3ABN Homecoming 2011

Pillars Concert

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Reggie & Ladye Love Smith, C. A. Murray, John Lomacang, Yvonne Lewis, Melody Firestone, Tammy Chance, Tim Parton, Danny Shelton


Series Code: 11HC

Program Code: 11HC000002

00:47 Within about 6, 8 weeks or whatever, in November,
00:50 is going to be 27 years since we were impressed to build
00:54 a television station that would reach the world
00:56 with an undiluted Three Angels' Messages: one that would
00:59 counteract the counterfeit. Had no idea how it would happen.
01:02 Just went forward one step at a time
01:05 and the Lord has done incredible things.
01:07 And I want to thank each and every one of you here
01:09 and those of you at home, because without you
01:12 we couldn't have done anything here.
01:14 My dad used to say: "Son, I'm so poor... " When I needed money
01:16 for lunch... "Son, I'm so poor
01:18 I couldn't feed a sick chicken. "
01:20 And so that's kind of the way we were here in West Frankfort.
01:23 We didn't have enough money to feed the sick chickens.
01:25 But as we put this dream out ya'll caught the vision.
01:28 Thank you for what you do
01:30 because right now literally hundreds of millions of people
01:33 if they're of a mind to and want to
01:35 can watch 3ABN on virtually every inhabited continent
01:40 on planet earth. Satellite... Whether it's by satellite,
01:43 whether it's by cable stations,
01:45 UHF stations. We're one of the largest owners of television
01:48 stations in America. Radio stations...
01:51 our networks around the world. We have stations in New Guinea,
01:54 the Philippines, and built a new facility in Australia.
01:57 And it's just... Russia, of course. And Julia is here
02:00 this weekend. So we just thank you again for all
02:03 that you do for the cause of God.
02:04 What we're going to do now in a little bit...
02:06 The next hour we have Bro. Mark Finley here that's going to be
02:10 bringing us another, I'm going to say, Holy Spirit-inspired
02:14 sermon, but before that we're going to do music.
02:17 Now I know you all out here... How many? Let me see your hands.
02:19 You like music? Yes! Especially with some of the guests
02:22 you hear who we have here tonight.
02:24 We have some incredible singers, musicians.
02:26 And it's my privilege to introduce first off
02:29 is my daughter Melody Firestone. Melody, how are you, honey?
02:32 I'm all right. How are you? Did you want to talk a while
02:34 tonight before you sing? No.
02:36 You know better than that, Daddy.
02:37 You know your Daddy loves you?
02:39 Yes. You're still my baby girl? Yes, I love you.
02:41 OK. Well, thank you.
02:43 The only time you get her to talk is if you start talking
02:45 about all of their children... eight children.
02:48 You don't look like you had eight kids.
02:50 OK. Thank you, I guess.
02:52 OK. She got it. OK.
02:54 All right. And Melody... I appreciate her so much
02:57 and I love her. And we named her Melody in faith God would
03:00 give her musical abilities, and He's done that.
03:03 And I'm thankful that you use your talents for Jesus, Melody.
03:06 What are you singing tonight?
03:07 He Knows My Name. Thank you.
03:28 He counts the stars one and all.
03:31 He knows how much sand is on the shore.
03:35 He sees every sparrow that falls.
03:43 He made the mountains and the seas.
03:47 He's in control of everything...
03:50 of all creatures great and small.
03:55 And He knows my name.
03:58 Every step that I take,
04:02 every move that I make,
04:05 every tear that I cry.
04:10 And He knows my name.
04:12 When I'm overwhelmed by the pain
04:17 and can't see the light of day
04:20 I know I'll be just fine
04:25 'cause He knows my name.
04:35 I don't know what tomorrow will bring.
04:39 I can't tell you what's in store.
04:43 I don't know a lot of things.
04:50 I don't have all the answers
04:52 to the questions of life
04:57 but I know in whom I have believed.
05:02 And He knows my name.
05:05 Every step that I take,
05:09 every move that I make,
05:13 every tear that I cry.
05:17 And He knows my name.
05:20 When I'm overwhelmed by the pain
05:24 and can't see the light of day
05:28 I know I'll be just fine
05:32 'cause He knows my name.
05:37 He knew who I was
05:41 when He carried my cross.
05:45 He knew that I would fail Him
05:49 but He took the loss.
05:54 And He knows my name.
05:58 Every step that I take,
06:02 every move that I make,
06:05 every tear that I cry.
06:09 And He knows my name.
06:12 When I'm overwhelmed by the pain
06:16 and can't see the light of day
06:20 I know I'll be just fine
06:24 'cause He knows my name.
06:28 When I'm overwhelmed by the pain
06:32 and can't see the light of day
06:36 I know I'll be just fine
06:43 'cause He knows my name.
06:54 Thank you, Melody.
06:56 It's my privilege to introduce Pastor John Lomacang.
07:00 He's my pastor, and I love this guy like a brother.
07:03 He is a brother in the Lord.
07:05 Love and respect you, John,
07:07 tremendously. You and your wife Angie.
07:08 Thank you, Danny, appreciate it so much.
07:09 You guys are incredible people.
07:11 Man, are you dressed tonight. Look at that.
07:14 Whoa... look at this. I heard you were wearing a jacket.
07:16 Look at this... have mercy.
07:17 I decided to represent Texas tonight.
07:20 I know. I've only worn a tie three times
07:23 and two of them was because he said I had to.
07:25 I went to black churches and they said:
07:26 "You're going to wear a tie when you go to black churches. "
07:29 Then I had the privilege of going to the White House
07:31 and meeting President Bush a few years ago
07:33 and they said: "When you come here you're going to see
07:35 the president; you wear a tie. "
07:37 Now you didn't get the connection. He went to
07:38 black churches and to the White House, and in both places
07:41 he had to wear a tie.
07:43 I got it now... I'm a little slow!
07:45 So... a little slow.
07:47 But seriously, I love you, I respect you tremendously.
07:50 And you have been an incredible blessing to the ministry
07:53 of 3ABN... to Thompsonville. This is your church:
07:56 Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church.
07:58 And not only does John have the gift. He's a counselor...
08:02 many things that he does. But he has an incredible gift
08:04 for music, and you're one of my favorite all-time singers.
08:07 Thank you, Danny. God bless you.
08:09 You know I was thinking... I'm taking a risk right now
08:13 because I've just learned a song that has just so touched
08:15 my heart. You know, sometimes you pray
08:19 and even though you pray
08:22 the trial still comes. Have you ever had that experience?
08:25 And you wonder: "Lord, I prayed; I pleaded with You.
08:29 I was on my knees. Still, I ended up in the lion's den.
08:33 Still, I ended up in the fiery furnace.
08:36 What's the purpose for praying? "
08:39 Well, I've discovered in my life after going on 25 years
08:43 of ministry that sometimes the trials that come our way
08:46 are God's appointment for the shaping and developing
08:51 of our lives. And so when we look back at those trials
08:56 we discover that they are no small blessing
08:58 but they are a tremendous blessing because they have
09:01 brought us closer to the Lord.
09:03 Tonight, there's somebody...
09:05 there's always someone going through a trial;
09:06 there's always someone going through that point in their life
09:09 where they question. But tonight I pray that this song
09:12 encourages you that some of your most severe trials
09:16 will one day become some of your greatest blessings.
09:26 We pray for blessing.
09:29 We pray for peace.
09:34 We pray for family...
09:37 protection while we sleep.
09:42 We pray for healing...
09:46 Your voice to hear.
09:50 We pray Your healing hand
09:54 to heal all our fears.
09:58 And all the while
10:02 You hear each spoken need.
10:06 You love us way too much
10:09 to give us lesser things.
10:13 So what if Your blessings come through raindrops?
10:18 What if Your healing comes through tears?
10:22 What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes
10:28 to know You're near?
10:32 And what if trials of this life
10:37 are Your mercies in disguise?
10:48 We pray for wisdom...
10:52 Your voice to hear.
10:57 We cry in anger when
11:00 we cannot feel You near.
11:05 We ask... we doubt Your goodness,
11:09 we doubt Your love
11:12 as if every promise from Your Word
11:17 is not enough.
11:20 And all the while
11:25 You hear each desperate plea.
11:28 You long that we have faith
11:32 to believe.
11:36 What if Your blessings come through raindrops?
11:41 What if Your healing comes through tears?
11:45 What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes
11:50 to know You're near?
11:55 And what if trials of this life
11:59 are Your mercies in disguise?
12:07 When friends betray us.
12:11 When darkness seems to win
12:14 we know the pain reminds this heart
12:19 this is not...
12:21 this is not our home.
12:30 'Cause what if the blessings come through raindrops?
12:35 What if the healing comes through tears?
12:39 What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes
12:45 to know You're near?
12:47 What if my greatest disappointments,
12:51 all the achings of this life,
12:55 is the revealing of a deeper truth:
13:00 this world can't satisfy.
13:05 And what if trials of this life -
13:10 the rain, the storm, the darkest nights -
13:14 are Your mercies
13:18 in disguise?
13:25 Hmmm?
13:34 Amen.
13:36 Amen! Thank you, John.
13:38 My privilege now to introduce Reggie and Ladye Love Smith.
13:42 And if ya'll would come on out.
13:44 These folk... How many of you have heard the Pillars Project?
13:47 Did you hear the Pillars? Well these are the singers.
13:50 Reggie and his wife Ladye Love.
13:53 And uh... oh, yeah, she's coming.
13:55 She's coming. Yeah. See how lost he is without you?
13:58 He immediately was looking back like "where is she? "
14:01 Yeah, "where is she? " And these are great, great friends.
14:05 And if any of you watch the Gather things
14:07 you've probably seen them a lot on that.
14:10 You do... You guys do... I called the other night
14:12 and they said "Well, they're at the Opry, the Grand Old Opry
14:14 singing. " And you guys sing all over the world
14:17 and you sing for a lot of people.
14:19 In fact, they were in the studio all day
14:21 singing all day and they're here tonight singing because
14:23 they're... At 3ABN we're doing a Christmas album
14:27 actually of music, and so they're doing the background
14:31 singing. And they stack their voices so over and over
14:34 so you can end up with a choir if you need be.
14:36 And you've got Kim with you and sometimes Yvonne.
14:40 But she's so busy she couldn't sing with you today.
14:42 But anyway... So we're glad that ya'll are here.
14:46 Tell us a little bit... Ladye, come up here.
14:48 Don't be bashful 'cause I am.
14:50 Come up here and tell us a little bit about you guys.
14:52 Where are you from?
14:53 Well we live in Nashville, Tennessee.
14:55 We've been there many years.
14:56 Originally from Mississippi.
14:58 And we have a little boy who comes a lot with us.
15:00 He's usually here with us. His name's Brett,
15:02 and he just turned 9... which I cannot believe.
15:05 I know it; I know it. He's a wonderful kid.
15:07 And he sings on a song. You guys actually do some
15:11 music together. That's right. And Reggie just sang...
15:13 actually wrote a little song for the One Day Church
15:17 for Maranatha, and Reggie is the voice on that.
15:21 So you can... there's a number of songs we put together...
15:24 a whole CD project... for Maranatha to help raise funds
15:27 for the One Day Church. And it says: "The One Day Church
15:30 will last forever when it brings God's family together.
15:34 We can do our part when we give from the heart
15:36 to build a One Day Church. " And so you do that.
15:39 And you all were part with Kim and Yvonne
15:41 and numerous others to do a choir.
15:43 They're doing a video out of that, so
15:45 I appreciate your friendship.
15:47 Appreciate your incredible talent.
15:49 Reggie sang at the General Conference session
15:50 this last year, too. And so we're glad that ya'll are here
15:55 tonight and you're going to be here... They're going to be here
15:56 the whole weekend with us,
15:58 and so they will have product available.
16:00 So you... somewhere... probably haven't had time
16:02 to set up but other than Sabbath hours
16:04 you guys will have product out here.
16:06 So what are you going to do for us tonight?
16:07 I'd like to share a song called
16:09 My Redeemer is Faithful and True.
16:11 OK. All right. Thank you.
16:35 As I look back
16:39 on this road I've traveled
16:46 I've seen so many times
16:50 He's carried me through.
16:57 And if there's one thing
17:01 that I've learned in this life
17:05 it's my Redeemer
17:10 is faithful and true.
17:16 My Redeemer
17:20 is faithful and true.
17:27 And everything that He has said
17:32 He will do.
17:38 And every morning
17:41 His mercies are new.
17:49 My Redeemer
17:52 is faithful and true.
18:00 Oh, oh, oh, oh.
18:07 My heart rejoices
18:11 when I read His promise:
18:18 "There is a place that I'm preparing
18:24 for you. "
18:29 And I know someday I'll see my Lord
18:35 face to face 'cause my Redeemer
18:42 is faithful and true.
18:48 My Redeemer
18:52 is faithful and true.
18:59 And everything that He has said
19:04 He will do.
19:10 And every morning
19:13 His mercies are new.
19:21 'Cause my Redeemer
19:24 is faithful and true.
19:31 And in every situation
19:36 He has proved His love to me.
19:41 When I lack the understanding
19:47 He gives more grace to me.
19:51 My Redeemer
19:55 is faithful and true.
20:03 And everything that He has said
20:08 He will do.
20:14 And every morning
20:18 His mercies are new...
20:24 they're new...
20:31 'Cause my Redeemer,
20:36 our Redeemer,
20:41 our Redeemer
20:44 our Redeemer is faithful
20:50 and true.
21:00 My Redeemer,
21:03 our Redeemer,
21:06 is faithful
21:11 and true.
21:30 Amen.
21:33 Our Redeemer is faithful and true.
21:36 Is that not true?
21:38 Amen. I'm telling you what: there have been many times
21:40 in my life when I have felt His presence
21:44 so much when I needed it... needed it so much.
21:46 How about you? Amen.
21:49 I'm so glad to know that we have a God who loves us
21:51 this way and cares about everything... every need we have
21:55 He cares. And I'm so glad to know that I have that
21:58 blessed assurance... that Jesus is mine.
22:18 Blessed
22:20 assurance,
22:27 Jesus
22:29 is mine!
22:35 O, what
22:38 a foretaste
22:43 of glory
22:45 divine!
22:53 And heir of
22:55 salvation,
23:01 and purchase
23:03 of God,
23:08 And born of
23:11 His Spirit,
23:16 and washed in
23:19 His blood.
23:28 This is my story,
23:33 and this is my song,
23:40 Praising
23:42 my Savior
23:48 all the day
23:51 long;
23:56 This is
23:58 my story,
24:04 and this is
24:07 my song,
24:12 I'm praising
24:15 my Savior
24:21 all the day long.
24:34 Perfect
24:37 submission,
24:43 all is at rest,
24:50 and I in my
24:53 Savior
24:57 am happy and blest;
25:04 And watching
25:07 and waiting,
25:12 and looking above.
25:19 And filled with
25:22 His goodness,
25:27 and washed in His love.
25:35 This is
25:37 my story,
25:43 and this is
25:45 my song,
25:49 Praising
25:51 my Savior
25:57 all the day long;
26:05 And this is
26:08 my story,
26:14 And this is
26:17 my song,
26:21 And I'm praising
26:24 my Savior
26:30 all
26:33 the day long...
26:39 I'm praising
26:43 my Savior
26:50 all
26:53 the day
26:58 long.
27:09 Amen. Thank you.
27:12 Thank you. Before you run off, come over here.
27:14 We're having church, aren't we? We're having church.
27:18 Now, people travel a long distance to see these folks
27:21 when they go, and they have thousands of people
27:23 come to some of their concerts and where they sing.
27:26 But they came here and they said: "There's two people
27:28 we want to meet. " I don't want to embarrass anybody -
27:30 oh, good - she's happy, look at her...
27:32 Two people she wants to meet.
27:34 She wants to meet Ellsworth and Sharon McKee
27:37 'cause she loves Little Debbie.
27:39 Not supposed to say that out loud, Danny.
27:43 Nutty Bars and Swiss Rolls that count.
27:46 Oh boy... oh boy.
27:48 They're here in the audience; raise your hand over there.
27:50 OK, they're...
27:53 They got their daughter to autograph a box for you.
27:57 Oh wow! I'm excited. THE Little Debbie, right?
28:00 THE... Well, she's Debbie. Yeah.
28:03 Debbie... Deborah... there you go.
28:06 She signed it, that's what I heard. So... Wow!
28:08 McKee Foods... I know all about it.
28:11 All right. Well thank you so much and God bless.
28:14 Yeah. They said: "We've got to meet them. "
28:17 I said: "They're here" and they go:
28:18 "We've got to meet these folk. We love them! "
28:21 All right. Well we're going to introduce now
28:23 Pastor C.A. Murray.
28:25 And Pastor Murray has been a great asset.
28:28 He's been here at 3ABN for a number of years.
28:30 He - like Pastor John - wears numerous hats.
28:33 And he's our Production Manager.
28:36 And so programming that you like you can call him
28:39 and tell him; programming you don't
28:40 you can call him and tell him.
28:42 You see what you like or you don't like.
28:44 But Pastor Murray also, many of you have heard him preach,
28:46 and he's done a number of series.
28:48 He's gonna do more, we hope, in the future here.
28:51 And also, one of his talents that he came here that
28:54 I didn't... wasn't aware of that much was your singing.
28:57 And several years ago he invited us...
29:00 they invited Melody and me to New York Conference.
29:03 Thousands of people there and we practiced...
29:06 You know, you know your own songs... you're going...
29:08 So we're singing a song Melody wrote and Mollie said
29:11 "There's a pastor, C.A. Murray, out there. He says
29:14 he's going to sing a trio with you and Melody. "
29:16 I said: "No he isn't! "
29:17 And she goes: "Well, he might be good. "
29:19 I said: "He might even be better than us
29:21 but he doesn't know our... what we're doing. "
29:23 She said: "He says he wants to sing. "
29:25 I said: "No, we don't just go out and do that because
29:27 we're not practiced... we don't do... "
29:29 So I get to the camp ground. The man comes up
29:31 and says "Well, I'm ready to sing with you. "
29:34 And I said: "OK, before we go on. " So we go to the back
29:37 and I say "Play that track. "
29:38 And he sang just like Mollie said he would: very good.
29:43 He knew all the parts; knew the words.
29:45 So we got up and sang it - we did - and every now and then
29:47 when she sings it we still sing with her, don't we?
29:49 And never practice. All right, tell us...
29:51 Never practice, that's right.
29:53 But you still sound like you know what you're doing.
29:55 The Lord is good. That's right.
29:56 Tell us a little bit about your family
29:58 and you've got kids, grandkids, wife, everybody?
30:02 Let us know what's happening. Everybody's here.
30:04 Everybody is here. Wife is here; daughter is here.
30:06 Son's here; grandkids are here; everybody's here.
30:09 They're all here. Family are all here... they in the back...
30:11 Probably in the back. OK.
30:13 Wife is back putting on make-up for everybody. OK.
30:15 But we're all here, yeah. We're so privileged to have
30:18 you and your family here at 3ABN.
30:20 You've been such an incredible blessing to us.
30:22 Thank you so much. And you know I love you too like a brother,
30:24 right? I do... I do.
30:26 Actually beginning to shine a little bit.
30:27 Tell her to put a little make-up right about here. OK.
30:29 Production Manager says I'm shining a little bit. OK.
30:31 I'll talk to them. Maybe that's just that glow,
30:34 you know what I'm saying?
30:35 No it's not. I'm just kidding. All right.
30:39 Several years ago I asked
30:42 Walter Arties, friend and mentor,
30:45 why he always sang slow songs.
30:48 And he said to me that when you sing slow songs
30:51 you have to... your audience has to listen to the words.
30:54 Sometimes when you sing fast music they can get caught up
30:58 in the beat and lose the message.
31:00 So he said: "I always sing slow songs because I want
31:03 people to listen to the words so the song will minister. "
31:07 When I was pastoring in New York I was giving a Bible study
31:12 with a disco group named Chic.
31:14 We ended up baptizing one of the lead singers.
31:17 But I talked with the bassist of that group and I asked him
31:20 about rock music and rap music and all these different kinds
31:23 of music and why young people listen to music so loud.
31:26 He said that modern music was never intended really to be
31:30 listened to.
31:31 Young people feel the music and they turn the volume up
31:35 until the music thumps them in the chest.
31:38 It's not about ears; it's about feeling the music.
31:41 So we put in a very strong bass line
31:44 so that when they turn the music up and it's actually
31:47 thumping them in the chest. And at that point -
31:49 when the music is hitting them -
31:51 the response is visceral and we can say
31:53 anything we want. We can include any message we want
31:57 and it goes right by the gate and directly into the
32:01 consciousness of those young people. And while they're
32:02 listening to our music, " he said, "we control them. "
32:06 And I thought about that:
32:08 why young people listen to the music so very very loud.
32:12 Because it's not about the ears, it's about the feeling.
32:15 It's about the thump in the chest.
32:16 And so when we were having our sound check
32:20 a little bit earlier we noticed that everybody was
32:23 picking slow message music
32:26 and we thought maybe the Holy Spirit is working.
32:28 Maybe God is saying: "I want you to listen to the words
32:31 and the message and not get caught up in the beat
32:33 because we're too late in earth's history for beat.
32:36 Right now it's about message.
32:38 It's about lifting up Jesus. "
32:40 The song is called Is It Any Wonder.
32:42 Is it any wonder that when you think about what God has done
32:46 for us that we want to do so very much for Him?
33:06 When I think how Jesus loves me,
33:11 how He waited patiently,
33:16 even when I turned my back and walked away.
33:23 When He knew I wanted everything
33:27 this world could offer me...
33:32 Well, I guess He knew the price I'd have to pay.
33:38 So He watched me stumble downward,
33:42 saw each compromise I made,
33:46 heard each lie I whispered
33:49 just to get my way.
33:53 Still He waited there to hear me
33:58 when I cried to Him and prayed.
34:02 Then He saved my soul, and that is why I say:
34:08 "Tell me, is it any wonder
34:15 that I love Him
34:19 when you consider all He's done
34:23 for me?
34:27 And is it any wonder
34:31 that I long to do His will
34:36 and let His light shine out for all to see?
34:42 And is it any wonder
34:47 that I praise Him
34:52 each time I think of how
34:55 He's made me free?
34:59 And is it any wonder
35:03 that I've given Him my heart
35:07 when Jesus freely gave His life
35:11 for me? "
35:26 When I think how Jesus loved me,
35:31 how He waited patiently,
35:36 How His arms are stretched to meet me when I run.
35:43 When I'm feeling down and lonely
35:47 how He's there to comfort me.
35:51 In the darkness He becomes my morning sun.
35:58 When I think of how He's healed me,
36:02 how He's touched me in my pain,
36:06 how His gentle hands have wiped my tears away.
36:12 How He's taken every heartache
36:16 and brought happiness again,
36:21 oh I want the world to hear me when I say:
36:27 "Tell me is it any wonder
36:33 that I love Him
36:38 when you consider all He's done for me?
36:45 And is it any wonder
36:49 that I long to do His will
36:53 and let His light shine out for all to see?
36:59 And is it any wonder
37:04 that I praise Him
37:09 each time I think of how
37:12 He's made me free?
37:16 And is it any wonder
37:21 that I've given Him my heart
37:24 when Jesus freely
37:29 gave His life
37:32 for me? "
37:50 Amen!
37:53 Beautiful! Pastor C.A. Murray.
37:56 I'd like to introduce Jim and Pam Rhodes at this time.
37:59 Dear friends and 3ABN Board members, by the way.
38:02 And I know I kid you a lot but you know I love you too,
38:06 right? You're not sure? Yes.
38:09 And I love you too.
38:12 Thank you. These are great folks.
38:13 We've known them for a long time. I think the first time
38:15 I ever saw you guys it must have been 20 years or so I was
38:19 down... Oh, you were just a baby then. You'd better be careful.
38:22 Yeah, OK. Well they were down I think it was in the
38:25 Georgia Conference - Cohutta, Georgia, yeah -
38:29 Cohutta Springs and you all were ministering in music.
38:32 And I said: "We've got to get these folks to come to 3ABN. "
38:35 So we appreciate both of you
38:36 and appreciate your input to the ministry, your support,
38:40 and of course being a Board member also. Thank you.
38:44 Pam always says: "I don't understand all this stuff. "
38:47 But she's one smart lady. Intelligent businessperson.
38:50 And we appreciate both of your contributions
38:52 and tonight, particularly, your music. OK; thank you so much.
39:21 Turn your eyes
39:25 upon Jesus,
39:31 Look full in
39:34 His wonderful face.
39:41 And the things of this world
39:47 will grow strangely dim
39:52 in the light of His glory
39:59 and grace.
40:10 Turn your eyes
40:15 upon Jesus.
40:20 Look full in
40:23 His wonderful
40:27 face.
40:31 And the things of this world
40:36 will grow strangely dim
40:42 in the light
40:44 of His glory
40:48 and grace.
40:59 Jesus, Jesus,
41:04 Jesus...
41:09 there's just something about
41:14 that name.
41:21 Master, Savior,
41:26 Jesus...
41:31 like the fragrance
41:34 after
41:37 the rain.
41:43 Jesus, Jesus,
41:48 oh Jesus...
41:53 let all heaven and earth
41:58 proclaim.
42:04 Kings and kingdoms
42:10 will all pass away
42:14 but there's something about
42:20 that name.
42:26 And the things of this world
42:31 will grow strangely dim
42:38 in the light
42:41 of His glory
42:47 and grace.
42:53 His grace.
43:05 Amen.
43:07 Amen. Thank you. Jim, can you come here just for a moment
43:13 before you take off?
43:14 I'm going to ask you a favor.
43:17 Come up here in front of everybody
43:19 and if you want to hurt a lot of feelings just say "no. "
43:22 Would you come over to the piano and maybe just play something
43:25 for us? Would you do that?
43:26 He said: "Oh, I don't need to play anything tonight. "
43:28 But you can't turn these people down, can you? Thank you.
43:32 How about a few favorite hymns? OK.
43:34 Thank you.
46:59 Thank you, Jimmy. Appreciate it very much.
47:02 It's my privilege now to introduce Dr. Yvonne Lewis.
47:05 And Yvonne is now general manager of Dare to Dream
47:09 and doing an incredible job. She gave a great report
47:13 at the board meeting today
47:15 and the Lord is blessing with Dare to Dream.
47:16 So we're thankful that you are here and of course
47:19 Yvonne has a long career in music.
47:22 A jingle singer and a back up singer for many many years.
47:25 We're glad that you're here, and you're going to be doing
47:27 a song with Tim tonight, huh? I am!
47:29 All right.
47:40 I'd rather have
47:45 Jesus
47:47 than silver or gold.
47:54 I'd rather be His
47:59 than have riches
48:03 untold.
48:07 I'd rather have Jesus
48:13 than houses or lands.
48:19 I'd rather be led
48:24 by His nail-pierced
48:30 hands.
48:32 Than to be
48:35 the queen
48:39 of a vast domain
48:44 and be held in sin's
48:50 dread sway.
48:56 I'd rather have my Jesus
49:02 than anything
49:08 this world
49:11 affords
49:16 today.
49:21 Give me
49:24 Jesus.
49:29 Give me
49:31 Jesus.
49:38 You may have all
49:42 this world...
49:46 give me
49:47 Jesus.
49:54 Give me
49:56 Jesus.
50:01 Give me
50:03 Jesus.
50:09 You may have all
50:14 this world...
50:20 but give me
50:25 Je-
50:31 sus.
50:40 Amen.
50:42 Thank you, Yvonne.
50:45 We've got time for at least one more song.
50:47 I'm going to get my sister Tammy Chance out here.
50:49 And Tammy has been singing since a little girl,
50:53 and we had a lot of music in the Shelton home.
50:56 She was the baby. There were four boys
50:58 and I'm the baby boy. And then eight years later
51:00 came Tammy, and so Tammy's been singing for a long time.
51:03 Tammy, I love you too in the Lord.
51:05 And I'm looking forward to having you sing tonight.
51:08 What are you singing? Thank you. Heavenly Music.
51:32 What heavenly music
51:37 steals over the sea,
51:42 entrancing the senses
51:47 like sweet melody.
51:52 Tis the voice of the angels
51:57 borne soft on the
52:00 air.
52:04 For me they are singing;
52:09 their welcome I hear.
52:24 On the banks of old Jordan
52:29 here gazing I stand.
52:36 And earnestly longing
52:41 I stretch forth my hand.
52:48 Send a convoy of angels
52:53 dear Jesus, I pray.
53:01 Let me join that sweet music;
53:06 come take me away.
53:16 I want to join the angels, don't you?
53:33 Tho dark are the waters
53:38 and rough is the way
53:43 if Jesus permit
53:48 the wild surges I'll brave.
53:53 For that heavenly music
53:58 hath ravished me so.
54:05 I must join in that chorus;
54:10 I will go...
54:14 oh let me
54:19 go.
54:28 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
54:39 Amen. Praise the Lord!
54:53 We are standing
54:57 on holy ground
55:03 and I know
55:07 that there are angels
55:10 all around.
55:16 Let us praise, let us praise,
55:22 Jesus now.
55:27 We are standing
55:31 in His presence
55:34 on holy ground.
55:38 Do you love Jesus tonight? Why don't you stand
55:40 and sing this with us, all right?
55:42 We are standing
55:48 on holy ground
55:54 And I know that there are angels
56:01 all around.
56:06 Let us praise, let us praise,
56:12 Jesus now.
56:18 We are standing in His presence...
56:24 We are standing in His presence...
56:30 We are standing
56:33 in His presence
56:38 on holy
56:42 ground.
56:47 Tonight I feel like that we are standing on holy ground
56:51 and I just want to give an opportunity not only to those
56:54 of you here but those of you at home
56:57 there's no time and no place like right now and right here
57:01 to give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ.
57:03 He is the only answer for this world's problems today.
57:06 And you can call 3ABN anytime 24/7-
57:10 look for the phone number on the screen.
57:12 There are people who are praying that you will call
57:14 that we can pray with you - they can pray with you -
57:17 and help lead you in a sinner's prayer if that's what you need.
57:20 Tonight is the night to give your heart to the Lord
57:23 Jesus Christ.


Revised 2014-12-17