Generation of Youth for Christ 2011

Noon Plenary - Friday

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jan Cabungcal


Series Code: 11GYC

Program Code: 11GYC000006

00:24 Soldiers of the cross Now the trumpet blow open
00:42 Soldiers of the Heavenly King
00:46 Who faithfully stand through everything
00:50 Sound forth and let your praises sing
00:55 to Christ the Lord of all The glory of thy coming
01:04 Give honor to His Majesty
01:08 The one who every good nations sing and sinful nations fall
01:18 Let thy sole foundation come upon the Rock of Ages
01:27 And though the battle rages His faithful few stand
01:36 Soldiers of the cross Now the trumpet blow open
01:54 War is in the final theme Now hear the trumpet sound
02:03 To travel where the saints have come
02:07 Press onto higher ground
02:12 And be not thou discouraged those days of the sin
02:21 Against who God has said
02:24 The gates of hell shall not prevail
02:32 Soldiers of the Mighty one Go fast and wear your armor on
02:41 For soon the shout of an angel is sound
02:45 Your foe's defeat is sure Be faithful to thy captain
02:54 Go forth, and brace your armor on
02:58 For soon creation's force will form
03:03 And turn the world on world Place your eyes on Jesus
03:12 His promise fulfilled and forever we'll praise
03:18 His name forever He's won the fight already
03:27 Soldiers of the cross, Now the trumpet blow open
03:41 Amen. Amen.
03:52 Amen.
03:54 Welcome, everybody. Are you excited to be here?
03:58 Amen. We have an amazing program awaiting us,
04:02 blessed by God and we're going to be spoken
04:05 to by a speaker named Jan, a Man of God
04:07 right after our special music.
04:09 Before we do that, I'd like to ask you
04:11 to join me as we pray for God's blessing.
04:14 Heavenly Father, I thank You so much
04:16 because You have been blessing us
04:17 in so many ways during this GYC.
04:20 And now as we gather together to hear a sermon
04:23 from Your word, from You, Father,
04:24 we pray for Your blessing, we pray for the infilling
04:27 of Your Holy Spirit that You might be glorified through it.
04:31 We pray all these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.
08:25 Amen. Amen.
08:32 Happy Friday, GYC. Happy Friday.
08:36 Have you been enjoying the seminars? Yes.
08:43 I stood at the back and listened to that beautiful piece,
08:47 I thought to myself, "Wow! I could stay back there
08:50 and listen to it forever."
08:52 However, I have the time to give you a testimony,
08:56 my testimony, so I invite you to bow
08:58 your head wherever you are as we seek
09:01 the Lord in prayer once more.
09:05 Our Father in heaven, Lord, we thank You
09:08 for this wonderful event.
09:11 We thank You for bringing us here,
09:14 dear Lord, and You have called us not because
09:17 we are the greatest perhaps because
09:19 we are the least of Your household.
09:22 Lord, as I share the things that you have done for me,
09:29 the experiences of the things that I have seen
09:30 and I've heard, I pray, Lord,
09:33 that You'll empty me of self and You will feel me.
09:38 This is my earnest plea such as You alone can be heard,
09:43 that You alone can be seen and I will disappear
09:48 such Christ can appear, not only now but for evermore.
09:53 It is my earnest plea in Jesus wonderful name.
10:03 You are GYC so, before I start my testimony,
10:10 I would like you to take your sword out
10:14 and we're going to sharpen it
10:15 just a little bit more just--this afternoon.
10:18 Go to the Book of John with me.
10:22 Book of John Chapter 4.
10:25 Here we find Jesus traveling northward into Galilee,
10:29 but we all--the Bible also tells us that He needs to pass
10:32 through Samaria and at about noon time, the Bible says,
10:37 Jesus made a calculated stop at Jacob's well.
10:42 So, we take it from verse 6. John 4:6,
10:51 "Now Jacob's well was there.
10:54 Jesus therefore, being wearied with His journey,
10:56 sat thus on the well, and it was about the sixth hour."
11:01 Verse 7, "There cometh a woman of Samaria
11:03 to draw water, Jesus saith unto her, 'Give me to drink.'"
11:07 "For His disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat."
11:11 Verse 9, "Then saith the woman of Samaria unto Him,
11:14 How is it that thou, being a Jew,
11:16 askest drink of me, which I am a woman of Samaria?
11:20 For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans."
11:24 Verse 10, "Jesus answered and said unto her,
11:27 If thou knewest the gift of God,
11:29 and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink,
11:31 thou wouldest have asked of him,
11:33 and He would have given thee living water."
11:36 Verse 11, "The woman saith unto Him,
11:39 Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with,
11:41 and the well is deep, from whence then
11:43 hast thou that living water?"
11:45 Verse 12, "Art thou greater than our father Jacob,
11:48 which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself,
11:51 and his children, and his cattle?
11:53 Jesus answered and said unto her,
11:55 Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again.
11:58 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him
12:01 shall never thirst again, but the water
12:04 that I will give him will be in him
12:07 a well of water springing up into everlasting life."
12:12 The next verse and that's 15,
12:14 "The woman saith unto her--unto him,
12:16 Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not,
12:22 neither come hither to draw."
12:27 My name is Jan Harry Cabungcal.
12:34 I'm a neuroscientist, that's how I pay my bills.
12:40 But my life's passion is soul winning. Amen.
12:45 And I have news for you, young people.
12:49 You might be students, you might work
12:53 in a medical field, in a bank.
12:57 Those are just your means to pay your bills.
13:02 Soul winning is your occupation. Amen.
13:08 We find here a story of a woman
13:12 and this woman's story is very much like my story.
13:18 I was born in the Philippines in the 1970s,
13:27 raised by my grandparents and also
13:30 by my aunts and my uncles.
13:34 So I was not lacking of love.
13:39 At the age of 12 and 13, 12 to 13,
13:45 I joined my parents who are living in the United Kingdom
13:51 and while in the United Kingdom,
13:54 at that time I was short, I was skinny, very skinny
14:01 and very short and I didn't speak English
14:04 and so when I was enrolled at school,
14:08 they took one good look at me and they thought,
14:13 "Okay, we'll put him in the lowest class."
14:17 And as I entered the class, I thought what a friendly
14:22 bunch of good people here, you know, the people,
14:27 my classmates were very friendly and they actually
14:31 were nice to me and the teachers actually sat with
14:34 each student during class and walk us through the exercise.
14:41 A month and half, give and take,
14:44 or maybe almost two, there was an exam,
14:50 I didn't know what the strategy was
14:54 but an exam was given to the whole class.
14:57 I took it and lo and behold I got 95 to 98 percent,
15:04 passed with flying colors.
15:06 And so the teachers looked among themselves and said,
15:08 "Well, this guy is not so stupid after all,"
15:13 and they put me in the middle class, higher middle class.
15:18 And at this class, the people,
15:20 my classmates were not so nice, you know,
15:23 when we were copying notes, I remember, I would look at
15:25 their notebook and they would pull it away,
15:30 so I liked the other class better.
15:36 A month after being in that class,
15:39 there was another exam and I thought,
15:42 "No, no, no, you're not gonna get me this time
15:45 because I know the strategy, it means if I pass the exam
15:49 they would bring it to higher class
15:52 but if I fail it, it's a win-win situation.
15:56 I'm beginning to like the class I'm at
15:58 and at the same time, if they bring me back
16:01 to my old class, I would gladly do it.
16:05 And so when the paper was given,
16:07 I flunked it gladly and I stayed in the class.
16:12 Now, you have to understand that I was raised
16:15 in a Christian home but when I joined my parents
16:19 in the United Kingdom, all of a sudden,
16:21 our home was not as I imagine it to be
16:25 or should be, wanted it to be.
16:29 And so there was something lacking within me
16:32 and I began seeking something that would satisfy
16:35 the longing of my heart and my environment is school.
16:40 So I look at school who are the happy people at school.
16:44 All right, so the happy people at school are those
16:46 that are inclined to be more sports gifted
16:51 and so I looked around, I shoved around,
16:53 I saw rugby, no way, because if you get
16:58 a hold of the ball, everyone is just out
17:00 to get you and I'm not gonna die because of the ball.
17:05 Cricket? I hated catching a ball
17:08 without gloves, it's just painful.
17:12 And so I thought. "Ah, basketball."
17:15 Something I could live with
17:18 and so I joined the basketball team.
17:20 The problem is or I said at the time is that I was short
17:25 and so they gladly took me in but put me on the B team
17:30 which I call literally bench team because
17:33 that's what where I spent four to five weeks of my life
17:37 in the basketball team, throwing towels and the closer
17:40 I got to the ball is at the end of the game,
17:43 collecting them and locking them away.
17:47 So, you're getting the picture,
17:51 one day, finally, I thought, "Okay, I'm tired of this
17:57 and I just whispered a silly prayer."
18:00 Somebody break a leg and somebody did break a leg
18:06 so I get to play and say, "That little guy bring him in."
18:10 And so, now I need to earn the trust of my teammates,
18:15 but at the same time, I'm just running back and forth
18:18 like I'm alone, nobody really passed the ball to me
18:22 until the opportunity was given and finally,
18:27 I get to shoot and it went down, behind the three point line.
18:35 Now, they discovered something,
18:37 that you see in the Philippines,
18:39 we start playing basketball at the age of five
18:42 and so I mean I'll be able to jump,
18:44 I might be short but at least I can shoot
18:47 seven out of ten from a distance.
18:51 Before you lasted may be two to three months
18:55 and after that there was still something missing.
18:58 I just thought, "Maybe I need to go
19:00 somewhere else, find something else."
19:03 I said, "Who are the happy people in school?"
19:05 And I found the people would dress nicely
19:07 with their jackets and the black lapel
19:10 with a printed thing on it, that's a chess team.
19:13 So I joined the chess team.
19:16 And I thought, they thought, "Okay, this guy doesn't speak
19:20 good English so let's put him again in the B team
19:23 until finally somebody got sick,
19:25 I got to play, cut a long story short
19:28 and what people didn't know is that in the Philippines
19:31 when we're not playing basketball, we're playing chess.
19:37 And so I began playing chess when I was five
19:40 and just to get a picture, our teachers,
19:43 who's my uncle plays all the kids at the same time,
19:46 there's like eight chess board and he would play
19:49 from one all at the same time.
19:52 Hey, that's just, later on, I was a little bit older.
19:59 "Who are the happy people in school?
20:01 Those that have money. Those that have Nike Air Jordan."
20:05 And so, how does a 15-16-year-old get money.
20:10 So I decided to get a job.
20:12 So we got a job finally and no one would
20:15 accept us apart from a fast-food chain.
20:17 I won't say, won't name it anyway.
20:20 So finally got the--got paid and went out and bought
20:26 the things that we need like a millionaire.
20:30 It still did not satisfy the longing of my heart.
20:33 While I was working at this fast-food chain there were
20:37 people who were calling me names and telling me,
20:40 "Why didn't you go back where you come from?
20:43 You're looking stupid, aren't you?"
20:44 You know, this kind of rhetoric language
20:48 and tired of hearing that I thought to myself
20:51 "Okay. One day, I'm gonna prove you wrong."
20:56 And that was my drive to go to University
20:59 to prove the people wrong.
21:03 Went to the University in England,
21:07 got accepted at bio-medical program,
21:10 cut a long story short, successfully got my degree
21:15 and finally got invited to do
21:16 a doctorate program in Switzerland.
21:19 So I went to Switzerland and it was there at Switzerland
21:24 where God has been beginning to work in my heart.
21:28 I had not been to church for a long time.
21:30 Never even prayed for a long time.
21:34 And it was one-- it was the spring of 2003,
21:39 when I began to attend a youth meeting
21:42 and there was one American preacher
21:45 who came to that meeting, delivered a youth prayer
21:50 a week and during this time, I was hearing the message,
21:56 I--it was just tailor-cut just for me.
22:01 How I saw myself in that message
22:04 and at the end of the week,
22:07 when pastor Louis Torres made an appeal,
22:09 something just was happening within me I couldn't explain.
22:13 I was holding on to my chair, I wanted to respond
22:16 with my chair on my-- on my backside and finally,
22:20 the Lord got hold of me.
22:26 And that summer of 2003, Pastor Louis Torres
22:30 came back to Switzerland to do an evangelistic series
22:34 and I was baptized, 41 days after my baptism,
22:42 I preached my first revival meeting.
22:47 I tell you during this time my knees were shaking,
22:50 rattling so loud that I was worried that
22:56 all the people could hear of my knees.
23:00 I say, "Lord, I prayed You, I didn't ask for this.
23:05 I'm a scientist what do I know about preaching?
23:08 My auditory skills is very bad, but fill me.
23:16 And the Lord heard my prayer.
23:19 I ask the Lord, "If this is what
23:21 you really want me to do, then show me."
23:26 At the end of the revival series,
23:28 ten people recommitted their lives to the Lord.
23:34 I thought, "Is God calling me?"
23:37 I begun to ponder, "Now I'm in trouble.
23:40 What am I gonna do?" As I was praying
23:44 and asking God to lead, "Lord, send your spirit
23:49 to guide me, open doors of opportunity."
23:53 A door opened, I was asked to be
23:56 part of the team to preach an evangelistic series,
24:00 full evangelistic series in the Dominican Republic.
24:04 And I had no--no training in preaching or evangelism.
24:09 The only training in evangelism
24:11 I had was following Pastor Torres,
24:13 do Bible studies for two days.
24:17 In all, he said to me, "Young man, watch and pray."
24:22 And so I sat in the corner just watching him and praying
24:28 and soaking up everything that he's doing
24:34 and how he is making appeals
24:36 and how he's leading a person to decision.
24:41 So off I go after waiting for many months
24:46 of praying and preparing to the Dominican Republic.
24:50 Finally I'm in the Dominican Republic,
24:51 2004 summer. So get a picture,
24:56 first night, preaching my first evangelistic meeting,
25:00 everything was ready.
25:01 Preaching of Daniel 2, a kid run child.
25:04 Maybe five or six years old, runs across,
25:07 trips on my table, my laptop flew without wings,
25:12 bounced like a basketball,
25:15 all I could do is cover my eyes.
25:18 Picked up my Macbook.
25:20 Put it back on the table, continued preaching.
25:24 We have been instructed by Pastor Torres
25:26 that you don't let anything distract you,
25:28 you just continue to preach.
25:29 So I was preaching, I picked up,
25:30 put it and kept talking as if nothing had happened.
25:35 I could--I barely put the thing down,
25:38 move back and preaching, the same child runs back,
25:43 trips on the table, my computer bounces like a basketball.
25:49 I said, "This cannot be happening."
25:53 Put it back on the table.
25:55 After that, preached the campaign made appeal,
25:59 at the very end, another child, the same thing.
26:03 I said, "Okay, we're gonna solve this problem.
26:06 No children allowed." First night, second day,
26:13 I arrived in church Sabbath morning,
26:15 set up everything, I was ready, had my notes,
26:19 had my Bible ready to preach and then the elder came to me,
26:24 and the elder said, "What are you preaching today, brother?"
26:26 I said, "I'm preaching why so much suffering."
26:28 Now, we had little bit of pricing. That was young.
26:31 Oh, I'm still young but, and so yeah,
26:36 he, he, he basically said, "You cannot preach that."
26:39 I said, "Why not?", "Because we have no
26:41 visitors here, we need a message
26:43 that will blow our soul."
26:47 And how do you argue with an elder?
26:49 But I argued anyway. And as I was arguing him
26:53 back and forth, my translator, one Francisco from New York
26:58 saw us and he came and says,
27:02 "What seems to be the problem, my brother?
27:03 So I put my arms around him, thinking I'm gonna find
27:06 camaraderie in him and then explained him the situation
27:09 and then he turned to me and said,
27:11 "Brother, you know the elder is right."
27:14 And as I was about to argue, there was a voice
27:19 at the back of my head as loud as
27:22 I--I'm speaking with you today.
27:25 That's quotes Zechariah 4:6, but the only thing,
27:29 the difference is that it didn't have
27:31 Zerubbabel in it, it had my name on it.
27:34 It says, "This is the word of the Lord unto you, Jan,
27:38 that my work is not gonna be done
27:39 by might nor power but what?"
27:43 "By His spirit." Says the Lord of Hosts.
27:47 And after that I backed off, I fell on my knees
27:52 for three minutes and asked God, "Lord, it's Your spirit.
27:59 It's gonna be done by Your spirit so feel me, feel me.
28:04 I'm gonna be obedient to You in this,
28:06 I don't know where I'm going with this but You know."
28:10 And so I went with it, opened my Bible
28:13 for the shortest time I could remember.
28:17 It's about maybe one to two minutes
28:18 and they began to wave the pulpit entourage,
28:22 "blimey, come on, time to preach."
28:25 So, I came. My knees were shaking like never before
28:31 that I had to stand with one feet at the back
28:33 and one in the front to stabilize myself,
28:38 and we preached for one and a half hour
28:41 on the sermon I did not prepare.
28:46 The translator came to me and says,
28:48 "Brother, are you sure you did not prepare that?"
28:52 "Come on, I was hoping
28:54 you would take my side but you didn't."
28:57 I wouldn't argue if I had something.
29:00 "It is only the spirit of God."
29:03 And on that Sabbath afternoon, the whole church was knocking.
29:09 The whole church began to pray.
29:12 You see, at the end of the evangelistic meeting,
29:15 we have 38 souls but originally they only had
29:19 eight souls and so the conference president,
29:22 Pastor Henry Barrios came and says, "What happened?
29:27 I thought you only had eight souls.
29:28 Where did that 30 come from?"
29:32 And so we explained the situation
29:36 that it was only through the Spirit of God.
29:39 It would be-- church began to pray,
29:42 and the church began to knock on doors.
29:47 Seven couples got married, got baptized,
29:54 only the Spirit of God can do that.
29:57 Who am I? I'm not a season preacher.
29:59 I don't know anything-- left or right
30:04 but my experience, this was just the beginning.
30:09 Before I left the Dominican Republic,
30:12 I was together with a room -- in a room
30:14 with the young people and I looked at them
30:17 and I see in their eyes,
30:18 "What are we gonna do when we get home?
30:22 What are we gonna do?"
30:24 They didn't have to say it I could see it in their eyes.
30:27 See, all this spiritual adventure we had
30:32 will all end when we go back home to Europe.
30:36 And thus, the vision began
30:41 of forming Europe for Jesus.
30:45 God gave this vision in the mission field.
30:50 For young people. The young people who loved the message,
30:56 who loved God, who can understand
30:59 the specific message of the Seventh day Adventist
31:03 and be part of the young people who will deliver
31:06 the three angels message to the people in our generation.
31:13 So, thus began but who are we?
31:16 We are red pack of young people,
31:19 not even trained rightly.
31:21 We're still rough on the edges.
31:24 But God was bringing us through test it,
31:27 --a little here a little there,
31:32 seeing the intent of our hearts.
31:37 What began as a vision began to materialize
31:43 and we began to hold revival meetings in Austria,
31:47 in Germany, in Hungary,
31:52 in Italy, Switzerland,
31:57 Norway, different places in Europe
32:02 and God begun raising up an army of young people
32:08 who want simply to be filled by the spirit of God.
32:14 You are not alone here, brothers and sisters,
32:17 we have an army of young people in Europe
32:20 who are just waiting, waiting to be mentored,
32:24 waiting for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
32:28 And I'm so glad that I'm partof this movement.
32:31 God does lead me to many young people.
32:35 I share with you one experience,
32:37 one young person in particulars,
32:38 I wanted to bring him here but he said,
32:40 "Nothing like calling for this time, this is your time."
32:45 I was preaching an evangelistic campaign in Northern Germany
32:49 and this young man was there, I met him there,
32:52 he's a fourth generation protestant and this young man
32:58 came and I just saw there was something about him.
33:02 I say, "Lord, are You leading me to this young man
33:05 to mentor him and to somehow
33:08 bring him to the foot of the cross.
33:11 He's not even an Adventist."
33:12 But he's starting to attend the church.
33:16 His name is Martin.
33:19 In 2009, he was baptized.
33:26 Two months after his baptism,
33:29 he preached his first evangelistic meeting with us.
33:34 The following year did the same and today.
33:39 he is the networking coordinator of Beautiful Jesus,
33:42 not only that he is the Glow Europe Coordinator.
33:47 If God can do that for myself and Martin,
33:51 who are not born into this movement.
33:55 How much more for you, young people?
34:01 Recently, I was in Turkey,
34:08 just few days ago and it's forbidden
34:10 to do evangelism there, but the Lord has given me
34:15 one of the most memorable experience.
34:18 On just one night, I went out to do outreach.
34:22 Well, we're forbidden but I went out anyway.
34:24 I didn't take my translators with me
34:26 because I didn't want them to get into trouble.
34:28 The worst thing they can do to me is deport me,
34:31 lock me in jail may be for a night or two
34:32 and then deport me. But it's okay.
34:36 And so I went out because I got restless
34:39 at the 11 O'clock in the evening,
34:41 and I normally have that, and when I have that--
34:43 I know that there's somebody out
34:45 there waiting and so I went out.
34:48 And lo and behold, well out, at three different period,
34:54 three different guys came to me.
34:56 First was Ali, second was Hameed,
34:59 the last one was Mustafa.
35:01 And apparently, they all work
35:03 at the hotels around-- round town.
35:08 But more significant that I want to share with you
35:10 is the last one, Mustafa, a Muslim,
35:15 he wanted me to take me to an establishment,
35:17 eventually I deducted that he wanted to take me
35:20 where we're not supposed to be.
35:23 He calls them lovelies but basically women.
35:28 And so I told him, "Brother, I am happily married
35:35 and I will be committing sin
35:36 against my wife by even going there."
35:39 So I wanted to test him, he says,
35:41 "Well, you don't have to tell your wife."
35:42 "Well, then I'm committing sin against God."
35:46 And he looked at me then I began to tell him.
35:50 I asked him, "Do you have a sister?
35:53 Do you have a daughter?
35:55 Just no. "Well, imagine this, if your sister is there,
36:00 would you still take me? Would you?"
36:04 He began to think for himself and I asked him this questions,
36:09 "It seems to me that you are a good man
36:13 but with streak of what bad boy wanna be,
36:17 I was once like you. Do you want victory over that?"
36:23 And we walked for 45 minutes around the city
36:26 and I was giving him Bible studies.
36:29 At the very end, I told him, there's only one
36:31 who can give you victory and that is Jesus.
36:34 You wanna know who He is?
36:36 He is not just a normal man, He is not a just good man.
36:39 He's not just a guru. He's the son of God
36:44 and you can have victory if you allow Him.
36:50 So to test this if he's genuinely interested
36:52 we had about 10 to 15 minutes
36:54 walk back to what I was staying.
36:56 I saying, "Would you like a copy of something
36:57 I wanna give you?" And he says, "Yes."
37:00 So he walked back with me,
37:03 got a book of Step to Christ and gave it to him.
37:09 Muslims open for the Gospel. I have one more story.
37:13 My time is short but I don't wanna leave you
37:15 without giving you this story.
37:17 I was in the train in Switzerland, a train ride,
37:20 that's my mission field. Train, buses and plane.
37:23 As I was in the train and as I stepped into the train,
37:26 there was this guy that had a big smile,
37:28 he was looking at me, I thought to myself,
37:30 "Wow, do I have ketchup, toothpaste.
37:34 I looked is my zip undone?
37:36 Fine, no problem there."
37:39 And so he asked me if he could sit with me,
37:43 so, "Yes, by all means, please sit with me.
37:45 Please sit. " And the first thing he asked just by seeing,
37:48 he said, "What do you do?"
37:50 Said the question that you ask,
37:52 that's a bold question which require bold response.
37:56 And so since he asked that I told him,
37:58 "I'm a neuroscientist who believes
38:00 in six literal day of creation."
38:02 I let him have it and he said, "What do you mean?"
38:08 And I explained to him what exactly I mean
38:10 and I brought him the Great Controversy,
38:12 I began to -- to somehow bring the Battle for the Minds
38:18 and we walked in this battle and I was talking,
38:21 talking for 20 to 25 minutes and didn't let him
38:24 to say anything, I was just over enthusiastic.
38:28 And finally, I said, "By the way,
38:30 I got just the copy for you."
38:32 So I took the out and I was handing it over to him.
38:36 He asked me--I asked him, "What about you?
38:38 What do you do?" What--this is how it was.
38:42 He says, "Well, I'm a catholic priest."
38:47 A catholic priest. He is a professor at the seminary,
38:50 training catholic priests and you can imagine
38:55 I was handing him the Great Controversies,
38:56 and I was pulling it back and he was pulling it towards him.
39:01 And I ask him, "Really, can you tell me,
39:03 what that really entails?
39:07 Finally, I say, "Lord, put a sock in my mouth.
39:12 Get the dirtiest one." Because I thought
39:14 I've just dishonored him.
39:18 Three months later--three months later, I get an email,
39:22 "Dear brother Jan," And it says in that email,
39:26 when I read it, I almost fell up my chair
39:30 because this is his words, "I-- thoroughly enjoyed this book."
39:35 Amen. The next line, "I believe every single
39:43 seminarian should have this book."
39:46 Third line," Where can I get more of this book?"
39:50 Amen. I tell you I almost fell out of the chair,
39:53 I went straight to my bookshelf
39:55 and got all the nine Great Controversies,
39:57 put it in a box and said,
39:58 "Brother, I will take it care for you."
40:00 That's it. I don't know where he is today
40:05 but he is no longer in the faculty of the University
40:07 where he was teaching, but my prayer
40:10 is that the Spirit of God just filled him
40:13 and I will see him in heaven.
40:15 Amen. Young people, God has a special task for us
40:23 but He cannot entrust His task without us being filled.
40:26 I wanna read you a quotation from this Great Controversy,
40:28 I'm really out of time but I don't want us
40:30 to leave without us. Just let us think this for a while,
40:33 it's found in the Book of Education, page 263,
40:36 "Thousands of young persons
40:38 will be called to this rescue ministry.
40:41 The whole world is opening to the gospel.
40:43 From every direction sin-stricken hearts cry
40:46 for the knowledge of God.
40:47 Millions have never heard of God or of His love.
40:50 It is their right to receive this knowledge.
40:53 They have equal rights to the Savior's mercy.
40:56 We must answer this. cry.
41:02 And at this crisis, the--question asked
41:04 of Queen Esther comes to every home, every school,
41:08 every student who has enjoyed the light of the gospel:
41:12 "Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom
41:15 for such a time as this?"
41:21 I wonder, if there's anyone in this room
41:28 who wants to answer this-- call but before you can answer
41:32 this call before you can receive and be filled
41:36 by the spirit of God, you have to bring something
41:41 that hinders you, sin priorities before Him.
41:48 What is it that's hindering you from fully receiving
41:53 that living water that Christ offers?
41:55 A drop of that will satisfy you.
41:59 It has satisfied my soul. On my honeymoon,
42:03 I was at an evangelistic meeting, 43 young people,
42:09 that's the honeymoon, before the honeymoon,
42:12 before the wedding, we had an evangelistic meeting,
42:14 I was also in that part of it.
42:17 When my daughter was born, 2010, last year,
42:23 I was in the mission field.
42:26 I missed calculated the date by one week.
42:29 I was supposed to be home but I have a supporting
42:31 wife who understands that this answer must--
42:35 this cry must be answered.
42:38 Young people, God will use you but only
42:44 when you're asking to be filled.
42:48 I wonder how many of you with the raising up
42:51 of your hand would say, "I wanna be filled
42:53 by the Holy Spirit." With our heads bow and eyes closed.
43:00 Maybe there's a young person, young man, young woman
43:02 in this room, who have something in their lives,
43:07 priorities, whatever that may be and they'd
43:09 like to give to God today, so they can be fully used by God.
43:14 Would you stand to your feet and say,
43:16 "Lord, I wanna give it to you."
43:19 I'm tired of going to this well
43:24 and drinking from this false well.
43:27 I wanna drink from the well that You offer.
43:29 Is there that young person?
43:31 Amen. Anymore young person?
43:34 I wanna pray for you this afternoon
43:36 not because there is power in me but I believe in Him
43:43 who has transformed my life and since He's transformed
43:47 my life when I gave it all to Him,
43:48 He can transform your life. Is there an older person?
43:53 Say, "Lord. I give it to you today.
43:56 I don't want--I wanna leave this place knowing
43:58 I have no baggage that I'd symbolically loved it
44:01 at GYC and -- the angels will come
44:04 and does it off themselves.
44:08 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
44:11 Our Father, in Heaven, Lord, I thank You
44:17 for what You have done in my life.
44:20 I thank You for what You are doing in the lives
44:22 of these young people.
44:24 Lord, they stand for You today because they understand
44:28 that they may--they need to answer this cry.
44:33 But Lord, they also recognized that they cannot be filled
44:37 while they're holding on to something that is hindering
44:41 Your spirit to fully work in them.
44:44 So they symbolically stand present them to You
44:49 and they present their lives to You today.
44:53 Disappoint them not, they will leave this place
44:56 not only filled by You but You will dwell in them.
45:02 In Jesus' wonderful name. Amen.
45:37 There is a higher throne Than all this world has known,
45:49 Where faithful ones from every tongue
45:57 Will one day come.
46:04 Before the Son we'll stand,
46:10 Made faultless through the Lamb
46:15 Believing hearts find promised grace--
46:22 Salvation comes. Hear heaven's voices sing;
46:34 Their thund'rous anthem rings
46:39 Through em'rald courts and sapphire skies.
46:45 Their praises rise.
46:51 All glory, wisdom, pow'r,
46:57 Strength, thanks, and honor are
47:01 To God our King, who reigns on high Forevermore.
47:24 And there we'll find our home, Our life before the throne;
47:34 We'll honor Him in perfect song
47:41 Where we belong. He'll wipe each tear-stained eye
47:52 As thirst and hunger die.
47:57 The Lamb becomes our Shepherd King;
48:04 We'll reign with Him.
48:09 Hear heaven's voices sing;
48:14 Their thund'rous anthem rings
48:19 Through em'rald courts and sapphire skies.
48:25 Their praises rise. All glory, wisdom, pow'r,
48:36 Strength, thanks, and honor are
48:40 To God our King, who reigns on high
48:46 Oh add glory to our God, our king Forevermore.


Revised 2014-12-17