3ABN Homecoming 2011

Good Man Lost, Bad Man Saved

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles E. Bradford


Series Code: 11HC

Program Code: 11HC000006

00:48 Hello and welcome to Thompsonville, Illinois:
00:51 the biggest little city in the world.
00:54 That's one of my favorite sayings because God has
00:56 chosen this venue to be the place where He sends
01:00 the good news of the gospel into every corner of the world.
01:03 Welcome to also our Fall Camp Meeting here at 3ABN.
01:07 And if you're in the driving vicinity of southern Illinois
01:10 we invite you to come and join us for a spiritual time
01:13 that has been so uplifting we are drawn closer
01:16 into the presence of the Lord. Can you all say "Amen" to that?
01:19 Amen. And the Lord has not disappointed us.
01:22 This morning Pastor Mark Finley challenged us and re-educated us
01:26 and appealed to us to know and understand the power
01:29 of the Spirit of God in our lives.
01:31 But our speaker of the hour is Elder Charles E. Bradford.
01:35 When you think of experience and you think of being prepared
01:39 and you think of a person who has been under the tutelage of
01:42 the Spirit of God for many decades
01:45 the name Elder Charles Bradford comes to mind.
01:48 A man of the Word, a man of experience,
01:51 a man who God has used
01:53 to bring hope and strength and direction to thousands
01:56 of lives. And this morning his message is going to be
01:59 Good Man Lost; Bad Man Saved.
02:04 Something that only God can do.
02:06 Before we introduce him I would like to invite you
02:08 to bow your heads with me as we go to the Lord in prayer.
02:12 Our gracious Father in heaven, what a blessing it is to
02:15 know that today that there are those who are on both sides
02:19 of the page. Some who know You;
02:21 others who are yet to meet You.
02:24 And we do pray that through Your manservant,
02:26 Elder Charles Bradford, You'll bring the message home
02:30 and find the intended soil that the seed may be planted
02:33 and lives may be nourished to eternal life.
02:37 So attend this service, Father,
02:38 that Your name may be honored and glorified.
02:41 In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
02:44 Just before Elder Bradford comes
02:46 I have chosen to share a song I believe that encapsulates
02:50 the title of the sermon: Good Man Lost; Bad Man Saved.
02:54 The difference is because of our wonderful and our merciful
02:58 Savior.
03:12 Wonderful, merciful Savior,
03:18 precious Redeemer and Friend.
03:24 Who would have thought that a Lamb could
03:31 rescue the souls of man?
03:36 Oh, You rescued the souls
03:40 of man.
03:47 Counselor, Comforter, Keeper,
03:53 Spirit we long to embrace.
03:59 You offer hope when our hearts have
04:06 hopelessly lost our way.
04:11 Oh, we've hopelessly lost
04:15 our way.
04:18 You are the One that we praise,
04:25 You are the One we adore.
04:31 You give the healing and grace our
04:37 hearts always hunger for.
04:42 Oh, our hearts always hunger
04:47 for.
04:50 You are the One that I praise,
04:56 You are the One I adore.
05:02 You give the healing and grace my
05:09 heart always hungers for.
05:14 Oh, my heart always
05:17 hungers for.
05:25 Almighty Infinite Father,
05:31 faithfully loving Your own.
05:37 Here in our weakness
05:40 You find us
05:43 falling before Your throne.
05:48 Oh, we're falling before
05:53 Your throne.
05:56 You are the One that we praise,
06:03 You are the One we adore.
06:09 You give the healing and grace our
06:15 hearts always hunger for.
06:20 Oh, our hearts always hunger
06:25 for.
06:28 You are the One that we praise,
06:34 You are the One we adore.
06:40 You give the healing and grace our
06:46 hearts always hunger for.
06:52 Oh, our hearts always hunger
06:56 for.
07:07 Amen.
07:16 I find so much to commend here.
07:20 Everything is in such good shape.
07:25 They plan their work and they work their plan.
07:30 And look at our beautiful mirage... or something...
07:34 you call it like that? No, what is it called then?
07:36 I don't know what you call that.
07:38 Mural! That's the word.
07:40 Look at the beautiful mural. Means something.
07:42 Everything is meaningful
07:44 not just decorative.
07:47 My mother had a little saying for me.
07:49 She said when I was not doing very much whiling away the time,
07:53 fooling around you know, she would say to me:
07:56 "Make yourself more than decorative. "
08:02 And when mother said that you knew she meant get to work.
08:06 So I hope we are here today not just to be decorative
08:11 but to be instrumental in the hands of God.
08:15 I said I'd try to talk on
08:18 Good Man Lost and the Bad Man Saved,
08:22 but I have to refer to the wonderful instruction
08:28 we received from Pastor Finley on the Holy Spirit.
08:31 And he is right. I want to charge you when you go back home
08:37 get up a little conversation with your brethren and sisters
08:43 on the Holy Spirit.
08:45 You remember what it says in Malachi 3:16?
08:49 "Then they that feared the Lord...
08:52 they spake often to one another. "
08:55 Not about politics, baseball, football, all the rest.
08:59 They spoke to each other and the Lord heard it.
09:05 In fact, the Message Bible says that
09:08 "He called for a book and told them to write the minutes. "
09:14 And we need to go back and ask our people
09:16 as Elder Finley has suggested. Go back and say to them:
09:20 "Let's talk about the Holy Spirit. "
09:23 "Let's study the Holy Spirit. "
09:25 Assign each other... you don't have to wait for the preacher.
09:28 Nobody said "Amen" so I don't know.
09:34 You don't have to wait for the preacher.
09:36 The Lord has equipped you and you need to get in...
09:41 Take your 3ABN experience
09:46 and share it
09:48 but really focus on the Holy Spirit.
09:54 I have a preacher friend - he just has gone to sleep in Jesus
09:59 a bit ago - but he said all of his life, even when he
10:02 went through college, he didn't understand the working
10:05 of the Holy Spirit. But it came to him one day
10:09 and he said after that his ministry
10:12 was dramatically improved.
10:15 So I'm happy for that good instruction we had
10:19 on the Holy Spirit. Christ... C-H-R-I-S-T...
10:23 you see how he did it? Beautiful.
10:26 And I should have told Dr. Finley that
10:28 this Bible I have here was given to me
10:32 by his predecessor at It Is Written: George Vandeman.
10:37 George gave me a Bible.
10:39 In fact, he gave me two of these Bibles.
10:41 He forgot he gave me the first one
10:43 and he gave me the second one, so...
10:45 But unfortunately, the one that he signed I gave it away
10:50 to somebody. And I feel it keenly
10:54 that I don't have his signature in this Bible.
10:58 Now let's read.
11:02 That's what Adventist preachers must do.
11:06 We don't want to hear all about your experiences travelling.
11:13 I have too much humor that comes to me.
11:16 I have to resist it sometime, you know.
11:20 Kind of the devil... you resist the devil.
11:22 But I have to tell you this one, you know.
11:27 We have a certain group of Adventists,
11:31 a certain communion or community of Adventists,
11:35 in California... northern California.
11:37 Some of you may know where it is. Has a Biblical name
11:40 and all of that. And they have big Camp Meetings
11:42 like you have here. And the missionaries come back
11:45 from overseas and they tell all the stories.
11:48 And there's a heavy German group there.
11:51 Wonderful people. And this dear brother came
11:55 and he was telling one story after another.
11:58 "I rode over here, and I saw this big Taj Mahal.
12:02 And I looked at this one over... and the beautiful waters
12:06 of the Pacific" and so forth.
12:07 And one old dear German brother got up and said:
12:10 "Too much 'vind', brother... too much 'vind'. "
12:13 What he meant: get to the Word of God...
12:16 so that's what I'm going to do right now.
12:18 I'm going to the gospel according to St. Luke.
12:25 And Bro. Finley and I did not get together on this,
12:29 but we've been talking about end time:
12:31 God's end-time people.
12:34 I don't know... Something said to him...
12:36 Once or twice here I started to jump up and say
12:39 "Bro. Finley, you're taking my texts! "
12:43 That's another one that comes to me. I shouldn't say it
12:46 but I've got to say it. They had a Camp Meeting...
12:48 You know, we used to have Camp Meetings and the preacher
12:50 all day long. And this brother had the preacher last Sabbath
12:54 and they were just preaching his sermon.
12:55 Everybody was taking his sermon.
12:57 He was getting ready to preach on John, and another man said:
13:00 "And John... " And he couldn't take it any longer.
13:02 He stood up and said: "Brother, you're taking my texts! "
13:04 He said: "Sit down. There are a whole lot more
13:07 in the Word of God. "
13:10 So I forgive Bro. Finley for taking my text.
13:15 But here it is: 18th chapter of Luke
13:19 verse 9: "And He spake this parable
13:25 unto certain which trusted... " You know, this is
13:29 some kind of a text here.
13:31 Oh Jesus, my Jesus... He knew how to teach.
13:34 Here's a parable about certain people who
13:40 trusted in themselves.
13:42 You don't want to read this one too fast.
13:46 Let it roll over a little bit.
13:48 "that they were righteous. "
13:53 Now you may not leave here so happy with old Bro. Brad today.
13:58 You may have made a mistake to invite me to come here.
14:03 I'm praying that the Lord will help me.
14:05 That's why I try to lighten you up a little bit
14:08 with a bit of you know... whatever.
14:12 I'm going to start it again: "Then He spake a parable... "
14:16 Jesus... "unto certain which trusted in themselves... "
14:22 I can see them going to... Wait, just keep on.
14:24 "that they were righteous and despised others.
14:28 Two men went up to the temple to pray.
14:32 One... a Pharisee.
14:36 The other... a publican.
14:38 The Pharisee stood... " - hear it now,
14:42 every word is important -
14:44 "and prayed thus with himself... "
14:48 That's pretty good, huh? He prayed with himself.
14:50 " 'God I thank Thee
14:53 that I am not as other men are -
14:56 extortioners, unjust, adulterers...
15:00 even this publican. I fast twice a week.
15:05 I give tithes of all I possess. '
15:07 And the publican, standing afar off,
15:14 would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven
15:19 but smote upon his breast saying:
15:23 'God be merciful to me, a sinner. '
15:26 I tell you, this man went down to his house
15:32 justified rather than the other
15:36 for everyone that exalteth himself shall be abased
15:42 and he that humbleth himself
15:45 shall be exalted. "
15:48 Father God, oh my Savior,
15:54 Jesus, how wonderful is Your teachings.
15:59 Your words are penetrating.
16:03 Every phrase is enlightening
16:07 as You tell the gospel story.
16:10 Please give us some insight here
16:14 through the Holy Spirit to grasp the truth
16:18 that here lies... uncovered now... so that we may
16:24 be given wisdom to know how
16:28 to go out and to come in.
16:31 Forgive our sins in Jesus' name, Amen.
16:37 Bad man... poor man.
16:41 Well, we like to label people anyway, don't we?
16:44 But it's Jesus' label here that counts.
16:50 The good man comes to the house of God.
16:55 You can tell he's been there before.
16:58 He may even have a pew that he owns.
17:02 And you'd better not sit in that pew, either.
17:06 Not a little short fellow like I am.
17:10 Tall, stately... his robes impressive.
17:15 Now I went to Christ's Object Lessons.
17:19 I told you I was in the computer now.
17:22 So I went to my computer, got Sr. White out,
17:26 and I read all this stuff and I copied it down.
17:29 And now let's... you're going to put a little test on me.
17:33 You're going to test me to see if I got it right.
17:36 So here we are... the Pharisee and the publican.
17:40 They go to the temple, and this big man
17:43 who has been there before wraps his robes around him.
17:47 By the way, the Jews had a prosperity gospel.
17:51 If you're rich, you must be good.
17:54 All the little poor people... kick them away.
17:57 Give them a few crumbs.
17:59 A bone? Throw it at them.
18:01 But we're all impressed with a big rich man.
18:05 I think that has followed on through down until our day.
18:09 Let me get off of that now because
18:11 I will be in trouble with the brethren somewhere else.
18:14 My other brethren... my outside brethren.
18:17 But the Pharisee comes with... Sr. White says...
18:21 he comes walking like it.
18:24 Looking like it; talking like it.
18:28 People: get out of his way... he's holy!
18:31 He's got robes on, hasn't he?
18:34 And they probably drove him up in his carriage.
18:38 And his driver... I just talked to the driver here today...
18:44 you all's driver... his driver drove him up
18:47 and helped him out of the carriage
18:49 and helped him to get to his place.
18:51 And there he stands and he prays.
18:53 "Oh, Lord... " He told the Lord all about it.
18:58 "Oh, Lord... " he said. He said: "I am a good man.
19:02 I help people.
19:04 I do good things. "
19:07 He had a wonderful missionary report to give on Sabbath
19:10 morning, didn't he?
19:12 You don't know anything about those old days
19:15 when they would say: "what did you do this week? "
19:19 "Ah, how many people did you help? "
19:22 That's good. There's nothing wrong with that.
19:24 You didn't initiate that... the people asked you that.
19:28 But he himself... he's the man
19:30 who would almost ask someone to request
19:34 that he should give a solo.
19:37 Please have Dr. so and so - I mean Bro. so and so -
19:41 to sing today. "I thank you, Lord, " he said
19:44 "I'm not like these other men. "
19:47 And the poor little publican...
19:50 I feel sorry for him, don't you?
19:53 He hadn't been to church since he was a little boy
19:56 in Sabbath School.
19:58 In fact, he grew up living by his wits.
20:03 He was a gambler first.
20:06 Then he got a job down at city hall.
20:09 Then he became a hustler.
20:11 I don't mean to use the wrong words...
20:14 He became whatever it was they do... he became that
20:16 and people hated him.
20:19 Everybody hates a tax collector.
20:23 And in the present-day mood of people
20:28 I would get another job. Wouldn't you?
20:31 Than tax collector.
20:34 Terrible man; awful man.
20:37 Bad man, huh?
20:39 I said bad man... terrible man.
20:42 People hated him; children ran away from him.
20:46 But I can imagine as the old preachers that I used to
20:49 listen to many years ago would say
20:51 "I imagined in my mind... "
20:53 I can think of how he began to feel unnecessary.
21:00 He couldn't sleep at night.
21:02 Something was wrong.
21:04 Bro. Finley, the Holy Ghost was on him.
21:06 Come on now and say "Amen" for me.
21:08 Amen. I didn't ask you to say "Amen, " I asked Elder Finley
21:11 to say "Amen. "
21:13 The Holy Spirit was on him.
21:15 He'll bring you conviction.
21:19 And he couldn't take it any longer.
21:22 His wife had been telling him for years:
21:24 "Why don't you go to temple with me some time?
21:27 Mary's husband goes with her.
21:31 How come you can't go with me? "
21:34 "Ah, " he said "I don't have time. I've got to go to
21:37 city hall. I've got to collect these taxes here.
21:39 These people are getting away with it. " By the way,
21:41 the Romans empowered them to take the taxes
21:44 but they had the power to levy on you a little extra.
21:48 That's how they lived.
21:52 And so the poor little man finally...
21:55 I could tell you the long story of it.
21:57 I would imagine a lot of stuff on this.
21:59 I don't think there's anything wrong but it's just my
22:02 imagination, not the Holy Spirit. But
22:05 I can imagine that he had been told:
22:08 "Why don't you go see your shrink?
22:12 People that have these problems, they can straighten you out.
22:17 After all, they have degrees in their profession
22:21 and they can help you. You've got a little mess in your head.
22:26 He can get it out. " No help.
22:29 Even the medical doctor couldn't get him... no help.
22:33 Nobody gave him help, so finally he got up one morning
22:36 and he couldn't take it any longer.
22:41 He said: "Oh, Lord, what shall I do? "
22:43 His wife said: "I've been trying to tell you what to do. "
22:46 He said: "I'm going today...
22:48 I'm going to the temple today to pray. "
22:51 So he's gotta have prayer, doesn't he? Huh?
22:54 He hasn't prayed in years.
22:57 His wife did all his praying.
23:00 So he had to get a prayer.
23:03 Now down South where I used to preach you would have
23:07 gotten a prayer like this: "Oh, Lord,
23:09 here we come this morning. Oh, Lord. "
23:12 You know how they prayed. "And I got, Lord, and here
23:15 we come and You know where we are. Oh, Lord. "
23:17 He had it all ready like Deacon so and so prayed.
23:21 He said that thing all the way to himself
23:24 to the temple. He said it over and over again.
23:26 And he gets in there and sees this big man
23:29 and he hears him pray his gorgeous prayer.
23:34 Baritone voice.
23:37 And he says: "Lord, I'm glad I'm not like that fellow
23:43 that just come in. " And his feathers fell.
23:48 He forgot uncle's prayer.
23:52 He didn't know what to say.
23:54 He wouldn't even go any closer; He didn't feel worthy
23:58 to come into the sight of the people of God.
24:01 He didn't have any idea that it would turn out like this.
24:07 "What's happening? " he says. "I come to pray and look what
24:11 happens. I don't know what to say... I feel so bad. "
24:16 As Ellen White said he didn't find anything in himself...
24:21 I got all of this out of Christ's Object Lessons.
24:23 He couldn't find anything in himself to commend to God.
24:28 Any by the way, that's not a bad place to be, is it friend?
24:34 Nothing in my hand I bring...
24:39 simply to Thy cross I cling.
24:43 And he cried out in his despair: "Oh, Lord,
24:46 have mercy on me, a sinner. "
24:50 And what did Jesus say?
24:53 The good man went down unjustified.
24:59 The bad man went down
25:03 saved by grace. Amen.
25:08 Good man? Lost. Bad man? Saved!
25:14 Now I'm getting a little more
25:19 audacity here today.
25:22 I'm getting a little tough here today.
25:28 I'm getting beside myself here today.
25:31 I don't know what's the matter with me here today.
25:33 I almost called this a sermon
25:37 for Adventists...
25:42 and other sinners.
25:48 And it speaks to my heart. It says to me
25:52 as He said here: "He that humbleth himself
25:56 shall be exalted. "
25:59 Now this is the toughest sermon really on a preacher.
26:05 Preacher has a hard time with this
26:09 because he spends his life talking about goodness.
26:15 He spends his life talking about all these wonderful things
26:19 of God. And every Sabbath
26:26 he stands at the door... shakes your hand.
26:32 And you have been trained by Grandma
26:35 to say something nice to the preacher.
26:38 "Oh, preacher, I've been blessed today. "
26:42 "You're such a wonderful preacher. "
26:44 And he goes home, and he has to struggle with himself
26:48 not to believe all of that.
26:50 In fact, one preacher - when they would commend him
26:55 a little too much and say "you had a wonderful sermon" -
26:57 he said: "The devil told me that already. "
27:05 "He that humbleth himself... "
27:08 I had a friend who was proud of his humility.
27:13 You didn't catch that one.
27:16 Proud... "I'm so proud, Lord, that I'm humble. "
27:21 But it's for us... it IS for us.
27:25 We are here, my brother and sister, with the greatest
27:29 message in the world's history.
27:33 I want to be a little careful because I'm not supposed to
27:36 preach like I used to in those old, feisty days.
27:40 But when you think about us, it's almost like...
27:43 it's almost like Muhammad Ali.
27:46 My wife Ethel and I were in Louisville the other day
27:49 preaching in Muhammad Ali's city.
27:51 And I thought about what he used to say.
27:54 Muhammad said: "It's hard to be humble
27:59 when you're as good as I am. "
28:02 And I feel that way sometimes.
28:06 When I go to preach this message
28:08 I've got it. The brethren taught me.
28:13 I can stand up against any of them.
28:15 If we had a debate, they wouldn't have a chance
28:20 against us Adventist preachers.
28:22 We know what's going to be said before they say it.
28:25 We've got it all prepared. It's hard to be humble
28:30 when you've got a message like we have.
28:33 But we, the people of God - the end-time people of God -
28:38 must come to the place where we say: "Not I, but Christ... "
28:43 Amen.
28:45 "Be honored, loved, exalted. Not I, but Christ
28:49 be seen, be heard, be felt.
28:53 Christ, only Christ. "
28:56 If we as a people
28:59 would learn that lesson of humility,
29:03 then God could trust us with more of the Holy Spirit.
29:10 And I... you and I...
29:13 must come to the place where we realize
29:18 that we, with all our message and truth,
29:23 are not the only ones in Christ.
29:30 Hmmm?
29:32 Now this one I didn't get. I want to go back
29:34 and pick this up. I just saw it.
29:36 It says... Christ's Object Lessons, 150.
29:39 You've got to get... you've got to read Christ's Object Lessons.
29:42 Ellen White wrote that to raise funds for our schools...
29:47 our educational work.
29:50 She is talking about us now:
29:53 "He's full of self-praise.
29:55 He looks it; he walks it.
29:59 He prays it...
30:02 drawing apart from others as if to say:
30:04 'Come not near me for I am holier than thou. '
30:08 He stands and prays with himself.
30:11 Wholly satisfied, he thinks that God and men
30:15 regard him with the same complacency. "
30:20 So I've got to be careful. It really is difficult.
30:25 And don't we have a message to preach to the world?
30:29 We are light... here I'm boasting almost again.
30:33 We are light years ahead of anyone else.
30:37 But I thank God that there are some who are
30:40 somewhat catching up with us.
30:43 I heard Billy Graham's daughter
30:47 the other day speaking about the end times.
30:54 I almost started to say: "Listen, that's our message
30:56 you're preaching. "
30:59 And she gave it clearly, brethren and sisters...
31:03 and convincingly.
31:06 And I have got to realize -
31:09 this is what I really came here to tell you today -
31:12 all the other is prelude.
31:14 All the other comes before.
31:17 This is what I really came to tell you today.
31:20 I read it... Ellen White gave it to us.
31:24 I read it, and this is what I want to give you.
31:28 She says that there are...
31:32 I want to get this next one here...
31:35 She says that:
31:38 "The Lord has jewels in every church. "
31:45 That's why I prayed so hard
31:48 before bringing this message to you.
31:53 "Jewels in all the churches
31:57 and it is not for us to make
32:01 sweeping denunciation of the professed religious world. "
32:05 Amen. So the Lord sat me down, said:
32:08 "Bro. Bradford, sit down. Charles, sit down.
32:11 Let me tell you I have sheep that are not of this fold. "
32:15 Somebody ought to say "Amen. " Amen.
32:19 "I have sheep that are not of this fold. "
32:23 Listen to this... Now that's Bible Commentary vol. 4, 1184.
32:29 Listen to this one: "The Lord has His representatives in
32:33 all the churches. " Amen.
32:38 "These persons have not had the special testing truths
32:42 for these last days presented to them
32:45 under circumstances that brought conviction
32:48 to heart and mind. Therefore,
32:51 they have not by rejecting light severed their connection
32:55 with God. " God didn't throw them away!
33:00 We lived in New York, my dear wife, next to a family
33:06 two maiden ladies up in age and their brother who was a
33:12 octogenarian like myself.
33:14 But every morning you could rise
33:18 by their driving their old 1939 Dodge
33:24 out of the garage.
33:26 They were going to Mass.
33:30 And some Sabbaths I may have been a little late
33:33 to Sabbath School, huh?
33:36 But they never were late. We stayed there 5 years,
33:42 and every day they were there.
33:46 Oh, yes, we tried to give them Bible studies.
33:48 Yes, we tried to witness.
33:50 Yes, we talked about the Sabbath and all of that.
33:52 I don't know... we'll have to leave that with God.
33:57 And our evangelist friends can tell you - especially
34:00 in the old days when Billy Graham and others were great,
34:04 you know, in their great crusades.
34:06 Some people would say: "What about Billy Graham?
34:09 You think he's right? "
34:11 I said: "Not my business. "
34:14 Hmmm? All right, now.
34:16 It's not my business... I am not a judge.
34:21 Of course, I am a fruit inspector...
34:27 but not a judge.
34:28 I don't know who is. She says: "Among the Catholics
34:32 there are many who are most conscientious Christians
34:35 and who walk in all the light that shines upon them.
34:38 And God will work in their behalf. "
34:40 That's why you have 3ABN.
34:43 Amen.
34:45 Reaching out to all these people.
34:48 Then she goes on to say in the 18th chapter
34:51 of the Revelation: "The people of God are called upon
34:54 to come out of Babylon.
34:56 According to this scripture, many of God's people
34:58 must still be in Babylon. " This is Ellen White now talking.
35:01 I got this from Great Controversy, 383:
35:04 "And in what religious bodies are the greater part of the
35:10 followers of Christ now to be found?
35:13 Without doubt in the various churches professing
35:19 the Protestant faith. "
35:21 I remember now... Kids don't pay much attention to their parents
35:25 as much as they should. But my dad was an evangelist,
35:29 and old-time one with his charts and all of that.
35:32 But I remember now that Papa would always say
35:36 in his tent meetings - his evangelistic meetings -
35:39 he would say: "Christian friends. "
35:41 Ninety percent of the people there were not Seventh-day
35:44 Adventists, but Pop had enough sense to say
35:47 "Christian friends. "
35:49 He would always say it: "Christian friends,
35:52 I want the Lord to help me to be able to say
35:56 with a straight face to anyone: Baptist, Methodist,
35:59 Catholic, Presbyterian,
36:02 Apostolic Christian friends.
36:05 Anyone that names the name of Christ
36:09 I ought to accept as a brother, a sister. "
36:14 And then she goes on to say:
36:18 "Notwithstanding the spiritual darkness and alienation
36:24 from God that exists in the churches which constitute
36:28 Babylon, the great body of Christ's true followers
36:34 are still to be found in their communion. "
36:40 And so I want to come down off my high horse.
36:47 I want to be able to have fellowship with people
36:51 who love Jesus but don't know what I know.
36:55 And I have to take the attitude
36:58 that I am their servant!
37:01 I am not here to tell them they're wrong and I'm right.
37:07 I'm here to let my light shine.
37:14 Now here's another one I received from Christ's Object
37:19 Lessons... no, this is Great Controversy once again.
37:24 "There is nothing so offensive to God
37:30 or is so dangerous to the human soul as pride
37:35 and self-sufficiency. "
37:37 Now actually I'm just preaching this to myself...
37:40 you can listen in.
37:43 I'm just talking to Bro. Bradford here.
37:45 He says to Bro. Bradford: "Bro. Bradford,
37:48 son, Charles,
37:51 there is nothing so offensive to God
37:55 or so dangerous to the human soul
37:58 as pride and self-sufficiency.
38:01 Of all sins it is the most hopeless...
38:08 the most incurable. "
38:13 I tremble... I tremble when I think that I
38:18 could be smitten with a little tincture of pride
38:23 and look at my neighbors - hmmm? -
38:29 little, pathetic people. They don't know what it's all about.
38:33 We know God.
38:36 We understand; we have the third angel's message.
38:39 I do believe we have it,
38:42 and I believe I'm willing to die for the message.
38:47 But bless your heart, brothers and sisters,
38:50 if I do so... if I preach it with pride in myself,
38:56 then I am no more than a sounding brass
39:01 or a tinkling cymbal.
39:05 Don't you think we, the people of God,
39:08 ought to take God's message seriously?
39:12 Examine ourselves?
39:15 Do I have this problem?
39:19 Am I looking down
39:25 on neighbor and friend?
39:29 Am I rearing myself up...
39:34 self up to lofty heights
39:36 and look down on all these other people?
39:39 And then I am chagrined when I think about my Savior
39:45 who went to a wedding - Huh? -
39:50 and just drank a little wine with them.
39:53 I know it was all right what He did, what He drank.
39:57 I think of Him as getting a time of fellowship
40:03 with Mary and Martha and Lazarus.
40:06 What a Savior He must have been!
40:08 And the preacher said today: "Wouldn't it be wonderful
40:10 if He could come in here today? "
40:13 Well, I feel that He's here now!
40:15 Amen. And he said the same thing "by His Spirit. "
40:18 He said: "Where two or three of you are gathered
40:21 in My name, that's where I am! "
40:25 And I want you to help me a little bit, pray for me.
40:28 Right now I have been for several years
40:33 doing my own intensive study
40:38 on what the church really is.
40:42 What is the church?
40:45 I don't want to cause any stir.
40:49 I want to be very careful in my speech.
40:54 My demeanor, even... the way I give it.
40:58 But let me tell you, my friends, the only definition
41:02 that Jesus ever gave of the church
41:05 is when He told His disciples in Caesarea-Philippi
41:09 "upon this rock I build My church
41:12 and the gates of hell shall never prevail against it. "
41:15 He goes on to tell them finally in the next two chapters
41:18 that "I tell you... " In one of the versions said
41:22 "Listen carefully... "
41:24 He said: "Listen carefully, I tell you
41:27 that wherever two or three of you are gathered
41:31 in My name, there I am" -
41:33 Amen - "in the midst of you. "
41:36 And so Ellen White tells us if you are worshiping in a
41:40 little church somewhere in the dale
41:43 and nobody thinks much of you,
41:46 you can look upon Jesus coming in there
41:49 and say: "This is the place we ought to be. "
41:52 Jesus is there. Every time, He's there!
41:55 Now I've got a little new light for you.
41:58 Because the brethren get on me when I get a little new light,
42:02 you know. You heard about new light?
42:06 I've got to watch that new light.
42:08 But I have some new light here today... new light.
42:11 I noticed when I say that everybody woke up.
42:13 That's wonderful... I'll do that all the time now.
42:17 New light... new light. Well, you remember
42:20 Jesus said: "Where two or three are" What? "Gathered in My name
42:23 I'm there. " He didn't say "I come late. "
42:27 "I'll straggle in between Sabbath School
42:29 and 11 o'clock. " "I'm there! "
42:31 I'm getting a little sassy now, so don't get angry with me.
42:35 But... and Sabbath School is it.
42:38 If you're a Seventh-day Adventist, you've got to be
42:41 in Sabbath School. Amen!
42:43 And I'm talking to the preacher and everybody else.
42:46 Whoo, I'm getting a little tough here today.
42:49 I'm going to get in trouble.
42:50 But even though I haven't finished up my sermon
42:56 I don't need to sit and study and finish it up.
42:58 Now go to Sabbath School, and the Lord'll give you something
43:01 better. Come on, now. Amen!
43:03 Sabbath School
43:05 is where they spake often one to another!
43:09 That's what happens in Sabbath School.
43:12 I was in Sabbath School a couple weeks ago; great Sabbath School.
43:15 They put us in class, and we all talked together.
43:18 And you know, they stimulated me and I had to do a little bit
43:21 of talking. Said: "Oh, wait a minute; I'm supposed to preach.
43:23 I don't need to get in... you know to. " But
43:25 let the people talk, brethren. Have the people to speak
43:29 one to another.
43:32 And by the way, when you call together a group of people
43:36 and give them the opportunity to talk,
43:38 you'll find out you're not the smartest one anyway.
43:44 You need it. Sabbath School... 2 or 3.
43:47 But I'm going back now to my new light.
43:49 My new light is this: you know
43:52 on that day He's risen but they're in an upper room.
43:58 They're commiserating with each other.
44:01 "Oh it's a terrible day... our Savior's in the tomb.
44:05 Terrible, terrible. "
44:06 A little bit earlier in that day there were a couple of men,
44:09 Cleopas was one, I don't know if we have the other man's name,
44:11 but they were walking along the road to Emmaus
44:14 and oh, they were so terribly down in the mouth as it were.
44:20 "Our Savior's gone. We thought, we trusted in God
44:25 that He would deliver us. Now He's gone.
44:27 What shall we do? " It was an awful time for them...
44:29 a terrible time... and they didn't even recognize
44:33 the man... a stranger from Galilee...
44:36 as He joined them as they walked along.
44:39 And they couldn't pay attention to Him for weeping and crying
44:43 and commiserating. And finally
44:46 He had to tell them a few things from the Word.
44:49 He went back to Moses and all the prophets.
44:52 Spoke about the Savior to come. They still didn't get it.
44:55 And then finally they said: "Let's go to this little inn
44:57 here, little place to get something to eat. "
45:00 And He took some bread
45:03 and broke it as only He can.
45:04 "Ah, it's Jesus! " Well, He'd been with them all the time,
45:07 hadn't He? "Where two or... " What?
45:09 "three are gathered in My name I'm there. "
45:12 And so the brethren - big apostles - they're in the
45:16 upper room. They're weeping; they're crying.
45:18 They don't know what's going to happen. And finally
45:21 somebody said: "There's a fellow in here; we don't know him. "
45:25 And He stood up and it was Jesus!
45:27 Now my preaching prior to my new light was
45:30 that they all got settled down and then Jesus came
45:34 and came on through the wall, you know,
45:36 and came in with them. I've got new light for you:
45:39 He was already there. He walked in with them.
45:42 In all their afflictions He was afflicted.
45:44 He never left them.
45:46 When they went into the building Jesus was...
45:48 They didn't see Him, but He came in with them.
45:51 "Where two or three are... " What?
45:52 "gathered in My name. "
45:54 So I've got these last few words.
45:57 I've got a word to leave with you to think about.
46:01 Something to think about.
46:03 Entitlement.
46:07 Entitlement. Make a mental notation of that, folks.
46:12 It doesn't belong to you.
46:16 It doesn't belong to me.
46:19 It doesn't belong because my family's been here
46:21 for thirty years, hmmm?
46:24 Doesn't belong to me because I graduated from the Seminary
46:28 with whatever they give up there.
46:30 Doesn't matter how many people you baptized.
46:35 Doesn't matter how much tithe you paid.
46:39 The one that comes in the last hour of the last day
46:44 will receive the same pay as you.
46:48 You ought to say "Amen" to that.
46:50 This is the driest church I ever preached to over here.
46:52 No it isn't, either. I'm just trying to stir you up...
46:54 that's all I'm doing.
46:56 There's no such thing as entitlement...
46:59 doesn't to me. It's His.
47:03 I don't care if you paid $1,000 on one pew.
47:08 It's not yours.
47:11 And the second one I have is self-sufficient.
47:16 Self-sufficiency.
47:18 Self-sufficiency.
47:21 I have no sufficiency in myself.
47:25 And after... I think I was baptized about...
47:31 I guess about almost eighty years ago.
47:34 I was nine when I was baptized.
47:37 I've been serving Him all these years.
47:39 Now life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
47:42 I've been climbing and falling and climbing and falling.
47:45 But I have this to tell you my brothers and sisters:
47:48 I've been with Him a long time and I ain't got weary yet.
47:52 Amen! I'm still trying and I'm still repenting.
47:58 And the last prayer I pray in this life will be
48:03 "God, be merciful to me, a sinner. "
48:08 No self-sufficiency here. And the last little phrase is
48:13 "let us here and now... " -
48:14 you know, as the preachers like to say sometimes -
48:17 "let the word go forth. "
48:19 Sounds, you know... real nice ring.
48:22 We must here and now... Let us here and now
48:25 declare a declaration of dependence
48:31 and not independence.
48:33 Nobody heard me but I preach on anyway.
48:36 Amen.
48:38 I go on anyhow... I must preach the Word.
48:41 I'm not worthy; I'm not independent.
48:46 I'm on that water where Peter was.
48:51 "Come to Me, " the Savior said.
48:54 The big fisherman steps out on the water.
48:58 It congeals under his feet...
49:01 becomes almost like a highway.
49:04 He's moving toward the Savior, isn't he?
49:06 Oh, he's feeling good.
49:09 Has any other man done this before?
49:13 "I'm walking on water. Look at me, John. "
49:17 "The rest of you boys, I'm walking on water. "
49:22 And you know, the preachers like to tell us that one
49:24 of those great waves came and blocked his view
49:29 of the Savior and immediately he began to sink
49:35 and cried out: "Lord, save me. "
49:40 So I stand before you today. I don't want you to...
49:44 I'd like for you to pray for me.
49:46 I'm glad. I have my limitations and I know it.
49:50 You don't need to tell me about those either.
49:53 I know it already. I've been talking to the Lord.
49:56 He showed me these things I must overcome,
50:00 but I would hope that we - you, I, all the rest of us -
50:03 would leave this place trusting God,
50:07 loving one another, and having a bonding
50:14 with all of God's people.
50:16 Now my future couple of talks I want to go to the book of
50:19 Malachi.
50:24 Sister White says Malachi was preaching
50:28 the Laodicean message in the last book of the Old Testament.
50:33 I want to talk about Malachi.
50:36 I want to give us a little sketch of how
50:41 that writing of Malachi is like a rear-view mirror...
50:45 we can see.
50:47 I want to say to you like the preachers say sometimes
50:50 it's not so much we who read the Bible
50:52 but it's the Bible who reads us.
50:54 But in Malachi I have to say the Bible sees us
51:00 and gives us the kind of instruction that we need
51:05 to meet the dangers of our time.
51:10 But here, to close off this message, oh how I love Jesus
51:14 because He first loved me.
51:19 I do not want to prevail on Him to forgive me when I haven't
51:24 confessed. I want to meet all the terms of the agreement.
51:30 You and I cannot be saved on our terms of agreement.
51:34 He is the One that gives the covenant
51:39 and I sign in to it.
51:42 But you know, I am convinced
51:46 that He is able to save to the uttermost.
51:51 Amen. And in the book of Malachi
51:53 some of them were crying and the Lord said:
51:55 "I don't like you to cover the altar with tears. "
51:59 "I don't want you to weep and moan. "
52:05 Jesus is risen,
52:09 and He is with us
52:12 even when we only have two or three gathered together.
52:19 "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus. " Do you want to do that?
52:22 If I could sing, I would sing it, elder.
52:26 'Tis so sweet
52:30 to trust in Jesus,
52:34 just to take Him at His Word.
52:39 just to rest upon His promise,
52:45 just to know "thus saith the Lord. " Sing it out everybody
52:51 now: Jesus, Jesus,
52:55 how I trust Him.
52:58 how I've proved Him o'er and o'er.
53:04 Jesus, Jesus,
53:07 precious Jesus.
53:11 Oh for grace
53:14 to trust Him more.
53:17 Heavenly Father, Jesus our Savior,
53:22 Holy Spirit our Comforter,
53:25 abide with us now. Prepare our hearts for the Sabbath.
53:30 Give us peace with each other
53:33 and peace with heaven and peace within our own souls.
53:39 Help us to be able to say "Shalom, Shalom. "
53:43 Great peace have they which love Your law...
53:46 nothing shall offend them.
53:49 Forgive our sins and make us that blessing
53:52 that the world needs to see.
53:55 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
54:00 Amen.
54:02 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him.
54:07 Can we say "Amen" again? Amen! God bless you, Elder Bradford.
54:12 You know, that song is so wonderful:
54:14 that song Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus.
54:18 Oh for grace to trust Him more.
54:22 Were you blessed? Amen!
54:25 I know those of you who are watching and listening,
54:27 some on the Internet, some watching on television,
54:31 how wonderful it is. That was such a timely message.
54:34 As I was sitting down listening to that and Elder Bradford said
54:39 "I'm getting to the place where I want to become a little
54:43 bit more radical here and say that this message
54:45 is for Adventists. "
54:48 And I thought: "I wonder if he's talking to me? "
54:51 Those of you who know and understand the truth:
54:54 this is the hour to be more humble than we've ever been
54:58 before. What do you say?
54:59 This is the hour to remember that God has given us
55:03 light... not to burn other people with
55:07 but to illuminate the way to Jesus.
55:10 And I'm thankful that a person who has been proclaiming this
55:13 message with a trumpet of certainty for more than 60 years
55:18 has not forgotten that the only glory that
55:23 is ever to shine is the glory that comes as a result of
55:28 Jesus residing in our lives.
55:30 So those of you who have come this afternoon...
55:33 we have so much more Camp Meeting left.
55:36 We have messages later on in our day.
55:39 We have wonderful programs this evening.
55:42 But let me challenge you with this particular thought:
55:46 how wonderful it is to gather together on occasions like this
55:50 and remember all the lessons we've learned
55:53 at the feet of Jesus.
55:55 But how tragic it would be to learn all these lessons
55:58 at the feet of Jesus and not sit at the welcome table
56:01 with Jesus when He comes.
56:03 Getting back to the title, seems ironic:
56:06 Good Man Lost; Bad Man Saved.
56:10 Remember the words of Jesus:
56:12 "There is only One good and that is God. "
56:14 And so as we keep ourselves under the tutelage of His
56:18 Holy Spirit, as we walk on the path that still has miles
56:23 ahead of us, let's remember that it is God's grace
56:28 that will keep us, God's grace that will save us,
56:32 God's grace that will continue to guide us.
56:34 Let us pray for our preachers
56:37 on all the continents of this world and all the pulpits
56:40 of this world. Let's also pray for those sincere Christians
56:44 that love the Lord that are in various denominations
56:47 around the world that when Jesus does come
56:50 there will be one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
56:55 and one church triumphant. What do you say? Amen.
56:58 And so good man, bad man... it's really for the Lord to decide.
57:04 But as you keep your life in the hand of the Lord
57:06 remember that He and He alone can transform us
57:10 from who we were to who we can be in Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17