ASI Conventions, 2011

Members In Action

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 11ASIC

Program Code: 11ASIC000003

00:20 Good evening everyone
00:21 and welcome to tonight's meeting.
00:24 Let us stand as we have opening prayer.
00:31 Our heavenly Father and Lord,
00:32 I want to thank you so much for safety
00:36 and traveling mercies, Lord,
00:38 I ask that you please be with us this meeting tonight
00:42 and help it to be a blessing to each one of us.
00:45 Thank you for the many blessings that You've done for us.
00:49 Please be with us and keep us safe throughout the day,
00:52 in your name we pray, amen. Thank you.
00:58 Good evening ASI. Good evening.
01:01 I'm at ASI, aren't I? Amen.
01:03 Can we try that one more time?
01:05 Good evening ASI. Good evening.
01:08 That sounds a little bit better.
01:11 I'm very happy to be here
01:12 this evening with my good friend Bill Knott.
01:15 Bill is the Editor and the Executive Publisher
01:19 for the Adventist Review and the Adventist World.
01:22 And some of you may have noticed this evening
01:24 when you came in on your chairs that there was a
01:27 special issue of the Adventist Review.
01:29 We do this every year, we have a partnership
01:32 with Adventist Review where they're doing
01:33 ASI themed edition of the Adventist Review.
01:38 And I just wanted to ask you couple of questions about that.
01:43 I noticed on the cover of this issue,
01:47 that you're dealing with a tough topic
01:49 and I want to ask you two questions.
01:51 The first one is how do you and your editorial team
01:54 taken approach to a tough topic
01:57 and kind of plan your editorial approach?
01:59 And then second, the topic that you've covered
02:02 which is spiritual formations.
02:03 I'd like to have you tell me
02:05 little bit about in doing your research,
02:07 what you found and how that is affecting mainline
02:10 Protestant Christianity and also our own church?
02:13 Good questions.
02:15 We come to our decisions about the topics that we think
02:17 are most important partly out of our history.
02:20 The Adventist Review has had a history
02:23 for 162 years of tackling difficult topics.
02:26 And the day we start shying away from those
02:29 is a day where we stop serving God's people.
02:31 So it becomes an important part of our planning
02:34 to say not do, how do we play it safe.
02:37 But how do we bring in front of God's people,
02:39 the information they need to make
02:41 good godly decisions week by week.
02:43 This particular topic Spiritual Formation
02:46 is being discussed everywhere I go.
02:48 And so it was in many ways a natural topic for us
02:51 to address and as I've informed myself
02:54 and others in my staff have taken the opportunity
02:56 to learn about the currents that are moving
02:58 through the rest of the Christian world.
03:00 It seemed important to bring in front of this group
03:02 and in front of the rest of the World Church,
03:05 good solid information about what is happening
03:08 in our centers of education and what we aren't doing as well.
03:12 I also noticed in reading your editorial that you took
03:17 on a very, very interesting topic there as well.
03:20 And you were talking about this divide
03:22 that is often talked about in our own church.
03:25 And that divide has to do with whether you actually are paid
03:28 by the church or whether you are a lay person like myself.
03:32 And what I wanted to ask you was this.
03:34 Does it make a difference,
03:36 if you've have tithe dollars in your wallet,
03:38 when you're working for the Lord?
03:40 Not to the Lord, it doesn't and increasingly
03:43 it shouldn't for God's people wherever they are.
03:46 Employment is not the test of whether we're serving the Lord.
03:50 In fact when He's--when we get to the end of time,
03:52 there is only one employer
03:54 and it won't be the organized church.
03:56 It will be the Lord who says, well done,
03:58 good and faithful servant.
04:00 And that should apply to every individual
04:02 who's been disciple, every individual
04:04 who's got a to Jesus Christ and a vital mission in the world.
04:08 And so I wrote about the fact that I've grown up
04:10 as a person in an employee family
04:13 understanding that how distinction has been
04:16 alienating to so many in the church.
04:18 I'm grateful that the time is coming
04:20 where we're talking about how you're serving Jesus Christ
04:23 in this church, not where do you get your income.
04:26 Another question for you, I know that you travel a lot.
04:30 In fact you're probably more familiar
04:32 with transoceanic flights than a lot of the rest of us.
04:35 But I also noticed that you're here every year
04:38 at the ASI Convention, why is that?
04:41 That's easy.
04:43 ASI has its members the kind of people
04:47 who historically are the readers
04:49 and appreciators of the magazine I publish.
04:53 Adventist Review speaks to the central
04:55 concerns of Seventh-day Adventists.
04:58 It speaks to what is truth, what is current truth
05:02 and where God's people are going as a prophetic movement.
05:06 This is our kind of audience, we hope this is your kind
05:08 of magazine because each year we come here to say,
05:11 pickup this journal, if you haven't been
05:13 acquainted it for a while, look at it again.
05:16 Let me ask you this question,
05:18 you're giving an Adventist Review here
05:20 to every church member.
05:21 You've a lot of subscribers in our audience as well.
05:24 What do you want ASI members to do
05:26 with the Adventist Review?
05:27 If you're a subscriber, give that as a gift,
05:30 36 times a year it will go into the home of someone
05:33 you care about with the witness you may not be able to have.
05:36 Come by our booth at 528, talk with our team there,
05:40 learn how you can use this as a witnessing tool as a tool
05:43 to nurture faith and those you care about as well.
05:46 Thank you so much.
05:49 Good evening ASI. Good evening.
05:51 I have the privilege of interviewing or presenting
05:54 to you three different ministries this evening.
05:58 The first one is represented by Dr. Tooma.
06:02 She is a family practice physician.
06:05 And where is your practice Dr. Tooma?
06:08 In Southern California.
06:09 We have three offices Fontana, Rialto, and San Bernardino.
06:12 But I practice mainly out of Fontana office.
06:15 Now while we were talking in back there,
06:16 I was already becoming enthused about witnessing
06:19 because of your enthusiasm, praise the Lord.
06:23 And I'd like to ask you and to tell the people here,
06:26 were you always that enthusiastic
06:27 about witnessing for the Lord.
06:29 No, actually I was born in an Adventist family,
06:32 but it wasn't until about six to seven years ago,
06:35 when my son attended some Bible studies given
06:38 in school and the fire of the love of God caught on him
06:41 and he brought it home to me and my life has never been
06:44 the same again, the peace, the joy, the security
06:48 that the Lord has put in my heart,
06:50 you cannot find it in this world.
06:52 I never thought it was ever possible, but it has.
06:55 So it didn't go from the parents to the child,
06:58 it went from the children to the parent, is that right?
07:00 God used my only son to introduce me
07:03 anew to His only beloved Son.
07:05 Okay. And so why do you like to witness
07:10 to your patients and you were telling me that
07:12 there is other venues too, it's not just your patients
07:14 that you like to witness too,
07:15 but you have other, other ways to.
07:17 Now if you're good and we have enough time,
07:19 I'll let you tell about some of those other ways.
07:21 But tell us now, in your practice,
07:23 what are you doing to witness for patients, to your patients?
07:26 First they ask me, why I want to witness,
07:28 actually because of the big blessing
07:31 that overwhelmed my life.
07:33 Since I really knew Him, I developed a passion
07:37 for His children all around me, not only in my practice,
07:40 but it's all over, all around me wherever I go,
07:43 I ask the Lord, any door that You open open for me,
07:46 I'll take it, just tell me what to do and I'll do it.
07:50 At work, I witness not only to doctors,
07:53 but to employees and to my patients.
07:57 I pray with every every patient not just this,
07:58 but because I've a special interest in dermatology,
08:02 all our doctors, our 12 doctors refer their patients to me.
08:05 So many of them are overweight,
08:07 many have metabolic syndrome,
08:09 the autoimmune diseases et cetera, et cetera.
08:12 A lot of things that are lifestyle related.
08:15 So I start with lifestyle and that leads me
08:18 to the origin of the life, of the health message
08:21 which is in Genesis, time of creation.
08:24 And then it goes into what God added layer after sin
08:29 and the plan of salvation and it just goes on
08:32 and I end up giving the patients,
08:34 that's another thing literature evangelism.
08:36 I have our books all over my exam offices
08:40 and I continually order books
08:43 and avail them freely to my patients.
08:45 Now you told me about an incident
08:46 with the Baptist pastor who was a patient of yours.
08:50 Tell us about that? Yes.
08:52 He came again from another doctor, he had a skin problem.
08:55 And he had come to me before and every time I pray with him,
08:58 I never knew he was a Baptist pastor.
09:01 We always talked, you know, about Christ
09:02 and so last time he came he said,
09:05 this is a last time I'm gonna see you my insurance has,
09:08 you know, I lost my job and I can't see you anymore.
09:11 So, whatever you need to do, do it today.
09:13 And I said okay, so what do you gonna do?
09:16 What did you do before?
09:18 And he told me and then what you can do now.
09:19 He said, you know, I'm an ex-Baptist minister.
09:22 And I said Oh! So what you gonna do now?
09:24 He said I'm gonna go back to ministry.
09:26 I said great, God bless you.
09:28 And as he lay down in the table,
09:30 and I started working on him.
09:32 I said so pastor tell me what do you know about prophecy?
09:37 And he said I know some, but if you tell me
09:40 and I started with Daniel 2, Daniel 7, 8, 9, 10, Revelation.
09:46 How Sabbath was changed to Sunday,
09:48 the Mark of the Beast, the whole.
09:54 When I was done I mean, I talked for quite a while
09:58 all doctrinal issues even the State Of The Dead,
10:01 Everlasting Fire, what at everything,
10:04 everything at the very end I finished then I turned around
10:08 to put the lid on the biopsy little bottle.
10:11 And he said aren't you gonna pray with me.
10:14 I said absolutely I will.
10:15 He is used to me praying with him.
10:17 So when I prayed with him, I thanked the Lord
10:19 for this privilege that he give me
10:21 and I thanked Him for my brother
10:22 and I asked that I want my brother.
10:26 Dear Lord please give him light
10:28 that he may see your truth clearly.
10:30 I want to spend eternity with my brother
10:33 and his family enjoying You,
10:35 being around You in for eternity.
10:38 And when I finished my prayer, I saw tears
10:40 falling from this Baptist minister's eyes.
10:43 And on the way out, I gave him
10:45 Great Controversy, Desire of Ages,
10:48 Steps to Christ, you mean it, whole bunch of books.
10:52 And he took them, hug them and left.
10:54 He got the whole shoot and match that day, didn't he?
10:58 Are there any in your witness,
11:00 are there any particular books or literature
11:02 that you recommend or like to use,
11:04 kind of maybe ittle above some others.
11:06 Wow, Spirit of Prophecy, all kinds of books
11:10 English and Spanish and they are available to everybody.
11:16 I use doctrinal books, I mean old doctrines
11:19 for instance, the Rapture, the Everlasting Fire,
11:25 Hell, whole lot of doctrinal.
11:26 You use Great Controversy quite a bit.
11:28 Yes, yes. Desires of Ages.
11:29 Absolutely, Steps to Christ, absolute.
11:31 All of those. Patriarchs and Prophets,
11:33 Prophets and Kings, you name it everything.
11:36 Wonderful. We have one minute left,
11:38 is there one more experience you like to share with us,
11:40 so you can do in one minute.
11:42 Sure I can, but can I tell you about what else I do?
11:44 Do, please go ahead.
11:46 God's children are not only in my office,
11:48 they're all around me.
11:50 I'm talking on the streets and stores,
11:55 I give Bibles to the homeless people
11:58 and they say God bless you,
12:00 mind you no money Bible, here is a Bible for you.
12:03 God bless you, thank you!
12:05 And I just amazed, I'm amazed at their response.
12:08 Anyway I invite medical students to my home
12:10 out for dinner and I witness to them,
12:12 I tell them how I interact with my patients
12:14 and my patient's responses, it's a great blessing for them.
12:17 I go overseas to do evangelistic series
12:19 to many countries and I don't just do
12:21 evangelistic series, I follow up the church.
12:24 And I want to make sure there is a revival
12:26 into that church and I take every major possible
12:29 to make sure that that happens.
12:31 I even-- there is so much more.
12:33 Thank you so much for sharing your enthusiasm with us
12:37 and may God bless you in that ministry.
12:39 Time is short. That's right.
12:41 Please do your best.
12:44 Ask the Lord, what do you have me to do,
12:46 He will tell you. Amen.
12:48 And do it, don't wait time is too short, please.
12:52 Amen. Hope to see you all.
12:54 God willing forever for eternity with Jesus.
12:57 Thank you so much, God bless.
13:02 Our next interview is with Pastor Neri,
13:06 Peter Neri and Christina Sanford.
13:09 And pastor since obviously you are a pastor.
13:12 What are you doing with an ASI project here?
13:17 Well, when I first arrived in Las Vegas
13:21 where I'm a pastor.
13:23 My IT person took me to Black Mountain.
13:28 He wanted to show me the antenna
13:30 where the downlink for 3ABN is.
13:33 We bring 3ABN to the entire valley of Las Vegas.
13:38 And I turned around and I looked,
13:40 and here is what I saw from Black Mountain,
13:43 a beautiful view of the entire valley
13:47 and by the way this photograph is lacking much
13:52 of the-- it goes way to the right and way to the left.
13:56 And so I thought this is a great place,
13:58 I need to come here and I need to pray.
14:01 And I remember that H.M.S. Richards
14:02 used to pray over Los Angeles.
14:04 I thought it was a good idea.
14:06 So I started going up on the mountain to pray.
14:09 And folks I want you to know,
14:12 every time I went to that mountain to pray
14:14 my love for that city
14:16 and desire to see something good happen grew.
14:20 It was only a gift from God.
14:22 I really felt this heavy burden.
14:27 And so I would ask the Lord up there,
14:29 Lord what do you want me to do
14:31 and of course as a minister there was evangelism
14:33 which is actually happening.
14:35 But something very unique took place
14:38 and that is I suddenly had a burden.
14:41 First human sex trafficking which I've never had before
14:45 and I knew very little about.
14:47 And this burden grew and grew inside of me
14:50 and so I try to figure out Lord,
14:52 what do you want me to do?
14:54 And I was lead through my wife's work
14:58 she has a job there in Las Vegas,
15:01 there is a gentlemen.
15:03 And he heard me talking at in a social occasion
15:06 and he came up to me and he just whispered,
15:08 if you can find a legitimate project, I will fund it.
15:13 And so I went back to the mountain
15:14 and said Lord you got to help me.
15:16 And so I wrote some letters, some emails,
15:19 I made some calls and I could get no where.
15:22 And then all of a sudden I got a letter in the mail.
15:25 And I looked at that letter
15:26 and it was announcing the fact,
15:28 that this organization wanted to open a home
15:30 to help sex traffic victims.
15:34 But I didn't know who they were,
15:35 so I throw the letter away.
15:38 And then I go back on the mountain
15:39 and I pray Lord I can't get anywhere,
15:41 what do I do and all of a sudden
15:42 that letter came back to my mind.
15:45 And so sure enough, I went to the home,
15:48 I went back to the office,
15:49 I looked in the garbage can, it wasn't there.
15:52 But I remembered Living Waters.
15:55 So I got in the Internet,
15:57 I called that number and they said yes,
16:00 we're the organization that's doing that.
16:02 And I said well can I talk to your supervisor.
16:06 And I made an appointment and I sat down with her
16:11 and I'm talking to her and finally after half hour
16:14 I said to her, you keep talking about your church
16:18 and you keep talking about your pastor.
16:21 What is your church? Abundant Life.
16:24 And I went well, we have an Abundant Life Church
16:28 in Las Vegas and then I went
16:30 your pastor is Dr. Calvin Rock.
16:33 She said yes, I said, you're a Seventh-day Adventist.
16:36 And she said yes. And here is Christina.
16:41 Okay, and Christina I understand
16:43 you were not in Las Vegas all your life.
16:46 Why did you go there to Las Vegas?
16:48 Well, my family and I had a situation
16:50 where it was almost like an Abraham experience.
16:54 The Lord revealed to my husband
16:55 and I that we needed to leave Detroit.
16:57 And we didn't know where we were going
16:59 and so God called us to Las Vegas
17:01 and through a series of providential workings
17:05 and events God lead us to Las Vegas.
17:07 He took us to the place that He showed us
17:10 which happened to be Las Vegas.
17:12 Everyone thought we were crazy,
17:14 everyone my family, my friends,
17:16 everyone thought we're crazy
17:17 for moving from the place that we knew
17:20 and it was familiar to something
17:22 it's just very much unfamiliar.
17:26 Over the course of a couple of years,
17:30 the Lord placed in my heart even stronger
17:32 that Living Waters needed to open
17:35 a trauma recovery home for adolescent girls.
17:39 We sent out letters and I told my assistant,
17:42 you know, we're gonna send out letters to everyone
17:44 and I just want to let you know
17:46 that we probably won't hear anything
17:48 from the Adventist Church
17:49 but we're gonna send it anyway, okay.
17:52 And I-- seeing that the economic state
17:55 of the valley was in such ruins
17:57 and just the economic state in general,
17:59 nationally and internationally,
18:01 I didn't expect to hear from the Adventist Church,
18:04 but God has a sense of humor.
18:07 A few days after we send out letters,
18:09 I was on my way on vacation
18:11 and my assistant called me and said
18:13 there is this pastor who was relentless.
18:16 He just keeps saying, he know someone
18:17 who can help us open the home
18:19 and he has to speak with you now
18:21 and I said what did you tell him
18:22 that I'm going out of town next,
18:23 you know, on Tuesday.
18:25 She said yes, but he insisted.
18:27 Monday morning we meet and the minute that I share
18:30 with Pastor Neri that I'm Adventist,
18:34 he just breaks down crying.
18:35 And the youth pastor that he brought with him
18:37 is looking like why is he crying like?
18:39 What is going on here?
18:40 So then I'm getting teary eye
18:42 because when God gives you a vision,
18:45 He always gives you the means
18:47 by which to carry it out. Amen.
18:50 And why we are here today for us to share with you
18:53 about the mission and the vision that God has given us
18:56 to open Las Vegas' first ever trauma recovery home
19:00 for adolescent sex trafficking victims.
19:03 This will be a ground breaking effort.
19:07 We are schedule to open in November of this year.
19:10 We have the signature donor that by God's grace,
19:14 I was connected with Pastor Neri,
19:16 he was connected with Pastor Neri's wife,
19:18 who got us the funding to purchase the home.
19:21 And we just want to share with the world
19:24 that this is a real problem in our nation and in our world.
19:28 This is an International Conference
19:30 here and I think it's important
19:31 that we all are aware that sex trafficking is real,
19:36 it happens everyday,
19:38 your children are even our children yes,
19:41 Adventist children are able to be lured into sex trafficking.
19:46 The average age for a child to be lured
19:48 into sex trafficking is between the ages of 12 and 14.
19:52 For those of you, who have children
19:54 who are 12 to 14 that is your child?
19:57 And this home not only do we educate the community
20:00 about the dangers involved in the sex trafficking trade.
20:05 But we have something that can help them.
20:07 This home is a holistic home,
20:09 we use Christian biblical principles
20:11 to help bring girls from brokenness to restoration.
20:15 And Christine, if someone is interested
20:16 now in helping you pick their interest.
20:18 What could they do to help better or--
20:20 There are three ways you can help,
20:22 the first way is by volunteering.
20:25 You can volunteer if you live in the Las Vegas area
20:27 or if you're coming you can always call us
20:30 and let us know you're coming.
20:31 And we will set you out with something
20:34 that you can do to make a difference
20:36 in the lives of these girls.
20:38 The second thing you can do is refer
20:40 anyone that you know who may need help.
20:42 I'm a licensed psychotherapist
20:44 and I provide along with my staff,
20:46 we provide intensive psychotherapy
20:50 using a biblically based approach to treatment.
20:52 I specialize in sexual trauma.
20:55 The third and most important thing
20:56 that you can do right now
20:58 as we're building the house,
21:00 if you build God's house,
21:01 He will build yours, that's what I believe.
21:04 The third thing you can do is to give,
21:06 log on to our website at,
21:11 and there will be a way
21:14 that you can come out of your pocket
21:16 to give to a broken family and a girl that's been affected
21:20 by the sex trafficking trade.
21:22 Thank you so much for your witness
21:23 and God bless you in your project.
21:25 Thank you. Thank you.
21:26 And our next one is Scott Richards.
21:33 Good evening and you what ministry
21:37 or institution do you represent
21:39 and what is your work there?
21:41 Well, we're from Fountainview Academy
21:43 and I'm the president and also the bus driver.
21:47 And Anneliese Walhman here is a recent graduate
21:50 and she is, has been
21:52 in all of our video productions as well.
21:54 Okay, now this is the school I understand has made
21:56 those nice videos of the young people
21:58 singing in different beautiful nature settings.
22:01 And surely as those DVDs have been developed
22:04 and send out, you have received some responses.
22:07 Can you tell us kind of what response
22:09 you're receiving as people view these?
22:11 Right, we're really been thrilled with response
22:13 that we've been getting because we started filming
22:15 these with the idea that we wanted people to use them
22:18 to give to their friends and neighbors,
22:19 so that they could be introduced to Christ.
22:21 And so we've been getting emails
22:23 back for the last few years.
22:25 And I'm just gonna have Anneliese
22:26 share a couple of those emails
22:27 that I think really describe, the kind of impact
22:29 that's been happening out there.
22:32 All right, this one is from Daniel
22:33 and he lives in BC, Canada.
22:36 Hi, my name is Daniel and I'm 16 years old.
22:40 I've been raised in Romania
22:41 in Pentecostal Christian family all my life,
22:43 but never opened my heart to God.
22:46 Just recently my family received a DVD
22:48 from the pastor here in Merritt.
22:51 He gave us Steps to Christ in Song.
22:53 I'm elder brother,
22:54 I watched the DVD over and over again.
22:57 When I saw those teenagers praising God
22:59 and devoting their lives for Him,
23:01 I was very impressed and liked what I saw and thought a lot.
23:05 What I saw changed my life
23:09 and truly opened my heart to God.
23:11 It has made me a better person in every aspect there is.
23:15 I gave my favorite sports up
23:18 which was a hard thing to do to praise God.
23:20 I also started helping poor people
23:22 and talking to others about God
23:24 and his salvation.
23:25 Now on April 17, I'm getting baptized
23:29 with my two older brothers.
23:30 I'm a very happy person now.
23:32 I thank God for everything He has done for me.
23:34 And I also want to thank Mr. Lemon
23:36 and the students for working
23:37 so hard on making these DVDs.
23:39 Please continue to make more.
23:41 I'll pray for all of you
23:42 and God bless all of you students
23:44 and teachers of Fountainview Academy.
23:45 I thank you all so much, Daniel. Amen.
23:50 Do you have any other particular experiences
23:54 or feedback from that you like to share?
23:56 Yeah well that one, you know,
23:57 that kind of tells, that email tells
24:00 how it's been impacting people
24:01 who haven't heard the message before.
24:04 But, you know, it's interesting to see
24:05 that this is even impacting people
24:08 who have heard the message
24:09 and in fact people who are giving the message.
24:11 And I want Ally to just share one more email,
24:14 I think it's really interesting.
24:16 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ.
24:18 I want to let you know what a blessing
24:20 your music has been to our family.
24:22 We move to the Amazon region of Brazil,
24:25 four years ago to do a mission work.
24:27 While we were here, our friend showed
24:28 one of your DVDs to us,
24:30 and we were greatly moved by the beautiful music
24:32 and to see the dedication of young people to our Lord.
24:35 We saw it only once, but it stayed in our minds.
24:39 Sacred music is hard to come by here.
24:41 And the last time we went to the U.S.
24:42 we purchased three DVDs,
24:44 wishing we could afford all of them.
24:46 Our children ages ten, seven and two
24:49 have been greatly affected
24:51 and go around the house singing the songs.
24:53 My son makes cellos and violins out of connects toys
24:56 and pretends to play them and is earnestly trying
24:58 to learn to play his guitar.
25:00 My daughter plays the songs,
25:01 she hears on the DVDs by ear on her keyboard.
25:04 And our two year old marches around the house singing,
25:06 "How Great Thou Art."
25:09 The oldest two children have their hearts
25:10 set on attending Fountainview.
25:12 But only the Lord knows how that might be possible.
25:15 Twice a week we all curdle together as a family,
25:17 the children's pleading to watch Steps to Christ.
25:20 Go Tell It on the Mountain are coming again on a laptop.
25:23 Please let your staff and students know,
25:24 what a blessing their ministry has been to us.
25:27 Michael Lemon mentioned on Steps to Christ,
25:29 after one of the student sang
25:30 "His Eye Is on the Sparrow".
25:32 That he'd been wondering
25:33 if he had really made a difference,
25:34 when he heard her sing that song.
25:36 I want to let him know that the hard work
25:39 and dedication of he and all the staff
25:42 and students at Fountainview have impacted
25:44 and blessed this family in Amazon.
25:46 As we bring the Three Angles Message
25:48 to those in our small corner of the world.
25:51 May the Lord bless you all as you carry out the work
25:53 that God has set before you?
25:55 Thank you, the Disena family.
25:58 Beautiful, you know,
25:59 as I have listened to these beautiful DVDs,
26:02 I wished it maybe there was one
26:04 it was kind of a summary of them,
26:05 a little shorter it make a little easier
26:07 to share with somebody else.
26:11 We have something like that.
26:12 Well, you know, it's interesting as we've heard
26:15 these stories of people saying how they've been blessed.
26:17 We thought, you know,
26:18 we really like to having a larger impact.
26:20 And so what we did was we decided
26:22 that we would make a shorter version now,
26:24 the Steps to Christ in Song is a great production,
26:26 but its six and half hours long.
26:28 And its, it has a lot of songs in it
26:30 and it's not inexpensive to reproduce.
26:34 So what we did was we just finished
26:37 filming another video series
26:39 similar to Steps to Christ in Song called
26:41 "Help in Daily Living"
26:42 based on the book Help in Daily Living
26:45 which is the last four chapters
26:46 of Ministry of Healing.
26:47 But what we did is we filmed the long version
26:49 just like Steps to Christ,
26:50 it'll be six and half hours long.
26:52 But we also filmed the shorter version,
26:53 a special outreach version.
26:55 And we were really, really excited
26:58 as we film this because we realize that
27:00 this was going to be able to reach a lot more people
27:02 because we'll be able to sell it much more inexpensively
27:05 and so people can hand out a lot more copies.
27:07 We had a very interesting experience
27:09 the one we are filming the very last part of it.
27:12 And I want Anneliese to share a story
27:16 that goes along with that.
27:18 Well, we were filming like he said
27:20 the last segment of Help in Daily Living.
27:22 And the last part of the DVD series is when
27:25 Mr. Lemon gets his final appeal to the audience.
27:29 And now there is something you have to understand
27:31 about filming when we're filming
27:32 we're all sitting in a circle there together
27:34 and one thing our sound guy
27:37 has told us not to do is never,
27:39 ever, ever touch your chest
27:41 because that's where the mike is located
27:43 and if you touch your chest,
27:44 you bump the mike and it distorts the audio.
27:48 So that was something that he told us never to do.
27:50 Unfortunately Mr. Lemon forgot about this
27:53 because he was so engrossed in giving his appeal.
27:56 And he was just preaching his heart out
28:00 and he bumped his chest.
28:01 Now normally real our sound guy would say just cut
28:04 and let's start over again.
28:06 But he heard a voice say, no just let it go.
28:08 And he looked around, he looked the sky,
28:10 he looked at the other camera guys
28:11 but he didn't hear anything
28:13 or he they were busy looking at their own cameras.
28:15 So he just let it go.
28:17 He just let Mr. Lemon keep going
28:19 and he preached this appeal and we have told this
28:22 afterwards that he just so happy
28:24 and this appeal was most touching appeal.
28:26 He had ever heard in his entire life.
28:30 So music really is having a impact on the people
28:33 who were receiving these DVDs.
28:35 Thank you so much for your work and we thank God
28:37 that he has inspired your group, your school to be able
28:40 to make DVDs like this, it can be shared.
28:43 Now if the people want to know more
28:45 is there you have a booth here.
28:47 Number 622.
28:48 Okay, thank you so much, God bless.
28:52 I am weak, but Thou art strong,
29:01 Jesus, keep me from all wrong,
29:10 I'll be satisfied as long As I walk,
29:19 dear Lord, close to Thee.
29:24 Just a closer, just a closer walk,
29:28 just a closer walk O lord with Thee,
29:33 Grant it, Jesus, if you please my Lord
29:38 and Savior, if you please,
29:41 Daily walking close to Thee,
29:46 Daily walking close to Thee,
29:49 Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
29:58 Through this world of toil and snares,
30:07 If I falter, Lord, who cares?
30:16 Who with me my burden shares?
30:22 None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.
30:30 Just a closer walk O Lord with Thee,
30:38 Grant it, Jesus, if you please my Lord
30:43 and Savior, if you please,
30:47 Daily walking close to Thee,
30:51 Daily walking close to Thee,
30:54 Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
31:03 When my feeble life is o'er,
31:12 Time for me will be no more,
31:21 On that bright eternal shore
31:28 I will walk, dear Lord, close to Thee.
31:35 Just a closer walk, just a closer walk,
31:39 just a closer walk O Lord with Thee,
31:43 Grant it, Jesus, if you please my Lord
31:48 and Savior, if you please,
31:52 Daily walking close to Thee,
31:59 Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
32:03 Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
32:09 Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
32:38 Good evening.
32:40 This evening we're going to hear from several ASI members
32:43 who are doing big things for God.
32:46 I believe that their testimonies are going
32:48 to inspire and encourage all of us
32:51 and help us define our own mission more clearly.
32:55 I don't know about you,
32:56 I think a lot of us must have grown up
32:58 hearing thrilling reports about Leo Halliwell
33:01 and the Luzeiro river boats.
33:04 How many of you remembered those reports,
33:06 weren't they amazing?
33:09 Well, it was heart breaking when this work had to stop.
33:14 And so I was, I'm so delighted
33:18 to introduce to you Brad Mills
33:20 with Amazon Lifesavers Ministry.
33:24 Brad, what is your mission on the Amazon?
33:28 Well Janet, we are one self supporting ministry
33:31 that works to continue to work
33:33 of the Luzeiro program on the Amazon River.
33:36 We have three launches
33:38 that we carry volunteer, doctor, nurses, dentists
33:43 and people from all different kind of health professions
33:47 including Bible workers, teachers, pastors
33:49 and we go up and down the Amazon taking them
33:51 to the un-reached areas to continue doing the work
33:54 that Luzeiro used to do.
33:57 In fact the first Adventist Church
33:59 in the state of the Amazon
34:01 which is the north area of Brazil was started
34:03 because of the presence of the Luzeiro,
34:06 the boat that came with Leo Halliwell,
34:07 he came with his wife, he came with his crew.
34:09 And we've been able to visit that church
34:12 and we've been able to visit other churches
34:13 in working areas that the boats never were able
34:16 to penetrate and going and using the medical branch
34:19 it's still open into evangelism.
34:21 Isn't that exciting?
34:23 Tell us how did you all get started?
34:26 Yeah well in 2007, the Lord was calling
34:29 many people together, the Lord called my wife
34:31 and I from Tennessee.
34:33 I'm a family nurse practitioner,
34:34 my wife, a registered nursing
34:35 and we felt the Lord calling us to go down and help with this,
34:39 we didn't know how to make the first step.
34:42 And getting in touch with the church,
34:44 we found out that there was a group
34:46 of local Brazilian professionals
34:48 that the Lord had also been impelling to step forward
34:51 and restart the that Luzeiro Program.
34:52 And when we got there, we worked together,
34:55 the Lord providentially opened up so many avenues,
34:59 so that the program could get started.
35:01 In 2007 we started by faith,
35:03 we had no boats and within three years,
35:05 we have three boats working fulltime.
35:07 We have over 200 volunteers,
35:10 local Brazilian professionals that come together,
35:13 they take their holidays or month off of work
35:16 or weekend here or week here.
35:18 And we keep the both staff
35:19 with those healthcare professionals
35:20 going up and down doing that.
35:21 That's fabulous.
35:23 So tell us then what the Amazon Lifesavers,
35:27 what kind of impact that has made
35:30 physically on the people along the Amazon.
35:32 Well, the places hat we get to,
35:35 it's amazing we traveled three days sometimes,
35:37 four days to get to some isolated villages.
35:40 In those villages, well, sometimes
35:41 you get to they haven't seen
35:42 any healthcare provider in over three years.
35:46 Sometimes they'll come in,
35:47 they've never seen a dentist at all in their village
35:50 and we come in and we see so many needs.
35:52 You don't even know where to start.
35:54 We'll show up, we come in our boats.
35:56 We bring all of our volunteers on the boats,
35:58 we setup, we do dental work in
36:00 we're in huts or on the schools
36:03 that they provide sometimes.
36:05 We do medical clinics, we bring in the group of people
36:07 and we have seen so many things as far as
36:10 the medical aspect helping the people there.
36:13 If there is a more complex medical need,
36:15 we'll bring them out, we send some people
36:16 to south Brazil for cardiac surgery
36:19 that we found in some of the infants
36:21 and seeing the health really change their lives.
36:25 And in fact we see as everyone knows at ASI,
36:28 the health message still being the right arm of the gospel.
36:32 And in one area that we went little village
36:34 in the jungle where there was no Adventist presence.
36:37 We did two days of medical clinic
36:39 and the president of the village,
36:41 who was also the Director of the Catholic Church
36:44 came and asked us and he said what church are you from?
36:46 And I said we're Seventh-day Adventists.
36:47 And he said, we would like to see a church
36:51 from your church here in our village,
36:53 would you accept?
36:54 And we said absolutely.
36:56 So we got we've got on our boat
36:58 and we went back to town, we said we'll be back.
36:59 We got a group, we came back with a local pastor.
37:02 We spend a whole month,
37:03 immediately a few days later did evangelism.
37:06 We had 27 people baptized in that very first month
37:09 and we were able to build a church there.
37:12 And that's part of what we do as the church planting
37:15 and building churches and seeing that happening.
37:18 And the exciting part was obviously the Catholic Church
37:21 continued and so the Director
37:23 who had invited us came back to me
37:25 and he said, would you come and preach in my church?
37:28 And I said sure.
37:30 So we went in, Praise the Lord
37:32 and shared a message in the Catholic Church
37:35 and I said here looking at these people
37:36 and I thought they have no idea,
37:38 they're inviting a Seventh-day Adventist
37:39 into the Catholic Church.
37:40 Amen. Amen.
37:42 Oh, that's fabulous.
37:43 So tell us what do you hope to accomplish in the future?
37:47 Well as I said sometimes
37:49 we'll travel three days to get to one village.
37:52 In all during that three days we are passing
37:54 village after village after village.
37:56 And you go why are we traveling so far to get
37:57 to this village and we pass these villages?
38:00 The Amazon is so huge still and we see the need
38:03 to have so many so many more boats,
38:05 so many more volunteers, so many more Bible workers.
38:08 Lord willing next year we'll be starting a Bible school,
38:11 a full time Bible school
38:13 where we have a six month course,
38:14 training the local people to become Bible workers,
38:17 health workers to go in
38:18 and continue the Bible evangelism
38:20 in the un-reached areas.
38:22 We also hope, Lord willing to start
38:24 an aviation program, that we can get in
38:26 with our volunteers more quickly
38:28 where we have let's say
38:30 a healthcare professional from Manaus,
38:32 that might take three days to get to the village.
38:34 Well they have a week
38:35 that they can give if the boats there,
38:37 if the foods there we can fly somebody in, fly a pastor,
38:40 and fly a Bible worker in
38:41 and be more affective with our time.
38:43 Well tell me, I know that you're getting,
38:46 your project is getting
38:48 some of the ASI offerings this year.
38:50 So what do you plan to do with those funds?
38:52 Yeah, we're actually getting a donation from ASI this year,
38:55 Praise the Lord, $20,000
38:57 which we will be using to help build a faster
39:00 and bigger boat that we can get in
39:02 and continue bringing groups
39:03 and we have three boats working out right now
39:05 and as I said we could use over 20 for sure, 20?
39:09 To reach in that area.
39:10 So we are hoping to use
39:11 that money to get another boat going.
39:13 Well, I know you've got lot more stories
39:15 and there is so much more you could tell us.
39:17 So how can we get in touch with you
39:19 and find out more about your project?
39:21 We have a website.
39:22 If you visit us we have a booth here 111,
39:24 Amazon Lifesavers Ministry
39:26 and we have a live website
39:27 that is
39:29 We have a DVD here that was just put out,
39:31 you can get it, just a little bit more information.
39:33 We invite you to come by, ask questions
39:35 and come and visit us in the Amazon.
39:37 Okay, thank you so much for sharing with us.
39:39 I have a feeling we are going to be hearing
39:41 much more from this project in the coming years
39:44 and may be even 50 or a 100 or 200 boats.
39:50 Well now and then you hear about a ministry,
39:53 where so much is going on
39:55 that is hard to take it in.
39:58 And that's kind of how I felt,
40:00 when I spoke with Dr. Nicolae Dan of,
40:06 I'm gonna say this right, Herghelia,
40:09 Herghelia Institute in Romania,
40:12 joining him is Steven Grabiner,
40:14 the new president elect of OCI.
40:17 Now I'm going to tell you
40:18 just a little bit about Herghelia,
40:20 and you can correct me if I'm wrong, right.
40:23 Okay, thank you.
40:25 It's really amazing they have a lifestyle center
40:29 and I want you to hear this,
40:30 they have about 50 patients per session
40:36 and 22 sessions per year.
40:39 Now that's a lot of people
40:40 going through that program.
40:42 They also have one year
40:43 Medical Missionary Training School.
40:45 They have a monthly health publication,
40:48 health publication, life and health right?
40:52 There is some, those are other things, that's not all,
40:54 but I just want to ask you with all this going on,
40:58 what is your impact on the community?
41:02 Well we have over 13,000 patients
41:04 who are out there promoting Herghelia
41:06 and I guess unselfish love is the best marketing tool
41:11 and that's why I think my colleagues
41:13 are exposing Herghelia, this kind of love.
41:17 And then we have this health magazine
41:19 which goes through all the corners of the country.
41:22 And actually it's a joint venture with the church
41:25 which we have 50-50.
41:28 And goes every month out and tells about our word,
41:31 but I would like to speak about new opportunity
41:34 which just last September, I've been invited
41:38 to teaching the local medical school.
41:40 Listen to this, this is amazing.
41:43 You to say it again,
41:44 I want to make sure everyone got that.
41:45 In the local medical school
41:47 they have a Nutrition and Dietetics Department.
41:50 Now this is a State College right, State University?
41:53 Yeah, it's a State University,
41:54 it has 4,000 students
41:57 and they started this new program on dietetics.
42:02 I have been involved in designing their curriculum
42:04 but I never heard them back three years ago
42:06 and now in September, the dean called me
42:09 and he said for the third year, I would like you to
42:13 teach vegetarian nutrition which I did.
42:15 And it's amazing to see how the minds of 50 young people
42:20 changed during six months of teaching.
42:23 This is 50 secular young people.
42:24 Yes, yes and then the second semester,
42:28 I thought I'll be free, but the dean asked me,
42:30 you know, I want you to teach introduction to nutrition
42:33 which is the first year of learning and another course,
42:37 so I had to prepare every week three lectures.
42:41 And the reason I got involved is
42:44 because I see a lot of potential when you work
42:46 with the first dietician in the country
42:48 to have impact on many people.
42:50 When I share with Dr. Hart Wolinda,
42:52 the Wolinda has been involving these as their health.
42:55 He said well this has the impact to raise the life
42:59 expectancy in Romania for with ten years.
43:01 Then on the top of teaching the dean asked me
43:03 to design the curriculum for the master degree.
43:09 Oh, this is just so amazing and yeah, did you?
43:12 I like that clap, he is designing
43:15 the master's program of dietetics, right?
43:18 Then, you know, it was approved by the state,
43:19 it will go on this fall and already another University
43:22 for Romania asked for, you know,
43:25 doing that curriculum too.
43:28 So this is-- you are scheduled
43:29 to receive $10,000 in the ASI--
43:32 Yes, they are asking us for th e diet
43:34 kitchen in the city, the school doesn't have a lab
43:38 for their, you know, practical nutrition,
43:41 cooking classes and so on and so forth
43:43 and ASI is helping us with part,
43:45 we will need another 20,000
43:47 to that diet kitchen in our city center in the city.
43:51 Okay, well this isn't all.
43:54 I understand there is more
43:56 and now in Christian service it tell,
43:58 we are told that the Lord will give to our sanitariums
44:01 whose work is already established and opportunity
44:03 to cooperate with him in assisting
44:05 newly established plans.
44:07 Now have you had any such opportunities?
44:10 Yes, and you know I can talk about
44:13 Moldova Republic, Bulgaria, but let's talk about Israel
44:16 and these are sensible issues so I will use not,
44:18 I will not use the lingo.
44:20 I was asked to go there-- To Israel.
44:22 And advice, you know, to assess the needs of the population.
44:26 And we have a training in 2009,
44:30 we trained about 35 people and out of those
44:32 developed nice team of professionals.
44:36 I wish we have these kind
44:37 of quality people in other countries.
44:39 And they are ready to go,
44:40 they have been trained in Romania,
44:41 my sister Magdalena was involved with that
44:44 and they are ready to go.
44:46 They run a session actually last October in Israel
44:49 with real patients, in a, caboose,
44:50 we rented the caboose.
44:52 And now we found the property, I'd like Steven,
44:54 to tell us a little bit about it.
44:57 As Nick mentioned Herghelia
44:59 and others have been working in Israel
45:01 and Israel is a tremendously needy country.
45:04 We have been looking to freight property
45:06 to start a lifestyle center, but it's very difficult.
45:09 Ninety percent of all the land
45:11 is owned by the government.
45:12 But just recently Charles Cleveland made a trip,
45:14 Nick recently made trip and we found a piece of property
45:17 that's privately owned,
45:19 only ten percent of the land is like that.
45:21 It's a beautiful property, it's already a guest house,
45:24 has room for 18 guests, has a sauna,
45:28 wet sauna, dry sauna, Jacuzzi.
45:30 It's almost a turnkey operation
45:32 to start a lifestyle center.
45:34 And we are at the Lake of Galilee.
45:36 And it's near the Lake of Galilee,
45:38 near the Jordan River as well.
45:40 So we would solicit the prayers and help of ASI,
45:43 as we explore this property.
45:46 I've a special interest in it
45:47 being from a Jewish family,
45:49 it's really exciting to see ministries working together
45:52 and we believe that next year this time
45:54 will be a health center in the country of Israel.
45:56 Amen.
46:00 Amen, So how can we find out more about
46:04 Herghelia's mission especially to Israel?
46:08 We're at the isle 600 at the end of it,
46:12 so please stop by.
46:13 Okay, thank you so much.
46:15 How many of you will pray for this project?
46:18 Amen. Thank you so much.
46:22 Another area that's very close
46:24 to my heart is the Continent of Africa.
46:27 My son Ted was born in Africa,
46:29 after we returned to the States,
46:31 we lived in Bakersfield where I became good friends
46:34 with a talented, dynamic lady Celeste Lee.
46:39 And tonight it's my privilege to introduce
46:42 Celeste you as well as to another friend
46:44 I just met Gwen Edwards,
46:47 and they're not going to be
46:49 telling you about Bakersfield.
46:52 Instead they are going to be
46:54 sharing with us, what's happening with
46:55 the Maasai Development Project in Kenya, Africa.
46:59 So, Gwen in a sentence what is the
47:02 Maasai Development Project doing in Kenya?
47:06 We are changing lives in Kenya, one person at a time.
47:10 I like that. So how did it all get started?
47:14 Well in the '80s or '90s, 1990s
47:20 Gwen and a friend of both of ours Jan Meharry
47:24 actually started making friends
47:25 with some other Maasai ladies that lived behind
47:28 Gwen and they just went and did the womanly thing,
47:32 you know, help the babies,
47:33 talked about the children and eventually brought water
47:36 when they needed water
47:37 and took the children to the doctor.
47:40 Just did these kinds of things
47:42 and from that a friendship developed
47:44 and confidence was won,
47:46 where they were able to do more.
47:48 When I had the opportunity of going over in 1998,
47:53 we decided to start building this a little bit more
47:56 and we built the idea from
47:58 Ministry of Healing page 143, where Christ method alone
48:02 will give true success ho w the savior mingled
48:05 as one who desired others good and showed sympathy
48:08 and then minister to their needs,
48:10 winning their confidence and then said follow me.
48:12 So, that's been the basis of how this all started
48:15 and how we continue to work.
48:17 All right, that sounds very interesting.
48:19 So what's happening today?
48:22 We have multiple programs,
48:24 part of the one main thrust of the program
48:27 are mission trips that we organize
48:29 three times a year in March, July and October.
48:32 And I think of a story that happened
48:36 on one of our mission trips a year ago,
48:38 that really exemplifies what MDP is about
48:41 in changing lives one person at a time.
48:44 A year ago, we were at a mission trip
48:46 on our last clinic in Kenya,
48:48 all of this happens in Kenya.
48:50 And we were at a school holding our clinics,
48:52 it's our last day and there was some, an American man
48:56 on the trip who talked about an organization
48:59 that he had been fund raising for,
49:01 that is his profession is to fund raise
49:02 and he had just been with a group of women that lived,
49:06 have lived abused lives
49:08 and are in actual hiding situations,
49:10 they live in an institutional place.
49:13 And he then told us that the women said,
49:17 if there was anyone
49:18 that he met during the trip in Kenya,
49:20 that exemplified what they had gone for
49:23 or what they are now were living and stood for that
49:26 they would like to support someone.
49:28 So our last day of clinic, there was a young girl
49:31 brought to us by the headmaster of the school
49:33 and she-- we have a picture of her.
49:36 When I saw her she looked very, very old.
49:40 She had just gone through a very critical situation,
49:43 her 13 year old sister had gone through circumcision
49:47 and preparing her to be married,
49:49 so that the father could collect the dowry.
49:52 The 10 year old girl, that you see a picture
49:55 of right now watched her sister go through
49:58 circumcision and then died because she blooded out,
50:00 they couldn't stop the bleeding.
50:02 So, the chief of the area had investigated
50:06 the situation and had the father and the woman
50:10 who performed the circumcision put into jail.
50:13 And continued to investigate and found out
50:16 a little bit later that now the uncle was intending
50:19 to have the 10-year-old circumcised
50:21 in order she could be married to the person that her
50:24 13-year-old sister was going to be married too.
50:26 And then he could collect the dowry
50:28 and get the father out of prison.
50:31 So the headmaster of the school asked
50:33 could we help in this situation?
50:35 And it was an exact match, she was a young girl
50:37 who needed hope, who needed a changed life.
50:40 And the our lay pastor's stepped in
50:43 and then was able to help, connect the two people together
50:48 and now she is in our rescue center
50:50 and I'll let Celeste tell us about that rescue center?
50:54 We have a rescue center that's on 15 acres
50:57 where we house these girls, that are what we call
51:00 high risk and we want to thank ASI for the funds
51:04 that they are going to give us this year,
51:06 because that will build the education center,
51:10 that will be used by the entire community
51:12 for literacy classes, for tailoring classes,
51:16 all kinds of things that will benefit the community.
51:19 So we want to thank you for that.
51:21 Okay now that sounds just almost unbelievable
51:24 what's happening over there
51:26 and I know that's just one of many stories.
51:28 But tell me how is all of this work impacting
51:31 the people spiritually?
51:33 Once you follow the principle
51:35 that I spoke about at the beginning of mingling
51:37 with the people and winning their confidence.
51:40 Then they want to hear what you have to say about Christ
51:42 and when we have these girls,
51:43 we get the opportunity to witness to them,
51:46 we have worships with them.
51:48 Many of them were baptized last March
51:50 and we also make an impact in the adults
51:52 in the community in the same way.
51:54 And we have had many-many baptisms
51:57 over the years as a result.
51:58 So how many at risk girls do you have
52:01 in your home right now, in this hostel?
52:04 In, we sponsor close to a 100, but in this hostel,
52:07 we have about 50.
52:09 All right. So tell us how can ASI members
52:11 become involved in your mission?
52:13 ASI members can become involved in a lot of ways
52:16 from as simple as donating a bottle of--
52:19 Children's vitamins.
52:20 To sponsoring a girl, sponsoring a lay pastor,
52:24 going on a mission trip, providing more funds
52:27 for other buildings, for a well
52:29 all kinds of things that are needed.
52:32 That's how you can get involved.
52:34 And how can they connect with you?
52:36 We have a booth here it's at 128.
52:39 126. 126, thank you and also our website
52:43 is
52:53 Facebook is another good way.
52:55 You can actually see pictures
52:56 of what's been happening on Facebook.
52:57 Just Google Maasai Development Project.
52:59 And you'll find something, yes.
53:01 Okay, well thank you so much for being instruments
53:04 in God's hands to change lives one person at a time.
53:08 Thank you. Thank you so much.
53:23 In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet
53:34 God leads His dear children along
53:45 Where the water's cool flow bathes the weary one's feet
53:56 God leads His dear children along
54:08 Some through the waters, some through the flood
54:19 Some through the fire, but all through the blood
54:30 Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song
54:42 In the night season and all the day long
55:01 Sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so bright
55:11 God leads His dear children along
55:21 Sometimes in the valley, in darkest of night
55:32 God leads His dear children along
55:44 Some through the waters, some through the flood
55:54 Some through the fire, but all through the blood
56:10 Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song
56:22 In the night season
56:35 In the night season
56:44 God leads His dear children along
57:04 Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17