3ABN Homecoming 2011

Outside Your Comfort Zone

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: 11HC

Program Code: 11HC000004

00:49 Well, good morning and just welcome to our first meeting
00:52 here on Friday at the great Homecoming Camp Meeting
00:57 in West Frankfort, Illinois.
01:00 And we just are so happy that you're here.
01:03 And people say: "Where are you?
01:05 In Thompsonville or are you in West Frankfort? "
01:07 Actually we're in West Frankfort because that's where we get
01:10 our mail address and that's... We're right at the line.
01:14 So if you step over one way you're in Thompsonville
01:17 you go the other way you're in West Frankfort.
01:19 But it's kind of confusing to people when they are sending
01:22 their mail to West Frankfort for me to talk about their being
01:24 in Thompsonville. So we've decided
01:28 from now on we're just going to talk about West Frankfort
01:30 and... and leave it that way.
01:33 It's a little easier and less complicated.
01:35 I won't get so much mail asking "Where are you? "
01:38 as a matter of fact.
01:41 But we are just really excited about this Homecoming
01:45 Camp Meeting because we started out last night.
01:47 Three hours! What a service.
01:52 And I've had so many people tell me how blessed they were.
01:55 Two inspired, Holy Spirit- directed messages
02:01 and some music that was just really inspired as well.
02:06 And we really enjoyed that music.
02:10 Our speaker this morning is certainly no stranger
02:14 to you folks. Brenda Walsh, who is the head of
02:18 Kids' Time and is an author who has written a number of books
02:23 has just completed book 5
02:27 of her new Aunt Brenda's Bedtime Stories.
02:32 And that is just selling like you would not believe!
02:36 People are buying it, and there'll be 5 volumes available
02:39 now for Christmas. And so many people
02:42 have been anxiously awaiting that. There've been 2 out
02:45 already now, and they're going ahead with the other 3.
02:48 She just finished I think last night or right away here
02:53 the last story for volume 5, so it goes to press
02:58 immediately at Pacific Press
03:01 and will be available November 1.
03:05 So start looking forward to getting the first five
03:09 and getting them out to your children, your grandchildren,
03:12 friends, neighbors. I know that you're going to really
03:16 appreciate those... those inspiring stories.
03:20 They really really are.
03:21 We're also happy today to have Tim Parton with us.
03:25 I asked Tim just before we came on...
03:27 Somebody said: "Is he related to Dolly? "
03:30 And he said: "Not yet. "
03:33 And so I... he thinks somewhere
03:39 even closer than Noah that there's a tie back there.
03:44 With all that music ability from her family and
03:48 from Tim, I think there has to be a tie
03:52 between these musical families.
03:55 And Tim is going to bring our special music in a moment.
03:58 Again I want to mention that Brenda is our speaker.
04:02 Right after Tim brings us that music
04:05 we're going to go immediately to her. And she's going to be
04:08 speaking on the subject Out Of Your Comfort Zone.
04:12 And I hope that you will receive
04:17 a real blessing from this.
04:20 And I also know that you'll get a chance, those of you
04:26 that are here, to visit with Brenda afterwards.
04:29 And we'll have a little break - about 30 minutes
04:32 before our next program -
04:34 and so you'll have an opportunity to talk with her
04:38 and ask her some questions.
04:41 Before we go further, I would like for us to have
04:46 a word of prayer. Shall we bow our heads?
04:48 Father in heaven, we thank you, Lord,
04:52 that You have given to us Your Holy Spirit.
04:57 That You speak to us through that Spirit.
05:03 Speak to us this morning, Father. Speak to our hearts.
05:08 Speak to our minds and let us know that You are near.
05:14 We thank you for the blessings we've already received
05:18 here at this Camp Meeting
05:19 and we pray that You'll continue to be here in a powerful way
05:23 throughout this weekend. Thank you, Lord.
05:27 Bless those that are here.
05:29 Bless those who have to be at home today.
05:33 And may they each receive a portion of Your Spirit.
05:39 We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
05:43 Now Tim Parton with a song Vessel of Mercy.
06:19 Make me
06:22 a vessel of mercy.
06:28 Father, make me
06:33 a vessel that's true.
06:40 Fill me
06:44 with love and compassion
06:48 and fashion my heart to be
06:55 a vessel worthy
06:58 of You.
07:03 Lord, I want to be
07:06 all You want me to be.
07:08 Your service is my desire.
07:13 I so want to know You
07:16 and in Your love grow
07:19 with heavenly power.
07:24 I yield my life to You;
07:27 I'm willing to be used.
07:29 Wherever you bid me, I'll go.
07:34 So Lord Jesus, daily
07:37 I pray that You'll break me
07:40 that Your love I might show.
07:46 Make me
07:50 a vessel of mercy.
07:56 Father, make me
08:00 a vessel that's true.
08:07 Fill me
08:10 with love and compassion
08:15 and fashion my heart
08:19 to be
08:22 a vessel worthy of You.
08:29 Oh, fill me
08:33 with love and compassion
08:37 and fashion my heart
08:42 to be
08:44 a vessel worthy of
08:48 You.
08:52 Sing this with me:
08:53 Lord, I surrender
08:58 all.
09:01 I surrender all.
09:09 All to Thee, my
09:14 blessed Savior...
09:18 I surrender
09:22 all.
09:28 I surrender
09:33 all.
09:41 Amen.
09:47 Thank you, Tim. I surrender all...
09:49 that's really where it all starts, isn't it?
09:52 Until we really surrender everything to Jesus
09:55 we're lost.
09:57 When we really, really love Jesus,
09:59 when we really fall in love with our heavenly Father,
10:04 we can't help but want to share Him wherever we go.
10:07 You just really are shining and you are so excited.
10:11 When we have the blessed truth and we have so much to share
10:14 we just want to witness and tell everybody.
10:16 We want to work for Jesus.
10:17 But did you realize how important it is
10:20 that we're not just running around doing what we want to do?
10:24 It's critically - vitally - important that we're doing
10:27 what God wants us to do.
10:29 In fact, turn in your Bible to Matthew 7: 21-23
10:34 and I want you to just, you know, underline that in your
10:38 Bible. You know, get your highlighters out.
10:40 And go to it often, because I can tell you
10:43 this will, alone... this verse alone...
10:46 will change your life. It changed mine.
10:49 I'm going to paraphrase right here
10:52 because in Matthew 7:21-23
10:56 we are told that unless we are doing the will of our Father
11:00 it is for nothing. And He says we could be
11:04 out baptizing in His name, doing many wonderful things,
11:07 but unless we are doing what God wants us to do
11:11 it is for nothing. He'll say He never knew us.
11:14 We could be out in India passing out Bibles
11:17 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
11:19 We could be out here, you know, in New York City
11:22 and working in a soup kitchen.
11:23 We could be doing all kinds of... passing out literature
11:26 everywhere. We could do wonderful things,
11:28 but unless God told you to do it it is for nothing.
11:33 He will say: "I never knew you.
11:36 I don't know who you are. "
11:38 So that's why it's so important that we are so prayed up
11:41 that we are so totally connected to our heavenly Father.
11:45 We have a passionate prayer life
11:47 so that we are walking with Jesus
11:50 and we are listening to His voice
11:51 and we're doing what God wants us to do.
11:55 Let me share with you that unless we allow God...
11:58 And I loved Tim's song this morning.
12:01 I Surrender All... it's one of my favorite songs
12:03 because unless we're totally surrendered we can't do this.
12:06 But unless you allow God to push us way out of
12:09 our comfort zone - some place that we are just not comfortable
12:13 being - unless we're way out of our comfort zone
12:16 we're not really leaning on Jesus.
12:18 Who are we leaning on?
12:20 We're leaning on self.
12:22 And it's vitally, critically important -
12:24 you just read Matthew 7:21-23-
12:26 that we are doing what? The will of our Father.
12:31 So it is really truly when we are out of our comfort zone
12:35 that we're leaning on Jesus and not on ourselves.
12:38 Now sometimes... I can tell you that can sometimes be
12:41 an uneasy place to be. Oh sure, we'd love to
12:44 do the things that we're comfortable with
12:46 because, you know, we feel good about that.
12:48 And it's a little uneasy feeling when you're out here
12:52 because you are totally dependent on Jesus.
12:54 That's actually... When God asked me to produce Kids' Time
12:58 you can't believe how out of my comfort zone
13:02 I felt because I'd never produced a program.
13:06 I'm not a producer. "God, why did You choose me? "
13:08 I had been in front of the camera many times.
13:11 I've been singing with my sisters on 3ABN for years,
13:13 and I had done cooking shows with my sisters.
13:16 I was used to that. I started playing the piano
13:19 for churches when I was eight years old
13:21 so I was used to being in front of people.
13:22 I'm comfortable doing that, "but Lord,
13:25 I don't know anything about being a producer! "
13:29 But guess what God says?
13:30 He doesn't want me to know everything.
13:33 He's going to give me what I need to know
13:36 every step of the way.
13:37 God's not going to call you to do something
13:40 that He's not going to totally equip you with everything
13:43 you need to do the job.
13:45 He's not going to call you and then just leave you hanging.
13:48 Isn't that awesome?
13:49 So He's going to give us what we need the minute we need it,
13:53 the second we need it.
13:54 We just need to lean on Jesus.
13:57 Sometimes, you know, I think it's easier to say that;
14:01 it's easier for me to tell all of you that.
14:03 But I tell you there's some places that God has led me
14:06 have been so far out of my comfort zone
14:08 that I mean I have to be praying constantly
14:10 to be able to say: "Yes, Lord,
14:12 I'm willing to do what You want me to do. "
14:14 And one of those times was
14:18 when God called me to go to a prison.
14:23 Now, I'd never been in a prison.
14:25 In fact, I never knew how hard it was go get into a prison...
14:29 unless you committed a crime.
14:31 And several years ago a little girl
14:35 came to Kids' Time. The Make A Wish Foundation
14:39 had granted her wish which she wanted to come
14:41 and be on Kids' Time with Miss Brenda.
14:43 And her name was Sarah.
14:45 Some of you might remember little Sarah
14:47 that came here to 3ABN.
14:49 And after she came, I became very close friends with
14:52 her and her mom. And in fact,
14:54 her mom Denise is my Sharing Time coordinator
14:57 for Kids' Time, and of course, little Sarah is my production
15:00 assistant. And so we became very close friends.
15:03 And not long after Sarah came I was invited
15:07 to come out and speak... out in Idaho.
15:09 They lived in Idaho at Pocatello, Idaho.
15:12 In fact, Denise had asked me if I would come out
15:14 because they wanted to raise money for an uplink station
15:17 so that the whole city of Pocatello, Idaho,
15:20 would be able to learn about Jesus and get 3ABN.
15:23 Her sister lived down there, and she was really wanting to
15:26 witness to her sister as well.
15:27 And I agreed to come.
15:29 So not long after they had announced that I was going to be
15:32 speaking out in Pocatello,
15:36 they... I got an e-mail from someone called Carrie Avery.
15:41 And the e-mail went something like this:
15:43 "Dear Miss Brenda, I... my name is Carrie Avery.
15:45 I'm in charge of prison ministries for our church here
15:50 and we have a high-security prison here in Pocatello.
15:53 It's a woman's prison,
15:55 and I gave some of your books Battered to Blessed
15:58 to the prison. In fact, they are the most-checked-out books. "
16:02 She said, "there's a waiting list. As soon as someone
16:04 returns it, it's already going to the next person
16:05 on the list. " She said: "I can't tell you... "
16:08 She said: "I have a Bible study
16:09 one hour a week with women
16:12 and I can't tell you how blessed they are.
16:14 Please, would you come to the prison and speak?
16:16 I feel like your testimony would be a real blessing.
16:19 Many of the women are here because they came from
16:22 such battered and abused homes
16:24 and situations. " And she said: "I think that your message
16:27 would be a message of hope if you would be willing to come. "
16:31 And since I was... No, I wasn't the one that
16:34 was... he had booked my trip, I called up Denise
16:37 and I shared with her the e- mail and I said: "Look,
16:40 is there any convenient time for me to come that... "
16:42 They want me to come and speak to the women there at...
16:45 Friday afternoon when I'm out there.
16:48 Would it be possible? "
16:49 And Denise said: "You know Brenda, honestly, "
16:51 she said: "By the time you get here.
16:53 You aren't going to get here till real late Thursday night. "
16:55 She said: "Friday morning we have to wait for my husband
16:58 to come in on the plane. And by the time he comes in -
17:00 he probably gets in around 10 if the plane's on time -
17:03 we'll have barely enough time to drive the four hours
17:06 down from Boise, Idaho, down to Pocatello
17:09 and get there before sundown. "
17:10 She said: "There's really not going to be enough time. "
17:12 Well, I pray about everything.
17:14 I had prayed before I made that call to Denise.
17:16 So I trust in God's perfect will.
17:19 And so I said: "OK, Lord, well I guess that's the answer. "
17:22 I had prayed about it; this was my answer.
17:24 And so I e-mailed Carrie Avery and I told her that
17:29 I was very sorry. That I had checked; that the timing
17:31 wasn't going to work out. Perhaps they could book me
17:33 another time to come out just for... to speak at the prison.
17:37 And so I didn't think about it again.
17:39 You see, when I told you I didn't know how hard it was
17:42 to get into prison I didn't know that it takes a long time
17:45 to get a security clearance.
17:47 And I didn't... But I... And I didn't know how difficult
17:50 it was. Why there's even a mandatory 3-week class
17:55 that you have to take just to learn the rules
17:58 about the prison. Didn't know that either.
18:00 So I don't think anything about it.
18:02 I go on with my life.
18:03 And Carrie Avery gets my e-mail and she was so impressed
18:07 that I was to be at that prison that she didn't take that
18:10 for... as a no at all.
18:11 She went to her church.
18:12 She asked the ladies at the prison.
18:14 She asked the prayer bands and prayer meeting to please
18:17 pray that God would provide a way
18:20 for me to be at that prison.
18:22 And they prayed every day. In fact, she had found
18:24 four prayer warriors that prayed every single day
18:27 just for that. They didn't pray for anything else...
18:29 just that God would provide a way
18:31 and open the prison door for me to speak at that prison.
18:34 Well, I didn't know anything about it, but two
18:37 weeks before... before I was scheduled to go out
18:40 I'm going through my e-mail. I have, you know,
18:44 so much e-mail coming in that if I get an e-mail
18:46 I want to get if off my in box right away
18:48 and move it. Either delete it or file it or something.
18:51 I see that Carrie Avery's e-mail popped up again.
18:53 And I thought: "What is that? I should have deleted that,
18:56 you know, months ago. How did that end up there? "
18:58 And I started to delete it again
19:00 but I was compelled to re-read it.
19:03 And when I read that e-mail again
19:06 I do not know how to tell you any other way except
19:08 that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt
19:11 God wanted me at that prison.
19:13 And I... I was so strong that I picked up the phone
19:17 and I called Denise. I said: "Denise, I don't know
19:19 how to tell you this, but I know that God wants me
19:21 at that prison. Can you tell me... are you sure
19:24 that there's not any way that I can go? "
19:26 And she said: "Well, Brenda... " And she went through the whole
19:29 scenario all over again
19:31 of why there wasn't going to be enough time.
19:32 I said: "Well, what if I flew in
19:37 earlier on Thursday? " I said: "I know I'm scheduled to tape" -
19:41 and I was supposed to tape on Thursday
19:44 and I never ever cancel, so don't you guys tell on me -
19:48 but I said... I said: "What if I cancelled Thursday's taping"
19:52 and I said "and I fly out there and get there Thursday
19:56 and then we can, you know, go on Friday? "
19:58 And she said: "Well, I guess that would work. "
20:01 She said: "Well, are you sure you want to do that? "
20:04 And I said: "You know, I don't normally do that -
20:07 in fact, I've never done that" -
20:08 I said: "but when God's telling me to do something
20:10 and God says 'Go' I go! "
20:12 And so she said: "Well OK! "
20:14 So that's what I did. I flew out there
20:17 and sure enough Friday morning her husband Ivan... his plane
20:21 came in early. His suitcase was the very first one on
20:24 the baggage carousel. That never happens to me.
20:27 And we literally just flew down there that 4 hours.
20:31 We got there ten minutes before 3 o'clock.
20:34 See you have to be there right... Her time for her
20:37 Bible study was 3 PM to 4 PM... very firm.
20:40 And so Carrie was already there with two of her ministry team.
20:44 And as soon as they saw me we hugged, we had a quick prayer
20:47 and we walked in. Now I've got to share something with you
20:49 that's an important part of this story.
20:52 When... Before I flew out there
20:55 I... before I was cleared... I want to share with you
20:59 the miracle story of why I was even able to go.
21:02 Because when I called Carrie Avery back and told her that
21:05 I felt like God wanted me to be there
21:07 she was like "Praise the Lord! "
21:09 But she knew that it would take a miracle.
21:12 You see, I didn't know... she knew.
21:14 And so she had called up Denise and she said:
21:17 "Denise, " she said, "I'm so excited that
21:19 Brenda's coming. " But she said:
21:21 "even months ago if she would have said 'yes'
21:23 it might not have been time to get her a security clearance.
21:26 But now it's two weeks before she's going to come"
21:28 and she said "we need a miracle. Will you pray with me? "
21:32 And so Denise said: "Absolutely. "
21:35 So they prayed, and when they got through praying
21:37 she asked... Denise said: "You know,
21:40 there's one thing I could tell you" she said "that
21:42 might help. I don't know if it will help because... "
21:44 she said "my brother-in-law is the assistant warden
21:47 at that prison BUT he is not about God at all.
21:52 In fact, he's kind of anti. "
21:53 And she said: "We're not even allowed to talk about God. "
21:55 And she says: "I've tried to get a 3ABN dish in there
21:57 for years and he wants nothing to do with it. "
21:59 And she said: "So I'm not sure it would help
22:02 at all if you mention my name,
22:04 but... " she said...
22:06 "one place, a soft part he has in his heart, is for his little
22:10 niece Sarah. " And she said: "When Sarah came back from 3ABN
22:16 and she wanted to show her uncle her being on Kids' Time
22:20 she crawled up in his lap and her uncle actually watched
22:23 the video of Sarah on Kids' Time. "
22:25 And she said: "And while he was watching
22:29 tears were rolling in his eyes and he said he had
22:31 an allergy problem. "
22:35 She said: "So I know he's got a soft place in his heart
22:38 for little Sarah. " She said: "Maybe if your mentioned
22:40 that this Miss Brenda - if you get to talk to him, I can't even
22:43 give you the number 'cause, you know, it'd cause problems
22:45 in the family" - and she said: "and no assistant warden
22:48 lists his number. " So she said: "If you can get to talk
22:50 to him and you tell him about, you know, little Sarah, "
22:53 she said: "and that this Brenda Walsh
22:56 is the same "Miss Brenda" that helped his little niece,
22:59 it might make a difference. Don't know, but it might. "
23:02 So Carrie got on her knees and she started praying.
23:05 And she prayed and she prayed and then she made the
23:08 phone call. Then she said: "Lord, how am I going to get
23:11 the phone number? " She called the prison.
23:13 Nope, can't get the phone number of an assistant warden...
23:17 could only get the main number.
23:18 So she happened to think: "Well, it doesn't hurt
23:21 to check the phone book. "
23:22 And there's the phone number right in the phone book.
23:25 So she says: "Thank you, Jesus. "
23:27 And so she gets the phone number out
23:28 and she dials it up, and a little girl answered.
23:31 And she said: "Hi, this is Carrie Avery.
23:34 I'm a friend of your aunt Denise.
23:35 I'd like to speak to your dad. "
23:36 She said: "Oh, he's not here. He's at work...
23:39 here's his number. "
23:41 And so she takes the number down and now she's praying again
23:45 and she calls the number and she gets his voice mail.
23:49 But it's still his personal voice mail.
23:51 So she leaves a really long message
23:53 about who she is, what she wants,
23:55 and why she feels that Brenda Walsh would be a blessing
23:57 to the women at that prison.
23:59 And then she calls the religious activities director
24:02 and left him the same long message.
24:04 She didn't hear anything... didn't hear anything.
24:07 And so she waited as long as she could.
24:11 She knew it was a Friday. She said
24:12 everyone was going to go home for the weekend.
24:14 She couldn't possibly wait for that.
24:15 So she called again and left another big old long message.
24:18 And within 30 minutes the religious activities director
24:21 called her. Now one thing I also learned with this experience
24:25 is that prison is all about rules
24:27 and nobody likes breaking them.
24:28 And so he was not... The prison activities...
24:34 religious activities director said:
24:36 "Is this Carrie Avery? " And she said: "Yes it is. "
24:38 And he said who he was and he said...
24:40 He said: "I don't know who this Brenda Walsh thinks she is"
24:43 he said "but" he said "I just got a call from
24:47 our assistant warden and he said that she wants to come
24:50 and speak at our prison and he told me
24:52 to just make it happen. "
24:55 Amen!
24:57 Two weeks before I'm supposed to go!
24:59 And he said: "But you let her know" he said "that she's
25:03 not going to be no celebrity or movie star here. "
25:06 He said: "You let her know" he said "that she's going to be
25:08 subject to search like everybody else
25:11 in every orifice. " Oh!
25:13 I don't know about you, but it didn't sound real good to me.
25:16 And he said: "And I need this and I need this and I need
25:19 this document and I need it now! "
25:22 So when she called and shared all that information with me
25:26 I was really out of my comfort zone.
25:31 And I had to do some praying: "Lord, make me willing.
25:33 Make me obedient, and make me joyful about it. "
25:36 And so you can imagine. Now we're here
25:40 walking into the prison. God opened the prison doors.
25:43 And I am going to be honest with you, I was a little bit
25:46 nervous about that orifice thing.
25:48 And so I had all that checking and all that security.
25:50 And I just... I'm praying the whole time
25:52 "Oh, Lord, please. " And I had my Bible with me.
25:55 I had taken book marks and I had my business card with me.
25:58 And... And I have it with me, and we walked in the prison
26:01 and a big loud voice said: "Step right over here. "
26:04 And it was a glassed in area and a little drawer like a bank
26:08 comes out. "Put your driver's license in here. "
26:10 So I went over there and I put my driver's license in there.
26:14 And he said: "Sign on the log. "
26:16 And I went over there and I signed on the log.
26:18 And he said: "All right, "
26:22 he said to the other lady, he said:
26:25 "Step inside. " And all of a sudden, this really
26:29 heavy metal door - electric - just creaked open.
26:34 He goes: "Step inside. "
26:36 So I stepped inside. It went "BANG! "
26:40 The next door opened. "Step inside. "
26:43 I stepped inside and so did Carrie and her friend.
26:45 "BANG! " Next one opened and "BANG! "
26:47 I mean I was like... And Carrie's going like this.
26:50 They didn't check nothing. Nothing... nothing!
26:54 They didn't fingerprint me.
26:56 They didn't screen me... they didn't check nothing.
27:00 Isn't God good? And I wasn't asking any questions either.
27:03 She said "Come, " and boy I was going!
27:05 I said: "I'm not going to go back and ask why. "
27:09 And I followed her to where the worship area was
27:12 where their worship room was.
27:13 Already a long line of people had been coming out of there
27:18 and I'm wondering why they're going the other way.
27:21 And some of them were ladies. As soon as they saw me
27:24 they recognized my picture from the book.
27:25 And they were like: "Oh, Miss Brenda, we're so...
27:28 we're so sorry there's not enough room. "
27:30 She said: "We wanted to come and we didn't get here
27:32 early enough. " And they were already turning away.
27:34 What I didn't understand is that when every chair is filled
27:37 that's it. You have to go.
27:40 And so there were several women that were crying
27:43 as they were leaving 'cause they weren't going to be able to go.
27:45 And all of a sudden a very big tall woman,
27:49 very stocky with short hair,
27:51 walked right past me and right past all the women that were
27:54 going out and walked in the room.
27:55 And I walked right in after her and I saw her go
27:58 to the middle of the room. She went to the aisle
28:00 and she just stood in front of one of those chairs.
28:03 And that lady that was sitting in that chair shot out of
28:06 there like a bullet.
28:07 And she just left and that lady sat down.
28:09 I was "whooo. "
28:11 And I knew that God had a special message for that lady.
28:16 And I started praying for her right then.
28:18 Carrie announced me to speak.
28:21 They only give you one hour so time is precious.
28:24 And so I got up
28:27 to address the ladies there.
28:30 And when I give my testimony
28:33 I don't give it just to be giving it, and I don't
28:35 give it very often. I have to know God is impressing me
28:38 to give my testimony, because to tell my story
28:40 of being an abused wife and terrible domestic violence
28:45 I have to re-live it.
28:46 So to tell you about it I have to re-live it,
28:48 and it's one of the most difficult, painful things I do.
28:51 And whenever I give my testimony
28:53 I have people all over the world that are praying for me.
28:58 I have women in Africa that fast and pray
29:01 the whole time that I'm giving my testimony.
29:04 In fact, just two weeks ago I was in Loma Linda University
29:07 and I gave my testimony, and there were so many prayer
29:10 warriors that kept letting me know they were lifting me up
29:12 in prayer. Well, now I stood before this group of women
29:17 and I began to tell them my story of being a battered wife
29:21 in my first marriage.
29:22 And as I shared the painful details... as I described
29:27 being pulled by my hair and being thrown across the wall.
29:30 Being kicked and kicked and my ribs broken.
29:32 To be... Every blow that I was describing you could see
29:35 these women were physically just wincing in pain
29:38 re-living their own pain.
29:40 I have never given my testimony
29:43 to a group of people that more fully understood
29:46 what I was talking about than these ladies right there
29:49 in that room. And I started noticing that one woman -
29:53 that big woman that had sat in the middle.
29:56 And when she had first sat down she had one arm around this
29:59 chair and one arm around this chair.
30:01 And she had a very hard look on her face.
30:03 But as I began to share my story
30:08 one arm went down then the other went down.
30:11 And before I finished there wasn't anybody that wasn't
30:15 just sobbing. When I share my testimony
30:18 I usually share a lot more than what's in the book.
30:20 And I share whatever the Holy Spirit is telling me
30:23 and impressing me to share.
30:25 And as they were crying I felt like
30:30 um, I needed a moment too.
30:33 And... because it's very emotional. And so
30:35 I stopped for a moment to compose myself
30:38 and I just went over to the piano and I started playing
30:41 Amazing Grace. I needed just a minute.
30:44 And as I was playing that song
30:47 those women started singing.
30:49 They sang that song so beautifully
30:51 that I don't think I've ever heard the song sung
30:54 in a more beautiful and meaningful way.
31:00 And when I finished playing I stood before them
31:03 and I said: "I want you to know
31:07 that I don't care why you're here.
31:11 I don't care what crime you've committed.
31:13 I don't care what you've done,
31:15 and more importantly God doesn't care. "
31:17 I said: "Jesus loves you.
31:21 I want to tell you right here today
31:25 the reason that I stand before you today isn't to parade
31:30 my... my pain in front of you.
31:32 The reason I came today
31:35 is to show you how you can be free. "
31:39 And just about that time I imagine all those guards
31:41 looking in those closed circuit TVs were going:
31:43 "I knew we shouldn't have given her a security clearance!
31:46 She's planning a jail break! "
31:50 I said: "I want you to know how you can be free in Jesus:
31:54 by surrendering your hearts right now.
31:58 You may never see the light of day. You may never
32:01 get out of this prison, but you can be free in Jesus. "
32:07 And I urged each one of them to make that commitment
32:10 right then and there. I urged them to give their
32:13 heart to Jesus. To start living and shining for Him.
32:16 Yes, even right here. God may have placed you here
32:18 for a particular reason. If you surrender your heart to Him,
32:20 God can use your life to glorify Him.
32:25 And when I finished I prayed and I prayed for each one of them
32:28 that God would give them the courage to fully surrender
32:31 their hearts and lives to Him.
32:34 And when I finished praying
32:36 there wasn't a dry eye in the place.
32:38 And I just felt impressed...
32:40 I got down... I went over and the very first person in the row
32:44 I went over and I just gave her a hug
32:46 And I whispered in her ear "Jesus loves you. "
32:49 And then I went to the next person and did the same.
32:51 And the next person. And I saw Carrie Avery just shoot up
32:53 out of her chair in the back of the room
32:55 and all of a sudden just sat right back down.
32:57 And I went from person... from lady to lady to lady.
32:59 And I went from row to row to row.
33:01 And I gave each one of them that personal message
33:04 that Jesus loves them.
33:07 And when I... all the other ladies stayed sitting down,
33:10 but when I got to the one where that big tall lady
33:13 that had the attitude problem in the beginning
33:15 all of a sudden she just stood right up
33:18 and she just grabbed me. My nose went right here.
33:23 That's what happens when you're short.
33:25 And she just held on, and just when I thought -
33:28 it was wet under there - and just when I thought I
33:29 couldn't hold my breath a second longer
33:31 she lets me go and she pulls me out and she looked at me
33:34 and she said: "Are you sure Jesus loves me? "
33:37 And I said: "Yes, I'm sure Jesus loves you. "
33:41 "Are you sure He loves me? "
33:43 She goes: "Everybody here's going to tell you they're
33:45 innocent. They're going to tell you they didn't do it.
33:47 I'm going to tell you I did it! "
33:50 She said: "Sixteen years ago"
33:54 she said "I was a nurse at a hospital.
33:57 And I came home early because the census was low and
34:01 they didn't need as many nurses and they sent me home early.
34:04 And I came home unexpectedly
34:06 in the middle of the afternoon
34:09 and caught my husband doing something horrible
34:12 to my 4-year-old little girl. "
34:13 And she said: "In the shock and the horror of it all "
34:16 she said "I went over" and she said "I got his gun
34:20 out of his holster because he's a policeman
34:23 and I shot him and I shot him and I shot him. "
34:25 She said: "I did it! "
34:28 She said: "Now do you still think Jesus loves me? "
34:31 And I said: "I KNOW Jesus loves you. "
34:36 Ended up in the armpit all over again.
34:42 She was sobbing.
34:45 You know, all of a sudden there was this big loud buzzer
34:50 that sounded. And it startled me, and...
34:53 and I said: "What's that? "
34:55 And the ladies all said: "That's movement now. "
34:57 "Wow, they even tell you when to do that here, "
34:58 I said. "Oh, no, no... not that kind. "
35:01 I said... you know, I'm a nurse... And they said:
35:02 "No, no, no. It's just that that's the only time
35:05 you can move in the hall. When that buzzer sounds
35:07 and then you've got 3 minutes till the next buzzer
35:09 and nobody can be in the hall except during those 3 minutes. "
35:13 Hardly anybody got up.
35:14 They stayed. They missed their supper hour
35:16 and stayed another hour with me.
35:18 Not allowed. And so I was able to have personal individual time
35:23 with each one of them. They shared their stories.
35:25 I had individual prayers with each one of them.
35:26 I told them all about Kids' Club.
35:29 I told them to sign their kids up for Kids' Club
35:31 and sign up for lessons too and that way they could
35:33 do the lessons back and forth on the phone with their children
35:36 and help spiritually feed their own children.
35:38 I gave them my business card. I said: "Look,
35:41 when you have telephone privileges and you need a prayer
35:45 call me. I'll pray with you on the phone. "
35:47 We had so many... I heard story after story.
35:51 Women wept. It was a revival like I've never seen.
35:54 You know, when I left the prison
35:58 I didn't even know till I got home
36:00 all the miracles that God had done
36:03 to provide and open those doors for me to be at that prison.
36:06 And in fact, Carrie Avery... I wrote about this story
36:09 in my book Passionate Prayer.
36:10 It's called Opening Prison Doors.
36:12 And if you've already heard that story
36:14 and you think "OK, I know what she's going to say next, "
36:16 you're going to get the rest of the story today.
36:19 OK? So just bear with me because
36:22 it was such an incredible letter that Carrie wrote to me
36:26 afterwards. And I printed the entire letter -
36:28 e- mail - in the book because I wanted you to be able to see
36:31 all the things and the miracles that God had done
36:34 for me to be at that prison that day.
36:36 First of all, touching is absolutely not permitted
36:41 of any kind... not even a handshake!
36:42 And I was hugging every one of those women.
36:44 You see, I had missed that mandatory 3-week class.
36:48 I didn't know better.
36:50 But if the Holy Spirit told me to do it, it wouldn't matter...
36:52 I'd do it anyway!
36:54 As long as it's God telling me what to do, I'm going to do it.
36:57 And she told me from one detail to another
37:02 how God had literally broken every single rule
37:05 to make it possible for me to minister to those ladies
37:09 at the prison. I was blown away.
37:12 Well then the next year I got a phone call.
37:15 This is not in the book, folks, OK?
37:17 So now you guys that have already read it
37:18 can pay attention.
37:21 It'll probably be in another book.
37:24 But they asked me to come back and speak
37:27 at the Pocatello church.
37:28 And there was a new prison ministries leader.
37:34 Called me up and said: "Brenda, would you please come out
37:37 and" she said "come out and speak again at our prison? "
37:40 Now my book Passionate Prayer had just come out
37:42 and I thought I was going to get to come out there
37:44 and speak about all the things that... all the miracle stories,
37:48 all the answer to prayer stories.
37:49 I can keep you here all day long just talking to you about Jesus.
37:53 I could. And so you don't think I could?
37:55 Trust me, I get passionate when I talk about sharing Jesus.
37:59 And so I think that's what I get to go out there and to
38:02 pray about... I mean talk about.
38:03 So I said: "Yes. " I go out there all booked,
38:06 ready to go again. And when I walked in the prison
38:10 the lady said to me - the prison ministries leader -
38:14 she said: "Brenda, " she said "last time there were
38:16 so many women that were not allowed to be here.
38:19 Please, would you give your testimony again? "
38:22 And immediately I just felt inside: "Lord, I'm not prepared.
38:26 I don't even have my prayer warriors praying.
38:27 They don't even know. " And I started to panic.
38:30 But remember when I told you about how God's never going to
38:32 call you to do anything
38:34 unless He's going to be there for you.
38:37 He's not going to leave you hanging?
38:38 And immediately as I'm speaking to the Lord and I'm panicking
38:41 because I wasn't prepared, I wasn't emotionally prepared,
38:44 I wasn't prayed up. I said: "Lord, how can I do this?
38:46 I can't do this. " And God said to me:
38:50 "Brenda, I'm enough. "
38:53 I said: "But I don't have prayer warriors praying. "
38:55 "Brenda, I'm enough. "
38:59 And I had to surrender and I said: "OK, Lord. "
39:04 And so when I went there, sure enough... the whole place
39:06 was packed. And again, I gave my testimony
39:12 and stood before those ladies. And I watched
39:15 the Holy Spirit penetrate the hearts of these precious
39:19 ladies who were so hardened before.
39:22 You could just see the Holy Spirit softening their hearts.
39:24 And when I finished I did the same thing...
39:27 even though I knew better. I hugged every single woman
39:29 throughout the whole place.
39:33 And when it was over
39:37 Carrie said: "By the way... " She makes announcements.
39:42 "Brenda has two hours to speak today.
39:44 The assistant warden says she's going to take it anyway
39:46 so we're just giving her two hours. "
39:52 And I had a chance to visit and minister to the women again.
39:55 And three women came running up to me as soon as we had
39:58 finished. And they were crying and they said:
40:00 "We had to come and be here tonight. We begged to come.
40:03 We're the only three that were here last year
40:05 but we begged to come because we wanted you to know
40:08 that last year when you left
40:11 we committed our hearts to Jesus
40:14 and we wanted you to know that we are now baptized
40:16 Seventh-day Adventists and we wanted to tell you ourselves. "
40:19 Amen. And I was praising the Lord
40:22 and I was just crying. I said: "Thank you, Jesus. "
40:25 And they said: "Yes, we were baptized right there. "
40:28 It's just this box. I thought it was a communion table.
40:30 I didn't... hadn't seen anything...
40:32 I guess the lid comes off and you stand inside.
40:35 They fill it up with water. The pastor actually stands
40:37 on the outside of it to lower them into the water.
40:39 I had never seen anything like that.
40:41 Didn't even know it was a baptismal tank.
40:43 And I was praising the Lord.
40:44 I have so many wonderful opportunities to witness.
40:47 I was thanking Jesus for the opportunity
40:52 to come to that prison that I had been so fearful of.
40:58 Well, the next day I met the Pocatello...
41:03 'cause that was a Friday...
41:04 The next day I met the Pocatello church
41:06 and I spoke there. And when I was through
41:08 I was at the door greeting everybody as they were leaving.
41:11 And all of a sudden Denise comes running up to me.
41:15 She says: "Brenda, Brenda, you've got to come now.
41:16 You've got to come now! " And I said: "What? "
41:18 She goes: "My brother-in-law is here. "
41:21 "My brother-in-law came to hear you speak today. "
41:24 "My brother-in-law who said he would never have anything
41:26 to do with God is here! "
41:27 And I said: "I'm so sorry, folks, I've got to go.
41:29 I'll be right back. " And I followed Denise
41:32 all the way, and there he was. She was afraid he was going to
41:33 leave through the side door.
41:35 And as soon as she introduced me I did what any Micheff sister
41:39 does: I gave him a great big old hug.
41:40 And I said: "Thank you so much
41:43 for allowing me to be at your prison. "
41:46 He had that allergy problem again.
41:51 He said: "No, it's me who thanks you. "
41:54 He said: "I'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind, and stupid, "
41:58 he said "not to know that God did something special
42:01 when you were here last year. "
42:03 He said: "In fact, I told them you've got a security clearance
42:06 for life! "
42:09 He said: "You are welcome any time at my prison. "
42:13 He said: "I don't know" he said "what happened"
42:14 he said "last year when you were here"
42:16 he said "but I had so many women
42:18 sign up and begging for Bible studies. "
42:20 And see, I knew from talking to Carrie that
42:22 she had to fight to get that one hour a week.
42:24 And he said: "But so many people were signing up for Bible
42:29 studies" he said "that I had to give them 2 hours a week.
42:31 That wasn't enough, so I gave them two days
42:34 with an hour a week and another hour.
42:35 That wasn't enough, So I gave them 4 hours a week.
42:37 Now they've got 3 days a week 2 hours a day
42:40 and that's not enough. "
42:43 And I had donated quite a few of my Battered to Blessed
42:46 books 'cause I had heard there was a long waiting list.
42:48 Sometimes they had to wait months before it was their turn
42:49 to read. So I had donated a whole bunch of books
42:52 to the prison and they said they are still not enough
42:54 that they were being so checked out.
42:56 Because there's also a lot of people that come and go
42:58 so there's always new people coming in.
43:01 And I was just... I was overwhelmed
43:04 and I just gave him a great big hug and I just said:
43:05 "Thank you. Thank you so much. "
43:08 And he said: "Let me tell you what" he said
43:11 "any time you want to come back" he said
43:13 he said "you're welcome at my prison. "
43:15 And I said: "Well, as a matter of fact... "
43:19 I said: "I would love to bring my sisters. "
43:22 I said: "My sisters and I sing.
43:24 Would you allow us to do a concert?
43:26 Come back and have a concert? " See what he didn't know was
43:28 whenever my sisters and I give a concert
43:30 it's not just up there singing.
43:32 It's a testimony; it's a witness; it's a concert.
43:35 OK. It's a praising Jesus and it's a soul-winning concert.
43:41 And so he said: "Well absolutely. In fact,
43:43 I'm going to tell you what I'll do. "
43:45 He said: "I'm going to open up the whole gymnasium
43:47 so everybody in the prison can come if they want to. "
43:51 And he said: "I'll hire extra guards to make it possible. "
43:53 I... I... I was just blown away and I said:
43:57 "Thank you; thank you so much. "
44:02 So as he's leaving, I was just...
44:07 You know, they were waiting for me at potluck, you know,
44:08 afterwards and they hate it when the speaker's late
44:10 I guess. So I got it 4 times come up and tell me that
44:13 they were ready to have prayer. And I said: "Go on without me. "
44:15 Spiritual food is so much more important to me.
44:18 But the pastor came up to get me now.
44:21 They got... brought the big guns you know to come there.
44:23 And they said: "You know, you need to come down
44:24 for the potluck. " And I was sharing with him about
44:27 you know I was just overwhelmed.
44:28 And I said: "Let me share with you
44:30 such a praise report. " I said: "Yesterday when I was at that
44:35 prison God did something so amazing.
44:37 God did something so awesome. "
44:39 And I said: "And He allowed me to know
44:41 about three women that were baptized and gave their hearts
44:46 to Jesus because of my visit there last year. "
44:49 And now I had that allergy problem.
44:51 And I said: "I just can't tell you what that means to me. "
44:55 And he said: "Three women? "
44:58 He said: "What are you talking about... three women? "
44:59 I said: "Well that's what they told me. "
45:01 He goes: "I baptized 20 women up there at that prison
45:04 since you were there. "
45:06 I said: "Twenty? I thought it was three! "
45:08 He said: "No, I baptized 20! "
45:10 He said: "I've got more people in my baptismal class. "
45:14 Is that not awesome? Is that not incredible?
45:17 I thought about how often I had feared and not
45:21 wanted to come, and I was thinking about
45:23 having to go through that security check
45:25 and how I had to get fingerprinted
45:27 and I had to go all that... And it's scary being
45:28 in... something that you've never done before.
45:32 And yet God had taken that
45:35 and He had blessed it. And He had touched the hearts
45:38 and God had a reason for me being there.
45:40 Twenty women that were baptized
45:43 and more in his baptismal class.
45:44 Now they've got all these Bible study groups going.
45:46 And I was like praising the Lord.
45:48 I just couldn't hardly believe it.
45:51 Well then the next year
45:55 my sisters and I went back to the prison.
45:57 See, I told you this wasn't in the book.
46:00 And we had the most amazing time. True to his word,
46:04 the assistant warden had the gymnasium...
46:06 By the way, something that had never happened
46:09 and if you get to read the book
46:11 you'll see Carrie Avery's letter.
46:13 One of the things that really impressed me
46:15 the very first time I was there there were four women
46:18 there that were from the Lock Down Unit.
46:22 Not allowed... doesn't happen.
46:23 "Don't even know how that happened, " they said.
46:25 But they were there.
46:28 So when my sisters and I got ready to prepare for the...
46:33 to fly out there for ministry
46:36 we do what we always do and we really, prayerfully
46:40 pray every day that we die to self
46:44 and that we glorify God and that He fills us so full
46:48 of His Holy Spirit that we'll be a powerful witness
46:50 when we go out to minister to these ladies at the Pocatello
46:54 prison.
46:55 You see, we cannot share what we don't have.
46:59 If we are not prayed up, if we are not so closely
47:01 connected with our heavenly Father, we can't share anything!
47:04 You can't share what you don't have.
47:07 So that's why it's vitally important that you are
47:10 praying constantly asking God to fill you
47:13 with His Holy Spirit.
47:15 And you need to do more than that.
47:17 You need to spend that time in His Word.
47:21 God speaks to us through His Word.
47:24 You know so many people ask me...
47:25 They will say: "Brenda, you always talk about
47:28 listening to God and listening to the Holy Spirit.
47:30 How do you really know if the Holy Spirit is talking to you? "
47:35 And I can tell you that's very easy.
47:37 The more time you spend with Jesus
47:41 the more you will know His voice.
47:43 It's like if you have a new... somebody you just meet
47:47 and they call you on the phone for the first time,
47:49 are you going to know who it is?
47:51 No. Even if you met them just once
47:53 maybe even twice, maybe 3... but when you become friends
47:57 and the phone rings and you hear their voice
48:00 you know immediately who it is, right?
48:04 So it is with our heavenly Father.
48:06 The more time we spend on our knees,
48:08 the more time we spend in His Word,
48:11 the more time we spend with Jesus our Savior,
48:15 the more we will know His voice.
48:17 If you are in a position where you are saying
48:21 "I don't really know if God's talking to me or not, "
48:24 then I'm going to tell you:
48:25 find some alone time with Jesus.
48:28 You're not spending enough alone time with Him.
48:30 You need to have that time where you
48:33 are... is set apart. Take that extra time
48:36 to say: "I need to be filled up with Your Holy Spirit. "
48:41 "Lord, I need You in my life. "
48:45 And ask God to cleanse you from all your sin.
48:47 Ask God to strip you of self
48:50 so that people only see Jesus in you.
48:55 One of the most important and beautiful things
49:00 that anybody could ever say to me
49:02 isn't that they like what I'm wearing or some big compliment.
49:05 If they can tell me they see Jesus in me
49:09 that's the most important thing anybody can ever say to me.
49:13 Amen. Because when we are truly
49:17 walking with Jesus, you don't have to wear a sign
49:20 saying "I love Jesus. "
49:22 My daddy used to always say: "If you love Jesus
49:25 notify your face. "
49:29 So you can't help but just shine for Him.
49:31 And sometimes just a tiny smile will make a difference.
49:36 Sometimes when I'm even at an airport going through
49:38 and you see everybody with stone faces,
49:41 they're not even expression, and they're walking
49:43 from one gate to the next and you're making eye contact
49:46 but they're just like this, I smile at them.
49:49 I even had somebody just last week come back and said:
49:51 "Do I know you? "
49:52 And I said: "No, but Jesus does. He knows you. "
49:57 And I tell you... what you can do with just a smile.
50:01 This awkward moment in the elevator with a bunch of people
50:05 and we're just waiting for the floors, and it's a slow
50:06 elevator. Nobody's saying a word.
50:08 I don't... It's an opportunity to witness.
50:11 They can't go anywhere.
50:13 They're right there in that elevator. It's time to witness.
50:17 Smile at them. Let them know.
50:19 I turned around one day to the guy in the elevator
50:21 and I said: "I just want you to know Jesus loves you. "
50:23 And he just started crying.
50:25 He said: "I can't believe you just said that to me
50:26 right now. I can't believe it. "
50:28 You see how good God is?
50:31 So my sisters and I, any time we prepare for ministry
50:33 we are asking the Holy Spirit to fill us.
50:36 We don't just pray once. We don't just pray twice.
50:38 We ask God to bathe us anew, afresh, every single day,
50:42 every single minute, every single second
50:44 so that we can be used to the utmost
50:47 to be soul-winning tools for Jesus.
50:49 When we got out to that Pocatello prison,
50:51 all three of us, and they were setting up our microphones
50:56 and all the women were starting to come in,
50:59 filling up the seats,
51:01 there was one lady that I recognized.
51:06 She was that real tall woman I met the first day
51:10 that big old soggy. I got ready; I took a big breath
51:12 this time... I knew it was coming.
51:16 And she said: "Oh, Miss Brenda, I've got to tell you. "
51:20 She said: "I've been baptized! "
51:23 Amen. And about that time
51:25 one of the other women came up there and she said:
51:27 "She's really such a spiritual leader in our prison"
51:30 she said "this last year. " She said: "She's the one that
51:33 heads up so many Bible study classes
51:35 in the prison 'cause there's not enough... "
51:37 "They only have Bible study" she said.
51:40 "We only have it 3 days a week for 2 hours a day
51:42 so it's not enough time, so I give Bible studies here
51:45 in the prison. " Isn't God good?
51:47 Amen. Isn't that awesome?
51:49 And so I was so excited and then
51:51 I just gave her another big hug.
51:53 We started the concert,
51:57 and in between songs each one of us will take turns
52:00 sharing. So when we finish one song
52:02 the next person will start to share.
52:04 And we share whatever the Holy Spirit is telling us to share.
52:08 You know, I might come in with an idea of what I'm
52:11 going to say, and I can tell you how many times I've done that
52:14 and God has turned me around on a dime
52:15 and I didn't say a thing that I thought I was going to
52:17 talk about. That happens all the time
52:20 because we want to be instant to God's will.
52:22 If you're really praying and asking God to use you
52:25 in a special way... If you say: "Lord,
52:27 let me be instant to Your will. Let me not second guess
52:31 what You're telling me. "
52:34 We miss many divine appointments when we do that.
52:36 Do you realize how dangerous that is?
52:37 If we say, you know, you can hear the Holy Spirit
52:42 telling you "Just smile at that lady that's coming up
52:44 right here. Just give her a nice smile and let her know
52:46 I love her. " And we go
52:48 "Do You really want me to say that?
52:50 I'm actually in a public place and I'm at my work place
52:52 and Lord, You don't really mean that, do You? "
52:55 And in that instant that you're questioning the Holy Spirit
52:58 that second is gone - she's gone - you've missed
53:00 that opportunity. See, but if you're prayed up
53:03 and you're saying: "Lord, use me in a special way, "
53:06 you're saying: "Lord, make me instant to Your will
53:08 that I'm not second guessing Your voice, "
53:13 you will have so many divine appointments.
53:16 And as we were singing and witnessing
53:22 I saw again how the Holy Spirit was flooding
53:25 into the hearts of those ladies.
53:27 And there were four women that were off to the side.
53:32 And true to his word, they had hired a lot of extra guards
53:35 there. And if somebody acts up, they don't get a second chance.
53:39 They are ripped out of there and they are taken out
53:41 right then and there, and you don't get a second chance.
53:44 So if you're acting up at all...
53:45 And there were four women that I felt like were just
53:47 devil possessed because they were rolling their eyes
53:50 and they weren't making enough of a problem where the guard
53:53 saw it yet, but they didn't see what we saw
53:56 looking at them. And I could see them roll their eyes,
53:58 you know, nudging each other.
54:00 And I just started praying for them even while we were
54:01 singing. And in fact, I saw throughout the concert...
54:06 the whole first part of the concert... they were really
54:09 getting worse. And so I started praying more!
54:12 And when my sister Linda was talking, I was
54:14 praying for those four women.
54:16 And I was praying and I was praying.
54:20 And before we finished I saw those ladies
54:25 that had been so sarcastic and had been so rolling their eyes
54:30 and kind of making fun
54:31 I saw the Holy Spirit just open their hearts
54:35 and their faces softened and they were in tears
54:39 before that concert ended.
54:42 In fact, God did something really awesome that day
54:47 because at the very end of that concert,
54:53 um,
54:57 my sister Linda gave an altar call.
55:01 And she pleaded with them that if they
55:04 really wanted to see Jesus,
55:09 if they wanted to have that blessed hope,
55:12 if they wanted to have that peace in their heart
55:14 every single night, that the only healer of hearts
55:17 was Jesus.
55:19 And she pleaded with them to surrender their heart
55:23 and life to Him right then and there.
55:24 And Cinda and I stepped up and we added to the altar call.
55:30 And we pleaded with each one of them.
55:31 And I looked directly at those three women...
55:33 four women that had been struggling.
55:35 And I said... looked right at them. I said:
55:39 "Jesus loves you.
55:41 He died to save you
55:43 and He's coming again soon.
55:45 He's preparing your mansion for you right now.
55:48 But God's not going to force you
55:51 and if you don't choose Jesus
55:55 you're going to be lost...
55:57 eternally lost. "
55:59 And all of a sudden the tears started coming.
56:02 And we said: "If you really love Jesus,
56:08 if you really want to start your life anew,
56:10 if you want to live an abundant life even here in this prison,
56:15 won't you take your stand by coming forward right now
56:19 and surrender your heart and life to Him? "
56:24 All of a sudden you saw one woman stand.
56:26 You saw another person stand
56:28 and another person stand, and pretty soon they
56:30 were just popping up everywhere.
56:33 And over 100 women came forward
56:37 to give their life to Jesus that night.
56:40 And when we were done talking I went over
56:43 and I... I started hugging them.
56:48 I just started hugging them, we started hugging the women.
56:51 And all of a sudden that religious activities director
56:56 that was in the back of the room he was watching.
56:59 All of a sudden he sees it's not the assistant warden
57:00 that had come in... the warden came in.
57:02 And now he knows... we're in big trouble!
57:04 And he looks. He goes "What part of touching... no touching
57:06 don't those girls understand? "
57:09 And he said: "Don't you see? God has done something special
57:13 here tonight? "
57:16 Be brave enough to step out of your comfort zone.


Revised 2014-12-17