Generation of Youth for Christ 2011

Evening Devotional - Friday

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kameron DeVasher


Series Code: 11GYC

Program Code: 11GYC000008

00:12 Once again, good evening, GYC. Good evening.
00:15 It's so quick how you revert back to just shyness.
00:18 I'm so sorry about that. Good evening, GYC.
00:20 Good evening. Fantastic.
00:22 It was a blessing today, amen?
00:24 Amen. Fantastic.
00:26 Um, last evening,
00:27 we had the opportunity to talk together.
00:29 We talked about the great purpose of our life,
00:32 the life that we've been given here.
00:33 This life for probation,
00:34 this temporary life that we have,
00:37 has one underlying theme, one central objective.
00:41 And that is the restoration
00:43 in the human soul of the image of God.
00:46 And one of the many passages we looked at
00:49 was First John Chapter 3,
00:51 and I'd like you to go there tonight
00:52 or at least bring it to recollection from last night.
00:55 We read how behold,
00:57 now we are the children of God.
01:01 And it has not yet been revealed what we shall be.
01:06 But we know that when He is revealed,
01:10 we shall be like Him for, what reason?
01:13 What was the reason given
01:14 why we know we'll be like Him when He returns?
01:16 For we shall see Him, how? As He is.
01:21 Now look at the following verse.
01:24 And everyone who has this hope in Him, does what?
01:29 Purifies Himself, how?
01:32 Just as He is pure.
01:33 Notice that the hope of seeing Jesus as He is,
01:38 compels us to purify ourselves as He is.
01:43 Of course it's that as we noticed last night
01:45 that harmonitus-- harmonizes beautifully
01:48 with the words of Jesus
01:50 in Matthew Chapter 5 and verse 8
01:51 when He said, "Blessed are the pure in heart,
01:54 for they shall see God."
01:57 This is the promise that we've been given.
01:59 That's the high ideal of the Christian Walk
02:02 to become like Christ so that we not merely
02:05 live to the second coming
02:06 but live through the second coming.
02:09 God has more in mind than simply getting us into heaven,
02:12 but He actually wants to fit us into His kingdom.
02:15 Can someone say amen? Amen.
02:17 Our messages, these final two evenings of GYC
02:20 will tackle what I believe is the biblical truth
02:23 of just what the purity of character
02:26 looks like in real life.
02:28 If you noticed last night, it was a bit academic.
02:30 We laid the ground work.
02:31 I just wanted you to see a new framework,
02:33 a new vision for what salvation looks like.
02:36 Not just getting in, but fitting in.
02:37 Not just living to, but living through.
02:39 You understand that.
02:40 But tonight, we're gonna begin to unwrap that
02:43 over the next two nights.
02:44 And please don't think that at the end of tonight
02:46 is the entirety of the lesson,
02:48 because it continues tomorrow evening.
02:50 Does that make sense?
02:52 So we wanna unwrap this a little bit
02:54 and see the truth of God's words.
02:56 So as we begin His study of His word,
02:58 let's begin with a word of prayer.
02:59 Please bow your heads.
03:00 Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, I thank you for GYC.
03:06 But not just for the institution,
03:07 not just for the movement, not for the program,
03:09 but, Lord, I thank you for the people
03:11 that you have brought to GYC
03:12 here in person and on the television.
03:15 Lord, you understand our need.
03:18 You understand our need
03:19 better than we understand our need.
03:20 We don't even see our need.
03:21 And, Lord, we need the eye salve
03:22 that you can offer.
03:24 Please, Lord, help us to not only see our problem,
03:27 but through our grace
03:28 and by the power of your Holy Spirit
03:30 help us to see our solution is available in Jesus Christ.
03:34 We pray in His name, amen.
03:37 Please go to Judges Chapter 3.
03:40 Judges Chapter 3, we're gonna be spending
03:41 a significant amount of time in Judges Chapter 3.
03:45 Starting with verse 12,
03:46 our message tonight is entitled
03:49 "Killing the Fat King." I like that title.
03:53 It's right on the nose.
03:55 "Killing the Fat King,"
03:57 Judges Chapter 3 starting with verse 12.
04:00 The first few verses give us some context
04:02 of what we're talking about.
04:04 Of course, you know the time of Judges
04:05 was after the deliverance of Israel,
04:07 of course, from Egyptian bondage.
04:08 But before, there was a monarchy in place,
04:11 there was the time of the Judges
04:12 and Genesis Chapter--
04:14 I mean, Judges Chapter 3 and verse 12
04:16 gives us one, the beginning of a story
04:18 of one segment of that time period,
04:21 one segment of their experience.
04:24 Starting with verse 12, we read these words,
04:26 "and the children of Israel again
04:29 did evil in the sight of the Lord,
04:32 so the Lord strengthened Eglon,
04:34 king of Moab against Israel,
04:37 because they had done evil in the sight of the Lord.
04:41 Then He gathered to Himself the people of Ammon,
04:44 of Amalek, went and defeated Israel,
04:48 and took possession of the city of Palms.0
04:52 So the children of Israel served Eglon,
04:55 king of Moab 18 years."
04:59 This is the context of our story this evening
05:01 and I want to kind of flesh this out a little bit.
05:04 Who are these people who are now ruling over God's people?
05:08 The Moabites, the Ammonites, the Amalekites, so Amalekites.
05:11 I don't know the right way to say it.
05:12 But I'm gonna go with some of those.
05:14 Don't be thrown off if I mix it up.
05:15 But you understand in the text.
05:17 These are the three powers who are united against Israel.
05:22 The Moabites and the Ammonites have an infamous history.
05:24 They have the unique-- well, just infamy.
05:29 They were the descendants of the incestuous relationship,
05:32 the union between Lot and his two daughters.
05:37 Later in their history was the Moabites
05:39 who hired Balaam to put a curse on Israel.
05:43 And as we know the Lord
05:45 interceded to defend His people
05:46 as long as they were faithfully being His people
05:49 and thwarted their efforts.
05:52 Generation after generation,
05:53 they became more and more hardened to the Lord
05:55 and their hatred against Israel deepened.
05:58 Now it was the Moabite King Eglon
06:01 holding God's people under his,
06:03 as the Bible's gonna tell us, fat thumb.
06:07 Finally, also aligned with the Moabite king,
06:10 were the Amalekites.
06:13 They had the unique infamy of being the first people
06:16 to mount a military campaign against the nation of Israel
06:19 after their deliverance from the land of bondage in Egypt.
06:23 And of course, we know about this
06:24 first military engagement.
06:25 This is the one where the Lord told Moses
06:27 to go up on the hill and hold the staff
06:28 over his head and as long as the staff was up,
06:30 Israel would have victory.
06:32 You remember the story, and again the Lord intervened
06:34 to save His people,
06:35 as long as they were being faithfully His people,
06:37 the Lord intervened and fought their battles for them.
06:40 So here we have three foreign powers
06:42 who have a pretty sour history with Israel.
06:45 But now apparently, according to the text,
06:46 Israel has done evil
06:48 in the sight of the Lord. So it's okay.
06:51 You've chosen the king you want to have.
06:55 And it must have seemed almost absolute that these
06:57 bitter enemies of Israel
07:00 were holding power over God's people.
07:05 Instead of conquering,
07:07 they were continually conquered
07:10 by foreign power, Pagan power.
07:13 It must have been a very discouraging time
07:15 for the nation of Israel.
07:17 Let's go to verse 15.
07:19 "But when the children of Israel cried out to the Lord,
07:26 the Lord raised up a deliverer for them,
07:28 Ehud the son of Gera, the Benjamite,
07:32 a left-handed man,
07:34 by him the children of Israel
07:36 sent tribute to Eglon king of Moab."
07:40 Now as for the identity of this Ehud character,
07:43 the central character in this story,
07:45 the deliverer of Israel.
07:47 We actually know very little about him from scripture,
07:49 in fact, that's the only verse
07:50 that gives us any background on this man.
07:52 One verse in all of the scripture.
07:54 And if you type in his name again in the CD-ROM
07:56 or the app in the Ellen White writings,
07:57 you'll come up with one reference
07:59 and it's in a list.
08:01 It doesn't even give any details at all.
08:03 Everything we know about him
08:04 is found in Judges Chapter 3 and verse 15.
08:06 So let's see what we can find out about this guy.
08:08 He was left handed.
08:10 He was from the Tribe of Benjamin,
08:13 and he had the unenviable job of transporting the tribute.
08:16 What's another, what's a common popular word,
08:18 what's the modern word for tribute?
08:21 Tax, right?
08:23 The tax of Israel to Eglon, king of the Moabites.
08:27 Left-handed, Benjamite tax collector.
08:31 This is what the Bible records about him.
08:34 Let's break these down, left handedness
08:35 in scripture is not necessarily
08:37 something to be--how many here are afflicted with left--
08:42 we can be-we're people tonight, just let's talk.
08:45 How many of there are there?
08:48 We should have prayer.
08:50 This--I understand where you--
08:52 we live in a difficult world, you and I.
08:55 I'm one of you, right?
08:57 People look at you funny.
08:58 They wanna know if you've turned the paper
09:00 upside down, right?
09:03 Spiral note books, three ring binders,
09:07 this world is not our home, right?
09:11 But as difficult as the persecution
09:13 and oppression that we faced,
09:15 think about what it must have been in Bible times.
09:17 And maybe it's just my paranoia
09:19 that I looked for left handedness
09:20 or right handedness.
09:21 But if you notice, right hand is always good,
09:23 left hand is always bad, without exception,
09:26 except for perhaps tonight.
09:29 The left hand was the hand of cursing,
09:33 insult, even death.
09:35 But the right hand was the hand of strength.
09:37 It was the hand of blessing.
09:38 He's gonna-- He's gonna hold you up
09:40 with his mighty right-ugh.
09:44 In the judgment, those represented
09:45 on God's left side, die.
09:48 On the right side, they live.
09:52 It's not the best thing in scripture to be left handed.
09:57 But he was from the Tribe of Benjamin, right?
09:59 Let's break that down a little bit.
10:00 Benjamin was the youngest son of Jacob.
10:04 Benjamin was the smallest tribe in Israel.
10:09 Ruben was the first born, right?
10:12 You know, the tribe of kings was destined to be Judah
10:14 and Levi would be the priest,
10:16 but Benjamin--up until the time of this story,
10:19 the most famous Benjamite was Benjamin.
10:22 Okay, they would-- you don't come from--
10:24 I'm from Benjamin-- I whatever.
10:27 Little, left-handed Benjamite,
10:31 but at least he's got a good job.
10:34 What's his job?
10:36 He's a tax collector.
10:37 How does the Bible--
10:39 how do they like tax collectors in scripture?
10:43 Not a big fan of tax collectors.
10:47 They were notoriously-- remember the nation of Israel
10:50 was supposed to be God's chosen people.
10:51 You will be the conquerors.
10:52 You will be the blessing to all the world.
10:54 Yet their history is repeatedly a succession
10:56 of being conquered and oppressed,
10:58 conquered and oppressed in--inside of this nation
11:02 who's supposed to be God's sovereign own.
11:03 You have this guy who works for the other guy
11:06 who takes Israel's hard earned money,
11:08 goes around with a box, and the coins,
11:09 or however they did it collecting tax,
11:11 collecting tax, collecting tax,
11:12 and taking it to his Highness.
11:17 Left-handed, Benjamite, tax collector.
11:21 My guess is, sanctified imagination,
11:25 he was not held in the highest of esteem,
11:28 this Ehud, amongst his Israelite friends.
11:32 Left-handed, Benjamite, tax collector.
11:38 Now we're not anywhere near the application
11:40 portion of our story,
11:41 but I'm guessing there is a possibility,
11:44 there are some Ehud feeling
11:46 people in the congregation tonight.
11:49 You might actually have a genuine
11:51 disability of some sort.
11:53 And you feel like you can't really be used for God.
11:56 Or you come from a small place,
11:58 a smallest school in the conference,
12:00 or maybe the smallest of all schools, the home school?
12:02 And you feel not in place
12:04 in these big crowds are overwhelming.
12:05 You don't feel you have much to contribute.
12:07 You might have or maybe you work in unenviable job.
12:10 Nobody looks to you with respect.
12:11 And you think what-- what can I offer the Lord?
12:15 That's why Ehud's in the Bible.
12:17 You're gonna see something powerful in Ehud tonight.
12:19 We'll just keep reading.
12:20 Judges Chapter 3, now verse 16.
12:23 "Now Ehud made himself a dagger.
12:26 It was a double edged and half a cubit in length,
12:31 and fastened it under his clothes
12:34 on his right thigh."
12:37 So he brought the tribute-- now let's think about this.
12:42 What's he gonna do with this thing?
12:43 Well, we're skipping ahead.
12:46 He straps it on his right thigh
12:47 so you can imagine him,
12:49 little left handed Benjamite,
12:52 nobody likes him guy
12:54 and as he goes around collecting the taxes,
12:56 collecting the taxes, collecting the taxes,
12:58 I'm sure people don't like him
12:59 and they don't like what his job is
13:01 and he just hears a lot of bellyaching,
13:03 complaining all day long and he has to go
13:04 in front of this-- with the Bible again.
13:06 In a minute, he's gonna call on this fat king
13:08 and lay this hard earned money of Israel.
13:10 He probably doesn't like himself so much.
13:14 But one day he decided to make himself a sword.
13:21 And I can imagine him in his little tent garage, you know,
13:24 with a stone sharpening the other stone,
13:27 and maybe it was wood,
13:28 and he was whittling away at it
13:29 or whatever you do to make a two edge sword
13:33 and he fits the strap over his leg
13:35 and you can imagine him at home like...
13:40 Practicing to make it smooth.
13:41 I'll put it over here, I'll put--
13:43 and the day he decided to actually use the thing,
13:46 must have been a very surreal day for him.
13:49 Tax for the king, tax for the king,
13:51 but he's got this sword all day long
13:53 strapped to his thigh.
13:55 He's gonna do something.
13:57 Let's continue our story. Goes on.
14:03 "So he brought the tribute to Eglon, king of Moab."
14:08 Look what the Bible puts in parenthesis.
14:11 "Now Eglon was a very fat man."
14:18 I mean, Ehud doesn't have much said about him
14:20 but this guy has even less and it's not good.
14:25 This is all the information
14:26 you need to know about this guy.
14:27 He was just big, right?
14:30 And you can imagine this like just everybody dislikes him.
14:34 He sits on this big throne
14:35 and I would imagine he has to have
14:36 a crew of people to feed him and stuff
14:38 and he sits on this wide throne
14:40 and big, big fat man.
14:42 And it must have been just,
14:45 you know, Israel had health message, right?
14:49 And this guy is the antithesis of a genuine Israelite.
14:53 And he takes Israel's hard earned money in that box
14:56 and his job was to take it to Eglon personally
14:58 and lay it at his fat feet.
15:02 And it must have just disgusted him
15:03 every time like, Lord, why are we doing this?
15:06 Eighteen years. Jabba the Hut-ooking.
15:17 If you don't know of that reference
15:18 don't learn it. It's okay.
15:19 But for those of you who do,
15:20 it puts a picture, right? Okay.
15:24 And Ehud puts down, walks out,
15:29 18 years. Puts it down.
15:31 Here's your money.
15:34 But one day, Ehud grabbed a sword.
15:39 And he had a plan. Didn't consult anybody.
15:42 He just said, "Today I'm killing the fat king."
15:50 And all day long, he's got the sword on his thigh.
15:54 Today, he's gonna die.
15:57 We keep reading the story.
16:00 Verse 17, "so he brought the tribute
16:01 to King Eglon of Moab, now Eglon was a very fat man."
16:04 Verse 18, "and when he had
16:07 finished presenting the tribute,
16:09 he sent away the people who had carried the tribute."
16:13 So apparently his job was not to physically transport.
16:15 He was the administrator of this crew.
16:18 And he's like, "Guys, why don't you go on
16:19 ahead this time?
16:20 I'll catch up with you in a minute."
16:23 He's setting the stage to kill the fat king.
16:27 "Guys, why don't you go on ahead?"
16:29 He planned this out.
16:31 "But he himself," notice what it says, "Turned back."
16:35 It's like he was going with them, you guys go ahead.
16:38 And you almost get the sense that--
16:41 and then he kind of uh, I can't do it.
16:44 And he turns back. But watch what happens.
16:49 "But he himself turned back from the stone images
16:52 that were at Gilgal, and said,
16:55 'I have a secret message for you, O king.'"
16:59 So he's walking on, he sees these images,
17:02 these idols, and these things that just disgust him.
17:08 And he said tonight's the night.
17:10 Today's the day. I'm killing the fat king.
17:12 And he musters his courage and he turns around
17:14 and he says "King,
17:17 before I go,
17:23 I have a secret message for you."
17:26 Why's it secret?
17:28 Because he wants him alone, right?
17:30 Watch what he does.
17:33 "He said, 'Keep silence.'
17:35 And all who attended him went out from him."
17:37 So now he's, "everyone leave."
17:39 I don't know why I do that voice, but it helps,
17:41 you know, "everyone leave."
17:47 You get the stage is now set? Eglon.
17:52 Ehud. "King, I have a message."
17:56 His people are gone. His people are gone.
17:59 He's gonna kill the fat king.
18:03 "So Ehud came to him.
18:05 Now he was sitting upstairs in a cool private chamber.
18:09 Then Ehud said, "I have a message."
18:12 What're the next two words?
18:14 "From God for you."
18:20 Must have interested him
18:21 'cause he actually arose from his seat.
18:23 I'm guessing as a very rare feat.
18:29 He leans in. The stage is set.
18:33 Ehud, Eglon.
18:40 Verse 21, "then Ehud reached with his left hand,
18:44 took the dagger from his right thigh",
18:48 and what does he do? "Thrust it into his belly."
18:52 You can imagine he's like
18:53 he's stealing his nerves, he's stealing nerves.
18:54 "I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it."
18:59 It's not like he took it out like,
19:00 "look it, look it, look it." Uh-uh.
19:03 Once he started taking that sword out,
19:05 he wasn't done till he's done.
19:07 Is that clear?
19:08 Takes it out, ugh,
19:13 right into his belly.
19:16 Verse 22, it's in the scriptures.
19:22 I'm really not trying to milk it.
19:23 It's literally word for word, okay?
19:26 "Even the hilt went in after the blade.
19:31 And the fat closed over the blade,
19:35 for it did not draw the dagger out of his belly,
19:39 and his entrails came out." Can you imagine?
19:43 I'm guessing he expected some resistance, right?
19:47 He goes with all of his might, ugh,
19:50 and the sword just keeps going.
19:54 And I'm guessing there was a moment
19:58 when both of their eyes locked, right?
20:04 And his hand is disappearing, right.
20:07 And he's like, "oh, no, no, no, no, no."
20:10 He pulls it out, and apparently closes over,
20:12 maybe you look at, you couldn't even tell
20:13 it's been defeated.
20:14 But the enemy is defeated even if it doesn't seem that way.
20:18 Is that clear?
20:28 I love Ehud's response.
20:29 Look at verse 23.
20:31 "Then Ehud went out through the porch,
20:33 shut the doors of the upper room behind him
20:36 and locked them."
20:38 "You can keep the sword, I'm gonna...
20:44 Just finishin' up-- Goodnight, guys.
20:45 How're you doing? Wow, okay."
20:51 Just walks away.
20:58 Let's dig into the story a little bit.
21:01 For 18 years,
21:03 the Israelites had been claiming to be God's people,
21:05 yet kept paying tax to that fat king.
21:11 You can imagine, how much they must've complained
21:13 and bellyached that this Pagan ruler,
21:15 and his loathsome taxes he inflicts on them
21:17 were just constantly over the head and,
21:20 no doubt, poor Ehud had been subjected
21:21 to so much of this griping
21:23 and moaning that by the time
21:24 we pickup his story here in Judges 3,
21:26 he had, had enough.
21:28 "I can only take this so long.
21:32 And I'm the leader in this hypocrisy."
21:43 Day after day, you can imagine what the people were saying.
21:47 "Oh, it's that little left-handed Benjamite
21:48 tax collector. Give him his coins.
21:51 You know, you should really do something.
21:53 You get to see him every-- why don't you kill that guy?
21:56 Anyway, here's our coins." Next house.
22:00 "Boy, if we had a king over such as
22:01 all the other nations have, he would fix this,
22:04 anyway here's the tax." Next house.
22:08 "I hate that guy, you-and the Moabites--
22:11 you know the history with them.
22:12 Somebody should really do something but--
22:14 anyway, here's my tax."
22:19 It always seems like we're waiting for someone else
22:22 to kill the fat king for us.
22:26 And finally Ehud's like,
22:29 "I mean, I guess I'm just gonna do it."
22:36 We are no longer political Israel
22:39 with a citizenship derived from a common national bond.
22:43 But we are spiritual Israel,
22:45 with citizenship derived from the common bond of faith
22:48 in Jesus Christ.
22:51 Philippians 3, as we looked at last night
22:52 makes it plain that unlike these who set their minds
22:54 on earthly things, our citizenship
22:57 is where? In heaven.
23:00 Though at one time,
23:02 the people of God were both a spiritual
23:03 and a political organization.
23:05 Today, we're no longer under a theocratic form of government
23:07 where God is the head of the church and the state.
23:10 They should be separated.
23:11 We believe in separation of church and state. Amen?
23:14 Thus we are no longer expected to be literal Ehuds
23:17 and bear arms in the defense of a particular nation,
23:20 or to physically execute the judgment of the God
23:22 on the wicked.
23:23 The Lord will take care of that in His time.
23:25 Is that clear? So I want to be absolutely crystal clear.
23:28 When I call spiritual Israelites
23:29 to kill the fat king,
23:31 I am not calling you to go and list in the army
23:34 or to raise up a Seventh-day Adventist militia
23:39 to war against any earthly kingdom,
23:41 even those who threaten our religious liberties.
23:45 As Christians, we are to be Christ like.
23:48 We laid that framework last night.
23:50 We're not to defend ourselves militarily
23:52 or violently even when our most precious
23:54 interests are at stake.
23:56 In John Chapter 18 verse 36,
23:58 Jesus Himself declared unambiguously,
24:00 that His people are to be peace makers at all times.
24:04 When in His trial before Pilate, He exclaimed,
24:07 "My kingdom is not of his world.
24:11 If My kingdom were of this world,
24:14 My servants would fight.
24:17 So that I should not be libber to the Jews,
24:19 but now my kingdom is not from here."
24:24 So I want to make it clear.
24:25 I'm not saying like, boy, we should go kill
24:27 those evil people. No.
24:30 But, however, just because the church is not called to be
24:34 a military power on the world scene,
24:36 does not mean that our citizenship
24:37 in God's kingdom is without conflict.
24:42 No, indeed, we have a struggle
24:44 but as Paul repeatedly declares
24:45 with militaristic imagery.
24:46 He borrows military language
24:48 to describe the fight that we fight.
24:50 Our war is the fight of faith.
24:54 Ephesians Chapter 6 verses 10 through12.
24:56 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
25:00 Notice the military language, put on the full, what?
25:04 Armor of God.
25:06 So that you can take your stand
25:07 against the devil's schemes.
25:09 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood
25:11 but against the rulers, against the authorities,
25:14 against the powers of this dark world
25:15 and against the spiritual forces of evil
25:17 in the heavenly realms.
25:20 There's still a fat king and some of us
25:22 are right now tonight still under his thumb, paying tax.
25:28 1 Timothy Chapter 6, verses 11 to 12.
25:32 "But, you man of God, flee from all this
25:34 and pursue righteousness, godliness,
25:37 faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.
25:40 Fight the good fight of" what? Faith.
25:46 Take hold of the eternal life
25:48 to which you were called
25:49 when you made your good confession
25:50 in the presence of many witnesses.
25:52 2 Timothy, speaking of himself,
25:54 Chapter 4, starting with verse 6,
25:56 He says, "I have fought the good fight.
25:58 I have kept the" what? The faith.
26:03 My friends, the fat king with whom we struggle,
26:05 is the devil himself and his power over us is sin.
26:11 In various places the Bible calls him,
26:13 the ruler of this world,
26:15 the prince of the power of the air,
26:17 the ancient serpent who leads the whole world
26:19 astray and even goes so far as to call him
26:21 the god of this world.
26:25 It is this power that the Lord warned Cain
26:28 just before he murdered his brother
26:30 in Genesis Chapter 4 verse 7, when he said,
26:32 "sin is crouching at your door.
26:34 It desires to have you but you must rule over it."
26:40 Instead of sin ruling over you,
26:42 you're supposed to rule over sin.
26:44 Is that clear?
26:50 So if Satan, in this story, is our Eglon
26:55 and his power us is sin,
26:58 how are we to be victorious like Ehud?
27:03 If the power we're fighting against is spiritual,
27:06 would it not only stand to reason
27:07 that the weapon that we've been given is also spiritual?
27:12 Just like Ehud, we've been entrusted
27:13 with a sword designed
27:14 explicitly for defeating the enemy of souls.
27:19 We're given multiple assurances
27:21 that the weapon that we can wield
27:22 in our battle against Satan.
27:23 Paul calls it the sword of the spirit,
27:26 which is the word of God.
27:32 Later in Hebrews, he goes on to explain
27:34 how the word of God is living and active,
27:36 sharper than any, what?
27:38 Double-edged sword.
27:41 In fact, he goes on, sharper than any double-edged sword.
27:43 It penetrates even to the dividing of soul
27:45 and spirit, joints and marrow.
27:47 It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the hearts.
27:55 Time and again we are instructed
27:56 that the word of God is the only instrument
27:59 that can break the power of the devil and set free,
28:02 truly free,
28:06 even the weakest of his assumed subjects.
28:10 When assailed by the temptations
28:13 of Satan in the wilderness,
28:14 Jesus relied continually and exclusively
28:18 on "it is", what? Written.
28:24 By giving us this example of faith in God's word,
28:27 we are promised that if we resist the devil,
28:29 he will flee, not he might.
28:33 He should, I hope.
28:35 He will flee. Goes on.
28:41 Even in the story of Ehud,
28:43 we concern that this deliverer of Israel
28:45 did not consider his physical sword,
28:47 the instrument of their liberation,
28:48 but rather in his interview with Eglon,
28:50 he refers to his weapon as a message,
28:52 specifically a message from the Lord.
28:56 He didn't say like, "I'm the little guy who can!"
29:02 He understood if this is gonna happen,
29:03 it's not gonna be in my power,
29:05 but it's gonna be by His Spirit.
29:08 If someone's gonna kill the fat king,
29:10 it can't be me. I don't have it in me.
29:14 But the Lord can strengthen me in my weakness,
29:17 I can be strong.
29:21 Just like Ehud.
29:23 Our sword is a message from the Lord, the word of God.
29:26 And friends through the power of His word,
29:27 we can have victory in Jesus.
29:31 It's fascinating, in John Chapter 16 verse 8,
29:34 the promise of the Holy Spirit,
29:35 is that He will convict the world of sin
29:37 and righteousness and judgment.
29:39 He convicts of sin, yet at the same time,
29:41 the weapon to defeat sin is the sword of the spirit
29:45 which is the word of God. Isn't it fascinating?
29:46 That the Holy Spirit's role in perfecting our character
29:49 and developing that Christ likeness
29:51 that we're supposed to have is to make us aware of sin
29:54 and also to give us the victory over sin.
29:57 A powerful thought.
30:00 1 Corinthians Chapter 10,
30:01 look at what the word of God tells us.
30:05 1 Corinthians Chapter 10 verse 13,
30:07 no temptation has seized you, except what is common to man.
30:10 And God is, what's the word?
30:14 I feel so sorry for the timidity
30:16 that has just shattered your existence.
30:19 The torpor in which you must live your lives.
30:21 I'm so sorry, but apparently God's word says that,
30:24 God is, what? Faithful.
30:27 It's okay to say it out loud.
30:29 We should let the devil know we know that. Amen.
30:34 God is faithful.
30:36 It didn't say that you are faithful
30:38 'cause we're not. But God is.
30:42 God is faithful.
30:43 He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
30:48 But when you are tempted, notice when you are tempted.
30:52 Isn't that-well, if you happen to be living a life
30:54 and if temptation happens to me, no, no, no, no.
30:57 When. It's a guarantee.
30:59 When you are tempted.
31:01 Don't think that now I'm abiding in Christ,
31:03 floating on cloud 9,
31:05 no, no, no, Satan can reach that cloud.
31:09 When you are tempted.
31:11 He will also provide a way out
31:13 so that you can stand up under it.
31:16 You get the idea that sin is the suppressive heavy burden
31:19 and without the power of the Holy Spirit
31:21 in your life, it would crush you.
31:25 But he says, but through my spirit,
31:27 you can stand up, under that thing.
31:36 James Chapter 4 verse 7, submit yourselves then to God.
31:39 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
31:44 Romans Chapter 8.
31:45 I love this Chapter, go to it in scripture.
31:46 Romans Chapter 8, starting with verse 31,
31:48 powerful words.
31:49 You can imagine that
31:50 Paul has tried to address this issue over and over.
31:52 And he is the one who laid out our case
31:54 the other evening that,
31:55 that the character development
31:56 is the key to victory in the Christian life.
31:58 And he wants people to be victorious,
32:02 and to give and encourage
32:03 that he writes with his pastoral fervor,
32:04 look at--starting verse 31 there.
32:08 What then shall we say to these things,
32:09 if God is for us, who can be against us?
32:13 It's almost like he's standing on the gates of the wall
32:15 and saying, who's out there?
32:18 Is there anyone here, who can beat my God?
32:23 Who is it?
32:29 If God is for us, who can be against us?
32:32 He who did not spare his own son
32:34 but delivered him up for us all.
32:36 If He is willing to go that far to save you,
32:41 how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
32:47 Who shall bring the good charge against God's elect?
32:49 It is God who justifies. You don't justify yourself.
32:53 You abide in Him.
32:54 And He fights your battles for you.
33:00 Verse 34, who is he that condemns?
33:02 It is Christ who died
33:03 and furthermore has also risen,
33:05 who is even at the right hand of God,
33:06 who also makes intercession for us.
33:09 Who shall separate us from the love of God?
33:14 Love of Christ--and he starts to list them off.
33:16 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
33:18 Shall-- and He starts thinking,
33:19 maybe you're wrestling with this?
33:20 Maybe you're wrestling with this?
33:21 But I'm telling you, none of these work.
33:23 Shall tribulation, or distress,
33:25 or persecution, or famine,
33:26 or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
33:29 He says, as it is written,
33:30 for your sake, we are killed all day long.
33:33 We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
33:35 Without the power of God, we're doomed.
33:37 But He says in the next verse, yet in all these things,
33:41 we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
33:46 And He gets just on a roll.
33:47 He says, for I am persuaded, I'm convinced,
33:50 I'm convicted that neither death,
33:54 nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
33:57 nor powers, nor things present,
33:58 nor things to come, nor height, nor depth
34:00 nor any other creative thing,
34:01 shall be able to separate us from the love of God,
34:03 which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
34:06 He says I'm convinced, I'm convicted.
34:08 I believe it and you need to know it too.
34:17 The more I read stories of God's miraculous deliveries
34:20 of His people, the more I become convinced
34:23 that we fall to the devil's schemes,
34:24 not because we lack a weapon,
34:27 or even a guarantee of victory.
34:31 But because we lack the spiritual daring
34:33 to pick up the sword of truth
34:34 and run it through the old man of sin.
34:39 Paul, Hebrews Chapter 12 and verse 4,
34:41 states the problem with these words.
34:46 In your struggle against sin,
34:49 you have not yet resisted
34:51 to the point of shedding your blood.
34:55 I bet the Israelites
34:57 that Ehud ran into every day by day in his job,
35:01 they would think they're at war against Eglon,
35:04 yet none of them were actually fighting.
35:07 They didn't like him. He disgusted them.
35:10 But what did they keep doing?
35:16 Day in, I" hate that guy, here pay him.
35:21 He's the worst, all right, one last time.
35:27 Somebody should really do something,
35:28 but, I just, yeah, look, just for this one." 18 years.
35:41 We call ourselves the church militants
35:43 and sing battle anthems like Onward Christian soldiers,
35:46 but how many of us are personally in the fight?
35:51 Instead of fighting the fight of faith
35:52 and with the sword of truth
35:53 running through every temptation,
35:57 we begrudgingly relent to just one last time
36:00 being his loyal subjects. And in our lives,
36:03 keep paying tax to the fat king of sin.
36:08 We hate the devil enough to complain about him,
36:12 but not really enough to actually fight him.
36:17 By the way, this is not a rebuke to anyone,
36:20 outside of myself.
36:26 I'm embarrassed, ashamed to the point of literal tears,
36:34 when I look over the record of my life,
36:36 my professedly Godly life,
36:38 my Christian life, my Pastor, whatever.
36:42 When I claim to be God's
36:43 but I keep paying tax to another king.
36:51 How often we pray for deliverance
36:53 and hope that someone will do it.
36:57 While we keep paying tax.
37:03 Sometimes taxes, you know,
37:04 that's the thing about taxes.
37:06 If they said like there's gonna be a 12-dollar gas tax,
37:08 everybody's like, "that's ridiculous."
37:10 If they're like, "there's a two cent gas tax"
37:11 they're, "all right, one last time."
37:14 You know what I'm saying?
37:19 Satan didn't come in and be like,
37:20 "I want you to go to kill your parent."
37:22 No. That's not how he works, right?
37:26 He's like, "it's just a little thing.
37:27 Is this really worth fighting for?
37:29 We've been getting along so well.
37:32 Just one last time."
37:39 Poor stewardship, some of us are literally
37:44 robbing our Heavenly Father
37:45 and using what is rightfully His for our own game.
37:49 Thereby aiding and abetting the enemy of souls.
37:53 You're paying tax to the fat king.
37:57 Some of you might be singing turn your eyes upon Jesus,
38:02 but in your mind you are turning to images
38:05 that are nothing more than a tax to the old man of sin.
38:12 Jesus was pretty blunt
38:13 about this militaristic imagery too, right?
38:15 If your eye causes you to sin, put a band-aid over it...right?
38:22 Wink a lot?
38:26 What's He say?
38:28 Pluck it out. Just kill it.
38:34 If your hand causes you to sin,
38:37 easy solution, cut it off. Well, it's radical.
38:40 Yeah, I know, I'm not clowning around.
38:41 I'm not trying to compromise or mediate a stalemate.
38:43 I want you to kill him.
38:47 Well, that's radical.
38:49 I tell you what, I'll come up with a plan
38:50 and I'll get--I'll wean myself off like a patch.
38:56 Keep paying tax if you want,
38:57 but through My power we can just kill him today.
39:00 Is that cool?
39:03 Gossip, by the way,
39:04 I'm just gonna make a list now and when conviction hits you,
39:06 you don't have to say it aloud.
39:07 Don't raise your hand but, okay?
39:10 Let's just be honest.
39:11 All of us, regardless of our age,
39:13 are prone to this particular sin,
39:15 whether it's in person or on the phone
39:17 or on a favorite social network site,
39:19 clickety clack, clickety clack, or you know
39:25 tippity type, tippity type, tippity type.
39:33 We love to chat about or peek into the lives of others
39:36 and then make commentary on them.
39:42 Many young people in the church,
39:43 maybe not even the young people
39:44 so much anymore or more likely they think of their phone
39:47 when I say the word text than the word of God.
39:55 I'll keep, I'm just gonna, we'll just, okay.
39:59 Now that I've called you out on this,
40:00 I know that some of you might be so upset at me
40:01 that you're like, "Oh yeah?
40:02 I'm gonna text about you right now..."
40:06 Okay, I don't care if it's GYC,
40:07 I'll put it on Facebook right now,
40:08 say it again. I'll do it.
40:16 And by the way don't, don't even get me started
40:18 how sin dulls your sense of irony, right?
40:22 When someone talks about you behind your back,
40:24 what do you do? You go to your friend,
40:26 "I cannot believe how much they gossip."
40:31 Right? No sense of irony.
40:36 "Did you see how much they paid in tax?
40:37 Oh, yeah, here tax man, here, go ahead."
40:40 Don't even cross your mind.
40:42 They're mean to you, so what do you do?
40:43 I'll be mean back.
40:45 They think they can be mean? I'll show 'em mean.
40:47 I'll out-sin them any day. Like what?
40:52 How is this Godly living?
40:54 You know? I mean, we could go on.
40:56 I mean, we could make a whole list,
40:57 Sabbath breaking, academic dishonesty,
41:02 young people at GYC,
41:05 foul language,
41:10 and I include the veggie swears too, okay?
41:14 Right? Or the alphabets, where it's like it's okay,
41:16 I only said one letter, right.
41:19 Come on, we can do better, can't we?
41:23 I mean, we can't, but perhaps God living through us
41:25 might be able to conquer that if we give him a shot.
41:28 Or is the problem we actually kinda like it?
41:34 Back to the notes,
41:36 poor health habits,
41:39 in spite of or just to spite the Adventist health message.
41:44 "You crazy, dude, I'm gonna eat something..."
41:50 Dishonoring your parents,
41:51 treating prophecy with contempt,
41:56 settling for mediocrity at home or work or at school,
42:00 when the Lord asks for excellence in all things,
42:02 you've got an A plus potential
42:04 that the Lord God has put in you
42:05 and you come home with Cs.
42:09 You're paying tax.
42:12 How about this one? Laziness?
42:16 Doing whatever your hand finds to do, later.
42:22 All right? "I am totally gonna knock
42:25 that out of the park... tomorrow." Right?
42:32 You can go on and on and on.
42:33 Let me tell you, like any political uprising,
42:37 where people are held in oppression
42:38 by a tyrannical power,
42:40 the way to break the yoke of spiritual bondage
42:42 and declare your freedom
42:43 as subjects of a new King and citizens of a new kingdom
42:47 is an old fashioned tax revolt.
42:53 We need amongst the membership
42:54 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
42:55 a spiritual uprising.
42:58 A rebellion against the old man of sin.
43:02 If you really wanna change your life,
43:03 if you wanna change your church,
43:04 change your school and finish this work
43:08 that God has given us to do on the earth,
43:10 defect from the kingdom of Satan
43:13 and stop paying tax. I mean, think about it,
43:18 if you want to grind a system to a halt,
43:20 stop funding it.
43:24 Picketing and protesting won't get a government's
43:26 attention nearly as fast as withholding your taxes will.
43:31 Right? Would you like a personal emissary
43:33 from the Government to come to your door?
43:35 Just stop paying tax. They'll visit you real quick.
43:40 You wanna take the time?
43:41 Complain and protest, right? They're like, "Aw, cute.
43:44 As long as he pays tax, talk all you want,
43:46 freedom of speech, love it."
43:52 Um, and again let's be clear,
43:53 we absolutely must pay our taxes to the government.
43:58 This isn't that speech, okay?
44:01 I'm never gonna make that one,
44:02 it's not my position. The Bible is quite clear
44:04 we're supposed to be good citizens of earth
44:05 while we're still here, but our true citizenship,
44:08 are we on the same page? Can you say, amen?
44:09 Amen. All right.
44:11 And by the way that works with church Government too.
44:14 "Oh, my local Pastor,
44:16 I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
44:17 I'm gonna stop pay-"
44:20 The tithe is not holy
44:21 unto the pastor or holy unto the conference.
44:23 It's holy unto the Lord. Amen.
44:30 A whole nother sermon, just not time for it.
44:34 Let me tell you something.
44:36 What is needed most desperately
44:37 at this critical hour our Seventh-day Adventist
44:39 for whom the Bible is not just a book of beliefs
44:41 to which we passively agree.
44:43 I'm good on State of the Dead,
44:44 Second Coming, Spirit of prophecy,
44:45 sanctuary, Sabbath.
44:49 The Lord is in need of Seventh-Day Adventists
44:51 who are willing to take hold of the word of God
44:53 as a living and active double edge sword
44:56 and not by might, nor by power,
44:58 but by His Spirit run it through the Fat man of sin.
45:04 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
45:05 doesn't need more pastors,
45:08 doesn't need more administrators,
45:09 more policies, more programs, or even more money,
45:14 nearly as much as we need Ehuds.
45:19 We need you.
45:26 You know what's really cool about the story of Ehud?
45:27 It doesn't just stop with the death.
45:29 Go to verse 24. Right.
45:34 Judges Chapter 3, look at how the story concludes.
45:40 I love how the story concludes.
45:44 Says here,
45:50 When he had gone out,
45:51 Eglon's servants came to look, and to their surprise,
45:53 the doors of the upper room were locked.
45:54 So they said, he is probably
45:55 attending to his needs in the cool chamber.
45:57 So they waited till they were embarrassed,
45:59 and still did not open the doors of the upper room.
46:00 Therefore, they took the key and opened them.
46:02 And there was their master, fallen dead on the floor.
46:05 Notice he didn't paper cut him, right?
46:08 He killed him. Verse 26, but Ehud had escaped
46:13 while they delayed,
46:14 and passed beyond the stone images
46:15 and escaped to Seirath.
46:18 And it happened, when he arrived,
46:19 that he blew the trumpet in the mountains of Ephraim.
46:21 Little left-handed Benjamite, tax collector,
46:25 now he stands like the Old Testament Zacchaeus,
46:28 but he's all strong and tall now.
46:29 He blows the trumpet in Zion and said good news,
46:32 the fat king is dead and there's victory for you too.
46:37 Look what it says here.
46:40 "And it happened, when he arrived,
46:41 he blew the trumpet in the mountains of Ephraim,
46:43 and the children of Israel went down
46:44 with him from the mountains, and he led them."
46:49 God can take left-handed Benjamite,
46:51 tax collector, nobody feeling people
46:53 and turn them to leaders
46:54 if they're just willing to stand up and fight.
47:01 "Then He said to them, 'follow me'." Why?
47:05 "'For the Lord has delivered your enemies
47:09 the Moabites into your hand.'
47:13 So they went down after him,
47:15 seized the forts of the Jordan leading to Moab,
47:17 and did not allow anyone to cross over.
47:20 And at that time they killed about 10,000 men of Moab,
47:22 and all the stout men of valor,
47:23 not a man escaped."
47:25 And notice how it ends in verse 30.
47:28 "So Moab was subdued that day under the hand of Israel.
47:31 And the land had rest for eighty years."
47:41 I'm guessing there are some people here tonight
47:44 who are tired of negotiating with the devil
47:48 and just want some rest
47:50 and they are delivered to Jesus Christ.
47:54 I'm tired of this little incremental,
47:57 insignificant-seeming
47:58 but they know on the back of their minds
48:02 that they are paying tax.
48:09 Jesus repeatedly says
48:10 what His goal for this kingdom is,
48:12 sin no more. He didn't say sin less.
48:17 He didn't say some or only on the weekends,
48:21 or only on occasions
48:22 or only when you're with your friends
48:23 or only when you think it's small.
48:26 Go and sin no more.
48:28 That's His goal for the universe,
48:30 sin no more, He wants no second rebellion.
48:32 He doesn't wanna have to deal with this again.
48:33 He wants to be done,
48:34 and He wants people who want to be done.
48:38 Go and sin no more.
48:42 Now I'm not saying it's instantaneous.
48:44 It might take a few blows, right?
48:49 But the Lord has promised victory
48:51 and growth over time.
48:55 Notice what it says here. If I've already mentioned,
48:59 if--I know what it's like to practice
49:03 one thing and preach another.
49:06 I understand the hypocrisy, the feeling of it, it stinks.
49:11 When you're standing before the tax collector
49:13 and you know shouldn't, ugh...
49:20 But you know what's beautiful about the Lord?
49:21 He not only promises power for victory,
49:24 He also pardon-- gives us pardon
49:27 if we should fall.
49:35 1 John Chapter 2 verse 1
49:36 My little children, these things I write to you,
49:38 so that you may not sin.
49:40 And if--remember temptation was a when
49:43 but sin giving into temptation is an if.
49:48 But if anyone sins, even people of GYC,
49:55 even Godly people, even good people,
49:57 even people who are trying to develop
49:58 the character of Christ through His strength,
50:00 even you, if anyone sins,
50:04 we have an advocate with the Father,
50:07 Jesus Christ, the righteous.
50:09 The same one who gives you power
50:11 is the one who gives you pardon, if you should fall.
50:16 Hebrews Chapter 4 verses 15 and 16,
50:18 for we do not have a high priest
50:19 who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses,
50:22 but we have one who has been tempted in every way,
50:24 just as we are-- yet was without sin.
50:29 Let us then, because of His sinlessness,
50:31 not our own inherent works, not our own efforts,
50:34 not our own abilities to overcome,
50:35 but because of Christ's victory.
50:38 Let us then approach
50:40 the throne of grace with confidence.
50:42 Even if you have sinned-especially,
50:45 if you have sinned, don't hide from God,
50:48 but go into His presence, not on your own merits,
50:51 you know, Nadab and Abihu style,
50:55 but covered in the blood of Jesus,
50:56 you can come confidently
50:58 before the throne of grace even if you fall.
51:04 Let us then approach
51:05 the throne of grace with confidence,
51:07 so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us
51:10 in our time of need.
51:13 Of course, 1 John Chapter 1 and verse 9,
51:15 if we confess our sins,
51:16 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
51:20 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
51:26 As Seventh-day Adventists, we have been commissioned
51:28 to be the heralds of Christ's soon return.
51:31 All that we do in this life,
51:32 especially at this time in earth's history
51:34 should be done with one eye locked on the eastern sky.
51:38 Someday soon, the ruler
51:40 we live under the dominion in this world
51:44 will be swallowed up
51:46 when the true King comes to lead us
51:49 out of captivity into His glorious victory.
51:54 We are told unequivocally
51:55 in 2 Peter Chapter 3 verses 10 to 12,
51:57 but the day of the Lord will come,
51:59 not might, might should or it will come, like a thief.
52:03 The heavens will disappear with a roar,
52:04 the elements will be destroyed by fire,
52:06 and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.
52:10 Since everything will be destroyed in this way,
52:13 what kind of people ought you to be?
52:20 You ought to live holy and Godly lives
52:21 as you look forward to the day of God
52:24 and hasten its coming.
52:29 Friends, let's be faithful.
52:32 Let's refuse to submit to the taxing
52:36 temptations of Satan anymore.
52:39 Let's be people who boldly declare
52:41 our independence from the ruler of this world
52:43 and pledge allegiance to the true king of heaven.
52:47 Let's be a people who, in our daily lives,
52:49 pick up that sword of truth and not by might,
52:53 not by power, but by My Spirit,
52:58 have victory in Jesus.
53:03 I want to ask you again tonight,
53:04 even if you disagree,
53:05 did it at least make sense? Can you raise your hand?
53:09 Praise God for clarity, Praise the Lord.
53:11 Thank you. If this is a principle
53:16 that you would like to see more instilled in your life.
53:18 There are some things,
53:19 you see smorgasbord of stuff,
53:20 you're like, you know what I'm done,
53:22 I want victory in Jesus.
53:23 Will you stand with me tonight?
53:25 Like Lord, this is what I want.
53:27 I want a victorious life.
53:28 I don't want just like moderation.
53:30 I want to live on that higher level.
53:32 I don't want to just to see it.
53:33 I want to start experiencing citizenship
53:35 in God's kingdom right here tonight.
53:40 And I Praise the Lord for that commitment.
53:43 But I want to make a special call tonight.
53:47 I'm guessing that there are some people
53:49 who feel like Ehuds
53:50 and have lived some hypocrisy for a while.
53:55 I'm not asking to declare what your problem is.
53:57 Or what your issue is.
53:58 But there are some sins here that we know,
54:00 we like and we shouldn't.
54:04 You might have been withheld
54:05 from coming down the other night
54:06 or maybe other commitments
54:07 that you should be making in life,
54:09 because you know that there's this one thing
54:10 that's blocking you-- your walk with Christ
54:12 and you know that,
54:13 when the tax collector comes around,
54:15 you're too willing and you're like Lord,
54:19 I don't even want to give it up.
54:21 I like...but, Lord, I don't want to like it anymore.
54:28 You said You're gonna give me the desires of my heart.
54:29 Lord, help me to desire the right things.
54:35 There's this one thing that I've been struggling
54:36 with I just cannot break because I don't like it.
54:40 I like feeding the beast,
54:41 but, Lord, change my mind, change my heart,
54:44 transform me into the image of Your son
54:46 who hates sin, help me to hate it.
54:49 Help me to look at that thing I used to love in disgust now.
54:53 Lord, if you want, if it's up to You,
54:57 Lord, can you make me more Christ like
55:01 and that zealotry for righteousness
55:04 and enmity against sin?
55:07 If there's a particular thing
55:08 that you're struggling with and you want specific prayer,
55:10 special prayer and you feel that this issue,
55:14 whatever it is, whatever the list
55:15 or maybe you got your own list,
55:16 whatever the particular thing
55:17 is that you want victory in your life
55:19 and you've never experienced it
55:20 before because you know the reason you haven't.
55:22 You haven't really fought.
55:25 You say, Lord, I want to start fighting tonight,
55:30 not by my strength, not in my merit,
55:32 not in my own efforts,
55:33 but, Lord, I believe that You are faithful
55:36 because Your word says so.
55:37 Not because I feel it,
55:38 because it declares it and it is written.
55:42 And I take Your word to the bank.
55:47 There's someone who is wrestling tonight,
55:49 says, "Lord, tonight I wanna
55:50 start living that victorious life,
55:52 help me to craft the sword.
55:55 How many teach me how to be practical about it.
55:57 How do I wear it?
55:58 How do I set my alarm clock for it?
55:59 How do I make plans for it?
56:01 Lord, help me to have a strategy to kill the fat king.
56:05 If you want that help and you'd like special prayer,
56:07 would you come down front as we sing our closing song?
56:10 There's something in your life,
56:11 say Lord, I'm done with it. I wanna stop it tonight.
56:15 At least, I want to learn how to stop it.
56:16 I want You to give me ways to stop it.
56:17 I want You to train me in the art of sword making.
56:20 I want You to teach me how to, Lord,
56:23 show me the way.
56:25 I hunger for that higher place,
56:27 I want the Spirit of the living God
56:29 to fall afresh on me. Come down front, friends.
56:35 You understand this is a specific appeal.
56:37 I praise the Lord for the numbers.
56:38 That's not what we're looking for.
56:39 I want quality more than quantity, amen?
56:41 But if there is a struggle,
56:44 and you know this is the hindrance.
56:48 This is your opportunity. Come down front.
56:52 There's not only power, my friends,
56:54 there's also pardon,
56:55 if you sin. No condemnation,
56:59 just come to the throne in confidence
57:02 that He's been there, He understands your weakness
57:06 and He is strong when you are weak.
57:10 Praise the Lord.
57:16 As the people are coming,
57:17 we're gonna sing this song together.
57:20 Let this be our prayer tonight.
57:23 'Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me.'
57:27 Sing it like you mean it.
57:43 Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me
57:57 Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me


Revised 2014-12-17