Generation of Youth for Christ 2011

The Holy Spirit's Roll In Our Lives

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kameron Devasher


Series Code: 11GYC

Program Code: 11GYC000004

00:12 [Music]
03:03 Father in heaven.
03:05 Lord, we thank You to be in this place tonight
03:08 and we ask that You would speak through Pastor Kameron,
03:12 as he delivers the message tonight.
03:15 We ask for You, the presence of Your Spirit,
03:17 to be in this place, in Your name I pray, amen.
03:22 Good evening, GYC. Good evening.
03:25 That was weak, we'll try it again.
03:26 Good evening, GYC. Good evening!
03:28 Thank you so much.
03:29 Has it been a blessing so far today, amen. Amen.
03:32 Fantastic. As you've heard repeatedly, at this point
03:35 you should have heard repeatedly at least
03:37 that our theme this year is Fill me,
03:39 Our Earnest Plea, and for all intents and purposes
03:42 that's just a fancy way of saying,
03:44 the topic-- the theme
03:46 that this conference is revolving around is
03:48 the Holy Spirit's work in our lives.
03:51 It's an important theme,
03:52 in fact speaking of the absolutely
03:54 critical role of the Holy Spirit we're counseled
03:57 and this is Second Manuscript release, page 15.
04:01 "It is beyond the power of language to express
04:04 the blessings the Holy Spirit brings to God's people."
04:08 If received and appreciated,
04:11 the Holy Spirit will make us Holy, Christ like.
04:16 Through its agency, we are united with Christ,
04:18 partakers of the divine nature.
04:21 And here is the key.
04:22 The reception of the Holy Spirit in its fullness
04:26 is the great need of the church today.
04:31 It is my hope.
04:32 In fact it is my most sincere prayer
04:34 that tonight will be not just another opportunity
04:36 to be more informed about the Holy Spirit,
04:38 but by the grace of God
04:40 and His indwelling spirit be transformed
04:42 into the character of Christ. Amen.
04:45 As we begin to study God's word tonight,
04:47 we must begin with a word of prayer.
04:49 Please bow your heads with me.
04:50 Dear Heavenly Father.
04:52 Lord, I thank You so much
04:53 for the opportunity of bringing
04:55 these young people together at GYC.
04:58 I thank You for the theme that's been chosen
05:00 and now Lord, I thank You
05:01 that You have promised to give us wisdom
05:03 through Your Holy Spirit as we open Your word.
05:05 Please guide our minds. Lord, sharpen our minds.
05:09 And where is needed, Lord, soften our hearts,
05:13 so that we may not only hear the words
05:14 but be doers of the word.
05:16 So we can reflect Your character to the world,
05:18 and by Your grace we may haste your soon coming.
05:21 We pray all of this in Jesus name, amen.
05:25 Above all of the other creatures
05:27 that the Lord God made in the creation week,
05:29 we're going to Genesis Chapter 1 by the way,
05:31 so I'll give you a head start.
05:32 Above all the creatures that the Lord God made,
05:35 He gave humanity, man and woman,
05:37 man dominion over everything.
05:42 And reflect on this for me a moment.
05:44 Why? If somebody asks you,
05:47 why was man given the responsibility
05:50 of dominion over planet earth,
05:51 what would be the reason?
05:52 And many of you will say well,
05:53 of course we were given dominion.
05:55 Who else was going to do it?
05:57 You know, what are the other options,
05:59 I mean, we're special.
06:01 We're unique, we're one of a kind,
06:03 we're the only one to --in fact we were--
06:05 and you might have some theological reasons
06:07 why we were given dominion of the earth.
06:10 You might say well,
06:11 we were formed from the dust of the ground.
06:14 And while that's true that doesn't make us unique.
06:17 Apparently accordingly to Genesis Chapter 2 in verse 19.
06:20 The Lord God formed every beast of the field
06:23 out of the dust of the ground.
06:25 Well, you say ah, ah, ah,
06:26 but we were designed in a plural,
06:30 man and woman, you know,
06:31 like God had worked together in a unity
06:33 and they create and we've been given
06:35 the ability to procreate.
06:36 In fact we were commanded to be fruitful and do what?
06:39 Multiply. Multiply.
06:41 And that's great and it's true.
06:43 But the problem is the birds
06:44 and the fish were told to be fruitful
06:46 multiply even before man was created.
06:49 That's not our uniqueness.
06:51 You say yes, yes, but we have the breath of life.
06:56 But according to Genesis Chapter 6 and Genesis Chapter 7,
06:58 "The flood was given to wipe out
06:59 all creatures that had the breadth of life in them."
07:05 So it's not that either.
07:07 And I tell you something,
07:08 it's not because we were the strongest creatures
07:09 God ever made, we're not.
07:12 It's not because we're the fastest creatures
07:15 God ever made.
07:16 It's not because we're the best swimmers
07:17 that God ever made, we're not.
07:19 We don't have the coolest powers
07:21 of any of the beings,
07:22 you may look around the world, we can't fly.
07:25 I love to fly, I can't fly. We can't breathe water.
07:31 Fish can do that, I can't do that.
07:33 You know we don't have bio--
07:35 what is it called, luminescence.
07:37 We don't grow in the dark, that would be awesome.
07:42 We don't have--we don't operate by photosynthesis,
07:45 you know, we're not fueled by the sun,
07:47 which think about that, how great would that be.
07:50 Every night the sun goes down.
07:53 When the sun comes back up, you know,
07:56 it's tremendous, you know,
07:57 and we follow the sun as it goes up,
07:59 but -- I'm living in Michigan now,
08:02 so maybe that's not the best thing.
08:04 But those people in Florida, and Arizona,
08:06 boy I tell you, they be strong.
08:10 I did not see that coming, I'll be honest with you.
08:13 We're not even the hardiest of creatures,
08:15 we're actually quite fragile, think about it.
08:18 How much luggage did you pack for four days
08:20 in the wild outback of Houston.
08:25 All the other animals seemed to get by without luggage,
08:27 we have to carry on and pack in
08:28 and get --my point is this,
08:32 what makes us unique
08:35 is not any physical attribute,
08:38 but a spiritual something.
08:42 Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26 tells us what that is.
08:44 We get to eavesdrop on the conversation
08:46 that the Lord has with himself which is cool.
08:51 Says in verse 26 of Genesis Chapter 1.
08:54 "Let us make man," what are the next three words?
08:59 I'm sorry, GYC, I just can't hear you tonight,
09:00 it's so sad, I'm deaf. What is it in our?
09:03 Image. Image.
09:05 "According to our likeness,
09:06 let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
09:07 over the birds of the air,
09:09 over the cattle, over all the earth,
09:10 and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
09:11 Verse 27, "So God created man,"
09:15 what are the words? "In his own image,
09:18 in the image of God He created him
09:19 male and female, He created them."
09:22 The spiritual significance of humanity is
09:25 why we've been given dominion.
09:28 Turn with me to Psalms 8.
09:32 Psalms 8, in reflecting on this creation week,
09:35 and the significance rather the seeming insignificance
09:38 of humanity amongst all the other creatures
09:40 and beings and created worlds
09:42 that the Lord God had established,
09:44 look at what Psalmist says.
09:45 Psalms 8 starting with verse 3.
09:50 It says, "When I consider your heavens,
09:51 the work of your fingers,
09:53 the moon and the stars, that you ordained."
09:56 Verse 4, "What is man, that you are mindful of him?
10:00 And the son of man, that you visit him?"
10:03 He is thinking the same thought,
10:04 of all the things that you've made what are we?
10:08 In verse 5, "For you have made him
10:11 a little lower than the angels,
10:12 and you have crowned him with glory and honor."
10:16 Crowned with glory. And then he goes onto say,
10:20 "you have made him to have dominion
10:21 over the works of your hands,
10:22 you put all things under his feet."
10:24 But the rational for that is
10:25 this crowning with glory and honor.
10:30 What is that mean to be crowned with glory
10:32 and how does it related to being made in the image of God.
10:36 You know, when I think of the word glory,
10:38 and I guarantee you're thinking this too.
10:40 When I hear glory I think of like shiny,
10:44 like a gleam, ting.
10:47 You know when you think about that,
10:48 when you think of God returning in all of His glory.
10:51 You're thinking brightness and splendor
10:53 and shininess, sparkly may be.
10:58 But here something is different being said, yes,
11:02 while there is an outward aspect to glory, the greater importance
11:06 the real significance is the unseen, the inward glory
11:10 which we're going to see tonight is character.
11:13 Go to Exodus Chapter 3. Exodus Chapter 3,
11:17 we're gonna go quickly through the Bible tonight.
11:21 That's not an apology, I'm just letting you know.
11:25 Exodus Chapter 3, this was the story of Moses being--
11:30 coming upon the burning bush.
11:32 And he decides to inspect it
11:34 and go over and the Lord says,
11:35 not to do that, in fact verse 6 says.
11:38 "Moreover he said, I am the God of your father,
11:40 the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
11:42 and the God of Jacob."
11:43 And notice these words carefully.
11:45 "And Moses hid his face, for he was," what's the word?
11:51 Afraid. "Afraid to look upon God.
11:56 He was afraid to look upon God."
12:00 But what's fascinating about this
12:01 is just go 30 chapters over,
12:03 30 chapters where I go to Exodus Chapter 33.
12:07 And this same Moses, who was afraid to look upon God.
12:10 Now in Exodus Chapter 33 makes the famous request.
12:14 Verse 18 and he said to the Lord God,
12:17 "please show me your," what? Glory.
12:22 In Exodus Chapter 3, he is afraid to look on God.
12:25 In Exodus Chapter 33, he's begging for more.
12:29 What's the difference? Well, I would submit to you
12:32 that he is a different Moses at this point.
12:35 The Moses who was wandering around the wilderness,
12:36 unsure of himself,
12:38 not being called into the ministry yet.
12:39 But now the Lord God has used him
12:40 at this point in a mighty way
12:42 he has gone to the before pharaoh,
12:44 he's delivered his people by a mighty hand,
12:46 he's crossed the red sea,
12:47 they stood at the foot of Mount Sinai.
12:51 They've received the law, he's gone out to the mountain,
12:54 he's come close to the Lord.
12:56 In fact he's even shared in the sufferings of the Lord
12:58 and dealing with the Israelites.
13:02 So much so that when the golden calf of
13:03 Exodus 32 incident occurred, he begged the Lord,
13:06 if it's not possible to redeem them
13:08 put myself in their place, blot my name out.
13:12 He is a different Moses.
13:14 And now he asks for even more of the Lord's glory
13:17 and this is crucial. This is crucial,
13:19 the answer given, verse 19.
13:22 "Then he said, I will make all of my,"
13:25 what's the next word?
13:26 Goodness. "Goodness pass before you."
13:30 Do you see the equivalence,
13:31 the glory of the Lord is his goodness.
13:35 "Now I will make all my glory, goodness pass before you,
13:38 and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you,
13:40 I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious,
13:42 and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."
13:45 And skip over to Chapter 6 of verse--of Chapter 34.
13:50 When it actually occurred, this is what happened.
13:53 "And the Lord passed before him, and proclaimed,
13:56 the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious,
14:01 longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth,
14:04 keeping mercy for thousands,
14:07 forgiving iniquity and transgression
14:09 and sin by no means clearing the guilty,
14:12 visiting the iniquity
14:13 of the fathers upon the children,
14:14 and children's children,
14:15 to the third and the fourth generation."
14:19 This is the glory of God, this is His goodness.
14:23 The glory of God is His character.
14:25 His goodness is mercy, his justice et cetera.
14:29 Man's creation in the image of God
14:31 and being crowned with glory
14:34 means primarily that God established humanity
14:37 to reflect the character of His Creator.
14:42 Mrs. White puts it this way,
14:43 in Patriarch and Prophets page 45.
14:46 "Christ alone is 'the express image' of the Father,
14:50 but man was formed in the likeness of God."
14:53 Then she explained what she means by that.
14:56 "His nature was in harmony with the will of God.
14:59 His mind was capable of comprehending divine things.
15:03 His affections were pure, his appetites and passions
15:08 were under the control of reason.
15:09 He was holy and happy in bearing the image of God
15:13 and in perfect obedience to His will."
15:16 And as you see with only with this inward glory,
15:19 this God like character,
15:21 only while that was maintained could their outward glory,
15:25 the shininess or their garments of light,
15:27 as we typically refer to it, be maintained.
15:32 Continuing on in the same page we read these words.
15:35 The sinless pair wore
15:36 no artificial garments by luminescence.
15:42 They were clothed with a covering
15:44 of the light and glory, such as the angels wear.
15:48 And notice the next sentence.
15:49 So long as they lived in obedience to God,
15:53 this robe of light continued to enshroud them.
15:57 It was this inward glory,
15:59 this Christ like character that qualified man
16:02 as that unique creature formed in the image of God.
16:08 But of course we know the sacred history.
16:12 We know that they did not continue to live in obedience.
16:16 When Adam and Eve rebelled against their creator,
16:19 it was this image of God that was lost.
16:24 As devastating as that must have been
16:25 to be thrown out of the garden,
16:28 to have increased pain
16:29 and to even lose access to the tree of life
16:32 and the resulting living forever that came along with it.
16:37 Those things were subordinate,
16:39 those things were secondary to the real loss,
16:42 which was the image of God in man.
16:49 How do I say this?
16:51 Sometimes I think when we present
16:52 the great controversy theme,
16:54 we don't tell enough of the story.
16:57 We need to represent the greater controversy,
16:59 if you will. I mean,
17:01 we'll talk about the Great Controversy
17:02 and we'll say things like which are true things,
17:04 we'll go to Genesis Chapter 1 and 2.
17:06 And we'll say, do you see that Eden was established
17:08 and it was good, good, good, good
17:10 and on day six, it was very good.
17:11 And it had a, you know, the water that ran through it
17:14 and down hill and you have the tree of life
17:16 and they had all these beautiful surroundings
17:18 perfect environment, then sin came in
17:20 and everything, we lost Eden,
17:22 and we go through the whole Bible,
17:23 then you get to the end of the Bible
17:24 in Revelation 21 and 22.
17:26 And you see the restoration of the Garden of Eden,
17:28 and there is the water of life, there is the tree of life.
17:32 We saw how the book ends of the Bible
17:34 start with Eden established and Eden restored but
17:40 and as true and as great as that is,
17:42 here's my point tonight The restoration of a place
17:48 is not the point of the story of redemption.
17:52 Salvation in Jesus Christ
17:54 involves the restoration of people themselves.
18:00 Sometimes I fear --follow this logic.
18:03 Sometimes I fear that we focus on Christ's promise
18:07 to prepare a place for us,
18:09 while we neglect the work of the Holy Spirit
18:11 to prepare us for that place. Amen.
18:15 Do you see the difference? Yes.
18:18 Put it in other way.
18:20 Redemption in Jesus Christ seems more than
18:21 simply His promise to physically transport us to heaven.
18:26 And includes the far greater promise
18:28 to spiritually transform us for heaven.
18:32 Not merely to get us in
18:35 but to fit us in before we get there.
18:39 Do you see the difference? Amen.
18:40 There's a difference between getting in and fitting in.
18:47 Mrs. White puts it this way
18:48 in Christian Education in page 64 and 65.
18:52 Sin has marred and well-nigh obliterated
18:55 the image of God in man.
18:57 And notice these words, "It was to restore this
19:01 that the plan of salvation was devised,
19:03 and a life of probation was granted to man.
19:06 To bring him back to the perfection
19:07 in which he was first created,"
19:09 notice these words, "is the great object of life,
19:13 the object that underlies every other."
19:17 So whatever we do beyond that the foundation issue
19:20 and the Great Controversy is not just restoring a place,
19:22 it's restoring a people for a better place.
19:26 Education page 125, the central theme of the Bible.
19:32 The theme about which
19:33 every other in the whole book clusters.
19:36 If someone asks you that,
19:37 what's the central theme of the Bible.
19:42 Apparently that was rhetorical.
19:44 Jesus. But you tell Jesus and His life,
19:47 His sacrifice on the cross, you know, to get us to heaven.
19:54 "The central theme of the Bible,
19:55 the theme about which every other
19:56 in the whole book clusters is the redemption plan,"
19:59 which she defines as?
20:01 "The restoration in the human soul
20:04 of the image of God."
20:07 From the first intimation of hope in the sentence
20:09 pronounced in Eden to that
20:10 last glorious promise of the Revelation,
20:12 that "They shall see His face,
20:13 and His name shall be in their foreheads,"
20:15 the burden of every book
20:17 and every passage of the Bible
20:19 is the unfolding of this wondrous theme,
20:22 man's uplifting, the power of God,
20:25 "which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
20:30 Now of course because of our sin problem,
20:33 that does exist.
20:36 We can't have the open communion with God,
20:38 that our first parents enjoyed.
20:41 I mean, that promise that Mrs. White referred to
20:43 in that previous quotation of Revelation 22
20:45 that we shall see His face.
20:48 Sounds nice until you counterbalance it
20:50 with God's warning to Moses back in Exodus 33.
20:52 You cannot see my face,
20:54 for no man shall see my face and what?
20:56 Live. Live.
20:59 You ever thought about the tension that creates,
21:01 God's like you're gonna see my face,
21:03 but if you do, you'll die.
21:08 Is that good news or not?
21:11 How can the God of Exodus 33 be the God of Revelation 22?
21:15 How can we see the face of a God
21:17 who declares that no one can see his face and live?
21:24 I'm not gonna answer that question for you right now,
21:26 it'll be later tonight but I want you to take that idea,
21:28 that contradiction, that paradox,
21:30 and I want you to place it on a shelf in your mind.
21:33 Keep it dusted off
21:34 because we're gonna come back to it, okay.
21:38 But we didn't have the open communion
21:39 with God anymore after the fall
21:42 the only way we could see God's glory
21:44 was in the veiled person of Jesus Christ.
21:48 Hebrews Chapter 1 verses 1 through 3
21:52 describes Jesus as "the brightness of God's glory,
21:57 and the express image of his person."
22:00 Colossians Chapter 2 verse 9 says,
22:02 "that in Christ dwells
22:04 all the fullness of the Godhead bodily."
22:07 So somehow all the fullness of the Godhead is in the person
22:10 and that person is in Jesus Christ.
22:13 Jesus himself in John Chapter 14 verses 6
22:16 and 7 made it very plain he said,
22:18 "I am the way, the truth, and the life,
22:21 no one comes to the father,"
22:23 but what? "By me."
22:26 He goes onto say, "If you had known me,
22:29 you would have known my father also,
22:32 and from now on, you know him, and have seen him."
22:40 Go to the book of Second Corinthians.
22:42 Second Corinthians go to Chapter 3,
22:44 Second Corinthians Chapter 3.
22:52 Starting with verse 18.
22:55 The Apostle Paul lays out an incredible picture for us.
23:03 Starting with verse 18, Second Corinthians Chapter 3.
23:07 It says, "But we all, with unveiled face beholding
23:11 as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are being,"
23:15 what's the word? "Transformed into the same image
23:20 from glory to glory,
23:22 just as by the Spirit of the Lord."
23:27 Continuing on, and go to Chapter 4 verse 16.
23:32 He says, therefore, "We do not lose heart,
23:35 even though our outward man is perishing,
23:37 yet the inward man is being renewed day by day."
23:43 That's the main thing about this life,
23:44 it's paradoxical. The longer you live it,
23:46 you're physically, you die.
23:48 You get closer and closer to death everyday.
23:50 But if you walk hand in hand with Christ
23:52 you actually get renewed in your inner man day by day.
23:56 This is what Paul's talking about,
23:57 "the outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being,"
24:01 notice the process language, not has been or will be,
24:05 but is, "being renewed day by day."
24:11 Then he goes onto say in verse 17.
24:13 "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment,"
24:18 and this is a guy who's been beating,
24:20 this is a guy who's been threatened
24:21 with his life, he's being shipped,
24:23 I mean all kinds of horrible stuff was happening
24:25 and of course that light affliction
24:28 in comparison with the future light.
24:32 "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment,
24:35 is working for us a far more exceeding
24:39 and eternal weight of glory.
24:44 While we do not look at the things which are seen,
24:46 but at the things which are not seen.
24:48 For the things which are seen are temporary,
24:50 but the things which are not seen are eternal."
24:54 By not only accept--accepting the sacrifice of Christ
24:57 but furthermore by beholding the character of Christ,
25:01 as witnessed in His sinless life,
25:03 His sacrificial death,
25:06 His complete victory over Satan and every temptation
25:09 thrown at Him, we see the glory of God
25:12 and through the work of the Holy Spirit
25:13 we become more and more like Him.
25:18 When Paul writes that, "By beholding Christ,
25:21 we are being transformed into the same image
25:23 from glory to glory, He literally means
25:26 that our character that inward man is being molded,
25:29 is being refashioned, it's as if the Lord stooped down
25:32 once again out of the miry clay
25:34 and is reshaping you into the image
25:35 we were originally created to reflect.
25:41 Sons and Daughter of God, page 125.
25:45 The Lord Jesus came to strengthen
25:47 every earnest seeker for truth, He came to reveal the Father.
25:52 He allowed nothing to divert His mind from,
25:55 here's the words again, the great work
25:59 of restoring the moral image of God in man.
26:02 And we must see that the great and important work for us
26:08 is to receive not just His offer to get us in,
26:12 but the divine likeness,
26:16 to prepare a character for the future life.
26:21 In Heavenly Places 142 again,
26:23 "We are individually now testifying to the world
26:26 of the power of the grace of Christ
26:28 in the transformation of human character
26:30 from glory to glory, from character to character."
26:33 Those are her words.
26:34 In fact if you want to look up in your little CD ROM,
26:36 today people don't use CD ROM, your app whatever.
26:41 If you want to look up the phrase glory to gory,
26:43 I just don't have time to go into it now
26:44 but every single time Mrs. White employs
26:47 that phrase 'glory to glory' or she quotes
26:48 Second Corinthians 3 verse 18, she always,
26:53 it's being referenced in context of developing within us
26:56 the character of Christ.
26:57 In fact, often times where it says glory to glory,
27:00 she will literally insert, right next to it,
27:04 in little brackets, character to character.
27:08 She sees an equivalence between the glory of God
27:10 and the character of God,
27:11 and that is to be restored in humanity
27:14 in preparation for the life we're going to live.
27:18 Then she goes on,
27:21 "In beholding Christ our pattern,
27:22 who is pure and holy and undefiled,
27:25 we are being prepared for the society
27:27 of the heavenly angels."
27:30 Have you ever been to a party that you didn't fit into?
27:33 I mean you got in, but once you got in,
27:35 you're like I just do not belong with these people.
27:39 Either they were well, I don't know,
27:41 I don't know what the difference being you and them was,
27:42 but you knew it was there.
27:45 They didn't have to say anything,
27:46 they didn't have a document, they didn't have a list,
27:48 you just walked in and you're like the air here is different.
27:54 Something smells, it looks, it feels, these are not no, no.
28:02 There's a difference of getting in and fitting in, notice this.
28:09 She asks this beautifully rhetorical question,
28:11 it makes so much logical sense, listen to it carefully.
28:15 "If Christ is to be our head and Prince
28:17 in the heavenly courts, it becomes us to inquire,"
28:22 I love her language. We should ask.
28:27 It makes sense to question this.
28:30 "If Christ is to be our head and Prince
28:34 in the heavenly court, it becomes us to inquire,
28:37 what is Christ to us now?"
28:42 Have you ever thought about that?
28:45 People who aren't serving God at all
28:46 somehow fully expect to serve Him
28:48 with joy in the heavenly courts.
28:51 It's like if you have the audacity to think
28:53 that you're gonna get in,
28:54 would you fit in even if He lets you.
28:59 If you're not into Him now
29:00 what makes you think your affections
29:01 are gonna change on the way up.
29:07 The character that will be ours for eternity
29:10 will not be given at the second coming.
29:13 It will be developed right here
29:14 in the life you're right now living this moment.
29:21 Romans Chapter 8.
29:24 Romans Chapter 8 Paul again comes back
29:26 to this idea, this theme
29:28 of the transformation in Christ.
29:30 Romans Chapter 8.
29:33 Again notice the very similar language
29:35 to Second Corinthians Chapter 4.
29:36 This time Romans Chapter 8 starting with verse 18.
29:40 He says, for I consider, and I love how he considers,
29:43 "I consider this, I think about it,
29:44 I've thought about it, and I've come to the conclusion
29:47 I consider -- he's not shooting from the hip,
29:50 Paul's a thinker.
29:52 I consider that the sufferings
29:56 of this present time are not worthy to be compared
30:02 with the glory which shall be revealed
30:05 "Where?, "In us."
30:10 But I thought that the glory
30:11 we're waiting for was on the Eastern sky with
30:13 you know, the size of the man's hand
30:14 and it's gonna get bigger and bigger,
30:15 that's the glory we're waiting for, right?
30:19 He says, slow down.
30:20 It's like the sufferings we're going through
30:22 in this present life aren't anything compared
30:23 to the glory which shall be revealed in us.
30:26 Look at the next verse 19, "For the earnest expectation
30:31 of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing"
30:34 and you were expected to say of the son of God.
30:39 What's your Bible say?
30:41 Sons, small 's', plural.
30:47 The Sons of God. Is it possible
30:52 that the creation is waiting not for the Son of God
30:56 but the Sons of God to reveal the glory of God in us?
31:06 You know, I'll make a shameless plug,
31:08 there's a fantastic sermon,
31:09 there's a lot of fantastic sermons on audio verse.
31:12 But one in particularly called the long campaign
31:14 and the speaker talks about how
31:16 if you notice Christ didn't just destroy Satan immediately
31:20 As soon as rebelled, he didn't just cast
31:22 the casting out of the devil wasn't like straight
31:24 from the courts of heaven down to the grave.
31:27 It wasn't one shot to the bottom.
31:30 It was actually more like a slinky on the staircase.
31:32 Right?
31:34 Like my arm can't do that but you get the gist,
31:36 you played with a slinky.
31:38 It goes from one step to
31:39 in fact, there's four stages of Satan's fall.
31:41 In the very fast stage, when he was originally
31:43 cast out of the kingdom of heaven,
31:45 God recognized and rejected his rebellion,
31:48 'cause God know everything. He sees the heart.
31:49 He's like I know what you're doing, out
31:52 I'm not listening, I'm not playing along.
31:54 You have no sympathy here, you're done.
31:57 But He doesn't destroy Him, because apparently
31:59 the rest of the created beings had not stood the contrast
32:02 between the character of Christ and the character of Satan,
32:06 but that all changed at the cross.
32:09 The fury that was within the violence
32:11 that Isaiah and Ezekiel talk about being within
32:14 was unleashed upon the sinless Savior.
32:19 In one climactic moment,
32:20 the entire universe saw the difference,
32:22 at least the unfallen universe who can watch from 40,000 feet
32:26 Saw the difference between the character of Christ
32:28 who would give everything and the contrast between that
32:32 and the character of Satan, who would take everything
32:33 even the life of God if it was possible.
32:37 Mrs. White says, "in that moment
32:38 when Jesus died on the cross in a victorious sacrifice"
32:43 her words are, "the last links of sympathy
32:45 between Satan and the heavenly world were broken."
32:49 It's like there were people still waiting in the balance,
32:51 yeah, we're gonna be loyal to God
32:52 but at least let's hear Him out.
32:56 But when they saw the cross, they said no more.
33:00 She goes on to say, henceforth his work was restricted.
33:04 Whatever attitude he might assume,
33:05 he could no longer await the angels
33:07 as they came from the heavenly courts.
33:10 They were done with him.
33:13 And, you know, and finally,
33:14 that step one is God kicking him out;
33:17 step two, he was cast out
33:18 of the sympathies of the unfallen heavenly beings.
33:21 I'm gonna leap over step three
33:22 and go to step four,
33:26 you get the picture.
33:29 In the final analysis of the close of the millennium.
33:33 When the wicked are resurrected
33:37 to face the final judgment and execution of judgment,
33:40 in that moment they will too will see the contract
33:43 between the character of Christ and the character
33:45 they have developed through the deceptions of Satan.
33:48 And not out of love and not out of joy,
33:49 not out of repentance but they will say,
33:51 they will acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord
33:54 to the glory of God the Father.
33:57 So if God recognized and rejected the rebellion of Satan
34:00 and the rest of the universe recognizes
34:02 and rejects the rebellion of Satan,
34:03 and some day even the wicked will recognize
34:06 the rebellion of Satan for what it is,
34:08 and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.
34:10 The question is, what will the people who now
34:13 who claim to be Christ's do with that same Christ.
34:18 Will they allow Christ to make them heavenly?
34:23 This is stage three. Will those who claim
34:27 the name of Christ live lives of Christ likeness?
34:33 I believe it is for the revealing
34:35 of these sons of God
34:37 that the creation eagerly awaits.
34:41 Let's continue,= Romans Chapter 8, go to verse 20,
34:44 "For the creation was subjected
34:46 to futility, not willingly,
34:47 but because of Him who subjected it in hope.
34:50 "So he bound this creation under the groaning pain,
34:53 not just to make it suffer for a while,
34:54 but there's good news at the end of it, there's hope.
34:57 Verse 21, "Because the creation itself
34:59 also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption
35:02 into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
35:05 For we know that the whole creation groans
35:07 and labors with birth pains together until now.
35:11 Not only that, but we also
35:14 who have the first fruits of the Spirit,
35:18 even we ourselves groan within ourselves,
35:20 eagerly awaiting for the adoption,
35:23 the redemption of our "What the word?
35:26 "Body."
35:28 The redemption of our body.
35:32 Apparently what we're going to get
35:33 at the second coming is a new body,
35:36 not a new character.
35:41 Let me, let Mrs. White help me out here.
35:44 Christ's Object Lessons 3:31.
35:47 "A character formed according to the divine lightness
35:49 is the only treasure that we can take
35:51 from this world to the next." You ever think about that,
35:57 when Jesus Christ comes in all of His glory,
35:59 will you be ready to step seamlessly
36:01 from this world to the next?
36:06 Even more plainly, I can't think of how
36:08 you could write it anymore plainly,
36:09 verse, Our High Calling, page 278,
36:12 "When Christ shall come, our vile bodies
36:15 are to be changed," Praise the Lord,
36:17 "and made like His glorious body
36:20 but the vile character will not be made holy then.
36:27 The transformation of character
36:29 must take place before His coming."
36:37 Friends, there is a difference between
36:38 simply a transaction that gets you in
36:40 and a transformation that fits you in.
36:44 We need a higher picture of the plan of salvation.
36:47 Basically, the change,
36:48 the glorification that we're promised
36:50 that will take place when Christ returns
36:52 is merely the reception of a glorious body
36:54 that will correspond harmoniously with the glorious
36:57 character we have formed through Christ dwelling within us.
37:02 Philippines, Chapter 3,
37:04 again Paul comes back to the same theme.
37:07 Philippines Chapter 3, starting with verse 20,
37:15 Scripture reads "For our citizenship is in," Where?
37:20 I must wait for you to catch up. I'm sorry.
37:23 "For our citizenship is where?
37:26 In heaven.
37:27 Notice, it doesn't say,
37:29 our citizenship will be in heaven.
37:32 Our citizenship is in heaven
37:34 right now, today if we claim to be Christ's.
37:39 Now she says, now he said,
37:41 "From which" speaking of heaven
37:43 "we also eagerly wait for the Savior,
37:49 the Lord Jesus Christ," verse 21,
37:53 "Who will transform our lowly,"
37:55 What? "Body,
37:58 that it may be conformed to his glorious body,
38:02 according to the working by which He is able
38:05 even to subdue all things to himself."
38:13 I love this statement. "For those who
38:16 take no pleasure in thinking and talking of God in this life
38:20 will not enjoy the life that is to come
38:23 where God is ever present, dwelling among his people."
38:27 Have you ever thought about that?
38:28 If somebody has rhetorically asked you,
38:29 "Would Jesus enjoy what you're doing?
38:32 Could you do what you're doing
38:33 with God sitting right next to you?"
38:35 And a lot of times, you're like,
38:36 ah, I hate that question.
38:39 But it has some validity. Right?
38:41 I mean, we're gonna dwell with Him forever.
38:47 Those who take no pleasure in thinking of talking of God
38:49 in this life, will not enjoy the life that is soon to come,
38:52 where God is ever present dwelling among His people.
38:54 But those who love to think of God, will be in their element.
38:59 They're gonna walk in the room, they're like,
39:00 ah, this is my place.
39:03 Breathing in the atmosphere of heaven is like,
39:06 oh, this even smells like home.
39:10 This is good.
39:14 Those who on earth love the thought of heaven
39:17 will be happy in its holy associations and pleasures.
39:21 Then she quotes, Revelation 22 again,
39:23 "They shall see His face
39:25 and His name shall be in their foreheads."
39:27 As my friend David Asscherick likes to say,
39:28 "God is going to take everyone to heaven,
39:34 who would be happy there."
39:41 The question is, is not God
39:42 going to get you into heaven.
39:43 The question is, do you actually
39:44 want to fit into heaven or not?
39:47 Do you really even want to go?
39:56 Why is character such a, why did God
39:57 put such a premium on character?
40:00 Why is it such a big deal to Him?
40:03 Wants to take that idea off the back of the shelf,
40:05 Exodus 33, Revelation 22 paradox.
40:08 The God who invite you to see His face,
40:10 but then says, if you see my face you'll die.
40:14 How will this be resolved? I think we find an answer
40:17 in First John Chapter 2 and Verse 28,
40:22 "And now little children, three critical words,
40:26 as we plea, fill me,
40:27 our earnest plea, and now little children
40:31 abide in him," why? "That when he appears,"
40:37 a reference to the second coming,
40:40 "we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him
40:46 at His coming." How we can see the face of a Holy God?
40:51 It's by allowing that same God to make us holy
40:55 before He returns. First John Chapter 3,
40:59 go one chapter over. First John Chapter 3,
41:05 "Beloved, now we are children of God,"
41:08 present tense, just like our citizenship is in heaven,
41:11 now we are children of God,
41:14 and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be"
41:17 So apparently, now you can be a child of God
41:19 and there still be growth in the future.
41:22 I'm not preaching instant sanctification here.
41:25 I'm just saying that God has a higher ideal
41:27 than simply getting you and putting you in heaven.
41:31 He wants to make you heavenly first.
41:35 Now we are the children of God
41:37 and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be,
41:39 but we know. He's like
41:41 I don't know exactly what it looks like but we know this
41:45 but we know that when
41:47 He is revealed we shall be like Him.
41:53 Not we shall be made like Him or transform like Him
41:56 or changed into being like Him, we shall be like Him.
41:58 Well, how do we know it? For we shall, what to say?
42:04 See Him as He is. You know when Jesus comes back
42:09 He's not going to be just the veiled, glory,
42:14 no beauty, or cleanliness that we might be attracted to Him.
42:17 No, no, no, no, no.
42:19 You know, how every now and then
42:20 Mrs. White talks about divinity flashing through humanity
42:22 like little pieces of it shooting at...
42:25 no, no, no, no, no.
42:27 When Jesus comes back, He's coming in all of His glory.
42:32 He's going to burst through the sky.
42:36 This is as close as I can come to reenacting it for you,
42:38 okay, but...
42:41 but He's not going to hide, He's not going to be veiled,
42:43 He's like, here I am.
42:46 Are you ready to look at me yet?
42:50 Can you even look at me?
42:56 gospel writers says, we are gonna be just like Him
42:58 because I know we're going to get to see Him,
43:00 and the implication is and live.
43:05 Plenty of people are going to see
43:06 Jesus come back and not live.
43:08 Do you see the difference?
43:15 Jesus Himself said it in the most sublime way.
43:17 Matthew Chapter 5, verse 8,
43:18 "Blessed are the pure in heart"
43:20 why? "For they shall see God."
43:25 And again the implication is
43:28 and not die from it.
43:33 That's the blessing, not a curse.
43:38 They shall see God. So reason number one,
43:40 like character development is so crucial,
43:41 because it actually gets you through the second coming.
43:45 It prepares you to meet a Holy God
43:47 and live in a holy place,
43:49 in the society of holy beings. Does that make sense?
43:51 Yes or no? as Seventh-day Adventists,
43:54 we have a greater understanding of end time events
43:56 than do any other people on the planet.
43:59 When we present the themes of Daniel and Revelation
44:03 and time prophecy and then we just oppose
44:05 that against the snap shot of current world events.
44:07 It makes a pretty air tight case
44:09 that Jesus is infact coming soon, Amen.
44:14 That's a powerful message, it's an alarming messages,
44:18 it's a stirring message, it's a needed message.
44:22 But if that's all we say is that Jesus is coming soon,
44:27 that's not necessarily good news
44:29 for those who don't like Jesus yet.
44:35 That can't be the entirety of our message.
44:38 In his recent book "Adventism's Greatest Need,"
44:41 Pastor Ron Clouzet writes that Christ is far more
44:44 interested in our fitness for His return
44:47 than we should be in the timing of His return.
44:53 He tells us, He's coming soon,
44:54 not so that we can know the day or hour,
44:56 so that we can be prepared to go from this world to the next.
45:00 You know, when the term Adventist was originally invoked
45:02 by our pioneers, it wasn't because
45:04 they expected be the people who live to the second coming.
45:07 They wanted to be the people who live through the second coming,
45:11 and that's a big difference.
45:14 The earth will be literally filled with people
45:16 who have lived to the second coming.
45:18 But how many will survive?
45:21 I mean, I wholeheartedly endorse and I embrace,
45:24 and I support
45:27 the idea the GYC has said that we will see Jesus return,
45:30 and I believe it in my bones
45:32 that we will see Jesus in our lifetime.
45:35 Amen.
45:36 But friends, living to the second coming
45:39 has no inherent value.
45:43 The question is, will you still be alive after He returns?
45:48 Or we just a bunch of the coincidental people
45:50 who happen to be here at this time in earth history.
45:53 There is a difference between living to it
45:55 and living through it.
45:58 That's reason number one
45:59 why character development is so important,
46:01 but did you know,
46:02 and this goes back to we need to present a greater controversy.
46:04 There is more involved in the great controversy
46:07 than simply saving you.
46:10 And I know, to you that's a big deal,
46:11 'cause you're all the you that you've got. Right?
46:15 Getting you to heaven is big to you and I agree,
46:18 that should be a motivation.
46:19 You need to get ready 'cause Jesus is coming.
46:21 I'm fine with that. But did you know that
46:22 there is more involved in the great controversy
46:24 than simply saving you.
46:26 And I'm not even talking about simply saving
46:28 other fallen people on this planet.
46:31 And you're like, wait a minute, there's fallen people
46:33 on other planet.
46:35 That's not what I'm saying either.
46:39 But the plan of redemption, what Jesus worked out on the cross,
46:43 His shed blood
46:45 does more than simply get fallen people into heaven.
46:49 It actually restores the universe,
46:52 and makes it secure for eternity.
46:54 Amen. Amen.
46:56 There is more to the plan of redemption
46:57 than simply saving lost people.
46:59 It's actually recreating the entire universe
47:02 into the image and glory of God.
47:05 Let me, let me explain this to you.
47:08 In Nahum Chapter 1 Verse 9, God makes a very big promise.
47:13 I'd say, it's His biggest promise ever,
47:14 and He's made some big promises
47:16 like I go to prepare a place for you
47:18 and I'm going to come back and get you.
47:19 Those are big promises.
47:21 But Nahum Chapter 1 Verse 9, listen to the words,
47:25 "What do you imagine against the Lord?
47:28 He will make an utter end,
47:29 affliction will not rise up the second time."
47:34 Once evil has run its course
47:35 and the great controversy is ended,
47:37 there will not be another controversy.
47:40 Amen.
47:41 So how can you wrap your minds around it?
47:43 How can there be a God
47:45 who creates freewill, free moral agents,
47:49 who can chose to do whatever they feel like doing,
47:53 and yet that same God can guarantee
47:56 that sin will never rise again.
48:01 How can that be possible
48:03 outside of the development of the character of Christ
48:08 and each citizen of heaven?
48:11 Notice this, Sermons and Talks, Volume 2, page 294,
48:15 "Without perfection of character
48:16 no one can enter the pearly gates of the city of God.
48:18 For if with all our imperfections,
48:20 we were permitted to enter that city,
48:21 there would soon be in heaven a second rebellion.
48:25 We must be tried and chosen and found faithful and true
48:28 upon the purification of our character rests our only hope
48:33 of eternal life.
48:37 Now that's not to say that the Christ like character
48:39 causes us to be saved.
48:42 Only the blood of Jesus saves sinners.
48:45 Are we agreed? Amen.
48:48 But a Christ like character is the only guarantee
48:52 that we will never chose to rebel again.
48:56 Think about it, there is a lot riding on your character.
48:59 Gabriel wants you to be there for the right reasons.
49:04 When Jesus was executed on the cross
49:06 at the cruel hands of Satan,
49:08 Gabriel said to Christ, sanctify imagination.
49:13 He was my friend that Lucifer,
49:16 and I really wanted to see what he is all about.
49:20 But now I know his true character.
49:21 He's a murderer. He deserves to die.
49:24 Lord, the plan of execution can go forward."
49:29 But then Jesus turned to him and said,
49:31 that's great, thank you,
49:32 but I want to bring some of them back here.
49:38 You see my plan is not just the plan of execution,
49:41 my plan is the plan of redemption.
49:44 I don't want to just end sin.
49:45 I want to actually save sinners,
49:47 and I'm going to make them your neighbor, Gabriel.
49:51 I'm going to take Kameron DeVasher
49:53 and put him in the palace right next door to you.
49:58 And Gabriel is like, slow down.
50:07 You know, we keep a record here
50:11 and new, uh, uh, no.
50:17 Lord, I appreciate that you want to get him in,
50:18 but he doesn't fit.
50:23 And Christ's like, yeah, but he will.
50:26 Let me do some work in him.
50:29 He sents out the Holy Spirit.
50:33 Have you ever noticed that...
50:34 I'm sorry, we haven't really talked
50:35 about the Holy Spirit yet, and some of you are like,
50:37 there's a big sign,
50:38 it's talking about the Holy Spirit right here.
50:42 You know, I came to GYC.
50:43 I wanted to learn how to preach better.
50:45 That's the Holy Spirit. I wanted to learn how to...
50:47 you know, I'm tired of just finding my car keys.
50:49 I want to speak in tongues, you know.
50:53 I want to raise the dead, I want to be a missionary,
50:55 I want to do something real for Christ,
50:57 I want to see the church of God,
50:58 God's remnant people galvanized into an organism for evangelism
51:03 like an army with banners.
51:05 That's why I came to GYC,
51:07 but all you're doing is talking about the second coming.
51:12 You might have a false conception
51:15 of what the work of the Holy Spirit actually is.
51:18 All those things are good things,
51:20 they're great things, they're necessary things,
51:21 they will be given their promises of God
51:25 but they're secondary.
51:26 The primary function of the Holy Spirit
51:29 is not to make you more powerful
51:32 but to make you more Christ like.
51:34 Amen.
51:35 Do you see the difference?
51:39 The primary role of the Holy Spirit
51:42 is to work in you to make you more like Jesus.
51:46 Please don't, I've raised all the money to get here,
51:50 travel hours in stuffy buses
51:52 and come all the way to Houston over Christmas break,
51:54 just to become informed about the Holy Spirit.
51:59 Make a commitment to God by His grace and indwelling power,
52:03 you will be transformed by the Holy Spirit
52:07 into a heavenly being who is comfortable in heaven.
52:10 Amen.
52:13 In the Book Education, everybody knows this famous quote,
52:16 "Higher than the highest human thought can reach is, what?
52:18 God's ideal for His children
52:20 All right. Three people knew that quote.
52:23 Higher than the highest human thought can reach is, what?
52:26 God's ideal for His children.
52:28 We all know that sentence but do you know that next sentence.
52:32 Godliness, Christ likeness,
52:35 God likeness is the goal to be reached.
52:40 You know, the natural inclination of sinful fallen man
52:43 to the revelation of the glory of God is to hide.
52:47 This is what happened when Adam and Eve were confronted by God
52:50 who was walking in the garden in the cool of the day.
52:52 We were afraid and we hid.
52:56 Thus what happened to Moses at the burning bush
52:57 before he was the new man in Christ?
53:00 He was afraid to look upon God.
53:04 And in the book of Revelation,
53:05 we read the reaction of those who are unprepared too,
53:08 who happen to be living to the second coming
53:09 but are not prepared to go through it.
53:12 Revelation Chapter 6 verse 16,
53:15 "They say to the mountains and rocks,
53:17 Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him
53:20 who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb,
53:23 for the great day of his wrath is come,
53:25 and who is able to stand?"
53:26 And notice, they're not afraid of the sickle
53:28 or the sword or the power
53:30 or the might, they're afraid of His face.
53:39 I wanna close tonight with
53:41 Mrs. White's description of what happened
53:43 when Jesus cleared the temple for the first time.
53:45 You can find the Biblical account in John Chapter 2.
53:49 But the picture I always had in my mind,
53:50 when He cleared the temple, when He purified that place was
53:52 that He came in with the whip,
53:54 you know, and it was all chaos and doves and lambs
53:57 and there's money changes and all,
53:59 and He just starts ripping the place apart,
54:02 and it just is chaos and utter torment.
54:04 And then all of a sudden,
54:05 everyone of you get out of here, get out of here.
54:06 Once everybody's out there, it finally gets quiet, you know,
54:09 and then the little children come to him.
54:10 That's the picture I had.
54:17 "As He beholds the scene,
54:20 indignation, authority, and power
54:21 are expressed in His countenance.
54:24 The attention of the people is attracted to Him."
54:28 When Jesus walks in a room,
54:29 He doesn't have to flip over a table.
54:30 His presence just commands authority.
54:33 Notice this.
54:35 "The eyes of those engaged in their unholy traffic
54:37 are riveted upon His face.
54:40 They cannot withdraw their gaze.
54:42 They feel that this man reads their inmost thoughts,
54:45 and discovers their hidden motives.
54:48 Some attempt to conceal their faces,
54:49 as if their evil deeds were written upon their countenances,
54:53 to be scanned by those searching eyes.
54:57 The confusion is hushed."
54:58 And notice He hasn't flipped a table,
55:01 moved His arm at all, He is just looking.
55:05 "The sound of traffic and bargaining has ceased.
55:10 The silence becomes painful
55:15 A sense of awe overpowers the assembly.
55:18 It is as if they were arraigned
55:19 before the tribunal of God to answer for their deeds.
55:24 Looking upon Christ,
55:25 they behold divinity flashed through the garb of humanity.
55:29 The Majesty of heaven stands
55:31 as the Judge will stand at the last day,
55:34 not now encircled with the glory that will then attend Him,
55:36 but with the same power to read the soul.
55:40 His eye sweeps over the multitude,
55:48 taking in every individual.
55:52 His form seems to rise above them in commanding dignity,
55:57 and a divine light illuminates His countenance.
56:00 He speaks, and His clear ringing voice,
56:03 the same that upon Mount Sinai proclaimed the law
56:05 that priests and rulers are transgressing,
56:08 is heard echoing through the arches of the temple,
56:10 "Take these things hence,
56:12 make not My Father's house an house of merchandise."
56:16 "Slowly descending the steps, descending the steps,
56:20 and raising the scourge of cords
56:22 gathered upon entering the enclosure,
56:23 He bids the bargaining company
56:25 depart from the precincts of the temple.
56:27 With a zeal and severity as never before manifested,
56:30 He overthrows the tables of the moneychangers.
56:32 The coins fall, ringing sharply upon the marble pavement.
56:35 None presume to question His authority.
56:39 None dare to stop to gather up their ill-gotten gain.
56:42 Jesus does not smite them with the whip of cords,
56:45 but in His hand
56:46 that simple scourge seems terrible as a flaming sword.
56:50 Officers of the temple, speculating priests,
56:53 brokers and cattle traders with their sheep and oxen,
56:57 rush from the place,
56:58 with the one thought of escaping
57:01 from the condemnation not of His whip,
57:04 not of His mighty right arm, the condemnation of His presence."
57:15 I believe with all of my heart
57:17 that this is the generation that will live to the second coming.
57:25 But that's not hopeful enough,
57:28 that's not promise enough
57:31 for countless people in the world that's just coincidental.
57:37 The question I want to know for myself
57:39 and I want you to be asking for yourself is
57:40 if Jesus will... am I ready.
57:43 I don't want to just go to heaven.
57:45 I want to be fit for heaven now.
57:47 When I walk into those gates
57:49 I want to breathe the air and say,
57:51 oh, this makes sense, this is home,
57:58 even more than that,
58:00 when the eyes of my Savior
58:03 scan the multitude and land on my eyes.
58:08 I don't want to be ashamed and hide my face.
58:12 I want to be pure in heart because I want to see God.
58:22 I don't want to ask you to question this,
58:25 even if you disagreed with me, did at least make sense?
58:28 Raise you hand. Did it at least make sense
58:29 what we're talking about?
58:30 Praise the Lord, clear communication.
58:32 You might all disagree
58:33 but at least you understood the message.
58:39 Now, I want to make an appeal.
58:41 It's simple, it won't be long,
58:43 but if you want to
58:45 not just think about salvation in terms of the transaction
58:49 that gets you in, that you're saying, Lord,
58:52 I want to step on higher ground.
58:56 I don't want to be here anymore,
58:57 I don't wanna just be a citizen of heaven,
58:58 I want to be a citizen of earth,
59:00 I want to be a citizen of heaven starting right now tonight.
59:03 Lord, I want You to not just get me,
59:04 I want You to fit me in to the society of angels.
59:08 Lord, transform my character, make me like You.
59:12 If that's your wish, will you stand with me now?


Revised 2014-12-17