Participants: Pastor Ted Wilson
Series Code: 11ASIC
Program Code: 11ASIC000007
00:49 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
00:55 And cast a wishful eye 01:01 To Canaan's fair and happy land 01:07 Where my possessions lie 01:22 No chilling winds or poisonous breath 01:28 Can reach that healthful shore 01:34 Sickness and sorrow, pain and death 01:38 Are felt and feared no more Feared no more 01:59 O the transporting, rapturous scene 02:05 That rises to my sight 02:12 Sweet fields arrayed in living green 02:18 And rivers of delight! 02:32 All o'er those wide extended plains 02:38 Shines one eternal day 02:45 There God the Son forever reigns 02:52 And scatters night away 03:07 I am bound for the Promised Land 03:12 I am bound for the Promised Land 03:17 Oh who will come and go with me? 03:21 I am bound for the Promised Land 03:26 When I shall reach that happy place 03:31 I'll be forever blest 03:36 For I shall see my Father's face 03:44 And in His bosom rest 03:50 For I shall see my Father's face 03:59 And in His bosom rest. 04:26 I would like to invite you to go to Revelation 12:17, 04:34 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, 04:38 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, 04:43 which keep the commandments of God, 04:46 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 05:13 I have fixed my mind 05:16 On another time, on another time 05:25 And here I mean to stand until 05:31 God gives me more light 05:37 And that is today, today Today until He comes 05:49 I have fixed my mind 05:53 On another time, on another time 06:06 I have set my course 06:09 On the narrow way, on the narrow way 06:17 For I know the day is close at hand 06:23 For which I watch and pray 06:28 Even so Lord come quickly That is my fervent prayer 06:40 For I've caught a glimpse of glory 06:46 And I'm longing to be there 07:03 When shall the Son of Man appear 07:09 The trumpet sound its blast 07:14 And Christ descend with glorious fire 07:20 With all the saints amassed 07:25 We'll rise with those who sleep no more 07:31 To meet Him in the air 07:37 When shall the Son of Man appear 07:46 The Son of Man appear 07:53 Even so Lord come quickly That is my fervent prayer 08:04 For I've caught a glimpse of glory 08:10 And I'm longing to be there 08:16 For I've caught a glimpse of glory 08:23 And I'm longing to be there 08:37 I have fixed my mind 08:41 On another time, on another time 09:17 Thank you so much for that beautiful rendition 09:20 of the words of William Miller. 09:23 What a wonderful day of hope 09:26 we have to look forward to. 09:29 I hope each of us are fixing our minds 09:33 on that beautiful day that will come in the very near future. 09:41 It's a great privilege to be with the ASI Convention 09:46 and I want to thank you for your prayers, 09:49 you don't know how many people 09:50 as I have wondered the house have mentioned to me, 09:55 I'm praying for you, I'm praying for you. 09:59 I want to tell you that means an enormous amount 10:05 to Nancy and to me and to your world church. 10:10 ASI is one of God's great missionary organizations, 10:18 that is a tremendous blessing to the entire world church 10:23 and its outreach for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 10:29 You just saw a beautiful demonstration 10:31 of the cooperative endeavor that we are accelerating 10:36 between supporting ministries and the denominational entities. 10:43 I want you to know that the General Conference 10:45 appreciates you as members of ASI 10:51 and we're delighted with your strong supported activities 10:55 reflecting the many supporting ministries 10:58 that make up this dynamic organization. 11:02 Your emphasis on soul winning 11:04 through the power of the Holy Spirit 11:07 is how God wants you to work 11:10 sharing Christ in the marketplace. 11:14 Your support of so many 11:15 evangelistic outreach projects are thrilling, 11:19 projects such as the one-day church, 11:22 the one-day school 11:23 and so many other marvellous projects. 11:27 Recently, it was a privilege to attend 11:29 the ASI Europe Convention in Konstanz, Germany, 11:33 and to see hundreds of dedicated, energized, 11:37 spirit-filled church members 11:40 who want to experience revival and reformation 11:43 and a renewed mission emphasis 11:46 for the evangelistic outreach 11:48 on the European continent. 11:51 Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Germany, 11:57 and in Europe, pray for them, 12:01 plead with the Lord for a renewed 12:03 sense of mission to proclaim 12:05 the three angels' messages 12:07 with power in that secular and materialistic society. 12:13 There are millions of people in Europe and yes, 12:15 all over the world who are waiting 12:18 for Seventh-day Adventists to stand up, 12:22 speak out, and share the precious 12:25 Biblical message of Revelation 14. 12:31 Now the giving of those three angels' messages 12:33 is the reason God has raised up 12:37 the Seventh-day Adventist movement. 12:40 We have a mandate from heaven to preach 12:45 the everlasting Gospel and Christ's righteousness, 12:48 to boldly proclaim 12:50 the fall of Babylon's apostate religion, 12:53 and to warn the world 12:55 not to receive the mark of the beast, 12:58 but instead be sealed 13:00 with the seal of God's everlasting mark of authority, 13:05 the seventh-day Sabbath. 13:09 Brothers and sisters here at ASI 13:11 and those watching around the world, 13:13 we have the great privilege as a church body 13:18 to belong to a heaven-born Advent movement. 13:23 We belong to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 13:27 God's remnant church. 13:30 A church that has been called by God 13:32 at the end of time for a unique purpose. 13:35 A church that has gone through challenging times 13:37 in the past 13:38 and will go through very challenging times ahead 13:42 according to Bible prophecy 13:45 and the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy. 13:48 A church that does not rely 13:51 on traditions or human reasoning, 13:54 but relies completely on the Word of God 13:58 as its sole foundation. 14:02 And the Living Word, Jesus Christ. 14:05 A church that does not derive its power from itself, 14:09 but accepts fully the admonition 14:11 of the Lord in Zechariah 4:6 which says, 14:14 "Not by might nor by power, 14:16 but My Spirit' says the Lord of hosts." 14:19 I like your theme for the 2011 ASI Convention, 14:24 "Inspired to Finish Strong" Inspired by God, 14:30 the Father, Inspired by God, the Son, 14:34 inspired by God, the Holy Spirit. 14:38 The three Persons of the Godhead in one, 14:41 who are from everlasting and are everlasting. 14:45 God wants His church to finish strong 14:48 as has been prophesied that it will. 14:52 John records in Revelation Chapter 21, verses 1 to 3, 15:00 "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, 15:04 for the first heaven and the first earth 15:05 had passed away. 15:07 Also there was no more sea. 15:10 Then I, John, saw the holy city, 15:13 New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, 15:17 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 15:21 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, 15:24 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, 15:27 and He will dwell with them, 15:29 and they shall be His people. 15:31 God Himself will be with them and be their God. 15:36 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. 15:40 There shall be no more death, 15:44 no sorrow, nor crying. 15:47 There shall be no more pain, 15:49 for the former things have passed away.' 15:52 Then, He who sat on the throne said, 15:54 'Behold, I make all things new.' 15:59 And He said to me, 16:01 'Write, for these words are true and faithful."' 16:07 True and faithful, God has promised, 16:11 His words are true and faithful that His church, 16:15 under His personal direction, will finish strong! 16:20 His church will finish strong through His grace 16:23 and through His power. 16:26 You will finish strong through His power. 16:31 This is not just hyperbole and triumphalism, 16:35 this is Biblical truth! 16:39 On that great and wonderful day 16:41 when we all look forward to seeing 16:44 the culmination of the Blessed Hope. 16:47 We will see Jesus appear with power and glory, 16:53 the Blessed Hope that will finish strong. 16:57 Matthew records in Chapter 25, verse 31 17:01 that "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, 17:04 and all the holy angels with Him, 17:07 then He will sit on the throne of His glory." 17:11 Christ will come in power to claim His remnant people. 17:17 This is God's remnant church and through God's power, 17:23 it will finish strong. 17:27 I don't know about you, 17:29 but I'm looking forward to that day 17:33 when I will see my parents again. 17:38 And you will see those who have died in Christ 17:40 because the great blessed hope is just before us. 17:45 Now how is it that we can humbly claim 17:48 to be God's remnant church? 17:51 There are those, even Seventh-day Adventist, 17:54 who would dispute that we are the remnant church. 17:58 Some may say, "Well we are a part of the remnant." 18:02 Perhaps others might say, 18:03 "Well the remnant is yet to come." 18:06 My brothers and sisters, in order to say 18:09 that God's church will finish strong, 18:12 we need to know who we are 18:15 and why we are here as an Advent movement. 18:18 We need to understand 18:19 our special calling from the Lord. 18:22 We don't say any of this in a self-centered, 18:26 egotistical manner, but we say it 18:32 in humility indicating that we fulfill the qualifications 18:38 of God's remnant people who know 18:41 that the church will finish strong. 18:45 Now, God, has told us 18:46 in Testimonies for the Church, volume 7, page 138, 18:52 that ''Seventh-day Adventists have been chosen by God 18:55 as a peculiar people, separate from the world, 19:00 He has made them His representatives 19:02 and called them to be ambassadors for Him 19:06 in the last work of salvation. 19:09 The greatest wealth of truth 19:11 ever entrusted to mortals, the most solemn 19:14 and fearful warnings ever sent by God to man, 19:19 have been committed to them, 19:23 that's to you and to me to be given to the world." 19:30 But do we believe that? Yes. 19:32 How can we understand this from scripture? 19:37 A few years ago at a meeting, a large, 19:41 well, a large meeting, many people attending 19:45 I had a very bright and intelligent person 19:48 come to my supper table as I was eating 19:52 and asked a challenging question. 19:54 He asked me what my greatest challenge was. 19:59 And I thought for a moment 20:00 and then I responded by indicating 20:03 that probably one of the greatest challenges 20:05 that we face, that I face was to keep the vision alive 20:10 in the Seventh-day Adventist church 20:11 that we are a unique movement. 20:15 Well, he kind of looked at me and he said, 20:19 "Really, are we, are we really an unique movement?" 20:24 He said, "I am a Christian first 20:26 and then I am a Seventh-day Adventist." 20:29 Well, I want to tell you brothers and sisters, 20:30 of course, we are Seventh-day Adventist Christians, 20:34 we are part of the Christian community, 20:37 but I want to tell you that we have a special task 20:40 that others are not doing. 20:45 Well, this particular gentleman 20:49 proved my point right then and there. 20:53 He didn't seem to think that we were unique. 20:58 Who are we as a special movement? 21:03 Are we better than other people? 21:05 Of course not. 21:06 We're all in need of Christ's justifying 21:09 and sanctifying power. 21:11 We are in need of revival and reformation 21:14 through the Holy Spirit that will lead 21:17 to the outpouring of the latter rain. 21:20 We are indebted to Christ for salvation 21:23 and His all-encompassing grace and righteousness. 21:28 But we are a unique movement, 21:32 people of the Book, a prophetic movement, 21:35 people who believe in the prophecies 21:37 of Daniel and Revelation. 21:39 People who understand those books 21:42 from the historicist viewpoint. 21:45 We are not preterists, those who assign the events 21:50 predicted in the Bible to a singular event 21:54 in the distant past. 21:55 No, we are not preterists, 21:58 we are not futurists who assign prophetic events 22:01 as having some place in the distant future 22:04 and have no relevance to history 22:07 either current or past. 22:10 We are historicists who understand 22:13 that the seven churches for example 22:15 of Revelation 2 and 3 represent 22:18 not only historical places, but periods of church history 22:23 represented by the characteristics 22:25 of those original churches. 22:28 We believe in the prophetic landmarks 22:31 throughout history which were predicted 22:33 before they happened 22:35 and led us to an understanding 22:37 of who we are and where we are 22:40 in earth's history. 22:44 You see it helps to know 22:47 that we are living in the very end 22:50 of those toes in Daniel Chapter 2 22:54 and that the next event will be the stone appearing 23:00 that was cut without hands 23:03 representing Jesus soon second coming. 23:08 Daniel 8:14 tells us exactly what happened in 1844 23:13 and that the sanctuary message 23:15 which is replete in scripture 23:18 is a powerful and meaningful message 23:21 for the world throughout time 23:23 and even more so 23:24 during these end time days of this earth. 23:30 The sanctuary message of God's plan of salvation, 23:33 how Christ, our High Priest, 23:35 is interceding for us in the most holy place 23:38 of the heavenly sanctuary at this very time. 23:42 It is one of the most precious Biblical beliefs 23:45 that needs to be shared fully with the world. 23:48 Christ is our Creator, our Redeemer 23:51 as the Humble Broken Lamb on the cross, 23:54 our Example, our High Priest, 23:56 and our coming King. 24:00 The sanctuary message shares it all. 24:05 Brothers and sisters, 24:06 we are living in a most incredible time 24:09 in earth's history. 24:10 We have been called to proclaim God's 24:12 incredible message of salvation through Christ 24:15 and His righteousness 24:17 and we need to know who we are 24:22 if we are to deliver that message 24:24 with Holy Spirit power. 24:28 Now there are many Biblical texts 24:30 which give us a picture of who we are 24:32 as a unique movement that will finish strong. 24:38 But I want to tell you there is one text 24:40 that identifies us so clearly 24:42 it cannot be misunderstood. It is the great identifier. 24:47 It is the "Caller ID" of the Biblical prophecy. 24:52 Just as your cell phone or your home phone 24:55 can identify the calling number and name, 24:58 in some cases, of those calling you, 25:02 giving you the opportunity 25:04 to decide whether or not you want to take that call, 25:07 so the Bible in Revelation Chapter 12 verse 17 25:12 identifies God's remnant church or people 25:17 at the end of time. 25:19 That marvellous text tells us who we are. 25:22 It reads, "And the dragon, that's Satan, 25:26 was wroth or angry with the woman, 25:29 the church, and went to make war 25:32 with the remnant of her seed, 25:34 which keep the commandments of God, 25:37 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." 25:40 Now verse 9 tells us that the dragon is Satan. 25:45 Verses 1 and 2 identify the woman as God's church. 25:49 Verse 4 tells us of the war against God's church 25:53 and Jesus Christ who is then caught up to God 25:56 and His throne. 25:59 But who are the remnant? 26:02 The remnant of her seed, God's last day church, 26:07 will consist of people with two characteristics, 26:12 those who keep the commandments of God 26:15 and secondly, they have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 26:20 That first characteristic of keeping 26:22 the commandments of God means all the commandments of God 26:27 including the fourth commandment 26:29 to "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." 26:34 Now those who are part of the remnant church will keep, 26:37 through the power of God, not as a legalistic, 26:41 self initiated, pull yourself up 26:44 by the boot straps type of religion, 26:46 but through the power of God, 26:48 they will keep not just a few of the commandments, 26:53 not even nine of the commandments, 26:56 but all ten of the commandments. 26:59 The fourth commandment about God's holy Sabbath 27:02 is a sign of God's creative and redemptive power. 27:08 It is a sign that He alone is the Creator 27:13 who recently and let me underscore the word 27:17 recently created this earth in six literal days 27:21 and capped the marvellous and miraculous process 27:25 with the seventh-day Sabbath as a day 27:29 in which to specifically remember 27:32 that He did create by the word of His mouth. 27:37 The Sabbath is not only a sign of God's power, 27:40 but it will be a seal placed upon us as His people, 27:46 God's mark in the universe and on us. 27:51 In the very last days 27:52 during the most difficult times of persecution, 27:56 and yes, brothers and sisters that time will come. 28:01 During that period of time, 28:04 stand fast for God's Bible Sabbath. 28:08 Finish strong through God's power. 28:11 Don't let anything detour you 28:14 from faithfully adhering 28:16 to God's only true day of worship, 28:20 the seventh-day Sabbath. 28:24 When you worship on this very day 28:28 on which we are worshiping 28:30 in this auditorium in Sacramento, 28:32 you testify to the world 28:35 that God is the omnipotent Creator 28:39 who accomplished this work through His power 28:42 and not through an evolutionary process. 28:46 We are to preach this, 28:49 to teach this, and believe this. 28:56 Don't let anyone and I mean anyone intimidate you 29:02 into believing that this is an outmoded, 29:04 uneducated or unsophisticated belief, 29:09 the belief in a literal six-day creation week 29:13 with the Sabbath as the weekly 29:15 memorial of God's creative power is very much 29:19 a major part of the final characteristics 29:24 of God's remnant church. 29:27 Let me also indicate that God the Father, 29:30 God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, 29:33 all participated in the literal creation 29:35 of this world, they are the Godhead, 29:39 Three in One and have existed 29:42 since eternity and will exist throughout eternity. 29:46 They are omnipotent, omniscient, 29:49 omnipresent and everlasting, three distinct, 29:54 eternal persons, one God, our almighty God! 30:01 We are Seventh-day Adventists. 30:05 Don't ever forget that. 30:07 We are a unique people with a unique message. 30:11 In Selected Messages, Book 2, page 397, 30:16 we read, "I am instructed to say 30:19 to Seventh-day Adventists the world over. 30:23 God has called us as a people 30:25 to be a peculiar treasure unto Himself. 30:28 He has appointed that His church on earth 30:31 shall stand perfectly united in the Spirit 30:36 and counsel of the Lord of hosts to the end of time." 30:42 Now that second characteristic listed 30:44 in Revelation 12:17 is that God's remnant church 30:50 will have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 30:54 Revelation Chapter 1 verses 2 and 9 talk about 30:58 the testimony of Jesus. 31:01 Revelation 14:12 talks about the patience of the saints 31:05 who keep the commandments and the faith of Jesus. 31:09 And Revelation Chapter 19 verse 10, 31:13 plainly indicates and tells us 31:16 that "The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy." 31:23 Here we have a clear indication 31:24 from the Bible that the remnant church 31:28 will have a special voice that God will provide 31:31 which is the Spirit of Prophecy. 31:35 This is a mark of the remnant. 31:38 Now I believe that God spoke through Ellen G. White 31:42 as a fulfilment of Revelation 12:17 31:46 to provide God's instructions 31:48 to His last-day, remnant church. 31:51 And I want to thank you for the support 31:53 that you are giving in your offering 31:55 towards a special project for the widest state 32:00 and the Spirit of Prophecy. 32:02 Now as I've said before, 32:04 and I will say it many times into the future 32:07 as long as God gives me breathe 32:10 I believe the Spirit of Prophecy, 32:13 the writings of Ellen White. 32:15 The Spirit of Prophecy is one of the greatest gifts 32:18 given to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 32:22 There are many who attack the Spirit of Prophecy 32:26 and we shouldn't be at all surprised. 32:28 The Spirit of Prophecy contains 32:30 direct counsel and truth 32:32 which the devil does not want available to people. 32:38 Listen to this Selected Messages, Book 1, page 48, 32:42 it indicates that "Satan is constantly pressing 32:46 in the spurious that which is not correct 32:51 to lead away from the truth. 32:54 The very last deception of Satan 32:57 will be to make of none effect 33:01 the testimony of the Spirit of God. 33:05 There will be a hatred kindled 33:07 against the testimonies which is satanic. 33:13 The workings of Satan will be to unsettle the faith 33:16 of the churches in them, for this reason, 33:19 all right, here it is, 33:21 Satan cannot have so clear a track 33:24 to bring in his deceptions 33:26 and bind up souls in his delusions 33:28 if the warnings are reproofs 33:31 and counsels of the Spirit of God are headed." 33:36 If they are heated then of course, he has lost. 33:39 That is why currently there are so many attacks 33:42 against the Spirit of Prophecy. 33:44 That's why people simply choose 33:46 not to read the instructions. 33:49 But this is one of the two important characteristics 33:53 of the remnant church according to Revelation 12:17, 33:58 this is part of the "Caller ID" of who we are. 34:05 Now listen to Ellen White's plea 34:07 for revival and reformation, 34:09 and the latter rain explained 34:11 in Testimonies volume 8, pages 297 to 298. 34:16 "The Lord calls for a renewal 34:19 of the straight testimony borne in years past. 34:23 He calls for a renewal of spiritual life. 34:26 The spiritual energies of His people 34:28 have long been torpid, 34:31 we don't use that word very often, do we? 34:33 Just kind of means not there much, 34:36 but there is to be a resurrection 34:38 from apparent death. 34:41 By prayer and confession of sin, 34:43 we must clear the King's highway. 34:45 As we do this, 34:46 the power of the Spirit will come to us. 34:49 We need the Pentecostal energy. 34:51 This will come, for the Lord has promised 34:53 to send His Spirit as the all-conquering power. 34:59 Perilous times are before us. 35:01 Everyone who has a knowledge of the truth 35:02 should awake and place himself, 35:05 body, soul, and spirit, 35:06 under the discipline of God. 35:09 We must follow the directions given 35:11 through the Spirit of Prophecy. 35:12 We must obey, 35:14 love and obey the truth for this time. 35:16 This will save us from accepting strong delusions. 35:21 Let me stop here for a moment 35:23 brothers and sisters. 35:24 Those delusions will not only come in the future, 35:28 they are present right now. 35:32 I'm continuing now, "God has spoken to us through His word. 35:37 The Bible, He has spoken to us 35:40 through the testimonies to the church, 35:42 the Spirit of Prophecy, and through the books 35:45 that have helped to make plain 35:46 our present duty and the position 35:49 that we should now occupy." 35:53 Now what is the position that we should now occupy? 35:58 Is it that we are the remnant of her seed? 36:03 We are a unique movement of destiny. 36:06 We are to proclaim Christ's great message 36:09 of warning and salvation found 36:11 in the three angels' messages of Revelation 14. 36:15 We are not to allow anything to distract us 36:19 from our mission that will finish strong. 36:24 God has called us to proclaim 36:25 this last day message with power. 36:28 The three angels' messages 36:30 must be on our lips and presented in love. 36:34 Brothers and sisters, don't beat people 36:35 over the head with the Gospel, 36:37 love them into the church. 36:40 I am thankful for the great support 36:42 that ASI in the massive evangelistic 36:45 outreach activities of the church 36:47 worldwide are providing to his remnant people. 36:51 I ask for your continued support for all of our plans, 36:56 the overall plan, the evangelistic plan 36:59 of "Tell the World." 37:01 All of these plans are based on our humble submission 37:05 to the Lord and built 37:06 on the foundation of revival and reformation 37:09 in our personal lives 37:11 and the life of the church as a body. 37:16 Let us never forget 37:17 that anything we accomplish is only done 37:20 "by my Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts." 37:24 And one of the aspects of the Tell the World project 37:27 is the Great Controversy Project. 37:31 Pastor Baker, shared that with you 37:33 during Sabbath school today. 37:35 And I request that you give your full support 37:37 to this magnificent project. 37:40 This is a result of that second characteristic 37:44 of God's Caller ID in Revelation 12:17 37:48 which indicates that His remnant church 37:50 will have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 37:55 The Great Controversy Plan, 37:57 which has been accepted by the world church, 38:01 asks church members to read or reread 38:05 the Great Controversy during this year of 2011. 38:09 Nancy and I are rereading it and it is so powerful. 38:15 Then in 2012 and 2013 a massive distribution 38:20 of that book is going to take place around the world, 38:25 in an incredible evangelistic opportunity. 38:28 Various editions are going to be used. 38:32 Bible study cards or imprinted websites 38:34 will be included to take readers to resources 38:37 where they can take Bible studies, 38:39 download Biblical information, 38:41 and if needed, download the entire book, 38:44 connect with Seventh-day Adventists television networks, 38:47 and find truth-filled Bible information. 38:51 Some have asked, well, 38:52 "Why distribute the Great Controversy?" 38:55 I mean it's really not that politically correct today. 39:00 Why not distribute 39:01 Steps to Christ or the Desire of Ages? 39:04 I think it would be great to distribute those books. 39:07 I love those books, they are wonderful books. 39:11 But the fact is that Ellen White herself 39:15 said that she wished The Great Controversy 39:18 circulated more than any other book 39:21 she had written. 39:22 It tells the story of the Christian church 39:25 from the beginning to the end. 39:26 It tells how God's remnant church 39:29 will finish strong only through God's power. 39:34 It has been exciting to see the world divisions 39:36 and the church membership around the world 39:39 become so excited about this project. 39:42 We'd set a goal of 50 million 39:43 as pastor Baker said to be distributed. 39:47 Most of these books worldwide 39:48 will be personally given to friends, 39:51 and to relatives, and neighbours, and others. 39:55 Now I had a personal prayer goal of 100 million. 39:59 The latest estimated total of the classic 40:03 and abridged versions, 40:04 reported from the divisions at this time 40:07 and undoubtedly the total will go much higher, 40:11 is now approximately 127 million and counting. 40:17 And that doesn't include any of the projected 40:21 Internet-generated downloads. 40:24 God has inspired His people around the world 40:26 to spread the three angels' messages with power. 40:30 You know, I received the lovely note the other day 40:33 from a sister in Anderson, South Carolina, 40:37 I don't know her, but she said, 40:40 "I am rereading the Great Controversy" 40:43 and I know that you said you want to, in 2011 and 2013, 40:50 flood the earth with it!" 40:52 She indicated in her little note, 40:54 that she and her husband 40:55 plan to send it to over 200 people. 40:59 She said, "As Mrs. White said, 41:02 of all her books, this is the one 41:04 she would want everyone to have 41:06 and it is the very one Satan did not want printed. 41:12 May God continue to bless you and Mrs. Wilson and your staff 41:15 as we all press forward to the kingdom. 41:19 I am a 4th generation Seventh-day Adventist 41:22 and I praise God for that. 41:25 I don't know how I was so blessed. 41:30 My brothers and sisters, 41:32 we are all blessed to be Seventh-day Adventists 41:37 and participate in the proclamation 41:39 of the great Advent message. 41:43 On Sabbath, March 24, 2012, 41:47 I plan to spend the day in Sao Paulo, in Brazil, 41:51 where they plan to pass out on that Sabbath alone 41:55 three million copies in that city 41:58 and 18 million copies that Sabbath 42:01 throughout the South American Division. 42:04 Last Sabbath I was at the Hendersonville, 42:06 North Carolina church, where I shared appreciation 42:09 to that particular church and one of its members 42:13 for helping to start this great project 42:15 which has now encompassed the globe. 42:18 Let us never forget 42:20 that we are one great global family in Christ 42:26 and one part can affect the whole church family. 42:31 Brothers and sisters reread 42:33 The Great Controversy this year 42:35 and next year join the world family 42:38 in distributing The Great Controversy 42:41 like the leaves of autumn. Amen. 42:43 I want to share another enormous initiative 42:46 that God has placed on our hearts. 42:49 This October at the Annual Council, 42:52 we are going to be unveiling by God's grace, 42:54 the most comprehensive urban evangelism 42:57 initiative in the history 42:59 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 43:01 It is to be an ongoing, sustained program 43:05 until the Lord returns. 43:08 Half of the world's population now 43:10 lives in the urban centres of the world. 43:14 At times our big city evangelism 43:16 has been spasmodic, much has been done 43:20 and we give God the glory to those who have participated. 43:23 But many times with large evangelistic campaigns, 43:27 sometimes those are followed by months 43:30 and even years of silence. 43:33 The Spirit of Prophecy model is very different, 43:37 and involves a sustained 43:39 Biblical and compassionate approach 43:42 to doing urban evangelism. 43:45 This model is best described 43:47 as comprehensive urban evangelism 43:50 with the emphasis on comprehensive. 43:54 The model includes establishing working units, 43:57 centres of influence, and activities in the cities 44:01 that use the skills and gifts of local churches, 44:04 young people, small groups, medical missionary workers, 44:07 pastors, social workers, literature evangelists, 44:11 and all the available media platforms. 44:14 The church needs to develop 44:15 comprehensive and sustainable programs 44:19 for evangelizing the cities of the world. 44:23 We must not have one big evangelistic program 44:27 once in a while and then forget 44:29 the people of the cities. 44:33 We must work in a united, sustained work 44:37 to accomplish God's plan for the cities 44:39 as outlined in the Spirit of Prophecy. 44:42 God's servant has indicated 44:44 in Medical Ministry, page 304, the following. 44:48 "There is no change in the messages 44:50 that God has sent in the past. 44:52 The work in the cities the essential work for this time. 44:58 When the cities are worked as God would have them, 45:01 the result will be the setting 45:04 in operation of a mighty movement 45:06 such as we have not yet witnessed." 45:11 And that movement has yet to come, 45:14 I want to be part of it, do you? Amen. 45:17 For those of you who may hear 45:18 my sermon on October 8 45:21 this year at the Annual Council, 45:24 you're going to hear much more about 45:26 comprehensive urban evangelism. 45:29 Now another highly important component 45:31 of comprehensive urban evangelism 45:34 and our church work for the future 45:36 is what is termed in the Spirit of Prophecy, 45:39 "Medical Missionary Work." 45:43 This is a marvellous work 45:44 that encompasses everything from sharing 45:46 simple health principles and a loaf of whole wheat bread 45:51 with friends and neighbours 45:54 all the way to clinics and health centres. 45:57 However, much of medical missionary work focuses 46:00 on what local church members can do 46:03 to help people find physical, mental, 46:05 social and spiritual health. 46:08 It also involves Seventh-day Adventist health professionals 46:11 working in a blended ministry 46:14 with pastors and spiritual health. 46:17 It also involves health professionals 46:19 working in a blended ministry with these workers. 46:23 We will have a committee to be chaired by Mark Finley 46:27 to work on this vital initiative to unveil 46:30 a comprehensive medical missionary work program 46:34 and plan at the 2012 Annual Council. Amen. 46:39 We will look forward to working closely 46:43 with ASI supporting medical missionary ministries. Amen. 46:48 God has promised that as we follow His counsel 46:51 and His ways that His work will prosper 46:54 and we will finish strong. 46:58 However, the devil does everything 47:00 he can to deter God's people from following Biblical counsel. 47:06 He brings in every possible aberration 47:09 and confusing idea-- that's going 47:13 to throw God's people off-track. 47:17 Now I felt convicted in the past weeks 47:20 and I feel convicted for the future 47:24 to speak out in a stronger way 47:28 about certain subjects that, in my opinion, 47:34 are removing us from God's mission 47:37 for this remnant church. 47:39 Things that will take us out of the position 47:41 to which God has called us. 47:43 Let me briefly share just a few of them with you. 47:47 Number one, guard against mystical beliefs 47:52 and practices that are finding their way 47:56 into the church through formats 47:58 like spiritual formation and the emerging church. Amen. 48:03 The basis of much of this is an emphasis 48:06 on the experiential and emotional 48:09 rather than a strong foundation 48:12 on the Word of God. Amen. 48:14 Read helpful information on this subject 48:18 in the current Adventist Review, 48:20 which many of you have received an ASI Special, 48:23 it was passed out here at the convention. 48:26 And note in particular a two page article 48:30 by Mark Finley and watch for more material 48:33 in the very near future on this very important subject. 48:39 I ask you to read the Adventist Review. 48:42 Bill Knott and his professional staff 48:44 produced a magazine that can benefit you 48:48 spiritually in a very positive way. 48:51 Number two, stay away from the mystical forms of prayer 48:55 such as contemplative prayer, prayer labyrinths, 48:59 repetitive prayer using one word 49:01 or certain phrases or centring prayer 49:04 that seems to have become popular, 49:06 but leads to the occult since in many cases 49:10 all thoughts are eliminated from your mind, 49:14 thus allowing the evil one to invade 49:17 rather than have a simple and humble prayer 49:20 of sharing your concerns with the Lord. 49:27 Number three, resist worship styles 49:30 and music that have more to do 49:33 with self-centered entertainment 49:36 than a humble worship of God. Amen. 49:39 We have to recognize 49:40 that we have many different cultures in the church 49:43 and styles of worship in our world wide church. 49:47 I accept that and you should also. 49:49 But everything that is done 49:51 should bring glory to God and not to the participants. 49:54 Amen. Whether it be the preachers, 49:57 musicians or everyone participating. 50:00 We need to focus on worshipping God 50:03 and elevating and not elevating self. 50:07 We should lift, I should say worship and music 50:13 should lift us to the throne room of heaven. Amen. 50:18 I don't wish to offend anyone and this is my personal opinion, 50:25 but if music sounds like it belongs to a hard rock concert 50:31 or a nightclub, it should stay there. 50:45 This week's Sabbath School lesson 50:48 by the principal contributor Rosalie H. Zinke, 50:53 has some very helpful points. 50:55 In Thursday's section, it said, 50:58 "What is important for worship music 51:01 is that it point us to the noblest 51:05 and the best, which is the Lord." 51:10 Thank you Dr. Swartz for teaching the lesson 51:13 this morning and to Cliff Goldstein, 51:16 whom I saw here in the audience for editing our lessons. 51:24 Number four, and this is a little sensitive, 51:27 but I want you to understand it completely. 51:31 Avoid the practice and I speak to our church leaders, 51:36 locally and in our organized entities. 51:43 Avoid the practice of inviting major spiritual speakers 51:50 who are not Seventh-day Adventists. 52:01 Avoid having them speak to church meetings, 52:05 men's meetings, women's meetings, 52:07 retreats, pastoral meetings, 52:10 youth meetings and large convocations. Amen. 52:14 Now I want you to fully understand what I'm saying, 52:19 I am not talking about refusing or not inviting civic, 52:26 government or religious leaders to attend a meeting. 52:31 We need to make friends with these people, 52:34 we need to share our faith with them. 52:37 But, what I am talking about is asking them 52:40 to give a major spiritual presentation 52:44 where they probably simply do not have 52:49 the concept of the Great Controversy theme. 52:55 I want to tell you that we certainly can learn from others 53:00 who are not members and we should encourage them 53:04 in their own walk with the Lord to find truth. 53:08 However, we need to be very proactive 53:12 in requesting humble, 53:14 Bible-centered Seventh-day Adventist speakers 53:18 to instruct our church members in fully understanding 53:22 God's great Biblical messages for this time. Amen. 53:26 Brothers and sisters of ASI, if we want to finish strong, 53:32 we must focus upon Jesus Christ, 53:35 upon His righteousness, and His almighty word. 53:40 As in the Protestant Reformation, 53:42 the Bible must become our foundation. 53:46 The Spirit of Prophecy indicates 53:47 that God never intended for the Protestant Reformation 53:51 to end with Martin Luther, 53:54 but that we were to continue that great reformation. 53:59 I will never forget visiting recently 54:02 the Wartburg Castle in Germany 54:06 where Martin Luther was sequestered 54:08 for almost a year for his own personal protection 54:11 and to protect him from personal pride. 54:15 Read about the details in The Great Controversy. 54:18 While Martin Luther was there God led him 54:21 to translate the New Testament 54:23 from Greek to German in ten weeks 54:27 using 16 different German dialects 54:30 effectively creating the official German language. 54:35 The printing press, which had just been invented, 54:40 God's plan became the vehicle to place 54:43 the Bible in the hands of the common people 54:47 and allow them to more fully understand 54:49 their relationship with God. 54:53 Let's use these Bibles in our hands 54:57 to fully understand God's mission 54:59 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church 55:01 and through His power finish strong. 55:06 Brothers and sisters, Jesus is coming soon 55:10 and His church will finish strong! 55:14 The signs of Christ's return are all around us, 55:17 ever-increasing natural disasters, 55:19 political challenges that elude answers, 55:23 economic misery based on greed, 55:27 social and moral decay, and ecumenical advances 55:31 that will deny us religious freedom. 55:36 I just want to add or indicate 55:38 that we should support all organizations 55:40 and any effort to increase religious liberty and freedom. 55:45 But not align ourselves with any organization 55:50 that will neutralize our ability to proclaim 55:54 the three angels' messages and finish strong. Amen. 55:58 Let us focus upon Christ and His soon return. 56:03 In the beautiful book in Heavenly Places, page 127, 56:08 we read "The more we behold Christ, 56:12 talk of His merits, and tell of his power, 56:15 the more fully we shall reflect His image 56:19 in our own characters and the less 56:22 we shall submit our minds and affections 56:25 to the paralyzing influences of the world. 56:29 The more our minds dwell upon Jesus, 56:32 the less they will be enveloped in the fog of doubt, 56:37 and the more easily shall we lay all our trials, 56:42 all our burdens, upon the Burden Bearer." 56:50 How many of you today wish to lay your trials 56:57 and your burdens upon Jesus? Amen. 57:01 How many of you wish to rededicate your lives 57:04 and yourselves to Christ and His saving power? 57:09 How many of you want to reaffirm your belief 57:15 that this is God's remnant church 57:18 with a unique message 57:19 based on God's caller ID of Revelation 12:17? 57:25 How many wish to proclaim this precious Advent message 57:31 through the power of the Holy Spirit, 57:35 so that God's church will finish strong? Amen. 57:42 If you do, would you quietly join me 57:46 in standing in commitment before the Lord? Amen. |
Revised 2014-12-17