Generation of Youth for Christ 2011

Morning Devotional - Sunday

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Sebastien Braxton


Series Code: 11GYC

Program Code: 11GYC000013

00:13 Good morning GYC. Good morning.
00:16 Good morning GYC. Good morning.
00:19 I thought this was a generation of youth.
00:22 You guys sound tired.
00:25 I was praying this morning
00:31 and the idea came to me to send a text message
00:35 to my mother and father.
00:38 And I said mommy, daddy
00:40 I'm speaking 10:30 this morning
00:45 and if you want to tune in you can watch.
00:49 I don't think my father has ever seen me preach before.
00:53 About 30 minutes later, my father text to me back
00:56 and he said, I'll be there.
00:58 Amen. Then my mom called me backstage
01:04 and she gave me a little talking,
01:06 we'll get into that later in the sermon.
01:08 You know, how mothers are?
01:11 And she said I'm gonna be praying for you
01:15 and she will be watching.
01:17 And so there's nothing more peaceful than
01:20 knowing that your mom is praying for you, amen.
01:22 Amen. And so my parents are watching
01:25 I just want to say hello, good morning and I love you.
01:28 And I'm thankful for your prayers and support.
01:32 Also, want to extend my thanks to my wife as well.
01:36 I know she is praying for me too.
01:40 We are on the verge of a new day.
01:50 And this is what I like to title
01:52 my message this morning, 'A New Day.'
01:59 Did you guys see the GYC Europe video last night?
02:02 How many guys saw that?
02:05 Where you blessed by that? Yes.
02:06 Are you excited? Yes.
02:08 I cannot tell you, how excited I was when I saw that video.
02:14 Tears almost started coming to my eyes
02:17 and it reminded me of a statement
02:19 I read in the book Ministry of Healing
02:22 where the statement says,
02:24 "If we are not developing the active graces of the spirit
02:30 the latter rain will be poured out
02:32 and falling all around us and we'll not know."
02:37 For many of you, you had no idea,
02:40 what was going on in Europe until last night.
02:44 And the spirit I can tell you firsthand
02:46 is falling upon youth in Europe.
02:50 I can tell you firsthand,
02:55 the spirit is falling upon Africa.
02:59 The spirit is falling upon Asia.
03:03 The spirit is falling upon South America.
03:06 But the question of GYC is
03:08 what's happening in North America.
03:11 Is the spirit falling upon North America?
03:16 And in having this conference
03:18 entrusting with the council of the Spirit of Prophecy
03:22 if there could be a convocation
03:24 of all the churches of the earth.
03:27 The object of their united Christ should be
03:29 for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
03:31 Here we come near and far 66 countries
03:35 represented at this very conference,
03:40 gathered together for one prayer
03:44 and then we also announced our theme for next year.
03:46 Do you guys remember what that theme was?
03:49 "Acts, The Revolution Continues."
03:53 I was also excited about that theme as well.
03:57 But when you say, Acts, The Revolution Continues,
04:02 you can only continue something if it has already begun.
04:08 And in order to understand that
04:09 Acts was the beginning of the revolution
04:12 this conference is about studying
04:13 the beginning of that revolution.
04:16 And that every single person in this room,
04:20 every single person watching at home
04:22 or live streaming anywhere
04:23 around the world or around the country
04:26 is a person that is saying fill us Lord
04:29 just like you filled the disciples,
04:31 so that we can continue the revolution.
04:33 However, we are not asking for more of this thing,
04:37 because whatever Peter and Paul and James
04:41 and Phillip and Steven did, it didn't end the word.
04:48 And so the need of the Holy Spirit
04:50 is not so that we can do what Peter did,
04:53 but is to do more than Peter did.
04:55 It's to do more than Luther, more than Wesley,
04:59 more than Zwingli, more than Wycliffe,
05:02 more than translators who have put the Bible
05:04 in over 200 languages by the moving of the Holy Spirit.
05:12 A new day is upon us.
05:20 Let's pray.
05:23 Father in heaven, you know,
05:28 that this man is but dust in your sight.
05:36 But it is our prayer that you would
05:38 breathe upon in breathe of God.
05:41 That you would fill him with life
05:45 and that from this quite place of audience with God.
05:51 You would send him forth only to speak your words.
05:58 That he would be captive to the word of God
06:01 and into the Holy Spirit.
06:03 May that sweet, sweet spirit of Jesus be upon each soul.
06:10 Carrying the word of God to the life,
06:16 we know that, spirit can even reach those
06:17 who watch by television or by website.
06:22 Ignite something on this earth
06:26 that will bring about a new day.
06:29 This is our prayer and we trust
06:32 that you'll help us to be our experience.
06:35 For we ask in Jesus, amen.
06:40 There are certain situations in life,
06:45 where adding something always makes a difference,
06:49 sometimes makes a difference or never makes a difference.
06:54 For example, I like to use food its clear,
06:57 everyone resonates with it, so it's simple.
07:01 I don't like watermelon.
07:05 And when I was growing up,
07:06 you know, my family began to check my DNA,
07:08 are you really black?
07:11 You don't like watermelon?
07:13 And, you know, sometimes people would say
07:16 it wasn't ripe enough
07:17 or you didn't get the right kind of watermelon
07:20 or you need to add salt to the watermelon
07:22 or you need to add sugar.
07:23 It doesn't matter whatever you add to it,
07:26 it will never be the same.
07:28 Are you with me?
07:30 But also I had another experience
07:32 where this is gonna just deepen the issue.
07:34 I also grew up and I completely dislike collard greens.
07:41 Now my family, Thanksgiving dinner,
07:44 every year I committed to my mom
07:46 and if she is watching she knows this is true.
07:49 God is my witness.
07:50 I only ate collard greens once a year
07:53 on Thanksgiving just to please my mom.
07:57 But I hate them.
08:00 And it was interesting that years later
08:02 I went to a friends house for Thanksgiving
08:05 and while we were there, they were asking me,
08:06 oh, you know, we're going to have collard greens,
08:08 I know, you loved collard greens--oh, no, I don't.
08:13 And they say, well I think the reason is
08:15 because there is vinegar in the collard greens.
08:19 I said, vinegar, why would you put
08:20 vinegar in the collard greens?
08:21 So it's just a tradition, I suspect that's probably
08:24 why you don't like collard greens.
08:27 So she said I don't put vinegar in mine
08:29 you can taste it and if you don't like it
08:32 then so be you don't like collard greens.
08:34 So she cooked that part of collard greens, no vinegar.
08:38 I took one fork for GYC.
08:42 And I'm telling you it's the best flavor
08:43 I've ever had in my life.
08:46 There was nothing left in the pot after that.
08:48 I don't think I ate anything else except collard greens.
08:52 And I realized that if you add something,
08:55 if you take something away or sometimes it changes.
08:59 Watermelon it doesn't matter what you add to it for me,
09:02 it would never be the same.
09:04 For collard greens if you take out the vinegar
09:07 it's--its always gonna taste good to me.
09:10 But there's sometimes it changes things
09:14 and sometimes adding something does not.
09:18 And so in our prayer to be filled
09:21 with the Holy Spirit fill me earnestly.
09:24 I wanna go with you on a particular journey
09:27 this morning over three main topics
09:30 for those you've taken notes
09:31 and you like your stuff to be organized.
09:33 This is the lay of the land this is the trajectory.
09:36 This is kind of the sermonic cartography
09:39 of where we're going.
09:41 First of all we're gonna look at it's never the same.
09:45 It's never the same.
09:47 The second issue we look at is it's sometimes it's the same.
09:54 And thirdly we look at it's always the same.
09:59 So let's see if you got those.
10:00 The first one is what? It's never the same.
10:03 The second one is? Sometimes the same.
10:06 The third one is? Always the same.
10:09 Are you ready? Number one,
10:12 let's go to Acts Chapter 2 beginning in verse 1.
10:15 We're gonna be speeding through the Bible
10:17 and so you need you fingers very limber,
10:20 dexterous and ready to turn.
10:23 So if you have a phone you probably be left behind
10:26 Acts Chapter 2, beginning in verse 1.
10:29 When you're there you can say amen. Amen.
10:32 If you're not there say, have mercy.
10:36 Acts Chapter 2 beginning in verse 1, are you there. Amen.
10:39 Yes, the Bible says, this "When the day of Pentecost
10:43 had fully come they were all with one accord in one place.
10:48 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven
10:52 as of a rushing mighty wind.
10:54 And it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
10:58 Then there appeared to them divided tongues as a fire
11:02 and one sat upon each of them
11:04 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
11:07 and began to speak with other tongue as the spirit did."
11:10 What? Gave utterance,
11:14 now I want you notice the elements
11:16 of this Pentecostal outpouring.
11:19 Number one, the day of Pentecost was fully come.
11:24 Number two, all of the church
11:26 was gathered into one place and was unified.
11:31 Number three, they heard the sound
11:34 as of a rushing mighty wind and fourthly
11:37 it divided among them tongues as of fire.
11:42 Now, oftentimes when we're talking about Pentecost
11:45 and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit we like lingo.
11:49 So we say things like, you know,
11:51 what do you praying for GYC, why you're excited.
11:53 I am hoping that when we get to Houston
11:55 the place is gonna be shaken,
11:57 there's gonna be a sound as of a rushing mighty wind.
11:59 Cloven tongues as of fire are gonna fall upon
12:02 the congregation in Houston.
12:08 And I wanna suggest to you there are certain elements
12:11 in this Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit
12:15 that are incidental
12:16 and there are certain elements that are essential.
12:20 So let me take you to the subsequent
12:23 outpourings of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts.
12:26 First of all let's go to Acts Chapter 4, Acts Chapter 4.
12:31 When you're there you can say, amen. Amen.
12:34 Acts Chapter 4, just a couple of chapters over.
12:37 The Bible says this in Acts Chapter 4,
12:39 the disciples where praying after persecution.
12:42 We're in verse 31, the Bible says
12:45 "For true when they had prayed,
12:48 the place where they were assembled together
12:51 was shaken, and they were."
12:53 How many filled?
12:54 "All filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the word of God"
12:58 with what? "Boldness."
13:00 That's our theme text for this conference by the way.
13:03 It says when they had prayed.
13:05 Number one, in Acts Chapter 2,
13:07 when the disciples had the Holy Spirit come upon them.
13:10 The Bible says they were sitting.
13:12 They weren't praying.
13:14 Number two, the Bible says in verse 31 of Acts Chapter 4,
13:17 the place where they were assembled together was shaken.
13:21 What was the place? It was shaken.
13:24 Now, was the place shaken in Acts chapter 2, yes or no?
13:28 It's okay to talk to the preacher.
13:31 Was the place shaken in Acts Chapter 2?
13:33 No. It was not.
13:36 So we see they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
13:39 but the elements of this outpouring were not the same.
13:43 Do you see that in the text yes or no. Yes.
13:45 Let's look at another one. Let's go to Acts Chapter 8.
13:49 Acts Chapter 8 and verse 14.
13:54 Are you there, say amen. Amen.
13:56 The Bible says "When the apostles
13:58 who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria
14:01 had received the word of God.
14:04 They sent Peter and John to them.
14:06 Who when they had come down prayed for them
14:09 that they might receive the Holy Spirit.
14:12 For as yet he had fallen upon, how many of them?
14:15 None of them, they had only been baptized
14:18 in the name of the Lord Jesus.
14:21 Then they laid hands on them
14:23 and they received the Holy Spirit."
14:26 I want you to notice here again.
14:28 Did you see anything shaking in this verse? Yes or no.
14:32 Did you hear a sound as of a rushing mighty wind?
14:34 Yes or no. No.
14:36 Did you see any divided tongues of fire?
14:38 Yes or no. No.
14:41 So now, we go to one more place in the Book of Acts,
14:44 just 2 Chapters over, Acts Chapter 10,
14:47 we look that this for our church service yesterday.
14:50 Acts Chapter 10, we're gonna be looking in verse 44.
14:57 Are you there, say amen. Amen.
14:59 All right, the Bible says this
15:01 "While Peter was still speaking these words
15:06 the Holy Spirit fell on all those who heard the word.
15:11 And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished
15:15 as many as came with Peter
15:16 because the gift of the Holy Spirit
15:18 had been poured out on the Gentiles also.
15:22 For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God.
15:25 Then Peter answered can anyone forbid water
15:28 that these should not be baptized
15:30 who have received the Holy Spirit
15:32 just as we have.
15:34 And he commended them to be baptized
15:36 in the name of the Lord
15:37 then they asked him to stay a few days."
15:40 Now I want you to notice a huge difference here.
15:43 In Acts Chapter 2, we have
15:45 day of Pentecost has fully come.
15:47 Sound as of a rushing mighty wind.
15:49 Then we go forward and see the dividing cloven,
15:51 cloven tongues the fire lighting upon each of them.
15:55 Acts Chapter 4 the place is shaken.
15:57 Acts Chapter 8 there is nothing shaking,
16:00 no wind, no fire, we go to Acts chapter 10.
16:03 It's while the word is being preached
16:06 and then top of that we find that Cornelius
16:08 and his household received the Holy Spirit before baptism.
16:13 When in Acts Chapter 8 the Samaritans
16:16 had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
16:20 Every filling is not the same. In fact it's never the same.
16:28 So the question is, what are we looking for
16:30 in this conference to take place.
16:34 What are we expecting to happen in this auditorium
16:37 that when the Holy Spirit comes down,
16:41 does the place need to be shaken?
16:43 Does there need to be sound of a rushing might wind?
16:47 Does there need to be cloven tongues of fire
16:49 dividing upon every forehead in this auditorium?
16:51 Yes or no? No, I wanna suggest to you
16:54 that these elements of Pentecost
16:56 were incidental, not essential.
17:03 And let me share with you in each situation
17:06 what were those essential components
17:11 of every filling of the Holy Spirit.
17:17 Number one, I'm gonna give you three quick points
17:20 and then we got to rush on.
17:23 Number one, in every outpouring of the Holy Spirit
17:29 there was a acceptance and a reception
17:32 of the life and the ministry,
17:34 the death, the resurrection
17:36 and the placement of Jesus Christ.
17:39 That was accepted, it was received
17:41 and they were surrendered to that every single time.
17:45 You see Jesus was exalted as the only means of salvation.
17:49 Can you say, amen? Amen.
17:51 Is Jesus the only way, yes or no? Yes.
17:53 Is Jesus the only means out of sin, yes or no? Yes.
17:57 Yes and as Jesus was exalted,
17:59 as Jesus was put forth the multitude said
18:02 yes, we accept Christ.
18:05 And as they accepted Christ work
18:07 in his behalf in their behalf.
18:12 The next element we find is there's prayer every time.
18:17 Ellen White reminds us we need not expect revival
18:20 except in answer to prayer.
18:23 There is no way to experience revival without prayer.
18:27 No way to get the Holy Spirit unless we ask.
18:29 Jesus is very clear that our heavenly Father
18:35 is more willing to give us the Holy Spirit
18:39 than evil parents are to give good gifts to their children.
18:45 To give to those who ask Him.
18:50 Number three,
18:52 there was an entire surrender to Jesus.
18:59 It is unfortunate that sometimes in the church
19:03 we do not apply the test of discipleship
19:06 upon those for candidates for baptism
19:08 as much as we should.
19:11 You see we find ourselves arguing over doctrines
19:14 we have already accepted,
19:16 because people before they came in
19:18 were not fully surrendered to Jesus Christ.
19:22 So you see that the bottom line issue is
19:25 if every soul was committed to the life
19:28 and the teachings of Jesus, would be no argument,
19:31 because Christ words would settle it.
19:33 And in fact we are told once again for all intends
19:36 and purposes Jesus was a Seventh-day Adventist. Amen.
19:40 That's a weak amen. Amen. Amen.
19:44 For all intends and purposes every doctrine
19:47 we hold can be found in the gospels. Amen.
19:53 And yet in this sense we come
19:55 and we say man you know this person came in
19:57 and we baptized because you got information
20:00 but you haven't surrendered, is Jesus Lord is the question.
20:05 Before you come in Christ is the head of the church
20:09 and if we are not submitted to the head then what.
20:14 The test and this is also the line
20:20 before we can receive the spirit of God.
20:24 And I'm wondering in this auditorium
20:26 is Jesus really Lord.
20:31 Have we really submitted entirely to Christ?
20:36 It does not take an individual to have to come
20:39 all the way to Houston to find it.
20:41 I was reading right before I came to GYC.
20:44 She says our camp meetings will be more powerful
20:47 if our members found Jesus at home before they came.
20:53 But individuals come looking for Christ and praise God,
20:55 Jesus is preached, amen.
20:58 Not against that but how much more powerful
21:02 would it have been that everyone went
21:03 to this auditorium said,
21:04 I already found Christ in my living room.
21:07 I was already in my room bowing before the Lord,
21:10 saying Lord is there anything left that I haven't given.
21:14 It's yours, it's yours.
21:18 This is what heaven is waiting for,
21:20 that when that third coming happens
21:23 and the millennium is over she says
21:26 there is Christ exalted on his throne,
21:29 all the wicked, all the righteous
21:31 are standing there watching the seeds
21:32 of the crucifixion in panorama view.
21:37 And every knee will bow including Lucifer
21:42 and will say Christ is Lord. Amen.
21:50 We will say at one way or the other.
21:56 But if we want to be filled we have to always remember.
22:03 We must accept what Jesus has done.
22:06 We must pray and we must be completely surrendered.
22:10 You see when we say be filled with the Holy Spirit,
22:13 we think of a vessel, do we not.
22:16 We think of this bottle of water or this cup,
22:19 we want to put water and fill this cup.
22:22 And we are saying, Lord, fill my cup,
22:24 Lord fill this vessel, but you see its misleading.
22:28 Being filled with the Holy Spirit
22:29 is not so much about him coming into fill us
22:32 and so we can go forward.
22:34 It's about how much of the Holy Spirit has us?
22:38 Not much how much of the Holy Spirit do we have.
22:40 We don't have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God.
22:46 We don't possess Him, He possesses us.
22:49 And therefore we will have as much of the Holy Spirit
22:53 as much as he has of us.
22:55 Can you say amen? Amen.
22:58 This is the critical component.
23:01 Time is leaving me, I cannot linger.
23:04 Point number two, it's sometimes the same.
23:08 So we see that certain things are incidental,
23:11 certain things are essential,
23:12 but sometimes even though the Holy Spirit comes down,
23:16 things are the same.
23:18 I am gonna give you seven points.
23:21 Go to Acts Chapter 2, verse 41.
23:26 When you are there say, amen. Amen.
23:29 Acts Chapter 2 and verse 41, are you there? Amen.
23:36 The Bible says this.
23:38 "Then those who gladly received His word were baptized."
23:46 And that day about how many souls?
23:49 How many souls?
23:51 Come on GYC, I know you are excited
23:53 about the word of God, yes or no? Yes.
23:55 How many souls? 3000. Amen.
23:59 Three thousand souls were baptized.
24:00 But point number one, just because you are filled
24:03 with the spirit doesn't mean everyone will accept.
24:06 Three thousand were baptized, not all.
24:10 Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit, yes or no?
24:13 Yes, were thousands brought in, yes or no? Yes.
24:16 Was that all? No.
24:18 You see some of us are coming here and saying,
24:20 Lord, I haven't felt power in my ministry.
24:23 I have a mother at home. I have a brother at home.
24:26 I have a classmate.
24:27 I have a professor, staunch into atheism,
24:29 in evolutionary biology.
24:31 Someone I am trying to reach at home,
24:33 someone I am trying to reach, maybe even in this auditorium.
24:39 I am trying to reach them Lord
24:40 and we think if we come here
24:41 and we get the feeling of the Holy Spirit
24:43 then now the person will accept the gospel.
24:46 But we see what Peter is preaching,
24:48 many came but not all.
24:51 And there is some things that is just the same.
24:54 It doesn't mean because you go home
24:56 and you witness to your brother, or your mother,
24:58 or your friend and they don't accept,
25:00 it doesn't mean you aren't filled with the spirit.
25:03 Are you following what I am saying? Amen.
25:05 We can easily go back and become discouraged,
25:08 yes or no? Amen.
25:09 We can easily go back and say am I really filled?
25:13 I was wrestling for a young man
25:15 just two nights ago in this conference
25:16 while you were listening to a message.
25:18 I was wrestling with a young soul.
25:21 Conversation after conversation,
25:23 word after word, phrase after phrase,
25:26 back and forth, back and forth and he still was resisting.
25:31 And at the end of the conversation,
25:32 I have to walk away and my heart was breaking inside
25:35 and I am thinking Lord, am I not filled?
25:39 Do I not have the spirit?
25:41 And the Bible is saying no Sebastian,
25:44 no brother and sister out there at GYC.
25:46 You can be filled and go home
25:48 and people would still not accept.
25:51 Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit, yes or no? Yes.
25:54 Did the rich young ruler walk away, yes or no? Yes.
25:59 To walk away from Jesus, who was filled?
26:06 Point number two, Acts Chapter 5.
26:11 Acts Chapter 5.
26:16 The Bible says, "But a certain man named Ananias,
26:20 with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,
26:25 and he kept back part of the proceeds,
26:28 his wife also being aware of it,
26:31 and brought a certain part and laid it at the apostles' feet.
26:36 But Peter said 'Ananias, why has Satan," done what?
26:40 Why has Satan done what?
26:42 Filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit
26:49 and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself?
26:52 While it remained, was it not your own?
26:54 After it was sold, was it not in your own control?
26:58 Why have you conceived this thing in your heart?
27:01 You have not lied to men but to God.'
27:05 Then Ananias, hearing these words,
27:07 fell down and breathed his last.
27:10 So great fear came upon all those who heard these things.
27:14 Did you know in the time of the spirit filled church,
27:17 there was still a need for fear at this particular time?
27:22 Point number two, being filled with the Holy Spirit
27:26 does not mean there is no hypocrisy.
27:29 There is going to be some individuals
27:31 like Ananias and Sapphira
27:33 who are gonna sense the feeling of the Holy Spirit,
27:35 who are gonna be moved like they are going to say
27:37 you know what, I am gonna sell all my possessions.
27:39 I am gonna sell it and bring it to the apostles' feet,
27:42 so that they can distribute it to those who have need.
27:45 But privately what was happening
27:47 in Ananias's home was completely different.
27:53 And Ellen White tells us,
27:54 "God dealt harshly to show his distaste for hypocrisy."
28:02 You see being filled with the Holy Spirit
28:05 does not mean that all of a sudden our community
28:08 we are gonna be completely authentic 100 percent
28:12 sold out Christians for Christ.
28:14 Ananias was still able to be filled by Satan
28:19 to conceive something in his heart
28:21 even though he felt the unction of the Holy Spirit.
28:24 And it's important that you and I recognize this.
28:26 This is the spirit filled church
28:28 encountering all these kind of issues.
28:33 And we are saying, Lord, how in the world,
28:34 this is the church that's filled with the Holy Spirit.
28:37 This is the church that received Pentecost.
28:39 The answer is, yes.
28:42 It is some things are still the same.
28:48 It sometimes just the same.
28:52 As before we added the Holy Spirit.
28:58 Point number three, quickly.
29:01 Acts Chapter 6, verse 1, we get internal issues.
29:08 The Bible says "Now in those days,
29:10 when the number of the disciples was multiplying,
29:12 there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists,
29:17 because their widows were neglected
29:19 in the daily distribution.
29:21 Then the twelve summoned
29:22 the multitude of the disciples and said,
29:24 'It is not desirable that we should
29:27 leave the word of God and serve tables.'"
29:30 Number three, still internal issues
29:33 after the church was filled.
29:35 How in the world can you be filled
29:36 but you are neglecting people because they are Greek Jews.
29:40 It still happens.
29:42 And this is the church that was filled.
29:43 We saw Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit
29:46 still unwilling to go minister to Gentiles.
29:50 God had to give him a vision but he was filled.
29:56 It doesn't make a difference right away,
30:02 but if we continue to surrender to the Holy Spirit,
30:07 it will make a difference.
30:10 Are you still with me, yes or no. Yes.
30:16 I got to rush on.
30:19 You can write these things in your notes.
30:21 In Acts Chapter 10, we see that the spirit filled churches
30:25 as we said with Peter still had skewed understandings,
30:30 subject to culture.
30:34 Point number five, we see in Acts Chapter 12,
30:36 when Peter is released from prison,
30:38 and he is going and knocking at the gate
30:40 and a girl name Rhoda is there at the gate.
30:42 And she sees Peter and she is so surprised
30:45 because Peter was in jail
30:46 the church is praying for Peter.
30:47 Lord, please free this apostle.
30:50 Peter is at the door and they say
30:52 you're beside yourself.
30:54 So we see here we have the spirit filled church
30:56 still struggling with faith.
30:59 Here you are praying and you don't believe
31:01 that the apostle came out of jail.
31:05 But this was the church that was filled.
31:11 And in Acts 15, the spirit filled church
31:16 still needed to counsel together.
31:20 It is very dangerous when a person thinks
31:22 because I am filled with the Holy Spirit,
31:24 I have nothing left to learn.
31:26 That I don't need to counsel with my brethren
31:29 experience another voice.
31:32 Paul was filled, James was filled,
31:34 Peter was filled but in Acts 15,
31:37 when they had that counsel in Jerusalem they still,
31:40 all spirit filled said, we need to counsel together.
31:43 This is a spirit filled church.
31:45 But many of us think,
31:46 oh yeah once I get the Holy Spirit,
31:48 I am lead by the spirit.
31:49 I don't need to counsel with my brother,
31:51 I don't need to counsel with my sister.
31:53 Yes we do. Amen.
31:55 James, Peter, Paul, Barnabas
31:58 all filled with the Holy Spirit said,
32:00 we need to come together and counsel.
32:02 Ask God, what do we do with this matter?
32:09 Now, let's get to the good stuff.
32:13 Point number three, it's always the same.
32:19 The disciples before and after Pentecost.
32:25 I want to give you a few observations
32:26 as I go into these final points and the gospel
32:31 as we know that the disciples
32:32 were struggling with being obsessed
32:34 with Christ setting up in earthly kingdom
32:37 or heavenly kingdom. Earthly.
32:38 An earthly kingdom.
32:41 So you have the disciples are like
32:42 Lord, when you're going to set it up.
32:43 In Acts Chapter 1, let's turn there,
32:46 Acts Chapter 1, the Bible says, listen.
32:52 "As Christ commands them to wait
32:55 for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
32:58 In verse 6 of Acts Chapter 1, they said,
33:00 "Therefore when they had come together
33:02 they asked Him saying,
33:04 'Lord, will you at this time
33:07 restore the kingdom to Israel?'"
33:11 But after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
33:13 does this ever come up again?
33:15 It does not in the book of Acts.
33:17 Never again do you find the disciple saying
33:19 we are trying to setup an earthly kingdom.
33:21 Number two, in the gospel,
33:23 we see the disciples cowardly and avoiding the cross.
33:28 And yet after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
33:31 we see the disciples embracing suffering and persecution.
33:36 Before in the gospels
33:38 the disciples asked all the questions.
33:41 In the Book of Acts,
33:42 the disciples were answering them.
33:45 All you see is the disciples
33:46 Lord, what do you mean You manifest yourself to us
33:49 and not to the world, how is that possible?
33:52 Lord, why can I not follow you?
33:54 All you hear is the Lord with the question.
33:56 You go into the Book of Acts,
33:58 the disciples are answering them.
34:00 In the gospels, we see the disciples
34:02 struggling to pray, you're with Jesus
34:05 on the mountain transfiguration,
34:08 falling asleep.
34:11 And yet here we go in the Book of Acts,
34:13 we see the disciples have no problem with it.
34:16 Peter is on the rooftop taking his own personal time
34:21 and the church is always in prayer in the Book of Acts.
34:29 Now, let's deal with the specifics
34:33 as we head towards the finish line.
34:38 In Acts Chapter 2,
34:44 I am gonna go through these very quickly.
34:48 In Acts Chapter 2, the Bible says in verse 1,
34:52 "When the day of Pentecost had fully come,
34:56 they will all with one accord in one place."
35:01 Now you can't gather
35:02 all the church into one place anymore.
35:05 The closest thing you have is the general conference
35:07 and they're still not everyone in the church,
35:09 40 million or 70 million, whatever is the number is now.
35:14 So we can't get all in one physical place,
35:16 but the Bible does say, there was unity,
35:21 this is always the same.
35:23 In order for the spirit to be poured out,
35:25 there must be unity.
35:27 There must be what? Unity. Unity.
35:30 The Bible says they were all in one accord.
35:33 It's this Greek word that's often times
35:35 associated with music, harmonies,
35:38 yes you have different notes but strung together
35:40 they make a beautiful music.
35:41 Did you appreciate that music yesterday?
35:43 Yes, deeply blessed.
35:47 But he was saying like this orchestra concept
35:49 in Greek to say look all these things
35:51 in ten out of the twelve times
35:54 this word is used in the New Testament,
35:56 its in the Book of Acts.
35:59 That the spirit filled church was about unity.
36:01 You see, my father used to have this saying.
36:04 I am the oldest of seven children.
36:06 And my father used to say as he sat us down,
36:11 the strength of the wolf is the pack
36:15 and the strength of the pack is the wolf.
36:20 And he would sit us down and say listen
36:24 why is that a pack of wolves can eat.
36:26 Number one, the strength of the wolf is the pack.
36:28 A wolf by himself cannot catch anything.
36:31 He will run and run and run,
36:32 I don't know if you have seen that Planet Earth DVD
36:35 and you see the wolf chasing down the gazelle
36:37 just forever in the mountains.
36:39 And it says as long as though you know,
36:41 the little gazelle doesn't lose its footing,
36:43 the wolf will never catch it.
36:45 And so this is why wolves hunt alone,
36:48 I mean they don't hunt alone, sorry.
36:53 This is why wolves don't hunt alone,
36:56 because the wolf understands in a pack
36:58 we will almost always eat because we hunt together.
37:03 But at the same time, the strength of the pack
37:05 is the individual wolf because the one wolf decides
37:08 hey you know we are running along
37:10 and as the wolves are hunting hey we see it,
37:12 you go left, I go right, and the person
37:14 who goes right says he is running right to catch
37:17 just to make sure the deer doesn't come off
37:19 and he says, wow, look at that sunset.
37:24 And as the wolf pulls over,
37:25 looks at the sunset what happens?
37:27 The deer gets away.
37:28 How many of wolves starve? All of them.
37:32 Because the strength of the pack is the what? Wolf.
37:35 It's no different within the church.
37:38 You see, we have an individual responsibility
37:43 and this is why I love what Cameron was saying.
37:46 "Righteousness is not just about my purity,
37:48 it's easy to be holy in my room.
37:51 It's easy to be holy when I got my own diet
37:54 and I am cooking my own food.
37:55 It's different when you come to potluck, amen.
38:00 And here is the issue.
38:01 How do I live a righteous life with a community,
38:04 is a whole new level of righteousness.
38:07 And I want to tell you,
38:08 I am completely supportive of exhibits,
38:11 I am completely supportive of the ministries
38:13 that are going on, but one of my concerns,
38:16 one of my prayers and I believe Christ as well,
38:19 too much individually pushing our ministry.
38:22 You see at the day of Pentecost
38:24 it wasn't just the lower people
38:26 the layette that was praying, it was the leaders.
38:30 The individuals that were powerful,
38:32 you have a church to Paul, Apollos, Peter.
38:37 And can you imagine if you take Amazing Facts,
38:40 you take Light Bearers and Arise,
38:42 you take Life, you take Campus,
38:44 you take Strive, you take Mission College
38:47 and all these people come together
38:48 and are praying under one passion,
38:51 which is to see the Lord come.
38:53 No longer fighting over recruits.
38:55 no longer the term well, why should I go to Arise?
38:58 Why should I go to Campus?
38:59 Just go, get training. Amen. Amen.
39:06 And it's turned to this divine hour is commercial hour.
39:10 Something is happening its commercial hour.
39:13 When in reality, the church was unified.
39:15 I am happy if a young person goes to Arise
39:18 as an employee of Campus.
39:19 I am happy that a soul goes to AFCO.
39:22 I am happy that some one goes to Peace.
39:25 As long as that soul is saying Lord, you are with me.
39:29 If you are praying Lord, how can I do something
39:32 to hasten the second coming of Jesus, we are the same.
39:35 Amen. There should have been a stronger, amen.
39:38 Amen. And the question is what are we exhibiting in that room?
39:47 The church was unified.
39:51 And some of the hardest people
39:52 to get to work together are ministry leaders.
39:57 I'm speaking as a ministry leader.
39:59 We're opinionated, we're strong,
40:02 we know the Bible, we've read, we have studied,
40:04 we have our methodologies, we have our systems,
40:07 but we need to sit down and come together.
40:10 And say, listen, what can AFCO,
40:12 Light Bearers, Arise, Campus,
40:13 the Department of Youth, whatever
40:15 we all come to the table and say,
40:16 what can we do to move all these thousands of young people
40:21 to send them forth into meaningful action for Christ?
40:24 GYC, we need to be upon a new day,
40:30 not just a new year.
40:31 Yes, it's January 1st, 2012.
40:34 We don't need a new year, we need a new day.
40:39 A time where all the sudden
40:40 and people can look back and say,
40:41 you know, it was hard before,
40:44 but now all these ministries are coming together
40:46 to say under one purpose, we're not exalting any speaker,
40:50 we're not exalting any individual,
40:52 we're just exalting Christ,
40:53 we're just exalting His mission.
40:55 And I'm willing to follow any man,
40:57 any women who says I'm ready to see the Lord come.
41:01 I don't care if my budget is low.
41:03 We'll bring all material goods to the apostles' feet.
41:07 So, that each ministry has what they need.
41:14 Unity always was the same before the spirit came.
41:22 The spirit didn't produce unity,
41:25 it was there before he came.
41:29 And it doesn't just apply to ministries,
41:31 it applies to each of you and your local church.
41:35 It applies to each of you at your academies
41:37 or your colleges or your high schools.
41:39 We all have people we don't sit next to in church.
41:42 We all have individuals we don't like to talk to
41:45 or hangout with or that person is just weird and strange
41:48 or that girl just talks too much
41:50 or she smells funny or we've all these weird things
41:52 that we want to say about people,
41:54 as to why we're separated from them?
41:55 But does the person love Christ?
41:59 Have they surrendered to the Holy Spirit?
42:01 Do they want to see Jesus come?
42:03 Then we're the same. Amen.
42:05 Bible based and as long as we experience
42:11 that division it will never come.
42:15 It will never come.
42:17 We're doing our little thing
42:18 somewhere in some part of the world.
42:20 And we may do our thing in that part of the world.
42:24 But when we're willing to come and sit down
42:27 and say, you know what, I can put some opinions aside.
42:30 I can put some things aside,
42:35 that was essential it was always the same.
42:41 Number two, we see a sense of boldness.
42:46 Go to Acts Chapter 4, verse 13.
42:51 I've to hurry up to my conclusion.
42:54 Acts, Chapter 4 and verse 13, the Bible says now,
42:59 "When they saw the," What?
43:01 "The boldness of Peter and John and perceived
43:06 that they were uneducated and untrained men.
43:10 They marveled and they realized that they had been" What?
43:14 They had been with whom? "Jesus."
43:16 Now I want you to understand one of the elements
43:19 that always accompanies
43:20 the filling of the Holy Spirit is boldness.
43:22 What is it? Boldness,
43:24 you know, I remember a few years ago at GYC,
43:29 Justin was preaching and I was sitting in the audience
43:33 listening to Justin's opening address
43:35 and I remember as Justin was preaching
43:37 that's when 3ABN had cameras on the stage.
43:40 And camera kind of walked up on Justin he was really close
43:43 and while Justin was there in the middle of his speech
43:46 he was making a powerful point and he says can you backup.
43:51 And I remember thinking in my mind this brother is bold.
43:56 He just told a cameraman on camera on live,
43:59 can you just backup?
44:02 Now I wanna say this is that to me
44:05 that's the kind of boldness we need, that unashamedness.
44:08 Are you following what I am saying?
44:10 Now that's just a nice okay, kind of story
44:13 but we needed in reality.
44:15 Not just in times of hey that makes me
44:17 personally uncomfortable.
44:18 We need it because it makes Jesus uncomfortable. Amen.
44:21 Are you understanding what I am saying, yes or no. Yes.
44:26 Boldness. And notice what the Bible says.
44:30 It says when they saw the boldness of Peter and John.
44:35 And that they perceived that they were uneducated
44:39 and untrained men, they marveled
44:41 and they realized that they had been with Jesus.
44:44 You see are there're not certain attributes
44:47 that you can tell that someone has been
44:48 with someone else, yes or no?
44:51 You see as a preacher, I am always very sensitive
44:55 to other preachers and their idiosyncrasies.
44:57 And you know you can tell that certain preacher
45:00 that you know I love pastor Asscherick,
45:01 you know, the Lord used him to bring me into the church.
45:04 But you know he has mannerisms right.
45:06 You know, he likes to across the stage
45:10 where his hand kind of goes like this sometimes
45:12 when he's talking and he's so interesting
45:14 that I go somewhere else and I see someone preaching
45:16 and I see them doing what I see pastor Asscherick doing.
45:20 Or I like Mark Finley, one of my favorite preachers as well.
45:23 And sometimes, you know, that Finley
45:24 is preaching his leg kind of moves.
45:25 You've ever seen that before and he's kind of bouncing
45:28 and his leg is moving and I've seen somebody preach
45:31 and their leg was moving.
45:33 And you say when I see this person their leg is moving
45:36 or I see them you know walking across the stage
45:38 like pastor Asscherick I take note of them
45:40 that they have been with pastor Asscherick
45:43 or Mark Finley are you with me.
45:45 You see when they see boldness. They're saying listen.
45:51 We took note that these men must have been with Jesus
45:54 because of the boldness that they're speaking to us.
45:57 Are you understanding when they saw the boldness
46:01 he didn't say when they saw you know,
46:02 they speak so eloquently.
46:04 They're so kind.
46:06 You know, they're kind of these people
46:08 that are that are you know very patience
46:10 and all those things are associated with Christ
46:13 and I am not downing that.
46:14 But the Book of Acts highlights the fact
46:16 that what was needed in an environment
46:18 that was polemically against the gospel required boldness.
46:24 If people in this secular world can be bold, we can be bold.
46:28 I remember before I became a Christian
46:31 I get on the bus to go somewhere,
46:33 I am rocking my hip hop music super loud.
46:36 Not only is it super loud, I am also singing it out loud.
46:40 And you got to-- and do it on the bus
46:43 or you're driving up to a stoplight.
46:44 I know this has happened to you.
46:46 And you're waiting at the stoplight
46:48 and a car pulls up and his music is
46:49 so loud you rollup your windows
46:52 and you can still hear his music.
46:55 And it's shaking your whole car.
47:00 They're bold. So guess what I do.
47:02 When I walk up to the light he's bumping his music
47:05 I'll say okay let me put in my "How Great Thou Art."
47:09 And I turned it up, why can't we be bold? Amen.
47:15 Why can I get on the bus and sing Amazing grace.
47:18 How sweet the sound. Amen.
47:21 I am not ashamed.
47:23 And Peter, says, I've had an experience with Jesus
47:26 you can't keep me quite.
47:28 You can't make me stop singing hymns for God
47:30 because I'm on a bus.
47:32 Not saying being obnoxious.
47:35 I am not saying be overwhelming or steamrolling people.
47:37 Are you understanding? Amen.
47:38 Don't leave this conference to get on Delta Airlines
47:41 and start singing when the lady is
47:43 trying to do the security check.
47:46 Talking about I am bold.
47:48 No that's not we were talking about.
47:53 We're saying when you're ready for takeoff
47:55 and you're up in the air.
47:56 Put down your iPad games
47:57 put down iPhone games open up your Bible. Amen.
48:02 Why we're so afraid to just study our Bibles in the air.
48:08 Tell you a quick story.
48:10 Got on an airline and as I was flying
48:16 I get nervous just like you.
48:19 You don't know who's gonna sit next to you.
48:21 So, like, are they gonna be like
48:22 one of those super angry atheist people?
48:24 So, I take my Bible kind of put it next to my leg.
48:27 Then I talked to them first just to see were they are
48:29 before I bring out my Bible.
48:32 Yes, even preaches have moments.
48:34 So I'm sitting there and I'm like Lord,
48:37 what's wrong with me?
48:39 Sebastian why you're afraid?
48:42 Some say, you know, what I gonna pull my Bible out.
48:45 So I pull on my tray table crack my Bible open
48:47 and turn on the lamp and I'm there in the word.
48:50 The guy comes in he says excuse me he sits down
48:53 before you know and he looks on my Bible.
48:56 He says, oh so you're a Christian,
48:57 I say yes, he says you know, I was so, he said,
49:00 I am so impressed because I've never seen
49:03 a person stepped on the plane and be so comfortable
49:06 and unashamed with the fact
49:07 that they wanted to study the Bible.
49:10 Before you know, we were in our conversation with the fact
49:12 that his wife was divorcing him
49:14 because he got she got into some spiritualism
49:16 and her spiritual guide told him.
49:19 Hey, you know, it's that time
49:21 for you to divorce your husband.
49:23 He's like what, you listen to a spiritual guide,
49:25 we've been married for 20 years.
49:27 And she's into spirit and he says, Sebastian,
49:28 I don't know what to do?
49:30 The tears start coming in his eyes
49:31 and he says these women keep coming to me
49:33 on this business trips.
49:34 Saying hey, look I will be with you, I love you,
49:36 I'll wait for you to settle your divorce with your wife
49:39 and he says I love my wife,
49:40 I believe God can save my family.
49:42 Even his children said dad,
49:45 if you stay with mom you're a fool.
49:48 And he says but I wanna be faithful
49:49 to what I've vowed before God.
49:52 So we started studying how to deal with temptation.
49:55 How to deal with the fact that these are women are coming.
49:57 I say listen brother there has no temptation taking you
50:00 but such as common to man, amen.
50:03 It's not uncommon it's not unusual but God is faithful.
50:08 He's not gonna allow you to be tempted
50:10 above which you're able.
50:12 So the guy started getting encouraged
50:14 we started having prayer on the plane,
50:16 we're landing we're still praying.
50:19 And they're like ladies and gentlemen,
50:20 thank you for flying with us etcetera, etcetera.
50:22 He gives me his card and he says you have no idea
50:27 how much I needed this conversation.
50:29 All because I was willing to take out my Bible.
50:41 I have to end very, very soon.
50:50 Let me give you these very quickly.
50:56 We said boldness, we said power of their words.
51:03 Is the next one we see that
51:05 when Peter preached it cut to the heart.
51:09 The 15 years they had a great delight in prayer.
51:13 Number six, they had a passionate love for scripture.
51:17 Just type in the word 'word'
51:19 and look for it in the Book of Acts.
51:21 Every time the word is preached people are baptized.
51:25 This is what it's about, Bible based ministry. Amen.
51:28 You don't need any extra gimmicks, nothing else to add.
51:32 I love the words in the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
51:36 where he says no Abraham
51:38 if you send back Lazarus to my family
51:41 they will believe and he says no.
51:43 They have Moses
51:44 and the prophets led them hear them.
51:47 And that is the message of GYC.
51:50 Let the young people hear the word of God.
51:53 Take away--it doesn't take all the stuff
51:55 it doesn't take someone coming back from the dead.
51:57 Let them hear the word of God. Let them hear it preached.
52:00 Let them see in its clarity.
52:02 Let them see it in its Christ centeredness.
52:04 Let them see it in its prophetic significance.
52:09 Passionate love for scripture.
52:13 This is where I am going to end.
52:14 Acts Chapter 13.
52:22 Acts Chapter 13
52:29 beginning in verse 1,
52:36 Bible says "Now in the church that was at Antioch
52:40 there were certain prophets and teachers.
52:43 Barnabas and Simian who was called Niger,
52:47 Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up
52:51 with Herod the tetrarch and Saul.
52:53 And as they ministered to the Lord and fasted,
52:58 the Holy Spirit said now." When?
53:02 "Now separate to me Barnabas and Saul
53:06 for the work to which I had called them.
53:09 Then having fasted and prayed
53:11 and laid hands on them they sent them away.
53:14 Saul being sent out by the Holy Spirit.
53:17 They went down to Seleucia
53:19 and from there they sail to Cyprus."
53:21 The last point to make is when the Holy Spirit
53:24 is poured out the ministry extends into un-entered fields.
53:30 He says listen yes Peter has gone he visited Cornelius,
53:34 but I want you to separate me said the Holy Spirit.
53:39 Separate me Saul and Barnabas
53:41 that they may do the work that I called them to do.
53:45 And if there is one thing brothers and sisters
53:49 that definitely was happening
53:51 in the Book of Acts was an extension
53:53 of the work to other fields, to other parts of the world.
54:04 You see GYC, we are upon the edge of a new day.
54:13 We're upon the edge of a new day
54:18 of young people that have a passionate love for scripture.
54:23 We're upon the new day all over the world
54:26 who our young people will take a great delight in prayer.
54:30 We're upon a new day that young people say
54:32 look we're above unity.
54:34 We don't care about black and white conference.
54:36 We don't care about what country you're from,
54:38 we don't care--all we care about is,
54:40 do you love the word of God?
54:41 Do you love Jesus?
54:43 Do you wanna see Him come in your lifetime
54:45 and are you willing to die trying?
54:48 That's what this is about.
54:51 And we cannot be here another ten years.
54:54 We can't be coming back with cycling themes.
54:57 All yeah, we gonna change it around,
54:58 now fill me empty me Lord.
55:02 And I don't even say this to be funny,
55:05 because it will break my heart
55:07 if I've to walk in another convention centre
55:11 only to say, oh, we're celebrating
55:13 our 20th anniversary of GYC.
55:16 It is not a celebration.
55:20 Because it means these points
55:21 in the Books of Acts have been lost.
55:23 They were the ones who took the gospel to their known world
55:28 and it began with being filled with the Holy Spirit.
55:37 But the danger is that we will resist.
55:42 A new day GYC Europe,
55:46 a new day young people got to GYC by faith.
55:51 Drove down and colportered for money
55:54 to get to GYC to come by faith.
55:57 One tank of gas all the way from California
56:02 when young people allover the world
56:03 are starting movements in various countries.
56:07 When you have young people in even in Guam,
56:11 trying to raise money and creating videos
56:13 so that they can be at this conference.
56:15 What is it in a young persons heart who's 12, 13, 14 says,
56:19 I want $3000 to go to this conference
56:22 because I wanna be filled with a Holy Spirit.
56:25 Don't tell me God is not preparing the people.
56:28 The question is, are we a part of that?
56:32 You see it is time we dawn upon a new day
56:36 where people leave GYC and realize
56:38 the revolution continues in 2012 in Seattle
56:42 but it begins January 1st in Houston. Amen.
56:47 The world must know we're upon a new day.
56:50 No longer do we go back just to our local churches
56:52 praise God for Cameron's appeal last night.
56:55 We're not going back to our local churches
56:57 for more of the same.
56:58 Just to be fitting in the back
56:59 complaining about a boring sermon.
57:01 We're going back to say Lord we're gonna get involved.
57:04 This is Christ church and I am Christ
57:06 and I'll be involved. Amen.
57:08 That's why we're going back.
57:11 We're going back to say no, no, no,
57:12 the church is upon a new day in South America.
57:15 The church is on a new day in the Middle East.
57:18 The church is dawning upon a new day in Europe.
57:23 It's dawning upon a new day in Africa.
57:26 Where all the sudden no longer GYC
57:29 if I ask many of you, I said are you a part of GYC?
57:33 Many of you would say no.
57:34 That's Justin McNeilus, that's Amy Shepherd,
57:37 that's here Yamil Rosario, that's Natasha Nebblett.
57:40 And I'm telling you no, we need a new day.
57:42 GYC is a generation. It is not an income.
57:48 You don't attend GYC you are a part of it.
57:51 If you're generation that says look
57:53 when someone asks does there exists
57:56 an army of young people who desire to be rightly trained,
57:59 filled with a Holy Spirit to take the gospel
58:02 to all the world in this generation,
58:04 what is your answer? Yes.
58:06 If you're that generation then you are GYC. Amen.
58:10 Then you're the generation of Youth for Christ.
58:15 Success in any line demands a definite aim.
58:19 And he who would achieve true success in life
58:22 must keep his aims steadily in view.
58:25 And such an aim has been set before the youth of our day.
58:32 The heaven appointed purpose
58:35 of taking the gospel
58:37 to all the world in this generation.
58:41 It is the most noble aim
58:44 that can appeal to any human being.


Revised 2014-12-17