3ABN Homecoming 2011

The Holy Spirit And Revival

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Finley


Series Code: 11HC

Program Code: 11HC000005

00:48 Hello and welcome. You heard the welcome
00:50 during the open, but I welcome you as well
00:52 here to 3ABN Homecoming Camp Meeting.
00:56 What a blessing it has been. Amen?
00:58 Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord!
01:00 The music is inspiration.
01:02 The messages also a blessing and an inspiration.
01:05 And we hope that you at home
01:07 have been blessed. And please write us and let us know
01:10 how God has blessed you through these messages
01:12 and the music as well.
01:13 Now during this hour we have another blessing in store
01:19 because when God's people come together
01:22 God blesses them.
01:24 And so we encourage you to continue with us.
01:27 Those watching at home, those watching in hospitals
01:29 and even prisons. I must tell you that we get
01:32 letters from prisoners. They are there and they watch 3ABN.
01:37 And it's a blessing to see how the programming
01:39 is even impacting people that are prisoners.
01:42 But as they know Jesus Christ they can be set free.
01:45 And people are watching all over the world
01:48 and we praise the Lord. And we are also glorifying
01:51 His name because lives are being transformed.
01:54 During this hour we will hear a blessing
01:58 through music through Pastor C.A. Murray
02:00 and also a message from Pastor Mark Finley.
02:04 Now I know that those of you that were here
02:07 were blessed by the message that we heard
02:10 the last time we were together with Pastor Mark Finley.
02:13 And it was Prayer Makes a Difference.
02:16 Does prayer make a difference?
02:17 Amen. Praise the Lord!
02:19 And as you noticed during that message
02:23 Pastor Mark Finley teaches us from God's Word.
02:27 And this is what you should expect during this hour as well.
02:31 He's going to teach us from God's Word,
02:33 and he is a man that you can tell studies God's Word.
02:37 Not only on the surface but what? Deeply.
02:41 And so we are encouraged to see that and we are also
02:44 blessed. And we know the Lord will bless during this message.
02:49 And before Pastor Murray comes to sing
02:53 we would like to ask you to stand for a moment for prayer.
02:56 We want to ask the Lord's blessing once again.
02:58 Now the people here... that are here from different parts
03:01 of the country. Is anybody here
03:04 from outside of the United States?
03:06 Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
03:08 There are some here and some more will be coming.
03:11 But now we invite you to pray. And those of you
03:15 at home can also join us in prayer.
03:17 And if you're not driving, please join us in prayer.
03:20 Let us pray.
03:21 Our loving heavenly Father,
03:24 we want to thank you, Lord, that in the midst of
03:28 troubles and tribulation in this world
03:30 we can find hope and encourage- ment and strength in You.
03:36 We pray, Lord, that as we are together
03:39 Your Holy Spirit will illuminate our minds
03:42 and open our understanding, Lord,
03:45 so that we will see deep and wonderful things in God's Word.
03:49 We pray for a blessing upon everyone
03:52 that is watching and listening, and we ask, Lord,
03:56 for Your name to be glorified.
03:58 We pray for Your Holy Spirit to be poured out.
04:01 And we ask for these blessings in Jesus' name, Amen.
04:05 You may be seated.
04:08 Our speaker is Pastor Mark Finley.
04:10 Many of you know him as the former speaker
04:15 and director of the It Is Written international
04:18 telecast. Also served the Seventh-day Adventist church
04:21 as a general vice president of the General Conference
04:25 and now is blessed to work directly with the
04:30 General Conference president which is Elder Wilson.
04:35 And he's special assistant to the president of the
04:38 General Conference.
04:39 And millions of people around the world have been blessed
04:42 by the messages that God brings to us
04:45 through Pastor Mark Finley. And during this hour
04:48 we will hear a message about the Holy Spirit
04:51 and revival. And we need revival. What do you say? Amen?
04:56 We need revival. So we're going to hear a message
04:59 about the Holy Spirit and revival.
05:01 Prepare your hearts and your minds.
05:03 And to help us prepare our hearts and our minds
05:06 I am encouraged and blessed by the music of
05:08 Pastor C.A. Murray. You know, some people
05:10 not only can preach but they can also sing.
05:13 And that's also a sermon... a message from the Lord.
05:16 So at this time we'd like to invite Pastor Murray
05:18 to come forward. And you will hear a song entitled
05:21 Go Free. May God bless us all.
05:25 The words for this song come from the
05:27 second volume of the Testimonies pages 318 and 319.
05:31 Ellen White is writing to a certain Sister T.
05:34 and the letter found its way into the second volume
05:36 of the Testimonies under the title Comfort in Affliction.
05:40 Evidently this woman had been sick for a long time
05:42 and she began to believe that her sickness was evidence
05:46 that God no longer loved her.
05:48 And so Ellen White wrote her specifically.
05:50 I want to read just a couple lines from this
05:52 because of some important things that are here.
05:54 She says: "I have heard of your affliction
05:57 and I hasten to write you a few lines.
05:59 My dear sister, I have it on the very best evidence
06:02 that God loves you. He has shown me your case. "
06:06 She says among other things: "I saw that the Lord would
06:09 be to you a very present help
06:11 if you would only trust yourself in Him.
06:14 But, " she said, "you are beginning to worry yourself
06:17 out of the arms of God. "
06:20 You know how sometimes we take our burdens to the Lord.
06:21 Instead of leaving them there we pick them right back up
06:23 and carry them away?
06:25 She says this is what this woman was beginning to do.
06:27 She says: "You are worrying yourself out of the arms of God
06:30 and in indulging these doubts you dishonor God. "
06:35 She says: "Trust Him! Go free, oppressed soul.
06:39 Be of good courage. Say to yourself
06:42 'God loves me' and hope in the Lord. "
06:45 Now here's the powerful line that I want to close with.
06:47 She said: "I know that the Lord loves you.
06:51 If you cannot rely on your own faith,
06:55 rely on the faith of others.
06:59 We believe and hope for you.
07:01 God accepts our faith in your behalf. "
07:06 Isn't that a powerful statement?
07:08 So that when you pray for someone else - a lost child,
07:12 a lost relative, a lost parent, a lost friend,
07:15 God accepts your faith in their behalf.
07:20 Now your faith cannot save them.
07:21 Their salvation is a consequence of their own faith.
07:25 But your faith can keep them safe
07:27 until the Spirit of God can get through.
07:29 "God accepts our faith in your behalf. "
07:33 She says: "Flee from the devil; go free. "
07:37 And the title of the song is Go Free.
07:52 Troubled soul,
07:57 I know you're so tired of fighting.
08:01 Don't you know
08:05 He sees the wound you've been hiding?
08:11 Yesterday can't change tomorrow
08:17 so leave behind all your sorrow.
08:22 Go free... go free
08:28 in the name of Jesus go free.
08:33 Child of God,
08:36 child adored...
08:40 come to the Lord and go free.
08:53 Trembling soul,
08:57 I know you're so tired of aching.
09:03 Don't you know
09:06 He sees the wounds you are taking?
09:12 His hand of mercy and healing
09:18 can untie the hurt that you're feeling.
09:23 Go free... go free
09:28 in the name of Jesus go free.
09:34 Child of God,
09:37 child adored...
09:41 come to the Lord and go free.
09:54 Tempted soul,
09:58 I know you're so tired of fighting.
10:03 Don't you know
10:07 He sees the wound you've been hiding?
10:13 The battle that's raging is so strong
10:19 and you've been a captive for too long.
10:25 Go free... oh, ya gotta go free
10:31 in the name of Jesus go free.
10:37 Child of God,
10:39 child adored...
10:43 come to the Lord
10:48 and go free.
10:51 In the name of Jesus
10:55 go free.
10:57 Child of God,
11:00 child adored...
11:04 come to the Lord
11:08 and go free.
11:11 Go free... go free.
11:18 Now go free.
11:28 Amen!
11:32 Child of God, go free.
11:37 Really that's the message of revival, isn't it?
11:39 It's freeing us from the secular, materialistic
11:44 earthly human values that cloud our minds
11:48 and create foggy thoughts
11:51 so that we do not see Jesus clearly.
11:54 This is the second in a series of five messages
11:59 on spiritual revival.
12:01 Last evening we talked about prayer and revival.
12:06 This morning the Holy Spirit and revival.
12:09 Our third message is on Revelation... the book of
12:13 Revelation and revival.
12:16 And there are really three messages on Revelation
12:18 and revival in this series.
12:20 The first is entitled Revelation's Three Songs.
12:25 The second: Revelation's Triumphant Christ.
12:28 And the third: Revelation's End-Time Revival.
12:32 All of those messages - those five -
12:35 focus on some aspect of revival.
12:38 As we open our Bibles today to study the Holy Spirit
12:41 and revival let's pray. Father,
12:44 the Holy Spirit prompted the writing of the Word of God.
12:48 And as we open its pages to study it today
12:52 we pray Thee that the same Spirit
12:55 that inspired Bible writers would be with us
12:59 to inspire our hearts to take another step closer to You
13:03 and to go deeper into a relationship with You.
13:06 In Christ's name, Amen.
13:09 For some 14 years my wife and I lived in California.
13:13 It was there that I was the Speaker/Director of
13:15 It Is Written television.
13:17 And in California, particularly southern California,
13:19 there are many gated communities.
13:21 And so we were living in a gated community, and one day
13:24 the guard gate called our home.
13:27 And the man at the gate said this.
13:29 He said: "There's somebody here, Mr. Finley, to see you.
13:32 This is his name... "
13:34 I didn't recognize the person's name at all.
13:36 I hadn't ever heard of that person before
13:39 and the person at the gate said:
13:42 "This person is insistent he has to see you now. "
13:45 And so I thought rather than having the guard gate
13:49 let him come into our community and come knocking on my door
13:52 when I had no idea who this man was
13:54 that I'd better go down to the guard gate and talk to him.
13:57 So I did. Drove down to the gate.
13:58 And the man greeted me and he said: "Pastor Finley,
14:01 I am so glad to meet you.
14:04 I've been watching your television program. "
14:08 And I thought: "Well that's pretty good news. "
14:10 Then he said: "And the Holy Spirit's impressed me too. "
14:14 And I thought: "That's good news. Maybe he was watching
14:16 the program and the Holy Spirit impressed him to give a donation
14:20 to the program. This is really getting good. "
14:22 And then he said: "the Holy Spirit has impressed me
14:25 to come here to work with you to travel all over the world. "
14:32 And I said: "This is really getting an interesting story. "
14:34 And I said: "Where did you come from? "
14:37 He said: "I took a bus from Sacramento area
14:40 about 6 or 7 hours down here to southern California. "
14:45 And I asked him: "Are you married? "
14:47 "Oh yes, but the Holy Spirit has impressed me to leave
14:50 my wife to come work with you. "
14:53 "Do you have children? "
14:54 "Oh yes, the Holy Spirit has impressed me
14:57 to leave my children to come work with you. "
15:00 "Did you have a job? "
15:03 "Yes I did, but the Holy Spirit
15:05 impressed me to leave my job. "
15:08 "Do you have any money? "
15:10 "No, I spend my last dollar to come down to work with you
15:13 because when the Holy Spirit impresses you to do something
15:18 you must follow "
15:19 I said: "My brother, the Holy Spirit has just impressed me
15:22 to take you to the bus station and buy you a bus fare
15:25 to send you back to your wife. "
15:31 And so we sat down and I talked to that man for about 3 hours
15:34 about how to understand the impressions of the Holy Spirit.
15:40 The subject of the Holy Spirit and the impressions of the
15:43 Holy Spirit is one of the most confusing subjects
15:46 among many Christians today.
15:48 How do you know that you've been impressed by the
15:51 Holy Spirit or that this is the wanderings of your own mind?
15:57 How do you know that that voice you hear in your head
16:00 is not your own human prompting?
16:04 How do you make the distinction between what God is guiding
16:08 you to do and what the Holy Spirit is guiding you to do?
16:13 God's Spirit will never lead us contrary
16:18 to God's Word. And God's Word and God's will
16:22 are always in harmony.
16:24 This subject of the Holy Spirit is an extremely confusing
16:29 subject for many.
16:33 This morning we want to talk about three aspects of the
16:35 Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit?
16:38 What is the Holy Spirit's work?
16:40 And why was the Holy Spirit given?
16:42 So we could call it the who, the what, and the why
16:48 of the Holy Spirit.
16:49 First, the who of the Holy Spirit.
16:52 What is the Holy Spirit?
16:54 There are many people that have the idea that the Holy Spirit
16:57 is a force... the Holy Spirit is a power.
17:00 The Holy Spirit is even some divine energy.
17:03 As I travel around the world, this confusion is even among
17:06 many of God's people.
17:08 They have the idea that there is God the Father,
17:11 a divine person.
17:13 There is God the Son, a divine person.
17:15 But when it comes to the Holy Spirit
17:17 there's this kind of vague misunderstanding
17:20 that the Holy Spirit is this kind of mystical force.
17:23 It is not really a divine person.
17:26 Well let's look at scripture.
17:27 Matthew chapter 28. You know the passage well.
17:31 Verse 19:
17:33 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations. "
17:36 Matthew 28 verse 19:
17:38 we're studying the who of the Holy Spirit.
17:40 Who is the Holy Spirit? "Baptizing them in the name
17:43 of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. "
17:46 So in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
17:50 The Bible doesn't simply say the Father and the Son
17:52 and then the Holy Spirit is some kind of it,
17:54 some kind of force emanating from the Father.
17:57 Let's suppose that this was a wooden pulpit
18:01 and the top of the pulpit was loose
18:05 and I wanted to drive a nail into the pulpit with a hammer.
18:09 How many times would I have to swing the hammer
18:12 to drive the nail through? How many times?
18:15 Here's the nail. I'm going to swing the hammer
18:18 and whack that nail.
18:19 How many times will I have to swing the hammer
18:21 to drive the nail through?
18:23 How many times do you think the pastor has to swing
18:25 the hammer? Once?
18:29 I got three or four. How many times?
18:31 Ten?
18:35 Here's what it depends on.
18:37 It depends whether you hit the nail or not.
18:40 If you miss it, you're going to be swinging that hammer
18:43 a lot of times, right?
18:46 You don't need to read 100 Bible texts to prove a topic.
18:50 You need to read one text and one comment.
18:53 I'll give you a couple more texts. Who is the Holy Spirit?
18:56 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
18:58 Here is the divine commentary
19:02 that defines Matthew 28:19
19:06 on the nature of the Holy Spirit.
19:08 "There are three living persons of the heavenly trio. "
19:13 I'm quoting from Testimonies to Ministers page 392.
19:16 When Ellen White was counseling pastors
19:20 defining the work and nature of the Holy Spirit
19:23 and particularly who the Holy Spirit was, she said:
19:26 "There are three living persons. "
19:30 That's hitting the nail on the head, isn't it?
19:32 You don't have to write a dissertation on it.
19:35 You don't have to write five books on it.
19:37 You don't have to study for a lifetime.
19:40 It hits the nail on the head.
19:41 "There are three living persons of the heavenly trio. "
19:45 In the name of these three great powers -
19:48 the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit -
19:50 those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized.
19:53 So the Holy Spirit is as much a divine personage
19:58 as the Father and the Son.
20:00 The Holy Spirit isn't some kind of vague entity.
20:02 The Holy Spirit isn't some kind of force that emanates
20:05 from the Father.
20:06 There is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
20:08 composing the Godhead.
20:10 We find that throughout scripture.
20:12 Take your Bible and turn to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 18.
20:16 Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 18.
20:20 Somebody said it well. Said: "to try to understand
20:24 the trinity is to lose your mind.
20:28 But to reject the concept of the Godhead -
20:31 the trinity - is to lose your soul. "
20:33 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 18:
20:36 "For through Him... " - that is, through Christ -
20:39 "we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. "
20:42 There you have Christ, the Spirit, the Father
20:46 all mentioned in one text.
20:48 This divine trio that Ellen White speaks about...
20:52 the Godhead.
20:53 Take your Bible and turn to II Corinthians 3:18.
20:58 Why is this important?
21:00 If the Holy Spirit is simply a force emanating from the Father,
21:05 if the Holy Spirit is no more than a mere force,
21:08 then we will try to use that force
21:11 to accomplish our own ends.
21:13 But if the Holy Spirit is the third divine person
21:16 of the Godhead, we then yield to the convicting, prompting,
21:20 empowering power of the Holy Spirit in our own lives.
21:24 The Holy Spirit is as much a personage,
21:27 a personality, a being, as the Father and the Son.
21:31 You find that again in II Corinthians 13:14.
21:35 II Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 14.
21:42 The scripture says: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
21:47 and the love of God in the communion of the Holy Spirit
21:51 be with you all. " So you have the grace of Jesus Christ,
21:54 the love of God, the communion of the Spirit.
21:57 Here they are: the Godhead...
21:59 the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
22:01 The Father is from eternity; the Son is from eternity;
22:04 the Holy Spirit is from eternity.
22:06 These three work for the salvation of humanity.
22:10 Now in the Old Testament God is prominent.
22:13 In the New Testament Christ fills the horizon.
22:16 But once Jesus ascended to heaven
22:19 we are living in the age - the dispensation -
22:21 of the Holy Spirit. This is the time to understand
22:25 more about the Holy Spirit. How He works
22:28 and the revival of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
22:31 Take your Bible, please, as we now try to discover
22:34 what Jesus said about His return to heaven
22:38 and the gift of the Spirit that He would return to the earth
22:42 once His sacrifice was accepted by the Father in heaven.
22:47 Man steps off a mountain and goes down.
22:51 God steps off a mountain and goes up
22:54 because the laws of gravity cannot hold the Creator
22:59 of the laws of gravity down.
23:01 Jesus was about ready to leave... about ready to
23:04 step off that mountain, and He gave this instruction
23:08 in the gospel of John to His earthly disciples
23:11 about His leaving.
23:13 They were concerned
23:14 and John 14, 15, and 16- those three chapters
23:20 more than any other in the Bible -
23:21 are a treatise by Jesus, a discourse by Jesus,
23:26 part of one single sermon by Jesus on the coming of
23:32 the Spirit after He left His earthly church.
23:36 We find Jesus telling His disciples in John chapter 14
23:40 "Let not your hearts be troubled.
23:42 You believe in God, believe also in Me.
23:46 In My Father's house are many mansions
23:48 and if it were not so I would have told you.
23:50 I go to prepare a place for you,
23:52 and if I go and prepare a place for you I will... " do what?
23:55 "come again. " But the disciples were concerned.
23:58 How long would Jesus' coming be?
24:01 How would they exist during the time
24:06 that Jesus was gone?
24:08 Their hearts were longing for the presence of Christ.
24:12 They were disappointed that He was leaving them.
24:16 And so Jesus said in John chapter 14 and verse 18:
24:22 He said: "I will not leave you orphans... " -
24:26 John 14 verse 18-
24:28 "I will come to you. "
24:31 So Jesus was leaving
24:35 but through the third person of the Godhead
24:38 the personal presence of Jesus Christ
24:42 would be manifest with the disciples.
24:45 Wouldn't it be kind of an exciting thing
24:47 if Jesus walked into this 3ABN Camp Meeting auditorium today?
24:52 Amen! Wouldn't you love that?
24:54 Wouldn't you love to have Him come?
24:56 But He says that through His Holy Spirit
25:00 He would be closer to His people than if He were present
25:04 physically and personally.
25:07 Notice what He says.
25:10 Here... take your Bible and look at John 16 and verse 7.
25:14 Who is the Holy Spirit?
25:17 The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead.
25:19 The Holy Spirit - the third person of the Godhead -
25:23 is the personal presence of Christ
25:26 manifest in our lives. John 16 verse 7:
25:29 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth:
25:31 it is to your advantage that I go away. "
25:34 Wait a minute! It is to our what?
25:36 Advantage that Christ is not here.
25:39 It is to our advantage?
25:42 Why not? Why to our advantage?
25:44 Because if the physical Christ were here today
25:47 at this 3ABN Camp Meeting
25:50 He could not be physically present someplace else.
25:55 He would be limited by His physical presence here.
25:59 Because when Christ left heaven He tabernacled in human flesh
26:04 and was limited to be in one place.
26:05 But through the ministry of the Holy Spirit
26:08 the living Christ can be with you as you're praying
26:11 in your bedroom. The living Christ can be with us here
26:14 through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
26:16 So Jesus said to His disciples - Peter, James, and John -
26:19 "as you travel the world I will be with you.
26:22 My presence will be by your side.
26:24 I'll warm your hearts through the Holy Spirit. "
26:27 Who is the Holy Spirit? The third person of the Godhead,
26:31 the personal presence of Christ that ministers to
26:34 Jesus' people as they travel from place to place
26:37 and as they seek Him.
26:39 That is the who of the Holy Spirit.
26:41 Now, what about the what of the Holy Spirit?
26:43 What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit?
26:45 I'd like to study with you six aspects of the ministry
26:49 of the Holy Spirit. What the Holy Spirit -
26:52 the personal presence of Jesus Christ -
26:55 wants to do for you.
26:57 First, the Holy Spirit convicts.
27:01 We find that in John 16 and verse 8.
27:04 The Holy Spirit convicts.
27:07 What does the Holy Spirit convict of?
27:10 John 16:8... the Holy Spirit convicts.
27:15 "And when He has come... "
27:17 Now notice the Bible doesn't say "it" has come.
27:20 And the Bible doesn't say "this force has come. "
27:23 And when what has come, everybody? What does it say?
27:25 He. He represents divine personality.
27:29 "When He is come... " Verse 8:
27:34 "He will convict... " What will He do?
27:37 "He will convict the world of sin
27:40 and of righteousness and of judgment. "
27:42 He convicts the world of sin.
27:45 The more you yield to the convicting power of the
27:50 Holy Spirit in your life and do not yield
27:54 to the temptations of the enemy,
27:57 the sharper your spiritual antenna is tuned
28:03 to listen to the Holy Spirit.
28:06 Have you ever felt that convicting power
28:10 in your own life? You were about ready to say something
28:14 negative and critical about something else... somebody else
28:17 and there's this little, small voice in your mind
28:21 that says: "Why are you saying that? "
28:23 If you push that little small voice away from your mind,
28:28 it becomes easier the next time to yield.
28:31 Have you ever been ready to take an article
28:34 out of the refrigerator at 10 o'clock at night
28:39 and you remember the carob chocolate cake
28:43 that you had served for birthday
28:46 and the soy ice cream that is there?
28:49 And you take that chocolate cake at 10 o'clock at night
28:54 and you cut off three large pieces
28:57 and put it on that plate
28:59 after your husband or wife has gone to bed.
29:02 And you scoop up half that quart of ice cream
29:06 and you get in the corner and just turn the light on
29:09 a little bit and you say: "This is going to taste good. "
29:13 And there's a little, small voice in your mind that
29:15 says: "This might not be that healthful. "
29:20 Sometimes the Holy Spirit convicts you more than
29:23 Pastor Finley spoke. He is more direct!
29:29 Have you ever been flipping the dial on the television
29:34 and you've gone by 3ABN
29:38 and on your satellite dish you see something
29:42 noticing that it's not pleasing to Jesus
29:45 and you linger there?
29:47 And the Holy Spirit speaks in your heart and says:
29:51 "That which your eyes are watching
29:54 will defile your spiritual character.
29:57 This is not pure and true. "
30:01 You see, all of those inclinations...
30:05 The Holy Spirit convicts of sin.
30:10 The Holy Spirit moves in our lives
30:13 as a spiritual x-ray of the soul.
30:18 The more you yield to the promptings of the Holy Spirit,
30:23 the more you listen to that inner voice that is
30:26 convicting you of sin, the more you are sensitive
30:31 to the Holy Spirit.
30:32 But the more you reject that inner voice
30:35 the harder the heart becomes.
30:38 The Holy Spirit will convict of sin...
30:40 that's verse 8... and of righteousness.
30:45 What does it mean the Holy Spirit
30:46 "convicts of righteousness? "
30:48 Every impulse to do right is prompted by the Holy Spirit.
30:52 Every impulse to speak a kind word is prompted by the
30:56 Holy Spirit. Every impulse to perform a loving act
31:00 is prompted by the Holy Spirit.
31:03 As you yield to the ministry of the Holy Spirit,
31:07 as He works in your heart and life,
31:10 and as you act...
31:12 You are sitting down and the Holy Spirit prompts you, sir,
31:16 "Go over and help your wife clean the table
31:20 and do the dishes. She had a tough day. "
31:22 When you get up out of your seat and yield to the prompting
31:26 of the Spirit to do right
31:28 it creates within you a sensitivity
31:33 to the promptings of the Spirit.
31:36 If you study something in the Bible and you see that
31:38 God says it in the Bible...
31:40 And maybe there's somebody watching on 3ABN.
31:42 You're studying the Bible Sabbath
31:44 and you yield to the conviction of God
31:46 and begin to keep the Bible Sabbath,
31:48 what does that do?
31:50 It opens your heart and mind to the further promptings
31:54 of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin.
31:58 The Holy Spirit convicts us of righteousness
32:01 and of judgment.
32:03 What does it mean the Holy Spirit convicts us of judgment?
32:05 We are moral beings, created in the image of God,
32:09 and judgment implies moral responsibility.
32:13 And the Holy Spirit says "you're responsible for your actions. "
32:16 It's not some genetic predisposition
32:19 that leads you to have an angry temper.
32:22 So the Holy Spirit reveals to you responsibility.
32:25 There's something else that the Bible means.
32:27 Did you see it there in the text when it says
32:29 in John chapter 16 verse 8 last part:
32:33 "When He is come He'll convict the world of sin
32:36 and of righteousness and of... " what? "judgment. "
32:39 What does it mean He convicts the world of judgment? "
32:40 That there is a day coming that God will sit on His throne
32:45 and make every wrong right.
32:47 Have you been treated unfairly?
32:49 Have you been treated unjustly?
32:51 Have there been times that people have maligned
32:55 your character?
32:56 The Holy Spirit, working in our heart, says:
32:58 "Leave them with God because He is the judge
33:02 and one day He will sit on His throne
33:05 and make everything right. " And that is good news!
33:08 Amen! The ministry of the Holy Spirit
33:11 convicts us of sin, of righteousness and judgment.
33:14 What does the Holy Spirit do?
33:16 He convicts: first thing that the Holy Spirit does.
33:19 The C is conviction.
33:21 Second thing the Holy Spirit does is H:
33:23 He helps us. Look at verse 7.
33:26 This is a fascinating Bible passage.
33:30 John chapter 16 verse 7:
33:32 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth... "
33:34 What does Jesus tell us? He tells us the what?
33:37 "The truth. " Satan is a liar and he is the...
33:42 father of lies.
33:43 But Jesus is the truth, and everything He says is truth
33:47 because He is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life. "
33:50 Jesus says verse 7: "Nevertheless I tell you... "
33:53 the what everybody?
33:54 "truth. It is to your advantage that I go away
33:58 for if I don't go away the Helper will not come to you.
34:03 But if I depart, I will send Him to you. "
34:05 Some translations say "the Comforter. "
34:07 "The Helper will not come to you. "
34:09 Jesus... the Holy Spirit convicts and the Holy Spirit
34:13 does what? Helps.
34:15 Now the word Helper is a fascinating word.
34:17 In the original Greek language of the New Testament
34:19 the word Helper is paraclete. Can you say that with me?
34:22 Paraclete... no, not parakeet.
34:25 There's a difference between the paraclete and the parakeet!
34:30 What is a paraclete
34:32 in New Testament Greek language?
34:34 The word clete comes from the word kaleo in Greek.
34:40 It means called. It is the root word derivative
34:43 meaning called. Para... we have an English word
34:47 parallel. What does parallel mean?
34:49 Along side of. You've got it.
34:52 Along side of. So the word Helper
34:55 in the Greek language is the paraclete.
34:58 So we have the derivative of side of and called.
35:01 So He's the One called to your side to help.
35:06 The One called to your side to help.
35:08 What a ministry of the Holy Spirit!
35:10 When you are tempted, He's the One called to your side
35:13 to help you. When you're discouraged, He's the One
35:15 called to your side to lift up your spirit and encourage
35:17 your heart. When you feel defeated
35:20 He's the One called to your side to give you strength.
35:23 When you feel weak, He is the One called to your side
35:26 to impart power to your life.
35:29 Jesus Christ sends His Holy Spirit to our sides.
35:33 But there's something more wonderful about this yet.
35:36 This word paraclete was not necessarily
35:40 a Biblical word that John used.
35:43 It was a very well-known word in Roman society.
35:46 When John talked about the paraclete
35:50 it was very well known. When a person
35:54 was brought to court and when they were tried in court
35:58 they would have a paraclete that would be brought to their side.
36:03 The word paraclete is a legal word.
36:06 It is much more than an attorney.
36:09 The word has much greater meaning than attorney.
36:13 The paraclete in a Roman system of judgment
36:16 would come to the side of the one that was on trial
36:21 and the paraclete would be his defense lawyer
36:25 to prove his innocence.
36:26 But more than that, in Roman prisons often adequate food
36:30 was not provided.
36:33 The paraclete would come to your side
36:35 to provide every single thing you need.
36:37 He would provide food. He would be the liaison
36:41 with your relatives so that they could see you and visit.
36:44 The paraclete is the one that supplied the total needs
36:48 of the one being tried.
36:50 There was no need that you would have
36:52 that the paraclete - the one who came to your side -
36:55 could not supply. So Jesus uses this term
36:58 to describe the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
37:01 What is the work of the Holy Spirit?
37:03 He's your paraclete.
37:04 He comes to your side to bring you help in your area of need.
37:10 I love that old hymn
37:11 Just when I need Him Jesus is near.
37:15 Just when I falter; just when I fear.
37:19 Just when I need Him most.
37:21 Jesus in the sanctuary above sees your need.
37:25 He knows those nights when you lie on your bed at night
37:29 and cry because of some disaster in your life.
37:33 He knows those times when that lump under your arm
37:37 has been diagnosed and there's a malignancy there.
37:40 He knows those times when your boss comes and says:
37:43 "Here's your pink slip... you're out of work. "
37:45 He knows our desperate emotional and financial needs.
37:48 He knows our desperate, heart-breaking needs
37:52 when we have needs in the area of health or our families
37:55 or finance. And He sends a paraclete -
37:57 the almighty third person of the Godhead
38:00 who comes from heaven who is present with us
38:04 at all times - to strengthen, to encourage,
38:07 to support us. He is the One who comes to our side
38:11 and helps us. Isn't that good news
38:14 that we are not left alone?
38:16 The mighty paraclete comes by our side
38:18 to minister to our need.
38:19 What is the work of the Holy Spirit?
38:21 C - He convicts. H - He helps.
38:24 R - He revives; He refreshes; He restores.
38:30 Now throughout the New Testament you see the ministry of the
38:34 Holy Spirit in that symbolism of R.
38:36 He is the One who revives.
38:38 He is the wind that blows a fresh breeze into our life...
38:42 the breath of the Spirit.
38:44 He in the New Testament refreshes us.
38:46 He is the water of life,
38:48 and in the New Testament He is the oil that restores us.
38:51 So in those three symbols of the Holy Spirit
38:54 in the New Testament: in the symbol of breath,
38:56 in the symbol of water, in the symbol of oil
39:00 we find the reviving, we find the refreshing,
39:06 restoring ministry of the Spirit.
39:07 You find that in the Old Testament as well.
39:09 A good example of the breath of the Spirit, of course, is
39:13 Ezekiel chapter 37.
39:15 Ezekiel chapter 37.
39:21 We look there at the refreshing wind of the Spirit.
39:26 All through the Bible the Holy Spirit is pictured
39:28 as wind. You remember when Jesus spoke to Nicodemus
39:34 and He said: "You must be born again"
39:36 He was talking to a Sabbath- keeping, health-reforming,
39:40 tithe-paying Adventist.
39:44 Nicodemus. He had formal religion.
39:48 Was Nicodemus a Sabbath keeper?
39:49 Was he? The audience is silent today.
39:54 Was Nicodemus a Sabbath keeper? Yes.
39:57 Was Nicodemus a health reformer? Yes. Sure was!
40:01 Was Nicodemus an Adventist?
40:03 Was he looking forward to the coming of the Messiah?
40:06 Sure. In glory, in fact.
40:09 Did Nicodemus pay his tithe?
40:11 But did Nicodemus need the wind of the Spirit
40:14 to break down the formalism and change his heart?
40:17 Did he need that? Yes.
40:18 Is there somebody who needs that here today?
40:21 Ezekiel 37 also describes the wind of the Spirit.
40:26 Ezekiel the preacher looks out over the congregation
40:29 and he says he sees something that's dead... just dry bones.
40:34 There have been congregations that I have stood up before
40:37 that will remain unnamed
40:39 and I said: "Lord, is this a valley of dry bones?
40:42 Can You do anything here? "
40:45 But as the Word of the Lord comes what does the Bible say?
40:50 The Bible says, looking there at Ezekiel chapter 37
40:57 and we look down to verses 12, 13, and 14:
41:03 "Therefore prophesy and say to them:
41:06 'thus says the Lord God
41:08 behold o My people,
41:09 I will open your graves and cause you to come up
41:12 from your graves and bring you back into the land of Israel.
41:15 Then you shall know that I am the Lord
41:17 when I have opened your graves o My people
41:19 and brought you up from your grave.
41:21 I will put My Spirit in you and you shall live.
41:24 And I will place you in your own land. ' "
41:26 God says: "I am going to put My Spirit in you. "
41:28 Verse 10 of Ezekiel 37.
41:31 "So I prophesied as He commanded
41:33 and breath came into them.
41:34 And they lived and stood upon their feet
41:36 an exceeding mighty army. "
41:38 God takes His church from being a valley of dry, dead bones
41:43 and He breathes His Spirit on them
41:45 and revival fires are lit and the Spirit animates their life.
41:49 And the breath and the Spirit comes and they go from
41:51 dry bones to a mighty army.
41:53 And they go out and win the world for Christ.
41:55 What is the work of the Holy Spirit?
41:58 The work of the Holy Spirit is to bring revival.
42:01 Without the ministry of the Holy Spirit
42:03 there is no revival.
42:06 Evan Roberts, when he was only
42:11 13 years old, sensed that the churches in Wales
42:17 in 1903 were filled with formalism,
42:24 hypocrisy, apathy.
42:27 And at 13 years old Evan Roberts began to pray
42:31 and he prayed for 13 years.
42:34 And he prayed that the Holy Spirit would fill his life
42:37 because revival always begins with one man, one woman,
42:41 one child on their knees.
42:44 There can never be corporate revival until there is
42:47 individual revival.
42:49 There'll never be a revival in the church
42:51 until there's a revival in your own heart.
42:53 And if you were saying: "Oh God, revive my church"
42:56 wrong prayer.
42:57 "Oh God, revive my heart. "
42:59 "Oh God, correct those people up there
43:01 at the General Conference. "
43:04 "Oh God, work in my own heart. "
43:07 Revival always begins with one man,
43:10 one woman, one boy, one girl.
43:11 Evan Roberts, 13 years old, began to pray.
43:14 And as he prayed
43:16 he prayed for revival in his own life.
43:19 He began to share what was happening in his own life
43:22 with other young people.
43:23 And one day in 1904
43:26 after he had been praying for 13 years
43:30 he visited a youth meeting and he talked about
43:34 what God was doing in his life and how the Holy Spirit
43:35 was transforming him and how Jesus had convicted him of sin
43:39 and how Jesus had come by his side through the Holy Spirit
43:42 to help him and how he was revived in his own life.
43:45 Eight or nine young people experienced that revival
43:49 and they began sharing. Within six months
43:52 in Wales the churches were filled, the bars were empty.
43:56 The miners would come out of their mines
44:00 and they would have prayer meetings 3 times a day.
44:04 100,000 people were converted in six months.
44:07 When the miners went back to their mines,
44:09 these cursing, swearing miners
44:12 one of the historians of the revival of that day says
44:16 that the pit ponies that were pulling the carts filled with
44:20 coal down in the mines, that these pit ponies had
44:23 to be taught a new language
44:25 because the miners were converted
44:27 and no longer cursed and swore at them.
44:30 Revival always begins with one man, one woman.
44:35 What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit?
44:37 Breathe on me, breath of God
44:40 and fill me with life anew
44:43 that I may love what Thou dost love
44:46 and do what Thou dost do.
44:49 The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to bring what?
44:52 Revival. We have C.
44:54 The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to do what?
44:56 Convict. We have what? H.
44:58 The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to what?
45:00 Help. We have R.
45:02 The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to bring revival
45:05 into our lives. We have I.
45:07 The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to instruct us.
45:10 John chapter 14 verse 26.
45:13 John chapter 14 verse 26.
45:15 Here we go. Take your Bible, please.
45:17 Go there: John chapter 14 verse 26.
45:23 "But the Helper" - the Holy Spirit - "whom the Father
45:27 will send in My name... He will teach you
45:31 all things and bring to your remembrance
45:33 all things that I've said to you. "
45:35 The Holy Spirit is our instructor.
45:38 The Holy Spirit is our teacher. John 16 verse 13.
45:41 John 16 verse 13: "However when He, the Spirit
45:44 of Truth is come, He will guide you into all truth. "
45:48 "Jesus, guide me into all truth. "
45:50 "Jesus, I feel discouraged today.
45:53 Guide me into the truth that I'm a son, a daughter of God. "
45:56 That is reality. My feelings are not reality.
45:59 "Jesus, today the future looks hopeless.
46:04 Guide me into the truth that in Jesus I have a bright future. "
46:08 See, the Holy Spirit bursts the balloon of our illusions
46:14 and reveals to our mind the truth of reality.
46:18 When I feel too wicked to be saved
46:24 and too unrighteous to be saved
46:27 as my friend George Vandeman would say to me often
46:31 "Mark, when I look at myself
46:34 I can see no possibility to be saved.
46:37 When I look at Jesus I can see no possibility
46:40 to be lost. "
46:42 "Looking unto Jesus... " the what?
46:44 "Author and Finisher of our faith. "
46:47 The Holy Spirit instructs us.
46:50 The Holy Spirit guides us into the truth of God's Word.
46:54 The same Holy Spirit
46:57 that prompted the Bible writers
47:01 to write the Word inspires us as we read the Word.
47:07 Jesus said the Holy Spirit will bring to your remembrance
47:13 things that I have revealed to you as you open your Bible
47:18 on your knees. Somebody asked me after my message
47:21 last night on prayer and revival: "How can you
47:24 pray for any length of time? I get down on my knees
47:27 and my mind wanders. And sure, I try to pray aloud
47:29 but I don't know how to do that. "
47:31 Take your Bible. Let your Bible be subject matter
47:33 for your prayer. This morning as I was praying
47:36 I opened my Bible before me. I'm praying through Psalms.
47:38 I love to pray through the book of Psalms.
47:40 Praying through that first Psalm: "Blessed is the man
47:42 that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.
47:45 That sits not in the seat of...
47:49 that stayeth not in the way of sinners
47:50 nor sits in the seat of the scornful.
47:53 But his delight is in the law of the Lord.
47:55 In His law he shall delight day and night.
47:58 He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of the waters
48:00 and everything he does will prosper. "
48:02 "O Lord, help me be that man.
48:03 Blessed, blessed, blessed. What does the word blessed
48:06 mean, Lord? It means happy; it means content.
48:09 Content is the man that walks in the way of righteousness.
48:13 Lord, I want to be that man; give me a honest heart.
48:15 Give me a pure heart. "
48:18 You see, revival comes
48:20 as we allow the Lord to instruct us through His Word.
48:23 Revival comes not because
48:27 our ears tingle in a sentimental emotionalism
48:31 or an electric current goes up our spine
48:34 and we jump up all the time and say "Hallelujah! "
48:37 Revival comes...
48:40 Now there are times I feel like jumping and saying "Hallelujah"
48:43 but I choose the audience that I do it in.
48:47 Some of you got it... the rest of you missed it.
48:49 That's OK.
48:54 The ministry of the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts
48:58 in quietness as we open God's Word
49:03 and the Spirit instructs us
49:05 in the deep things of the Spirit.
49:08 What is the ministry of the Spirit? C - He convicts us.
49:11 Listen to that still small voice.
49:13 He Helps us... coming to our side.
49:16 He revives our spirit.
49:19 He instructs us.
49:21 Fifthly S - He strengthens us.
49:26 Take your Bible, please, and turn
49:28 there to the book of Ephesians.
49:31 One of the most marvelous passages
49:35 in all of scripture
49:38 about the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
49:41 Ephesians chapter 3 verses 16 to 20.
49:44 Ephesians chapter 3 verses 16 to 20.
49:47 The Holy Spirit - the personal presence of Christ,
49:53 the third person of the Godhead -
49:56 strengthens us,
50:00 empowers us.
50:03 You're taking your Bible, please,
50:07 and turning to the book of Ephesians.
50:11 The book of Ephesians.
50:13 And we're looking there at Ephesians. The scripture says:
50:20 And let's go back and look at Ephesians 3;
50:26 we'll start with the 16th verse.
50:30 Let's go back and pick up verse 14
50:34 so we can get the entire thrust of it.
50:37 Ephesians 3:14.
50:38 "For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord
50:42 Jesus Christ for whom the whole family in heaven and earth
50:46 is named that He would grant you
50:49 according to the riches of His glory
50:52 to be strengthened with might through His Spirit
50:56 in the inner man. That Christ may dwell in your hearts
51:00 through faith. That you be rooted and grounded
51:03 in love. " Listen to the language.
51:06 This is end-time language.
51:09 Notice what the scripture says.
51:11 "That you would be... " Verse 16:
51:13 "That Christ would grant you according to the riches
51:16 of His glory to be strengthened with might through His Spirit
51:19 in the inner man. " I long to be strengthened
51:22 inside with the might of the Holy Spirit.
51:25 The temptations of the devil in the last generation
51:29 will be the greatest in the history of mankind.
51:32 Satan will unleash all of his hellish forces
51:35 on an end-time generation.
51:38 We are too frail or weak to meet the challenges of the enemy,
51:42 but praise God the third person of the Godhead
51:45 comes to strengthen us.
51:48 And the living Christ through the Holy Spirit
51:50 lives within us. Notice the text, please.
51:53 Verse 19.
51:55 Verse 17 rather.
51:57 "That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith
52:00 that you be rooted and grounded in love. "
52:04 If a plant doesn't have roots
52:07 like a tree with shallow roots and a breeze comes
52:10 it blows it away, right?
52:13 "That you're rooted and grounded. "
52:16 If you are not grounded, if you don't have a good foundation,
52:19 you get blown away.
52:20 The ministry of the Holy Spirit
52:23 is to root you and ground you in the love of Christ
52:26 and the Word of Christ.
52:28 "That you may be able to comprehend with all the saints
52:31 what is the width and length and depth and height
52:34 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge
52:37 that you may be filled with the fullness of God. "
52:39 How are you filled with the fullness of God?
52:41 As you kneel before God and the Holy Spirit
52:43 comes into your life to strengthen you,
52:45 those struggles that you have had,
52:47 those challenges that you faced,
52:49 those sins that have beset you for 20 years or 15 years
52:54 or 30 years. You're a Christian.
52:56 You're an Adventist maybe.
52:57 You're a deacon... you're an elder...
52:59 but there's a besetting sin.
53:02 Jesus comes with the gentleness of His Spirit
53:04 and says: "I want to fill your life. "
53:06 "I want to give you strength that you don't believe. "
53:09 Strength comes not from looking at us...
53:12 our weakness but looking at His strength.
53:14 One day in my evangelism I was helping a young man
53:17 quit smoking and leading through the promises of the Bible.
53:19 Reading him promises like this: "This is the confidence
53:21 that we have in Him: that if we ask anything according to
53:24 His will He hears us. "
53:26 Said to him: "Is it God's will to help you quit smoking? "
53:29 "It is! " I said: "All right. Go in your house, get all
53:30 your cigarettes. Bring them right here.
53:32 We're going to put them on the floor.
53:33 We're going to kneel and pray.
53:34 We're going to gain a victory over this through Jesus Christ
53:37 and the Holy Spirit is going to come into your life today
53:39 and He's going to strengthen you.
53:40 We'll read Ephesians 3: "He'll strengthen you
53:42 in your inner man. " I said: "You pray first, my brother. "
53:44 He begins to pray. Here's his prayer:
53:46 "Dear Jesus, I'm so weak.
53:48 Dear Jesus, I smoked for 20 years.
53:50 Dear Jesus, You know that I have this problem
53:52 and You know it's almost impossible for me
53:54 to overcome it. Dear Jesus... " And he's going on and on
53:57 with this negative prayer. I couldn't take it any more.
53:58 Pretty soon I shook the man.
54:00 "Stop praying, brother. You're going to be worse
54:02 after you prayed than before. "
54:04 And it's the truth. He would have been
54:06 because he was just reinforcing in his prayer
54:08 all this negative stuff. So I said: "You pray like this:
54:10 Dear Jesus, I am weak but You are strong.
54:12 Dear Jesus, I know that through your Holy Spirit
54:14 You can strengthen me and transform my life
54:16 and by faith I claim that right now. "
54:19 Amen! That man claimed the power of the living Christ.
54:22 I gave him some physical things to do:
54:23 taking a walk, drinking water, and so forth.
54:25 But he claimed his victory in Jesus
54:27 and that man became a deacon in one of our churches. Amen.
54:30 Praise the Lord! What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit?
54:33 To convict.
54:35 To help.
54:37 To revive.
54:38 To instruct.
54:40 To strengthen. One more.
54:42 To testify.
54:44 To testify. Take your Bible, please and turn to
54:46 John chapter 15. John chapter 15.
54:50 Jesus said...
54:54 To testify.
54:56 Wait a minute. C - convict.
54:59 H - help.
55:01 R - revive.
55:05 I - instruct.
55:07 S - strengthen.
55:11 T - testify.
55:14 C- H-R-I-S-T... Christ.
55:17 That's the whole work of the Holy Spirit.
55:21 Take your Bible please and look at John chapter 16.
55:24 And you're looking there... Or John 15...
55:27 John 15 verse 26.
55:29 "But when the Helper comes whom I shall send to you
55:32 from the Father, the Spirit of Truth
55:34 who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. "
55:39 The ministry of the Holy Spirit draws us out to Jesus.
55:42 The ministry of the Holy Spirit reveals Christ
55:45 in our life. The ministry of the Holy Spirit
55:47 shows us Jesus' strength, Jesus' power,
55:50 Jesus' strength in the light of our weakness.
55:54 The ministry of the Holy Spirit
55:57 reveals to us who Jesus is:
55:59 His greatness, His majesty, His love, His power.
56:02 The ministry of the Holy Spirit fills our heart.
56:05 Verse 27:
56:07 "And you also will bear witness because you have been with Me
56:11 from the beginning. " When the Holy Spirit comes upon
56:14 our lives it leads us to testify of Jesus
56:19 to the people we meet around us.
56:22 God is preparing an end-time church for an end-time revival.
56:27 Amen. Is the Holy Spirit ministering in your life
56:30 bringing conviction to you just now?
56:32 Is there something in your life out of harmony with His will?
56:35 Are you struggling with something?
56:37 The Holy Spirit will come and help you right now.
56:40 Do you need revival in your life?
56:42 That's the work of the Holy Spirit.
56:44 Do you need Jesus to instruct you?
56:47 He will teach you.
56:48 Do you need strength? He's there for you.
56:50 Do you want to be a powerful witness for Jesus?
56:53 The Holy Spirit will testify through you.
56:56 Why not bow your heads right now as we pray
56:58 and say "Oh Jesus, grant to me the gift of the Holy Spirit? "
57:02 Father in heaven, we thank you so much
57:05 for the power of the Holy Spirit
57:07 and we open our hearts for that heavenly gift.
57:10 Come and anoint us with Your Spirit.
57:14 In Christ's name, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17