ASI Conventions, 2011

Giving Our Best To Our Loving God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Kulakov


Series Code: 11ASIC

Program Code: 11ASIC000002

00:19 Good morning. Good morning.
00:20 Please bow your heads with me as we pray.
00:24 Loving Lord of heaven and earth,
00:27 what momentous times we find ourselves in.
00:30 Keep us mindful of the times,
00:34 what a duty is ours to carry the gospel
00:36 to the whole world, what a privilege
00:40 to be co-workers with angels.
00:43 Give us faith to see the invisible,
00:46 and with the angels to do the impossible.
00:50 What a future lies before us,
00:53 You Yourself will return to this little world,
00:56 where You gained the victory over sin,
00:59 and proved without question,
01:02 the righteousness, and holiness,
01:04 and perfection of your law, which is Your character.
01:09 Lord, grant us repentance and a deep
01:11 love for You, restore Your image in us
01:15 as it was in the beginning.
01:17 May Jesus be praised; may He be the focus
01:21 of our meeting this morning.
01:23 Amen. Amen.
01:33 Good morning. Good morning.
01:34 You know, one of the passions for like
01:36 mission minded people is that they're constantly
01:40 coming up with ideas and tools how to make
01:44 sharing Christ in the market place easier.
01:46 This morning I have three individuals
01:48 that would share with us their dreams,
01:50 their products, their ideas, their tools.
01:52 The first one to speak will be Will Evert,
01:56 followed by Will Evert is, is that right?
01:59 Young Disciples Ministries, yep.
02:01 And then Darryl Thompson,
02:03 the assistant director of the White Estate at GC
02:06 will talk to us about the DVD containing
02:10 the writings of Mrs. White.
02:11 And Volker Schmidt will talk about a special
02:15 product that he has come up with.
02:17 Now I want you to listen carefully,
02:20 because we have, you noticed I have an accent,
02:23 but these three gentlemen have accents also.
02:26 One of them is from South Africa,
02:28 the other one is from Australia,
02:30 and the third one is from, well, Germany.
02:33 So let's listen to the South African accent.
02:40 Research has shown
02:41 that children 5-13 are five times
02:45 more likely to make a lifetime decision for Christ.
02:50 Young Disciple Ministries,
02:52 Truth for Youth Evangelism Program
02:54 has proven highly effective for children.
02:58 And that is why the West Central Africa Division
03:02 has made a commitment to reach every child
03:07 in each of the countries in their division,
03:10 using the Truth for Youth Evangelism Program.
03:14 And you have received many version
03:17 of that program in your registration packet,
03:21 included our four programs complete with sermons,
03:25 activities, crafts, and songs.
03:30 Use this program, take it home with you,
03:32 use it in your family, use it in your church,
03:36 use it on your mission trip.
03:37 And especially use it in your neighborhood.
03:41 If the West Central Africa Division can
03:45 reach every child in their division,
03:47 surely we can do the same.
03:49 If you want ideas on how to use the program
03:52 or if you did not receive one in your registration packet,
03:56 please come by booth number 317,
03:59 Young Disciple Ministries booth.
04:02 Five million children in Africa is exciting,
04:07 but let's not avoid reaching the children
04:11 in our neighborhoods as well. Amen.
04:15 In your registration packet, you all,
04:18 all delegates, we'll hand it out,
04:20 one of this Ellen G. White Writings
04:21 CD-ROM in there is all
04:25 the comprehensive research edition,
04:28 both in PC and in MAC on this DVD.
04:34 If you did not get one, you can come by our booth,
04:37 booth 402 in the exhibition hall
04:41 and you can get one from us there.
04:45 They're $10 but to the delegates they are free.
04:49 Okay, now we have a website,
04:52 I don't know if you've all been there,
04:53 but,
04:55 currently is in nine languages.
04:58 And with your offering this week
05:00 we hope to go to a hundred languages. Amen.
05:04 That will be in Steps to Christ,
05:05 in Great Controversy.
05:08 We really know that the world needs
05:10 the writings of Ellen G. White,
05:12 and if we make them available freely on the website,
05:15 then people can find in there,
05:18 Now if you want to contribute to this
05:20 campaign post this, you can go to
05:23 and on there you'll see
05:27 a list of all the books that we currently have
05:29 scanned that we would like to digitize.
05:32 And you can make it a nation there
05:33 at partner. egwwritings. org.
05:38 One of the greatest things that this world
05:41 or this church has received is Ellen G. White's writings.
05:44 Amen. But currently it has only been really in English,
05:50 in that we have added now,
05:51 if you go to,
05:53 we have added French, Spanish, Russian,
05:58 Portuguese, Romanian,
06:00 Chinese, Italian, and German.
06:05 Now we hope with those major languages
06:07 that would touch around 85% of the world's population.
06:13 But as we add more languages with your help
06:15 then we can reach even more people worldwide
06:19 with the Great Controversy,
06:20 the Desire of Ages, and Steps to Christ,
06:22 and many other of her good books. Thank you.
06:28 Good morning. Good morning.
06:30 We are living in a time of unparalleled problems
06:33 in the world, have you noticed that? Yeah.
06:34 The weather is too hot, it's too hot or too cold,
06:38 or it's too wet, or too dry.
06:39 And then look at it when we're looking
06:41 at the financial situation of our country,
06:43 we are in trouble.
06:44 There seems to be no way out of this,
06:46 and even morally look at this, headline,
06:49 "You can be good without God,
06:50 " where are we going?
06:52 People are wondering what in the world
06:55 is going on in this world?
06:57 You and I have been given a message of hope
07:00 and we need to give that message to our neighbors
07:02 and friends now, because they want to have the answers.
07:06 Your ASI has come up with,
07:08 Ramon showing it a whole series of books here
07:11 that are on subjects that are talking about us today.
07:15 Give you an idea, it is read in the paper that
07:17 our health care costs are about
07:19 one trillion dollars a year.
07:21 If people would read the book Ministry of Healing,
07:23 I think, what do you think?
07:24 I think they could cut it into half
07:25 don't you think? Amen.
07:26 You see we need the solution books
07:29 and they are found in the books that God has given us.
07:32 Here's the book "The Great Controversy,
07:34 " what is going on in the world?
07:36 How where is it all are going,
07:37 is there any hope?
07:38 We know, you know, now I want you to consider
07:42 doing something about these books,
07:44 buy them by the box, and go out there
07:46 and visit your friends and neighbors.
07:48 How do you do it, you want to know?
07:50 Well we also have come up with a DVD and here
07:53 it is, it says, ASI sharing happiness books.
07:56 It gives you a canvas on there,
07:59 what to say that the important things
08:01 and then if you have some problems,
08:03 what do you do about that.
08:04 So you have all the tools that your ASI
08:06 has made available to you. Amen.
08:09 Brothers and sisters, friends,
08:11 share the faith that God has given us
08:13 and you'll have an experience that you will never forget.
08:17 God bless you. Amen.
08:20 It is my privilege to introduce our primary
08:24 speaker this morning after our special music,
08:27 you will hear our Russian brother David Kulakov.
08:32 David is a graduate of Zaoksky Seminary and,
08:36 what was the former Soviet Union.
08:39 David is a businessman, a consultant in Moscow;
08:42 he is the head elder of the largest
08:47 Adventist church in Moscow.
08:49 He is a ASI type member,
08:53 there is no ASI proper in Russia yet.
08:56 ASI Europe has opened I believe 17 chapters
09:00 around Europe, they open in Serbia this year
09:03 and Russia is next on their list and David will be
09:05 one of their charter members.
09:07 David has a rich patrimony,
09:10 his grandparents were leaders in the Adventist church,
09:14 many of his family members have
09:16 suffered and David has a rich story to share with us.
09:19 He'll be on after our special music.
09:37 Look at the world, everything all around us
09:43 Look at the world and marvel every day
09:50 Look at the world, so many joys and wonders
09:56 So many miracles along our way
10:02 Praise to thee, O Lord for all creation
10:09 Give us thankful hearts that we may see
10:16 All the gifts we share, and every blessing
10:23 All things come of thee
10:34 Look at the earth bringing forth fruit and flower
10:41 Look at the sky the sunshine and the rain
10:47 Look at the hills, look at the trees and mountains
10:54 Valley and flowing river, field and plain
11:00 Praise to thee, O Lord for all creation
11:07 Give us thankful hearts that we may see
11:13 All the gifts we share, and every blessing
11:20 All things come of thee
11:32 Think of the spring, think of the warmth of summer
11:39 Bringing the harvest before winter's cold
11:46 Everything grows, everything has a season
11:53 Till it is gathered to the Father's fold
11:59 Praise to thee, O Lord for all creation
12:06 Give us thankful hearts that we may see
12:13 All the gifts we share, and every blessing
12:20 All things come of thee
12:31 Every good gift, all that we need and cherish
12:38 Comes from the Lord in token of his love
12:45 We are his hands, stewards of all his bounty
12:52 His is the earth and his the heavens above
12:58 Praise to thee, O Lord for all creation
13:05 Give us thankful hearts that we may see
13:12 All the gifts we share, and every blessing
13:19 All things come of thee
13:27 All things come of thee. Amen.
13:59 Good morning children of God. Good morning.
14:03 I'm so happy to be here with you today,
14:06 and so let us bow our heads, and pray.
14:12 Dear Lord, You understand how much
14:15 and badly we need Your presence today,
14:18 because we want to glorify Your name.
14:22 And we want allt he glory to be attributed
14:25 only to You, and may Your Holy Spirit
14:29 guide us through this presentation,
14:31 and may my words be Yours.
14:34 In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
14:39 Well, some of you might be still wondering
14:41 what's this guy from Russia doing on this stage?
14:45 And quite frankly it's exactly the same
14:50 question that still disturbs me.
14:54 So the very first thing I'm going to do
14:56 right after the presentation, I'm going to step down
15:00 and come up to Dr. Wright, the President of ASI,
15:04 and ask him what did I do?
15:10 God has miraculously led me through my life
15:15 and I want to share this story with you.
15:19 I'm a fourth generation Adventist
15:22 and that's quite uncommon for Russia,
15:27 from my father's side.
15:29 But today I'd love to share my story,
15:32 my mom's story, because she was never,
15:38 she had never been an Adventist
15:39 before she actually became one.
15:44 When she was 23 years old,
15:48 she was one of the most successful accountant
15:53 and an auditor in her region, Stavropol,
15:57 that's in Russia, former Soviet Union.
16:02 And she was also rising
16:05 communist party leader,
16:08 she was also rising star,
16:10 political star is how they called her.
16:15 And one day her landlady invited her to come
16:20 for Sabbath evening worship.
16:24 And she started visiting and she had actually
16:28 known of Adventists because in the village
16:30 where she grew she had a distance relative
16:33 of hers that was an Adventist.
16:37 So she became an Adventist, got baptized,
16:41 and then she had to come to her boss and tell him
16:45 that she cannot work on Sabbath.
16:49 Her boss really loved her,
16:51 because she was one of his best workers
16:54 or actually the best.
16:56 And he tried to talk her out of believing in
17:00 Adventism and you know, she never gave up,
17:06 she told him that she will be an Adventist.
17:11 He told her that he will have to fire her
17:14 as soon as the government knows.
17:17 And she still remained an Adventist
17:21 and after a while,
17:22 as soon as the government and the KGB
17:25 knew about that, they got furious
17:28 and told her boss to fire her immediately,
17:31 and that's what he did.
17:35 Then since she was a youth communist party leader
17:38 for branching that same,
17:41 she was summoned
17:42 to her communist party meeting.
17:47 And she went through hours
17:50 of humiliation;
17:54 dozens and dozens of people would stand up
17:57 and shout insults at her.
18:02 They told her that she was a disgrace
18:04 to the communist party,
18:05 that she betrayed their trust.
18:12 And finally after hours of this process,
18:18 Mr. Gorbachev stood up, Mikhail Gorbachev;
18:22 I believe know who he is.
18:25 He was the head
18:28 of the youth communist party for the region.
18:32 He stood up, he was presiding over that
18:34 gathering and he said, dear Vera,
18:39 I know that you have always been
18:42 the best in our party,
18:45 and I believe that you've done
18:49 so much good to improve our party.
18:55 And I believe that one day you will return,
18:58 and I will keep your member card
19:03 under the glass on my desk.
19:07 Because one day you will return
19:09 and I will gladly give it back to you.
19:14 However but she never did, praise God.
19:21 Since she lost her job,
19:22 she had to look for one again,
19:25 but she couldn't find one.
19:27 She would go to different places to find a job
19:31 and whenever a boss of her firm would
19:34 hear that she need a job and saw all her resumes
19:39 and everything, all the papers,
19:41 they were very glad and said,
19:43 they would gladly accept her.
19:46 But after a few days when she would come back
19:48 to start her work there, they would sit
19:53 with their heads bowed and say, you know,
19:57 by the way we don't need right now.
20:01 Because this position is filled,
20:04 because KGB was tracking her,
20:07 and would not allow any firm in the town to hire her.
20:13 So finally she decided to look for a job,
20:18 another job, she was, I told you the best
20:24 accountant and auditor at her age in the area.
20:29 And she decided to look for a job as a housekeeper,
20:32 finally a professor's family hired her
20:36 and she was able to work for them for almost a year.
20:41 But after a year this professor came home
20:45 with his head bowed and said,
20:46 dear Vera, I love you so much and you know that,
20:50 but you know two KGB agents paid a visit to me today,
20:53 and they said that if I don't fire you immediately
20:59 I will lose my position as well.
21:02 And so she lost even that job,
21:05 but they loved her very much and so they pass
21:07 her onto another professor's family,
21:10 but she was able to work for them even less
21:13 about three or four months, before being found out
21:17 again by KGB agents.
21:19 And she lost even that humble position of a housekeeper.
21:24 Then one old lady, her son-in-law was a KGB agent,
21:30 he passed on some information through his mother-in-law
21:33 and said, tell Vera,
21:35 KGB is going to put her to prison.
21:37 And so the best way to escape,
21:40 if she leaves this city immediately,
21:43 and so that's what she did.
21:44 She found a place where she would collect hay
21:50 and put it with a pitch fork,
21:53 I believe pitch fork on a truck.
21:57 And very soon she lost even that job,
22:01 she returned to the city,
22:02 tried to find job for several months,
22:06 and after starving for several months
22:08 she decided to go back to her mother in village
22:12 where at least she could find food.
22:15 The reaso I started this story,
22:17 the reason I started with this story
22:19 with mom's story is this.
22:22 From my childhood I was told this story
22:26 over and over again, and this was a
22:30 paramount example for me,
22:32 and has always been of a person who really,
22:37 literally gave everything he had to be with Jesus. Amen.
22:43 Praise God for my dear mom.
22:47 You know, the interesting thing is that
22:50 she has outlived all her persecutors. Amen.
22:55 Two days ago she turned 78,
22:59 and among all her relatives, and among all her relatives
23:04 where she is the eldest daughter in her family,
23:07 she is the healthiest one.
23:10 God has blessed her with five children,
23:13 seven grandchildren,
23:16 and all of whom who are in church,
23:20 working for the church,
23:22 and helping to promote the God's cause.
23:25 Amen. Praise God. Amen.
23:29 And do you know what?
23:30 She also really enjoys that love
23:35 and admiration that she surrounded with,
23:39 and I am quite sure there are very few
23:41 people that are surrounded with that
23:43 love that she's surrounded now.
23:47 And then next story I would like to share
23:53 with you is also one from my childhood.
23:58 When I was seven years old,
24:00 I paid to visit to a friend of mine
24:02 who was also a seven years old boy.
24:06 And we were playing in his room
24:08 and suddenly I noticed that there was a book,
24:13 a type written copy of a book.
24:17 So I picked it up look at it and I saw that it was
24:22 Patriarchs and Prophets,
24:23 the Patriarchs and Prophets Books by Ellen G. White.
24:26 Astonished I turned to the, to my friend and ask him,
24:30 are you reading this book? He said, yes. Why?
24:35 It's an interesting book.
24:37 You see at my age I consider that only books
24:43 by Arthur Maxwell are the best books for children.
24:49 And so being ashamed with,
24:52 I returned home and immediately asked
24:55 my parents to provide me with the copies of all the set,
25:02 and started reading immediately.
25:04 My father as soon as he realized
25:06 that I was persistent in my reading,
25:07 he also gave me a nice and very expensive notebook,
25:10 so when, so I could write on my excerpts
25:13 that I like the most from the writings of Ellen G. White.
25:19 And during the evening worships,
25:21 he would ask me questions why I had chosen those excerpts.
25:26 So these are the events that had profound
25:29 influence upon my life.
25:32 And you know what, at the age of seven
25:34 after reading the Great Controversy,
25:38 I learned that at the end times
25:40 there would be only one superpower
25:43 and that is the United States of America.
25:48 And I shared sometimes my believes with my classmates
25:53 during the Soviet time,
25:55 whenever they would boast of the Soviet Union,
25:57 how powerful it was?
25:59 I would tell them, you know guys
26:01 Bible has nothing to say about Soviet time existing
26:05 at the end time. You know that was a quite,
26:08 quite a risky thing to say.
26:12 But you know, I'm so proud God gave me that
26:15 truth at the age of seven, 30 years ago.
26:19 Because in my short life, I'm not yet too old,
26:22 you can probably see that only 37.
26:26 And God has granted me this opportunity to see
26:32 the ultimate fulfillment of his prophecy. Amen.
26:36 Who could say 30 years ago,
26:38 that such a huge superpower as the Soviet Union
26:41 was at the time would just vanish.
26:47 And, you know, we have so many more prophecies
26:51 in the Bible that are going to be fulfilled
26:56 in the same certain way.
27:01 And more over I'm so happy
27:05 that I was on the winning side back then 30 years ago.
27:10 You know, back then I look stupid,
27:13 people laughed at me, ridiculed for my beliefs,
27:18 but, you know, now they realized that their belief,
27:23 they believed in communism it doesn't exists now.
27:29 And God helped me to see that His word
27:34 is always certain, and always fulfills.
27:43 So I'm so grateful that God has blessed me
27:50 not only with my mother to be a paramount example for me,
27:55 to be an example of,
27:59 to show that example what it means.
28:02 To give your best to our loving Lord.
28:08 I want to share another story with you,
28:10 at the age 18 I went to study at
28:13 Zaoksky Adventist University and there I was introduced
28:17 to a story of Garwin McNeilus,
28:21 praise God for this man.
28:25 You know, this man supported that university,
28:29 he would invest hundreds
28:31 of thousands of dollars into that university.
28:34 I lived in the dormitory that was build with his money,
28:39 I went to classrooms that were built with his money.
28:44 And now Russia prospers,
28:46 Russian Adventism prospers in Russia,
28:49 because we have hundreds and hundreds of pastors
28:53 that were educated at that university.
28:57 And all of that I do not even want to talk in if terms,
29:04 I don't know how would Russia look today
29:07 if it were not for this man and for his generosity.
29:12 Praise God for people like him,
29:14 who give their best to our loving Lord.
29:22 There is, there were some events
29:27 that are not so probably excited,
29:30 exciting but at my early 20s,
29:36 in my early 20s I realized that due to
29:39 some bad influences in my teenage years,
29:43 my mind was corrupt, my character was corrupt,
29:47 and I actually wanted to somehow clean up my mind
29:51 to make it purer, to fully resemble Christ character.
29:57 And so since I had studied psychology for many years,
30:02 I knew that it would require a miracle to change
30:05 the pathways between the brain cells,
30:09 because years of undisciplined thinking,
30:11 and immortal thinking had destroyed my personality.
30:17 So after considering all the ways and searching
30:22 for difference ways that I could use,
30:25 I believe I have, I had found the best one.
30:29 And that was I decided to copy the whole Bible by hand.
30:34 And this is the Bible that God has helped me
30:39 to copy by my own hand,
30:43 it took me 800 hours,
30:46 two and half years.
30:51 If you do it one hour a day you'll be able to
30:54 also to finish it in two years and half.
30:57 You know, when I come up with this,
30:59 when I came up with this idea also even
31:03 my believing friends would laugh at me.
31:05 And ask, you don't have a copy of a Bible,
31:08 would you like us to present it to you.
31:12 I said, you know guys, I have at least a couple
31:15 of dozens of them and most of them are leather bond.
31:19 So what I need,
31:22 I need not a Bible on my shelves,
31:26 I need a Bible in my mind. Amen.
31:30 And praise God, God help me to achieve the goal,
31:35 you can see it and after the presentation
31:38 you can come forward and if you'd like to touch it
31:41 I'll allow you gladly.
31:44 But only I'll ask you to be careful, okay.
31:51 And you know, I had perceived
31:55 some of the changes that God would bring into my character
31:59 if I do this, but you know,
32:02 I was absolutely wrong, I correctly predicted
32:05 only 3% of all the good changes,
32:09 miraculous changes that God had brought into
32:13 my character and into my mind.
32:16 My character was transformed
32:19 and God had helped me to build new mind,
32:25 new character, a new personality.
32:29 But the most amazing thing God had also
32:34 helped me to improve my scholar skills,
32:37 scholarship skills or how do you call it, scholar skill?
32:40 Scholarship skills, thank you.
32:45 God gave me a unique ability whenever I read books
32:51 written by secular writers on business,
32:54 I can clearly see whether they resemble
32:59 the teachings of Christ, God,
33:02 and if they can find support in Ellen G. White's writings.
33:08 And this ability has helped me a lot,
33:12 because you know, 90% of all the books
33:15 that you can find in book stores are just trash,
33:18 I can honestly say that.
33:20 Nine percent of them are low value,
33:25 and or really good ones are really few.
33:30 And so, when I was taking my third year,
33:37 I started my own business in the nearby town,
33:43 that was a tutoring agency.
33:48 And immediately after that I was under severe pressure
33:51 from my relatives and especially my dear mom.
33:55 Because they said, David,
33:57 you're betraying your call, David,
34:00 you're a forth generation Adventist,
34:03 David, your call is to be a pastor.
34:08 And, you know, I was in severe pain myself,
34:10 because I couldn't make up my mind,
34:14 and I didn't really know what to do with,
34:15 and which my calling really was.
34:18 So I had to pray a lot, but I still continued
34:21 with my business and developed it,
34:24 and God helped me to develop it
34:26 and so we had between 400 to 700 students at a time.
34:34 But in the year 2000, I met with Dr. Bill Shea,
34:41 probably some of you have had an opportunity
34:45 to meet this person.
34:48 And I asked him, told him my concerns,
34:52 told him about that severe pressure
34:54 from my relatives that they did not think that being
34:58 a businessman was a good idea.
34:59 Because you see in Russia,
35:01 we couldn't get educated during the Soviet period.
35:05 So there were two options for Adventists,
35:10 you should be, you could only be a pastor or like
35:16 any woodworker or a carpenter something like that.
35:20 We could not work in Soviet organizations
35:24 actually, could not do much work there.
35:28 And so that's why everybody,
35:30 and all my relatives and all the people
35:32 that had known me since my childhood,
35:34 they said that I was wrong.
35:37 And so then I shared all these concerns
35:39 with the Dr. Bill Shea, and said that I wanted to fully
35:44 fulfill God's calling in my life,
35:48 and also to fully show what a good businessman
35:56 can do for the church,
36:00 and for promoting God's cause.
36:04 And so this man then asked me a question,
36:07 he said, David, how many good preachers
36:10 do you know in your division?
36:12 I said, well, I know probably a hundred.
36:16 He said, no, I mean, really excellent preachers.
36:20 I said, well, I know at least a dozen.
36:24 He said, well, then that was ten years ago.
36:27 Well how many good businessmen do you know
36:32 that fully live out the principles,
36:36 open for us in the Bible and in the Spirit of Prophecy,
36:39 how many business people of this kind do you know?
36:43 I was astonished, confused,
36:45 didn't know what to answer, my jaw dropped,
36:49 he looked at me and said, David, that's the answer.
36:54 You know, that the greatest need
36:56 in your division is of godly business people
37:00 who can promote God's cause with their means.
37:04 I didn't listen to Bill Shae's advice at once,
37:10 it took me sometimes to realize how right he was.
37:14 So after the time I went to Zaoksky Adventist University,
37:20 actually to the pastor of the central church.
37:23 And told him that
37:25 I had developed seminars based on Bible,
37:28 on the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy
37:31 on how to become successful,
37:33 how to improve your personality,
37:35 how to become highly affective?
37:39 And he was so happy, he told me I give you,
37:44 I'll give you all the Friday evenings after vespers,
37:49 so you can use them for seminars.
37:51 And so I started conducting my seminars
37:54 and after a year, I was teaching students,
37:59 both the students from the university.
38:02 How God had improved my life through my copying
38:07 the Bible by hand and that by studying the Bible.
38:12 By the way do you know that most,
38:15 most of the most successful people in this world
38:20 are those who learned a lot the Bible by heart,
38:27 do you know this information?
38:29 You can find this information about Bill Gates.
38:32 He was the guy who knew the most,
38:36 he knew more than anyone in his class
38:40 the Bible by heart, he was known for that,
38:42 he in his childhood he knew the whole sermon
38:49 on the mount of blessings, all three chapters,
38:52 you can find that.
38:54 Oprah Winfrey, she also knew
38:57 more than anyone else in her class,
38:59 parts from the Bible by heart.
39:02 And so the same with, the same with many other
39:05 prominent people, some of the richest people in
39:08 the world are thos who learned the Bible
39:11 by heart a lot in their childhood or continue
39:13 learning Bible by heart even when they're adults already.
39:19 So I would teach that to the students
39:20 and I would also teach them that studying
39:23 the Spirit of Prophecy especially the testimonies
39:27 for the church helps you to really improve
39:31 your character, has the best advise except
39:34 for the Bible of course, it has the best advice
39:38 on how to make your will power strong,
39:42 the best advice on leadership skills.
39:46 But after a year the same pastor approaches
39:48 me and says, you know, David,
39:49 some people are concerned
39:51 that you are using this time after Friday vespers
40:00 and you don't allow other
40:02 prominent speakers to use the time.
40:04 So could you please stop with your lectures for a moment?
40:08 And so I stopped my lectures and that time
40:12 has never been used for any lectures of seminars.
40:17 Later I learned from my friends that there
40:20 was a discussion and there were concerns that David
40:28 was teaching some odd teachings.
40:31 He was teaching how to become successful using
40:34 Bible, the Bible, and Spirit of Prophecy,
40:39 and his teaching sounded too alter conservative.
40:45 And to save, to save the youthful minds
40:49 from such an influence,
40:52 they decided to stop my lectures.
40:56 So after that, I started praying a lot
41:01 and ask whether God was really guiding me.
41:04 And you know what I did?
41:07 I rearranged those same seminars into secular
41:11 ones, I just took away all the religious terms
41:17 and since I had read a lot of books on
41:19 leadership skills, on management, on success.
41:23 I clothe pure Bible teachings and teachings
41:28 from the Spirit of Prophecy with secular terms
41:33 and started selling these seminars
41:37 at a humble price eight years ago.
41:40 And you know what, since then,
41:43 some of the most prominent people in my country,
41:47 some of the wealthiest people in my country,
41:51 some of the most powerful people in the government
41:55 of my country have heard of my seminars.
42:00 And I have a two year list of people
42:05 wanting to hear those seminars,
42:09 wanted to hear the secrets on how to become
42:12 a good strong leader, how to become successful,
42:17 how to develop your character.
42:20 And by the way they're ready to pay
42:22 six U.S. dollars for a single minute.
42:26 Wow. Praise God. Amen.
42:30 God is really good, our church enjoys
42:35 the best material,
42:38 the best material on character improvement.
42:42 God has granted our church with the best
42:44 teachings on leadership skills.
42:48 You know, sometimes I wonder when I hear
42:50 people amazed with Dr. Covey,
42:54 I like this man, he's really good man,
42:56 you probably you've also read a couple of his
42:58 books on leadership.
43:01 You know, he developed a principle inside out
43:03 and he's so praised for opening and developing
43:07 this principle, that principles tells you
43:09 that everything starts from your character,
43:11 never try to improve just your appearance,
43:16 just your image.
43:18 You have to start with the character,
43:19 who told that 150 years ago?
43:24 Who told that more than 3,000 years ago?
43:29 Folks, God has blessed us with the best
43:31 teachings on every possible subject
43:35 and if we are good
43:37 and diligent students of His word,
43:41 and of the wisdom God has granted us
43:43 through the Spirit of Prophecy.
43:46 You cannot imagine how far up you can go in
43:53 glorifying God's name,
43:55 in being useful for the church,
43:57 in being useful for your country.
44:02 You know what, some friends of mine when they learn.
44:06 some business people
44:07 or people of the government they learn that I pay taxes.
44:12 You know, in Russia no one pays taxes
44:14 and government also almost just has to go
44:19 with revolvers, take taxes out of people.
44:25 And when they learn that they are amazed and say,
44:28 why you do that? And I tell them you know,
44:30 I love my homeland, and I want to support
44:33 my homeland Russia with my taxes.
44:38 Because I enjoy peace there and I like,
44:42 the police protects me from terrorists and so on.
44:49 And I'm a kind of a thorn in their eyes,
44:51 you know, well being faithful with my tithe,
44:54 with my taxes.
44:55 But you know, by the way I've already said
44:59 what I'm about to say.
45:03 You know, we all here belong to a heavenly country.
45:12 And it's so sad to hear sometimes
45:16 that 50 to 60% of all the church members in
45:21 Seventh-day Adventist church are not faithful
45:24 with their tithes and offerings, it's so sad.
45:28 Actually the figures are much worse.
45:33 And--
45:39 one of the miracles that God created in my life
45:45 was to make me willing to pay all the tithes
45:50 that I could read about in the Bible.
45:55 And I found out that there is a question
45:57 between whether we should pay two tithes or three tithes,
46:00 one is the regular tithes that we put into envelopes
46:03 and give it on Sabbath
46:06 that goes to support our church.
46:10 But I decided that I will not since there is no certainty,
46:15 I'd better do my best for the Lord.
46:18 So I decided that I would give two more tithes,
46:23 so one tithe goes as offerings to support God's church,
46:28 pastors' families or whatever activities
46:32 that is promoting God's cause.
46:35 And there is also a third tithes,
46:37 by the way I was asked to mention that
46:39 I've pay my tithe from my gross income
46:42 and if you'd like know how I do that,
46:44 please come forward and after the seminar I'll tell you,
46:48 after the presentation.
46:51 And you know what?
46:53 God has so richly and abundantly blessed me.
46:58 Since the year 2008, when the crisis started
47:03 and this crisis severally shook Russia.
47:07 Praise God my income has grown up five times.
47:12 And I was able to, and I have been able to
47:15 open new businesses in the same period,
47:19 that are successful and give me profit now.
47:23 Praise God.
47:25 God always blesses us if we're faithful.
47:30 And about the third tithe by the way,
47:35 you know, sometimes we get annoyed
47:38 when people come up to ask and ask for money.
47:42 We preserve it as a threat
47:45 to our own wallet.
47:48 And we don't really like people asking for money.
47:52 But you know what, if you from the very beginning,
47:54 you set aside this tithe as also not belonging to you,
47:59 but to our loving Lord.
48:01 Then you have a different state of mind,
48:05 and then you're looking for an opportunity to serve others
48:09 with this money that God has given you.
48:14 Then you're looking for who are the recipients
48:17 and so my third tithe I used for charity.
48:21 And God has blessed so many people around me
48:25 with this third tithe that has never belonged to me.
48:31 As soon as I get money I always set aside three tithes.
48:36 And you know, it's so joyful
48:38 you just cannot imagine that.
48:42 You know, I had a teacher of English
48:47 who taught me English exactly twenty years ago.
48:51 By the way he now lives in America, in New York.
48:56 And so two years ago, he had some
48:58 very, very severe health problems.
49:02 And so God helped me to support him,
49:07 by the way with my third tithe greatly.
49:11 I actually hired a housekeeper for him
49:13 so she could cook a good Adventist vegan food.
49:18 Can you image this?
49:21 And his health considerably improved.
49:25 And, you know, after the time
49:28 he once asks me a question,
49:30 David, if God really exists.
49:36 He's an atheist by the way,
49:40 if God really exists and He sees
49:44 how generous you are, and He sees that
49:49 you have to work very hard
49:52 to earn this money, and I know that
49:56 you are almost wearing yourself down,
50:00 why doesn't He just drop down money from heaven for you?
50:04 Since He knows that you're a trustworthy,
50:07 steward of his means.
50:11 You know, that question puzzled me,
50:16 and I knew that there was a good answer
50:19 for that question since the very beginning,
50:21 I just wanted to find one.
50:26 And I'd, of course, I knew that God
50:28 was not supposed to drop money from heaven to anyone.
50:33 And you know what God after weeks,
50:37 because I was really concerned, because I really
50:40 wanted to know the answer to that question.
50:43 And so after weeks of diligent pray and studying.
50:48 God had blessed me
50:52 with one of the most amazing answers
50:56 for this question.
50:58 And here it is, "gift that cost us
51:03 nothing have no value."
51:13 You know folks tithes,
51:17 offerings, and charity
51:21 will always require sacrifice on our part.
51:26 However rich we become,
51:30 that will always require sacrifice.
51:37 You know, Jesus Christ
51:38 on that cross showed that absolute,
51:44 ultimate example for us.
51:47 That God never accepts
51:51 partial service, never accepts
51:55 partial sacrifice, He's offended,
52:00 He's deeply offended
52:02 when we are not giving our best to our loving Lord.
52:07 In that gift on Calvary, He has given all heaven
52:13 in just that one gift,
52:16 and He expects from us nothing less.
52:21 So may God bless each one of us,
52:25 so that we can share this massage with those
52:28 who haven't been able to hear it today,
52:32 that our church needs you business people,
52:36 good managers to promote God's cause.
52:41 As no one else you've been blessed with a special,
52:46 special probably most special talent
52:50 of leadership and management.
52:54 And this ability can greatly promote
52:57 God's cause on our earth.
53:00 And may this example of the Godly people
53:03 that I've mentioned in my presentation today,
53:08 and may that example that was shown to us on Cross,
53:13 stay with us always and make us more generous
53:18 and give us more sacrificial spirit, let us pray.
53:25 Dear Lord, you know how much we need
53:28 Your Holy Spirit to soften our heart,
53:33 so that we can be more generous,
53:35 so that we can do really our best for our loving Lord.
53:41 Dear Lord, we need Your power today,
53:45 to make our hearts receptive
53:49 to Your influence, so that we can fully resemble
53:54 Your Christ like sacrificial character.
53:57 In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17