Generation of Youth for Christ 2011

Worship Service - Sabbath

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight Nelson


Series Code: 11GYC

Program Code: 11GYC000011

00:29 When I gaze Into the night sky
00:35 And see the work Of Your fingers
00:42 The moon and stars Suspended in space
00:50 But what is man What is man
00:55 That You are mindful of him?
01:04 You have given man A crown of glory and honor
01:12 And have made him
01:14 A little lower than the angels
01:22 You have put him In charge of all creation
01:28 The beasts of the field The birds of the air
01:34 The fish of the sea But what is man
01:42 Oh, what is man Oh, what is man
01:48 That You are mindful of him?
01:58 O Lord, our God The majesty and glory
02:07 Of Your name
02:14 Transcends the earth And fills the heavens
02:24 O Lord, our God
02:28 Little children praise Him perfectly
02:35 And so would we And so would we
02:48 Alleluia, Alleluia
03:00 The majesty and glory of Your name
03:11 Alleluia, Alleluia
03:24 The majesty and glory Of Your name
03:34 Alleluia, Alleluia
03:45 Alleluia, Alleluia
04:04 Alleluia, Alleluia
04:17 Alleluia, Alleluia
04:41 How about God be praised GYC? Amen.
04:45 God be praised for that music we've just heard,
04:48 that was absolutely heavenly guys.
04:53 Bless you. Thank you for doing it.
04:54 Come to Andrews University anytime.
04:58 We would be-- we would be swept up
05:01 as we were just now to the throne room of heaven.
05:06 Well, it is such an honor
05:09 and a privilege to be here at GYC.
05:12 I'm gonna tell you, this is my first time at GYC.
05:16 And I'm just wondering, I'll bet you
05:18 there are few others who are here for the first time.
05:21 Be proud that you finally came to GYC
05:24 and put your hand up with me, huh.
05:26 Look at that. Wow, that's a lot of first timers.
05:30 Welcome to you as well.
05:32 Thank you Justin McNeilus,
05:33 for your invitation Sean Reed,
05:35 and the leadership team here at GYC.
05:40 It's a treat to be here.
05:43 And I'll tell you why I'm really stoked
05:46 about this kind of convocation.
05:50 I believe that communities that have been built
05:57 like this of the young are a fulfillment,
06:01 listen, are a fulfillment,
06:04 a direct fulfillment of divine prophecy.
06:08 No, I have found a prophecy in scripture.
06:12 I'm gonna share with you right now.
06:13 This is not the teaching. Don't start that clock yet.
06:16 This is before we get to the teaching.
06:19 I want you to open up your Bible right now.
06:22 I'm gonna show you a divine word.
06:24 This is clearly a Messianic Prophecy.
06:26 You're gonna recognize it instantly
06:28 when you read the words.
06:30 May I show you what is in the heart of this
06:34 Messiah coming Prophecy.
06:37 This should be Psalm 110.
06:38 All right, so open up your Bible the Psalm 110.
06:43 The most quoted Psalm in the New Testament in connection
06:47 with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah Himself.
06:50 So we know that Psalm 110 is a Messianic Psalm.
06:57 Now I'm gonna be reading here in the New King James Version
07:01 whatever translation you have, it's fine to me,
07:03 I've got the New King James.
07:05 And by the way I just need to tell you this,
07:07 this is also the Andrews Study Bible.
07:12 You probably haven't heard about it yet.
07:15 And I don't know why Justin McNeilus left the ad
07:18 out of the program brochure when he's bringing down
07:20 the pastor from Andrews University.
07:22 So let me just say a word,
07:23 let me just say a word about Andrews Study Bible.
07:27 You got to have it.
07:30 You just have to have it.
07:32 This is--this is not just the New King James.
07:36 This is not just any Study Bible.
07:40 This is the only Official Study Bible
07:43 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
07:44 with the scholars of our community
07:47 of faith weighing in and beneath the line.
07:51 Here is the line for Psalm 110.
07:53 Beneath the line, the small print has been composed by,
07:57 as it turns out men and women
07:59 who are friends of mine.
08:01 Most of them are at Andrews University.
08:06 The portions of scripture that present
08:10 a conundrum to your contagious witness
08:13 are beautifully dealt with here.
08:16 You'll get the--you'll find the missing pieces,
08:19 good for you. You'll find the connecting links.
08:23 So I hope before you leave, do they have exhibits here
08:28 where they put up these booths?
08:30 I've not been to the exhibit. Do they have? All right.
08:32 I'll just predict that there is a booth
08:36 that has the Andrews Study Bible in it.
08:39 If you can find that booth,
08:42 tonight after sundown.
08:44 I'm not talking about buying books on the Sabbath.
08:46 But after sundown, you'll find that booth.
08:50 You'll find the Andrews Study Bible waiting for you.
08:53 And by the way, if you're going to get one,
08:55 get the nice premium fine leather.
08:58 You will never regret the extra dollar or two.
09:02 That the Holy Spirit will bring back to you
09:05 as you invest in this study tool.
09:08 All right, so with that little commercial
09:11 out of the way. Psalm 110, let's go.
09:15 Clearly, this is Messianic because look at verse 1,
09:17 "The Lord says to my lord."
09:18 Oh, I have read that many times in the New Testament.
09:20 You absolutely have
09:23 because this is God speaking to the Messiah.
09:27 The Lord says to my lord writes David,
09:30 "Sit at my right hand until I make
09:31 your enemies your footstool."
09:32 That text appears all through the New Testament.
09:35 Drop down to verse 4 and The Lord has sworn
09:37 and will not relent you Messiah are a priest
09:40 forever according to the order of, what? "
09:43 according to the order of Melchizedek.
09:46 So we know this is about the Messiah now, but watch this.
09:51 It's verse 3, right in the middle.
09:52 This is why I'm so-- I'm so excited about
09:57 the raising up of an organization like this one.
10:00 Look at verse 3, speaking of the Messiah,
10:03 "Your people, Oh Messiahs shall be volunteers
10:07 in the day of your power."
10:09 That can also be translated by the way
10:12 as the NIV does in the day of your battle.
10:15 Now I'm gonna tell you that
10:16 this is one of the most difficult Hebrew passages
10:18 to translate in the Old Testament.
10:21 This is a tough one.
10:25 "Your people will be volunteers
10:26 in the day of your power or battle
10:29 in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning,
10:33 you have the dew of your youth."
10:37 Now little more of the fresher translations render it.
10:41 Here's one, "Your troops will be
10:45 willing on your day of battle.
10:47 Arrayed in holy splendor, the young will come to you
10:52 oh, Messiah, like dew from the morning's womb."
10:55 In other words, Messiah,
10:58 after you sit on the throne beside me,
11:01 before the end game is finished,
11:03 the final battle, your doors to your army will open
11:08 and the young will come to you.
11:12 Arrayed in holy splendor, they will come to you.
11:16 They will compose your end time army.
11:22 Ladies and gentlemen of GYC, that means
11:27 that any movement of the young at the end of time,
11:31 the young passionate for the Messiah
11:33 and the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
11:35 any movement of the young for Christ at the end of time
11:39 is a direct fulfillment of Psalm 110
11:44 and this Messianic Prophecy.
11:45 Now listen, for years as a kid growing up in the church.
11:48 I'm the fifth generation Adventist,
11:49 now fourth generation preacher.
11:51 So I've hung around this church all my life
11:53 and I used to hear that quotation
11:55 from the little book "Education Ellen White."
11:58 What's that page number? I've got to scribble here 271.
12:00 Do you remember that quotation?
12:02 "With such an army as our youth,
12:04 rightly trained, might furnish,
12:06 how soon the message of a crucified, risen,
12:09 and soon-coming Savior might go to the earth.
12:13 How soon the end of suffering and sin!"
12:17 We've had that quotation for a century and a half.
12:21 But now right here in the heart of the Psalms
12:24 is a messianic prediction at the end of time.
12:28 Jesus army will be composed of the young.
12:32 Dominantly, dominantly the young
12:35 which is why I'm so proud of you.
12:37 You know what this is the holiday.
12:40 You could have been anywhere in the United States
12:42 or anywhere in the world, but here but you gave up
12:45 holiday time to come to this place.
12:49 With like minded, passionate hearts to focus
12:53 on the Lord Jesus Christ and the outpouring
12:55 of the Holy Spirit and I say good on you.
12:59 In fact I twitted, I twitted.
13:03 What's so funny about twitting?
13:06 My friend, Roy Gane who is here by the way.
13:07 He is one of our professor.
13:09 Did some of the notes in that Bible,
13:10 Roy Gane because I just got into twitter
13:14 over the Thanksgiving break and so I announcing
13:16 my congregation in the next Sabbath
13:17 that you can now find me at Dwight K. Nelson
13:21 and you can track along in the journey
13:23 and Roy came up to me and said,
13:24 "Dwight, I'm glad to hear that you're into twitter now,
13:27 so I suppose you really love the song
13:29 "In the twit by and by."
13:31 Which I thought was really
13:33 a misapplication of that gradient. But I twitted.
13:37 I twitted Thursday night,
13:38 it really does sound weird, don't they?
13:40 And I have a direct code, I scribbled it down here.
13:43 I send it to those that are tracking that
13:45 particular twitter account
13:50 is the quote "My take on the GYC
13:52 thus far 5,000 young adults eager to seek
13:56 the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
13:58 undeniable passion for Christ,
14:00 thank God for them." Amen.
14:04 The bad thing about twitter
14:05 is you have to do in 140 characters or less.
14:08 It was not invented for preachers, trust me.
14:13 But that's the word I sent out.
14:14 So it is an honor to be here.
14:16 And honor to me with you, fellowship with you,
14:18 worship with you, and thank God
14:20 for these young preachers that
14:21 we've been having, man, this is been good.
14:26 And I've been coming early in the morning, I'm here.
14:29 Late in night I'm here and I'm getting blessed
14:32 every single time. Amen.
14:34 And I'm thanking God, you have got,
14:36 you are raising a preachers right and left
14:39 among the young for the Messiah's
14:41 strategic end game, hallelujah.
14:44 So I wanna pray with you.
14:47 The set is up for this teaching.
14:49 And I'll--I'm praying that God will open our eyes.
14:53 Help our hearts to hear
14:57 what is tucked way in the scriptures.
14:59 So let's pray.
15:00 Dear God, with an army,
15:05 with an army like this how soon
15:11 the end of suffering and sin, thank you Father.
15:17 For these young adults who've come from all over
15:21 the globe to share this weekend in Houston.
15:26 We will never be the same again for having been here
15:30 and we praise you.
15:32 You know what our theme is God fill me our earnest plea
15:37 and we're gonna keep praying
15:39 that prayer until Jesus comes.
15:43 As we move now into the Acts of the Holy Spirit,
15:48 open our ears to hear Him speaking
15:51 through the book He inspired
15:52 in His--in Christ name we pray, amen.
15:56 I'm gonna go back to the Book of Acts.
15:57 We've been going to the Book of Acts
15:58 again and again and again.
16:00 There's one story fortunately nobody has dealt with yet.
16:05 So I get to go to Acts Chapter 10.
16:07 Go to Acts Chapter 10 and by the way
16:09 that really is a name of the Holy Spirit.
16:11 It says at the top of the Old King James,
16:13 Acts of the Apostles.
16:14 Now really the title of the book should be
16:17 "The Acts of the Holy Spirit."
16:19 It is a chronicle of the movement
16:21 of the third person of God.
16:22 In fact, Pentecost, scholars believe,
16:24 a scholar suggests you can call Pentecost,
16:26 the Bethlehem of the spirit.
16:28 That's when the spirit incarnates himself
16:31 in a dramatic way into the human race.
16:36 Of course, he was operative
16:37 in the Old Testament, that's not the point.
16:40 And by the way did you love that Act story
16:42 that came from on the streets yesterday,
16:45 that bus driver running up and saying
16:46 what I must do to be saved.
16:48 That's straight out of Acts.
16:51 So we're getting Acts in the truth
16:52 on the waning moments of 2011.
16:57 A new year begins tonight.
16:59 One last time in Acts before the New Year,
17:03 Acts Chapter 10. You've already found it.
17:06 I was listening to this Sabbath school,
17:07 you know, with Sean and his friends
17:09 upfront here, talking about prayer.
17:12 You are now gonna be immersed
17:15 into a prayer saturated narrative.
17:19 I mean you're gonna have to embellish this way.
17:21 We don't have to move into fancy flight of English
17:23 on this way. This is just straight stuff.
17:28 And the spirit is ready to apply to our hearts.
17:30 So let's go, Acts Chapter 10 verse 1,
17:31 Your remember the story.
17:34 "There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius,
17:38 a centurion in what was called the Italian Regiment."
17:42 All right, and he had a battalion of a 100.
17:46 Generally actually it was 80 under him as a centurion.
17:50 "He was a devout man, verse 2
17:52 and one who feared God with all his household
17:55 who gave alms generously to the people
17:57 and prayed to God always."
18:00 I love the way my friend Mark Finley put it
18:02 last night when we skyped him
18:03 and that was sure great to have him here.
18:05 And Mark would say, "Hey, hey, guys don't forget
18:08 all over this planet, there are men, women,
18:10 young adults, teenagers, and children who are hungering
18:13 to somehow connect with the living God.
18:16 They have no idea how to make that connection.
18:18 But they long for that connection."
18:20 I was flying down here from Cleveland,
18:23 South Maine in Cleveland, Huston
18:26 and I am sitting on the plane,
18:29 as it turns out by a farmer who owns
18:32 the largest farm in Indiana, the largest farm.
18:38 So we get to talking and he actually said,
18:40 I need to just tell you that you know,
18:43 your churches telecast there from Andrews University.
18:47 I watch it every night.
18:48 I said-- every Sunday night,
18:50 I'm sorry, every Sunday night.
18:51 I said Sunday night, that's at midnight.
18:53 We telecast it midnight, Sunday night.
18:55 What don't you watch at Sunday noon?
18:56 Because he says, "I'm active
18:57 in my Lutheran church, that's why.
19:01 But I stay up till midnight to watch."
19:04 I'd a book with me by N.T. Wright--
19:07 a New Testament scholar
19:08 and the title of the book is Justification.
19:10 I brought it down to read."
19:11 And he says, "By the way,
19:12 Justification that's the word as we know as Lutherans."
19:14 And we fell on the conversation the whole way.
19:18 Getting off the plane,
19:19 I said, "Listen, how's your wife doing?"
19:20 And tears, she dies just three weeks ago.
19:25 Soon as we got off that plane,
19:26 we can pool into a corner in the waiting launch.
19:28 I said, "I wanna pray with you."
19:31 Got his name, his address,
19:32 I'm gonna be in touch with him.
19:34 There are God fearers all over this planet today.
19:38 God will find them and He will lead you to them.
19:40 I believe that what Mark explained last night.
19:43 So there's this Cornelius
19:45 who is by the way praying to God always.
19:48 I told you this is a prayer saturated narrative.
19:50 And about the ninth hour of the day,
19:52 that would be 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
19:53 He saw clearly in a vision an angel of God,
20:00 while he is in prayer,
20:01 there is this being standing there.
20:04 An angel of God coming and saying to him, "Cornelius."
20:10 And when he observed him, he was afraid.
20:12 Wouldn't you be when you're in prayer and all the sudden,
20:14 materialize as your guardian angel.
20:17 And he was afraid and he said, "What is it, Lord?"
20:19 So here the angel said to Cornelius, "Your prayers
20:22 and your alms have come up for a memorial before God.
20:25 Now send a man to Joppa
20:27 and send for Simon whose surname is Peter.
20:29 He is lodging with Simon the tanner,
20:31 and you find the house by the sea."
20:33 Isn't it great to know that God not only knows your name?
20:36 He knows your address of the house.
20:37 He knows your email address,
20:39 and He can send you anywhere on this planet, He needs to
20:41 or send anybody on this planet to you to find you.
20:46 He says, by the way there are two Simons here.
20:48 Don't get them mixed up. One's the tanner.
20:50 The other one that goes by Peter,
20:51 that's the one I'm sending you to.
20:55 So Cornelius, when the angel spoke to him in verse 7
21:00 and departed, Cornelius called
21:01 two of his household servants and a devout soldier
21:04 from among those who waited on him continually.
21:06 We are not talking about
21:08 a low ladder social economic personage.
21:11 We're talking about somebody up the ladder
21:13 who has multiple people who wait on him continually.
21:17 It's well to do?
21:19 And God is gonna send
21:20 a peasant fisherman to be the key.
21:25 Don't you ever be intimidated
21:27 by social economic class that's higher than yours?
21:31 Don't you ever suck it in and say,
21:32 "I'm not going, oh, that house is way too big,
21:35 I won't go there."
21:36 You never have to be afraid
21:39 because the God who has your name and address
21:42 will take care of the connection
21:44 with the upper echelons of society.
21:48 So he calls them, says hey, verse 8,
21:50 explain to them all these things
21:52 and they sent them to Joppa.
21:54 About 40 miles away about day and half journey.
21:56 The next day, okay, here's verse 9,
21:58 "The next day as they went on their journey
22:00 and drew near the city. Oh, here he comes now.
22:02 Peter went up on the household to pray."
22:05 I told you its prayer saturated.
22:07 He went up on the household to pray
22:09 about the sixth hour that would be noon.
22:13 You know what, do you get hungry
22:14 around the certain--around the same time everyday?
22:17 Just the juices begin flowing and you just--you know,
22:20 when I come home and Karen is there,
22:21 she often from work, she's a nurse
22:23 and so she's screwing around supper
22:25 and I just keep wanting to hang around the kitchen.
22:27 Don't you just a little, oh,
22:29 one more time, you don't get supper.
22:32 All right, obviously Peter who is hungry
22:35 has been hanging around the kitchen, say,
22:36 "Go to the roof. We will call you when we're ready."
22:42 So Peter goes to the roof.
22:44 And then he wanting,
22:46 being very hungry and wanted to eat.
22:48 But up on the rooftop, while they are making ready,
22:53 lunch has been cooked below. He fell into a trance.
22:57 And he saw heaven opened,
22:58 and an object like a great sheet
22:59 bounded the four corners.
23:01 Oh, how many times have we read this?
23:02 Bounded in the four corners the sheet descending to him
23:07 let down to earth and verse 12,
23:09 and there were all kinds of four-footed animals
23:11 of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things,
23:14 and birds of the air, yuck.
23:16 And a voice cries out in that trance,
23:20 "Rise, Peter, kill, and eat."
23:23 But Peter said, "Not so, Lord,
23:25 I have never eaten anything common or unclean."
23:28 And the voice spoke unto him again the second time,
23:29 "What God has cleansed, you must not call common."
23:33 And according to verse 16, this was done three times
23:36 and the object gone, disappears
23:39 and he comes out of this trance.
23:41 Where am I? Oh,what was that about?
23:46 Verse 17, "Now while Peter wondered within himself,
23:50 what this vision, which he had seen, meant."
23:54 He's brooding over there and saying what was that mercy?
23:58 Behold at that same split second,
24:00 the men who had been sent from Cornelius
24:02 had made enquiry for Simon's house,
24:05 and stood before the gate.
24:06 Yo, is this the house of the Simon beside the sea?
24:10 We see it beside the sea. Are you the Simon? Yes.
24:12 Do you have somebody staying with your name Simon as well?
24:15 Yes, we do. Can we come in?
24:18 And they called out and asked whether Simon,
24:20 his surname was Peter, was lodging there.
24:21 And while Peter was thinking now, look at this.
24:24 He is thinking about the vision.
24:26 The spirit said to him,
24:28 "Behold, three men are seeking you.
24:32 Arise therefore, go down,
24:34 and go with them, doubting nothing."
24:39 Now you're going to get thrown by this Peter.
24:41 You're going to go down those stairs
24:43 and you're going to say this
24:44 just does not seem to fit with my world view.
24:47 I need you to doubt nothing.
24:51 It will challenge your preset positions.
24:54 It will cause you to rip--
24:59 can't read my own handwriting.
25:00 It will cause you to re-evaluate.
25:08 It will cause you to re-evaluate your traditions.
25:12 It will lead you to break with history.
25:17 I'm having hard time reading my handwriting because
25:20 I was putting this sermon together late last night.
25:25 I brought another sermon, also written for this moment.
25:32 But somebody sent a message to me
25:34 and I need to just thank that person.
25:35 I don't know who it is because
25:37 the person was not identified to me,
25:39 but somebody sent a message to me and said,
25:41 "You won't preach on that subject,
25:43 whatever that subject that was."
25:46 So I said, "Wow."
25:48 So I am back to my room, spent time in prayer.
25:51 And I'm saying, "God, please, what do I do?
25:55 I wasn't gonna--I wasn't going down that path anyway."
26:00 And after a long time in prayer,
26:03 late at night and early in the morning,
26:06 I've scribbled a few notes down.
26:08 So pardon my penmanship at that hour of the day.
26:15 So Peter, this is spirit speaking to him,
26:17 "Hey, Peter there're three men waiting for you,
26:21 arise therefore, go down
26:23 and go with them, doubting nothing."
26:27 I'm gonna assure you something boy.
26:28 It's gonna blow you out of this water,
26:31 it's another world of you, but you have got to see it
26:33 and heaven is ready for it now.
26:36 Doubt nothing, eyes open, ears listening,
26:41 I'll be in touch, adios, spirit is gone.
26:44 Now verse 21, when Peter went down to the men
26:47 who'd been sent to him from Cornelius, and he said,
26:49 "Yes, I am he whom you seek
26:51 for what reason have you come?"
26:52 They said to him verse 22
26:54 "Hey, Cornelius the centurion, a just man,
26:57 one who fears God, and has a good reputation
26:59 by the way among the nation of the Jews,
27:01 was divinely instructed by a holy angel."
27:05 Ellen White says, that when we get to heaven,
27:07 we're gonna hear a voice.
27:08 We're gonna turn around and that voice that
27:11 we recognize will be the voice of our guardian angel.
27:14 You have been hearing that guardian angel
27:16 every since you were knee high to a grasshopper,
27:18 that angel has been assigned to you 24/7
27:21 since you took that first gasp of air.
27:25 And that angel has been speaking to you,
27:26 but what is so neat about that line
27:28 is that the divine instructions--
27:31 the instructions from the throne room
27:33 come from the guardian angel?
27:37 So be careful about saying no to what the voice inside
27:40 of you is calling you to decide.
27:44 That's God Himself through your angel.
27:47 This divine instructed by the holy angel
27:50 to summon you to his house, and hear words from you.
27:52 Then Peter invited them and by the way, this is huge.
27:55 Peter invites him in to spend the night.
27:57 Something already is beginning to happen.
27:59 The world view is beginning to crumble.
28:01 He would never, he would never had
28:04 a bunch of Pagan Romans come in and spend a night.
28:06 Listen there's a motel six down the road.
28:08 I will see you in the morning.
28:10 He says, "Come in, spend the night with us."
28:17 And the following day verse 24,
28:18 they entered Caesarea.
28:20 Now Cornelius, can you believe
28:22 the faith of this Pagan Roman believer?
28:24 Now Cornelius was waiting for them.
28:26 I've knew you would come.
28:28 I have everybody here already.
28:30 And he had called together
28:31 his relatives and close friends.
28:32 And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him at the door
28:35 and fell down at his feet, and started worshipping him.
28:38 And Peter was a big fisherman.
28:40 He has pulled a massive nets before.
28:42 He reaches down and grab that centurion by the collar,
28:45 don't you do that,
28:48 stand up I'm just a man like you.
28:51 Now what's up? Why am I here?
28:54 Oh, my, and as he talked verse 27, with Cornelius,
29:00 Peter goes into the living room.
29:01 And he found--he finds many of them already together.
29:03 Then he says well I might as well begin
29:05 my speech now and he says to them,
29:07 "Hey, do you know how unlawful
29:09 it is for a Jewish man to keep company with
29:11 or go to one of another nation?
29:13 Do you understand how counter cultural--
29:16 counter societal this is for me
29:18 to even be standing in your living room?
29:20 Do you understand that?
29:22 But God, I need you to catch this line.
29:25 But God has shown me that
29:26 I should not call any man common or unclean.
29:33 Because the vision of Peter at lunch time
29:36 on top of that roof was not about Peter's diet.
29:40 It was about Peter's deportment.
29:43 And we're gonna change you boy.
29:45 We're gonna change your world view.
29:50 That's what the whole dream was about.
29:51 That's what the trance was, three times.
29:53 That's the trance.
29:55 So Cornelius, "Why am I here?"
29:57 Cornelius says, I will tell you verse 30.
30:00 "Four days ago I was fasting,"
30:01 I told you this is saturated with prayer,
30:02 "I was fasting until this very hour,
30:05 and at the ninth hour" 3 o'clock, four days ago,
30:07 I prayed in my house,
30:10 and behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing
30:11 and he said, "Cornelius, your prayer has been heard
30:13 and your alms have been remembered,
30:14 send to Joppa call for Simon, and Simon,
30:17 and so I sent immediately for you."
30:19 verse 33, "And by the way Peter
30:21 you have done well to come."
30:22 Sounds like a guy who's used to giving orders.
30:24 You did very well, glad you came.
30:27 Now therefore we're all present before God
30:30 to hear all the things commanded you by God.
30:35 You gonna have to tell what God has commanded you?
30:38 Oh, I tell you what Charissa,
30:40 that was powerful this morning,
30:42 I've been blessed by all of them
30:43 but this morning as she talking
30:44 remember about digging the ditches,
30:46 it doesn't make sense to do this.
30:49 When you get the command from God,
30:51 you're gonna have to, you're gonna have to,
30:53 you're gonna have to eat the resistance.
30:56 You're gonna have to do it anyway
30:58 if He's commanded you to say something,
31:00 you're gonna have to say it whether
31:02 it's comfortable to say it or not.
31:04 So thank you Charissa,
31:05 that really ministered to me this morning.
31:11 Then Peter, verse 34,
31:13 "Opened his mouth and he said in truth,
31:18 I perceive that God shows no partiality
31:22 but in every nation whoever fears Him
31:25 and works righteousness is accepted by Him."
31:30 God is looking for an excuse to save human beings.
31:35 And when he finds the heart that beats for Him,
31:37 the heart that longs for Him,
31:38 boom, He moves into that heart.
31:41 They're all over this planet, ladies and gentleman,
31:43 all over this planet right now,
31:48 but isn't that amazing.
31:50 Remember, Peter is now post Pentecost,
31:53 he's post Pentecost.
31:54 You see the Holy Spirit got poured out over here.
31:57 The Holy Spirit got poured out super charge.
32:00 We just, we just read it a moment ago in our scripture,
32:02 where he got poured down into that upper room,
32:06 filled with the spirit of the living God, tons of fire.
32:10 The Holy Spirit has got him poured out
32:13 and apparently the lesson needs to get through
32:16 to the church of Christ in the Book of Acts.
32:19 Would you mind turning back to Acts Chapter 2.
32:23 Peter dips into the well of Old Testament,
32:27 ancient prophecy and he pulls out
32:29 the prophecy of Joel 2 verses 28 and 29,
32:33 only under the inspiration of the Spirit,
32:35 he actually changes the wording.
32:38 And it shall come to pass in the last days.
32:41 Do you know that, those words in the last days
32:43 are not in the ancient prophet Joel?
32:45 They are simply not there.
32:47 Peter, under the inspiration of the spirit has inserted
32:50 that line and I'm so glad he inserted it
32:53 because if he hadn't we would think
32:55 that the Joel 2 Prophecy was only about the beginning
32:59 of the infant Christian church.
33:02 But because under the inspiration of the spirit,
33:04 he inserts the phrase 'in the last days',
33:07 we now know that it's gonna happen
33:09 all over again at the very end of time, isn't that right?
33:13 Boy, thank you, Peter, for being sensitive to the spirit
33:15 and inserting a phrase
33:17 that's not there in the Old Testament.
33:20 "And it shall come to pass in the last days,
33:22 says God that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,"
33:27 children of the Father,
33:30 how much of the flesh of this earth will receive
33:33 the Holy Spirit according to this prediction?
33:35 How much? Just say louder than that.
33:38 All. Say just a little louder please.
33:40 All. All flesh!
33:43 God through Joel and Peter now
33:45 will carefully delineate the categories of all flesh.
33:50 So I pour out my spirit on all flesh, number one,
33:53 "Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,"
33:56 that means that when I pour out my Spirit,
33:59 I will pour out my spirit on all genders.
34:02 Now look, there're not a lot of genders,
34:03 they're only two but that's what He means.
34:06 I will pour out my spirit on all genders.
34:13 That wall is gone.
34:15 And by the way, He goes on,
34:17 "Your young men will see visions,
34:19 and your old men shall dream dreams."
34:21 God says it by the way all flesh means all ages,
34:24 young, aged or in between age,
34:28 I'm no respecter of age.
34:30 That's why you're here today by the way,
34:32 I don't have to wait until someone reaches
34:36 a certain elderly age before she or he can be used.
34:42 God says I will pour out my spirit on all genders,
34:45 I will pour our My Spirit on all ages
34:46 and watch this one more category, verse 18,
34:49 "And I will pour out my spirit
34:50 on my men-servants and on my maid-servants.
34:54 I will pour out my spirit in those days
34:55 and they shall prophesy."
34:57 all ages, all genders, all social classes,
35:02 all social classes, no wall there.
35:07 Man, God is serious about this all flesh business.
35:12 And if He's serious about all flesh,
35:15 I guess you and I following the same Holy Spirit
35:18 would be moved in the same way.
35:21 So Peter has just talked this on the day of Pentecost
35:26 so when he launches into his little homily,
35:28 his little sermon here in Cornelius'
35:31 living room, that's why Peter can say, verse 34,
35:34 Peter opened his mouth, going back to the narrative,
35:36 "Peter opened his mouth and said in truth,
35:38 I perceive that God shows no partiality
35:41 but in every nation whoever fears Him
35:42 and works righteousness is accepted by Him."
35:45 Oh and Peter goes on,
35:46 "The word which God sent to the children of Israel
35:49 preaching peace to Jesus Christ, He is Lord."
35:54 that word you heard about,
35:56 Peter said hey, hey, Cornelius, sir?
36:00 Did you hear about this Jesus of Nazareth?
36:02 Oh yes, you have heard, haven't you?
36:04 Did you hear about this Jesus called the Christ the Messiah
36:08 who went through the land preaching peace.
36:11 That's a, that's a, that's a rather
36:12 strange phrase, preaching peace.
36:15 In some other place in Acts where Jesus is described
36:18 as moving through the land preaching peace.
36:21 Do you know when Paul comes along because Luke
36:23 who wrote Acts was a traveling companion of Paul
36:26 and could be on one of their trips.
36:27 Luke said, Luke said to Paul, listen!
36:29 You have to hear,
36:30 I have finally got the transcript of the,
36:32 of what Peter said in the home of the Centurion Cornelius.
36:35 Listen to this and so he may,
36:37 he may have rumble the line past Paul, Paul uses it.
36:41 Watch this, keep your finger
36:42 right here, we'll be right back.
36:43 But Ephesians, take a look at Ephesians for a moment.
36:46 Ephesians Chapter 2.
36:48 Oh, you probably read these words before
36:50 but what a, what a stirring depiction here.
36:54 Ephesians Chapter 2 verse 13,
36:57 "But now in Christ Jesus you who're once far off
37:02 have been brought near by the blood of Christ."
37:05 when Jesus stretched out His arms on Calvary,
37:08 that embrace took Him the entire planet
37:10 and through that embrace by the blood of Christ,
37:12 you've been brought near.
37:14 Read verse 14, "For He Himself is our peace,"
37:19 peace is not a message, peace is a person.
37:21 "For He Himself is our peace,
37:23 who has made both one and has broken down
37:26 the middle wall of separation."
37:29 You see whenever you proclaim peace the walls come down.
37:32 So He has made both one and He's broken down
37:36 the middle wall of separation having abolished in His flesh
37:40 the enmity, that is the law,
37:41 the commandments and the ordinances
37:43 that would be the Old Testament law and its traditions.
37:45 Having abolished that so, not that,
37:47 not that Decalogue, you understand.
37:50 So having abolished
37:51 that He creates in Himself one new humanity,
37:54 one new man from the two, thus making peace.
37:58 Now He's moving to His, to His summation.
38:00 "And that He Christ might reconcile them
38:04 both to God in one body through the cross."
38:08 The cross is God's great plus sign, whenever God's put,
38:11 places jams the cross as a stake into the earth,
38:16 that plus sign declares that what was once separated
38:21 is now joined at Calvary.
38:23 What was once in enmity, an alienation is now joined.
38:28 God's great plus sign is Calvary,
38:31 brings the halves back together.
38:37 "So that He might reconcile both to God
38:40 in one body through the cross,
38:41 thereby putting to death the enmity"
38:43 now here comes, here's the line that Peter used first
38:45 "And He, Christ, came and preached peace
38:50 so that you who are far off and to those who were near."
38:53 For through him we both have access
38:56 by one spirit to the Father.
38:59 Oh, feel me, our earnest plea,
39:02 I wanna be filled with that Holy Spirit,
39:04 that's been our theme,
39:05 all the hours we've been together.
39:07 And what's the point, when the spirit feels us,
39:11 God's great plus sign pulls what has been desperate,
39:16 an alienated, pulls them together and they become one.
39:22 The walls, that's what Peter is saying to Cornelius,
39:25 the walls came down at Calvary.
39:29 All right, move to that, move to the wrap of the story.
39:33 Back to Acts, Acts 10, so Peter is preaching away.
39:39 And he declares in verse 36.
39:40 You heard about the word that God
39:42 sent to the children of Israel
39:43 preaching peace through Jesus Christ.
39:45 By the way when Jesus, just it hit me early this morning
39:49 when Jesus died on the cross,
39:50 He was feeling, fulfilling another Messianic Prophecy
39:54 that goes like this and the chastisement
39:56 of our peace was upon Him.
40:00 The punishment of our peace,
40:02 He took it so that we might have that peace.
40:05 God's great plus sign.
40:07 Oh, Cornelius, you've heard this stories,
40:10 you've heard verse 38, how God anointed
40:11 Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power,
40:14 and he went about doing good
40:15 and healing all who were pressed by the devil,
40:17 for God was with him.
40:18 Have you heard that story?
40:20 "And we, by the way,
40:22 are witnesses of all the things
40:23 He did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem,
40:25 whom they killed this Christ by hanging on a tree."
40:29 Became the curse of the covenant.
40:31 Deuteronomy 27-30, "He became the ideal Israeli
40:34 who's cursed on behalf of the entire family of God,
40:38 hanging on a tree always speaks to that curse.
40:41 He was cursed, Cornelius so we might,
40:45 so that we might be brought together.
40:47 And verse 42, "He commanded us to preach to the people
40:51 and to testify that it is He who was ordain by God
40:53 to be judge of the living and the dead.
40:55 To Him all the prophets witness that,
40:57 through His name, whoever believes in Him
40:59 will receive forgiveness,
41:01 will receive remission of sense."
41:03 And Peter takes a breath to go into his next point
41:05 in his homily when in that instant,
41:10 all of the heaven explodes.
41:13 And what happens? Verse 44,
41:14 "And while Peter was still speaking these words,"
41:19 the Holy Spirit had said to him,
41:20 hey, don't doubt nothing, doubt nothing,
41:23 you're gonna see which you haven't seen before.
41:26 While Peter was speaking these words,
41:30 the Holy Spirit fell on those.
41:33 You heard the word and those of the circumcision,
41:37 it's rather a strange phrase
41:38 for Dr. Luke to insert right here
41:40 but that's what he's calling those who are advocating
41:45 that little covenant seal remain in force."
41:52 And those of the circumcision party
41:53 who believed in Jesus were astonished,
41:57 as many as came with Peter
41:58 because the gift of the Holy Spirit
42:00 had been poured out on the Gentiles also.
42:03 For they heard them speak
42:04 with tongues and magnify God."
42:06 The world just came down between Gentiles and Jews.
42:10 Boom, it's gone.
42:12 And they're filled with the same
42:14 third person of the God had mercy.
42:19 And Peter dumfounded but the Spirit say,
42:21 hey, listen, don't doubt anything,
42:23 you're gonna see what you've never seen before.
42:26 And Peter answered, verse 47,
42:29 "Can anyone forbid water,
42:31 that these should not be baptized
42:33 who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?"
42:38 If they've received the same Holy Spirit as we have,
42:43 who's gonna say I move that we not baptize.
42:48 Peter says, can anybody forbid,
42:51 of course as we talk about question in verse 48,
42:54 "And he commanded them to be baptized
42:56 in the name of the Lord."
42:58 Under the water goes
42:59 that Pagan Roman believing Centurion,
43:02 he comes up, a son of God,
43:05 and a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.
43:09 Just like that the wall went down.
43:12 Wow, you know maybe GYC
43:17 strategic as it is in the end game
43:21 is called to in the same way as Peter,
43:26 be instrumental in taking the walls down.
43:30 Wouldn't that be something? Wow.
43:35 You, God calling you like Peter?
43:42 Oh, come on guys, we've been praying it now
43:43 since Wednesday night fill me, our earnest plea.
43:48 Why pray the prayer if you don't know
43:50 what will happen to you when you pray the prayer.
43:54 What will happen to you is, you suddenly are swept in
43:57 when you're filled with the spirit.
43:58 You suddenly are swept in to the strategic plan
44:01 of the soon coming Messiah
44:02 and you become in the name of the peacemaker,
44:06 you become a wall breaker.
44:09 In the name of peacemaker, you become a wall breaker.
44:14 Don't let anybody tell you,
44:16 you can't be like Peter, you're too young.
44:19 You're not too young,
44:20 God has positioned you right now for such a time as this.
44:25 In the name of the peacemaker, you become a wall breaker.
44:31 And I need to warn you, I need to warn you,
44:34 because we're really big on the Book of Acts at GYC
44:36 and I'm really glad we are.
44:38 I need to warn you that if we stay faithful
44:40 to what we're reading here, it may not go easy for you.
44:46 because the very next event, the very next event
44:49 when Peter gets back and reports what has happened,
44:53 hallelujah, the wall between
44:55 the Gentiles and the Jews has come down.
44:58 Guess what? Verse 2,
45:00 "And when Peter came up to Jerusalem.
45:02 Those of the circumcision, those who are hanging off
45:07 to that ancient tradition
45:09 and not seeing it released by Calvary,
45:12 those of the circumcision.
45:18 Oh, they were not very happy at all.
45:24 "And when Peter came up to Jerusalem,
45:26 those of the circumcision contended with him,
45:29 saying, Yo, Pete, you went to uncircumcised men,
45:33 yes, you did and you ate with them."
45:34 And you are in a heap of trouble now.
45:37 I'm telling you, in the name of the peacemaker,
45:41 wall breakers can run into major opposition.
45:47 But it happened to Peter.
45:49 You're not alone, it's okay.
45:53 And Peter says, hey, hey, hey, guys, please time out,
45:56 time out, let me just tell you what happened,
45:57 you're not gonna believe this and he tells the whole story.
45:59 He says I went to-- I had this little vision,
46:01 I couldn't figure out it meant, God came and said,
46:03 don't you call anything common or unclean
46:07 and then the street guy show up at the door
46:09 and he say, come to this centurion,
46:11 so we go to the centurion
46:12 and the house is packed with all his friends
46:15 and neighbors and family and while I'm--guys,
46:18 I'm telling you, while I was preaching about Jesus,
46:22 the peacemaker, the place exploded
46:25 and they started speaking in tongues,
46:27 they're speaking in languages other than their own,
46:30 they're filled with the Holy Spirit.
46:33 What am I supposed to do? Why are you so hard on me?
46:40 Verse 15, "And as I began to speak,
46:42 the Holy Spirit fell upon them,
46:44 as upon us by the way in the upper room of Pentecost.
46:47 Then I remembered, wow,
46:48 I remembered the word of the Lord how he said,
46:50 John indeed baptized with water,
46:52 but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
46:54 I remember Jesus said, there's gonna be a baptism
46:57 of the spirit associated with the baptism
46:59 of water and then Peter,
47:00 this is the last line of Peter in the story,
47:02 this is it verse 17.
47:05 If therefore, gentleman,
47:08 "If therefore God gave them the same gift
47:13 as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ,
47:17 who was I that I could withstand God?"
47:25 What could I do?
47:27 The same gift I have, I saw it in them.
47:31 The same gift you have I saw it in them.
47:34 What am I gonna say, ah,
47:35 you, no, no, you, no, no, no, you can't no.
47:40 "If therefore God gave to them
47:42 the same gift he gave us,
47:44 when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ,
47:47 who was I, that I could withstand God?"
47:52 I couldn't. I had to.
47:55 My world view collapsed when the wall came down
47:59 and the spirit was poured out.
48:01 I had to do what I had to do,
48:04 guys, don't be so hard on me.
48:06 And listen to this, their response, verse 18,
48:09 "When they heard these things,
48:12 they became silent."
48:17 What was there to say?
48:20 Clearly, the Holy Spirit has gifted them
48:23 the same way the Holy Spirit has gifted us.
48:27 So what can I say?
48:32 And then the silence breaks out in the doxology
48:36 and they glorified God saying,
48:38 "Then God has surely granted
48:41 to the Gentiles repentance to life." The end.
48:47 Now I got to read this to you from,
48:49 this is from Acts of the Apostles.
48:51 Right here I put these words
48:52 scribble them on the top of my page.
48:54 This is Acts of the Apostles page 142, listen to this.
48:56 The exclusiveness, this is at the end of the story,
48:59 the exclusiveness established by the custom of ages
49:03 was abandoned and the way
49:06 was open for the Gospel to be proclaimed.
49:11 The exclusiveness that,
49:13 by the custom of ages was abandoned
49:17 and the way was opened to proclaim the Gospel,
49:23 because the wall came down.
49:25 I didn't know what else to do,
49:26 it just came down when I was there.
49:33 So if we're in the Pioneer Memorial church right now,
49:36 I would ask you to grab your smartphones
49:38 because I know that they're 7,000 smartphones right here.
49:42 And we have a setup with a Google voicemail number
49:45 that will flash on the screen in the middle of the sermon.
49:47 As I want to hear from you right now,
49:49 I need to hear from you right now.
49:50 Dial that number on the screen and tell me
49:52 what you believe are some of the walls
49:56 that might be surrounding us that a generation like yours,
50:02 maybe called by God to take down.
50:05 And you go chu-chu-chu.
50:06 I've never seen thumbs move as fast as yours.
50:09 Boom! And I got my iPad up here.
50:11 No, I'm sorry, I have Karen's iPad,
50:13 it doesn't belong to me.
50:15 She reminds me that.
50:16 I have her iPad here and hello,
50:20 listen to this and then I read it.
50:22 So we don't have that, let's just do it.
50:24 What is some of the walls
50:25 as you move out into the world?
50:28 You leave this place and you go into the New Year,
50:29 what are some of the walls that God,
50:31 surely the peacemaker, wants to take down?
50:34 Call out some of those walls to me right now.
50:36 And I repeat if I can hear. Racial division.
50:38 Racial division. You go girl. Access.
50:42 I wanna hold on, I wanna hold
50:44 that right here on racial division.
50:47 You know what ladies and gentleman,
50:50 you know what, the Seventh-day Adventist church,
50:53 we're having this revival and reformation appeal.
50:56 And by the way, Ted Wilson is a personal friend of mine,
50:58 we went to grade school together.
51:00 We're having this-- we're having this appeal
51:02 for revival and reformation,
51:04 but listen to me carefully as long as
51:07 we're divided between blacks and whites in North America,
51:12 this church will never be revived.
51:15 You can read it on my lips right here,
51:17 as long as we in North America
51:20 are divided by the blacks and the whites,
51:24 this church will never be revived.
51:27 You can't revive a church that has a wall up.
51:30 The wall has to come down,
51:31 then the church is revived. Amen.
51:35 So thank you for calling that out.
51:36 I receive that as from the Holy Spirit Himself,
51:38 it says Dwight, I'm gonna give you the first one
51:39 and it will be the racial wall.
51:42 Good for you. And guess what you are in it.
51:47 My generation, we haven't known
51:50 what to do with the wall,
51:52 so I have a white church on this side of Houston
51:54 and we have a, you know,
51:55 a Hispanic church over here
51:57 and we have a black church over here.
51:58 We just haven't known what to do with the wall.
52:02 But I'm praying for generation of people
52:05 who don't know better to come along and say,
52:08 you know what, there's not a black Ford motor company
52:11 and a white Ford motor company.
52:12 There's not a black IBM and white IBM,
52:15 why should there be a black Seventh-day Adventist church
52:17 and a white Seventh-day Adventist church
52:18 in the same city. Amen.
52:24 It's time for the walls to come down.
52:26 The Holy Spirit will not revive a church
52:28 that intentionally says we can't deal with this,
52:30 this is too big for us.
52:31 Guess what? That's why you're here,
52:33 God is raising up a generation that is saying,
52:36 you know what, time is up, time is up,
52:40 where a new world view is now taking place.
52:45 When the Holy Spirit is poured out
52:47 in the name of the peacemaker,
52:51 you'll become a wall breaker
52:54 just like Peter, just like Peter.
52:57 Ah, you'll run into people say,
52:58 you can't do that boy, you cannot do that.
53:00 We've been doing this for years this way,
53:02 you cannot do that girl, it's okay.
53:04 As they told Peter, you can't do that?
53:06 He said, what else can I do?
53:08 The Spirit's been poured out.
53:11 The wall has to come down.
53:16 So what are some of the walls?
53:18 Unforgiveness. Unforgiveness, very good.
53:22 Refusal to forgive, that is the wall between me and you
53:24 until even if I'm the innocent party,
53:27 Jesus says in Matthew Chapter 18,
53:29 if your brother has ought against you,
53:32 that would be Matthew Chapter 6 actually,
53:33 if your brother has ought against you,
53:35 you go to him, you're the innocent party
53:38 but that wall cannot stay up good for you,
53:40 that wall cannot stay up.
53:41 I heard somebody yell out from the back, reverence.
53:47 Yep, you're right. Irreverence, yeah.
53:52 Gossip. Gossip.
53:54 What a wall, I heard someone, what was it over here?
53:59 Lack of love. Lack of love. The lack of love.
54:06 In Sabbath school lesson today
54:07 we talked about Acts Chapter 2
54:09 and how when those 3,000 joined the church,
54:12 God broke down the walls
54:14 and this community became a passionate community of love.
54:18 Did you have bumps along the way.
54:20 Are you kidding? When you go to Acts Chapter 6,
54:22 the, the Greek Hellenist widows are saying,
54:25 Hey, it's no fair, you've given all,
54:27 you've given to the Jewish widows
54:29 more than you've given to us.
54:30 It's always messy when the community of faith
54:32 is called to become a community of radical love,
54:34 its tough stuff but you have to deal with it.
54:38 And God through the church found a way
54:40 to deal with those inequities, that's very good.
54:45 Access. Access.
54:46 Now what did you-- I've heard access twice,
54:48 what is, what do you mean by access?
54:50 Deaf access. What access?
54:52 Deaf access. Oh, deaf access.
54:55 You go, thank you, absolutely. And captioning.
55:00 All right, they're listening to you,
55:01 they're listening to you at 3ABN and captioning.
55:05 But, what you know she's making a point,
55:06 she's making a point, the translator
55:08 there is making a point
55:09 and that is what's the point of saying the Gospel
55:13 goes to the whole world and the unhearing
55:17 never get to read the Gospel.
55:21 A church cannot focus on just the hearing
55:24 and she's right on access by the unhearing.
55:28 Those ears one day, Isaiah declares will be unstopped.
55:32 As they hear the glories of those celestial choirs.
55:35 Politics, music. Music.
55:38 Well what? Politics.
55:41 Terminally ill patients. Terminally ill patients.
55:46 Hey, just use your smartphones there,
55:47 forget this, I can't, I can't just,
55:49 send me a note, send me a note.
55:53 Ladies and gentleman, ladies and gentleman,
55:56 you get the point, you get the point.
55:58 When in the name of the peacemaker,
56:00 we move out into a fractured
56:02 and walled world, we become wall breakers.
56:08 The world falls in love with wall breakers.
56:11 The world cannot tolerate another wall maker.
56:15 If God ever says Dwight, which you would rather be?
56:16 Would you rather be a wall maker or a wall breaker?
56:19 What would you answer him?
56:21 I would rather be a wall breaker.
56:25 There isn't enough, there isn't enough time left
56:28 to make sure the wall stay up,
56:30 the time has come for the walls to come down. Amen.
56:34 You're friends of the peacemaker
56:37 and He will make you a wall breaker
56:40 and that's the truth of the, of the Book of Acts,
56:43 that's the story of Cornelius in Acts Chapter 10 and 11.
56:50 I wanna read one more quotation.
56:54 Ellen White, Acts of the Apostles pages 90 and 91,
57:00 "Only as they were united with Christ
57:05 could the disciples hope to have the accompanying
57:09 power of the Holy Spirit.
57:13 In another words read it,
57:15 "Only as they took the walls down,
57:20 could they be entrusted?
57:22 With the million time outpouring
57:24 and revival of the Holy Spirit."
57:26 The walls have to come down for the church to be revived.
57:34 That's the point.
57:36 "Only as they were united with Christ
57:37 could the disciples hope to have the accompanying
57:39 power of the Holy Spirit
57:40 and the co-operation of angels of heaven.
57:43 With the help of these divine agencies,
57:45 when the walls are down, they would present
57:47 before the world a united front and would be victorious
57:51 in the conflict they were compelled to wage
57:54 unceasingly against the powers of darkness." God wins.
58:01 When the walls come down, He wins every time.
58:06 Who wants to keep the walls up?
58:09 The enemy of darkness.
58:12 Who wants to take the walls down?
58:14 God's great plus sign in Calvary.
58:18 When you follow the peacemaker,
58:21 you must become a wall breaker.
58:26 So here's a deal.
58:28 I wanna make an appeal right now.
58:33 I need to know, no, God needs to know.
58:39 If you're willing to put your life
58:42 on the line for taking down the walls.
58:47 When the spirit is poured out,
58:48 all genders are part of that outpouring.
58:52 When the spirit is poured out,
58:53 all ages are part of that outpouring.
58:56 When the spirit has poured out
58:57 all social classes are part of that outpouring.
59:01 I need to know, God wants to know
59:05 and on His behalf I ask you this,
59:08 are you willing to make yourself available
59:12 to be in the name of the peacemaker,
59:16 a wall breaker in the church
59:20 or outside the church, are you willing?


Revised 2014-12-17