3ABN Homecoming 2011

Prayer Makes A Difference

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Finley


Series Code: 11HC

Program Code: 11HC000003

00:15 Well welcome back. And we've been enjoying
00:18 this great spiritual feast that we're having here tonight
00:23 and getting ready for the second message.
00:26 This is a message that will be coming to us from
00:29 Pastor Mark Finley.
00:31 And he's going to be talking to us about prayer
00:34 and how prayer really does make a difference.
00:37 And I will tell you that I've known Pastor Mark
00:41 for many, many years.
00:43 We... He was just beginning his internship as a minister
00:48 and I was just finishing my internship as a minister.
00:52 So we're not that far apart in age.
00:54 And he began his ministry in New England
00:59 as did I. And we enjoyed our friendship back then.
01:04 Through the years we've kept in touch,
01:06 and we certainly have had
01:10 a great fellowship at times together.
01:14 And so tonight we're going to enjoy as the Holy Spirit
01:18 lays a message upon him
01:21 that he's going to be sharing with us.
01:23 And I want to also tell you that he is now
01:28 the assistant to the president of the General Conference
01:32 of Seventh-day Adventists.
01:34 Now, he was vice president of the General Conference.
01:38 Vice president hardly ever sees the president,
01:42 but the assistant to the president is working right with
01:45 him constantly.
01:47 And they have been developing together
01:50 these plans for revival and plans for evangelism
01:55 around the world. And I ask that you keep
01:58 that administrative team - Pastor Ted Wilson,
02:03 Pastor Mark Finley, and those that work very closely
02:07 with them - in working towards an evangelistic plan
02:12 led by the Spirit of God to go into the great cities of this
02:17 world beginning with New York City.
02:19 And over the weekend I think Mark will probably
02:22 share some of the plans that so far have been developed.
02:27 And they will be having hundreds of evangelistic series
02:32 in the New York City area as well as using media.
02:36 We have offered 3ABN as one of those means.
02:41 Danny and I are meeting together with Pastor Ted Wilson
02:45 and with Pastor Mark Finley, and we made the offer to them
02:50 that in any way that 3ABN can be used
02:54 in this outreach we want to be used.
02:58 That's why God has brought this organization into being.
03:02 That's why you have sustained it all these years:
03:05 in order to see this message go around the world.
03:10 And any time the gospel of Jesus is being preached
03:15 we certainly want to be a part of that.
03:18 Just before Pastor Finley comes
03:21 we're going to enjoy one more message of music
03:24 from Reggie and Ladye Love Smith.
03:26 One of the songs that I love to hear them sing
03:29 more than any other: Great Is Thy Faithfulness.
03:39 "Great is Thy faithfulness, "
03:46 O God my
03:49 Father,
03:54 There is no shadow of
03:59 turning with Thee;
04:06 Thou changest not,
04:11 Thy compassions,
04:13 they fail not;
04:18 As Thou has been
04:23 Thou forever
04:26 will be.
04:31 "Great is Thy faithfulness!
04:37 Great is Thy faithfulness! "
04:43 Morning by morning
04:48 new mercies I see;
04:56 All I have needed
05:00 Thy hand hath
05:04 provided,
05:09 "Great is
05:12 Thy faithfulness, "
05:20 Lord, unto
05:25 me!
05:39 Summer and winter
05:44 and springtime and harvest;
05:50 Sun, moon and stars
05:55 in their courses above,
06:01 Join with all nature
06:06 in manifold witness,
06:12 To Thy great faithfulness,
06:17 mercy and love.
06:22 "Great is Thy faithfulness!
06:28 Great is Thy faithfulness! "
06:33 Morning by morning
06:38 new mercies I see;
06:44 All I have needed
06:48 Thy hand hath provided,
06:54 "Great is Thy faithfulness, "
06:59 Lord, unto me!
07:04 "Great is Thy faithfulness!
07:09 Great is Thy faithfulness! "
07:14 Morning by morning
07:19 new mercies I see;
07:24 All I have needed
07:29 Thy hand hath provided,
07:34 "Great is Thy faithfulness!
07:39 Great is Thy faithfulness!
07:44 Great is Thy
07:47 faithfulness, "
07:55 Lord, unto
08:00 me!
08:15 Amen.
08:21 Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
08:27 Amen. In a time of economic uncertainty
08:30 and political uncertainty
08:31 and a time of uncertainty when you look at the weather patterns
08:35 in our world, a time of uncertainty when you look at
08:39 the future of our world,
08:41 God is faithful. Amen.
08:45 As I travel around the world I've noticed that
08:47 there is a new wind blowing
08:50 in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
08:52 More and more people are gathering together to seek God
08:56 in prayer. Little prayer bands are being formed
09:00 in conference offices, in union offices,
09:04 in division offices, in the General Conference headquarters.
09:07 In local Adventist churches
09:10 members are gathering for prayer,
09:13 and in many places the winds of spiritual revival
09:17 are blowing.
09:19 There has never been a revival in the history of the world
09:22 that has not been bathed in and saturated in prayer.
09:29 In fact, we're told by the messenger of the Lord
09:32 a revival need not be expected without prayer
09:37 because God must do something in us
09:41 before He can do something through us.
09:45 And God must do something to us
09:48 before He can do something with the world.
09:53 The problem with the preaching of the gospel is not
09:56 the hardness of the hearts in the world,
09:58 it's the hardness of our hearts at times, isn't it?
10:01 There are many that long for the gifts of the Spirit,
10:06 but God loves to give us the fruits of the Spirit.
10:09 Because if the fruits of the Spirit are characterized
10:11 in our lives, God will manifest the gifts of the Spirit.
10:17 Tonight I want to study with you
10:20 five essentials from the prayer life of Jesus.
10:24 I want to walk through the New Testament with you
10:27 and look at the prayer life of Jesus.
10:29 What was Jesus' prayer life like?
10:33 And what can we learn for our spiritual lives
10:37 from the very prayer life of Christ?
10:39 Let's pray. Father in heaven,
10:42 as we open the New Testament
10:45 and see the life of Jesus,
10:47 as we understand more deeply His prayer life,
10:51 I pray that You would enable us tonight
10:55 to drink from that heavenly stream.
11:00 That we would be fed with the bread of life.
11:04 That we would hear the Spirit of God speaking to our hearts.
11:08 This is no time for an apathetic, complacent,
11:13 Laodicean spiritual experience.
11:16 This is no time merely to believe with our head
11:21 but not be committed in our hearts.
11:24 This is no time for formal, academic religion.
11:29 This is a time for heart- agonizing, heart-throbbing
11:35 prayer. This is a time to be on our knees seeking God.
11:39 It's a time to open our hearts to be filled with the
11:42 Holy Spirit. It's a time for a genuine, authentic experience
11:47 with the living Christ.
11:49 And so I pray Thee that You would come and touch our hearts.
11:51 That You would open our eyes.
11:53 That You would help us to hear the voice of Jesus
11:56 speaking to us tonight,
11:57 drawing us closer to His side.
12:00 We thank you that You're going to be here
12:03 with all of Your power. In Christ's name, Amen.
12:06 A number of years ago
12:09 I was invited to hold a major evangelistic meeting
12:13 in Port Moresby, Papua, New Guinea.
12:16 Just before we got there
12:19 the government made a decision to sell off
12:22 a lot of their land to multi- national corporations.
12:28 The university students recognized that if that happened
12:31 that they would lose their natural resources
12:36 and the country in years to come would be impoverished.
12:39 So the students marched by the hundreds in the streets of
12:44 Port Moresby, the capital city.
12:46 The police overreacted.
12:49 They shot into the crowd,
12:51 and as they did seven students were killed.
12:54 The students rioted.
12:58 The dissident elements of society joined these students
13:01 and they rioted as well.
13:02 Cars were burned.
13:05 The plate glass windows of shops were broken
13:08 and throughout that city there was rioting, revolution,
13:14 devastation.
13:15 The government, in an attempt to control it,
13:18 put a curfew on the city.
13:21 Nothing moved from 7 o'clock at night till 7 o'clock
13:25 in the morning. Now that posed a real problem for us.
13:30 I arrived in Port Moresby on a Monday
13:32 and the curfew was still on.
13:34 And we were told that we would not be able to have our meetings
13:38 unless the curfew lifted.
13:40 We organized 1,000 people to pray...
13:44 1,000 prayer warriors.
13:46 They prayed morning, noon, and night.
13:50 And if you've ever been to Papua, New Guinea,
13:52 these folk know how to pray.
13:55 They do not simply "say" their prayers...
13:58 they pray.
14:00 And I've met with them - 50, 100- in a small room
14:03 where it was so crowded you couldn't even stand up
14:06 on our knees praying and seeking God
14:09 and listening to the agony of their hearts.
14:11 "Oh, God, move upon the government officials. "
14:14 "Oh, God, move upon parliament. "
14:16 Monday curfew, Tuesday curfew, Wednesday curfew,
14:21 Thursday curfew. But on Thursday we told our staff
14:25 "Go set up the stadium. There's nothing against
14:29 setting up the stadium in the daytime.
14:31 Set it up. We can't preach at night, but Thursday set it up
14:35 by faith. " We went to bed Thursday night with the curfew.
14:39 Woke up Friday morning and the first thing I did after praying
14:43 was ran to the little kiosk to buy a newspaper.
14:46 This newspaper today is one of my most treasured possessions.
14:50 My wife and I keep this as a keepsake of what
14:53 God can do. Headlines of the newspaper:
14:56 Parliament meets until 2 AM in the morning.
14:59 Curfew lifted so Seventh-day Adventists
15:02 can have their meeting. Amen!
15:06 Subtitle: The entire nation is invited to the Sir John Guise
15:11 Stadium tonight to hear the prime minister speak
15:15 on the state of the nation.
15:17 Then the prime minister will introduce American evangelist
15:20 Mark Finley who will speak a message of peace to this nation.
15:24 The entire nation is to come.
15:25 That night 100,000 people by count
15:31 came to the stadium. Amen.
15:33 What is the largest stadium in Chicago?
15:36 Soldier Field. How many does that place seat?
15:39 60,000? 70,000?
15:41 That's too small.
15:43 100,000 people came to the stadium.
15:47 The prime minister of the nation introduced me that night.
15:51 The message was taken by television.
15:53 It's estimated that in that country 2-1/2 million people
15:57 listened to the message.
15:58 And every night they came... 100,000 people.
16:02 And the first appeal 10,000 people came forward for baptism.
16:08 When God's people are on their knees praying
16:13 something happens that does not happen when we do not pray.
16:18 You say: "I don't understand all that. "
16:22 You don't have to understand it, just pray. Amen.
16:25 In the controversy between good and evil
16:30 there are ground rules.
16:32 And one of those ground rules is this:
16:34 God will never violate our freedom of choice.
16:40 Now God is doing everything He can for your son or your
16:43 daughter who doesn't know Christ before you pray.
16:46 He's doing everything He can for your husband or wife
16:49 who doesn't know Christ before you pray.
16:52 But God is limited.
16:54 He is limited by their freedom of choice.
16:57 But when we pray, God looks at the devil
17:01 and He says: "I respect that Christian's freedom of
17:06 choice and I will pour out the river of water of life
17:10 through them. And they will be a conduit of blessing. "
17:13 And God does for us when we pray
17:16 things that don't happen when we don't pray.
17:19 Amen. You say: "I don't fully understand all that. "
17:22 Don't worry about what you don't understand.
17:24 Let's suppose here's a cornologist.
17:27 Do you know what a cornologist is?
17:30 He got his Ph. D. studying one kernel of corn
17:34 so he's a cornologist.
17:37 He's over here at the University of Illinois.
17:40 He knows every single thing about that kernel of corn.
17:43 He knows every vitamin. He knows there's lysine and
17:46 niacin. He knows everything about that kernel of corn.
17:48 He is the foremost authority on corn in the world.
17:52 There's nobody greater than him in the whole world on corn.
17:57 He's written his Ph. D. dissertation
18:00 on the 13th kernel from the bottom up
18:04 in my imagination.
18:07 Now I have a question for you:
18:09 here is a man living in the jungles of Brazil
18:12 that doesn't know anything about corn.
18:15 Nothing. Doesn't know one vitamin, one mineral.
18:18 The man possibly can't even read,
18:20 but his wife cooks him a kernel of corn.
18:25 And on one summer day the cornologist in his back yard
18:29 eats a kernel of corn at the same time that the guy in Brazil
18:33 who can't read and who's illiterate... doesn't know
18:35 anything about corn... eats his kernel.
18:37 Who gets the most vitamins and minerals?
18:42 Who gets the most vitamins and minerals?
18:45 You don't need to know everything
18:48 to appreciate the something you don't know everything about.
18:54 You don't need to know everything about something
18:57 to appreciate the something you don't know everything about.
19:00 Don't try to figure out the ins and outs,
19:03 the whys and wherefores about prayer.
19:06 Simply believe by faith
19:09 that God hears!
19:13 Take your Bible, please. Five essentials from the prayer life
19:17 of Jesus. Five essentials from the prayer life of Jesus
19:22 that can transform your prayer life.
19:25 Five essentials from the prayer life of Jesus
19:28 that can enable you to have a vibrant, fresh,
19:32 new relationship with God in prayer.
19:35 Every revival in history has been bathed in prayer.
19:40 Every Biblical revival has been bathed in prayer.
19:43 Where there is revival - a renewal of spiritual life -
19:47 somebody is praying.
19:49 Mark the first chapter the 35th verse.
19:52 Mark chapter 1 verse 35.
19:54 "Now in the morning, having risen a long while before
19:58 daylight, He went and departed to a solitary place
20:02 and there He prayed. "
20:04 Jesus had a time to pray.
20:08 Jesus had a time to pray.
20:11 Mark it down... principle #1 in Jesus' prayer life:
20:16 Jesus had a time set aside to pray
20:19 for communion and fellowship with the Father,
20:23 and nothing separated Jesus from His Father
20:28 during that prayer time.
20:29 These times of unbroken communication with the Father
20:33 were times that Jesus set apart.
20:36 He was not too busy to pray.
20:38 Not too active to pray.
20:41 Take your Bible and look at a second vision here of Jesus'
20:45 time in praying: Luke the 5th chapter.
20:48 Dr. Luke describes Jesus' prayer life more times than any other,
20:54 than any other Bible writer.
20:56 Luke the 5th chapter.
20:58 Again we notice that Jesus had a time to pray.
21:02 Luke chapter 5 verse 16:
21:05 "So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness
21:09 and there prayed. "
21:10 Jesus' prayer life was not spasmodic.
21:13 It was not off again and on again.
21:14 He didn't pray on Monday and not pray on Tuesday and Wednesday.
21:18 Jesus often had times alone.
21:22 Every morning He had time set apart.
21:25 Before He faced the multitude He went to the mountain.
21:29 Before Jesus went to the crowds He went to the Father.
21:32 Jesus could stand before kings because He knelt before
21:35 the King of the universe.
21:37 He could face earthly judges because He had come to the
21:42 judge of all mankind.
21:44 Jesus was empowered in those moments that He prayed.
21:49 And if Christ, the Son of God, had time set aside to pray,
21:53 can we do any less?
21:55 Luke the 9th chapter... Again, the gospel of Luke records
22:00 these alone times that Jesus had with the Father.
22:04 Times that He set apart to be alone.
22:07 Times that when every earthly voice was hushed
22:11 and every human voice still
22:13 that He could listen to the voice of God.
22:16 We live in a society of noise,
22:19 and it's hard to get away from the noise...
22:21 it's hard to get away from the clamor and the chatter.
22:24 People talk to me about labor-saving devices.
22:28 And they say to me: "Pastor Mark,
22:30 here's a cell phone.
22:32 This cell phone can do everything you need.
22:35 I mean, this cell phone... you can talk to people on it.
22:38 This cell phone... you can get a message on it.
22:41 This cell phone... you can get your computed data on it.
22:45 This cell phone has maps on it. Take this with you
22:48 and you'll have everything you need. "
22:51 The problem is: when they send me 40 or 50 e-mails a day,
22:57 when they send me text message after text message,
23:01 when I fly on the airplane for 2 hours and I look on this
23:04 little thing and I find out that I have 12 new phone calls
23:08 that I have to answer...
23:10 it's difficult to get away from people today.
23:14 In the busyness of our society
23:19 it's hard to be alone.
23:22 You know, in the late 1800's
23:26 a European visited America. And he came back to Europe
23:32 and one of his friends said to him:
23:35 "What impressed you most about America? "
23:38 You know, the Europeans have a very wry sense of humor.
23:41 And he said: "Those Americans are always moving.
23:46 In fact, they've invented a chair called a rocking chair
23:49 and they can't even sit still when they sit down. "
23:53 Does your life sometimes feel hectic?
23:57 Do you at times feel rushed?
24:00 You have retired and you wonder how you ever found time to work.
24:07 In the hectic stream of life
24:11 Jesus calls us to quietness.
24:14 Do you have a time to pray?
24:16 A time that is set apart for you and God?
24:21 Well I have people say to me: "Pastor Mark,
24:23 I just pray all the time. "
24:25 That's like a person saying "I eat all the time. "
24:28 Yeah, you look like it, too.
24:31 If you eat all the time, what are you eating? Potato chips
24:35 and Hershey bars? And Hostess Twinkies?
24:39 If you eat all the time, what's happening?
24:42 Usually you're eating a junk food diet that doesn't provide
24:47 adequate vitamins and minerals to the diet, right?
24:51 Certainly God says: "Pray without ceasing;
24:55 be in an attitude of prayer. "
24:57 But if all you're doing through the day is darting
25:00 19-second prayers to God,
25:03 you will not have the experience with Jesus
25:07 to live through the crisis
25:09 at the close of this earth's history.
25:11 Jesus set aside a time to pray...
25:14 a time that He would be alone with God.
25:17 A time that He could listen to God's voice
25:19 speaking to His heart.
25:21 Do you have a time to pray?
25:24 A time that nothing interrupts?
25:27 A time alone with God?
25:29 The second thing we notice about Jesus' prayer life is this:
25:32 you find it in the text in Mark chapter 1.
25:34 So back to Mark chapter 1. Jesus had a time to pray.
25:38 A time that nothing interrupted.
25:40 A time to spend alone time with God.
25:43 A time that He could be spiritually nourished
25:47 by the Father.
25:48 A time the Spirit could speak to His heart.
25:50 A time that He could receive strength from the Almighty.
25:53 A time that He could receive wisdom from the Almighty.
25:56 Mark chapter 1. We look there again at verse 35.
26:00 "Now in the morning having risen a great while before daylight
26:03 He went out and departed to a solitary place
26:06 and there He prayed. "
26:08 Jesus not only had a time to pray,
26:10 Jesus had a place to pray.
26:14 Jesus often went to the Garden of Gethsemane,
26:17 and there in Gethsemane He knelt and He prayed.
26:19 That was His prayer place 'neath the olive trees.
26:22 When Jesus wasn't in Jerusalem
26:24 He often went out into the fields of Galilee
26:27 and there He prayed.
26:29 Do you have a place to pray?
26:32 A place that you've set aside?
26:34 Often in the morning my wife is up and out.
26:37 We now live in the state of Virginia
26:40 and my wife Ernestine - you know her as Teenie -
26:43 is out walking the trails.
26:44 And she has her place to pray on those trails,
26:47 alone in the morning.
26:49 My prayer place is in my study.
26:51 There's an old blue chair, and I kneel by that each morning
26:54 in my study and I say: "God, take me today.
26:56 God give me wisdom today.
26:58 God help me as we have to make critical decisions in the
27:02 General Conference office today. Lord, I don't know what to do.
27:05 Those decisions are so complex.
27:07 You look at one side of the question then you look at
27:08 another side of the question.
27:09 Lord, I need wisdom from You today.
27:12 Lord, today give me strength. Today there'll be temptations. "
27:16 There at my prayer time,
27:18 there in my prayer place I seek God.
27:21 You know, I was not brought up in a Seventh-day Adventist home.
27:27 My father was a Protestant;
27:30 my mother was a Catholic.
27:32 I never saw them argue once over religion.
27:37 When my father married my mother the priest said:
27:41 "Yes, I will marry you but not in the Catholic church.
27:44 You've got to be married in the rectory.
27:45 And I'll only marry you, " he said to my father,
27:50 "to this Catholic woman if you promise
27:52 when you're married that when you have children
27:54 you'll bring them up Catholic. "
27:55 My father wasn't an Adventist so he made that promise.
27:58 Later on my dad became a Seventh-day Adventist.
28:02 My mom was a Catholic.
28:04 But I can remember so distinctly in my mind
28:09 on Friday nights I would come home and watch the late,
28:13 late, late show. I'd be out playing basketball
28:16 on Friday nights. Sports were my god in those years.
28:19 Come back from playing basketball and I'd watch
28:22 the late, late, late show. I'd watch Frankenstein
28:24 and Alfred Hitchcock. Any of you remember those movies?
28:27 You do? I thought you were Adventists.
28:29 What are you watching that stuff for?
28:30 I have an excuse... I wasn't an Adventist back then.
28:36 These were the days of black and white television.
28:41 And the thing would be so snowy
28:44 and I'd be in front of that screen, you know, watching.
28:48 Friday night; 11 o'clock.
28:50 And I would look through the crack in the door
28:54 and there was dad kneeling down
28:59 by an old black and white chair. We didn't have much money.
29:02 Stuffing coming out of that chair.
29:05 Old vinyl chair.
29:06 I can see it in my mind now. Look through that light
29:09 there was dad praying... 11 o'clock Friday night.
29:12 "Dear Jesus, bless my boy.
29:15 Jesus, he doesn't know You.
29:17 Jesus, bless him. Surround him with Your love.
29:21 Surround him with Your grace. Somehow open his heart
29:23 and mind. " And the Lord began to work on my heart.
29:28 Dad shared Jesus' love with me and ultimately led me
29:32 into the Adventist church.
29:33 Dad had a place to pray.
29:37 Do you have a sacred place?
29:41 A place where God comes down?
29:44 A place that you can look back at and say:
29:47 "That's where God visited me.
29:49 That's where God spoke to me.
29:52 By that chair God strengthened me; God gave me wisdom.
29:56 God impressed my mind. "
29:59 Jesus had a what?
30:01 Time to pray.
30:03 Jesus had a what?
30:05 A place to pray.
30:07 I am not talking about a candy cotton religious experience
30:13 that is sweet in your mouth but provides you
30:16 with no spiritual nourishment.
30:18 I'm talking about knowing God.
30:20 Knowing Him in the depth of your being.
30:24 Knowing Him with every fabric of your being.
30:28 Knowing Him deep within your heart.
30:31 Knowing Him in your mind.
30:32 Setting aside time to pray.
30:35 Setting aside a place to pray.
30:37 Now there's a third thing about Jesus' prayer life
30:39 that may surprise you.
30:41 Secret prayer is not necessarily silent prayer.
30:49 Jesus prayed aloud.
30:51 Now don't misunderstand me. There are times
30:54 that praying out loud might be inappropriate.
30:57 If you are a computer expert working over here at IBM
31:01 and you're working with all secular people
31:04 and there's a snafu with the computer system
31:07 and you get down on your knees in the middle of the office
31:09 and begin praying out loud, well...
31:12 there may be... may be a lot wiser to pray silently
31:16 at that point.
31:18 There is never a time that it's inappropriate to pray silently.
31:24 But if you want a vibrant experience with God,
31:30 a time to pray, a place to pray,
31:33 praying aloud. Let's look at Jesus' prayer life.
31:35 Matthew the 26th chapter.
31:38 Matthew the 26th chapter.
31:44 Matthew 26:39.
31:47 Matthew 26:39.
31:51 "He went a little farther... "
31:53 This is Jesus. He has His time to pray.
31:55 This is Jesus. He has His place to pray.
31:57 Matthew 26:39:
31:59 "And He went a little farther. He fell on His face
32:01 and prayed thinking... "
32:06 He fell on His face and prayed what?
32:09 Prayed what? "Saying... " Verse 42:
32:12 "And He went again a second time
32:14 and prayed saying: 'Oh My Father, if this cup
32:18 cannot pass from Me unless I drink it,
32:21 Your will be done. ' " Verse 44:
32:23 "So He left them, went again and prayed the third time
32:27 saying the same words. "
32:29 Jesus had His time to pray; Jesus had His place to pray;
32:32 and Jesus prayed out loud pouring His heart out
32:35 to the Father. On our way to Hebrews, let's look at
32:39 Luke 11 verse 1.
32:40 Why did the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray
32:46 in the Lord's Prayer? Why?
32:48 Because they came to Jesus at His prayer time;
32:52 they found Jesus in His prayer place;
32:55 and they heard Him praying out loud.
32:56 And these disciples never had heard anybody pray like that.
33:00 Jesus wasn't saying a prayer.
33:02 These were not the formal, ritualistic
33:04 prayers of the Pharisees... Jesus was talking to God.
33:07 Jesus was communicating with the Father.
33:09 Luke 11 verse 1:
33:11 "And it came to pass as He was praying in a certain place" -
33:14 there's His prayer place; this is His prayer time -
33:16 "when He ceased... " How did they know He ceased?
33:19 Because He stopped praying verbally.
33:21 And so they'd never heard anybody pray like that before.
33:24 They were overhearing His prayers!
33:27 And they said: "Jesus, teach us to pray. "
33:29 Hebrews the 5th chapter... Jesus prayed out loud.
33:33 Hebrews the 5th chapter.
33:35 You were looking there at the 7th verse.
33:38 Here it is again. When you study Jesus' prayer life
33:42 not only did He have a time to pray,
33:44 not only did He have a place to pray,
33:46 but Jesus was on His knees out loud pouring His soul out
33:50 to God in intimate communion with the Father.
33:53 Here you go: Hebrews chapter 5 verse 7:
33:57 "Who in the days of His flesh
33:59 when He had offered up prayers and supplication with... " What?
34:03 "strong or vehement cries and tears to Him who was able
34:07 to save Him from death. "
34:09 Why is it valuable to pray out loud?
34:12 Has your mind ever wandered when you prayed?
34:17 You get on your knees, you begin to pray
34:20 "Dear Lord" and you're praying say mentally in your mind
34:23 and you begin to think "Um, wait a minute...
34:26 I should have... what time do I have to pick up the kids
34:30 at school? You know, I went grocery shopping today
34:33 and I forgot to get this... "
34:35 "What was the score of that sports game? "
34:38 "Um, wait a minute, what do I have to do at work? "
34:41 You're on your knees praying - right? -
34:43 and your mind begins to do what?
34:45 Anybody's mind ever wandered in prayer here?
34:48 Any honest people here?
34:49 Yeah sure, but what happens? Your mind wanders
34:54 and as it does
34:57 you go on 2 or 3 minutes in prayer.
35:01 You started praying but 4 minutes later your mind's
35:04 all over the place and you say: "Wait a minute...
35:07 oh, I'm supposed to be praying here, " right?
35:09 But when you pray aloud
35:12 the brain is engaged to form the words that come out of your
35:17 mouth, and when you stop verbally talking
35:22 you recognize it. "Hey, wait a minute.
35:25 My mind just began to wander. "
35:27 And you bring it back much more quickly.
35:30 Jesus had a time to pray; Jesus had a place to pray;
35:33 Jesus prayed aloud. "Pastor, Pastor, I don't want to
35:36 pray aloud. " Why not?
35:38 "Because the devil will hear my prayers
35:40 and he will know exactly what I'm thinking and praying about
35:46 and he will be able to develop a strategy against me. "
35:49 So because the devil can't read my thoughts
35:52 but he can hear what I say
35:54 I don't want to pray out loud.
35:56 Anybody think that way?
35:59 I have a question to ask you.
36:00 Is the devil omnipresent?
36:04 Well... there are some people not sure.
36:07 All right, is the devil omnipresent?
36:09 No, he's not. Who's only omnipresent?
36:11 God. Is the devil omniscient?
36:14 That means does he know everything.
36:16 No, he doesn't.
36:18 So how can the devil hear your prayers, then,
36:23 and know what you're praying if he's not omnipresent?
36:25 Only by sending the evil angels, right?
36:28 But when you pray God shuts you in
36:34 with a circle of good angels
36:39 who beat back the forces of hell.
36:42 The last place that the devil wants to be
36:47 is where a saint is praying... a believer is praying.
36:51 Let me show you that.
36:53 Do not take my word for it,
36:55 take the word of divine inspiration.
36:57 Here it is:
36:58 "At the sound of earnest prayer
37:04 Satan's whole host trembles and flees. "
37:08 Say it together with me, please.
37:11 At the sound... Together!
37:12 Wherever you are. Television audience, this is your time too.
37:14 Join us: "At the sound of earnest prayer
37:19 Satan's host trembles and flees. "
37:23 One more time:
37:25 "At the sound of earnest prayer
37:29 Satan's host trembles and flees. "
37:33 First volume of the Testimonies page 346.
37:36 When you pray, when your prayers ascend to God,
37:38 Satan's whole host trembles because good angels
37:42 wing their way from worlds afar to beat back
37:44 the forces of hell. They shut you in.
37:48 A place to pray; a time to pray;
37:51 praying out loud to seek God.
37:53 Fourth thing about Jesus' prayer life.
37:55 Here it is: fourth thing about Jesus' prayer life.
37:58 Jesus prayed for His friends by name.
38:02 Jesus prayed for people by name.
38:05 Luke chapter 23.
38:06 Jesus' prayer life was not so vague and general
38:10 that you couldn't know if it was answered or not answered.
38:15 Luke chapter 22. Here we go... Luke chapter 22.
38:19 Some people pray so general prayers
38:23 that they could never know whether God answered them
38:26 or not. Luke chapter 22.
38:29 Verse 31: "And the Lord said
38:33 'Simon, Simon. Indeed Satan has asked for you
38:37 that he might sift you as wheat
38:39 but I have prayed for you
38:42 that your faith should not fail. ' "
38:44 Jesus said to Simon:
38:46 "Satan has asked for you
38:48 but I have prayed for you. "
38:53 Jesus is saying that about you today.
38:55 There may be temptations, there may be challenges,
38:58 there may be difficulties,
38:59 but Jesus in the sanctuary in heaven
39:02 is praying for you. You are on His lips.
39:06 You are on His heart.
39:07 You are on His mind... Jesus is praying for you.
39:11 Jesus prays for Peter by name.
39:14 Now there's a few things in the text we need to see.
39:16 "And the Lord said: 'Simon, Simon.
39:19 Indeed Satan has asked for you. ' "
39:21 Who did Satan...
39:27 When Satan asked for Peter, who was Satan asking for Peter?
39:31 Who was Satan asking for Peter?
39:36 Well some are going to say God and some are going to say Jesus.
39:41 But I want you to think this through.
39:44 Why would Satan ask God to give him Peter?
39:48 Would God even consider giving the soul of Peter...
39:51 giving the life of Peter to Satan?
39:53 Would He do that?
39:55 No.
39:56 Would Satan ask Jesus to give him Peter?
40:00 Why would He do that?
40:01 I mean, why would Jesus even consider that?
40:03 I'm going to make a suggestion for you.
40:05 Who is Satan asking?
40:07 He's asking the evil angels.
40:09 He is saying: "You go get that man.
40:12 That man has great possibilities for the kingdom of God.
40:16 You go get that one. I want Peter!
40:18 I want him to fall.
40:20 If we can get Peter to fall, we have created a great crisis. "
40:25 Satan says to his evil angels:
40:28 "Go get that young man. "
40:30 "Go get that young woman. "
40:31 Satan studies our genetic backgrounds.
40:35 He knows the genetic weaknesses that are embedded in every
40:38 nerve and tissue of the bodies.
40:40 Satan knows our inclinations toward evil.
40:43 Satan knows our tendencies toward evil.
40:46 Satan knows where we are most likely to fall.
40:50 If it's criticism, he will give you reason to criticize.
40:55 He will dangle some juicy tidbit before your face.
40:59 If it is lust, he knows how to parade certain images
41:04 before your mind.
41:05 If it's overeating and indulgence,
41:07 Satan studies a) our genetic background;
41:10 b) Satan studies where we've fallen in the past
41:13 and we're most weak;
41:14 and Satan says to his evil angels: "Go get that man. "
41:17 "Go get that woman. "
41:18 "Go get their son... go get their daughter. "
41:20 And Jesus says to you and me:
41:23 "In your time of prayer, in your place of prayer,
41:26 in your... when you're praying out loud,
41:29 as you are praying for your son,
41:31 as you're praying for your daughter,
41:33 as you're praying for your neighbor,
41:34 as you're praying for your husband,
41:35 as you're praying for your wife,
41:37 I will send a retinue of angels if you pray for them by name. "
41:41 As we are on our knees praying
41:44 just like Jesus prayed for Peter...
41:47 And although Peter fell, he was supernaturally empowered
41:51 by God. He came and knelt in forgiveness before God
41:55 and repentance before Jesus.
41:57 And Peter was supernaturally endowed with the Holy Spirit
42:00 on the Day of Pentecost and 3,000... 3,000
42:04 were led to Christ. Prayer is powerful.
42:08 Jesus prayed for Peter. Are you praying for your son?
42:10 Are you praying for your daughter?
42:12 Are you praying for your husband?
42:13 Are you praying for your neighbors?
42:15 Great Controversy page 525
42:17 "God will grant an answer to the prayer of faith...
42:21 that which He would not do did we not thus pray. "
42:25 I love it. "God will grant an answer to the prayer of faith...
42:28 that which He would not do did we not thus pray. "
42:34 There are many texts in the Bible that tell us
42:36 that we ought to pray but there are few
42:39 that tell us what happens when we pray.
42:41 Here's one. Take your Bible, please. I John chapter 5.
42:45 What happens when I kneel down?
42:46 What happens when I pray for my son or daughter?
42:49 What happens when I pray for a husband or wife?
42:51 What happens when I pray for a neighbor
42:53 that doesn't know Christ?
42:54 What does God do? How does prayer work?
42:56 We may not understand everything about it, but this is a
42:59 marvelous text. I John chapter 5: here it is.
43:01 Verse 18 and onward:
43:03 I John chapter 5.
43:07 And we're looking there. Verse 14 rather... verse 14
43:11 and onward... I John chapter 5 verse 14:
43:13 "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him... "
43:16 Where is our confidence when we pray?
43:19 Is it in ourselves? Is it in our prayers?
43:21 This is the confidence we have where everybody?
43:24 In Him. "This is the confidence we have in Him:
43:26 if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. "
43:29 Is it His will to save your neighbor?
43:32 Is it His will to save your husband, your wife,
43:34 your son, your daughter? Certainly!
43:36 He will work powerfully in their lives.
43:38 Now certainly they have freedom of choice.
43:40 Certainly they can reject it.
43:42 But it will be harder for them to reject than to accept
43:45 if we pray.
43:47 You see, if we pray, rejecting the gospel becomes difficult
43:52 because the Holy Spirit's working in their hearts.
43:54 The Holy Spirit's bringing them conviction.
43:56 Now notice verse 16:
43:57 "If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not
44:01 lead to death... " What is the sin that leads to death?
44:03 The unpardonable sin.
44:05 So here we see somebody. He hasn't rejected the Holy Spirit
44:08 in their life. "If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin
44:11 that does not lead to death, He will ask... "
44:14 Who is the He that's doing the asking?
44:16 The Intercessor. "He will ask
44:18 and He... " Who is that He?
44:22 God. "Will give Him... " Who is the Him?
44:25 The Intercessor. "Life for those who commit sin
44:28 not leading to death. "
44:30 This is wonderful.
44:31 On our knees we're praying for somebody
44:33 that doesn't know Jesus.
44:35 Just like Jesus prayed for Peter by name
44:38 we're praying for somebody in temptation.
44:41 We're praying for somebody who's in a struggle
44:44 between life and death. And as we pray
44:47 the river of water of life from the throne of God
44:51 flows through us to touch their lives in miraculous ways.
44:55 We becomes channels for the conduit of the Holy...
44:58 We becomes channels - conduits - for the Holy Spirit
45:01 to touch that man, that woman, that son or that daughter.
45:04 Here is one of the most marvelous statements ever
45:08 written by the pen of inspiration, God's messenger
45:12 for this last hour. Listen to it:
45:13 "Ministering angels are waiting about the throne... "
45:16 Where are the angels? Where are they?
45:19 About the throne.
45:20 "to instantly obey the mandate of Jesus Christ
45:25 in answer to every prayer offered in living faith. "
45:28 II Selected Messages 377.
45:32 Ministering angels around the throne.
45:34 Waiting... Waiting to answer
45:40 the mandate of Christ - the command of Christ -
45:42 as prayers ascend to heaven.
45:44 Here is some godly father, some godly mother.
45:47 They're on their knees. They're praying for a daughter
45:50 or a son who's up there in Chicago.
45:51 And that son or daughter is about ready to make a decision
45:55 that will take them further from Christ.
45:58 And that mom is in her bedroom. She's kneeling down
46:01 by that chair at her prayer time that evening
46:04 and she's praying: "Lord, bless my daughter Alice. "
46:06 "Lord, bless Judy. " And as she prays,
46:09 her prayers ascend to heaven and the angels gather round
46:12 the throne and they say: "Jesus, can I go? "
46:15 "Jesus, can I go? " "Jesus, can I go? "
46:17 And Jesus looks at an angel and He says: "You go. "
46:21 And that angel wings his way from the throne of God
46:24 and beats back the angels of hell.
46:27 And that young woman makes the right decision. Praise God!
46:30 Praise God!
46:32 Jesus had a time to pray. Jesus had a place to pray.
46:40 Jesus prayed aloud.
46:42 Jesus prayed for His friends by name.
46:46 And you are on His heart tonight.
46:48 You're on His mind tonight.
46:50 There's one more thing about Jesus' prayer.
46:52 Take your Bible and go back to the gospel of Luke
46:54 the 9th chapter.
46:56 Jesus often prayed with others.
47:00 There's power in praying alone
47:03 but there's power in getting another man, another woman.
47:07 There's power in little prayer bands as they form together.
47:11 Luke the 9th chapter 28th verse.
47:17 "And it came to pass about 8 days after these sayings
47:20 that He took Peter, John, and James
47:23 and went up on the mountain to pray. "
47:25 Three men meeting to pray.
47:29 Three women who form a prayer band.
47:32 Oh, to come into an Adventist church on Sabbath morning
47:36 and look over that congregation at 8:30 AM
47:39 and see 15 prayer bands scattered throughout the church
47:42 praying for the anointing of the Holy Spirit
47:45 that Sabbath morning.
47:48 Oh to come to an Adventist church on a Wednesday night
47:51 and see prayer bands scattered throughout the sanctuary
47:54 praying for that city that there'll be a breakthrough
47:56 for the kingdom of God.
47:58 Oh to come to a conference office,
48:00 come to the General Conference division, and see prayer bands
48:04 praying for the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
48:07 There's something that happens when people unite in prayer.
48:11 Matthew the 18th chapter.
48:12 Matthew the 18th chapter.
48:17 And look there at Matthew chapter 18
48:20 verses 18 and 19.
48:25 Matthew 18:18-19.
48:27 "Assuredly I say to you whatever you bind on earth
48:30 will be bound on heaven and whatever you loose on earth
48:32 will be loosed in heaven. "
48:34 How do we bind up heaven?
48:36 How do we loose heaven?
48:37 "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on anything
48:40 concerning anything that they ask,
48:42 it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.
48:44 For where two or three are gathered together
48:46 in My name... " That doesn't mean
48:48 that the church is empty and only 2 or 3 people come
48:51 so the preacher gets up and says: "The Bible says
48:53 when 2 or 3 together are gathered, He's there. "
48:55 I'm sure He's there, but that's not the primary meaning
48:57 of the text. The primary meaning of this text is a prayer band.
49:00 Where two or three people get together
49:02 and in the unity of their lives heart beats with heart
49:05 mind beats with mind
49:06 and they get together to pray.
49:09 Women are having a prayer group at their house
49:11 on a Thursday afternoon and 2, 3, 4, 5 women pray.
49:15 Men meeting for a prayer breakfast in the morning
49:17 before they go to work and feeding a little bit.
49:19 Sharing the Word of God; getting down on their knees and praying.
49:22 "Again I say to you that if 2 or 3 agree on earth
49:25 anything they'll ask it will be done for them
49:28 of My Father in heaven.
49:29 For where 2 or 3 are gathered in My name
49:31 I am in the midst. "
49:33 Do you have a time to pray
49:39 that nothing interrupts?
49:41 Do you have a place to pray
49:44 where you pour your heart out to God alone?
49:47 Do you have a prayer list?
49:49 Five names... six names. People you've written down
49:52 on your list and you're praying for them.
49:53 You're believing God for them.
49:55 Do you have somebody you're praying with? Prayer partners?
50:01 A few years ago there was a very significant pastor's meeting
50:07 in Boston, Massachusetts.
50:10 It was not a meeting of Seventh- day Adventist pastors.
50:13 These pastors were evangelical pastors, and they were coming
50:15 from all over the United States, 300-400 pastors.
50:18 One of the pastors from Chicago
50:21 was on an American Airlines flight.
50:23 He was sitting on the aisle.
50:24 And as he was sitting on the aisle
50:26 there was nobody in the middle seat and there was a man
50:28 sitting at the window seat. And the plane took off, and
50:31 this man - pastor, going to the pastor's meeting,
50:34 sitting on the aisle - looked across and he saw
50:37 the man at the window praying.
50:40 And he thought to himself:
50:42 "Great, I've got a Christian seatmate, but I don't want to
50:45 intimidate him too much and tell him I'm a pastor.
50:48 I'm so thankful that I have somebody that's a Christian. "
50:51 So he looked over. The man prayed for a while
50:53 and he prayed and he prayed.
50:54 And the pastor looked over and he said:
50:56 "You know, I'm just wondering... You're a... You must be
50:59 a Christian. I saw you praying and I'm a Christian too. "
51:02 And the man looked up with a very scowly-looking face
51:06 and he said: "What are you talking about?
51:08 I'm not a Christian. Are you so arrogant you only think
51:11 Christians pray? " The pastor did not quite know
51:14 what to say. And sometimes, you know, you put your foot
51:17 in your mouth... you kind of say the wrong thing?
51:19 So the pastor looked at him and he said:
51:20 "Well if you're not a Christian, who are you?
51:22 What are you praying about? "
51:23 And the man said: "I'm a Satanist.
51:26 I'm a Satanist and I've been praying.
51:29 And I'll tell you what I'm praying about.
51:31 You may not be aware of this but there's a pastor's meeting
51:34 in Boston. "
51:35 And the pastor said his heart began to beat,
51:37 the hair on the back of his neck stood up. And he said:
51:40 "There's a pastor's meeting in Boston
51:42 and I am meeting with a group of Satanists
51:45 because we believe that Christianity is a relic
51:49 of the Dark Ages. When you look at the Crusades and all the
51:52 brutal persecution, " he said, "Christianity hasn't done
51:54 anything good for the world. " Which is a total lie, of course.
51:57 But he said: "I am meeting with a group of Satanists,
52:01 and we're going to pray that disunity will come into that
52:04 pastor's meeting.
52:05 We're going to pray that divorce will take place
52:07 among those pastors. We're going to pray that their
52:09 kids will be lost, and I'm meeting with 300-400 Satanists.
52:12 If you are not praying for your pastor,
52:17 the Satanist may be praying against your pastor.
52:19 If you're not praying for your city,
52:22 the Satanist may be praying against it.
52:25 I was going to Melbourne, Australia, to hold an
52:27 evangelistic meeting. I met with a group of Adventist
52:29 pastors and I told them this story.
52:32 At the end of my series on prayer
52:35 in which I urged Adventists to be praying and seeking God
52:40 at the end of that the coordinator of my evangelistic
52:43 meetings - an Adventist pastor - stood up and he said:
52:45 "I have to speak to all these pastors. "
52:47 He said: "My wife was on a train the other day
52:50 here in Melbourne, Australia.
52:51 It was noon. She looked... saw somebody praying
52:57 and she said: 'Oh, you must be a Christian. ' "
53:00 She said: "The lady looked up and said: 'I am not a Christian
53:02 at all. At 12 o'clock every day in Melbourne
53:05 the Satanists covenant to meet together to pray
53:08 that Satan will have victory in this city. ' "
53:11 My brother, my sister, do you know Jesus Christ?
53:14 Are you on your knees praying every single day?
53:18 Maybe you've turned in to this broadcast
53:21 and you're looking for something deeper
53:23 in your own spiritual life.
53:25 Maybe you have had a superficial Christian experience.
53:32 Maybe you've been apathetic.
53:35 God is speaking to you.
53:37 He's calling you to set aside a time to pray.
53:40 He's calling you to set aside a place to pray.
53:43 He's calling you to pour your heart out to God.
53:46 The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, they are spiritual.
53:52 There is a battle - a battle between Christ and Satan.
53:56 A battle between good and evil.
54:00 We cannot win that battle
54:05 without the divine power of the Living God filling our lives.
54:09 Will you commit your life right now to earnest intercession?
54:14 Will you say: "Jesus, I don't want the superficial.
54:18 I don't want an external Christian experience.
54:22 I want something deep, and each day I will meet You
54:25 at the time of prayer.
54:27 Each day I will meet You at the place of prayer. "
54:31 Will you bow your heads with me just now?
54:32 Oh my Father, we've heard the call of the Spirit tonight.
54:36 We thank you that we can open our hearts to You.
54:40 We thank you that the God of the universe
54:45 wants to communicate with us through prayer.
54:50 We thank you that the sovereign, almighty God
54:54 imparts His power through us
54:58 by means of the Holy Spirit.
55:01 Oh, Lord, we are weak but You are strong.
55:05 We are ignorant but You are wise.
55:08 We are frail but You are almighty.
55:10 Come and lead us to a deep spiritual experience
55:15 with you. We pray Thee in Christ's name, Amen.
55:21 Amen.
55:26 Thank you, Pastor Mark.
55:28 Praise the Lord! What a message!
55:31 What a message.
55:33 We start back again tomorrow morning. Those of you that are
55:36 here in person... 8 o'clock for your breakfast.
55:39 And those of you that are at home, you can eat breakfast
55:42 whenever you want. And... But at 9 o'clock
55:47 we will begin our seminars here. They will be televised live,
55:52 and the first presenter tomorrow morning
55:54 at 9 o'clock is Brenda Walsh.
55:56 And she is going to be speaking on Out Of Your Comfort Zone.
56:01 And then at 10:30 AM Pastor Mark Finley will be back:
56:05 The Holy Spirit and Revival at 10:30 AM.
56:09 At 12 o'clock: Good Man Lost, Bad Man Saved
56:14 with Pastor Charles Bradford.
56:17 So that's the morning tomorrow morning.
56:19 And we hope that those of you that are at home
56:22 will join us just like those of you that are here.
56:26 And if you live within... you know, close enough,
56:29 drive on in and join us. We'll be happy to have you.
56:32 And by the way, we hope that
56:37 each of you receives a blessing
56:43 that you have been searching for in your own spiritual life.
56:46 Because I know that you wouldn't be here
56:50 if you weren't looking for that blessing.
56:52 Remember, we don't recharge our batteries here...
56:55 we make sure we're plugged in.
56:56 Because we are not battery- operated,
56:59 we are plugged in only to the power of our Lord and Savior
57:04 Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.
57:06 And that plug must be plugged in all the time.
57:11 Well He's ready to bless us all the time,
57:14 and we'll be looking for you tomorrow morning.
57:16 May God bless you each one.


Revised 2014-12-17