ASI Conventions, 2011

Sabbath School Lesson

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lyndi Schwartz


Series Code: 11ASIC

Program Code: 11ASIC000006

00:53 Let us be your light A beacon of your mercy
01:03 Candles burning bright God's glory to reveal
01:12 Let us be your light
01:20 A lamp that brings new sight and seeks to do God's will
01:29 As Christ was lifted high to raise our eyes to heaven
01:39 Let us pierce the darkness
01:44 Let us be your light upon a hill
01:53 Reach and take the torch that God has passed us
02:02 Let us shine the everlasting light
02:11 Come embrace the challenge now before us
02:19 Let us shine the glorious light of Christ
02:22 Let us shine the glorious light of Christ
02:27 Let us shine the glorious light of Christ
02:38 Let us be your light Blazing with your Spirit
02:47 Breaking through the night, our mission to fulfill
02:56 For Christ has called His church
03:00 to shine upon the nations Fill us with your glory
03:10 Savior, we have heard your call
03:15 Now we dedicate our all
03:20 Let us be your light upon the hill
03:30 Let us be your light upon the hill
03:49 Amen. Good morning church.
03:54 Good morning. Happy Sabbath.
03:55 Happy Sabbath.
03:56 It's a privilege to be here in Sacramento today,
03:59 but in the next few minutes we have the privilege
04:02 to go to the far away Islands of the Philippines
04:05 to talk about our special project there.
04:08 And with me, I have my brother in the faith,
04:10 Fred Webb, who, he and his wife
04:13 worked for many years in the Philippines.
04:16 And when you give your life and work in an area,
04:19 you're constantly looking for ways to be
04:21 more and more effective in your ministry.
04:24 And after some years the Lord led you to a way
04:28 to focus better on some of the people groups there,
04:33 could you tell us about an organization that you helped?
04:36 Yes, we worked with Mountain View College
04:39 and there was a student missionary organization
04:42 there called Sulads that had died for lack of funding.
04:45 And in the 1994, we able to resurrect
04:48 that program and this program, the students from
04:51 Mountain View College take a year off of school
04:54 and go out and live in the primitive tribes
04:56 in the mountains and they teach them
04:59 how to read and write.
05:00 And of course, in the process,
05:02 they teach them about Jesus.
05:03 So, these are like tribal groups, aren't they?
05:06 Oh, yes, these are the tribal groups,
05:08 primitive groups that live in the mountains.
05:11 And, and what were some of the results,
05:13 how did you, how did you have,
05:15 do you ever get a break through?
05:17 Thousands of people from the mountains
05:19 are now Seventh-day Adventists,
05:21 many of them have gone on to high school
05:25 that we built because we needed to keep
05:27 them in our church and they were drawing away
05:30 after they finished elementary school.
05:31 Have you ever reached the chief?
05:33 We've reach chiefs, in fact I like to tell you
05:35 about one today.
05:37 Chief Undug, we call him
05:39 Datu Undug, was a very powerful chief.
05:42 And these people in the mountains are animists,
05:46 they worship the trees, and the rocks,
05:48 and everything that's around.
05:51 They worship their ancestors.
05:53 And this Datu was powerful in that,
05:56 he had seven albularyos, an albularyo is a spirit guy,
06:02 a demon that comes up and gives him advice
06:06 on how to make decisions and what to do.
06:10 He was powerful enough that the bullets
06:14 from an enemy could not penetrate him,
06:16 he had many miraculous powers.
06:20 But one day, missionaries came to his village
06:22 and they began to teach about the Bible,
06:25 and as he listened to what they were telling him.
06:28 He said, you know, I think that's a better way
06:31 of life and what I'm living.
06:33 I think maybe I would like to follow that.
06:36 But, you know, I've always ask
06:38 my albularyos for advice on what should I do.
06:42 And so he did as he had always done,
06:45 he killed the pig, he killed the white chicken
06:48 and he called up his albularyos,
06:49 and he was talking to them just like
06:51 we're talking here face to face.
06:52 Oh, boy, sure.
06:53 And he said, you know,
06:54 this lady has come to our village and is teaching us
06:58 about Christ, teaching us from the Bible,
07:01 is this something I should do,
07:03 it looks very interesting to me?
07:05 And the albularyos looked at him and he said,
07:10 I'm lost, I had no hope,
07:12 but if you listen to her you can have hope.
07:15 Oh, my, that's amazing.
07:17 You know, the demons still know
07:18 who their supreme commander is.
07:21 Amen. Now, as you work with the chief
07:23 and as you reached out to the people group there,
07:26 you begin to educate the young people.
07:29 Yes, we had a high school in Central Mindanao,
07:32 but, Datu Undug after he became
07:36 a Seventh-day Adventist said, you know,
07:37 there is a long ways for our people to go,
07:40 we need to have a high school right here.
07:42 In fact, you he said, I have 100 hectares,
07:45 that's 220 acres, I will donate
07:48 if you will build a high school there.
07:50 But there was no money, five years went by,
07:55 Datu Undug passed away.
07:57 And I have a picture of a chief who was the successor
08:00 of Datu Undug, his name was Datu Phillix,
08:07 Datu Phillix said, you know,
08:09 if you're not going to use the land,
08:11 we're gonna have to take it back.
08:13 You know, that was for the high school level. Yes.
08:16 Well, now, before that you started off
08:18 elementary level. Yes.
08:20 And that was a blessing to young people
08:22 to at least get some education. Oh, yes.
08:24 But that actually caused a problem.
08:26 It caused a problem, because they were now
08:28 able to read and write.
08:29 And the rebel groups in the mountains were recruiting
08:34 them to be the trainers for their rebel groups.
08:37 Because of their being.
08:38 Because they could read and write, they were literate.
08:40 So you had to take them to another level. Yes.
08:43 And how did that solve that problem?
08:45 Well, we now have those that have gone
08:48 through our academies have gone back now
08:53 as student missionaries and they're working
08:55 for their own people. Amen.
08:59 I heard about this school, it was started,
09:03 this one up in the area of Datu Undug,
09:06 it actually was started, because there were
09:07 some of our Sulads said, you know,
09:09 we need to start this school
09:11 before we lose the opportunity.
09:13 But there was no money.
09:15 But these young people said, we don't need money,
09:18 this is God's work, He will provide.
09:20 And so, a year ago last June, the school was started.
09:24 Last February when I was there,
09:26 I said, I want to see this school.
09:27 And so we went on our trip to get out there.
09:31 This is the school building itself,
09:32 that's all there is, that's the dormitory,
09:35 I'm sorry, not the dormitory,
09:37 it's the classrooms, it's, it's everything,
09:38 even the residence for the faculty members.
09:42 Now these faculty members have been there
09:45 now for over a year, they still have not received
09:48 a full stipend because there are no funds
09:50 to fund this part of the program.
09:53 But they said, this is why God called us to be missionaries.
09:59 The students in the school are only in the freshmen class
10:03 when I was there in February and they are about 54 of them,
10:09 and their lives have been changed in such a way
10:11 that their parents are saying, what are you doing
10:13 for our students, their lives are changed
10:16 and they're no longer drinking,
10:17 they're no longer smoking, they're no longer gambling,
10:20 what are you doing?
10:21 And we say, we're teaching them about Jesus.
10:24 Brings you real joy when you develop and devoted
10:27 so long of your life to see something like this
10:29 flowing out of it, and the people are really
10:32 being helped on the grass roots level.
10:33 It's a real reward to see the change
10:36 that takes place in these lives.
10:38 Amen. And the people like to learn more about
10:40 this work with the tribal people in the Philippines,
10:43 how would they contact us.
10:45 We have a booth back here at Gospel Outreach.
10:47 Gospel Outreach is one of the, of founders of the Sulads.
10:53 And if you'd can stop by there, we could tell you more.
10:56 Thank you, Fred, we so much appreciate
10:58 your work in the Philippines.
10:59 Thank you. God bless you.
11:01 Next, I'd like to take you to another foreign country
11:04 far away to an island, another island
11:08 in the Solomon Islands, in the Pacific.
11:12 And I have with me this morning two guests
11:15 and I'd like to introduce to you first of all,
11:18 Ervin Ferris, who is a second generation islander
11:24 from the Solomon Islands and he and his dear wife
11:28 have worked there for many, many years.
11:30 He also worked for the division,
11:32 the union division there as a youth director.
11:36 And then as he matured and aged, he,
11:39 the burden of the Solomon's never left him
11:42 and I think for the last 15 years,
11:44 you've been working as a volunteer there as well.
11:47 That is correct, we certainly have.
11:50 I'd like to extend greetings to every one
11:52 of God's people here at ASI.
11:55 On this morning I'd to extend that greeting to people
11:59 who are now watching in and I'd really said,
12:02 the better land in Australia and the South Pacific.
12:09 Isn't it wonderful as we see what God's people are doing
12:12 everywhere and every nation around the world? Amen.
12:17 We're thrilled to be part of that wonderful nation.
12:22 They are three people, three men that have impacted
12:25 mostly in my life over the years,
12:27 of course my parents to start with.
12:29 Some of you that are more of my age would remember
12:32 Kata Ragoso, who came here
12:35 to the General Conference into America in the early 40,
12:38 oh, the late 40s.
12:40 Then there's Sasa Rore, and the third person
12:44 is my friend here, Dr. Silent Tovosia. Amen.
12:48 And today, Dr. Silent Tovosia,
12:52 who is very, very active member of
12:55 our Solomon Islands Frontier Outreach Ministry,
12:58 will be bringing to you the challenges
13:00 that we face at the present time in the Solomon Islands.
13:03 I present to you, a fuzzy wuzzy angel.
13:08 Amen. Dr. Silent Tovosia.
13:11 Well, I've never interviewed a fuzzy wuzzy angel before,
13:14 I'm looking forward to this.
13:17 Dr. Silent, I understand, welcome,
13:19 I understand that for some years you worked directly
13:22 for the government of the Solomon Islands
13:25 in the medical department.
13:27 That is correct.
13:29 And then later you got promoted to the mission work
13:33 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
13:35 Yes, we received a call in 2006 to serve in the church
13:40 and we gladly accepted it.
13:41 The salary wasn't the same.
13:44 No, there was a big reduction in the salary.
13:46 But the benefits were much better.
13:49 God is faithful. Heavenly benefits.
13:51 Amen. Amen.
13:52 We're so glad that you accepted that call
13:55 and apparently because of that God has really opened up
13:58 some doors for you in ministry,
14:00 could you tell us a little bit about that?
14:03 Yes, I would like to say that since the gospel,
14:07 since the Adventist message came to Solomon's in 1914,
14:12 we have seen God's leading right throughout the years.
14:17 And, give us an idea, now,
14:20 how many people are in the Solomon Islands?
14:22 Well, it's a small country
14:23 with a population of more than 500,000 only.
14:27 Okay, so half a million people, precious people.
14:30 Yes. Other angels waiting to be discovered.
14:32 Yes. Okay, and how many Adventists do we have?
14:36 As I said, the work has really grown, today, we have
14:41 42,000 baptized members in the Adventist church.
14:45 What kind of ratio what that be to the population?
14:48 That's roughly one in every thirteen people.
14:52 Wow, I think we envy them, don't you?
14:56 These fuzzy angels work pretty effectively it seems.
14:59 Okay, well, do you have some plans for increasing
15:07 that ratio and is it gonna be difficult?
15:09 It is our aim to reach
15:11 every single person in the Solomon's.
15:13 And we know that it is possible not through
15:16 our efforts but through the power of the spirit of God.
15:20 Amen. So, as a medical doctor you are able to use
15:27 some medical missionary approaches in trying
15:29 to reach the people.
15:30 I understand that there is like any place in the world,
15:35 a certain amount of prejudice between those that have
15:38 religion or those that don't or other denominations.
15:41 How is God helping you as a medical missionary
15:42 to find an entering wedge to get past some of this?
15:48 There is a lot of prejudice against
15:50 the Adventist message in the Solomon's.
15:52 We are the number four church in terms of population.
16:00 But there are many islands out there who have
16:02 not yet received our message and we have a program
16:06 of treating people with a certain kind of skin disease,
16:10 it's called bakwa in the local language.
16:16 It effects the skin and it causes very bad odor
16:20 and the person that's affected scratches whole night,
16:25 it's a result they have other problems likes,
16:28 you know, skin infection coming up on top of the bakwa.
16:32 And that is what we're using to reach people,
16:36 thousands of people come forward requesting treatment.
16:39 So, now that you have been able to give
16:41 a successful treatment, otherwise,
16:42 they have it for a life, but it can be reversed
16:45 in weeks when you have the right medicine. Absolutely.
16:48 And that's been opening the doors for you
16:50 to be able to go to many parts of the islands.
16:53 Absolutely, we're reaching places
16:55 that have never been reached before,
16:58 places that we've tried for, you know,
17:00 decades to reach and through this ministry we are able,
17:04 we're seeing the spirit of God
17:06 opening new areas through this ministry.
17:08 What would you like to leave with ASI today?
17:11 We have a mission, we've got about 50,000 people
17:16 to reach with the skin disease,
17:18 we request that you continue to pray with us,
17:22 pray for us and we will also pray with you for you always.
17:25 And to reach you they can find you
17:27 at on the web
17:32 May your tribe increase.
17:35 Thank you. God bless you.
18:19 Well, try that again. Happy Sabbath ASI.
18:23 Happy Sabbath.
18:24 I'm absolutely delighted to be here and I have been so
18:28 inspired this week with the wonderful testimonies,
18:32 the preaching, the warm fellowship.
18:35 And I want to congratulate Norman and Ramon
18:38 and the wonderful team of volunteers
18:40 for the outstanding job they have done,
18:42 I've been blessed.
18:43 And last, give a hand, please, that's great.
18:48 Last evening, I was just captivated
18:51 by the wonderful testimony of Irene,
18:55 that was one, wasn't that something?
18:56 Ninety-four years old, she was interviewed by
19:00 Mrs. McNeilus and I said to myself,
19:02 when I grow up I want to be like her,
19:04 I was absolutely inspired.
19:06 So this has been a joy and I just want to commend
19:09 all of you for just the wonderful work that you do
19:12 in terms of promoting missions,
19:13 and the work of God around the world
19:15 it's been an inspiration.
19:17 This morning I want to share something with you,
19:19 that I, it's close to my heart and it's, it's a passion,
19:22 since being a General Vice President
19:24 at the General Conference.
19:26 Ted Wilson asked me to work with a project called
19:28 "The Great Controversy Project."
19:30 Little did I know how dynamic and how all
19:33 consuming this has been, I've had a chance to
19:35 do some pretty special things, I've had a chance to run
19:38 a marathon 26.02 miles on the all the continents
19:41 of the world, all seven
19:43 and on top of that the North Pole.
19:45 And in spite of that this great controversy project
19:48 has captivated me.
19:50 It's a plan that Ted Wilson shared during the summer
19:55 following the Atlanta meeting in 2010.
19:59 And the program was very simple,
20:01 it was BHAG, as Jim Collins would say,
20:03 a Big Hairy Audacious Goal, only it wasn't that,
20:07 Ted wouldn't use that language.
20:08 I said, we have to sanitize it for Adventist purposes
20:11 and call it a bold heavenly anointed goal,
20:14 how about that?
20:16 And the idea was to take
20:17 the wonderful book the Great Controversy
20:20 and to spread this book around the world.
20:23 Well, this book will draw attention to Jesus Christ
20:26 and it will draw attention to the word of God
20:29 in a unique way at a time
20:31 when the world needs to hear it.
20:33 So it's called the Great Controversy Project.
20:35 Now, I'll tell you about it,
20:36 it's got great support from around the world
20:38 and every one has just really backed it,
20:41 the Review and Herald,
20:42 the Pacific Press have a wonderful
20:43 partnership to underwrite it.
20:45 All the division presidents have supported it 100%.
20:49 And so we had a modest goal, we said,
20:51 a modest goal which is really huge, 50 million copies.
20:56 What about having 50 million copies around the globe
20:59 in all parts of the world just think
21:01 what that would do?
21:02 It would bring results now as well as in the future,
21:05 that's what the goal was.
21:07 But Ted Wilson,
21:08 as you'll hear him say later today,
21:10 had he said, what he has a prayer goal,
21:13 prayer goal or a private goal that he had.
21:15 And he said, he was asking God to do 100 million.
21:21 Imagine that, that's a BHAG, 100 million copies.
21:26 And I tell you, this has been a phenomenal program,
21:30 so many people have support it.
21:32 And I'm happy to say,
21:33 for the first time publicly that two weeks ago
21:35 we got the word from the division,
21:37 divisions all around the world.
21:38 In fact, Dan Jackson from NAD and Paul Ratsara from SID
21:42 were here during this convention,
21:44 but we got the word officially
21:45 and right now we have toppled 100 million
21:50 and the projected goals, what do you say? Amen.
21:52 I say, Hallelujah,
21:54 I say, Hallelujah, praise the Lord.
21:57 And every one should have
21:58 one of these brochures right here,
21:59 you should have one of these and you see,
22:00 if you have it just lift it up for me, please.
22:02 Lift it up, this gives you all the details with it.
22:05 It's got the particulars, the plan, the program,
22:08 and how you as a member of ASI
22:10 can personally read the Great Controversy this year,
22:14 I've read it, I reread it this year,
22:16 read the book this year and then next year
22:18 you will distribute it by the thousands.
22:22 We're asking church members to buy this book,
22:24 it will be called the "Great Hope,"
22:27 we will, it's the Great Controversy,
22:28 eleven Chapters from the Great Controversy,
22:30 but we called it the "Great Hope."
22:31 And you'll take this, purchase copies
22:34 and spread it around your neighborhood,
22:36 the cities, hope into every home.
22:39 I was just told, just yesterday,
22:41 one of the couple dropped
22:43 by the Review and Herald booth,
22:45 and they said, that they were inspired
22:47 with the Great Controversy project.
22:48 And they wanted to make it
22:50 their business to personally purchase
22:53 and distribute 10,000 copies.
22:58 What can God do through your witness?
23:00 I end with this story, South America,
23:04 happened not too long ago,
23:05 a man found the Great Controversy,
23:07 he happened to stumble across it,
23:08 he wasn't Adventist, didn't know about Adventist.
23:10 He got this book, he begun to read it,
23:12 he was so inspired with the stories,
23:14 and the messages of faith,
23:15 and soon coming events, and so forth.
23:18 He began to teach
23:19 and preach from the Great Controversy,
23:22 didn't know anything about Adventist.
23:24 And it so happened that an Adventist heard him
23:27 talking about the message of the Great Controversy,
23:29 approached him and said,
23:30 where did you get this book from,
23:32 do you know what it's about?
23:33 He said, I don't know, I found the book,
23:34 I don't know where it's from.
23:35 The person said, let me take you to the place.
23:38 The church that is behind his book,
23:41 so they took him to an Adventist congregation
23:43 and the brother was touched by the word of God,
23:46 accepted Jesus Christ, and was baptized,
23:48 what do you say? Amen.
23:50 God can do marvelous things
23:51 with the "Great Controversy Project."
23:53 Please join us, pray for it, promoted,
23:55 and I know, God will bless you.
23:56 Thank you very much. Amen.
24:40 Just imagine a city made of gold
24:50 Imagine the day
24:53 when the Father's radiant glory we'll behold
25:00 Imagine a time
25:03 when there will be no crying, no more pain
25:10 Imagine when Jesus comes again
25:20 Imagine a place where there's no more night
25:30 Where the glory of God
25:32 will forever shine with eternal Light
25:40 We'll gather 'round the throne of the great I Am!
25:49 What glory when Jesus comes again!
25:58 The trumpet will sound
26:01 and the dead in Christ will all be raised
26:08 He will come in the twinkling of an eye
26:16 And then those who believe in Him as Savior and Lord
26:24 Will be caught up to meet Him in the sky
26:37 Just imagine what glory that will be
26:46 On that day when our precious Savior' face we will see
26:56 We will bow before the throne,
27:01 singing praises to the Lamb, to the Lamb
27:08 What glory when Jesus comes again!
27:18 Imagine when Jesus comes again,
27:26 comes again!
27:41 Amen. Weimar Academy Choir,
27:44 if I was nervous about this today,
27:47 you took my nervousness away.
27:49 Praise the Lord and thank you very much.
27:51 Happy Sabbath, ASI Family,
27:54 and welcome to Sabbath school.
27:56 We are going to study today,
28:00 a title worship song and praise,
28:03 this is lesson number six.
28:05 And the theme of the quote,
28:06 of course is worship.
28:08 But before we get started
28:09 I'd like to begin with prayer.
28:13 Father in heaven, we bless Your name,
28:18 we give You honor, we give You praise.
28:21 You are the life, the truth, the way,
28:25 we bless Your name.
28:28 As we open Your word today,
28:29 Lord, I just pray that Your Holy Spirit decent on me
28:33 and on all that are gathered here.
28:36 That the things that You want us to learn
28:38 and take away will be applied to our lives.
28:42 I pray that Jesus Christ be lifted up
28:46 and that all that we do will be about Him
28:48 and for Him, for, Jesus sake, amen.
28:52 As I mentioned the title of the lesson is worship,
28:54 song and praise.
28:56 The first angel's message says,
28:58 "That I saw another angel flying in midst of heaven,
29:02 having the everlasting gospel to preach to those
29:06 who dwell on the Earth,
29:08 to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.
29:12 The everlasting gospel was so good,
29:14 it was good for every single person on planet Earth.
29:19 Saying with a loud voice,
29:20 Fear God, and give glory to him,
29:22 for the hour of his judgment is come,
29:25 and worship him who made heaven,
29:28 and Earth, and the seas,
29:30 and the springs of water.
29:32 We see this angel
29:34 that has the everlasting gospel to preach
29:36 and that everlasting gospel is so powerful and in fact,
29:40 so beautiful that it is worthy
29:43 of worship of the Creator God.
29:46 Worship is the essential theme of the Bible,
29:49 from Genesis though Deuteronomy to Revelation,
29:52 we see this theme of worship.
29:54 And today in our history
29:56 it is still a vital importance.
29:59 As a matter of fact,
30:00 song and music has been a vital part of worship
30:04 throughout scripture.
30:06 We see in the book of Job recorded, I believe,
30:09 I don't know perhaps one of the first songs,
30:12 and that was the song at creation,
30:14 we are told that the morning stars sang together.
30:19 I can't even imagine what it would mean
30:21 to have stars singing together.
30:22 But it says that the morning stars sang together
30:25 and that the sons of God shouted for joy.
30:31 As you look throughout Israel's history,
30:33 music has been essential part of their worship,
30:35 be it the Passover, Pentecost,
30:39 the Feast of Tabernacles,
30:41 there was always a song associated
30:43 with their worship.
30:46 When Israel saw the Red Sea part,
30:50 they never saw such a sight, water standing on end.
30:53 And they broke into song, in fact,
30:55 some of the words include things
30:56 such as the Lord is my strength and my song,
30:59 who is like you, O Lord, among the Gods.
31:03 When David finally got the Ark back
31:06 from where it had been taken,
31:09 David wrote a song for that occasion.
31:13 And the Lord himself at the last supper
31:18 had a song before they went out.
31:20 So music is vital,
31:22 we are told by Paul in the book of Ephesians
31:25 that we are to admonish one another with Psalms,
31:28 hymns, and spiritual songs.
31:31 Worship, song, and praise,
31:34 that's what we're talking about today.
31:36 Well, there are some questions
31:37 that we want to address.
31:39 What does it mean to worship?
31:41 How do we worship? Why do we worship?
31:45 And what role does music play in worship?
31:48 What songs shall we sing?
31:51 And how does one distinguish
31:53 between true worship and false worship?
31:56 Each of those questions,
31:57 I think could take the entire time.
31:59 And so we are just going to address
32:01 some of those questions today
32:02 and to do that I want to look at three songs
32:07 in the book of Revelation,
32:09 three songs in the book of Revelation.
32:10 The first song is in Revelation Chapter 4,
32:14 if you could take your Bibles
32:15 and turn over there very quickly,
32:16 Revelation Chapter 4 verse 8,
32:19 the background to this is that John was taken
32:23 in vision by the spirit into what appears
32:27 to be the sanctuary in heaven and he sees one,
32:32 he describes, sitting on a throne,
32:35 he describes his appearance, it's magnificent.
32:37 And around that particular throne,
32:39 there are 24 other thrones
32:41 with 24 elders sitting on those thrones.
32:46 As well as these elders are sitting on those thrones.
32:49 John continues to look and oh,
32:52 there is a sea of glass in the middle
32:53 and between that throne
32:56 there are four living creatures.
33:00 And he describes these living creatures,
33:03 but the important thing now,
33:05 I want to start reading in verse 8,
33:06 verse 8, says, as the four living creatures,
33:12 "and the four living creatures,
33:14 each having six wings,
33:15 were full of eyes around and within.
33:18 And they do not rest day or night, saying,
33:23 "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,
33:26 Who was and is and is to come!"
33:31 Sometimes, we have these songs,
33:33 we called them 7/11 songs.
33:35 This is a 14 word song, repeated endlessly
33:39 without rest day or night.
33:42 Verse 9, "Whenever the living creatures
33:44 give glory and honor and thanks to Him
33:47 who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever,
33:50 the 24 elders fall down before Him
33:54 who sits on the throne and worship Him
33:56 who lives forever and ever,
33:58 and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,
34:02 "You are worthy, O Lord,
34:03 To receive a glory and honor and power,
34:06 For You created all things,
34:08 And by Your will they exist and were created."
34:13 We see here then that this,
34:15 in this scene that 24 elders and four living creatures
34:22 have only one song to sing
34:25 and that song regards creation.
34:28 For some reason they sing this song endlessly,
34:32 the same song endlessly
34:34 and that song relates to creation.
34:37 And so the question is, why does creation inspire
34:42 such ceaseless day and night
34:45 without rest outpouring of continuous,
34:49 endless song, and praise, and worship.
34:55 I want to show you a few pictures
34:57 but let me give you a little background.
35:00 Late in the summer of 1977,
35:06 there was a historic mission,
35:08 two spacecraft broke free from Earth's gravity
35:14 to journey to the outer edges of our solar system.
35:18 Their idea was to look at the four giant planets
35:22 of our solar system, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
35:28 And for 13 years, they observed these
35:31 and amongst the thousands of memorable pictures,
35:36 the most stunning was recorded
35:38 on February 14, of 1990.
35:41 And I want to put this slide up February 14, 1990,
35:46 if you look there, famous photograph
35:47 that Pale Blue Dot, the camera from Voyager One
35:51 turn back its camera and focused on that thing
35:55 between those two white lines on the screen.
35:57 And that Pale Blue Dot was Earth,
36:00 planet Earth from 4 billion miles away.
36:05 And questions arose about that Pale Blue Dot,
36:09 thing such as.
36:11 What is the meaning and significance of planet Earth?
36:15 What is Earth's role in the Universe?
36:18 Copernicus said, that's Nicolaus Copernicus said,
36:21 that Earth has no preferred place in the Universe.
36:25 The late Carl Sagan, astronomist said,
36:28 that our planet is a lonely speck
36:32 in the great enveloping cosmic dark.
36:36 Is it true?
36:38 Is it the case that our planet
36:41 is just a lonely speck
36:43 in the great enveloping cosmic dark.
36:46 I want to look at a few slides that I have here,
36:50 here you have, and I can't see very well from here,
36:54 I guess I look on this side.
36:55 Here we have our solar system.
36:58 The biggest one is Jupiter,
37:00 then Saturn is number two, then Uranus,
37:03 and Neptune, the blue planet right there
37:05 on the left hand side further is our planet Earth,
37:09 and then we have the rest of the planets.
37:11 Next picture, I want to look at this in prospective.
37:15 Now, we look at our Sun, and we see that Jupiter,
37:18 which appeared so large, is now smaller
37:21 and Earth is down the line number five,
37:25 and you see that's fairly small.
37:26 Next picture please.
37:29 Now we see that, if you look at Arcturus,
37:31 a bigger Sun,
37:32 now our Sun appears to be quite small.
37:35 And, in fact, Jupiter,
37:37 at this magnification is one pixel.
37:41 My husband is try to explain to me
37:43 what a pixel is, I can't remember,
37:46 but it's small. Next slide.
37:51 Now we have Betelgeuse.
37:53 Betelgeuse is the eighth largest star
37:55 in our solar system.
37:57 And now, at this magnification,
37:59 Earth has been removed
38:01 and Jupiter is one pixel in size.
38:07 As I think about this,
38:12 Ellen White said,
38:15 that our little planet Earth
38:17 is to be the lesson book of the Universe.
38:21 That thing that disappeared off the screen
38:24 is to be the lesson book of our Universe.
38:29 Two things, I think there are important
38:31 as we consider that.
38:32 We don't have time today, because,
38:34 you know something, you know,
38:35 we say time flies, it does.
38:39 Time flies, but I'll just say this,
38:43 there are 20 factors that must occur at the same time,
38:50 and the same place, in order to have life,
38:55 intelligent life on a planet.
38:58 It's easy to think of the billions of galaxies
39:01 that exist and think,
39:02 certainly there must be other life else where.
39:05 But it turns out that there are 20 factors.
39:08 So, first of all, I want to look at two things,
39:10 the habitability of the planet
39:11 and the ability of those on the planet
39:14 to see beyond into the cosmos.
39:16 So there are 20 factors very quickly,
39:18 water must be in liquid form, I won't tell you all 20.
39:21 Let me give you few examples,
39:23 location, location, location, the planet must be
39:26 in the exact right spot in the galaxy.
39:31 Next, I thought this was interesting,
39:32 we are orbited by a large moon,
39:35 the moon has a powerful gravitational pull
39:38 that keeps the angle of the Earth's axis stable
39:42 at 23 and a half degrees.
39:47 That's no accident. Amen.
39:49 In addition to that, I'm gonna say something
39:51 I have no idea what I'm saying.
39:52 I read this,
39:55 we are orbited by a main-sequence G2 dwarf star.
40:00 In other words, that's our Sun.
40:01 That Sun if it is - the mass of that Sun,
40:05 if it was 90% less massive, we would disappear,
40:11 excuse me, I didn't, I said that wrong,
40:12 if it were less massive as a 90% of the other stars,
40:17 we would cease to exist.
40:19 I want to show you another interesting thing,
40:22 on another slide
40:23 we are protected by large giant gas planets.
40:30 The slide will come soon.
40:33 These are the Sentinals, Jupiter and Saturn,
40:36 do you know what Sentinal means?
40:39 The one who stands watch.
40:42 Praise the Lord, right.
40:44 If we had been hit by number of meteors
40:48 that could have hit us.
40:49 We would have been extinct.
40:51 There was a meteor that hit Jupiter,
40:55 when that meteor hit Jupiter,
40:57 if it had gotten planet Earth,
40:59 we would have been destroyed.
41:02 The Lord set it up,
41:04 so that there are Sentinals watching over planet Earth,
41:08 of the 20 factors then, amongst the 20 factors,
41:13 water in liquid form,
41:15 we have a moon that's an awesome moon,
41:17 we have the right Sun,
41:18 that main-sequence G2 dwarf star.
41:22 We have a magnetic field.
41:24 Earth is the only planet that has plate tectonics.
41:27 The probability of those 20 factors
41:31 occurring at the same time and place
41:34 is one in 1000th of a trillion,
41:38 this did not happen by chance, God made the world.
41:42 The second thing, Romans Chapter 1 verse 20 says,
41:47 "Since the creation of the world
41:48 His invisible attributes are clearly seen,
41:52 being understood by the things that are made,
41:55 even His eternal power and Godhead,
41:58 so that they are without excuse.
42:00 I want to focus on the fact that it says,
42:03 that since the creation of the world
42:05 His invisible attributes are clearly seen,
42:08 location, location, location.
42:11 Earth is positioned in the perfect position
42:14 for discovering two things,
42:17 the atmosphere of this planet is unique,
42:21 it is transparent,
42:23 it is the only planet in our galaxy
42:26 that has a transparent enough atmosphere
42:29 that we can see beyond into the cosmos.
42:33 In addition to that, now again,
42:35 I'm beyond my knowledge base,
42:37 I'm a physician, but I read this.
42:40 The electromagnetic spectrum is huge.
42:43 What it would take for life, for plants, for animals,
42:48 and people to exist is a very tiny portion
42:53 of the electromagnetic spectrum.
42:55 And it so happens that our planet
42:59 has just that right electromagnetic spectrum
43:02 to give us a bird's eye view,
43:04 a front row seat on the rest of the Universe.
43:08 It also turns out that we are governed,
43:11 Earth and the Universe by finally tuned laws.
43:17 An elegant mathematics structure,
43:20 the product I believe, of God's handiwork.
43:23 We were perfectly positioned,
43:26 God, positioned us perfectly in this world for discovery
43:30 and what are we to discover?
43:33 David says, in Psalms 19 verse 1,
43:39 "The heavens declare the glory of God.
43:44 "Now that sounds like poetry, and in some sense it is,
43:48 but it says that,
43:50 "the heavens declare the glory of God,
43:53 the firmament shows his handiwork. "
43:56 Then listen to this,
43:57 "Day unto day uttereth speech,
44:00 and night unto night reveals knowledge. "
44:04 We are perfectly positioned because of our atmosphere,
44:08 the electromagnetic field to discover something.
44:11 It says, knowledge, so day unto day uttereth speech,
44:14 and night unto night reveals knowledge.
44:16 There is no speech or language,
44:19 where their voice is not heard,
44:21 their line goes out through all the Earth, their words.
44:25 This is creation to the end of the world,
44:28 isn't that amazing?
44:30 Now so, let's go back to verse one, verse one says,
44:33 "The heavens declare the glory of God,"
44:34 what does that mean?
44:35 Remember Moses, when Moses said to the Lord,
44:39 Show me your glory?
44:41 The Lord didn't show him a bright light,
44:43 there was no bright shining light,
44:45 what the Lord tell Him?
44:49 So I will show you my goodness,
44:52 I will show you my goodness,
44:54 and then the Lord passed by and He declared the Lord,
44:57 the Lord God, merciful, gracious, long-suffering,
45:00 and abounding in goodness.
45:03 The word there is has said, in the Hebrew
45:05 and that is a love that will not let you go.
45:09 The heavens declared the goodness of God,
45:12 a love that will not let us go.
45:15 And elsewhere,
45:16 David exclaims in Psalms Chapter eight
45:18 What is man, that you are mindful of him?
45:21 Or the son of man, that you give attention to him?
45:25 And David said that, after he looked, he said,
45:28 When I consider the heavens, the work of your hands,
45:30 what is man that you are mindful of him?
45:33 So we see the four living creatures
45:35 right here in Revelation Chapter 4,
45:37 and those 24 elders singing 14 words endlessly
45:41 because reason number one for worship.
45:44 God has made a Universe,
45:46 finally tuned and governed by precise mathematical laws
45:51 to sustain life and to give us an understanding of him.
45:56 We see in the heavens, His glory, His goodness,
45:59 night brings an intermission to most human activity,
46:03 but it has no effect on the ceaseless theme
46:06 of worship, and song and praise to God
46:09 that issues forth from the beings of heaven.
46:13 So reason number one
46:14 to worship is that it's just creation,
46:16 reason number two, the second song,
46:18 Revelation Chapter 5.
46:20 And in Revelation Chapter 5, we see here that in verse 1,
46:27 John, again sees,
46:28 he's sitting at the right hand of him
46:31 He saw sitting at the right hand of him
46:32 who sat on the throne,
46:33 a scroll written inside and on the back
46:37 And verse 2, says that a strong angel said,
46:40 who is worthy to open the scroll?
46:42 And there appeared to be no one.
46:44 John in verse 4 was weeping,
46:46 because there was no one but the elders said,
46:50 do not weep, because they found someone.
46:53 And then we see down in verse 6, very important.
46:56 And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne
46:58 and of the four living creatures,
47:00 and in the midst of the elders,
47:02 stood a Lamb as though it had been slain.
47:09 So important was the sacrificial offering
47:12 of Jesus Christ that God is represented here
47:19 as being in the very act of pouring out
47:22 His blood on behalf of mankind.
47:25 So he sees this Lamb as though he was slain,
47:28 having the seven horns.
47:30 Then in verse 7, he says,
47:31 "Then He came, that's the Lamb came
47:33 and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him
47:36 who sat on the throne. "
47:38 Now we're gonna go into verse 8,
47:39 if you thought that in Chapter 4,
47:42 worship was going on.
47:45 Look at Chapter 5 what happens, verse 8.
47:48 Now when He had taken the scroll,
47:50 the four living creatures and the 24 elders
47:53 fell down before the Lamb,
47:55 each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense,
47:59 which are the prayers of the saints.
48:01 And they sang a new song.
48:06 Whatever was going on,
48:07 this Lamb invoked in them now a new song
48:10 and the new song went like this.
48:12 "You are worthy to take the scroll,
48:14 And to open its seals, For You were slain,
48:17 And have redeemed us to God by Your blood,
48:22 Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
48:24 And have made us kings and priests to our God,
48:27 And we shall reign forever. "
48:28 Look at verse 11,
48:29 "Then I looked, and I heard the voice
48:31 of many angels around the throne,
48:33 the living creatures, the elders; and now it says,
48:37 the number of them was ten thousand times
48:40 ten thousand, and thousands of thousands.
48:44 All of the Universe is now joining in,
48:46 in praise and worship.
48:47 Because, now there is the Lamb that was slain
48:50 and redemption is worthy of incredible worship.
48:53 And saying with a loud voice, verse 12,
48:55 Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power
48:59 and riches and wisdom, and strength,
49:01 verse 13, And every creature which is in heaven
49:06 and on the Earth and under the Earth,
49:09 every creature you can imagine,
49:11 was involved in saying, blessing, and honor,
49:16 and glory, and power to Him,
49:19 be to Him who sits on the throne, to the Lamb forever.
49:24 What an incredible picture of worship?
49:26 The central act of His life, which claimed their admiration
49:31 was the shedding of His blood
49:32 for the salvation of fallen men.
49:36 The story of redemption then causes the whole of creation
49:40 to respond in a chorus of worship and song,
49:44 and praise, and this from all corners of the Universe.
49:49 Now these are rational beings,
49:53 those beings are rational beings.
49:55 And they are singing this song night and day.
50:02 And what is it about the story of redemption
50:05 that calls forth this new song.
50:10 John Chapter 12, Jesus said,
50:11 John Chapter 12, verse 32, that I, if I be lifted up.
50:19 The text says, will draw all men.
50:22 It doesn't actually say that, it says, I,
50:24 if I be lifted up will draw all to myself
50:28 which includes the on looking Universe to myself.
50:33 Paul says, in Roman Chapter 1,
50:37 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ,
50:41 for it is the power of God
50:43 for salvation to everyone who believes."
50:45 I want you to notice that,
50:46 we're gonna do some math in a little bit.
50:48 I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ,
50:51 for it is the power of God.
50:52 In First Corinthians Chapter 1, verse 18, he says,
50:55 "For the message of the cross is foolishness
50:58 to those who are being, who are perishing,
51:01 but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
51:05 We're gonna do some math.
51:08 My husband and I did not go to college together,
51:10 I went to Walla Walla College,
51:12 Walla Walla College. All right.
51:16 I was a math major, my husband says,
51:18 I was a math major so I took a math class.
51:20 I learned this,
51:23 he wasn't even there. All right.
51:26 But, if A equals B and B equals C,
51:31 then A equals C.
51:32 Does everybody know that? All right.
51:35 So Paul says in Romans Chapter 1 verse 16.
51:40 The gospel is the power,
51:43 in Chapter 1 verse 18, he says,
51:45 the message of the cross is the power,
51:47 hence the gospel is the message of the cross.
51:52 For that reason he concluded
51:54 in First Corinthians Chapter 2,
51:57 that he desired to know nothing
52:00 except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
52:03 Peter joined, and this is great,
52:05 Peter joins in this chorus,
52:08 and in First Peter he says,
52:10 after telling of the salvation
52:11 and sufferings of Jesus Christ.
52:14 He begins to reflect on the preaching of the gospel,
52:18 and makes a remarkable statement.
52:20 He says that this gospel,
52:23 the message of the cross is the thing
52:26 which angels desire to look into.
52:30 It's amazing, isn't it?
52:33 Now the massage of the cross, we have no time,
52:34 because I said time flies,
52:36 and in fact, time really flies.
52:41 What we understand as Seventh-day Adventists
52:44 about the cross of Jesus Christ
52:46 is deeper, and richer,
52:49 and wider, and higher than
52:51 any other denomination on planet Earth. Amen.
52:56 To understand that all of you have to do
52:57 is to go and read the Desire of Ages,
52:59 the Chapter on Gethsemane and on Calvary,
53:03 I like to give my Sabbath school class
53:05 at home assignments.
53:06 I'm giving an assignment,
53:08 go home and read the Desire of Ages.
53:12 Jesus Christ, when He was on the way
53:14 to the cross was depressed.
53:17 He had faced death before
53:19 and he told people this isn't, this is nothing,
53:21 this is no big deal.
53:23 So when He died, it was not the physical suffering
53:25 there is something great there.
53:27 Ellen White says in the book, Desire of Ages,
53:29 Our little world
53:30 is the lesson book of the Universe.
53:33 God's wonderful purpose of grace,
53:35 the mystery of redeeming love,
53:37 is the theme into which angels desire to look,
53:41 and it will be their study throughout the endless ages.
53:46 Both the redeemed and the unfallen beings
53:50 will find in the cross of Jesus Christ
53:54 their science and their song.
54:01 So Revelation Chapter 14 verse 6 told us that
54:04 this angel had the everlasting gospel.
54:07 The everlasting gospel teaches us
54:10 that in the beginning was the Word,
54:12 and the Word was with God,
54:13 and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,
54:17 what does that mean?
54:19 Galatians Chapter 4 tells that, that Word,
54:23 Jesus Christ came in the likeness of our flesh
54:27 and tabernacled in our flesh, He's Emmanuel, God with us.
54:30 He pitched His tent beside the tents of men,
54:32 He tabernacled in the midst of our human encampment.
54:36 The everlasting gospel also tells us
54:38 that though He was rich,
54:40 yet for our sakes He became poor.
54:42 It tells us also that Jesus Christ
54:44 who though He was God did not consider divinity
54:48 something to be grasped hold of.
54:50 But He made himself of no reputation,
54:54 and he joined himself to the human race,
54:56 the glory of self sacrificing,
54:58 self renouncing love, a love that seeks not its own.
55:02 John 3:16 says that, "For God so loved the world
55:05 that He gave," he didn't lend them,
55:08 He gave them.
55:09 Ellen White says, in Christ we become more closely
55:14 united to God than if we had never fallen.
55:17 In taking our nature, the Savior has bound Himself
55:21 to humanity by a tie that is never to be broken.
55:25 Through the endless ages of eternity
55:27 He is linked with us.
55:29 "For God so loved the world that He gave."
55:34 Reason number two to worship,
55:36 the beauty of the Matchless Charms
55:39 of Jesus Christ the Lamb slain
55:42 from the foundation of the world.
55:44 No wonder those four living creatures
55:46 and the 24 elders,
55:48 and ten thousand times ten thousand,
55:50 and every creature in heaven and on Earth
55:51 and under the Earth worship him,
55:54 who stepped down from the throne of the Universe,
55:57 to join himself to the inhabitants of Earth,
56:01 a planet which is but a speck of dust
56:04 in the scheme of our galaxy,
56:05 the minutest of specks in the scheme of the Universe
56:08 just a pale blue dot, for God so loved the world.
56:14 In the interest of time,
56:15 I need to skip the third song,
56:16 which is Revelation Chapter 14,
56:18 I do want to read a passage from Ellen White,
56:21 that she wrote in the Great Controversy, page 651.
56:26 In this life we can only begin to understand
56:30 the wonderful theme of redemption.
56:33 With our finite comprehension
56:35 we may consider most earnestly the shame
56:39 and the glory, the life and the death,
56:42 the justice and the mercy that meet in the cross,
56:45 yet with the utmost stretch of our mental powers
56:48 we fail to grasp its full significance.
56:52 The length and breadth, and depth
56:54 and height of redeeming love are but dimly comprehended.
57:00 Then she says, The cross of Christ will be the science
57:03 and the song of the redeemed through all eternity.
57:07 In Christ glorified they will behold Christ crucified.
57:11 Never will it be forgotten that He whose power created
57:14 and upheld the unnumbered worlds,
57:16 through the vast realms of space,
57:18 the Beloved of God, the Majesty of heaven,
57:22 He whom cherub and shining seraph
57:24 delighted to adore-- humbled Himself to uplift fallen man,
57:29 that He bore the guilt and shame of sin,
57:32 and the hiding of His Father's face.
57:34 Till the woes of a lost world broke His heart
57:37 and crushed out His life on Calvary's cross.
57:40 That the Maker of all worlds,
57:43 the Arbiter of all destinies should lay aside His glory
57:48 and humiliate Himself from love to man
57:51 will ever excite the wonder
57:54 and adoration of the Universe.
57:58 Then she says, That we will break forth
58:01 in rapturous song,
58:03 "Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain,
58:06 and hath redeemed us to God by His most precious blood!"
58:10 Why do we worship? What song shall we sing?
58:14 Songs that give him glory,
58:15 songs of blessing and honor to him.
58:18 Redeem, songs of a selfish redeemer
58:21 that lay the glory of men in the dust.
58:23 Songs of radical joy that tell us
58:26 of His mindfulness of this pale blue dot.


Revised 2014-12-17