Generation of Youth for Christ 2011

Sabbath School - Sabbath

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Sean Reed (Host), Elizabeth Asefa, Natasha Nebblett, Daryl Cheng


Series Code: 11GYC

Program Code: 11GYC000010

00:11 The last four months I have been learning
00:13 what it means to be continually devoted.
00:16 You see, just four months ago,
00:17 my wife and I welcomed
00:18 a brand new baby boy into the world. Amen.
00:21 That's right, I'm a dad.
00:23 His name is Gavin, he's a delightful little fellow.
00:26 Wide-eyed and sometimes wide-eyed
00:28 when we wish he was sleeping,
00:29 but you know, how kids are.
00:30 And we've been learning
00:32 what it means to be continually devoted.
00:35 Everyday he needs his diaper changed,
00:37 he has to be fed, he has to be walked
00:39 and spend time with and almost 24X7
00:42 it seems entertained and played with.
00:44 And even though sometimes we may get tired
00:48 or may wanna sleeping on a particular morning
00:51 we're continually devoted.
00:53 Unceasingly focused on caring for that little boy.
00:59 And it's the same way for us as part of the family of God.
01:03 When we joined God's family we're invited to be
01:07 continually devoted to the life of being
01:12 a member of the family of God.
01:14 In Acts Chapter 2 verse 42,
01:17 the Bible records for us, Luke records for us,
01:19 the activities of the early Christian church
01:22 just after the Day of Pentecost.
01:24 It says, "They were continually devoted
01:27 to the apostles teaching and to fellowship.
01:30 To the breaking of bread and to prayer."
01:33 Now I've invited three friends to join me
01:35 on the platform this morning.
01:37 And we're going to dig deep into Acts Chapter 2,
01:40 beginning in verse 42 going through verse 47.
01:43 And we're going to study this morning,
01:44 what does that mean to be continually devoted?
01:48 And what are the activities, what are the ministries,
01:50 where the forecast is, that God calls for us
01:53 to focus on is His church.
01:54 After all, when the Holy Spirit is poured out,
01:57 what do we going to be doing? Good morning, Elizabeth.
02:01 Good morning, Daryl, and Natasha,
02:02 thanks for joining me here for the study.
02:05 We're looking in, of course in Acts Chapter 2,
02:06 beginning in verse 42.
02:07 And those, those, those four activities
02:09 that the early Christian churches focused on.
02:12 And I guess really the context of that is,
02:15 this has happened just after the Day of Pentecost.
02:17 Three thousand have been added to the church,
02:19 120 before the Day of Pentecost,
02:21 and 3,000 after the Day of Pentecost.
02:24 And so this is taking place in the context
02:27 of this is what the church is doing
02:29 to disciple new believers to incorporate them
02:32 into the body of Christ.
02:33 And of course, this is just after
02:34 the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
02:36 So this is what a spirit filled church looks like.
02:40 So, why this focus on the apostles' teaching?
02:44 What is the apostles' teaching?
02:46 Let's all turn to Acts Chapter 4 verses 10 and 12.
02:51 And the Bible reads in verse 10, "Be it known unto you all,
02:55 and to the people of Israel,
02:57 by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
03:00 whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead,
03:03 even by him doth this man stand before you whole.
03:07 This is the stone which was set at
03:08 naught of you-- of you builders,
03:11 which is become the head of the corner.
03:14 Neither is there any salvation in any other,
03:17 for there is none other name
03:18 under heaven given among men,
03:20 whereby we must be saved."
03:21 And so truly the apostles' doctrine is,
03:26 it's focused on Christ.
03:28 So it's Christ centered, it's what Christ has done,
03:30 it's what Christ is doing, and what Christ will do.
03:33 It's, it talks all about what Christ did on earth
03:37 in coming and being the spotless Son of God,
03:40 the Lamb of God paid for, who paid for our sins.
03:43 What He is doing in heaven as our heavenly intercessor?
03:47 And what He's gonna do when He comes back
03:48 to save us from our sins?
03:50 So are you saying that the apostles' doctrine
03:52 is the everlasting gospel in a sense?
03:54 Yes, yes.
03:55 And it's, Jesus is the very focal plan of that doctrine.
03:58 Now why were the- Why was this,
04:01 this need for focused on the apostles' doctrine,
04:03 after all hadn't they just received the Holy Spirit.
04:06 When we receive the Holy Spirit,
04:07 aren't we supposed to have a direct line to God
04:09 and He just speaks directly to us,
04:12 and we just allow Him to lead us where He is leading us?
04:14 I mean, why this focus on doctrine on teaching?
04:17 John Chapter 7 verse 16, goes over that a little bit.
04:27 So John Chapter 7--
04:29 Verse 16. Verse 16.
04:30 And the Bible reads, "Jesus answered them and said,
04:34 'My doctrine is not Mine, but Him that who sent Me.'"
04:36 So we see here, apostle means, one who is sent, correct?
04:40 So Jesus was sent by God and Jesus sent the apostles.
04:44 So there is like a direct like.
04:46 The apostles were sent by Jesus who,
04:47 and Jesus was sent by God.
04:49 And the Holy Spirit comes in as when,
04:54 when Jesus went up to heaven,
04:55 He promised the Holy Spirit to the disciples
04:57 and as a result to us as well.
04:59 And everything that we've learned,
05:02 the Holy Spirit will bring things into remembrance.
05:05 And so though the apostles had Jesus
05:07 at the time and He was, His very life was the doctrine.
05:11 His very teachings, His very being.
05:14 Though we may not see Jesus as I see you, Sean,
05:16 the apostle-- We have the Holy Spirit
05:19 to inspire us and to really give us
05:21 an understanding of who Jesus is through the Bible.
05:25 So it sounds like biblically then.
05:27 The Holy Spirit being given and filling us
05:29 as spirit filled church would be even anymore
05:32 Bible study focus church, rather than
05:34 a less Bible study focus church. Exactly.
05:36 In the way that I understand it is,
05:38 see you're reading a poem,
05:39 for example, and you read the poem
05:41 and you kind of drive your own meanings
05:43 and you wish you had the author of the poem
05:44 to give you what he meant or what she meant
05:46 when she wrote the poem.
05:48 And the same with the Holy Spirit, we read it--
05:49 we may read the Bible and we may drawn our own conclusions,
05:52 but if we draw, if we pray for the Holy Spirit
05:54 and ask for His wisdom and His enlightenment,
05:56 He Himself will give us an understanding
05:59 of what He intended when He inspired the Bible writers
06:01 to write what they wrote.
06:02 And that's the-- that's truly the power
06:04 and the beauty of the Holy Spirit.
06:06 The apostles' doctrine was focused on Christ
06:08 and the Holy Spirit will give us
06:10 that understanding of who Christ is and dwell in us.
06:12 And the apostles heard Jesus speak the doctrine, right?
06:17 And the Holy Spirit will give us, and will give us
06:22 the ability to have Christ to live in us
06:25 and to fulfill those doctrines.
06:26 So that we may live like Christ and He may restrain us.
06:30 And the Bible says, "The love of God constraineth us."
06:33 And we find that in John Chapter 14 verse 15,
06:38 a direct application that we can draw...
06:45 And this is such a beautiful verse.
06:49 "If you love Me, keep My commandments." Right?
06:52 So our ability to keep
06:53 the Commandments of God is Christ centered.
06:55 We--often times we remove the commandments,
06:58 the Law of God from Christ.
07:00 And Christ is making a direct connection between the two.
07:02 "If you love Me, " Christ says, "Keep My commandments."
07:05 And the Holy Spirit will constrain us
07:07 as it reads in Second Corinthians
07:09 Chapter 5 verses 14 through 15.
07:13 He will dwell in us, so that the word of God
07:15 and the life of Christ will be manifested in our lives
07:18 through His word and through the Holy Spirit.
07:21 So it sounds like what scripture is teaching us
07:24 that the apostles' doctrines really not the apostles'
07:26 doctrine after all. No, not at all.
07:27 It's really the teaching of Jesus.
07:30 And Jesus said, "That He spoke as His Father told."
07:34 So really we have the teachings of heaven.
07:38 Now, you connected that with this,
07:40 this with the gospel. Right.
07:42 That the, the apostles' teaching in Acts 4
07:44 is the Gospel of Jesus, the message of Jesus.
07:47 So, are doctrines or teachings salvational issues?
07:51 Everything is salvational,
07:53 'cause Jesus, His very ministry on earth,
07:56 and what He is doing in heaven is salvific, right?
07:59 So everything that we should do,
08:02 it should be centered on Christ
08:03 and Christ's entire ministry was to save, right?
08:06 And He, He taught, so that we may understand salvation.
08:10 We may understand the love of God
08:12 that was designed-- our salvation
08:15 that was designed from, from the Garden of Eden really.
08:18 And that that reminds me of Second John verses 9 and 10.
08:23 Second John verses 9 and 10.
08:26 "Anyone who goes too far
08:28 and does not abide in the teaching of Christ,
08:30 does not have God, the one who abides in the teaching,
08:34 he has both the Father and the Son.
08:35 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching,
08:38 do not receive him into your house,
08:39 and do not give him a greeting.
08:41 For the one who gives him a greeting
08:42 participates in his evil deeds."
08:44 So what scripture is telling us then
08:46 and what you shared with us is
08:47 that doctrine and teachings are salvational.
08:50 It matters what we believe.
08:52 It matter that we accurately understand God's word.
08:54 Because if we don't have the right teaching,
08:57 and this is a Gnosticism
08:58 where we know the some special knowledge that,
09:01 that makes us superior
09:02 and able to enter into the divine realm,
09:05 but this is just a reality that God communicates with us,
09:08 He communicates with us in scripture
09:10 and He wants us to believe what scripture says,
09:13 rather than erroneous false teachings. Yeah.
09:15 And Jesus says, "He came to fulfill the law." Right?
09:17 So His very, His very existence on earth was designed,
09:21 so that all that was written in the Old Testament,
09:23 He was a fulfillment of that.
09:25 And it will continues to be so.
09:27 So the apostle's teaching is something
09:30 that the early church was devoted to,
09:32 continually devoted to, unceasingly devoted to. Right.
09:36 How were they devoted to that apostle's teaching
09:40 and how can we emulate that in our lives today?
09:42 They were devoted to it
09:43 because everything they taught
09:45 the way they lived was, they had Christ in mind.
09:48 And there is a quote by Ellen White
09:50 in Acts of the Apostles, page 28 that reads,
09:53 "The disciples were to carry their work
09:54 forward in Christ's name.
09:56 Their very word and act was to fasten attention on His name,
09:59 as possessing the vital power
10:01 by which sinners may be saved.
10:03 Their faith was to center in Him who was--
10:05 who is the source of mercy and power.
10:08 In His name they were to present
10:09 their petitions to the Father,
10:11 and they would receive an answer.
10:12 The disciples were to speak with the same simplicity
10:15 which Christ had spoken.
10:18 They were to impress upon their hearers
10:19 the lessons He had taught them.
10:21 So everything that they did was Christ centered
10:23 and that's really the take home message
10:26 from the apostles' doctrines is.
10:27 We are to live our lives with Christ
10:29 as the center point and He will fulfill the promises
10:33 and the prophecies in our lives
10:35 as we see seek Him constantly
10:38 and seeks to fulfill His word through the Holy Spirit.
10:42 So the apostles' teaching is vital. Right.
10:45 A spirit filled, a spirit led church
10:47 will devote themselves the study of scripture. Exactly.
10:50 Because they wanna accurately understand
10:51 God's revelation of themselves.
10:53 Most clearly seen of course in Jesus. Right.
10:56 And then related to the apostles
10:57 that He shared down with us.
10:59 That reminds me of Second Peter 1
11:02 where we have the clear revelation that,
11:06 holy men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
11:10 So the apostles teaching
11:12 and being filled the Holy Spirit.
11:13 We really should become to the same place. Exactly.
11:16 A spirit filled church is not gonna teach false doctrine.
11:19 No, it's not. So what's that mean?
11:21 If a church is teaching contrary scriptures
11:23 that mean they're not filled with the Spirit.
11:25 It means they are not surrendering themselves
11:27 to the movement of the Holy Spirit.
11:29 So virtually surrendered and asking for the wisdom
11:32 and the direction of the Holy Spirit.
11:33 He won't lead us right, right
11:35 because the same Holy Spirit
11:37 that was there when the apostles were teaching
11:39 and the same Holy Spirit that inspired scripture
11:42 is the same Holy Spirit that will inspire us
11:44 to really understand
11:45 and devote ourselves to scripture.
11:48 Now, it's says here that they will
11:50 continually devoting themselves
11:52 to the apostles teaching.
11:53 It sounds like this isn't just the apostles
11:56 sitting in a back room and doing acts of Jesus
11:59 and then pulling down the commentaries from the shelf.
12:01 I guess they didn't have commentaries, did they.
12:02 Well, they had the Old Testament --
12:04 They were Old Testament commentaries from our base.
12:07 But that this was the entire church involved in it.
12:11 So I remember hearing a gentleman preach once
12:15 and he said that he focuses on praying
12:18 and his wife is the one who does the Bible study,
12:20 so he prays and she studies.
12:22 Yeah, that's a very literal understanding
12:25 of two shall become one.
12:29 So we can't kind of divide up our spiritual activities.
12:31 No we can't. And say I'm going to do the Bible study,
12:35 my wife will do the praying
12:36 and my little boy will do the witnessing.
12:38 No-- And he has the voice for at four months.
12:40 He has the voice for I guarantee you.
12:43 He can wake people up in the middle of the night.
12:45 So is something that all of us need to be focused on.
12:49 Definitely, definitely.
12:50 I don't have to be a biblical scholar do I.
12:53 No, not at all.
12:54 To be devoted to the study of scripture.
12:55 No and that's the joy and the beauty of the Holy Spirit.
12:58 He has promised us understanding,
13:00 despite our educational knowledge,
13:03 the apostles were unlearned men.
13:05 Some of the apostles were unlearned men
13:07 and yet the Holy Spirit was able to do phenomenal things
13:10 with their ministry and with their lives
13:12 as a result of their surrender entirely to the Holy Spirit
13:15 unto the example that Jesus Christ had set.
13:18 So only the Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of Christ promise
13:21 of guiding us into all truth. Exactly.
13:23 And so the Holy Spirit wouldn't replace scripture.
13:26 Spirit filled life doesn't mean we need less of scripture. No.
13:29 It simply means
13:30 we're going to understand scripture more fully. Exactly.
13:32 This gonna be applied and lived on our lives more completely.
13:35 And they work in harmony, right, the Holy Spirit,
13:38 the example of Jesus and the leadership of God.
13:41 So we have the church, a spirit filled church,
13:43 a spirit led church that is focused.
13:46 They're continually devoting themselves
13:48 to the apostles teaching and those second two components,
13:52 to fellowship, the breaking of bread,
13:54 those seem to go together Daryl
13:56 and what is this fellowship
13:58 that they're devoting themselves too.
14:01 Thank you Sean, I think the Christian really relevant.
14:03 I think let's turn to Acts Chapter 2 verse 42,
14:05 let's go back to our passage just to have a look
14:07 a little bit more about what the two elements were?
14:11 I think in Act Chapter 2 there is a combination of things
14:14 which make the church very effective in soul winning.
14:17 And I think there are lots of principles
14:19 we can learn from and the particular question
14:21 about fellowship is extremely important.
14:24 In verse 42 it says,
14:26 "They continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine
14:28 and fellowship, in the breaking of bread."
14:31 I notice I like this the sandwich principle
14:33 because there is sandwich in which we need to look
14:36 at this concept of fellowship.
14:38 You see the Greek word for fellowship is Koinonia.
14:41 And Koinonia sometimes when you think about fellowship,
14:43 you think about hanging out with people.
14:45 We think about fellowship as saying
14:48 hello to someone after church potluck
14:50 and not seeing them until next week.
14:52 But I think in the Bible in the early church
14:54 fellowship is a lot more than that.
14:56 If you turn with me to Second Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 23
15:00 we say that Paul describes his fellow workers
15:04 as more than just team members.
15:07 In fact in Second Corinthians Chapter 8:23
15:09 it gives us a clue as to what
15:12 fellowship meant to the early church.
15:16 The Bible says "If anyone inquires about Titus,"
15:19 now I assume Titus is a Paul's friend.
15:22 He is my partner and fellow worker concerning you.
15:26 You see sometimes in the Adventist Church
15:28 and I'm guilty of this, sometimes as well,
15:30 we have very good at working in teams.
15:34 We are very good at working with people
15:35 in church as colleagues, but we're perhaps
15:38 not so good at making friends with our church members.
15:43 I know in the early apostles Titus was not only
15:46 Paul's worker and fellow missionary,
15:48 he was Paul's friend as well.
15:51 He was Paul's friend.
15:52 I think this is again seen, if you wanna turn with me
15:55 to another Bible verse, Second Corinthian Chapter 1 verse 7
15:57 we see the same the concept of fellowship.
16:00 What does fellowship mean?
16:01 Your friend, you're a team member,
16:03 you're a worker but I think that's more than that.
16:07 2 Corinthians Chapter 1 verse 7 the bible says
16:14 and our hope for you is stedfast,
16:16 because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings,
16:20 so all so you will part take of the consolation.
16:23 Now the word partaker comes in the same Greek route word
16:26 and it's almost is a fellowship means
16:29 that the disciples were united.
16:32 There're united in mission in purpose
16:34 but they're not only to spread the gospel
16:37 but they were to encourage and support
16:39 each other's friends.
16:41 Now, It sounds like this is so what have been
16:44 undoing of the rupturing of human relationships
16:47 in Genesis Chapter 3.
16:49 Where we have this closeness, this fellowship of Adam, Eve
16:54 and their maker ruptured by of course sin and rebellion.
16:57 Now here we have spirit filled church,
16:59 where thousands are coming to Christ
17:01 and they're being brought back into that unity,
17:03 that fellowship that closeness
17:05 with each other and their Maker.
17:06 You mentioned the sandwich principle
17:09 and I'm kind of looking at that verse 42,
17:11 when we have that fellowship
17:12 right in the middle of teaching and prayer.
17:18 Absolutely and I think that this means
17:19 that fellowship is not so much something that we do,
17:22 or something we attempt to do, but it's a way of living.
17:25 It's our lifestyle.
17:26 The way we interact with our friends,
17:28 they way we interact with our team members,
17:30 in way we interact with the church,
17:32 but also the way the apostles interacted with people
17:35 who were nonbelievers.
17:36 I think that's even more.
17:38 You noticed in Acts Chapter 2 verse 42
17:40 if you read all the way down to 47 it says,
17:43 that many were added to the church daily.
17:46 So this fellowship, this breaking of bread
17:49 applies to not only church members
17:52 but also impacts the way that the apostles
17:55 dealt with nonbelievers in their community.
17:58 So this question fellowship is coming together.
18:01 And I'm really struck, you mentioned
18:03 reading down through verse 42.
18:04 I'm really struck by how tangible this fellowship is?
18:09 Is he describes his activities that they involved in.
18:12 They're selling their property to support each other.
18:15 They're continued with one, one in the temple
18:18 breaking bread from house to house,
18:19 eating together, praising God together,
18:22 interacting with others together.
18:24 It seems like this fellowship principle
18:26 impacts every facet of our lives.
18:30 Absolutely, it's so much still a lifestyle,
18:32 but in every aspect these apostles are united,
18:36 in the same mission in the same goals
18:38 with the same excitement.
18:40 And it's almost like you can say-
18:41 they can co-each other up anytime.
18:42 Hey, how you going?
18:44 You know, what you're up to?
18:45 Should we catch up, should we encourage,
18:48 you want to spend sometime praying together.
18:49 It's almost-- it's a sense of edification,
18:52 its sense of encouragements of way of supporting each other.
18:55 It's a way that they live their lives
18:57 in the early church and God really blessed the early church.
19:02 Now, if this fellowship is truly gonna be biblical,
19:05 because I mean we can have
19:06 lots of kind of fellowship, right.
19:08 There is gonna be a New Year's Eve party tonight,
19:10 right across the street from us.
19:11 This gonna be little bit loud probably
19:13 and I imagine there is some fellowshipping
19:15 is going take place out there.
19:18 Is that different within the kind of fellowship
19:21 we're talking and there can be a lot of unbelievers,
19:22 is that fellowship.
19:25 Oh, it's interesting you know, in Ellen White's writing
19:27 she does mention that meetings of believers
19:30 or meetings of small group meeting
19:31 that we have should be
19:32 both spiritual and social at the same time.
19:36 Too often I think, there is a not a balance
19:37 found between those two acceptance.
19:39 Sometimes when we're fellowshipping
19:41 we try and be holy or spiritual,
19:43 but we miss out on the social component.
19:46 Other times we also find that,
19:48 you know, when we get together,
19:50 we just wanna have fun.
19:51 And sometime we forget about
19:53 that we are reflecting God's character in everything we do.
19:57 And so I think a balance between
19:58 the two is vitally important and you see
20:01 all throughout the book of Acts.
20:03 I'm sure that disciples and the earlier apostles
20:06 in the early church enjoyed the time they had together.
20:08 They had holistic joy and enjoyment together,
20:12 but yet at the same time they were spiritually focused.
20:16 It makes me think of First John Chapter 1
20:21 and First John Chapter 1 is introduced with this,
20:24 this concept of us having fellowship,
20:29 of us being one, of us interacting with each other
20:33 as God's believers and also as, pardon me,
20:39 also as individuals who are fellowshipping with the Lord.
20:43 And I'm struck that is we read this,
20:46 I'm just reading a couple of verses,
20:47 if you don't mind.
20:49 "That this is the elder to the chosen lady
20:50 and her children, whom I love in truth,
20:51 and not only I, but also all who know the truth,
20:54 for the sake of the truth which abides in us
20:56 and will be with us forever.
20:57 Grace, mercy and peace will be with us,
20:59 from God the Father and from Jesus Christ,
21:01 the Son of the Father, in truth and love.
21:05 So this unity, this truth, this fellowship
21:08 that brings us together has to be saturated with truth.
21:14 Absolutely and in fact, you know, I show you
21:16 if you turn one book backward to First John Chapter 1,
21:20 it's almost interesting when we look
21:22 at the epistles of John here.
21:24 First John Chapter 1 compliments
21:26 what you've just read in Second John Chapter 1.
21:29 First John Chapter 1 verse 6 and 7 describes
21:32 the fellowship that we've with someone else
21:35 and this is almost the model
21:36 that we can have is a early church.
21:38 Verse 6 says "If we say
21:39 that we have fellowship with him
21:41 and walk in darkness we lie
21:42 and do not practice the truth.
21:44 But if we walk in the light as he is in the light,
21:47 we've fellowship with another and the blood of Jesus Christ,
21:51 His Son cleanses us from all sin.
21:53 You know, beings we're having fellowship here.
21:55 I can be honest, that's actually
21:56 the verse I was I looking for
21:58 and I was looking there in First John.
21:59 I thought it was First John,
22:00 or Second John I was looking at.
22:02 Thank you Daryl, I'm really glad you brought them,
22:03 I am glad nobody else knows
22:04 that I missed that just the four of us.
22:06 That is good.
22:08 So -- so we have this fellowship
22:10 and this is truth base fellowship.
22:12 So while there may be a New Year's Eve party
22:15 going on outside that may not be
22:18 biblical fellowship then you're saying.
22:20 I'm not sure what they done
22:21 on the New Year's parties here in America,
22:23 I'm from Australia so but the New Year's parties
22:25 they have, they're kind of are slightly different.
22:27 I think that you know
22:28 the apostles in the early fellowship
22:31 everything they did was focused on Jesus.
22:34 And the model for their fellowship development
22:35 was their fellowship and interaction
22:38 and the integration of Jesus
22:40 and the Holy Spirit into their own lives.
22:42 And this is what we hear about this week
22:44 and feel me a earnest plead,
22:45 because when the Holy Spirit fills us
22:47 the fellowship that we have with our friends,
22:49 with your family, with our workers,
22:50 with our church members with the people around us
22:53 becomes naturally focus on Jesus.
22:56 And I suppose then the fellowship focused on Jesus
22:59 will be sacrificial giving fellowship.
23:01 Where we're looking at how we can bless
23:04 and benefits others rather than just looking for.
23:08 Well, you know, those kind of people
23:11 who call you all the time
23:13 and you're not one of those people
23:14 are you like any hour of the day. I'm not.
23:17 I'm a pastor and when I first started pastoring,
23:22 I had dean member of one of my churches
23:24 who would call me at all hours of the day,
23:28 just because he woke up in the middle of the night
23:29 want to talk to somebody.
23:30 He call us past at 2 o'clock in the morning
23:32 and I wasn't married yet, so it worked out okay.
23:35 But actually got to the point
23:37 and don't tell my church members
23:38 where I turn my phone on silent at night
23:41 just because of that.
23:43 Is that the kind of fellowship we're talking about where,
23:47 well, I guess I'm being convicted right now.
23:49 Self sacrificing giving fellowship,
23:52 he wasn't having that kind of fellowship,
23:53 but I should have been giving
23:54 that kind of fellowship to him, right.
23:56 Oh, I guess so, I don't' know.
23:59 I've never been a pastor so I can't comment on that.
24:02 You know sometime, it's interesting and sometimes
24:05 it's difficulty to get the balance
24:07 between are we stretching yourself
24:09 and wanting to give of yourself
24:10 self sacrificially to support others as well.
24:14 But I think if you noticed the disciples,
24:17 example going back to Acts Chapter 2
24:19 this was their life.
24:21 This was their life.
24:22 And sometimes when we look at it
24:24 as something that we have to drag ourselves to do,
24:28 it becomes a chore and it's almost like
24:29 oh, man you know some same person at church
24:32 has called me again to bring fruit for potluck,
24:34 its like three weeks in the row, I can't do that.
24:37 But when you look at from the angle,
24:39 when you look at from there,
24:40 through the glasses of
24:42 well, I'm supporting my fellow church members.
24:44 And we're doing this together to encourage each other,
24:47 and to encourage our church family.
24:49 It becomes so much more of a positive approach.
24:52 You know, I'm struck by
24:53 the radicalness of the fellowship.
24:55 Just turn Acts Chapter 2
24:57 they were selling their belongings
25:01 so that they can share with all.
25:04 I have a few belongings back home
25:07 and you know that guy who would call me
25:10 at 2 o' clock in the morning,
25:11 you know, I'm not sure If I will be willing
25:13 to sell my MacBook to you know,
25:16 feed him or, you know,
25:18 send them to somewhere where
25:20 they don't have cell phones,
25:21 you know no phones we can't call me
25:22 and I don't know if, if, you know--
25:25 is that we'll be calling to do is to sell things
25:29 just give and give, and give, and give.
25:32 No, I thinks that's what I call
25:34 a symptom of the underlying principle
25:36 you know in the few that I worked in,
25:38 in medicine, symptoms are an example
25:41 are display of the underlying principle.
25:44 I think if you have look at Acts Chapter 10
25:47 the principle is illustrated here,
25:48 I want to quickly just have a look
25:50 at the story in Acts 10 of why the apostles were so excited
25:53 about selling their possession and giving all for Jesus.
25:59 You must read Acts 10 before where it's telling
26:02 the story of Cornelius and remember
26:05 Cornelius was a nonbeliever.
26:07 So here we're focusing on fellowship
26:08 between believers and nonbelievers.
26:11 And Peter was quote by always
26:14 given a vision and then someone came
26:16 to ask Peter to leave his house
26:20 or place where you are staying to go
26:22 to Cornelius house and share with them
26:24 about the gospel.
26:26 I want you to notice when Peter returns.
26:29 Sorry, in Acts Chapter 10 verse 48,
26:30 he says he commanded them to be baptized
26:32 after it finished sharing in the name of the Lord.
26:35 Then they asked him to stay a few days.
26:37 Now I imagine here the Cornelius' family
26:40 would have fellowshipped with Peter.
26:42 And when you stay at someone's house for few days,
26:44 you don't just stay in your room and pray and sleep.
26:46 I'm sure you go out and have food together
26:48 and may be you go for a bush walk or hike together.
26:52 I'm--just what is a bush walk?
26:57 Bush walk is the Australian term for hike.
26:59 Oh, okay, okay.
27:02 Or they play ball together that's what you guys call here
27:05 or something and you know they got fishing together,
27:09 how knows, Peter could have taught
27:10 Cornelius how to fishing.
27:11 Cornelius could have told Peter
27:12 how to march properly down the street being a general.
27:15 And so here in Acts Chapter 11
27:17 when Peter returns back to the other disciples
27:22 notice what they said in verse 2.
27:23 When Peter was come up to Jerusalem,
27:25 those of the circumcision contended with him saying,
27:27 "You went in to uncircumcised men"
27:30 and what "and ate with them."
27:32 So Peter had done exactly
27:34 what Acts Chapter 2 verse 42 to 47 was telling.
27:37 He was breaking bread with these unbelievers.
27:41 You know, I want to compliment
27:42 that with a quote from the pen of inspiration
27:46 in Gospel Workers page 193.
27:50 Ellen White writes that "Your success will not depend
27:52 so much upon your knowledge and accomplishments,
27:55 as upon your ability to find your way to the heart.
27:59 By becoming social and coming close to the people,
28:02 you may turn the current of their thoughts more readily
28:05 than by the most able discourse."
28:08 You know sometimes its Adventist
28:12 we get the order slightly wrong.
28:14 We are encouraged and I was so excited,
28:17 yes I was helping to flag people
28:18 to load the buses I was so excited,
28:20 there were so many people who were excited
28:22 to go and give outreach and that's always exciting.
28:24 We are excited about sharing our faith to people
28:26 that we meet, the family, even friends that we have.
28:28 But too often we try and share our faith
28:31 without trying to befriend someone.
28:33 You know, I have a principle that I try and live by
28:36 and I believe it's biblically
28:38 in Spirit of Prophecy page that someone in order
28:41 for someone to come and want to stay in the church
28:45 they need to belong first then believe
28:48 and then they behave.
28:50 They belong because they feel comfortable
28:52 in a circle of community.
28:53 They feel comfortable in a friendship group.
28:55 They feel comfortable fellowshipping
28:57 with us who are Seventh-day Adventist
28:59 and then for them it's easy
29:01 once they belong in fellowship to listen
29:04 to the teaching and doctrines
29:06 that Elizabeth was sharing about this morning
29:08 and also as Natasha will share about intensive prayer,
29:11 often we return it upside down.
29:13 We try and share with them without wanted to befriend
29:16 and I think that fellowship and breaking of bread
29:19 in the early disciples what Peter did,
29:21 what Paul did, what all the disciples did
29:23 was not only share their faith but also befriend them first.
29:28 So this fellowship is not necessarily church membership.
29:32 Absolutely not.
29:34 So we are befriending and fellowshipping
29:37 and spending time with not just our church family,
29:40 but with our human family as a whole. Absolutely.
29:46 You know, we're talking about this whole fellowship,
29:48 apostles teaching, we're gonna talk about prayer in a minute
29:51 and as I look through this description
29:55 of the spirit filled church just after the Day of Pentecost.
30:00 Where's the public evangelistic series?
30:03 Are they still preaching? Absolutely.
30:06 Are they, are they still--
30:08 so this fellowship isn't we placing public proclamation?
30:12 Absolutely not, in fact, you just touching the point,
30:15 I just want to raise in, it summarize in this quote,
30:18 our needs to reach
30:19 because when I read it last night while preparing,
30:21 I was so moved by it.
30:23 The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 3, Page 275,
30:27 this is talking about the Acts Chapter 2 example
30:30 and this is describing what happen at the end
30:32 and Ellen White quotes that passage
30:33 and then she says, "There were men at the feast,
30:37 they're eating, that they're breaking of bread,
30:38 they're fellowshipping from every quarter of the world,
30:42 and the truths received by them were carried
30:45 to their various homes and published
30:47 among their people, among their people,
30:49 winning souls to Christ.
30:52 Yes, they were preaching public evangelism,
30:54 Peter preach a powerful sermon in Acts Chapter 2,
30:56 yes, they were sharing, yes, they were teaching
30:58 but the things that they could share
31:00 while they were fellowshipping
31:02 would just as powerful to win souls for Jesus.
31:04 So, I guess in the sense
31:05 they were following the example of Christ,
31:07 you know that famous quote, of Ministry of Healing,
31:09 Christ's method alone will give true success,
31:12 He mingled with men as one who desire their good,
31:15 ministered to their needs, won their confidence.
31:18 Then He bade them, "Follow Me."
31:20 Absolutely. And I think if every member of our church worldwide
31:24 would do that today, can you imagine
31:27 the number of souls that we can win for Christ?
31:30 So fellowship is evangelistic. Absolutely.
31:32 Fellowship, focus on the apostles' doctrine,
31:35 focus on prayer results in verse 47
31:39 of the Lord continually adding to the charge.
31:42 So we have, focus on doctrine,
31:44 focus on teaching because that reveals to us
31:47 that's what we find in accurate reliable identification of
31:51 who God is, His character, His love for us,
31:53 His willing, His plan for our lives.
31:55 But that leads us to fellowship,
31:56 this apostles teaching takes place
31:58 in the context of fellowship, spending time with believers.
32:01 We're not isolated, no man is an island.
32:04 But there's prayer as well, I guess
32:06 we need to have a balance.
32:08 We don't just get together and study.
32:10 We just don't get together in fellowship.
32:12 We also spend time in prayer.
32:15 And Natasha, why, why was prayer so important
32:20 in the life of the spirit filled church,
32:22 after all they'd already gotten
32:23 what they prayed for, the Holy Spirit.
32:26 They had, they had, you know,
32:27 Sean, as I look at the beginning chapters in Acts,
32:31 there is like, there's hardly even a chapter
32:33 where prayer is not mentioned.
32:35 It was like the very backdrop,
32:37 the very foundation out of which
32:39 the church even operated.
32:40 You know, back before like you mentioned
32:42 the Holy Spirit was poured out, there's only 120 of them.
32:45 But actually prayer, if you look at the Bible,
32:48 we come to Acts Chapter 1, prayer was like their primary,
32:52 their primary activity than study of the word
32:55 before the Holy Spirit was poured out.
32:56 And then once the Holy Spirit was poured out
32:59 then you see prayer all infused
33:02 throughout every single thing they do.
33:06 You know, I look one example
33:10 that I was looking at as I was studying
33:13 Acts was right there at the beginning
33:15 when they would be having to choose
33:16 another apostle to join
33:18 in with the group there, they prayed.
33:21 Bible specifically says, they stopped and prayed
33:24 before they choose who the church leaders,
33:27 what, were gonna be.
33:29 And as I think about our lives as young people
33:31 as we're participating in the church
33:33 that we long to see the Holy Spirit,
33:35 you know, in and everything like that.
33:39 How often, just recently
33:41 our church had the same pastor
33:43 for like eight years which is pretty long to have,
33:47 you know, pastor in one church.
33:48 And he was an incredibly godly man.
33:52 And then to our great distress
33:54 he was being transferred away
33:56 and we were gonna had to get a new pastor.
33:59 And, you know, church was a little bit,
34:01 you know, unsettled state there
34:02 when we didn't have a pastor and everything,
34:05 during that time it's easy for us
34:07 as young people to be like,
34:08 oh, boy, you know, our last pastor,
34:11 he was so wonderful, you know,
34:13 I can't believe we're loosing him.
34:15 Well in reality our job if you follow the Bible
34:20 it's to get on our knees even
34:21 we as young people we don't think
34:23 we can do that much about it
34:24 but God is one that can do about it
34:26 and prayers what connects us to Him.
34:28 And prayer at the intersession
34:29 can accomplish everything in the world.
34:31 And, I'm thankful to say,
34:32 we did get another very wonderful pastor
34:35 in our church after much prayer,
34:36 God was, God was very good.
34:39 And then as you look into as you continue study
34:42 through Acts, you see prayer in medical ministry,
34:44 Peter, when he was going to heal Dorcas,
34:47 he knelt down and pray.
34:48 The Bible says specifically, before he went
34:50 and actually told her to arise.
34:52 Or when Peter and John went and healed the man
34:55 by the beautiful gate in the temple,
34:57 they were on their way to pray.
34:59 Prayer was all in Israel
35:00 and we're not doing healings,
35:02 obviously at this point
35:03 but we are called to reach out through medical missionary
35:06 even if we aren't medical personal,
35:08 we are call to visit the sick,
35:09 we are called to reach out to the hurting
35:12 and prayer is the very backdrop of that.
35:14 So God still works miracles through prayer. Amen.
35:17 As we fall to our knees and pray.
35:19 And I think it's interesting of the ten times
35:21 in the New Testament where God's people
35:23 are described has being devoted to something.
35:25 I think like six of those times it's in reference to prayer.
35:29 We have that before the Day of Pentecost
35:31 as they're in approved in Acts 1.
35:33 But we have it here in Acts Chapter 2
35:35 as a description of what they're devoted
35:37 to as a early church, that spirit filled.
35:40 And then, of course, we get to Acts 6
35:42 where there was this little bit of concern about the,
35:46 I guess, you know, we read Acts Chapter 2 verses 42 to 47
35:49 we get this idea there's a Utopian Community.
35:51 Yeah. Everything is working perfectly.
35:53 Yeah, you get to Acts 6
35:54 and you find out or some people feel
35:55 they're getting left out.
35:57 But the disciples, the apostles,
35:59 what were their response when they were asked
36:01 to care for some of these other needs.
36:03 Right, well, they comes up distress,
36:05 you know, because it's like the Greeks are saying,
36:08 Greeks are complaining of some discrimination issues,
36:10 they're saying, you know, the Jewish widows are getting,
36:14 you know, helped in this daily ministration
36:15 where everyone was being helped by everybody else
36:17 as we read in Acts Chapter 2.
36:19 But the Grecian widows were not getting
36:21 that enough and they were complaining
36:23 that there was an issue of discrimination there.
36:25 And there were some tensions over it
36:28 the Bible indicates and the apostles
36:31 make a very interesting comment.
36:33 They make the comment
36:34 that it would not be appropriate for them
36:38 to neglect prayer and the ministry of the word
36:44 even for something like church administration
36:47 or ministering to the poor and the widows
36:49 which are biblical commands, which they recognize
36:52 to be needful and necessary.
36:54 But they said, flat out that it would be
36:58 inappropriate for them to neglect prayer
37:00 and the ministry of the word for this.
37:02 Now it doesn't mean they ignore it,
37:04 they took care of it, they did care of it
37:06 and they arrange for things to happen,
37:07 so that that would be handled fairly.
37:11 But they had this recognition of the importance of prayer
37:15 and the importance of the word of God.
37:18 Now are you telling us then that,
37:20 well, scripture telling us, right,
37:21 because we don't really care of what we think?
37:24 Well I can't care what I think but anyway.
37:27 But, is the Bible telling us then
37:29 that only certain people should be devoted to prayer,
37:32 I mean, after all it was just the apostle devoted to prayer
37:34 and some of the less important of us
37:36 would take care of, you know, like issues like
37:37 discrimination and feeding people and things like that.
37:41 No, indeed, in fact, Paul later on in the New Testament
37:45 comments that we are all to pray
37:47 without ceasing it's not just like a suggestion,
37:49 it's actually command to pray without ceasing.
37:53 Peter talks about prayer also.
37:55 John talks about prayer, approaching God in prayer.
37:58 Not just something for the apostles,
38:00 not just something for the pastor,
38:01 the elder, the conference president,
38:03 the general conference president,
38:05 you know, it wasn't just something for them,
38:08 it was something for everyone to continue
38:10 in continually to devote themselves to it.
38:15 So we have a spirit filled church
38:18 that prays even though their prayer has been answered.
38:22 You know, I wonder if sometimes
38:23 we come to a conference like this,
38:25 Natasha and our theme itself is fill me out,
38:29 honestly it's a prayer itself.
38:31 And we've been praying that all week long,
38:33 we continue to pray that all through today and then tomorrow
38:35 until noon we depart.
38:38 But it seems like what happen
38:40 with the other Christian church was,
38:42 it was not just an intense focus on prayer
38:44 then they went home and forgot about it,
38:46 but it was an ongoing part of the Christian life.
38:50 How do we actually make that happen?
38:53 How do we make sure
38:55 that we are continually devoted to prayer
38:58 not just when I'm surrounded by 5000 people
39:01 who are encouraging me to pray?
39:03 You know, I think it has a lot to do
39:06 with incorporating into our daily lives,
39:09 our daily schedule as we look into the Book of Acts
39:12 we see Peter and John, who were like
39:16 we could quite easily say,
39:17 the most prominent of the apostles.
39:20 You know, Paul came along little bit later,
39:22 he was also very prominent
39:23 but in the early church right
39:25 then before Paul came on the scene.
39:27 Peter and John were like the primary figures
39:31 and we see them going to the temple
39:33 to pray rather than dealing with all this
39:36 and that and the other,
39:38 you know, we need to organize, let's preach a sermon,
39:40 let's... And I think so often we get caught up in the,
39:43 the details of our day, of our school, of our work
39:48 or if we are apart of a ministry,
39:50 the details of the ministry
39:52 and all those things are good,
39:53 and all those things are necessary.
39:54 But we see even Peter and John making time
39:57 even in their incredibly busy schedules
39:59 as the most prominent leaders
40:01 of this new church taking aside,
40:04 active actual time to pray to God.
40:07 So if, if you, if me, if all of us are devoted to something.
40:13 We'll going to be intentional about it.
40:16 We'll going to be intentional about making sure
40:19 it is a active vibrant part of our lives. Amen.
40:23 And you know, we were, Natasha,
40:26 you mentioned the reality that we individual
40:29 can make this apart of our lives.
40:31 But you know some of us may go home
40:33 to a church that isn't devoted to prayer,
40:38 isn't devoted to the apostles teaching.
40:40 And wouldn't know what fellowship was
40:42 if they came up and bit them on the nose.
40:44 So can I really, if I go home, and by the way,
40:49 I told you I'm a pastor
40:51 that I am not describing my church by the way.
40:53 You know, not describing my churches
40:55 but, you know, if we do go to a church like that
40:58 or family like that, that spiritual fervor,
41:03 Bible study prayer is not part of family life.
41:06 Can I do something about it
41:07 or am I just stuck having
41:09 my own individual existence in that context?
41:13 And Daryl, I think you probably would,
41:15 could address us on that.
41:16 This reality of when we feel isolated
41:20 when we want to devote like the early church
41:22 did ourselves to prayer, to fellowship
41:24 and Bible study but we feel like we're all alone.
41:29 Yeah, that's the difficult one in the country
41:31 like where I you come from, there are lot of church members
41:33 and also young people who are not in a place
41:37 or are really isolated
41:39 because Australia is a fairly big country,
41:41 we have 20 million people across
41:43 the vast land mass with only 55,000 Adventists.
41:47 And sometimes when we are stuck in the situation
41:49 and we don't know what to do,
41:51 and we are disappointed and discouraged
41:54 and we feel all alone or always go to back,
41:59 always go to back to that initial start of the matter.
42:04 How can the Holy Spirit changed me,
42:07 how can the Holy Spirit changed me my heart,
42:10 through my heart so that I can then
42:12 reach out to the people around me.
42:14 And here whether that's starting your prayer life,
42:17 whether that's thinking of one name
42:19 that we can share with or fellowship with that week,
42:22 whether it's doing a Bible study
42:24 or preparing a Bible study
42:25 that we can share with someone else.
42:27 It comes back to the filling of our heart by Holy Spirit
42:30 before we can reach the people around us
42:33 in our church, our family, our community.
42:37 So as you mentioned, it starts individually,
42:40 feel me our earnest plea, God's call me to my needs first,
42:45 to be pleading with him that He would fill
42:47 and transform my life.
42:49 And then I can be part of something bigger
42:52 that He is doing in my church.
42:54 So in a way practical sense then what you are saying
42:57 then is I can go back to my church or way I am
43:00 and I don't have to wait for someone else
43:02 to initiate Christian fellowship.
43:04 I don't have to wait for someone else to initiate
43:06 a prayer ministry of my church.
43:08 I don't have to wait for someone else
43:09 to initiate bible study in my church.
43:12 I can take that step as God is leading me.
43:15 I can reach out and invite someone else
43:17 to study the Bible with me.
43:18 I can go up to Elizabeth and say lets pray.
43:21 I don't have to sit in a corner
43:23 and just wait for someone else to take the initiative.
43:26 And this is so applicable for those of us
43:29 who are at public universities.
43:30 I for myself, I'm at a very secular university
43:33 and when I was, when I first got there
43:35 it seemed very dry, no there is--
43:38 at least during the week, there is no Bible studies.
43:40 I think it was very hard to have
43:41 spiritual conversations with people,
43:43 but if you go with it in a very intentional like
43:46 I am gonna, I wanna create this atmosphere,
43:48 I wanna create by the grace of God
43:51 and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
43:54 to have this community, then God will surround you
43:57 with people who are interested in the same things
43:59 and who may not have expressed
44:01 that without you expressing it initially,
44:03 but God will work on their heart
44:04 and He is there before you
44:05 and He will target the heart strings.
44:08 The Holy Spirit will target the heart strings of people
44:10 and create that community,
44:12 so there are definitely people
44:14 who are searching just as we are searching.
44:16 I wonder, as we're concluding in a few minutes,
44:18 I wonder if we can fleck for a few minutes
44:20 on the reality that all of this life of the church
44:26 and I guess take back to what
44:27 we discussed Elizabeth at the beginning.
44:30 This whole life of the church was based on
44:32 what the scripture teach us.
44:34 That's what mentioned first, the apostle's doctrine.
44:38 Sometimes people say
44:41 we don't need to worry about doctrine.
44:43 We don't need to worry about teachings.
44:45 We just focus on Jesus, we love each other,
44:48 we will hold hands sing Kumbaya and then Jesus will come.
44:53 And I may be, as I don't hold hands with people anyway,
44:55 so that doesn't work for me
44:57 but I guess that isn't seem to be what's happening here
45:02 and I guess that's not what we are gonna be doing,
45:04 is spirit filled people.
45:05 No not at all.
45:06 I mean, if the, like I said the apostles doctrine
45:10 is focused on Christ, so we always have to center it
45:13 on Christ and if we lose sight of who Christ is,
45:16 we can get people have gone into plenty of trouble
45:20 because they lose sight of the heart
45:22 and the focus of why fellowship exists.
45:25 Who the center of our fellowship is?
45:27 Who and why prayer exists?
45:30 And who's the center of our prayers?
45:32 And who intercedes on our behalf
45:34 to make our prayers acceptable in the side of God?
45:36 So really when we lose sight of Christ,
45:39 we kind of negate the potential of what
45:43 can be unleashed otherwise and we invite a lot of--
45:47 we invite a lot of room for trouble
45:49 and for self gain and for self gratification
45:53 and for self we exemplify ourselves rather than Christ
45:58 and we are imperfect,
45:59 therefore we are gonna have imperfect fellowship
46:01 or imperfect prayer and imperfect relations.
46:05 But scripture kind of keeps us on track
46:08 in imperfect world with imperfect people
46:10 who are being transformed only by the power
46:13 of the Holy Spirit being empowered to be
46:17 likewise I appreciated what
46:18 Pastor Divecha has been sharing with us in the evening.
46:21 I remember he mentioned that temptation
46:24 is a wind falling is an if in descend.
46:30 I suspect that's gonna be
46:31 more and more experience as we are filled with the spirit
46:36 as we are focused on scripture as we are allowing
46:38 that to drive the life in the mission,
46:41 in the ministry of our church.
46:44 I wonder if we can make this very intensely practical.
46:47 And I wonder if each one of you could come up
46:50 with two very practical suggestions,
46:54 principles that all of us could take home with ourselves
46:58 and apply as we are struggling to have
47:02 the spirit filled existence.
47:06 You know, what are two practical suggestions
47:08 for being devoted to scripture?
47:10 What are two practical suggestions for being
47:12 devoted to fellowship?
47:13 What are two practical suggestions
47:15 for being devoted to prayer?
47:18 And I guess its not only fare but Elizabeth,
47:20 we'll start with you,
47:21 they will get to think about it more.
47:22 But you don't get much time.
47:25 To be devoted to scripture, I think it would be great
47:28 if we spend time memorizing scriptures,
47:31 so we can have it on our heart like David says
47:33 "To light to be a path on to us
47:35 so we can constantly meditate on it.
47:37 And secondly to spend intentional time
47:41 during the day in the evening and in the morning
47:44 in the word and really meditating on and spending time
47:48 reflecting on it and asking the Lord
47:49 to give us a message for the day,
47:53 so that we can really be prepared for what's
47:56 to come and give us a message
47:57 that someone else may need
47:58 and to truly enter and infuse the word in our conversation,
48:03 so that its no just something
48:04 that we do in the morning and night
48:06 or not something we memorize just by ourselves,
48:08 but something that we make real intangible
48:10 in our conversations and in our interactions.
48:14 So memorize scripture.
48:18 I guess that's pretty devoted, isn't that?
48:20 Yeah. Focus on memorizing scripture.
48:22 So Daryl, how can I be focused
48:24 on fellowship in a very practical way.
48:26 Yeah, I think we can do two practical things
48:28 Sean, I think, why not think,
48:31 let's each of us think of two names
48:33 that when we leave his place and go back
48:35 this week two church members
48:38 that you can intentionally make an effort
48:40 to fellowship with this week
48:42 whether its giving him a call not just to ask him
48:44 to do something but to spend time
48:45 and listening to them encouraging them,
48:47 praying with them or may be going
48:50 to a Friday night prayer meeting
48:52 or Wednesday night prayer meeting
48:53 together with these two people
48:55 just to support each other.
48:57 And on the other hand, think of two nonbelievers
49:00 who we can intentionally fellowship with this week.
49:03 Whatever it's going for an outing or inviting them
49:06 over to your house for dinner.
49:08 Let's think of four names, two church members,
49:11 and two who are not yet believers
49:14 that we can intentionally fellowship
49:15 when we leave this place this week.
49:18 So Elizabeth, he said memorize scripture.
49:20 I have another one.
49:21 Oh, you have another one, oh, okay.
49:23 We can I know from me I have--
49:26 like on my iPod I had the Bible on my iPod,
49:28 so as I am walking, listening to the word
49:30 on my iPod you know,
49:31 if you listen something long enough,
49:32 it become music to your ears
49:33 so really just using the word in that way
49:37 even as we are walking and stuff.
49:38 So your suggestions are saturating
49:40 your mind with God's word. Exactly.
49:42 Saturated mind with God's word.
49:45 Prayerfully thinking of two individuals in God's church.
49:48 This next week are we trying to in fellowship with
49:51 and two who are not yet believers.
49:54 And then Natasha what are two suggestions
49:56 for how we can be devoted to prayer.
49:59 Well first one that comes to my mind
50:01 is to actually make an appointment in our day,
50:06 time to spend with God
50:07 and you know what like inevitably Sean,
50:10 because the devil is so dedicated to us
50:11 not spending time praying,
50:13 the cell phone will be ringing,
50:14 someone is going to be knocking at the door,
50:16 you know, my dog will be stick his stomach
50:18 and throwing up, something is gonna happen
50:20 at that point to keep me from spending time with God.
50:23 But if we make that concrete appointment
50:25 and we keep it as we would keep an appointment
50:27 with our senator because isn't God
50:33 so much greater than our senator?
50:34 Do you have appointments with your senator?
50:40 No. I think that's great, you know,
50:41 be involved in our countries and that's wonderful,
50:44 I just thought maybe there's a story behind that.
50:47 That's just the person that came into my mind
50:49 but you know, but seriously keeping that seriously
50:53 isn't God so much more great, so much more omnipotent,
50:55 has so much more under his control
50:59 weighing in the balance
51:00 to respond to his word than our senator?
51:03 I mean if you made
51:04 an appointment with your Senator,
51:05 that you should keep it, but you know what,
51:08 how much more should we keep an point
51:09 when we make it with God.
51:10 Even though the devil will send everything
51:12 he possibly can to keep us.
51:13 So the first suggestion make an actual appointment
51:16 in the day ahead of time,
51:18 a time to spend with God
51:19 and don't let anything get in the way,
51:21 that's been one of the biggest blessings
51:22 in my own personal life.
51:23 And my second suggestion is actually find a person
51:28 to pray with also together joining together
51:31 where Christ said where two or three gather
51:33 in my name there I am in the midst of them,
51:35 I still live in home so you while ago
51:38 I would go to my mom every night
51:40 and she would pray with me before I went to bed
51:42 or our family we meet at you know,
51:44 at 7'o clock in the morning and 7'o clock in the evening
51:46 or friend or someone, find someone to pray with
51:49 so that is continually a part of your life.
51:53 You just mentioned seven in the morning,
51:54 seven in the evening that's more seven,
51:56 seven, seven, seven days in the week right
51:57 that's one of the initiatives
51:59 of the revival information communities
52:01 to co-adjust to have an appointment
52:03 with God in prayer.
52:04 So I have got a review these in my mind
52:06 to make sure I know them and the more I review them,
52:08 the more you will remember them.
52:10 You are gonna write these down on these great ideas,
52:11 you write those down, yeah, they are good.
52:14 So I am going to memorize scripture everyday
52:17 and then saturating my mind with scripture
52:19 when I am walking, or running,
52:20 or whatever driving in the car,
52:23 popping the CD and listen to the Bible.
52:25 So two suggestions. And then Daryl you said,
52:30 that I should preferably consider two church members,
52:34 two believers and this next week reach out to them
52:38 and find an opportunity to fellowship with them.
52:40 And then secondly,
52:42 that I am gonna think of two nonbelievers
52:44 and I am gonna to be very intentional
52:46 about reaching out to them this next week
52:47 and having an opportunity to fellowship with them.
52:50 And then thirdly, for prayer,
52:53 Natasha you mentioned make an appointment
52:55 with God and keep it,
52:58 an appointment with God and keep it.
53:03 Someone who is not too good with that.
53:06 I am not a very organized person.
53:10 When I was in academy, I had a little saying
53:14 that "Procrastination breeds creativity"
53:20 because I sometimes, you know, push things back,
53:25 that's deadly in a Christian's life,
53:27 isn't it? It is.
53:29 Pushing back our time with God
53:31 saying I will sleep in little extra this morning,
53:33 skip my devotions or haven't tonight,
53:37 I am not gonna spend time praying right now,
53:39 I'll do it later but making an appointment and keeping it.
53:43 And then secondly, is to pray regularly with someone else.
53:47 Yeah. Not just myself.
53:49 And I think it will be good for us in just a minute,
53:52 to actually spend some time praying
53:54 that God would compel us
53:59 to a dot this kind of life for ourselves
54:05 and for our church and I am gonna invite
54:08 everyone where you are.
54:10 If you would just turn to the person next to you,
54:12 just turn to the person next to you,
54:14 just in twos and let's spend a few minutes,
54:17 let's spend some time praying
54:20 that God will help us remember
54:24 when we go home that we're taking a new approach
54:28 to Ellen's personal life and the life of the church.
54:31 We are gonna have an Acts
54:33 approach to Christian experience,
54:36 the Christian life, first of all.
54:38 And secondly that God would compel us,
54:42 not just remind us, but compel us,
54:46 not give us any rest until we step forward
54:50 in faith to follow His leading
54:53 and implementing the life of a spirit filled church.
54:56 Can you do that together with us this morning?
54:58 Those two items that God would help us
55:00 remember when we go home.
55:02 Six wonderful suggestions, remember
55:04 and secondly that he would compel us,
55:06 let's do that right now.


Revised 2014-12-17