2011

We Are Identified

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles E. Bradford


Series Code: 11HC

Program Code: 11HC000008

00:48 Well we are looking forward to another service
00:52 to prepare your hearts for the coming of the Lord
00:54 because we believe Jesus is coming soon.
00:57 We do. Amen. And we sing about it.
01:00 We pray about it. We preach the message.
01:03 And we believe it with all of our hearts
01:06 that He is coming back very, very soon.
01:10 And you know something? The world is starting to
01:12 get that message.
01:13 A hundred and some odd... fifty years ago
01:17 there was only one small group proclaiming that Christ was
01:20 coming again soon.
01:22 Now you will hear it - maybe different variations of it -
01:26 but you hear that He is coming back.
01:30 And we believe that God wants us to understand
01:33 how He's coming back, understand that He IS coming back,
01:38 that we are living in the time of the end.
01:40 He does caution us that no one knows the day nor the hour.
01:44 So if anybody's predicting that, be careful
01:48 about following that kind of teaching.
01:50 But the Bible is very clear
01:52 about the second coming of Jesus Christ.
01:55 Amen. It surely is. And it gives us the hope.
01:59 I mean, without the second coming there's really no hope,
02:01 right? Because a Creator God... He created us,
02:05 made a place for us, made a plan of salvation,
02:08 prepared a home. And without any of that
02:10 where would we go when we die? Now we have something
02:13 to look for: to live and reign and rule with our Heavenly
02:15 Father forever and ever. God is good, isn't He?
02:18 God is good all the time, right?
02:21 We had a theme song scheduled but right before we came out
02:24 here... John, you missed this.
02:26 Right before we came out maybe when Tim is through...
02:29 We'll have you say a little prayer if you would. Sure.
02:32 But instead of the theme song tonight...
02:34 Tim Parton... of course, we're so thrilled that he's here
02:36 and part of the 3ABN team, but what a lot of folk don't know
02:39 Tim also sings. So I walked over and held a microphone
02:43 and he just sang a song that just put chill bumps.
02:45 I don't know about you... but just God is good.
02:47 So, Tim, I'm going to walk over here with the mic
02:50 and maybe you could sing this song for us.
02:59 Lately I've been looking back
03:02 along this winding road
03:06 to the old familiar markers
03:10 and all the mercies I have known.
03:14 I know it may sound simple
03:18 but it's more than a cliché.
03:21 For there's no better way to tell You
03:26 than to say:
03:31 "God's been good
03:36 in my life,
03:39 and I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams
03:44 when I go to sleep each night.
03:48 And though I've had my share of hard times
03:53 I wouldn't change them if I could.
03:56 For through it all...
04:00 God's been good. "
04:05 You see, God has been my Father,
04:09 my Savior, and my Friend.
04:13 And His love was my beginning
04:17 and His love will be my end.
04:21 Now I could spend forever trying to tell You
04:27 everything He is
04:32 but the best way that I can say it
04:38 is simply this:
04:42 "God's been good
04:49 in my life,
04:52 and I feel so blessed
04:56 beyond my wildest dreams
04:59 when I go to sleep each night.
05:02 And though I've had my share of hard times
05:07 I wouldn't change them if I could.
05:12 For through it all...
05:21 God's been
05:25 good. "
05:35 Amen. Beautiful, beautiful. Thank you.
05:37 That's it right there.
05:40 That was wonderful. Thank you very much, Tim.
05:44 You blessed us. You really, really did.
05:46 Well this is a night of blessing.
05:49 We've had a day of blessing.
05:50 We had a fantastic message to start the day
05:54 by Brenda Walsh. And then Pastor Mark Finley came along
05:58 and led us into a prayer time with the Holy Spirit.
06:02 And then we heard from Pastor Charles Bradford.
06:07 Message about the good man being lost,
06:11 the bad man being saved.
06:13 Great message!
06:14 And we are looking forward.
06:15 And then Shelley Quinn in the afternoon.
06:18 Wow, Shelley! I really appreciated that.
06:20 That was a fantastic message on grace.
06:24 It really was.
06:26 I'm glad that you predicted rain because it was sun shiny
06:29 and beautiful today. He told us last night,
06:32 didn't he, if he predicted rain it'd be sunshine.
06:34 But it was clouding up about 5:30 and I thought
06:37 "Wow, I've got a few more minutes here to be right. "
06:42 You did good; you did good.
06:44 But you know so many times you predict just the opposite
06:47 of what you really want.
06:49 And the Lord couldn't have given us a better day
06:51 than He did today. It was really beautiful.
06:55 It was a day for getting dressed quickly and getting back
06:58 to the meeting. Oh, I tell you...
07:01 That was amazing. I tell you, Brother John
07:05 he made a quick trip... Should I tell them real quick?
07:10 Tell them real quick, John. You know what? Elder Bradford
07:12 was preaching such a good message and I thought: "A man
07:15 with such caliber doesn't need me to sit around and listen.
07:18 I'm going to go home and get comfortable,
07:20 take my suit off, get ready to cut my grass.
07:23 And I was sitting down listening to Elder Bradford
07:26 and about 13 minutes out he said:
07:28 "As I begin to say my final words... "
07:31 And I thought: "He's going to end before the time
07:34 and no one's there to go ahead and come to the stage
07:37 if he does. " That's right. And the Holy Spirit...
07:39 Because see John had brought him on
07:40 and it's the responsibility of the person that brings them on
07:44 to stay around... to stay around and to be the one that
07:47 wraps up. And... And I got in my car...
07:51 The Holy Spirit kicked me when I was on my couch.
07:53 Ran into my room. Jumped into my suit like a fireman.
07:58 Grabbed my belt which I thought was my tie -
08:00 yeah - and I thank the Lord we don't have any police
08:03 in Thompsonville.
08:06 Oh boy... you were somewhere between law and grace.
08:09 That's right... right!
08:11 You would have been all mixed up in Shelley's message
08:14 this afternoon I guarantee you.
08:17 Well, but you made it, and... That's right.
08:19 And it was right on time. You know, it doesn't matter:
08:23 if you're on time, you're on time.
08:25 So you did make it.
08:28 We just love our whole team here.
08:30 I said last night. People say: 'You fellows seem to like
08:33 each other. " We do! If you've ever worked somewhere
08:37 where people didn't like each other,
08:39 you know how important it is to work where they do.
08:42 And it's... It's a real blessing.
08:45 It really is a great blessing.
08:48 Well, when Jim came here... I'll tell you quickly this:
08:50 when Jim came I said: "I wonder if he'll like living in this -
08:54 he's from Dallas, you know - this little area?
08:55 The town here is 600; West Frankfort is about 9,000.
08:59 So I said: "Now what you need to do
09:01 to really fit in if you want to fit in this area -
09:03 West Frankfort Redbirds" - I said: "You need a red truck. "
09:06 I just happened to have one for sale.
09:08 I said: "You need a... you need a red pickup. "
09:11 And he bought it, literally. He bought what I said
09:13 and bought the truck. And now he drives around
09:15 and everybody thinks he's a local 'cause he's representing
09:18 the West Frankfort Redbirds. That's right.
09:20 And if you have a red truck around here, you're in.
09:23 People wave at you with a red truck.
09:26 I tried a white truck first. Didn't work.
09:28 Well the St. Louis Cardinals, see?
09:30 We root most of us here for the St. Louis Cardinals
09:32 plus now the West Frankfort Redbirds.
09:35 So you're in. All right. Well, if that's bein' in, I'm in!
09:41 Well, the message tonight from Elder Bradford is
09:44 "We Are Identified. "
09:47 And he needs no introduction.
09:51 He's been the president of the North American Division.
09:54 Preached all over this country.
09:57 Almost everybody here has listened to Elder Bradford
10:01 and I'm sure a great number of you out there
10:04 watching by television and listening by radio
10:07 have heard him preach before.
10:10 But he is a man of God
10:13 and we are so happy that he is here and is our speaker tonight.
10:19 John, would you lead us in prayer before Reggie and Ladye
10:22 come? Reggie and Ladye... what are they going to sing for us,
10:25 Danny? I think it's He Lifts Me Up. OK.
10:28 You Raise Me Up. It's a beautiful song, incredible song.
10:32 All right. And they do only what Reggie and Ladye can do
10:35 with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
10:37 You know we'll be blessed. Right. OK. Well let's pray.
10:40 Gracious Father in heaven, we just heard
10:42 in such wonderful and melodious tones
10:45 that God's been good.
10:48 Lord, it's the goodness of God that leads us to repentance.
10:51 It's not Your law; it's not Your rebuke.
10:57 But Father we stand back in the midst of all of those
11:00 necessities and see that truly it is the goodness of God.
11:03 Tonight, Lord, we invite Your Holy Spirit
11:06 to continue to tabernacle with us
11:08 for we are so in need of a constant filling from on high.
11:13 And we pray tonight as Elder Bradford comes
11:16 and speaks from the Word that You will fill him again.
11:18 Lord, we know that experience is a great teacher,
11:23 but a man who has walked with God throughout his ministry
11:26 has come to be the vessel through which You bless us.
11:29 And do not disappoint, Lord.
11:31 And in the process of him blessing us, bless him also.
11:35 Also, anoint Reggie and Ladye Love as they sing this song
11:38 tonight about Jesus, and may we be raised up into His presence.
11:41 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. Amen.
12:11 When I am down
12:14 and, oh my soul so weary;
12:18 When troubles come
12:22 and my heart burdened be;
12:27 Then, I am still
12:32 and wait here in the silence,
12:36 Until you come
12:39 and sit awhile with me.
12:44 You raise me up, so I
12:50 can stand on mountains;
12:54 You raise me up,
12:57 to walk on stormy seas;
13:02 and I am strong,
13:07 when I am on your shoulders;
13:13 You raise me up...
13:17 to more than I can be.
13:39 Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.
13:55 You raise me up,
13:59 so I can stand on mountains;
14:03 You raise me up,
14:06 to walk on stormy seas;
14:11 And I... I am strong,
14:15 when I am on your shoulders;
14:21 You raise me up...
14:23 to more than I can be.
14:32 There is no life -
14:36 no life without its hunger;
14:41 Each restless heart
14:44 beats so imperfectly;
14:49 But then you come
14:52 and I am filled with wonder,
14:58 Sometimes, I think
15:00 I glimpse eternity.
15:05 You raise me up,
15:08 so I can stand on mountains;
15:13 You raise me up,
15:17 to walk on stormy seas;
15:21 And I am strong,
15:24 when I am on your shoulders;
15:31 You raise me up...
15:35 to more than I can be.
15:41 You raise me up...
15:48 to more than I can
15:57 be.
16:09 Amen.
16:21 A blessed Sabbath to you.
16:24 Amen.
16:25 All twenty-four hours. Amen.
16:29 And we'll not break any one of those hours.
16:33 We want to be in close communion with our Savior
16:38 over this weekend and especially on the sacred hours.
16:44 We are here by God's grace. Amen.
16:47 He has certainly protected and guided us.
16:51 The old preachers used to say when they looked over
16:54 an audience like yours...
16:56 They would say: "We see no visible signs
17:00 of God's displeasure here. "
17:03 No visible signs. All of you looking well and healthy.
17:08 Attentive, and ready to worship your Lord and study His Word.
17:16 We Are Identified.
17:18 We can't hide it.
17:21 The apostle Peter tried to hide it one day, didn't he?
17:25 He used the language of the street,
17:30 but nobody believed it because his speech betrayed him.
17:36 This message... this last message
17:39 for a dying world, as we use the phrase...
17:42 does something to a person
17:45 which distinguishes her or him.
17:51 It distinguishes a person.
17:55 Uh, you even learn a new lingo, don't you?
17:59 Since I've been in this truth -
18:02 only the redeemed know what that means, you know? -
18:06 and when we're called to witness for Christ
18:11 those words that we have studied together
18:14 come alive to us, and the Holy Spirit brings them
18:19 to our lips. And we speak what we have seen.
18:25 We testify what we have heard.
18:29 Now we're still talking about God's end-time people.
18:34 They appear on time.
18:39 God has set these... what do we call them?
18:46 We spoke about it today.
18:48 Periods of time... dispensations.
18:51 He has set these dispensations.
18:54 He has marked time off.
19:00 He shows us that one period leads to another.
19:06 Then comes the final time in which we live.
19:10 So we are not really hidden.
19:13 We're here.
19:15 We have not put up any false signs on our churches.
19:20 We have not denied who we are... I hope.
19:25 We have endeavored to let our light shine.
19:29 We are a people zealous of good works.
19:35 We're trying to do something to lift humanity.
19:40 We're doing our best.
19:43 And what did Paul say? Paul said,
19:47 II Timothy 2:19 he said:
19:51 "Nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure. "
19:58 Aren't you happy you're standing on solid ground?
20:01 Amen.
20:03 Great friend of mine lost his dear wife.
20:06 She stepped off a bus and a truck ran over her.
20:09 Prime of life.
20:12 I called him to bring a little comfort.
20:15 One knows not really what to say.
20:19 And he helped me out. He picked it up. He said:
20:21 "Brad, I tell you: it is tough... a dark time. "
20:25 But he said: "I remember one of those stories
20:27 from Shakespeare or someone over in Europe,
20:29 one of those writers in England who had a man
20:34 falling in a big pond.
20:37 And he was missing for a little bit.
20:40 And then up he came, you know, spouting and coughing
20:45 and saying: 'I have touched bottom and it's solid! ' "
20:51 And so we have touched bottom; it's solid.
20:54 Oh yes, this message is solid!
20:57 Amen. Philadelphia lawyers can't find anything wrong with it.
21:02 Amen. It has been vetted as we say.
21:06 It has been examined; it has been sought out.
21:09 Our pioneers toiled upward in the night.
21:13 Sometimes they disagreed.
21:16 Sometimes they studied all night
21:19 and they prayed, and in the morning light broke through.
21:24 Plank after plank was laid in the foundation.
21:30 Now don't you move a block.
21:32 Don't you stir a pin.
21:34 Let the foundation stand.
21:37 Having the seal... the Lord knoweth them that are His.
21:42 "And let everyone that names the name of Christ
21:46 depart from iniquity. "
21:48 Talking about identifying... identification of a people.
21:54 Well you know, over in Revelation
21:56 we have something that adds to our identity.
22:00 The 7th chapter of Revelation
22:03 where the brethren preach all the time. And it says:
22:06 "And I saw after these things four angels standing on
22:09 the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of strife
22:14 that the wind should not blow on the earth
22:17 nor on the sea nor on any tree.
22:19 And I saw another angel ascending from the East
22:23 having the seal of the living God.
22:26 And he cried with a loud voice
22:29 to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth
22:32 and the sea saying: 'Hurt not the earth
22:35 neither the sea nor the trees
22:37 till we have sealed the servants of our God
22:42 in their foreheads. ' "
22:44 A sealing message, isn't it?
22:46 And by the way, Ellen White said something about
22:51 that sealing message. I tried to jot that down.
22:55 She said: "This seal is a settling in to the truth. "
23:01 Amen.
23:03 I read it: "Just as soon as the people of God
23:07 are sealed in their foreheads... "
23:10 Then a little parentheses, it is not any seal or mark
23:16 that can be seen
23:18 but a settling in to the truth
23:22 both intellectually and spiritually
23:25 so they cannot be moved. Amen!
23:30 And she says: "Just as soon as God's people
23:33 are sealed and prepared for the shaking it will come.
23:38 Indeed it has already begun.
23:41 The judgments of God are now upon the land
23:45 to give us warning that we may know what is coming. "
23:50 Now we are distinctive.
23:54 We can't hide it.
23:56 We can't lose our identity with the crowd
24:01 in the hoi poi of the crowd of people around us.
24:06 We can't help but stand out.
24:08 You're on a job, aren't you?
24:11 Everybody's cussing and swearing, hmmm?
24:14 All kinds of things are going on there.
24:18 I had a brother-in-law, he's passed away now,
24:21 He worked... he was really in a labor union way back.
24:28 And it was one of those tough ones.
24:31 Card carriers... bad boys.
24:35 There he was, the only little Seventh-day Adventist
24:38 around there. He was little but he weighed about 240 lbs.
24:42 And so they noticed he was different.
24:45 So they came to the meeting one night.
24:46 They were electing officers. Now this something...
24:50 Don't tell the brethren about this.
24:51 He... he stood there and some of them grabbed him
24:55 and said: "You're the only... "
24:59 They gave him another word, you know, little adjectives
25:03 to it... "You're the only one in the bunch that
25:05 we can trust. Here, you be the president of our union. "
25:10 I don't know the rest of it. I can't tell you all of it.
25:13 You can put your own end to it if you want to.
25:16 But the point I'm trying to make is that they looked at the man
25:20 and they saw something in him. Amen.
25:22 They saw that he was different.
25:24 Distinctive. Now you know what Peter calls it.
25:28 Peter said something about us. People like to grin about it
25:31 and laugh and make fun of us and say:
25:34 "Yes, you are a peculiar people. " And Peter said
25:37 something like this. He said:
25:39 "You're a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
25:41 a holy nation, a peculiar people
25:44 that you should show forth the praises of Him who
25:47 hath called you out of darkness into the marvelous light. "
25:50 Now peculiar doesn't mean queer and strange.
25:57 Uh, someone gave me a little word from Martin Marty.
26:01 He's a great church theologian up there in Chicago...
26:05 University of Chicago. And he says... this is what Marty says.
26:08 He's writing a foreword in a book written by
26:11 an Adventist author.
26:13 So Dr. Marty, the greatest of historians in his class,
26:16 he writes and he says about Adventists:
26:19 "Peculiar means distinctive. " Amen!
26:23 That's one of our, you know... not enemies,
26:26 but one of our friendly critics.
26:28 "And Adventists certainly are that. "
26:31 He says: "Peculiar also means unusual...
26:36 maybe eccentric or odd, and most outsiders
26:40 to Adventism looking in from their own margins
26:44 have classified it and do classify
26:48 peculiar in that sense. "
26:50 Difference... there is a difference.
26:54 And Elder Gilley and I were just talking about this
26:58 word I am trying to speak here tonight.
27:01 We... I said to him:
27:03 "They claim we don't know who Adventists are.
27:05 We don't know anything about you. "
27:08 Now let me give you a little test.
27:11 No, I'm not going to tell you to do this.
27:13 But if you make a big mistake
27:17 and you are found eating a huge pork chop,
27:21 your neighbor will say: "Oh, I didn't think you ate that! "
27:25 But he doesn't know you.
27:27 Don't let him fool you.
27:30 He's watching you all the time.
27:32 Watching you all the time.
27:34 Now of course we all believe that the most notable mark
27:38 of distinction on us as a people
27:43 is the Sabbath. The Sabbath keeps us in sync.
27:49 I learn all these words from my children
27:52 and young people. Keeps us in sync with God.
27:58 I heard an old evangelist say years ago
28:02 that God is a great symphony conductor.
28:06 And He conducts His universe
28:11 on 6/7 time.
28:14 Now I don't know if there's really any such time
28:17 by musicians, but I'm going to tell you musicians something
28:20 here tonight: God does have a time with which He directs
28:24 the universe and that time, I say, is 6/7 time.
28:29 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, rest.
28:37 Huh? I'll say it again:
28:39 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, rest.
28:44 And so I'm happy... I don't want to talk too loud.
28:48 You know, people tell me "Brother Bradford,
28:49 you preach too loud. " Well I want to get it down
28:52 a little bit... another two or three decibels.
28:56 But I'm happy... I'm so happy
28:59 to be a part of a people who are in sync with God
29:03 and who know 6/7 time. Amen!
29:07 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, rest.
29:11 And doesn't that keep us marching to the drum
29:14 of another drummer up yonder? He keeps us in time.
29:21 Well, Ellen White says, and by the way, I'll read the text.
29:24 I'll read the text first.
29:26 Ellen White... After this text I'll read Ellen White.
29:29 But the text is Ezekiel 20.
29:35 That's great stuff in Ezekiel 20 and in verse 12.
29:39 Also 20:20 also.
29:41 He says... Ezekiel: "Moreover also
29:45 I gave them My Sabbaths
29:49 to be a sign between Me and them
29:52 that they might know
29:55 that I am the Lord that sanctifies them. "
29:58 Amen.
29:59 It's the way He knows us and the way we know Him
30:03 is the Sabbath.
30:04 Then he goes on to say, this man Ezekiel goes on to say:
30:08 "And hallow My Sabbaths. "
30:11 "Hallow My Sabbaths... " this is verse 20.
30:15 And verse 20 goes on and it says:
30:17 "Hallow My Sabbaths and they shall be a sign
30:20 between Me and you
30:22 that ye may know that I am the Lord your God. " Amen!
30:27 So it's a common sign between us and Him.
30:30 It identifies us.
30:33 As a little tyke living in New Rochelle, New York,
30:38 my father was a pastor at the church there
30:41 back in the 30's,
30:44 I was a little tyke
30:46 and our friend, the minister, lived next door.
30:50 When he wanted to kid me a little bit,
30:55 he wanted to make a little fun of me, he said:
30:57 "You are keeping Saturday and you think it's Sunday. "
31:04 Now I remember this. This is many, many years ago.
31:07 And I said: "No! " You know how a little Adventist kid is.
31:10 He said: "No. " I said: "No, you are keeping
31:13 Sunday and think it's the Sabbath. "
31:17 He said: "Well young man... "
31:20 He got on me then, you know. I was a little too impudent
31:22 for him, and I challenged him even more.
31:25 I said: "You show me in the Bible. "
31:27 He said: "I can show you in the Bible... "
31:29 but he never has.
31:33 Now here... this is what I wanted to read from Sr. White.
31:36 She says: "I saw that the holy Sabbath
31:42 is and will be the separating wall between the true Israel
31:47 of God and unbelievers
31:50 and that the Sabbath is the great question
31:55 to unite the hearts of God's dear children. "
31:58 Waiting saints. "I saw that God had children
32:05 who do not keep the Sabbath.
32:09 They have not rejected the light upon it
32:12 and at the commencement
32:16 of the time of trouble
32:19 we were filled with the Holy Ghost
32:22 as we went forth and proclaimed the Sabbath more fully. "
32:28 I have latched onto that word
32:32 because we are on the eve of a great time of trouble.
32:38 We've already had our little times of trouble.
32:41 We're getting ready for the great fourth-quarter
32:45 time of trouble.
32:47 And we must proclaim, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
32:53 more fully
32:55 this great gem that God has given us so freely
33:01 for our own benefit and for our identification.
33:06 So please, ma'am, sir,
33:08 don't do one thing to hide this Sabbath.
33:13 Of course, you have to be discreet.
33:15 I was up at Graysville the other day.
33:18 Graysville, Tennessee.
33:19 Graysville had a sanitarium, a little mountain sanitarium.
33:24 Had a little school there.
33:26 It preceded Southern Adventist University.
33:30 Ellen White used to visit Graysville.
33:32 Read the Testimonies, you can hear her say
33:34 "We were at Graysville. "
33:36 But at Graysville we had some early Adventists there
33:41 who believed in proclaiming the Sabbath.
33:43 In fact, when the blue laws were passed
33:47 and they said "no working on Sunday"
33:50 some of our people were so defiant
33:53 they went out and started washing, hanging up clothes,
33:56 and working in the garden on Sunday.
33:59 And do you know? Several of their young men were arrested
34:03 and put in prison.
34:05 Now they may have been a little, you know,
34:08 they might not have been as "cool" as you are,
34:12 but nobody can argue when people keep the Sabbath
34:18 with their whole heart.
34:20 Ellen White had to say to them: "Now, be careful.
34:22 You don't want to work too much on Sunday.
34:25 You give Bible studies then... that's the work you do.
34:28 And visit the churches... preach for the churches. "
34:31 I love to preach in the churches of my brethren
34:34 in other denominations.
34:37 And you know? They treat me fine sometimes.
34:39 They even give me a gift at times.
34:42 When I preach I don't refuse it.
34:44 I don't want to insult them.
34:45 I accept it and put it in the Sabbath School.
34:49 But at any rate, we have something here.
34:52 It will stand fast.
34:54 And if we lose that distinctive mark,
34:59 we will be confused.
35:02 And I started to tell you: the angels won't know you
35:05 when they come back
35:07 because the seal will not be fully upon you.
35:11 It's a settling into the truth.
35:13 It's a complete dependence upon our Lord Jesus Christ.
35:19 You know we are often confused with Mormons?
35:22 I'm not mad at Mormons.
35:25 I'm so happy that I've grown up a little bit.
35:29 You should have seen me 40 years ago.
35:34 I was a tyrant on everybody.
35:36 I tell you, brethren, I put that Word of God on them,
35:41 I burned them.
35:42 I talked about 'em bad.
35:45 I was zealous... without knowledge.
35:52 But we are often mixed up with Jehovah's Witnesses
35:56 and Mormons.
35:58 I had a gentleman friend and his wife in Springhill
36:01 where we retired... Springhill, Florida.
36:04 We studied the Bible together.
36:06 We went out for walks together.
36:08 And I forced him, I almost took him by the collar
36:12 and brought him to our church two or three times.
36:14 He enjoyed it.
36:15 He was there. He had studied for the priesthood and so forth
36:18 and so on. And after all my study with this man
36:22 he was: "Oh, yes. You're the Mormons, aren't you? "
36:25 "The Jehovah's Witnesses? "
36:27 Once or twice I got mad with him.
36:29 And I said: "I can't do that. "
36:32 And so I had to mask my, you know... "ignorance. "
36:37 And we continued to be friends. Do you know
36:41 that gentleman and his wife I believe were preparing
36:45 for joining this church because everybody treated them so nice
36:50 but they both died within a month of each other.
36:53 That's only in the Lord's hands.
36:56 And now here I want to ask you... I want to look...
37:01 I want you to look with me and help me here.
37:04 Uh, surveys that our people do...
37:07 We have people doing surveys.
37:10 Now I was in the North American Division.
37:13 I had to work with all these very brilliant people.
37:16 And they were brilliant! Fine people.
37:20 They wanted to know how the public... what the public
37:23 thinks of us.
37:25 Uh, what do you call these things in politics? Polls.
37:30 They took a poll,
37:32 and only a small percentage of people
37:36 even admitted they had heard the name Seventh-day Adventist.
37:43 Now, don't let 'em fool you.
37:46 Don't let 'em fool you.
37:48 They may know more than they let you know
37:51 and in a certain time they may bring it out.
37:54 So I don't believe all these surveys.
37:57 Generally speaking, when the Seventh-day Adventist movement
38:02 was growing up in New England -
38:05 hmmm, up in New England -
38:07 and people were studying and coming together
38:11 and they were rejoicing in the light that came to them
38:15 through the Word of God, the religious establishment -
38:19 they were up there with Harvard and Yale
38:21 and all those great universities -
38:24 and they ignored us.
38:26 Paid us no attention, generally speaking.
38:32 But Ellen White said - listen to this:
38:35 "Our people have been regarded as too insignificant
38:40 to be worthy of notice... "
38:43 Well hear what Sr. White says:
38:46 "but a change will come. "
38:48 Did you hear what I said?
38:50 "A change will come. The Christian world is now
38:55 making movements which will necessarily bring
38:59 commandment-keeping people into prominence. "
39:02 Testimonies volume 5 page 546.
39:07 Well, go on back to Isaiah.
39:10 We always have to go back to Isaiah, the gospel prophet.
39:13 And Isaiah says in the 66th chapter
39:16 and verse 8 he says:
39:18 "Who hath heard such a thing?
39:21 Who hath seen such things?
39:24 Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day
39:27 or shall a nation be born at once?
39:30 For as soon as Zion travails
39:34 she brought forth her children. "
39:37 When we are ready... I'm talking a little earthly talk now...
39:42 when we are ready for the main bout,
39:46 when we are ready for our international debut,
39:51 the Lord will set it up Himself.
39:58 He says in Romans 9:28:
40:01 "He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness. "
40:07 Because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.
40:11 I wrote a little book some years ago called Sabbath Roots:
40:16 the African Connection
40:19 taking off on Ellen White's statements in Great Controversy
40:22 page 63 and 577 about the Sabbath in Africa.
40:26 Well, it was circulated around.
40:28 We sent 6,000 copies of it to African pastors.
40:31 And it was on display at one of the big theological conventions.
40:37 And people passed by, and we had an Adventist table there.
40:42 And my book was there on the table there.
40:46 And one young theologian looked at it and said:
40:48 "I'm interested in that. "
40:50 And so they hooked me up with this young man
40:53 on the Internet. You see, you are laughing.
40:57 I must rebuke you.
41:00 You laughed at me when I talked about being computer elite.
41:06 You laughed at me.
41:08 "Oh, that old man doesn't know anything. "
41:10 And you're just about right. But anyway...
41:13 Anyway, they put me on e-mail with this young man
41:17 and we e-mailed back and forth.
41:21 One Friday he e-mailed me and said:
41:24 "Do Seventh-day Adventists use e-mail on Sabbath? "
41:27 Well that was just a little bit...
41:31 After while this scholar said:
41:34 "I am a Sabbath keeper. " Amen!
41:39 He's at the great theological seminary.
41:42 He wrote a book on New Testament survey
41:47 and it sold 400,000 copies.
41:52 His name is related to some of the greatest scholars
41:56 in the world. He's a little humble fellow.
41:59 He's not boasting about anything.
42:02 He's a prayerful person.
42:04 He has a little tinge of charismatic stuff in him
42:08 but he said: "Yes, I am a Sabbath keeper. "
42:12 I said: "How can you do that?
42:13 How can you say that? "
42:15 He said: "It's in the Bible, isn't it? "
42:19 Now you don't know... I heard somebody say
42:25 "I have 7,000 who have not bowed their knees to Baal. "
42:31 And you don't know and I don't know.
42:34 And Ellen White said: "Let no man attempt
42:37 to number Israel. "
42:40 She said: "The only thing you need is a heart of flesh
42:43 that will reach out and cry over the people
42:46 who don't know this truth yet. "
42:50 Who have heard such a thing? He can do it in a day.
42:53 He'll do it in a moment.
42:56 He said: "I will cut it short in righteousness. "
43:00 Now, we cry. We are not well known,
43:03 but you know God can make you well known overnight, can't He?
43:08 And by the way, it may be that He doesn't want us
43:11 to be too well known right now.
43:15 Hidden a little bit, you know?
43:18 But when the time comes...
43:20 The rabbis had a statement that they used to make.
43:26 "If Israel kept the whole law for one day,
43:30 Messiah would come. "
43:34 If Israel kept the whole law for one day.
43:37 I want to call your attention now to Israel
43:41 as they came out of captivity.
43:44 They were in captivity... You know,
43:47 it was pre- and post. Pre-captivity,
43:51 pre-exile, Israel was aping the world.
43:56 They wanted to do everything their neighbors did
43:59 in the nations around them. They wanted a king, didn't they?
44:02 Huh? They wanted to be just like them.
44:06 And when they came to see Hezekiah, what'd he do?
44:09 He showed them everything he had in his house to impress them.
44:13 They came back and took it, too. Didn't they? Later.
44:16 But there they were before the exile.
44:19 They wanted to be just like the heathen nations around them.
44:23 Now they were there 70 years,
44:26 and when they came out, you would think they would be cured.
44:30 They were in a certain sense.
44:32 But they swung the pendulum from one extreme to the other.
44:37 I had an old preacher that used to tell me:
44:40 "Son, stay in the middle of the stream.
44:44 Avoid the extreme. "
44:47 And when they got back to Israel, they settled down.
44:53 The prophet said: "Woe to you who are settled on your leas. "
45:00 They were in the message like we are, huh?
45:03 They were enjoying themselves.
45:06 They had good Sabbath School lessons.
45:09 They had preachers. They had music and organs
45:12 and all the rest of that but they were settled down.
45:16 They were enjoying everything.
45:19 They didn't want anything to disturb their smooth and
45:24 calm sailing on the sea of life.
45:28 Am I preaching to you right now?
45:30 Are you listening to what I have to say?
45:32 They had their televisions. They had their fine homes.
45:36 They had nice furniture.
45:38 And by the way, when you accept this message
45:41 the Lord does bless you also financially.
45:43 I'm going to deny that you were hurt all that bad.
45:47 When you came in, you may have had a little something
45:50 but the Lord blessed what you had terrifically.
45:54 And when you teach a person to render his tithe
45:58 you know you make that person a financier.
46:03 He begins... she begins to take better care of the 9/10, huh?
46:08 And the Lord multiples that. And I've never
46:12 seen the righteous forsaken
46:15 or seen begging bread.
46:18 I told you that we came through the greatest of depressions
46:21 and the Lord blessed us and we never missed a meal.
46:27 My father retired early because of illness.
46:31 He was a sick man.
46:32 He tried to preach and he couldn't finish it hardly.
46:35 We had to take and put him in the bed and all of that.
46:37 So the brethren said: "Bro. Bradford, take time off.
46:40 We'll put you on sick retirement. "
46:42 And we moved into a little country place
46:44 up in New Jersey called Mizpah, New Jersey.
46:48 We got a little house there
46:49 and my dad and mother were there with us.
46:53 And the grandchildren came along
46:55 and we just had a marvelous time.
46:57 But we didn't know a thing about the country.
46:59 We didn't even have a stove.
47:01 We came out of the city of Philadelphia.
47:04 Who has wood stoves in Philadelphia?
47:06 Or a coal stove? We didn't have a thing that we needed
47:09 and we had no garden yet. We moved down there
47:12 but we had nothing at all. And my poor little dad
47:15 he had very little money because the brethren didn't send him
47:18 money on time. It got mixed up some kind of way... the check.
47:22 And there we were having fear and trembling.
47:26 But we didn't need to have fear and trembling.
47:29 We were destitute... hardly had a dime.
47:32 My dear little mother went to the grocery and said:
47:35 "Please, sir, give us a little, you know, credit. "
47:39 He said: "Well, lady, madam, " he says:
47:42 "people who have bills can't pay them. "
47:45 But do you know, before mom got out of that store
47:48 he said: "Madam, come back.
47:50 I'm going to give you five dollars a week. "
47:52 Now you think that's nothing, but $5 a week in the 1930's
47:56 could feed a while army almost, you know, in those days.
48:01 And then a man came and knocked at our door.
48:03 He said: "I notice you've just come here from the big city.
48:06 and I don't want to embarrass you or insult you. "
48:09 But he said "I have a stove that I won't need any more.
48:12 You can take it. " And then another one -
48:16 just like Job in reverse, one came after the other.
48:18 Another one came and he said: "You know what?
48:20 I have a garden and I've got to go back to the city.
48:23 I will not be able to harvest that garden.
48:25 Would you take care of it? It'll all be yours. "
48:27 Are you listening to me out there?
48:29 I've never seen the righteous forsaken.
48:31 And then after that another right away.
48:33 My brother and my sister older than I
48:35 could drive the car, and so they drove.
48:37 Sometimes they only had a teaspoonful of gas and it would
48:40 keep it going on fumes, you know. And there they were
48:42 working, picking tomatoes and so forth and so on in south Jersey.
48:46 And one day coming back from their work
48:49 they saw a laundry bag in the middle of the road.
48:54 What is it? They jumped out and looked at it.
48:58 When they untied it, it was a bag full of bread.
49:03 Not one loaf of white bread...
49:06 all rye, whole wheat,
49:12 etc. And none of it had any cover on it.
49:17 It was bread that... "bread shall be given you
49:21 and your water shall be sure. "
49:23 We never lost a meal. Amen.
49:28 I began my ministry in a very poor poor conference
49:32 in a poor poor time. They were struggling along.
49:36 Hard to pay the workers.
49:38 I don't know how me made it.
49:40 My poor little wife could make something out of nothing.
49:43 She would get in there and stir and stir.
49:46 And when she got through and put it on the plate
49:48 you would have thought I was in the greatest restaurant
49:51 in New York City.
49:53 Never seen the righteous forsaken
49:55 nor seen begging bread.
49:58 Now these people after the captivity
50:02 they just settled down.
50:04 Now I wrote a little note to myself
50:06 and I said, writing this note to myself
50:08 that they came back from Babylon
50:11 but they still had the smell of Babylon in their garments.
50:16 Like cigarette smoke. You can't get rid of it, can you?
50:19 You just need a new garment, don't you friend?
50:21 We're often, my friends, trembling and weeping and crying
50:26 about hard times. But I can tell you, my friend,
50:29 I can tell you that the Lord has proved Himself
50:32 over and over again to be sufficient for all our needs.
50:36 Amen.
50:38 You can worry about something else but don't worry about God
50:41 taking care of you.
50:43 Well, in the book of Malachi... What book did I say?
50:47 In the book of Malachi
50:50 the Lord is speaking to these people.
50:53 They came back; He's speaking to them.
50:55 He's having a conversation with them.
50:58 They're talking to God.
51:00 And you know what they're saying in this conversation?
51:02 They're saying to Him: "Oh Lord,
51:04 we're back here, but does it pay to serve God? "
51:10 Now is that an echo?
51:15 Some of us say: "It doesn't make much difference. "
51:19 Do you know there is a different spirit in the church today?
51:23 There is not so much great opposition to truth.
51:28 Nobody's fighting. I don't think no one,
51:30 but most are not fighting a heavy theological battle.
51:34 They're not fighting and getting mad
51:36 and pulling out guns and all the rest of that.
51:38 But what's happening today? They just don't care.
51:42 All right, I'm talking to you.
51:44 If you're listening, give me your ear.
51:46 Amen. They don't care. They don't have enough
51:49 to fight against anything that happens.
51:52 They've got what they want almost and they don't need
51:56 to get into it. And most say
51:57 "I don't like to rock the boat. "
51:59 They don't want to be into any theological controversies.
52:02 Dr. Fritz Guy out there told me
52:06 or he said in a meeting and I picked it up.
52:08 He said: "Some years ago when college students
52:11 would leave the message they would leave angry.
52:14 They would leave the church altogether,
52:17 and they many of them never belonged to any
52:21 religious organization and some denied the existence of God. "
52:28 But he said: "Today
52:29 these same students... they leave the church
52:32 but they're not angry with anybody.
52:34 And they go and join another church. "
52:37 I don't want to say the wrong thing; don't want to be mean
52:40 but I want to be truthful.
52:42 One of our dear brothers who was a fine - we thought -
52:47 young man in ministry. He said: "Well I've been looking
52:49 at the Catholic church. I think I can go join there too. "
52:52 He never fought; he never got mad or anything.
52:56 And I see here something in Israel's post-exilic experience
53:02 after they came from captivity
53:04 I see here how that they grew LAZY.
53:12 Doing nothing. Oh I'm so sorry that I must preach here
53:18 tonight. The Lord is loosening my tongue
53:22 so I can speak tonight.
53:25 You are encouraging me because you believe what I am saying.
53:29 But in so many of our churches as Sr. White used to say
53:33 they are coming and going just like a door on its hinges.
53:38 They're not giving any real thought to it.
53:40 If they do go to church
53:41 they are just there and looking and not paying much attention.
53:45 Thinking about the ball game
53:48 or work or my romantic escapades or whatever.
53:54 All of that comes to them. And they are polite
53:56 and all the rest of that but you know:
53:58 I heard an old Baptist preacher preach a sermon.
54:01 He said: "When the eagle stirs her nest. "
54:05 The little eaglets are there. They're just eating...
54:08 taking it down. And finally mama eagle says:
54:12 "time for you to get out of here. "
54:13 And so she stirs the nest.
54:16 She takes up a little eaglet and throws it out!
54:18 You've heard about it, haven't you?
54:20 Throws that little eaglet out and it's scrambling.
54:23 And as they come to... she will scoop them up.
54:26 But finally they will learn how to fly.
54:29 Somebody needs to get in our churches
54:32 and let the eagle stir the nest.
54:35 And some of us need to be thrown out on our own.
54:37 Some of us need to face hard times and trials
54:41 and be driven to our knees and we'll say:
54:43 "Oh Lord, help me! "
54:45 And He said: "I've been waiting to hear you say that
54:47 all your life. " Amen.
54:49 Now I hope that's not too hard.
54:51 I don't want to be difficult with people
54:54 but these are the last days
54:57 and we are God's end-time people.
55:01 And so we go over to Revelation, and by the way
55:04 in Malachi the people said:
55:06 "Well does it pay to serve God? "
55:08 He said: "Our neighbors don't think about God and they're
55:12 blessed... we think. "
55:14 Read it. Go through that and read it carefully:
55:18 the conversation between God and His people.
55:21 And some of them said: "Well, they don't have any
55:24 problems like we have.
55:26 They are doing OK. They are paying no attention to God
55:30 but it seems as if everything is OK with them. "
55:34 But now I call you to attention.
55:37 You, Seventh-day Adventist member,
55:41 are God's boots on the ground.
55:44 Nobody heard what I said.
55:47 God's boots on the ground.
55:51 He puts you there as sentry.
55:54 He puts you there as a foot soldier.
55:57 He puts you there in the Army, the Air Force, or the Marines
56:00 or the Navy. He put you there and He gave you an armor.
56:04 Paul said put the whole armor on.
56:07 This is no play time.
56:09 This is no time for prolonged infancy.
56:12 That's what he says in Ephesians.
56:13 You shouldn't be babies all your life.
56:16 We should grow in grace!
56:19 Daddy used to... Daddy... Oh, I'm through here already.
56:22 Daddy... Daddy... Listen, let me say this very quickly.
56:26 Daddy used to take his son and mark him on the wall.
56:29 You did that, Daddy, as your son grew.
56:30 He's growing and growing. Finally the son turned to Daddy
56:34 and he said: "Daddy, how much have you grown? "
56:38 Huh? How much have you grown?
56:41 So I am examining my life today.
56:44 How much have I grown?
56:47 And finally, I am off now but you are here.
56:51 Finally the young artist decided
56:57 as his graduation project
57:01 to paint a picture of Jesus.
57:06 The old master said: "Go ahead. "
57:09 Finally the young man said: "I'm through. "
57:11 The old master took the picture that he'd painted
57:14 and studied it. Seemed nice to everybody.
57:17 He studied it. The next morning the young artist
57:21 said to the old master: "How did you like it? "
57:24 He said, listen to me, he said:
57:28 "If you loved Him more, you would have painted Him better. "
57:33 So I say to you here today
57:38 and tonight: "If I loved Him more
57:42 I would have modeled Him better. "


Revised 2014-12-17